#Ivar ragnarsson x female reader
multific · 1 year
Grown to Love You
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Ivar the Boneless x Reader
Warnings: mention of smut, murder, kidnapping and obsessive behaviour
Summary: He finds you during a raid. Ivar the Boneless has to have you.
You were all alone and scared when his men found you and brought you to him. One asked if he could have you, but Ivar wanted you for himself.
He loved the fire and hatred in your eyes.
In the beginning, he kept you in his home, he could tell your masked your fear with anger as you tried many times to escape, but you always failed.
Then one day, something happened.
You were just sitting there on the floor. Not cursing at him, not throwing things. Was this your new technique to escape? A new plan perhaps? Pretending that you gave up?
"What are you looking at?" you asked as he kept staring.
"That is not how you talk to your King." but you said nothing, no snarky comeback, you didn't spit at him or kick him. You just sat there, chains around your hands as you looked at the fireplace. He moved from his bed, crawling over to you, much like how he had done before.
You slowly turned and looked at him.
"What is your new plan?"
"I have no plans. Even if I get out of here, I have no home to go back to, you burned my house." he watched your eyes, took him a moment to realize, your fire was gone. No fear, no hatred, no anger.
He won.
You gave up.
"You are mine. You have been since the moment I saw you." his hand moved to lower your dress from your shoulder and kissed your skin.
"Why didn't you touch me before then? If I'm yours?"
"I will never force myself on a woman,"
"You can't even walk."
"Which is why you will have to please me."
"And if I refuse?" a hint, a slight hint of the fire came back for a second before you let out a sigh because as you looked at him, you realized he didn't mean it, the smile on his face and the eyes told you.
"My grandmother warned me about men with blue eyes. She said she had a dream that one day, a man like that would take me and I will be lost. She said it was as if I walked into the darkness. She couldn’t see me after that." you tugged on your chains. "You haven't been as bad to me as I thought you will be. I thought you would... force me, beat me and kill me. But you fed me and kept me warm. Sure, you didn't give me a bed-"
"I told you to sleep next to me."
"How can you be sure I wouldn't kill you?"
"I have sharp senses. I am a warrior." his eyes continued to just watch your every move. "Agree to become my wife and you will have a great life." 
He nodded. "You will become Queen, you will become fully mine. Not my pet, but my woman. You have nothing to go back to, no one to return to."
"You killed everyone... so I'd stay with you?" he nodded. His eyes shone with something you didn't know, obsession. 
"Your beauty is captivating, I was sure you are a witch. So beautiful and gentle. I saw it in your eyes. And now, you finally gave into me. I will take you as wife, marry me and you will have a life filled with love and care." 
Your grandma was right, looking into his eyes, you walked right into the darkness, right into his arms.
He was obsessed and you were lost.
Couple months had passed since you were wed to Ivar.
Living the life of a Viking, you tried your best to understand their traditions and follow their life style.
But it was challenging.
So much so, that when a man commented on it, you saw a side of Ivar you have never seen before.
"What did you say?" Both you and Hvitserk looked at Ivar and then at the man. Ivar was way too calm.
"I said, your Queen is a whore! She is not even a true Viking!" the man was drunk, and probably didn't even realize what he was saying.
One second the man was laughing, clearly not reading the room as everyone sat, frozen. The next moment the man was on the floor with an axe piercing his skull.
"Does anyone else have any comments to my wife?" no one moved, no one took a breath. Ivar started laughing. 
You continued to eat. 
Hvitserk shook his head before grabbing more wine.
"You defended my honour." you turned to Ivar as he sat to take of his armour. 
"I have done that before, you just weren't present."
"Thank you."
"We have been married for months, you know I have deep feelings for you, of course I would defend you."
"I have never seen you so unhinged, so angry yet so calm, everyone was scared of you, I could feel their fear. Everyone was scared, while I was extremely aroused." this made Ivar look at you immediately. Now, topless, only wearing his trousers, he watched you, you shocked him. "You are incredible Ivar. You are so strong, people used to call you a cripple, now they fear your name and I truly realized that tonight. I am married to a true King, and My King, I wish for you to breed me tonight." lust filled your eyes.
Ivar swallowed, he watched you just standing there before you slowly brought your hands up to your shoulders, you moved your dress down as you turned, he didn't see your front, he saw your naked back. You moved onto the bed, watching him as you knelt on the furs.
"Please." your plea was barely audible, but it made him move.
Like a starved beast, he crawled over to you, meeting him halfway on the bed, your lips found his as his hands began to grab at your flesh.
Oh, how he loved this side of you.
You might play an innocent maiden when people were around, but truth was, when the moon was on the highest point of the sky, in the middle of the evening, Ivar could see your true side. You were possibly a siren, on top of him, moving up and down his shaft switching between slow and fast, your pace was always perfect. 
His hands grabbed your flesh, everywhere he could reach, thighs, hips, or breasts. 
Anything he could reach.
But you loved it the most when he sat up, meeting your lips as you still moved on top of him, his hands on your back as his lips were on yours, teeth pulling your bottom lip before moving to your neck and breasts. 
Every evening, his room smelled of sex and fire. 
You laying beside him, with your head on his chest, your finger making patterns on his skin as his arm was around your shoulder or hips. pulling you closer if that is possible.
Yes, he was obsessed with you, and yes you lusted for this man. He might have taken you from your home, trapped you and forced love out of you, but you were still here, swore to love him until your last breath.
"Do you think it worked?" he asked and you had a feeling what he meant.
"I believe, if your God is kind to us, then yes. We might have a child soon."
"Odin is great, I'm not sure if I can have children."
"Why wouldn't you? Your legs never stopped you from spilling your seed in me before. You worry for nothing Ivar, but even if tonight wasn't enough. I will never give up the hope of gifting you a child."
He smiled as you looked up at him, placing a kiss on his chin.
"I can see you with a daughter. She would make you chase her around the room, you would kill anyone for her, she would be perfect."
"Your imagination is quite something, My Love."
"I can also see you with a son. Teaching him your strategies, how to fight and survive, how to be a warrior. Only one child?" you asked.
"As many as you would give me." he replied.
"A lot of children. I would like that, it would mean when you leave for raids, I wouldn't be lonely." He looked into your eyes, seeing his blues as you smiled. You always spoke of such futures, he felt he wasn't good enough to be in them.
Having a lot of children with you was something he didn't even dare to dream about, and yet here you were. Your eyes shining with love and affection as you spoke of possible children with him.
"I love you." he whispered as you felt his palm on your back, pulling you in for a kiss. 
"I love you too, My King." You kissed him on the lips, running your hand through his hair as you soon fell asleep with him.
You woke not long after, you were incredibly thirsty so as quietly as you could, you made your way to get some water. You put on a short gown, which you often slept in.
On your way back to the bed you saw possibly the most amazing view. Nothing could compare. 
A naked Ivar, surrounded by furs as the fire made his skin glow.
His features relaxed as he slept on his back, one arm next to his head, the other laid out, waiting for your return.
Your eyes roamed his chest, running over his tattoos and muscles before you moved your eyes further down, although his cock, which always gave you great pleasure, was hidden under the furs, and your eyes longed on the visible bump before moving back up, the fur was dangerously low, making you thirsty for something other than water.
Ivar was a work of art. You were convinced he didn't even realize how tempting he was.
He moved ever so slightly in his sleep. AS if his subconscious was looked for you, his arm twitched, begging for you to return.
And you did. You moved back on the bed, right where you left from.
Oh, how you wished his seed took, gifting him a child would make you the happiest. You know you had to dissolve every doubt in his mind, but you were ready for the challenge. 
You went back to sleep as his arm moved back to your waist. Slightly pulling you close as he let out a long sigh.
You drifted back to sleep.
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Taglist: imreadinggoaway @fleursirvart @v-2bucky ehsebastiancrunch-time-sports  @pxstelrainbow ablogbypeteparker liamssmilersmexylemony @greenarrowhead feelingsareharddd @thisismysecrethappyplace @sincerelyfan @theoneanna @aestheticsandmarvel @rororo06 @castellandiangelo @avengers-r-us @destynelseclipsa   @spilledinkindumpster celebsimagine @capsiclesdoll snoopy3000 @firstangeldragonranch @puknow @crazzyter  @alwayshave-faith @soleil-dor @alex12948 scream-kiwi79  @lxdyred  @imagines-by-a-typical-fangirl @liveforkarljacobs @anonymoussherlockandmarvelgeek @paola-carter @stunkbiggu @violet-19999 @praline357 @trshngyn​ @top1bbgloak
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miss-madness67 · 8 months
Mother Knows Best (Ivar)
Prompt: My arranged marriage with Ivar the Boneless was not a surprise. The surprise had been finding out he did not want to lay with me. Are the rumors of his incapabilities true? Is sex the answer to learn to love each other? I do not know. He scares me, but he is no less fascinating. That is why I decided to give him a chance. Slight AU. Ragnar does not die, neither does Aslaug. They rule side by side and decide to ally themselves with the Saxons.
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Mother looks at me across the table. Her eyes are expectant, her expression unamused. She waits for me to say something; to tell her that I am already with child. But because I am not, I remain quiet.
“I would like to know my grandchild, preferably,” she says, “but it would be nice if at least I know you are with child before you leave Wessex.” She gives me a hard stare. Oh, I know she would like that, that’s the reason she has given me plenty of recommendations on how to please my husband in bed. Not that I have applied them.
A month ago, I was given the news that I was to be wed to the youngest of King Ragnar’s sons. A man I hadn’t even met and whose ruthlessness was well known. It was a political marriage. Arranged so our kingdoms would become friends instead of foes. My grandfather, King Ecbert, wanted to have a good relationship with the heathens, so he promised my hand for peace. I always knew I would be married for the good of my kingdom and not love, but that does not mean the news was less disappointing.
The wedding took place two weeks ago, right after the arrival of the Vikings. And as I approached the altar, that was the first time I laid eyes on my husband. His cold demeanor rendered me speechless, but his hard blue-eyed stare sent shivers down my spine. He was sitting on a chair waiting for me. I knew his legs were useless, so that did not surprise me. I tried not to stare during the ceremony but failed miserably. He had looked at me annoyed yet intrigued.
My father, Prince Aethelwulf, was displeased with the marriage, but he had little to no say in the matter. My mother Judith, even though she was in favor of the union, she did not agree with the choice of groom. She thought Ubbe or Sigurd would have been better candidates. King Ragnar himself had chosen Ivar, and my grandfather had agreed with the promise that he would be able to provide children. His ability to lay with a woman had many rumors, but King Ragnar had assured that Ivar was no less of a man in that matter. Not that I would know, because I had yet to lay with him.
The night of our wedding, the bedding ceremony had been canceled due to the Viking’s request. So when I entered the chambers, there was no pressure in laying with him. Yet, I expected he would have wanted me to because he is a man. That had not been the case. That night, we laid side by side in silence until the sun raised. Back then I had been grateful because I did not want to sleep with a man I barely knew, but now I have begun to question myself. Does he not find me attractive? Does he know how to lay with a woman? Is he really not physically able? Does he prefer men?
It is necessary for us to have a child in order to fortify the alliance. That is why my mother had given me tips to please him. I had yet to use them, I feared to do so. In all honesty, I had been afraid of my husband when I first heard of him, and during our wedding. I have heard how he is and I have seen how he treats people. However, that fear has receded ever since. These past two weeks he has been nothing but kind to me, even a little shy. That’s probably the reason why I have started to feel attraction towards him. That and his sharp mind. At first, I did not know how to speak his language. He has been slowly teaching me. And I have seen him playing chess with Alfred, it is honestly fascinating.
“It would be wise for your marriage if you have passion in the bedroom, darling,” my mother says.
I know she means good, and I know she is probably right, but I have to bite my tongue from mentioning her passion with my grandfather. Her marriage with my father is a mere paper. I do not wish my marriage with Ivar to be the same, despite the circumstances. But she does have a point, she has a very good relationship with my grandfather, whom she beds. Sex must be the answer to get closer to Ivar. And maybe, with time, we could learn to love each other. That is a foolish thought, but it is what motivates me to wait naked in bed. He arrives at the dormitory shortly after twelve. He has been drinking with his brothers, but all the inebriation leaves him once he sees me.
“Hello, my…” he does not like it when I call him titles, so I correct myself, “... Ivar. I have been waiting for you.” He does not say anything. Heat accumulates in my face. Does he not like what he sees? I fight the urge to cover myself and hide between the covers. His hands tighten around his crutches.
“What… What are you doing like that? What if someone other than me were to come in?” He questions, he seems angry at the idea, but his eyes do not leave my body.
“I made sure no one other than you were to come inside, my husband,” I whisper. Ivar must notice that I am not completely myself acting like this, because he looks away.
“You don’t have to do that, you know.” He approaches the bed and sits down, his back to me. “I know this is an arranged marriage, we do not have to do anything that you do not want.” His voice is uninterested but his words are sweet. I hesitate.
