#LIKE??? HE REALLY CARES ABOUT PORTUGAL (even when he didn't need to)
ellavei · 3 months
I can completely understand why, Portugal is really attached to Macau on a personal level even though they live so far apart.
You can see the chapter when Hong Kong was young (his hair was still long back then) is gathered around and played with China. I am not saying the time Hong Kong lived away from China was short, but it is true that part of his childhood was spent with China.
But with Macau, he spent almost all his childhood and teenage years with Portugal. Even in the chapter where he was very young (not yet wearing glasses and still little), he was already a family member of the house of Portugal.
An interesting point is that we have never seen Macau with long hair even when he was so young, even though at that time Chinese men were supposed to have long hair. This further proves that Macau has been with Portugal for a long time, so he was able to cut his hair short.
They have gone through many years of history together, Macau is a very good listener and it is clear that Portugal has shown many sides of himself to Macau.
Portugal has been through a lot of bad things and he is an extremely wise man. It is not easy for him to meet someone close both politically and personally, which is why the intimacy and gentleness of Macau's personality make Portugal so soft-hearted.
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amirasainz · 2 months
Hi loves, if you want more drivers and wags drabbles, don't be shy to request something!
I hope you'll like this one. I will also add a masterlist soon! Please send some requests(can be only driver, drivers and wags or Sainz family), I need some inspiration!
(Wish me luck, I am writing a physics exam tomorrow)
Chaos before her arrival
Chaos. Everywhere at the grid was chaos. People are running left and right. Mercedes mechanics carrying flower bouquets in their garage. McLaren bringing an extra princess like sofa in theirs. Ferrari has three personal chefs at the motorhome.
One might think the royal family is coming to the grand prix. But one wouldn't be so wrong. In fact, Amira Sainz, the paddock princess and littlest sister of Carlos Sainz, was attending her first GP after the winter break.
With staying in Colombia for filming the 3rd season of Narcos, babygirl didn't have a lot of time to attend her big brothers GPs.
On one hand, Carlos was thankful that his baby sister wasn't surrounded by the drivers and their crazy girlfriends.
I mean, can you believe the audacity from Lily and Alex to go shopping with his baby sister because:" Baby, you look so warm, let's get you some shorter clothes to cool you off"(Alex) and "Baby, I saw this really cute handbag for 30k and it reminded me of you. Let's go get it!We can be all matchy-matchy" (Lily)
Or George and Carmen with their "Sweetheart you have to come to London with us. We can have our own tea party the mansion from Downtown Abby and wear our Tommy Hilfiger clothes and...."
Or Pierre and Kika and their "good hearted" invitation to Portugal because, apparently, babygirl is looking too pale. So she has to spend the whole winter break in a villa with only one bedroom (ups) and a private beach with them. Obviously!
But the worst of them all were Charles and Alex. Carlos can't even think about it. The last time his sister came to visit the grid, Charles had the audacity to give her a sparkling pink La Ferrari. And if that wasn't enough, he and Alexandra had to drive her around the city (let's be honest, our girl can't drive. But that's OK, cause she is pretty) with her sitting in Alex lap to "get the full driving experience cherie"
So, as you can see, Carlos wasn't very happy to have his sister attending a GP with these demons around her. His poor angel, nearly getting eaten alive by those monsters (is he dramatic? Yes. Does Carlos care? Absolutely not!)
But Carlos heart, mind and soul hurt the whole time she was in Colombia. What do mean his darling sister isn't by his side or by their family. She's just a baby! What if someone robbed her? Or her car gets stuck? Or worse, she has to go buy things with her OWN money?!
No, Carlos couldn't live with that thought either. So either way, their wasn't really a good solution to his problem.
When he saw all the teams acting crazy, decorating their garages, how his sister likes them and cleaning EVERYTHING, his blood was boiling. His baby, darling sister is staying in HIS team garage, on HIS half. (I'm looking at you, Charles and Alexandra)
However, the last straw for him was when he saw all the wags waiting by the entrance for Amira. They stood at the entrance like hinters waiting for their prey.
Oh Carlos could feel the grey hairs growing
And Amira? During the whole fiasco, babygirl was in the spa getting ready for her exhausting day. Looking pretty the whole time and watching the race IS pretty exhausting. Our poor babygirl🥺
@stinkyjax @khaylin27 @xoscar03
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flimflamfandom · 3 months
Rocky has a very bad Valentine's Day.
A Roari fic Featuring Ari, a creation of @ladybugkisses
It was the night before Valentine's Day.
Rocky nervously smiled as he walked into Mitzi's office. "Hello, Miss May! Surely another sterling review of our latest...ehm...esca...pade?"
"...Rocky," Mitzi sat behind her desk, "Have a seat."
Rocky sat down, his hands folded in his lap, his ears perked, his eyes wide but not bright.
"...Rocky, what did we send you out to do this time?"
"Fetch cherry bounce from Mr. Reynolds?"
"And what did you do?"
"...I got the liquor!" Rocky said, a soft smile on his face, "I did! All of it, not a drop spi-"
"Crushed, Rocky. Ivy used the word Crushed. You know how long that'll take Viktor to deal with?"
"...well if Nico had just gotten out of the way of the DOOR, it wouldn't've bent!"
"Rocky, every time you get sent out on this sort of thing, something like this happens! I'm glad you got the goods, but you need to start thinking about this more responsibly - you'll get killed!"
"But nothin'." Mitzi said. "...I'm not gonna fire you or nothin'. But I need you to understand how serious I am when I say this." She looked him in the eye.
"Be more careful, Roarke"
"...okay." With that, he got up, and left.
Rocky rolled by Calvin's apartment, knocking on the door. He was still a little hum drum from his meeting the night before, but he was sure he could maintain good spirits! And he HAD to! He had a DATE tonight!
Calvin opened the door. Normally, Calvin would dress simply for most of the day, but he was oddly dressed to the 9s as he came to the door. Calvin seemed shocked that Rocky was there - perhaps he was seeing Ivy a little early today!
It was not Ivy.
"...Aunt Nina!" Rocky casually waltzed in past Calvin, who seemed to be desperately trying to keep him out of the apartment. "And how are you this fine, lovely Valentine's Day?"
"I'm well. I was visiting my good child. I suppose I ought to say hello to you, as well."
"You, eh...you always meet Cal on Valentine's Day?"
"He wants to marry this girl, I figured I should meet her." Nina leaned in. "Is she...more modern?"
Calvin's eyes went wide. He looked at Rocky. Rocky didn't get the message.
"Well, compared with ol' Freck here she's avant garde!"
"...is she now?" Nina raised an eyebrow.
"Of course! Awful nice, too - math major, actress, real cute as well - you know, Freckle really lucked out here!"
Rocky had figured that would help. And in most cases, it would.
But he forgot who he was talking to.
"...single? In college? And...and an Actress?"
"Only...only sometimes, ma." Calvin said, reassuringly. "She, ehm, she-"
"What's next - she one'a them flappers I keep readin' about? I should hope not, I wouldn't be caught dead givin' you away to one'a-"
"THAT'S the word I was looking for!" Rocky nodded.
"Rocky you aren't helping." Calvin angrily hissed.
"Not helping you, perhaps, but me, surely! I'm not sure I even want to see this woman! Or you with her."
"Ma, I'm grown, I-"
"No sir. I won't have it." With that, She stood to leave. "...but what about you, Rocky?"
"Oh! Well I've just got this marvelous girlfriend from Portugal."
"Sure! Ari." Rocky smiled. "I've got a date with her tonight...she's got this fiery red fur and this cute voice and-"
"You, of all people? Hmm." Nina turned and left. Rocky just stood there, and looked at an astonished Calvin.
Calvin stared for a moment. "That was...definitely the wrong thing to say."
"I-...I can tell...Calvin, I know that was real boneheaded of me, I'm sorry, I-"
"It's alright." Calvin grunted as he sat. "I wasn't planning on the reveal going much better..."
"...listen, i can make it up to y-"
"It's fine, Rocky."
"I mean it, I-"
"Rocky, please, I-"
"If I could just-"
"ROARKE." Calvin stood and barked the word, like an order. "...I'm not mad at-...just...I think ye'd better go, aye?"
"...for sure."
Rocky schlepped down the street, and looked in a mirror. He did look a little rough - he needed to get in better shape for his date tonight! Some fancy fine restaurant of sorts - this outfit just wouldn't do! He walked over to the truck, which had a veyr angry Viktor by it, and grabbed one of his nice sets of clothes. He hummed a bit to himself as he snuck down into the Daisy to change, and-
"Mr. Rickaby?"
"GAH!" He nearly jumped out of his skin as he turned around to spot Lacy. "Lacy! What the hell are YOU doing here!?"
"I was looking for you, actually. I have news regarding your request to Mr. Sable?"
"Sure! Will he let me have a room?"
"Aww, what!?" Rocky gasped. "But I already gave him that deposit!"
"Which he has returned to you in full, here. You'll have to get it cashed." She handed him a check.
"You don't understand, Lacy, I sleep in a truck, I-...what am I supposed to do with myself?"
"...stop breaking the truck, i suppose." Lacy said. "I would loan you space, but I'm moving out of my apartment and into Arthur's soon. I can give you my landlord's line, if you'd like?"
"I suppose-...how much?"
"A month?" Lacy looked at the deposit. "...roughly what you were offering to Mr. Sable. Which, considering he isn't a landlord and hasn't a good concept of money, is...steep."
"...oh." Rocky nodded, slowly, processing what he was hearing. Between this, the meeting last night, and ruining whatever elaborate plan Calvin had to make Ivy palatable to Nina, he wasn't doing well today.
"Mr. Rickaby," Lacy spoke, "if it helps, the boarding house down the way has no curfew."
"I'll drop them a line..." Rocky shuffled off, and tried to think of something else. Could it get any WORSE today?
"Roarke," said Zib, "when you're done back there Mitzi wants us to help with hauling kegs."
Oh. It could.
Ari waited at her apartment, humming to herself. "ó Coimbra do Mondego...e dos amores-" She blinked when she heard the door, still putting in her earrings. She knew exactly who it would be - that dashing gray cat with that devilishly sweet smile and those big, bright eyes-
Who, this evening, looked a little flat.
He had dirt on his coat. He looked winded, like he'd run to get here. He looked like he'd cried a bit. He smiled a little.
"...we're not going on that date tonight."
He slumped. "...more bad news today, huh?"
"No, no." Ari shook her head. "But you're in no state to go out some place and be miserable - you're clearly not well!"
"No, I can be well! Honest! I promise, Ari, I-"
Ari took his hands and looked up. "You look like you sprinted over here!"
"...only the last little bit. Most of it was...very fast walking?"
"Rocky..." Ari dragged him inside, shut the door, and kicked off her heels.
"...I hate to ruin your night." Rocky said, taking off his jacket and hat instinctively. "I know you must be frustrated...I get it, a guy has a rough day but he really shouldn't let on to that. Especially on a night like tonight." He watched her go into her room. "I mean, I really was planning on it being great! But-" he began to choke up, as he put his face in his hands. "I get it if you're not interested in being seen near me or-"
"Roarke." For the first time since his childhood, the name felt soft in his ears. It felt like a warm bed - like a blanket. He felt Ari's hands on his cheeks. She looked concerned.
"I would love to be seen with you - not a moment goes by when I don't want to be with you." She kissed his forehead. "But you are in NO way to go out tonight. You need o stay in...besides. We can go tomorrow - how hard will it be to find a reservation the day AFTER Valentine's day?"
"...I'm sorry it worked out like th-"
"Shush. I have to spend my night with the most handsome man ever gifted to earth. What a horrible turn of events!"
