lee-aveyourmark · 1 year
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capturing the beauty of 13 men in 4k :')
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💋- smut // 💗-fluff //🥀-angst //💌-personal favourite
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introduce me a good person - @taeyegu (friends to lovers au) 💗🥀
“if there is a nice person, please introduce him to me. sometimes like water, sometimes like fire. someone who can love me sincerely. i hope he is someone who is mature and faithful…”
I found love in your smile - @wonlouvre (royalty au, arranged marriage au)💗🥀
The shattered camera - @puppetwritings( celebrity au, paparazzi au)💗🥀
Wonwoo already had enough on his plate as it is—proving his parents wrong, making a living, fighting his just conscience—and with you in the picture, nothing could possibly go more wrong. Or could you be his ticket to the good life that he wanted?
Healing hues - @thedensworld (Slowburn, friendship au) 💗🥀
Exhausted by the monotony of his life as a celebrity, Wonwoo makes a pivotal decision to return to his childhood hometown and embark on a heartwarming project: building a small library named 'Healing Hues.' Little does he know, this journey will lead to a series of unexpected and transformative events.
Ruminations - @waldau 💗💌
[08:41 pm] - @jjuniehao💗💌
Deluxe version - @darl-ings💗🥀💌
in which you and Wonwoo spend some alone time together.
Bedtime routine - @yikesmary 💗💌
where you loved times like these with your boyfriend, Wonwoo.
Two umbrellas - @hanniology💗💌🥀
Wonwoo doesn’t believe in love at first sight, but you do after meeting him.
Flustered - @waldau💗💌
Take a chance - @wonwoonlight💗💌
and they were newlyweds - @viastro 💗💌
in which Wonwoo builds the Ikea couch, but something... doesn’t look right.
conclusion number three - @wonwoonlight💗💌
you have a hypothesis you'd like to prove. a/n- this one was sooo Wonwoo-coded
The regular - @trblsvt (bakery au, college au) 💗
Wonwoo couldn't really recommend anything at the bakery he worked at, he couldn't even handle going in a couple days a week. that is until he found his new favorite customer.
Chocolate rum cookies - @wonwoonlight (non-idol au, friends to lovers au) 💗
Play again - @shuarush💗💌
after ten years of not seeing your high school crush you find yourself partnered with him at the company you work for. Since you've been rejected before, you try your best to not let any feelings flourish, but Jeon Wonwoo's charms make that attempt especially hard for you. a/n - totally an all-time favorite.
first kiss with seventeen: wonwoo - @etherealyoungk💗💌
"stay there. i'm coming to get you." - @dokyeomin💗💌
wedding weekends with wonwoo - @suhnshinehaos (fake dating, non-idol au)💗🥀
jeon wonwoo, the perfect man. kind, smart, successful career, and not too bad on the eyes. all his friends are getting married and everyone’s aunts, mothers, and family friends are trying to set him up with their friends, sisters, brothers, nieces, and nephews at every wedding he attends. he’s tired of it. what better way to solve his problem than to employ your help, someone who’s having the exact same one?
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Thank you authors for all your amazing works.🤩
If there are any fics that anyone would like to recommend feel free to do so🤗😁.
( also the dividers were from @cafekitsune and @baexywth. they have really cool dividers. do check them out.)
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ravixen · 1 year
svt + not choosing their team
➔ reaction || not requested || staff!au || leader line
➔ warnings: none || 574 words ➔ words: fluff, gose staff!y/n ; happy monday! i'm sure people noticed that i post at a different time than usual :) still monday, but at midnight est instead of the afternoon. i find that it just works better for my queue. this post is inspired by the wonwoo gose dinner, when all the staff chose different colored ties! i like doing platonic!staff interactions, too, but this is self indulgent. in fact, since i can't write a whole thing right now, this is 100% for my personal satisfaction. if you liked it, please reblog!
SEUNGCHEOL: the poutiest, and i don't say that lightly. he watches as the staff members drift into separate groups, and when he sees that you're clearly not in his, he crosses his arms and gets that determined look you know too well. it's the one with the fired up eyes and the set jaw and the rolled back shoulders and the shoulder-width stance. it doesn't bode well for the other teams—something that jeonghan notices, too, because he taps your boyfriend's lower back as a warning. seungcheol is the competitive type, even when the stakes are low. (his iconic line from seventeen vs going seventeen still rings true.) once we add in the fact that you're rooting for another team? he's going to try his best to make you regret it. he doesn't mean to be a sore loser, but it can definitely come off that way if he's not careful on camera. once he actually talks to you later, though, all of the bravado is gone. what's left is a sulky baby who leans his head on your shoulder, blinks his pretty eyes, and asks why you didn't believe in him.
SOONYOUNG: ok, maybe he's the poutiest. as soon as the staff members start moving, his bottom lip juts out and the complaints start, which is rare for him. his voice is petulant as he says the groups are uneven, there's a clear divide in staff preferences, people are going to regret not choosing him, etc. just reaching for anything he can complain about, but he's mostly drowned out by the overlapping audio as the louder members yell out advertisements for their teams. he's being so obvious about his dissatisfaction, it's cute. it doesn't escape you (or anyone else paying attention, for that matter) that as he circles the groups, he keeps hovering around yours—back to the camera, hands on his hips, pout pointed straight at you. he won't push too hard because you've cast your lot with someone else, and the games are starting soon anyway, but he comes to terms with it fast. i mean, yeah, he'll be super proud of himself if he won with you on his team, but imagine if you took a chance on him and he lost horribly? twice the reward, twice the punishment.
JIHOON: honestly, he wouldn't choose his team either. it's not that he has terribly bad luck; he just has a strange team. team comp diff, he'd say, ignoring the fact that he's lost the pirate barrel game in one shot before. still, when his eyes scan for you in the crowd and spot you in someone else's corner, he can't help feeling a little disappointed...like he's already let you down somehow? he gives a tiny nod of indifference, more to convince himself than anything else, but it's clearly a front while he internally debates: should he try his best to win for his team or should he try to get your team to win? he saw the way you lit up when the prizes were announced, and regardless of the circumstances, he always has a soft spot for getting you what you want. the members like teasing him about it, but he cares about your happiness and that's something he stays unabashed about. as if knowing what he was thinking, seungkwan gives a warning glare and mouths, don't throw the game. alright, maybe having good content ranks higher today.
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nevernonline · 4 months
✧.* grow as we go; svt smau.
entry #14; dressing for revenge.
synopsis: over the past ten years you’ve fallen in love many times. one day someone happens to stumble across your journal sitting out on your nightstand and started posting your entries online. after all of your secrets are leaked it’s clear things would ever be the same again.
𐦍 paring: svt members x afab! reader.
𐦍 feat: non-idol! svt
𐦍 genre/s: reader is super angsty low-key, fluffy, sexual themes.
𐦍 content: swearing, bullying, crazy ex’s, mentions of sexual relations, some drinking& mary jane 🍃
word count: around 2k
warnings: mentions of drunk driving
masterlist ▸ 013 gut feelings and emotional dealings ▸ 015 leave it to the cullens. (part 1)
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The beeping of your front door pad got you sitting up on the couch to wait for the arrival of your best friend. Seokmin walked through the door alone, which almost shocked you because lately he hasn’t gone many places without his nerd tribe, you were happy for him finding good friends outside of you. 
“Seokminnie, hello gorgeous.” 
“Hey, baby.” 
You both met in the middle of your front entryway, wrapping him in a big hug, grateful you have someone who was always a constant in your life. 
Looking down at his empty hands confused you, you knew he mentioned he was going to be bringing snacks in with him, but they were nowhere to be found.
“Uh, where are these snacks you promised to bring me? Are you getting forgetful? You’re a little too young for that to start happening now, I’m not sure if I should be concerned or not?” 
“Yeah, about that. Uh-” 
“Vernon, Jun, and Wonwoo are here too aren’t they?” 
“Don’t be mad.” 
“Why would I be mad? Where are they?” 
“The hallway. You know before you-” 
Swinging open your door you saw the three other suspects standing in the hallway, covering the body of a fourth person who came alone for the ride, Minghao. 
“What is going on? Is he here to get in another fight or..”
“No, y/n we're here because we need to tell you something important, especially Minghao. I didn’t want to tell you beforehand so here we are. I think you guys should talk, the rest of us will go chill on the balcony for now, okay? And he brought you the snacks so be nice.” 
Crossing your arms in the doorway you make room for the boys to all pass through, without making eye contact with the one you weren’t sure if you should be happy showing up with them or not. 
“Hey, here.” 
Minghao standing in your apartment for a third time, looking as casual as you’ve ever seen him in a full black sweatsuit holding a white plastic bag with bags of chips peeking out the top, waiting for you to take it out of his grasp. Another thing you notice about him is his pink wrapped wrist sticking out from under his sleeve, his cast. 
Grabbing the back and trying very hard to maintain your composure, you turned and placed it on your marble countertop, remembering the time he placed you on top of it to kiss you. 
Shaking it off you placed the frozen pint of half baked ice cream in the freezer and walked over to the couch, not giving him a second look before he sat across from you on the white sofa. 
“So you have something to tell me?” 
“Yeah, it's kind of a lot. So if you’ll just sit back and let me explain first before letting me know how you feel just please at least do me that favor.” 
“Go ahead.” 
Minghao took a deep breath in and eyed your bar cart before starting his conversation. Which you noticed right away and without any words, got up to grab an open bottle of tequila sitting on top, pouring him a glass and watching as he took a shot before you sat down again. 
“Thanks. So, the reason I was really upset last night and came to crash your date with Joshua is because I found out he was one of the people helping Mimi. I had suspicions before, but I was never sure enough to pin him to it until yesterday. I really tried to keep my composure but, when he told me to shut the fuck up and get out I couldn’t do it anymore. He was just acting so casual with you like he had nothing to do with any of it and it pissed me the fuck off. 
I really don’t know how to tell you the entirety of the story or what I know, but I can just start with saying I’m really sorry. I’m sorry if I caused you pain, y/n. I should’ve known from the moment I met you at Wonwoo’s that you weren’t the person Mimi made you out to be.
 A few months ago, when all of this started Mimi reached out to me to get help. She said she knew the girl who hurt my mom and wanted to help me meet her and confront her about it, but there was something I had to do for her first. Which was to help her blackmail you, befriend you so I can break your heart. That’s all she wanted me to do for her when it came to you. I had no idea she was going to go this far to hurt you. 
Joshua was the one who stole your journal for Mimi, which I know is weird and you’re probably wondering why or how he even knew where it was. I found out he got it from Minnie, she told him where it was. Well, I assumed this part for a while without proof, especially since the first post was from your apartment and she had all of those photos of you in her room. I don’t know how or why they were trying to hurt you so much or why she even was helping Mimi. I thought it was weird, but it’s all unconfirmed. I think Mingyu is helping too. There’s obviously a lot more we need to figure out before we can finally confront them. 
I just want you to know I did have a part in it at first, but I stopped the moment after I realized she was full of shit, which was the night you made me dinner and we had sex. I told her I wanted nothing to do with it anymore and that she was full of shit and she’s been threatening me ever since. 
The reason I think Mingyu and Minnie are helping her is because she came to the hospital last night, to threaten me one last time, I overheard her talking on the phone in the hallway, she said Joshua is fine and to act like they had no idea we got in a fight, Seokmin showed me some texts from Minnie and I know she sent a photo of me to your group chat at the bar with her. I never even saw her there. The reason why I was there in the first place was to essentially pretend to pledge my allegiance to her so I could get more information. 
When she went to the bathroom, I took her phone which was locked, but I saw a text from a group chat attached with three other code names, just emojis, but it was enough to assume it was Joshua, Mingyu, and Minnie. It was a Bunny, a Mouse, and a Dog. Am I even making sense? I don’t know anymore, but just know I never had any intention of hurting you once I found out the truth, I just wanted to help somehow and get back to getting to know you. 
I know you probably don’t want anything to do with me anymore, y/n. So if you want me to leave, I can. I’m just really sorry.” 
Sitting in silence for a few minutes, you weren’t sure if you were going to start crying or screaming at the top of your lungs, Minghao watched you take his glass and down the lukewarm tequila to wash away the rage in your gut and feel a different kind of burn. 
“So, you were helping Mimi?” 
“Yeah. For a while.” 
“I’m not sure what to say, I guess.” 
“Oh. Right.” 
“How do I know I can trust everything you’re saying to me right now?” 
“I can show you text messages and proof I tried to get her to quit many times. I voice recorded her in the hospital last night telling me to back off. I can show you, that is if you want.” 
“Yeah, can I see?” 
Minghao opens a folder in his photos app and shows you screenshots of all the information he collected over the past few weeks, ever since the night he first told Mimi to let you off the hook. 
Scrolling through the images made your tears start to hit the brims of your eyes. You looked up for a moment at Minghao sitting and staring your way, watching your heart crush once more into tiny pieces. 
“No, just thanks for being honest with me. Thank you for trying to make it better, even if you fucked up a little bit along the way. Not many people could own up to that. It’s actually impressive to know you’re so honest.” 