“I know, but we are expected to bear children.” He tenses. He does not say anything, he starts to take off his leg braces. I wait patiently. The room is colder when he speaks.
“If that is what you wish this is unnecessary, you do not have to remove your camisole.” His voice is harsh and I know I said something I was not supposed to.
“It is not only about that,” I try to correct myself though my voice waivers in nervousness, “I wish… I wish for us to enjoy making children.” It is the most direct way for me to express my desire for him.
He stops what he is doing and turns around. He looks me in the eyes looking for uncertainty. I know he finds none when he drags his body towards me. His arms muscles flex and something knots in my belly. He looms over me with a hungry stare.
When he opens his mouth I think he is about to devour me but he speaks. “Do you not know the rumors? Do you not know what they say?” He does not wait for me to answer, “apparently, I can not please a woman, I can not give children, I am a useless husband.”
I do not hesitate to answer, “I do not listen to rumors, I like to verify for myself,” I put a hand on his chest and the other around his neck. “If it is false, then we shall prove them so, and if it is true, then we shall not give up until we try everything.” He looks doubtful, “I… have learned a few tricks that shall please my husband.”
His surprise is evident when he speaks, “well, I have also learned a few tricks that shall please my wife."
I smile, “then, let us learn from one another.” I do not have time to say anything else before his lips crash with mine.
It is uncertain if we will succeed this night or another, or if we will have children, or if we will learn to love each other. The only thing that I am certain of is that we care for one another. At this moment, in my husband’s arms, I feel like never before.
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pinkykats-place · 6 days
Ivar (Vikings) x Reader Insert Fics
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None of the stories linked are mine.
Mostly female reader inserts.
Some contain mature content.
GIFs are not mine.
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Finnish polka
Ivar the Boneless x fem!Reader
SUMMARY: After helping one of the northern Jarls, the Lothbrok brothers attend a celebratory feast. There, they're faced with a tradition of warriors catching flower crowns that belong to young women. How surprised Ivar is when you almost shove your crown into his hands.
Jealous Games
Ivar x floki’s daughter!Reader
Summary: One day, your father enters your room, unveiling that your parents want you to marry Ubbe. Though, the past years you grew feeling for another man: Ivar. You never told anyone about your true feelings for the man but now that Ubbe is supposed to be your husband, you feel utterly broken down. Refusing the offer, you leave the scene, only to discover a life changing secret...
She’s Real
Ivar x fem!Reader
Summary: Family dinners never go as expected.
Whispers of Love
Summary: Reader is new in Kattegat and catches the attention of a certain Ragnarsson.
Does it hurt? Bleeding every month
Ivar x fem!wife!Reader
Summary: you find out your husband, who had two partners before you was clueless when it came to women
Some Good Advice
Ivar x older!fem!reader
Take Care of Him
modern!ivar x reader
summary: heahmund takes a vacation from his physical therapy job. except he doesn’t exactly tell his most impatient patient.
Rumors aren’t Always True
Ivar x Slave!Reader
Summary: When rumors start to spread that Ivar can’t satisfy a woman, you decide to put his mind and ease and show him that it’s not true
Right Beside You
Ivar x thrall!Reader
Imagine being ivar’s slave
Summary: Your first journey to England. Ivar took you with him to avange the dead of his father with the great heathen army. But you are afraid, the feelings he putted there maked you that ... afraid to lose him. What if he never came back? What if you never would feel his touch again?
Ivar the Boneless x Reader
Summary: Ivar is having dreams of you, of the goddess he sees on walking his nights. You prove him things, show him things and he can’t handle your ways or the fact they are just dreams. Until one day battle proves him wrong.
The Wanderer
Ivar x fem!Reader
Ivar x reader
Ivar × reader
Healing Hands
2 Parts
Summary: your mom was ivar’s healer but after she dies it’s up to you to help ivar
A Proposal
4 Part Series
Summary: Ivar and reader share a moment, but are separated by miscommunication
The Girl Ivar Loves
4 Part Series
Summary: When you lose your parents and other arrangements fall through, you find yourself living with the Ragnarssons in their cabin. Much to the chagrin of Ivar who complains about you at every opportunity he gets.
@ablueeyesangel ’s Masterlist
@akamaiden ’s Ivar Masterlist
@ijustwant2write ’s Masterlist
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lokifromvalhalla · 1 year
A nice punishment
╔═══*.·:·.☽✧    ✦    ✧☾.·:·.*═══╗
Ivar The Boneless x [gender neutral] Reader Genre: Smut / Comfort Words: ± 2 100 Kind of content: Oral fixation / Nipple play
Playing with his chest does get Ivar to shut up for a little. It feels way better than it should.
Not proofread! Sorry for any mistake!
╚═══*.·:·.☽✧    ✦    ✧☾.·:·.*═══╝
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“How many times do I have to tell you?” You sighed as your hands ran across his warm back, feeling every muscle and the bump of every scar under your fingertips. That was something you had done so many times already that you almost memorized his whole back, always knowing if there was any new scar, as small as it could be.
Ivar scoffed, his back vibrating with each word. “And what do you want me to do? Simply not go anywhere? Just sit here like your little doll, is it?” Of course he would be dramatic, twist your words just so you could feel guilty and let him do whatever he wanted, but you already had a resistance to his whining just like Ubbe and Hvitserk, even if it wasn’t as strong. Dealing with Ivar wasn’t any new to you; you were there long before Ragnar returned, then with him when Ragnar came back and took him to England, helped avenge his father’s death, and now dominate York.
The flames from the torches hanging from the stone walls illuminated the room. Ivar had taken over the cathedral so he could establish his base, and used one of the  main rooms—probably the bishop's—for himself. It was wide, rather luxurious, as a noble's place. In the first days, you would just hang around the room, but with how he kept asking you to help him with massages or undoing his braces until late at night, now it was also yours.
Today was something like this. A long day of unnecessary efforts and blueish eyes by the morning had Ivar’s muscles protesting in pain, so you were there once again, your hands rubbing oil against his rough skin in an attempt to help him despite all the complaints. He did appreciate what you were doing, though. You knew it was some sort of facade because, even between four walls and a closed door, Ivar still had to keep his goddamn posture at least in a few points to ‘keep you humble’. As if you couldn’t shape him exactly the way you wanted, just like Ubbe would do with his younger brothers sometimes.
“It wouldn’t be a bad idea,” you chuckled against his skin and pressed a kiss to the back of his ear. “My pretty little doll, all for me to use, hm?”
Ivar was silent for a moment, choking on his own words to the same level his cheeks heated up, just seconds before he was turning around and throwing his hands in the air. “What do you think you’re saying? I’m going to feed you flaming hot iron if you keep it like this!”
Another chuckle escaped your lips as you pushed him to face forward again. “And what?” You pulled him against you so his back met your chest instead. “Lose your best warrior? Best strategist? I don’t think you could handle even a day without me, knowing I’m not coming back,” you mumbled, chin over his shoulder and arms under his whilst watching your hands work against his ribs, slowly going up.
Whatever was going on in Ivar’s mind, vanished at the moment your hands started running over his chest. Instead, there were only quiet and incoherent grumbles that you could barely make out. “(Y/n), what...” His words trailed off, breath caught in his throat—he tried to fight against the will to arch his back at the feeling of your fingers tracing his nipples, running around them until they were hard. "Wh..."
"I'm just doing the massage you asked for," you scoffed, hands going down his torso just to come up and stop right under his pecs, proceeding to go up slowly. Ivar hissed at the friction as he arched his back; his hands tugged a little on the sheets before they found their way to your thighs, hence his nails sank into the skin messily in an attempt to both ground himself and warn you. Fruitlessly, of course. "How was your day, Ivar? You just mentioned why you're in so much pain, but never really told me what happened while I was gone.”
“Quit playing.”
“I asked you a question.” The weight in your voice had him shutting up for a moment, though the silence was quickly broken by a moan. Your fingers pinched his nipple, and it shouldn’t feel so good.
Ivar sucked in a breath, at first just spitting out stutters until the way you squeezed his pec had him speaking. “I—I was training, but then got... got in a fight.”
Got in a fight? You clicked your tongue. “Ivar. You woke up with blue-ish eyes, why would you even do that?” It was entertaining to watch how sensitive he was, slowly starting to squirm just because of his chest being fondled.
An indignant gasp came from Ivar, but he paused for a moment; his head leaned back against your shoulder for a moment while his hand adjusted against your thigh. “No...! I couldn’t let that happen! H—He was challenging me! Provoking!” His voice cracked once you pinched his nipple, playing with it between your index finger and your thumb, daring to give it an experimental tug. A louder gasp escaped his lips, back arched against you.
Oh, the old discourse about how a cripple can’t rule properly, you thought. It was already getting annoying to deal with.
“Of course, you ignored everything,” you mumbled, continuing to pinch his nipple, though now also doing the same to the other, and it was enough to start reducing him to pieces—the already uneven breathing lost its pace completely while his fingers trying to grip onto your skin however they could, almost having him throw his hips in the air in search for friction. “and grabbed your little sword so you’d kill the poor man.”
“Not a poor man!” Ivar growled. “He dared to doubt... of one of the sons...” He never finished his sentence, words lost into the dark corners of the room once you let go of him so you could get off your position. “Hey! What are you doing?” The blue irises were nothing but thin rings around the dilated pupils that observed you in desire.
Your chuckle had his eyebrows lowering, mouth pursing. “I thought you didn’t like it?” You raised an eyebrow, moving around until you straddled his thighs, pushing him back against the pillows. Whatever answer he had on the tip of his tongue, it died down with the way you parted his legs with a knee, carefully, instead earning yourself a glare, but it would take a lot more to discourage you. His hips were warm under your hands as you held onto them while leaning down to press kisses to his neck, sometimes nibbling on the skin. “You complain so much, sometimes I don’t know whether it’s real or not. How do you feel being so annoying?” 
“I think that you should shut the fuck up before getting yourself killed.” Empty words, of course. Ivar liked the teasing, if anything. In contrast to his words, his arms wrapped around your shoulders at the same time he threw his head back into the pillows to grant you more access.
You breathed a chuckle against his skin, feeling it rise with a shiver according to how you trailed down. “Oh, honey, you still insist on tricking yourself that you can live without me? Pitiful.”
It was fun to tease Ivar then silence him, watch the frustration build up in groans and quiet complaints, his nails sometimes pressing into your skin a little too hard. He was once again silenced, letting out a hum instead at how your lips worked on a spot some inches down his collarbones, sucking and nibbling on the skin until a purple spot was left behind. You knew he had some sort of sensitivity when it came to his chest, but you never knew it was that great until you decided to start exploring it that night; it probably was greater that time, given how long he had gone without being touched like that.
The way he shuddered and breathed shakily just because of how your tongue ran flat over his nipple was truly rewarding. You did it once more, this time snatching a moan that extended itself by how his crotch found a nice source of friction when meeting your thigh on the way once it pushed up. Your grip on his hips didn’t really prevent him from moving, more of guiding his movements and limiting his freedom.
“I wouldn’t be surprised if you came untouched,” you mention. You could taste the light herbal taste of the oil on your tongue—it wasn’t bad, actually.
Ivar clicked his tongue, glancing down at you with a glare that would’ve made anyone else start praying for their life, but not you. Never you. That look didn’t give you anything more than entertainment. “Do you wish to die?”
“To kill you would be fun, actually.” A grin tugged on your lips, easily having Ivar more flustered. He wasn’t in position to criticize anything anymore, nor had enough coherent thoughts for it; he just turned his head away instead.
At first, soft kisses surrounded his nipple, soon being replaced by your teeth softly tugging on the skin, and there it was—whines spilled from his mouth with every nib until he clasped a hand over his own mouth in an attempt to muffle his sounds. It had you pausing, taking a moment to observe his messy form. Sweat had some of his hair strands stuck to his forehead, skin already flush and glistening softly under the dancing light of the flames. His chest heaved up and down with the deep sharp inhales.
The lack of interaction had Ivar’s eyes slowly turning to look at you, and that fucking deathly gaze had something stirring in your lower stomach.
“I wanna hear you,” you finally said, pressing a kiss to his fingers before you started to tug his hand away from his face, finally kissing his lips instead. His hands somehow felt in the way of something, something he didn’t know, but it still didn’t really feel right to just grip onto the sheets while you worked on him. He whined softly against your lips, kissing back with little care because all that mattered was how good you treated him, nibbling on his lips and letting your tongue meet his.
His back started arching once you started trailing down his neck once again, this time starting to nibble on the area around his nipple right away, this time working on the opposite one, with your hands back around his hips, tightly. “Fuck,” he whispered softly, voice tight in his throat, soon replaced by a moan. Your lips wrapped around his nipple to suck softly on it until he was arching his back and fighting against your hands, so you’d change to running your tongue flat against the nub instead.