"...and you don't even need to pretend to be nice to a waiter while wishing you could just have wine."
"Of course!" Ari purred as she sat in his lap. "I'm sorry you had such an abysmal day, and that I made you think it was about to get worse."
"You COULD have phrased that a bit better." Rocky nodded.
"No question there." She replied. "...but I'm glad you're here. I love you, Roarke."
"...I love you, too." Rocky kissed her, as the two slumped down on the couch...
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nancydrewwouldnever · 7 months
I have a question for Seb fandom: was he able to recover his reputation after he ended his “relationship” with the Spanish problematic actress? I mean, he still does good projects and he still seems to be interested in working (unlike Chris), plus he still has Marvel///
he did but honestly I think both situations are similar but they're not totally the same, ale did cultural appropriation but that was it, alba and her friends have done much much worse :s and as everyone has said: Seb didn't marry her, in fact, Seb always did the bare minimum for her. I know you previously received an ask saying Seb and his current gf have "zero chemistry" (I disagree) however, Seb has done a lot of effort for hid current relationship, for example, he traveled to Italy and Canada when she was working there, he went to London for her brother's birthday, he went to the bachelorette trip to Spain with her brother and sister in law and of course he went to their wedding and spent her birthday in Portugal with her family... he never did that for ale, sure he went to Spain twice but that was it, he didn't go to the birthdays of ale's family and didn't go with her when she was working and so... like he really didn't care for her and we all could see it.
Now, in the work field: Seb has always been a hard worker. always. he, compared to Chris, wasn't born in a privileged family so he worked normal jobs and so and he struggled a lot financially until 2011, so he knows hard work which Chris doesn't so I think that's the main difference... Chris doesn't need to work ever again if he doesn't want to, he's got 104 more millions than Sebastian, so.. a BIG difference. and then of course, the talent is different... correct me if I'm strong, but I've never heard Chris saying that he took acting classes or something ��� ...Seb did, he actually has a degree in it and he's always studying his craft, that's why he's a really good actor, he's got that love and passion for what he does.. with Chris it feels like he just does the work because of the money, let's just look at his latest projects... big streamimg platform movies with no critic acclaim at all... fun fact: Seb was told that he might not receive money from I Tonya because they didn't have the money, he didn't care and he did it anyway and look at what it was 👌🏽 and because of that movie he met Craig Gillespie, who then called him directly to play his Emmy nominated role in pam&tommy last year and then the same director called him back for dumb money, another acclaimed movie this year... that's what Chris doesn't have.. he cares so much about money that he hasn't been able to build those kind of connections. and he needs to work on his acting, 100%.
then: Seb is actually very private compared to Chris... sure, Seb used to interact with his fandom but for example, we only met his mom *this year* and his mom is the only blood related family of him that we've seen (probably the only blood related family he has in the USA anyway), but with Chris, we've seen all of his family, even half siblings at different red carpets throughout the years and all of Chris' friends seem to be.. not very private, meanwhile Sebastian's closest friends (minus Toby's slip in 2021 :s iykyk) are very protective of him actually... like, there are many differences in terms of privacy 😐
finally: when it comes to relationships, to Chris' and seb's, current relationships, Chris chose to marry someone 16 years younger than him and someone he met when she was 23.. which is so questionable from any angle you see it, however, Seb is daring someone who's 39 (he's 41) si of course no one has anything bad to say about them (Seb and Annabelle) which is different to Chris and alba. and I do agree in one thing: Seb has never said he's an activist or whatever, meanwhile Chris was a keyboard activist fighting trump only and then forgot about it and now has very questionable people staying in all of his houses...the same people he used to critic.
if you ask me if I think that Chris can recover from this: yes.. maybe but time needs to pass and he needs to do better movies because right now he's just a joke on social media thanks to the projects he chooses not because of his private life. I know you believe most people shits on Chris for his personal life but that's not the main problem... it's his movies and if he doesn't have the passion and the desire to get out of his comfort zone, he won't go anywhere. there's something that Seb is always saying and it's "actors shouldn't be comfortable in their choices" and to me, Chris is beyond comfortable doing mediocre movies with a big pay. that needs to change yesterday.
Thank you for all this info. I don't follow Seb except to see him in a few movies here and there. I think you raise a lot of good comparisons.
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nicolesainz · 2 years
The burgundy on my t-shirt when you splashed your wine into me (CS55)
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Carlos Sainz x female reader
warnings!! mature content 18+ sexual themes!!
It was Carlos’s 28th birthday. Another epic weekend for him, since he won his second Grand Prix ever in Zandvoort. This was truly a moment to cherish. Me, Charles, Rupert and Onõro, found this as the perfect opportunity to host him a surprise party in order to celebrate both occasions.
The boys were in charge of keeping him occupied throughout the day, while I was taking care of decorations and preparing Carlos’s house alongside with his family. I was sure they would keep him away from the house, since as a newly Spanish Grand Prix winner, the streets of Madrid would flood with his fans and Ferrari supporters who would congratulate him on another epic win.
- R : How is everything going? Need any help?
- Y/N : Everything is in control. Don’t stress. If I need anything, I’ll let you know.
-R : Great! We are at the golf track now and probably will still be until you call us to head back
- Y/N : I will text you when it’s time to bring him in
-R : Noted. By the way, he’s been asking for you. The moments we got in the car he said “Where’s Y/N? Is she not coming? She loves golf”. Obviously I said you were with a few friends.
- Y/N : Thanks Rupert! I owe you. Also he really believes I like golf?
- R : Not simply like. You love it.
- Y/N : I must be doing something wrong or he’s blind. Anyway, gotta go. Have fun and don’t come back until I say so!
- R : Copy that. See you soon
I hung up the phone and headed to my car. Needed to drop by the market to buy a few ingredients I was lacking of.
My car was smelling as if Carlos was in at the moment. His smell is so intoxicating but also calming simultaneously. My breathing would get heavier every time he hugged me. It was a safe place. By the years this hug made my heart race faster than it used to and bring back memories from our childhood that made me realize I was in love with him since forever.
As I was walking around the market in search of the ingredients, I felt a body knocking me off and it falling down too a few seconds later
“I am so sorry. I wasn’t looking at where I was going. Are you okay?” that voice that echoed through my ears was more than familiar 
“Y/N? Hi! I feel even more bad now. Please forgive me. Are you hurt?” she was as sweet as always. The Isa I first met in middle school. The kindest person. Carlos’s ex girlfriend too. I was the reason they got together. At a mutuals friends party, we were all hanging out and decided to introduce them. Two months later, they announced they were dating. Their relationship was very private. Very few of us knew they were together. Even at races, she would only be pictured alongside me and not Carlos. 
“No, I am sorry. My mind was wandering somewhere else. How have you been?”
She then started telling me about leaving Madrid and living permanently in Portugal, working with one of her best friends as a model. Also mentioned she was in a relationship with one of her co-workers and a very famous Portuguese model. Of course, I already knew since I follow her socials. It was her first ever public relationship. Isa did not like to post much about Carlos. With the amount of fans he had as a Formula 1 driver, she had heard from other girlfriends how some comments may get really nasty. So she preferred to stay away from the spotlight. It was better for both of them. 
“I am so glad your life is going this great! You deserve it”
“Thank you. But, tell me about you! How is everything? Are the boys good? Give them my regards”
“I am good. Flying out almost every now and then. Trying to combine work with the races and personal life. The boys are good too. We are hosting Carlos a birthday party tonight”
For a split second, my mind thought about simply not inviting her. I wouldn't know if Carlos or her would feel comfortable around each other. But I also didn't want to be rude. 
“You are more than welcomed if you would like to come!”
“Sadly, I can't. I’m flying out tonight. Plus, I don't think it would be a great idea for me and Carlos to be in the same room”
“Oh okay. Well, whenever you are back in town, don't hesitate to text me. We could hang out, the two of us”
“I would be more than happy to meet up again. I hope you guys have fun today. And Y/N, go for it. Don't let your chance go away”
“What chance?” 
“He truly loves you more than anyone on this planet. We all know that. Don't let it go to waste” she gave me a kind smile with a playful wink. 
“Have a safe trip Isa”
- R: Can we come back? If I stay here with him a minute longer, he won't make it alive
- Y/N : Yes you can. I was about to text you. Guests are slowly arriving. 
- R : Fucking finally! We are on our way. I will let you know when we are close
- Y/N : See you soon. And bring the birthday boy back alive
No more than twenty minutes later, Rupert texted me that they are 5 minutes away. I told everyone to hide behind the couches, as I would be hiding behind the door! I truly wanted him to like this surprise. That moment brought back to my mind Isa’s words. Should I really go for it? Confess my feelings after 25 years? As I was thinking about all the possible scenarios in my head, I suddenly heard the door unlocking.
“Honestly Carlos I could literally hit you with-” Rupert was about to say when we all interrupted him 
“SURPRISE!! Feliz cumpleaños Carlos!!” His eyes were glowing. They were wandering around the room, seeing all his friends and family together. Before he could say anything, his focus turned on me. It was like he was about to rip my heart out. I had never seen such kindness in his look. 
“Gracias a todos. Lo aprecio mucho. Estoy agradecido por todos ustedes (thank you everyone. I appreciate it dearly. I am grateful for all of you)
Charles, Rupert and Onõro went to hug him first. Then his parents were in line with his sisters and afterwards Lando, Max, Pierre and Daniel. 
When he was finished with everyone, he quickly wrapped his arms around me and held me so tight, as if I was about to run away. All the memories were flooding back, every little “thank you” and “you're the best person” were echoing through my ears. I could feel his grip getting tighter around my waist. My arms were caressing and gripping his back equally tightly. I could have stayed like this forever. 
“Te quiero a muerte”(i love you to death) he softly whispered to my ear, as he placed me back and let go of me. 
“Enjoy the party Mr. Sainz” I gave him a playful look and was about to go get a drink, when he grabbed my arm and pulled me close to him.
“So that's why you’ve been missing all day, huh?”
“I definitely wasn't with any friends whatsoever”
“Don’t you wanna spend some time with the birthday boy, no?”
“The birthday boy wants you though” his eyes darkened and a sense of lust appeared in them. One I hadn't seen before 
“Go play with the other boys Carlos. I will be around” he lets go of my hand and I move towards the table with the drinks and chat with Rupert for a while.
“He hasn’t taken his eyes off of you” Rupert quickly mentions before taking a sip of his drink 
“What do you mean?” I take a quick glance at Carlos who was currently laughing at something that Lando said
“Oh come on Y/N! We all know Carlos secretly likes you, even though he doesn't want to admit it”
“And what exactly can I do about that?”
“Talk to him? Explain how you feel? He hasn’t dated in 2,5 years. Nor been with any woman.”
“I don't think its a good idea Rup. We have been best friends since forever. He would hate me and I would hate myself too if I make this relationship awkward”
“Y/N, listen to Rupert. Plus, he thinks you like me. And I don't wanna end up in a dog fight with my teammate” Charles came by, as he was listening to the conversation we were having. 
“We will see”
It was past 2 am and everyone had left. I told everyone that I would take care of the mess and clean it up. I was the one least drunk. As I was throwing away all the empty bottles, I heard a loud thump coming from outside of the kitchen. 
“Carlos? Are you alright?” I raised the tone of my voice so he could hear me
“Yes, cariño! More than alright” I went up to him and held him steady as he was about to fall down. The wine he had in the plastic cup was splashed on my shirt, which made his eyes grow. The cold feeling of the wine made my nipples visible, since I had taken off my bra. 