“I have no choice. This is the wrong time to say this too, but it might be my last chance. But, over the time I spent with you and the more I got to know you, y/n. I, uh, couldn’t help but start to fall in love with you, you’re incredibly impressive. The night at my gallery I wanted to tell you how I felt, but that didn’t end well for us either. I hope someday you’ll forgive me.” 
Pouring yourself another drink, one big enough to share with the boy across from you, you took a big swig and handed him the glass which he drank his share. 
“Look, Minghao this is probably against my better judgment and I hope it doesn’t end up biting me in the ass, but I was falling for you too and with any chance you still have feelings for me or whatever, I’d like to be friends with you, for real this time and just restart by getting to know each other honestly. And I mean you kind of did break your wrist defending me, so I feel like I cannot say no." 
“Yeah, I know those dorks would never have brought you here if they didn’t think you deserved to tell me all of this yourself. So?” 
“Yeah, I’d like that a lot.” 
“Cool, but no spending time alone for now, I’m not sure if I’m ready for that yet. Just friends okay?” 
“Just friends. Should we shake on it or drink on it?” 
“Hug, maybe? That’s a normal friendly thing. Oh, and let me sign your cast.” 
“Yeah, totally.” 
Minghao scooted his body closer to you and wrapped his unbound arm around your shoulders and gave you a half assed hug, which made you giggle. 
“Bitch, what was that?” 
“A hug? What? Bitch?” 
“Hao, if you call that a hug you are a bigger dumb ass than I thought, come on.” 
Turning your body towards him you wrapped your arms tightly under his armpits and pulled him in for a hug that almost felt like a new beginning. 
“Thank you, really, for telling me all of that.” 
“You deserved to know the truth, Swan.” 
“Wow. Now we can finish Twilight.” 
“That would be great.” 
“You know, I just remembered that they’re still sitting outside, should we play a prank on them?” 
“I like your style.” 
“Okay, I’m going to yell at you, very rudely, just get pissed and slam my front door. Got it?” 
“Yes, ma’am.” 
Standing up from the couch you positioned yourself in front of the window, so they can get a good listen through the blinds of your fake reeling into Minghao. 
Giving him a small nod to let him know you were going to begin, he smiled back ready to see your rage. 
“What the fuck is wrong with you? You’re a fucking lying piece of shit.” 
“Me? You’re such a bitch, y/n. Now I get why the fuck nobody wants to be around you.” 
“Thats rich, get the fuck out of my apartment.” 
Minghao leapt off the couch and ran to your front door slamming it behind him and stood outside of it to listen to the aftershocks of your fake conversation. 
He heard Seokmin and Jun asking you what happened, assuming Wonwoo and Vernon were standing there not knowing what to do in silence. 
Suddenly the door opened up to reveal Seokmin’s shocked face looking at Minghao standing in the hallway so casually with his arms crossed. 
“You guys fucking suck.” 
“Sorry, Seok. We had to.” 
“Get your stupid ass back inside.” 
Minghao walked back into your apartment with a fresh start on his mind, arm and arm with your best friend and a relief off his chest that you forgave him and he was able to be in your life, maybe not how he exactly wanted but more than he expected. 
Vernon made himself at home on your couch, wrapped up in the furry gray blanket you had thrown over the back. 
Wonwoo was situated pouring drinks into some glasses, while Jun was still giggling to himself on the floor. 
“So you guys are good?” 
You just nodded at the boy wrapped comfortably on the couch, batting his pretty brown eyes your way. 
“Yeah, but now we all have to take down the bad guys.” 
Smiles came from around the room as you grabbed a sharpie and situated yourself back on the couch, surrounded by friends who truly had your back all signing the cast of the boy who defended your honor.
On the way home Minghao couldn't help but think about the words on his cast, that were surrounded by small stars and your named signed below.
 'Without the dark, we'd never see the stars.'
A quote from twilight you remembered him whispering to you before falling asleep. Something to believe in.
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note: hiii we're v much in it now! all the aftermath of y/ns failed date with joshua and finally getting a peak I not who the backstabbers really are. I hope u guys enjoy!! also pls check out my next little snippet of my new smau for after this one, its def slightly more lighthearted but as a fan of drama they'll still be some hehe. ok thank u thank u love u. also unedited prob some typos or something but anyway. 🖤
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bitterie-sweetie · 1 year
Pairing: Wonwoo x reader Genre: fluff WC: 3.5k Warnings: mentions of alcohol
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The party was a little crazy and you wake up not remembering who you were making out with last night. Luckily your best friend was there and can help you solve this mystery, right?
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Is it bad that the only thing you can remember from last night is making out with some guy?
Yeah, you were wasted out of your mind. The obnoxious pounding of your head and the lack of memories beyond your fourth shot at the party is only further proof of that. But oddly enough, you can clearly remember the stranger's gentle touch, the heat of his mouth, and your heart pounding so hard it might explode.
Which, when you think about it, is the other weird thing. That kind of knee-weakening, heart fluttering type of feeling has only ever been evoked by one person before—
"Y/N? Are you even listening?" Wonwoo waves a hand in front of your face, thankfully interrupting your train of thought. "Are you sure you don't remember anything from last night?"
"Based on the way you keep asking me that, I'm starting to think I'm better off not remembering it," you retort, groaning at the growing headache when you attempt to recall any memories at all. "Anyway, that's exactly why I called you. You're the last person I remember from yesterday, and I need your help."
Wonwoo's instant frown tells you that he's already wary about where this conversation is heading. And sure, he has every right to be after having spent years being dragged into the antics of his closest friend.
In your defense though, the party last night wasn't exactly your idea.
The party was Joshua's holiday party that he was co-hosting with his friend, Jeonghan, at a local bar where one of their friends works. You definitely weren't expecting an invite from Joshua, but there he'd been, handing it to you at the end of your tutorial one day. By this point, you'd already heard the rumours about how their parties tend to be... just a little bit sketchy. They had a bad rep, so to say, but no one ever talked about the reason behind that. Of course that only made you all the more curious.
So really, you were just an innocent guest attending a party that your friend personally invited you to.
And it was a good time, at least to you. But judging by Wonwoo's unamused expression, you're now wondering if you perhaps contributed to this bad rep, whatever it was you ended up doing.
"Yeah so. Did you see who I, um..." You have to pause to figure out how to ask your question without asking it directly. "Like, how I ended up getting home? After leaving the party?"
No response. You can feel him staring at you, likely to be judging you internally, but when you meet his eyes, he looks away.
"Right, okay." You give him a wry smile. "That's fine. I was thinking that retracing my steps from last night might help me recover my memories."
Wonwoo blinks.
"Please? I'll buy you that skin you've been eyeing lately?" The least you can do is try to appeal to his gamer side.
He considers for a moment, acting as if the two of you don't already know what the outcome would be. "Make it two skins."
"Deal. Now let's go do this thing."
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An hour later, you're getting a strong sense of deja vu as the two of you head to the dinner spot you were just at yesterday. Nothing has changed within the span of a day—the lights are still up, not yet lit in the fading afternoon sunlight, and the trees are still decorated with the tiny trinkets and colourful tinsel. If anything, it's just slightly quieter on the streets without the same bustle of people out like last night.
The stillness on the streets coupled with Wonwoo's strange silence gives you the opportunity to finally slow down and think about why exactly you want to remember the events from last night. Why are you so adamant on finding this mystery person you were making out with? Truth to be told, you don't really know the answer to that; it was just a kiss after all, albeit a good one, but did it need to mean something? You save the thought to examine later.
"Here we are," Wonwoo breaks the silence. He opens the door to the restaurant and steps aside, waiting for you to enter first. "Anything ring a bell yet?"
You snort. "Please, it's not like I can't remember anything from this early on."
He follows right behind you, and soon, the two of you are seated. You're on the opposite side of the restaurant today, though yesterday's table with the couple currently occupying it is within your field of view.
"Oh yeah?" Wonwoo raises a brow at you. "Then what were we talking about?" He slides a menu your way and then opens his own, though he chooses to stare at you instead of reading it, awaiting a response.
You shoot him a dull look back. "We went over your hatred for the holidays. Sorry—not hatred, but distaste. The crowds are terrible, the lights are way too much, and you obviously don't like the red and green colour combo. Don't even get me started on the music."
When the waitress comes by to take your orders, you snap your mouth shut, hoping she didn't overhear this odd conversation. Wonwoo picks something off the menu as if he'd been reading it, while you end up ordering the same thing as yesterday.
"Wow, is that really how you think of me?"
"Who knows," you shrug, feeling the smug smile on your lips. "But you see, I have a theory that it's not really about any of that at all."
"Really? Go on."
You lean a little closer and gesture for him to do the same, intentionally pausing to up the suspense. "I don't think it's about the holiday or festivities at all. What you actually dislike is the—how do I say this..." you wrack your brain for the right term. "It's the couple-ness of it that you don't like. The whole cuffing season thing, the way couples are all around you, from the moment you step out of the house to when you turn on your screen and those hallmark movies are playing. You hate how love is in the air."
He doesn't respond immediately, and so you take a sip of your water to make your whole demeanour a little more nonchalant. The subject is one you don't bring up much—you may have known him for a long time and are his closest friend, but you still don't know why he's never shown any interest in love. There has never been a crush, a dating app, or someone he vaguely found attractive, and he's never cared much about your love life either and would much rather avoid the topic entirely.
Well, not that you've had much of a love life in a long time.
The crease between Wonwoo's brows deepens as he thinks, and by the time he opens his mouth, his entire face is a look of disdain. "I'll go with answer A: shitty crowds, lights, and colours."
"Bingo. I got it, didn't I?" You push it just a bit more so that maybe then he'll tell you what's really on his mind. But before he can respond, the waitress comes back with the food, and you know you've lost your opportunity.
Wonwoo stays silent for a while as the two of you eat, but you can feel his analytical eyes on you every now and then. He almost looks like he wants to say something, like he's wavering and might actually answer your question instead of avoiding it like you expect him to.
He doesn't, though. In the end, he decides to change the subject. "What about you? Why do you want to find the person you were with last night?"
You stop to think.
Perhaps it's what you remember about it that stirs this feeling in your gut. You remember the way it felt, the softness of his lips and the warmth of his fingers as they gently held you. The absolute tenderness that existed despite the heat of the moment and despite the alcohol in your veins making everything glow as the world spun around you.
And then there were the butterflies, the ones that only come out in the presence of that one special person. You're sure not just anyone could've made you feel like that no matter how inebriated you were, so this stranger had to be someone special. There was definitely something there.
Or so you think. Of course it might've been something you misremembered because of your delusional state last night, but at least it was something you could cling onto, right? You've been telling yourself to get out of this cycle of unrequited love and hopefully move on with your life next year. This would be the perfect excuse, and a much better one than the blind dates that your aunt keeps trying to set up for you.
"My family is still on my back about that blind date," you say, rolling your eyes for extra effect. You might as well lay the foundation now so that you have a back up excuse. "Maybe if I find this person and things work out, then they'll finally stop pestering me about that."
"How are you going to find this person? Surely you're not going to go around kissing strangers until you recover your memories? Do you remember anything about them?" Wonwoo's questions come one after the other, and it's the first time he's so interested in your love life. Usually by this point he'd be looking slightly uncomfortable and then changing the subject, and seeing this odd behaviour makes you wonder if it has anything to do with what happened yesterday.
"I... haven't thought that far," you admit. "I guess finding them isn't that important; I just want to know who they are."
"Does it matter who they are?"
The question surprises you again, so you peer at him, trying to analyze him the way he often does to you. Wonwoo's face doesn't give anything away though; he stares back without moving away once you meet his gaze, almost as if daring you to answer the question. Just like you did earlier when asking about his aversion to the holiday stuff.
"Hey, how are we doing over here?" The waitress stops by just in time.
You send a silent thanks to the greater powers.
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After finishing up the meal mostly in silence, you're now heading toward the bar where the party was held last night. It's not too long of a walk from the restaurant, which was good for yesterday when you were trying not to freeze in your party outfit—or, well, maybe it wasn't so good since Wonwoo did pull you in and open up his coat to try to shield you from the wind with it.
What this short walk is also not good for, is today when he seems to use every opportunity to convince you to turn around.
"Are you sure you want to know, Y/N?" Wonwoo slows down his steps beside you until he's practically dragging his feet. "It's not too late to go home. We could watch that movie on your list or put up the new ornaments you bought."
His offer is so strange, not quite unlike your offer to buy him skins for his game, that you nearly accept on the spot. But as tempting as it sounds, today needs to be spent finding the potential love of your life.
You pretend to consider for a moment. "Tempting, but no," you shake your head. "I need to solve this mystery."
He doesn't say anything to that, but you don't give him a chance to before you're speeding up and heading to the next spot.
The sun has now set, and the many coloured lights of the streets are just beginning to light up as the two of you head towards the bar where the party was last night. More people are out and about; couples holding hands as they walk side by side, singles hurrying home, groups of friends heading to the Christmas market nearby. Everyone you look at could potentially be the person you were with last night.
