#I'm up
roselyn1910powell · 1 month
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eternal--returned · 22 days
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What’s up anon?
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stroebe2 · 29 days
i swear i promise!
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sometimesraven · 8 months
Ian's Running Slow
Whumptober No. 12: “I haven't slept in days but who's counting?” Insomnia | “I’m up, I’m up.”
Fandom: Quantum Leap (2022) POV Character: Ian Wright Whumpee: Ian Wright
Ian needs to find Ben. Sleep is secondary.
AO3 Link
Eighty-seven percent. Thirteen percent. Twenty-nine percent. Every roll gave them a different number. Every answer gave them another question. Every new algorithm only had Ian tugging at their hair in frustration.
They tried again. 
Run: Find Ben. If: Janis equipment AND full team. Output: ...... ...... ..... Ninety-six percent.
Good. That was good, right? It had to be good. Unless their code was wrong. They should rewrite the code, just in case they missed a fault that was giving a false positive. That would be fine, right? Would only take a few hours. They glanced at the gap in their curtains, shrugging off the peeking light of morning and reaching for their coffee mug. Empty. Damn. Running a hand through their hair, they pushed themself upright to grab another.
"You're kidding." Ian froze halfway out of the bedroom door, realising with a stifled cuss that they'd entirely forgotten Jenn was here, sound asleep on the bed behind their setup. "This is like... night three."
Ian's fingers tapped anxiously on their mug as they turned around, knowing that without sleep there was no way they were succesfully masking the schoolkid guilt on their face. "It's fine. I'm fine. Go back to sleep."
"No, you-.." Jenn yawned and stretched, pushing herself upright to eye them with the judging gaze that somehow managed to still pierce right through them despite the groggy, half-unfocused haze in her eyes. "You gotta stop this. You can't live on coffee and algorithms, Ian. You need sleep."
"I'll sleep! I just need-.. I have to figure this out, Jenn. I-if I can just figure out how to get Ziggy reconnected with Ben then I'll be able to-"
"For the love of-.." Jenn shook her head, shoving to her feet just to pad over and point at Ian's screen. "This is not finding Ben. You think I didn't notice after day two you started asking it over and over if we'll find Ben? Looks to me like you're using all this as an excuse to avoid sitting down with your thoughts for five seconds. Trust me, I know what that looks like."
"I'm. Fine," Ian reiterated, trying to brush off the way their vision swam a little with the quick change of focus from the bed to the desk. Sure, their hands were a little tingly and the fog in their head was thicker than the one time they mixed pink gin with ketamine as a teenager, but with just a couple more hours they could fix everything. "I just need a little more time."
"In a couple more hours you'll be hallucinating, Ian." Jenn stared them down with more clarity this time, lifting a brow pointedly when the mug they were holding almost slipped out of their hand. "You can't do anything like this. The more you fuck yourself up trying to look for him, the longer Ben's going to be stuck out there."
"You don't-.. You dont understand." Ian laughed, the tiny huff of air making them dizzy. "You don't understand, Jenn. This is my fault. I have to get him back. I have to-.."
Were they hyperventilating? Jenn was across the room before they realised they were falling, catching them awkwardly and dragging them over to sit on the edge of the bed, cradling them gently like a sick child. "Ben knew the risks. He knew what he was getting into. This was always a possibility, Ian."
"Future me's code-.."
"Worked to do exactly what it was supposed to. There was never any guarantee Ben would leap back. And hey-- with the Quantum Leap program shut down there's also no guarantee the apocalypse future will happen." Jenn gently kissed the top of their head, their skin clammy and their hair unwashed. "You saved the world, Ian. It'll help everyone a whole lot more if you believe just for a second that you're capable of that."
Ian blinked, then sharply forced themself out of the daze of sleep trying to take them. "I'm awake! I'm up-.. Just-.. Ben-.. what if-.."
Another blink, and when they opened their eyes again they were laying down, undressed and covered with bedsheets. Their computer was shut down, and there was water by their bedside. Maybe just a little nap wouldn't hurt.
