#Jumin Han Fanfic
kurooblossom · 11 months
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➤ Word Count: 2,158
➤ Pairing: Jumin Han x reader
➤ Tags: canon continuation, established relationship, f!reader, fluff, spoilers for Jumin’s good ending + route in general, probably ooc 707, protective Zen (😂)
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"Move over! Mr. Han is leaving." One of Jumin's personal security guards hollered, pushing reporters out of the way as Jumin neared the edge of the stage.
Although Jumin's big exposé was over, the reporters' cameras continued to flash, capturing every movement the businessman made. At that moment it was like Jumin was one of the many rockstars she had seen on TV. The mob of reports desperately pushing and shoving one another for another picture of Jumin on stage. Jumin didn't seem fazed though. A calm and collected expression plastered across his features as he neared the edge of the stage that overlooked the party hall.
"I've given you the story you want, so now I will step down from the stage and go see Y/N," Jumin announced, slipping the black microphone back onto the stand with the smallest of smiles on his lips. "Enjoy the party, everyone."
"...What did I just hear?" Jaehee gasped next to her.
Her golden brown eyes widened, an uncharacteristic look of panic painting Jumin's assistant's features.
"If I heard right..." V began, leaning over slightly towards Jaehee and Y/N so they could hear him over the crowd. However, his words were cut short by the crowd despite the closer proximity.
Almost as quickly as the look of panic crossed Jaehee's features it was replaced with one of exasperation. With her free hand, Jaehee tiredly rubbed her temples, sighing.
"Did he really have to say where he's going in the middle of this chaos..."
V wearily smiled. Unlike Jaehee, V's expression remained neutral. Whether from expecting such things from his long-time friend or merely not bothered by the chaos, neither Y/N nor Jaehee knew.
"Follow Jumin Han! Right now!" One of the reports exclaimed among the sea of reporters.
"Mr. Han is on his way. Give him some space!" Another one of Jumin's security guards hollered, pushing the crowd to the sides as Jumin followed closely behind.
The sea of reporters that Jumin invited continued to go rabid. Pointing out Sarah, Glam Choi, and Y/N before concluding his public statements to the media, over half of the room was set on getting some sort of comment from the three women along with Jumin and Chairman Han. Pushing and shoving, yelling, whatever they needed to do, the reporters were doing it.
Across from where Y/N stood, Yoosung yelled something she couldn't catch, but soon Seven joined Yoosung at his side. Then the other RFA members lined up around her, creating a human barricade from the reporters. Zen, who was a little ways away from everyone else in RFA, was trying to draw attention to him to lessen the crowd pushing toward her. Jaehee and V stood directly in front of her, attempting to speak to her as they did so, but their words failed to reach her.
Nervously, her fingers played with the ruffles that ran along the lower half of the dress Jumin gifted her for the party. The lights, the hollering, the pushing, it was all so sudden and too much. Unlike Jumin or even Sarah, she was just an average girl up until several minutes ago. Hell, she wasn't even a part of the group of people that she now called her friends up until roughly two weeks ago. She was just living an average life not too long ago and now here she was.
The pounding of her heart echoed in her ears as the reporters shouted her name. Her legs subconsciously carried her backward as they continued to push toward her. When the cool wall pressed against her back, her eyes widened.
She was backed into a corner. Literally.
“Jumin…” She whimpered quietly.
What on Earth was he planning now? He managed to get rid of Sarah and Glam Choi, so he longer was tied to them privately or publicly. Why did he need the reporters to follow his movement now? Why did he draw attention to her? Why did–
“You wore the dress I gave you,” Jumin’s voice cut through the noise as he approached the RFA members, a soft smile on his lips as his gaze focused on her while everyone stepped aside for him. “I’m so sorry I couldn’t come see you as soon as I came.”
Jaehee stepped forward slightly, peering over Jumin’s shoulder as she spoke.
“Mr. Han… you’re not going to do anything right now, are you?” Jaehee asked uneasily, eyeing the raven-haired male and then the reporters.
Jumin didn’t respond. His gaze for a moment lingered on her figure before panning to each and every member of the RFA, seemingly ignoring the presence of the reporters. He hummed in what could only be described as satisfactory when his gaze fell on the final RFA member, noting that they were all there.
"Everyone, thank you so much for everything." Jumin began, meeting everyone’s gazes before they fell onto her once more.
His eyes softened as they met hers. His dark gray orbs shined happily, starkly contrasting how they looked days prior.
"Y/N, I missed you." He continued, his voice gentler now that it was directed at her. "You waited long, right? I'm sorry about all the fuss."
"It's okay," Y/N softly smiled, fingers releasing the ruffles from her dress.
"I hope you realize how much you need to be appreciated and loved." Her brows furrowed, once more Jumin’s actions and words not quite making sense that night. "There's a whole audience out there for you now..."
Carefully, Jumin's gloved hand took her left hand, his grip gentle like he was holding the most fragile of glass. The room erupted into loud whispers and gasps, the sound of camera shutters was almost deafening as the flashes were blinding. Every angle of the two was lit up in some fashion as Jumin kneeled down before her, bringing her dainty hand to his lips, pressing his soft lips to her knuckles.
His eyes closed as his lips lingered there for a moment. His demeanor was the calmest and most assured she had seen since before the two had finally met in person. While all eye's in the room were on them, the flashes and various sounds did nothing to waver Jumin’s resolve as his eyes opened once more and met her own.
“Y/N, you’ve opened a new chapter in my life.” Jumin began, his voice was loud enough for her to hear and some of those around them. “I love you so much. And I want you to always be with me forever.”
The room grew silent as Jumin spoke, everyone on the edges of their metaphoric seats, waiting to hear what the illustrious Jumin Han would say next.
“Will you let me...to be your life companion? My love.”
She didn’t know it was possible, but the flashes and sounds of cameras grew harsher. Each and everyone one of Jumin’s invited ‘guests’ was desperate to get the newsworthy photo the second it occurred. Everyone surrounding the two waited with bated breath for their news headline.
Overwhelmed with all the surge of emotion now pumping through, hot tears formed at the corners of her eyes. The good, the bad, and everything in between from the last couple of weeks and that night coming forward. The one thing all her emotions had in common was him.
She was dragged into their world unexpectedly all thanks to some hacker. However, that same hacker brought her to the same people who have made her nothing but happy since allowing her into their inner circle, allowing her to meet the love of her life. They had talked every day for the last couple of weeks, and despite the life-threatening circumstances, they were some of the best couple of weeks ever thanks to him.
Jumin is unconventional in many ways, but he is also reliable because of it. He is strict, but also caring. He is passionate and dedicated. Their time together may have been short but it was nearly impossible to see her life like it was before he came into the picture anymore.
“...Yes.” She managed out, just barely keeping back her tears.
The crowd erupted, whether, in cheers or dissatisfied moans, she didn’t know and didn’t care. Regardless, their loud reactions faded out as her lips connected with the C&R heir as her shaky knees gave out beneath her, closing the distance between the two. Jumin’s arms wrapped around her body with ease, catching her and lowering her to the ground without breaking away from her lips.
“Thank you,” Jumin murmured against her lips, pressing another peck to her lips. “You’ve made me so happy.”
She couldn’t help but giggle against his lips. The last thing she expected coming into the party that evening was for there to be a big exposé, a sea of reporters, and least of all to be proposed to. Yet there she was. Jumin’s arms wrapped securely around her waist, his lips eagerly chasing after hers as reporters surrounded them, forgetting momentarily about Sarah and Glam Choi.
Eventually, Y/N was pulled back to the reality of their situation as Jumin’s warm touch completely left her. However, it wasn’t for long though because after exchanging words with one of his guards, Jumin’s arm slipped around her waist. Gently pulling her in the direction of one of the backrooms, Jumin slipped into what she could only call work mode as he and his bodyguards pushed past the reporters.
Soon enough, the two made it to their desired destination and Jumin’s grip on her waist loosened. His arm completely left her body when the RFA members managed to make their way through the door, tired and exasperated looks painted across their features. Zen was the first one of the group to recover, and of course, he made a beeline directly toward the couple.
“Y/N!” Zen exclaimed, worry painted across his face. “You know you can say no, right? You don’t have to do whatever he wants.”
Yoosung, who also recovered surprisingly quickly, was close behind Zen.
“You said yes because you wanted to, right Y/N?” Yoosung added.
“O-Of course!”
Seven, much to either her pleasure or displeasure, was the next to recover and join the ever growing group. Happily, he slung his arm around lazily around Yoosung and smiled.
“You guys should congratulate the happy couple!”
“You just think this is your chance to get your grubby hands on Elizabeth.” Jumin deadpanned.
“You’ll let me watch her on your honeymoon, right?” Seven smiled innocently.
“Y/N!” Seven whined, turning to her with the biggest puppy dog eyes she had ever seen.
“I don’t think I can help you,” Y/N nervously sweated.
While Elizabeth was no longer Jumin’s emotional crutch, realizing that she was indeed just a cat, Jumin kept the mindset of only certain people should be allowed to keep her. A certain hacker did not meet the standards he held before and most definitely still didn’t. He was only willing to give her to V after all.
“You’re sure you want to marry a guy like this, Y/N?” Zen frowned, changing the subject back. “You haven’t even known each other that long. He could be a bad guy for all you know…”
“It’s true that they haven’t known each other for too long.” Jaehee thought out loud, as she and V joined the group.
“How long has it been?” V asked, trying to recall how long it's been.
“Ten days since she infiltrated RFA and three days since they met in person.” Seven answered matter-of-factly.
“Why can you just recall that without missing a beat?” Y/N nervously asked.
“Isn’t that too little time to decide to marry someone!?” Zen cried, pulling her attention back to the actor.
“Time is relative,” Jumin replied simply for her.
While Zen’s concern wasn’t wrong, neither was Jumin. For most people, the pace Jumin and herself were moving at was way too quick. However, Jumin wasn’t just anyone and she wasn’t either nowadays. During the short period of time they’ve spent together she managed to not only fall in love with him but get a glimpse into what life with the C&R heir would be like. He came across too strong at times but he has shown to be capable of learning and adapting among other things. She had no desire to go back to life like it was before and making a new life with Jumin was very appealing to her. So why not?
“For others maybe…” She said, after thinking about what Zen said. “But I think the decisions we’ve made for our situation is perfect for us.”
While she was focused on Zen, she didn’t miss the way Jumin’s lip twitched upward at her words. Silently, Jumin’s hand reached out and took her hand into his, intertwining their fingers together.
“...How can I argue with that.” Zen sighed tiredly.
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achillmango · 4 days
After months of working on this on and off, I posted a fic! My first full fic! AHHH I'M SO EXCITEDD!!!
Anne and Jumin are drifting apart and their marriage is deteriorating. Can they fix their relationship before they lose each other?
Gigantic shoutout to @geothewriter for getting me through this. you have been a massive support and i am so so grateful for that. 💜💜
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ynverse · 1 year
jumin’s fluff alphabet
JUMIN x gn! reader | headcanons
a/n: okay mayhaps i wrote a lot... but i am his soulmate and he told me it was okay!
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A = Attractive (What do they find attractive about the other?)
❥ jumin is demiromantic because i said so (he just like me fr) ❥ he would fall for your heart and personality above all else ❥ the genuine concern are care for him and others...his trauma and him folded ❥ psychically? he loves your hands. specifically your left hand ❥ holds onto your left hand/always wants your left hand on him because he wants to feel connected to your heart at all times
B = Baby (Do they want a family? Why/Why not?)
❥ he would want a family but the term is arbitrary to him ❥ family doesn’t have to mean having a traditional child ❥ he just wants the sense of belonging a family has (elizabeth the 3rd is practically your child anyways) ❥ if you wanted to adopt a child and/or birth one then he would be okay with it (would admittedly get a little upset having to take the child with you all if you go on vacation)
C = Cuddle (How do they cuddle?)
❥ handsy (sfw way guys) ❥ he needs at least one hand cradling your head/hands/waist/shoulders to feel grounded ❥ will say he doens’t want you to fall off but his bed is bigger than ever so... (he’s sly when he wants to be) ❥ loves having you lay on your side while he is on his back, your body pressed against his with your head on his chest and your legs tangled together ❥ he tries to have a no work at home policy to respect your time together so he will probably also use this time to relax with you ❥ movie cuddles are so fun with this man but it’s so hard to focus when his thumb caresses the back of your hand, tracing little hearts onto your skin
D = Dates (What are dates with them like?)
❥ everything and anything and more ❥ any date idea you have, jumin will make sure happens ❥ he will so copy dates you fawn over, down to the smallest details ❥ will hate when you plan dates and don’t let him help because he wants you to feel loved, he couldn’t care less about himself ❥ many at home dates that he refuses to call dates because he thinks you deserve more, but he puts so much into them that they are definitely dates
E = Everything (You are my ____ (e.g. my life, my world...))
❥ you are his ❥ there is nothing that makes him happier than being able to call you his ❥ say you are his and he will gaze at you with so much adoration in his eyes that you practically melt
F = Feelings (When did they know they were in love?)
