#I'm dying inside please I need the full moon
kemihaydeestantonva · 21 days
I don't deserve to stay ...but I don't want to leave
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stiltonbasket · 1 year
stilton please show us vampire wwx and fae lwj's first meeting omg
Despite the bothersome needs of his body, Wei Wuxian did not make a habit of preying on humans.
His mother had never taught him how to hunt, out of fear that he would grow to prefer human blood above all other food and so risk death by discovery of his nature. As such, Wei Wuxian subsisted on raw meat he killed for himself and blood taken from wild beasts and livestock: except on the rare occasions when he drank human blood to speed his healing, as he was obliged to do tonight.
The injury had been completely his own fault. Wei Wuxian knew how to avoid being recognized for what he was, but he had been caught feeding his own blood to a little child suffering from lung fever, since dead or living flesh from a vampire was a panacea for most mortal ailments; and as the case so often was when a docile vampire was found living among humans, Wei Wuxian was promptly set upon by a mob intent on killing him and grinding him down for medicine.
He escaped into the nearby wood with an arrow lodged in his shoulder and another in his back; and after he left the mob behind, he ran for another shichen and a half before collapsing in a moon-dappled clearing surrounded by oak trees.
He lay there without moving for a little while, but at last he struggled upright and removed the two small arrows from his back. The wounds would close by dawn, as long as he sated his hunger before then; so after a short nap, he got back to his feet and began searching the ground for footprints.
At this rate, it'll be noon before I find anyone, he thought disconsolately. Unluckily—or perhaps luckily, for Wei Wuxian—people from Jieyu Village rarely entered the forest, for there was no good hunting to be found inside, and anyone who ventured further than a li into the wood came back muddle-headed and strange, as if they had been poisoned with a sleeping potion or dealt a harsh blow to the head. Hence, the townsfolk had long since learned to keep out save in the direst need, when they braved the darkness of the wood to find medicinal herbs that refused to grow anywhere but in the long shadows of the forest's oldest trees.
It was in one such shadow that Wei Wuxian's search finally ended, when he stumbled across a hollow that held a bed of red maple leaves and a young man lying in a sleep so deep that Wei Wuxian's heavy breathing did not rouse him.
"Oh," he murmured, falling to his knees in relief. The young man appeared human, but not fully so; Wei Wuxian thought he might be half tree spirit, or some kind of divine beast taking the form of a youth. But whatever he was, he could spare more of his blood than a normal man; so Wei Wuxian snatched up his hand and sank his teeth into the boy's wrist, swallowing as quickly as he could until the two gashes in his back began to itch and scab over.
Within the next minute, the wounds had vanished. Wei Wuxian released the man's wrist and stood up, wiping his mouth on his dirty sleeve—and found himself struggling for breath with his back pressed flat against a tree, and the blade of a bright silver sword hovering an inch from his throat.
The young man was awake, staring down at Wei Wuxian like a hunter looking down the length of his bow at a rabbit. Wei Wuxian parted his lips to speak before crying out in terror as the blade skimmed the soft flesh at his neck—and then he looked up, petrified, to find his attacker wheeling backwards as if Wei Wuxian had kicked him.
"Ha!" he shouted, his fear dying away; for he had quite forgotten the other reason behind his mother's warnings to stay away from humans. "You're in my thrall now, young master. Now, be good and don't move until I'm gone, or—or I'll make you throw that pretty sword of yours into the river."
The man drew himself up to his full height and glared at him. He did not move, still bound by the power of Wei Wuxian's enthrallment; but then he narrowed his eyes and smiled, and Wei Wuxian's heart leapt with a thrill that was half fear and something he could not quite recognize.
A moment later, he was pressed against the tree again, so weak in the knees that he would have fallen if not for the white arms clasped about his waist.
"What did you do to me?" Wei Wuxian whispered. "I told you to stand still, so how—"
"You should have made certain you were biting a human, xuemo," the man hissed. "A being like you should know the consequences of eating faerie food without permission."
"But I didn't eat any food," Wei Wuxian said groggily. All desire to move left his weary limbs, and he slumped forward into his captor's embrace like a—
"Oh," he gasped, stumbling back. "You're a fae. Fae food is anything made by a faerie that can be eaten, and when I drank your blood, I..."
"Precisely." The man—or the fae, he realized now—released Wei Wuxian's waist and stepped away. "I am in your thrall, and you are under the power of my enchantment. Remove your enthrallment, and I will swear an oath never to enchant you again."
Wei Wuxian grimaced. Fae were bound to their oaths, and could not break them upon pain of death; but Wei Wuxian had no idea how to break an enthrallment, or whether an enthrallment could be broken at all.
"What?" the fae growled. "What kind of a vampire are you, that you do not know how to do such a simple thing?"
"A half-blooded one," Wei Wuxian protested. "My father was mortal, and my mother was killed when I was a child. I've never met another xuemo besides her."
The fae was silent. "Can't you lift the enchantment on me anyway, young master?"
"Why should I?" the faerie demanded. "You could force me to do anything, if you wanted to. This enchantment is my only protection."
"But I wouldn't!" wailed Wei Wuxian. "I didn't even realize I'd enthralled you until you tried to kill me!"
"Forgive me if I do not believe you," the fae said dryly. "I am aware that xuemo are capable of hunting without using venom to gain power over their victims. You chose to use your venom on me."
"It's difficult to hunt that way! My mother died before she could teach me how, so I don't touch humans unless I have no other choice."
At this, the faerie sighed and lowered his sword.
"Why were you in the forest at all?" he asked. "This is fae territory. If you were in dire need of human blood, you should have gone south to the village at the base of the mountains."
"That's where I'm from," Wei Wuxian muttered, folding his arms. "I've been living there in disguise for the last ten years, but the village head caught me feeding my blood to his daughter, so I can't go back. If I do, I'll be slaughtered and ground down for pills."
The fae blinked. "They attacked you? Are you wounded, then?"
He sounded almost worried, which Wei Wuxian thought was very kind of him. He must not be the dangerous sort of fae, if he had it in his heart to worry about a blood demon who had enthralled him against his will.
"En, I was. But your blood healed me, faster than human blood would have done—so for that, I am in your debt."
"No need."
They stood without speaking for a little while, staring fixedly at the ground as they wondered what to do next.
"I know someone who may be able to help us," the fae said hesitantly, after about a ke had passed. "There is a dragon guarding the river that runs through this forest, and he lives only a few miles away from here. He always seems to know more than he should, so we might go there for help."
Wei Wuxian nodded and dusted his robes off; and with that, they set off down a dirt track that led into a denser, darker part of the forest, where the trees grew so close together that Wei Wuxian had to hold the faerie's hand to keep him in his line of sight.
He had never felt such a touch before, for it was both firm and gentle. directing Wei Wuxian through the wood without seeming to lead him at all.
For some reason, the young fae refused to let go of him until they reached the water dragon's lair two hours later; and despite himself, Wei Wuxian found himself wishing that the two of them could have met in better circumstances.
We might even have been friends! he thought, laughing wistfully to himself. Aiyah, he's not a bad sort. Maybe I'll come back to see him sometime, after this dragon of his finds a way to break the thrall.
But it was not to be; for the moment the water dragon rolled out of his den and spotted their linked hands, it threw back its great scaly head and burst into laughter.
"Stop laughing," the faerie ordered. "We have come here for help, Huaisang. This blood demon is subject to my powers of compulsion, and he has me under his thrall, but neither of us intended this to happen. How can we remove his thrall, so that I may safely release my command over him in turn?"
The dragon laughed for a long, long while, rolling about in the soft grass like a child, and then it looked up at the faerie and said:
"Forgive my rudeness. Congratulations, Wangji-xiong."
"What for?"
The dragon's eyes gleamed.
"For your marriage."
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[Audio Script] Little Fangs [M4A] [F4A] [A4A] [Strangers to Family][I mean, it’s kinda like adoption] [ Personal Attention] [Child-Listener] [Death (for a short bit)] [Blood Drinking] [Slight Gore][Wholesome]
Storyline: Welcome to the foggy streets of Victorian England, we have plagues, the industrial revolution is going full steam and how can it be good old London without vampires! Which you happen to be~ But it's a lonely life you know, a few years back you lost the only mortal you ever loved, so many plans for a new life dashed away like a glass on the floor. A friend of yours decided to drag your depressed butt out of your manor and into the nightlife to get drunk! On blood of course, and so, they take you to the local hospital. But while your friend goes on snacking, you hang back in a small ward that is filled with nothing but death. It's there you meet a dying child, their fever causing such a delusion that the poor thing thinks you are an angel there to take them away. Maybe you’ll be their angel of death…or maybe you are something else.
[ Not a rule, but I apologize in advance for any spelling mistakes you may find ]  
-Give credit to me, please, and thank you (Mystic Grove Audio)
-This script is free to use for monetization
-You can improvise and add things if you wish, like if you like a script but it seems to be tailored to a certain gender: change it so it fits what you like! But please, still give credit
-You can share the script outside of Archive, but again, please give credit
-If you make an audio/video, send me a link! I would love to see your work!
-Have fun!
[In the foggy streets of London, the night is quiet as two pairs of footsteps echo on the cobblestones]
Onna/Oris: [Deep sigh] I don't know…It doesn't feel right. Are you sure the Order of the Golden Moon hasn't caught on to this little feast of yours?
Vamp. Friend: Come now! Those hunters are too busy with that ghoul outbreak to worry about some patients at a hospital looking slightly paler than usual.  Besides, It's been like…what? Thousands of years since you were turned?
Onna/Oris: 1044 years, if I must be precise.
Vamp. Friend: Exactly, and you haven't gotten drunk since!
Onna/Oris: [Sounding a little more cheerful] Need I remind you I grew up in a village of Vikings… I've had enough mead to last me this cursed lifetime and then some.
Vamp. Friend: And need I remind you, rotten honey is not the same as glorious ale…, and it's nothing like the feeling of drugged blood in your stomach!
Onna/Oris: [Trying to sound excited, but their heart just isn't in it]  If you say so…
[Silent for a moment as the two near the hospital]
Vamp. Friend: [Trying to make themselves sound sympathetic, as they care for Onna/Oris] I was getting worried about you, Onna/Oris. It's…uh… it's been a decade you know…since…since they passed.
Onna/Oris:  [Sounds as if they have been telling themselves that every single day] Ten years, three months, and a day…
Vamp. Friend: And you just stayed inside your manor, all that time. Your servants told me just kept feasting on little rodents and sleeping in their crypt most days and by night you just stayed in the manor's attic …it wasn't healthy! Us vampires, we move one! That's what we do best!
Onna/Oris : But how can I move on, after…after all the dreams we had!? [Seems to be happy for a split second while remembering] We were going to start a family…and I saw it all, little feet running through the hallways, readings stories before they slept [Back to sad thoughts] Now the hallways are empty…and quiet…and there's nothing but a broken crib in a half-painted room to remember any of them by…
Vamp. Friend: Onna/Oris…you…you can still start a family, you still deserve to be happy even if they are gone. You wouldn't be doing anything wrong… [Starts to sound a little nervous] I'm… I'm sorry, this was an awful idea. You haven't had human blood in years and…and I shouldn't have said- [cut themselves off] if you wish to go home, I won't stop you.
Onna/Oris: [Doesn't want to upset their friend] Oh no, no! I'm grateful for the invitation, honestly! It's been a while since we've had a good hunt together.
Vamp. Friend: [Sounding relieved that Onna/Oris is not upset, and happily moves on] Oh, I wouldn't call it a hunt, more like a buffet if I'm being honest. But you'll love it either way!
[The footsteps stop as the two arrive at the hospital]
Vamp. Friend: [Voice a little darker, and hungry] Speaking of which, here we are. I'll see you inside; bon appetit my friend~
[The friend seems to dart and climb up the hospital wall, disappearing into an open window]
Onna/Oris: [To themselves] Well, let's see…That window seems to be slightly open, could be an excellent place to start.
[Onna/Oris climb up the hospital wall, and opens a window to a cold, and dark room]
Onna/Oris: [To themselves, holding back from having to throw up] That stench! Rot…and decay? What kind of room is this? Surely it's not the morgue…no…no there are beds here, but the bodies in them…they are so small…are these children?
[Footsteps slowly walking on the old wooden floors. Onna/Oris bends down to check the pulse of a figure on one of the beds]
Onna/Oris: [To themselves] Dead… you poor thing. I don't drink living children's blood at the best of times, but to drink dead blood? [Disgusted at the thought] No. It is bitter and thick…and so… [growling slightly] vile. Hum, this room has nothing for me, it's best I move on-
[A small cough and voice from the Listener catches Onna/Oris's attention, who stumbles back in surprise]
Onna/Oris: [ Surprised and a little awkward] A-ah! Good, good evening, little one; I didn't mean to wake you…I uhm, I was only-
[Listener cuts in and says they know who they are]
Onna/Oris: [Nerves] Y-you know who I am? Little one…please, don't be frightened of me, I-
[Listener cuts in and says that Onna/Oris is an angel]
Onna/Oris: [Confused] A-an angel?
[Onna/Oris walks over to the Listener, then sits at the foot of their bed]
Onna/Oris: You think I am an angel?  Why- [The Listener tries to sit up] Oh no! Please, little one, please do not strain yourself, lay back down, ple-
[The Listener is taken with a coughing fit]
Onna/Oris: [Concerned] Ah! Please, lay down, lay down! Th-that's it, nice and slow…I wish I had some water I could offer…maybe, maybe I could go find some for you-
[Listener says no, they are frightened]
Onna/Oris : You…you don't want me to leave?
Onna/Oris: [To themselves] They look so frightened…and the blood coming from their mouth…it smells so rotten. [Sad tone] Please…I can't go through this again. I'm sorry child, but please, don't make me stay! I-I need to leave…
[ Listener says something, reaching out and grabbing onto Onna/Ori's sleeve]
Onna/Oris: Ah!...you?…why are you holding my sleeve?
[Listener speaks]
Onna/Oris: You wanted to make sure I was real? [Soft chuckle ] Y-yes, I am real, see, you can feel my hand on yours, can't you?
[Listener speaks]  
Onna/Oris: Why am I so cold you ask? Well, I'm… I'm an angel like you said, and where I'm from it is very cold because we are so high up! But you don't feel cold, you know!
[Listener speaks]
Onna/Oris: Why? because we….uhm…we wear very big and warm coats with scarves…
[Listener speaks]
Onna/Oris: Yes, like the one I'm wearing right now.
Onna/Oris: [To themselves] They look so at ease now…
Onna/Oris: [Short pause, before sounding more confident] Do you still wish for me to stay? I'll stay here with you if you promise to stay in bed.
[Listener agrees]
Onna/Oris: Good, here
[Sound soft-spoken and gentle, fabric sound effects as covers are being pulled up]
Onna/Oris: Let me wipe some of that blood from your mouth, and get you tucked back in…oh, these blankets are very thin. [Thinking for a moment before removing their Scarf] I'm going to wrap my scarf around you, okay? No no, it's alright! ...
[Onna/Oris wraps the Listener up in their scarf]
Onna/Oris: Oh!  [Soft chuckle] it's a little big on you, I can barely see your face! Where did you go~?
[Fabric sound]
Onna/Oris: There you are!
[Fabric sound, and the Listener giggles]
Onna/Oris: [To themselves] You poor little thing, your heartbeat is so fragile. You are too young to understand what is happening to you, and yet you seem so content to quietly go into the night, it's… it's not fair
[Onna/Oris begins to brush Listener's hair]
Onna/Oris: You are very brave you know, and so very strong…I know you don't feel like that but you are. There is a great pain within you, but you have taken it with such soundness, and for so long you have held on and I am…I am proud of you.
[Listener speaks]
Onna/Oris: [Reassuring] I know, I know you are scared, but I'm not going anywhere, I'm an angel after all, and that's our job…to watch over people.
[Listener speaks]
Onna/Oris: You don't feel cold anymore? [Sympathetic] Se-see, it's that scarf of mine, I told you it keeps us nice and warm up there.
[Listener speaks]
Onna/Oris: Of course, you can keep it, you are going to need it once I take you where the other angels are.
[Listener speaks, saying they "knew it"]
Onna/Oris: You…knew it? You know what?
Onna/Oris: That I was here to take you to [Pause slightly] heaven… [Trying to stay cheerful] You are a clever little thing, I wanted it to be a surprise but I guess… I'm not very good at that.
[Listener speaks, saying they can't wait but, are just so tired]
Onna/Oris: [Gently] It's okay, I know you are tired, you can take a little nap before we go. I'll wake you up when it's time, I won't leave without you, I promise… that's it, it's okay to close your eyes, just sleep.
[Listener slowly falls asleep, but Onna/Oris can hear their dying heart beat]
Onna/Oris: [To themselves] I can't stand their heartbeat…the Sound it just…it hurts, it hurts to listen to. [Getting slightly angry] This isn't fair…why would they just leave this child here to die…The city trades their lives as if they are lambs in the market, forcing them to work in the factories till their bodies become so broken. With life so miserable, a good peaceful death would be well enough fair, but they aren't even allowed that!
Onna/Oris: [To themselves, as an idea starts to form in their mind] Don't they deserve a second chance…yes, yes they do! I'm sorry little one, but this will hurt for just a moment. I'm just going to take your wrist and-by the Dark Mother, you are like ice, but…your blood still flows. Just a little bite-
[Onna/Oris bites into Listener's wrist, which causes them to wake up slightly, and they start to struggle for a moment]
Onna/Oris: [To themselves, as they drink the blood] I'm sorry, I'm sorry, please stop struggling…they are too weak to even cry out for help… I'm so sorry…
[Onna/Oris gasped and let's go, spitting out the bitter blood]
Onna/Oris: [Disgusted] Rotting blood! Awful…vile [Noticed that the Listener's heartbeat has stopped] Little one? Can?-…no…no you can't hear me, your heart has stopped. There isn't much time-
[Onna/Oris stops themselves]
Onna/Oris : Wait…they are free from their pain now…free from this world. If I bring them back…what will the high council think? Creating fledglings is forbidden without their permission..and I-... [Demertimed] No, to hell with the council. [Bites their own wrist, and grunts in pain then offers their blood to the Listener. Whispering softly] As we drank from the Elder Father's wrist, and granting us life beneath her shadows embrace. So may you drink from my wrist and be blessed by the Dark Mother…
[Pause, as Onna/Oris try to see if the Listener is "alive"]
Onna/Oris : Little one?...are you… [Waits for a heartbeat, they sound heartbroken when there is none] I-I waited too long… you're gone. I am sorry…so, so sorry.
[Onna/Oris stands up after laying  the Listener back down, fabric sounds]
Onna/Oris: [Taking deep breaths, trying not to cry] There you are, tucked back into bed, nice and warm. [Weak chuckle] I-I almost envy you…sleep well.
[Onna/Oris leaves the wing through the door. If any, the ambient sounds fade out for a short while to indicate time passing. Then they fade in as Onna/Oris is walking slowly through the hospital's hallway]
Onna/Oris: [To themselves] As much as I would rather not stay here another second, I would be such a horrible friend if I leave without telling him/her/them…if I can find him/her/them that is…It feels like I've been searching this place for hours! Probably would go by faster if I didn't have to hide every time of nurse or doctor-
[There is a blood-curdling scream that stops Onna/Oris in their tracks, then they start to run towards the Sound]
Onna/Oris: [To themselves] W-what? No!...no, tha-that couldn't be because of him/her/them! he/she/they would never be that careless when trying to feed in a place like this!