But who could it have been? Surely it couldn't have been the worst-case scenario, your ex—you don't even think he was at the party since you've never talked about him before, but knowing Jeonghan and Joshua, they totally could've found a way to bring him there. Maybe it was the hottie, Mingyu, whose name is the only thing you can remember just because of his thousand-watt smile. Or maybe it was—
No. Your heart gives an involuntary jerk at the thought, and you have to shake your head to get rid of the idea. No, it's not possible at all.
"Y/N?" Wonwoo stops a few steps ahead of you, glancing back with concern at your abrupt stop. "You good?"
"Yeah, of course." You shoot him a quick smile but avoid his gaze. Now you definitely need to get rid of that thought.
The two of you make your way to the bar, but the search is futile the whole way. People are everywhere all around you, walking along the streets and gathered by the bar, and yet, somehow no one you look at seems to fit the picture. You see the same bartender from last night and he greets you with a wave, but his hair is much longer than what you remember about the mystery person, and his lips much thicker.
But you soon realize that the lack of resemblance isn't even the issue. At the back of the bar when you do seem to spot an attractive stranger with similar features to what you remember, your heart still sinks at the thought of having kissed them. And it's the same with every person you look at, which only means one thing: the problem is that you can't possibly imagine ever being in love with them. You can't imagine being in love with anyone other than your best friend.
It feels like hours later when the two of you finally decide to call it a day. 
There's an empty bench just down the street from the bar, close enough to the Christmas market that you get a nice view of the lights when you collapse onto it. The bustle of earlier has calmed down at this late hour, though it does little to calm the nervous pulsing of your heart. You can't quite pinpoint what it is that's making your stomach twist, and it certainly doesn't help that Wonwoo is so close you can see the fresh snowflakes landing on his eyelashes and in his hair.
It'd be nice if this moment could last forever—only the two of you existing as the rest of the world is muffled by the snow.
But nothing lasts forever, and you know that you have to end this and move on with your life.
"It was someone from the party, wasn't it?" you ask tentatively. Wonwoo seems to be analyzing you when he looks over, but otherwise doesn't respond. "And you know who it is."
That earns you a nod.
"I thought so." You heave a sigh, turning away from him to stare at the lights in the distance. No wonder he seems to have been dropping hints all day—the cryptic questions, the subtle slip ups. He can be a really careful guy when he wants to be, but this time it's as if he wants you to know that he knows. And yet, the two of you still spent all day aimlessly retracing your steps. "Then why wouldn't you just tell me who it is?"
"Because," Wonwoo mumbles, "what if it's someone you don't want it to be?"
"Then it would just have been a fun time and nothing more, I guess. Why does that m—"
"What if it's someone that you can't see that way? Someone you'll never be able to have feelings for?"
The question catches you off guard. Here you are, half expecting a name drop at this point after having spent so long searching in vain—you expect him to simply tell you that this mystery person really was your ex or maybe the bartender, or maybe even Joshua himself for whatever reason. Gross. So yes, there might be a list of people you don't want it to be, but what you don't understand is why Wonwoo is making such a big deal out of it.
When you look over at him, there's a sort of apprehension written on his face that he doesn't bother hiding. And while it confuses you why he's taking this so seriously, you can also feel the growing tension in the air between you, making each ticking second veer towards a slope that you'll be unable to turn back from. You never thought this would matter so much, but it's as if everything depends on this one, singular moment. The instant when he reveals the truth.
Why would he care so much about it though? Why would it matter to him who his best friend was drunkenly making out with? Why would he be so oddly hesitant yet curious about what you thought of this person—
"What if you're disappointed by who it is?"
The memories rush back so quickly that you nearly kneel over.
Stumbling out of the bar, finding this exact bench. The world spinning in a kaleidoscopic blur of lights, the warmth of his hands guiding you. You'd sat here and teased him about his distaste for the holidays—you asked if he hated it when you brought him to the Christmas market with you every year, and if he'd much rather not help you put up the tree. You asked why he even went to the holiday party with you this year despite hating both the holidays and parties. 
Then when you looked up...
"The mistletoe." You let out a gasp when you see it right above you, still in the same position it'd been in last night. The very mistletoe that you'd pointed out to Wonwoo and asked him if he hated it too.
If he hated being underneath it with you.
"You remember it now?" he asks quietly. He appears calm, stoic as usual, but it's all too easy to see that there's anxiety swimming just beneath it all.
"Yeah, it's coming back to me now. So that's why you didn't straight up tell me even though you knew all along." You nod to yourself as you put together the pieces.
"We were drunk and caught up in the moment so I didn't think you meant what you said or would even want to remember it. I was going to let you forget it, Y/N, in case you thought it was a mistake."
It all makes sense now. All of that would explain his nervous energy today, the odd questions, the sudden interest. Except there's just one more thing... "But then why did you agree to come with me and retrace our steps? You—you wanted me to remember."
He sighs and gives in with a nod. "Yeah, it was a chance to redo the day. Last night was wild and things kind of went out of control, but this way, we can do it differently. I kept hoping that maybe there's the slightest chance you really meant it, what you said about..."
About being in love with your best friend, you think, internally cringing when you can hear the words in your own voice from last night. You'd nearly screamed it out loud, and the situation was probably more than embarrassing and not pretty at all—blame it on Joshua for having this party in the first place. This was nothing like how you might've pictured confessing to a crush at all.
But as crazy and mortifying as it was, it feels almost like an inside joke, a moment that only the two of you would ever know. And when you finally manage to process what Wonwoo just said, your heart speeds up for an entirely different reason.
Hope. This is what you'd been hoping for, too.
"I meant all of it," you quickly say, diving right in before you can chicken out. "Did you? When you said that you don't hate all this holiday stuff, but actually enjoy it because it's with me? That you... feel the same way?"
"Yeah, Y/N. You have no idea how long I've been holding onto that." The tension in his body has eased and there's finally a smile on his lips, perhaps for the first time today. "And about the mistletoe right above us? I don't hate it, Y/N," Wonwoo repeats his words from last night. "Not at all."
"Ah, I see," you tease despite the hammering of your heart at what's to come. "Is that what you want to redo this day for?"
Wonwoo's smile widens. "I'd gladly redo any day if it's with you."
When the distance closes and you feel the tenderness in his touch and taste the soda on his tongue, you know that this redo of a night would be committed to memory forever.
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sweetiesicheng · 1 year
wonwoo - arcade
word count : 555
"you missed again."
"i know."
"and again."
"yes, i know."
you shoved the controller into wonwoo's hands, "i give up." you sat down and crossed your arms as the game showed a "game over" sign on the screen.
you and your best friend, wonwoo, were at an arcade. he usually hung out at the arcade with friends, but you came because of a failed blind date.
wonwoo put some tokens into the machine and started playing the zombie game that you two were at. you watched as he nailed every shot as if he practiced playing beforehand.
"are you just going to show off at every game we play tonight?" you asked him.
"considering how you're so bad at playing video games? yea," he replied. "did the guy show up?" he asked you.
"no. why do you think i'm here right now?" you replied to him.
"i think you need to chill with all these dates, y/n," he said to you and cleared the game. he put the controller down and turned to face you.
you looked away and shrugged, "yea, you're right. these dates have been horrible anyways," you mentioned.
"cause all those guys aren't good. you need to find someone who's better than all those losers," wonwoo said to you. "what about mingyu?" he asked.
"mingyu? no, he's great, but i think he's into that girl on the soccer team," you replied. you sighed and dropped your head back to look at the ceiling. "i think the universe is just telling me that i'm supposed to be single for the rest of my life," you said to him, "become one of those crazy cat ladies instead."
"you shouldn't think like that," wonwoo replied. you heard him put more tokens into the machine, and he started playing the game again.
"kind of hard not to think like this when every date i've been on has either been horrible or the guy ghosted me," you replied to him and moved your head back. "any of your friends single? besides mingyu?" you asked him. you didn't really know his friends too well, but wonwoo mentioned them quite a bit when you two would hang out.
"i mean, i do know someone who is looking to date," he answered.
"who?" you asked.
"hang on, let me win," he replied and continued playing the game. you watched him play for a few minutes before winning. "yes!" he cheered, watching his score appear on the screen, beating the previous high score.
you kicked him in the back of the knee to make him turn around to look at you. he placed the controller down on the counter.
"who's looking to date?" you asked him, being relatively impatient for the past few minutes.
"are we going to keep repeating things to each other today?" wonwoo asked you. "you, i want to go on a date with you, y/n."
"you're joking."
"and if i told you i liked you since senior year?" he asked again.
"you're still joking."
wonwoo rolled his eyes at you before signing. "y/n, i like you. let's go on a date, right now."
you sat there, frozen. you stared at wonwoo while he sighed again. then, he grabbed your arm to pull you up.
"we're going on a date."
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sluttywonwoo · 2 years
Hi! What do you think the svt members reaction would be to another member liking their crush as well - like would they try to win their crush over or are they more likely to back away / anything else? 👀
adding a cut just bc this one got a lil long!!
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seungcheol: this puts him in a very precarious position because he’s supposed to be the leader. he’s supposed to be unbiased and love all of his members equally. but it’s hard to do that when one of said members also has heart eyes for you. he’d sort of give that member the silent treatment, and try spending more time with you as a result. he isn’t eager to tell you how he feels because he’s terrified you’ll reject him, but he doesn’t want to miss his chance so he’ll work up the courage to confess, waiting for the right moment.
jeonghan: unless he’s convinced you’re the love of his life, he’d tell the other member to go for it and let you go </3 if it’s just a simple crush, jeonghan figures it will pass eventually and he’ll find someone new. he doesn’t think it’s worth it to fight over a crush with someone he’s forced to spend all his time with and has to work with for at least the next seven years.
joshua: he’ll try and tell you how he feels first, beating the other guy to it. joshua isn’t sure if you’ll reciprocate but he wants to put himself out there so at least he won’t spend the rest of his life wondering “what if”.
jun: he’s more annoyed about it than he lets on. whoever the other member is, he’ll kind of laugh about it with them in the moment, but then when he’s alone again he’ll sulk. his moodiness might even bleed into his hangouts with you, leading you to ask him what’s wrong. he’ll either spill everything or just pretend like he’s tired, either way he’s getting cuddles from you as a result.
soonyoung: it turns into a sitcom-level competition for this dude, like who can win your heart faster— it doesn’t matter who it is, he’s going to fight for you and will do whatever it takes to come out on top.
wonwoo: he’s sooo so shy, it’d be like his worst nightmare to learn that one of his members also likes you. he would need major evidence that you also like him to even begin to consider confessing to you so he’d have to sort of… drop hints and test the waters to try and gauge your feelings.
jihoon: he hates conflict so he’d let the other member make a move first. if you don’t reciprocate, then he’ll shoot his shot and try and win you over fair and square. but if you do reciprocate, jihoon will simply be bitter about it forever and hold a grudge against them until the day he dies.
seokmin: poor guys panics, and ends up telling you everything, even though you didn’t ask. he basically blurts out all of his feelings and also mentions that he knows his member has a crush on you too. and then after dumping all of this info on you he’ll just. dip. he’d run off, leaving you there to process all the things he’d just said.
mingyu: listen, he gives everything his best shot. he knows he’s a good looking dude and thinks he might have a decent chance with you so he’d go for it. he thinks he can offer a lot too, but then again so can any member of seventeen which makes him a little less confident about the whole thing. at the very least, he knows he’s taller than the other guy which is a win for him (but only if you’re into tall guys).
minghao: minghao is quiet and reserved, but when it comes to love i think he’s a bit more headstrong. he’s a romantic, but also a realist, meaning he knows he has to work for what he wants. he can’t just sit around and wait for a relationship to fall into his lap and if he wants to be with you he needs to speak up. putting himself out there like that would be sooo difficult for him but he’s able to convince himself that it’s worth it for the opportunity to be with you.
seungkwan: he would honestly get pretty jealous— as anyone would if they were suddenly competing for their crush— and would do his best to steer you away from said competitor. he’d suddenly start spending all of his time with you so that the other member couldn’t get you alone, just silently hoping you aren’t getting sick of having him around.
vernon: he doesn’t think he’s bothered by it until he watches you laughing at their joke and realizes “oh fuck, i can’t let this happen”. however, how he decides to fix it… he doesn’t even know. he’d have to ask one of his other members (one that isn’t also in love with you) for advice.
chan: it’s tricky for him as the maknae because technically there’s a degree of respect he’s supposed to pay the older members but he’d honestly just say fuck it and do what he wants (he always does anyway). and in this case what he wants is you. he’s too proud to bow out so he’d be up front with you and lay it all out there.
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ahlovelightaflame · 10 months
Positively Villainous ~ *Lee Chan*
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Summary: All of Seventeen is playing laser tag. You are on the opposite team of your boyfriend, and you both are insanely competitive. Who’s going to end up winning in this battle of wits and comedy?
Pairing: Lee Chan X G/n!Reader
Genre: Fluffy Oneshot
Word Count: 1056
Warning: Swearing, Competitiveness 
Seventeen Masterlist
Taglist: @foxwinter
A/N: I would actually love it if Seventeen played laser tag.