❥ as soon as you saw him for who he was, he started developing feelings ❥ he is kinda obtuse so he has trouble articulating them externally ❥ i think jumin is the type of person to fall in love quick but also falls more each day ❥ he is eternally free-falling into the ravine of his love for you ❥ he was able to be sure it was love the day of the RFA party ❥ seeing you with the people he cares deeply about? that’ll do it
G = Gentle (Are they gentle? If so, how?)
❥ SO SO GENTLE ❥ affection starts off soft but can become more rough and passionate if something is stressing him ❥ the way he cradles your head when he hugs you, making sure that he doesn’t misplace a single hair on your head ❥ the way he manages to pull you away from the paparazzi without even disorienting you? his gentle grasp on your hand as he shoves everyone else away, regardless of what it will do to his image, just to ensure you don’t feel overwhelmed. the way his fingers manage to find yours as they interlock, a soft tug bringing you closer to him. the way his hand moves to nudge your head into his chest, his fingers slipping away from yours to instead move around your waist. the way it seems like it is just the two of you as he guides you over to somewhere more private. the way he cusps your jaw as he places a soft kiss upon your temples, moving to your forehead, and then your lips as he asks “my love, are you alright?”; barely managing to get a word in between the kisses ❥ so maybe i rambled
H = Hands (How do they like to hold hands?)
❥ definetly a guy who prefers to have an arm wrapped around your waist ❥ he wants to feel like he is protecting you because he is always worried about the media/his father’s enemies harming you ❥ i feel like holding hands is a private thing for him, something you guys do when you’re laying in bed ❥ holding hands when you both are doing your own thing so you are still connected >>>
I = Impression (What was their first impression?)
❥ let’s say his first impression from speaking to you 1 on 1 instead of you barging into their chatroom B) ❥ he was shocked at how...genuine it felt? ❥ lots of people seem to try and impress him or treat him superficially because of the family he was born into ❥ that or they act like the RFA and kind of make light of his situations  ❥ the fact that you listened and spoke to him as if he was just like everyone else made him happier than he would care to admit
J = Jealousy (Do they get jealous?)
❥ no [read: yes] ❥ specifically when it concerns zen (zen is a flirt tho so i cannot blame him) ❥ also gets iffy with you around his father since he knows how his father is (not jealous but more so grossed out and scared) ❥ wraps an arm around your waist and gently kisses your temple ❥ would namedrop “love” as often as he could ❥ not above making up date plans to get you away from people flirting with you ❥ would so take you on that fake date after. he has to save face so why not kill two birds with one stone? a date with you and a way to get you away from people who don’t deserve you
“love,” jumin says, slipping his hand ever so gently around your waist, “who is this?”
the other person doesn’t miss the way jumin looks directly at them as he places a kiss to your temple. the way his eyes looked so calm yet guarded, as if he was daring them to even think about trying to flirt with you again.
“this is a new coworker! i was put in charge of showing them how everything works.”
jumin’s eyes traced back to you, admiring how well you did your job. you were tasked with helping someone completely new so it meant you had to be considered one of the best. his heart swelled with pride - that is, until the newbie interrupted his train of thought.
“yeah…so,” they trailed off, looking between you and jumin, “would i be able to get your number? incase i have any questions later on?”
jumin swiftly moved his hand from your waist to the small of your back, leading you towards where driver kim was waiting.
“y/n, my love, i made reservations for us. would it be alright if we headed there right now?”
“yeah! of course,” you looked towards jumin and smiled, “sorry, can we talk about this later?”
the newbie simply nodded while jumin couldn’t help but let out a small smirk.
K = Kiss (How do they kiss? Who initiated the first kiss?)
❥ oh... that first kiss CG WHEWWWW ��� he always initiates it ❥ you can try but he will take control and it seems like he initiated it anyways ❥ lingers before actually committing to it, eyes flickering between your lips and your eyes before pulling your chin closer ❥ a hand of his always gently cradling the cusp of your chin until it isn’t so gentle and more so desperate ❥ will always go back for more kisses
“just one more love,” jumin says pulling away even more to look you in your eyes. his hair was becoming more messy, the strands falling in front of his face. he looked desperate, as if his yearning for you could never be satisfied. “they can wait, let me love you once more.”
L = Love (Who says 'I love you' first?)
❥ he falls in love first 100% ❥ this is coming from someone who falls all at once if they fall (he is just like me fr) ❥ would verbalize it as soon as he realizes <3 ❥ would ask you to love him when you feel ready but asks that you let him tell you his emotions in the meantime ❥ he has no issue waiting for you but he needs wants you to always know of his love for you
M = Memory (What's their favorite memory together?)
❥ you wanted to surprise him at his penthouse for his birthday (you’re so lucky the guards were given orders to always let you in) so you decorated the whole place and invited the rfa ❥ everyone else was sitting on the couches and talking (zen was purposely sneezing because jaehee kept complimenting his ‘graceful sneezes) except for you ❥ you were sitting in front of the cage elizabeth the 3rd was put in for zen’s safety, meowing back at her to try and commmunicate ❥ jumin opened the door to find his closest (only) friends and the love of his life waiting for him ❥ seeing you try to imitate elly’s meows, as well as the fact everyone wanted to celebrate him ???  ❥ he was so touched he even smiled (albeit small) in front of zen... yeah zen will never let him live that down
N = Nickel (Do they spoil? Do they buy the person they love everything?)
❥ this is not even a question. ❥ if you tell him you think a certain star is pretty, he WILL buy it for you ❥ absolutely adores it when you try to convince him to not spoil you ❥ he’s so used to seeing women go to his father and try to get anything and everything, so the fact that you don’t makes him so happy ❥ he knows you love him for him, which makes him want to spoil you even more ❥ PLEASE do not glance at anything for more than a couple of seconds because he will remember and get it for you
O = Orange (What color reminds them of their other half?)
❥ lavender  ❥ seems like a cop out to use his heart color but hear me out ❥ lavender represents calmness and devotion, yet also represents elegance and luxury ❥ it’s a color that reminds him of not only you, but himself as well. ❥ he was the melancholy light blue that would be brushed over until he met the red passion you held within you ❥ he cannot think about his other half without thinking about how complete he feels, and just like lavender, his life is made up of two opposing yet beautiful differences
P = Pet names (What pet names do they use?)
❥ “love” is his go to. he wants you to know he loves you even if he doesn’t verbalize it as much ❥ “my love” when he wants to remind anyone and everyone, even himself, that you are his <3 ❥ other than that, he would stick to using your name ❥ you are so perfect to him, there is no name he can call you to fully capture his love for you
Q = Quaint (What is their favorite non-modern thing?)
❥ oh i got a list, get ready ❥ opening the car door for you, making you wait inside until he does so ❥ princess style carrying you whenever there is a chance of your feet getting wet because he rather be uncomfortable than you ❥ bringing you a flower (minimum) every time you two go on a date ❥ love notes (delivered through text because he is a busy man) whenever he misses you ❥ a kiss on the forehead every time you must depart from one another ❥ i am weak in the knees for him
R = Rainy Day (What do they like to do on a rainy day?)
❥ trips to his private garden ❥ his private garden is more of a garden inside of a greenhouse so no rain would get on you guys ❥ sitting under one of the garden’s trees as you listen to him read <3 ❥ soft classical (guys i love classical music so much shhh) music playing in the background as the gentle patter of the rain droplets lull you into a sleep like state ❥ and when you do fall asleep? jumin will lean his head on top of yours and pretend the two of you are in your own fairy tale
S = Sad (How do they cheer themselves/others up?)
❥ all he needs is to spend time with you and talk about it ❥ you make him happy just by being beside him ❥ omg if you cook something for him.... it will make him so happy that you are even concerned about his wellbeing ❥ perks of him being traumatized and unworthy of love? any positive interaction with you makes him feel loved and happy
T = Talking (What do they like to talk about?)
❥ your day ❥ his day ❥ elly ❥ anything to learn more about you ❥ this man has barely ever been listened to, please just let him converse about whatever he feels like
U = Unencumbered (What helps them relax?)
❥ reading to you ❥ something about you being lulled to sleep to the sound of his voice makes him so happy and relaxed; just knowing you feel so safe with him makes him <3_<3 ❥ laying w elly (but that’s such an obvious answer) ❥ sitting down and relaxing with both you and elly right next to him <3
jumin and you both sat on opposite ends of the loveseat, only being connected by his hand that enveloped yours. elizabeth the third was seated on his lap, purring as he absentmindedly pet her in between pages of his novel. your laughs can be heard as you messed with seven in the chatroom, each laugh causing you to squeeze jumin’s hand a little. this was what he could get used to everyday; the two of you being connected emotionally no matter what you’re doing.
V = Vaunt (What do they like to show off? What are they proud of?)
❥ YOU. ❥ jumin is affluent but he doesn’t like showing it off ❥ he may accidentally do so because he is obtuse at times but he isn’t proud of his money ❥ you and elly > everything else in his life ❥ if you work, even if it is a temp. job, he will hype it up ❥ zen wants to talk about how pretty his face is? jumin sends a photo of you with a “y/n is looking etheral” with his cat chat bubble thingy ;,)
W = Wedding (When, how, where do they propose?)
❥ let’s pretend he didn’t do it in the game already ❥ tbh anyone who says he plans it is  and follows through is such a liar ❥ he will do it as a spur of the moment thing ❥ he could plan a whole reservation for you and ask the RFA to prep everything only to get so excited that he proposes next time he sees you ❥ always has the ring on him even if he isn’t set to propose for like another couple of months because he is a loverboy at heart
X = Xylophone (What's their song?)
❥ daddy issues - the neighborhood
“And if you were my little girl I'd do whatever I could do I'd run away and hide with you I know that you got daddy issues, and I do too”
❥ i also made a jumin playlist so if y’all wanna listen click here (giggles)
Y = Yes (Do they ever think of getting married/proposing?)
❥LMAOOOOO... we all know the answer to this ❥ loves the idea of you being his and him being yours ❥ he won’t pressure you to get married asap but y’all would be engaged until you’re ready ❥ y/n han is the most beautiful sounding name to him
Z = Zebra (If they wanted a pet, what would they get?)
❥ you two already have elizabeth the 3rd ❥ no one dared to think about what would happen if elly (jumin refuses to admit he finds it cute when you say elly, especially is seven overhears) died ❥ elizabeth the 3rd is immortal. she will be with you all forever
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xelasrecords · 2 years
The Worth of Gifts
Han Jumin x Reader
This is basically a love letter to Jumin because that one line that he said in his route lives in my head rent-free. Waking up at 6.30 am on the weekend just to write this was worth it.
Words: 1.4k
Masterlist Read on AO3
"I have brought a couple of things for you, my love." Jumin rushed in a flurry of cold wind as he entered the bedroom that you shared together, his navy blue coat billowing behind him. He settled down a horde of shopping bags on the bed that you were lounging on. They had lined both his arms up to his elbows and you found it curious that he was doing the hard work alone, without the presence of a trailing assistant nearby.
You had been on your phone engrossed in your favourite TV series when Jumin came in. Immediately, you sat up straight and scanned the bags of different colours and sizes that were strewn across the bedding. "A couple of things?" You raised your eyebrows at him. "I don't think I would define it that way. Which dictionary are you using? Maybe I should get one too to understand you better."
"A dictionary? I'm afraid I don't have one ready at my disposal. I calibrated my purchase decision based on the number of things I wish to give you, and these barely count towards anything." Jumin was about to expound on it more when he saw your face lighting up with mischief. "Ah, you were teasing me."
You gave him a playful shrug. "Maybe?"
"I see." His lips curved into a sly smile that matched your own.
You took account of the things he got you. They were things you had mentioned in passing or had pinned on your Pinterest boards and saved in your wish list. It was astonishing that he remembered everything. That he remembered and thought to gift them to you because he thought it would make you happy.
Throughout your life, all you wanted was to be known, to be seen by someone who loved you and someone whom you loved back. And here he was, showing you how much he knew you so casually as if it was a given. This love language of his, although it overwhelmed you at first, was something you could learn to get used to in time. You had never been pampered lavishly before, but hey, there was a first time for everything.
"Jumin, love," you started.
"Yes, darling?"
"Why did you get me so many things?" You looked at him in awe. "I appreciate everything you bought me. I mean, do you know how long I've longed for these?" You shook your head while peeking into the bags. "You are something else, Jumin. But I have to wonder, why of this magnitude?"
"This isn't anything. I can do so much more for you."
"I know, but why?" You pressed, genuinely curious.
Jumin wasn't one who would deflect from sensitive questions that came from his beloved. Like you, he wanted you to know everything about him. He was secretly relieved that the both of you shared the same desire. He couldn't imagine being with someone who couldn't care less about his more vulnerable side.
"If you must know, it's because that's what everyone expects from me since I was little," he said, his head tilted down almost imperceptibly. You didn't miss it, and you detected a slight tremble in his voice nearing the end of the sentence.
