#I may write a short story about his abdication
talesofmetalandmagic · 11 months
Remember this thing?
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From the Legends of Runeterra “Empires of the Ascended” cinematic?
It’s called the Seal of the Emperors and it says that it’s crucial to ensure Azir’s power.
When he abdicated, part of the ritual involves him shattering it burning it into a special brazier, so that the land may still prosper under a democracy.
He’s tempted to do it with his eyes closed. Let the moment pass quick, so it doesn’t hurt much. One moment he’s absolute god-emperor, the next he’s just a big hawk with a lot of torture scars and a stone coronet. So quick he cannot feel it.
But then he faces his needs and… no. This cannot be.
I don’t get to escape this time.
Cowardice doomed Shurima once. It cannot happen again.
So he takes his time shattering the seal, crunching it like a biscuit in his strong fingers, and lets it fall into the fire slowly. Keeping his eyes on the metal until it’s melted and gone.
He can feel his parents stirring through the halls. You fool, you small-minded simpleton, you wretch among all wretches. What have you done. You ruined your House, you ruined your land.
But the water runs as smoothly as the first day.
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dcbbw · 2 years
From the Vault
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While doing some research on an upcoming fic, I came across some fic folders and decided to skim through and discovered some old (soooo old)) stories I began but never fleshed out/expounded upon/ ACTUALLY WROTE.
Notes are included above the pieces detailing my thoughts on what may happen. (Keep or Toss)
I’ll see you guys later this week with new stories and updated chapters.
Catch everything below the cut.
Not sure what I was thinking when I began writing this, but this could easily fit into my DV one-shot I need to finish. Keep.
The man guided the woman along the dance floor with long, graceful strides. One of his hands grasped the woman’s a little too firmly, the other was spread along her hip. The smile on his face was practiced, his eyes holding a gleam that was slightly sinister.
“Look at him,” his scotch-laced breath whispered into her ear.
Unwillingly, the woman turned her head; her dance partner was not a person one said no to. Her eyes took in the tall, blonde man in full royal regalia. He was at the bar, sipping a brandy while nodding vaguely at something Lord Domvallier was saying.
“Now, look at me,” the man urged.
The woman’s head swiveled back, her eyes meeting his gaze. “He doesn’t love you. He doesn’t want you. He’s merely keeping dear old Dad off his ass.”
Her lips were pressed in a thin line as he twirled her. Her gown spread about her legs and the scent of jasmine and sandalwood reached her partner’s nostrils.
“You have no idea what you’re talking about!” she snapped angrily, but not too loudly. Despite the ballroom being abuzz with music and conversation, ears were still listening.
The man’s lips held a cruel smirk as he pulled her even closer to his body. “And you have no idea what you’re missing.”
This is a mashup of at least two (probably three) different ideas; once I can get it to make sense in my head, I will probably return to it. Keep.
The Duchess of Lythikos sat in a crushed velvet armchair, her hands wrapped around a mug of apple-cranberry tea. Her hair hung loosely about her face, which was scrubbed and free of cosmetics. A slight smattering of freckles peppered her nose. She lifted the teacup to her lips, blowing on the hot liquid before taking a swallow.
“Countess, what a surprise to see you this early in the morning.”
Madeleine nodded as she buttered a croissant. “My apologies for the short notice but I’m sure you’ve heard the news.”
Olivia studied the sunlight-striped carpeting in the Great House’s main library. Of course she had heard the news. Crown Prince Leo had abdicated the throne. For an American he had met on a cruise of all things.
“I have,” she responded quietly.
“You know what this means … Liam shall become Crown Prince. I’ve been presented a position within the upcoming social season, but not sure the offer was thought through properly.”
Olivia’s eyes widened slightly in surprise. “Are you telling me you wouldn’t accept?”
“Give me one reason why I would. I was raised to be Leo’s Queen, not Cordonia’s.”
Olivia snickered slightly. “You have it twisted, Madeleine. It’s always for Cordonia, don’t you know that by now?”
“And they’re coming for you as well, Duchess.” Madeleine arched her brow.
“I have someone,” Olivia dismissed as she rose to open the window curtains.
“That won’t matter. You’re still in love with Liam, and that is what they’ll play upon.”
“Prey upon, you mean,” Olivia retorted before looking over her shoulder; Madeleine lifted her head at the knock on the door. The women looked at each other curiously.
“Enter,” Olivia commanded.
The door opened to reveal the future Duke of Ramsford.
“Bertrand?” Olivia looked puzzled.
I can tell already this is gonna be something convoluted and complicated. I have no idea which character I had in mind when I jotted this down (it was PB related, I know that). Leaning towards Toss.
I step over the threshold of my front doorway, thoughts fixated on single malt whiskey. My eyes take in the opulent décor of my foyer and great room without really seeing any of the priceless antiques and costly possessions that speak to my wealth and power.
 Stolen money.
I stride into my study and head directly for the bar cart. I review my options and decide on a 25-year- old single barrel bourbon. I pour the beverage sloppily; splashes of expensive liquor leap from the crystal cut tumbler and onto the cloth lined bar cart. 
I don’t care. 
Like most everything in this world, more can be bought. I tug at my necktie, loosening it before I pick up both bottle and glass, and move to a chair by the windows. Sunlight pours through, basking everything in a soft golden glow. I stare thoughtfully into my glass, awaiting news from faraway places. 
Stolen lives.
 Tagging:  @sirbeepsalot @jared2612 @ao719 @burnsoslow @bbrandy2002 @ofpixelsandscribbles @debramcg1106 @marietrinmimi @merridithsmiscellany-blog @queenjilian @texaskitten30 @glaimtruelovealways @indiacater @kingliam2019 @bebepac @zaffrenotes @liamxs-world @choiceslife @ac27dj @the-soot-sprite @gnatbrain @hopelessromanticmonie @amandablink @mom2000aggie @cmestrella @iaminlovewithtrr @liamrhysstalker2020 @queenrileyrose @ladyangel70 @gkittylove99 @neotericthemis @twinkleallnight @umccall71 @superharriet @charlotteg234 @busywoman @gabesmommie1130 @jessiembruno @darley1101 @tessa-liam @phoenixrising308 @beezm @gardeningourmet @lovingchoices14 @sincerelyella @foreverethereal123 @janezillow @mainstreetreader @angelasscribbles @lady-calypso @emkay512​ @jovialyouthmusic​ @21-wishes​ @princessleac1​
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purplebass · 3 years
Thomastair Headcanons: Royalty AU
So sorry for this delay, but I’ve been busy and a bit down and didn’t have the energy to write but I wanted to write something anyway! It’s not a fan fiction but headcanons for a story I may write in the future.
Day 5: Alternate Universe - Royalty AU @youngreckless 
tw: alcohol mention, death mention
After the sudden death of his father, Alastair Esfandiyār III is the heir of a small kingdom in Iran. The event shocks him since he didn’t expect his father to die when he hadn’t even turned 21. He thinks of abdicating in favor of his sister, since he doesn’t care about being a prince; not that young anyway. Then he realizes that his sister is not prepared, plus he thinks a group of hit men killed their father and he doesn’t want Cordelia to suffer the same fate. And he wants her to have more fun. His mother Sona arranges the date of his coronation, but the night before Alastair runs away because he isn’t ready. He needs more time.
Alastair escapes to London. He uses cash money not to be traced by his family, hoping that he can clear his head at least. Perhaps he could be a king. Perhaps he wants to become a detective. Perhaps he wants to join the army. Whatever. What Alastair knows is that he is confused, and he needs time alone with his thoughts. He thinks he can find it here because not many people know him outside of his homeland.
The first night in UK he gets a room in a decent hotel, but he didn’t come to stay locked inside of a building, so he goes to explore the city and have a drink, something he would never be able to do in his kingdom. 
He decides to wear a fitting leather jacket and a pair of dark sunglasses and goes to the first bar that attracts him. It is a small bar, and it’s crowded, but Alastair doesn’t care because he thinks that if there are more people around, he would pass unobserved. He sits on a bar stool, and checks his phone for calls or messages. He knows that by now, his mother and sister would have noticed his absence. 
He sighs when he reads his mother’s text. She threatens to send a group of specialists to search for him, he has to return to Iran immediately or people would find it suspicious! He has a lot of official and important meetings that he can’t delay. His people are expecting the coronation of the new king after his father’s departure. Alastair massages his temples in frustration as a glass is set in front of him.
“Perhaps this will help your mood,” a tall guy with a thick British accent tells him. “It’s on the house.”
Alastair is still shielding his eyes with his sunglasses. The lights in the bar are dim, but he was too focused on his phone and didn’t notice that. “What’s this?” he asks, glancing down. The liquid in the glass is light blue. “It looks rigged,” he adds, than turns to his side, looking for his assistant, remembering that he left him home. 
“Are you afraid I spiked your drink?” the giant asks, smiling. “Then don’t drink it,” he says, and takes the glass to put it away.
Alastair has second thoughts, because he tells himself he needs to be more trusting of this stranger, the barman. He isn’t trying to poison him. He doesn’t even know he’s a future king. He puts his hands on the glass, and by doing so he brushes the barman’s hand. Their eyes meet. “This is mine,” he says possessively. “Although I don’t like that one.”
“Tell me what you like, then,” Thomas makes him another drink, something of Alastair’s liking, and the two start talking. Turns out Thomas isn’t even a barman, he was just helping one of his friends. Alastair reveals that he is there for a short trip, and that he wants to visit the city. Thomas offers to be his guide, and they start bonding while he’s showing him the best things in London.
After the third day, Alastair notices that someone might be following him. He turned his phone off on purpose, but he now regrets it. He should have sent a text to his family to tell them he’s safe. He also realizes that it’s time to go back and that he has to do what’s expected of him. He has to become king. He tells Thomas that he is leaving, but he doesn’t tell him why. Then they are chased by some thugs that want to hurt Alastair because they know who he is, and Thomas helps him hide until Alastair decides that it’s time to stop all of this, or someone innocent like Thomas might get hurt. He tells Thomas who he really is, and Thomas seems hurt at first but understands why Alastair had to hide his true identity. Alastair calls his family and his mother sends someone to pick him up. 
Thomas and Alastair have to say goodbye, but they exchange their numbers so they can keep in touch. One year later, Thomas surprises Alastair in his hometown. He just accepted a job there solely to be closer to him. Because yeah, in the meantime, a feeling blossomed between them, and Thomas couldn’t stay away anymore.
Alastair is finally happy. He still thinks being a king is a heavy duty, but he loves having someone to support him.
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cummingforkylo · 3 years
The Prince Of Alderaan Chapter I
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Summary: It’s the spring of 1813, you’re the daughter of Viscount Huntington and after your family went through a scandalous season last year your parents have decided it’s time for your debut in society as a marriageable young lady. You’ve had life long expectations about what this would mean, charming young men excited by the prospect of being your suitor, lavish dances, and falling in love. What your debut season turns out to be is far from your innocent imaginings, especially because the Prince of Alderaan is in London for the season and with him all kinds of dark intentions. 
Read it on AO3 | Send me a ko-fi
Rating: Explicit...eventually
Word Count: 6,117 
Warning: None as of now
Pairing: Kylo Ren x reader
Notes: This story is inspired by the netflix show/book series Bridgerton. It’s kind of a crossover because I do use some themes and characters from the show but it is mostly a Kylo x Reader fic. I am still in the process of writing it but it is all planned out. I’m hoping to post weekly but I don’t have any set schedule as of right now. I promise you this is not going to be super historically accurate so don’t expect that lol. I’m just here for a good time. I really hope you like it!!
Dearest Lords and Ladies of London,
As the social season of 1813 fully blooms in the spring air, I pose one question, what scandal awaits our starved apetites? Last year we enjoyed the delicacy of the great Huntington family being almost brought to their knees by the Viscount Huntington’s love of gambling. This year we can feast upon his youngest child and only daughter being presented to society for the first time, perhaps earlier than she should have been to in an attempt to make up for their problems last year. We also will get to try a taste of exotic flavor as the Prince of Alderaan has returned to London for business reasons unknown(but will surely be found out by this writer). As those of us who keep up with world politics know, the Prince is the current ruler of the Kingdom of Alderaan as he and his militaristic political faction ousted his mother, the Queen Regent, from power only a few years after his father abdicated responsibilities and is in places unknown.
Yesterday, the young ladies of high society who are debuting this season were presented to Queen Charlotte of England and of course, it was an event filled with who’s who, how did this girl prove herself silly or charming or cold and who managed to scrape by with Her Majesty’s much desired approval. Miss Daphne Bridgerton was chosen as the Queen’s diamond of the season, and was, to use the Queen’s word, “Flawless.” It will be interesting to see how many suitors Miss Daphne may be entertaining over the next few weeks. Miss Huntington,  who’s family had very nearly been shunned by all of society last season proved to be quiet but charming and earned herself almost no regard from the Queen but did fair better than the young Miss Philippa Featherington who swooned almost the moment she was presented to the Queen.
Yes, Lords and Ladies of London, we are in for quite the season, I am sure. I can assure you I will be with you every step of the way. None of you know me, nor will you ever(no matter how hard I am sure you will try) but I know you. I know your business and every dark little secret that you think is private and I will gladly be sharing it with the rest of the society. I’m sure we will all become very well acquainted over the next few weeks.
Yours most sincerely,
Lady Whistledown
Everything was silk and cotton, ruffles on skirts, rouge, curls and words of the latest scandal sheet that had been delivered to the door of 3201 Grosvenor Square earlier in the day. You were of course readying yourself for the Danbury Ball that evening, it would be your first ball after being presented to the Queen of England herself and to society as a whole so it must be perfect.
“What did it say of me again, Mama?” You asked as you stood facing the large mirror in your room while your maid, Ella, tied up your stays. She pulled them tight but not so tight you could not breathe, fainting at your first ball would hardly do, it would be unacceptable outcome to both you and your parents who hoped to find you an excellent match this season.
“Do not concern yourself with what some horrid writer thinks of you, dearest.” Mama said, looking up from the paper in question. You had read it through and found your name mentioned multiple times, none of which had been terribly favorable. Of course she referenced the scandal that had taken place in your family the year previously but that had been covered endlessly in older scandal sheets and no one found it of much interest anymore. Lady Whistledown was new she had more interest in reporting the new scandals….and yet, she had mentioned it. So it would be fresh in any suitors mind, a thought that caused you discomfort. You would hate to fall madly in love with some beautiful lord only to have him find you detestable due to something that happened in your family over a year before. You had been looking forward to your season since you were a child, you imagined it always bathed in beautiful spring sunlight, you imagined yourself surrounded by affectionate suitors, flowers, music, charming conversation and always…options.
Now that your season was here, you found it tainted by the mere memory of scandal but you were not going to let it stop you from finding love and enjoying the beauty of being out in the eyes of society. Marriage eligible. Despite what Lady Whistledown had written, you felt yourself ready for society, ready for all that it could bring you; and your Mama was right, you should not let the words of a gossip writer concern you. Ella had finished with your stays so now it was time for your petticoat and then your gown, fresh from the modiste. Once it was on, buttoned, straightened, and thoroughly fussed over Ella stepped back and you examined yourself in the mirror. The dress was fashionable in every aspect, powder blue, high waistline, short puffed sleeves, and square neckline that showed off more than you had ever been allowed to show before. You felt it swish around your slippered feet and you felt exactly how you had always dreamed of feeling just prior to your first ball.
“Mama?” You prompted, glancing over your shoulder to where your Mama was still poring over Lady Whistledown(even though she had told you not to concern yourself). Lady Huntington finally looked up and gasped. Standing up, she rushed to your side.
“You are a vision, dearest.” She said, smoothing a section of your hair. You smiled, allowing your eyes to linger on your own reflection again. Your heart sputtered with excitement, tonight could very well be the night that you would first lay your eyes upon the man you would wed.
“We truly do not need to worry about what the Horrible Whistledown woman writes, because you are such a gem that all the gentlemen at tonights ball shall be vying for your attention. “ Mama said. You looked to Ella,
“Do you agree, Ella?” You asked, reaching out for your maid’s hand, you had known her for years and she was your closest confidant, especially after all you had endured last season.
“Oh, My Lady, my opinion hardly-“
“I do very much value your opinion, Ella…and I’d believe you if you were to tell me I look like a fool. Please.” You said, squeezing her hand.
“You look lovely, my lady.” Ella said, you gave her a look that practically begged her to tell you the truth. “That is the truth, my lady. You’ll need your best gloves but you look just as your mother said, a vision.” She said. You smiled and looked back to the mirror, allowing yourself another moment to take yourself in. Perhaps it was a silly thing to do, perhaps you were being vain but you had to be flawless to be viewed as eligible and that was what you intended on doing.
Kylo Ren had changed his name years before and still sometimes invitations were addressed to his past name. Especially when he was here in London; he believed his mother had something to do with that and he despised it. Of course, no one would refer to him as that name to his face, no one had the courage to do that; but he still found it irksome to look at the letter sitting on his desk that invited him to the Danbury Ball tonight addressing him as Benjamin. Even worse was the gossip rag that had been delivered to his address that morning not only mentioned him but even the author of that drivel had managed not to refer to him as his detested past name. And yet, high society here in London could not be bothered to at least address him as his title. It had his mother’s doing written all over it and it put him in a truly foul mood. There was a knock on his door and he looked up from his desk,
“Yes?” he called and the door opened, revealing the butler.
“A General Hux here for you, Your Grace.” He said in the snooty high society accent of a well trained London butler.
“Yes, let him in.” He said dismissively. He went back to the work in front of him while he waited for the wretched man to enter. He was in no mood for Hux, his chiding or his warnings about tonight’s events. Yet, he had to humor the man even while they were here in London. General Hux commanded Alderaan’s army and even though Kylo commanded the General, he needed to keep the abhorrent man at least semi happy.
“Ren,” Hux was already speaking as he walked into the room. Kylo stood, deciding to ignore the fact that Hux had not bowed or showed any amount of respect for his position as he entered the room. Kylo held his hand out for the General to take, Hux clasped it, and Kylo maybe squeezed his fingers harder than he had intended to.
“Hux,” He said in greeting. “How are you?” he asked in a tone that implied he didn’t care at all about the answer.
“Well. Enjoying London so far. Ah,” Hux had spotted Lady Whistledown’s sheet on the desk and walked over, picking it up. “You received this as well?” He asked around a smile.
“Of course, I believe it was delivered to all the households in high society.” Kylo said, he picked his tailcoat up from over the back of his chair and pulled it on. The ball was in a few hours and he needed to begin to get ready, to make himself presentable for society so he hoped he could rush Hux out by appearing busy.
“It mentions you.” Hux said, looking at the paper in one hand while the other arm was tucked behind his back in a way that was clearly commonplace for him due to his military background. A refreshed wave of irritation washed over Kylo as Hux told him something he already knew,
“Yes. I have read it.” Kylo said through a clenched jaw.
“You know this means all the young ladies and their Mama’s will be out for your favor.” He said. Kylo didn’t want to hear it, he knew it to be true but listening to it from a man he could barely stand was not something he wanted to tolerate.
“I know. It does not matter.” He said.
“You would be wise to marry.” There was the chiding Kylo had expected. “People will only take you seriously when you have an heir…and an heir,” He looked at Kylo meaningfully, “A legitimate heir, requires a wife.” He finished in clipped tones. Kylo realized he had been clenching his fist, his brow furrowed, anger coursing through him. He slowly released the clenched hand.
“Do you forget who you are speaking to?” He asked, his voice going from the simple boredom of before to fury.
“No, Your Grace, I merely am trying to impress upon you the importance of something you seem to have entirely written off. Just because you want to behave like a petulant child and irritate your mother-“ Hux was cut of mid sentence due to Kylo crossing in front of his desk and grabbing the shorter man by the front of his tailcoat. Kylo dragged Hux towards him, their faces close, fury burnt through the Princes’s expression.
“You’ve forgotten your place, Hux.” He snarled and then because he did not wish to start a brawl with his army’s general in the study of his London home he shoved Hux away so hard the man stumbled. “I am aware of the situation and I do not need your counsel. Now, I will see you at the events tonight. Remember who you speak to next time.” He warned. Hux hastily fixed his collar, adjusting it as he caught his breath, still looking shaken. It was not the first time the Prince had brutalized him in such a fashion and neither of them thought it would be the last.
“I shall see you tonight.” Hux said before turning to leave. He paused at the door,
“You would do well to reign in that temper, Your Grace, if you do wish to secure an heir and your position.” Hux warned and then he was out the door. Kylo stood there, shaking with rage, it bubbled inside him and in an explosion of movement he lashed out and sent a stack of books flying from their position on the desk. They crashed across his desk as they went flying, upending a inkwell, throwing papers into the air and making a giant clatter as they hit the floor. Kylo stood back, seething as the Butler hurriedly entered to clear it up.
The Danbury Ball was just as Kylo had suspected, stuffy, hot, and dull. It was filled with the smell of ladies perfume and powder from the wigs worn by the musicians. It was also filled with young ladies and their Mama’s flocking around him begging for his attention either for themselves or for their daughters. “Lady This from That estate in the country, Your Grace, I can play any Mozart you’d like on piano.”  “Lady Whatever, Your Grace, please meet my daughter Miss Whatever. We have three homes in London alone thats not to mention our country estate. So you can assume her dowry is sizable.” “Your Grace, what an honor that you would attend-“ “Prince Ren, I’d like you to meet-“ It seemed to go on and on and there was no escape, unless he were to leave entirely and he knew that was unacceptable.
