#Jim Dickinson
mychameleondays · 2 months
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Primal Scream: Give Out But Don’t Give Up
double, GFS
Creation CRE146/SCR 475809 1
Released: March 28, 1994
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Jim Dickinson – The Early Years '63-'84
One of the (many) great things about Dylan's recent Time Out Of Mind sessions set is getting a little extra Jim Dickinson in the mix; Jim's wasted "Wild Horses"-ish piano on the 1/18 take of "Not Dark Yet" matches the song's world-weary vibe perfectly. It feels like Dickinson needs some kind of career-spanning collection — a lot of his stuff is a bit hard to come by. But we've got this nice unofficial Mississippi Records mixtape from a while back to tide us over, collecting some of the singer / songwriter / producer / session guy / wild man's earliest and weirdest work. This is Memphis music at its most deranged, capturing the raw (often deliriously funny) spirit of rock n roll with every twisted note. Like flies on sherbert, baby!
Jim says: The thing about movement… it’s like Thomas Wolfe talking about the back of the train. You stand on the back of the train, you see everything focusing at the horizon away from you. That’s the desire to recapture. What recording really does, though it’s not as true when you’re using computers of course, but if you think about tape recording, you’re literally making time into space. I think people understand that, intuitively, when they record, especially primitive people. There’s something that they grasp instantly that’s appealing about it. Of course, the artistic concept is to seize the moment and repeat it but the producer manipulates the moment and it makes it almost diabolical. And it’s why you need one.
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thegodwhocums · 9 months
mans zooming in from 3008
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spilladabalia · 1 year
Big Star - For You
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rolloroberson · 1 year
Big Star
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sweeetnothingss · 1 year
these dating apps are stupid. where is my academic rival who 3 years later of meeting me, confesses in a love letter, that I'm the fond object of all their desires and the keeper of the key to their heart? where is the lover who builts a fire just to keep me warm? where is the person who secretly reads my favourite books and gets so invested in them just because they observed my bright enthusiasm about them? where is the person who lays in the grass with me to discuss an impromptu script while also talking about our general interests and knows that in the end we're gonna end up with each other? where is the person who gives up the opportunity to have an iPod in exchange of a teapot that contains lil inside jokes we've had going on since years? where is the person who runs to the station just to take me to the place which captures the most enchanting sunrise before i leave the city forever? where is the person who sings their favourite songs with me in a train with a shared earphone? where is the person who saves their dirtiest jokes for me while i save a seat on every table for them? where is the person who after knowing my flaws and fears, says yes to running away with me? where is the person who would come out of Eden to open the door for me if they knew i were there? where is the person who makes me realise that our joy is so bright I cannot see anything beyond it? where's the person who'd choose to hang out with me in every universe? who's going to take me to the lakes where all the poets went to die? where is the bestfriend who looks at me in the eyes and says "this thing we're doing here, me, you- i just want you to know I'm in. I'm all in." and means it!?
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dabiconcordia · 9 months
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Who has not found the heaven below Will fail of it above. God's residence is next to mine, His furniture is love. by Emily Dickinson
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iforgottohitplay · 1 year
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filmjunky-99 · 4 months
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a i r p l a n e !, 1980 🎬 dir. david zucker, jerry zucker, jim abrahams 'Blowing (up) the Autopilot'
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theactioneer · 2 years
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Big Bad Mama II (Jim Wynorski, 1987)
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[h/t Bruce Fertman]  ::  On the way to Monument Valley yesterday. Shiprock.
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Mythologist Joseph Campbell sometimes described the feeling of being struck by beauty as “aesthetic arrest.” Campbell said, “The aesthetic experience is a simple beholding of the object . . . you experience a radiance. You are held in aesthetic arrest.” 
Dr. Mary A. Wood is co-Chair of the M.A. Program in Engaged Humanities and the Creative Life at Pacifica Graduate Institute. Dr. Wood writes of this experience:
“There are moments in life when time seems to stand still—moments when we find ourselves transfixed, and eventually transformed. These moments can be cosmic in scale, as reflected in the awe that we feel when beholding a rare solar eclipse, or an approaching storm. These moments may also be quite intimate, but no less moving, such as when we witness an animal emerging from hiding or when we hear an exquisite song. We recognize, and always remember these moments because they are announced by bodily sensations; we gasp, our hearts beat faster, and tears often flow.  Our bodies tell us that the ordinary has given way to the extraordinary.  These experiences are best described as “aesthetic,” as we find ourselves living, at least for a few moments, as creatures that are gloriously and achingly alive.”
Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel is often remembered for his amazing work on civil rights, but Rabbi Heschel was led to social justice work through a his sense of human solidarity derived from Jewish mysticism. The Hebrew word “Sabbath” means to "rest" or to "stop." It seems to me, Rabbi Heschel’s understanding of the Sabbath included the idea of aesthetic arrest. Rabbi Heschel noted: 
“Our goal should be to live life in radical amazement. ....get up in the morning and look at the world in a way that takes nothing for granted. Everything is phenomenal; everything is incredible; never treat life casually. To be spiritual is to be amazed.”
One understanding of the “keeping the Sabbath” is when we stop regularly so that we do not sleepwalk through life. In this sense, we are “keeping the Sabbath” when we pull over to the side of the road at the passing of a funeral procession for a person we never met. In that same sense, we are “keeping the Sabbath” when we make time to look at the stars with a friend; or seek justice, not out of duty, but because we can FEEL the worth of every human being.  
My guess is most of us, whether we call ourselves religious or not, have had some experience of being teleported by beauty to a strange psychic “place” where time seems to stand still for an instant and we have a sense of seeing behind the veil of things into the invisible heart of the universe. Many of us have been strangely lifted by stars. We have left the beautiful flower unpicked out of pure reverence. We have looked into the eyes of a newborn and felt we were glimpsing a window into the life process itself. 
Perhaps Emily Dickinson is speaking of aesthetic arrest when she says, “The soul should always stand ajar, ready to welcome the ecstatic experience.”
[Jim Rigby]
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wilson-kinnie-42 · 8 months
I'm going to a mangafest dressed as Hamilton, and since Hamilton is little known in Spain, I'll give a drawing to whoever guesses who I'm dressed as
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rolloroberson · 1 year
Big Star’s Third
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wrongemboyo · 3 months
What are your favorite books???
Best question evah ummm 5 off the dome: jesus’ son by denis johnson, black tickets by jayne anne phillips, chelsea girls by eileen myles, love me tender by catherine texier andddd the moviegoer by walker percy ❤️ plus all the basic hoe ones slouching towards bethlehem the brothers karamazov trainspotting etc
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milliondollarbaby87 · 4 months
The Iron Claw (2023) Review
The truly tragic and incredible true story of the Von Erich brothers and the history they made within the competitive world of professional wrestling in the early 1980s. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Continue reading The Iron Claw (2023) Review
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