[Onna/Oris slow down as they approach what sounds to be a vampire trying to drink blood from one of the nurses]
Onna/Oris: [To themselves] I can smell the blood…there is just so much, like something out of a frenzy…It should be coming from around this coroner-Uh?
[Onna/Oris noticed something on the floor]
Onna/Oris: [To themselves] That's my scarf…why is it on the floor? How…did it…
[Onna/Oris rounds the corner and stops at the sight of a small figure trying to drink blood from a nurse]
Onna/Oris: [Shocked] The…child…they…you, [Slowly becoming happy] You have returned! It worked! Praise the Dark Mother it worked! Come here you beautiful little raven!
[The newly turned Listener stops feasting on hisses at Onna/Oris]
Onna/Oris: [Taken aback by that] Are you frightened of me? It's alright, it's alright, here, I'm going to crouch down… I'm not here to hurt you. Do you not remember me? I was the angel,
[Listener hisses again]
Onna/Oris: [To themselves] Something is wrong, their eyes look off…is this supposed to happen to fledglings? [Getting lost in thought] Well, I never made a fledgling before…in fact, I don't think I know any vampire that has made one in recent time [Cuts themselves off] are they running towards me?
[ Listener runs towards Onna/Oris]
Onna/Oris: [Slight relieved] Don't scare me like that child! I thought for a moment you didn't know who I was- [Listener bites Onna/Oris, who yelled out in pain] AHH!
Onna/Oris: [To themselves, in pain and confusion] They are biting me! Wh-what do I do?! It's not like I'm going to punch a child! Damn it Onna/Oris, why do you never think things through! [Trying to calm down] Okay, okay .... Deep breath and calm down…attacking won't do any good, nor would yelling. They are confused and frightened…like…like you were when you were turned. Just show them that you are someone they can trust.
[ Listener seems to stop]
Onna/Oris: [To themselves] They are stopping, and they seem to be relaxing as well, this is good, this is very good. Oh, they look so tired…I don't blame them.
Onna/Oris: [Winces in pain] Despite your fangs not coming in yet, your bite is very strong for such a little fledgling [Chuckles in good spirits] But I'll take that as a good sign, [Gently spoken] Can you understand me? Do you know who I am?
[ Listener speaks]
Onna/Oris: [Relieved and excited] Y-yes, angel…well, not quite. My name is Onna/Oris, I'm…well, there is a lot I need to explain but right now we don't have time. Here-
[Fabric sounds]
Onna/Oris : Yes, it's your scarf, remember it's going to keep you warm. I'm going to lift you up now, wrap your arms around my neck, and hold on tight okay?... Good, ready, 1,2,3, and up!
[Onna/Oris stands up, Listener speaks]
Onna/Oris : Hum? Oh, the nurse… don't worry, she'll be okay
Onna/Oris: [To themselves] But we won't be if they find us with her…
[Hurried footsteps as Onna/Oris rush from the hospital, Listener speaks]
Onna/Oris : Yes my little one, we are going home.
[They go through a door or window, and out into the foggy London dawn]
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ren-c-leyn · 2 years
Gingerbread! Beloved!
It's Storytell-me-many-facts-about neat-stuff-in-your-wips-er Saturday so please indulge and educate me on those so I can make informed and excited comments on your posts later. Thanks.
It's my dear Sleepy-friend! Good to see you again, thank you for stopping in. Here's some tea to sip on while I answer. It's a long ramble ^^
I have several WIPs going on at any given moment, and trying to talk about all of them in their full, far more complicated than I ever intended, detail would take us both a great deal of time so I shall narrow it down to my two most active projects at the moment.
The most active project is the one I'm posting right here to Tumblr, The Shackles of Time. It's turning 1 year old on either the 20th or 21st of this month. Still boggles my mind that I've been working on it so long.
The basics of it is that it's a high fantasy story set in a very ancient world that has seen the rise and fall of several civilizations. It has dozens of magic types, dragons who have such strong innate magic that their very presence changes the landscape around them, spirits that thrive in places with strong magic, floating islands, the ruins of countless civilizations, dozens of different species many of which have variations, Shadowed Gates which have been used by fiends and monsters to invade the world multiple times, a pantheon of Gods that have basically been exiled from the world by mortals because of an event called The Mad War in which the Mad God waged a war on humanity.
The story mostly follows the newest team of adventurers in a famous adventuring guild called The Dawn Isle Guild (named after the floating island it was built under.) These would be the main characters - Merle, Arlen, his familiar Cherrenth, and Night, and their quest to become legendary heroes. Each one has their own reasons for this goal - Merle wants a special kind of vengeance on a corrupt guild and to achieve true honor and glory. Arlen wants to actually experience life instead of rotting away in the moon elf towers. Cherrenth just wants to keep Arlen from dying and to fulfill the contract they made. And Night, despite probably being the most intimidating of the trio, really just wants to save people.
I have also just finished writing the first chapter of a second team that the story will be following as well made up of more veteran members of the guild - Drusilla, her familiar (whose name eludes me at this moment, I'm so sorry buddy), Lucien, and Azalea. They won't be the main focus, but they will be exploring different aspects of the world and some plot stuff that came up while I was playing with the original trio.
There's also tons of side characters, from legends who fought in The Mad War and even actually fought The Mad God head on, to villagers who need quests done, to Bramble the lovely little quest keeper for the guild, Glenn and Zephyr who are teaching the new kids the ropes of adventuring life and guild rules, Emlyn the dwarven blacksmith, and so many more, and I love them all.
I'm particularly please with the character dynamics in The Shackles of Time. The way the characters interact with each other really gives the guild this very close found-family feeling. The implied histories and inside jokes really make them feel like they've known each other for a long time too. Though the tension and chaos that's slowly rising in the world also brings out the old griefs and fears in those who experienced it and this desire to protect the young ones. It's very sweet and a little bitter, just the way I like it ^^
My second most active project at the moment is Dream's favorite: Forgotten Gods. I'm currently working on draft two of it, between mad dashes of writing Shackles of Time.
The basics of it is it's a high/slightly dark fantasy world where hundreds, if not thousands, of Gods are very much real and very invested in mortal's lives, be it helping raise a little village into a paradise for their favorite mortals or just make one poor dude's life miserable forever just for the fun of it. There's monsters, ruins, like lakes and black oceans, cute fluffy rainbow creatures and dark shadow monsters, basically if you can imagine it there's probably a God who got bored and made it. Magic is 100% dependent on the Gods because it's divine energy and the only ones who can cast spells are Gods' champions.
The main characters of the story are two champions and an elf on a mission to find himself who cross paths during very unlikely circumstances. Which annoys Silver at first, but her cat, Thyme loves it.
The first one you meet is Silver, the grumpy, anti-social forest hermit who ran away from her old village to start a new life. She doesn't know why these people keep coming to her abandoned tower to talk to her, but the law of her first God demands she gives them tea before kicking them out so she entertains them. She's the champion of a different God who forgot he was a God at first, he's been having a rough several hundred years and is just happy to have someone to talk to even if she isn't very sociable.
The second one is Reuven, an elf monster hunter from the Great Southern Forests. He's tall, wears scales, furs, and armor made of a mix of metal and bone, people think he's scary because of it and the fact he's quiet, but he's really a nice guy who enjoys learning about other people and traveling around to various places. If people have a monster problem, he'll do his best to help them even if they can't offer him a fair trade for his services. He's the first one to find Silver and she's weird and quiet like him, so he likes hanging out with her.
The last of our merry little disaster trio is Kitan, a champion of a very popular Sun Goddess from the coastal region he grew up in. He's a cat-boy, fluffy tail and ears and all. His super friendly and talkative, but suffers a great deal of self-doubts and insecurities. He's mostly traveling to try and prove to himself that he can be a good champion, but the problem is is he doesn't really have the skills to be a good adventurer, which is how he finds himself lost in the forest where Silver and Reuven are and almost dies, gets scared of Reuven, literally runs face-first into Silver's door, and somehow makes friends with both of them. He's a mess, but I love him. <3
The story itself is kind of hard to explain, but the basics are that it follows the lives of these three after they cross paths and accidentally set some things in motion that there was no way for them to possibly know was going to happen before it did. There's a village that's had an unusual amount of monster activity, old Gods that have held grudges for centuries, and some interpersonal drama, pasts coming back to bite characters (and their Gods) in the butts, mysteries to solve and power of friendship stuff, and also some magic-related triumphs and failures.
I'm also playing around with some ideas
I think that's the basics of everything. If you have more questions about anything specifically, Sleepy-friend, feel free to ask. @writingonesdreams has asked a lot about both of them, so I might already have some pre-written rambles about various aspects of these two projects I can toss you. If not, then I'll write out new rambles for you that I'll tag our favorite enabler in so you both have something new to read. ^^
Thanks for stopping in~! I hope you have a lovely day/evening.
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jimunderscore · 1 year
Moment Mortality
Killing Thought The Moon was bright darkness escapes from the light everything seems so calm and familiar seems the reflections of the sky have hit the skin before and it all, is alien. Not Real. It's just hard to feel, it's impossible to say between the streets, the moments fade together like a cloud in the mind, it hurts but it feels better and there is no relief, an endless assault of what could be In the middle of the night, middle of the sea. On a raft in which it's quite hard to reason And it's a desert, one to detest It's just so hard to breathe as if the life leaves and floats away amidst the wind, that blew into the face like autumn comes from spring and something feels erased. Merely standing here, as if a hollow on the stage. Wishing to be truly caged and not in illusion. Feeling like there is an intrusion inside the soul A violation of what you know and it slowly fades away The sadness comes from decay.
Lunar Neighbour Don't know the name, it's just in the distance Looking the same, endless persistence question if I'm sane, the gaze is inspiring numbness in the brain, what is right? is this pre-ordained, or a bending of reality feeling phantom pain, inside of a cavity Trying to run, but i can't move. I, need a moment of silence… To carve reality into my edifice Why can't I manifest the full moon To feel and understand it's sight The Light wakes the darkness in my theater of the night But when it ends i simply stand empty in a foreign land searching for my home, looking in the sky the stars guide me to the moon but they fade to blue and the moon leaves my mind. now i'm truly blind and a pariah
dotidotec. Dream in the chains, flourishing in sleeping Walking around the linearity without sight or purpose Being an ideal in the place of thinking light Meaning i will lose, one lonely night Can be anyone, if i tried. If i really wanted i wouldn't die But i only wear a mask, no disguise my true name is lost to time but in the end, i'll always just be myself Become anyone i can fathom Become the shinning wood carve out of the wind who i wish i could always beckon to be husbands on the dirt who i'll never be with and glass bends the light making us invisible Cutting of my arms to make new ones dying from the scars of old seeing from the luminosity a life in which innocence survives but myself truly dies wishing to be anyone but truly can't, have to become every individuum i wish, i could pose but i'll always be me. 4. Run, run there'll be no one father deceived, wrapped in a sleeve nothing is left, darkness possessed. Something is wrong, you are the one. I stood still amidst the moment, when the water breaks the ground and i thought i knew that i wouldn't drown. but nothing happenned, and we all faded. Black and white view is more jaded. Please bring me back home!
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garnishedarrogance · 2 years
Edmund's Playlist
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Link: Distinct Ranger
Middle Finger by Bohnes
“Ain't got time for dying, I'm too busy thriving. More than just surviving. Heart is beating violently.”
Scars by Boy Epic
“Run, love, I'm the truth that you're afraid of. I'm a fever, that you made up. Just a martyr, on a bridge that's burning down.”
Hunter Eats Hunter by Chevelle
“How long should I feel like bait now? Wide open, careful where the mind goes. Moonlight, a superstitious glow. If it's my time, well, I'm going out alone.”
Send Me Home by Asking Alexandria
“A stranger to most, but everyone knows his name... It gets hard to count the days with only stars to lead the way. And in his heart of gold he knows this has to change.”
The Difference Between Medicine And Poison Is In The Dose by Circa Survive
“Well, talk about it, write it down, but don't ask for help. I can't be honest with even myself... Did you ever wish you were somebody else?”
Doomed by Bring Me The Horizon
“So leave a light on, I'm coming home. It's getting darker, but I'll carry on. The sun won't shine, but it never did. And when it rains, it fucking pours, but I think I like it.”
Darkest Part by Red
“Am I the black stain of your perfect life? Am I the darkness that you need to hide? It covers you, it spills over you.”
Sympathy by Too Close to Touch
“Take a step inside my mind as my eyes are open wide. In my sleep, I turn and toss to rebuild the heart I lost... Take a second of your time, realize you're wasting mine.”
The Worst In Me by Bad Omens
“It seems no matter where I look it's always gone. With you, I know I'll never win. And it's hard to say where it went so wrong and failed me in the end.”
Where Butterflies Never Die by Broken Iris
“Utilize surrendering, when silence falls, to you it sings. Sterilize your mentality, compromise your reality. Restful mind and peaceful eyes.”
Not a Saint by Breaking Through
“Hell is not what you think it is. It's cold, and dark, my friend. And if you knock on the door quietly enough, they just might let you in. If you don't mind what you've heard so far then, please, open the door!”
Raised By Wolves by Falling In Reverse
“All it takes is a spark to ignite my bad intentions and do what I do best to your heart. Don't be fooled I was raised by the wolves. Now the moon hangs in full, so you know I won't play by the rules.”
Another Way Out by Hollywood Undead
“Better run, I'm coming after you. When you're sleeping at night there's nothing you can do. There's no place you can hide 'cause I'm coming after you... I'll break you down, I'll put it back together again.”
Profile | Personality & Abilities | History
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rayshippouuchiha · 2 years
RAy, Ray listen, you can't just do this to me. You can't just make an AU that devours my entire brain and leave it at that. Ray please I need more Jealous Kind AU, I don't care if it's just crumbs, or just a few sentences, please I'm begging. I need to know moreeeeee asdfbgdsagrfdvwqafdvngbf I'm dying to know how The Realization comes about for Shouta, how the penny finally drops that he might have lost the best thing in his life through his own inaction, Ray pleas e I'm in pain, you've injured me, please take responsibility.
Shouta's exhausted when he finally makes it home.
Class had been exceptionally tedious today and his patrol, the last night of his three days on, had been full moon levels of grueling.
His ribs hurt, his knees ache just a bit, and his eyes are burning. All he really wants to do is bury his head in Izuku's stomach and hopefully fall asleep for the next eight hours at least.
Which is why opening the door to a quiet and dark apartment is so disappointing.
Shouta bites back a groan as he closes and locks the door behind him, hanging his capture scarf on the long hook Izuku had installed and toeing off his boots on the genkan mat they'd squabbled over.
Shouta had wanted something simple, a regular black or a traditional tatami mat. Izuku had argued for something more colorful, something welcoming. Izuku had won of course, as Shouta had known he would. Honestly, the only reason why Shouta had even bothered to argue in the first place was because he has always gotten a special sort of thrill over how openly enthusiastic and passionate Izuku could be about such simple things.
About the bits and pieces of their life together, the home they'd built around and with one another. From genkan mats to meals to bathing products. Nothing was too big or small for Izuku to throw himself into and at.
He shuffles into the kitchen, thankful to see both the rice cooker and the coffee pot have been filled and prepped. He turns both of them on automatically as he moves to open the refrigerator, letting out a little hum when he sees that there's a large platter of shogayaki waiting inside to be reheated.
There's also an abundance of containers on the shelves, all of them stacked neatly as well as labeled and dated. Curious, Shouta pulls the shogayaki out, places it on the counter, and opens the freezer. It too is stocked up with containers and wrapped bundles, also all labeled and dated.
Izuku's been stress cooking again.
If Shouta plays his cards just right he might even be able to get him to make a new batch of jellies as well.
Especially if Shouta bribes him with a new luxury journal or maybe a new set of pens.
Shouta reheats his food, mind drifting and eyes heavy, and ends up eating standing up again since Izuku isn't here to scold him and shoo him into a seat.
It's only after he's washed his few dishes and chugged down two cups of coffee that he makes his way into the living room, a third cup in hand.
He takes a moment to try and find one of the coasters Izuku had bought but ends up just resting his cup on his thigh instead when he doesn't see one.
For a while he just sits there, luxuriating in the softness of the couch and the peace and safety of the apartment. Shouta's never really been one for material sentimentality or being overly attached to wherever he's living at but this place ,,,
This place is different somehow.
It hadn't always been that way but now? Now Shouta couldn't really imagine living anywhere else.
Eventually though he sighs, opens his eyes, and goes back to drinking his coffee before it gets cold.
It's while he's draining the last of his cup that something catches his eye.
The cabinet across the room, the one with the glass doors that Shouta had endured Hizashi's shopping addiction for three solid hours to find, was open.
That cabinet is never open when Izuku isn't home.
Shouta's on his feet, cup clutched in his hand, and across the room before he even realizes he's moved.
The door swings the rest of the way open silently when he reaches out to touch it.
Shouta's heart stutters, skips a beat, and then takes off racing.
The cabinet is empty.
All of Izuku's notebooks, the notebooks he's been making for over twenty years now, the very first things he'd ever officially moved into Shouta's apartment, are gone.
The first thing that rips through Shouta's mind is that they've been robbed. That someone had broken into the apartment without leaving a trace and had somehow managed to sniff out the most valuable thing inside.
Hell, maybe it was Nedzu, he's been threatening/teasing Izuku for years now about taking his notebooks hostage.
But what stops Shouta in his tracks is the same thing that makes his heart abruptly sink.
Because there, laying on the dust free shelves that had once held Izuku's life work, is a key ring.
Even without the little All Might fob, even without the little yellow goggle charm that Shouta has always grumbled about, Shouta knows exactly what he's looking at.
Because those are Izuku's keys.
Shouta knows each one of them on sight thanks to the little keycaps Izuku had bought. There's Izuku's half of the apartment keys, the key to this cabinet, the keys to their basement storage locker, the copy of Shouta's UA desk key he'd given Izuku.
Those are the keys to their life together.
And they've been left behind on an empty shelf.