Kylo refused to be bested by the hordes of young women, all bright eyed, rose cheeked and dressed in the most fashionable of gowns. No, he would hold his ground, be polite but dismissive and leave it at that. How dull. Leaving it at that. Lots of the girls were attractive but most of them would prove to be proper young ladies who would never be caught dead alone with a man, let alone in any of the compromising situations he might find enjoyable. It was true that it would be easy enough to lure one of them out to the garden and from there some kind of seduction would be simple, a kiss on the neck, a hand on the waist and the girl would be so flustered and excited that she wouldn’t know how to say no. For a moment he found himself entertained at the idea but then he glanced around at the girls batting their eyelashes at him, smiling and trying to make themselves as demure and eligible as possible and he was bored once again. The idea of compromising one of their virtues had been exciting for a fleeting moment but the excitement had died the moment he truly considered acting on it.
Kylo excused himself in what was probably an extremely rude manner to the woman who had been trying to ask him if he hunted. He felt as if he was being hunted himself as he walked away from her and the other ladies who were waiting for their opportunity to talk to him. He finally found himself a tiny pocket of peace, just off of the dance floor by a window that looked out onto Lady Danbury’s gardens. He stood for a moment, finally getting to enjoy a second of peace and quiet when a voice next to him spoke,
“I’m shocked to see you here.” Kylo stiffened, because he recognized the voice. It belonged to his mother and he hadn’t heard it in years. It made his chest tighten, if his hands had not been clasped behind his back they would have trembled. Before he looked at her he set his jaw and his eyes hardened,
“Queen Regent,” he said in greeting, tilting his head down slightly but barely meeting her eyes.
“Ben,” Leia started but Kylo sucked in his breath through his teeth so she had to pause, but she continued without correcting herself, “I am so glad you’re in London for the season…there is so much you can accomplish. Starting with healing your relationship with Queen Charlotte.” Of course, the instant she spoke to him again it was about all his failings, all the things he needed to fix.
“No, Your Grace. It is not my plan to heal anything with her, she is not the leader of England just as you are not the leader of Alderaan.” His tone was cross but quiet, he didn’t need anyone hearing the way in which they spoke to one another. Leia glared up at him for a moment, Kylo could feel his mother’s eyes burning into him as if the glare could actually turn to fire and scorch his clothing and then his skin.  
“At least tell me you’re coming to these events looking for a wife.” She said after a moment of silence between them. Kylo looked down at her and watched her turn around to face the ballroom, placing both of her hands properly on top of her beautiful gilded cane. When he didn’t answer she took his arm, pulling him slightly to look at something. He tugged his arm out of her grip but looked where she was looking, “Daphne Bridgerton was named the diamond of the season. She was chosen by the Queen.” She said to him. Kylo’s eyes caught on Daphne, a pretty young debutant but thoroughly uninteresting to him. “She would make quite the wife, and being married to a Prince is a big step up for her. I’m quite sure she would be interested.” She was speaking hurriedly as if she knew he was about to walk away from her and to be fair, that was exactly what he wanted to do.
“I am not getting married, mother.” He growled, his voice still low. “Especially not to some girl who’s in the pocket of an English Queen.” He snarled before turning from his mother and stalking off.
Walking into the ballroom of your first ball was somehow better than all of your fantasies, all your dreams seemed to have lead to this moment and as you stepped in from the entry hall you lost your breath. It was a swirl of white gloves, beautiful light dresses, curls immaculately done up, men’s tailcoats jostling as they danced, and golden candlelight danced over the whole thing. You felt as though you had inhaled bubbles from the sips of champagne you had on holidays.
The ballroom at the Danbury’s estate was a large, high ceilinged room with many beautiful crystal chandeliers hanging down providing glowing golden candle light. On the mantles of the multiple fireplaces were spring green garlands, white roses tucked amongst the greenery. It had all the charms and refinement you expected from your first ball. The center of the room was the dance floor and just off to the side, below a grand staircase the musicians played beautiful, joyful music.  Many people danced and still more mingled around the edges of the dance, sipping drinks, talking  and trying to impress.
Your mama walked in behind you and it was her hand on your back that stopped you from staring all around with wide eyed wonder. You had been to balls before, but it had been as a child, not as a lady eligible for marriage and this was so vastly different.
“Close your mouth, dearest.” Mama said “Lest you catch a fly.” You snapped your mouth shut. Mama lead you to a table that had little cards connected to dainty pieces of ribbon on them. Dance cards. You found your name and Mama helped you tie it around your wrist and it finally felt real. You were here. You were finally going to be able to be a real lady, you could meet the love of your life this very night. Perhaps he would sweep you off of your feet and you would be wed by the end of the season. Did anyone get proposals after one night? You were sure that you had heard of a woman who had managed to get a proposal after only a few hours but you had to remind yourself of how rare that was. There were plenty of young ladies here tonight that had been searching for multiple seasons for a husband and had yet to find one. A lot of those girls didn’t even have a scandal in their family’s history and you did, you had to remind yourself of this so you remained beyond reproach. You had to be perfect. You straightened one of your gloves at your elbow and began to make the rounds.
It came naturally to you because it had come naturally to your mama and she had taught you very well. You greeted everyone by name and title, smiling but not too wide, never looking upset or dowdy. You spoke with Lord Humphies about hunting and Mr. Banbrook about music. You were even able to answer Monsieur De la Rue in acceptable French. Mr. Banbrook was the first to ask you to dance and so he took your hand and lead you out onto the dance floor. His arm wrapped around your back and he began to lead you through a fairly quick waltz. You began the dance dizzy with excitement, Mr. Banbrook was quite handsome, he didn’t have a title but he had money and he smiled while he talked and that charmed you. Something happened as you danced though, you realized your head wasn’t swimming with happiness, your heart wasn’t pounding hard and fast in your ears, there was no excited butterflies dancing in your stomach. You didn’t feel as if you had inhaled champagne bubbles. No. This was no different than dancing with one of your older brothers. Even the steps felt too familiar.
The conversation was lifeless as well, he talked endlessly about all the things he had,  and all the things he used to decorate his house with. You had long since left the topic of music behind and you found yourself staring off just over his shoulder, a pleasant smile plastered onto your face.
“I have quite a few stuffed deer heads on the walls of my study out in my country estate.” Mr. Banbrook said, you had to blink a few times to bring yourself back to reality. “They’re really quite beautiful.” He added when you didn’t answer right away.
“Oh, yes. I’m sure they’re lovely.” You said politely.
“Here in London I tend to fashion my home with art more than my hunting trophies-“ he continued and your mind wandered again, it was a thrilling moment when he spun you away from him for a moment and you joined with another gentleman before being spun back to your original partner. How could this be? Mr. Banbrook was perfectly suitable, maybe nothing special but, shouldn’t your first dance at your first ball bring some excitement?
After the disappointing dance with Mr. Banbrook he signed your dance card and promised to come back for another dance later in the evening and you were relieved when he left you. It’s just this first one that was bad, there are plenty of other gentlemen here. You told yourself this over and over again. The first man was not bound to be the man you married. There was a part of you that had hoped that the first dance with a man would be something magical, something that would have sent your heart into spasms of excitement, would have put stars in your eyes,  and butterflies in your stomach.
The next man to ask you to dance was Lord Kensington, he was handsome if a bit more bumbling than Mr. Banbrook. He stumbled over his words when asking you to dance but you reserved your judgment until you had danced. Lord Kensington had a title of his own and seemed completely taken with you. He kept his hand tight on your back as you danced. When the music picked up, you hoped and hoped. Please, let this give me every feeling I’ve ever wished for. But when he stepped on your toes and you had to tell him with a polite giggle that it was quite alright, you knew there was no chance. In what world would the man you were going to fall in love with step on your toes, smell of fish and stare at your chest while he tried to keep up with the steps to the dance. You hoped that the disappointment did not show on your face.
By the end of the dance it was hard to pretend you were enjoying yourself, but you attempted. He signed his name to your dance card and you thanked him. Soon. Soon. Someone will and it will be just as lovely as you’ve always imagine. Even if he isn’t the one you marry. It will feel like butterflies and champagne bubbles. You tried to tell yourself this after each man you had a dance with disappointed you. None of them were interesting, exciting, or like the spellbinding man you had always dreamt of.
No, you continued to have your feet trodden on, your back squeezed too tightly, be nearly put to sleep by the conversation and generally underwhelmed. Even the men who were perfectly lovely seeming sparked no interest in you. You tried very hard with them, listening to every word, dancing as prettily as you could, you tried to create the feeling you had dreamt of. The feeling you had when you first entered the ballroom, the rushing excitement, the pulsing happiness, the feeling of possibility. It never happened. The moment when you thought you might feel it, it just fizzled away.
You finished a dance with Lord Fernside and retreated to your Mama, she had been talking with Lady Featherington and the Viscountess Bridgerton when you came over. She detangled herself from the women and turned to you,
“None of those men were your fancy?” she asked, you wondered if she could so easily read it on your face.
“No, Mama…how did you-“ You asked.
“People have been talking,” Never a good thing. “It seems lots of people have been saying you seem…cold. Uninterested.” She said. You felt hot with anger suddenly. You had done nothing wrong, in fact you had played the part of interested and excited as well as you could under the circumstances.
“Uninterested?” You gasped.
“We will discuss it later, for now try and look happier, dearest.” She insisted. You took a deep breath and looked around the ballroom, hoping to calm yourself. You found your eyes drawn across the dance floor to the other side where a man stood almost a foot above the people around him. Besides being shockingly tall, he was broad with waves of dark hair, and a striking features. The oddest thing about him was that he was looking straight back  at you. It was as if your eyes had been drawn towards him because you could feel the intensity of his gaze. Your heartbeat quickened, you could feel it in your throat, your hands even seemed to tingle. You knew you shouldn’t stare at him and yet neither of you averted your gaze.
“Hux,” Kylo said in greeting as Hux appeared at his side. He did not take his eyes off of the girl across the dance floor from him. She was the first girl at this nightmare of a ball who he did not find completely banal. Maybe it had been the way she had looked around the ballroom with such misery that it nearly rivaled his own. Or maybe it was just because he found her attractive.
“Your Grace,” Hux said, looking up at him and then following his gaze across the ballroom. “Has someone actually caught your eye?” he wondered. Kylo quickly averted his eyes, not wanting to admit anything to Hux, his lip twitched towards a snarl but he reworked his face into disinterest once again.
“She’s attractive is all. Who is she?” He asked.
“Miss Huntington, daughter of Lord and Lady Huntington.” Hux said. “From what I’ve gathered this is her debut season but her prospects do not look good considering the scandal her family suffered last year.” Hux said.
“Scandal?” Kylo asked, the memory of a page in Lady Whistledown’s paper that morning floated back to him. Huntington. Gambling.
“Her father has a gambling problem and lost the family quite a lot of money, they were in some amount of debt. It seems they managed to dig their way out of debt and have returned to proper society.” Hux informed him, leaning in towards him to speak, Kylo wished it was proper to push him away. “I think it was mentioned in Whistledown this morning-“
“I do not care what is written in that fucking paper.” Kylo snapped. Hux was quiet for a moment and then,
“She is far below your station, Your Grace.” Hux said as he watched Kylo’s eyes drift back towards the girl across the ballroom. “And with that kind of scandal, who knows if she even has a dowry anymore.”
It was true. She was far below his station. Far from the Queen’s diamond of the season. Far from the choice his mother would have made for him. He could imagine the irritation he would cause his mother if he was seen with the girl. Choosing to dance with her out of all of the many, more appropriate ladies to choose from.
“Well, thank you for your input, General.” Kylo nodded to Hux and started to cross the ballroom towards the girl.
You had to hurriedly force yourself to look away as he looked back towards you, you had already been staring for too long. He was going to think you improper. Maybe you were improper, because you had never even spoken with the man and he was making your heart pound, making you lose your breath.
“Dearest,” Mama said, taking your arm. “The Prince is coming this direction.” She said. Prince?! He was a prince. You had locked eyes with a Prince and hadn’t even realized it.
“Prince?” You asked, shocked. Before your mama could answer you he was standing in front of you. All eyes were upon the two of you. Everyone who had been standing nearby couldn’t help but notice when a prince stepped directly in front of a young lady. You had to remind yourself that were, in fact, the lady he had stepped directly in front of. You looked up to him, struck again by how how tall he was. Your eyes met  and you were again struck by how handsome he was. Struck by how intense his gaze was. Struck by how hard your heart pounded. How it migrated up from your chest and into your throat. You remembered yourself in a hurried movement and curtsied, “Your Grace.” You said, trying to remember everything you knew about Princes. This must have been the Prince of Alderaan. You racked your brain for his name. Benjamin Solo.  No. Kylo Ren. He had changed it from his family name. Prince Kylo reached out for your hand, you held it out to him and he took it, gracefully bowing his head and kissed the back of it.
“Miss Huntington,” he said, he was unsmiling and yet you didn’t find yourself missing it. His face didn’t need a smile to be beautiful. “Would you care to dance with me?” he asked.
“Of course, Your Grace.” You said. Without another word he offered you his arm and you took it with a shaking hand. He lead you on to the dance floor and pulled you in towards him. The music was beautiful, another fun waltz but this already seemed entirely different from your first dance of the night. Your mind whirred, trying to come up with all that you knew of Prince Kylo. His reputation was not a good one, cruel, quick tempered, cold and unsettled were just a few of the things you knew of his reputation; but a reputation was not necessarily reality.
In the first moments of the dance, everything seemed to blur around you. It was like you could not focus on the outside world and the only focus was on him. Everything you wanted to happen in all your other dances with other men tonight was happening now. Your heart raced, your smile was genuine and butterflies danced in your stomach.
“Are you enjoying London, Your Grace?” You asked.
“Not at all.” He said, glancing away from you. Your brow furrowed, but you recovered quickly,
“I’m sure all of these balls and the season’s events must feel silly to you.” You offered with a smile. Prince Kylo’s eyes met yours and you felt your mouth go dry.
“Yes, they do. Especially silly when I have every stupid girl at this ball vying for my attention when I try to make it very clear I do not care to give any of them an ounce of my attention.” He said. At first you were shocked at the way he talked about other ladies, calling them stupid as if it wasn’t an insult. As if it was just a fact. Then, you realized he was giving you attention. He must have thought there was something special with you, something different, something worth giving attention to. Your heart leapt at this thought and you looked up at him, eyes meeting his.
“It must be exhausting being so desirable.” You teased lightly, you wouldn’t have done it if he hadn’t made it seem obvious that he felt you were worth giving attention to. You smiled at him in a way you hoped was flirtatious. As you smiled you watched his expression change from interest to something that might have been akin to disgust.
“You’re not so different from any of these other girls, are you Miss Huntington?” he asked. It took a moment for your excitement and interest to turn to  confusion and embarrassment and then finally indignation. Had he just implied that you were stupid?
“Excuse me?” You asked, unable to restrain the anger you felt.
“You were staring at me from across the ballroom, were you not?” He asked, his voice wasn’t so much teasing as it was mocking. Heat flooded your cheeks, embarrassed, you hurriedly looked away from him. Your jaw set and your heart pounding but not from excitement anymore, but instead from anger.
“I only looked at you because I felt you staring at me.” You said, your voice dropping lower.
“You felt me staring at you?” He asked, now sounding amused. The hand he had on your back moved upwards, towards the exposed skin of your upper back. You felt one of his gloved fingers brush against your skin,  shivers seemed to erupt through your body even though you were flushed from anger and the exertion of dancing.
“Yes. You looked at me with such…such…intensity that I felt it.” You insisted. He scoffed, his lip twitching up towards something like a smile. It irritated you and to your even worse irritation it interested you.
“I believe you are mistaken. I caught you staring at me long after I looked away from you, Miss Huntington.” He said seriously, his dark eyes seemed to burn. His hand against your back squeezed, the finger that lay across the skin on your back dug in slightly. You felt dizzy, your breath left you in a sharp exhale. You wished that this waltz was one where you switched partners, even for a brief moment, so you wouldn’t have to look at his burning eyes and the way his lips seemed to twitch as he thought or listen to the way his voice was so deep it reverberated through his chest. You had finally gotten what you had wanted from the night, the excitement from a dance, the rushing happiness, the kind that bubbled through your veins like champagne, the excitement that made you tingle. You got all the feelings you wanted but they conjoined and mixed with fury and embarrassment. Kylo leaned in towards you, he was so close you could feel his breath,  he was too close, you could hear his smirk as he spoke,“You stared at me, my lady. How improper.”
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csykora · 4 years
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Yeah, so, that’s been going on.
I am going to try to summarize what’s been up with Pasha. Thanks to @immoveableobject, the Moscow Times, and the Independent. This is going to be Drunk History in the sense that you should have a stiff drink or another coffee before reading. There’s…context.
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After Nikolai II abdicated as emperor in 1917, the Romanov family were sent to live under summer-cabin-arrest in Tobolsk, in Tyumen region (western Siberia). Nikolai spent the summer reading books and chopping firewood to take his mind off things, which he wrote was his favorite activity.
Disagreements between Omsk (the capital of Tyumen) and an acquisitive Yekaterinburg (in the Ural region which neighbors Tyumen to the west), led Moscow to order they move the Romanovs back west. The guards transporting them contacted Moscow to say they had to take a route that passed closer to Omsk, which made Yekaterinburg think Omsk was going to keep them, so they called Moscow too and insisted the convoy stop in Yekaterinburg instead, where the Romanovs were stored in a local merchant’s house.
At that unrelated but unfortunate point, the Czechoslovak Legion came into it. This wasn’t a unit named for the country, which didn’t even exist yet: it consisted of ethnic Czechs and Slovaks who had been volunteered to fight with the Russian army back in 1914. Leaders in the Czech and Slovak homelands of the Austro-Hungarian empire thought this would improve their name recognition in the international community, and build credit toward their own independence after the war. Czech history is actually just dramatic irony.
They were highly effective against the Germans, and then sent east. By 1918 the Czechoslovaks were stationed all along the railroad into Siberia. They were not jazzed about the Bolsheviks. They turned around toward Yekaterinburg to express this.
The guards in Yekaterinburg, who thought the Czechs were coming to take the Romanovs, took them down into the cellar and executed them.
Time passed and so did the Soviet Union. The site of the executions became a church. That church has a shrine in the cellar. It’s not the same cellar, but an exact replica; the church was shifted a bit for a better foundation, so the actual site is now an outside wall. It’s called The Temple on the Blood, although, again, it isn’t on it. 
In 1981 the Romanovs were named martyrs by the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia. In 2000 the Russian Orthodox Church that isn’t outside Russia recognized them as passion-bearers. A passion-bearer is believed to have ‘faced their death in a Christ-like manner.’ A martyr is believed to have died defending their faith in Christ. So all martyrs are passion-bearers, but not all passion-bearers are martyrs.
The entire story is going to be like this.
Sometime around 1980, a different man who wasn’t named Nikolai Romanov originally but is now killed someone. He was, of course, a cop. He was sent to a prison camp in Tyumen region for thirteen years. When he was released, he says he walked the length of the Romanov’s last journey to Yekaterinburg.
At some point along the way he changed his legal name from whatever it used to be, became a priest, and took the religious name Father Sergei. 
He found a decrepit old monastery and rebuilt it, becoming the confessor for the nuns that live there. He found the pit outside the city where the Romanovs’ bodies were dissolved in acid, called Ganina Yama, and built a complex around Tsar Nikolai’s final resting place.
Except, again, he didn’t. The bones that had been found in Ganina Yama in 1919 weren’t even human. The Yekaterinburg guards didn’t manage to destroy the Romanovs’ bodies (they apparently didn’t bring enough acid with them, because this was all a fuck up), so they buried them in the forest a few kilometers away. The actual burial place was found in 1978 (with the last two children found a little ways away in 2007), and the Romanovs were finally given a funeral in St. Petersburg in 1998. The Orthodox Church did not attend, and still maintains this did not happen and the Romanovs are nowhere but Ganina Yama.
His new next door neighbor told the Independent she was doing the dishes one evening and looked out to see a bunch of strange nuns performing exorcisms.
 “They circled around the house; devil this, devil that. And then they put a cross outside our toilet.”
The monastery continued on, annoying their neighbors and growing steadily weirder, for years. Nikolai went from passion-bearer to martyr to a direct analogue of Christ, dying for Russia’s sins. Everything superficially connected to him became, at least to some Russians, holy. The monastery and pilgrimage site became one of the most popular in Russia. Father Sergei came to international attention for:
1. his writing desk, which is a coffin
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2. getting big mad about the 2017 film Matilda, which is about young Nikolai fucking ballerina Matilda Kshesinskaya, which he very much did do. 