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kalevalakryze · 8 months
Follow Orders
Fandom: Star Wars - All Media Types, Ahsoka Series Pairings: Hera Syndulla & Ezra Bridger, Ezra Bridger &  Jacen Syndulla Characters: Hera Syndulla, Ezra Bridger, Jacen Syndulla, Leia Organa, C-3PO, Chopper Warnings: Mentions of Loss, References to Depression, Exhaustion, Comfort Notes: For Whumptober Day 12 This one is also going to be very short, since I; like Hera, have not been sleeping Prompt: “I haven’t slept in days, but who’s counting?” | “I’m up, I’m up.” | Insomnia Word Count: 1,317 AO3 Link: Here!
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Hopelessness was not something that had ever been able to sink itself wholly into Hera Syndulla; Ever since she was a child, she’d known of war, sacrifice, and loss; Even the loss of Kanan, while life altering and heart shattering, she still got up in the morning, put one foot in front of the other. Had raised her son and fought in the Rebellion, had balanced being a mother and a leader so smoothly for decades.  
Hopelessness’s icy tendrils had found her heart at the mention of Grand Admiral Thrawn’s return, but there’d been a spark of hope with his name. That Ezra Bridger would return to them, that the empty chair in the ghost would be filled again by the boy’s laughter and antics that had never failed to make her smile. 
Jacen was so much like him, the older brother he’d never got to meet, reflected in whole smiles and brilliant thoughts, in the force and it’s thrum so intricately tied into their beings (She didn’t know much about it, but General Skywalker had assured her that even if Jacen did not know Ezra, he would know enough of the Hero in the stories she shared, and in the memory of the force, if the boy would reach on his own).
When Ezra pulled the bucket off of his head, Hera hadn’t known what she was going to do. He’d grown up so much, a near perfect resemblance of the man in the pictures he’d shown them of his parents. But he’d smiled at her with the awkward easiness of a boy who’d stolen a TIE fighter. 
She was torn between meeting him halfway as her blaster was stowed numbly, from watching him, and watching the ramp of the ship.
He’d gotten tall, she could make out that much as he finally got within arms reach. No one came from the ship. “Where…?” Hera’s voice trailed off, and his smile faltered.
“They’re okay,” He promised, his hand hovering hesitantly in the space between them, like touching Hera would break the illusion. “They’ll come home,” He promised, surprise cutting him off as the General through her arms around him, plastoid creaking as strong arms encompassed him.
“Ezra,” She breathed again, fingers burying in dark, curly hair as his head tucked into her neck, arms wrapping just as tight around her as the New Republic soldiers around them started to lower their guard. “I’m so glad you’re home,” She had to focus on the good, and had to believe that Ahsoka would keep herself alive long enough to fulfill her promise. She’d promised to bring home both of her surrogate kids, and that included herself, Hera had to cling to that hope.
The Republic became a rush of activity following Ezra’s return, full of meetings, planning, organizing scouts to Dathomir, and finding some semblance of an old normal in having a tangible enemy once more.
The nightmares came after the relief of the first night, after Hera had introduced Ezra and Jacen, and had been granted the relief of watching her family finally form this last, gaping connection. She hadn’t been able to know Ezra when he was Jacen’s age, but seeing the two talk, and Ezra not so subtly passing a lightsaber to the boy; she knew that their similarities had been a strong point in her life to keeping together through it all.
Falling back into habits from the Rebellion was easy, without Kanan, and without Ahsoka around, she found days slipping past without sleep, forcing herself to make time to play with Jacen, to walk around with Ezra and talk about anything but the upcoming war, and to avoid the dreams of heat on her face and a Jedi’s force pressing her back into the Ghost. 
It was on the fifth day of sluggish work, restless naps at her desk, and dozing even while she was watching Ezra and Jacen playing, that she finally found sleep; Head lolled back onto the couch with the sound of Ezra telling Jacen a story and Chopper’s insistent beeps about how the Jedi must have messed something up, that eased her off to a blissfully calm dream.
Weight dropped into her side; The engines were blown, the durasteel siding of the speeder was crushing into her side, flames licking away paint and at the arms of her jumpsuit, she needed to get- Small arms wrapped around her middle as Jacen snuggled into her, getting comfortable as Ezra’s head dropped onto her shoulder. “I’m up, I’m up-” She promised, voice thick with sleep as she rubbed her eyes with one hand, carding her fingers through Jacen’s hair while a yawn split her lips.
