#I'm so fucking scared
taxidermycanine · 2 months
being a canine therian is hearing that there's going to be a severe weather warning in your area and hiding under the bed cowering because you hate loud noises
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mopeytwat · 9 months
Honestly thank fuck that Izzy crying clip came out a week prior to the actual episode because I would have died and shat myself having to take all of that in at once as well as whatever tf else the episode is gonna show.
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dericbindel · 9 months
I'm fucked
So, after something of a spat with my dad, I got this text from him.
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I have been going through intense depression the past 2 years, still recovering from an abusive relationship and a former friend who took advantage of my hospitality and fought with my ex nearly weekly. I escaped that, and then was saddled with caring for my mom in her last year of life before she passed from cancer. I have no idea what to do, where to go, but uh, if you can spare anything to support me, or have ideas fro where I can go from here, please help me.
My kofi: https://ko-fi.com/dericbindel
I HAVE SET UP A GOFUNDME: https://gofund.me/2deb64b8
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music-and-trauma · 1 year
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softysofao3 · 1 month
So, I made a song..!
I've been working on this for a while and I'm absolutely terrified of sharing this with anyone (I don't sing in public), but I figured someone might like it?
The song is from Addison's POV, about her divorce with Derek and longing for Meredith. Lyrics are up on AO3 but I'll post them here as well:
You with her Before we fell apart we fell in love You took my hand and I took your heart With you I thought I was done But we didn’t realize we’d grow apart I love you and I know we were long gone before we broke but what kills me inside is that I didn’t leave with my head held high So now I watch you with her smiling, kissing, laughing I need to hold myself back forever ‘cause I owe you everything Being together was like being alone You were there but your eyes were vacant then I reached for the phone even though I knew I'd grow to regret it I hurt you and I hope I didn’t mean to but maybe I did I should have left before our clothes fell maybe then I’d still have some dignity? So now I watch you with her smiling, kissing, laughing I need to hold myself back forever ‘cause I owe you everything new loves and dances and panties in tuxes our signatures side by side Only if I had been stronger and better and not fallen with the wrong guy I could have said yes when she looked at me like I look at her And we’d be in love You’d be crushed but I don’t think I’d care ‘cause I’d be with her But now I watch her with you smiling, kissing, laughing What was I supposed to do since I owe you everything I’ll hold myself back forever I owe you everything
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keinbutterdieb · 1 year
Is the gay art gallery date going to happen ...?
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gale-in-space · 5 months
Jfc I just enrolled in classes. We're really doing this
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magicinverse · 1 year
After Bobby died I only liked Leo and Rich (nothing against the other eggs, I DON'T want them to die or anything like that, I'm just indifferent towards them) but now i LOVE Leo and I want her to be safe forever, she's so precious.
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inniave · 1 month
every once in awhile i have a flashback so bad it triggers a seizure & nobody really knows why
#i am so fucking tired#and so fucking done#i would rather die than go in tomorrow but that's not an option anymore so fuck#the flashbacks have been constant for as long as i can remember but it's been awhile since they've been at this intensity for this long#i used to think i didn't have ptsd because i didn't have flashbacks until i learned that always feeling like it's happening again is indeed#a flashback#it's just not so isolated for me#so i'm like??? i should be able to deal with this. i'm used to it. pretty much every second of every day my body feels like i'm being#raped and tortured and beat and literally getting drilled in the bone i should be used to this#but it's so much it's so heavy there's no way out i cant do it#but i have to there's no other option except not get surgery which is not really an option :/#cause the pain from the bone is right where their cocks were 🙃 so that's been it's own special form of hell#and now i have to let someone cut me open there 🙃 and i cant be under general anesthesia 🙃#oh yeah and ITS EXAFTLY FUCKING LIKE THAT DOCTOR THAT ASSAULTED ME WHEN I WAS A FUCKING TODDLER COMING OUT OF SURGERY#fuck dude#sometimes i think maybe if it only happened once i'd be okay#ive lost track but i think we're up in triple digits at this point :/#not including the constant stuff in childhood#fuck no wonder i kept trying to kill myself jesus fucking christ#i'm so fucking scared#i'm so ready for all this to be over#it's been years of pain and this whole last month where it's become much more acute and all this visits and i cant take any more#we are at Capacity#we're splitting like hell already#fucking entire new subsystems fuck#fuck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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terezicaptor · 2 months
It’s crazy how they’re accusing you of stalking and harassment, and are in turn sending their anons to stalk and harass blogs that weren’t even involved in the situation simply for being mutuals with a teenager who made a tone deaf joke. I don’t know how these people are adults because they clearly don’t act like it.
what the actual hell. I'm upset over losing a mutual but what's more genuinely terrifying is that this is being taken seriously. People actually fucking thinking I'm a stalker or a doxxer is so fucking scary. I was working on a rly fun drawing but I don't even wanna finish it now. I donr even have energy wtf wtf
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froggyycore · 6 months
about to start episode 114! i'm so nervous!! see you guys in 3 and a half hours!!!
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hylianengineer · 9 months
I am stressed and sad and I want to scream. Why does the ion chromatograph hate me?
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clownprince · 1 year
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Shaking and trembling
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icedmetaltea · 8 months
I think the ear infection is coming back... my hearing is starting to get muffled in one ear again... I'm scared it's cause fluid was still stuck in my middle ear or some bacteria couldn't get killed by the antibiotics... I don't want to go on antibiotics for another 10 fucking days, I couldn't leave my camper all week.... I was so excited and now it all feels like I suffered for nothing... I'm shaking so hard and trying not to panic
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lost-my-sanity1 · 1 year
most of the moments shown in the my school president trailer, are over. but the stuffs that are making me insane and loose my sanity are
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sound and win fighting. and it's clear that it's not about a fight that happened between them. something
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2nd. what the fuck is this supposed to mean? tinn comes out to his mum by writing a note? or does he run away? what. is. this. supposed. to. mean.
but on the bright side
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we're getting these too
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yoonpx · 2 years
If I let you know my broken soul, If I let you know all my scars, If I let you know all my thoughts.... Would you still loving me?
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