Politician Natalia Pokolnskaya, who attends Father Sergei’s services, had the film pulled and audited for its “anti-Russian” Tsar-sex scenes. Another follower of Father Sergei drove his car into a movie theater and then tried to set it (the car, although also the theater I guess) on fire with a Molotov cocktail after attending services at the Temple on the Blood. Another made his own film in response to the film, saying, 
“Imagine someone makes a film showing your mother as a prostitute and your father as a German gay porn actor. Go inside the church, look at the lord tsar’s blue eyes and you will see how moral he is.”
Everyone forgets the longer verses of John Lennon’s Imagine.
At some point in the mid 2000s, hockey player Pavel Datsyuk started going to Father Sergei as his confessor. He very much did do that, and stuck by him through the movie thing. When he won gold at the World Championships he gave the medal to the monastery, saying, “we won it together.”
This summer he told Championat, “Father Sergei has been my spiritual father for more than 10 years. [He] has a burning, loving heart, he sees me through and through." Maybe not a great choice of adjective, given the arson.  
Then coronavirus. 
This spring, Patriach Kirill of Moscow issued a decree to suspend church services. As in most things, though, the rest of Russia runs on the words, “Moscow is far away.” Whether or not the Patriarch has power to tell churches outside Moscow to do anything without a full Synod is its own debate: it doesn’t matter, because they didn’t listen.
Russian Orthodox churches held Pasha like usual, and a lot of people got sick, with at least one bishop dying and the virus spreading dangerously in monasteries. Patriarch Kirill repeated himself, threatening that any priest who conducts services with members of his congregation present may be penalized by an ecclesiastical court.
Father Sergei thinks coronavirus tests are an excuse for Putin to inject people with tracking devices, so back in June—you remember June, right?—he and a bunch of armed Cossacks holed up in the monastery, saying, “I’m not going anywhere... they’ll have to chase me out with police and the National Guard.”
Remember he is writing that statement on his coffin.
The ostensible head of the monastery, Mother Superior Varvara, did not appreciate Cossack boots on her carpets, and quit “to avoid unnecessary infighting, to which Father Sergei is prone, and give him a chance to come to his senses.”
Patriach Kirill and the ecclesiastical courts booted him from the church, although not the monastery, which he is very much still inside.
At that point we got reports that Pavel was holed up in the monastery with him to avoid coronavirus testing. There was a brief flurry on certain (old) parts of hockey twitter that Pasha was off his rocker.
His agent, Dan Milstein, responded by posting a video on twitter, accompanied by the comment, “Pavel Datsyuk’s morning workout and family breakfast at the cottage. Have a good summer everyone!”
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It’s short, showing, for some reason, a man from behind against a generic wall. We don’t need to get into whether or not it is Pavel, and if so where and when. I’d hope no one but a hockey player hikes his socks up like that. But whatever Pavel’s role in creating it, in context there’s something unsettling about the choice of subject: like Nikolai Romanov, he’s chopping firewood.
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camillemontespan · 5 years
hope you’re good up there [drake walker]
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Just a one shot I thought up and broke my writing break to get this down. Now, writing break, re-commence!
Fluff, angst, fluff. Hope you enjoy. 
@jovialyouthmusic @fromthedeskofpaisleybleakmore @pug-bitch @sirbeepsalot @moonlightgem7 @emceesynonymroll @burnsoslow @i-bloody-love-drake-walker @of-course-i-went-to-hartfeld @gardeningourmet  @katedrakeohd @be-still-my-aching-heart @rainbowsinthestorm @stopforamoment @dcbbw
Hey dad. Hope you’re going good up there. Bet in your heaven, you’ve got a glass of whiskey in your hand and you’ve got Clover at your feet. She was a good dog, wasn’t she? 
So, I’m back in Cordonia. College didn’t work out.. I know what you’re thinking, ‘what the hell, son?!’ 
I’m back because of Liam. He needs me. He was targeted in an assassination attempt and I was in a fucking lecture about economics. As soon as I heard, I packed my bags and now, here I am. 
I know you wanted me to forge my own path; get away from Cordonia and live life my way. But you can’t always get what you want, dad. Sure, it would have been nice to get a degree and an apartment and just be normal, but you know me and Li. We’re like brothers. I’m more of a brother to Liam than his own blood. When he feels pain, I feel pain. When he’s happy, I’m happy. It’s crazy. So I can’t leave him, I refuse to. He needs support and I’ll be damned if I go back to the states, back to college and find out that he’s gone while I’m learning about fucking economics. 
Sorry for the swearing. I’ll put a euro in the swear jar like mom always told us to do. Didn’t stop us though, did it?
Hey dad. Hope you’re doing good up there. You know how you used to say that the court is cruel and you have to look out for yourself? I get it now. As soon as the court found out I was back from college, they went back to treating me like the social pariah I had been when I was ten. Why are they all assholes, dad? Were they assholes with you? Did you ignore them? Did you put them in your place? 
I’m just going to keep to myself. I’ll stay in the shadows, I’ll drink their shitty wine while secretly I want a whiskey - I’ve started drinking whiskey because of you, I can see why you like it- and I’ll just treat them with the contempt that they treat me with. Why not, huh? Why should I go out of my way to be nice to them when they act like I’m the shit on their shoe?
Olivia and Madeleine are the worst. Since Madeleine got engaged to Leo, she’s been all high and mighty because she’s now the future queen. Fuck her. I know you hated her too, well guess what, she’s still the mean girl she’s always been. 
Olivia is still glued to Liam’s hip, laughing at his jokes and trying to get him to fall in love with her. It’s pathetic. Meanwhile, she keeps bringing up how I’m a commoner riding along on Liam’s coat tails. 
I hate this life, dad. I know I shouldn’t complain; I have my own room, I get free meals and I don’t want for anything. I just feel so out of place. I don’t belong here. I just wish I had someone here to tell me, ‘this is how your life should look.’ Why aren’t you here to do that? You were my compass, my one true north. I listened to everything you said, absorbing everything, so keen to be you. Well, tell me what to do. Please.
Sorry, that was a bit heavy. You’re probably sat in a chair right now with a whiskey and Clover, shaking your head, muttering, ‘Jesus, my son is a wuss.’ 
I’ll deal with it. 
Hey dad. Hope you’re doing good up there. So, Leo’s abdicated. I know, right? He just suddenly announced this morning at breakfast that he didn’t want to be king anymore. It was like word vomit, he just burst out saying it and everyone went quiet and stared at him. Liam was beside him and god, his face. He looked like a rabbit caught in the headlights.
Liam’s next in line now. He doesn’t want to do it. He wanted to just be the spare but come on, you remember Leo right? Leo acted like the spare more than Liam did- he never acted like a king in waiting. He was always going out, getting drunk, cheating on Madeleine. If it wasn’t for the fact Liam now has to be the king in future, I’d say good riddance. Cordonia would have suffered under Leo’s rule.
I can hear you laughing by the way. I know, I’m so knowledgable about Cordonian affairs ha! Someone give me a microphone and a stage, I can sort this in seconds!
I’m obviously joking. Since I’m on the sidelines, I find that I watch everyone closely. I know everyone’s agenda and they aren’t aware of it; they forget I’m there. I’m in the shadows, like a ghost. 
Let me guess, you’re calling me Casper now.  You are, aren’t you? Fuck off, old man. You’re the one who’s dead.
Oops. Sorry. Bit harsh. Yeah, I’ll put a euro in the swear jar.
Hey dad. Hope you’re doing good up there. Okay, so picture this for me, okay? You died before reality TV became big but there’s a show called The Bachelor and it involves a rich guy with all these women who are competing for his love. 
Sounds really sexist, doesn’t it? Really archaeic?
Yeah, well, Cordonia is holding a suitor competition to find Liam a wife. All the Duchesses are taking part. 
I can hear you laughing your head off. I know! How ridiculous! It’s such a fucking farce.
Sorry, swear jar.
Anyway, yeah. We’re in New York now, about to go out to this bar as part of Liam’s ‘bachelor party.’ He isn’t even married yet and he’s having a send off. Jesus. He’s begged us to take him somewhere normal where nobody knows who he is, which I get. 
I’ll get him drunk, don’t worry dad. 
Hey dad, hope you’re good up there. I know we spoke last night but I kinda need to talk again? Right, get a whiskey. 
Our waitress at the bar is coming to Cordonia to take part in the competition. 
A waitress. She’s not noble. 
Dad, she’s going to be eaten alive! I’m not noble either so I think I have the authority to say that she is going to be torn apart by these duchesses and she’s going to wish she never came. 
Her name’s Camille. Camille Montespan. French name but she’s from New York. She’s really pretty. Like, my type. Caramel skin, dark hair, these huge gorgeous brown eyes that have gold flecks in them like an owl. 
Fuck, stop laughing at me. 
Swear jar, got it. 
Anyway, she sat on the plane and she looked so calm about the whole thing? Like, ‘sure, I’ll get on a plane with these random guys to compete for a king’s hand in marriage! Spice it up a little!’
I didn’t talk to her. If she said anything to me, I’d look away or respond sarcastically. 
Why? Uh, because she’s fucking naive and doesn’t get how awful this is going to be. Also, looking at her is painful because I feel like she should be with me. 
Did I say that out loud? Fuck. 
Well, we’re both American. She’s beautiful. She’s fun, she is good conversation and I just think.. she’s the first normal person who I’ve come across in years. She’s not noble. She’s refreshing. Just would’ve been nice to get to know her, you know? But Liam’s got her now. He really liked her at the bar. He wouldn’t stop talking about her when we got back to the hotel and I stayed quiet. This is his competition, his girls. Fuck.
Four euro. Damn it, you’re really emptying my wallet, you know that right?
Hey dad. Hope you’re good up there. I can’t sleep. I may be a little drunk. I’ve started drinking whenever she appears in my dreams. Like, I dream we go on a date or we kiss or we get married or we have fucking babies, that kind of shit. Call them nightmares. They’re nightmares because my mind is taunting me, showing me what I’ll never have. 
I watch her dancing with Liam and I want to stab a fork into my eye. 
She’s always near me though. When Liam’s busy entertaining the other ladies, she is with me. We started talking more, joking and now we’ve got inside jokes. Fuck, inside jokes are what get you. I keep trying to push her away, call her by her last name so she can’t get close, but it doesn’t fucking work. She is too good, she keeps bringing down my walls and I try and build them back up. I know it’s not healthy to keep walls up but it’s the way I am now. Nobody can hurt you and the fact is, if I let my walls down for Camille, she will be chosen by Liam anyway and I’ll have hurt myself for no reason. 
So excuse me for not wanting to be all cosy with her. 
I need another whiskey. Yeah I know, swear jar, fucking got it. 
Hey dad. Hope you’re good up there. So things have changed.. a lot. Um, so long story short, I may have kissed her in the Beaumont study and now we’ve been meeting up in secret and kissing some more and being all angsty and shit, but fuck, it’s so good? Yeah, I’m a little drunk again, you can’t judge, you loved a whiskey. 
We’ve danced together at the balls and I hold her close and pretend she’s mine. She smells like coconut; my own personal paradise. 
I found out today that this is 20 years since her parents died. She was in her room, drinking whiskey - I know, I taught her well- and she begged me to make her feel better. I know she wanted.. well.. you know. I kept trying to say no but she got more upset and eventually, I just gave in. 
She told me that I’m the only person in court who knows about her parents. She hasn’t even told Hana or Maxwell. I feel like I have to keep her safe. Keep her protected, keep her together. I want to be there for her. 
Cheers dad.
Hey dad. Hope you’re good up there. So, the suitor competition is over. Camille.. Camille chose me. Liam proposed and she said no, she loved me. 
I can hear you celebrating, stop it. I’m a bad friend. 
Seriously, stop cheering, it’s fucking deafening. 
I am really happy though. She chose me. The woman I love - yeah, I love her- chose me. She was offered a life of luxury, diamonds and prestige and she chose me. 
I will never be good enough for her. I know I won’t. I keep thinking she’s going to turn around and tell me she made a mistake. But if she stays with me, I’ll never stop trying to prove my love for her. I am going to worship that woman and make her feel happy and safe. Us against the world. 
I’m really happy, dad. 
Hey dad. Hope you’re good up there. Have you got a glass of whiskey to celebrate? Okay well, I’m married. 
I married Camille today. 
I know! I’m a married man!
We married at the ranch. The jetty by the lake. Where me and you used to set off fireworks on 4th July. That jetty. I married the love of my life on the jetty in front of all of our friends. 
She’s taken our last name. Camille Walker. 
I told her to keep Montespan for Duchess stuff -oh yeah, I’m a Duke now. She’s a Duchess. Stop laughing. Please stop laughing. Dad, stop it or I’m gonna come up there-
Fucks sake, anyway. She’s Camille Walker. She suits it. She was so happy when she started saying her new name, testing it out for fun, the Walker rolling off her tongue. 
You’d love her, dad. She’s got this throaty laugh and she’s just so kind and caring. She likes football, though she’s a Giants fan, and she has even gone camping with me and enjoyed it. 
I’m feeling good, like everything is falling into place.
Hey dad. Hope you’re good up there. So, I’m raising my glass to you right now to congratulate you on becoming a grandfather. Well done, you. 
Lily was born yesterday morning at 5am. Camille’s exhausted but she was such a trooper. Seriously dad, I’m not gonna complain about being kicked in the balls again. 
I have a daughter! She’s the miniature of Camille, she’s gorgeous. Downy dark hair, big brown eyes with the gold flecks. 
She’s got my smirk though. Sorry, our smirk. 
I’m happy but terrified. Actually terrified. What if I break her? What if she doesn’t sleep enough? Seriously, I sat up for three hours while she slept, just watching over her. I’m never gonna breathe easy again. 
I hope to be a dad like you were. You were caring, you were fun and you were brave. You showed us how to appreciate the simple things like campfires, smores, sunsets, all of the stuff that most people don’t bother with. I’m so glad you instilled that in me. I hope to pass it onto Lily. She’s half Walker- she needs to learn this stuff!
So yeah, just thought I’d check in and give you the good news. We’re home now and Lily’s sleeping, hopefully sleeping nice dreams and she’s all cosy and warm. 
I did it. I’ve found my place. It’s with my wife and daughter. Thank God, right? 
Hey, look at that. I didn’t swear. 
Check in with you soon, dad. Love you.
Drake whipped around to find Camille standing on at the door, watching him out on the balcony. She looked confused. ‘Were you talking to yourself?’
Drake chuckled, embarrassed. ‘Um.. talking out loud?’
Camille stepped forward and wrapped her arms around his neck. ‘Trying to make sense of the world now you’re a daddy?’
‘Actually.. I was talking to my dad.’
He held his breath. He had never told anyone that sometimes, he liked to sit outside and talk openly up into the sky, pretending he was talking to his dad and that Jackson Walker himself was listening. 
Drake bit his lip. ‘It’s just something I do when I want to.. sort things out in my head. It helps. I know its stupid, I’ll stop-’
Camille placed her index finger on his lips. ‘Shut up, Drake,’ she said quietly. Her eyes glimmered with tears. ‘Don’t you dare stop talking to your father. He’ll be listening, trust me.’
‘Nah, he won’t. It’s just something I started doing after he died-’
‘Please, Drake,’ she whispered. ‘I love that you talk to your dad. Don’t stop doing it. He’s still part of you, okay? He lives on in your memories and when you talk to him, so don’t stop now because you feel embarrassed. Got it?’
Drake nodded mutely. Camille gave him a smile and kissed him softly. ‘Coming in to watch a film?’
Drake squeezed her hand. ‘Sure thing.’ 
Camille then threw her head back and hollered, ‘Hi Jackson!’ 
Drake let out a surprised laugh and shook his head when she looked at him, her eyes now dancing. ‘Come on, let’s snuggle up on the sofa,’ she said. ‘Lily’s asleep but she’ll be wanting my boobs in an hour, I bet. Still feels so weird!’
She took his hand and dragged him back into the manor. Drake cast one last look at the night sky and the stars twinkled above. 
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tlatollotl · 5 years
In February, the popular podcast The Joe Rogan Experience referred to an idea made famous by some books and TV shows: that an image of the Mayan King K’inich Janaab’ Pakal, carved onto the lid of his sarcophagus when he died in 683 C.E., shows him taking off in a spaceship. Host Rogan was skeptical of the notion, which has been used to argue that extraterrestrial visitors seeded sophisticated ancient societies like the Maya. He asked what mainstream archaeologists made of it.
For David Anderson, that request was a call to action. Anderson, an archaeologist at Radford University in Virginia, jumped on Twitter: “Dear @joerogan, speaking as a ‘mainstream’ archaeologist … it depicts [Pakal] falling into the underworld at the moment of his death.” The rocket-propelling “fire” below Pakal is a personification of the underworld, and the “spaceship” is a world tree, a common feature in Mayan art. Rogan retweeted Anderson’s thread, bringing him more than 1000 likes and many grateful comments—plus some angry ones.
Pakal’s supposed seat in a spaceship is just one example of what Anderson and others call “pseudoarchaeology,” which ignores the cultural context of ancient artifacts and uses them to support predetermined ideas, rather than test hypotheses, about the past. Common beliefs include that aliens helped build the Egyptian and Mayan pyramids, that refugees escaping Atlantis brought technology to cultures around the world, and that European immigrants were the original inhabitants of North America.
These outlandish beliefs have been circulating for decades, but archaeologists like Anderson are now mobilizing to counter them. They are taking to Twitter, blogs, podcasts, YouTube, and newspapers to debunk false claims and explain real archaeological methods, and they plan to compare notes this week during a symposium at the Society for American Archaeology (SAA) meeting here. “My profession … needs to do a better job of speaking out,” Anderson says.
He and others are alarmed by the rising popularity of pseudoarchaeological ideas. According to the annual Survey of American Fears by Chapman University in Orange, California, which catalogs paranormal beliefs, in 2018, 41% of Americans believed that aliens visited Earth in the ancient past, and 57% believed that Atlantis or other advanced ancient civilizations existed. Those numbers are up from 2016, when the survey found that 27% of Americans believed in ancient aliens and 40% believed in Atlantis.
“I look at these numbers and say … something has gone massively wrong,” Anderson says. He can’t say exactly what is driving the rise in such ideas, but cable TV shows like Ancient Aliens (which has run for 13 seasons) propagate them, as does the internet.
These beliefs may seem harmless or even amusing, says Jason Colavito, an author in Albany who covers pseudoarchaeology in books and on his blog. But they have “a dark side,” he says. Almost all such claims assume that ancient non-European societies weren’t capable of inventing sophisticated architecture, calendars, math, and sciences like astronomy on their own. “It’s racist at its core,” says Kenneth Feder, an archaeologist at Central Connecticut State University in New Britain, who is slated to present at the SAA session and began to write about the dangers of these ideas long before most other scholars paid attention to them.
Adding to archaeologists’ sense of responsibility is that “many of these ideas started within mainstream archaeology,” says Jeb Card, an archaeologist at Miami University in Oxford, Ohio. “We have to own these stories.”
For example, white settlers and early archaeologists in 19th century North America excavated elaborate pre-Columbian burial mounds—but ascribed them to a lost “moundbuilder race” that was killed by the ancestors of Native Americans. Former President Andrew Jackson used those ideas to justify displacing Native Americans from their lands.
Today, white nationalists make similar claims. To argue for Europeans’ deep roots in the Americas, they have latched onto Vinland, a short-lived medieval Viking settlement in eastern Canada, and the “Solutrean hypothesis,” which argues that the Americas were first peopled by arrivals from Western Europe. Neither claim started as pseudoarchaeology—Vinland was real, and the Solutrean hypothesis was proposed by mainstream archaeologists, then tested and ruled out—but they have been twisted for ideological ends. A white supremacist accused of murdering two people on a train in Portland, Oregon, in 2017 included the words “Hail Vinland!!!” in a Facebook post less than a month before the attack.
“It’s really a life-or-death issue,” says Stephennie Mulder, an archaeologist and art historian at the University of Texas in Austin, who organized a 30 March symposium there called “Aliens, Atlantis, and Aryanism: ‘Fake News’ in Archaeology and Heritage,” at which Anderson was the keynote speaker.
Yet archaeologists have historically been hesitant to tackle pseudoarchaeology. As the field matured in the 20th century, archaeologists moved into the academy and abdicated the public sphere, says Sara Head, an independent cultural resources archaeologist in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and the author of the Archaeological Fantasies blog, who is co-organizing the SAA session. “We’ve created a vacuum” that pseudoarchaeology has filled.
Today, “Most archaeological research is unavailable to the public,” she says, obscured by jargon and locked behind paywalls. “But you want something from pseudoarchaeology? I can find you 15 references,” all easily accessible online and on TV.
Re-engaging with the public is an uphill battle, Head says. Debunking specific claims, as Anderson did with Pakal’s “spaceship,” is merely a first step. To make a lasting impact, she and others say, archaeologists must proactively share their work and, in particular, explain their methods step by step. That’s important to counter the common pseudoarchaeological claim that researchers are hiding evidence for aliens or Atlantis.
This isn’t easy work, especially online. All the women interviewed for this article have been harassed online after tackling pseudoarchaeological interpretations. Mulder recently fielded replies that included a knife emoji after she tweeted about research showing that people of diverse ancestries, rather than only Western Europeans, lived in Roman Britain. Colavito reports receiving death threats after a host of Ancient Aliens urged his fans to send Colavito hate mail.