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whatlovelybones-if · 2 years
May we take a peek at J’s songbook? Some crumbs of lyrics they wrote for us, me lord 🕺
my diary's full of your name on every page // cause i read somewhere you'll fall in love with me // i'll try and try again // one day, you'll see
your hair's under my pillow so i sleep // and i'm dreaming of you leaving roses at my feet // i'm obsessed with you in a way i can't believe // when you wipe your tears, do you wipe them just for me?
wrote you a song, do you wanna hear it now? // don't bring your friends along to form a crowd // cause i need to prove i wrote it just for you // what's the need for them when it could be just us two?
the morning sun // shines on your skin // cause your white curtains // they are, paper thin // windows open // i can feel the breeze // but we're safe here // under the sheets
something bad is about to happen to me // why i feel this way, i don't know, baby // i think of you so much, it drives me crazy // i just don't want you to leave me // don't you give me up, please don't give up // honey, i belong with you, and only you, baby // only you, darling, only you, babe
i'm tired of being careful, tip-toe // trying to keep the water warm // let me under your skin // uh oh, there it goes // i said too much, it overflowed // why do i always spill? // i feel it coming out my throat // guess i better wash my mouth out with soap // god, i wish i never spoke // now i gotta wash my mouth out with soap
if you were a teacher, i would fail your class // take it over and over, until you noticed me // if you were a waiting room, i would never see a doctor // i would sit there with my first aid kit and bleed
i want to be the power ballad that lifts you up and holds you down // i want to be the broken love song that feeds your misery // and i can wish all that i want, but it won't bring us together // plus, i know whatever happens to me, i know it's for the better
and when broken bodies are washed ashore // who am i to ask for more, more, more? // but you're breathing in my open mouth // you're the gun in my lips that will blow my brains out
i want to make you drive all night // just because i said maybe you should come over // want to make you fall in love as hard as my poor parents’ child // they will be the best you ever had if you let them
i wanna be the one you miss when you're alone // i wanna be the one you're kissing when you're stoned // back in the alleyway behind your father's home // i'm clawing at your skin, trying to see your bones
i wanna be the one who keeps you up at night // cling to the memory of how i brushed your sides // cause i'm just a puzzle piece trying to fit just right // so i could be someone who's stuck inside your mind
falling into my sins // you're still in, you're still in my skin // i just wish you also felt like this // with every kiss // balled up fist, grabbing at your skin
you couldn't have stuck your tongue down the throat of somebody // who loves you more // so i will wait for the next time you want me // like a dog with a bird at your door
so you're sick and you might be dying // but you're holding me like water in your hands // when you saw the dead little bird, you started crying // but you know the killer doesn't understand
now i'm dreaming // and you're singing at my birthday // i've never seen you smiling so big // it's nautical themed // and there's something i'm supposed to say // but can't for the life of me remember what it is // and if i could give you the moon // i would give you the moon
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rywritten · 2 years
(please read this in a very dramatic voice)
i am here once again to request something. because i see nothing, i see no one requesting stuff to a very very fantastic author that is you.
anyway, back to normal because that was a bit... eh. so uh, i'm giving you another song! well, actually it's two songs but you can choose one or do two of them, doesn't really matter (ALL I NEED IS SOMETHING BECAUSE I AM STARVING)
the songs are give me your forever by zack tabudlo (this song is good for friends to lovers *wiggle eyebrows*) and the world could end with you by llunr (good for... you know, a romance that happened when the world is ending *wiggle eyebrows again*)
it doesn't really have to be a song fic, it can be a fanfic that is inspired by one song! (or maybe two...?) the pairing is your choice! whatever works the best for you. i just really need anything right now ;-; would you please be very kind to a starving person like me?
i feel like you flatter me too much mimi ;; thank you for the lovely message and im happy to know you're enjoying my writing!!
as a side note: since you've offered two songs, im more inclined to write the second one (mostly cause the lyrics reminds me of matt maltese's song: as the world caves in) and im a huge sucker for tropes that focuses on the conflicting feeling of grief and regret as you spend the final moment of your life with the object of your affection while the world is ending)
so yeah, let me get right to the drabble:
The moon glows an ominous crimson high up in the dark sky. Another earthquake had passed, shaking buildings and houses alike. Outside of Dream's apartment, Techno could hear the distant sound of car horns blaring and the muffled screaming of dying men.
The reporter's voice on the radio sounded like static as he provided an estimated time of the world’s inevitable demise. It was only a matter of minutes at this point and Techno decided to switch the station to something else. He flips through a few more until he settles to one that was playing a soft classical melody. The gentle piano playing was accompanied by the melancholic tune of a violin and Techno couldn't help but feel like the song was quite fitting for their current predicament.
"Do you ever regret choosing me?" The question came out of Techno's lips without his permission. It's too late for him to take it back when he saw the way Dream's eyes widened and heard his sharp intake of breath.
"What do you mean, Techno?"
He doesn't answer right away, unsure of how to explain such a question. There were a hundred questions Techno wanted to ask Dream, questions such as why he decided to spend his final moments with Techno instead of anyone else, why he's never complained about their situation, and why he decided to ask Techno to stay with him. But vulnerability was never something he was accustomed to, even now as he sat side by side with the only person he's ever grown to love.
Techno knows that it's love. No other emotion could ever compare to the feeling of free falling from a single smile from the blond or the heart stopping moment of Dream calling out to him in that gentle voice of his.
While the stars began to fall from the sky, and the floor started to shake from another earthquake, Techno decided to pay them no mind as the song continues. 
"Do you regret spending the remaining hours of your life with me?" He clarified, finally mustering up enough courage to meet Dream's gaze with his own.
"I'll always choose you." Dream says in a heartbeat, serious and unwavering. His green eyes are bright, fierce, and so full of something Techno refuses to call love because hope is a dangerous thing for him to have. And yet at this very moment, as the sky is alight with falling meteors all aiming to land on the very earth where they stood, Techno couldn't help the small bud of hope from forming inside his chest.
"Whatever happens," Techno starts to say, no longer looking at the sky as he grabs onto Dream's hand, trying his best to convey everything he wants to say in his next sentence. "I love you, until the day I die and afterwards."
Dream places one shaky hand on his face and guides him close until their noses brush and their lips are mere inches apart. Techno wants to kiss him, then. He wants to wrap his arms around him and never let Dream go, but he waits instead. He waits until Dream is ready to say what's on his mind.
"Even if the the world ends, it's you." Dream whispers, a promise for only Techno to hear. "It'll always be you, and no one else."
"Can I kiss you?"
Techno's question is met by soft lips and the taste of heartbreak. There are tears falling down Dream's cheeks that Techno wipes away as gently as he could, refusing to accept their reality for what it is.
"Promise me." Dream asked right after the kiss, memorizing Techno's face as much as he could.
"That you don't regret choosing me either."
"I promise."
And it was Dream's radiant smile that Techno remembers seeing last before the buildings collapsed and the earth shattered. The world was ending not with a bang, but with the sound of Dream's quiet admittance and a promise worth keeping a hundred lifetimes over.
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books-and-catears · 3 years
Okay so I've been thinking of writing this for a while now. (Spoiler alert for chapter 16-20)
After MC is brought back to life, everyone approaches them as Lilith. And everyone seems to be all over them as if they weren't just almost killed by Belphie.
So MC feels uncomfortable over this whole thing. Not only do they feel like a replacement for Lilith but they can't even tell anyone about the trauma of almost dying cause they are demons, they can't possibly sympathize with human fragility. Well maybe one of them can.
The only brother who didn't know Lilith firsthand. The only brother who has spent centuries studying humans and reading all about their emotions.
Tags: Angst, Hurt, Comfort
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Only You
GN! Reader X Satan
"Ah MC...It seems you have only a week more left in Devildom." Lucifer announced in the middle of breakfast.
Everyone paused and stared blankly. Even Beel stopped chewing and put down his sandwich. You smiled, "Ah I was guessing it might be. Thank you for confirming, Lucifer."
One more week and then you could stop pretending to be okay. One more week of being Lilith. One more week of holding in your trauma. You smiled at the thought of being free of it all.
Everyone around looked dejected. Mammon was the first to break the silence, "Oi! You both are kidding right?!" Lucifer shook his head sternly.
"Ah how unfair! It seems only yesterday we met MC!" Asmo piped in.
"B-but we have so many animes left to finish in our watchlist, MC! And so many games we're still waiting for release!" Levi whined.
"So we can not have MC's cooking anymore?" Beel asked sadly.
"I barely got enough time with them! And you all are complaining?!" Belphie said, annoyed.
Satan was still silent. You looked at him only to find him staring right at you. You blush and look down, picking at your food. No matter how many times he did that, you still couldn't get used to it.
"You must have missed home a lot MC. Happy to go back?" Satan asked softly into your ear. You nodded slightly.
Then you felt your chest tighten. You did want to leave but that would mean no more Satan. You wanted to open up to him. If there was anyone among the brother's who could understand you - it was him.
After breakfast was over you stopped everyone before they left for class.
"Um..since it's my last week here, I have a request on how I want to spend it." You announced. All the brothers nodded and stared attentively.
"I will spend one whole day with each of you individually. And the order will be Beel, Belphie, Lucifer, Mammon, Levi, Asmo and Satan. Is everyone okay with this?"
Everyone shared confused glances at the sudden statement but obliged never the less.
The rest of the week flashed by and soon it was your last day. Satan's day.
You woke up early that day, already prepping his parting gift. A bookmark made of dried flowers, with two petals on top shaped like cat ears, inside your favourite book from the human world.
"MC? Are you awake?" Satan called out, after knocking on the door.
You were still dressed in your flimsy pajamas but who cares? You ever going to leave tomorrow anyway. You put on some cat ears and called out, "Come in Satan!"
"Good morning MC, I think you'll like what I've planned for-" Satan stopped in mid speech. His eyes widening at the attire that did a fine job of wrapping around your body seductively.
"Good morning...sorry I was too busy to freshen up haha.." You apologize. "Wait for me here, it'll only take me a few minutes."
Satan nodded, hiding his blush behind his golden locks falling all over his cheeks as he lowered his head. You sighed. How was he so beautiful early morning?
Satan held out his arm like the gentleman he was as you prepared to leave for your date. "Take my arm, MC. We have lots of places to be."
You chuckled and did as told. "I can hardly wait."
You spent the day as if you were in a Romance novel. Cat Cafe, the bookstore, walking in the park watching the setting sun, holding hands. Satan really knew the ways to your heart.
After the sun set, you returned to the house of Lamentation.
"Would you like to come to my room later? We could read your favourite book together one last time before you leave?" Satan requested, his fingers still interlocked with yours.
"Yes..." You nodded, "I was going to ask you the same..."
"I'll be waiting." Satan said, walking you to your room and reluctantly letting go.
After dinner when everyone was asleep, you sneaked into his room. He was wide awake, waiting. He was sitting in his bed in only his black t-shirt and jeans, reading a book. The room was dark with only candles providing enough light to read. He looked up when you called for him softly.
"Satan I'm here...sorry for making you wait.." You said sheepishly.
His eyes lit up and he held out his hand for you to take. "Come sit with me."
You joined him on the bed. He swiftly put an arm around you, holding you snug against him. You could smell his scent and feel his breath on your cheek.
"I got something for you. It's not much but.." You handed Satan your gift.
"A gift? For me?" Satan saw the cover of the book and flipped to where the bookmark was. "That's... beautiful. Thank you MC I can't believe you'd- wait what's this?"
He fished out a long strip of stray paper in the middle of the pages beside the bookmark.
You remembered what it was and tried to snatch it away. How did this even get in there?! What the hell?! "IT'S NOTHING!", You scream
Satan smirked as he held it beyond your reach and started reading it. "A poem for Satan? That doesn't seem like nothing MC."
You tried getting up to gain better access to snatch the paper from him. "DON'T READ IT I SWEAR IT'S NOT SOMETHING SERIOUS. I WAS JUST BEING SILLY!"
Satan tightened his grip on your waist and started reading it out loud to your utter humiliation. You struggled in his grip, gave up and hid your face instead. He stopped midway.
"You read it to me." He demanded.
"Like hell I will!" You rebutted.
"Please." He splayed out his fingers on your back holding you close. His locks tickling your nose.
"N-no. It's embarrassing. I can't-" You started but he looked so dejected you gave in. "Fine but you have to look away from me."
Satan swiftly turned his face away and nodded. You cleared your throat nervously and started.
"Dear blonde boy with the sea in his eyes,
I'll be gone soon, so I'm done with the lies,
I've liked you for a long long time,
But it's too late to impose now, so I guess it's fine?"
"You see me for me, like I see you for you,
Everyone else, they just put me in her shoes,
But these shoes don't fit, they're not mine
And I'm sick of having to toe this line."
"But with you, I'm better, I'm more like myself,
And I can't thank you enough for all your help,
For your kindness, smiles and touch,
You always save me when it gets too much."
You stop. The next part of the poem feels like oversharing. Maybe you should have talked to him about this first. He squeezes your arm, asking you to continue.
"Satan I should explain this-"
"I know. I've known this for a while. But I want to hear this first please continue."
Shakily, you continued.
"I feel his fingers on my throat, unforgiving and unkind,
Help it's getting dark...am I going blind?
I let out a tiny scream with whatever voice I have left,
You're the only one here who didn't turn deaf."
"So replace his touch with yours, with your fingers so gentle and nice,
Hold me, warm me, I feel as cold as ice,
I wish I was a kitten, in your care,
You may be full of wrath, but I was never scared."
"But I'll be gone soon, I don't want to return,
But for you my bookworm, my heart will yearn,
Blonde boy with eyes of sea,
One last time, will you kiss me?"
You had barely finished when Satan spun around and cupped your face. He peppered some kisses on your lips, going upto your ear. He nipped at your earlobe and you let out a soft gasp. His face felt warm and flushed.
He placed his head against yours and sighed. "I can't get enough of you. How do I hold myself back when you're showering me with this much love and that too so beautifully?"
He wrapped his arms around you protectively. You instinctively buried your face in his chest and put your arms around his torso.
"You don't need to hold back..." You whisper.
Satan stiffens. "MC, you don't know what you're asking for."
You hold him tighter, lifting your head you place kisses on his jaw and nibble on his shoulder. "I know."
"Then I won't hold back any longer" He says, slowly pushing you down against his pillows.
He reached down and removed your slippers off your feet. "A part of me suspected you might feel this way. But you're not Lilith. You never will be and you don't have to pretend to be. You're MC. And that's all you need to be."
You looked away, outside at the moon. "Tell me honestly...if I didn't have Lilith's bloodline, would you all care the same way?"
Satan held your chin and turned your face towards him. He may never have been an angel but awash in this silvery moonlight, he certainly looked like one.
"Remember when I told you how much I hated being a part of Lucifer? And you told me that I'm my own person. You told me there was more to me than my wrath."
"Of course." You reached out to hold his face. "You're the smartest demon I know. And your love for cats and literature is unparalleled."
"Well then you're the only human who has swayed my heart. The human so strong and capable enough to bring a semblance for harmony to a dysfunctional family of demons." He smiled gently, running his fingers in your hair.
You felt warm inside. Atleast there was someone who liked you for you. You were so happy you could cry.
"As for what Belphie did, I made sure you never really alone with him." Satan said, now intertwining his fingers with yours. You give him a questioning glance.
"Remember the book of defense spells I gave you? I cast one on you whenever he's in the vicinity. It will render him useless if he dare attack you." He said, matter of factly.
"You knew...? But I never told anyone." You said, confused.
"I know. You held it in for our sake didn't you? You repressed it so much. I can't imagine what kind of hurt you went through." Satan's fingers tightened around yours.
"But one night, you fell asleep in the library. I went to put a blanket on you when I heard you mumbling for help. You kept saying it hurts and you can't breathe. And then you said Belphie's name and asked him to stop hurting you."
"I was so furious I rushed straight to the twins room. I was going to yank Belphie out of bed and renact what he did to you. But Beel woke up and stopped me. I told everyone in the morning before Belphie woke up. You've never been alone with Belphie ever since. One of us always stayed nearby."
You listened in utter shock. "You...you were protecting me all this time?"
Satan nodded, "Well I can't take all the credit. My brother's helped too. But just know that you're not a replacement for Lilith. And Belphie's an ass who doesn't know how to apologize. I'm sorry you had to go through that alone. I know it's your last night here, MC... so I'll make this one worth remembering."
You smiled and pulled Satan towards you for a kiss. "I'm glad I saved the best for last."
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dreamiesdotcom · 3 years
february spring | h.rj
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genre: hanahaki!au, angst, fluff
trigger warning: character death
summary: You wonder what he'll do when he realizes you no longer cough petals, but flowers in full bloom — that inside you is a full blown spring, within a body that exists in winter.
word count: 2.7k
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The thing about flowers is that they suck.
Today again you wake up coughing petals and blood, feeling like wanting to burn the world and then your damned feelings — but no, you think, you'd rather not have life at all if you're not in love with him. You'd choose him again and again if asked.
That's the stupid thing about it. You're so willing to hurt and to be hurt for love that made flowers grow inside you.
Your mom is crying at the foot of your bed, praying for it all to be gone; the petals, the blood, the disease you have to fight because you fell for the wrong person. Your dad turned around to face the wall, tears in his eyes. He wants you to be better. He needs you to be better, and he needs to be strong so you could fight.
It's useless, anyway.
"This could end in three ways," you remember your doctor saying. "Either he loves you back, you take the surgery, or you die."
And you know what that means? That no amount of strength, of happiness, will keep you alive. It's impossible for him to love you back. You're dying. There's flowers growing inside you and you're dying — dying in the most beautiful way; dying of love.
Of stupid love, but you disregard that.
"Mom," you call. "I don't want the surgery."
"You want to die?" She asks with a laugh, "You want to die for a boy who doesn't even know of your love?"
"Y/N," your dad calls, a warning.
"Please don't make me go through it," you close your eyes. "I don't want to forget him. I don't want to forget love."
Because it's all I have, you wanted to say. Love is the one thing worth having, and you can't imagine yourself after the surgery; you'll get your emotions removed alongside the flowers in both your lungs and heart. You can't imagine that.
It's not even about him anymore. It's—
"Mom, please," you beg, "I don't... I don't want to live in a world where I wouldn't be able to live and love. I don't want to live not loving you and dad."
Because what is a human without love, emotions? An empty vessel. A withering rose. Something to stare at emptily as slowly, they begin to die.
Tears well in your mother's eyes, shaking her head, repeating the same words again and again — "I hate him, I hate him, I hate him" — but you made up your mind. You're dying, but before that you're gonna live —
you're gonna live, and this time not for him anymore; for yourself. For yourself too.
Even though life with this disease is limited to this hospital, the window and the rooftop, it is life still — this sickness made you cherish all the little things you'll lose when your body loses warmth. On some days you play with the kids, young hearts running around not really understanding their situations.
You put a smile on your face after everytime you throw up — you hide away somewhere no one would see, you hide yourself. You want to live. If you want to live, there's no need to be pitied.
At night, before you need to go to your room, you go to the rooftop and meet with a friend; Huang Renjun, same case. His heart longs for the stars, the moon, and a boy who is and will always be happier with someone else.
Tonight again, you stargaze.
"Imagine what we'll be if we weren't like this," he wonders out loud, "You'd still be annoying."
You kick his foot lightly, making him laugh, "See? You're sick and annoying. If you weren't sick, you'd be even more annoying!"
You turn to face him, and a fond smile is on his face, "You'd be beautiful still, even more without the tiredness in your eyes."
"And you'd still be handsome, Renjun," you find yourself saying, "You'd still love books and poetry, and stars..."
"But your smile wouldn't be so sad," he continues, pointing to Sirius, tracing the entire constellation as if the stars are right before his fingertips. "Your smile would be open and honest, not just something to comfort me."
You smile wistfully. He rolls around to pin you down, his hands on your wrists, a smile of his own on his face. It's something silly, kind of cheeky — typical Renjun.
"You're my only friend, Y/N," he confesses. "And I hate him. I hate the boy who made you sick."
Tears start to fall from his eyes, leaving him shaking. His arms still pin you to the ground, his tears falling on your face. He sobs. He sobs and sobs and my god, he still looks beautiful — Sirius rests on the space where his neck and shoulders meet. Galaxies are in his eyes.
He looked beautiful, so beautiful that you didn't have the heart to tell him that it's him. There's no other boy but him.
I wonder when he'll notice...