It tugged at your heartstrings seeing him like this. Carefully, you pushed aside the shopping bags and crawled towards him. You came to a kneel in front of him and swept your fingers through his tousled dark bangs. "You don't have to prove your love to me through material means. My love isn't something to be earned or bought. You deserve to be loved simply because you exist." You took a breath, diffusing the anger that burned in your chest at the unfair expectations Jumin had to live up to since he was young. No kid should ever shoulder that kind of responsibility, and that included corporate heirs. "I love you for being the Jumin that you are."
He raised his eyes on you, and you found his gaze faltering, unsure. It was a silent urge to go on. "Think about it. Think about how our relationship first developed. In the beginning, I was interested in you because you're smart and funny in the most unexpected ways. Then, I saw how caring you are towards your friends and family. How you offer unwavering support for them despite being the butt of their jokes most of the time." You brushed the back of your hand against his cheek and he leaned into your touch.
"I just did what I had to," he muttered.
You couldn't let Jumin throw out more self-undermining statements. For someone so confident and self-assured, it hurt to see that he felt the need to cover up this part of him before his own friends. "You have that sense of duty because you love us. Deny it as much as you want, but it doesn't diminish the truth. You know, it surprised me how non-judgmental you actually are despite the firm personal beliefs that you hold. You let other people be themselves, and that's what I want for you, especially when it comes to this relationship." Your hand found its way to the back of his neck, compelling him to raise his eyes to you. "Don't ever think that you can only be accepted if you provide enough things for me. You are enough. I'm happy with you even without them."
Jumin was silent. When you were talking with such ferocity, you didn't notice that you had inclined your body so close towards him, near enough that your noses were touching.
Jumin rested his forehead against yours. "How do you always know the right things to say?" he breathed out.
"I only see what is already in you." You pressed a brief, tender kiss on his lips, tasting the cold air from his earlier excursion outside.
"Thank you for reminding me of your love," Jumin said, his expression an earnest reflection of how he felt about you.
"You can always ask for one whenever you need it. I'm your endless supply of support."
"What would I have to give in exchange for this dubiously free support?"
You grinned. "Nothing, I'm naturally generous! Just press the button and I'll come running spewing out motivational speech. I won't stop until you wind me down."
"Wind you down," Jumin appeared to be in thought before continuing, "like this?" He stole a quick peck on your neck.
Instantly, you felt heat rising up your cheeks. "Hey! That'd just wind me up," you scoffed.
"Then I'd have to do it more often." He attacked you with tiny kisses all over your face, nose, chin, and jaw, and trailed down to your shoulder. You burst into laughter, pretending to pull away from him but bringing him down on the bed with you instead.
The shopping bags around you rustled. Jumin toppled on top of you and you could feel the fabric of his dress pants rubbing against your bare thighs. He was smiling and man, your heart was taking flight on its own. This beautiful, beautiful man. You could never get bored of looking at him. He was above Greek statues. He was real.
"I love you," Jumin said quietly.
"Funny. I feel the same way." You tapped on his nose. "But we probably should get these out of the way if we want to do more." You gestured at the sea of bags lying nearby and wiggled your eyebrows suggestively. "I don't want to ruin these gifts you procured for me with blood, sweat, and tears."
Jumin sighed. "Must we? I can just get the replacement for them later."
"We absolutely must."
"Fine." He was about to push himself back up when he halted. "Wait, I have to clarify. Do you mind if I still buy you things?"
You propped yourself up on your elbows. "Of course I don't. You're allowed to shower me with love, only don't do it to prove your worth to me."
Jumin took a second before replying. "Earlier, you expressed your wish to understand me, but you seem to have understood me well. Sometimes even better than I do myself." He chuckled to himself before training his eyes on you again. "I want to understand you deeper too if you would let me."
That wasn't even a question. "Once again, you're allowed, Jumin." You dragged him into another kiss, the mess around you be damned.
Buy me a glass of something that's definitely not coffee because I can't stand it but it is the website's name if my story touches you in some way? No worries if you don't. I'm still grateful you've read all the way through here.
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trailerprk-princess · 2 years
—jumin with a s/o thats also a ceo | jumin han x gender neutral!reader headcanon
!!!: my work is not to be reused without credit/permission!
requests rules
requested by anon: Hello! Your blog is amazing and I love your work!! If you are taking requests, can I ask for hcs for Jumin's S/O being the CEO of a big multimillionaire company like him? I think this would be a power couple! It can be gender neutral, but if you need a specific gender I would like it to be female. Thank you in advance ❤
authors note: YESSS OMG I LOVE THIS IDEA!!! ive always saw mc viewed as a v submissive person & its great to think that jumin would be totally awesome with a more powered reader yk?
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he rlly loves it when u correct him when it comes to stuff about being a ceo. you can literally be like, "no, jumin that's not quite correct." & he'd just fall to his knees
LOVES that you act like a "commoner" & even do things they do. like, drive, cooking, eat fried chicken, eat those fish pockets or anything thats deemed to "unhealthy" to him or something he could just hire someone to do like cooking & driving
honestly, he just thinks that you being a ceo & contrasting so MUCH different than he is as a ceo is like 100% amazing
ALWAYS wanting to learn stuff from u & do the same things u do. he saw the way u treated your assistant & mans like "why do you treat them like that??" & when u explain it to him, he instantly starts treating jaehee more like a human than a robot
that being said though, he has warmed up to some things that he never did. probably would get his drivers liscense. (idk if they do permit tests there but if they do, he would get a 100% on the test)
he'd probably find multiple ways to collaborate with ur company!
jumin thinks that first dates should be at a romantic restaurant that charges a bunch of money for a glass of wine. but when u show him that theres so much more to love than fancy shit, hes j in awe. esp cause youre rich as well
he would probably cool it down a bunch w being a ceo & learn that its okay to show emotion other than sterness
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mystic messenger masterlist
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anon-drabble · 1 year
beneath the branches
some fluff for our boy jumin! this idea attacked me last night as i was trying to sleep and wouldn’t let me rest. 
we all know jumin loved visiting the cherry farm. what if it wasn’t just the cherries there he had his eye on?
jumin is a touch out of character to me but i just love awkard-in-love jumin so that’s what i wrote lol. 
ao3 | ko-fi | twitter | masterpost
The scene laid out before Jumin was one he knew well. The cherry farm in the early morning was a frequent stop for Jumin. After all, he did business with them and was fond of the land in his own way. It seemed peaceful most days. Just acres of land laid out. Very few buildings and none that pierced the sky. Not like his own penthouse. The city had its charms but on the farm, Jumin just felt lighter, like life itself was less of a burden. His chest rose and fell with each breath and every time he inhaled, it seemed easier than the last. Like he was renewing himself and freeing himself of the many bonds that held him tight. Too tight to move, at times. In short, the cherry farm was the only real combination of business and pleasure that Jumin knew. The cat projects were fun diversions but there was always pressure to be profitable, to make it worthwhile. He knew his privilege of being the CEO’s son and that the only reason he could do any cat projects was because of his position. The cherry farm was easier. It was an established contract, something known to be beneficial. It made things easier. 
As he crested the familiar hill that led to the facility that served as the main hub for the farm, he shielded his eyes from the sun. He glanced to the right, where the hills held countless trees. Each tree carefully cultivated and cared for by the farmhands. But he wasn’t truly looking at the trees. His steps slowed as his eyes scanned the spaces between, where the shadows hid a great deal but spears of sunlight would still reach the ground in a few spots. But Jumin was looking for movement. He saw a pair of legs move between the trees but the body was still hidden. But then she emerged and she smiled and waved at Jumin, as she always did. 
She was beautiful, if he were one to notice such a thing. Most times, he didn’t see how beautiful any particular woman was. He simply didn’t care. But for her, it was impossible to miss. She never looked like the women Jumin usually saw. She wasn’t buried under layers and layers of makeup. Her clothes were simple, her shoes practical. But she had a natural radiance. The way her smile just felt like a ray of light itself. Her bright brown eyes always echoed the smile on her face. On that day, her muscular arms were bare. She must have been working since much earlier in the morning as it wasn’t that warm. 
Jumin didn’t feel himself sigh in relief at seeing her. He didn’t notice the way her smile made him feel warm. He lifted his hand to give her a stiff wave and she retreated back to the trees. He resumed his walk to the large building ahead, pretending he hadn’t purposely slowed down just for a chance to see her. His trips to the cherry farm were for business purposes, not for some woman he barely knew. He wasn’t like his father. He didn’t make such foolish decisions or allow any women to sway him in any way. 
The building ahead was partly a large barn, partly a warehouse, with a portion being the actual home of the owners of the farm. That was separated from the busiest parts of the building but it was clear to see the original roots of each part of the building. As Jumin approached, he saw an older man walk out the door and towards Jumin. He had a large, friendly smile. 
“Hello, hello! Welcome!” the man exclaimed as he rushed towards Jumin. 
“Hello, Mr. Pin,” Jumin said calmly as he reached the man. 
“Please, please, I’ve told you! Call me Sang. We’re practically family now!” the man vigorously shook Jumin’s hand. “We have great stock from this harvest for you! But I thought you weren’t to pick up until next month?” 
“That’s correct. I came in the hopes of expanding our partnership. We have recently acquired a supply vendor, one that could easily be paired with a gardening venture. I thought we’d speak about selling snippings of your trees or other crops you have,” Jumin explained. 
Sang thought for only a moment. “I believe we can probably reach an agreement for that. We will have to adjust our fields if you wish to sell cuttings. They need to be propagated a certain way. We will have to dedicate a portion of the land to this project.” 
Jumin nodded. “We can detail everything in the contract. Once I get back, we will draft the documents and we can fully outline this venture.” 
“We can discuss this then. Come, come, see our harvest! Take some home with you! I guarantee our cherries will make your girl fall in love on the spot!” 
“You know I do not have anyone. However, I will gladly take fresh cherries home. They are the most delicious when I come here directly.” 
Sang clapped his hands. “Perfect! Yes!” He cupped his hands around his mouth. “Jiya! Are you around?” he yelled into the trees. 
Jumin tried not to react to the shouting in his ears. But when she emerged from the trees again, Jumin couldn’t help but stare a bit. She smiled at him again and he felt a lump form in his throat. 
“Mr. Jumin here would like our best cherries! I told him we’d show our harvests!” 
Jiya nodded and pulled out her phone. She pulled up something and consulted it for a moment. “Field 17 yielded the most. But I would suggest we bring Mr. Han to Field 12, I believe he will appreciate those.” 
“Jiya has taken over our record-keeping. My mind can’t keep up with it these days. She’s got it all stored in that phone there.”
“That is very practical,” Jumin said approvingly. 
“Ha! In my day, we just knew it in our bones. Now we have to rely on those things for everything!” Sang laughed but he was already leading the way through the trees. 
Jumin and Jiya followed only a second later. Though Sang was older, he still moved quickly, so full of life. “It’s good to see you again, Mr. Han. Appa didn’t tell me you were coming or we would have prepared a basket that you could bring home with you.”
Though they knew each other, they hadn’t spoken that many times before. Jumin’s dealings had mostly been with Sang, as he was the owner. But now, if Jiya was actually working on the farm, would they possibly have more interactions? “I did not tell him. I happened to have time and he had mentioned a fruitful harvest so I thought I’d come myself.” They continued walking, Sang still ahead and frequently chattering to other workers they passed. “Are you considering staying with the farm, now?” Jumin suddenly asked. 
Jiya looked surprised by the question. “Oh, um…” she stammered. 
“Your father mentioned that he thought you might prefer to leave and find a different job,” Jumin said hastily. 
She smiled and he instantly relaxed. “Ah, I’m sorry. I know he wants me to run the farm once he dies but… Well, I’m still not sure what I’ll do.” Jumin nodded. “I do love it here, though. I wouldn’t want to leave but there’s…” she trailed off again and awkwardly fidgeted with her hands. “I just don’t know yet.” 
Jumin thought for a moment. “There are many options for you. The world is not simply one place but many people, places, and experiences.” She looked at him and smiled. She seemed relieved that he understood what she didn’t say. “My world is very different but I find this place to be one of my favorites.” 
Jiya laughed and Jumin’s stomach did a flip. He denied it every time it happened. Just a coincidence. It had nothing to do with Jiya. “Someday I want to see a city. I don’t think I’d be happy living in one but just to see it.” 
Immediately, Jumin considered inviting her for the contract signing as Sang would have to come to C&R to sign the new contract. But then he thought of seeing Jiya in such an environment and got a little sad. So he said nothing. 
The rest of the walk through the trees was mostly silent, with Sang and Jumin occasionally speaking. Eventually, they crested a hill with more trees laid out all around them. Jumin could not tell any difference between the rows, nor where one field ended and another began. But this was not his world. Sang and Jiya knew this but they could not navigate the double-speak and the carefully-worded promises that in truth promised nothing of the business world. Their lives were here. And no matter how many times Jumin might visit, it was always just a visit and he’d soon enough have to return back to his world. He glanced over at Jiya and wished his life might change. But he refused to acknowledge that and kept it locked in his heart. Where his other impossible dreams lived. 