“And I’m Jabba the Hutt,” Ezra replied sarcastically, a smile on his lips as he shook his head, pressing his weight back so Hera couldn’t try to get up. 
“Is it working?” Jacen whispered to Ezra as Hera tiredly slinked back into the couch, fingers scraping gently against her son’s scalp as her eyes dropped closed again.
“Shhh,” Ezra put a finger to his lips, though he smiled at the young force sensitive as his eyes flickered to the Twi’lek.
“I’m being ganged up on, huh?” Hera grumbled to the ceiling as her hand fell to Jacen’s back, tugging him closer as he snuggled closer.
“Mom, shh, you’re s’posed to be sleeping,” “Mmm, Thank you, Commander, I’ll get on it,” 
The next time Hera’s eyes blinked open, she was curled up on her side on the couch, a blanket tucked carefully over her and a pillow settled under her head. Artificial light flooded in from the kitchen in the quarters, allowing the woman to catch a glimpse of a golden droid and the back of Ezra’s head.
“We have hope,” Ezra was saying to someone further in the kitchen as his arms crossed his chest. “That’s enough to defeat Thrawn,”
“Thank you, Ezra Bridger,” Leia’s voice was soft, toned down for the sleeping woman in the living room. “It is good to have you back, your experience with Thrawn will be invaluable… but Hera’s needed it too,” The Twi’lek started to sit up, blanket rustling as she forced her body to move. “Our galaxy had a severe Jabba shortage, lately, it seems,”
A quiet laugh was shared between the two rebels, though the view was blocked out as another yawn and a sight came from the General as she stretched; When her eyes reopened, a golden head and glowing eyes startled her. “Good morning, General Syndulla;” Threepeio started, drawing the attention of the others in the apartment. 
Jacen ran out of the kitchen with the remains of an ice pop sticking to his cheek, throwing himself into Hera’s arms happily. “Mission completed, General Mom!” He started, giggling as Hera chuckled and pressed a kiss to the top of his head. 
“I always get the job done, Commander,” The woman promised, offering a mock salute when he pulled back.
“Oh this is true, you know,” Ezra started with a smile, “unless-”
“Don’t you dare, young man.”
“Unless a Jedi is involved, it seems, then you go and create your own orders?” Leia poked her head through the doorway, a spatula in her hand as she rested her other hand on her hip. 
“Ah, nope, no work talk till everyone eats!” Jacen interjected, rushing past Leia and snatching the spatula from her hand before disappearing into the kitchen. Chopper beeped dangerously from further inside, which in turn had Ezra rushing back in to stop the boys from setting anything on fire. 
“When this ship goes down, I just know it’s going to be because of them,” Leia shook her head as she moved to join Hera on the couch, sinking into a cushion and shoving the blanket aside. 
“It… runs in the family,” Hera said sheepishly, enunciated by Choppers whirring and bionic laughter. 
“Tell me about it,”
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l0kiabsinthe · 3 months
You can not curb my enthusiasm!!! I am on the charts baby! 5th & 7th place out of 100!!! Woooooooooo!
Yes, I am on TikTok...in towels! 😂 please feel free to follow me there:
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cannedmeerkat · 1 month
it's a beautiful rainy day, im doing laundry and cleaning. listening to the 3rd Decennial LPOTL March Madness of Murder. life is at the very least okay right now.
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persianmom · 3 months
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shake-a-peepaw · 6 months
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zoe-and-quinn · 8 months
Whumptober Day 11/12
Animal Trap / Captivity / “No one will find you.”
Red / Insomnia / “I’m up, I’m up!”
Sorry, life has been shitty, combining these two days cause I couldn't bring myself to write last night.
TW: Non-con touch (Not sexual), stress position, sleep deprivation, blood, broken nose, restraints, torture
Georgia sat curled up in the corner, trying not to think. Casey still hadn’t come back from his ‘client’, and she couldn’t help being worried about him. She hardly knew him, but it didn’t matter. He was kind to her, and that was enough at the moment.
It didn’t help that Felix was pacing the room, back and forth at a slow pace, fists and jaw clenched tightly. Georgia had a feeling that if they were acting nervous, there was reason to worry.