Carlos’s eyes were scanning my whole body from top to bottom. He bit his lower lip and said in one breath:
“Cómo es que nunca me había dado cuenta de lo hermosa que eres?” (How come I had never noticed how beautiful you are?) 
The blood quickly rushed to my cheeks, which made me lower my look from his. I didn't know how to feel. To my surprise, I saw the grown bulge on Carlos’s jeans, which made me leave the room. Before I could react, he jumped in front of me and stopped. 
“Its bedtime mr. winner. I have more work to do” 
“I would much rather you being occupied somehow else”
At that moment, he brought his two fingers under my chin and lifted it up for me to look at him. His beautiful eyes were calming my soul down but his rosy lips were setting it on fire. There was a war going on right now between my heart and brain. 
“I would give up the whole world for you. Just to make you happy. I am sorry for all the pain I have caused you. I have never loved someone more than you. And I don't think my heart will ever allow me to” the words that came out of his mouth, were the reason why I felt alive at that moment. 
“Puedo besarte?” (can i kiss you?)
All i simply did was grab him by the hem of his shirt and connect our lips. This was all I was wishing for. He didn't waist time to lift me up and carry me upstairs to his bedroom. His lips were following a path that was going between my neck and lips. A soft groan escaped my mouth as he bit my lower lip hungrily. When we reached his bedroom he threw me on the bed and took off his shirt quickly. What a sight for sore eyes!
Then climbed back to my body and begun slowly undressing me, while his lips were constantly connected to mine. Once my shirt was gone, his mouth flew towards my hardened nipples and started making circles with his tongue around them
“Oh my lord-“
“No need for praising baby”
His hands were making their way towards my panties which were soon destroyed as Carlos ripped them apart fiercely.
“I’m so sorry for wasting so much time cariño”
My womanhood was dripping wet and Carlos seemed to be more than pleased with this result. He lowered his head, which I followed with my eyes and started leaving hungry kisses on my pussy.
He suddenly rose up
“How many? Show me”
I held up 2 fingers
“What a good girl. Abre, mi amor (open up, my love)”
I obliged to his command and spread my legs wide. I seriously couldn’t believe this was happening. Suddenly, there was a blissful feeling inside of me. As if I was one step away from heaven. His fingers were pumping in the perfect rhythm, earning a louder groan from me.
“Am I the only man you’ve been this wet for, cariño?”
“Y-yes” I said with no hesitation
“Don’t keep your voice down. I want to hear you. Louder” his movements became faster and my pussy was clenching around his fingers
“Fucking hell Carlos” my moan was even louder now. Just what he wanted
“Hell? I must be doing something wrong then. I wanna send you to heaven”
“I’m go-gonna-co-come” I let out a soft whimper as I was too focused on how his fingers were making me feel so good
“Then do so,Hermosa. On my fingers” in a few thrusts, I felt the warm liquid leaving my body and I finally opened my eyes. A sight of Carlos with his messy hair being underneath me was presented. I thought I was dreaming. But then I realized I wasn’t, once he put his fingers in his mouth to taste me.
“Cielo(heaven)” Carlos gave me a lusty smirk, brining his face closer to mine and sharing a hungry kiss. His hands were firmly cupping my cheeks, while mine were roaming all over his muscly and tense body. When I reached the lace of his underwear, Carlos looked at me with pleading look.
“I’m yours to use. However you want. Make me feel alive again” this phrase, was the beginning of everything. A wild story was about to unfold.
My fingers lurked inside his pants and firmly pushed them downwards, which lead to his cock being fully exposed to my eyesight. I was slightly taken aback, at which Carlos commented,
“Te gusta lo que ves?(do you like what you see?)”
“Full of surprises Sainz”
“Only for you”
I lowered myself on my knees. Once I was beneath him, my lips softly touched the tip of his cock, which made Carlos flinch a little. I smiled at his reaction. My tongue did a few first swirls around it, before opening up fully and taking his entirety inside me. I started off slowly until I could find the best pace for the both of us. My free hands were simultaneously squeezing his balls to give him more of a feeling of who was now in control.
“My fantasies just became my reality” he softly spoke out. Those words made my heart race faster. Was I really his fantasy? This whole time?”
I started sending the pre-cum, coming from his tip in the back of my throat. To which I didn’t complain. Means I was doing something right.
He hasn’t stopped looking at me. As if he is taking a picture of me with his eyes.
“Darling I’m close” he let out in coordination with a loud moan
In less than a few second my mouth was filled with his juices.
“Swallow. Every. Last. Drop” his lips were brushing mine and I did so before he could kiss me again.
“Thank you for the gift Princesa”
“Happy birthday Carlos”
“I know I’m very late, but I want you to know that I love you. Every bit of you. Unconditionally. And I always will” his eyes were sparkling as those words escaped his mouth.
“I’m glad this isn’t one of my dreams, because I love you too. As a best friend and more than that”
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majaloveschris · 1 year
That story is from last June yet no one seems to be able to find it or show proof of it…. //
Just because YOU don’t know how to find the proof doesn’t mean it isn’t there. It’s not a story, it’s a post directly on their grid from July 2022 about them visiting New England.
No one wants to post the video/link itself because 1) when something gets shared no one knows how to stay out of people’s comments and DMs and keep it to Tumblr 2) you’re just going to dismiss it anyway and say it’s fake, so why do you really care? You don’t actually want proof. Jesus.
I found the grid you are talking about, they went there to get inspiration since they have an upcoming project that is New England-inspired. They stayed at a little house and went to Boston, New York, etc.
And at this point, I'm done with this whole house thing. Don't say I will say it's fake because you know it's a lie. I never say I don't believe something when there is actual proof of it. Here we had the whole Portugal thing; I didn't believe it, then we got a picture, and I immediately posted it. But I won't believe anything random people say online until there is proof of it.
People know nothing about this house. They decided it must be his because Tara sold it, and he posted three trees that looked similar to those in front of the house. That's why people think it's his. But even if it is, does anybody know if he is actually living there? What if he only bought it as an investment? Maybe he is renting it to someone.
People jump to conclusions in a second.
Maybe because I'm on team PR and the way they behave around each other and how this whole relationship is made it hard to believe they actually would want to move in together, but to me, renovating this house and moving in together doesn't really make sense. Even if we consider them getting married and having kids, why would they need a house with seven bedrooms when he already has five in Concord with 4.5 baths? He likes living there, and he's been for years now.
I don't want to talk about this whole Carlisle house anymore, at least for now. I'm tired of it, and we know nothing about it. Every single time I write down my concerns, people attack me, asking why I'm so stupid when it's clearly his. Okay, you believe this; I don't. It's that easy. I'm trying to change your opinion. I'm just writing down why I think we can't say anything for sure.
Nobody forces anybody to be here; I never once blocked anybody just because they were on Team Real or anything like that. If you can't respect me and write down your opinion respectfully, even if it's entirely different from mine, please leave.
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allycat75 · 7 months
Aren't you tired, Boston Dumb Fuck? I know we are!
As someone who is on record as not liking to be manipulated, aren't you tired as a perpetrator of it? Of all the lies and machinations? Let's just take a little look at the last few months, shall we. This is a bit long, but you have been busy and getting no where. In fact, further than no where (cue Paul Simon's "Slip Sliding Away"). And I recognize this may not be under your control, but you signed on the dotted line so you hold ultimate accountability. If you don't like what is happening in your name, you are a grown ass man with agency, regardless of what that contract says. There is always a way.
First, bravo for pretending to be married to a racist, antisemetic, fatshaming Lolita. Something I never thought someone who really loved love or was a good upstanding citizen with integrity would ever do, but you never cease to surprise me.
Then, creating the illusion of two ceremonies- the "East Coast" one (was it your house in MA, Cape Cod, somewhere in New York, your cursed place in Vermont?) with a random smattering of work friends who were in the area for other commitments (and had projects to promote but couldn't because of the strike) and your clout chasers who needed to boost their followers, all on your niece's birthday, I think (way to be a super user uncle- was all the prep for her party good cover for you? I am sure she appreciated your care and attention). Then the "Portugal" ceremony ("let's go Portugal") which only seemed to prove some of your family and friends got a free trip to Portugal at some point this summer.
But what we didn't get were sighting of you and the little wifey, not even puttering around town making preperations, or getting coffee at a local cafe. Were no phones working in either location? They couldn't give a shit about her, that I get, but I am sure a few people would have recognized you, even in your current sorry state, and at least done that thing where you pretend to take a picture of something else and catch you in the background (see "funeral dinner" below), and posted it in real time.
Seeming to be everywhere and nowhere, strategically planting anachronistic and ambiguously located photos on "random" people's SM. Or the blurry, Ghost Hunter-quality photos of people that could be fake, you and/or Fish Mouth or the image of your soul slowly leaking out of your body.
Like the one where you look healthy one day (and your bride looks exactly like she did in one of your lame-ass scare videos from years ago when you see her in the reflection in your glasses), then magically, two days later, you look like absolute shit. As if you are having a Mitch McConnell-like seizure!
But my favorite has to be the funeral dinner with Scarlet, Colin, Stanley and Fish Mouth, that was taken months ago (you looked much less sickly then). Interesting how the poster, for some reason, made her account public then made it private again once the damage was done. Colin looks like he just loves you and how you are using his wife so this talentless twit can get ahead. Awesome how you put one of your best friends in this awkward position!
The only seemingly legitimate sighting we got was on the plane where you didn't even sit together. Even stranger because you rarely fly commercial these days- I wonder why this time was different? We find her non-posing, feigning interest in something the stranger next to her is saying while someone in the aisle obviously takes her picture. Girl's not famous in any country- no way some rando traveler is just going to recognize her and stop the flow of passengers to take a photo. Then there was the ghost bag Fish Mouth was pulling. My theory is we thwarted a bad photoshop of you holding her hand, BDF, because you still don't want to touch her. Ah, true love!
(Side note- you do know you are paying for all this set-up and clean-up, by the way. Megan isn't doing a bad job out of the goodness of her heart).
Forget that this "marriage" and globe hoping could get you and the wifey into a heap of trouble with immigration, but you are a famous, rich, white man and she is an arrogant, entitle brat who seems to be able to pitch a tantrum until she gets what she wants so I am sure you will be fine. No need for introspection on how your decisions have consquenses. Sounds like bliss to me!
PS- don't give your crack (like the drug, not the compliment) team any ideas. One of the reasons I did this rundown was to show how absurd this all is. There is no amount of "proof" that could make your lies true at this point, so save the billable hours for your next crisis. We've seen the show and all its sequels and we are not buying tickets because it sucked from the very start. Don't insult our intelligence!
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eurotastic · 1 year
Eurovision reviews 2023 - Semi final 1
Eurovision week has officially started, and that means it's about time I write my reviews for Eurovision 2023. I went to the London Eurovision preparty in April, and I had the best time, and for that reason, my opinions are partially based on the live performances that I saw there. As usual, I'm primarily basing my reviews on the song quality (do I want to listen to it outside of the competition?), and the preview videos for the staging - The full package that we're getting in the actual show. I'm also taking general fandom opinions into consideration with some of the songs, in case I think the fandom is overhyping or underrating an entry. I feel like I'm overexplaining the way I judge the songs, mostly it's just based on vibes, but the bottom line is that these are just my personal opinions and you're all free to send me anonymous hate mail if you disagree.
Norway: Queen of Kings - Alessandra
It's one of the catchiest pop songs of the year, so it's the perfect song to open the semi final with. I just wish the staging would have been improved from the NF, because right now it's looking cheap and unimaginative. It's a fast paced europop song with some pirate vibes, it has so much potential for camp but we're getting nothing visually. Cute whistle note though.