Ironically, the popularity of pseudoarchaeology also reveals intense public interest in the past. Anderson understands: His own interest in archaeology was spurred at age 18 when he read a book about a now-vanished advanced civilization that supposedly helped develop the cultures of ancient Egypt and the Maya. He was inspired to take archaeology courses in college—and found that the reality was even more exciting than the myths. “Archaeology was even better than [the book] had presented it.”
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the-irish-mayhem · 5 years
Happy Fosterson Week Day 2: Outside POV! This fic stemmed from my love of fake academia, but also my absolute desire to never write an academic paper ever again. So I found a bit of a middle ground. Fair warning: Both Jane and Thor have passed away in this. But never fear, their life together was long and happy.
A generation later, a budding social scientist tries to figure out Jane and Thor.
Read on AO3.
Post Thread Created: 1/23/01 Originally Posted: 1/23/01 Post Edited: 10/30/04
Edit 10/30/04: WOW, I did not anticipate that this post series would blow up the way it did! Thank you to all who shared this and supported me in this journey, and if you’re wondering, yes, my book is now out! You can get your copy of The Dynasty That Never Was: A Biography at your local retailer, the Bionic Press cloudstore, or at your local library.
Just a little bit of context: this was very early in my thesis writing process, back when Jane and Thor were only planned to encompass a single chapter of my book (ha!) and I was planning on writing a straight cultural analysis rather than the cultural analysis-slash-biography it became.
Okay, now on with the original post!
Good morning, fellow New Asgard Anthropologists. For any newcomers, my name is (future Dr.) Melanie LaComb, and the purpose of this blog has been to share my research on a little more of a ground level, record my process of writing my thesis, and talk/write through some problems and put them up for community collaboration. It’s also nice to be able to shed the academic discourse for just a few minutes and write informally. So much freedom! So many exclamations and I statements! Anyway, I’m writing this new post to talk my way through a bit of a new thorn in my research. The late Thor Odinson and Jane Foster.
A lot of academics have kind of scoffed at this problem of mine—they were two extremely famous individuals! Integral to so many galactically significant events! Of course there is absolute mega loads of information on them! There must be dozens of biographies and at least two definitive autobiographies for beings of such impressive historical stature!
This may shock you, but NO there actually isn’t. Or, I suppose in some ways there is but not in the ways that would be most useful for me. For Odinson, who grew up on Old Asgard, the destruction of the planet meant the destruction of many records kept from his years before the Greatest War Against Thanos. His years afterwards are better trackable, but hardly centralized and hardly the more personalized records I am (now trying to get at. Foster, known on Midgard as Dr. Jane Foster and colloquially throughout the galaxy as “Jane the Thinker” or “Jane the Brilliant,” is surprisingly easier to get a handle on. Her fame wasn’t contingent upon her marital status, and she was well-known in scientific circles even before the first battle of the War in the year 2012.
So the root of my problem is this: fitting this pair into my New Asgard diaspora research. Because they are….. how do I say this…. not fitting? With my methodology? (I went to the school of redundancy school, but F*ck I’ve been writing and writing and writing for like 8 hours today already and I’m not changing it so THERE.)
So most of my research deals with the formation of a New Asgardian identity, and it relies heavily upon the shared cultural experiences of the Dark Elf Invasion of Old Asgard and the death of Queen Frigga (an aside, but one of my classmates, Korla Majer, wrote a really stellar article on why the Dark Elf invasion should be included as one of the major battles of the Greatest War, and how the dismissal of the event by most historians actively hurts our understanding of galactic politics at the time and I absolutely 10/10 would recommend you go read it after you finish this blog post) as well as the battle for and destruction of New Asgard. For beings so long lived as us, Asgardians have proven that we can make our memories as short as we need to, and those two events seemed to create the largest basis for the new cultural identity forged on Earth. (For some obvious reasons, namely being the events that led to the planet being destroyed and necessitating the move to Midgard, but ANYWAY.)
But I can’t really deny Jane and Thor’s place in the New Asgardian identity because their effect on the masses is well-documented. There are libraries full of memes, old paper magazines with paparazzi photos paired with barely-real stories that say a lot more about the readership than they do the subjects, even some old FanFiction that I was able to dig up that is in some ways more helpful than all the academia from that time period combined XD
In my roundabout way, the problem I’m trying to sort through is this: HOW do I tackle the Jane/Thor chapter?
Because in my original outlining of my thesis, I had planned on their chapter being a quick summation of how they met just before the Greatest War’s beginning, courted through the course of it, and married at its conclusion. Then, I’d give some context on their influence on galactic politics (because despite what some people erroneously think, they actually were not the monarchs of New Asgard. They remained advisors only after Thor abdicated the throne and named Brunnhilde [of house Dragonfang, an extremely old and well-respected Old Asgardian family] his successor. There was the five year gap of the Blip where Thor was officially King, but it was hardly a politically significant time as for much of this period Thor was gone from New Asgard), how some political maneuvers affected the general New Asgardian populace, and then move back to the cultural study portion of things. But the more sources I gather about them, the more I think this chapter might need to be extended, or made into some… sub point of my main thesis.
Because while I said earlier that information on them is hard to find (because it is!!! You try making document requests to 17 different universities on 15 different planets!!!! Alfheim literally delivered what I asked for in a light spectrum file format!!!!!!!! Like WHAT!!!!!! AM I SUPPOSED TO DO WITH THIS????? HOW DO I CONVERT THIS INTO A PDF OR EVEN JUST MAKE IT COMPATIBLE WITH HOLOREADERS) it’s not always the quantity that’s the issue, it’s the content. I found myself longing to know more about who these people were and why they did the things they did. I’ve always found that I've done my best research when I follow my gut feelings, and research things that I’m passionate about. New Asgardian diaspora culture? I’m living it, baby! I’m very interested because my generation is the first generation to have never set foot on Asgard, and that’s something worth exploring!
And now here I am weirdly fascinated by an almost-king whose magical powers are pretty legendary who was banished and fell in love with a woman (who was 100% human at the time, by the way) whose scientific theories were so advanced that her own people thought she was a bit of a kook until all of her theories started getting proven right. From a non-academic perspective, that sounds like a freaking romance novel or epic movie or something. (Which, by the way, it was! There were at least 6 separate pieces of media [film, novel, television show] that were based on their story that I can find on record.) So on a personal level, here I am wondering why two people in the past got married in spite of wildly different life circumstances/why one of them abdicated a throne that was his birthright, and on an academic level A) trying to figure out how to fit this weird fascination into my thesis B) how did these two political and cultural figures shape the cultural landscape C) was their effect on the cultural landscape more or less significant than the two events which have been taking the most of my focus for the last year? D) how productive is it to even ask the question of more or less significance?
A few people have asked me if I should just switch my track to talk about how they affected Brunnhilde’s rule over New Asgard (which, in case you missed previous posts, Brunnhilde is a huge part of my current thesis as she essentially presided over what I’m terming “The New Asgardian Cultural Renaissance” and was absolutely critical to how things were shaped.) I’m hesitant to do this because this has actually already been done. I’ll stick JSTOR links in the endnotes, but Dr. Hamel Radley literally wrote this. “A King For the Ages: Brunnhilde’s First Three Decades.” Also, Dr. Leslie Storn’s “A King’s Court: Brunnhilde’s Advisory Council.” AND Dr. Jorseph Naulty’s “King Brunnhilde’s Surprising Advisory Council: Steady Hands, Scientists, Military Minds, and Galactic Politicking.” Look, there’s a LOT on Brunnhilde’s rule, and a LOT written on her advisory council. She was the ruling monarch, so it’s pretty par for the course.
But for how politically and culturally significant they seemed to be, there’s not really much specifically on Jane and Thor. Their cultural influences are given lip-service, and that’s it. (Again, Jane has been scientifically significant in a way no one has achieved since Albert Einstein, so in that way she’s more famous than her husband, but scientific notoriety isn’t the same as recognizing the fullness of her cultural contributions.)
I brought this stuff up to my advisor, and she said to keep pulling this thread because I’m on to something here, I just need to figure out what.
So my next research goal is to reach out to their descendents. They have a few children and grandchildren living, and hopefully at least one of them is willing to speak to me about them as people so I can get that portion of things nailed down before I go insane.
My almost-insanity probably bled into this post a little bit because it’s redundant as heck and you can bet your bum I am not spell-checking or proofreading. I need a break from that garbage. The life of a doctoral student continues.
Here’s to pulling the thread. Hopefully something useful unravels.
-(Future Dr.) Melanie LaComb
Reply posted by: Winsome34, 1/23/01 08:23
Melanie--this is a super interesting track, and your advisor was absolutely right when they said to follow it. I think it would be really interesting to read a sort of half-biography, half-cultural analysis piece. Would be really unique, and I’m sure any doctoral committee would find it an engaging topic.
Not sure if you’ve tried the Avengers Museum and Historical Library yet, but that might be a good place to go for some more primary sources, since Thor was a founding member and Jane was closely tied to them throughout their life. They have a really solid amazing librarians there who know the stacks backwards and forwards. I relied heavily on them when I was researching my last paper about racism against superheroes of color in the early 21st century.
Reply posted by: KorlaMajer, 1/23/01 10:22
Thanks for the shoutout boo ;) Your thesis is gonna be amazing!
ALSO: I have a light spectrum file converter from my dad. He does a ton of business with Alfheim and they are NOTORIOUS for sending incompatible LSFs.
Reply posted by: Chloe Durbin, 2/2/01 20:40
Hey! My mom is actually really tight with Thor and Jane’s oldest daughter Valkyrie. I think they knew each other from school or something back in the day, but she’s really awesome and basically my aunt, so if you need an intro or a number to call, I’ve got you! Just shoot me an email [email protected]. She’s really approachable if you don’t mind walking up to a lady who is literally 6’8” and looks like she literally HAS killed a man with her bare hands. But super nice though!
Universal Reply posted by: Blogmaster, 5/3/01 06:27
Thank you everyone for the tips! It’s going to help so much! The Avengers Library has actually been majorly helpful (I never even thought to look there, honestly!) and Valkyrie has agreed to sit down to an interview (of sorts) so everything is seriously looking up. And THE LSF CONVERTER WORKED LIKE A CHARM.
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lizzybeth1986 · 6 years
Quick Thoughts on TRR Book 3 Chapter 20
• Note: Screenshots for Hana are from @kennaxval , HIMEME YouTube Channel for Drake and Vika Avey YouTube Channel for Maxwell. Alright. Looks like this book will take another two chapters, fam!
• I feel like one will be for the final showdown between Liam and Anton, and the eventual aftermath, and the last one will be an epilogue of sorts, where the MC either has her coronation or is honoured in a special ceremony for her bravery. But I could be wrong, so don't take me altogether on my word.
• Wanna know how to be friendzoned by your spouse at your own wedding reception? Be Hana.
• I'm serious. Even if she's fucking married to you she's still expected to play the part of Professional Best Friend™. She acts more the bridesmaid than the actual bride.
• Title: A Warm Reception. Well that reception is about to get scalding hot by the end of this chapter!
• The chapter begins with a lovely sweet scene with your husband/wife (it's so nice to finally say it!!) and what they're looking forward to at the reception. In the options you get to hint at the main course you picked (if you paid the diamonds) or the cake (if you paid the diamonds) + the toast (for which you will now pay diamonds).
• We meet Ana de Luca at the boutique and she shows us a dress that...still looks like it would be more suitable for a wedding instead.
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Okay maybe a little risque for a wedding...but still. I guess I'm more used to the bride changing into a different colour for the reception (for us Malayali Christians, we usually change into saris of whatever colour - but mostly red - after the wedding and the mass is over).
Well of course I'm choosing this. The other option is the dreaded LBD (alright not that dreaded. It's a lot better than Bluebelle, after all).
• Madeleine is extra snippy and snarky compared to her usual, and is determined to change her job description from Press Sec to Professional ClamJammer/Cockblocker™.
• Look, you lucky sods who did the fling option. My MC has had no sex since Valtoria and SHE. IS. THIRSTY.
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• So we enter the hall, congratulated and complimented like any regular wedded couple, our friends surrounding us with joy and promises of a good time. Court members like Kiara and Penelope confess to crying over your vows (I'm guessing this crops up only if you chose the vow diamond option in Chapter 18).
• Boy they really are laying it in thick with Liam's heartbreak if he's not marrying you aren't they. Like they HAVE to drill it in you that THIS MAN STILL LOVES YOU AND IS IN PAIIIIIN before this entire betrayal fiasco occurs. They're like a few lines short of literally writing it on the poor man's forehead.
• In each playthrough, once you're done getting felicitations from everyone, you then get to meet the rest of the groom/bride's families.
In Liam's playthrough Regina and Leo tell Liam how proud they are of him, and Leo is impressed at his wedding taking place in Bossina Cathedral (hinting at the fact that if you married him in RoE, he was one of the few royals who did not get married there). In Drake's playthrough, the MC meets Bianca, and we find out more about both her and Jackson (Jackson wasn't a big fan of big events with lots of people, and Bianca can't wrap her head around the gazillion spoons and their purpose on the dinner table. Don't let your future son-in-law Bertrand catch you saying that, Bianca!). In Hana's playthrough, Xinghai and Lorelai sound nostalgic, and Lorelai tells Hana that she wishes Hana had let her braid her hair. Hana tenses up at the comment, but given the speech Lorelai gives later on, it seems more like a sentimental moment she wanted to share with Hana before the wedding. In Maxwell's playthrough, the family members are Bertrand, Savannah and Bartie, and Savannah uses her time with the newlyweds to...make pointed remarks about "how hard it is to take the leap" and give Bertrand shade for taking their relationship further yet. Um. Okay Savannah.
• We then move on to the main course. Now if you didn't buy the group scene at the festival in Castelserraillian, you do have a main course - they just don't specify what it is. If you do, however, the main course you chose will unlock a scene with the LI that recommended it. The chicken tagine unlocks some playful dialogue between Liam and Leo about how much Liam disliked this dish and how much his tastes have changed since then. The ash-e reshteh unlocks a cute scene between Hana and her parents about their experience in Iran during the Persian New Year, including a sweet story about how Lorelei had lost her bag and ended up walking around in a t-shirt instead. The feijoada stew doesn't give us any extra stories, but it does unlock a funny scene where Bertrand looks suspiciously at the stew ("It smells like...Drake". Bertrand Bertrand Bertrand. If only you knew how much grovelling you'd have to do in front of Drake later), Drake encourages him to try it, and Bertrand is bowled over by the taste. I guess that's to be expected, considering Drake only specified that he liked the taste of the stew rather than assign any personal connection to it. Overall...nice touch having the food item connected to the LI that suggested it to you, and it makes me a little sadder about the fact that they didn't assign one to Maxwell at all.
• The LI you married gives their speech for free, each in their own unique style, each giving us an insight into their individual stories:
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In their individual ways, each LI stresses on how their love story wasn't expected to work out, but did despite all the odds. Both Maxwell and Drake are self-deprecating: one speaks of how he - even now - cannot imagine that this beautiful feisty woman would choose a 'cynical bastard' like him, while the other highlights how fairytale-like her journey was expected to be and how he was the court jester who shouldn't have been getting the girl, but did. (Lol I also noticed that the married Drake now calls his spouse "Walker" 😄 Edit: Looks like this is by option. @i-dream-so-i-write tells me that in the carriage scene post the wedding, you get to choose what he should call you, which I missed. Nice touch!). Hana speaks of how her feelings towards the MC gradually developed over time, becoming stronger and more difficult to ignore even though she knew they were both supposed to be here on the same purpose (ie. vying for Liam's hand). Liam's highlights his constant fears that their relationship would be brought to an abrupt end several times, but above all, he speaks of her as Cordonia's Queen, reminds his subjects that she has proved her worth as a leader time and again. This is important, because it's a reminder that Liam will always belong to two: to his country, and to the woman who marries him.
• You then get a diamond option to hear the toasts of all your friends (the remaining LIs + Olivia) + a family member of that particular LI. In each playthrough, there are discrepancies: ones that seemed odd and confusing to me at first but that clearly show a pattern. Each LI will have just one fellow LI who will speak about them as well, rather than just the MC, and a family member who will reflect on that person's growth. Out of all of them, Olivia addresses only one directly with substantial attention to the LI: and that is Liam (she has a line directed to Drake that is doubtless funny but actually doesn't add anything and could have been done without really). Each one ends with a final toast from Bertrand. So here's what the breakdown of the toasts in each playthrough:
Liam: Toasts given by Drake, Olivia, Maxwell, Hana and Bertrand. Family member: Leo.
Leo's speech is primarily about bringing us back to the roots of the TRR story (his abdication and the aftermath of it all is how this story begins, after all), and reminding us of how it all began. He acknowledges the toll his decision must have taken on Liam, but also makes it clear that the MC has helped Liam find the balance between his duties and his needs that he so clearly needed.
The LI who focuses on Liam is Drake. This is but natural, given their deep bond and personal history. He speaks of Liam's "heart of gold" that matches the literal gold he's got around, and considers him his brother.
Maxwell and Hana focus on the MC, and only cursorily mention Liam (Maxwell does cute finger guns though lol).
Olivia's toast is special to the MC because it's where she makes clear her respect for her, and confesses that though she hated her in the beginning it turned into respect. Liam is perhaps the only LI Olivia properly acknowledges:
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In the rest of the playthroughs, Olivia may end up being Liam's eventual Queen, but in this one - she is affirming that whether he belongs to her or not, he remains her inspiration and she will always care for him. Kinda like a fitting goodbye to that dream I guess? Comparatively, she ignores the other LIs, except for Drake whom she baits and then declines to make a toast for.
Bertrand speaks of his personal journey with the MC, but does not make more than a cursory mention of Liam and the fact that the MC is now Queen.
Drake: Toasts given by Liam, Hana, Maxwell, Olivia and Bertrand. Family member: Savannah.
Savannah's toast is more centered around the MC than it is Drake, and possibly gives the MC more credit than is wise. Like yes, if the MC chooses she can convince Drake to actually reach out and talk to his sister, but she wasn't the one who - in Savannah's words - "found" Savannah. That was all on Drake. Drake was the one who found the address. He was the one who took initiative to check it out and see who stayed there. All the MC does is maybe give him the required push to stay, and even that is optional. In any case...when Savannah does talk about Drake it is to reaffirm his deep denial that there was anything between them up until he was able to get engaged to the MC.
The LI who focuses on Drake is Liam. He speaks of their long-standing friendship, how Drake deserves happiness, and hints at how much he has sacrificed for Cordonia without taking anything in return.
Again, Maxwell and Hana do not mention Drake except in passing, and their toasts are mostly dedicated to their friendship with the MC.
Olivia's toast is basically added here just because Olivia-roasting-Drake is popular, and I think it falls a little flat really.
Bertrand, being Drake's future brother-in-law, speaks briefly of his affection for the Walker family and therefore affirms his respect for Drake based on what he has heard of him from Savannah.
Hana: Toasts by Maxwell, Liam, Drake, Olivia and Bertrand. Family member: Lorelai.
Lorelai's toast ties in with what she tells Hana at the beginning of the reception. She brings up the way she used to braid Hana's hair as a reference point to her childhood, speaking at length of how close they were even if the relationship was a strained one. She speaks of how afraid she was of losing Hana, and how she is now coming to terms with the fact that by setting her free she is actually becoming closer to Hana than she ever imagined. Which is nice...but as with most things Hana related...it's a whitewashed pretty picture that really doesn't delve properly into this relationship as it has been depicted before.
The LI that focuses on Hana is Maxwell. It's clear that there is a tiny element of hero-worship there ("when I grow up I want to be like Hana Lee"). He acknowledges her particular manner of caring for people, her amazing dance skills and her kindness. It's quite sweet, even though frustrating because I've seen more of the LIs laud Hana's perfections in lieu of proper characterization. But that aside. It's sweet.
In this case, it is Liam and Drake who do not focus on Hana, instead stopping at their toast to the MC. Olivia does not directly address Hana either.
Bertrand, as with Liam's playthrough, doesn't have much to say about Hana the way he does about Drake and (understandably) Maxwell.
Maxwell: Maxwell's has only four options - the remaining LIs and Olivia. This is because Bertrand, Maxwell's brother and only surviving family, is also the MC's sponsor and speaks in that capacity as well. In the case of Maxwell's playthrough, he represents both the bride and the groom.
Bertrand's toast here is pretty much an extension of his toast in the other playthroughs, with him exploring his history with his brother. He recognizes Maxwell's gifts, acknowledges the childlike quality that is a part of him, confesses there is so much about Maxwell that he doesn't and may never really understand, and apologizes for making him feel like he deserves less than to know his brother is proud of him. It reflects on the journey the Beaumont brothers have taken, and how he finally realizes Maxwell's worth.
The LI that focuses on Maxwell is Hana. Like Maxwell she speaks of his excellent dancing skills, but then again she also speaks of his zest for life, his sense of humour, his playful spirit.
Liam and Drake focus on the MC instead of Maxwell, which feels a bit odd since they've known him for long enough as well, but I can appreciate that Liam and Drake are closer to each other than to anyone else in the group, and so are Hana and Maxwell.
Again, Olivia does not say anything about Maxwell either.