February cold engulfs you in its hold, making you shiver. Renjun walks beside you. It's a silent trip to the rooftop, snow falling in beautiful flakes. He takes notice in your silence.
I wonder when he'll ask if I love him...
"Are you okay?" Renjun asks, shoulder brushing against yours.
You smile at him, "I'm fine. I'm just a little cold."
Time is running out...
"Renjun," you call out his name, "Do you think you could ever fall in love with me?"
He looks at you as if you said something absurd. He laughed, he laughed until he coughed blood and petals — you stop in panic, rubbing his back.
"I think the cold is doing us no good," you say. "Let's head inside."
Was it really that impossible for you to fall in love with me?
"No, no, I'm fine." He wipes the blood off his lips, "See?"
Scary as it seems, the petals have become usual visitors for patient with Hanahaki. It doesn't even bother Renjun anymore at this point.
He'll have the surgery and get better — just a little more, he said, let me feel this love for a little more, because after the surgery I know I never will love again.
The petals don't shake him anymore. There's a cure, after all. A cure you keep denying yourself.
"Alright, let's go."
You resume walking, looking straight ahead. The sun is setting as a white sunset.
You wonder what he'll do when he realizes you no longer cough petals, but flowers in full bloom — that inside you is a full blown spring, within a body that exists in winter.
"Happy Birthday to you~ happy birthday to you! Happy birthday, happy birthday..."
You look at Renjun's room, meeting gazes with Lee Jeno. You smile and look away.
Renjun has told you the story of three best friends.
Jaemin and Jeno are his regular visitors. Whenever they come, there's a spark in Renjun's eyes — the glint of sadness, the look of yearning for love like theirs. You know. You pass by his door everytime.
You know, too, that he's still in love with Na Jaemin.
Whenever they come by, they bring him flowers — you laugh, because Renjun has enough of those blooming inside him. They bring him food to eat, bring him gifts, but there's no love for him in that space. Jaemin and Jeno's love are solely for each other, and Renjun wants that selfishness too; he wants Jaemin's love all to himself. It's what planted those seeds.
Whenever they come, Renjun wallows in envy and self pity and sadness, sadness because it breaks his heart that seeing them both so happy hurts him. Whenever they come, you battle yourself to not yell at them and make them leave and tell them they're not of any help, not helping him feel better — Renjun's life is just as limited as yours. He has counted seconds and all they do is make him realize what a fool he was to fall for someone he'll never have.
Whenever they leave, they leave a hole in his heart — it only grows bigger and bigger with every visit, with every goodbye. Renjun must be a fool.
But he'll have it, the surgery. He wants to live that much, that even though it will be impossible for him to feel love, he'll still search for happiness.
And that's how you know it.
You're dying.
In silence, you break down and whisper your greetings: Happy birthday, Renjun.
Renjun sits across you, holding the flowers Na Jaemin has given him. He plucks them once — he loves me. The sun is hidden away by the clouds, and his gaze that once were on you flutters across the room, back to where Jaemin stands. He plucks another petal — he loves me not.
Jaemin looks back to your direction, and waves. You're sure it made Renjun's heart flutter.
"You're the infamous Y/N," Jaemin grins. "I hope we can be good friends."
"Before I die, that is," you joke, earning a smack from Renjun. The stem of the flower hits the back of your head.
He loves me.
"Jaemin, where's Jeno?" Renjun asks, curious. There's no sight of honey haired boy and it's a strange sight, but you know deep inside he is pleased.
He loves me not.
"He's busy today."
"As he is every day?"
"C'mon, Renjun," Jaemin laughs. "It's not like he never gives me time."
Renjun shakes his head anyway. He releases a big sigh, calming himself down — deep inside he knows he can love Jaemin better. A pained look flashes in your eyes.
Renjun taps your thigh in concern.
He loves me.
"I need to go, 'jun," Jaemin says, taking his belongings with him. He runs straight to the door, but before that he turns around and waves.
When Jaemin leaves the room, Renjun looks like he just fell in love. Again.
A bitter smile draws on your face.
He loves me not.
The day of Renjun's surgery came quicker than expected. The explanation was simple; he can never feel love again, but he will survive. He will be alive and that's what matters.
It's a sad thought, living without love. But Renjun would rather not love than not live at all.
"It's tomorrow," he said. "You should take care."
You don't meet his gaze.
"I'm tired, Renjun," you whisper, clutching his shirt to pull him impossibly closer.
A smile draws on his face, a beautiful sight to look at.
He asks, "Tired of what?"
And you've been tired of a lot of things. You tried not being so, but you can't help but fail miserably — lately everything's just been too much. Most of them, though; thoughts like this, like the truth that spills from your mouth.
"Of the flowers growing inside me," you say wistfully, "I'm tired of it and I hate it. I hate it so much."
"And I'm tired of you too, of you looking at me with those eyes," you turn to face Renjun who sits with his head hung low. You let a chuckle escape your lips, "Those eyes that look at me as if you could love me had you not met Jaemin."
Renjun couldn't say a word.
You feel yourself withering away as more flowers bloom inside you.
Renjun left right after he recovered from the surgery, the nurses said. You stay in your bed all those time, not bidding him goodbye at all. You throw up more flowers than usual, more blood.
All the promises you made about living life before you die is gone. All you can think about is how difficult it is to breathe, how hard it is to live.
"Mom," you call, hoping for ease, "I want to give up."
But she smiles with tears in her eyes, she smiles. You see, she had the most beautiful smile in the world. Her eyes are brimming with unshed tears and her lips stretched in a pitiful expression, "No, darling," she begs. "Stay awake. Stay awake for me."
You smile back.
"It hurts to breathe."
"It will be okay," at least she prays. "It's gonna be okay. Go through with the surgery."
You shake your head, declining still. Time is running out. Your father hugs you tight, the first time in years, a kiss pressed on your temple. Your mother holds your hand.
I don't want to, you repeat again and again.
Your father holds your hand — "We'll do what you want."
And there's a protest at the tip of your mother's tongue, but it melts away at the sight of tears falling from your eyes.
"Okay, sweetie," she says. "We'll do what you want."
Your doctor comes in a hurry minutes after. He's panting, a red flush on his face — he seems mad. "How long has it been?"
"You didn't tell us you were coughing out whole flowers."
Your mother's cries start to get louder. Full flowers meant the last stage: the closest to death. At this point it's a game between life and death and the dangers in between. You smile.
"I'm sorry," you whisper, "But I'm not going through the surgery, doctor."
They look at you with eyes of pity, saddened that it has come to this. Your doctor nods. Your mother shakes in your father's hold. You laugh, "Why are you all crying?"
"Stupid child," your mother says. "Stupid Y/N."
You laugh harder, tears falling from your eyes. "I love you, mom," you say. "Can you hold my hand tighter? I'm scared."
From outside your door, Renjun clamps his hand over his mouth; he feels like throwing up. He originally planned to say one last goodbye, but instead, he gets this... this. Whatever the hell this mess is.
You're dying, all because you're in love with him.
All because he couldn't love you back.
The time comes quicker than expected.
You look at your body, watching from your soul — this must be what it is like to be have your soul wandering. You breathe in sharply, breathe out. You look at all the tubes connected to your body.
You go through the wall, moving to hug your parents. Your mother must've felt you, for her sobs grew louder and she called your name.
Suddenly, someone storms in.
"Doctor, it seems like you have an emergency patient," the nurse intervenes.
"Who's the patient?"
"Huang Renjun."
Your feel your heart drop — who knew you could still feel such things? But Renjun, didn't he...
"Renjun? Didn't he have a successful surgery?"
"Yes," the nurse looks down in shame, "But it seems there's remains of flowers in his lungs. He's now coughing out flowers in full-bloom."
The doctor rushes out of the room, saying excuses to your parents. You watch your own body breathe its last breath.
The nurse looks down, "Y/L/N Y/N, time of death, 10:48 a.m."
You wander around the hospital, going to where your feet take you. You soon find yourself in the emergency room, watching Renjun almost pass out from coughing flowers.
"Renjun," you call — the ghost of you, your soul. The one Renjun sees.
He looks in panic, knowing why he's seeing you; he's ready to die. What he's not ready for is to see you as a soul, dead and eternally young.
He blinks once, twice, hoping you don't disappear. It's not all truthful words, but he says it — "I love you."
Outside the room, Renjun's parents wonder to themselves — who is he talking to? What is he mumbling? His parents can't help but cry, worried at every flutter of his eyes.
"They say... when people are almost dying, their closest family visit them to take them to paradise." Jaemin says with a bitter smile, "I heard... Y/N passed. He might be seeing her."
A slap sounds in the room.
"My son is not dying!" Renjun's mother says. Jaemin nods, tears falling from his eyes.
"Are you scared?" you ask, head tilted, hands brushing strands of his hair away from his face.
"Yes," Renjun confesses.
"I'll hold your hand."
"Until it's over?"
You smile, "You're one of my greatest friend, after all."
Renjun never expected to die. Then, at the same time, he never expected the tiny sliver of love he feels for you — love for a friend, for a dear one. Renjun found a real best friend within you.
So, he holds your hands and comes with you.
"Doctor? Doctor, what's happening— my son!" His mother calls as he watches his eyelids close, "Renjun... My little boy..."
One last smile, one last cough of his favorite flower — Renjun is at peace. He closes his eyes and remains his age forever.
"Huang Renjun, time of death, 10:52 a.m."
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evafrechette · 3 years
I’ll take one large cock..err I mean Coke please
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↠ yoongi x jungkook | smut | drivethruworker!jk | 18+ | 2.7k
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↠ Summary: It’s been the shift from hell and all Jungkook wants to do is go home, jerk off and get some well deserved rest. But the attractive brunette with the deep, raspy voice that gets his cock twitching has just pulled into his drive thru and Jungkook’s night is about to get even crazier.
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↠ Warnings: masturbation, frottage, car sex, awkward crushes, public sex, handjobs, yoongi hates mcdonalds but likes jungkook.
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"Welcome to McDonald's, can I take your order please." Jungkook's voice cracked out of the decades old drive thru speaker while he absentmindedly twirled a straw between his tattooed fingers.
"Uh yeah just a Large Cheeseburger Combo. Uhhh and make the drink an Iced Americano please." Jungkook dropped the straw, which rolled along the ground towards the "broken" ice cream machine. He knew that low raspy voice, the one that was slightly slurred making it hard to understand exactly what was said. It came out of the cutest pouty mouth Jungkook had ever seen.
"Uhh oh y-yes, okay, please drive up to the next window." He hastily brushed his hands through his inky black waves and straightened out the hat that sat lazily on top of his head. Jungkook had a crush. A huge crush. The kind of crush your friends and family would mock you about for years to come. The cutie with the deep voice had been visiting Jungkook's McDonalds drive thru for nearly a year now, always ordering the same thing - a Large Cheeseburger Combo with an Iced Americano. He was the prettiest man Jungkook had ever seen; a soft round button nose, the most breathtakingly stunning feline shaped eyes, pale skin that reminded him of a shimmering full moon, and those lips, small, pouty and Jungkook was dying to know what they would look like wrapped around his cock.
He tapped his foot nervously against the brown tile floor as he tried to push the thought out of his head. He was at work he shouldn't be thinking about his cock and the sweet, pretty little mouth he dreamt of most nights taking him so deep into his throat that tears fell from his eyes as he gagged and moaned around him.
Jungkook let out a small squeal when he noticed the man's car roll up to his window. Hesitantly he opened the sliding glass, "Hi, umm your order isn't ready yet, please park up over there," he pointed towards the waiting area, "and someone will bring it out as soon as possible." The brunette smiled at him as he paid for the order then slowly drove towards the designated parking spot. Jungkook dropped to the floor crouching out of view, his heart was thumping against his ribs. He took a few minutes to calm himself down before returning to his mundane, tedious work.
The day seemed to drag on longer than usual for Jungkook, anything that could go wrong did. The coffee machine in the café side broke down, his coworker and best friend Jimin was burnt by hot oil in the fryer and had to be rushed off to A&E and Jungkook had slipped on some melted ice bruising both his knees during impact. By the time his shift was over he was well and truly over the day, but he had agreed to cover Taehyung's night shift (and hey, extra pay wasn't anything to scoff at)
He had a quick break, scoffing down some chicken nuggets before washing them down with a large Fanta, then fit the microphone headpiece back in place and waited for the craziness of the dinner rush. As expected the next 3 hours were insane, car after car seemed to flow past his window. His feet were burning from standing all day, eyes feeling heavy from exhaustion but he still had 4 more hours before closing.
With only an hour to go the staff that remained locked the front doors, the drive thru now the only option for anyone with a late night craving for greasy burgers and burnt fries. Jungkook was able to finally rest his swollen feet, laying down in a booth hands folded under his head. He had just started to feel himself drift off when the static of the speaker box vibrated in his ear, the telltale sign of a car pulling up dragged him from his near slumber.
"Hello Welcome to McDonalds," a yawn broke free, his hand automatically rushing up to cover his nose, "Mmm sorry, can I take your order."
"Yeah, one Large Cheeseburger combo with an Iced Americano please"
Jungkook's eyes were as large as saucers as he flung himself out of the booth and ran towards the drive thru window. It was that delicate, ethereal man again, he'd never worked nights before so hadn't expected to see him again.
"I'm sorry, b-but the McCafe is closed, you'll have to order from the soft drink menu." He checked himself out in the reflective metal bench in front of where he stood, he was sure he looked like hell but there was little he could do, not that he could see anything anyway the bench was scattered with serviettes and spilled soft drink.
"That's okay, I'll just take a large Coke then."
"Sure thing, please drive up to the next window."
The car arrived within seconds, the only vehicle in the drive thru so late at night. Jungkook stood awkwardly, eyes darting between the man in the car and the crew in the back taking their sweet ass time to get the order ready. He huffed and slid the window open.
"Do you mind parking up and someone will bring your order out for you?"
"Yeah, thanks." The man paid then pulled up into the vacant waiting area. With his headlights turned off the car was invisible in the dark of the night. Jungkook let out another yawn and rubbed his tired sleepy eyes. He walked into the back just as his co-worker was folding over the brown paper bag.
"Can you take this out to him, I really need to use the bathroom." The bag was thrust into his arms as the night manager Namjoon ran past him towards the toilet block. He sighed, obviously he had no choice but to deliver this meal to the most gorgeous man to walk the earth. God was really testing him today.  Jungkook removed his headpiece leaving it by the cash register, unlocked the front door and stepped into the chilly night.
He shivered before running towards the only car in empty space. He knocked gently on the driver side window and shifted off each foot while he waited for the window to be rolled down. There was no response. He tried to peer through the tinted glass but was unable to see anything so he knocked once more, this time a lot louder. The window rolled down part of the way and Jungkook could see the top of the man's face.
"Thanks, just slip it through." His voice was strained and a little pitchy.
Jungkook shifted his weight onto his left foot "Yeah, that's not gonna work you need to lower the window more."
A panicked no was the man's response. Jungkook was getting a little pissed off, he had been working non stop all day and just wanted to go home, have a quick jerk off session and then sleep.
"Dude, you need to open the window or I'm just dumping your shit on the ground." Jungkook didn't mean to snap, and not at the man he'd secretly been in love with for so long. But he was just so over his day.
Slowly the window lowered and Jungkook was able to see the man's face. Just as soft and perfect as always, except he had a pink tinge to his cheeks. Jungkook thought it looked beautiful, a gorgeous contrast to his pale skin. He went to pass the bag through when his eyes flickered downwards. Jungkook choked when his eyes fell upon a very thick and very hard cock peaking out between the man's legs. His jeans were pushed halfway down his legs and his right hand was clenched around the base of his shaft. Jungkook wasn't sure what to do. He'd been picturing the man's cock for months and now he was seeing it in the flesh, he was turned on and slightly overwhelmed.
The man used his free hand to grab the bag and nonchalantly threw it on the passenger seat. Jungkook was unable to remove his eyes from the brunette's cock, his tongue flicked out as he licked along his lip. When realisation set in of what he had just done, his face turned beetroot red and he spun around to run back to the safety of the store.
But before he could the man spoke, "Do you like what you see?"
Jungkook froze, it was pretty obvious he did, but he couldn't say that . . could he?
"Y-y-yes." He replied, his stutter making him cringe internally.
"Get in." It was more of a question than a demand and Jungkook felt a little better to know he wasn't the only one affected by what was happening. He walked to the door directly behind where the man sat and slowly opened it, he quickly looked around to make sure no one was watching before climbing into the back seat. They sat in silence for a while, Jungkook twisting his hair around his finger - a nervous habit of his and the man stared at him with those intense piercing eyes through the rare view mirror.
After a few minutes Jungkook heard light whimpers come from the front and leaned forward between the empty space of the two front seats. The man was stroking his length slowly, cautiously watching Jungkook's every move in the mirror. Jungkook sat quietly and watched with attentive eyes at the scene unfolding in front of him. He longed to reach out and feel that soft translucent skin, to see his cum dripping all over the tattoos that were etched into his skin. But his body couldn't move, glued to the spot he was in.
Jungkook watched as the man's chest rise and fell, how his cock twitched every time a low moan escaped Jungkook's lips and at the precum that was leaking from the tip, helping to lubricate the man's slide.
"You are so fucking pretty," The deep mumbly voice broke the silence reverberating around the stifling space, "The first time I saw you I thought you were the prettiest guy I've ever seen. I fucking hate McDonald's, it tastes like shit. But I keep coming back because I want to see you."
"What the fuck." Jungkook couldn't believe what he was hearing, his dream man thought he was pretty? And only ordered food to see him? No wonder he had never seen him order inside the store. He shifted in his seat, his cock starting to ache from how hard it was. The man was still watching through the rare view mirror and had noticed.
"Get it out if you want, bit weird for me to be the only one with my dick out."
Jungkook quickly unzipped his trousers and yanked them down letting them land on the floor with a soft thud. He leaned into the back seat and spat onto his palm, wincing once he finally felt the tight grip of his hand relieve some of the pressure building up inside of him. He felt a little silly, legs open wide, knees bruised, white socks, black sneakers, McDonald's work shirt and hat still on, but the man staring back at him didn't seem to mind one bit of his appearance. Maybe he had a uniform kink?
Together they pumped their cocks, eyes locked onto one another's via the mirror. Their hushed breaths synchronised, the thrill of what they were doing drew Jungkook closer to his release. "Shit, I'm gonna c-cum soon. C-can I feel you? Please, I've wanted it for so long." The eyes staring back at him flashed a desire Jungkook had never seen in anyone before.  The man pushed his pants off fully and scrambled into the back with Jungkook. Jungkook reached out hesitantly and stroked his fingers along the man's face, along his strong eyebrows, down his cute little nose, along his soft jawline and of course his sweet lips.
"So what's your name anyway? I'm Jungkook." he asked as he leaned in and started to kiss the man's exposed neck, hands hovering over his creamy white thighs.
"A pretty name for a pretty little thing. Perfect." Jungkook continued to suck deep purple marks onto Yoongi's neck, he hadn't given a hickey since he was a teenager, but he wanted to mark the man up so badly. He could feel Yoongi's hands knead at his soft ass, squeezing the flesh, running his finger along his crack, teasing at the entrance of his hole.