“Last round. Winner gets all the marbles.” Seungkwan declared to the fourteen people gathered before him. “Same rules apply and, I can’t believe I have to say this again, no cheating!”
Everyone turned to Jeonghan. His jaw dropped and he started to sputter. “It wasn’t me! I mean it wasn’t just me! Vernon cheated too!”
Seungcheol shook his head. “I can’t believe you’d say that about poor, sweet Vernon.”
“Please! You told him to do it!”
“I did no such thing!”
“Ladies, please.” You stood up next to Seungkwan and said, “We only have fifteen minutes left to break this tie. So are we going to play or not?”
Everyone exchanged glances before agreeing. They all broke off into their respective teams, after, of course, trash talking the other team a bit. You nodded. “Fifteen minutes. Let’s end this.”
You followed your team to the loft and huddled up. Seungcheol, your captain, delivered his master plan. “Alright, stay locked on one target while also keeping your eyes on the rest of their team. I’m taking Hoshi, Jeonghan has Junhui, Vernon stays with Seungkwan, Wonwoo takes DK, Mingyu and Minghao, Woozi and Joshua, and Y/n has Dino. Sounds like a plan?”
When everyone agreed, Seungcheol grinned devilishly. “By the time these fifteen minutes are over, we’ll be the laser tag champions!”
The seven of you cheered your impending victory and the final battle began.
Racing away from your team’s base, you went to find Chan before he found you. Before you could, you noticed Minghao and shot at him. You were gone before he even noticed you were the one who got him. However, Joshua saw you and you were hit.
Both you and Seungcheol shot him at the same time, making him yell at you both as he ran away.
“Thanks.” You nodded. “Have you seen Dino anywhere?”
He shook his head. “No, but be careful. Jeonghan told me Hoshi is on the rampage. Apparently it’s his way of getting back at him for cheating.”
You nodded. “Thanks for the heads up. Good luck with him.”
Seungcheol groaned. “You too.”
It was clear that Chan was selected to be the sniper of their team, which made sense. He had a sharp eye and was an excellent shot. However, it still felt like you were on a wild goose chase. You couldn’t find him anywhere, no matter how hard you looked. You managed to get some hits on everyone from the other team and even saved Woozi from a sneak attack by the insanely competitive and kind of frightening Hoshi. But no Chan. And no one on your team had seen him as well.
That all changed though when you found yourself in a secluded corner. No one was around you, but you felt like you were being watched. Chan was here, you could tell. You could practically feel it in your bones. So you kept both your guard and your gun up.
Something dropped behind you, backing you into a wall. You didn’t even have to turn around to know who it was .
“Hello, Dino.” You grinned.
“Hello, Y/n. Are you ready to die tonight?”
“Not by your laser.”
He chuckled. “You think you’ll be able to stop me? I’d like to see you try.”
You whipped around and pulled the trigger, but he jumped out of the way. You swore under your breath and pressed close to the wall to keep away from his laser. It felt like a stand-off between the two of you. You needed to think this through carefully, lest you let down your team.
“We only  have three minutes left in the match. Can we call a truce and then call it a day?”
Again, he laughed. “You know as well as I do that that’s not going to happen.”
“That’s unfortunate but it was worth a shot.” You sighed. “I thought we were friends.”
“And here I thought we were lovers.” He shot back.
You smirked. “Touche. So what’s your plan?”
“What if we did this: we just shoot each other continuously and we’ll see who has the fastest trigger finger. Sounds like a plan?”
You shrugged. “Sure. Why not? I’m not looking to prove that I have taken the fewest hits. That’s the title Jun wants anyways.”
“See, it works for everyone.” He stepped out into the open and raised his laser gun. “Are you ready for this?”
“Ready as I’ll ever be.”
And with that, the two of you continued to shoot the other for the next three minutes. It wasn’t super exciting but it was funny. You couldn’t stop laughing the whole time you two fought at each other. Occasionally, one of your guns would stray to a target on the opposite team and land a few hits on them. But the fighting always returned between the two of you. It was a good way to end the final round of laser tag with your boyfriend and the rest of Seventeen.
When the battle was over, the scores were being tallied up by Mingyu. Hoshi laughed as you told your story. Seungcheol shook his head at the childishness between the two of you.
“I can’t believe that’s how we won.” Seungcheol sighed.
You shrugged. “I think it was a fitting win. And since we won, we get to decide where we’re going for dinner. Right guys?”
Instantly, your six teammates started coming up with ideas for dinner. You laughed but didn’t get involved with them and their decision making. You honestly couldn’t care where to go. You were just happy to claim this victory for your team.
Chan pulled you asided and stuck out his hand to you. “Congratulations.”
You shook his hand. “Thanks. But Chan, don’t ever look at me like you’ve cornered me again. It was so scary and positively villainous.”
He laughed, slinging an arm over your shoulder. “I’ll try not to. What do you say we ditch these guys and get dinner just the two of us.”
Smiling, you leaned into his touch. “Like I said, you’re positively villainous. But I totally agree with your idea. Let’s do it.”
“After you, champion.” He gestured for you to lead the way.
Smiling, you patted his cheek as you said, “Thank you, last place.”
“Just for that, I’m picking where we’re going.”
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lamarkeu · 2 years
I Don’t Like This
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Synopsis: Mingyu thinks he’s capable of compromising the feelings he has for you in order to maintain your friendship. He finds that the favors you and his team members ask only seem to make things more difficult.
Genre: Non Idol!AU, SPY!SVT, Scientist!Reader, fluff, angst and suggestive
Word Count: Just a little over 2k (I proof read it once so if there’s any grammatical errors pls let me know).
A/N: There’s no SVT sector for NIS in real life, so for the sake of this story it stands for Sector for Violent Crimes and Terrorism. Let me know if you want me to do drabbles with the other members too. I’ll be working on more WIPS after my camping trip 👀
You and Mingyu met on the first day of spy academy where the two of you were sat comfortably at the top of your class both in brains and brawn’s respectfully. The big wigs at The National Intelligence Service payed close attention to the two of you, only accepting a few graduates each year.
There was an unspoken bond you gained over the course of being partners for your time at school. He swears if it weren’t for your leg injury during the final test the NIS would’ve picked you up as agents.
Lost was one way you could describe life after your injury. If it weren’t for his words of encouragement, you probably wouldn’t have even considered the scientist position at NIS’s newest team: the sector for violent crimes and terrorism.
Your team initially had five founding members including Mingyu, Jeonghan, Jisoo, Seungcheol and yourself. As word came in of the success of your missions resumes from newly graduated agents would come piling in. The main office is now home to 26 members.
Mingyu was one of the teams top agents who worked hard until the end of every work week. The tasks he was given off the field seemed to make them drag on, like when Seungcheol requests him to test the new plasma gun before clocking out for the night.
The shooting range was oddly quiet; the only sound he could hear was your sweet voice instructing your newest intern on how to work your newest creation.
“Last time I checked those guns were for field agents. Not lab interns.” He yells earning him an eye roll from Wonwoo.
You turn to him, “Well, as head of our lab, I wanted to show off the hard work and brain power he’s contributed to our team-” You can't help but shake your head at the usually friendly giant, as he pulls his sleeves up to show off his biceps. “Please tell me you have protective gear.”
“Here, borrow mine.” Wonwoo offers a fresh pair of earplugs from his lab coat tossing it towards Mingyu before taking his protective noise canceling headphones off.
Mingyu all but yells at you as you leave the room. “Where are you going? Don’t you need to monitor him?”
Their first encounter had Mingyu mistaken Wonwoo for their new office intern Seungkwan and gave him money to buy everyone coffee.
This small confusion almost resulted in someone almost destroying the lab and the photocopier. Mingyu has since been banned from asking interns to go on coffee runs and from using the offices coffee machine.
“I’m his boss, not his babysitter. Besides, he's a natural and I’m done my shift.” Patting the two of them on the shoulder before making your exit. “Have a good night boys.”
Mingyu picks up a second plasma gun on the wall and gets a few head shots on the target. Before gloating about his shot Wonwoo fired his rounds and left identical holes. “You got a pretty nice shot for a lab rat.”
“Look, I’m gonna cut to the chase. I know you don’t like me but I want to put aside our differences to ask you what kind of gift I should Y/N as a thank you for training me- why are you laughing?”
“Wait, that wasn’t a joke?” His eyes stared at him. “I guess I never saw you as a gift giving type.
“That’s okay right?” Mingyu kind of stares at him in confusion before Wonwoo explains, “I always thought you two had a thing.”
“We’re just friends.” He manages to stutter out. “Last time I checked we’re still at work, discussing any personal business could result in-”
“Relax, I’m not here to grill you, I just need to know her preferences for flowers. Who better to ask than her work husband.” Mingyu's face gets all red at the nickname Wonwoo chose.
“Don’t get flowers, Y/N hates how she has to take care of them 24/7. Get something like a cactus.”
Mingyu walks in with his morning coffee a few days after that encounter. A bitter taste leaves the field agent’s mouth as he tries to determine if it came from his latte, the little cacti sitting at your desk or the Instagram post you took with Wonwoo at a fancy dinner restaurant.
He shakes his head of those thoughts, holding tightly to the second cup in his hand; a green tea for you. The hope this gesture could have him fall into your favour once again is immediately beaten to a pulp as he see you at your desk with none other than the office flirt, Yoon Jeonghan. He watches from afar as the older calls you that dreaded nickname.
Back when they all first started Jeonghan had difficulty remembering your name so he would also call you “Baby girl”, to get your attention. No matter how many times it gets thrown around it’s almost impossible for Mingyu to keep his entire body from cringing.
Amidst their usual morning exchanges Mingyu hadn’t noticed the cup Jeonghan was hiding behind his back until it was offered up to you. He could only assume it was the same drink he had in his hands.
In an attempt to save face, slowly making his escape towards the lab doors before turning to see the devil himself right in front of him.
“Just the man I was looking for. Remember how I saved your ass from getting caught in a sting operation and how you said you’d pay me back with a favor?”
“Can you please get to your point, I have a meeting with Joshua and Seungcheol about getting my coffee machine privileges back.”
“Help me break up Wonwoo and Y/N.” Jeonghan announces almost nonchalantly.
Mingyu stutters out in confusion, “T-they're not together.”
“Oh really? Why don’t you tell that to the little cactus Y/N keeps flaunting around the office.” He takes his phone out, showing Y/N’s most recent story where her cactus sits quietly at her desk with a hat sticker over it.
“Sounds like someone’s jealous.”
“What no,” Mingyu doesn’t miss the hesitation in his answer. “Wonwoo’s a newbie so he doesn’t realize how hard it was for her to get here. Can’t have him risking all that hard work because some lab tech isn’t able to keep his feelings in check.” As if he were trying to convince himself that was in fact the only reason.
“Don’t act like you don’t like her too. Your cup of tea and coffee is really telling.”
“Look you can do what you want just don’t get me involved. I’m already in trouble with Seungcheol as is.”
Jeonghan looks down at his pocket after hearing it go off. He checks the caller before leaving Mingyu “Just do me a favor and let me know if you have any intel. I have a friend that likes her and wants to ask her out.”
Seungcheol wraps up the team meeting with his agents and their new assignments. He’s posted in Manila to arrest major drug traffickers bringing heroin to Seoul while Chan is stationed in Busan to deal with an underground fighting ring.
You’re asked to stay at home base to communicate with Mingyu over earphones and also act as a translator.
“Careful out there, your smart mouth has the tendency to put you in harms way and I’m afraid I won’t be there to patch up your wounds.” There’s a slight sense of change in your tone.
Mingyu often puts himself on the line as a field agent, so there have been a few times he’s gotten close calls. His heart warms at this worry
“I promise, I will try to be on my best behavior. You on the other hand need to promise me you’ll actually sleep while I’m not around to nag you.” He reassures you, trying to lighten up the atmosphere with a little laugh.
You smile in agreement, “Fair enough. I’ll see you tomorrow then, okay?”
“Perfect. Bye Y/N.”
Chan makes his way over to his partner as he finishes the last of his coffee.“Mingyu Hyung, are you meeting up with Y/N anytime soon?”
“Tomorrow actually to go over what items to bring on our trip, why what’s up Chan?
“I wanted to return the equipment she let me borrow at the last siege.” He explains. “I also wanted to check to see if you asked her out yet?”
Chan was one of the few people who knew about his feelings. Having been paired together for as long as they’ve worked here, they often shared with each other their personal lives. Mingyu's silence in and of itself was pretty telling.
“You’re not gonna know how she feels until you ask. There are a lot of people willing to step in if you’re not brave enough, me included.”
Mingyu’s eyes go wide as saucers at the sudden confession.
“Y/N is a catch and deserves to be treated well instead of being strung along by your below average flirting.”
Attending a ball was the last thing Mingyu thought he would be doing while working undercover. With your insight you managed to notify the whole team that their target would be hosting an event to cover up their money trail. Insisting you stay behind past closing to help lead Mingyu through this mission.
For the most part it went well though there were a few times you had to prompt him through his ear piece to get over the language barrier between him and some guests. Carefully you access the hotel cameras from your office computer to monitor Mingyu’s movements.