It looks like they decided to center the toasts around the MC for the most part, with a few insights on the LI from those closest to them. They spread that out by including a family member and an LI close to to them, and additionally in Liam's case, Olivia.
• Seeing Hakim try to say "WOO" and then ask if he's doing it right if you ask everyone to say make some noise, has to be the cutest thing about this chapter xD
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Yes Esther. He picked the song. From the HSS soundtrack.
• Each LI then speaks about/alludes to their previous dances with you. Liam recalls the first dance at the Masquerade, Hana alludes to the many dances they have done over the course of the story (mostly because dancing with her is optional), Drake speaks about wanting to get things right especially on their special day and Maxwell speaks about having the right mood and music depending on the situation. Quite sweet.
• Once the wedding dance is done, the LIs dance in a group together. Liam twirls Hana, Hana performs ballet, Maxwell challenges Drake to do spin kicks, Drake does some killer spin kicks, crediting self-defense with teaching him those moves. Penelope (and Kiara, very cautiously once she realizes Maxwell is volunteering to coach because she clearly wants all her bones intact by the end of the night) is so impressed she asks to be coached. Maxwell does the coaching.
• Olivia is not here, and Maxwell assumes she's gone to check out the hors d'ouvres. Hmm. Hmm.
• Cake cutting time! Now technically, if you didn't buy this option, it still happens - you just don't get to see what they're cutting. Choosing your cake allows you to see it and (more importantly in my opinion) gives you some lovely food descriptions. You also get gag options for cake cutting and for either feeding the cake to your spouse or smearing it all over their faces.
• If you're getting married to Liam and bought the gastrodiplomacy scene in Castelserraillian, you get an extra chocolate souffle. I wasn't sure they would remember this one post hiatus, but looks like they did. Now if only they'd remember Hana was an actual character deserving of a good arc with that much accuracy...
• If you bought the cake scene, you also get to surprise your spouse with an extra dessert. Liam is willing to share his baklava with you after being outed by his brother as being a Joey (I DON'T SHARE FOOD), Hana loves the hot chocolate and wants to refine her recipe based on it, Maxwell calls it the "second best cake" he's had (the first being their wedding cake). Drake's is the s'mores, but the playthrough I saw shows him enjoying the Cordonian Ruby pie (which honestly looks more like its been filled with berries than apples) and speaking of how nice it is to have one down-to-earth dessert. I'm guessing he must have either a similar reaction to the s'mores, or there's some reminiscing of the time he prepared it for her back in Book 2.
• The scene now shifts to BertVannah, who are having an argument. Savannah looks pissed off about Bertrand not calling and informing her about the attack in the boutique (gee, I wonder how that conversation would've gone. "Hey honey. At the brink of death here. Toodles!"). But her real ire is because she wants to take things to the next level but is getting mixed signals from Bertrand. She tells him she will probably be joining her mother in Texas instead. The timing of all this is supposed to be terrible, because Bertrand was planning to propose. With that ruby ring from LoveHacks.
• What ensues is a diamond scene to help Bertrand give Savannah her fairytale proposal, one last exercise in teaching Bertrand words and this couple to hold hands. Whether you choose it or not, Bertrand proposes, Savannah says yes and we find out her middle name is Jane.
• The diamond scene itself is quite sweet. It begins with Bertrand buttering up to Drake to get his approval, the highlight of which is him imitating a chicken to prove to Drake that he would do anything for Savannah. It then moves ahead to the Cordonian barbershop quartet (Liam, Drake, Maxwell, Bertrand) agreeing to get together after their last appearance in Book 2 to help him with the proposal, which will be sung to Savannah during the bridal bouquet toss.
• Somehow, no matter what, the TRR writing team have to remind us that they don't consider Hana a bride at her own wedding:
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They somehow forget that Hana is a bride in this part of the Hana playthrough, have her round up the bridesmaids when that should be done by someone else (Madeleine or Kiara or literally any other woman), and make her stand in her fucking wedding gown in the line with the other bridesmaids. It's bad enough that she remains the "professional best friend" even after you're engaged, has to wear black at her own bachelorette and a glitch in the game during the ceremony directly affects her fans more than anyone else. Like if I were Hana I would circle the photo album of this day and mark it WORST WEDDING EVER. Yes. In red 😠
The MC is really out there treating her bride like a wedding planner on their wedding day. So much for making this wedding Hana's dream wedding, MC. Such love much wow.
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• Proposal done, it's now time to give the LIs their gifts. Very nice, very emotional, they all love what you got them and they're all adorable.
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You get the usual with the remaining LIs, and some extra kissing with your spouses. Overall, quite nice.
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That's a lie Hana and you know it.
• So Olivia is completely MIA post the toast, Gladys is walking around looking poker faced, Bastien is taking Mara's place while (I'm guessing) she recovers...and Madeleine is still being a colossal cockblocker/clam jam.
• You get a few last minute conversations with Kiara and Penelope, including a default acknowledgement of how much Kiara sacrificed to be here and how tough it was for her (nice try, PB, but I'm not forgiving you for Lythikos).
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We get a lovely call-back to the first chapter of Book 1, by having Not Henney be part of our wedding.
• Regina then comes up to talk to you, admitting that she was wrong in thinking that the MC would be "dangerous for Cordonia", and is now happy you're here.
• Gladys then comes and asks us to accompany her because someone is "impatient" to be with us.
• Uh huh, uh huh, I thought. Time for a diamond sex scene?
• But nope. It's free. (Waiiiiitaminute. Something is not quite right about this. We can't be boinking with our fiancé/es for free. What's going on!)
• ...oh. OH.
• Shame on you Gladys!
• When I asked you to call me Lamb Shawarma I didn't mean for you to turn me into one!
General Thoughts:
• If you're marrying Hana, Drake or Maxwell, they are lured into the maze first, and used as bait to catch hold of the MC. If you're marrying Liam, however, you're the bait.
• Prior to this, Olivia is missing as well, possibly for Anton to establish his "rightful" claim over his wife (good luck with that, buddy. I'd love for this to end with one of her knives on your throat) in the next chapter.
• Which is probably why Liam having feelings for the MC keeps coming up so much in the final few chapters. It propells him into anger either way, and seeing Olivia in a danger as well allows Liam to finally wake up to his possible feelings for her in the other playthroughs (I hope?)
• I think there will be a duel. I think it will be a parallel to the Costume Gala duel between Drake and Neville, except here the stakes are much much higher. Which is why Neville is shown in the chapter, after a long time of not being shown at all even though it's clear he's still part of the tour. He's probably there as a way to foreshadow what is to come. Also, it works as a bit of an inverse.
In the Costume Gala duel, Drake was clearly the underdog, and Neville clearly the noble who needed to be taught a lesson. Drake has spoken about agreeing to the duel to prove that as a commoner he has his worth and dignity, and it doesn't need to be trampled on.
In this duel, Anton appears to be the underdog fighting valiantly against the king of a "tyrannical" dynasty, and this is a rhetoric that at least some people take seriously, as we saw in the riot in Chapter 17, and in a little of what Gladys says before the betrayal.
But here...the tables are turned. Anton is the power-hungry candidate for the throne who is willing to destroy the livelihood of Cordonia's farmers and throw the economy of the country into shambles (ironically, since his father was part of the Sons of Earth), to get access to the throne. Liam has been established over and over as someone who genuinely cares for his people and wants them to prosper with him, not have himself prosper at their expense. So in this case, the non-noble here is established as the one who would be absolutely wrong for the country, and Liam as the monarch Cordonia needs and deserves.
• I wonder how much of this chapter will the actual duel take. I'm guessing half of it, with the LI, Liam, Olivia and the MC then going through the aftermath, and then eventually moving into the Coronation/honouring ceremony of the finale in another chapter.
• There will (hopefully) be some focus on Liam's emotional state? That man has been through way too much shit minus any space to actually talk about what he's been through. It's high time he gets his space to really open up about his trauma and actually get to heal, because this book has been keeping his state of mind in limbo for way longer than it should. It's been poorly worked on and poorly built, his overall crisis arc, but I'm hoping this coming chapter will make up for that.
• I deserve TWO sex scenes for the kind of crap I have to put up with at my own fucking wedding. An attack the day before! An attack before I dress! An attack at my reception! What BRIDE goes through this shit!
I'd better get great lingerie and explosive sex for the kind of stress getting married in Cordonia takes out of me.
• So technically Gladys is supposed to be our surprise element this chapter, and I guess it makes sense, since she is a recently introduced character and you can push her forward as shady without making it very obvious because she only enters the story when the book is close to being done.
• One thing I did find interesting is that if you choose to thank her while she leads you to the hedge maze, she looks sad and speaks of how "the nobles are usually too busy thinking of themselves on a night like tonight", leading the MC to feel sorry she's had such a bad experience. Which kinda gives us a hint why she might be in cahoots with Anton in the first place. Anton is not a nobleman (though he is married into a noble family), and seems to be preying on commoner emotions to get support for overthrowing Liam's government. I'm sorry Gladys, but I think you've been fooled.
• That's it for this chapter, guys. On to Chapter 21!
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codeprint · 5 years
@rexcrystallis​ okay this has been in my drafts for literal months apparently
i dont remember writing it but pain is inside
Prince Prompto sui Besithia Izunia should not have sat on the throne.
He was not the direct heir, people argued. That title belonged to his older brother, Loqi Tummelt - but that marriage had been annulled when it saw it’s end. The boy, his claim, all had been discarded to the winds in favor of his safety.
Prompto was a bastard. Born of a torrid affair between his noble father and a lowly scientist. Born sick, and small and neatly ignored the second Verstael deemed the boy unfit. Were it not for the Chancellor, well -- the child may well have died down there in a forgotten crib.
But when Iedolas passed he left no heirs. Verstael had abdicated his claim years ago and had no intention of reclaiming it  - he had only one son with a standing claim.
There was no civil war, though those who opposed the changes made to the Empire threatened to make one. They would get the distant relations in other countries to stake their claims, they would take the Tummelt boy and rail against his disinheritance, they would rend Niflheim in twain in order to have their way.
But then Chancellor Izunia had presented his choice for the future. A bright eyed boy of four, who clung to his pantleg and shivered in the chill of the Throne Room. The Chancellor spoke of the boy as if he were his own, introducing him with a soft smile. And the people feared him, the stories that were told behind closed doors of a man who commanded monsters, so they did not argue.
The people easily grew to love him. He was a sweet boy, a kind boy. The world needed more of those.
The warmongers grew to hate him. He was a sweet boy, a kind boy. The world had no more need of bleeding hearts.
They hated him when he was old enough to interview and be asked his opinion. They hated him when he shifted focus from warfare to welfare, focusing on the citizens the Empire had rather than the ones it did not. Prompto’s poor health meant he never enlisted in the service, as his father and uncle had before him. Instead of a sword he was given history books, science as a shield. They hated him because he was not a warrior, he was a scholar, and he ran his country with this in mind.
They loved him no better when a true peace treaty with Lucis was brokered at age sixteen. Ardyn had stepped aside and allowed his son to take the charge, for he had no love for the country and would rather see it blighted from the map. The young prince had locked eyes with the Prince of Lucis and scrapped and fought with him for a fair agreement, one that would not leave either side feeling like they’d won or lost too much. When the tabloids caught the two of them spending time outside the meetings, talking, laughing, bonding.
An attack comes a few days before he’s to leave for the first time. Prompto flattens to the ground with practiced ease, sweating bullets and shaking. Aranea’s already charging off, and he shudders.
( they miss the slow burn of a romance forming. their connection had been instantaneous and passionate, but their will to act on it had taken far longer. )
Nor when he began spending summers abroad with Lucis’ Prince. When the papers ran rumors that the young men were too close, and perhaps they should fear a wedded alliance. When Lucis’ king took a bride, they held their breaths and waited for their leader to make the mistake as being lesser. To marry him, to become subservient to the Lucians he seemed to love so well -- yet they never married.
( not in the public eye, at last. the emperor wears a ring on a chain under his clothes. a symbolic wedding, not a legally binding one. they love each other too well to allow that love to destroy all they’ve worked for )
Still, he turned down potential brides that came courting. Rumors flew that he was in love with his Shield, a woman ten years his senior and twice as unruly, but that proved a moot point when she married another, producing her heir well before his. They assumed then that perhaps this would be like it was with Iedolas, that their Emperor would take no bride and have no sons. Up until he turned up with a son he named his heir, a boy with dark blue eyes and unruly blonde hair. A boy every bit the bastard his father was.
 They tired of it. They no longer waited silently.
They sewed sedition in the minds of the weak. Spoke of greater times to the disenfranchised soldiers and the young, who knew not how bad things once were and could instead take their word that the problems with the nation were problems that their leader caused, not remnants of things he had fixed. They watched, and they waited.
And they waited.
 Ardyn died. Prompto took the title formally took the title.
The young Prince became unruly. Difficult to manage at times. The people within the palace knew it came from dealing with a father who was sick and another who lived half a world away, but the citizens only saw a sullen child acting out.
 Then the people drew comparisons between him and the children of the Lucian King, comparing his baby pictures with that of the press photos of Prince Orion and Anne Marie. They do not know the truth - that the boy is yet another product of his grandfather’s science, that he is how the Emperor cured the plague - but they know enough of it to make their decision.
Emperor Prompto sui Besithia Izunia should not have sat on the throne, and in their eyes he will die for sullying it. And Prince Aurum Liber Besithia Izunia will die before he has the chance to ruin their legacy further.
Prince Aurum returns from his school in Lucis in the summer months. Prompto laughs as his son grumbles about how he doesn’t need to go back, fourteen and thinking himself a man. That he knows enough not to go back. That he doesn’t need his father doting over him - either of them - but there’s a gentleness to him now that wasn’t there when he’d last set off. He doesn’t throw his bag into Prompto’s arms, he carries it himself. Only when he’s unpacked does he seek out his father for a hug, holding him tight. Prompto grins and ruffles his fingers through his hair, pressing a kiss to the top of his forehead. Laughing when the boy scrunches up his face and tries to pull back.
“Oh no you don’t,” he teases, locking his arms around his son with a laugh. “You owe me six months worth of hugs, buddy! And I intend to cash in!”
He tolerates it with only mild protesting.
No doubt this was a product of the latest hospitalization.
A grim realization that his father, young though he may be, was a very sick man.That he wouldn’t be around forever - and there was a very real chance that it could happen at any time. This time, he’d fallen and simply could not get back up. Aranea had found him on the floor of his study, confused and half-waking, unable to so much as lift himself onto his elbows. Noctis had abandoned whatever he was set to do to come to his side, afraid this may be the last time - but he’d pulled through, brushing it aside as though it were nothing, continuing to march stubbornly ahead.
Yet Aurum knew. His eyes are on the stylish cane that his father now carries as he pulls back, reaching out to hold his hand.
He calls Noct a few hours later. Lets him know Aurum got home safe and all is well. There’s an unspoken apology that Noctis couldn’t go with him -- an emergency had cropped up in the outskirts of Leides, something about the old mines and some old bases being filled with daemons. 
It’s no matter. They plan to reconvene later in the month. This is old hat, they’ve long since grown used to having their plans ruined by some emergency or another, such is the life of a leader. Distance no longer means anything to them, they’ve been doing this for decades now and knows that home comes before all else.
The palace is under siege when he wakes.
Some of the new housing staff has killed the more loyal retainers. Rigorous background checks cannot read the minds and hearts of those easily swayed, only see where it may happen. Aranea bursts into his room, covered in blood and burnt from getting there, and he knows from the expression on her face that this is more than a mere assassination attempt.
He yells at her for coming to him. Even if her daughter is to be his son’s shield, she should have gone to him.
He’s out of bed in seconds. Foregoes changing, instead charges through the fray to get to his son. His staff are experienced, they know what they’re doing -- but the doors to the Keep are being battered by battering rams, there is an army waiting outside their doors and his own simply won’t mobilize fast enough.
They haven’t reached the boy’s quarters yet. Aurum is wide-eyed and frightened, Arache looks no better off. Both have enjoyed a time of peace and don’t know what it means to fear war. He gathers the children into his arms briefly, tells them it will all be okay and then they’re hurrying through one of the many secret exits. 
The way is blocked. Men bigger and stronger than Prompto is, even in his prime. They laugh as they step forward, intending to shove backs to the walls and slay the whole royal family in one fell swoop.
They’d talked about this nightmare scenario, he and Aranea. On late nights when the unrest threatened to bubble over, when there seemed to be no end in sight to the protests or the vicious whispers of rumor.
They’d talked about what to do.
There’s a sound like shattering glass as he calls forth the magic of the Empire’s cracked and broken crystal. The men reel back, narrowly missing a round of fire that leaps where they stood. Prompto’s eyes glow a dull red, his breathing quickening with the strain of the magic.
She grabs the boy and her girl and leaps over their heads. In an instant a shield blocks off the path, leaving Prompto trapped on the other side with the enemy. Aurum stops short and tries to turn back, the color draining from his face.
He’s a smart boy. Smart enough to see a suicidal distraction for what it truly is.
“Aurum, go,” Prompto shouts, digging his heels into the ground.
“I said go!” He thunders, louder than he’s ever yelled at his son in his life. “I’ll be okay! Your old man has a few tricks left up his sleeves yet!”
He doesn’t need to see him to  see the disbelief in his eyes. The terrible knowing of what is to come. But Aranea hauls him forward (you’re supposed to be his shield! he shouts, desperation wining out over that carefully crafted stoicism) and he has no say. The Emperor would only slow them down -- he’s not yet an old man, but he’s a sick man. And he knows all too well the limitations of his body.
And if his life is cost of letting his son live, it’s a price gladly paid.
Come dawn, the castle has been left in ruins. 
The Emperor lays on the floor of his home, unable to lift himself up - unable to move at all. There’s a sword through his side, rubble across his chest - and he can do nothing but listen to the sound of it burn around him. 
So this is how it ends.
To his left, his phone is ringing. Frantically. Has been for nearly an hour now. The cracked phone sits just outside of his reach - he’s tried to reach for it, to answer, but he’s tired. The air is thick with smoke and he knows it doesn’t matter who comes now, it’s far too late. The magic burned him from the inside out, eating away at the unnatural parts of him and leaving the human parts too weak and broken to survive on their own.
Too late.
His eyes slowly drift shut.
They meet Noctis in Tenebrae. The king warps there through a dagger left in King Ravus’ care and his eldest son throws his arms around him, weeping into his chest.
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patriotsnet · 3 years
Why Are Republicans Scared Of Trump
New Post has been published on https://www.patriotsnet.com/why-are-republicans-scared-of-trump/
Why Are Republicans Scared Of Trump
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Donald Trump Hasn’t Cowed Republicans He’s Freed Them To Pursue Their Long
Why Are Republicans Still So Afraid Of Trump? | The 11th Hour | MSNBC
Donald Trump getting the “O-K” from Joseph McCarthy and Mitch McConnell
On the eve of the impeachment vote in the House of Representatives , things are looking mighty bleak for anyone who hoped Republicans might turn over a new leaf. For the last several months, there has been plaintive hope that GOP lawmakers might be moved by the overwhelming evidence that Donald Trump is guilty of running an extortion scheme against Ukraine’s leaders to help him win re-election in 2020.
Right now, it looks like there’s no chance of any Republican defections in the House away from the GOP line that Trump did nothing wrong. The one Republican, Rep. Justin Amash of Michigan, who admitted out loud that Trump deserved to be impeached, was duly ejected from the party. In the Senate, Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has been openly bragging that he intends to rig the Senate trial in Trump’s favor. Even supposedly Trump-skeptical Republican senators, such as Utah’s Mitt Romney or Maine’s Susan Collins, have been avoiding questions about whether the Senate should call witnesses for the trial.
“But this presidents actions are possible only with the craven acquiescence of congressional Republicans,” they write. “They have done no less than abdicate their Article I responsibilities.”
No, Republicans clearly feel empowered by Trump. He frees them to reveal their darkest desire which is to end democracy as we know it, and to cut any corners or break any laws necessary to get the job done.
Why Republicans Are Afraid To Challenge Trump
Juan Williams
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Republicans Now Bragging About Being Trump Big Lie Pushers
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In taking a shot at CNNs Jake Tapper, Republicans are openly boasting that theyre responsible for spreading democracy-defying conspiracy theories about the 2020 presidential election. 
The CNN anchor recently took a stand against inviting election deniers on his programs, saying last week that lawmakers who support former President Donald Trumps Big Liereferring to the false claim that the election was stolenare not welcome on his weekday and weekend shows. Its not a policy but a philosophy, Tapper said, noting he hasnt booked such Republicans since the election. Pro-Trump Republicans have since come forward with emails from CNN bookers requesting their presence on Tappers shows. Rep. Elise Stefanik of New Yorkwhom the GOP last month voted to replace Liz Cheney as the partys conference chairtweeted screenshots, telling Tapper to read and weep:
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Responding to these apparent gotcha attempts, Tapper said he cant account for every email from my excellent bookers whose job it is to present me with as many options as possible. He also pointed to the absurdity of Republicans rushing to prove they are, in fact, election deniers. Kind of stunning to see her proudly identify as a conspiracy theorist, he said of Stefanik.