Now in the proper area, Sang and Jiya led Jumin down the rows of trees, speaking of all manner of things, such as the bark of each tree, the way the leaves had grown in a certain direction All things apparently led to more delicious cherries but Jumin did not know agriculture and many of their explanations would be forgotten on his flight home. At the base of some trees was a basket of cherries recently picked. But Jumin could see many cherries still on the branches. Jiya reached above her head and pulled down a bundle of fresh cherries from the nearest tree. She held them out for both Sang and Jumin. Jumin took the fruit carefully. He certainly didn’t intend for their fingers to touch as much as they did. Jiya didn’t seem to care about the brush of their hands. Of course she wouldn’t. It wasn’t intentional. As they ate their cherries, a man approached and called Sang over to attend to a matter in a nearby shed. He left and Jumin purposely avoided looking at Jiya. It had been morning when he arrived, though it was now the afternoon. The sun was less angled through the trunks of the trees and more overhead. It led to deeper shadows at ground level. 
“So?” Jiya asked. “What do you think?” 
Jumin had to consider for a moment before he realized she meant the cherry. “It was delicious. Very juicy,” he answered. 
She grinned proudly. “I knew it! You always seemed to like the juicier ones the best. I was right to give you these.” She pulled another bundle down and pulled apart an equal share for herself and Jumin. “Not everyone likes the really juicy ones. My dad always said you wouldn’t like them because they’re messier.” As she spoke, Jumin bit into one and felt the cherry juice dribble down his chin. She laughed at the timing as she saw it happen. Jumin was relieved she wouldn’t see a blush in the shadows. In fact, was it darker now than before? 
Jumin looked up at the sky between the leaves. “Is that a storm cloud?” 
Jiya followed his gaze. “Oh, shoot, it is. Storms here come and go fast. There won’t be time to get inside but the trees should keep us dry.” Right on cue, the rain began. She huddled under the tree to remain dry. Jumin felt the rain hit his back and took a step forward. He was forced closer to the tree by the rain. Closer to Jiya. They stood very close now. She was looking up at him and he met her eyes. “It’ll be over soon,” she said softly. He nodded and noted her averting her eyes from his. She was acting almost shy now. While they weren’t friends, he’d never seen her so skittish around him. 
The rain began to fall harder and both Jiya and Jumin took another step closer together. She quickly pushed a cherry into her mouth, desperate to act normal. The juice fell down her chin, just as it had done with Jumin a moment before. He wiped it with his thumb before he realized what he was doing. Jiya finally met his eyes again. “So… You still like it here even like this?” she asked, chuckling uneasily. 
“Nothing is more beautiful than this,” he answered honestly. 
And then he was kissing her. Neither of them had moved first but they came together at the same moment. He could taste the cherries on her lips. He felt her soft breath come out her nose. Her loose strands of hair tickled his face. He never wanted it to end. Eventually their lips parted but Jumin felt her slip her hand into his own. She smiled up at him a little and his heart thundered. There was no use denying anything now. There wasn’t much use for words between them. He could see that she was just as happy with the kiss. She lifted her head and shut her eyes in invitation and Jumin immediately obliged. Their lips met again, more purposefully this time. He felt her squeeze his hand and he reached around her back with his free hand, pulling her even closer. He felt her lips smile even as they kissed and he knew he was smiling too. Once again they parted and she still smiled at him. 
She blushed a little, though it was nearly invisible in the shadows. “I’ve never done anything like this before,” she admitted. 
“Kissing?” Jumin asked, confused. 
She laughed a little. “No! We barely know each other, that’s all. I normally don’t kiss strangers. I don’t kiss anyone I’m not dating.” 
Jumin squeezed her hand a little. “I apologize if I made you uncomfortable. If you wish, this can remain just between us and the cherry tree.” 
Her face fell. Her hand released his and he let her go. Had she gotten the wrong idea? He didn’t want to rush her but he very much wanted more time with her. “I understand. It’s for the best,” she said quietly, taking a step away from Jumin. The rain was already slowing, the spell over them entirely broken. 
Jumin watched her distance herself and he knew he’d done something wrong but he didn’t know how to fix it. He didn’t know what to say. “I don’t-” he began to say when Sang’s voice cut through the trees. 
“These summer showers! They come so quickly!” Sang appeared before them again, seemingly oblivious to the awkward atmosphere. “Mr. Jumin, you are satisfied, yes? We have a delicious basket ready for you, whenever you are ready to leave. No rush, of course.” 
“Excuse me, Appa, I should get back to my work,” Jiya interrupted and quickly left the two men. 
Sang watched her walk away and slyly looked back at Jumin. He grinned and Jumin braced for the worst. “She only leaves that fast when she wants to hide something. You know, these cherries lead to love! I told you, share my cherries and any girl will be yours! Although I did not realize my daughter was your target, but there are worse men out there!” He laughed loudly, patting a hand on Jumin’s back. 
“It is not like that,” Jumin protested but Sang wasn’t listening. Jumin cleared his throat and straightened his tie. He stood like the CEO he was. “You have the wrong idea. There is nothing between your daughter and me. I must get back but I look forward to our further business together.” 
That silenced Sang as Jumin was usually far more polite and not so cold. Sang led Jumin back to the road and watched him leave. Jumin had returned to “normal” after announcing that he was leaving but Sang was still suspicious. 
It took many months to ready the contract for the next venture with the cherry farm. As soon as it was ready, Jumin made arrangements for Sang to travel to C&R to sign the contract. The day of the signing, Jumin was waiting in the meeting room for Sang to arrive. Jaehee had gone down to the ground floor to welcome him and bring him to the meeting when he arrived. As the door opened, Sang entered first and Jumin had already extended his hand to shake Sang’s when Jiya entered behind him, with Jaehee following. Jumin faltered a moment when he saw Jiya as he had not expected her. Sang, however, was his usual loud self and took Jumin’s hand as he greeted him. 
“So good to see you again! We are very excited to begin this new side of things! We have prepared our fields already, isn’t that right, Jiya?” 
Jumin’s gaze had not left her since she entered but she briefly met his eyes. “Yes, Appa. The land is ready to begin for next planting season.” The spell on Jumin finally broke and he composed himself from the shock and looked to Sang to address him.
Sang grinned with a slightly mischievous glint in his eye. “Jiya has agreed to step up at the farm and she will be overseeing our finances and business partnerships now,” he said with a knowing smile at Jumin. “So I brought her as she will need to sign as well.”
Inside, Jumin’s mind was racing. He could hardly even hear what was happening around him but he knew he couldn’t dwell on her too much. But suddenly he was back on the farm, underneath the cherry tree, her lips kissing his, her body heat against his. He remembered every detail, though he’d tried to forget. Thankfully a part of Jumin the businessman was still there, and he heard himself speaking though he didn’t remember forming the words himself. “I am glad you decided to stay with the farm,” he said, echoing his words to Jiya on that day. 
“My father convinced me. I couldn’t leave after all. It’s too beautiful,” she said and Jumin scanned her face. Had she meant to say the same thing he had that day? But she remained unreadable. 
The actual signing lasted for some time as there were many pages and they had to adjust some portions for Jiya’s new position. However, they soon finished. Sang pushed the cap back onto his pen as Jaehee signed, acting as notary for the deal. Once she finished, he stood. “Miss Kang, please help an old man out, Is there a restroom I can use? Can you please show me?” 
“Of course, sir. Right this way.” Jaehee led him out of the room, leaving Jumin and Jiya alone. 
Jiya gathered her things and her father’s belongings as they were planning to leave now that the signing was done. 
But Jumin couldn’t let her go without saying anything. “So how does the city compare? To what you thought?” he asked, immediately regretting the words. He’d wanted to apologize as he was quite certain whatever had gone wrong between them was his fault. 
Jiya looked towards the windows in the meeting room. “It’s a lot like what I expected,” she said. She walked over to the window. She was next to Jumin but he knew that hadn’t been her intent. She just wanted a better view of the window. “The people are exactly what I thought they’d be like.” 
“Were you treated poorly?” Jumin asked, worry in his voice. Had someone said something rude to her? 
She actually smiled and Jumin’s knees threatened to buckle. She looked so differently from how she looked on the farm. She had makeup on this time. Her clothes were clean and pressed, if plain. Her hair, which was usually up and out of her face on the farm, was down now, falling past her shoulders. She was still the most gorgeous woman Jumin had ever seen. “No. I was talking about you,” she said with a laugh. 
Jumin frowned, trying to discern what she possibly meant by those words. 
“You know, my dad is convinced something happened between us when you last visited. I told him nothing did but he seemed like he knew,” she said. 
“I assure you, I did not tell him. He suggested something similar as I was leaving but I told him he was wrong. I thought you would prefer him not to know.” 
“You’re right about that,” she said. “What happened between us…” 
“I need to apologize for my behavior. I had the wrong idea. I thought perhaps you felt as I did that day and I should not have kissed you so suddenly,” Jumin was suddenly blurting out. He was not the type to ramble but he had to try to explain to her. 
Jiya turned to face Jumin. “I wasn’t upset that you kissed me,” she interrupted, confused as to why he was saying that. “I was upset that you brushed it off so quickly. I told you I didn’t usually kiss unless I was dating a guy. I wanted you to ask me out. But you basically said it was just a kiss. You’ve probably kissed a dozen girls on a dozen other farms so it didn’t mean much to you but it meant more to me. But I wanted to clear the air because if we have to work together, I don’t want you to think I’m interested in you like that. I am not a fling and I’m not going to be treated like one.” 
Jumin was stunned by her words. That wasn’t at all what he’d interpreted from their conversation that day. That was why she’d been upset? Because she thought Jumin was like his father? He felt sick to his stomach. He shook his head. “You misunderstood. I thought you did not want to move so fast so I wanted to assure you we could take it slowly or not at all, if that was what you wanted. I…” He felt a lump in his throat form at his words. “I knew I liked you and wished to know you better and I wanted you to know that I was not going to rush you at all.” He sighed. “I am sorry I gave you the wrong idea. I wish I had spoken more clearly as there was nothing I wanted more than to know you. And now I can see that our moment has passed due to my blunder.” 
Jiya took a step towards Jumin and looked up at him. “Who said our chance was gone?” When he met her eyes, she smiled a little. “We’re going to be working together more often now. We’ll naturally get to know each other that way, right?” 
Jumin shook his head. “I didn’t mean in that way…” he said, feeling helpless. 
“I know,” she said softly. She reached forward and took Jumin’s hand, just as she had done that day. “I’ll tell you again. I don’t kiss unless I’m dating someone,” She was looking up at him, her eyes silently urging him to take the hint this time. 
“Would you…like to have dinner with me?” Jumin asked, not quite sure what was happening except that it seemed to be what she wanted him to say. And it was what he wanted to do, to be with her. 
She smiled up at him. “It’s about time you asked,” she gently teased.
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serede986 · 1 year
Boyfriend Jumin HCs~
Gets you a bouquet of roses on every date. When he first saw your excitement on receiving the first bouquet, he got addicted to your happiness, although he refuses to accept it.
Speaking of dates, he arrives exactly 30 minutes before meet-up time. You're not aware of it, so shhh.
He is learning new breakfast recipes from the chef for whenever you stay over. He would wake up early, and prepare to serve you breakfast in bed.
Matching pajamas are ordered for you, him and Elizabeth the third.
Drops Elizabeth in your care, whenever he's out for a business trip and he can't take you with him. He trusts you and no one else.
Neatly folds your clothes and keep it next to his, whenever you visit him for a few days or travel with him.
Will take your advice over every new merger his company makes.
Is obsessed with your voice. He'll listen to you talk for so long, you think he's not invested in your topic of conversation. But believe me, he is. Imagine that love struck look on him.
Loves it when you put his head on your lap and play with his hair or massage his scalp. Count to 100 and he'll be out in a deep sleep.
Kisses your forehead every time one of you leave to part ways.
Will read every favorite romance book of yours, just to learn how to swoon you.
"Elizabeth the third, we need to talk about when your mother comes over. You're precious to me, and so is your mother. But your mother has taken the first place in my heart."
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druh19 · 3 months
Vc faz icons de jogos otomes? Se sim poderia fazer icons do Jumin Han de Mystic Messenger? Obrigada e seus icons são lindos <3
Fico feliz que goste da minha galeria <3 Espero q goste ✨🤏
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༝ Jumin Han Icons |like and reblog if saved|
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yoosungisbabie · 8 months
on call - day one
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welcome to Jumin Week 2023! I know I've been gone for a long time, but this event always manages to bring me back. I hope you all are doing well, and I hope you enjoy all the works that will be shared during this wonderful week!
jumin x mc
rating: T - for teen and up audiences
prompt: free day!
warnings: female pronouns used for mc/reader ♡
word count: 3,266
ao3 link
“I just got out of the shower,” she finally said, making Jumin falter even further. His mind stuttered, multiple questions surfacing as he blinked quickly. “What does that have to do with this?” he wondered aloud, unable to stop himself before he could even think through his own question. She sputtered out a tense laugh, the noise tickling his senses even though he was on high alert. “Jumin, I’m na— I’m not…clothed? Gosh,” she sighed, and Jumin blinked quickly, shaking his head to clear his mind. Of course that was what she meant.
Jumin slowly twisted his pen closed, placing it back in the pen cup next to his monitor. He let his eyes scan over his paperwork and the correspondence pulled up on his computer, assessing whether or not he could consider his task done.
