cha5otic · 5 months
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pyrorptrs · 12 days
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Awhile back I did my own redesign of the Toa Mata from Bionicle. Mostly just trying to find a way to draw them without having to keep the toys permanently on hand for reference and a bit more streamlined to make them easier to draw in general. As far as universal details go, I gave them a segmented body template to lean into the biomechanical aspect of them, I also tried to find a consistent way to draw some of the more common limbs they had. I also tried to play with the gears on the back by giving each of them something unique and tried to give them unique kneeguards. I also tried to incorporate the orbs they had their chest by incorporating their elements matoran symbols into them
Tahu - Tahu served as kind of the template for the others, so he's probably the most standard out of them. I wanted to stick primarily with his original colors so made the bright red and orange the most prominent colors on him, but I also used the dark red he sported later as an accent color for more color blocking. His sword is based more on the Bionicle Heroes interpretation of it, though I may change that if I ever redraw this design. His left arm was never really stated to be anything, so I tried to purpose it as a sort of Aegis; it still matches his more aggressive personality, but also gives it a more utility. I also modeled his back gear after exhaust pipes to relate towards his element. Though it probably won't be seen that much, I did try to define his head too, making it kinda broad; specifically basing the heads off a combination of the originals, the glatorian heads from the end of the original line, and the heads from the reboot.
Kopaka - Since Toa of Ice tend to stick around cold places, I incorporated a bit of a coat into his armor for insulation. His sword also draws some inspiration from the Heroes version, but it also still works like his toy. His left arm was a bit awkward so I limited the armor to mostly just his bicep, I also tried to make the shield look like a snowflake on top of the radar dish look it obviously was piece wise. Kopaka was also one of the few toa consistently depicted is hauling around the McGuffins for whatever saga they're directly involved in, so I gave him a satchel to call back to that. His back gear is directly modeled after a snowflake like his shield, but a bit more obviously. I also tried to make his kneeguards resemble icicles. I tried to give his head a sharper look to call back to his cold and distant personality.
Lewa - Tried to make Lewa look a bit more lanky compared to the others since he's supposed to be the resident tree swinger. His axe leans more towards the original, but I still tried to incorporate aspects of the heroes version for fun. I tried to make his left arm a big grabby arm since most people turn it into a gun or something, but BlazeTBW thought it looked like a machete so I incorporated a fold-our arm blade to help him cut up vines and foliage as he swings around. His kneeguards are supposed to look like palm leaves but I'm not satisfied with how they turned out. I also gave him a few pouches since I figured he's want to keep a few snacks on hand or maybe even swipe a souvenir here and there.
Onua - Tried to make Onua look pretty broad since he's supposed to be strong even without his mask buffing him. Unfortunately his monochromatic color scheme can make things hard to color block, so I threw in some purple from his G2 version in order to help highlight some parts of his body. obviously made his claws his actual hands. I also did something a bit different with his legs sinw his original toy had them flipped around to bulk them, so I tried leaning into that while also making it look like a heavy duty hinge. I also tried to make his head particularly broad too.
Pohatu - Pohatu was pretty different from the original toa in that his torso was flipped around to make him more bottom heavy, so I tried to call back to that with his body shape. I also took inspiration from the toys arms to make them bigger than the others. I did include the two orbs on his shoulders, but recolored them to make them different from the chest one and included the extra pins on the leg. Since Toa of Stone live in the dessert I gave him a scarf to wrap around his head for sandstorms and gave him a decently sized backpack since he's also been happy to regale his own adventures (so it works for holding souvenirs). His kneeguards are based on boulders. I also inlcluded the orange his Phnatoka version sported to highlight parts of his armor
Gali - Obviously Gali's body is mostly just a female version of the standard one I came up with. I did call back to the pins her original toy had in her hips and I incorporated the mata hand into the chest orb I try to include on all of them. Her hooks are intended to slip onto her hands more-so than replace them. Her back-gear and kneeguards are also based on a bunch of bubbles. finally I incorporated her Mistaka colors as a highlight to add more color blocking.
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systemsearcher · 2 years
Random Bionicle Headcanon
The Kanohi masks that the Toa Mata wear always seemed a bit eclectic to me. Most of them seemed to be rather weird and seemingly incredibly situational, which gets even weirder when you consider that the Toa Mata were designed as the spec ops team
And now, suddenly, in the throes of post Factorio sleepiness, I wonder. What if the masks were originally picked by the Toa Mata not out of any practical concerns, but entirely due to their personality quirks?
Let's take a look at some potential rationales for those choices, purely from my view.