It was slow and agonizing. Every single time the feeling would start to take over Ivar, erase the thoughts away from his head and have his eyes rolling back, you were there to pull him down, ground him again. Ivar crashed back into reality with quiet complaints and groans that only motivated you to continue, even if your lips would be left sore later. Then, there it was, finally. This time, you weren’t pulling away at the moment his hips started pushing up; you continued to suck on his nipple, even letting your teeth tug on it, and he wasn’t even that restrained anymore, with one of your hands letting go of him to instead fondle with the opposite side of his chest.
A string of curses escaped Ivar’s lips, though soon interrupted by the lack of air in his lungs, his teeth gritted and eyes pressed shut. His hips dragged slowly against your thigh, sending sparkles up his body and down again, right to his lower stomach. His shorter breaths had each time more space between them, as if just breathing would drive his focus away from his release, but then, there it was; a long moan was drawn from his lips at the same moment he finally came. As much as you wanted to see the face he was making, it seemed more of an advantage to continue messing with him until he was squirming, on the edge of oversensitivity.
You pressed a kiss to the bright red skin before you finally brought yourself up to look at him. He had his eyes shut, mouth moving lightly in inaudible mumbles to himself until he opened one eye lazily to observe you.
“You good, love?”
Ivar nodded lightly. “Do you need me to...?”
“No, no.” You shook your head and pressed a kiss to his cheek. “For the gods, Ivar,” you chuckled, “look at you. Came untouched, in your pants!” And just a few words had the haze that took over him fading away, replaced by his usual annoyance, curses and threats that escaped his lips seemingly unstoppingly.
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redskull199987 · 2 years
Could you do one where the reader is Lagertha younger sister and in a relationship with ivar the boneless
Screw Them
Ivar the Boneless x female!reader Request
Word count:0.9k
Warnings:basically nothing, all empty here
Summary: You want to meet up with Ivar , but accidentally run into your sister. Will you be able to make it to Ivar in Time?
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It was a busy day in Kattegat. Well, nowdays everyday in Kattegat was busy. I smiled, as I made my way through the crowded streets. People were talking, laughing, trading, gambling and so much more. But the people were happy and that's what counted the most.
"Y/N, what are you doing here?"
I turned around as I recognized the Voice of my older Sister, Lagertha. She walked over to me and only now I noticed that her son, Bjorn was with her. He was around my age, even though he was my nephew. I smiled at him and engulfed him in a hug, saying hello before turning to Lagertha.
"What is my little sister doing here of all things?", she smiled and put her arm around me.
"I've just been walking around a little bit", I smiled,trying to mask my true intentions of meeting up with Ivar.
"All alone?", Bjorn asked curiously, also throwing an arm around my shoulder. We must've looked pretty silly, walking around all huddled up. 
"I was just enjoying my free day", I answered, slowly shaikng both thier arms off of me.
"Working for the queen is not that easy, is it?", Lagertha asked and I shook my head.
"No, it isn't...but tell me, what are you two doing here?", I wonderend and suspciously eyed the two. Did they know about me and Ivar?
"We were just looking around for some fish", Lagertha explained,"The boys need to have a proper meal for once"
She laughend and patted Bjorn's stomach. He quickly pushed her hand away and smiled:"Why don't you join us?"
My thoughts were racing, trying to find a proper excuse to not have to go with them. I was already late, I couldn't risk loosing anymore time. 
"Great idea, it would be nice to spend some time with my favorite sister", Lagertha agreed.
"I'm your only sister", I mumbled, rubbing my neck,"Actually, I would like to spend this time by myself, you know. It's not often that I get a little break from everything"
Lagertha's expression changed from exited to concerned in under a second:"Are you all right?"
I nodded:"I am fine, I just...want some alone time, to clear my head and such"
"Alright then, we'll see you for Dinner", Lagertha said and pulled me in for a goodbye hug.
I said my goodbyes to both of them and then hurried through the busy streets. I have to admit, I had to push a few people out of the way, but as I entered the forrest, I was able to gain a little speed and a few minutes later, I had reached my destination. 
Stopping in front of the little cliff, from were you could see the entirety of Kattegat, I leaned on my knee's for support, trying to catch my breath.
"You're late"
I looked up. I could only see his back, but I still knew exactly who it was, that sat there in front of me.
"I ran into my sister", I explained after I caught my breath. I got up and slowly walked over to him,"Had to make up some dump excuses for me wanting to be alone and shit"
He chuckled at my words and finally turned around. A smile on his face, he spoke up:"I thought you'd stand me up"
My features softened at his words and I stepped closer, grabbing his hand:"I would never"
Ivar granted me a smile and softly pulled me onto his lap. Without saying anything, he carefully placed his lips on my neck, kissing his way up to my lips. I sighed at his actions and right  before his lips reached mine, he stopped. I felt his hand reach for my cheek and he softly carressed my face. His steel blue eyes bore into mine. He seemed to wait for a reaction of mine. I smiled and slowly overcame those last few centimeters between us. His lips were slightly chapped, as he pressed them against mine, his arms grasping my waist and pulling me closer.
I sighed against his lips. I had missed him. We hadn't been able to meet up for weeks, now it was like he was oxygen and I needed him to survive.
As we finally parted, Ivar looked more out of breath than after killing a whole lot of saxons. His cheeks were reddened and his lips were slightly parted. I slowly raised my hand and carressed his bottom lip with my thump. Ivar closed his eyes and leaned into my touch.
"I misssed you", He mumbled quietly.
"I missed you too", I smiled. Ivar reciprocated my smile and let his head fall against my shoulder. I raised my arms to rest around his neck, gently pulling him closer to me.
"I can't wait to spend this day with you", he grinned, softly kissing my shoulder.
"I have to leave for dinner with Lagertha later", I confessed.
Ivar looked back up at me.
"Screw them!", He mumbled before pulling me in for another passionate kiss. He was right, Screw them...
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popcorn1989 · 2 years
Pairing: Alex x Marco x F!reader Summary: You're working on set at the filming of Vikings. Helping out here and there, but your main job was to take care of the actors when they needed something. (Food, handing out jackets etc.) Until now everything was going smoothly, but soon you had to deal with Alex and Marco, who tries to annoy you mightily. Warning: I don't think there is anything that could trigger you. If yes, forgive me. *Note: The stories are fictional and are based on pictures I found on the internet. Words: 2820
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"Have you forgotten something"
Today will be a good day - you thought to yourself, no Alex far and wide, today you didn't see him. So you could finish your work, without interruption. Yes, today will be a good day. The weather also played along, and you had decided to take your camera with you, because you would have time, after work, to take some nice landscape pictures. You had it around your neck, and it was bobbing back and forth in joyful anticipation, in front of your chest.
"What's for dinner today?" yelled Felix, looking up at you from his film camera as you passed him, "I don't know yet, I'd have to ask the cooks" you smiled at him before turning around and reaching the spot where the actors' small campers were parked. Gustaf, sat, with his Floki makeup on, in front of the open door of his camper and waved at you.
Joyfully you waved back, yes today will be a quiet and great day, everyone was here except Alex. You walked up to Gustaf who looked at you a bit questioningly, you reached into your pocket and pulled out several candies. "Well there I go, can't say no" he spoke and took the candy that was wrapped in the red paper. "Your turn in a minute?" you ask curiously. But Gustaf shook his head. "I guess I'll have to wait another hour. They had technical problems, but don't ask me which ones, I have no idea about that" - "Hm" you nod. "Is there something on your mind? Do you want me to get you something?" again he shook his head "You know me, I have everything I need" - "Let me know if that changes, that's what I'm here for. I'll go on."
You waved again joyfully before you went on your way again, and he did the same, smiled and waved after you. Oh wonderful, nothing that could spoil your mood today - joyfully, you let your steps bounce a little. Your braid bobbed back and forth on your head, your smile was so wide that you infected everyone who saw you. Katheryn, in her full Lagertha outfit, came up to you and opened her arms wide for you to hug her. You found yourself in a long hug, with her squealing joyfully. Then she let go of you and looked at the camera "Oh, did I break it?" she spoke and picked up, the cover, of the lens. "Oh, it's so old, it's survived a lot more" you laughed and took the black cover and clicked it back in front of the camera lens. "Was just the cover, it's loose" you beam at her again.
"I didn't really want to ask you, but I can't help it" - "Okay, I'm always here for you, you know that" - "I'm so craving chocolate. Maybe, but only if you have time, could you bring me something?" you nod a little exaggerated "Which one exactly, any wish" she waved off "Anyone, the one from last time maybe?" - "The one with the white dots?" she pointed at you and raised her eyebrows "Yeah, that one was damn tasty" again you nodded, you were sure you had another one somewhere in your suitcases "I'll put it in your camper later" She smiled happily as she was called. "I have to go to makeup, I'll see you and thanks" she said stroking your cheek before disappearing.
You continue your way, you had been given the task to take care of the tent again, chairs, tables, drinks, then you should go to the costumes and help where they needed you at the moment. In between you would get the chocolate, briefly you considered making a note in your phone, but you decided not to do that until several actors made requests. You liked Katheryn, she was always so kind and loving to you, your smile came back when you thought about her. Yes, really nothing could change your mood today. Nothing at all… - when you stopped abruptly. Alex was standing in front of a camper and smoking a cigarette. He stared strained at his cell phone. You quickly disappeared behind a camper, hoping that he hadn't seen you. Can't be true - you thought, annoyed.
How quickly such a mood could change. He wasn't actually scheduled to come today ...or they changed their mind and needed him after all, great - you leaned back against the side of the camper and thought about how best to avoid him when your cell phone vibrated. You reach into your pocket and pulled out your phone, the display said you had received a WhatsApp, from an unknown number. You clicked on it and the app opened. You roll your eyes as you read.
- Sweetie, are you serious? Do you think I didn't see you 😂👍
Actually you didn't want to write back, you knew it was Alex, briefly you wonder where he got your private number, but you think it would be better to lie and write him back.
- I had to leave quickly. I remembered that I had forgotten something -
Under the number appeared, … writes … again, you roll your eyes.
- Look where you are right now 😉 -
You looked up, in front of you stretched a wide meadow, not a soul was to be seen and if you would run along there, you would come only into a dense forest, you looked again at your cell phone as several messages came.
- Stupid or? - - Were you going to look for mushrooms? - - Haha, probably picking some flowers? 😉🌹 - - Everyone has his preferences. - - Did I do something to you? 😕 - - I've got something I need… -
You don't react at all, thinking you could just walk past him behind the campers without him seeing you. You click on the number and save it under Pain in the ass. Putting the phone away, it vibrated again, another message.
- Are you still there? -
Okay, no escaping from Alex, and now he could annoy you at any time by simply writing to you. If you find out who gave him your number, you will make that person so small that he will wish he was never born, probably you will do nothing of the same. So you went back around the camper and saw Alex looking up, he put his phone away and came towards you. Whatever it is, I'll put it at the bottom of my list - you thought "Oh, you're here too? Nice to see you" you spoke kindly, he waved off
"Oh, nice to see you too, good thing you just ran into me" you suppressed, your eye roll and smiled, just like you had smiled this morning, just don't let it get you down. But this made Alex become suspicious. "Are you okay? Are you hurting?" he came closer to your face and looked at it, then his eyes fell on the camera, and he started laughing "What's that?" he grabbed for it and turned it in his hand "A Nikon" you say and took it out of his hand. "Yeah, did you steal that from a museum?" again he laughed. "Och, what did you want from me now? How can I help you?" you asked in the friendliest tone you could muster.
"Can you even take pictures with it? Or does it fall apart when you press the shutter button? I mean… Hello? What's that?" He pointed at the camera, at the broken corner you had lovingly taped together with black tape. "That, Alex, is a camera and that, Alex, is tape because I accidentally dropped it" you swatted his finger away. "Why do you drop your camera? And why don't you buy another one? I mean…" he picked up the camera again, "You can't even change the lens"
- Cool, now Alex picked up his favorite topic, and you didn't really feel like talking to him about cameras - you couldn't help rolling your eyes. "First, I don't drop them on purpose, I didn't mean to. Second, I don't have the money to buy a new one and third, I don't need other lenses, I'm not doing this professionally, I'm doing it for me and fourth, what do you want from me, if I can get you something I'll be happy to do it, but get to the point. I have other work to do, I don't have time to stand here and have a chat about cameras" Alex put a hand on his chest and raised his eyebrows "Oh sorry sweetie, didn't know you were so busy. I just wanted to ask you to stock my fridge" he pointed to his camper. "What did you just call me?" you spoke confused as you looked back at him from his camper "Servant, I said servant" he spoke pretending to think.
You sigh and close your eyes for a moment, when you open them again you saw a cheeky grin from him. "I'll do it later, oh great ruler" you said and were about to pass him when he grabbed your arm, "Remember Coke, you forgot it the other day" you nodded and left. Forgotten? Merely not taken - you thought and grinned inside yourself. A little bit you could take the liberty to annoy him, too, if he did it with you. Your cell phone vibrated, when you looked at the display, you realized that "the Pain in the ass" under which you had saved Alex, had written a message
- Don't forget the gummy bears, please. 😏-
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A few hours later, you were finally ready with the tent. Chairs to sit on, table full of odds and ends to eat and drink. You brush small, fine hairs from your face that had come out of the braid. Some Actors had secured their chairs by hanging their jackets over them. One of them was Marco, but he seemed very much in thought, he just greeted you nicely and left. You had left the promised chocolate in the camper during a little break. You had put a little note with it - Enjoy it, Kath - Now you would take a little break yourself and then head to the costumes, but fill Alex's fridge first. You looked at your cell phone, ten new messages, you started to groan when you saw that they were all from Alex.