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Republicans Still Scared To Death Of Trump
Trump went on yet another unhinged rant this weekend during a speech to donors in Florida, attacking Mitch McConnell as a “stone cold loser” for refusing to go along with his attempt to steal the election, but you won’t find any profiles in courage in the GOP willing to stand up to him.
Case in point, on this weekend’s Fox News Sunday, South Dakota Republican Sen. John Thune was asked about Trump calling him “weak and inneffective RINO” earlier in the year and saying he might back a primary challenger to Thune. Thune responded telling host Chris Wallace that “I’ve been through wars in South Dakota, political wars, with my own party when I ran the first time, with the Democrats in a couple of hotly contested Senate races, so being afraid of a fight or somebody coming after me is not something that’s going to influence that decision,” but Thune refused to admonish Trump for his rhetoric, and refused to stand up for McConnell when asked about him as well.
Which is pretty much the equivalent of “I support Trump, but I really don’t like the tweeting” that we heard from so many of them over the last five or six years.
As the Fox article discussed, Trump called Thune “Mitch’s boy” when urging Gov. Kristi Noem to challenge Thune in 2022, but no amount of insults are apparently ever breaking point for these jellyfish.
The Actual Reason Why Republicans And Their Media Are Discouraging People From Getting Vaccinated
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Dr. Jonathan Reiner, a CNN Medical Analyst, said last week, “A surprising amount of death will occur soon…” But why, when the deadly Delta variant is sweeping the world, are Republicans and their media warning people not to get vaccinated?
Dr. Anthony Fauci told Jake Tapper on CNN last Sunday, “I don’t have a really good reason why this is happening.”
But even if he can’t think of a reason why Republicans would trash talk vaccination and people would believe them, it’s definitely there.
Which is why it’s important to ask a couple of simple questions that all point to the actual reason why Republicans and their media are discouraging people from getting vaccinated:
1. Why did Trump get vaccinated in secret after Joe Biden won the election and his January 6th coup attempt failed?
2. Why are Fox “News” personalities discouraging people from getting vaccinated while refusing to say if they and the people they work with have been protected by vaccination?
3. Why was one of the biggest applause lines at CPAC: “They were hoping the government was hoping that they could sort of sucker 90% of the population into getting vaccinated and it isn’t happening!”
4. Why are Republican legislators in states around the country pushing laws that would “ban” private businesses from asking to see proof of vaccination status ?
Death is their electoral strategy.
Is there any other possible explanation?
So, what’s left?
Also Check: When Did The Republicans And Democrats Switch Platforms
Top Republicans Are Running Scared And Relinquishing The Gop To The Monster They Helped Create
Like a bunch of lemmings, Republican lawmakers in Congress and across the country have clung to Donald Trump’s Big Lie that the only reason he lost the 2020 election was because it was riddled with fraud.
Of course, Trump never once proved a single instance of fraud in 60-plus trips to the courthouse, and he also helped ensure the massacre of at least half a million Americans due to the pandemic, so there’s that.
But instead of being willing to admit what’s plain as day to anyone with a brain and a pulse, GOP lawmakers tout Trump’s Big Lie in conservative media and then run from reporters representing every news outlet that has a shred of integrity left.
“In Washington, normally chatty senators scramble to skirt the question,” writes TheWashington Post.
Of course, there’s also the very public rift in the House GOP leadership between Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy and Rep. Liz Cheney of Wyoming who yet again on Monday reiterated the truth that Joe Biden was the rightful winner of the election.
“The 2020 presidential election was not stolen. Anyone who claims it was is spreading THE BIG LIE, turning their back on the rule of law, and poisoning our democratic system,” Cheney tweeted, in what amounts to GOP apostasy these days.
But the question is: Why? Why did McCarthy retreat from saying Trump “bears responsibility” for Jan. 6 to being a total Trump bootlicker? Why are chatty senators dodging reporters on Capitol Hill?
Republicans Fear Trump Will Lead To A Lost Generation Of Talent
The 45th president has brought new voices and voters to the party, but hes driven them out too. Insiders fear the repercussions.
06/01/2021 04:30 AM EDT
Link Copied
As Donald Trump ponders another presidential bid, top Republicans have grown fearful about what theyre calling the partys lost generation.
In conversations with more than 20 lawmakers, ex-lawmakers, top advisers and aides, a common concern has emerged that a host of national and statewide Republicans are either leaving office or may not choose to pursue it for fear that they cant survive politically in the current GOP. The worry, these Republicans say, is that the party is embracing personality over policy, and that it is short sighted to align with Trump, who lost the general election and continues to alienate a large swath of the voting public with his grievances and false claims that the 2020 election was stolen.
Trump has driven sitting GOP lawmakers and political aspirants into early retirements ever since he burst onto the scene. But there was hope that things would change after his election loss. Instead, his influence on the GOP appears to be as solid as ever and the impact of those early shockwaves remain visible. When asked, for instance, if he feared the 45th president was causing a talent drain from the GOP ranks, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush perhaps inadvertently offered a personal demonstration of the case.
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Mcfeely: Why Are Republicans Afraid Of Everything
FARGO Republicans are afraid.
Afraid of Black people. Afraid of brown people. Afraid of red people. Afraid of yellow people. Afraid of women. Afraid of young people.
Afraid of young people voting. Afraid of people of color voting. Afraid of voting rights. Afraid of democracy.
Afraid of science. Afraid of medicine. Afraid of knowledge. Afraid of public education. Afraid of universities. Afraid of professors. Afraid of teachers.
Afraid of experts. Afraid of doctors. Afraid of Anthony Fauci. Afraid of masks. Afraid of vaccines. Afraid of vaccine passports. Afraid of vaccine chips. Afraid of things that don’t exist.
Afraid of history. Afraid of the truth. Afraid of those who tell the truth.
Afraid of books. Afraid of newspapers. Afraid of objectivity. Afraid of facts.
Afraid of wind towers. Afraid of solar power. Afraid of environmentalists. Afraid of the Green New Deal. Afraid of Greta Thunberg. Afraid of change.
Afraid of the media. Afraid of The New York Times. Afraid of The Washington Post. Afraid of MSNBC. Afraid of CNN.
Afraid of Twitter. Afraid of Facebook. Afraid of Google. Afraid of big tech. Afraid of the government. Afraid of the establishment.
Afraid of Democrats. Afraid of Black Lives Matter. Afraid of antifa. Afraid of Democratic Socialists.
Afraid of Bernie Sanders. Afraid of AOC. Afraid of Elizabeth Warren. Afraid of Nancy Pelosi. Afraid of Barack Obama. Afraid of Kamala Harris. Afraid of Joe Biden. Afraid of Mitt Romney. Afraid of Liz Cheney. Afraid of RINOs.
Opinion: Stop Saying Republicans Are Cowards Who Fear Trump The Truth Is Far Worse
âRepublicans Are Afraid Of Donald Trumpâ Despite Election Loss, Kasie Hunt Says | TODAY
Rep. Adam Kinzinger, Republican of Illinois, deserves great credit for demanding that his party fully repudiate Donald Trumps big lie about the 2020 election and acknowledge its role in inciting the Jan. 6 insurrection. But Kinzinger is getting one big thing wrong.
In a Sunday appearance on CBS, Kinzinger repeatedly said fellow Republicans are fundamentally driven by fear of Trump. They dont want to confront Trumps lies, Kinzinger lamented, adding that theyre scared to death of him.
As a broad description of our current moment, this is profoundly insufficient. It risks misleading people about the true nature of the threat posed by the GOPs ongoing radicalization.
With House Republicans expected this week to oust Rep. Liz Cheney of Wyoming from leadership for vocally making the same case that Kinzinger is, the idea that Republicans are primarily driven by cowardice is everywhere.
Liz is a living reproach to all these cowards, one friend of Cheney told the New Yorker, a quote that drew tons of Twitter approval. Similarly, former GOP speechwriter Peggy Noonan ripped into Cheneys fellow Republicans as a House of Cowards who are jumpy and scared.
Meanwhile, now that House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy has endorsed Rep. Elise Stefanik to replace Cheney in the House GOP leadership, Democrats are pounding McCarthy for cowardice.
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How Long Can Trumps Gop Stranglehold Last
Liz Cheneys ouster from Republican leadership on Wednesday was a big win for the man she has refused to placate Donald Trump. I spoke with Washington correspondent Olivia Nuzzi about the considerable shadow the former president continues to cast over Republicans from his perch at Mar-a-Lago.
Ben: President Trump has in some ways been reduced to a background presence in the political landscape. Facebooks ban on him was upheld for now, hes off Twitter forever, and hes churning out statements on a junky-looking website that doesnt see a lot of traffic.
But in other ways, the Republican party is as dependent on validating Trumps view of the world as ever. Lindsey Graham says the GOP cant grow without him; party leaders are making pilgrimages to Mar-a-Lago to seek his wisdom, such as it is, and approval. And, of course, Liz Cheney was ousted from GOP leadership on Wednesday for banging on too loudly about the stolen-election conspiracy theory that rules the ex-presidents world and which a large majority of GOP voters believe.
In your view, does Trump have exactly the same kind of stranglehold over the party he did when he was president? Will the GOP just continue to stay in the thrall of a losing presidential candidate indefinitely?
Olivia: I feel like Im taking a multiple-choice test Im gonna have to go with B on this one.
Ben: I was taught that C was the most common correct answer. Not sure this holds true anymore.
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Voxs German Lopez is here to guide you through the Biden administrations burst of policymaking. .
Indeed, a recent poll from the Democratic firm Democracy Corps, surveying voters in battleground states and districts, found that two-thirds of GOP voters there still strongly approve of Trump. These Trump loyalists are also among the most likely to say theyre very interested in the 2022 elections at this point. And in a CNN/SSRS poll from April, 70 percent of Republican respondents said Biden did not legitimately get enough votes to win the presidency. Faced with all this, any attempt to purge Trumpian influence from the party outright is doomed.
While the electoral incentives for the party overall are to unify and look forward before the 2022 midterms, the incentives for individual politicians can be different. Josh Mandel, a candidate in whats likely to be a fiercely contested US Senate GOP primary in Ohio, recently told a crowd that the election was stolen from Donald Trump. He added: My squishy establishment opponents in this race wont say those words. But I will.
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Donald Trump And The Politics Of Fear
Trumps candidacy relies on the power of fear. It could be the only way for him to win.
People are scared, Donald Trump said recently, and he was not wrong.
Fear is in the air, and fear is surging. Americans are more afraid today than they have been in a long time: Polls show majorities of Americans worried about being victims of terrorism and crime, numbers that have surged over the past year to highs not seen for more than a decade. Every week seems to bring a new large- or small-scale terrorist attack, at home or abroad. Mass shootings form a constant drumbeat. Protests have shut down large cities repeatedly, and some have turned violent. Overall crime rates may be down, but a sense of disorder is constant.
Fear pervades Americans livesand American politics. Trump is a master of fear, invoking it in concrete and abstract ways, summoning and validating it. More than most politicians, he grasps and channels the fear coursing through the electorate. And if Trump still stands a chance to win in November, fear could be the key.
Fear and anger are often cited in tandem as the sources of Trumps particular political appeal, so frequently paired that they become a refrain: fear and anger, anger and fear. But fear is not the same as anger; it is a unique political force. Its ebbs and flows through American political history have pulled on elections, reordering and destabilizing the electoral landscape.
Senior Republicans Should Recoil In Horror At Trump But Too Many Still Fear Him
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The fate of the United States now rests on the stark choice the divided party faces: Trumps way or democracy
Surely this would be the moment. Surely the sight of a horde storming the US Capitol, smashing windows and breaking down doors, determined to use brute, mob strength to overturn a free and fair election, surely that would mark the red line. After five years dismissing those who warned that Donald Trump posed a clear and present danger to US democracy, branding them hysterics suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome, surely this moment when they saw the citadel of that democracy overrun by men clothed in the slogans of neo-Nazism , waving the Confederate flag of slavery, racism and treason and carrying zip ties, apparently to bind the wrists and ankles of any hostages would, at long last, make Republicans recoil from the man who had led them to this horror.
Hours into the attempted and planned insurrection, Trump again made plain the bonds that connect him to the men of havoc. We love you, he told them in a video message, gently suggesting they go home. Youre very special. None of that is a surprise. They were only there for him, summoned to Washington by Trumps big lie that the 2020 presidential election had been stolen through fraud that they had been robbed of their champion by a wicked conspiracy that took in everyone from the Chinese Communist party to his own vice-president.
Jonathan Freedland is a Guardian columnist
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John Kasich Says Republicans Are ‘afraid’ Of Trump
Former Ohio Gov. John Kasich speaks with NPR’s Leila Fadel about the GOP’s unwillingness to stand up to President Trump, who still refuses to accept the results of the presidential election.
Last night, President Trump received another loss in court. A federal judge in Pennsylvania dismissed the campaign’s attempts to stop the certification of Pennsylvania’s votes. This is just the latest of more than two dozen failed challenges brought by the Trump campaign to overturn the election results. President Trump refuses to concede, and for the most part, his party has supported his efforts to pursue legal challenges based on false allegations of widespread voter fraud.
Very few high-profile Republicans have publicly acknowledged Joe Biden as the winner, but one of them is John Kasich. He’s the former governor of Ohio and a 2016 Republican presidential candidate, and he joins us now.
Governor Kasich, welcome.
JOHN KASICH: Thanks, Leila. Glad to be with you.
FADEL: So you endorsed President-elect Joe Biden. He won this election. What do you make of President Trump’s attempts to overturn the results?
KASICH: It’s just absurd. The whole thing is – it’s just – it’s ridiculous. I mean, he has clearly won this election. And it is just sort of amazing to me that Republicans just keep sitting on their hands. It makes no sense.
FADEL: That was the former Republican governor of Ohio, John Kasich.
Governor Kasich, thanks for speaking with us.
This Next Presidential Nomination Could Improve Things Or Make Them Even Worse
Is there a way out of this downward spiral? The optimistic case offered by Republicans who dislike the trends toward conspiracism in the party is pretty simple: They want to hang on and deal with Trump until 2024, and hope whoever wins the nomination will help steer the party in a healthy direction.
The Washington Examiners Byron York laid out this line of thinking in a recent column. There is a robust field of Republicans preparing to run. DeSantis, Pompeo, Pence, Haley, Cotton, Hawley, Noem, and several other possible candidates, York writes. Put them together and that is a strong group of contenders, all of whom will run on some theme of incorporating Trumps achievements into a new kind of Republican platform.
Theres variation among these Republicans about just how indulgent they were to Trumps stolen election claims Hawley was clearly the least responsible of that bunch. But most of the others indeed seem unlikely to push things anywhere near as far as Trump would if they end up losing the 2024 general election. And while they may have their faults, they seem unlikely to make conspiratorial thinking as central to their politics as Trump did.
The more unsavory tendencies in the Republican base surely wont vanish entirely if a more traditional Republican wins. But if the leader of the party stops throwing fuel on that fire, their influence would likely weaken.
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What Are Republicans So Afraid Of
Instead of conspiracy-mongering about an election they did well in, they could try to win real majorities.
By Jamelle Bouie
Opinion Columnist
There was a time, in recent memory, when the Republican Party both believed it could win a national majority and actively worked to build one.
Take the last Republican president before Donald Trump, George W. Bush. His chief political adviser, Karl Rove, envisioned a durable Republican majority, if not a permanent one. And Bush would try to make this a reality.
To appeal to moderate suburban voters, Bush would make education a priority and promise a compassionate conservatism. To strengthen the partys hold on white evangelicals, Bush emphasized his Christianity and worked to polarize the country over abortion, same-sex marriage and other questions of sexual ethics and morality. Bush courted Black and Hispanic voters with the promise of homeownership and signed a giveaway to seniors in the form of the Medicare prescription drug benefit. He also made it a point to have a diverse cabinet, elevating figures like Colin Powell, Condoleezza Rice and Alberto Gonzales.
Whether shrewd or misguided, cynical or sincere or outright cruel and divisive these gambits were each part of an effort to expand the Republican coalition as far as it could go without abandoning Reaganite conservatism itself. It was the work of a self-assured political movement, confident that it could secure a position as the nations de facto governing party.
Why Dont Republicans Stand Up To Trump Heres The Answer
Why Are Republicans So Afraid Of Lev Parnas? | Velshi & Ruhle | MSNBC
Rep. Mark Sanford
If youre still flummoxed by the abject servility of congressional Republicans, by their refusal to confront Trump and stand up for American values, check out last nights primary election in South Carolina. The purging of Mark Sanford says it all.
Sanford is a long-serving conservative lawmaker who typically votes with his party, but on a few public occasions, he has actually dared to suggest that Trump is not the supreme very stable genius that the deluded Republican base deems Trump to be. The result: Sanford loses his job.
For the inexcusable sin of speaking his mind about factual reality, the Republican base voters in Sanfords House district threw him out last night, handing the GOP nomination to a far-right Trumper who repeatedly denounced Sanford as disloyal.
This is why rank-and-file Republican lawmakers refuse to speak out. Theyre afraid of their own constituents. Its Trumps party now, and the constituents in red districts virtually worship the guy. Forget about putting country over party, because its actually worse than that. Sanfords colleagues wont put country over career. Theyll vow that what just happened to Sanford will not happen to them.
As conservative commentator Erick Erickson said today, Mark Sanford losing in South Carolina is pretty much proof positive that the GOP is not really a conservative party that cares about limited government. It is now fully a cult of personality.
I stand by every word.
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0 notes
statetalks · 3 years
Why Are Republicans Scared Of Trump
Donald Trump Hasn’t Cowed Republicans He’s Freed Them To Pursue Their Long
Why Are Republicans Still So Afraid Of Trump? | The 11th Hour | MSNBC
Donald Trump getting the “O-K” from Joseph McCarthy and Mitch McConnell
On the eve of the impeachment vote in the House of Representatives , things are looking mighty bleak for anyone who hoped Republicans might turn over a new leaf. For the last several months, there has been plaintive hope that GOP lawmakers might be moved by the overwhelming evidence that Donald Trump is guilty of running an extortion scheme against Ukraine’s leaders to help him win re-election in 2020.
Right now, it looks like there’s no chance of any Republican defections in the House away from the GOP line that Trump did nothing wrong. The one Republican, Rep. Justin Amash of Michigan, who admitted out loud that Trump deserved to be impeached, was duly ejected from the party. In the Senate, Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has been openly bragging that he intends to rig the Senate trial in Trump’s favor. Even supposedly Trump-skeptical Republican senators, such as Utah’s Mitt Romney or Maine’s Susan Collins, have been avoiding questions about whether the Senate should call witnesses for the trial.
“But this presidents actions are possible only with the craven acquiescence of congressional Republicans,” they write. “They have done no less than abdicate their Article I responsibilities.”
No, Republicans clearly feel empowered by Trump. He frees them to reveal their darkest desire which is to end democracy as we know it, and to cut any corners or break any laws necessary to get the job done.
Why Republicans Are Afraid To Challenge Trump
Juan Williams
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Republicans Now Bragging About Being Trump Big Lie Pushers
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In taking a shot at CNNs Jake Tapper, Republicans are openly boasting that theyre responsible for spreading democracy-defying conspiracy theories about the 2020 presidential election. 
The CNN anchor recently took a stand against inviting election deniers on his programs, saying last week that lawmakers who support former President Donald Trumps Big Liereferring to the false claim that the election was stolenare not welcome on his weekday and weekend shows. Its not a policy but a philosophy, Tapper said, noting he hasnt booked such Republicans since the election. Pro-Trump Republicans have since come forward with emails from CNN bookers requesting their presence on Tappers shows. Rep. Elise Stefanik of New Yorkwhom the GOP last month voted to replace Liz Cheney as the partys conference chairtweeted screenshots, telling Tapper to read and weep:
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Responding to these apparent gotcha attempts, Tapper said he cant account for every email from my excellent bookers whose job it is to present me with as many options as possible. He also pointed to the absurdity of Republicans rushing to prove they are, in fact, election deniers. Kind of stunning to see her proudly identify as a conspiracy theorist, he said of Stefanik.
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Republicans Still Scared To Death Of Trump
Trump went on yet another unhinged rant this weekend during a speech to donors in Florida, attacking Mitch McConnell as a “stone cold loser” for refusing to go along with his attempt to steal the election, but you won’t find any profiles in courage in the GOP willing to stand up to him.
Case in point, on this weekend’s Fox News Sunday, South Dakota Republican Sen. John Thune was asked about Trump calling him “weak and inneffective RINO” earlier in the year and saying he might back a primary challenger to Thune. Thune responded telling host Chris Wallace that “I’ve been through wars in South Dakota, political wars, with my own party when I ran the first time, with the Democrats in a couple of hotly contested Senate races, so being afraid of a fight or somebody coming after me is not something that’s going to influence that decision,” but Thune refused to admonish Trump for his rhetoric, and refused to stand up for McConnell when asked about him as well.
Which is pretty much the equivalent of “I support Trump, but I really don’t like the tweeting” that we heard from so many of them over the last five or six years.
As the Fox article discussed, Trump called Thune “Mitch’s boy” when urging Gov. Kristi Noem to challenge Thune in 2022, but no amount of insults are apparently ever breaking point for these jellyfish.