Malta: Dance (Our Own Party) - The Busker
I understand what they're going for, I really do. Introverted nerds need party songs too, but the song isn't good just because the idea for the song is good. The guy says "do you wanna dance", but the song is too slow and low energy to dance too, it just flatlines. At least they're giving us a strong staging gimmick, and Eurovision always needs an epic sax guy, so this entry isn't a complete failure.
Serbia: Samo mi se spava - Luke Black
The instrumental is fantastic, and the singing is… Is he even singing or is he just doing some sexy moaning and breathing into the microphone? This is definitely a case of style over substance, but it looks so good on stage that I don't care if the songwriting is a little weak.
Latvia: Aijā - Sudden Lights
I respect this song way more than I actually enjoy it. It's obvious that these guys are really competent musicians, but that doesn't matter when the song is this forgettable.
Portugal: Ai Coração - Mimicat
This feels like something out of the early 2000s, for better or for worse. I like how Mimicat is doing her own Moulin Rouge type of thing, but that's the problem, it's just a cabaret performance. Once the competition is over, it's not something I'm going to keep listening to.
Ireland: We Are One - Wild Youth
"We might be different, we might be unique" - No you're not, you're the most generic band on earth.
Croatia: Mama ŠČ! - Let 3
First there's the authoritatian version of The Village People singing about tractors and morons, then Lenin shows up with some missiles, and then they start singing about a "crocodile psychopath"…It's so beautiful I could cry. It's completely ridiculous and stupid, but it's obvious that it was made by smart people just playing stupid. Also, this does a better job denouncing Putin and the war than any world peace song ever could. It's the first truly great troll entry of the 2020s.
Switzerland: Watergun - Remo Forrer
This song makes me feel like the type of conservative right wing American who gets really intense about supporting the military, and I don't like it. It's 2023, and in case you haven't noticed, a country participating in Eurovision has been forced into a war for survival. At this moment, the Ukrainian military is the only thing keeping the country from getting wiped out of existance. In case you haven't noticed, it's an ongoing attempt at genocide. With all that said, it looks like someone didn't notice, because here's some Swiss bitch getting on his moral high horse singing some cutesy, whiny little song about how he doesn't want to be a soldier because he doesn't want to "play with real blood"…..Guess what, you're from fucking Switzerland, nobody's ever forcing you to be a soldier, unlike the Ukrainians who don't have a choice! It's a completely tone deaf choice for 2023, especially coming from the country that's using neutrality as an excuse to avoid solidarity with the rest of Europe. I'm getting the same vibe from this as the shitty world peace songs that Russia would send in the 2010s. I hate hate hate hate hate hate this.
Israel: Unicorn - Noa Kirel
At first I thought this song was the most annoying thing in the world, but after hearing it in approximately 500 recap videos on Youtube I think I got Stockholm syndromed into loving this. It's literally phenomenmenmenemnal.
Moldova: Soarele și Luna - Pasha Parfeni
Nobody does weird better than Moldova.
Nobody does weird better than Moldova.
Sweden: Tattoo - Loreen
Loreen is the greatest artist in the history of Eurovision and she deserves to be the first woman to win the whole thing twice.
Azerbaijan: Tell Me More - TuralTuranX
It's refreshing to get something this completely uncompetitive from Azerbaijan. There's a lot of good songwriting ideas here, I like the laidback vibes, but at the same time it's too bland to stand out.
Czechia: My Sister's Crown - Vesna
This song felt a lot bigger when it was released a few months ago. I love the aggressive rap parts and the defiant attitude in the beginning of the song, but then there's the "we stand for you" parts…This song is trying to be everything for everyone, and think it would have benefitted from focusing on just being angry without any lines about world peace and holding hands and whatever else. The production is incredible though, I can never get enough of this Eastern European folk hip hop thing.
Netherlands: Burning Daylight - Mia Nicolai & Dion Cooper
This is the kind of song that I usually can't stand in Eurovision, since it's basically just a bland easy listening radio song. Somehow I don't mind it, it's very well written despite being basic. I'm definitely not voting for it though.
Finland: Cha Cha Cha - Käärijä
It's crazy, it's party, and it's officially my favorite Eurovision song of all time. I love it more than I love Shum, Wild Dances, Rhythm Inside and whichever other song I have called my all time favorite over the years. My favorite things in life outside of Eurovision are professional wrestling and Rammstein, so the music video alone was enough to make me a huge fan of Käärijä. If I see a guy inside a wrestling ring with a huge Rammstein tattoo, obviously that's the guy I'm voting for. It's my most played song of the year on Spotify, and I feel like this whole thing was created in a lab specifically for me. 11/10
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onwriting-hrarby · 9 months
i didn't realize i was being flirted with and the guy didn't speak my language - on speaking a minority language
hey folks, i hope you're fine! this week i have been going into cafés and bookshops and trying to tackle a little bit of writing. i always seem to flow better at those spaces, when i'm not home, as if my time was somehow more restricted and i had to make it worth it.
something happened on one of my outings, though. aside of not being able to write because a guy wanted to talk to me (and at that time, i thought he really wanted to talk to me. only when i explained it to other people i realized he might be flirting, which is sad, because we talked about writing and literature and it might have all been a bluff... anyways. i gave him my email and instagram cause i thought he was genuine but now i'm hesitant to answer, truly. i am so naive. look, i haven't been flirted with for 13 years. i don't realize these things.), this same guy was working on the café i was on. and so i approached and asked him, in my language: could you watch my bag while i go to the toilet?
and he looked at me, almost glaring, took out one of his buds from his ear, and said: "ENGLISH?"
Like, not even a "please". Not even "I don't understand". He requested English just like this. Just like... it was easy.
Some of you may know that I speak a minority language in a country that has TWO official languages: mine and Spanish. Not English, mind you. We know English because we learn it at school, same as fucking French.
Thing is: We can't speak our minority language anymore. I mean, we can, but people don't understand us. The policy of coming to our country is that everyoen is free to come (and everyone is! thank god for that) but that means that people learns the bigger language, which is Spanish. And, look, I mean, I could understand that. Maybe it's ignorance, maybe it's because it's easier, and a lot of people already know Spanish when they come, so why do they care about learning for a smaller language? (Well, then they'll record videos saying that we are not welcoming, that it's difficult to have relationships or friendships with people... I mean... You're forcing me to change my language but.) The thing is: Waiters don't understand us, people from shops, in the fUCKING DOCTOR i can't speak my language. And I'm not bilingual. I don't have the same ability with one language or another, because I speak my native tongue much more than I do Spanish. When I go to therapy, I need to ask beforehand if they speak my language.
Anyway, the thing is WE ARE LOSING OUR LANGUAGE and people that come here don't really care about it. Okay, globalisation, capitalisation, economisation.Fucking whatever.
But we have been living an age when there's also a lot of expats. And I mean A LOT. And they all use English as a common language and that's so... DISRESPECTFUL. Learn the fucking language of the country you're going to. They do this in all the countries they go, though. I get angry when Spanish people don't learn my language, because they would fucking learn portuguese if they went to Portugal, right? Or Germany. But Spanish is an official language, so I can understand their reasons. But to pressupose that people know English EVERYWHERE in the world... it's another level. It's so fucking disrespectful.
Honestly, I don't know why I engaged in conversation with him. He had just moved here (no knowledge of nothing, not even the neighbourhoods in the city. He wanted the experience. Okay) and I found him interesting because I always find people interesting. But I should have told him: NO ENGLISH. NO FUCKING ENGLISH. I'M NOT ENGAGING IN SOMEONE WHO MOVES BUT DOESN'T CARE TO LEARN MY LANGUAGE.
I've had enough. So disrespectful.
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drunk minds speak sober hearts
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The MC88 Series Masterlist
Mini Summary: Mia and Seb discuss what happened a week prior in we shouldn’t have done that
word count: 2.1k
tags/warnings: aston martin ¡driver! original character x sebastian vettel, infidelity, swearing, teammate-cest, no smut
previous part
They had been in Portugal for the grand prix the next time they saw each other. Mia had managed to dip and scoot around the paddock and garage just enough that she had missed having pretty much any interaction with her teammate, but that was until he plopped himself down in the seat in front of her. "Hi," she had said when she noticed him sitting down opposite her. She had looked up from her phone briefly to ask him how he was, but what she really wanted to do was cross her brows, narrow her eyes, and ask him why he had chosen to sit right there, out of all the places he could have sat.
She noticed that he wasn’t even eating.
"Good," Seb just said in response, holding her gaze as she raised an eyebrow at him. "And you?"
"Good," she replied with a nod before looking back at her phone. 
"We need to talk."
She cursed at herself because she knew she should have just taken her food back to her driver's room, locked the door, and told them not to let anyone bother her. She had only just about managed to sneak ten minutes away from her press officer, and she wanted to spend each and every one of those minutes by herself and not talking with her teammate.
She knew what he wanted to talk about. He had sent her numerous texts over the past week, and she had chosen to ignore every one of them; she had even gone so far as to move her days around at the factory so she wouldn’t bump into him there either. She knew it was slightly childish and it would just be better if they had the conversation, but she just wanted to push it as far away as possible and pretend it never happened.
Her teammate leaned back in his chair, crossing his arms over his chest, as he stared at her more intently because she hadn’t responded. She let her eyes flick up to his, catching his gaze and causing her to bite down on the inside of her lip as her eyes shot back to her phone. She was contemplating whether she was going to say anything or not because maybe if she didn’t say anything then he would just get up and leave her alone, which was highly unlikely but worth a shot none the less, or she could just say what she knew he really wanted her to say.
"Not here," she said, looking at him, and he just nodded. "Let me eat first," she added. 
He sat there, watching her for a moment. Her gaze was drawn to the phone in her hand, thumb scrolling, and she looked at things he probably didn't care for or understand because he was never a fan of social media. He also wasn’t one for whatever chicken and rice mixture her trainer was feeding her as race preparation for the following day. It didn’t look particularly appetising; it just looked bland, but she didn’t seem to be complaining.
She also didn't appear to be eating it quickly.
"You drove well today," she said as her eyes flicked up to him as she placed her phone beside her plate on the table.
"I’d like to say the same."
"It felt like I did," she said, squinting at him.
"I know," 
"I was struggling to get out of Q1, Seb," she said as she felt herself almost raising her voice at him from frustration that was never really meant for him. She'd realised earlier that day in qualifying that this year wasn't going to be as easy as the previous one, which wasn't what either of them wanted. The first two races of the season hadn’t gone too badly, and she had actually done better than Seb, but they had been tracks that she liked, tracks that she knew. They were tracks she did well on, that suited her, and where she could almost always pull a good lap out, but qualifying earlier that day had been difficult.
She had been on a flying lap; it had felt like a good lap, but she was dead last when she crossed the line. She had never outright qualified last in all her years of racing, and she had sworn down the radio, and she was sure it would end up being replayed over and over because it wasn’t pretty and it was very unlike her.
"I know, Mia." He just nodded again.
She bit down on her lip, looking back down at the plate of food in front of her, and asked, "do-do you think it will ever go back to what it was before?" she asked as she brought her eyes back to his, and she paused momentarily from pushing her food in circles around her plate.
"The car?"
She shook her head at him.
"I don’t know," he all but mumbled.
"We can forget it ever happened."
"But it did."
"I can forget," she said with a small shrug of her shoulders as she still avoided looking at her teammate.