14:00 - Where are you right now? - 14:02 - Ah yes, must be working 😜 - 14:05 - I just remembered that I don't want gummy bears - 14:06 - Maybe chips?- 14:07 - No, I'd rather not - 14:16 - Forget it 😬 - 14:25 - Are you off work?- 14:45 - Did you forget my fridge?😟😟 - 15:00 - Can you at least write me back?- 15:05 - Gotta go-
You don't write anything, you were about to leave to fill his fridge, you looked at the clock, 16:00. Probably you were lucky, and he would not be there, you looked around to see if you had everything of yours with you and took the bag that you had already filled with small things and drinks. Then you set off on your way. Not long, and you could finally take pictures, you hoped maybe today to photograph the sunset, which always disappeared so beautifully behind the mountain. Arriving at the camper, you put the bag on the small couch and straighten your braid, then you open the fridge and slam it shut again angrily.
It was full, everything there you needed, coke, water, ready sandwiches. You breathed in and out calmly, so you wouldn't start cursing, then you took the bag and put everything, on the small kitchen sideboard. A coke, water, gummy bears, candy bars and various fruits. You try to put some in the fridge, the rest you leave on the sideboard and leave. I'm just not going to let anything get to me - you thought.
It was time to take a break. You went to your camper and closed the door behind you. Through your Walki Talki, the directors were discussing whether they could film it with technical problems. Maybe the work day would be over quicker if they couldn't get a handle on it. You hit the off button, something you were only allowed to do on break. You grabbed a sandwich from the fridge and lay down on the small couch, you open TikTok and while you ate you laughed at some videos. When a message popped up.
- I supposed to tell you he forgot, to write you, that someone already took care of his fridge, Sorry 🙏🙏 -
Marco had written to you.
- Already seen -
You write back without opening the app, and keep scrolling through TikTok.
- Sorry and I forgot to write you that 💕 -
You shake your head briefly, forgotten, clear.
You believe that this was done on purpose so that you do a pointless job. You stuff the last piece of bread into your mouth and put your hand under your head. No one can annoy you when you have a break, no one and nothing. Besides, you were used to the guys sending you somewhere, even though no one needed you there.
- Probably, will be canceled today, they do not find the error -
You sit up as you read the message from Marco and reach for your Walki and turn it on. "Yes, I have one more idea" - "Okay, short break for everyone!"
Your phone vibrated again - Pain in the Ass inserted you into the group Gang bang - you hate WhatsApp groups, and what the hell was that name? You remove yourself from the group, no matter what he wanted, or whoever was there in the group. It was enough that Alex had your number, and by now you had an idea who had given him your number. Marco. You had given him your number because he had flown home, he was supposed to write you when he would be back and what he needed in his camper. The message never came from him, but he sent you lots of pictures and from time to time videos from TikTok.
But he never got on your nerves, he sends them and if you don't respond he doesn't ask, he just keeps sending. Like some old dude who sends you funny memes because he knows you find it funny, and that alone is enough for him. On your birthday, was the first time he wrote to you.
You looked at the clock, time to finally make your way to the costume. You throw the paper from the sandwich into the trash can, put your Walki on your belt with a last look at your cell phone and let your cell phone sink into your pocket. Actually, the day wasn't as bad as you feared. When your cell phone vibrated again, you stopped, looked around briefly, then took it out of your pocket again. - These cell phones will be our downfall - you thought briefly when you saw again that Alex had invited you to the group. From now on, it was really too much for you. How could you be so annoying? You looked at the messages that appeared.
- What's that, Alex? - - I don't know, just found it here 😁 - - Can you play baseball with it? - - I don't know, just found it here 😁 - - 😂😂😂 Okay - - Looks old, Marco- - Dip it in water, maybe it can swim? -
You frowned, you had no idea what the guys were trying to tell you, or were they just trying to get on your nerves? Then they had done it, because you didn't feel like thinking about what they might mean, so you interfered.
- What do you mean? - - What? Who are you? - - Hahaha, she can write after all, Marco 😂 - - I don't know what it is, just found it here - - Where? Where are you, what do you have? -
- Where we are right now? Here - - Look how curious she is, Marco - - Think long throw is possible with this, Alex - - 😂😂😂 Okay - - Wait, I got a deal here, Alex - - Great.... you broke it, Marco - - No, no. - - And if it wouldn't be noticeable 😂 -
- GUYS? -
- Some kind of lid, Alex - - Oh wait, I know what it is - - Why are you looking in there, Marco? - - You guys aren't seriously sitting in a tent together, texting each other? - - Pain in the ass sent a picture -
You tear your eyes open when you recognized what the boys had there in the picture. It can't be - You had looked around to make sure you had everything, but you forgot your camera in the tent. Angrily you looked at the picture again, but your anger faded, you actually thought the picture was pretty cute. You save it to your phone, so you can look at it again later.
- Guys, if you break it, you'll have to deal with me, clear??? -
You write back, the guys just sent you laughing smiley faces in response. The guys may have thought they were teasing you, but if you were honest, it made your day. You looked closely at the picture again and smiled as you walked to the costume.
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gwen-novella · 1 year
Ivar Ragnarsson - Nsfw Alphabet
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Pairing: Ivar x female reader
Word count: 3.5K
Warnings: Smut (18+ !!!), it's a nsfw alphabet so expect all things sex, all kinds of kinks, no use of y/n
Summary: A nsfw alphabet for our favorite boy that's only soft for you. Can be read as part of TPAW.
Author’s note: I have reappeared from my hiatus. I decided to finally try my hand at writing fanfics again and thought I'd start off with something short and easy - ended up writing 3.5K words anyways. Mission failed successfully. Please excuse if my writing is a little rusty.
Please consider commenting or reblogging - it really makes my day!
(*) smár brandr = little blade
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Anyone that knows Ivar and has seen the two of you together will notice that he is uncharacteristically open, affectionate, and kind to you. Whenever this is pointed out to you, you always struggle to hide an amused snicker behind a bashful smile. If only they knew. 
The two of you lay entangled on the bed. Your left leg is thrown over Ivars midsection and your arm traces invisible shapes on his chest. Ivar is laying on his back, his left arm lays underneath your body and is stroking up and down your back. Both of your breathing has calmed by now and with the gentle hum of satisfaction in your veins you’d be perfectly content to stay like this forever. 
The almost meditative state you’re in is broken when your left hand is halted in its movements, now gently held in Ivars right. Tilting your head up to look at him, you meet Ivars gaze and the intensity in his eyes almost makes you shy away. "I treasure you, smár brandr." (*)
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Ivar doesn’t give much thought to his body. For quite obvious reasons he avoids it as much as possible. He does like his hands though. He’s quite good at using them, whether that be spinning a dagger or wrapping them around your throat. 
Ivar has also become more accepting of the rest of his body as your relationship progresses. How could he not, when you hold his face in your hands, your delicate fingers tracing his features, when you constantly compliment his strong arms and back and when you don’t even bat an eye at the sight of his legs.
When it comes to you, there isn’t a part of your body that Ivar doesn’t like. Though he has a strange fascination with your neck. Kissing it, biting it, but especially wrapping his hand around it. It’s not so much the choking itself that turns him on - but the trust you show him when you allow his fingers to slowly tighten around your throat. 
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Further elaborated under K = Kink, but Ivars favorite place to cum is deep inside you. "Where I belong", he’d once told you, caressing your lower stomach. However, when the night is still young and he plans to make the both of you cum several times, Ivar enjoys watching you swallow his cum.
Ivar’s sat, fully clothed, at the edge of his bed, his unfocused eyes gazing down at your kneeling form on the ground, your sweet lips wrapped around his cock. You’re sat between his legs, one hand stroking along the length that doesn’t fit in your mouth, the other underneath your skirt, drawing circles over your clit. 
You can tell Ivar is close, his breathing labored as his cock throbs against your eager tongue. His arms move from their place at his side and you’re certain he’ll pull you off him and toss you on the bed, as he does so often, but his hands find their way into your hair, gripping tightly and aiding your movements. 
"I’ll cum down your throat", he raps, sending a bolt of arousal through you, "and you won’t dare swallow until I tell you to."
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
When you and Ivar first slept together it was you who took the lead to begin with. And even though his touches became more confident and urgent throughout, they were clearly still laced with inexperience until they weren’t. 
"Your eyes snap open as you feel a finger drawing circles on your clit, looking down to see Ivar has taken one of his hands off your hips and is instead circling your sensitive nub with his thumb. How he knows to do this, you do not know, but you are thankful for it, already feeling the coil in your stomach tightening."
Ivar would rather spend the rest of his days locked in a shed with an ever-singing Sigurd than admit that he knows those things because he had watched some of his brothers with Margrethe. Looking back, he is deeply embarrassed. 
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
None. Well, that is if you don’t count his horrid encounter with Margrethe (which you don’t). You were the first woman he ever slept with. 
Don’t worry though, Ivar is very quick learner. Whether that includes learning alongside you, if you’re equally inexperienced, or learning from you, if you’re more experienced. If the latter is the case, expect your prior partners to have some less than pleasant encounters with Ivar.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
It very much depends on his mood. If he wants you to take charge: cowgirl. 
He’ll either sit back against the headboard or lay down flat on his back to watch you bounce and circle your hips above him. Don’t think him to be a passive participant though. Much like his eyes, his mouth and hands won’t stop wandering. His lips find their way to your neck, leaving evidence of the nights activities on your skin for all to see, sucking and biting on your nipples until they’re sore and whispering the filthiest of commands and praises.
Every tilt of your hips grinds your clit against his pubic hair, sending sparks up your spine. So caught up in your pleasure you don’t notice Ivars hand moving until it’s slipped its way around your throat, making your eyes flutter open once more. When had they even closed? 
"Look at you", Ivar groans, "riding me so well, smár brandr." Using his hand to tilt your head down to look at him, Ivar fixes you with his piercing gaze. "Mhm", he hums, "Like a goddess… or a whore." The hand around your throat tightens. 
If Ivar is in the mood to watch you squirm underneath him (which is often) he’ll take you from behind, pressing you flat on your belly and draping himself along your back. 
If anyone has given him reason to be possessive, or jealous, expect to wobble your way around Kattegat the next day. Instead of gripping your throat, like usual, his hand will grip your hair in a makeshift pony tail, either pressing your head into the pillow, or raising your ear to his lips, making sure to tell you who you belong to.
The room is filled with the sounds of skin slapping against skin and your muffled moans against the furs. Ivars hips pound into yours so deeply, you’re sure that you won’t be able to sit properly tomorrow. Suddenly your head is yanked from the pillows and you feel Ivars breath against the side of your face. 
"You’re mine", he hisses. "Mine to love, mine to kiss, mine to fuck." Nibbling along your shoulder Ivar promises darkly: "Tomorrow, when you’re not able to leave this bed, I’ll kill Earl Leif… Perhaps I’ll bring him here first. Would you like that, hm? Make him watch how good only I can make you feel?" 
You don’t even remember what the foreign Earl had done to anger Ivar, your brain not absorbing anything that isn’t the drag of Ivars cock along your walls.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
Ivar is a very passionate lover. As such he does really immerse himself into the act. It’s not so much that you’d call him serious in those moments, it’s just that he’s so zeroed in on you - the rest of the world could burn around him for all he cares. 
Sex is also a very vulnerable thing for Ivar. In your chambers, when it’s just you and him, he’s a very different man than the one most perceive him to be. Most people know not to intrude upon your little safe haven, at least if they want to keep all their limbs. 
Hvitserk learned this the hard way one night when in a drunken state he mistook Ivars room for his own. He had barely stepped a foot over the threshold when a dagger had already planted itself into the wooden frame next to his head.
In the afterglow of it all Ivar is probably at his most vulnerable and most relaxed. The two of you will cuddle, talk about everything or nothing at all and sometimes that includes laughing together.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
As explained above Ivar tries to avoid thinking too much about his body. As such he doesn’t groom. His medical condition however has lead to him having impeccable personal hygiene, since his legs often need to be washed, moisturized and bandaged.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Again, Ivar is a very passionate and devoted lover. Most times this will express itself in a raw, sort of untamed way. Some may label this rough - the way his hands firmly grip your hips, the firm snap of his hips and the incessant way he kisses and bites anywhere he can reach can certainly feel like it. Everything he does though is born from love, from devotion.
Occasionally, he slows. Ivars passion become gentle and sweet, drawn out like strings of honey - seeking comfort in you.