The Actual Reason Why Republicans And Their Media Are Discouraging People From Getting Vaccinated
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Dr. Jonathan Reiner, a CNN Medical Analyst, said last week, “A surprising amount of death will occur soon…” But why, when the deadly Delta variant is sweeping the world, are Republicans and their media warning people not to get vaccinated?
Dr. Anthony Fauci told Jake Tapper on CNN last Sunday, “I don’t have a really good reason why this is happening.”
But even if he can’t think of a reason why Republicans would trash talk vaccination and people would believe them, it’s definitely there.
Which is why it’s important to ask a couple of simple questions that all point to the actual reason why Republicans and their media are discouraging people from getting vaccinated:
1. Why did Trump get vaccinated in secret after Joe Biden won the election and his January 6th coup attempt failed?
2. Why are Fox “News” personalities discouraging people from getting vaccinated while refusing to say if they and the people they work with have been protected by vaccination?
3. Why was one of the biggest applause lines at CPAC: “They were hoping the government was hoping that they could sort of sucker 90% of the population into getting vaccinated and it isn’t happening!”
4. Why are Republican legislators in states around the country pushing laws that would “ban” private businesses from asking to see proof of vaccination status ?
Death is their electoral strategy.
Is there any other possible explanation?
So, what’s left?
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Top Republicans Are Running Scared And Relinquishing The Gop To The Monster They Helped Create
Like a bunch of lemmings, Republican lawmakers in Congress and across the country have clung to Donald Trump’s Big Lie that the only reason he lost the 2020 election was because it was riddled with fraud.
Of course, Trump never once proved a single instance of fraud in 60-plus trips to the courthouse, and he also helped ensure the massacre of at least half a million Americans due to the pandemic, so there’s that.
But instead of being willing to admit what’s plain as day to anyone with a brain and a pulse, GOP lawmakers tout Trump’s Big Lie in conservative media and then run from reporters representing every news outlet that has a shred of integrity left.
“In Washington, normally chatty senators scramble to skirt the question,” writes TheWashington Post.
Of course, there’s also the very public rift in the House GOP leadership between Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy and Rep. Liz Cheney of Wyoming who yet again on Monday reiterated the truth that Joe Biden was the rightful winner of the election.
“The 2020 presidential election was not stolen. Anyone who claims it was is spreading THE BIG LIE, turning their back on the rule of law, and poisoning our democratic system,” Cheney tweeted, in what amounts to GOP apostasy these days.
But the question is: Why? Why did McCarthy retreat from saying Trump “bears responsibility” for Jan. 6 to being a total Trump bootlicker? Why are chatty senators dodging reporters on Capitol Hill?
Republicans Fear Trump Will Lead To A Lost Generation Of Talent
The 45th president has brought new voices and voters to the party, but hes driven them out too. Insiders fear the repercussions.
06/01/2021 04:30 AM EDT
Link Copied
As Donald Trump ponders another presidential bid, top Republicans have grown fearful about what theyre calling the partys lost generation.
In conversations with more than 20 lawmakers, ex-lawmakers, top advisers and aides, a common concern has emerged that a host of national and statewide Republicans are either leaving office or may not choose to pursue it for fear that they cant survive politically in the current GOP. The worry, these Republicans say, is that the party is embracing personality over policy, and that it is short sighted to align with Trump, who lost the general election and continues to alienate a large swath of the voting public with his grievances and false claims that the 2020 election was stolen.
Trump has driven sitting GOP lawmakers and political aspirants into early retirements ever since he burst onto the scene. But there was hope that things would change after his election loss. Instead, his influence on the GOP appears to be as solid as ever and the impact of those early shockwaves remain visible. When asked, for instance, if he feared the 45th president was causing a talent drain from the GOP ranks, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush perhaps inadvertently offered a personal demonstration of the case.
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Mcfeely: Why Are Republicans Afraid Of Everything
FARGO Republicans are afraid.
Afraid of Black people. Afraid of brown people. Afraid of red people. Afraid of yellow people. Afraid of women. Afraid of young people.
Afraid of young people voting. Afraid of people of color voting. Afraid of voting rights. Afraid of democracy.
Afraid of science. Afraid of medicine. Afraid of knowledge. Afraid of public education. Afraid of universities. Afraid of professors. Afraid of teachers.
Afraid of experts. Afraid of doctors. Afraid of Anthony Fauci. Afraid of masks. Afraid of vaccines. Afraid of vaccine passports. Afraid of vaccine chips. Afraid of things that don’t exist.
Afraid of history. Afraid of the truth. Afraid of those who tell the truth.
Afraid of books. Afraid of newspapers. Afraid of objectivity. Afraid of facts.
Afraid of wind towers. Afraid of solar power. Afraid of environmentalists. Afraid of the Green New Deal. Afraid of Greta Thunberg. Afraid of change.
Afraid of the media. Afraid of The New York Times. Afraid of The Washington Post. Afraid of MSNBC. Afraid of CNN.
Afraid of Twitter. Afraid of Facebook. Afraid of Google. Afraid of big tech. Afraid of the government. Afraid of the establishment.
Afraid of Democrats. Afraid of Black Lives Matter. Afraid of antifa. Afraid of Democratic Socialists.
Afraid of Bernie Sanders. Afraid of AOC. Afraid of Elizabeth Warren. Afraid of Nancy Pelosi. Afraid of Barack Obama. Afraid of Kamala Harris. Afraid of Joe Biden. Afraid of Mitt Romney. Afraid of Liz Cheney. Afraid of RINOs.
Opinion: Stop Saying Republicans Are Cowards Who Fear Trump The Truth Is Far Worse
âRepublicans Are Afraid Of Donald Trumpâ Despite Election Loss, Kasie Hunt Says | TODAY
Rep. Adam Kinzinger, Republican of Illinois, deserves great credit for demanding that his party fully repudiate Donald Trumps big lie about the 2020 election and acknowledge its role in inciting the Jan. 6 insurrection. But Kinzinger is getting one big thing wrong.
In a Sunday appearance on CBS, Kinzinger repeatedly said fellow Republicans are fundamentally driven by fear of Trump. They dont want to confront Trumps lies, Kinzinger lamented, adding that theyre scared to death of him.
As a broad description of our current moment, this is profoundly insufficient. It risks misleading people about the true nature of the threat posed by the GOPs ongoing radicalization.
With House Republicans expected this week to oust Rep. Liz Cheney of Wyoming from leadership for vocally making the same case that Kinzinger is, the idea that Republicans are primarily driven by cowardice is everywhere.
Liz is a living reproach to all these cowards, one friend of Cheney told the New Yorker, a quote that drew tons of Twitter approval. Similarly, former GOP speechwriter Peggy Noonan ripped into Cheneys fellow Republicans as a House of Cowards who are jumpy and scared.
Meanwhile, now that House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy has endorsed Rep. Elise Stefanik to replace Cheney in the House GOP leadership, Democrats are pounding McCarthy for cowardice.
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How Long Can Trumps Gop Stranglehold Last
Liz Cheneys ouster from Republican leadership on Wednesday was a big win for the man she has refused to placate Donald Trump. I spoke with Washington correspondent Olivia Nuzzi about the considerable shadow the former president continues to cast over Republicans from his perch at Mar-a-Lago.
Ben: President Trump has in some ways been reduced to a background presence in the political landscape. Facebooks ban on him was upheld for now, hes off Twitter forever, and hes churning out statements on a junky-looking website that doesnt see a lot of traffic.
But in other ways, the Republican party is as dependent on validating Trumps view of the world as ever. Lindsey Graham says the GOP cant grow without him; party leaders are making pilgrimages to Mar-a-Lago to seek his wisdom, such as it is, and approval. And, of course, Liz Cheney was ousted from GOP leadership on Wednesday for banging on too loudly about the stolen-election conspiracy theory that rules the ex-presidents world and which a large majority of GOP voters believe.
In your view, does Trump have exactly the same kind of stranglehold over the party he did when he was president? Will the GOP just continue to stay in the thrall of a losing presidential candidate indefinitely?
Olivia: I feel like Im taking a multiple-choice test Im gonna have to go with B on this one.
Ben: I was taught that C was the most common correct answer. Not sure this holds true anymore.
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Voxs German Lopez is here to guide you through the Biden administrations burst of policymaking. .
Indeed, a recent poll from the Democratic firm Democracy Corps, surveying voters in battleground states and districts, found that two-thirds of GOP voters there still strongly approve of Trump. These Trump loyalists are also among the most likely to say theyre very interested in the 2022 elections at this point. And in a CNN/SSRS poll from April, 70 percent of Republican respondents said Biden did not legitimately get enough votes to win the presidency. Faced with all this, any attempt to purge Trumpian influence from the party outright is doomed.
While the electoral incentives for the party overall are to unify and look forward before the 2022 midterms, the incentives for individual politicians can be different. Josh Mandel, a candidate in whats likely to be a fiercely contested US Senate GOP primary in Ohio, recently told a crowd that the election was stolen from Donald Trump. He added: My squishy establishment opponents in this race wont say those words. But I will.
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Donald Trump And The Politics Of Fear
Trumps candidacy relies on the power of fear. It could be the only way for him to win.
People are scared, Donald Trump said recently, and he was not wrong.
Fear is in the air, and fear is surging. Americans are more afraid today than they have been in a long time: Polls show majorities of Americans worried about being victims of terrorism and crime, numbers that have surged over the past year to highs not seen for more than a decade. Every week seems to bring a new large- or small-scale terrorist attack, at home or abroad. Mass shootings form a constant drumbeat. Protests have shut down large cities repeatedly, and some have turned violent. Overall crime rates may be down, but a sense of disorder is constant.
Fear pervades Americans livesand American politics. Trump is a master of fear, invoking it in concrete and abstract ways, summoning and validating it. More than most politicians, he grasps and channels the fear coursing through the electorate. And if Trump still stands a chance to win in November, fear could be the key.
Fear and anger are often cited in tandem as the sources of Trumps particular political appeal, so frequently paired that they become a refrain: fear and anger, anger and fear. But fear is not the same as anger; it is a unique political force. Its ebbs and flows through American political history have pulled on elections, reordering and destabilizing the electoral landscape.
Senior Republicans Should Recoil In Horror At Trump But Too Many Still Fear Him
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The fate of the United States now rests on the stark choice the divided party faces: Trumps way or democracy
Surely this would be the moment. Surely the sight of a horde storming the US Capitol, smashing windows and breaking down doors, determined to use brute, mob strength to overturn a free and fair election, surely that would mark the red line. After five years dismissing those who warned that Donald Trump posed a clear and present danger to US democracy, branding them hysterics suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome, surely this moment when they saw the citadel of that democracy overrun by men clothed in the slogans of neo-Nazism , waving the Confederate flag of slavery, racism and treason and carrying zip ties, apparently to bind the wrists and ankles of any hostages would, at long last, make Republicans recoil from the man who had led them to this horror.
Hours into the attempted and planned insurrection, Trump again made plain the bonds that connect him to the men of havoc. We love you, he told them in a video message, gently suggesting they go home. Youre very special. None of that is a surprise. They were only there for him, summoned to Washington by Trumps big lie that the 2020 presidential election had been stolen through fraud that they had been robbed of their champion by a wicked conspiracy that took in everyone from the Chinese Communist party to his own vice-president.
Jonathan Freedland is a Guardian columnist
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John Kasich Says Republicans Are ‘afraid’ Of Trump
Former Ohio Gov. John Kasich speaks with NPR’s Leila Fadel about the GOP’s unwillingness to stand up to President Trump, who still refuses to accept the results of the presidential election.
Last night, President Trump received another loss in court. A federal judge in Pennsylvania dismissed the campaign’s attempts to stop the certification of Pennsylvania’s votes. This is just the latest of more than two dozen failed challenges brought by the Trump campaign to overturn the election results. President Trump refuses to concede, and for the most part, his party has supported his efforts to pursue legal challenges based on false allegations of widespread voter fraud.
Very few high-profile Republicans have publicly acknowledged Joe Biden as the winner, but one of them is John Kasich. He’s the former governor of Ohio and a 2016 Republican presidential candidate, and he joins us now.
Governor Kasich, welcome.
JOHN KASICH: Thanks, Leila. Glad to be with you.
FADEL: So you endorsed President-elect Joe Biden. He won this election. What do you make of President Trump’s attempts to overturn the results?
KASICH: It’s just absurd. The whole thing is – it’s just – it’s ridiculous. I mean, he has clearly won this election. And it is just sort of amazing to me that Republicans just keep sitting on their hands. It makes no sense.
FADEL: That was the former Republican governor of Ohio, John Kasich.
Governor Kasich, thanks for speaking with us.
This Next Presidential Nomination Could Improve Things Or Make Them Even Worse
Is there a way out of this downward spiral? The optimistic case offered by Republicans who dislike the trends toward conspiracism in the party is pretty simple: They want to hang on and deal with Trump until 2024, and hope whoever wins the nomination will help steer the party in a healthy direction.
The Washington Examiners Byron York laid out this line of thinking in a recent column. There is a robust field of Republicans preparing to run. DeSantis, Pompeo, Pence, Haley, Cotton, Hawley, Noem, and several other possible candidates, York writes. Put them together and that is a strong group of contenders, all of whom will run on some theme of incorporating Trumps achievements into a new kind of Republican platform.
Theres variation among these Republicans about just how indulgent they were to Trumps stolen election claims Hawley was clearly the least responsible of that bunch. But most of the others indeed seem unlikely to push things anywhere near as far as Trump would if they end up losing the 2024 general election. And while they may have their faults, they seem unlikely to make conspiratorial thinking as central to their politics as Trump did.
The more unsavory tendencies in the Republican base surely wont vanish entirely if a more traditional Republican wins. But if the leader of the party stops throwing fuel on that fire, their influence would likely weaken.
Also Check: Are There Any Republicans Running For President Other Than Trump
What Are Republicans So Afraid Of
Instead of conspiracy-mongering about an election they did well in, they could try to win real majorities.
By Jamelle Bouie
Opinion Columnist
There was a time, in recent memory, when the Republican Party both believed it could win a national majority and actively worked to build one.
Take the last Republican president before Donald Trump, George W. Bush. His chief political adviser, Karl Rove, envisioned a durable Republican majority, if not a permanent one. And Bush would try to make this a reality.
To appeal to moderate suburban voters, Bush would make education a priority and promise a compassionate conservatism. To strengthen the partys hold on white evangelicals, Bush emphasized his Christianity and worked to polarize the country over abortion, same-sex marriage and other questions of sexual ethics and morality. Bush courted Black and Hispanic voters with the promise of homeownership and signed a giveaway to seniors in the form of the Medicare prescription drug benefit. He also made it a point to have a diverse cabinet, elevating figures like Colin Powell, Condoleezza Rice and Alberto Gonzales.
Whether shrewd or misguided, cynical or sincere or outright cruel and divisive these gambits were each part of an effort to expand the Republican coalition as far as it could go without abandoning Reaganite conservatism itself. It was the work of a self-assured political movement, confident that it could secure a position as the nations de facto governing party.
Why Dont Republicans Stand Up To Trump Heres The Answer
Why Are Republicans So Afraid Of Lev Parnas? | Velshi & Ruhle | MSNBC
Rep. Mark Sanford
If youre still flummoxed by the abject servility of congressional Republicans, by their refusal to confront Trump and stand up for American values, check out last nights primary election in South Carolina. The purging of Mark Sanford says it all.
Sanford is a long-serving conservative lawmaker who typically votes with his party, but on a few public occasions, he has actually dared to suggest that Trump is not the supreme very stable genius that the deluded Republican base deems Trump to be. The result: Sanford loses his job.
For the inexcusable sin of speaking his mind about factual reality, the Republican base voters in Sanfords House district threw him out last night, handing the GOP nomination to a far-right Trumper who repeatedly denounced Sanford as disloyal.
This is why rank-and-file Republican lawmakers refuse to speak out. Theyre afraid of their own constituents. Its Trumps party now, and the constituents in red districts virtually worship the guy. Forget about putting country over party, because its actually worse than that. Sanfords colleagues wont put country over career. Theyll vow that what just happened to Sanford will not happen to them.
As conservative commentator Erick Erickson said today, Mark Sanford losing in South Carolina is pretty much proof positive that the GOP is not really a conservative party that cares about limited government. It is now fully a cult of personality.
I stand by every word.
Read Also: Which 4 Republicans Voted Yes Today
source https://www.patriotsnet.com/why-are-republicans-scared-of-trump/
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liamzigmichael4ever · 6 years
A piece of freedom (liams pov)
Ahhh this could have been done a lot sooner. I just read the first chapter of book three and was motivated to write this again. Since I have to reread the story, I didn't touch chapter two until I was ready to start writing it, which was tonight. But then when I was reading the chapter and screenshoting everything they were saying, I realized that Liam didn't even talk this chapter so I had no actual quotes for him to say. I could have written this a while ago because it's all Liam's thought and a conversation with Drake. Plus... I may have added so smut ;) lol sorry about the long wait. Have fun
Also i hope my new friend likes it @jacoblmckenzie please enjoy
Chapter Text
Liam had to say he was rather disappointed after he left Riley tonight. He can’t place why he liked her so much— no, he actually can. It was the way she treated him like a normal person, like he wasn’t the crowned prince of a foreign country. Riley allowed him to vent and say selfish things he never told anyone before. He was a prince… he could not complain about his needs as a human. Even princes need to be selfish, and she just allowed him to be. She listened to him, she noticed things that nobody ever noticed before. Like with the Statue of Liberty… he was upset about not being able to see a monument he would like to convey to his people, and his friends didn’t notice. They didn’t notice how he was sad and not really in the mood to celebrate. They just looked past something that she was able to see with just one glance.
Liam doesn’t know how she does it, but she just has this way with people. She can do things he never thought was possible, like taking him to see what he wanted to so badly. She whisked him away, managed to get a boat to see her and he did. He got to see the Statue of Liberty and all her patriotic glory. He felt something seeing her there with Riley. The Statue of Liberty is about being free… everything that America represents. The dream to achieve their goal and do anything your heart desires. And being there with Riley while looking at such a empowering monument, he couldn’t help but think that something was going to happen. He just felt like they could make it. He had the desire to just kidnap her and take her to Cordonia. He knew he couldn’t though and then that’s when his princely side came back out again. He couldn’t be with her… he had to be the king he was born to be… or the king he was now going to be since his brother abdicated the throne. He found himself wishing that he could do the same. But that was a silly thought considering he just met Riley that day. But she was everything he inspired to be. She was practically the Statue of Liberty. Riley was a free spirit, doing whatever she wanted. She even told him she wanted to travel and see the world and he didn’t want to hold her back. The throne had so many repercussions and rules. She was too free… he didn’t want to chain her wings and hold her back from everything she aspires to be. He couldn’t take her away from such a free country and dream to see the world. He wouldn’t forgive himself if he took something like that from her. No matter how much he may want to take her back to Cordonia, he couldn’t. He wouldn’t chain her wings and free spirt like the bald eagle her country symbolizes. He couldn’t do that to her and he won’t.
But that doesn’t mean Liam couldn’t be upset about it. He found his dream girl, the girl he never thought he would meet, and now that he’s met her, he almost wishes he never did. But that selfish part of him was holding onto tonight and replaying her beautiful smile like a movie in slow motion. The way her hair was licked by the wind and batted around in the breeze was mesmerizing. He couldn’t look away and he kept his eyes closed just to watch how breathtaking she was.
Yes, Liam was only selfish when it came to her, so he wouldn’t forget her. He wouldn’t wish they never met because he held onto the pure happiness he felt for the first time since he was a child. He could still feel it in his heart. The intense beating and excitement from doing something so thrilling. And they kissed. He would remember what her lips felt like forever… Soft, so smooth, but plump. It was short, but only because he didn’t know if he could hold back with her in his arms. He didn’t want to pull away, but he did. And he told her what he felt. He told her he would never forget her because he wouldn’t. He truly wouldn’t. He would remember how she felt pressed against him and the and the way her arms felt around him. He would remember her lips.. the shape of them and how good they felt against his own. And he would remember her eyes, and the way they sparkled in the moon light, so curious of the world and wanting to experience everything she could. She made his heart do a flip even as he just recalls it. And he would probably find himself doing so forever. Even if she was only in his dreams, Liam would be able to get through this engagement. Because she was his Statue of Liberty. She was what made him feel free and gave him hope.
Sighing, Liam closed his hotel room behind him with poise, and began to strip his clothes to change into sleepwear. He was a little surprised when he heard someone clear their throats and he looked up to see Drake sitting at an elegant desk in the corner of the room with a glass of whisky in his hand. Liam felt a smile tug at his lips. Drake and his whisky. It was like he could do anything if he had a glass in his hand. Or maybe he should say he was no longer motivated to do anything once he had whisky. Liam would honestly feel a strange bit of jealously for his love of the beverage if in fact Drake wasn’t drinking said beverage.
“Where’d you and the waitress disappear to?”
“Her name is Riley.”