She didn’t want to forget it happened, not really, but she would if that was what he wanted. She could forget about it and it wouldn't become a thing between them; well, maybe, but she had been really drunk and she could barely remember leaving the club and how they had managed to make it back to his room.
But she remembered the rest because her body had sobered up as soon as his lips met hers, and she would never forget that moment.
She wondered if it had always been building or if there had always been this tension between them that neither of them had ever mentioned. There had always been stolen little glances and little smiles as she looked away, embarrassed because she could never hold his eye contact when she was younger. There had been awkward hugs, awkward handshakes, fist bumps, touches, and just about everything else, and he had even called her pretty on more than one occasion, and she couldn’t help her cheeks from turning scarlet. She always did have a crush on him, even though she would never admit it, and even though it had been a little bit silly at the time, she had been there when he had won all of his races and all of his championships; wasn’t everyone crushing on him at that point in time?
Then, when she was finally in formula one those turned into less awkward hugs and kisses to the cheeks. Then there were kisses to her forehead on the podium and an arm around her as they celebrated, and there had been the other side of the coin too when there had been hugs where he had held her in his embrace so tightly because he knew the tears would start to fall otherwise and the world couldn’t see that. 
She finally looked up, putting her cutlery down. 
"It didn’t happen," she said with another shrug of her shoulders, and he didn’t say anything but instead raised his eyebrows at her. "Unless you didn’t want it not to happen."
"I-" Seb swallowed sharply, his jaw clenching subconsciously. "Not here, c’mon," he said with a nod of his head in the direction of the door.
She just stared at him for a second before deciding to follow him. Having to jog a few steps as he had already made his way out of the door and into the paddock, she tucked in behind him, tracing his steps as they made their way back across the paddock to the garage, only having to stop a few times to sign things for fans before following Seb into the safety of his driver’s room.
"Fuck," she heard him mumble under his breath as he turned away from her once the door was closed. He ran one hand through his hair while the other gripped his hip. He didn’t know what he even wanted to say to her. He had just sat down in front of her and hoped the right words would come out.
"I don’t regret it."
"I don’t regret it, Mia," he said again.
"You’d do it again?"
He just swore under his breath, and both of his hands fell to his hips. turning away from her because he couldn’t look at her at that moment. His neck strained as he gazed up at the ceiling, cursing every single god out there.
Mia swore this time as she let out a deep breath. She wasn’t expecting him to say that; she didn’t want him to say that because that would cause so many problems.
"You wouldn’t?"
"Seb," she said, cocking her head to the side as she looked at him.
"We can’t-"
"You haven’t thought about it since?" he asked, moving across the room to sit beside her. 
"No-" She had.
He did something he knew he shouldn't have done: he leaned in closer to her. He looked at her for any hesitation, but instead found her eyes staring back at him as he brought his hand to her cheek and brushed his calloused thumb over her cheekbone.
He leaned in, brushing his lips against hers.
Mia resisted for a moment, but she gave into his touch because she was never realistically going to say no to kissing him again.
He deepened the kiss, wanting to discover every single part of her lips and mouth as her fingers snaked through his curls, pulling him as close to her as physically possible because he was hers in those few stolen moments and she didn't want to let go.
She didn’t want it to end, and neither did he.
He wanted to touch every part of her. Drag his fingers across every inch of her skin and call it his own. He wanted to press his lips to every single part of her body because he wanted her all, and he could only ever dream of moments like that. But maybe if he dreamed about them enough, they might become a reality.
His teeth grazed against hers, which caused her sickly sweet laugh to overwhelm the kiss as he had to laugh too. He couldn’t help it. He knew it would be short, but he wanted it all, so he kissed her with so much burning passion that he had almost forgotten how to kiss. It was rushed and messy as if they were kids, and it was their first time making out behind some wall of something, but there was nothing childlike about it.
He smiled against her lips as his hand dropped to the back of her neck. He could feel her still smiling right back at him, so he kissed her again and again, placing delicate little kisses all over her face as she let out another laugh. He leaned back for a second, taking a moment to look at her. A moment lost to whatever because he was too occupied trying to memorise every single little detail of her face because he might never see it this close again. He would never see the little sprinkling of freckles over her nose again, and he would never see the slight blush sweeping over the tops of her cheeks or the shimmer of wetness gleaming across her lips. He would never be able to stare into her eyes this closely again, never be able to see every little detail—how they had a darker ring around the edge of her iris or the lighter shade in the middle.
He almost did not want to look because then at least he wouldn’t know what he was missing, so he just kissed her again.
It was so much simpler to just kiss her and forget about everything else. He wished he could kiss her for eternity and do nothing else; he would be the happiest man on earth, but it had to end at some point.
"Seb," Mia said against his lips as she fought herself to stop. "Seb," she said again with a saddened sigh as she pressed a final kiss to his lips before resting her forehead against his. She brushed her thumb over his cheek before tracing it over the swell of his lips. 
She tore away from him, turning her head away as she leaned back in her chair.
She could hear him let out a deep sigh as he held his head in his hands, shaking his head, as she tried to work out in his mind what the hell had just happened again. It wasn’t meant to happen, but it did, and he knew he would do it again in a heartbeat if he was ever given the chance. He would jump at the chance, and he’d kiss her for every second of the day if she would let him.
"We fucked up."
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sparkleapple · 1 year
Eurovision 2023 Review
Albania - Albania's back to what they usually do, but I'm not mad at this. Considering we are lacking ethnic songs this year, we need something I like and I'm digging the electric guitar.
Armenia - After a few listens, I really like this song. Her voice reminds of Zoey Deschanel in the beginning though.
Australia - It's just there
Austria - I want to like this song, but acapella does not appeal to me whatsoever
Azerbaijan - It's to nice see that it's a locally written and produced song and not some manufactured song by Swedes, but it's not a very memorable song. I hope that doesn't discourage more actual Azerbaijani songs in the future.
Belgium - What tf were they smoking when they chose this?! It sounds like something that would play in the background when I used to work at Express.
Croatia - Hot mess
Cyprus - He has a great voice, but it sounds too much like an Imagine Dragons song... Not the first time in recent year they sent a song that sounds like another...
Czech Republic - Fun fact: This is the only country whose NF I keep up with for whatever reason and for the first time, they chose the song that was my top choice! I love it and I actually like the rap part.
Denmark - Sure it's basic, but it's grown on me. It's catchy and I think it's cool that he's from the Faroe Islands
Estonia - One of the better ballads this year and she has a nice voice.
Finland - Ooh this one's an earworm and he's one hell of a performer. I'm also a sucker for some techno and something outside the box.
France - Why did they select someone that's not French? Anyway I think it's. nice, but it's missing something to feel like a complete song.
Georgia - They didn't play around this time. They have a former ESC Junior singer and she delivered even if the song song isn't about anything.
Germany - The actual authentic German song we needed that won't end up in the bottom 5. The song title, "Blood and Glitter” feels gimmicky and made for ESC though.
Greece - After years of a tacofest, we got a male singer for once! The song is a let down though. It's pretty basic and I don't like cursive singing.
Iceland - She's got a great voice, but this is giving Christian pop
Ireland - It's just there as always
Israel - Really try hard and feels like a 4 different songs. I like the beginning of the song, but it gets annoying towards the end.
Italy - It's pretty and classy, but it pretty much sounds like your typical Italian ballad. Marco is cute though.
Latvia - Not much to say here, but I appreciate it for what it is and I've realized Latvia usually sends some degree of electronic songs.
Lithuania - It's just there
Malta - Another nation that is lo longer a tacofest. The song is not very competitive, but I like it. it's a fun with a nice saxophone.
Moldova - I usually don't care for their songs, but I love this! I'm a sucker for a great ethnic sound and Moldova accomplish this and takes me to a mysterious and enchanted forest.
The Netherlands - Basic and it sounds too much like a Zedd song.
Norway - I like a good techno beat, but y'all are overhyping this song. It isn't that special and I do not like her voice.
Poland - Oh my christ on a bike, this song does not deserve to be here and Blanka seems like a very unlikable person, yet I'm here liking the song. It's the type of music I would bop too, even if it's trash...
Portugal - I was expecting a nice ballad, but I'm not complaining about this upbeat song. It's been a while Portugal sent something fun.
Romania - Sooo underrated. If you overlook that mess of a national performance, it's a really song and he has a great voice.
San Marino - I keep forgetting about it
Serbia - I've realized it's been a while they sent a male performer, but I can imagine him killing it on stage and the industrial sound will stand out. I love the parts where he throws in some Serbian.
Slovenia - A pleasant surprise. It's one of my favorites! I hope they give Slovenia their highest result yet!
Spain - A pleasant surprise. It feels like I'm at a cultural theatre. I wouldn't be mad if this was in the top 3 (unlike the trash last year).
Sweden - Sure the song is good with a great performance and Loreen is singing her heart out, but I really do not need her here and I certaintainly do not want her to win again.
Switzerland - Another slow song? It's one of the better ballads this year and the piano is so pretty.
Ukraine - So underrated by fans. I love this song.
UK - It's a cute bop. I like it.
Overall, another bland year in a row. i couldn't even write interesting comments, but here we are.
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trashcanband4 · 2 years
The Bastards Ch. 3
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The Bastards Masterlist
A few days later Mary and her ladies sat on a blanket down at the water’s edge near a large willow tree. A tray of cherries sat in the middle of the blanket. “Alright, Kenna, it’s your turn.” Mary said where she sat between Maisie on her right and Kenna on her left. “Not your first, but your best kisser.”
“It was a man, not a boy.” Kenna answered with a shy smile on her lips.
“Who?” Mary asked. “You must tell us.”
“All I’ll say is that there’s no point in waiting for boys our own age who have no idea what they’re doing. Either find yourself a man or…take care of your needs yourself.” Greer, Lola and Maisie giggled while poor Aylee looked horrified and Mary blushed. “Anyway, I think that it’s Greer’s turn isn’t it?” Kenna asked.
“My first kiss…” Greer started to answer, then let out a breath and closed her eyes with a shake of her head, “is in the very near future.” Kenna’s shoulders dropped. “I’m not like you. My family’s not titled. I can’t afford even little mistakes.” she said then paused while fiddling with the beads on her skirt. “But I think I found a man. He’s tall, dark and noble. Tomas, the son of the king of Portugal. He’s here negotiating some kind of trade deal, but he’s taking his time and I think it’s to stay with me.”
“Greer, it’s dangerous to get involved with a prince.” Aylee pointed out. “You know they marry for alliances. Your family are commoners.”
Lola noticed when Maisie gave Aylee a dirty look. She didn’t have to point it out like that and be so discouraging. Greer just gave her a look that told her she had no option but to smile through comments like that. “Tomas is a king’s bastard, like Bash.” Greer pointed out. “Favored too, but with money and land. I’m not a fool. I know a true royal would never look at me except to ruin me.” Lola and Kenna looked worried for her. “I can take care of myself.” she assured them.
When Mary’s servant rushed over they all looked at her. “Your Majesty, your uncle, Claude de Guise, is here and wishes to see you at once.”
Mary and Aylee headed to the castle while the rest of the ladies stayed where they were. “What about you?” Greer asked with a look at Maisie. "Have you kissed someone yet?"
Maisie's cheeks reddened. "I have."
"Really?" Greer asked.
"Who?" Lola asked.
"Was it Keelan?" Greer asked.
"I thought he prefers men." Kenna pointed out.
"Actually my first kiss was Keelan." Maisie answered, finally able to get a word in. "Which is how we figured out he most definitely does prefer the company of men."
"I'm sure that made for a wonderful first kiss." Kenna said sarcastically.
"It wasn't that bad. He's actually a good kisser." Maisie rebutted. "We just didn't feel anything for one another."