Toa Tahu, the Hau, the mask of protection. On one hand, it is the mask in Bionicle lore, the symbol of Mata Nui himself. Perhaps Toa Tahu was particularly religious back before the amnesia, and chose the mask as a sort of icon?
Alternatively, he was always a bit afraid of getting hurt, and by the time he got over that fear, the mask already became part of his fighting style.
Toa Kopaka, the Akaku, the mask of X-Ray vision. Part of me wants to say that he picked it entirely in order to always know whether there was someone in another room so that he may be able to avoid unnecessary social interactions. Another part of me wonders if he may have been interested in machinery, which would explain why his mask of choice also came with several additional lenses for better zoom. He must have been annoyed when he lost some of them after going Nuva.
Toa Gali, the Kaukau, the mask of water breathing. The potential reason for that one is rather obvious. Gali simply always loved to swim, and so picked out an incredibly situational mask just to be able to do that more and better.
Toa Pohatu, the Kakama, the mask of speed. I'd assume that the reason for that one is equally as simple. He just likes to go fast, but sucks at piloting.
Toa Onua, the Pakari, the mask of strength. That one is equally as straightforward, but from the opposite direction. He got trapped in one too many cave ins and so chose a mask that would let h get out 9f them easily.
Toa Lewa, the Miru, the mask of levitation. My first thought was that he mostly picked it out as a joke to be able to literally float away during conversations, but then discovered that it actually works.
Any other thoughts? It's always possible that the masks have also just been assigned to them, but honestly, the idea that they picked them themselves, not for combat utility but due to their personal interests, seems rather intriguing to me.
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rahiwatching · 2 years
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Hi all - welcome to my master-post collecting links to all my previous posts and future posts regarding my insane ramblings about applying real life science to the world of BIONICLE. Below is a list of all my work so far, and this post will be pinned and updated each time I post a new investigation so that it can all be gathered in one place.
As well as my written investigations here on Tumblr, I also have a YouTube channel dedicated to my ramblings: The Knowledge Tower. Links to videos there will also be included below.
If you want to support the Knowledge Tower you can donate on Ko-Fi
The Science of the Spherus Magna System - a realistic exploration of mass, gravity and orbital mechanics in the BIONICLE universe:
Post link - https://www.tumblr.com/blog/view/rahiwatching/680418410119774208?source=share
Full Paper (Dropbox PDF) - https://www.dropbox.com/s/opwxbui4873sw4o/The%20Science%20of%20the%20Spherus%20Magna%20System%20-%20Full%20Paper%20-%20V2.pdf?dl=0
Summary Paper (Dropbox PDF) - https://www.dropbox.com/s/4xcpz6c2bjgz6rf/The%20Science%20of%20the%20Spherus%20Magna%20System%20-%20Summary%20Paper%20v2.pdf?dl=0
Note - section regarding the size of the Red Star currently being added to due to more calculations being done, links to be updated once this work is completed.
The Speed of the Kanohi Kakama:
Post link - https://www.tumblr.com/blog/view/rahiwatching/664675059930218496?source=share
Video Link - https://youtu.be/VEVGRqUyAEc
Correction Video Link - https://youtu.be/I4BmKlmTrVE?si=XR8W6kXxRiRjVvnQ
The Science of Nova Blasts:
Post link - https://www.tumblr.com/blog/view/rahiwatching/693286384076832768?source=share
Video Link - https://youtu.be/hjAz_h2sPpo
The apparent sizes of Aqua Magna, Bota Magna, Bara Magna and the Red Star, as seen from the ground:
Post Link - https://at.tumblr.com/rahiwatching/i-just-read-the-summary-of-the-science-of-the/gcvd4net21o8
The Size of Voya-Nui:
Post Link - https://www.tumblr.com/rahiwatching/695313658382778368/bionicle-science-the-size-of-voya-nui?source=share
Video Link - https://youtu.be/misycYwijXE?si=opuNhNAmrVRxC7sG
Correction Video Link - https://youtu.be/I4BmKlmTrVE?si=XR8W6kXxRiRjVvnQ
The Depth of Mahri-Nui and the Length of the Cord:
Post link - https://at.tumblr.com/rahiwatching/bionicle-science-the-depth-of-mahri-nui-and-the/wnbhhjqda4vo
Water Pressure at Mahri-Nui:
Post Link - https://at.tumblr.com/rahiwatching/bionicle-science-water-pressure-at-mahri-nui/wqvechyg6msa