He breaks away from the crowded convention centre, to avoid the prying eyes of the public seeking refuge in the mens washroom before sending the signal to the other NIS agents to arrest the target.
The sound of static is heard in his ears breaking apart the sound of running water before he closes the tap, “I need a favour.” Your voice come through clear as day.
“Surprisingly, you wouldn’t be the first person to ask me that this week.” He scoffs before running through the sides of his hair with hands.
“I need someone to act as my date for my high school reunion. Is there any member of the team you could introduce me as a boyfriend?”
The silence on his end was almost deafening that you’re convinced his audio cut out, but before you can say anything he replies with a monotone, “None.”
“What about Chan or Wonwoo?”
“No. Just go alone.”
“Why?” You pry.
The discomfort caused by that question is followed by him trying to shut the conversation down, stating, “Can we talk about this when I get back. I don’t like this.”
You scoff at his stubbornness, “Why not?”
“It’s just because-“
“Why?” You whisper into his ear.
“You’re my wife.”
“Yeah, your work wife. I don’t get why you’re making such a big deal- wait.”
Mingyu hears the sound of the bathroom door opening as she stops. Quickly he rushes into one of the stalls and whispers to you in confusion. “What?”
“I knew it, you are jealous.” grinning satisfyingly as you reveal the truth “I wanted to see if you’d actually cave into the guys showing interest in me and you did.”
His brain finally clicks, having found out what she was insinuating. “Not cool, Y/L/N. You could’ve just asked me how I feel about you.” He feigns being upset as the sound of the door closing signals that the other occupants in the washroom have left. “When is your reunion?” He asks wanting to keep his heart from beating out of his chest after his subtle confession.
“A week from today at my old high school.” She reassures him.
“Perfect, I’ll be back from this mission in three days.” Finally getting back to the ball room he watches the other agents on standby to follow his signal. “I can take you out on a real date the next time we meet before the reunion.”
To keep yourself from squealing, you cover your face and say a muffled, “I’d like that a lot.” The target comes into view on your security camera making a run towards the back exit where Mingyu was standing. “Gyu, our guys making an escape on your left.”
Sound of sirens could be heard in the background, as Mingyu corners their target in the gardens of the venue with the help of local police. He whispers a quick thank you to Y/N before heading to his rental car. For a moment he sits trying to take everything in.
His curiosity wins over him quite easily this time from having drank a little too much champagne, “I understand how you convinced Wonwoo to be part of your plan but how did you get Chan and Jeonghan?”
You simply tell him it’s a secret. He groans unsatisfied with that answer. You laugh it over for the most part, mentally reminding yourself to treat Wonwoo and Chan for helping out. From across your desk you see Jeonghan chatting away with Seungcheol, the two walk past the lab window to the direction of the cafeteria for lunch. You’re left wondering what he said to Mingyu as he was never a part of your plan.
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leewonkyeom · 2 months
I’m sorry for getting back to you so late but! I hope you’re not sick anymore 😭 I’m currently being raw dogged by my allergies and I feel like I’m dying because no medicine is working for me. my throat feels terrible too which is great
And as for the allergic reaction- it wasn’t as bad as the first time it happened, but I guess I’m allergic to shrimp (despite having ate it for my entire life. AND being tested negative for it………..) which sucks because it’s one of my favorite foods (especially in pasta oh my goddd)
I’m trying to get back into writing, myself, so I’ve been brain storming a lot of ideas. Even posted a short Vernon and Wonwoo blurb earlier 😌 I feel accomplished.
Have you been working on anything new recently? Can you give us any spoilers 👀
Hahah don't worry about it😭 I only ever reply every few days when i feel like it😭 i still have a bit of a sore throat, but hopefully i won't be sick again for a while after this😭
nooo omg😭 allergies sucks soo bad! i hope you find a medicine that works for you!
omg i feel you so much😭 allergies just get worse as you age and i learned this the hard way😭 i feel like it's much worse to have liked something once and then you're never able to eat it again, rather than being allergic from birth idk😭 shrimps are so good as well, i feel so bad for you
oh that's great!!! i'll check it out!🫶
you have no idea how much i love this question😭 like i will insert the fic i'm working on into so many conversations😭 i'm trying to work on my requests at the moment, just because i feel like i should get them out of the way and one-shots are often so easy to write. so hopefully i'll have a jeonghan one-shot out soon👀 as soon as i remember to send it to my beta, cause idk how i feel about it yet😭
and then i'm working on my full length cheol x reader fic, which is honestly sooo much better than light a flame😭 so hopefully i can finish that soon, cause i've been working on it for wayy too long. i'm just nearing the end and i don't know how to wrap it up😭
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stayinhellevator · 5 months
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Golden Ratio
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"No one ever said it would be this hard"
Our love was irrational but it was golden. We were so close yet so far. Destined to meet but fated for a doomed love.
Weaved in five intricate threads, on the verge of snapping.
Pairing: Seventeen x fem!Reader
Genre: Soulmate AU, Angst
Release: TBA
Playlist: The Scientist ~ Corinne Bailey Rae
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"I know better than to ever call you mine"
Torn between societal expectations and their deep connection, Hansol finds himself unable to forget you, the girl he was supposed to forget after one night and accept his Soulmate, now that he finally found her.
Pairing: Vernon x fem!Reader
Genre: Soulmate AU, Angst, Almost Lovers
Release: Released
Playlist: Let's Fall In Love For The Night ~ Finneas
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"I love you, but not in that way"
Love had found its way into Seokmin's heart, yet a different kind of love, unrequited and unspoken, lingered in yours.
Pairing: DK x fem!Reader
Genre: Soulmate AU, Angst, Unrequited Love
Release: TBA
Playlist: Not In That Way ~ Sam Smith
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"We're bound to break and my hands are tied"
By twisted fate, Seungcheol and You began to seek refuge in each other when things started down spiralling and without realising, you fell for each other but it was too late.
Pairing: Scoups x fem!Reader
Genre: Soulmate AU, Angst, Forbidden Love
Release: TBA
Playlist: Rewrite The Stars ~ James Arthur, Anne Marie
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"And now you're just a page torn from the story I'm living"
Mingyu and you find yourselves on crossroads when you learn a groundbreaking truth that makes you question everything you've ever known.
Pairing: Mingyu x fem! Reader
Genre: Soulmate AU, Angst, Heartbreak
Release: TBA
Playlist: Dynasty ~ Miia
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"I had all and then most of you; some and now none of you"
Dreams turn into nightmares when Wonwoo and you found each other too late.
Pairing: Wonwoo x fem!Reader
Genre: Soulmate AU, Angst, Love Too Late
Release: TBA
Playlist: The Night We Met ~ Lord Huron
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A/N: The warnings to each chapter will be provided as I release them but I won't post them here.
I thought a lot about it but I realised I'm more comfortable in writing with a female reader for longer writings. But I'll try to keep as inclusive as possible.
Taglist is open for this one shot Series. Please let me know if you want to be added.
If in the future you find any fault, please let me know. With that I hope we have a good time with this series.
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©stayinhellevator: Please don't repost, translate or plagiarise my work.
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wannabelife · 10 months
about any prns mdNi / +20 only
do not expect regular posts, i mainly write when i have inspiration / an idea in mind. here's for the fun :)
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+ find all drabbles from inbox under this tag
–> kim seokjin:
nothing here yet!
–> min yoongi:
telepathy (smut)
synopsis: he's been away for way too long, you just need something to reminisce.
–> jung hoseok:
nothing here yet!
–> kim namjoon:
[8:42pm] (fluff)
synopsis: but how it hurts, it pains, it aches, all of it... what once was boyfriend, was gone with the innocence of a boy, taken by a man. how he wishes you could come back to him.
–> park jimin:
nothing here yet!
–> kim taehyung:
find a way (smut, angst)
synopsis: if only you could find a way to get your relationship back on track. but, there's still a short-term fix for you both.
–> jeon jungkook:
nothing here yet!
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–> choi seungcheol:
fantasize (smut)
synopsis: your friend hurt his ankle in his dance class and needs you to help him to do the basic things. what you didn't know it's that you gonna need to give more than just a hand.
sad & delightful (fluff)
synopsis: coffee spilled on your shirt, high heels broke in between carbon stones, you forgot your glasses in the kitchen island, today is just one of these days that life just seems to want to humble you.
+ smut version (ii)
–> yoon jeonghan:
congrats, daddy (fluff, suggestive)
synopsis: it's father's day, and you prepared a little surprise for your boyfriend, something you've been keeping from him.
medicine (smut)
synopsis: you've been stuck with jeonghan since he hurt his ankle, but even this close, he still misses your presence.
–> hong jisoo:
look after you (fluff)
synopsis: is it really that hard to let someone else take care of you? it's ok to ask for help, he is right there for you.
–> moon junhui:
nothing here yet!
–> kwon soonyoung:
semicolon (smut)
synopsis: it is like your relationship stands in a semicolon, more to be just a comma and less than a point before something different.
–> jeon wonwoo:
boyfriend wonwoo who
synopsis: boyfriend wonwoo headcanons.
–> lee jihoon:
nothing here yet!
–> lee seokmin:
nothing here yet!
–> kim mingyu:
boyfriend mingyu who
synopsis: boyfriend mingyu headcanons.
[9:23pm] hazy (smut)
synopsis: riding mingyu on the jacuzzi.
–> xu minghao:
nothing here yet!
–> boo seungkwan:
individual masterlist
ride with you (smut)
synopsis: when you and your boyfriend are getting ready for the beach trip you two booked for your vacation.
love shot (smut)
synopsis: you get to meet your boyfriend's childhood friends in his hometown but the way you look so shy and nervous around new people just drives him crazy.
good guy (smut)
synopsis: it's your best friend's wedding and you couldn't be happier. what you didn't know, it's that you will have to stay the whole night beside the worst partner ever.
–> chwe hansol:
nothing here yet!
–> lee chan:
dreamboat (suggestive)
synopsis: it's your best friends birthday, but the present he's willing to get is nothing like you'd expect.
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ncteez · 2 years
svt m.list
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© 𝘯𝘤𝘵𝘦𝘦𝘻 | 𝘪 𝘥𝘰 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘨𝘪𝘷𝘦 𝘱𝘦𝘳𝘮𝘪𝘴𝘴𝘪𝘰𝘯 𝘵𝘰 𝘳𝘦𝘱𝘰𝘴𝘵, 𝘵𝘳𝘢𝘯𝘴𝘭𝘢𝘵𝘦, 𝘰𝘳 𝘱𝘶𝘣𝘭𝘪𝘴𝘩 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘸𝘳𝘪𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘰𝘯 𝘢𝘯𝘺 𝘱𝘭𝘢𝘵𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘮. 𝘪 𝘰𝘯𝘭𝘺 𝘱𝘰𝘴𝘵 𝘰𝘯 𝘯𝘤𝘵𝘦𝘦𝘻.𝘵𝘶𝘮𝘣𝘭𝘳.𝘤𝘰𝘮 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘩𝘰𝘯𝘦𝘺𝘢𝘵𝘦𝘦𝘻 𝘰𝘯 𝘢𝘰𝟥
✤ reminder that all of my works are fiction. none of these works are a representation of the idols and they should not be taken literally. ✤ all stories are afab!reader and contain 18+ content, aka smut unless labeled otherwise ✤ minors are not welcome here.
non smut: ♡︎   personal favorites: ☆  
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✤ [hard hours]
✤ drabbles ::  
MTL: acts like a dom in front of friends but is subby in the bedroom MTL: gets the giggles during sex MTL: watch you get fucked by another member MTL: to use a vibrator on you in bed MTL: who holds your hair up vs who grips the bed sheets during a blowjob? which 5 members of svt would enjoy if you rode them? who in svt would fall in love with you more/again after seeing you orgasm? orgy w: vernon, seungkwaN, * mingyu
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✤ [hard hours]
✤ one shots:: 
☆ charity f*ck ⇢ ao3  ⇢  12.2k   the one where soonyoung has a streak of bad luck in bed and his friends make fun of him for it, you find him advertising himself on a dating app and decide to help him out.
◖ drabbles ::  
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✤ [hard hours]
✤ one shots::
neighborly ⇢ ao3  ⇢  18.8k ⇢ (ft. mingyu) the one where your husband, seungcheol, fucks you in front of the window to help the neighbor (mingyu) get off and then said neighbor shows up at the door a week later.
big cock: for dummies ⇢ ao3  ⇢  2.3k  the one where you find out that your boyfriend has a huge cock and you’re not entirely sure if you can take all of it.
reliable ⇢ ao3  ⇢  3.6k  where seungcheol proves to you just how good he is at giving head.
too reliable ⇢ ao3  ⇢ part two of "reliable"⇢12k the one where you’re mad that seungcheol isn't making things weird, so you take it upon yourself to make it weird. 
✤ drabbles::
seungcheol + you can take it, you've done it before your vanilla boyfriend wants to try something new (domming)
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✤ [hard hours]
✤ one shots::
friends don’t fuck ⇢ ao3  ⇢  3.7k where neither of you sees any harm in fucking just this once to see what it’s like.
give & take  ⇢ ao3  ⇢  6.6k where you and your roommate masturbate together casually until it becomes not so casual, and maybe neither of you can do it at this point without wanting more.