Just as he decided he was satisfied with the outcome, his phone began to vibrate violently in his pocket. It was rare that clients or business partners dialed his personal phone during working hours, so he reached into his suit’s inner pocket out of curiosity.
Flipping it over in his hand, he felt his eyebrows raise at the caller ID. His fingers twitched, and he hesitated for a brief moment before he accepted the call.
“Hello, MC. I’m at my office, but I have a moment to take your call,” he said, unable to help the small smile that began to spread across his lips.
“Hi, Jumin,” she sighed, sounding less than pleased. His anticipation to hear her voice chilled into concern, his posture tightening minutely.
“What’s wrong?” he asked immediately, disregarding any questions in his mind about why he felt so panicked.
“Oh, nothing!” she replied quickly, pausing and letting out another breath. “I just, um…” She pulled the phone away from her face to clear her throat.
“I need help with…something,” she spoke slowly, sounding very unsure. The whole situation had him unsettled, and he immediately stood from his chair, placing a steadying hand on his desk.
“What is it?” he wondered sternly, running through a mental checklist of personnel he trusted.
“I forgot something in my apartment, and I…can’t get it,” she continued, her voice strained.
“Are you injured? You sound like you are in pain,” he said worriedly, pressing his lips together as his mind raced.
“No, I’m fine, but um,” she clarified, calming him only slightly. “I forgot my towel.”
“No problem. I can send someone over immediately,” he said, pushing his chair aside and beginning towards his office door. “What instructions would you like me to give them?”
“No, you don’t have to— I mean,” she started, taking a deep breath. Jumin hesitated where he stood, waiting for her to continue.
“I just got out of the shower,” she finally said, making Jumin falter even further. His mind stuttered, multiple questions surfacing as he blinked quickly.
“What does that have to do with this?” he wondered aloud, unable to stop himself before he could even think through his own question.
She sputtered out a tense laugh, the noise tickling his senses even though he was on high alert.
“Jumin, I’m na— I’m not…clothed? Gosh,” she sighed, and Jumin blinked quickly, shaking his head to clear his mind. Of course that was what she meant.
“And you’re in a first-floor apartment,” he continued quietly, pushing his hair from his forehead. He tried to ignore the way his cheeks had warmed or the distracting route his mind was taking.
“Right, and I just need someone to grab my towel or even some clothes,” she sighed, sounding relieved that someone finally understood her predicament.
“Please send me your address. I will be there within 15 minutes,” he said decidedly, buttoning his jacket closed with one hand and pulling open his office door.
“What? Jumin, you don’t personally have to come, I just thought—“
“Nonsense. There are little to no staff members I would trust with this task,” he said as if his assistance was the only solution to her problem. In actuality, there were many more solutions that didn’t interrupt his workday, and he knew it.
“I suppose,” she relented, and he exhaled with finality, motioning to Jaehee as he strode past her.
“Okay, um. My towel! It’s in the laundry basket on the couch in the living room. I think,” MC said, and he made a mental note as he stepped into the elevator.
“And is your apartment door unlocked?” he wondered, hoping that her unprecedented entrance into the RFA had taught her even a little about prioritizing her safety.
“Oh. No…” she muttered, and he couldn’t hold back a crooked smile. Imagining her befuddled face brought only one word to mind. Cute.
“I’ll call a locksmith to meet me at your apartment,” he smiled, hearing her inhale quickly just before he pulled his phone away from his ear to multitask.
“No, it’s okay! I have a hidden key,” she provided, making his eyebrows furrow.
“I would suggest that you remove that in the future, but surprisingly, it will solve some of our problems today,” he said after a moment of thought. Unexpectedly, she cursed quietly, making Jumin pause as the elevator doors opened.
“I’m so embarrassed,” she sighed. Jumin placed a hand against the door of the elevator, holding it open for a moment longer while he listened.
“Why?” he wondered, glancing around the parking garage until he watched Driver Kim pull forward to where he stood.
“I did something as dumb as forgetting my towel, and you’re going through all of this just to help,” she muttered. He could hear the way her lips were pouted through the phone, and it made him all the more anxious to render aid and arrive to her quickly.
“Humans can be very forgetful,” he offered, pulling open the car door and sliding in smoothly. He pulled his phone away from his face to put it on speaker, copying her address from their private message thread and forwarding it to Driver Kim. Putting his phone back up to his ear, he continued.
“I once forgot a client's date of birth during a business meeting and could have made them extremely uncomfortable,” he began, pulling his seatbelt over his lap and buckling it as the car pulled away.
“Luckily, I remembered not a moment too soon that they were born on August the 7th, and I redeemed myself. Not that they knew I had forgotten,” he said, raising his eyebrows as he heard her begin to laugh.
“I didn’t realize I was being funny,” he said, more to himself than to her. She caught her breath, giggling once more before responding.
“Thank you for cheering me up, Jumin,” she said warmly, making him reevaluate what he had said to her. Was that what he’d done?
“I’ll let you go now, but please arrive safely,” she said before he could reply, and he cleared his throat, nodding to himself.
“I will,” he agreed, hearing her hum in contentment.
“And thank you, again,” she breathed, chuckling lightly. He hesitated, fighting the inclination to answer her gratitude with dismissal, wanting to say that it was nothing. It started a strange sensation in his chest as he realized it wasn’t that he didn’t mind helping, but that he wanted to.
“I’ll be there soon,” was all he could say in reply, slightly disappointed in himself when he hung up instead of waiting for her to say her final goodbye.
The car ride there was all too short and much too long as he drowned in his own thoughts. Was he the first person she had called? Did this kind of thing happen often? What other things was she forgetful about? Who else would she have reached out to if he were unavailable?
Once they arrived and he stepped foot outside of his vehicle, Jumin tried to keep his thoughts clinical, focusing on the task at hand and not the way it was making him feel.
He entered the lobby with one of his security guards, glancing at the attendants behind the desk briefly and nodding. They gaped at him in silence as he walked to the elevator.
Once they arrived on her floor, Jumin instructed his guard to wait for him by the elevator doors. He then felt his heart begin to beat in a way he wasn’t quite familiar with. It only persisted as he approached her apartment, his chest feeling tight and warm in an almost uncomfortable way.
He double-checked the number on the door just above the peephole, pausing when he realized that she hadn’t told him where her hidden key was. Scanning the area, he hesitantly reached to feel along the top of the doorway and tapped lightly on the dusty surface until he bumped the key with his fingers. Pulling it down to eyesight, he frowned, wondering why she would put herself in danger in such a way.
He knocked thrice, pausing briefly before pushing the key into the lock and turning it until it clicked. Pressing his lips together in anticipation, he slowly opened the door.
“Please excuse me,” he spoke softly, stepping inside and taking the key from the lock. He closed the door behind himself, looking around quickly.
Her apartment wasn’t very large, but it was decorated in a way that confirmed without a doubt that she indeed lived there. It felt refreshing, with colors that reminded him of her and open spaces, and he could see little touches that were undoubtedly hers. He felt some of the tension in his chest fade, placing the key down on the table near the door and thinking of all the security measures he would like to talk with her about.
Looking down, he instinctively began taking his shoes off. Once he had, he glanced around for a pair of extra slippers for him to use, finding only a small pair of pink, flowery ones. He slipped them on, feeling the back ends hit his heels and wondering if he should just continue in his socks. Feeling strangely apprehensive, he stepped further into her apartment in her slippers, reminding himself of the task at hand.
“MC?” he called out, scanning the apartment to find where she could be. He noticed a closed door as he stepped through to her living area, nearly bumping into the back of her couch. Remembering her instructions, he looked down to see a basket overflowing with clean laundry sitting on the couch. He paused, seeing undergarments in the basket as well as towels and clothes. As carefully as he could, he picked out a blue towel, managing to lift it from the basket without disturbing anything else.
He folded the bath towel over his arm, glancing back to the door where he thought he was hearing movement from.
“MC? It’s Jumin,” he said, wondering why his jaw felt stiff.
“Jumin?” she called out from behind the door, making his eyes widen. He forced himself to take another step forward, clearing his throat.
“Yes, it’s me,” he replied, stopping a few paces from the door.
“Thank goodness,” he heard her sigh. His relief quickly turned into gripping tension when the doorknob began to turn. His eyes widened briefly before he shut them tight, turning his head and making sure he still had the towel.
“I have your towel here,” he spoke, his voice coming out strained. He heard the door open, feeling the humidity from the shower rush out to meet him.
“Thank you so much, Jumin,” she said, a smile of relief evident in her voice. He couldn’t reply just yet, taking the towel and handing it out toward her voice. When he extended his arm fully, his hand bumped hers, making his eyes fly open before he could even think.
Luckily, it was only her forearm that was extended past the door. She felt around blindly until she found the towel, his hand lingering in the empty air as he watched her close the door.
“I really appreciate it,” she reiterated, her voice muffled. “I can’t thank you enough, really. I feel so bad that you came all the way here.” He composed himself again, picking a small, blue string from his sleeve with shaky hands.
“It’s no bother at all,” he said loudly enough for her to hear. “Is there anything else you need while I’m here?” he found himself asking, his hands tensing at the thought of making her uncomfortable or overstaying his welcome.
“Oh no, not at all,” she answered quickly, her voice moving farther from the door.
“Alright, then I’ll be on my way,” he said, sparing another glance at the door before starting towards the exit.
“Jumin!” she called, startling him. He rushed back over to the door, his hand lingering just above the metal of the doorknob.
“Yes? What is it?” he pressed, resting his other hand against the wood of the door.
“Do you have time to stay?” she wondered, surprising him so fully that he was silent for a moment.
“Stay?” was all he could get out, his mind racing much too quickly.
“I haven’t seen you since the party, so if you would give me just a minute to get dressed?” she asked, making his eyebrows furrow together. She just wanted to see him?
“O-of course,” he nodded, backing away from the door just a bit.
“Unless you’re busy?” she prompted.
“I have time,” he responded quickly, feeling his thoughts bouncing around uncontrollably.
“Okay! Please make yourself at home,” she said, her smile present in his mind as she spoke.
Jumin stepped fully away from the door, ignoring the way his phone began to buzz more and more often in his pocket.
He took another look around, glancing at the large windows that looked out over the courtyard of the apartment complex. After a moment, he reached up and pulled just the sheer curtains closed, hoping that would make her feel more at ease.
He was drawn towards her television that was mounted on the wall, seeing a plethora of framed pictures on the console beneath it. Scanning each one, he stopped when he landed on the group photo of the RFA that had been taken at the party. It had taken a few minutes to get everyone in one place and to get a picture that everyone was satisfied with, but the picture she had framed was not the final picture they had all decided on. Instead, she had chosen one where everyone was bickering about where to stand, how to pose, and what Luciel should and shouldn’t be doing. He hadn’t gotten to look through all of the photos taken that day, but this still in particular felt like something he needed to have for himself. In the photo, he noticed that his gaze was focused on MC completely, and the expression he was wearing was not one he believed he’d ever seen on himself.
The door opening behind him startled him out of his thoughts, making him jump and turn to look. He turned back around just as quickly, seeing MC begin to step out in just her towel. His hands trembled slightly, the tips of his ears feeling all too warm.
“Nearly done, sorry! Just grabbing some clothes,” she explained, the soft sound of her feet against the wood floor disappearing down the hall towards what he guessed was her room. He was glad he hadn’t wandered in that direction.
Opening his eyes slowly, he focused his thoughts on the photo in front of him once more. Although the party had been less mundane than in the past, the only thing that got him through was seeing MC flourish in that party hall. Apart from looking stunning, she was kind, friendly, and wildly charismatic that night. It was a miracle in motion for Jumin, and it was truly a shame that they hadn’t seen each other since that night.
He turned away from the photo, hoping to distance himself from the surge of emotion that was building in his core that he couldn’t name. She stepped out of her room just then, looking excited to see him as she lit up with a beautiful smile.
The wave of emotion he’d tried to elude washed over him almost painfully, freezing his muscles in place. He was unable to stop the thoughts rushing through his mind, pressing his lips together as he mentally formed a very concerning one.
Is this what love feels like?
He didn’t know what romantic love meant, he only knew that he had decided never to engage in it. Whatever was happening to him right then didn’t feel wrong, but he also couldn’t quite put a label on it. He just knew that he wanted to keep seeing her, no matter what it meant.
“It’s so good to see you again,” she grinned, moving quickly towards him as he tried to regain control of himself. He felt his lips pull back into a smile, his shoulders relaxing and his hands losing their fists.
“Likewise,” he breathed out, watching her blink at him with wide eyes.
“I don’t mean to keep you long, I just…” she started, dropping her smile and then immediately turning her lips upward into another one, almost as if she too couldn’t help herself. “I wanted to see you,” she finished quietly, completely unaware of the way her small admittance made his heart stutter in his chest.
“Anytime,” he nodded without hesitation, watching her meet his eyes in confusion.
“I know how busy you are,” she said, raising her eyebrows for him to agree.