You can feel the warmth of his release coat your walls, a pleasant hum of satisfaction in your veins, not as pulsing and exhausting as you’re used to. You make to raise yourself from Ivars cock, from his lap, to cuddle up beside him, when his hands that so softly caress your hips tighten for a split second. 
"Don’t move", Ivar whispers, the first words he’s spoken since he’s entered your heat. "I want to stay like this for a while." You don’t decline.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Since Ivars relationship with sex started off the way it did, sex isn’t really about "getting off" itself. Don’t get him wrong, Ivar enjoys having sex, enjoys cumming, as much as any man. It’s just that he doesn’t crave for it, if it is not with you. 
Ivar doesn’t need sex - he needs sex with you. Ivar doesn’t need release - he needs release with you. If he can’t have you he doesn’t bother.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Breeding Kink
Ivar never thought he’d be able to have kids. He didn’t even think he’d be able to fuck. When one fateful night with you led him to discover that he could in fact please a woman, sex was the only thing on his mind. For weeks you spent every night in Ivars bed, his head in between your thighs, your mouth around his length and his cock deep in your cunt. It was a comment from one of his brothers over breakfast that planted an even deeper desire into his heart. 
Ivar had teased Hvitserk for looking so tired, knowing full well his room was right next to Ivars and that Hvitserk had probably been kept awake by your squealing the night prior. It was then that Ubbe, in an attempt to prevent a fight, almost mindlessly commented: "Don’t fret Hvitserk. Not much longer and he’ll have put a babe in her belly. Then Ivars tiny room will no longer suffice and we’ll be rid of them."
Trust Kink (?)
Hear me out. Ivar’s never really had anyone he could trust completely, some he’s comfortable being vulnerable around. Likewise, he’s also never had anyone that trusted him, that willingly was vulnerable around him. And whilst it took a long time for your relationship to progress to this state, now that it has Ivar cannot get enough of it - this feeling of safety and belonging. 
As such, everything that reminds him of this, anything that is proof of this precious trust is an instant turn on for him. His hand around your throat, him caging you under his body, restraining your hands above your head, cutting your clothes from your body using his dagger… 
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
As explained, Ivar does not take kindly to his time with you being interrupted. Therefore his room it is.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Short answer: You. Long answer: Also you. 
As explained above, once Ivar realized he could have sex, there wasn’t a lot of holding back on his side. He was insatiable. Though, the thing that gets him going more than anything else is the realization that not only could he fuck you, but you wanted him to.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Hurting you.
Anything beyond reddish handprints in the places he grabs you, love bites across your throat and chest and the wobble in your step the next morning is a hard no. Ivar cherishes the trust you two share - he’d never think of doing something to break it.
Even though, when possessive or jealous, Ivar sometimes talks about showing off how well he pleases you, it is all talk. He’d never consider someone intruding in such a vulnerable situation. Besides, you’re for his eyes only.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
"I can show you that there are other ways to please a woman too, if you so wish."
Ivar remembers you whispering those words against his lips the first time you were intimate together, gently reassuring him. After the first few times following that day, when his eagerness to feel your walls wrapped around his cock as fast as possible had slowly calmed from a raging fire to a steady flame, those words of yours kept echoing in his mind. You’d proposed it as an alternative, so technically there was no need for that now, but Ivars curiosity was peaked.
His breath is fanning over your lower stomach, Ivars blue eyes are looking up at you for guidance, between placing kisses on and nipping at your skin. 
"You told me you’d show me. I do not know how to make you feel good like this." A breathless laugh falls from your lips. "I promise to tell you if something does not feel good." 
Ivar huffs but relents nonetheless, his nips and kisses moving lower, a few of them straying to the inside of your thighs, before his tongue suddenly licks a broad stripe up your cunt. Something between a whimper and a moan tears from your throat and Ivar decides right then and there that he wants to hear that sound over and over and over again.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
As explained under I = Intimacy, Ivars love making is usually very passionate. If not fast, his thrusts will at the very least be hard and deep, hands firm on whichever part of your body he chooses to grab, his love bites just on that fine line between pleasure and pain.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
He isn’t exactly opposed to the idea, it’s just that your circumstances don’t really allow for them. Between the daily bustle of Kattegat, your respective duties throughout the day and Ivars reluctance to have sex outside the safety of his chambers there aren’t really opportunities for quickies. 
It’s fine by the both of you though, you prefer to take your time anyways, especially the calm and intimacy afterwards is treasured by the both of you.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Ivar is ever learning, he’s willing to try most everything you’d approach him with, so long as it doesn’t fall under his hard no’s. 
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
In the beginning Ivar was insatiable. Once he got you into bed you could expect not to leave it or go to sleep for quite a while. 
That is still the case, though the way you spend your time in bed has changed. The two of you used to go as many rounds as either of you could take until sleep took you.
As your relationship blossomed, it became less about sex itself and more about being intimately connected - whether that be foreplay, sex, or basking in the afterglow of it all. Rounds became fewer, but more drawn out. On the days Ivar seeks comfort, the intimacy of you laying on his chest afterwards, warming his cock, both of you speaking in hushed whispers have become his favorite part.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
Since it’s the early 800s … there are no toys. The closest thing would be his daggers, perhaps some rope.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Ivar has no patience to actually tease you in terms of withholding his physical affections. He excels at making your squirm with his verbal teasing though.
You’re circling your hips above him, eyes screwed shut, clearly focused on chasing your release, but slightly overwhelmed by the pleasure all the same. A sudden pressure makes you moan out and look down to where Ivar has placed his hand against the little bulge in your lower stomach. 
"Look at that", he grins, "Look at me all the way inside you. Such a little thing, can barely fit me." A frustrated whine bubbles up in you. Ivars face morphs into one of mock concern, "What’s the matter sweet thing?" "Please..", you whimper. "Please what, hm?" 
When his question goes unanswered, the rock of your hips only growing more frantic, Ivar sits up, the sudden shift of the angle of his cock making you gasp. "Can’t even make yourself cum, is that it? Poor, dumb little thing" A quick, filthy kiss is planted on your lips, and you don’t even have the time to reciprocate before your world spins and you’re suddenly on your back.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
"I don’t growl." Ivar halfheartedly glowers down at you, you grin in return. "Oh, you definitely do."
"I do not."
Your grin grows mischievous, "Mhm, fine. I do suppose it was far more interesting how you whimpered when I li-"
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
You joined Ivar in his bed every single night, following the day you first laid together. After a while your monthly bleeding made its appearance one morning. You thought this would surely put a temporary stop to your shared nights of passion, but Ivar surprised you. 
As soon as you sit down on the edge of the bed you’re ambushed. Giggling you let Ivar lay you down on your back and eagerly welcome him into your arms once he dips down to kiss you.
As always the kiss deepens and your hands wander - yours to his hair, combing your fingers through his silky strands, whilst Ivars hands caress your sides. When his fingers slip under the hem of your dress, you draw back from the kiss and halt his hand on your thigh. Immediately Ivars face furrows and his hand lifts to hold the side of your face. 
"My moon blood started this morning", you answer his unspoken question. Ivars eyes widen and he props himself up on his hands, lifting his hips off of yours. For a second you think he’s disgusted, but your worries disappear as soon as they come. "Oh fuck - am I hurting you, smár brandr?"
Pulling his body down onto yours again, his weight and warmth actually comforting, you shake your head. "No", you reassure him, "I’m just bloody. Some women say release eases their discomfort, but it’s not exactly… appealing to most men."
To your surprise Ivar barks out a laugh. "Some Vikings we have in Kattegat then, hm? Bothered by a little blood." Shaking his head, his hand makes his way under your dress once more.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
To quote TPAW:
"Looking down at what you have just undressed, you are surprised a second time this night. For all the burdens the Gods have made Ivar carry, they sure have blessed him with a gorgeous cock. Its head is flushed a lovely shade of red, and with a length and girth that promises a delicious stretch once inside you, it was simply perfect … and hard - very much so."
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
High. That’s all I am going to say. Sometimes the gods can see it all the way from Asgard.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
You’re usually asleep before Ivar is. He very much treasures just laying with you. Tracing shapes on your back, enjoying the warmth of your body next to his and watching your pleased face lowly morph into the relaxed expression he associates with you sleeping.. this is probably the most peaceful time of his day. 
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Please consider commenting or reblogging - it really makes my day!
(*) smár brandr = little blade
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mushies-stories · 1 year
what it's like to be with the Vikings
My totally correct not OC at all headcanon at all takes on the boys and how to treat you.
Ragnarssons X reader
Warning: implied female reader, kinda.
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Buying you things and offering power and a crown. While he wants you to love him for him, the boy just wants to keep you happy and content above all for fear that you will one day decide that he was a good for nothing cripple who couldn't even give you a child. You could be royalty, a shield maiden or even a slave but he will make sure to give you everything you could ever ask for. This is regardless of how much you try to reassure him of your love for him. 
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Okay so this man? He will shower you with affection. Compliments and telling anyone who will listen how amazing you are. No matter what you do for a living he supports you 100%. he's the kinda man to see a flower on his way through the village and bring it back to you just to see you smile. But making sure to tell you how much more beautiful you are compared to the flower. Has respect for you and your thoughts and ideas. 
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The goofy one who always seems to show up randomly when you are having a bad day only to relentlessly flirt with you until you are blushing and feeling even a little bit better. Brings you to see stars at night just so he can see how your eyes light up in the moonlight. Always wanting to bring you off on some adventure for the day only to bring you home much too late. Likes when you drink with him and everyone in the great hall.
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The most low key really. Enjoys calm days with you by some water or in a meadow just playing his lyre or singing. He Enjoys just spending time with you and talking to you. Will gift you things like hair pins or new furs in the winter. Generally wants to take care of you. Cant believe that someone like you would choose him over one of his brothers and is thankful everyday for you. 
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Homie just kind of tell you he wants you and that's kind of that. If you happen to want to be with him then he would bring you back gifts from his travels, jewels and clothing mostly. If you also happened to want to travel with him, he would be worried for your safety but would take you anyways. Overall, he wants you safe and happy.
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moneypriestess · 1 year
her loss their gain 2/2
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part 1
Shows: Vikings and X-men
Ivar ragnarsson x female mutant reader
Requested by: no one
Warning this contains: ooc ivar, canon divergance
You look over the village, your home,after the fiasco that happened nearly a whole year ago word spread that Thor had a chosen, a woman, and that she had lived here.
Many men came for your hand in marriage, others to see the feats of the chosen and a fair few for shelter, you turned the men away with threats, the ones who wanted to see your powers the villagers wrote them off and for the ones seeking shelter, you always helped them, finding them work and a home.
You were walking through the village one day when one of the newer people came running to you, panting, “my lady, there’s men at the entrance, they said they wanted to see the chosen” shaking your head you reply “give them the decoy”, the village had come up with multiple plans for the annoyances that come to the village, including one where they get a different person to pretend to be the chosen.
“They didn't believe it my lady, one of the men said he was there that day” sighing heavily, you were getting pretty annoyed by the pedestal these people put you on, but nonetheless you square your shoulders, took a deep breath and headed to the gates.
‘Its him’ you recognised him, it had been near a year, but you knew those eyes, the blue-grey that seemed to brighten as he saw you, ‘he's standing’ you notice, you also notice metal pieces on his leg that seem to be holding him up ‘ahh prosthetics’.
You stood in front of the gates to the village, protectively, waiting for them to speak.
The man walked towards you slowly before bending the knee “greetings chosen, my name is ivar ragnarsson, son of ragnar lothbrok and aslaug Sigurdsdottir, i come with a proposal”  
“You were there that day, the day i revealed myself” you spoke, “yes chosen” the man, no ivar, looked up at you, his eyes seemed to sparkle as he caught your eyes, though his face and body language showed he was still guarded, you couldn't help yourself, you reached your hand out slowly, mesmerised, his eyes followed the movement but not making any move to stop you.
“You were different then, but your eyes” you spoke “your eyes hold the same fire, the same…. beauty” you spoke the last word in english, though you think he can speak english as the tips of his ears turn run at the word, you remove your hand though reluctant, you knew you had to get this over with “what is your proposal ivar” you asked him.
You look over your kingdom, the place you will raise your children, where you were married to your husband, where you, under the tree you were married, confessed to being from the future and where your husband excepted you and your love
Your husband, Ivar ragnarsson, the day he came to you, on his knees for help in his revenge, hell even the day you looked at him in his beautiful eyes, you knew you would say yes to anything.
“Lost in thought, my queen” you heard his voice behind you, letting a smile blossom on your lips “always, my king” you replied, before spinning around right into his arms, your lips meeting, in greetings.
“And how are you my little prince” Ivar leant down to your growing belly, “or princess” you reminded him, making him huff in amusement “yes or princess” he agreed before standing again and kissing your lips again, holding you he says “i hope they get your hair”, “and i hope they get your eyes” you reply leaning on his chest, Ivar laughs before saying “you have always loved my eyes”
“that i have my king“
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bonkywobble · 2 years
Bonkywobble’s Kinktober 2022
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I’m so excited for this!!!