✤ drabbles ::
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✤ [hard hours]
✤ one shots::
not a virgin  ⇢  ao3  ⇢  4.7k  the one where despite vernon not being a virgin, he is somehow more of a virgin than an actual virgin.
✤ drabbles ::
"I had this dream and, fuck- you couldn't keep your hands off me." eating you out in the backseat of his car  giving him a handjob while making out with him taking a body shot off of a very shy vernon camboy vernon
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✤ [hard hours]
✤ one shots::
☆  the bore next door ⇢  ao3  ⇢ 8.8k   where wonwoo takes you home on the first date and renders you unable to walk, hoping to god that you don't expose him to your parents.
homewrecked ⇢  ao3  ⇢ 12k   the one where wonwoo fights internal demons over wanting you bc he’s in a relationship that he doesn’t even realize is falling apart.
✤ drabbles ::
brat tamer turned service top ! wonwoo
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✤ [hard hours]
✤ series:
oh no, he’s hot  ⇢  ao3  ⇢ 8.9k   where you have tension with your crush’s dad at four in the morning and maybe secretly fuck while said crush is asleep on the couch. oh no, he's in love? ⇢ ao3  ⇢ 15.1k  
the one where your re-established crush and now boyfriend, chan, finds out that his dad knows you better than he does.
✤ one shots::
neighborly ⇢ ao3  ⇢  18.8k ⇢ (ft. seungcheol) the one where your husband, seungcheol, fucks you in front of the window to help the neighbor (mingyu) get off and then said neighbor shows up at the door a week later.
unlikely scenario  ⇢  ao3  ⇢ 6k   the one where you try to push your dominant boyfriend into submission and it’s a struggle. it kind of works, then again, it kind of doesn’t.
✤ drabbles ::
mingyu + "i never thought i'd hear you say that, fuck, that's so hot"
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✤ [hard hours]
✤ one shots::
the perks of being that guy   ⇢  ao3  ⇢ 14k    the one where jihoon is a dildo salesman, a caterer, a self-titled mechanic, and also your ride home. he is not an expert in any of his jobs, but he sure is an expert in wit and, well, other things.
✤ drabbles ::
stress relief and coming in his pants
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✤[hard hours]
✤ one shots::
cherry boy ⇢  ao3  ⇢ 10k   the one where chan is your new boyfriend, and he's 100% a virgin but is too afraid to admit it
✤ drabbles ::
forgetting the condom and needing to fuck your thighs instead
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—   JUNHUI... [hard hours] —   JEONGHAN... [hard hours] —   MINGHAO... [hard hours] —   JOSHUA... [hard hours] —   SEUNGKWAN... [hard hours]
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wonwoosthetic · 2 years
Could you share some of the svt recs you get too?? I need some more recs as well. (But obviously yours are amazing too!!!)
YESS, of course!!
So, I’m just gonna mix the ones that I got and some of my personal favourites: (in no specific order)
(these are only series recommendations, I can do one shots, etc. too, if you want to🤗)
WARNING: smut (for some)
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@meltwonu ‘s entire masterlist. And when I say entire, I truly mean ENTIRE. Writing is immaculate. I love it.
Some of my personal faves:
- caffeine (wonwoo series): who doesn’t love a good frat boy Wonwoo, right?!😫 + the sequel until I met you !!!
- thief (svt): I’m too much in love with the home run mv and every series with that theme, so this is a big MUST READ
- ch-ch-cherry bomb (scoups series): no words. Absolutely no words. Just amazing. I don’t know how to describe it. Just read it. Love it. Such good smut omg.
- pls read all of her drabbles too!! Sooo good!
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@wonwoonlight if you don’t know her, you’ve been living under a rock. At this point, I’m convinced everyone know her writing because it’s THAT good
personal faves:
- my way to you (Wonwoo series): just so beautiful😫 istg I’m a sucker for her writing and this is just another masterpiece
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@bubblebeom another pretty famous tumblr writer, I’m pretty sure. She’s another one of those angels sent from heaven with her insane talent for writing.
I can’t even put my faves together, so here is her masterlist
But when talking about series specifically, obviously:
- Heart & Seoul (Wonwoo series): too good. Every carat on this planet has to read this. Chef’s kiss.
- Getting Closer (Wonwoo, Mingyu series): if you’re a carat and have tumblr, you probably already know about this one, but I’m still gonna hype it tf up because this is one that I will also never get tired of reading)
I recently read Vanilla for the first time and Jesus Christ… went back the next day to read it again. Most definitely am going to read it a third time. And a fourth. And who knows how many times again after that. The best Joshua smut I’ve ever read on this app ngl. I actually had to put the phone down because I started blushing so hard.
AND Remind Me. Read it. Loved it. You should too
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@heavenshoon Days Off With SVT (SVT series)
Something cute I stumbled upon and I REALLY liked it!! Highly highly recommend!! Very excited to see more of her in the future!🥰👏🏼
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@marigold-sunflowers dear stupid diary (Jeonghan series)
This was recommended to me and I still have to start it, but I’m very excited!!!🤭🤗
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@twogyuu Terrifyingly Innocent (S.Coups series)
LISTEN. I’ve already reblogged it (and this woman actually asked me if I aren’t a “famous” tumblr writer, GIRL STOP🥹) But I will not shut up about this. I read it now three times and God… LORD… I can’t get enough of it😫😫 it’s TOO GOOD. I will never ever ever get tired of this series.
Gonna start reading all of her other stuff as well!!
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And then there’s this series that I, for the love of God, cannot find anymore. It’s literally making me so sad because it was one of my faves.
It played in a Home Run!AU (MY ABSOLUTE FAVE) and it was about the reader being in a relationship with one of the members and they’re on a cruise and a diamond goes missing and they’re trying to find out who stole it.
ISTG IT WAS SO GOOD AND I DON’T KNOW WHERE IT IS OR WHAT IT WAS CALLED😫😭 I think the writer deactivated their account tbh…
I remember the username being something with Minghao and their profile pic too! And they also had another AMAZING series with Wonwoo x idol!Reader… (I think they’re were the same profiles)
So good… so sad to have lost it… I’ll never forgive myself for that
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Here are some! I might add a few after a while or post another fic rec if anyone asks :) also: I 100% forgot some, so I’ll most definitely make another fic rec post
If anyone wants to recommend some more to me, feel free to do so!!!!🤗
Thank you for also enjoying my own series♥️🥰♥️
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ravixen · 2 years
I saw you wanted more platonic prompts so can I request this prompt I saw and thought was cute and it could be applied here: svt celebrating their first holiday (whichever you want) with yn, who could be a new manager or staff member, and they just wanted to make a nice 1st holiday with their newest (and all other) staff member. Could be their 1st win with yn as the new manager or producer so they celebrate. Just a bunch of friends celebrating something together for the 1st time in a while! Svt bff gives me life
svt + celebrating win with new staff
➔ reaction || request || ot13 || manager!au || platonic!au
➔ warnings: none || 337 words ➔ notes: fluff, general, manager!y/n ; ahh, i've been thinking about staff!y/n for so long!! the glimpses we get of seventeen & staff interaction — they make my heart so warm. maybe i'll get around to writing all the staff!y/n things i keep posting on my other seventeen blog lolz as always, reblog if you liked <3 (also if you saw this last week because tumblr was weird...NO YOU DIDN'T)
you're a new manager, and even though you've had some experience in the field, you seriously underestimated how difficult it would be taking care of a thirteen member group. they're good kids, even if ordering lunch is a half hour ordeal and mingyu's always testing your patience because you keep losing him. all the tiredness is worth it, though. you can see why the staff love working with them, and whenever you get dropped off home by your fellow manager, you're already looking forward to the next day's adventure.
as soon as he's off-stage, he runs over and hugs you first. you're often the manager who volunteers to stay after as he goes through the performance one last time…which turns into two or five times. he was always apologetic, but you're just glad to see that all of his hard work paid off:
soonyoung, CHAN
next thing you know, you're all crowded around a table with drinks in hand. he pulls you to your feet and swings an arm around your shoulders. "to our managers!" he yells out, the table erupting into cheers. he offers to do a love shot with you, and with a roll of your eyes, you agree:
SEUNGCHEOL, mingyu, seungkwan
this is hardly their first win, but you find him marveling over the award in the break room anyway, turning it around in his hands with a fond smile. you manage to snap a few candid photos that you'll fire off to the group's pr person. you kind of think he's sweet…until he asks if you're treating them to dinner. the answer is yes. on the company's card:
jeonghan, junhui, jihoon, vernon
you're actually in the bathroom when they announce the winners lol horrible timing, but it doesn't matter. he texted in the group chat as soon as he couldn't find you backstage. since it's your first win with them, he makes you take some pictures with the award and send it to your family, embarrassingly enough:
joshua, wonwoo, seokmin, minghao
115 notes · View notes
odetojeons · 3 years
Will You Punish Me If I Don’t? — Jeon Wonwoo
Tumblr media
request:  a lil drunk reader × possessive wonu angry sex pls
tags: fem and brat!reader, dom!wonwoo, edging, semi-public sex, angry sex, rough sex, oral sex (f receiving), a tiiiiiny bit of light degradation and spit kink, unprotected sex (stay safe), wall sex (oh yes you read that right), a whole lot of dirty talk, JEON WONWOO IN A CROP TOP BYE, established jeon wonwoo x reader
a/n: this took me a whole fucking day to write it 💀 i think my soul left my body on the meantime and now i’m just a spirit,, but i love this so much, pls, possessive wonu is one of the biggest moods ever 🥵 also i’m sure i made a lot of stupid grammar mistakes that i didn’t realize even after proof reading it, so you’re just gonna,, pretend you don’t see those :)) i hope you enjoy, i made this with all my heart JDJSJDJS
word count:  6244
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You know very well you’re being annoying and petty today.
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You both have been on this damn party for a while and you tried to get Wonwoo to leave and fuck you for at least five times now. You tried dirty dancing on the dance floor; nope. You tried sitting on his lap when he was talking to his friends; nope. You even tried to make out with him; but it only had lasted for a few minutes.
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It had you even more horny and angry. And that is never a good combination when it comes to you.
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But can people really blame you when Wonwoo is looking that good? You have been making a great amount of effort not to stare too much at Wonwoo’s abs peeking from his black cropped shirt, the sharpness of his V-line more visible than it should be legally allowed — it’s bad for your poor heart after all. But you do a poor job of hiding how the whole outfit affects you, because Wonwoo was looking and he had this known glint swimming inside his eyes and it’s got you licking your lips. 
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But still, he didn’t do anything.
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Well, not until you used your last resort.
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Your mind threw back to the memory of Wonwoo’s big hand resting on your inner thigh earlier when you were sitting in his lap, the veins in the back of his palm tracing a dirty path up to his forearms. And there’s always a strength, even a possessiveness in the way he holds you, his other hand squeezing a little hard against your waist, grip tightening every time someone stares at you for a second too long. There’s something so raw in the way he acts, like it’s almost unconscious, and it turns you on without a doubt.
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No matter how you looked at other people and tried to rile him up, Wonwoo still remained in his stupid composed behavior, this little acts being the only proof of his jealousy. 
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But not tonight. Tonight you were going to make him snap, no matter what. You were gonna make him fuck you rough and fast and give you as many orgasms as you wanted.
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Oh, but you were so wrong. Things totally backfired at you.
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You started by going into the dance floor again, after a few shots of some liquid courage. Swaying your hips at the beat, you tried your best to throw sultry looks at where he was sitting — manspreading, your brain unfortunately added, because he looked so hot doing that — in one of the sofas, eyes set on you like you’re the only thing that he could ever look at.
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You smirked, pleased with his reaction, before proceeding with your plan. Hands reaching forward, you touched the shoulder of the first guy you saw in front of you. It doesn’t take long for him to turn around and smile. He seemed genuinely nice, so you felt a little bad for using him to make your boyfriend jealous, but when you looked at him the guilt disappeared in two seconds.
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His head was hung low, eyebrows frown and fists clenched in where he supported his arms on the sofa. You winked at him and clearly saw how he seemed to almost visibly snarl at your teasing, knowing very well what was your intent with all of that; Wonwoo looked at you like he was about to consume you whole in front of everyone just to prove who you belonged to — and you felt your legs tremble at the idea of that.
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It was a game to see who would give in first; you to your frustration and horniness or Wonwoo to his possessives and jealousy. You couldn’t stop staring at him, the both of you shooting daggers into each other, especially when you turned your back to the guy and swayed your hips obscenely for him. 
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But it was when he put his hand on your waist and glued his lips to your ear that things started taking a turn of events; in the next second, Wonwoo was standing right beside you. The air grew thicker quickly, and your breath was knocked out of you at the sight of your — very pissed off and very hot — boyfriend looking down at you. 
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“What do you think you’re doing?” Wonwoo’s voice had rang through your ears, loud enough to make you mewl softly even through all the music going on in the background.