“Anytime. Really,” he repeated, thinking to himself that no matter the issue, he would drop anything if she was the one who was calling. He watched as she pulled her eyes from his and met them again multiple times, her smile growing timid. He blinked, taking his eyes from her and wondering if he was making her uncomfortable.
“Thank you, again,” she said to break the silence, bowing to him and making him frown.
“There’s no need for that,” he said quickly, taking a step forward and drawing her attention down to the ill-fitting slippers on his feet. She grinned, straightening up again and softening at him.
“You’re very kind, Jumin. I admire that about you,” she continued. He felt himself reaching to adjust his cufflinks, signaling to himself that he needed a change of scenery or he would more than likely do something he would regret.
“MC,” was all that left his lips, making her smile falter and the air grow thick around them.
“Well, I shouldn’t keep you. Please get back safely,” she smiled, wringing her hands together. He nodded, breaking eye contact with her and turning himself towards the door.
“I hope to see you again soon,” he said, seeing her shoulders move towards her ears from the corner of his vision. “I have many topics I’d like to discuss with you. Such as security,” he continued, trying to shift his mind away from the precarious edge at which he’d found himself.
“Security?” she repeated, watching him bend down to place her slippers back where he had found them. Stepping into his shoes, he hummed in agreement.
“You never told me where your key was,” he continued, raising an eyebrow at her and watching as her lips tightened in chagrin. Before a moment had passed, her expression broke into laughter, making another effortless smile stretch onto his lips.
“I’ll be more careful,” she chuckled, taking the key from the table and turning it over in her hands. He nodded, feeling his sternum buzz at the thought of returning to her apartment in the future.
“I’m counting on it,” he said softly, bowing slightly before he opened the door and stepped through. She let it close behind him, not saying another word.
Jumin couldn’t help but linger by her door, his back to it as he convinced himself to keep moving. Once he finally found it in himself to do so, he started back towards the elevator and pulled his phone out, checking his calendar for his next available free day.
hello! thank you all so much for reading!! I have been absolutely not on tumblr at all, but like I said, I can't stay away from Jumin Week <3 if you enjoyed this, please consider liking and reblogging! it really means a lot to me, especially if you leave a note in the notes or in your tags!
again, thank you so much, and I hope you all have a great day!
Mel x
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brighteststar707 · 10 months
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My heart breaks for him every time he has to stand strong by himself. Isn't this Jumin in a nutshell?
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danininodigital · 1 year
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🖤My biker boy Zen🖤
(If anyone know of a good fic of him could you leave it in the comments plis uwu✨🖤 thnks💕✨)
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reifromrfa · 1 year
Short fic: Mafia AU | Jumin
I saw this artwork by @ranartinart and got inspired to write something short for my love, Jumin Han ;w; Thank you for your lovely art! :)
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Reposted with permission from @ranartinart <3 Check it out here!
Wrote this fic while listening to this playlist ♪( ´θ`)ノ
Trigger Warning: Violence
Story under the cut! This was purely self-indulgent haha! I feel as though I'm a little rusty with mysme so apologies in advance if it feels ooc ^^;; Enjoy~
His precise steps against the marbled floor echo through the hallway. He isn't in a hurry; in fact, he takes his time, allowing the rage to bubble up inside him. He keeps his expression composed though, his head held high, his cold, steely eyes staring straight ahead, at the door on the end of the hallway.
Men and women bow to him as he passes, all of them avoiding his gaze. Finally, he reaches the door and his men open the door for him. Assistant Kang sees the man kneeling in the middle of the room, a few bruises already visible on his face and arms. She feels no pity for him, especially after he'd attempted to kidnap MC. Though MC was unharmed, Jaehee knows that this man will probably die here tonight. Honestly, he had a far better chance of surviving had he attempted to kill her boss, the mafia king of South Korea. But attacking his wife? His queen?
Jaehee looks at him with disdain as Jumin hands her his coat.
"Good riddance," she thinks to herself, turning on her heel. She makes a small gesture and the guards in the room follow her out, leaving Jumin alone with the man.
Jumin carefully folds his sleeves up, watching the man with cold, calculating eyes. The man glares at him, his hands bound behind his back.
"You motherfucker. You can't keep me here! They're gonna come lookin' for me! And when they do, they're gonna take you down, you bastard! You'll see. You're gonna be fucking sorry!" the man spits out, staring hatefully at Jumin.
Jumin arches a brow, continuing to fold his sleeves on his other arm. His voice is calm, low, as though he's having a casual conversation and not being threatened by this piece of scum. "Oh? I'd like to see them try."
The man becomes angrier, as though Jumin’s calm facade is somehow an insult to him. “Don’t you fucking know who I am, huh? I am—”
“You are irrelevant to me,” Jumin interrupts, crossing his arms as he looks down on the man. His expression darkens as he studies the lowlife who dared to touch his MC. Who dared to even breathe the same air as her. “I do not need to know your name, I do not need to know who you are, what you’re worth. All I need to know is this:
You meant to harm my wife.”
Jumin watches as a small smile appears on the man’s face. His jaw clenches as he holds himself back. Not yet, he tells himself. Not yet.
“Your wife? MC? Yeah, she’s a real beauty. I remember those scared cries she made when I grabbed her. I bet she sounds real good in bed, huh? I bet—”
The man never gets to finish his sentence. Instead, he has a split second to widen his eyes before Jumin’s fist collides with his jaw. The man hears a crack but it’s quickly forgotten as pain shoots up his cheek, his jaw. His head whips harshly to one side and he tastes blood in his mouth.
Jumin grits his teeth and grabs the man by his hair, forcing him to face Jumin again.
“How dare you talk about my wife that way. How dare you even utter her name with that filthy mouth of yours. You have no right to even walk in the places her feet have touched. You have no right to breathe the air she breathes. You have no right at all to LIVE in the world she exists in.”
The man attempts to scowl but it turns into an ugly grimace, his jaw throbbing. “When I get outta here, I’m gonna fuck her and make you watch, you sonovabitch!” He’s about to spit at Jumin Han’s face when Jumin releases his hair and hits him with an uppercut, effectively slamming his teeth together. Jumin steps back and watches as the man chokes on his own spit, violent coughs making his shoulders heave. Blood starts to trickle down the side of his lips, down his chin; to Jumin, that vermin’s blood is like coal that fuels the deep loathing he feels towards said vermin. He wants more, more of the man’s blood to spill until he is on the brink of death.
“What makes you think you’re getting out of here? Do you think that highly of your comrades? Do you think they would come for you…at the risk of becoming my enemy?” Jumin lets out a mirthless chuckle.
“You’re sorely mistaken.
No one is coming to save you.”
“Think of it like this…” Jumin yanks on the man’s hair again, pulling him to his feet. He leans closer. In a low, soft voice, he speaks to the man —like Death’s whisper to a dying soul.
“You’re dead to them. In fact…you’re dead to everyone. There’s not a person who would want to be affiliated with you now. There’s not a single soul who will even speak your name anymore. Because if they do, I will not only obliterate every trace of their existence from the world, I will also ensure that their life becomes a living hell. They will spend every waking moment in a dark cell, suffering, praying they were dead, and every time they close their eyes they will be plagued with nightmares of the pitiful, painful, pathetic life ahead of them.”
The man struggles to remain upright, his hands still bound behind his back as blood starts to soak the front of his shirt. A muscle in Jumin’s jaw twitches as he stares at the hideous expression on the man’s face.
“You asked me if I knew who you are? Yes, I know who you are. I also know where you parents are, your sister and her family, even the bastard son you’re hiding from your employer.” At his words, Jumin sees the man’s face pale. “Here, we place a high value on family. That’s why I sought to learn about your family.”
“If you fucking touch them, I fucking swear I’ll—”
“You’ll…what? Kill me?” Jumin’s eyes flash and his lips curl in a small, taunting smirk. “That’s what you should have done. You should have killed me instead of going after my wife.”
Jumin approaches the man and now, he sees the man take a small step back.
“You’re only fucking cocky ‘coz you’re beating up a defenseless man! You think this is a fair fight?!”
“Fair?” Jumin’s eyebrow arches. “Fair?” He tilts his head ever so slightly, looking at the man in disbelief.
“Why would I stoop to your level and make this fair?”
He takes another step towards the man and the man’s eyes widen as he takes a step back.
“I was born with every advantage…why wouldn’t I use them? To, as you put it, ‘make this fair’? Why? You certainly thought it was fair to take advantage of a woman who’s smaller than you…and now you call me ‘cocky’ for beating you while your hands are bound?”
Jumin closes the gap between them and delivers a swift punch to the man’s solar plexus. The man chokes and gasps for air, wheezing as Jumin throws another punch…and then another.
The man feels his knees buckle as his body topples forward. But before he can even fall, Jumin grabs his shoulders and pushes the man down at the same time raising his knee and driving it further on the same spot.
“Get this through your thick head,” Jumin says vehemently, now letting his anger take over. Gone is his composure, all he can see now is this man stalking his wife, touching her, laughing at her horrified expression, thinking about the terrible things he’d do to MC…all because she’s Jumin’s queen.
“Life will never be fair.” Jumin keeps his grip on the man, not giving him a chance to straighten. He slams his knee against the man’s abdomen and now he can hear the man wheezing hard, his gasps turning raspy, desperate.
“You and I will never be on the same level.”
Jumin scowls at the man. He dares try to interrupt Jumin? Jumin takes a slight step back before slamming the man’s face down on his knee.
“Shut up. You don’t even deserve to be talking. I’ll have your tongue cut out…eventually.”
Jumin releases the man and he falls to the ground like a pathetic rag doll. The man is still wheezing, taking in short, quick breaths. Jumin watches him struggle to breathe, a rush of satisfaction filling him as he sees the man’s bloody face, his nose broken, his lip busted, his eyes swollen and drooping.
But still, this will never be enough. There’s never a good enough punishment for someone who has ill intentions towards Jumin Han’s family. Especially his Queen.
Jumin uses the front of his shoe to push the man onto his back. The man’s wide eyes dart to Jumin as he starts to choke on his own blood. But Jumin merely places a foot on his chest and leans forward, putting all his weight on the foot that’s right over the man’s lungs.
“Now…I’ve established that I know you. But…
Do you know who I am?”
Jumin’s steely gaze never leaves the man’s face, his icy expression showing no hints of mercy. In fact, he leans forward more, pressing his foot deeper.
”I am Jumin Han. I am the most powerful man in Asia.
From now on, your life is in MY hands. If you breathe it is because I’m letting you breathe. But don’t worry, I assure you, breathing will be a luxury for you. Like I said before, I was born with every advantage at my fingertips.
I intend to use my power to make your life into something far worse than the hell you’ve imagined.
About your family…I won’t hurt them. Yet. It all depends on whether you cooperate or not. You may think this is a sick, cruel game…I want to assure you yet again that yes, this is my sick, twisted game for simpletons with a death wish.”
The man’s face is turning purple as he desperately opens his mouth to try to get air into his lungs. Jumin just stares at him for a few seconds, watching the red lines creeping into the man’s eyes. Jumin eases his foot over the man’s lungs and he waits until the man intakes a couple of short breaths before pushing against his chest again.
“You’ve made a grave mistake, turning me into your enemy…but now I’ll be more than that. I’ll be the demon that haunts your every move. I’ll be your personal Grim Reaper, collecting blood and instilling fear in you.
Every day.
For the rest of your meaningless existence.”
Jumin lifts his foot from the man’s chest and he gazes down at his work. The man has tears flowing down the sides of his face, bruises and cuts all over his body —at least, the parts that Jumin can see. Jumin is sure the man has a cracked rib or two as well.
To him, this punishment is still nothing compared to the trauma this pathetic idiot instilled in MC. But he’ll have to stop for now; he doesn’t want the man to die that same night. No…Jumin wants him to live a long, miserable life.
Without another word, Jumin heads for the door, where Assistant Kang is already waiting with a towel in her hands. Jumin takes it, wiping away the man’s blood from his hands.
“I want him looked at but make sure he’s bound tightly. Only patch up the wounds that are fatal. Then transfer him to our warehouse, put him in a coffin and make him think he’s going to be buried alive; I trust you’ll oversee this, Assistant Kang?”
“Of course, sir. I’ll send you a recording afterwards.”
“Good. He can stay there for the evening, but make sure to check the CCTVs in the coffin every now and then. I want him to live for a long time. In the morning, move him to a cell and only give him water. No food, no lights, no toilets, no requests. I’ll call you with further instructions tomorrow. Do I make myself clear?”
The guards around Jaehee reply in a rush, the menacing aura Jumin is exuding, scaring even them. Jaehee waves the guards towards the man and they get to work.
“Oh, and Assistant Kang?”
Jaehee turns to her boss, watching him holding the blood-stained towel. She never thought she’d be working for the most powerful man in the continent, but she’s also grateful that she is. There’s no mercy in Jaehee’s heart towards the man who could have taken someone precious from them, and she’s glad her boss can inflict the most damning punishment onto that man.
“Yes, Mr. Han?”
“Make sure that man or anyone affiliated with him will never get anywhere close to my wife. If they do, kill them. I want all our men to know that.”
“Understood, sir.”
“Good. I’ll leave this to you, then. Have a pleasant evening, Assistant Kang.”