Here’s my full list for the upcoming kinktober event. These fics will range from short blurbs to full one shots. The themes will be a mix between light and dark so please heed the warnings in each one. All fics are x female reader unless otherwise specified but more importantly, all fics are 18+ only so minors do not interact with these works or my blog at all.
Fandoms include: Marvel (MCU), Stranger Things, DC (DCEU), The Witcher, Vikings, Once Upon A Time, The Grey Man, Defending Jacob, The Losers, The Sandman, The Red Sea Diving Resort, Knives Out, The Mandalorian
Main Masterlist / Navi
* indicates full length fic while ⚠️ indicates dark themes. List below the cut:
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Day 1 💋 Jake Jensen - Shibari/Hair Pulling *
Day 2 💋 Thor Odinson - Thigh Riding/Electro Play
Day 3 💋 Dark!Librarian!Steve Rogers - Free Use ⚠️
Day 4 💋 Billy Russo - Uniform Fetish
Day 5 💋 Steve Harrington - Sex Pollen *
Day 6 💋 Frank Castle - Edging/Bondage
Day 7💋 Lagertha - Somnophilia (East of The Sun and West of the Moon AU)
Day 8 💋 Old God!Clark Kent - Lingerie (Old Gods of Appalachia AU) *⚠️
Day 9 💋 King Valkyrie - Impact Play
Day 10 💋 Lloyd Hansen - Hate Sex ⚠️
Day 11 💋 Ivar the Boneless - Masturbation/Voyeurism
Day 12 💋 Bucky Barnes - Quickie/Creampie (Ethereal AU)
Day 13 💋 Robin Buckley - Overstimulation
Day 14 💋 Hvitserk Ragnarsson - Primal Play
Day 15 💋 Alpha!Ari Levinson - A/B/O *
Day 16 💋 Jefferson - Knife Play ⚠️
Day 17 💋 SamBucky - Dirty Talk
Day 18 💋 Din Djarin/The Mandalorian - Praise Kink
Day 19 💋 FrankenBilly - Dacryphilia ⚠️
Day 20💋 Lord Morpheus/Dream of The Endless - Sensation Play
Day 21 💋 Neighbour!Sam Wilson - First Time *
Day 22 💋 Marc Spector/Steven Grant/Jake Lockley - Mirror Play
Day 23 💋 Eddie Munson - Nipple Play *
Day 24 💋 Winter Soldier!Bucky Barnes - Biting/Outdoor sex * (LMTAF AU)
Day 25 💋 Andy Barber - Choking/Breath Play
Day 26 💋 Harley Quinn - Body Worship
Day 27 💋 Geralt of Rivia - Anal Sex
Day 28 💋 Vampire!Stucky - Monsterfucking/Blood play *⚠️
Day 29 💋 Ransom Drysdale - Pegging
Day 30 💋 Arthur Curry - Anonymous Sex
Day 31 💋 Bjorn Ironside - Breeding Kink
Bonus fic: ???
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multific · 7 months
The Mistress of The Devil
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Ivar the Boneless x DarkWitch!Reader
Warnings: mention of witchcraft, demons
Summary: Dark clothes, dark aura and powers. Where you came from, or who you were, not even Aslaug was sure anymore. All she could recall is that she promised to wed her son to you. And now, the Devil had a wife.
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"I said you will marry her and this is the last I want to hear anything from you Ivar!" hearing his mother yell, Ivar knew, he lost this battle.
He was to marry this unknown woman.
He hated the idea.
Ivar will just simply kill her, he needs no wife.
He said, but the next day, just when Kattegat woke up, there stood a woman.
She was dressed in a black, her smile was kind, too kind for someone dressed so dark.
"My name is Y/N. I came for my wedding."
Everyone was confused. Aslaug ended up showing you around and introducing you to your future husband.
Ivar Ragnarson.
A strong man with an even stronger will. His legs were the proof of it. He never backed down, not letting anything get in his way.
You liked it.
The determination. The fire.
It is just what you need in a husband.
You smiled at Ivar as you two were wed.
Now, you had him.
Everyone knew the name Ivar the Boneless. Everyone feared Ivar the Boneless.
The fearless Viking known for his intelligence and insanity.
But then, a whisper came with the wind.
A whisper of his wife.
A woman, explained as the Darkness herself.
The Christians referred to her as Satan's Wife. 
Would that make Ivar Satan in their logic?
Everyone wondered how could Ivar be so fearless, how could he know so much.
The answer was simple, his wife.
You, with your powers inherited throughout the generations of women in your family.
You, the dark sorceress who fell madly in love with a not so simple Viking.
It was always you.
People who survived Ivar's wrath often said it was as if he had a dark figure standing behind him. The figure was tall, and had long arms and eyes that glow red like blood.
Overexadiration, but not far from the truth.
One of your many beings. 
Sentenced to follow and help Ivar in his fights, the being didn't have a name. It was simply black and tall.
Ivar swore sometimes he could see it from the corner of his eye.
It made him recall a time when he first saw one of your... pets.
It was very late, the fire has nearly gone out, both of you sleeping under furs.
Ivar woke, his mind fuzzy with sleep when he saw someone or rather something in the corner. 
But as his eyes focused and he woke up with a start, the thing vanished.
"What is it, Ivar?" you asked, being awakened from your slumber.
"I saw someone." you looked at the corner he kept on staring at.
"I will deal with it, sleep now." you smiled at him as you stood up and walked towards the entrance of the house.
Ivar followed you, crawling as you opened the door, his words failed him.
You stood a couple steps from the door, looking towards the darkness. You turned to your left, then to your right. As if you saw someone you spoke up, just as Ivar found his way towards the doorway.
"Let him sleep! You are scaring him, I told you before." you said, to him it looked like you have gone mad, then you turned to him. "I told you before, they wouldn't hurt you, don't be afraid of them, Ivar." you said and Ivar swore he saw something move to his right. He quickly looked and saw a pair or long fingers on the wall, the... thing right around the corner, Ivar felt frozen.
Then he saw it.
The face of a being, not human. Illuminated by the light coming from the window, Ivar's pair of blues met with black eyes and skin so pale, Ivar never seen anything like it before.
"It won't hurt you." you said with a lower voice as you watched Ivar. He then looked back at you, you saw his confusion. "They won't hurt you." you said once more and this time, Ivar believed you.
But never after that night did he ever want to see any of your creatures.
You were a rather light sleeper. 
There were occasions when nothing could wake you, and other times where a simple movement from Ivar made you wake up. This was one of those nights.
You were awakened by his simple movement, you couldn't fall back to sleep and so, you decided to just sit by the fire and watch it and Ivar.
Ivar woke up hours later, it was still dark outside and he looked at you.
"Are your demons haunting you again, Wife?"
"Quite the opposite, My King. I'm haunting them." you smirked and Ivar moved to the edge of the bed. 
You stood up and stood still a couple steps away from him.
"What would you do for me, Ivar?" you asked and he looked into your eyes.
"I would burn the entire world. Kill every last person just to get to you. Kill every last demon just to have you with me again." you moved onto the floor, crawling over, you placed your hands on his knees.
"Would you run for me?" you watched his eyes switch. 
You offended him.
You corrected yourself.
"If I give you the ability, would you run to me, run to save me, run to kill them? Would you?"
"C-Can you?" he asked, eyes filling with hope.
And you nodded.
A simple nod.
"Will it hurt?" came his next question.
Another nod.
"It would be worth it. Standing beside you, as the proud husband I am. Run to you? Without a question." he ran his fingers through your hair.
You sealed your deal with a kiss.
Everyone in Kattegat woke up with a feeling of dread.
Then they all saw.
Ivar walking around like nothing happened, as if his legs always worked.
The Devil could walk.
And it terrified everyone.
They only could imagine what his enemies would think, given how his own people were terrified of him. 
His brother always knew Ivar's wife wasn't a regular woman. They had this feeling about her, as they said, there was a darkness around her.
And upon seeing their brother walk, there was no more doubt about it.
She made him walk.
So, was is actually that Ivar married the Devil? Would it actually be the Devil and her husband?
One thing was for sure, now whenever someone looked into the dark of your eyes, they could hear people crying and begging.
And just like with many names in history, yours and Ivar's were eventually melted into one.
It was no longer Ivar the Boneless and his wife.
Soon, all people remembered was the fierce Viking, Ivar the Boneless.
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Taglist: @fleursirvart @greenarrowhead @thisismysecrethappyplace @sincerelyfan @theoneanna @aestheticsandmarvel @rororo06 @castellandiangelo @destynelseclipsa @spilledinkindumpster @capsiclesdoll @puknow @alwayshave-faith @alex12948 @lxdyred  @imagines-by-a-typical-fangirl @anonymoussherlockandmarvelgeek @praline357 @trshngyn @avengers-r-us @violet-19999 @top1bbgloak   @manduse   @jacalineiscomingforyou  @mandoloriancookie @noname2246
In case you want to help out a dreamer: patreon.com/multific  
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miss-madness67 · 3 months
2. In This Life (Ivar Vikings)
Sometimes you feel as if you belong in another era, the past seems to be more your home than the present. Other times, you are stuck in the now. Through a dozen of lifetimes, you have searched for each other. From a Viking to a university student, Ivar has always been the love of your existence.
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Chapter 2: Dream Man
They say dreams are reality modified. They say you dream what you most desire. Apparently, in the clouds of unconsciousness and peaceful rest, the choices are infinite and utterly yours. Hidden yearnings shape what shows before your eyelids, or more like, inside your brain. That is the romantic, hopeful explanation of dreams. It doesn’t seem to be true at all, at least not for you. Bullshit. If this were the case, why would you crave someone you have never met? Every night, gorgeous blue orbs, only for your enjoyment. Or better yet, why would your nights be plagued with someone you just noticed for the first time? Ivar Lothbrok. He has been in your class since the beginning of the semester, and you just became aware of it. To believe that want him is a joke. Then why is he so, softly looking at you right now, and you instantly melt.
Read on: AO3 / Patreon
Tags: @cdauni @justsomecreaturewandering
Let me know if you want to be tagged.
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underscorewriting · 2 years
Hi, would like to make a Vikings request, :)
Hvitserk x Female Reader / or Ivar x Female Reader.
I was thinking of something like she is trained by him (sword fighting/archery) but he has made it a point to give her tips on many other things, he watches closely what she eats, what she does, and he even tries to give her tips on women problems.
(Would love to have a really funny story). Thanks in advance :)
Greetings Pop.
I hope this fits your request! Tell me what you thought of it!
-Monique ^^
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kind advice.
Hvitserk Ragnarsson x Reader
Warnings: none, swearing?
977 Words
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Being friends with Hvitserk was hard, harder than one might think. People believed that Ivar was the most moody and annoying son of Ragnar, but he was in fact not. Hvitserk was even worse when he helped her train to become a shield-maiden. Command after command, it was hideous, but she needed his help.
Ubbe was busy with his newly married bride, Sigurd wasn't very fond of her because she was friends with the brother he despised the most. So training with Hvitserk while Ivar watched and occasionally laughed at his older brother getting his ass handed back to him by a girl, was her only option left.
"Brother!" A chuckle made them both stop in their track, looking towards the boy distracting them. "You seem to be getting worse and worse every seconds." Another laughed followed, making the man underneath the girl grunt in annoyance. "Shut up, Ivar!" Getting off of him she smiled, helping him up, earning a smile in return.
Wiping his face he couldn't help but smirk, knowing how he went easy on her until now. "What are you smirking for?" A teasing grin on her face as she got back into her start position. "You're just gonna taste the dirt and mud again." Another laugh sounding from where Ivar sat, making Hvitserk roll his eyes, but not losing his smirk.
After another fight, she was the one on the ground breathing heavily under the smirking man. "You got a little dirt on your face." The teasing tone in his voice, making her angry and frustrated as she pushed him off. Laughing he got up, raising his hands in defense. Seeing her wipe her bloody nose, made him put his arms down, smirking slightly. "You always move the same way, each movement is predictable for your opposite. Try changing that."
After many tries and even more tries she finally was able to get better, a pout on her face because of how hard it actually was to beat Hvitserk and a frown on Ivars face because of how his brother did in fact not get his ass kicked by a girl. 
Walking back to Kattegad Ivar wouldn't stop complaining while Hvitserk continued watching her closely. "You walk weird." He broke his silence after a while, making the girl opening her mouth just to close it again, making him grin in return. "Maybe that's why you're fighting is so sloppy. Of course it could be-" He was about to continue his torment as Ubbe walked up to them, a kind smile on his features. 
"Mother wanted me to come get you to feast with her. You too." He nodded at the girl, giving her a playful grin. She admired Ubbe, he was almost exactly like she remembered Ragnar to be, back when she was little. Smiling back she walked quietly with the other boys to the great hall. A smile spread on Aslaugs face as she saw her sons and their friend enter. 