"Then what was that blush about?" Lola asked with a suspicious narrow of her pretty eyes.
"You've kissed Bash haven't you?" Greer asked with a knowing smile. Maisie's reddening cheeks answered the question.
"Speaking of." Kenna said with a jerk of her head.
Maisie followed the direction of her nod to see Bash walking over.
"Good morning ladies." Bash greeted and they all greeted him back kindly before he turned his blue eyes to Maisie. "I was wondering if you'd like to join me for a ride. Hemera has been a bit dispirited here of late, and I believe it's because she's missing you."
Maisie gave him a smile. "I'd love to." She answered. "I'll meet you in the stables?" Bash gave her a nod and a closed lipped smile then walked off.
"Who's Hemera?" Lola asked.
"The horse Bash bought me." Maisie admitted timidly, not knowing what her friends would think of it.
"He bought you a horse?" Greer asked and Maisie nodded. "To say he's smitten would be an understatement." She said with a little laugh then looked at the sky, noticing the time. "Speaking of smitten, Tomas has asked me to take a walk with him this afternoon. I should go freshen up."
With that the ladies headed inside.
"I'm sorry I haven't been able to tend to her properly. Seems my uncle was right. Mary's been keeping us busy with this and that." Maisie told Bash as she took the saddle off her horse and handed it off to one of the stable hands.
"I knew when I bought her that your duties to Mary would come first." Bash replied doing the same. "The stable hands do most of the grunt work anyway." Bash watched as she ran her hand along the belly of her mare. The content look on her face as she concentrated on making sure the cench hadn't rubbed any sores brought a smile to his lips. How she slid her hand down Hemera's leg, giving it a light tap that caused the horse to lift her foot so she could examine it.
"Would you mind handing me a pick?" Maisie asked with a point to the wall that held horse care tools. Bash grabbed a pick and handed it to her then watched as she cleaned the horse's foot not caring that there was all kinds of unmentionable gunk stuck in it.
"If I didn't know you find this calming I'd suggest letting the stable hands do it." Bash said as one of said stable hands came and took the lead rope of his horse.
"She's been favoring this leg." Maisie replied not looking up. "And I just want to know why." She said as she ran the pick along the grooves in the hoof. "Ah, there it is." with a grunt she hooked the pick under a rock that was stuck in a groove and popped it out. Bash walked over to the wall and grabbed a small brush. "Would you-?" Bush cut her off when the brush in his hand entered her line of sight. "Thank you." She said with a laugh as she glanced up at Bash.
He leaned on a post watching her clean the rest of Hemera's hooves. She was on the last one when she finally spoke again. "Sorry if I'm boring you."
"You're not." He replied. "Moments like this are what I hoped for when I purchased her for you." He pushed himself off the post as Maisie put Hemera's hoof down.
"You hoped to let me get all stinky and gunkey?" She asked as she handed him the tools that he held his hands out for then wiggled her dirty fingers at him.
"No. I hoped to get to watch you lose yourself in tedium." Bash answered as he put the tools away then walked back over to her. "You get so tranquil when you care for a horse."
"Kind of like you used to get when we star gazed as children." She pointed out as a stable hand took Hemera's lead rope. Maisie followed Bash when he jerked his head for her to. "Do you still find astrology fascinating?"
"Yes, however I've recently gotten caught up in Norse mythology." He answered as they walked around to the side of the stables where a wash basin sat.
"I wanted to study Norse mythology, but my aunt thought it an inappropriate subject for a lady such as myself." Maisie admitted then washed and dried her hands.
"Then how do you know Greek mythology?" Bash asked.
"I borrowed books from a friend and hid them in the barn." She answered.
Bash gave her a smile with a lift of his brows. "How naughty of you."
"Stop it." She told him with a blush and a pointed look.
"Well, perhaps we can study it together sometime." He offered as he held out his hand. "Unless you'd rather borrow my books and hide away in the stables to read them."
"I'd rather have your company." She said with a smile as she took his offered hand.
That night at a small party in the throne room, Greer, Lola, Aylee and Maisie sat at a table playing cards. Kenna was across the room chatting. "There's Tomas." Greer practically squealed with a point to a man with dark eyes and hair across the room.
"Oh he's handsome." Maisie said with a look of approval and a smile at Greer. Mary joined them looking a little tense. After Maisie had returned from the stables with Bash she learned that English troops had been massing on the borders of Scotland. Her country was in desperate need of soldiers and king Henry was refusing to hold up his end of the alliance.
"Nostradamus" The King spoke, stopping the music and the party as a whole. "Why don't you share your wisdom with all of us?"
"I don't understand." Nostradamus the court healer and Queen Catherine’s seer replied, his voice low and raspy.
"You're always in my wife's ear. What do you whisper?" The king asked. "I hear emperor Maximilian has a seer in Prague who can tell fortunes using playing cards. Tell the fortunes of Queen Mary and her ladies."
Nostradamus kneeled at the steps leading up to the thrones. "Forgive me, Your Majesty, but I'm not skilled at cards and I don't control my visions. They come and go as they will." He explained with a shrug.
"You're not as good as Maximilian's seer?" The king asked.
"Leave him alone, Henry." Queen Catherine snapped as she walked up the steps and sat on her throne.
"Oh come. The man must have something to recommend him. Since you reply so deeply on his council." The king replied.
Nostradamus walked over to the table Mary and her ladies sat at. "Each of you pick a card. Have your question ready." They all drew a card out of the stack in the center of the table.
He looked at Lola so she asked. "Will I ever love again?"
"You'll meet a dark handsome stranger. Be weary of flattery." He answered. Mary laid down her card and he looked at her. "Life will offer many challenges. You'll meet them with grace."
"Well that's not very specific." Henry spoke up. "Give us a fortune, not a platitude. Or is that the best you can do?"
As Nostradamus looked at Mary it seemed as if he was in a trance, like he was looking through her instead of at her. "The lion will fight the dragon on the field of poppies."
"What?" Mary asked.
"The lion will fight the dragon on the field of poppies." He repeated.
"Who will I-?" Greer started.
"You'll fall in love with a man with a white mark on his face." Nostradamus answered before she could even finish her question. Maisie had just laid down her card when he looked at her and said, "Your love will be taken from you." She couldn't keep her eyes from shooting across the room to Bash where he stood beside Francis.
"When will I see my family a-" Aylee started to ask as she laid down her card.
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"You'll never go home." Nostradamus interrupted with the answer.
"What do you mean, never go home?" Aylee asked, looking shocked.
"That's all I was given. You know no more than I." Nostradamus answered. Aylee heaved out a shaky breath and Mary touched her hand to comfort her.
"Well, there's a showman for you." Henry said, looking bored.
"Musicians, dancing music. Enough of this foolishness." Catherine said with a wave of her hand to the musicians in the corner. They started playing as Mary stood and went after Nostradamus, surely to question him to no end.
Maisie was gathering the cards into a stack when Bash walked over. "Lady Maisie," she stopped her nervous fussing over the cards to look up at him, "join me for a dance?" She stood up and walked around the table taking Bash's hand. "You're worried." He observed as they started dancing.
"How can I not be when I was just told that my love would be taken from me?" She asked, looking into his eyes.
"Nostradamus is right more often than he's wrong." He said, making her stomach ache.
"You're not making me feel any better." She pointed out.
"Perhaps he simply misinterpreted what he saw." He said as he looped his arm around her stomach, holding her hip as they turned.
"How could that have possibly-" she was cut off when the music stopped and Tomas took Mary's hands from Francis. Bash pulled Maisie aside to stand with him against the wall. Francis joined them.
Interesting music started playing as Tomas and Mary danced. The more the music played and the more they danced the more sensual it all became. Maisie wasn't the only person in the room feeling and looking scandalized. When the dance was over a few people clapped. Bash looked over Maisie's head at Francis, "Why don't you dance like that?"
"Shut up." Francis told him, not taking his eyes off Mary.
"Why don't you?' Maisie asked with a look up at him through her lashes.
"Because when I touch you like that it's going to be done in private, or at least around a strategically chosen corner." He answered, making her blush.
"Well apparently they do things differently in Portugal." They heard Henry mutter.
"I love this Portuguese music. Keep playing!" Catherine told the musicians with a laugh.
Maisie's eyes landed on Greer, standing across the room with tears streaking her cheeks. "Greer…"
"What's wrong?" Bash asked.
"Greer fancies Tomas." She answered as she watched her leave the throne room, Mary not far behind her. "Or at least she did."
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The next night Bash and Maisie lounged back on a large, plush bench seat on a balcony with no railing that overlooked the boating party. “Are you still worried about Nostradamus’ prophecy?” Bash asked as he handed her the bottle of wine they were passing back and forth.
“That and the fact that your father has yet to even lift a finger to help my country.” she answered.
“I tried talking to him, Francis has tried…he has no desire to risk our soldiers on what he calls quicksand.” Bash replied.
“If that’s the case then our days together are numbered.” Maisie said with a deep crease in her brow.
“How so?” he asked, with a worried frown.
“Tomas’ father is dying and wants him on the throne imminently. So, he is being declared legitimate and he asked Mary to wed him. If she says yes, he’ll send troops to defend Scotland and I will be going to Portugal with Mary.” She took a drink of the wine then handed him the bottle.
“Then perhaps I should ask you to marry me.” he said, faking seriousness.
That was one of the things she liked about Bash, no matter how heavy the topic he could find a way to lighten it. She rolled her eyes. “I care for you deeply, but I don’t think I’m ready to marry you yet.”
He flashed her a bright charming smile. “If we kissed again you might change your mind.”
She couldn’t help the heat that rose to her cheeks nor could she keep the smile from her lips. “You’re impossible.”
“Yet you still like me.” he said as he took a drink of the wine then handed her the bottle.
She made a face that told him he wasn’t wrong as she leaned down and sat the bottle of wine on the floor then laid back on the bench propped up by some throw pillows and her forearm. When fireworks started exploding in the sky she looked out over the balcony watching as sparkling fountain fireworks went off on each side of the two big boats that were shoved off into the water. Sparkles also poured down like waterfalls from each of the arches across the lake.
Feeling his eyes on her she looked at him to see the most content, soft look on his face. A blush warmed her cheeks as she reached over and slipped the backs of her fingers over his stubbly cheek then down his neck to rest her hand on his chest. Unable to resist, Bash grabbed the back of her head and caught her top lip between his. She sighed through her nose at the sensations his kiss sent through every nerve ending in her body. It was so easy to get caught up in him, to play with him, to let her hands have a mind of their own.
He leaned forward, laying her back to hover over her from the side. She relished the feel of his hand as it slid down from her neck to caress the curves of her body as it made its way to her hip. Her hands pressed to his chest over the thin layer of his cream color shirt. One of them moved up to hold the side of his neck while the other slid down and around to press her palm into his lower back. She lost all track of time, completely immersed in him.
"Bash!" Francis's distant voice along with his hasty sounding footsteps pulled them back down to reality and caused Bash to break the kiss and look up. When he saw his brother headed their way he set up then offered her his hand which she accepted and let him help her sit up straight. "So sorry to interrupt, but you're our fastest rider and your services are needed immediately."
"Is something wrong?" Maisie asked, worried someone had once again attacked Mary.
"No. I convinced my father to send six companies of men to Scotland." Francis answered, then looked at Bash.
Bash looked at Maisie. "What are you looking at me for? Go." she urged him, happy that Mary wouldn't have to take Tomas up on his proposal. Bash grabbed her face and kissed her deeply before rushing off with Francis.