Jaehee watches him go, as though he didn’t just nearly beat a man to death. But at the end of the day, they’re all just pawns on Jumin’s chessboard.
She pities any fool who dares to take on the king and his queen.
I hope you liked it! Thank you for reading <3 Don't forget to follow @ranartinart too <3
Check out my other Mysme writings here!
Mango Shake/Ko-fi is always very much appreciated (ᵔᴥᵔ)
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ynverse · 1 year
in another life
JUMIN x gn! reader | angst
a/n: based on me confessing to an irl to get over it cause when he said he wanted kids, i got the worst ick of my life
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maybe it was the way the two of you continued to speak to one another as if last night didn’t happen? or perhaps it was the way you knew you would see him in a couple of weeks - trying to act as if the both of you didn’t understand the situation you both were put in. a rejection would have been better — him telling you that you no longer mean anything to him after confessing would have been better. yet here you are, knowing he feels the same way but he is still just jumin han to you, not your lover.  you are both within each other's reach and yet you aren’t. a grey space that seems so full of black yet the white light radiating from him was enough to remind you that it was for the best… not for your heart but for your mind.
when you mustered up the courage to confess, you expected only one outcome; for the heir of c&r international to reject you gently and for you to move on with your feelings. you wanted to be rejected — needed to be rejected — so you can move on and find someone with a lifestyle that would suit yours. jumin felt the same way though and when he asked if this meant he could call you his, you had to put a stop to it. you knew in your heart that you cared for him more than anything but you couldn’t handle living in the spotlight with him. it wasn’t even his fault that the paparazzi constantly followed him everywhere, that his father was always making headlines, or that you knew your anxiety couldn’t take that lifestyle. so why did you want to blame him so badly?
would it be easier to imagine he was at fault and that’s why you were kept apart? would it be easier than blaming yourself and your anxieties for stopping you from being with him? would it have been easier if he had gotten upset with you so you could be upset with yourself? or would it hurt more than it hurts right now — knowing the both of you understood how the other felt but still wanted to be together? that you two would look each other in the eyes and see the adoration but pretend it wasn’t there. that you have to navigate the path back to friendship in a way that does the least damage to both of you.
you knew you would be happier this way, you both could never ask each other to sacrifice something just for the sake of someone else. you would be able to support each other in a way that is best for both of you - as close friends. you could get over your feelings if it meant jumin would be happier. he could move on if it meant you would be okay. you both would always love each other and in this lifetime, it would just have to stay as platonic love.
you would get over this… maybe not now but in the future…hopefully.
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xelasrecords · 8 months
Tea! Would You Like Some?
Han Jumin x Reader
Jumin Week 2023 - Day 3: Quality Time @juminweek2019
High-quality time shared between two people highly stupid about their feelings. And for each other.
My x reader comeback after so long! Had a meet cute recently so y'all get a lighthearted crushing stage fic for once :)
Words: 3.9k
Masterlist Read on AO3
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How soon you could come had no correlation to Jumin's expectation of seeing you materialise in his living room. At least, that was what he told himself. His traitorous fingers told a different thing. They had typed out a message asking where you were, if there was any problem with your ride, if you had input the correct address in your map, and if he needed to send out a search party if you didn't reply in the next five minutes, but that, he felt, would be too drastic.
Jumin erased the last part and sent the text. He sighed, fingers drumming on the arm of his white sofa. Contrary to Zen's belief, he was not one to blow things out of proportion. He always did just enough and everything else was simply a precaution.
Perhaps a five-minute grace was not precaution enough. Four minutes. He could wait for four.
The second his doorbell rang, Jumin leapt to his feet. He never considered the distance from the living room to the entrance too far, but now he doubted the interior design of his penthouse. Large spaces allowed him to breathe—until you took it away just by not reneging on your promise to visit. You were someone he had only met a handful of times, always with the other members and never at his own place.
Today was special. Today he decided to ignore his fear of being left behind by his loved ones and let you in.
You could be someone he loved. You could be the one who stayed.
Jumin composed himself and opened the door, and there you were, standing with your hands deep in your pockets, waiting for him.
Nothing could have prepared him for the sight of you. Despite being mussed by the wind, your hair fell beautifully around your face like a divine frame that accentuated your features. Your eyes were bright, your smile was wide, and you were wrapped in a coat that must be your favourite. He never saw you without it. He wished he knew more about your fashion sense so he could gift you clothes that you would like. He also wished he was close enough to see himself in your eyes' reflection, but that time would come later. Everything had its order, and patience was a virtue that had been drilled into him since childhood.
"I have been waiting for you," said Jumin, not bothering to hide the relief in his voice. "Did anything happen on your way here? You didn't reply to my text."
"I was rushing." Your smile turned apologetic. "Didn't check my phone, sorry."
Jumin stepped aside to let you in. The fact that your hand could have grazed his had you walked nearer to him did not escape his attention. "No matter. It's all right now that you're here."
Leading you to the white plush sofa where he had waited with perfect calmness, he felt tense and oddly exposed, like he was anticipating a foreboding that might come to pass. He did not feel like Han Jumin. This was an iteration of him that he had not been acquainted with.
"Did I make you wait too long?" you asked.
"No," Jumin said. "You didn't have to hurry. You were not yet late." He hoped the sofa would be good enough for you. He had asked his housekeeper to clean off every speck of dust he could detect, twice over.
You sat down and stared at him with a look that he couldn't discern. "I wanted to be early."
Jumin took a seat beside you, careful to maintain a respectful distance despite his heart's protest. "You possess an excellent sense of time management. We will get along well." Compliments flowed out of him easily when it came to you. If you let him, he would graciously point out your strengths one by one.
But was that disappointment on your face?—though it disappeared before he could probe further. "Yes, I love time and managing stuff." You sighed. "That's why I'm the assigned party coordinator."
Now that you were at the spot where he had cast secret spells to summon you, Jumin wasn't sure what to say. He was desperate to know if you shared his jitters. You were motionless, spine straight and hands clasped on your lap, studiously watching the black television screen. There was nothing save for the blurred reflection of both of you sitting in a similar position. He had been imagining all sorts of exciting conversations with you, but your presence had flung them out of his head. This had never happened before. An MRI scan was in order after you went home.
It was possible that you were growing bored, though your affable expression had not indicated so. But it might not mean anything, for you always seemed pleasant. You were very, very pleasant to look at. It was also possible that he was the only one with an insatiable curiosity towards you. For all he knew, you could be with a partner and merely accepted his invitation to hang out with him as a newly anointed member of the RFA. And you were a member. This was a friendly meet-up, nothing more.
"Tea," said Jumin suddenly. His voice echoed in the silence.
Startled, your head snapped to him. "What?"
"Everyone in my family learns to brew tea," Jumin explained. "The tea leaves in my pantry are directly imported from China, obtained from the only six three-hundred-year-old Wuyi trees in existence. The legend of this tea can be traced back to the age of emperors and dynasties, and it has become extraordinarily rare over time. It has the best quality in the world."
"How did you get it if it's so rare?" You were trying to hold a smile back, but it was not a mocking sneer. There was a certain fondness in it that made him want to let all his guard down and pull you into his arms.
"Auctions," Jumin simply said. "You ought to try it. It will keep you warm." Only then he noticed that you still had your coat on and was promptly filled with horror. "My apologies. I seem to have lost my manners." He outstretched his arm. "Leave your coat with me. It can't have been comfortable sitting in that."
"Shame." You handed it over. "I was planning to take a nap in this."
"Is that how people normally sleep? Or is it a tradition unique to you?" Jumin folded your coat into a perfect half over his forearm. "I'd appreciate it if you could teach me your ways."
"I was joking, Jumin. Should I teach you how to make one?" you said, in a tone so kind that he was taken aback. People tended to laugh at his face or look away politely when he failed to understand a joke.
"There is no need. I already have a handbook for it." Jumin was unable to keep smugness out of his voice. "It includes a list of one hundred jokes that you can make to both family and work colleagues alike. I have made good use of it when I need to break the ice."
"But does it include learning how to take one?"
"Unfortunately, I have yet to encounter a book for it."
You squeezed his shoulder, and the warmth of your touch penetrated all layers of his clothing that he had carefully planned. Navy blue suit, black tie, complete with a beige waistcoat and white striped shirt. Everything was new. "Don't worry," you said. "It just means the joke isn't funny to you. A good joke will make you laugh naturally."
"I see." Jumin fixed his tie. "I promise to laugh at your next joke."
"I said naturally. Honestly, Jumin. Please don't plan for it. You're going to give me performance anxiety."
"Then I look forward to your performance." He smirked, and you groaned. Something about you brought out the childlike side in him that he didn't know was still alive. "If you would wait here for a moment. I shall brew you a cup of tea. It won't be long."
Without waiting for your response, Jumin stood up, hung your coat on the silver coat rack by the hallway, and headed to the kitchen. Something was wrong with him. A smile kept threatening to break out of his face and there was a palpable beating in his throat when it should stay underneath his ribcage and he felt giddy about something. He was sure that this was abnormal. Was he finally living up to Zen's senseless claim that he was a strange creature? Jumin stowed these additional symptoms away for his next doctor's appointment. Forget MRI, he needed a full-body checkup.
Jumin heard a soft padding behind him as he turned on the kettle. Your footsteps were quiet, almost drowned by the gurgling of the boiling water and it reminded him of the elegance of Elizabeth the Third. He'd introduce you to her when she decided to make an appearance. The thought of the two of you getting along put a smile on his face.
"I thought you would've offered me wine before tea. Are you really Jumin?" you teased, peering from behind him. He was scooping oolong tea leaves into the strainer in a precise measurement when his muscles turned rigid. Your chin was nearly perched on his shoulder. He regretted that you didn't.
But Jumin dearly wished he knew either. He paused and looked over at you. Now he could see himself in your mischievous eyes. Now he saw how happy he was. The opportunity came sooner than he was prepared for. His breath hitched. "Would you like some wine instead?" he asked, keeping his gaze steady. "I have a wide variety you can choose from in the cellar."
"Tea is fine," you said. "I'll take anything you give me, really."
"Beware," Jumin said dryly. "You have not known me long. There could be poison in your drink."
It took a second for his joke to register, but when it did, you started to laugh. Jumin was stunned, then relaxed when he realised you were not under any pretences of politeness. He felt as if he got a high score for a competition he had unknowingly participated. He never used to put high importance on winning. As someone who consistently broke his own records, achievements were just another thing that his office and father would hold a customary celebration for.
But you were different. Your laughter was a prize he wanted to win all the time. He liked seeing you in joy, and liked that he was the source of it. It was a high that he never wanted to come down from.
"Did you copy that joke from your handbook?" you asked.
"I came up with it on the spot," said Jumin proudly, and your grin widened.
Your eyes flitted to the only china cup laid out on the marble countertop. "Aren't you making another for yourself?"
Jumin shook his head. "I'm not in the mood for tea."
You lifted a brow. "I am so surprised."
Jumin's forehead furrowed in genuine confusion. "Why would you be?"
You flailed your arms about. "Is tea not your passion?" you said. "You were fired up when you talked about it. That's all you've talked about. If I didn't know you better, I'd think it's your favourite drink in the world."
"I merely wanted to keep you warm, and a cup of tea was the fastest way to do it." Actually, Jumin thought being embraced by him would be faster, but he doubted you would accept his advanced advances. "You're the one who has been on my mind, not tea."
"Not tea," you repeated.
"It's nothing compared to you," Jumin affirmed.
"Oh." You pressed your palm against your cheek. "That's nice. You're nice." You gave a perfunctory sweep at his polished monochromatic penthouse, sparse but efficiently filled with the essential household items. "Your place is also nice."
But you were looking at everywhere but him, and that didn't feel as nice. "You might be the first person calling me nice besides V," Jumin said, deciding to focus on the positive. "And V is exempted as he is my closest friend. I'm not sure how to feel about this, to be honest. I'll have to think about it later."
"Take your time," you said, finally looking at him. "I'm not going anywhere."
Quietly, Jumin poured hot water into the teacup and stirred sugar into the steaming amber liquid, allowing the clinking of the teaspoon to fill the space he couldn't. For all his desire to have his interest in you reciprocated, he could not picture the reality if you did. He wouldn't know what to do with himself. He wanted to invite you into his mind, yet was frightened by the thought of you being repelled after knowing him.
"Careful, it's hot," Jumin warned as you lifted the teacup to your lips. "Tell me, how do you find it? Is it to your taste?"
You took your time sipping the tea. He suspected you did it to keep him on his toes, and had to admit that it was part of your intrigue. Jumin could never guess your next move. Anything he predicted you would prove him wrong in the most delightful way possible.
You looked up from the rim of the cup. "What if I say it isn't?"
A connoisseur in understanding your jest now, Jumin replied, "I shall melt into a puddle and lie on the floor until you give me an honest review."
"I will mop your puddle and wring it out the window."
He looked at you thoughtfully. "I'd say I'm offended, but I heard that committing murder is an expressway to one's heart."
"Sometimes even literally," you agreed.
Jumin's eyes widened. "The double meaning escaped me. You are a genius."