Seeing the food on the table everyone quickly set down, taking what they could, putting it on their plates. Hvitserk was smirking, studying the girls plate. "Maybe you shouldn't eat so much, it will slow you down if you get-" Sending him a sharp glare the girl swallowed the piece of fish she had in her mouth. "Hvits, I swear to the gods, if  you finish this sentence I will shove my sword so far up your-" A cough from Aslaug interrupter her, making her blush and look down, mumbling a quiet apology towards the woman. 
The grin on Hvitserk face only grew, seeing how he got under her skin as he himself finished his drink and food. As they all sat in different spots, busying themselves with anything they could. Watching her he realized another thing that would make her furious. With an even brighter grin he got up and sat down on a tree stump behind her. "Are you having your woman problem?" 
With confusion she turned towards him raising an eyebrow. "My mother told me about the problem a woman has once a month, you know bleeding out of your..." His face scrunched up in disgust. "Maybe that's ruining your fighting. I mean that must be bad, maybe you can stop that by cutting something out of you? Maybe you could go to the Seer and he could help you with that making it stop." 
"I'm asking this with all my love I have for you Hvits, really." A snort escaped her as she tried to suppress her chuckle. "Did Ragnar drop you as a baby?" His face turned into a slight frown. "Even if he did, I was still giving you good advice."  Rolling her eyes she got up with a chuckle. "Of course cutting out my uterus and not being able to have children anymore, sounds like good advice." A small smile now on his face too as he watched her get up.
Giving him a quick kiss she grinned down at him. "You're more attractive if you keep your mouth shut, Hvits. Same time tomorrow in the woods?" A small giggle escaping her as she turned away, saying her goodbyes to the others. Leaving an extremely confused Hvitserk back on his spot. Ivar couldn't hold himself back anymore, laughing after seeing his brothers red cheeks and wide eyes. "Gods! You should see yourself." A laugh now coming out of Ubbes direction, making Hvitserk blush even more and get up. 
"Oh shut up." He said, throwing a cup into each of their directions, only making them laugh harder at the lovestruck look on his as he walked out of the room. "She got him wrapped around her finger." Ubbe said after calming down a bit. Ivar frowned slightly, trying his best to hide it. "Who isn't..." He whispered quietly crawling back outside, leaving his brother by himself. 
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lokifromvalhalla · 1 year
╔═════*.·:·.☽✧    ✦    ✧☾.·:·.*═════╗
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⟐ I'm here for you | Ivar The Boneless x Reader
Genre: Comfort / Angst Words: ± 1 800 Everyone can feel the weight of the last events on their shoulders. Mainly Ivar, but he won't be able to handle it if (y/n)'s also angry at him.
⟐ A poisoned mind | Ivar The Boneless x Reader
Genre: Comfort / Fluff Words: ± 2 000 (Y/n) can't help but to wonder whether Ivar really trusts them, what they don't know it's that everything is just a matter of insecurity.
⟐ I miss you (1/2) | Ivar The Boneless x Reader
Genre: Comfort / Fluff / Light angst Words: ± 4 400 You had always been Ivar's right hand, but something happened, so now you are in the hands of Prince Oleg. Oleg, however, brings you a little gift after one of his trips.
⟐ I miss you (2/2) | Ivar The Boneless x Reader
Genre: Comfort / Fluff / Light angst Words: ± 3 000 "Elhaz wasn’t my name, in the first place. It was for me what ‘Boneless’ is for Ivar, a title, one that was given to me by Ivar since, in his words, I’m his protection, the one who makes everything feel sacred, the safety. His safety. Eventually, it was all that really mattered, and turned into what some people call me. Does he remember it?"
⟐ Clean your mind | Ivar The Boneless x Male Reader | Ivar The Boneless x amab Reader
Genre: Smut / Comfort Words: ± 3 100 Kind of content: Fingering / Anal sex / Some praising You help Ivar clean his mind and let go of all the stress that bothers him lately.
⟐ Be patient | Ivar The Boneless x Male Reader | Ivar The Boneless x amab Reader
Genre: Smut Mordern! AU Words: ± 3 100 Kind of content: Toys / Anal sex / Edging Ivar needs to be taught a lesson.
⟐ Time and humility | Ivar The Boneless x Reader
Genre: Comfort / Fluff Words: ± 1 600 A curse leaded to Ivar being turned into a half-cat person, which he doesn't really knows how to deal with nor does his partner, but they figure it out despite how stubborn Ivar can be.
⟐ What's the fun in that? | Ivar The Boneless x Reader
Genre: Comfort / Light angst Words: ± 3 800 Ivar is captured by Oleg. (Y/n), the Rus army commander, is both interested and interesting.
⟐ A nice punishment | Ivar The Boneless x [gender neutral] Reader
Genre: Smut / Comfort Words: ± 2 100 Kind of content: Oral fixation / Nipple play Playing with his chest does get Ivar to shut up for a little. It feels way better than it should.
╚═════*.·:·.☽✧    ✦    ✧☾.·:·.*═════╝
You may find some of my works in AO3 with light alterations since I post there using an OC instead of reader. Except for that, my works aren't published anywhere else nor here under a different user. Let me know if you see something off.
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psychosncottagecore · 9 months
Masterlist (Remastered)
For some reason Tumblr won't let me update my old masterlist, so here's a new one!
Ok so, this account is dedicated to fanfictions and this - my first post, will be both an intro and a temporary masterlist! I do take requests for the following. All fanfics unless explicitly stated otherwise are x female reader
I do write smut (probably badly) and if you venture into my blog then on your head be it!
I do write for SPN - I will NEVER write any form of incest (for any fandom) whether they’re bio or adopted siblings - that’s just nasty siblings are siblings
Please feel free to make requests in my inbox! Doesn’t have to be for these guys! Go wild with any character you want 
I will write for a character based off of a song! 
Sebastian Du Poitiers
The Falls
Mary Queen of Scots 
(More to come?)
The 100
Malachi (Kai) Parker
Elijah Mikaelson
Klaus Mikaelson
Bonnie Bennette
Rebekah Mikaelson
Marcel Gerard
Ivar ‘The Boneless’ Ragnanrsson
Hvitserk Ragnarsson
Halfdan ‘The Black’
Ubba Ragnarsson
Jack Kline
Dean Winchester
Sam Winchester
American Horror Story
Michael Langdon 
(I will not be writing James March, Richard Ramirez or Charles Montgomary or any others based off of real killers (to the best of my knowledge) my morals might be loose - but they’re not that loose!)
(More to come)
Miscellaneous fics:
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letsloveimagines · 4 years
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Title: One kiss or your soul
Pairing: Modern AU! Ivar the Boneless x female!demon!reader
Prompt: Where Ivar decides to my a deal with a demon.
Word Count: 4520
Warnings: a little swearing, satanic rituals, mention of monsters and death
Note: The images doesn’t belong to me, all the credits go to the respective creators. I only made the collage. Also,the rituals were based on Supernatural.
He tried to take a short walk that day, for the first time in months... His skin was now bone white, and Ivar knew he needed at least about ten minutes of vitamin D.
What he did not expect was the huge crowd that was on the street that blessed day; families gathered to talk animatedly, children playing with each other to discuss the disguises they would wear and all the sweets they would eat. The city appeared to be decorated with bats, cobwebs, scarecrows and zombies, lanterns and pumpkins. It was then, while he was surrounded by people everywhere and feeling his heart thundering, that he remembered it was October, Halloween more precisely, and the whole community was getting ready for the fun of that night.
The pain in his legs was already characteristic, his gait was sloppy and lame, and crutches were his longtime companions. But that never failed to attract attention as always, and that happened at that moment. The children who played looked at him laughing and pointing, talking to each other, the adults whispered and looked at him with pity.
Ivar hated pity.
And he hated even more how the attention of those shitty people made him feel, even though he was already used to it.
With a strong desire to vomit, feeling the sweat running down every corner of his body and trying to breathe, Ivar looked for any corner where he could take shelter. The small library across the street that seemed to be the only establishment without the festive theme appeared to be the best option. He was quick to cross the street - as fast as it was possible for him - to enter the establishment, greet the lady with the half-moon glasses behind the counter (who chewed blue bubblegum while filing her nails), and hid in the most distant place possible, among several decrepit shelves almost falling with the weight of dozens of books.
Ivar had sat on the floor, his back against the books and shelves, his head hidden in his arms and knees drawn up just trying to remember how to breathe. He was at the beginning of a panic attack, and being aware of it only made him even more distressed. He hated that it happened because of his useless legs and because of people he didn't care about. Why couldn't he have been born healthy like his brothers? The air did not seem to reach his lungs fast enough, leaving him almost choked and trembling all around, and with the world spinning around him over and over again.
It took a while, but it ended up after a few minutes of breathing exercises. The frustration remained, however, leaving him so enraged with himself and the world, that he punched the bookshelf behind him in an abrupt gesture. This hasty action caused so much noise that he was sure that the children across the street had been able to hear. In silence, swallowing hard and fearing he would be expelled to face the crowd outside, Ivar peered slightly at the librarian trying to see if she had heard it too. This one, however, had her back to him with the phone between her ear and shoulder, talking animatedly while continuing to take care of her nails, without paying attention to what was happening around her.
"No..." she exclaimed, certainly wanting to sound shocked, but looking completely delighted by what she had just heard. "Don't tell me that she really said that to you?"
More relieved, the boy leaned back against the bookshelf perhaps with more force than was necessary, as he immediately felt the wood behind him creak and the piece of furniture rocked from side to side. The dark-haired boy was quick to grab it, managing to keep it from tipping over, but not without a few books falling to the floor raising so much dust that it left his black pants almost gray. One of those books, due to fate, had not joined the others on the wooden floor eaten by the termites immediately, but had fallen on top of him, the hardcover hitting his head hard. Thankfully, the boy had been born with a head full of rich black hair capable of supporting the impact, or he could now have a bruise to take care of later.
Curiously, still rubbing his head with the free hand of his clutch, he looked at the cursed object. It was a book with a brown cover and black insignia and broken in the corners. In large and dark letters, in a font that looked like a victorian one he could read 'Monsters in the Darkness'. Interesting title, Ivar thought, quickly putting the other books on the shelf and flipping through the one that had caught his eye.
Looking at the watch on his phone that said it was still 2PM, and listening to the conversations outside, he thought why not.
He found himself a chair, shook off the dust with the back of his hand and began to read. The pages were turned quickly while Ivar, frowning, realized what the book was really about.
"What the fuck?" He asked in a low voice, amazed.
His hands held the book tightly, his eyes skimming over the yellowed and gnawed pages. Or maybe it was the mice, this place seems to be full of them, Ivar thought. It was true. That library was old, smelled of mold and looked like it hadn't been cleaned in years. But that was a good thing, at least for him, because it meant it was almost always empty. Whoever wrote this must be on drugs.
But he still didn't stop.
The more he read the more confused he became. The names and notes changed as well as the images, but they were all on the same theme: dark creatures and reports of sightings. Vampires, werewolves, spirits... creatures with claws and fangs, ferocious and with the ability to kill as easily as breathing.
The younger Lothbrok was confused but immensely interested. He didn't believe any of that, but it helped to pass the time. The boy always liked scary things, but he liked the real ones better, and those creatures that the book addressed had no way of being real. However, he was unable to drop the book.
His fingerprints passed smoothly through the written words and the drawn figures, feeling the depth of the ink on the paper. The words registered in his mind quickly as he read page by page, practically devouring the book in what seemed to him mere minutes, but in fact it was already three hours straight sitting in a corner of the moldy library, with a weak lamp beside him illuminating his reading.
He read so much until his blue eyes got tired and he was forced to rest for a few minutes, and until he was at the end of the book. The last theme was demons, but as soon as he turned the page to continue reading, he found… nothing, just the back cover of the book indicating that it was over.
Strange, he thought absently. And that page was even stranger, a few millimeters thicker than the others... almost as if it were glued.
He should? Looking again at the librarian who, admirably, was still distracted on the phone after three hours, Ivar grabbed the knife he always carried with him, opened it and carefully took it to the paper, making a small cut. As he suspected, the previous page was actually many more, and Ivar was eager to find out what it was about and why those pages seemed to be a secret.
> Of all the inhuman creatures that walk the earth, demons are the most evil. They desire nothing more than death and destruction, and not out of desperation or need as is the case with vampires who need blood to survive ... Demons kill and torture simply because they want and can, because they love the pleasure that the chaos of humanity brings them. There are those who say that they were also mortal once, but that their souls were corrupted so perversely in the depths of hell that they ended up becoming what tortured them. Blood, pain and death are all that are left behind when they pass.
> They are faster, more beautiful and stronger than should be possible. They are attractive and charming, in a way that hypnotizes a human. But they are evil, above all. Demons are separated into different sections depending on their personal power, or at least that is what we think. They are able to make a deal with a mortal, give us what we want for a while, but take away something they want afterwards. They are deadly dangerous… She, above all.
Ivar didn't even realize he was reading aloud until his voice started to crack, and he had to clear his throat so much that it looked like his throat was scratched. He wanted water, but he didn't have it, and he was not going to stop reading his interesting book now to fetch it. Frowning, he looked back at the page.