Without warning Jungkook detached from Yoongi's neck and pushed his smaller body against the backseat. He straddled Yoongi's thighs, shifting so their cocks were centimeters apart. He reached down between their bodies and held his cock in one hand and Yoongi's in the other, then pressed them firmly against each other. Jungkook whimpered, Yoongi was so hard and warm against his cock, which was now throbbing and leaking a small amount of precum. Jungkook ran his thumb over his slit, collecting as much of the clear fluid as he could before rubbing his thumb over the tip of Yoongi's cock, his fingers traced around the head, slowly moving down his length, with feather light touch. Jungkook closed his fingers around Yoongi's girth and moved his hand up and down covering him with his arousal. He stroked him a few times before taking both cocks into his tattooed hand and pushed them together. They both cried out at the contact of their pulsating cocks against one another.
Jungkook jerked them both off, squeezing and pumping eager to see Yoongi come undone under him. Yoongi arched his hips grabbing on tight to Jungkook's thighs and started thrusting in time with Jungkook. In response Jungkook ground his cock against Yoongi's even harder, his balls slapping against the large pair that hung below Yoongi's thick cock. They rocked and rutted against each others warm, smooth lengths. The windows of the car were fogged - evidence of something seedy taking place inside, Yoongi's burger and fries no longer warm, but neither took any notice too focused on chasing their climax.
Yoongi came first spurting ropes of hot cum all over his shirt while he choked out a deep, vibrating sob. Jungkook looked down and saw the creamy white fluid dripping down his fingers and over the faded black ink, his cock pulsated in his grip. Jungkook's gut tightened and his vision went blurry, he spilled his release all over his and Yoongi's cocks.
Jungkook's heart was racing just like it had been earlier in the day, he couldn't believe that the man he had be fantasising about was laying under him cock out and covered in his cum. Yoongi flashed him a gummy smile, one he had seen many times from the other side of the drive thru window. Up close it was even more lovely his perfect little teeth lined up straight, eyes crinkling in the corners.
"Jungkook! Jungkook! Where the fuck are you man?" Jungkook's head snapped towards Namjoon's booming voice echoing throughout the carpark. He looked at Yoongi panicked but the smaller man didn't seem worried in the slightest. Yoongi pulled his T-shirt up over his head and used it to clean the sticky mess off Jungkook's hand.
"Put your pants back on and act like nothing happened. Just say I'm an old friend and we were catching up or something. I'll come and see you tomorrow . . errr later this morning on my way to work. You know my order right?"
Jungkook quickly did what Yoongi told him and gave him a fond smile before climbing out into the bleak cold night.
"Namjoon-ah!!" Jungkook yelled into the darkness not quite sure where his manager was. The sound of frantic footsteps alerted him and he turned to face a very pissed off Namjoon. His jaw was clenched and his mouth was turned downwards. Jungkook had seen this face only once before, when Namjoon had lost his shit and fired someone on the spot for trying to deep fry a soft serve cone.
He gulped hard, "Sorry Namjoon that's an old friend of mine," he motioned towards the car, "I guess we lost track of time."
Namjoon sighed "You're lucky no one has showed up in the last hour besides your friend over there. Come on, it's time to clean this place for the morning crew and then we can get the hell out of here and get some sleep."
As Jungkook walked back to the dimly lit building he couldn't help but smile with the knowledge that Mr Cheeseburger and Iced Americano would be rolling up to his drive thru window in just a few hours to see him. He was lovin' it.
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Dawna's Journey
A/N: Guys this took so long XD. Please give me feedback/comments/reblogs if not on the post than anon. Look I proof read it so much now I'm sick of it lmao. I know theres grammer mistakes but If I didn't post it tonight it was never getting posted. Anyways please enjoy this!!! :D
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Dawn stood at the edge of the kingdom. The night was still as the guards had retired for the evening and she was left alone with her thoughts. Standing at the gate she stared beyond the iron bars into the foggy night where the woods were.
 She was steps away from what could be the biggest mistake of her life. By doing this, by going out into the woods to find the cure for one of the dying trolls in the dungeon, she was betraying her families name and their status along with the throne. Her uncle, her mother, her sister, Merlin, Lancelot. All of them would tell her this is wrong. That trolls were the enemy.
 Swallowing thickly, hands glowing to illuminate the night she touched the cold stone of the castle's defense wall before brushing her fingers against the iron bars that kept the trolls and fae at bay. Hissing she pulls her hand away, shaking it to make the sting disappear. Frowning as she stares out at the woods they seem to beckon her. Walking away from the gate and along the wall she goes towards a thick patch of ivy. There hidden behind the plants was a small crack. One she found as a child and still used for situations like this. 
  Slipping into the greenery rough material scrapes against her catching on her clothes but she stays determined scooting through the stone. As Ivy brushes past her face, her boots sink into the soft grass and she edges herself away from the protection of Camelot. Looking back at the castle her hands shook as she stared at her room that overlooked the very land she stood on. She'd wandered the woods many times and explored their wonders but this time was different. This time she wasn't visiting peaceful territory or exploring her magical studies in secret, this time she was going straight to the Gum Gums. She was risking everything and what made her the most nervous about it, was she didn't care. It was the right thing to do. No matter how many people said it was wrong she felt in her heart it wasn't.
 Backing away from the wall, away from her home, she realizes this could be the last time she sees Camelot if she fails. Taking it in, etching every small detail into her mind she sighs. Things used to be different. When Arthur had Gwenivere she breathed life into him and the castle. She made people hope and kept the kingdom together as the war against the Gum Gums raged on. But now the kind queen was gone and Dawn felt keeping the peace fell on her. However, as much influence as she had in the kingdom and over her uncle, Arthur never really listened after he lost his wife. He was too lost in his grief to hear reason. He banished most magic and as Dawn felt the cool air ruffle her hair she knew soon she'd be next. She couldn't fix Camelot. Not by herself but she could try and make her uncles wrongs right. Starting with the trolls he'd locked away.
 Taking one last look, the moon shines silver light over her kingdom protecting her people inside the wall. Clutching her cloak tightly Dawn closes her eyes and runs into the woods, leaving no trace that she'd ever left. She feels the grass squish beneath her feet and the whistling wind almost knocks off her hood as she runs. 
 Magically summoning her silver and gold armor the chainmail echoes in the quiet woods. Her uncle had banned magic but that never stopped Dawn. Her sister did parlor tricks for fun but Dawn craved more. It was in these woods she learned the meaning of magic and through Merlin's notes she taught herself the way of the fae world. The elements were her teachers and she hoped they'd give her mercy tonight. 
  Running faster each step she takes makes a resounding clank that bounces through the trees. Pushing past snagging branches, brambles, and thick underbrush she keeps going only one thing on her mind, getting that troll cure so her friend would survive. What an absurd notion, that she princess of Camelot was friends with a common troll. Smiling as she thought of him she kept pushing on, chest heaving as she thundered through the woods. Stepping over small streams and avoiding roots. 
  White puffs left her mouth as she pushed on. The cold kept her awake and alert even as her legs burned from running so long. Dawn stops, armor now silent as the night returns to its previous stillness.
The girl swallows nervously and takes a cautious step forward. The bridge was old and full of divine energy, she could feel its power radiating from where she stood. It acted as a divide between the world of trolls and Gum Gums. Gunmar said he owned the whole woods but that was a lie. However, past the bridge there was no doubt that was his land. As she took in deep breaths chest burning she studied Killahead. Cracked stone, worn carvings from centuries ago, and overgrown moss greeted her. A bridge that once ran over a flowing river had been dry longer than Dawn had been alive. She knew this place had power. It held generations of knowledge and stories. It could be the rise or down fall of civilizations.
But unlike the trees and forest Killahead did not talk. It just listened. Cracked stone keeping the secrets of all those that walked past it. Closing her eyes she steps away from the safety of neutral territory and towards the tarnished stone. 
 Reaching out, her hand tightly clutches the side of the bridge. As she rubs her thumb over the side the stone feels smooth from years of being worn down. Stepping onto the Killahead bridge it's uneven with patches of grass slowly taking over the stone. Dawn feels the slickness of moss and dew under her boots and tightens her grip on the side she's holding as she trudges forward. 
 The moon shone above her through the leaves and pausing she tilts her head taking it in as darkness was soon to come. Listening closely, closing her eyes to hear the forest around her it was too silent. She realized someone was following her, that the GumGums knew she was here. Refusing to give up just because she felt fear she stood tall as she crossed the bridge. The branches overhead now choked out any light and it was a miracle she could still see as she made it to the end of the bridge. Standing there taking a deep breath her hand grazed the moss that had taken over Killahead. This was her last chance. To turn back and run. To go back to the castle and ignore her uncles troll business. To allow him to continue what he was doing. But... she could not.
 Filled with determination she takes her first step off Killehad. Heading away from the bridge and into the deep woods she was officially in Gum Gum territory. Her weapon wasn't drawn and it was clear she wasn't an active threat. Though Gum Gums never were ones to pick up on hints, if she had to fight she came prepared but she'd rather leave the woods unscathed.
  Venturing deeper into Gum Gum territory her chainmail echoes through the dense foliage. Low hissing and rustling could be heard from the bushes as scouts watched her. Golden and green glowing eyes all around her as she boldly kept walking. Her hand was now on her hip weapon ready to draw but she hadn't felt the need yet. She was hoping to speak to a general or a higher-up GumGum and somehow barter for the cure but as the growls got louder Dawn knew she'd have to fight. She was waiting for someone to come and address her and the soldiers watching her seemed to understand her silent demand as they kept their distance.
 Hearing something Dawn reacts quickly. Turning boots sinking into the mud as she grouds herself her blade made a distinctive swish before it clanked loudly striking against Gunmars sword. Sparks fly and the temporary bright light causes her green eyes to shine under her cloak. The brute growled in her face and she growled back surprising the GumGum King.
 "You wonder deep in our territory Knight." He hisses. Dawn responds by pressing her sword harder against his. Remembering what the knights had done, she leans back before she puts all her effort into her sword pushing the blade against his forcing him back. Stumbling Gunmar catches himself. His blue eye stares at her cloak as he pauses surprised by the human's strength. Tightening her grip on her sword showing no hesitation that she'd strike again he chuffs unamused. 
  His dark blue eye scans her form but all he sees is a long cloak and the shine of her sword in the dim light. Sniffing the air he chuffs surprised. It was a magical blade. A mage? Hadn't Arthur murdered them all?
 "I don't want to fight. I come seeking your aid." Dawn states tilting her head to look at the GumGum king. He couldn't see her face but he could feel her stare, those green eyes haunted him. This was no normal human. No normal mage. Chuffing he sneers tilting his head.
 "Oh? And why would I help a fleshbag morsel like you?" He snarls beginning to pace around her. Dawn followed his motions watching him closely. He admitted he was curious at what this knight could want at how someone could be so stupid and bold. They were foolish to come here but from the sword skills they showed he could see why they assumed they'd be safe. 
 "Because one of your own is dying and I'm trying-" Dawn starts but Gunmar growls bearing his fangs at her. 
 "SILENCE!" He roars. Dawn closes her mouth and waits. He comes close and sniffs her before huffing hot air in her face unimpressed. She reaches up to keep her hood on not wanting him to see who she really is. If he knew she was Dawna Noble of the PenDragon line it'd be over. He'd send her corpse to Arthur and her friend's life would be lost before she had a chance to win it.
 Rolling his eye, he turns annoyed by her insistent presence. "Go home whelp." He orders. "Humans speak only lies and when it isn't lies it's stupidity. Get out and don't return and you may tell your friends at the Round Table you survived. You are no meal and you're not worth the effort." He huffs waving her off. Dawn stands shocked as he begins walking away. She just ran from the safety of her home to try and save a troll's life and Gunmar doesn't even acknowledge her? He pushes her away like she's just a confused child. Grip tightening on her sword she grits her teeth shaking. She had come too far to turn back now.
 "I'm not going anywhere!" She snaps. Running to stand in front of the Gum Gum king she spreads her arms blocking his path. She's shaking making her chainmail rattle. She'd come so far he couldn't deny her now! "I came here to Gum Gum territory at night! It's important please at least listen to what I have to say." She begs. He looked annoyed and she frowned, lowering her arms. "I need something… and I know your people are the only ones who can give it to me." Stepping closer to Gunmar unafraid and praying for the life of her friend he growls at her. She's about to respond with a growl of her own when a sharp tug from her cloak made her stumble back from the King choking. She was so distracted talking to Gunmar she forgot to watch her back. 
 Tilting her head clawing at the clasp around her neck the Gum Gum prince was behind her and his claws had snagged her cape. He ripped at the fabric chuckling as she gasped for air. Unclasping the cloak knowing it was her life or her identity Dawn turned eyes blazing. The grip on her sword tightened making it glow as her green eyes glared into his red ones. She sneered at the Prince of Darkness teeth bared. He stumbled back in surprise eyes wide as he stared at her armor before staring at her face. Dropping her cloak he stepped closer curious as he sniffed her. Her amor bore Camelots symbol and stepping closer he clearly saw the Noble clans markings in the carvings of her amor. Dawn pushes Bular's face away when he gets to close and he chuckles. 
 "... Dawna? The King's niece? A child?" He laughs but Dawn stays undeterred. Her grip remains on her sword as she points the end at him. He chuckled amused. It seemed she was braver than the rest of her family or stupider. 
 "This child." Dawn says slowly eyes narrowed into slits as she feels anger course through her veins. Her hands burn coursing with energy and suddenly the trees begin to shake as the branches above them shift. Distracted she pushes Bular over with the butt of her sword forcing him against the wet grass. The Moonlight leaked through the trees as leaves swirled around her. Had it been the day she surely would've killed him. But that wasn't her intention.
  She wanted him to see her. To fear her and as her armor shone as bright as the moon GumGums hissed backing up at the glare. "Is not one to be triffled with. I seek something and I'm not leaving till I get it." She states glaring down at Bular. He growls at her, angry she'd knocked him down but she seems unaffected by his silent threat.
 "Like we'd ever help you." Bular huffs pushing her sword away from his face. Dawn puts it back in her sheath and sighs. As she took a deep breath she could see this wasn't working. She needed to switch tactics.
 Thinking back on everything she knew of Gum Gums she paused, she'd need to choose her next words wisely. "I'm not asking for help. That's weak." She hisses. "I'm asking for a fair trade." Dawn finally says. She holds out her hand for the Prince but he snarls, snapping his teeth at her fingers. She pulls her hand away to avoid the bite and rolls her eyes. Turning away from Bular she looks back to Gunmar.
 "You have nothing we want." The troll states uninterested. Dawn hums. No she didn't, did she? What was she expecting? The Gum Gums to reach into their darkened hearts and present her the cure like a gift? This was doomed to end in a fight. 
 Hand on her sword she hums as Bular shifts behind her. The brute huffs as he gets up, bumping her aside as he walks by to get to his father. Both the beasts now glared at her. Dawn wishes she could say she was without fear as they stared at her but she'd come so far she wouldn't turn back now.
   "Leave your wasting our time." Bular says uncaring of her achievements or her power. "Your so skinny we'd choke on your bones." He adds. His father laughs head bomping his son but Dawn shakes anger radiating through her. Eyes turning a dark green she feels the grip on her powers loosen. In a perfect circle around the three of them the grass dies. The two trolls watch as the plants around them begin to wither, roots twisting and cracking as wood split and leaves fluttered down. Then it all turned black rotting away. Facing them her eyes burn with a need to prove herself. The moon shines on her and Dawn's armor reflects it's light showing her power as she stood in the dead grass.
 "Then fight me. In a duel." She demands standing her tallest as she looks at them.
 She wasn't leaving without that cure. She may fall here but she falls with more grace than either of these so called warriors.
 Gunmar leans in close his horns jutting out like a crooked crown as he snarls at her. Dawn snarls back. She. Wasn't. Leaving. Without. That. Cure.
 "... Fine. You wish to die? I will not stop you." Turning Bular and him begin to stalk away. Soldiers surround her and as she draws her blade eyes wide she sees Gunmar pause. The soldiers don't advance or go for an attack. Dawn turns and Gunmar stares at her waiting. She realizes she is supposed to follow. Taking one last look back at Killahead and the safety of the forest beyond she picks her shredded cloak off the dead grass before reclasping it around her neck.
 It seems she got what she wanted.
  An hour or two must have passed making Dawn fear she wouldn't get back before Daylight. If her bed was empty when the castle awoke they'd send a search party and she'd never be aloud to leave again. Arthur would watch her every move and Merlin… she'd never be aloud to learn another spell. Trudging on through the darkness of the woods fearing that Daybreak was near she felt weak. Her legs were tired from the long trek but she knew it was worth it. She watched as they passed trees with scratch marks in them and trollish sayings and carvings she couldn't decipher. Dawn pauses touching one of the trees and tracing the carving it flashed green and the words changed allowing her to read it. Tilting her head she squints.
 "Home…?" She mumbled seeing the deep groves in the tree. Dawn felt she knew this language from a distant memory as if it had been murmered once before as if it'd been read to her. Trying to remember how she knew it, a jab to her back made her hiss.
 Poked with a guards spear she walks away and observes her surroundings closely. Seeing more trolls watching from the bushes, standing guard Dawn realized they had led her into the heart of their territory. Her eyes are wide in wonder as she looks around enamoured. She'd heard such dark stories about the GumGums home but standing here she could only feel the warmth of fellow warrior spirits.
   Tents were set up and huts made from the surrounding trees and rock. Everything was handcrafted in a way Dawn never knew trolls were capable of. Woven branches and carved rock shielded families from the cold as they laid together. Fires raged in pits and the flames made the GumGums eyes reflect as they watched her follow their king.
   Younglings ran around the camp jumping into bushes only to leap out at their friends causing squeals of joy to ring through the camp. Mothers and fathers sat and chatted as they groomed their newborn whelps, licking them clean as they made little squeaks of protest wiggling in their parents grip. Soldiers sparred and played chuffing at one other as they rolled around and smashed their helmets against each other, kits cheering them on. The more she saw the more she began to question her faith and allegiance to Arthur.
 Was this any different than home? They wove intricate baskets of grass that held food and supplies just like the weavers and potters of Camelot. There were some differences such as how and what they wove but the patterns told a story just like her people. Warriors brought back what they'd hunted putting them in piles for all to share similar to the town's trade center. Children played games with each other running around as adults took turns to watch. Was this not exactly like Camelot? Was the way the soldiers behaved any different than Camelots knight barracks or the teens copying the soldiers exactly like young squires? She could almost imagine the GumGums as humans in this light, as a thriving tribe deep in the woods who wanted nothing to do with Camelots culture.
  As she was pushed forward by GumGum spears to keep pace, she stumbled lost in her own thoughts. 
 Stumbling forward trying to wrap her head around the fact that the GumGums weren't all evil she stared up at Gunmar. From this angle walking with his son he almost seemed... human. He could've eaten her or mauled her when they first encountered each other but instead he listened to her pleas and now he was giving her a chance to fight. That was more than what Arthur ever did for her. More than Lancelot believed she could do. Who was the real monster in this war? Was there even a need for war?
 Turning Gunmar meets her gaze and she looks away. She decides to study his camp as this may be her only chance. Looking around taking in the dense foliage and how they'd made it a home she felt eyes on her. Turning whelps watched her curiously blinking owlishly at her. She wonders if they've ever seen a human. Well a live human. Bending down and pausing to wave they ran off squeaking to their mothers. Staring at the troll families who held their children close and their harsh gazes as they glared at the princess, Dawn realized she was the only monster here.