The next day, Maisie was headed to the stables when the whinny of a nearby horse caught her attention and she looked to see a dapple gray, its rider was hunched over on the horse's neck. "Bash." She gasped as she picked up her skirts and ran, along with a few others who had spotted him as well. A man pulled a passed out Bash from the horse and Maisie's eyes could only see the blood that coated his side. She numbly followed the people carrying him and only barely felt Mary's hand grab hers making her realize that she and Frances had joined them. Mary kept a hold of her hand as they watched Bash be laid on a bed in the infirmary.
Nostradamus lifted his shirt revealing a deep wound in his side as he looked up at Catherine, the same dazed look on his face as when he’d told their fortunes. "The cost of war will reach inside this castle." Catherine said with her hand on her chest.
Maisie was opening her mouth to say something when the king burst in. "How is he?" He asked Nostradamus.
"He's gravely injured. I can tend to his wounds and ease the pain, but I make no guarantees." Nostradamus answered.
"Father…" Bash whispered, making Maisie look at his face instead of the blood on his abdomen. Francis kneeled down by him to hear him better. "The English…rode out from Calais…to face us. We never made it to the ships…it was a slaughter." The pain in his voice along with the news he delivered caused Maisie's brow to crease as she placed her fingertips to her lips.
"He shouldn't be talking." Nostradamus spoke up. "I'll give him a potion to put him to sleep. Clear the room. It's the best thing for him."
"Bash, I'm so sorry." Francis told him as Nostradamus poured a small vial of liquid into Bash's mouth and he faded off to sleep.
"Come." The king said with a look around the room.
Maisie, in her shocked, numb state ignored him and took a step closer to Bash, getting Nostradamus's attention. "You told me my love would be taken from me. Is this what you meant?"
"I cannot say. Please, clear the room." Nostradamus answered.
Mary grabbed Maisie's hand and pulled her from the room. "Leave us." The king told them as they walked by him and they both gave him a nod.
As the days passed Maisie checked in on Bash as often as she could, but more often than not he was asleep. According to Nostradamus, rest was the best thing for him because if he was resting his body wouldn't have to work so hard to heal itself.
While Bash was busy healing, Mary was busy working with her uncle and King Henry on getting released from her engagement to Frances so she could marry Tomas who had sent his men to Scotland the morning after Mary agreed to wed him.
While the other ladies were at an archery competition between Francis and Tomas, Maisie went to Bash who was still under Nostradamus’s care. “How is he?” Maisie asked as she walked into the room to see that Bash’s eyes were closed and Nostradamus had his hand on Bash’s forehead.
“The wound is closing. But the disease in his blood is spreading. If the fever doesn’t break by tonight…” Nostradamus answered.
“He may die.” Maisie replied, realizing what Nostradamus was implying.
“You’re scaring her Nostradamus.” Bash said, though his eyes were closed. “Where’s your chivalry?” He opened his eyes giving Nostradamus a weak glare before he looked at Maisie.
“You’re awake.” she said, sounding a bit relieved as she took a step closer to stand beside Nostradamus. “How are you feeling?”
“Close to death, apparently.” he answered, making Maisie cringe. “Which feels, more or less, like it sounds.”
“You need rest, Sebastian.” Nostradamus cautioned him.
“What I need is water.” Bash argued and Nostradamus headed across the room. “And perhaps…” he looked at Maisie, seeing her concern written all over her face, “a little bit more of those lovely brown eyes.” Maisie gave him a weak smile then grabbed the chair Nostradamus had been sitting in when she’d come in, moving it a bit closer before she set down. When she saw a movement out of the corner of her eye she turned to see that Nostradamus held a cup of water. So she took it and helped Bash take a drink then set it on the table at the head of the bed. “So will you stay?” he asked. “I’ve heard you checking up on me, but you never linger.”
Her eyes watered before she dropped them to her hands in her lap. “Of course I'll stay.”
“Why haven’t you before?” Bash asked quietly.
“Because I know you need rest if you’re to get better and you can’t rest if I linger.” she answered, still not looking at him.
“I’m terribly sorry, but she’s right. This isn’t helping you rest.” Nostradamus told him.
“Every time I look at her, I feel better. Every time I look at you, I feel worse.” Bash snapped at Nostradamus. “The prescription is clear, don’t you think?” Maisie kept her eyes down as Nostradamus gave Bash a nod and left the room. “Look at me, please.” Bash asked quietly and Maisie finally lifted her eyes, letting him see the tear that had betrayed her and slipped down her cheek. “I’m not dead yet.”
“Bash…” she sighed and dropped her head.
“I’m not,” he argued, “and until I am, be it a few days or forty years, I want to see you as often as your duties to Mary will allow.” Maisie sniffled and looked up at him. “Now, tell me the true reason you haven’t stayed with me.”
“I’m scared.” she answered quietly. “Maybe if Nostradamus hadn’t told me you’d be taken from me it would be easier to have hope, but…it feels as if the fates are pulling us apart.” she used her hands to wipe her face then wiped them on her skirts, not caring if they got a little wet.
“What do you mean?” he asked, Nostradamus had been keeping him asleep with potions which made him too groggy to remember anything told to him when he was awake.
“Mary accepted Tomas’s proposal. When your father releases her from her engagement to Francis, I’ll have to move to portugal.” she answered grimly. “Death knocks at your door while relocation knocks at mine.” The disappointed look on his face made her reach out and brush his sweaty hair back off his forehead. “Good lord, you’re burning up.” she gasped as she placed her hand on his hot cheek. His eyes slipped closed as he reveled in her comforting touch.
“If I don’t make it out of this infirmary by the time you have to leave for Portugal or if death takes me from you, I want you to do something for me.” he told her, not opening his eyes.
“Anything.” she replied as she grabbed a cloth off of the table and started dabbing his face, keeping sweat from getting in his eyes.
“In my chambers, on a bookshelf is a little carved wooden box. It and its contents are yours.” His words brought a new wave of tears to her eyes.
Maisie squeezed her eyes shut and blew a calming breath between her shaking lips. “Okay. If that happens I’ll take the box.” she agreed then opened her eyes. Bash saw a new determination in them. “But it’s not going to happen.”
“No?” he asked with a tired smirk as she took the cloth from his face. “You control fate now do you?”
“No, but I will try my damndest to because I refuse to let you go.” she tossed the rag on the table and if Bash could laugh without hurting he would have. “So, you’re going to drink some water to replenish what you’re sweating out and get some sleep if I have to lull you into it myself.” she told him as she grabbed the cup and offered him some water.
Knowing better than to argue with her he took a drink. “You’re not going to sing to me are you?” he asked.
“I said I'd lull you to sleep, not attempt to wake the dead.” she answered.
He laughed without thinking then groaned in pain. “Oh, don’t make me laugh.” She just grabbed the book on Norse Mythology off the table and showed it to him. He smiled as he watched her open the book to the marked page and start reading. Deciding that he really could use the rest he closed his eyes and let her voice ease him into sleep.
Maisie stood with her friends as Mary stood in front of the king and queen in the throne room. “And how may I help France, Your Majesty?” Mary asked.
“These English, we keep them at court to keep peace, but it appears they don’t want peace.” The king replied.
“Their envoy, Simon, was overheard boasting in a local tavern about his role in the ambush. How he warned his countryman of our soldiers’ movements.” Queen Catherine added.
“The trouble is, to condemn a diplomat, we need testimony no nation can question. A witness whose word is unassailable.” King Henry continued.
“Instead, we have her.” Catherine said with a motion to the back of the room. Everyone followed the motion to a blond woman in a bright red dress with heavily applied rouge on her cheeks and a nervous look on her face.
Frances walked over to Mary. “She’s a prostitute, Mary. But a very brave woman.” he whispered, but with the throne room so quiet everyone could hear. “She came here at great risk to aid The King's justice.”
Mary looked at King Henry. “You want me to put my name to her words?”
The king and queen said nothing so Francis answered for them. “If you don’t, a murderer goes free. A man who put my brother at death’s door.”
Mary walked over to the prostitute. “What is your name?”
“Judith.” the woman answered. “Uh, milady.” she added, giving Mary an awkward curtsy.
“And you saw Simon with your own eyes, Judith?” Mary asked.
“Yeah.” Judith answered. “And I heard them call him by name, too. He had a…a fine face and posh clothes, and that medallion around his neck. The one with the sun’s rays.”
“The Royal English seal.” Mary nodded. “And you know that this seal means he is a very powerful man and that he can hurt you, but you came forward anyway. Why?”
“I heard how that Englishman talked. He’s a heartless man, playing games with other men’s lives.” Judith answered.
Mary gave her a nod then spoke loudly to the king and queen across the room. “If I sign my name to her statement, will you release me from my engagement to Francis?” Francis looked at his father who gave him a nod, so Francis looked at Mary and gave her a nod. “Very well then.” Mary said, looking numb.
“Notify the executioner.” King Henry spoke. “The English spy will lose his head at the Michaelmas banquet.
After everyone was released from the throne room Maisie, Aylee, Lola, Greer and Kenna found Mary in her room. “The engagement’s been official for less than an hour and you’re already packing.” Greer observed.
“I have no choice. I’m going to Portugal in two days, right after the Michaelmas banquet.” Mary answered as she folded a dress and put it into a trunk.
“You’re leaving?” Aylee asked. “What about us, you don’t want us to come with you?”
“Of course I do, more than anything. But you do have a choice. I can’t ask you to come with me when none of you expected to live in Portugal.” Mary answered and Maisie felt a confusing pull in her chest toward both Mary, who’d she'd been raised to stand beside, and Bash, the man her heart clung so strongly to. “You all moved from Scotland to be here in France.”
“No, Mary, we left to be with you.” Lola argued.
“So you’ll come with me?” Mary asked with a hopeful smile.
“Of course we will.” they all replied. All but Maisie and Mary noticed.
“Maisie, I mean it. I know you care for Bash. I won’t be angry if you want to stay.” Mary told her and Maisie dropped her eyes. “I won’t press you for an answer.”
“I just wish we could all stay…that you could stay and marry the man you love.” Maisie answered quietly. “You deserve that much.”
“I’m afraid queens don’t have that luxury.” Mary sighed and sat down on the bench behind her.
Maisie went to the infirmary and found Francis with Bash. “My apologies.” Maisie told him and took a step back.
“You don’t have to go.” Francis said, so she stepped back inside and shut the door behind her before walking over to stand at Bash’s feet. “Nostradamus gave him a potion, so he’ll be out for a while.” knowing he wouldn’t wake if she touched him she sat down in the chair and gently held his hand that was hot to the touch. “He loves you, you know.” Francis said as he moved around to stand on the opposite side of the bed across from her.
After a moment Maisie looked up at him. “I think it’s highly possible that I love him too.” she dropped her eyes back to Bash’s relaxed face. “Though I’m not sure if that matters now that I'm leaving.”
"You could stay." Francis offered, making her look up at him. "That is if Mary would release you."
“You and Mary say that as if it is such an easy decision to make.” Maisie sighed.
“Is it not?” Francis asked.
“For as long as I can remember I was told my fate would be to remain at Mary’s side. My duty is to her and my country.” she answered as she looked back down at Bash. “Now I’m told that I can choose my fate, Bash or my queen and my country. It feels as if my heart is being torn in two.”
"Trust me, I know the feeling." Francis said and she looked up at him, knowing that he'd been torn between Mary and his country several times already. "I can't tell you what to do, but I can tell you that while other women may have occupied his bed, they never touched his heart. That special place has always been reserved for you, awaiting your return. And not patiently, I might add.” Francis added with a pointed look at his sleeping brother, making Maisie laugh sadly before she wiped the tears that had started slipping down her cheeks at some point. Francis left her to think and be with Bash.