> It is not really known who she is or when she was created. Some say that she is Lilith, the first demon known by men and the mother of monsters... Others say that she is even older and her real name is lost, or forgotten by those who fear her. Now, she is known as Y/N, and as her there is no equal. Dark and deadly, she is Lucifer's right hand. But she is the most qualified to make a deal with, if they are brave enough to do so, and if they have something she wants.
Deal? What kind of deal? Ivar asked himself, and at that moment his cell phone vibrated in his pants pocket. When he pulled it out and unlocked it, a message from Alfred appeared on the display.
Alfred: Hey man, are you sure you don't want to join a horror movie marathon? It was going to be fun.
Oh, Ivar had completely forgotten about that. Alfred had already invited him a few days ago, but the long-haired boy hadn't given him the right answer since he was working on one of the chapters in his new book. He made a point of ignoring his family's thousands of missed messages and calls, however.
Ivar: Nah bro, I still haven't finished the chapter and I have until Thursday to deliver. I will probably be busy working on it for the next few hours. Sorry…
That was what I had to do as soon as I got home. It didn't take long to receive an answer.
Alfred: There is no problem, but you will have to compensate me. The marathon is next Saturday, okay?
Ivar: Yeah, sounds good to me!
He received a "Cool" as an answer and returned the phone to his pocket.
> Generally summoning a demon requires several ingredients: a devil's trap, fire (white, black or red candles), bowl with red-hot charcoal, salt, summoner's blood and the summoning words.
Ivar then proceeded to read what the ritual was like, along with the necessary Latin words.
> However, it is not advisable to do this. Once a demon is summoned and on the human floor, they are freed from the restrictions of hell. There is nothing to stop them from doing what they want. And if you try to summon her... Well, may God have mercy on your soul.
And so the book ended, with a phrase that at that moment seemed so scary.
His throat was dry, his hands were shaking again and for some strange reason he felt the sweat on his forehead and neck, the fat drops escaping the hairline running down his neck and back.
Should I? He thought, confused, it's freaking stupid, I know.
Ivar was a man of science, he believed in the real facts. Yes, he liked scary stories and mythologies - after all, one of his books dealt with Norse mythology - but he didn't really believe in it. And everything in that accursed book that had fallen on his head addressed unreal things, fictional things... Monsters created by the human imagination, by humans who wanted to blame their own evil on creatures that could not exist.
He was already closing the book and getting up to replace it, when he stopped and looked at his left hand, opened his palm and saw the half-moon wounds he had done with his nails in one of his attacks of anger.
He sat down again, staring at the yellowed pages. The dark, sharp letters and monstrous figures, with horns and cat-like eyes were everything he could see... that and his hands, always injured.
The earlier panic attack came back to him, his mind working at full speed. Frustrated, he ran his hands through his dark hair making a mess of locks fall onto his forehead and into his eyes, and he felt like pulling out each one.
The librarian was still talking on the phone, the children outside were playing, but all Ivar could think about was how hard it had been to breathe, and how much the walls felt like they were going to close and crush him in that moment when he was curled up on the floor hours ago, with useless legs at his side and that characteristic pain.
Why couldn't he just be normal?
"Fuck it." He grunted then, tearing up the page that contained the details of the ritual while making sure he was not seen, folding the paper and putting it in his pocket. He closed the book, got up, grabbed his crutch and went to put the book in a random place on the shelf where it belonged.
Without further ado, he passed the librarian who looked at him strangely again, still in that conversation (what kind of work allowed her to be on the phone for hours with no end?), And left the place that had been his hiding place in the last hours.
It was night when he returned home. The full moon shone overhead, and the children and their companions were already spotted in all kinds of disguises ringing the bells and knocking on the doors.
Upon entering his practically empty apartment, with only the minimalist decor here and there, he placed the bag from the convenience store on the couch, and pushed it away. The feet of the couch squeaked as they were dragged across the wooden floor and left a prominent mark.
He turned on the TV on a random channel and turned the sound down, just to feel a presence and have a light to illuminate, and closed the curtains on the window that was always closed too. He would never again make the mistake of leaving it open, the last time that Mrs.Rose's cat on the third floor entered the house in search of food, and left a mess of scratched furniture and broken cushions.
Taking a deep breath he took the materials he bought, and prepared himself.
Even though Ivar didn't believe it was going to work, he was still willing to try it, at this point he was desperate… The prices of medicines were high, the hospital bills were even higher, and even with his writing career going well, he continued to lose hundreds of dollars a month. Ivar was too proud to join his father's company, contrary to what his brothers had done. He wanted a job that was his own, and guaranteed on his own merit and not because it was in the family.
And he wanted to go outside and not worry about people seeing him because of his disability and dragging legs... he wanted to be able to live, not just survive.
For once in his life Ivar wanted normalcy.
He opened the box of chalk, took the page he still had in his pocket, and with the red chalk he drew the pentagram shown on the paper on the floor. The lines were more crooked than they were supposed to, but it should be enough to work.
He took the black candles, placed one on each of the five ends of the star, and lit them with a lighter. Then he put the charcoal in a bowl, lit it and watched it burn for a while.
He took the knife in his pocket, took the sharp blade to the index finger of his left hand and pressed hard, breaking the skin. Ivar saw the red drops begin to fall into the bowl, the blood sizzling as it came in contact with the burning coal.
And then he did nothing more than take a deep breath for a few good minutes.
Before being too afraid to continue - he wasted too much time and energy to stop now - he spoke, pronouncing each word slowly and correctly, in a calm tone.
"Daemon, esto subjecto voluntati maea. Te invoco apro funus inferni, Y/N." 
For a moment nothing happened it was just him there, in the middle of the living room, with a number of absurd things around him that if anyone saw him, he would be immediately sent to a hospital.
But suddenly he shivered. The floor shook, the walls shook, everything shook. TV and appliances, furniture, lamps, everything. The plates and glass bottles on the kitchen table rattled, toppled and broke into a thousand pieces as it fell to the floor. The windows seemed to want to open with the force of the wind outside that wanted to enter, whistling furiously. Ivar had to hold on to something when the earthquake suddenly got stronger.
And then…
The flames went out, leaving the wax to melt and hit the floor, he wasn't sure how he was going to explain it to the owner, the shaking stopped and the wind calmed down.
Ivar was left in darkness and silence, with blood dripping from his index finger to his pants, and breathing so fast that he had to open his mouth and inhale as deeply as his lungs could take to try to breathe.
Blood was pumping through his veins and hitting his ears, preventing him from hearing.
"You are such an idiot." The man said frustrated with himself. It was just an earthquake, which came just in time to almost make me believe. Later, when I turn on the TV, I’m going to see that all over the news.
He shook his head, and looked once again at the destruction in the kitchen and confusion in the living room. He was getting ready to go clean up the mess when the candles lit again - alone this time - they went up so high that they looked like they were going to reach the ceiling, beautiful dancers in red, orange, and yellow dresses. The firelight created strange shadows in every corner, tall and small, thin and wide.
And there, in the middle of the chalk-drawn pentagram, was a woman.
Ivar gasped in shock, stepping back several steps, almost falling into the sack of coal left there. The woman looked at him and he looked at the mysterious woman.
"Mortals." She almost spat, full of disdain. "Always so bold and wishing for more than they are due."
He didn't know what to say or how to react. He had hoped it would work but at the same time he didn't really expect it to actually work!
"So what do you want, human?" She said disinterestedly, looking at the chalk-drawn pentagram that held her in disgust.
"I want to make a deal."
"Oh really?" The way she spoke suggested that she thought the boy was stupid. "What is your name, mortal?"
"Ivar Lothbrok." He replied proudly, because as much as he hated his life, he could not hate his name.
"Cute." Y/N commented with an eyebrow raised in clear disdain. "Now tell me what you really want."
Ivar tried to swallow his anger, tried not to let it show on his face and mannerisms, but he couldn't. His eyes and jaw narrowed, his nostrils flared in fury, and his hands gripped the clutch so tightly that for a moment he was afraid to break it. "Look at me and tell me what you think I want!"
And she looked. She looked from head to toe, passing through his long dark hair, blue eyes and facial features, over his body and legs... those damn legs.
"I don't see anything too much."
If it were possible, Ivar would now be smoking his ears. The veins in his neck swelled and bulged, and his cheeks flushed with anger.
“All my life I have always been different from everyone else. If we still lived in ancient times, my parents would leave me in the forest for the wolves when I was born. My whole life has been a struggle, I am the youngest son and the one who had the misfortune of being like this. I'm not normal, I'm not like my brothers, and as much as everyone tells me that it doesn't matter… I can't help being angry all the time.” Ivar confessed, forcing his grip on his clutch. “I was born with broken legs, I spent my entire life in hospitals and being inspected by the doctors. And now they said they think that I will get worse and stop walking completely. Being healthy is what I want.”
There was silence for a long time, while the human and demon looked at each other.
"Yes, that is possible."
"Then give it to me!"
The demon's laugh was loud, hoarse and cold, and her face was full of disdain. But then it changed in front of him, becoming something out of a horror movie. The beautiful woman was gone and now there was something much worse. It was an almost grotesque sight in his human eyes. A dark and without beauty female figure. A pale face and half cadaverous; black lips and sharp teeth like a dagger blade. Completely red eyes shining with hunger and malice. Two long horns protruded from between the hair with something sticky like blood.
Ivar's extremely blue eyes widened, he backed away almost falling again in that damn night.
“Honey, this is not how it works. Do you really know who you are talking to? Do you think you can boss me around? Do you expect me to do something to you without giving me something in return?” She said in an ugly, guttural and chilling voice, smiling devilishly revealing a long, almost snake-like tongue.
"As long as you're in that trap, you'll have to do what I want." He tried as hard as possible not to let his voice falter, but he still couldn't.
"Oh really?"
And as if just to prove her point, she took a step forward, approaching and crossing the crooked lines that formed the pentagram leaving the trap completely.
“Deary, you should have done your research better. With a normal demon, perhaps this lowly trap could have worked, but with me? I am something much worse than a simple demon, and by invoking me you have left me completely free to do what I want. ”
"I'm not afraid of you."
"You should be."
Ivar's heart was pounding in his chest, almost as if it was about to explode at any moment, and his fragile legs were shaking so much that he didn't even know how he was still standing.
"I want to be able to walk freely, run, jump... Do everything I can't right now. Please..." She seemed to want him to beg, but Ivar didn't. He could put aside some of his pride, but not that much.
They stayed close to each other, he deathly pale looking in amazement at the bottomless red pits that were her eyes, her sharp teeth, her black lips full of darkness... Until she opened a toothy and devilish smile, and little by little her demonic features retreated, disappearing into her skin again and making her look like a human woman again… and a beautiful one.
She walked away still smiling amused, letting out a little laugh. "Usually I give you what you want and you have ten years to enjoy it."
Ivar's heart gave a huge leap in his chest. "What happens at the end of the ten years?"
"I keep your soul…” Y/N shrugged, assessing her sharp nails before looking at him and raising her left eyebrow, still with the crooked smile on her lips. “Which means that at the end of these years, you die. "
Ten years, thought Ivar. I always knew that I wouldn't live long, anyway. But...
"Usually?" He gave voice to his thoughts.
“I liked you, you seem to have courage... You were brave in trying to challenge me, stupid, but brave. I'll give you what you want, in exchange for... ”The woman seemed to think for a while. “… a kiss.”
"A kiss?" The young man thought surprised and in other words, extremely incredulous. With everything she could ask of him, she just wanted a kiss? The book should have been mistaken, it was impossible for this demon to be so dangerous if Ivar is the one that actually wins with the agreement between them.
"A simple and small kiss." She repeated, seeing his puzzled expression. "It's one kiss or your soul, you choose."
"We have an agreement, then." Ivar said.
"Great." Y/N smiled, making her eyes blood-red again.
She came over, put her hand on his neck and pulled him forward until their lips were timidly shocking at first, but quickly turning into a fleeting and toothy kiss, with their lips moving in sync and their tongues caressing one another. She tasted like danger... And it was a good taste.
When they pulled away, Y/N still had the smirk on her mouth when she snapped her fingers, causing him to make a huge cry.
He felt excruciating pain like never before, his legs seemed to be on fire, they burned so much, the pain was horrible. It felt like all of his fragile bones were breaking and growing, only to break again. Ivar fell to the ground screaming so loudly that his neighbors probably thought he was being murdered and would be ready to call the police at any moment.
It hurt, but it passed. Sweat ran down his face, his hands were shaking, his body was shaking. But when he got up again without the help of a crutch, he had never felt better, his legs were… healthy, normal, complete… healed.
"I- I can't believe this..."
"You have what you want, and I got what I want. "
Something about her facial expression seemed wrong, Y/N seemed too delighted just for the simple reward she had won.
"The kiss wasn't the only thing you wanted, was it?"
"No, it was not."
"We had an agreement! What do you-"
"Has anyone ever told you not to mess with things you don't understand?" She stroked his face, with a smirk on her lips. "Honey, you belong to me now."
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