When the door opened again, both heads snapped up, anxious to see Casey and his condition, but when Alexei walked in, he was alone.
He smiled at the way Felix froze, tense like a spring forced to stay coiled, and at Georgia’s wide eyed, deer-in-the-headlights stare. Whatever had been causing his bad mood earlier, it was gone.
There was nothing but delight and curiosity in his face when he walked over to Georgia, crouching in front of her. He reached out to brush a strand of hair out of her face, but she flinched back, hands flying up to her chest in an attempt at protection.
“Ah ah ah,” Alexei chided, “stay still.”
When he grabbed her chin and forced her to look him in the face, she couldn’t help pulling away.
Alexei sighed. “Still so much work ahead of us,” he remarked, shaking his head. “Don’t you worry, though, we’ll get started today.”
Without another word, he grabbed Georgia’s forearm and pulled her to her feet, before grabbing her by the shoulders and steering her towards the door.
Felix stayed frozen in the middle of the room, as much as they wanted to protect Georgia. Finally, when the pair had reached the door, they took a step toward Alexei. “W-wait, don’t do th-”
“Shut your mouth,” Alexei ordered. He paused, not bothering to turn around. “Another word, and things will be much worse for your new friend.”
Felix took in a deep breath and let it out, slowly. They didn’t say anything else.
“Come on, darling,” Alexei said with a smile, once he was sure of Felix’s obedience. “Let’s get started on your training, shall we?”
Georgia wasn’t sure how long it had been. Hours, definitely. Days, improbable. But maybe.
It felt like days. Alexei hadn’t come to visit since he had chained her wrists behind her back and to the floor. Since he gave the order.
No sleeping, love, he had said. Don’t fall asleep.
She hadn’t slept well the night before, and the room was dark, and she couldn’t keep… her eyes… open… any longer.
She opened her eyes to a sharp pain in her stomach, right below her ribs. “I’m up!” she gasped, vision blurry and heart pounding.
Alexei was standing a foot away from her, smiling, as usual. “You are now. The problem is that you were asleep a moment ago. And I told you to stay awake.”
Georgia didnt know what to say to this, so she said nothing at all.
Alexei disconnected her handcuffs from the ground and stepped back. “On your knees, Georgie. Now.”
Her heart was pounding as she slowly pushed herself to her knees in front of Alexei. She didn’t know what was happening, only that it wasn’t good, it was really really not good-
Alexei bent down in a moment, grabbing her by her hair and, before she could even register what was happening, slammed her face into the stone floor.
Her nose exploded with pain, blowing up like a balloon animal. A red one. There was red everywhere, on the floor, on her face, in her mouth. Red tasted like copper and salt and pain, and she spit but it would not leave.
Alexei pulled her up by her hair, and she could hardly see through all the red.
His words were warbled by the blood pumping through her ears. She heard comfortable. And disobedient. And sleep.
Sleep sounded wonderful. A soft pillow to match the painful one sitting in her head, a nice dark room with no lights to hurt her eyes, and deep, comfortable oblivion.
When Alexei hooked the cable to her wrists and adjusted the length, Georgia was forced out of her daydreaming as her arms were pulled back and up and tight, forcing her to stand, to bend over, anything to lessen the pressure in her shoulders.
Alexei smiled at his handiwork for a moment before leaving and locking the door behind him.
And Georgia was left alone to bleed, to cry, to tremble with exertion and exhaustion.
Anything but sleep.
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chronicparagon · 2 years
[ Happy Piominko/Indigenous People Day!]
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mymp3 · 2 years
morning everyone
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wilburgersoot · 1 year
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in the hour or so it took me to draw this op turned reblogs off
EDIT: reblogs are STAYING OFF. op was right and correct and i have never regretted making a post as much as this one. if you want to reblog my art you can reblog something else from my blog. or commission me, lord knows i deserve financial compensation for the nightmare this post has put me through
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eyelessfaces · 30 days
amazing news for the bisexual community
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"oscar isaac" "kristen stewart" "vampire" "thriller" "80s" ???? please
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taffywabbit · 6 months
they should invent a new type of "staying in bed for 2-3 hours after you wake up repeatedly opening and closing apps on your phone" where it makes you feel awesome and energized and emotionally fulfilled
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