The Depth of the Aqua Magna Ocean:
Post Link - Coming Soon
How far Matoro Swam While Chasing the Sinking Island of Voya-Nui:
Post link - Coming Soon
The Flow Rate of the Giant Waterfall and the Size of the Swamp of Secrets:
Post Link - Coming Soon
Enlarge and Shrink Disks:
Post Link - https://at.tumblr.com/rahiwatching/bionicle-science-enlarge-and-shrink-disks/d1wqt2ps3j61
Bohrok-Kal Black Hole:
Video Link - https://youtu.be/5lRcj9VkGf4
Circumnavigating Aqua Magna by Sea:
Post Link - https://at.tumblr.com/rahiwatching/youve-calculated-a-lot-of-factors-for-aqua-magna/mbr6yxv18r2w
The Science of Naming Day:
Video Link - https://youtu.be/85Un5MKx3Fo
The Mass of a Toa:
Video Link - https://youtu.be/EAgN56ea-S0
The Heights of the Mangai Volcano and Mt. Ihu:
Post link - https://at.tumblr.com/rahiwatching/bionicle-science-the-heights-of-the-mangai/zlo82de7mv6q
Video link - https://youtu.be/nxFOrw05R_M
Farshtey vs Faber - the True Size of the GSR:
Video Link - https://youtu.be/V9VH3Mhegbc
Spherus Magna Timekeeping:
Video link - https://youtu.be/CpShzm_-s4Q
Thornax are real?!:
Video link - https://youtu.be/5UzMou-39Gk
Rahkshi - Washed and Chilled:
Video link - https://youtu.be/ASV5F9HKszk?si=M66ShwyCcettuOe-
Solis Magna - a Binary Star?
Video link - https://youtu.be/RkbH-24O8-k?si=51OMtvyK2FoxU19g
What Type of Star is Solis Magna?
Video link - https://youtu.be/n1VNDc3XCsw?si=ylitevOsokI9rDsZ
Solis Magna - Orbits and the view of the sky
Video Link - https://youtu.be/50YYokE-XMY?si=yg9b9msgDhBLlhmV
Spherus Magna Calendar
Video Link - https://youtu.be/1uMOx00fvvs?si=HrmcxPt46nlgZPyt
The Climate of Mata Nui
Video Link - https://youtu.be/ny7fXobEJ-4?si=1RFYXw2ELac5QxYz
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matau-the-228th · 3 months
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The red figure seen watching the Matoran from atop the hills and mountains of Mata Nui has been present since we first set foot on the island.
I have often seen him on the cliff above the Hall of Records in Po-Koro. I swear his armor looks shinier each time I see him, like it's slowly getting newer, somehow.
At first, some of us thought him to be one of the strange new types of Rahi that we have encountered here. Others thought that he was One of the Six Spirit Toa from the stories the Rahaga tell around the meeting-fire.
Rahaga Nokama has assured us that we would know when the Six Toa destined for our Island would arrive, and that this being was not one of them.
The Kai-Wahi Guard were never able to catch up to him. It was Kapura, of all people, who got the closest to him, but the red being still got away from him. Vakama just said Kapura had to practice more, whatever that means.
Whoever he is, he has not reappeared recently, ever since our newest Matoran, Takua, had been named my assistant and the new Chronicler.
Still, I feel as if he is here, watching us. Watching me.
...Even though I know he is not.
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tiredspacedragon · 9 months
How much do you think a Turaga of Light could do?
Like we know that Av-Matoran have a wide range of special abilities that other kinds of Matoran don't, including but not limited to one bonus power that varies between individual Matoran that can only be accessed through contact with a Toa or Makuta, such as Solek's hard light projections or Tanma's living light-battery thing.
We also know that a Toa of Light, with enough training, could potentially use all of these abilities at will.
My guess would be that Turaga of Light, in addition to retaining the laser and colour-changing abilities of an Av-Matoran, albeit slightly stronger, may also retain one light-based bonus ability, probably the same one they had as a Matoran. The difference being that I imagine they could access the ability on their own without having to piggyback on the local Toa. That seems like a solid compromise. A significant enough depowering that still leaves some room for Turaga hijinks.
"Oh yeah, our Turaga? He runs things pretty well, and puts on light shows for us sometimes, but I'm afraid he doesn't get out very much. Yeah, he patrols the entire island at least once a day, but that only takes like a second with his lightspeed power, so it's hard to say it counts, y'know?"
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wjbs-bonkle-au · 1 year
If a Metru Nui Matoran wore the Pilot-Adapted Kakama Nuva, would it look like this...
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... Or like this?