 Bular chuffed amused, making Dawn blush. Of course they'd be scared of her. After all she was the enemy. Getting up and pulling her cloak closer plants nervously bloomed around her and nearby crystals glowed reacting to her emotions. She flushed embarrassed at her lack of control and quickly followed the King of Darkness, curious eyes watching as they left. 
Lead to an arena Dawn pauses in awe. She was standing in the fabled GumGums battle room, she'd only ever heard stories. She never thought she'd see this place. Looking out at the various weapons placed around their training space. There were axes, swords, spears, javelins, maces, and other weapons she didn't recognize. Her green eyes widened in amazement studying the colosseum from the balcony they stood on. It overlooked everything and she was determined to write this down and document it later. The arena was large and wide carved out from the center of the mountain, hidden deep in the core. She could see statues of fallen warriors decorating the rims of the arena. Stone steps carved from years of work circled the colosseum allowing trolls to watch as others spared. She also noticed dents in the walls and wondered about the battles that caused such scars. 
 Running forward Glowing Green crystals jutted from the ground and tapping one, it glowed brightly reacting to her touch. Her heart swelled at the magic in this room, the history. She felt an ancient power in this place and could feel the souls of thousands of trolls who had fallen here. It was exhilarating unlike anything she'd ever experienced. Unlike anything in Camelot.
  "Our rules are simple fleshbag." Gunmar states demanding her attention. Turning away from the balconies edge and focusing on him he snarls from his place on his throne beginning. Skulls decorated his seat and Dawn swallows before meeting his gaze listening closely. "Rule One. Always finish the fight and never hesitate." He states slamming his hand onto an old skull crushing it. Dawn nods aware of this troll custom despite how much she despised it. "Rule Two it must be your blade that ends the fight it can not be your enemies." Holding her sword tightly Dawn understands this. If she lost her weapon she could not use her opponent's to end them.
   Gunmar smirked, leaning forward on his throne of bones as he chuffed in her face. Hot air sent her hood back and made her long hair shift as he leered down at her. "And Rule Three young mage. No magic." He instructs.
 Dawna chokes hearing the last demand. No magic? Since when was that a Gum Gum rule? She was never informed that would be part of the deal. Looking over at Gunmars son she brings her sword close. 
 Bular was at least twelve feet tall and Gunmar fifteen. She was a third their size, maybe half at best.
 Without her magic it would be impossible to defeat either of them. She could fight but she didn't have proper training in dueling only practice from when she copied Lancelot. Not to mention the split swords she'd brought were magic. She'd only have the weak weapon she swiped from the knight hall which to a troll was barely a dagger. She wasn't even sure it could go through a trolls skin. As they watched waiting for an answer, Dawn's hands clenched beginning to glow. She supposed magic would be an unfair advantage but wasn't it unfair to make her fight without it? Magic was apart of her, apart of this place. To deny her such a large part of herself… Trembling she felt sick. Perhaps Gunmar and Arthur shared more than she assumed.
 "Well princess?" Gunmar sneers the title like an insult before smirking, licking his fangs. "What is your decision? Do not waste our time." Dawn shakes. He thinks her a coward, a cheat but she would always keep true to her word. She came here. She had to finish this. Looking at her hands before closing her eyes she takes a deep breath. The glow dies and their left in the dull light of the green crystals. 
  Looking up and nodding Gunmar chuffed staring at her. Sighing, she looked down at herself allowing her armor to fade away. She felt naked without her protection but If they considered magic cheating then she would respect their rules as she was on their land.
  "I do not cheat. I do not need magic to win. And if I fall there's no one to go back to anyways..." Closing her eyes thinking of home she knows either way she wins. She either dies and meets Gwenivere in Avalon or she returns to the castle and saves her friend's life.
  Whispering a prayer to her family and hoping this was not her last night alive Dawn nods. She stands before the King and Prince unarmored and defenceless cept a small blade she held. Gunmar turns and not a moment later an attendant walks in carrying what Dawn feared most. Ravenstone.
 Rare and made from the dust of fallen magic users ravenstone blocked any magic from being used, containing the energy and even stealing it if a mage was around it too long. She holds the stone in her hands when the attendant passes it to her and pauses seeing they were cuffs.
  She swallows as they watch her and closing her eyes she slips them on wearing them as bracelets. Shivering Dawn could feel them working, they would not only block her magic but drain her energy as well. She'd have to be smart in this battle or she'd surely fall. 
  Rubbing the cuffs nervously she feels the intricate runes carved into the stone. They told the story of her kind, the origin of magic. A  zap of electricity goes up her arms making her feel more powerful despite the impediment. "I do not intend to lose." She states boldly. Bular chuffs sword dragging against the ground. Neither did he. Turning towards the arena she begins walking down the stairs, the brute following her.
  It seemed Bular had decided he would be her fighting partner and Gunmar their witness. 
 Waiting at the bottom she paused. Spinning the sword in her hand she stared into the steel looking at her reflection. If she died today she died a hero. If she won it wouldn't be long lived. Dictatuous was running out of time. He needed the cure. Now. 
  Attacking her while she's distracted, Dawn quickly focuses back on Bular, on the battle. Their swords clash against each other creating sparks as they glare at one other. She was tired, had less fighting experience, and was weaker. Smirking Dawn pushed Bular back, she guessed that made this a fair match. 
  Clawing at the ground gaining his footing he snarls and charges at her. Dawn thinking quickly jumps up and flips over him as he swings his sword where she had just stood. Landing she turns holding up her blade as his crashed against hers. He sneered pushing down and she cries out feeling the increasing pressure as he pushes down. Huffing she kicks him back making both of them skid.
 She breathes deeply grip tightening. The battle had just begun and she knew she was outmatched. Shifting her position she glances up at Gunmar. He sat on his throne overlooking their battle, watching amused. His eye met hers and she stares wondering what he must think of her, of his son before Bular crashes back into her, sending her backwards. Hitting the ground she rolls rocks digging into her skin. Her shirt catches and she hisses as the cloth rips open and slashes her flesh making blood spill. The first blood drawn from battle.
  Getting up she stares at Bular. She couldn't get distracted. This wasn't like home, if she lost here she wouldn't get back up again.
  Bular stalks towards her grinning as he dragged his two swords. Taunting her as they scratched deep groves into the floor. In the green light of the jagged crystals his eyes glowed and Dawn saw a blood lust she'd never seen before. Ducking behind a rock as he slashed his swords at her she inches around it before she rolls forward going under his legs aiming at his ankles. Making contact she quickly scrambles up also hitting him in the back right above his kilt. Holding her sword waiting for a counter attack the Prince roars. Snarling he turns, swords hitting her with so much force she's slammed into a wall. Making contact she drops her sword, gasping as she grabs her side. He'd gotten her. Twice now. But so had she. They were even. Grimacing in pain eyes wide in fear she stares up at the warlords son.
 "Look at you. Tiny and weak human. You thought you could best me? I am the son of Gunmar! I am a conquer! And now for your ignorance you shall fall." He states raising his swords above her head. Eyes darting around Dawn smirks. Kicking him in the grocknuts as hard as she can he roars, dropping his swords and whimpering. She grabs her own weapon before charging. Kicking him backwards again she slashes at his chest causing black blood to spill.
 "Miserable human your death will be painful for that!" He threatens as he smacks her away with his arm. Falling back sword clattering as it slips out of her hand once more Dawn groans.
Her breathing is rough as she shakes. Bular picks up his blades and as she kicks back trying to reach her sword his claws dig into her ankle pulling her towards him. He huffs hot air into her face keeping her pinned and she stares at him. He raises a sword but moving her head the blade simply sinks into the ground next to her. He snarls and she snarls back, body burning with pain but brimming with determination. She could not fall.
 Smashing her head against his he hisses in pain, stumbling back as she stands. Blood drips into her eye and her ankle burns from the deep cuts but she still stands tall. "I don't intend to lose." She sneers and he growls at her. Tackling her to the ground Dawn grunts but smirks. He'd pushed her closer to her blade.
 Smiling Bular stared down at her ready to smash her head in right as her sword pierced his side and went straight through his ribcage. She missed his heart intentionally though she wonders how his face would've looked if he had been beaten by such a "weakling" as herself. Smiling as warm blood dripped onto her hands from the wound she'd inflicted she forced him back before climbing on top of him straddling him. Grabbing his horns and pushing his head down she glares down at him huffing.
 "You you you!!!" He roars thrashing but Dawn keeps one hand on the sword threatening to push it all the way through if he didn't listen. The other rested on his horn keeping his head down.
 "Yield Bular. You've lost." Dawn snarls. Their battle was intense and she almost fell but Bulars cockiness had been his downfall. Her hair falls onto his face as she breathes deeply staring into his eyes. Bular chuffs growling at her but her hand remained on the hilt of the sword reminding him she could end him if she chose. She'd done it. Bloody but not broken she'd beaten Bular the Butcher.
 "MY SON!" Gunmar screeches from his throne ready to charge. Dawn turns holding out her hand that'd been on Bulars horn. The GumGum king paused snorting at her boldness. 
"I'll make a deal." Dawn states. "Declare I've won and I'll take off the raven cuffs, I'll heal him, and we never speak of this. And..." She takes a deep breath in blood still dripping from her wounds. "You give me what I desire." Dawn offers. Gunmar chuffs staring at her then Bular. Bular who was covered in blood and beaten by a mere mortal. His son. His legacy. Who was this girl? 
There's a long pause where the only sound is Bular and Dawns wheezing breaths. Dawn and Gunmar stare at each other and finally Gunmar chuffs looking away. 
"You have won." He growls lowly.
"Father!" Bular snaps before roaring at the movement. The pain from the inflicted wound was unlike anything he'd ever felt. Dawn turns eyes wide as she holds the sword still to keep it from hurting him further.
"Silence! You have lost Bular let the witch work!" Dawn nods and ripping off the cuffs she takes out the sword before placing her hands against the wound. His stone was warm despite being rock something she wasn't expecting. The texture was rough and marred threatening to slit her hands open if she didn't work carefully. Black and red stained her hands their blood mixing together and as her eyesight blurred she prayed that after the battle her magic was strong enough to heal him. 
Closing her eyes focusing Bulars breathing and chuffing gets louder as electricity courses through his veins. Dawn feels the wound close under her fingertips slowly and putting more energy into it, more thought the GumGum Prince stares amazed as the rock melts and melds before becoming a small scar against his chest. Almost as if she'd never struck him in the first place. 
Dawn pulls back still straddling him and he stares at her. This small human who just put him on the brink of death only to save him. Who was this human? This Dawna Nobel? 
"... Can I please get the troll cure and go home now?" She begs falling off the dark prince to lay on the ground besides him. They both lay still after their battle, taking deep breaths in.  
 Gunmar held the potion as Dawn smiled. She had a small cut above her eye from headbutting Bular and a gash on her arm and leg from rolling on the ground but she'd done it. She got the cure to save Dictatious. Taking the bottle into her hands Gunmar leaned close.
"Do not let me see you here again." He chuffs. "And do not take this potion lightly. It could destroy my people but I put my trust in you as you've been the only honorable human I have met in some time. You bested my son and for that you will not be underestimated again." Holding the bottle close, feeling the warmth of it's magic through the glass Dawn looks at Gunmar and nods. That was the closet to a compliment she'd ever get from the GumGum King. 
"You have my word Gunmar." Smiling she turns facing Killahead before she fades into the shadows disappearing. 
Sputtering as she falls into one of the many castle halls, Dawn can't breathe as she lays flat on the carpet. Breathing deeply her hands dig into the lush fabric as her eyes go blurry. Groaning light leaks from a nearby window onto her face and she sees it's sunup, sometime in the early morning. Grunting body burning in pain as she slowly gets up she begins to limp down the hall sweat and blood dripping down her face. But holding the potion close she can't bring herself to care about her pain. Heaving in air, she could feel the night and the toll of magic finally catch up to her. However she couldn't quit rest yet. Clawing at the wall as she continues walking she pulls herself forward cradling her prize close. 
Dawn paused looking around the corner. The guards that were usually stationed for prison duty were gone on shift leave, giving her a window of opportunity. Opening the door that led to the dungeons quietly she sneaks inside to the staircase before closing the door. Staying in the shadows and avoiding the torches she creeps down the stairs careful not to make a sound. Peaking, her head out she sees most of the trolls were resting or trying too. Hacking could be heard and she winces, listening to Dictatious as he continued to cough.
 Walking quietly across the stone floor, trolls don't pay her cloaked form any mind. Standing near his cell she holds the mug of tea and potion close. She'd changed her clothes to look more presentable. She'd also slipped into the kitchens when no one was looking to grab a few things. Holding the potion and tea in her hand she pauses outside his cell. She could study the potion Gunmar gifted her, reverse it. Make a weapon and wipe out the GumGums once and for all. Magic would finally be respected. Arthur would respect her. But...
 Hearing his loud pained coughs Dawn closes her eyes as she pours the potion into the tea. She sticks the cup through the cell bars allowing Dictatious to take it. The hacking stops and Dawn slowly opens her eyes. Dictatious looks at her untrusting and she frowns her hand with the tea shaking.
  "Please it'll help I promise..." She begs him. He blinks before looking at Dawn through the bars that seperated them, all six eyes peering into her soul through the darkness of the dungeon. 
 "... why?" He asks voice barely above a whisper as he forces it out of his raspy throat. He had gotten worse while she was gone but she believed Gunmar had fulfilled his deal as she had hers. That his sickness would be cured once he drank what she'd fought for and that he'd live just as she had.
 "Because this is wrong and I'm sorry. Please..." Dawn continues to offer the cure, cloak hiding her face but Dictatious knew her. She was the King's niece. She was Camelots jewel. She was that girl who would sneak into the woods to learn magic and come down into these dark dungeons to hear the stories he told other trolls to keep their hopes up.
  He sniffed the tea, it was a spicy moss blend that Dawn found many trolls enjoyed. The ingredients in the kitchen were slightly different from what trolls used but she hoped it'd appease him. Dictatious and her were by no means close but she wanted to amend that. They'd met in the woods when she was small, he'd helped her home. And once more he'd seen her practicing magic and had gifted her a troll book about ancient spells. She'd hated trolls for months after Gweniveres passing. She'd hated her magic but then she remembered. She remembered her aunts love and kindness. Her passion for the arts and her interest in magic. She would not let Arthur get away with this if she was still alive. But she was dead so it was Dawn's responsibility now. 
  It helped that Dictatious told stories whenever she came down to explore the dungeons. Although they never directly interacted he showed her not all trolls were evil. Before he got sick he spun tales of his world explaining magic in a way Dawn had never heard before. He was not a beast like Arthur described and she couldn't bear for him to die when he became sick and could no longer tell his stories. She couldn't stand that these trolls were trapped, that so many had died here. But for now all she had to beg for forgiveness was the potion. 
  "..." Dictatious studies Dawn humming as he looks her over. He takes the cup, his hands touching hers. She smiles and he looks grateful as he takes the warm mug. Looking at the princess with glazy eyes he snorts amused. "You are not like your family. You are different..." Dawn tilts her head but he doesn't add on as he chugs the drink. Once done he hands the cup back before curling into a ball on the dungeons cold floor. Dawn stares at him panicked. Had it been poison? Was he dying? Had she killed him? Had Gunmar lied to her?
 "Dic…?" Going to open the cell bars she paused watching his chest slowly rise and fall. Sleeping. The troll was just resting. Sighing and letting out a laugh Dawn falls against the bars exhausted. Chuckling she hugs her knees close. As she looked at Dic slumbering and listened to the rumbling trolls around her, her eyes fluttered. Yes she could use some of that too...
 Dawn feels a hand on her shoulder. She startles awake looking around confused before she remembers visiting Dic in the dungeons. Groaning she isn't sure when she dozed off but apparently she had.
 "You stayed?" Turning Dawn takes off her cloaks hood and pauses seeing Dictatious look at her. Smiling she stands, excited the potion worked as he looked much healthier. 
 "You're up." She states ignoring his previous remark. Studying him he seemed to be in good health despite the terrible circumstances. Dic hums in response reaching his hand through the bars to touch Dawns face. "Are you well?" She asks ignoring as he poked her.
 "I am but what of you? What happened to you?" Dawn blushes remembering the bruises and cuts all over her face from the duel. She didn't have the energy to deal with them last night. Letting out a chuckle she shrugs it off.
 "Don't worry about it." She responds, muttering a quick spell to heal her injuries. Dictatious watches with wide eyes as the cuts slowly close and the swelling goes down. She still had some light bruising but she looked much better. He had not seen her last night in the darkness of the dungeon but he'd recognized her scent and voice. Plus she was the only human who really came down here other than the Knights. 
 "You are a very strange human." He states crossing his arms. Chuckling Dawn nods. She was indeed different than her family. 
 "Can you walk? What about run?" She questions suddenly. Dictatiouses face scrunches as he tilts his head. What was she planning now?
 "Yes I feel fine now but why?" He asks. Dawn nods at him before she summons her armor. If she'd fallen asleep against the cells in the morning than it had to be dark now.
 "You've been here long enough. All of you. It's time you go home." She states. 
 "Dawna what are you doing?" Dictatious demands grabbing at her arm but she was already walking away from his cell to the center of the room. Making the torches burn bright, light fills the room showing Dawn.   "... You don't know me!" Dawn addresses them and the sound of grating stone can be heard as they turn and shift towards her. Eyes of all shapes and sizes watching the girl speak. "But I believe Trolls aren't evil. And I promise you, neither are humans. I do this because what my uncle Arthur did to all of you was wrong. I do this to show we're not all like him." Dawn fueled by saving Dic holds up her hand and all the cadges glow. Trolls gasp backing away before the locks suddenly click and the doors swing open. They… they were free? "Follow me and I'll lead you home!" Pulling her hood up Dawn runs out of the dungeon towards the castles entrance and the trolls, goblins, stalklings, and gnomes follow. Dictatious pushes past other trolls and rushing out of his now opened cell runs to be in the front right next to her.
 "Dawna this could be your title! This could be everything. Your very life! What are you doing?" He demands pulling on her arm but she just smiles, winking at him. 
 She leads a charge, directing the various creatures through the castle. Bigger creatures pick up smaller or sicker ones to help them keep up. The freed trolls follow behind her trusting the emboldened mage who had saved them. Their thundering footsteps echoing through the castle.
Making it to the front entrance she bursts the door open with her magic, leading everyone out of the castle and through the labyrinth of Camelot cobblestone streets before finally arriving at the gate. Focusing and saying a spell she hoists the iron bars open and they nod at her in thanks before they run. 
 It was early morning and the sun slowly begins to rise but for now there was enough shade for the night creatures to travel safely. Dawna can hear commotion coming from the castle as knights scurry around trying to find the escaped trolls and missing princess. Laughing as she watches the trolls flee, seeing them return home to the woods her chest flutters in happiness. She'd done it. She'd used magic and she'd freed them. 
  Feeling a pull Dawn stumbles almost dropping the gate and pausing she turns.
  "Lets go." Dictatious states yanking at her hand. She blinks surprised before staring at the troll.