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“Dancing?” you asked with fake innocence, batting your eyelashes at him. Wonwoo groaned, grabbing your wrist.
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“Um,” the guy from before started. “I think I should be going now?”
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He waited for an answer, but you and Wonwoo were too busy looking at each other intensively to even care, so he cleared his throat and left.
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“Let’s go,” he stated simply, pulling at you through the crowd so you both could go outside. You giggle a little when you trip on your foot, a bit tipsy with the shots you took.
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And that’s how you find yourself currently being guided until you were both right in front of his car. Your mouth opens, ready to make a clever comment that would surely rile him up and give in to what you want, before he turns around and gets all over your personal space, so suddenly that the words get stuck in your throat. The scent of his cedarwood cologne invades your lungs, sending your mind into a little haze.
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“What were you thinking, letting another man touch you?” Wonwoo says, voice rough and firm, lips pressed into a thin line like he was still holding something back.
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And you don’t want him to.
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“You took too long, and I have needs,” you retort, stepping up into his space too, not wanting to back down even when the sight of Wonwoo’s dark, dark eyes bleeding with lust made a very noticeable shiver run down your spine.
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“What kind of need would even make you want to rub yourself all over someone else that—” he stops himself, closing his mouth before groaning, annoyed. You smirk at him, knowing what he was going to say.
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All over someone else that isn’t me.
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“Hmm, let me see,” you giggle, face centimeters apart from his, your breaths mingling with each other. “A need to get fucked hard, for starters.”
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The intensity of his gaze growing exponentially dark wipes the smile off your face in seconds. You try not to gulp when he scoffs, taking one messy step back when he takes one further.
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“So that’s what this is about?” Wonwoo questions, tone suddenly mean and sarcastic, and there’s heat licking and pooling at your lower belly faster than you expected. His deep voice never fails to leave you trembling. “You’re so desperate to get railed that you couldn’t even wait to get home before throwing yourself at some random dude.”
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Your cheeks tint red in shame and arousal, realizing this wasn’t a question. It was an affirmation, like he knows exactly how horny you are, and you try to remain composed. You are not going to give up until he loses it.
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“Maybe,” you say, a single finger trailing through his torso distractingly, and you don’t even try to hide your hunger when you look at his abs peeking from behind his cropped. Wonwoo’s face hardens at that, and you smile internally in victory. “Why? Are you jealous, baby?”
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He laughs, throwing his head back, but it only serves to make you even more satisfied. That’s exactly the reaction you expected him to have.
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“You’re drunk,” Wonwoo answers instead, and you think it’s endearing how he denies so hard that he’s not possessive.
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“Nope,” you press your finger in his chest again, but he doesn’t even buge from the place. Fuck, that’s hot, you think, licking your lips and watching Wonwoo’s eyes zeroing in the action. “A little bit tipsy? Yes. But drunk? Not at all.”
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Suddenly, you back away, trying to ignore the way your body protests against the lack of warmth, the lack of Wonwoo.
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“So if you’re not jealous, then you wouldn’t mind me getting off with someone else, right?” you trail off, feeling proud of yourself when he looks at you like you just made something emerge from the ground with psychic powers.
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“What?” he asks, tone furious, and you jump a little in place with the intensity of it, but soon recovers with a pout.
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“I mean,” you start, acting like you’re not saying the biggest stupid thing you could ever think of saying, shrugging at him. Of course it was all a lie, there’s no way you’ll ever want someone else other than Wonwoo. “You’re always telling me to wait and wait and wait, so if you’re not that jealous, then maybe I should get someone else to fuck me when you can’t.”
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Wonwoo moves so fast your brain takes a time to understand what he just did; in a second you were standing with your glorious bratty attitude, the next you were pushed against the car, one hand squeezing your jaw tight in place and the other holding your wrists behind your back. His bigger and broader body pins yours against the door, and you have a hard time breathing now.
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Now that’s a way to sober up.
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“No,” he grits out, sounding more like a growl than an actual word. Your heart is hammering like crazy against your chest, and you gasp softly when he pushes your jaw backwards until the back of your head hits the car, neck exposed for him. “No one should be allowed to touch you like this. No one but me. No one.”
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Then Wonwoo bites the juncture of your neck and shoulder, so hard you think the mark is gonna be there for days. You moan at that, hips kicking and shocking with Wonwoo’s.
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“You know nobody could fuck you like I do,” he says, sounding smug but also dead serious, and this cocky side of his during such moments never fails to make you wet.
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You inhale, reuniting the fight there’s still in you. To be honest the only thing that makes you still retort back is the alcohol. It gives you a special ability of not being able to shut up.
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“I guess someone else will have to fuck me so I can believe you.”
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You watch his demeanor change instantly at that; shoulders tensing, jaw clenching and predatory eyes — Wonwoo kisses the breath out of you. He sucks at your body lip, licking at the seam of your mouth, and you gasp, mouth parting and his tongue slides against yours. There’s a hot flash rushing all over you as your body pulses with want; Wonwoo has always been a great kisser, capable of surrendering you putty in his hands.
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He kisses you again and again and again, as if someone might take you away. He kisses you like he wants to carve his identity in your soul. He kisses you so messy and hungry that your teeth actually clack and the sounds of your lips dragging roughly and tongues rubbing against each other fills the air around you.
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Wonwoo can probably taste the alcohol, if the way he moans is anything to go by.
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It is dirty, lewd and so fucking hot you feel the fight leaving your body momentarily along with your breath, lungs burning with the lack of oxygen. There are a few tears gathering in the corner of your eyes, and you don’t even realize their presence, but then, and only then, Wonwoo pulls away. He bites at your lower lip one more time, a lewd string of saliva connecting your mouths for a short while before it breaks.
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“Seems like you suddenly forgot who’s name you scream when you’re getting railed,” Wonwoo tells you, voice poisonous and labored breath caressing the skin of your neck. “Should I remind you?”
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“Y-yes,” you moan out, enjoying the proposal, but it only serves to make Wonwoo scoff.
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“I think you need to learn how to respect me first,” he says instead, and there’s butterflies swarming together in your belly, chest still heaving for air.
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“Will you punish me if I don’t?” you retort, staring him right back in the eyes.
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Wonwoo growls.
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“You better shut the fuck up before I make you regret,” he says, and you feel a shiver rocking so bad on your body that your hips collide into Wonwoo’s, his half hard cock pressing against your stomach. The feeling makes you moan.
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“Why would I?” you ask, trembling voice giving away how much this all affects you. “I want this.”
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There’s a bit of silence before you continue.
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“Make me regret.”
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“Fuck,” Wonwoo groans, biting on your neck again, this time so far up that you won’t be able to hide it that easily. “So needy you can’t even think about anything else other than having a cock drilling into you.”
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Wonwoo kisses your moan away, sucks at your bottom lip until it’s swollen. Then, he puts three fingers in your mouth, like he’s telling you to shut up.
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Wonwoo turns his head to look down at your shuddering frame trapped between the side of the car and him. You don’t look up, too focused on sucking at his long fingers, but when Wonwoo starts to move his arm that was occupied by your mouth, you stir, and look up to meet his eyes.
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They’re dark, with a glint in them you could only recognize as devious and wicked and so so so mean. It’s the same glint he gets when he’s about to deal out a punishment, or tease you enough that you believe it’s a punishment. It makes the hair on the back of your neck stand, and a bead of sweat drips from your eyebrow. You wonder what you’ve got yourself in for the night when you both get home.
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As if on cue, answering your arousal hazed thoughts, the hand that was slowly doing a dangerous path down your body settles itself on the front of your pants. It’s heavy on your clit, and you can feel Wonwoo digging his fingers into your entrance. You barely have the sense to react, and even if you could, you reminded yourself you weren’t home yet. Wonwoo now has his hand groping your pussy in public.
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Your face flushes a dark red at the realization, feeling humiliated and embarrassed under Wonwoo’s grip. If someone were to see, they’d get arrested for sure. Wonwoo’s hand has a strong grip on your clit, fingers quickly slipping past the thick fabric of your denim jeans and lace panties so he could press the pad of it against your naked and wet folds.
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You whine quietly, and now that the hold on your jaw has been set loose, you nestle your face further into the crook of Wonwoo’s neck. With a grip on Wonwoo’s jacket, you feel him angling his head so it rests against the top of your head.
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“Wait, f-fuck, someone might see us!” you whisper-yell at him, but Wonwoo only hums and steps in closer. Your chests are flush together and he towers over your frame easily enough to hide you between him and the car. “Wonwoo—”
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Your sentence gets interrupted by your own moan when he presses a finger inside of you. You quiver, legs trembling, and you let the realization that Wonwoo is about to finger you publicly sink into your stomach. You know that the streets are deserted and there’s not one single soul around there since it’s so late, but the thought of it still has you gasping.
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“Wait? But weren’t you the one complaining about me making you wait all the time?” Wonwoo bites back, tone mean and unforgiving when he fucks his finger inside of you. He sounds almost angry and it’s making you so damn horny. “Earlier you were looking at me with such a hunger. I bet you were thinking about me fucking you in front of everyone, weren’t you, baby?”
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You moan because yes, that was exactly what you were thinking. His hand lets go of your wrists when he adds another finger inside of you. It burns a little, you think, but enjoys the pain as your arms fly up to circle around his neck and pull him closer. Wonwoo goes easily, mouth finding yours and fingers fucking inside you in a way that has you squirming.
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He soon gives attention to your neck, kissing all over it before sucking a wet blotch against the skin right underneath your jaw. Wonwoo pulls away, looking at it for a while like it gives him some sort of feral satisfaction to see you bearing one of his marks.
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“Wonwoo, I’m n-not—” your words break off into a whine, struggling to form sentences. “Not— g-gonna be able to hide the, ah, hickey i-if you suck it that far up.”
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“Good,” Wonwoo says, and his mouth finds your neck. You scratch his scalp when he sucks again, this time harder, his arm coming to help you up when your legs give in. “Want everyone to know you’re mine. Only mine to fuck, to breed, to love, to cherish, to make you my little slut.”
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You throw your head, back arching off of the car and mouth opening to let a high pitched moan scape you. Wonwoo then adds another finger, the third one, and gyrates them so hard inside you you actually feel like you’re seeing stars, figuratively and realistically — the night sky above you is adorned with a few of them.
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“Acting like a brat and riling me up like that, this is what you wanted, isn’t that right, princess?” Wonwoo spits out, lips pressed into a thin line as if he’s getting more and more angry at his own words. “If I didn’t stop you right there, would you have continued dancing with that dude, huh? Would you maybe have made out with him?”
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You try to answer, maybe tease him back again, but you can’t even form a coercive sentence. The only thing you can do is hold onto Wonwoo like your life depends on it as he fucks you furiously with his fingers, and take whatever he’s willing to give it to you. 
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“Do you think he could finger you like this?” Wonwoo says poisonously, hand squeezing at your ass hard enough that you think it’s gonna leave the print of his fingers. “Think he would have a bigger cock than mine?”
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He ruts against you as if to prove his point, hard and so fucking big it has you breathless. You know how your boyfriend is well-endowed, know he could make you feel him for days after a good fuck and your mouth salivates. Wonwoo presses the pad of his fingers in your sweet spot, jamming against it without pulling out with quick movements, and you feel like you’re going insane.
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“Since you put a lot of effort into being a fucking brat today, I will give you what you want, sweetheart,” Wonwoo laughs a little, almost as if he’s mocking you, and your whole face burns in pleasurable humiliation. “I’m gonna be rough. I’m gonna fuck you hard and fast against every surface of our house, gonna make you scream my name so everyone knows you belong to me, gonna use you, make you my little ragdoll and dump you full of my cum until you’re all heavy and swollen with it.”
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“Wonwoo— your f-fuck, fucking dirty mouth, ah—” you thrash in his grip, nestling your face further into his neck and he knew, he knew all along what was your intention with the way you were acting, and you hold tight on his hair, hearing him growl when you pull at it. “I’m gonna come. Gonna cum s-so fucking hard, fuck—”
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“I’ll make it hurt,” Wonwoo warns, his lips ghosting at the shell of your ear and hot breath tickling your sensitive skin, brings goosebumps all over it. “But I’ll make it feel good.”
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The pleasure builds quickly and you throw your head back with a loud moan, orgasm almost hitting you like a train.
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But then, everything stops. Wonwoo pulls away, fingers slipping out of you and he wipes them in his jeans. He then goes through his pocket and grabs the car keys, the familiar beep sound echoing through the empty streets when he clicks a button on the key chain, and it’s got you completely dumbfounded.
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“Come on, get in the car, baby,” Wonwoo states simply, like he didn’t just make the best orgasm of your life ebb away. Frustration sinks deep within your bones and you groan, turning to look at him like he just committed a war crime.
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“Why did you— why did you stop?” you question, heart almost jumping out of your chest and you feel like you’re going to actually die if you don’t get to come soon. “I was just there!”
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“Oh, sweetheart,” Wonwoo coos at you like he finds what you just said endearing. Face flushing dark red, you get completely embarrassed with how quick he makes you feel small. “You thought I was going to make you cum?”