You set your cup down on its saucer with a delicate clink. "But is murder the only way to your heart?"
Jumin forgot the mechanism of speaking. Due to his years of experience with women whom he never spared a glance for, he could detect the act of flirting when he saw one. And you were flirting. With him. He was eighty-nine per cent sure of it. You deemed him worthy to be flirted with. Jumin almost slid down to his knees.
"No." He managed to get a full sentence out. "No," he tried again, "but you don't even have to try. Whatever you're doing, you are doing it well." Two better sentences. Magnificent.
"That's too bad," you said. Jumin noticed that your hand was still wrapped around your cup, steam unfurling on the top of it. You must still be cold. "I've been waiting to hack through your chest with an axe."
Jumin walked towards the heater controller and turned it on. "Is homicide the only thing in your mind?"
"It's more of an ad break from the thoughts of you."
At that, Jumin turned around. You had been thinking about him. He knew how impossible it was to stop thinking about you, and your admission was making him lightheaded. Did you ever dream of him and then scramble for your phone the first thing in the morning just to hear his voice? Did you ever yearn to talk about him to your friends the way he did, except his only friend was doing his habitual disappearance and the loneliness was more profound now that you were his constant excitement but he had no one to tell it to? Did you have anyone you hold dear to your heart? Were you open to considering him as one someday? It was not yet appropriate to be so upfront with his questions, he knew.
But one question should be fine. "How long have you been thinking of me?" Jumin asked.
You leaned against the counter and crossed your legs. "I talk to you every day. So, every day." He wondered if your composure was a facade, the way his was.
Jumin nodded. "We share the same habit. I can't quite recall what I used to think about before you entered our lives."
"Your darling white cat, the cat projects that generate a steady loss for your company, and some new cat-friendly inventions? Jaehee's nightmares, basically."
Jumin chuckled. "You know me well. I must say I'm surprised." It wasn't so bad to be known. He could get used to the feeling. "Assistant Kang doesn't appreciate the fine things in life. It's a pity that Elizabeth the Third is hiding somewhere right now. If you see her, you'll understand why I do all those things for her."
"You love her," you said kindly. "I understand that enough."
Jumin stared at you. You kept saying the right things and he kept falling, falling, falling.
"You've finished your tea," Jumin noted, but not without regret. He dreaded having to let you go.
You studied the empty cup. "Wow, I think I inhaled it. You were right, it was the best tea I've ever tasted. Thank you."
"I hope you will stay longer. Do you have other arrangements for the evening?" Jumin, who had arranged his whole weekend around your visit, calmly inquired.
"I don't," you said, with just as much calmness.
"My collection doesn't stop at drinks," he said. "I have a brand new record player and an array of classic vinyls. You can peruse them if you'd like. A three-star Michelin chef will be flying in to prepare dinner and you can request anything you want, provided that you do it three hours prior. There's also a gym on the second floor, though exercising is probably not the best activity since you don't bring a change of clothes." He paused. "You don't happen to bring one, do you?"
"Jumin, I—no. But I could wear yours if I so desperately need to shower here."
He thought he saw your eyes suspiciously glittered, but it was gone when you blinked. "I don't have clothes that would fit you perfectly." He frowned. "They're all tailored to my body, you see. I'm afraid you wouldn't find much comfort in them. Now, would you like to sit down? I've made you stand for too long." He guided you to the kitchen island, fingers light around your wrist, and pulled out one of the brass bar stools. "Please excuse my bad manners today. Something must have come over me. I don't tend to be like this."
You settled in your seat only to swivel back to meet his towering figure. Your knees nudged his legs, and Jumin was stunned, unmoving. He thought an attraction was supposed to burn him alive, to light him up from the inside. What he felt now was akin to petrification. It crept up on him from the ground he stood and incapacitated his ability to form coherent thoughts.
"Jumin," you enunciated his name with great care. He had never thought his name was beautiful until it lulled out of your mouth. He wanted to brand it into his memory.
"Yes," he said, because it was the only thing his mouth could form.
"Your house sounds like a treat."
"That's because it is. You can entertain yourself here. Whatever you want, I will do my best to provide it for you."
"Other guys could give me those too. There have been some, you know," you confessed, and Jumin was torn between wanting to know more about your past and quelling down the illogical jealousy it spurred. "Gold-dipped bouquets with diamonds, fancy restaurants where they ordered for me without asking about my preferences, jewellery that I wouldn't pick for myself." Your voice was tinted with slight distaste, but it was gone in the next instance. "Do you think I was swayed by them?"
Now Jumin's gaze turned sharp. This was a test, he realised. Your intention was not to compare him to other men, nor was it to flaunt how desired you were. Jumin knew the latter well without needing you to prove it to him. He felt the torrent of his desire all the time. It threatened to wash him ashore and pull him back into the raging sea, never letting him be at peace until he could be certain you wanted him back. So what would you get out of your question? Whatever your goal was, he knew what he was supposed to do. You favoured honesty, just as he did. That was one of the many things he respected about you.
"I doubt you were," Jumin said. "Your affection isn't the kind that could be bought. I may not know you intimately, but I know you would not budge under insensitive bribery, and your tale reeked of one. What they did was foul and not driven by the best intentions. That's not how you, or anyone, should be treated."
Your expression softened as you reached for his hand. "I know you're not trying to impress me with your wealth. I'm sorry if I made you think so. I meant to show you that I'd be here even without you throwing those things at me. You called me just to meet up and I came right away. If I stay back, it's because I want to spend more time with you." You averted your eyes. "Did you have to make me say all that?"
Emboldened by your hold that you hadn't let go, Jumin tilted your chin and you leaned forward by a fraction. "You enjoy my company," he said, assessing your earnest face. He could hear his racing heartbeat in his ears. "But will you stay?"
"You'd really like an encore to embarrass me," you grumbled. "Didn't you hear what I just said?"
"You phrased it as a hypothesis. I cannot be sure that staying with me is what you want unless you state it clearly," Jumin pressed. Though he was always surrounded by people, no one had ever bothered to stay. Not for long. Not for the person he was.
His fear and desperation must have shown on his face, for you let out a small breath and gently squeezed his arm, before trailing your sight to the empty cup waiting on the counter. "I think you should refill my tea," you said slowly. "I need more if we'll talk into the night, won't I?"
The warmth from your hold spread throughout his body and a smile broke through Jumin's face, his uncertainty receding. Someone as beautiful and brilliant as you, a gem rarer than his tea—for those tea leaves could be reproduced but you were one of a kind—wanted him as much as he wanted you. It was the first real smile he wore in a while. "We can switch to something stronger after dinner," Jumin suggested.
"Wine," you guessed. Oh, how he loved that you could read his mind. "I knew it. You always default to wine. Farewell, tea. His affair with you has been short but memorable."
Jumin was all too eager to agree. "Farewell."
Jumin hoped it would be a long, long time before his relationship with you could end. If it would ever end.
The footnotes that I thought would be an occasional extra but they just won't go away:
This fic is inspired by good dates and bad dates and that early crush feeling when you don't quite know the person yet so everything feels exciting and scary.
Don't worry, Jumin's tea rambles didn't deviate from canon. On day 8 he wishes you to learn tea brewing since all his family does it. I thought it'd be fun to highlight his nervousness by making him do something unexpected, especially since he's the type who would randomly do something out of pocket while still maintaining his gravitas.
The tea's legend is based on Da Hong Pao, a very rare, government-protected Chinese tea that you can only get if the president honours you some and from auctions. I didn't think I'd research that deep for accuracy for a mere fic but what am I if not committed.
The header is made to seem like a cheeky ad in the spirit of Jumin's tea endorsement. Contemporary fun with a touch of antiquity is what I was going for to capture the fic's mood and Jumin's preference. The challenge was to make a dynamic animation without looking flat or too complicated but still fit the time, format and size constraints. People still need to be able to immediately read the text, which means no over-the-top entrances and transitions. Truthfully, I die a little bit inside whenever I have to sacrifice aesthetics for function but it is what it is!
Buy me a glass of something that's definitely not coffee because I can't stand it but it is the website's name if my story touches you in some way? No worries if you don't. I'm still grateful you've read all the way through here.
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keikaru · 2 months
love's imbroglio - mystic messenger (Jumin Han/MC)
“I might not have the experience or knowledge like you, but I am a fast learner. Teach me, and I’ll be able to perform within your range of expectations. If I can’t keep up—dismiss me. But before you let your biases muddle your judgement, at least let me prove myself that I am not incompetent to whatever level you hold me at.”
Her eyes narrowed to the same firmness of her voice. She knew her mild temperament was close to succumbing to fury and disgust, but she smoothed her skirt and reigned in her anger. Once the elevator descended to the lobby, she could walk away and forget everything.
In fact, she could have walked away at any moment, damn the consequences. Yesterday, three days ago, last week when the deal was finalized. Yet she stayed. She couldn’t find it in herself to leave—not when her parents’ businesses were on the line. Not when her mother’s high end fashion line and her father’s grand hotels were at stake.
Although she should have been aghast by the severity of the situation, something far greater than those concerns reeled her attention away. Where did her older sister go?
The eldest was all gung-ho about inheriting her mother’s business that she interned and worked along their mother after high school and the following years. Her sister cut back on college classes and managed to be a part-time model and promote clothing lines and promotional items.
Now she—the second daughter—was thrust amid family problems. Correction—family business problems. Her disinterest in her parents’ business was clear, yet she found herself in the very core of it.
Most importantly, why did her sister disappear? And where did she go?
Her knuckles whitened as she curled her fingers into a tight ball. Her jaw was taut with tension. It was too soon to be reminded of her sister. She disappeared just five months ago. 
She saw Jumin visibly stiffen, but his face was impassive as he brushed her comments aside with a pointed, sidelong glance. His eyes reflected a cold indifference, almost imploring her to utter one more bold statement that would lead to her resigning by tomorrow. 
The air between them was filled with a thick silence. Mingled in with a tension and discomfort on a spectrum she hadn’t known existed until now.
She was going to be fired. She was certain of it. As her gaze caught his reflection in the elevator mirror, she noticed that he crossed his arms—it crinkled the sleeves of his dark tailored suit—and lowered his gaze. He suddenly found interest in the plush carpeting. Likewise, she averted her eyes to the wall beside her. But she had to voice her concern—her irritation about his inability to look beyond the small world he submerged himself in. That, and his obsession with his beloved feline partner, Elizabeth the third. “I apologize for my behavior,” Jumin said quietly, keeping her at a distance. Jumin shifted and leaned his shoulder against the wall. His eyes were trained on the glowing elevator buttons in front of him, but his body partially faced her. “I’ve been under much duress as of late. I didn’t mean to ignore or snap at you this entire week. I’ve been…inhospitable ever since our first meeting. And truthfully, it is not your fault by mine.”
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drawingangel666 · 2 years
Hello! Can I request V, 707, yoosung, vanderwood and jumin with a s/o with a very high libido? Like has to have sex or at least some kind of orgasm at least once a day?
If you don't write for someone I included it's alright!!
I write for all of them ^^ and I hope you enjoy it.
V, 707, Yoosung and Jumin with a s/o with high libido
Reader's gender: not specified (I will talk saying ´you` so there isn't any pronouns or anything)
Author's note: I have never been interested in Vanderwood until now, and I am not ready yet to write about him because I feel that I will make him to much out of character. (When I started playing he was just a side character no-one had much interest in)
Warning: NSFW, kinda BDSM dynamics, voyeur, etc..
Let's begin!
(NSFW under the cut)
He is really sweet so he might (at first) misunderstand the high libido as excitement
He loves you so much that he will let you do whatever you want
If he is in the mood (which is rare) he will be gentle and slow
(Prob) buys you toys to use when he isn’t in the mood
He will ask to take pictures of you while you are using it (#sorrynotsorry)
NEVER compares you to Rika during any kind of sexual activity
He once said you were better
Sometimes he matches that energy
He might want to match your energy, surely he is drowned in work but he tries to do as much as he can to go with you
You guys have definitely done it in his workplace
He hacks the cameras for anybody who could be watching
He does match your mood when he isn’t stressed
He will ask you to stay under his desk if he sees you really needy
Prob builds you/buys you toys to entertain yourself, gets jealous and throws them away
Likes to watch you through the security cameras if you are “helping yourself “
Let's be honest, he ain't no puppy. He might be lost at the beginning and might take more time to adapt to your needs, but he won't back down.
He knows what he is doing when he pretends to not understand when you are needy
He might match that high libido in ways that no-one would have imagined
He will take care of your needs personally, but also will do it while he plays LOLOL
Might mute his mic if you guys are having your moment (just might, because I firmly believe that he forgets to do so)
He is gentle and soft with you
He adores it, he matches the energy to a 100%
He will use the cage when he has to work and you are needy (#sorrynotsorry)
Probably he will ignore you when it is `cat-related´work, if not, expect him to really want to do it.
He has a high libido he hid well, ......... until you appeared, now he can't hide it and he is pretty needy
He is dominant, so if he isn't in the mood, he'll tell you to do things in front of him without him participating
Expect getting a revealing cat-related lingerie outfit
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