  "What?" She asks softly. He pulls again wanting to drag her into the woods with him. With all of them. Some trolls pause on the bridge looking back and waiting for her decision.
 "Come with us. Please." Dawn blinks before she stares at Dictatious. Tilting her head she gazes outward, to the woods and their lush forest. With the freshest of fruits and gorgeous flowers. With friends. With Safety. With Magic. With sparring. And Freedom. She'd have freedom. She feels another pull and hesitantly she takes a step back so she doesn't go running away with them. 
 "My family is here..." She mumbles but she longs to leave with Dictatious. To go to their troll safe haven and explore the troll world. Too read endless books and immerse herself in their culture and magic. Too see what she'd only heard stories about. To become what she could only dream. 
 "You don't belong with them." Dictatious lightly bumps her head with his before squeezing her cheeks. Dawn is confused but laughing she smiles realising he had just given her the equivalent of a platonic troll kiss. He saw her as kin and he wanted her safe. She didn't belong in Camelot anymore did she? Her home was the wild surrounded by trees and magic not cobblestone and iron. But if she stayed she could help and maybe someday she would ascend to the throne and she could fix things. She could repair the damage done by Arthurs anger and she could rule with Gweniveres love. 
  The loud clanking of armor gets closer and Dawn hugs Dictatious feeling his rough stone against her before she pushes him to flee. He runs understanding her decision but at the end of the bridge he hesitates sending her a hopeful glance. He waits but Dawn simply bows a last goodbye and he nods taking off into the safety of the woods. Looking up again about to bring the gate back down Dawn pauses. 
  Gunmar stood at the edge of the woods watching. Tilting her head he nodded slowly at her. He did not trust humans and the Royal Family was at the top of that list but Dawn hoped she had earned his respect. If she ever fell by his hand she hoped it would be a quick merciful death. Something he granted few.
 The iron bars slam down as her magic burned out, separating her from the woods and all that lied beyond. Dawn signs looking away. Once again she was trapped.
 Gunmar stood at the woods edge peering into the Humans putrid village. He had come to scout and see if Dawna would keep her word. If the potion she won truly was for a troll or if she was lying and planned to use it against them and slaughter his troops. His single eye widened as the gates opened. He growled ready to tear open her throat but paused as a flood of magical creatures poured out rather than the army he was expecting. He could see trolls of all kinds, stalkings, gnomes, and goblins and amongst them stood an unafraid Dawna. They towered over her and had ten times her strength and yet she didn't fear them. They all left and Dawna was alone. Going to turn and leave he paused. Some trolls remained. A cloaked troll had stayed back and now they were clinging to her. Even from the distance he could see they were small and sickly, barley recovered despite the potion it seemed. The troll pulled at her as the others encouraged her to leave with them. Gunmar snorted enraged at the notion they'd invite her into the woods. 
  The girl simply nodded no, trying to urge them to leave. A wise decision on her part. The troll looks up and saw he was running out of time, the light was coming and with it his death if he didn't hurry. He leaves but Gunmar watches him hesitate. The trolls look back and Dawn smiles before bowing goodbye. The trolls run to the shelter of the trees and the princess watches them leave. The gate is about to drop before her green eyes lock onto him. Their gaze meets and she slowly nods to him. The gate slams down separating them before he can respond and he hums watching her run off as knights come. Perhaps if things were different. If she was born a troll or even a GumGum in another life they could've been allies. Maybe even friends. He turns feeling saddened that she chose to remain imprisoned when she clearly could be free. What an odd human.
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solar3lunar · 3 years
5.ℙ𝕣𝕖𝕤𝕤 𖨆 𝔹𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕜 𝕀𝕟
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5.Press Break In
Ayama Aizawa POV
The worst thing is. It's 6:47. "6:47?!" I jumped out of my bed and quickly took off my bonnet. "Oh wait. Class doesn't start until 8:25... But I'm taking the bus!"
I regret staying up late on that dang switch and not going to bed when I was told too. I don't even want to get out of bed.
I rushed towards my closest and pulled out my uniform. After that I go to the bathroom. My Dad told me he had hero work last night so he won't be here when I wake up, but he'll be at the school.
"I should have set the volume on my phone louder! But no. I told myself I wasn't going to sleep through it, but I did!" I shout at myself.
After brushing my teeth and putting my clothes on. I go back to my room and got my backpack on and rush downstairs.
I go into the kitchen. Into the pantry to get the cat's food. Once I poured their food and water in their bowls. I got out cereal and milk and ate that.
I put my dishes in the sink and went towards the door. I saw the cat were sleeping in their cat tree house. At least their asleep.
I put my shoes on and head out the door running towards the nearest bus stop instead of walking and taking my sweet time.
I get on the bus and I notice Izuku. But he seems a bit in thought. So I go in my backpack and pull out my headphones.
I zipped my backpack up put the headphones on and listen to music. I'm now lost in thought. I can't stop thinking about what melody I heard last night.
But I have no idea why. It was the same one like last time. I got off the bus I started to walk fast to the school. "Hey Deku!" I said. I walk up to him.
"Hey Ayama!" He said. "I notice you seem a bit lost in thought. I just wanted to know if you feel okay." He asked worriedly. "Oh yeah. I'm just fine. I was just thinking about song I been hearing in my head. That all." gave him a bright smile.
"You do kinda reminds me of All Might." He said. We both stop in front of the school gates.
"Huh? What do you mean Deku?" I ask. " Well you and All Might has been through some hard times, but yet you guys always have a smile on your faces." He said. I put a hand on his shoulder.
"Deku... I'm not proud of it. At all, but I don't want people to worry about me all the time." I told him. "But I know one day you'll be the best hero ever. Don't tell Bakugo I told you that." I giggled. "Like that'll even be possible." He laughed nervously.
We were in front of the security gate. And suddenly the ground shake a bit and a loud commotion getting closer and closer.
We turn around to see. Microphone and cameras all up in our face. And I got separate from Izuku because of this.
"Hey you!" A woman called out "Umm- yes?" I asked. "What's it like to have All Might as a teacher?!" A lady shove the microphone in my face. " I would appreciate if you didn't shove it in my face." I said kindly.
"Can you just answer the question?" She rolled her eyes. "No comment." I said trying to walk away, but I felt a hand grab my arm. My eyes change to a color I wasn't familiar with.
"Can you just answer one question." The woman asked. But I felt a present behind me. "Get your hand off of her now." Katsuki...
"Come on." He grabbed my hand. His hand was big and warm. We walk to class. We walk pass my Dad who just showed death in his eyes. And that has me confused.
"Why didn't you just walk away nerd?" He asked. I had my eyes closed when answering him. " I don't know. Some person touch me and held me back." I said.
"Who!?" He Shouted at me. "It's not important, beside it not like I got hurt." I tell him as well as trying to calm him down. "I Don't Give A Shit!" He shouted. As we enter the the classroom.
I just ignore him while walking inside going to the front. I had my hand covering my eyes. "DON'T IGNORE ME. HEY! DUMBASS!" He yelled.
I just sighed and turn his way. My eyes are closed not wanting to look at him. "Look I'm not harm in anyway. I'm not bleeding nor dying. It was just one hand grab my arm, I'm fine." I said.
I open my eyes only too see Bakugo eyes in shock and hear my classmates gasp. "Ayama, sweetie come here." Momo said. I walk to her desk. She open a double mirror. My eyes were black pitch black, with white pupils in the middle of them. One was in the shape of a crescent moon the other full.
I don't even know what I did. "Do you what could've cause it?" She asked while putting a hand on my shoulder.
"No. I'm just as confused." I said. "Oh hey they've changed back." Mina points out. "Oh yeah you're right." As I look at the mirror.
About 5 minutes later after that incident, my Dad came in to compliment on how we did yesterday. He said saw the video of us all during training. While he told Bakugo not to sulk over losing. Then got on Midoriya about him and his arm.
"Let's get down to business. Our first task will decide your future." He said. Now everyone was thinking it. 'Is it another Quirk test?' "You'll all need to pick a class representative." He said.
Now everyone shouting. And I'm getting a headache. And that's coming from a person who has a singing quirk. Anyways if someone is to run this class or would be Iida or Yaoyorozu.
"Silence, everyone please." That's exactly what I mean. Iida can get anyone attention real quick. "The class representative's duty is to lead other." And here he goes into his speeches.
"That not something anyone can do. You must first have the trust of every student in the classroom. Therefore, We must do this logical to fill this position is democratically. We will hold an election to choose our leader." He said
Oh well they way they acted just told me their not ready. And I know Mina would not take it well. "It's pretty obvious you want us to vote for you." They'd told him.
"Ayama who do think should be class representative?" Midoriya asked. "If I'm being honest. It's should be Iida or Yaoyorozu." I said. "Aw, thank you." She then pats my head and hugs it. "I'm just being honest." I said.
I'm too upset with the head pats. She always did that and I know her. But if my hair in braids or a certain style like bantu knots. She knows not to touch my hair. I usually don't mind if she pats my curly hair. Just as long as she or anyone else doesn't play in it.
"I mean most of us only knew each other for a few days. How do we know who we can trust?" Tsu ask. "Besides, everyone'll just vote for themselves." Kirishima said. And both have good points.
"Most people will. But that means whoever receives multiple votes must truly be the most suitable person for the job." Iida said.
He then turns towards my dad who's now in his sleeping bag. If I could bring my blanket. I would. "It's the best way, right, Sir?" He asked.
"Do what you want, just decide before my nap's over." My dad falls over clearly not caring if he gets hurt or not. And he wonders were I get my "I don't care" attitude from. Hearing stories about my mom. There's no way I get it from her.
After agreeing who we should vote. I put my vote for Yaoyorozu. And yet.... Midoriya somehow came on top and Momo is the runner up. The class was quite for a moment.
"Wow." I said breaking the silence. "Okay you Idiots, who voted for him?" Bakugo shouts. I have a feeling Uraraka and Iida did.
"What, Did you honestly think anyone would vote for you?" Sero asked him "What did you just say!" Katsuki shouts. Bakugo kept going back and forth with him.
Iida look so disappointed with himself. And I kinda feel bad. Midoriya's in front of class. I'm not paying too much attention to what going on though. Yaoyorozu is deputy. My Dad still in his sleeping bag. And- "This is a complete mess."
Classes when by pretty fast, before I knew it. It's was lunch time. I decide to sit with Yaoyorozu and Jirō.
"I'm sorry about the election, Momo." I said. "It's fine. I'm not surprised most people voted for themselves." She said. "Hey guys mind if we sit with you." Midoriya ask. Ochaoco and Tenya was behind him. "Oh hey guys. Yeah no problem." I said.
"Thanks guys." Ochaoco said. "Yeah no problem considering how many people are in here." Jirō said. "She's right. It's always so crowded in here!" Ochaoco complain.
"That's because students in the support, management, and hero courses all share the same cafeteria." Tenya explain. "Hey Deku you seem down. What's on your mind?" I asked him.
"It's just that I'm still kinda worried about the whole class rep thing, I don't think I'm qualified." He said. "You'll be fine. As long as you don't mess up, beside you have all of us to help you out." Uraraka said.
"You'll be great. That the reason I voted for you at least." Iida said. "You were one of the three?" Midoriya ask. "It's was kinda obvious to tell." Yaoyorozu said.
"Your courage and quick thinking under stress will help make you a worthy leader. And given the strength you demonstrated." Iida said.
The conversation was nice. We found out that Iida was apart of the private agency of his family. And Izuku being Deku knew all about it.
"Yeah so about that practical exam-" Midoriya had gotten cut off due to the bell ringing.
We all have confused look on our faces. 'Lunch isn't over yet so why-' "What is that!" Midoriya ask. 'Warning. Level three security breach. How?' I thought. "All students please evacuate the building orderly fashion." After that everyone was quick to run straight to the door.
I on the other hand stayed put. I feel my eyes change. I quickly go towards the window. 'How the heck did the press break in?' I could see my Dad and Uncle Mic trying to get them to calm down. I guess there waiting for the cops. I feel myself getting push into the large crowd only to get crush onto the window.
"Ayama it only the press and your-" He started off. "My eyes, I know, but what are we going to do about the students?" I ask him.
We heard Ochaoco scream. "Guys help me!" She shouted. We start to move more into the crowd to reach her. "Uraraka touch Tenya hand to make him float!" I shout. "Good idea!" She tells me. It was a bit of a struggle, but she touch him and he begins to float.
"Iida go to the front then tell them what's happening!" I tell him. "Right!" He uses his Quirk which made him crash into the wall..
"Listen up, everything is okay!" He yelled. Everyone stop moving to look at him. "It's just the media outside. There absolutely nothing to worry about." I notice he was holding on to a blue pipe while shaking. 'I guess her effect wore off on him.'
"Everything is Fine! We're UA students. We need to remain calm and prove that we're the best of the best." At his speeches comes in handy.
"Look the police are here!" One student pointed out. "Thank goodness." Another studentsaid. Yes thank God. About few minutes later we all went back to class.
"It's time class rep let's being." Yaoyorozu said. Izuku was stuttering almost the whole time. " Um. Okay, so we need to figure out who the other class officers will be." He started off, but then said that Iida should be the one leading our class.
He then goes onto say what he saw during the panic state everyone was in. "But I didn't come up with the plan all by myself. I had Ayama help me." He said.
"Yeah but Iida. We all know you and Yaoyorozu would be the best options." I told him. Still covering my eyes. "Well Ayama your actually one of the best options out of the three." Ojiro said. "Well I-"
After a solid minute of convincing. He took Midoriya place. School has finally ended. I quickly pack my stuff up and walk towards Bakugou.
"Guess who." I told him while covering his eyes. "Nerd." He said. "Nope." I said. He took my hands down off of his eyes. "Is it a dumbass then?" He asked chuckling. "No!" I said.
"Sorry about yesterday." I told him. "Tch. It's whatever." We had a conversation(with his shouting of course.) just hanging in the classroom. I see Momo waving me over to give her a hug. I told her I'd see her tomorrow.
"Anyways, I better get going." I said. "What your going walk away from me again and pass out?" He shouted. "No no no I just need to get home to the cats." I said. "It's a joke you dork." He said. "O-Oh." He just start to snicker.
"It's not that funny." I said. " Yeah whatever, later nerd." He said walking out of the classroom. "Later." I said. I just have to cover my eyes. "Okay." I whispered. I gather my things and went towards my dad's office.
"Oh you're here early." My Dad said. "Yeah, but I have a question. Two actually." I said. "Well?" He said. "How did the press break in?" I asked.
"We're guessing a person with a Quirk cause it, but we don't know if it a show of power or a new villain." My Dad explain. "Okay now for the second part." I said. I open my eyes.
"My eyes." I said. My Dad look shocked, but not in a way he showed it. "When did this happen?" He sighed. "This morning. I don't know someone grab by the arm and then I felt my eyes change. Oh and the students know about it." I told him.
"You'll be fine by tomorrow. Nothing will change. It's just something you got from your mother side." He said getting his keys. "I'm hoping you weren't in a bad mood this morning." He said.
"No, more like Bakugo was upset." I chuckled. Car ride was quite, because I like do homework in the car. My Dad always scolds me for it. But we didn't have any this day. So I decided to just to text everyone to see what they were up to.
Once we got home I took my shoes off and was greeted by Leo and Nubia. I pet their heads the walk upstairs. I went up to the bathroom, only to smell....
Once I threw that out and refilled the litter box. I took a quick shower and put PJs on. My eyes were still black and white. And I put my bonnet on.
Night came by fast. And I was done with all of my homework that was given to me. I went downstairs for dinner. But during dinner I got lost in thought again.
I was thinking about my mother's siblings. What were they like. Other than Aunt Miyoko. Would they love me even though I'm good? Considering four of them are bad.
"Try not to think too much. You'll end up with a bad headache." My dad said as filling the cat blows with water and cat food.
"Huh? How did you-" "A father knows their daughters. Not just mothers" He said. "Fine. It's just why is this happening now, and not when I got my other two Quirks." I ask him.
"It's normal, because the same thing happened to your mother." He said then went back to eating. I was done so I just put my dish in the sink. "Goodnight." I said. "Night, Lyric." The cats followed me upstairs.
I just sat on my bed. The cats had pet beds, but wanted to sleep with me for the night. I layed down. "Why do I have this feeling that these eyes might help me tomorrow or could cause chaos."
{If God Spoke~Chloe x Halle}
'Oh you pray to me, won't you write your song and sing along? There's a way to_____'
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Taglist: @mypimpademia @angiebug101 @yvesssss
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~Luna Lyric~
~Universe navi~
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keiscait · 3 years
Hey lovely! Your matchups sound super fun so can i get living room and bedroom? If you only want to do one that's okay with me! Or none at all🤗
My pronouns are she/her and I'm bisexual. In relationships romantically i can take a bit to open up due to severe anxiety and general forgetting to share things that are importance.
On that same note I'm super forgetful but i always make sure to note down important dates and set reminders so I'm ready! I like pda but hardly initiate since I'm super awkward when asking for affection or attention.
I often need someone who can help me take care of myself, since i either forget or get so stressed i sieze to function properly. I will forget to eat meals, and drink water, etc. I also regress on occassion so someone who's ready to help me out a bit here would be great.
In a sexual relationship I'm definitely a bottom, leaning towards brat but usually really sweet. I'm pretty shy about being intimate, and that plays into my praise kink.
Most things I'm willing to try, not really into anything too hardcore but most kinks to a mild extent are within my comfort range.
My hobbies are reading and writing, as well as baking! My zodiac sun and moon are both capricorn (despite often being told i seem more like a libra or pisces, until i ask questions) I'm a super curious soul too, i ask lots of questions all the time, especially when my partner is interested in something I don't know much about.
I tend to look for a nurturing partner who can help aid me along in rough times and enjoy the good ones with me when i want to explore. I also appreciate having a more dominant partner even when in public settings, since i often panic when asked simple questions and left to my own devices. Oh, and lots of down time at home together since I'm an introvert.
My hogwarts house is Hufflepuff! And i hope to take a medical career in my future so i can help out those who need it. I also want to explore the world! I'm multilingual and pick languages up super quick and well.
I'm 5'5, with red hair (dyed, similar to tendou) hazel eyes, my skin is superrrr pale (I can't use foundations, i have to either custom order it or use cheap white face paint to achieve a similar effect) I'm also pretty slim, with an athletic build. I often wear dark, puno types of makeup and fashion, and on the other 50% of the days i wear super soft clothing. I also have a lot of piercings, with snakebites, left eyebrow, doubles in each ear lobe and one cartilage piercing.
My taste in music is definitely in rock and metal, to the surprise of everyone around me. They all think I'm too shy and sweet for it xD
That's all! Have fun lovely!
-sunny ☀️
Hello, Sunny darling! You are MY FIRST EVER REQUEST so thank you so much and I hope you like it! Let’s head on over to the living room first, then we’ll make our way to the bedroom ٩(◕‿◕。)۶
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Here in the living room, I’ve invited over for you...
Ennoshita Chikara! (Runner up: Yaku Morisuke)
I think our wonderful leader of the 2nd years would be perfect for you. He’s stern when he needs to be, and has a naturally nurturing personality. He wants to bring out the best in the people he loves, and he’s capable of doing so in whichever way he can. He’s willing to step up to the plate, he’s reliable, observant, and protective.