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Wonwoo comes closer, holds your chin softly, a total contrast to what he says then.
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“Poor baby, I’m actually going to do the exact opposite.” he pecks your lips once. “Gonna edge you until you cry.”
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He goes around the car and opens the door for you.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Now get in, baby. Don’t make me repeat myself,” Wonwoo says, tone leaving no room for arguments, and you gulp before obeying.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
Wonwoo closes the door for you when you finish settling yourself inside, and goes to the driver’s seat. You watch him turn the car on as you put your seatbelt, whining when your cunt throbs in need. When he starts driving you try your best to move as quietly as you can, squirming a little until you can smooth your fingers through your clit. You gyrate them once, pleasure swarming all over your body, before Wonwoo’s voice wakes you up from your short haze.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“No touching yourself,” he admonishes with a tsk and you groan, frustrated. He’s still looking at the road and you don’t even know how he managed to figure it out that you were touching yourself.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
Staring out of the window, your thighs rub together every time the car shakes a little. Your mind supplies unnecessary images of your boyfriend fucking you, and you curse a little. Even trying to imagine disgusting things wouldn’t delete Wonwoo’s words from earlier out of your head, and you’re getting more and more excited by the second.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Wonwon…” you sigh, almost a whisper, hips moving in the air and hands coming to grab at one of your breasts. You smirk, content when you hear him growl.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“I said not to touch yourself,” Wonwoo’s knuckles turn white with how hard he grips the steering wheel. “Should I tie you up in our bed and leave you untouched or are you going to start obeying me?”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“But you’re not doing anything,” you whine, wanting nothing else then to come.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“You don’t know what I’m capable of,” Wonwoo says, voice low and dead serious.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“I don’t think you know either.”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
The car comes to a complete stop right after you say that. You gulp, realizing Wonwoo has already parked in your private garage. He gets out of the car and goes to your side, opening the door, still in complete silence.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Turn this way,” he orders, voice one octave lower, and you gasp at the roughness of it. “Now.”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
You spring into action, take your seatbelt off, doing as you’re told, and as soon as you finish turning to him with your legs outside of the car, he gets on his knees.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“W-Wonwoo,” it’s the only thing you manage to say as you watch him work with your pants after taking your shoes off. He ends up popping the button off but you don’t have it in you to complain, not when he’s looking like that. 
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
Wonwoo finishes taking your jeans off, throwing somewhere in the garage, and then he grabs at both sides of the collar of your shirt. You frown, confused with the action, but then his hands are pulling, and he rips it in half.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Wonwoo,” you moan, beyond turned on as he does the same to your penties. Your clothes are torn apart but you can’t think of anything else other than fuck me fuck me fuck me. “I—”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
Wonwoo kisses you shut, lips dragging hard against yours, and you feel his hands at your thighs before he pulls at them enough so that you slip on your seat. He uses the grip to open your legs for him, not even giving you a break to understand what’s going on before sucking on your clit hard.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
Your back arches, hands scrambling to hold on something — one of them finds the steering wheel and the other finds the wadding of the seat, body thrashing everywhere before Wonwoo pins your hips down in place — knows better than to shove his face in your cunt as you originally wanted to do.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
He licks between your folds one, two, three times; the tip of his tongue prods inside your already loose entrance, and fuck if you didn’t moan, high pitched and greedy for more. Wonwoo inserts more of it until his nose is pressed against your clit, doing a sound in the back of his throat that sends just right. The wetness of his tongue feels so good pressing against your cores and kicking at your soft folds.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“W-Wonwoo, fuck— f-feels so good—” Wonwoo thrusts his tongue inside you, and you feel like you’re seeing stars, especially when he presses just right. “Ah! Shit, your f-fucking tongue—”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
Wonwoo has to hold you down tighter, your body unable to stay put as you thrash around. You feel tempted to think how your neighbors could probably hear you, but your boyfriend is sucking the life out of you through your pussy and you can’t concentrate well enough to elaborate the thought.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
It’s when Wonwoo curls his tongue just right that has you thinking you would ascend to heaven soon. 
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Fuck! I, ah— Wanna cum, Wonwon, I’m coming, please— let me cum this time,” you manage to get out, writhing and legs kicking everywhere. “Please!”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
But, of course Wonwoo, being the little shit he is, pulls away. Tears gather in your eyes as you groan out of frustration, and Wonwoo is just so mean.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Shit—” you cry out, watching his shit eating grin. You hate but love at the same time the way he’s absolutely enjoying seeing you so desperate for a release. “Y-you’re so mean.”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Are you gonna stop being a brat now?” Wonwoo raises a brow at you, licking his lips. You shiver, knowing that he’s tasting you by the pleased hum he makes after.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Fuck you,” you spit it out, too horny and angry to care.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Is that so?” he hums, looking at you as if you’re his prey, to which you’re starting to believe you actually are. “Maybe I should put a gag in this dirty little mouth of yours.”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
Wonwoo traces a thumb in your lower lip like he’s considering the thought.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“But I think I’m just gonna fuck that attitude out of you.”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
You can’t even bring yourself to enjoy the comment before he pulls on your wrist so hard you get up from the seat, body colliding into his. Wonwoo’s mouth finds yours, the kiss messy and hungry and angry, to the point it makes your legs weak. Your hands scramble to take his shirt off right after you manage to throw his belt somewhere, and you stop for a moment to admire the hard planes of his abs.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
Wonwoo must be the hottest person alive. How can someone have such a handsome face and have a body that looks like it’s sculpted by the gods? He’s getting stronger with his gym practices and it's making you weak.
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“You might actually drool if you keep staring like that,” Wonwoo says, half joking and half serious, but you blush anyways.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Just—” you try, breath labored and chest heaving. “J-just rail me. Use me.”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Yeah? Want me to treat you like the slut you are?” his lewd question makes you tremble and nod your head. “Speak.”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Y-yes, please—” you beg, revolve slowly breaking in.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Of course you do,” he answers, voice a few octave lowers again, and he grabs a fistful of your hair. Wonwoo pulls at it until your head is thrown back, his face right above yours. “Open your mouth.”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
You’re quick to obey, mouth parting as he hovers over you, the only thing keeping you up is one of his arms around your waist.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
And oh god, you’re certainly not expecting when he fucking spits into your mouth, a hand coming to press against your jaw and make you close your lips, but you sure as hell want him to do it again.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Swallow.” Wonwoo orders, and you moan, doing as you’re told. He looks at you with a feral satisfaction, eyes dark and so full of hunger it stunts you into silence. It’s like there’s this lustful wish of him to break you in until you don’t belong to anyone else but him, and that’s so fucking hot.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
He kisses you for what feels like the hundredth time — not that you’re complaining, he could kiss you for one hundred more and you’d still beg for it. But this time there’s something different, something urgent, and he grasps the back of your thighs when he finishes taking his clothes off and fish something from the pocket of his pants, hefting you up in the air, your legs circling around his waist automatically.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
Wonwoo doesn’t break the messy kiss as he walks through the garage, opening the door that leads to the inside of the house. He doesn’t waste time before slamming you into it as soon as he closes it, your back hitting the wooden frame with a loud thud as the two of you make out like it’s the last thing you’ll ever do.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
There’s too much tongue and too much spit and too much teeth, but the dirtiness of it all is what makes it even more hot.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Want you,” you whine out, realizing that what Wonwoo took out of his pants earlier was a package of lube.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
He rips at the top and pours at his hands, reaching behind you to stroke his hard cock, groaning at the feeling as he lines up with your entrance. The wet head nudges your rim softly, but it slips through your folds. You look at Wonwoo only to realize he’s already staring at you, devious glint in his eyes.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
You’re about to tell him to hurry up when a moan is punched out of you, high pitched and needy, because Wonwoo fucked his cock inside you in one go, nearly knocking the breath right out of your lungs. Your nails scratch all over his back and he groans at the feeling, hips kicking into you.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“You like that?” he questions, rhetorically of course, and grinds his hips until they are flushed against your ass. You gasp for air, feeling full to the brim, and the burn in your cunt is just so good. “Think I don’t know about your little plans to rile me up?”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
Wonwoo even has the audacity to laugh, jamming inside you with slow but deep thrusts.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“How you get more handsy with your friends when I’m around,” he grits out, anger bleeding through his thoughts and thrusts like he just hates the idea of you touching more intimately other people. “And you look at me with those eyes. Like you’re begging me to claim you.”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
Holy fuck, Jeon Wonwoo is fucking you standing up and you’re not dreaming.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
Wonwoo is full on mercilessly ramming you now, sending you body into the door with every plunge of his cock, the sound of your back hitting the wood obscenely loud. It leaves you putty, can just take what he’s giving you, hands holding him for dear life.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Should’ve put you on your knees right in front of that guy,” Wonwoo continues, breath ragged from effort. “Make you choke on my cock so he knows who you belong to.”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
Wonwoo grabs your ass with his hands, palms sinking into the flash as he propels you back every time he fucks up. It makes the drag of his thickness press right through all the good spots.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Should’ve bent you over the bar counter and fucked you hard until you scream my fucking name,” he growls out, the veins on his neck and arms bulging. You tighten around him in answer to the sinful view. “Fuck, your pussy is so greedy. Always so tight—”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
Wonwoo angles his hips just right and hits against your sweet spot so suddenly that your climax — which was already at bay — escalates quickly to the point it sends your mind into a frenzy.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
And, for the third time, Wonwoo slows down, hips flush against your ass he can nudge his cockhead right above your sweet spot, missing it on purpose. Your eyes prickle with tears, and it doesn’t take long for them to run down your face; the first one goes reluctantly, but after that they start cascading down your cheeks uncontrollably.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“So beautiful,” Wonwoo groans at the sight of you crying for him, pecking one of your tears strained cheek. “I’ve broken you in, haven’t I?”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“P-please, Wonwon— Please, please, please let me c-come,” you sob, all the want to be a brat gone from your body. The overwhelming need grows so exponentially big inside of you you feel like you’re going to explode if you don’t orgasm.  “W-wanna cum on your cock, please, ah—”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
Wonwoo is moaning, louder than he has all day, and the satisfaction of seeing you give up on your fight and beg for him makes his hips pick up a brutal pace. You gasp, nuzzling your face into the crook of his neck and biting at the untouched skin.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“So pretty when you beg,” he compliments, and you actually find surprising your ability to blush even when you’re being dicked down this good. “Does it feel good, sweetheart?”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Y-yes— Ah! Hmmm, shit—” you mumble, struggling to get words out. It’s difficult to keep your voice steady enough to say anything with the way you’re bouncing like a ragdoll on Wonwoo’s hold. “Love this— L-love you, ruin me, Wonwoo, Wonwon—”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
Wonwoo pulls your head backward with a fistful of your hair, baring your neck so that he could attack it with bites and hickeys all over. You’re sure that, by the end of this night, you’re going to be looking like some type of sexual Christmas tree, but the thought of baring your boyfriend’s marks after sex only turns you on. And he seems pretty intent on that, wanting to claim you in all ways possible.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Say it,” Wonwoo commands, but you don’t understand, can’t understand with your mind being in such a pleasurable haze. He fucks up right in the time he pulls you back down by your waist, downright impaling you on his cock. “Say you’re mine.”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Y-yours,” you answer, fingers intertwining through Wonwoo’s dark strands of hair. “I’m yours.”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Again,” Wonwoo growls out, basking in your pleads and moans and screams of pleasure.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Yours,” you repeat, and he bites on your lower lip. You have enough of a mind presence to admire his bulging biceps contorting with your weight, and his huge test firm and sweaty from the effort.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Again,” his possessive side gets the best of him, admiring all the marks he has left in your neck. “Say it again.”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Yours, ah!” a moan breaks at the end of the word, Wonwoo’s thrusts getting rougher, faster and there’s heat pooling down on your lower stomach. “I’m y-yours, all yours, only yours.”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“Yes, mine,” Wonwoo agrees, holding your smaller frame tightly against his. “Mine,” he echoes again, muscles trembling from fucking you standing up.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
Wonwoo kisses you, the best he can with the harsh movement of your body going up and down on his cock.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“I love you so much,” he tells you, voice soft and rough at the same time. “I have always been only yours.”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
“I’m gonna come, I’m g-going to— going to come,” you state after his words, the pull on your lower stomach growing impossibly higher, and it’s almost unbearable. “Please, fuck, please l-let— cum— let m-me cum! I have been g-good, please, Wonwon—”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
”Such a good girl for me. The best girl,” Wonwoo praises, angling his hips a little so he can press his cockhead against your sweet spot every time he fucks inside. “Come on, you can cum, sweetheart.”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
Your eyes roll so far back in your head you’re momentarily afraid they are never coming back. White hot pleasure surges in your body, the sheer intensity of your high sends your mind into a mess. The feeling of your walls clenching like a vice around Wonwoo’s cock sends him over the edge too, and the sensation of his cum shooting inside your walls only serves to add up to what you think it’s the best orgasm of your life, mind going completely blank.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
This might have been totally different from what you’ve originally planned but you know what? You’re definitely going to use this plan more often now.
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