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(side-by-side comparison below)
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nuvamata · 10 months
the kakama is the best kanohi tbh
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sugarmusicnews · 6 months
Dawid Ryk – David Kramer
Eina – David Kramer ‘My naam is Dawid Ryk, meneer en ek is an arm man’. In that short opening line of the song, David Kramer paints a vivid picture not only with the lyrics, but also with his sharp edged vocals that kind of flatten sounds. Immediately an image springs up of a down and out man in a worn out suit who is probably a Cape Coloured. This image is enhanced as Kramer continues with this…
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mimicry-works · 3 months
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Congrats to Kapura for becoming the latest Toa of fire, here's your Kakama.
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He can no longer perceive time normally. I'm sure it's fine.
Vhisola was runner up.
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vugnasmineralblog · 1 year
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Fluorite with Quartz Riemvasmaak, Kakamas, Northern Cape Province, South Africa
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basingamer · 3 months
Please reblog with your reason why. Even if it’s just, “I like how it looks”, I’m really curious.
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magicalgirlartist · 8 months
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[ID: six digital illustrations of the original six Great Kanohi surrounded by flowers. In order: red Hau with tiger lilies, holly, and black-eyed Susans with "Tahu" written underneath in the Matoran font. Blue Kaukau with rhododendrons, bluebells, and chamomile with "Gali" written underneath in the Matoran font. White Akaku with amaryllis, belladonna, and edelweiss with "Kopaka" written underneath in the Matoran font. Brown Kakama with morning glories, hyacinths, and ivy with "Pohatu" written underneath in the Matoran font. Green Miru with larkspur, yellow lilies, and marjoram with "Lewa" written underneath in the Matoran font. Black Pakari with sage, iris, and gladiolus with "Onua" written in the Matoran font. End ID.]
Bionicle sticker designs I've been making! Hoping to figure out how to put them up for sale soon :3
Flowers and meanings under the cut!
[Commissions open!]
First off: all flower meanings were taken from the Old Farmer's Almanac so if I'm wrong uh. Too bad :P
Tahu has tiger lilies for pride, holly for defense, and black-eyed Susans for justice.
Gali has rhododendrons for danger, bluebells for humility, and chamomile for patience in adversity.
Kopaka has amaryllis for pride, belladonna for silence, and edelweiss for courage and devotion.
Pohatu has morning glories for affection, hyacinths for play and sport, and ivy for friendship.
Lewa has larkspur for levity and an open heart, yellow lilies for happiness and walking on air, marjoram for joy.
Onua has sage for wisdom, irises for faith, trust, and valor, and gladiolus for strength and integrity.
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beesgav · 10 months
At first I was thinking "Maybe they should all run into each other at full speed, that should work"
But now I'm realizing that with all of them owning Kakama Nuvas, full speed would sure be something.
I'm just imagining Takua watching from a safe distance as they're trying it, there's a boom, a cloud of dust erupting into the air that can be seen all over the island, followed quickly by a forceful WOOSH of air causing all the nearby trees to bend and even knocking some Matoran off their feet.
Things quiet down and he just hears, off in the distance,
"Didn't work"
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happy 810nicle day!
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windfall-the-wanderer · 9 months
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The Toa Ulia! An all-female team composed of Toa of the six Prime elements: * Mareela, Toa of Water * Nulvot, Toa of Air * Aeza, Toa of Stone * Rylsha, Toa of Earth * Caleva, Toa of Fire * and Tenari, Toa of Ice
More info below the cut!
The builds of the team are not the most complex, but I wanted to unify their elements in a way that the sets would. They have matching torso, arm, leg designs, etc. Tenari and Caleva share inika shoulder chest armor, CCBS/inika leg armor arms and double inika leg armor thighs.
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Aeza and Rylsha both sport a Kakama on their chest, as well as a unique arm design with Metru forearms and tires
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Mareela and Nulvot share similar, but not identical torso designs (they were closer in the past, but Nulvot's was changed).
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There are a number of other, smaller details as well. Nulvot and Rylsha both share a CCBS/Inika thigh design, Aeza and Caleva both use chest hoses, Rylsha and Mareela use a near-identical shin construction, and there are several pairs of matching feet among the team too.
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I'm normally more of a fan of unorthodox team compositions and builds, but I had a lot of fun doing this sort of semi-large scale project of making a vanilla-element Toa team. I've never had to opportunity to do so (although with the genders flipped for most of them! which was another something interesting)
I tried hard to make each team member distinct from each other and unique as a moc, yet cohesive as a team, and while it maybe was not my most groundbreaking work I found it interesting.
I hope it was interesting for you too, reader, and thank you for reading!
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0m3g4skanohiforge · 8 months
Out of curiosity, and purely based on aesthetic:
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