- It doesn’t take Ennoshita too long to pick up on your non-verbal cues. He will learn your ups and downs, and sooner or later he will be able to predict them
- Expect this guy to be super understanding when it comes to your anxiety. If you ever get anxious, especially in public, he is bound to notice before it gets out of hand. I imagine if he starts seeing signs, like you tensing up, he’ll just grab your hand and give you a soft reassuring smile to make you feel at ease
- He’s responsible enough to get the 2nd years whipped into shape, so he’s capable of doing that for you when absolutely necessary, but will always make sure he does it in a gentle manner
- Remember when Coach Ukai was supposed to scold Yamaguchi about his serve? Expect that kind of protection from our darling junior captain as well. He’s super patient, and makes sure you are treated right by others too
- If it takes you a while to open up to the team, Ennoshita would surely try his best to make you feel comfortable, sometimes use his more dominant side to give you a little push to break out of your shell more, all while making sure that you aren’t overwhelmed by the situation
- Ennoshita understands THE HELL out of being anxious and withdrawing from situations (yes, I’m talking about that time he ran away). He will take the lessons he’s learned from then, and will help you through the tough times
- Your dreams to become a doctor? That AMAZES him. How can anyone be so selfless and so determined to succeed to help others? He believes in you so much and is so excited to be there to watch you turn your dreams into a reality. (manga spoiler, beware!: He’s also in the medical field - a physical therapist - so you guys would be a super duper power couple!!!)
The two of you stood on the porch of Daichi’s house, waiting to be let in. It was the 3rd year captain’s birthday, and your boyfriend, Ennoshita, thought it was about time you met the team.
“You’re tense,” he quietly said. You just looked at him before flashing a nervous smile. He wraps one arm around you and pulls you a little closer to him. “I’ve got you, it’ll be alright.”
Daichi opens the door, letting out all the noise coming from inside the house.
“HEYYY Ennoshita” he greets, which makes the rest of the team shout out a few greetings as well.
“Hi Daichi-san,” your boyfriend started, flashing his best smile. “This is y/n, my girlfriend.”
“Happy birthday, thank you so much for having me.”
The captain gives you a warm smile with a small bow, “We’ve been so excited to meet you, y/n. Please make yourself at home.”
The 3 of you proceed to where the rest of the team is hanging out. Ennoshita’s arm doesn’t leave your side, knowing that his warmth comforts you.
You make it to the living room, and had to hold your breath due to the amount of people present. Some of your nerves are quelled when the team greets you with warmth and excitement, instantly making you feel like you’re already part of the family. Once everything settles down, Ennoshita kisses the back of your hand, a reminder of how grateful he is that you’re here, with him, and all will be well as long as you two are together.
I hope you liked that! Let’s head on over to the bedroom real quick ٩(◕‿◕。)۶
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My darling, I think you and Ennoshita are a match made in absolute heaven, so I’ve asked him to come with us to the bedroom as well! (Runner up: Kageyama Tobio)
- I headcanon that Chikara isn’t super freaky in the sheets. I don’t think he would be the adventurous type when it comes to trying new things in the bedroom unless his partner brings it up
- If there is something that comes to mind that he wants to try out, he’ll sit you down and talk to you about it first before anything ever happens, especially if he knows you get anxious about certain things
- HOWEVER, I think he is p r e t t y dominant in bed
- His dominant side won’t come out on your first time, but he would still make sure everything is alright and is in control of the situation. He loves the feeling of being in control, and would full on melt if you tell him how good he is doing/making you feel
- Once you two get more comfortable sexually, that’s when he’ll want to explore
- I also feel like most of the things he wants to try out is stuff that will make YOU feel good
- Praise kink!!!!! both giving and receiving praise
- if you ever feel like being dom, he’d be SO game
That’s it for now, Sunny darling! I hope you liked this and thanks so much for trusting me with your matchup! Much love!
Thanks for stopping by! (ノ´ヮ`)ノ*: ・゚
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blueboltkatana · 3 years
GUrll ur so sexy... Like you're Hot. I don't care if you were bullied in school, you're sexy, they lied.
Also bitch I KNEW i related to you too much our ascendants are both in leo we're so hot.
Ok ok no now I'll stop complimenting and start with the roasting here we go:
So the sun is your sense of "self" it represents you on the more base level i guess you could say, like what most people think you're like is represented by your sun. With Sagittarius being your sun it means you're very energetic Especially for those things you are passionate about, you might have gone through a LOT of hobbies, only a few of them stuck around but you like to try things. You're curious about the way people's minds works, you wanna figure them out. If the conversations you have don't involve some form of psychoanalysis or philosophy you might loose interest. You are a Talker, maybe you talk very fast or you are often told to lower your voice but you don't do it on purpose you're just very very animated. You are kina volatile, in the sense that you value freedom in everything, love, work, hobbies. You have a huge rebellious streak and you kinda like testing your luck. Think adrenaline junkie. It's cliché but with this much Sagittarius in your chart you prob love traveling, like i said you will chase freedom because you associate it with happiness. If you find people that make you feel free then you feel happy. Rules don't go well with you. You don't really like being involved with fights per se but you LOVE debating, if you can beat a motherfucker with nothing but facts and logic you will and you will enjoy it.
Your way of flirting or making friends is "lowkey bullying" or my favourite "verbally throwing hands". If they shoot back you get heart eyes (my mars in sag agrees). You can be tactless as fuck tho. Like you will say some outrageous shit that MIGHT be funny if the timing is right or MIGHT make everyone in a 5 mile radius mad.
I NEED to talk about your moon in sag bc Babe, babe the moon tells us about our emotions and how we deal with them, how we express them and how they shape us. But BABE. Sagittarius moons are so bad at comforting people it's embarrassing, trying to make them think of smth else or do smth else to distract from the situation is NOT a good way to deal with your emotions... Avoiding your emotions like the plague is not gonna invent a vaccine... Saying "everything is fine :)" DOESN'T MAKE ANYTHING FINE PLEASE GO TO THERAPY. ok to give you some credit, you don't let shit bring you down, no matter what you always get up and that is a *strength* that i admire, but love you're burning the candle at both ends, especially if you get yourself in More problems by trying to distract yourself from One problem.
Also you've had a horsegirl phase or a dog obsession phase or both huh. AND your love language is sarcasm but the type that you will make someone laugh when you're insulting them. You're also hilarious irl you're prob the "funny friend" but with that scorpio mars and venus baby inside ur sad and dark as fuck ripp.
I also wanted to talk about your mercury in sag... Babe... Do you know what a brain to mouth filter IS?! do you recognize that word?!?! Cuz you have never used yours i think. Like you are hilarious but that's because you have dolphins in the head cavity baby. Not trying to say you're stupid, you're actually very smart and opinionated, probably have been told that you'd be a great lawyer or smth. But miss gurl please think before you speak for the love of god ur gonna make someone cry. Also ur mouth is foul. Have you ever spoken a sentence without a "fuck" or a "cunt" somewhere in there?! God bless.
Now for your scorpio Venus I'm just gonna say, more confirmation that ur Sexy as Fuck, scorpio venuses are just sexy, amazing partners, VERY passionate, whoever dates you will never forget you, for better or for worse you'll forever be on the back of their mind. You had a harsh emo phase huh, maybe loved some obscure shit like witchcraft or just love dressing all black like someone's mother died, i bet you wear silver jewelry a lot, maybe necklaces or rings or chockers. If this isn't how you dress now it was prob a major phase in your life. Or maybe you just love horror movies idk
Being as passionate as you are you don't take well to being mistreated or lied to, you might like to plot revenge and things like those, you wouldn't do anything... You actually prefer letting things go but you WILL make an elaborate scenario in your head at 3am or even as you stare right in the persons face.
With mars in scorpio you might be kinda passive aggressive, maybe you act like things don't really bother you but you throw a comment or two once in a while just to stir the pot bc you can't move on lmfao.
You are attracted to people that are introverts or generally just mysterious, like i said above the nature of the Sagittarius is to Learn and to Study. People that you can't immediately figure out intrigue you. All your crushes are either on geminis or water signs lmfao.
The best careers for you are the ones that allow you some freedom of either movement or expression and something that can keep your mind from flying away, something that keeps you intrigued, like research or writing. You're a very "all or nothing" person and it can sometimes scare people away, i advise you to work on compromising, being less stubborn and more open with your emotions and desires.
(part one bc I'm taking too long and I don't wanna keep you waiting so much) I'll reblog this with part 2
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Alright here we go part 2 of Roasting hella until she finds out I'm hiding in her walls.
I will skip over some planets that are Very slow moving and usually don't talk about you as an individual but refer to your generation as a whole.
I wanna focus on lilith for a sec bc worstie lilith talks about our fears, our more "darker" side that we hide from ourselves as well as the people that we love. Lilith in aries in the eleventh house tells me you might be afraid to take charge, you gravitate towards positions of leadership but you let go on the last second, almost afraid to have too much control, very often self sabotaging your own success. Your anger and you own ambition might scare you, you might be afraid of appearing too aggressive bc under your skin you have a deep rooted anger and rebellion that you wish to relieve but you can't find a good enough outlet, some things soothe it but you always feel like it never leaves. It might be related to some form of resentment that you never truly dealt with and now it sits uncomfortably with you and you just can't get over it and it bothers you. You might have been shy in groups as a child, maybe you talked a lot but it was always from a fear of the silence not always because you had something to say. The eleventh house is that of groups and friends and social awareness, technology and your hopes and wishes for the future, having lilith in this house talks about someone who had a hard time feeling comfortable around people OR someone who wasn't very accepted. You might have desperately wished for friends but have found it hard to find any. Or if you did, you deep down felt very alone. I would advise to learn to accept your anger and deal with it in healthy ways instead of brushing it off and repressing it.
The north node talks about what you need to focus more in your life for example in your case with Gemini in your North node you need to focus more on your communication letting go of anxiety and your relation with other people you need to become more interested in intellectual pursuit and growth. You need to let go off the need to always be right and look more at details instead of focusing on on the bigger picture all of the time. When your North node is is in Gemini then your South node is in Sagittarius which tells me that what you should focus less on is your pursuit of freedom and your rebellion. Be more aware of your words and use them with maturity.
Now let's have some fun with the ascendent in leo which we share and now i see why ur so relatable. The first house or the ascendant is that very superficial layer of our personality, it includes the way we carry ourselves, our style, the little habits or quirks we have. One thing about leo ascendants is that we have an obsession with our hair. Hair is important to us, some have huge hair that might remind you of a lions mane, others just have very unique style or color but we ALL are lowkey or highkey obsessed with it, either constantly touching it, pulling it, chewing on it, cutting it or dying it in unique ways you name it. You might have a rather large nose or cat like eyes.
This ascendent is full of life and light, very funny, light hearted and luxurious, you want to live that good life and i don't blame you. A negative aspect is that we come of as intimidating to others. ALL of my friends AND my ex have at some point told me I was intimidating to them. It makes us prone to overcompensating for it later in life so maybe now you're super outgoing and extroverted and you approach people first and try to be super friendly. Also you're an attention whore (affectionate) with a flare for the dramatics, very flamboyant, you basically fill the room with personality, it attracts attention and you love it. You're what people would call a "sunny" person.
You're hella competitive (get it lol) and you LOVE fighting your way to the top and crushing the competition. You're probably a weirdo that low key likes school. Not the way it's run or the teachers or whatever, but the "idea" of school. If you could just learn all your life you absolutely would.
Second house in virgo. The 2nd house is the house of money, work, income, daily routines, values, material possessions, habits, work ethic ect being in virgo it means you can have an extremely good work ethic, you put a lot of thought in planning and mapping your work, you might get overly critical on your work though and often undermine your own success and efforts because they didn't fit your impossible standards. You can be very organized in your work, you want things to be a certain way and if they don't follow your plan you will Make them. Its a good position for virgo but yoh need to be aware of not overworking by trying to do Everything on your own. Let others help you, and let people in your work do their own things don't try to help if not asked to because you will overwork yourself.
The third house is that of the mind, thinking, communication, siblings, interests and early education, in your case it is in Libra which means that you're early education might not have been very stable or it was a period of time that you look back with a lot of fondness but not much substance. You are a good talker but you get lost when it comes to details, you are indecisive when it comes to settling on an opinion on something if you don't have All the facts first, you always want to be right. You are pretty open minded and easy to talk to but you might have the bad habit of rambling off topic. You change interests constantly and you prob like to talk about others, you wanna know the tea if it kills you. You prob had a crush on a childhood best friend or on a hot neighbor. Your relationship with your siblings might be pretty good, friendly, no particular resentment or anything like that, you might be the one that everyone treats a little better, people let you get away with things more often, you might be the one that takes 2 hours in the bathroom lol.
Oof fourth house in scorpio babe how are the mommy issues? 😬 How is your relationship with your femininity? Having trouble with keeping secrets? So the fourth house is the one responsible for your home roots, your family, self-care, emotions, your mother, women and your femininity and having Scorpio here tells me that you might have very strong ties to your family, but they weren't healthy or emotionally supportive. You have grown with people that might have undermined your emotions, people that didn't teach you to set healthy boundaries and maybe even manipulators and gaslighters. You might have been the type to put your foot down a lot a home, assuming a very dominant role as well as the defender. You're very private about your family life and don't want to let people too close.
Ah i just noticed u have like 3 planets in this house including ur Sun and Moon, babe this house is what you need to focus on when you go to therapy. This almost secretive, guarded approach to understanding your own emotions is very prominent in how you see yourself, how you feel and with Pluto there, how you change. I could say the biggest changes in your life have happened in these areas and they have left the biggest impacts on you. Yes you are passionate and protective but don't let bad feelings marinate forever, address them and then move on from them because they're just weighting you down.
Fifth house in sag, also the house of your mercury. This house represents Love, romance, creativity, self expression, joy and childlike spirit. It tells me the way you express your creativity is through words which makes sense since you're a great writer, but not only, the way you express Love is also through your words, expression and free thoughts are your way you tell your loved ones how much you mean to them, think poetry, long rants, music recommendations bc of specific song lyrics, you have been writing form childhood and it's one of the ways you express your view on beauty as well, to you love is freedom and freedom is expression.
Capricorn in the sixth house paired with both uranus and neptune being in it tells me there is something about your knees, joints, bones or teeth in particular that stands out when it comes to your health, maybe you tend to break your teeth, maybe you like chewing on crunchy foods, maybe your joints crack a lot, idk but I'd drink my milk if i was you, take care of your joints and bones. Also for you, being emotionally unwell often translates to being Physically unwell as well, so be mindful of your emotions because they do affect you physically. You need to keep hydrated also and your health plan needs structure for it to work bc that neptune makes everything very chaotic and uranus constantly makes you bored and wanting to spice things up. Take care of your emotional needs just as much as you would with your physical ones. And for the love of jesus be CAREFUL with alcohol or smoking because that neptune in ur health house could mean serious trouble if you let it become an addiction, don't push it.
Aquarius in the seventh house of relationships, marriage, contracts, business partners ect means you are untraditionally traditional. That makes sense in my head let me explain. Aquarius is a sign that seeks individualism desperately, it likes to feel like a special person, impossible to understand. Yet always feels comfortable in the structure of traditional and safe paths. So for example you might marry someone in a way that is not traditional but at the end of the day you wish for your marriage to have a stability you would feel safe falling into. Also it says ur gay. Air signs in the relationship house says ur gay i Make the rules.
Pisces is in the eighth house of sex, intimacy, shared finances, inheritance, taxes, loans, property, mystery, partner's resources. This tells me you fuck with feeling lmfao. Or you simply make your love life something "special", a connection that only you and ur person can share, it's what makes you an amazing lover and an unforgettable one as well. But as amazing as you are at creating a otherworldly atmosphere, ur just as shit at setting boundaries and saying something when you don't like something. You don't like to see things that you love ending and a failed relationship makes you blame yourself too much, you have the tendency to stay in situations where you are being mistreated but you tell yourself It's on you.
A recurring theme I'm seeing is some weakness when it comes to liars or manipulators in your life. So either you irrationally fear people are lying to you because you "lie" to them about yourself or a lot of people in your childhood might have used lying or gaslighting as a way to keep you under control. I would advise to try not to overthink and become paranoid, people love you and they believe in you and they aren't deceiving you, they don't secretly mean something different from what they have said. Listen to your intuition about people sure, but don't confuse it with anxiety.
With lilith and aries in the 9th house of travel and higher education and religion I'm gonna assume you might have religious trauma. Religion might have been a way that people used to try and control you, if not religion then some form of system or government law. Being queer i completely understand the sentiment but in your case it's take a step further because you Value the ideals of this house so much, with lilith here, it's like at som point in your life you were finally awakened to how much injustice there was in the world ant that has made you very inclined to take action, you cannot stand unjust government or non tolerating religions. You might have felt crushed under an unjust system and it took you a lot of will and conviction to find your individuality and build yourself how you wanted once you were free.
Your midheaven in taurus tells me you are one that will achieve any goals you set your mind to. It might take you time, you might procrastinate around it, but at the end of the day, you will do it and you will do it well and it will be rewarding. If your father isn't a Taurus then he was a stable figure in your life, very much a rock for better or for worse. In your career life people will see you as very competent, very down to earth and helpful but you know you just procrastinated till the last second possible and stayed up all night do finish your work... You will seek careers that you believe will guarantee you stable income and a comfortable life. You might indulge in luxury from time to time because you think in order to get the position you want at work you need to look the part. Ultimately it's your sheer stubbornness and spite that gets you all the way up to the top of the food chain.
The eleventh house of groups, friendships, humanitarianism, and social awareness is in your case in gemini. It tells me you value friendship extremely and you surround yourself with a diverse cast of friends, you couldn't mix your different friend groups if you tried and you have tried. You have the habit of being too friendly to everyone which makes you end up with more friends than you know what to do with. You are approachable but people can get the impression that you are putting up a show or a facade and your emotions arent genuine, it's not always the case but you need to be more truthful and assertive, put some boundaries and don't let people get away with shit you don't like. Your public persona is very well liked, seen as fun and bright and smart and overall a joy to be around.
Now that last placement... 12th house cancer, i have the same placement and babe I'm sorry for all the shit you have been through. You deserve the freedom to be unhappy and to express that unhappiness in healthy ways. You deserve to be given unconditional love and support no matter how many mistakes you say you have made no matter how overly pessimistic you are about yourself it doesn't matter you're amazing and i love you and you deserve the world.
With jupiter the planet of expansion in the 12th house of endings, spirituality, solitude and karma?! Gurl i did say u were a cult leader but i didn't think it was astrologically backed up rippp. But it also says you might have a hard time getting the motivation to finish things, you might take a long time to finish a project. This house placements also tells me you're amazing at writing emotional ass fantasy stories which by now we have confirmed, but if you have like, an original idea for a book don't hesitate to get it started babe bc u have a very promising placement for that. Don't get too dragged into a sad whirlpool of emotions and daydreams but bring your creative ideas to life and you'll be fine.
This is all I'm doing today and i think it's enough lol. I'm posting this I'm sorry to my followers for the long ass post I'll tag it so you can filter it. This was a whole psycho-astrological analysis of our favourite writer Hellspawn1975. I have wanted to study her like a new lizard species for a while and i finally got the chance thank you hella for the opportunity.
Final words to @hella1975 i hate you and I'll fuck ur mom tomorrow, gn babe <3
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