Liam’s hands dropped to his side, then he wondered across the hotel room and towards Drake who poured him a shot of whisky in a short glass over one round ice cube. Liam accepted the alcohol beverage and sat down on the bench at the foot of the king sized bed. Drake raised a brow, telling him to continue, so with a deep sigh, he pulled the drink up to a take a sip, and let the smooth, warm beverage slide down his throat and warm his soul. He can see why Drake likes whisky. It has a nice flavor, and it has an addicting warmth to it. But rather than the alcohol, he would just hold Riley and feel the same effects.
When Liam still kept silent, Drake eyed him a bit suspiciously but then suddenly got a bit angry. “Did she change? Was she chasing the crown and now you’re upset? I knew inviting a waitress was of all people wasn’t—”
“Drake.” Liam smiled at him because he knew he cared. He’s just had other girls and people in general chase after his crown and throne, but that obviously wasn’t Riley. He didn’t doubt that at all. “It was actually one of the best nights of my life. I’m just sad I’ll never see her again.” Liam took a moment to swirl the amber drink in his hand, before he brought it up to take a decent sized sip. Just drown in his sadness, he guesses.
Drakes brows furrowed in concern and he set his glass on the desk. “Was she really that great?”
Yeah, Liam supposed to some people Riley is the exact opposite of what they want for him. She was a free spirit… a bald eagle. She says what she thinks and does cute things he finds absolutely adorable. She was the wind. He didn’t think he could catch her… and that’s not the type of person a prince she be with. No, a king. He would be king. But it was what Liam was looking for. She gave him that bit of motivation to keep going. She kept him going. But he was still a crown prince so he couldn’t do what he so desperately wanted.
“She was…” he found himself trailing of, his glass held in his lap and a faraway look in his eyes. “You remember when we were kids? Running away from the palace guards to go play?” Liam paused to make sure Drake was on the same page, then looked back down at his whisky when he nodded for him to continue. “The feeling of fleeing and doing something bad… feeling the breeze ruffle my hair in excitement to when I had no responsibilities. I was just a silly child… I never thought I was going to be king. My best friend wasn’t afraid of anything, and we did all sorts of crazy things.” They both paused to take a sip of whisky, remembering much simpler times. “She makes me feel like that. Like I’m free of being a prince. But it’s like a breath of fresh air because I haven’t played since we were children. She lives in the moment, and it made me feel so… free.”
“She sounds too good to be true.”
“She’s not.” She was just as amazing as he described her, and saying it allowed only made him want to go find her and take him with her… “But I know I have responsibilities. I’m not a child anymore. Though it was fun to be silly again and live with such… freedom.” Because she was the Statue of Liberty. At least to him.
Liam finished his glass of whisky, then stood up to set it on the desk. “I need to pack and take a shower, but you’re welcome to stay and chat.”
“Nah, I’ll head back to my room. I need get ready too.” He raised his glass and drank the rest of his precious whisky then set it back down again. “I’ll see you tomorrow at the mascaraed.” He then stood up and as well and patted Liam on the shoulder blade. “Hang in there. I’ll always be here if you need a break.”
“Thanks,” Liam smiled. “You’re a good friend, Drake.”
Drake just brushed it off like he always does, then left with their two glasses and the whisky he brought over. Once the door was shut, Liam took a moment to lay back on his bed and stare up at the ceiling. His hand instinctively reached up to touch his lips, where he could still practically feel hers on his. He found himself smiling, but his eyes soon got far away again when he realized he wouldn’t ever see her again.
Trying not to think about it, Liam stood up again, and wondered over to the bathroom and turned the steaming water in the shower on. He stripped his clothes, then felt the temperature to make sure it wasn’t too hot. Once good, he slipped in and wet his hair. For some reason, the image of Riley in her tight jeans and leather jacket popped in his head, and his hand instinctively circled around himself. He pumped his length, quickly growing hard with flashes of tonight playing back on his head. He saw her hair dancing in the wind, her bright eyes shining in the moonlight. He heard the crisp jingling bells of her laugh, and panted at the way it made his heart skip. He remembered how gorgeous and breathtaking she was… and the way she made him feel. And he remembered her smile, causing this light to shed on his heart.
Liam leaned one arm against the tiled wall so his hair was in the direct stream of steaming water cascading into his hair, then following the hard lines of his back and chest. Water moved down his shoulder and flowed to his hand, still stroking away to the images of her breathtaking beauty.
The call of her name did strange things to his insides. He felt his body tense as that wonderful feeling overtook him and pulled the last bit of pleasure out of him. White lines of silk dropped onto the floor, then washed away with the water down the drain. He gave himself a few extra pumps, then released himself with a heavy sigh. He was numb as he went about cleaning himself off along with the rest of his body. He turned the water off with his head lowered then dried off with the fluffy towel on the rack. He quickly changed into his pajamas, then plopped down into bed without even touching the things he had to pack. Liam needed to dream. He needed to dream of her. So he sighed contently and feel asleep, images of the Riley clouding his mind. He felt himself smile as he drifted off, a content feeling making his heart tingle.
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avelera · 6 years
Would you ever write a fic where Boromir and Thorin interact at the Council of Elrond (with much fanboying from Boromir).
Sure! I’ve always wanted to write an “as canon compliant as possible” timeline of Thorin and Bilbo raising Frodo-their-biological-son, and that would include having both of them at the Council of Elrond. 
I love Boromir and Thorin, obviously, so I’d love to write them interacting. I’m not sure Boromir would fanboy (not to be a killjoy) but only because it’s kinda canonical that dwarves keep to themselves, so tales of Thorin’s exploits might not be terribly renowned all the way down in Gondor (and vice versa). If anything, he and Boromir would simply be social equals as nobility/high ranking military men.
I can see Thorin wishing to speak to members of the Fellowship, including Boromir, about keeping his son safe (”Dad, you’re so embarrassing!”) and perhaps give a warning on temptation by cursed objects. 
Boromir to Thorin would be, in this world, perhaps more around the question of what is it like to abdicate? He may be able to chat about some old war stories of Thorin’s like Azanulbizar or the BotFA, and make friends that way, but now that Boromir has met Aragorn questions of what to do when you give your throne to someone else might be on his mind, and the former king of Erebor would be an interesting person to ask. In part because Thorin did the opposite. Thorin would be Aragorn in that situation, giving up a hereditary title in order to live as a private citizen. (If it’s Erebor AU, and Thorin still ruling in Erebor, there’s no plausible way for him to come to the Council of Elrond so he must have abdicated at some point either right after BotFA or in the past decades after a short time ruling). 
Unfortunately for such a story, Boromir wouldn’t really feel the full impact of the value of speaking to someone like Thorin until the point where he would canonically have died, having given in to temptation. In a theoretical EVERYONE Lives, they may have more to say to one another (including Boromir begging Thorin’s forgiveness for attacking Frodo, which Thorin may have an interesting perspective on given the ramparts scene/Arkenstone debacle) after the Ring has been destroyed.
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lligkv · 4 years
the nature of responsibility
When Xie, the teenage protagonist of Maryse Meijer’s novel The Seventh Mansion, leaves Mass, with his patron saint Pancratius, or P., walking with him, he sees a nuthatch in flight. It’s beautiful, its face a flash of “fresh milk poured against the night.” “The nuthatch,” Xie thinks, “along with two-thirds of all bird species in the town, in the state, in the country, will have vanished by the end of the century; to look at the face of the bird, folding its wings on a branch, is to look at the past. A ghost. A corpse.” There’s no moment of joy that isn’t shadowed by the knowledge that the world is dying.
Religion isn’t any consolation. When Xie asks his saint, “Do you know what a mass extinction event is?”, P. answers, “A rapture”; to him the two are one and the same. The novel itself is named for the seven mansions Teresa of Avila writes about in her book The Interior Castle, the last of which is union with God; and “in Teresa’s mansions there are no animals, no plants, nothing living at all”—you have to renounce all that’s living to reach what is good.
Politics and activism aren’t any consolation either, though Xie tries those. The novel opens with him and his friends Leni and Jo, who’ve formed a radical animal rights group, FKK, engaging in an action to free a local farm of minks. The minks run from their cages only to die in other ways, hunted down or hit by cars. Another protest FKK leads outside a nearby mall, against eating animals or using their fur, fizzles: people don’t really pay attention to them; the ink on their signs runs off in the rain. The teens join an activist group run by a longtime local activist, Peter, but the protest they attend as part of the group, against the removal of a nearby mountaintop, devolves into violence. And even the stand against the removal that’s made by a larger group of more skilled activists, Earth Alliance, meets brutal repression.
Finally, at the end of the novel, Xie makes a stand entirely on his own. When he learns that loggers are about to cut down the forest of birches near his home, he takes it upon himself to hammer nails in the shape of Xs into each tree—all six thousand of them—in order to damage the saws the loggers will use to fell them. The plan succeeds—and Xie is left to watch as a malfunctioning saw cuts a logger in half:
Your face split by sobs. I didn’t know, I didn’t know. That the body in the woods would open up that way, irreversibly, you had not imagined what could happen to it, to you, how it might split you from life to take life.
The whole novel is written in this anguished register—these fragments, fluid shifts between short sentences and long, and continuous shifts from third-person to second as Meijer works to convey both the impossibility of Xie’s struggle to live an uncompromised life and the moral urgency that underlies the lives of all the novel’s readers no less than it underlies Xie’s journey within it. Xie’s story is only an extreme form of the anxieties we all feel and the choices we all face in the world as it dies in the year 2020. And as it’s always been dying. There aren’t many ways to act that aren’t defeated by the world’s bent toward savagery and humans’ bent toward indifference; there aren’t many ways to act that don’t cause harm to others or to yourself. These facts remain true however hard Xie works to minimize harm, preserve what is good, and remain inviolate—by going vegan, by protesting the mistreatment of animals, by refusing to turn in his homework assignments; by shying from touch, staying celibate, and loving only the bones of the relic of Pancratius he’s stolen from a nearby church; or any of the other means by which he refuses to give away any part of him that the world or the compromised people in it might corrode.
To enter the seventh mansion as Teresa did, by rejecting all that is living and looking only to God, looks like abdication of the responsibility we all have to the living—but it’s an alternative one might prefer to the reality P. tells Xie about as he weeps over what he’s done: “There is no other world into which you might vanish. You must stay on the road. You must get on your knees. You must wait for the sword.”
Ultimately The Seventh Mansion is about responsibility. Xie sees the people all around him rejecting their responsibility to the world and its creatures—to life—and he vows he won’t do the same; he’ll make others see as they need to see. The world is “desperately, infinitely living,” and his mission is “to help it. Go on. For a little while longer.” And despite the wrenching end to which Xie’s forest action comes, he’s not actually defeated in this purpose. He may see himself as split from life after the sin he has committed. But as the police arrive to arrest Xie for the logger’s death, as they carry P.’s bones and armor out of the shrine he has made for them in his attic bedroom, he sees the same gold light that has always bathed his hallucinations of P. shining everywhere. And as they carry the bones back to the church, where he’ll be put back together and, doubtless, locked in a heavier case, they will also be “more beautiful because you have adored it.”
Xie’s actions lead him to extremes. But they were done for love, and they were done from a desire for justice, to prevent a wrong being done to the earth. You must damage the earth to profit from it—felling trees, spilling oil into the oceans, killing minks for their fur. And you must damage the earth to save it—drilling nails into the flesh of the trees, killing other men. No one remains inviolate. That’s the nature of responsibility on this earth, which exists outside of any mansion.
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aion-rsa · 4 years
New Netflix Christmas Movies in 2020 Ranked from Best to Worst
Netflix is doing its level best to eat everyone else’s entertainment lunch, and the holiday movie game is no exception. Just a few short years after planting the flag that was the cult megahit A Christmas Prince, the streamer has more offerings than ever, including some sequels to their top-notch 2018 productions. We break down some of this winter’s already released heavy hitters so you know what to watch and what to skip.
Jingle Jangle: A Christmas Journey
Available Now
This star-studded Christmas musical is the most magical of the bunch. Picture The Wiz meets Willy Wonka, with John Legend as a producer. Forest Whitaker stars as a down-and-out toymaker who has lost his touch and everything else that makes life special: his wife (Sharon Rose) has passed and his daughter (Tony winner Anika Noni Rose, Little Fires Everywhere, The Princess and the Frog) moved away, estranged. Years earlier he created a unique matador toy that comes to life (voiced by a delightfully villainous Ricky Martin, who has a lot of fun with a wandering accent). The naughty toy and the toymaker’s apprentice (Kegan-Michael Key) left with the toymaker’s book of ideas, putting him out of business and making themselves mega-rich.
Things really get going when the toymaker’s granddaughter (bonafide star Madalen Mills, who I can’t believe is a newcomer) comes to town and she, along with a neighborhood boy with aspirations of being a great toy inventor, try to save the toymaker from himself. There’s singing, dancing, baroque steampunk galore, earnest lessons learned, and magic that’s something like science. It’s the kind of movie the phrase “family fun adventure” was invented to describe.
Clocking in at more than two hours, this one could tighten up the runtime a bit, but that just means there are plenty of safe opportunities to refill your eggnog or run to the restroom. I dare you to watch this movie and not feel the holiday spirit.
Operation Christmas Drop
Available Now
In order to protect her boss’ interests, congressional aide Erica (our girl Kat Graham/Bonnie Bennet from Vampire Diaries!) is sent to a military base in the Pacific over Christmas to find excess spending in order to justify budget cuts. Her biggest target is Operation Christmas Drop, a real-life program where service members from the U.S., Japan, and Australia drop presents (and life-saving supplies) to remote surrounding islands. Hyper-focused Erica knows there’s a possible promotion on the line and she has to work harder than a bunch of white dudes named Matt back in DC in order to get it, putting her at odds with the base’s own Santa, Capt. Andrew Jantz (Andrew Ludwid, Vikings, The Hunger Games). 
Any time one of these movies has a protagonist of color, it’s unfortunately notable, though Netflix (with the exception of the Christmas Prince franchise) creates more diverse offerings than just about anyone else. In addition to directly engaging with how much harder the Ericas of the world have to work to get their due, Operation Christmas Drop also highlights the people who live on Guam and the surrounding islands, as the first full-length major studio movie filmed there. 
Featuring the old favorite romance trope “enemies to lovers,” a tropical Christmas, and some of the real-life people who make the actual Christmas Drop possible, Operation Christmas Drop is an ideal holiday romcom. It’s still goofy at times and heart-fluttery at others, and of course everything will work out in the end, but it’s better written than most of what’s on TV and casting Kat Graham is always a good choice.
The Princess Switch, Switched Again
Available Now
It’s not Christmas until you’ve seen Vanessa Hudgens chloroform herself. The sequel to 2018’s The Princess Switch, The Princess Switch, Switched Again, rightly knows that Kevin (Nick Sagar) is a better leading man than the walking melba toast that is Prince Edward (Sam Palladio). When we last saw the sous chef dad with the six-pack abs who likes sappy Christmas movies and wearing the hell out of sweaters, he was making out with Lady Margaret. In the two years since then, they’ve split up, the king of Montenaro has passed away, and Margaret’s cousin who was next in line for the throne has abdicated, which means Lady Margaret will be crowned on Christmas. Naturally. 
The Princess Switch franchise has found the sweet spot between “painfully bad” and “so bad it’s good.” The latest iteration adds what the first lacked – a worthy villain. Vanessa Hudgens gleefully vamps around as a Kardashian-esque cousin of Lady Margaret’s who goes after the Montenaran crown. It’s fun to watch Hudgens be bad, and it adds a requisite layer of novelty to the proceedings. 
There’s also a little crossover moment from the Christmas Prince franchise. It’s very quick and I don’t think anyone even says a word, but it’s a fun one for fans. It also probably means that in the world of the NCCU (Netflix Christmas Cinematic Universe), The Christmas Prince movies are documentaries, which is more than I can handle. 
It’s a rarity, but with The Princes Switch, the sequel is even better than the original. The Princess Switch 2 knows exactly what kind of movie it is – fun, silly, romantic, distracting, a purveyor of both great and terrible fashion, and maybe a little eye roll-inducing. Perfection. 
Available Now
If you like a little spice with your sugar, Holidate is the right holiday rom-com. Netflix is already the anti-Hallmark in this category, trading judgey and Jesus-y for a sense of humor and soundtracks worth bookmarking on Spotify. And Holidate doubles down on the snark and PG-13-ness of it all.
Emma Roberts and Luke Bracey star as Sloane and Jackson, two singles sick of shrugging off a million questions and setups throughout the holiday season. The cast is rounded out with Frances Fisher (Watchmen, Titanic), Jessica Capshaw from Grey’s Anatomy, SNL’s Alex Moffat, Jake Manley from The Order, and Manish Dayal of Halt and Catch Fire and The Hundred-Foot Journey, proving he deserves to play a romantic lead.
Taking inspiration from Sloane’s perpetually single Aunt Susan (Kristin Chenoweth, who gets away with being so much weirder than anyone else ever could thanks to her many charms), Luke and Sloane go out as platonic dates to a year’s worth of holidays, starting with New Year’s. That also means that while we see two Christmas’, the movie spends a large chunk of time on the other holidays – St. Patrick’s Day, the Fourth of July, Halloween, etc – so this one doesn’t always feel the most Christmas-y. 
Read more
Christmas Movies and TV Specials: Full 2020 Schedule
By Den of Geek Staff
The Best Alternative Christmas movies
By Mark Harrison
This flick may end up being too tart (or just plain awkward) for some, and the repeated use of the word “pussy” during what’s ostensibly a Christmas movie is not for everyone. But if all the sappiness of the season is feeling too saccharine and you’re sick of being seated at the kids table or getting grilled about when you’ll finally get married, Holidate might just hit the spot.
The Christmas Chronicles 2
Available Now
The follow-up to one of Netflix’s best family holiday offerings, The Christmas Chronicles 2 brings back Kurt Russell’s cool Santa for a sequel that has 100 percent more wormholes and time travel than fun side characters and snappy jokes. There’s a much larger role for Goldie Hawn’s Mrs. Claus, who is something of a kind-hearted Christmas sorceress. Kate (Darby Camp, Big Little Lies) is now staring down the barrel of teenagerhood and spending Christmas in Cancun while her mom makes heart-eyes at a new guy, who brings with him his 10 year-old son, Jack (Jahzir Bruno).
Big brother Teddy (Judah Lewis) moves into the backdrop as Kate and Jack go on an adventure in the North Pole, squaring off with one of Santa’s former elves, Belsnickel (Julian Dennison, Hunt for the Wilderpeople, Deadpool 2).
While it’s always nice to revisit a favorite – and Christmas Chronicles is so much about the best aspects of a family movie – the sequel loses a lot of that appeal. Without a clear and compelling story to drive the plot forward like the original had, Christmas Chronicles 2 lags significantly throughout and it’s unclear when the adventure starts, what it’s goals are, and then the movie even struggles to wrap up as a result.
It doesn’t help that this movie is bogged down by some convoluted mythology tying the elves to Christianity via the Star of Bethlehem that low-key paints Santa as a Moses-like figure.
The musical number does bring things back to life for a while. This time it’s in a 1990-era Logan airport in Boston with Darlene Love singing a duet with Santa instead of Stevie Van Zandt, though they are singing his song, “The Spirit of Christmas.”
This makes for Darlene Love’s second appearance in the NCCU; The first was Holiday Rush, where she played Rush’s Aunt Jo. I’m ignoring the fact that she’s credited as “Denise” in Christmas Chronicles 2 and choosing to believe that Aunt Jo worked a desk for Pan Am, TSA or whoever in the ‘90s to pay the bills while waiting for her true calling as a singer to take off.
Dolly Parton’s Christmas on the Square
Available Now
In between funding a possible cure for the coronavirus and trying to solve illiteracy, Dolly Parton found time to star in and write 14 original songs for a Christmas special. The great Debbie Allen of Fame fame (more recently, Dr. Catherine Avery on Grey’s Anatomy) directs this all-singing, all-dancing Christmas musical, bringing her multi-talented prowess to bear. That means this thing follows the musical tropes more closely than those of a typical Christmas TV movie, even though it also falls into the Hallmark penchant for religiosity that feels a bit off.
The best parts of Christmas on the Square are all the toe-tapping small-town songs about the townsfolk banding together to stop local Scrooge named Regina (played with adroit dry wit by Christine Baranski) from selling off their town. There’s a pastor named Christian (obviously) and a cute kid who gets hurt but only in a way that’s dramatic and leaves her still very cute and able to join in the final town celebration. That’s the kind of silly holiday fun we all signed up for. 
Regina’s best friend Margeline (Jenifer Lewis, The Princess and The Frog, Black-ish) is a scene-stealer and the back half of the movie is lesser for her relative absence. The numbers get a little less zippy and the movie feels a lot longer than roughly an hour and a half. Somewhere along the way, we get the sort of slutshame-y backstory of Baranski’s character, whose first-ever high school dance resulted in a pregnancy which she (obviously) carried to term. Her father took her baby away from her while she was crying in the delivery room, giving it up for adoption. Pretty intense for the genre! 
It’s not like the movie becomes a portrait of gritty realism from there–Dolly Parton is definitely a floating, glowing, rhinestone-encrusted angel, although that’s closer to what folks come for. An underutilized Jeanine Mason (Roswell, NM) and Matthew Johnson (Songland) – whose voice is arresting – add to the fun, but there’s no two ways around it: It’s an odd little movie.
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