#I'm so mad about this
titleknown · 1 year
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In other news, I wish everyone who ragged on the Internet Archive's library program for "copyright infringement" a very CHOKE AND DIE AND CHOKE AND DIE AND CHOKE AND DIE AND CHOKE-
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aficionadoenthusiast · 6 months
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spacehero-23 · 7 months
i just saw the kickstarter shipping "update"... so it's safe to assume cassie saw us being upset.
i know nothing will change but at least she knows that her international fans are upset and feeling like we're not important AGAIN!
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batbirdies · 1 year
So a helpful commenter pointed out to me that it looked like some dialogue was missing from my most recent chapter of the Jason & Dami fic and sure enough kjhgffghjk AO3 ate it thinking it was HTML code because I’m a dummy. I updated the chapter and hope you will consider rereading 🥺 its hurty dialogue.
a world in repair - chapter 2
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So anyways my plan for the next two months is to kickass at work while I get another job and then leave their asses.
#I'm so mad about this#I've been at this company for 6 years and for the most part everyone I've worked with has been great#Easy to get along with. Smart. Caring.#I've had some not so great bosses and every once in a while I've encountered problem people#But repeatedly one person (not in my vertical but a key person in my org)#Has repeatedly made me feel like shit. Even if she claims to mean well or whatever#I absolutely never feel like we're ok the same team. It always feels like it's her team or death#Which is not an environment I thrive in#And then her boss (who is also my bosses boss) either feeds into that or exacerbates it#I wish I had had the words during our engagement survey because I'm not the only one who feels this way#So many people go into a meeting with her expecting to talk about one thing and instead she asks for something else entirely#It consistently feels like she has no trust in her team and she does not want to foster a culture of 'we're in the same team'#She is fostering a culture of 'im the boss so I'll dictate exactly what I want and I am free to change it at any time'#So. Anyways. If you know of companies hiring in their product or portfolio space hit me up.#I spent 10 hours trying not to cry at work today and then had three separate little cries#Going to going with my boss a little about taking a week off soon#He's going to be alarmed and concerned but like. He should be.#(my boss is generally great my only complaint is that he hasn't figure out how to work with his boss yet so that's compounding my issues.#But that is not all on him. And he has never once made me feel like we're not on the same team)#Blah blah ok. Tomorrow I work and then do the life shit I didn't do today#The day after that I do a second pass at my resume#And use a working block at work to figure out what I want (and sketch out my teams pain points and potential solutions)
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beeeeeeeeeess · 4 months
I've just been browsing the lost media reddit and found out about Coyote vs. Acme.
It started development in 2018 but Warner bro's decided in November 2023 to scrap the COMPLEATED film and take a tax write off. There was a shit tonne of backlash so they offered to let another company buy the rights but so far they've denied all offeres.
WARNER BROS HAS DONE THIS TWICE BEFORE TOO. Just scrapping the work of all of the production team and crew because they want $75-80 million for the movie otherwise they're taking the $30 million tax break and letting it disappearinto the vaults of lost media.
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nataliescatorccio · 2 years
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a true loss for the gays
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nia1sworld · 5 months
Anon: Ask me a simple question to me or my characters in the inbox
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quetzalpapalotl · 1 year
for the unpopular opinion thing - anything you like, meta (if that doesn't qualify as bait!)
I like character death and I like every single death in Mtmt/LL. A lot of them are pointless, but sometimes the pointlesless is the point. Hell I go back and forth between thinking Rodimus original ending of dying in a sacrifice no one would have known of would have been a better ending for him (the counter to this is that I don't want to lose the "good enough" speech). Like, I think characters dying across all of Mtmt/LL is pivotal for the story to work, this is a story about the ruins of war, and we need characters dying so what they're facing feels real, especially in contrast with the goofy tone and especially with the dark humor.
The one death I absolutely loathe and would take back is Ten's. Nightshade dying in Mederi I get, but Ten is just an exercise in cruelty that the narrative and characters don't linger on. It doesn't feel like a tragedy, it feels like the author didn't have anything else to do with this character and killed him to not carry his weight around. Which sucks since in-universe Ten had just been recognized as a person. The fact that all he supposedly needed to feel fulfilled was being about to speak to thank Rodimus for the chance to be in the LL feels like a slap in the face. He didn't even want to talk to Minimus?
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I'm so mad about the last few episodes and the ending of Star Trek Enterprise, my family and I just finished the show a few days ago
Major spoilers warning:
They gave us 2 episodes of mirror universe, and it was SO COOL and exciting, there was even a new intro for it like hey, wouldn't it be terrible if Earth actually turned out like THIS? And then they ended it after 2 episodes?? And they never met the main universe, they just did a teaser thing where they found a ship from our timeline, and NEVER CONCLUDED IT?? They literally gave us 2 super dramatic mirror timeline episodes out of nowhere and then abandoned it. I need closure aaaAAAH
And then in the very last episode they (Major Spoiler, I don't know how to make it a click-to-see, if Tumblr has that function)
KILLED OFF TRIP, WHAT THE F**K, WHY DOES HE NOT GET A HAPPY ENDING. LITERALLY KILLED HIM OFF IN THE LAST EPISODE. Oh suuure, a noble sacrifice for his captain, they definitely had to have the Andorians come seeking revenge and whatever, there was no way around it oh definitely. ASKDJHDLXNCVVF
And it was formatted really cool, I genuinely LOVE that we got to see the last episode from Riker's point of view, pretty awesome, but there was NO reason for them to kill off Trip?? Just to dash in a pinch of sadness to fill in the emotions quota? Wtf??
Also they ended it before letting Archer do his speech!! He was so anxious and somewhat underprepared and it was in front of EVERYBODY, but it was going to be a Good Speech, let the man do his speech
And the ending was super cool with the whole hinting at the future shows in the star trek timeline (tos, tng...), that was great, but all the rest of it, why would they do that to us??
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winged-fool · 2 years
lol of course Maria figures out its Alex before Michael
Well yeah, they're best friends remember???
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retrogradedreaming · 2 years
Homophobic getting my period on a monday after basically clearing all weekend plans because it made me feel so shitty before it even happened
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xiaq · 6 months
So my bike was stolen from our garage last night. My beloved, custom, carbon fiber, most-expensive-thing-I-own-aside-from-my-car bike. I just found it listed on FB marketplace. Shit is about to go down.
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mountainsideturnip · 24 days
Unfortunately this is my fixation sideblog and uh. I'm in that boredom drought where Nothing is sticking. And I can guess what will
Forewarning that this will likely shift from a fully DC related blog to something else. Thoufh, I'll prolly still post occasional DC anyways
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6vaguebook · 8 months
You know when you've got a scene listed in your chapter draft but when you start writing it it just keeps getting longer and longer and it's just....throwing off the pacing of the chapter.....so much.....
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indiiglow · 1 year
Making two rapid 180s on character design because I just saw someone pull off a feature I wanted to include but couldn't figure out, so now I'm going to do it out of spite
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