By the time she’d settled on a decision the sun had almost set. Ready to tell Mary, she headed to her chambers. She ended up running into her and Aylee as they were also on their way to her chambers. "Maisie, how is Bash? I assume you've been with him." Mary asked.
“That’s what I was coming to talk to you about. I’ve made my decision.” Maisie said as they walked into her room only to see Tomas and one of his men.
“Tomas?” Mary asked, shocked to find him in her chambers.
“Forgive me Mary. I needed to see you, and I couldn’t wait for formalities.” Tomas said as he turned from an open box on the table he stood next to. “I would like to discuss some…rules, and your ladies should hear them too.” Tomas said with a motion to Aylee and Maisie.
“Rules?” Mary asked, clearly off put.
“Rules you will live by in Portugal.” Tomas answered. “You seem to believe that until you’re married to me you’re somehow free. If so, you’re mistaken.” Maisie’s heart sank down to the pit of her stomach.
“My Lord, I don't know if I like your tone.” Mary replied.
“Do you have whipping boys in Scotland?” Tomas asked.
“Whipping boys?” Mary asked, a bit shocked. “Well, s-some use them, but-”
“Good. Miguel is now your whipping boy.” Tomas interrupted then turned and slapped the man behind him across the face, causing the three women to flench. Tomas looked back at Mary. “That is for the offense of questioning me.”
“Tomas, please…”
Tomas turned and struck Miguel again then looked back at Mary. “That is for interrupting me.” Mary remained quiet as Aylee covered her mouth with her hand and Maisie placed her hand over her upset stomach. “Much better. You’re bound by a treaty agreed by your betters: Your uncle, myself and King Henry. And if you’re not impressed by the treaty, maybe you will be by this: My ships made your country safe, but…” he grabbed a glass out of the open box on the table and held it out in front of him, “I can remove them as easily as this.” He dropped the glass, shattering it over the floor. “Whatever freedoms of actions or thoughts you were given by Francis, forget them. When I am King, I will rule like most kings: What belongs to my queen belongs to me.” Maisie didn’t miss when his eyes slipped over to Aylee then her before he looked back at Mary. “For Miguel’s sake, I hope we’re clear. Are we?”
“Yes, my lord. Quite clear.” Mary answered.
Tomas and Miguel left the room. “You can’t marry him. I beg of you.” Aylee pleaded as Mary walked over to the box and closed it.
“Aylee you heard him.” Mary said, turning from the box to her.
“But you’re a queen. There must be some other way.” Aylee said with a shake of her head.
“If there was any other option don’t you think I would take it?” Mary asked, holding back tears of her own. “I have to marry Tomas, no matter who he is, no matter my feelings…because I am a queen. I have no other option.” Mary pushed back her tears. “But I remind you that you do. Maisie?” Mary asked, getting her attention where she stood, staring off into the distance in thought. Maisie looked at her. “You said you’d made a decision?”
“I had, but now I'm reconsidering.” Maisie answered.
“You’d decided to come with me?” Mary asked, her tense tone lifting a bit, pleased that Maisie had chosen to remain at her side.
“Actually I’d decided to stay with Bash, but…after that scene I feel I must come with you.” Maisie answered, still sick to her stomach. “If you have to marry him then you will need all the protection you can get.” she walked over and grabbed Mary’s hand. “I won’t abandon you…I can’t.” Mary pulled Maisie in for a hug then held her arm out for Aylee and she joined them.
The next morning Maisie went to Bash and found Francis with him while Nostradamus piddled at his table. “I seem to keep interrupting your time with him.” Maisie said and Francis jerked his head for her to join them.
“It’s a highly welcomed interruption.” Bash said then opened his eyes to look at her.
Nostradamus walked over and sat down in the chair while Maisie moved to stand at Bash’s feet. Nostradamus placed his hand on Bash’s forehead then looked at Francis. “Good news. The fever’s broken.”
“Thank god.” Francis and Maisie sighed.
“Good, so I can get out-” Bash started to get up, but was cut off by a grunt of pain.
“I wouldn’t recommend it.” Nostradamus told him as he helped him lay back down. “You’re going to live if you don’t tear your wound open. If you keep resting, if you take proper care.”
“If I have to spend one more minute in this bed,” Bash started.
“I’m going to make us both feel better…and leave.” Nostradamus told him then stood and gave Maisie a soft smile on his way out.
Francis took Nostradamus’s place in the chair. “Should I leave too?” Maisie asked.
“If you do, I might take a turn for the worse.” Bash answered before Francis could.
“Don’t joke about that.” Maisie scolded him, feeling a stab in her chest, remembering that she was going to be leaving him in a day's time.
“You heard the man.” Francis said letting her know she could stay so she grabbed a chair and moved to sit on the other side of Bash, across from Francis who handed him the cup he’d been holding in his hand.
Bash took it and looked inside. “You promised you’d sneak me some wine, you liar.” Bash complained, making Francis laugh, then took a drink of whatever was in the cup. “You look worse than I do, both of you.” he said with a look between his brother and Maisie. “It’s Tomas, isn't it? I’ve heard about your…inquiries.” He asked his brother then looked at Maisie and grabbed her hand.
“I don’t have any proof yet, but everything in me says that he’s a monster.” Francis answered, getting Bash’s attention. “There are whispers in court that he murdered his first wife.”
“I’d believe it.” Maisie spoke up and both of the men looked at her.
“What do you mean?” Francis asked before Bash could.
“Mary didn’t tell you, did she?” she asked and he shook his head. “Of course she didn’t. It would defy him and break his rules.”
“Rules?” Bash asked with a frown.
“He assigned her a whipping boy and rules to live by in Portugal. He sees her as nothing more than a means to an end and honestly I fear that once we’re in Portugal and they are wed that he’ll take what’s hers, what he already sees as his, and do away with her all together.” Maisie answered as her hand found it’s way back to her stomach. “Just the thought of how dead his eyes looked when speaking to her makes me ill.”
Bash gave her hand a squeeze then looked at his brother. “If they couldn’t find proof in Portugal how will you find any here?”
“I don’t know yet…but I have to try.” Francis answered. “I can’t let Mary-”
“Oh, but you can…” Tomas interrupted as he walked through the door that Nostradamus had left open. “And you must. You’ve been asking questions about me.” he said as he came to a stop with his hands tucked behind his back. Bash started sitting up and Maisie helped knowing it would be useless to try to stop him. “Did you think I wouldn’t know?”
“No.” Francis answered, mirroring Tomas’s stance. “I hoped you would.”
“Why?” Tomas asked.
“Because your future wife is a friend of France.” Francis answered. “Her well-being concerns this country, and always will.”
“Is that a threat?” Tomas asked. “If anything happens to Mary, you’ll…what?”
Bash started to stand, but Maisie saw the fresh blood on the binding over his wound. “Bash, please?” Maisie asked but he ignored her and stood up straight.
“I would hope we won’t have to find out.” Francis answered. “Wouldn’t you, as her fiance?”
“If something happens to her it will be up to me.” Tomas snapped. “She is my property now, not yours. No matter how many touches you steal you’ll never be more than the powerless princeling who couldn’t even send a few men to defend her country.”
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Francis raised his fist to punch Tomas. "Francis, no." Bash said as he pulled his brother back then groaned in pain from the exertion. Maisie and Francis caught him before he fell and helped him sit down.
"And you." Tomas said and they all looked up to see that he was talking to Maisie where she stood beside Bash. "You heard me tell Mary what belongs to her belongs to me. In case I wasn't clear, that includes you. Romances like this," he motioned between her and Bash, "will not occur when you are under my rule in my kingdom. Your king and queen will be your only priority, that is unless you want to pay for it in blood."
Bash wrapped his arm around her hips and pulled her close. "Fortunately nothing is set in stone and I am not under your rule. So I am perfectly free to tell you to go rot in whatever hell you spawned from." Maisie told him through a sneer.
Tomas just gave her a smirk then left the room. As soon as he was out of the room Maisie sank down to sit in the chair across from Bash and Francis, who sat on the bed with his brother. “Go ahead, say it. I’m not thinking with my head.”
“Head, heart, who cares?” Bash asked in a huff. “He is a monster, no matter what the pope chooses to call him, and if you won’t kill him,” Bash turned his eyes to Maisie, “I will.”
“Bash, your wound.” Maisie said, seeing his bandage soaked through with bright red, fresh blood that seeped into his white shirt that was open, save some tie strings at his neck.
“I’ll fetch Nostradamus.” Francis said as he stood and left.
“You really should lay down.” Maisie told him and stood to help him.
“I’m sick of lying down.” he argued. “Sit with me.” The worry in his blue eyes, the frown in his brow made her sink down beside him. “Francis tells me Mary has offered to let you stay if she has to move to Portugal.”
“She has.” Maisie whispered, dropping her eyes to her hands in her lap.
“And?” he asked, eager to know if she’d choose him.
Maisie on the other hand felt her heart breaking. “I can’t…” she said as tears slipped down her cheeks. The disappointed sigh that slipped from his lips only shoved the invisible knife further into her chest. “I can’t stay here knowing that Mary, my queen��my friend, is living under that monstrous tyrant’s thumb while I live happily by your side. She’s going to need me.”
“And you expect me to stay here, knowing that you are also under his evil thumb?” Bash argued as he lifted her head and made her look at him. “You heard him he will also consider you his property to do with as he pleases. Just the thought of what he could do to you…” he cut himself off not daring to voice the thoughts. “I am begging you, please, stay with me.”
Someone cleared their throat and they looked over to see Nostradamus, Mary and Francis walking into the room. “Maisie, a word, please?” Mary asked so she left Bash’s side to follow Mary out into the hall while Nostradamus tended to Bash’s wound. Only when the doors were shut did Maisie turn her eyes to Mary. “Stay.”
“What?” Maisie asked, shocked.
“I’m not asking. As our queen I am releasing you from your service to me, right after the Michaelmas banquet.” Mary told her, looking sad, but strong.
“But I chose to come with you.” Maisie argued.
“And I believe you chose wrong.” Mary replied. “The relief on your face right now tells me you know that now as well.”
“I do.” Maisie sighed. “But, Mary, you-”
“I’ll be fine.” Mary interrupted her. “I’ll have Aylee, Greer, Lola and Kenna. And I’ll write often.”
“Your letters will be burned long before they make it to me.” Maisie argued.
“Maisie…” Mary sighed scoldingly.
“There’s no point in arguing with you is there?” Maisie asked.
“No, there’s not.” Mary answered with an amused half smirk.
“Fine.” Maisie said, dropping her arms that had been crossed over her chest.
“Come.” Mary told her as she headed back to the iinfirmary. When they walked in, Nostradamus was wrapping a new binding around Bash’s torso. “How is he?”
“The wound has reopened, but it’s not severe.” Nostradamus replied in his raspy voice then looked at Maisie. “He must remain laying still.”
“Tell him that.” Maisie said with a motion to Bash who smirked at her.
“I have.” Nostradamus replied. “But considering he’s requested you remain at his side until the banquet, you must know his care instructions as well.”
Maisie looked at Bash, then Francis then Mary. “It’s fine by me.” Mary told her.
After Nostradamus finished tending to Bash, he, Mary and Francis left them alone. “You weren’t kidding when you said you wanted to see me as often as Mary would allow.” Maisie said as she sat down in the chair.
“Are you going to tell me what Mary pulled you away for?” Bash asked, ignoring her attempt at avoiding all talk of staying or going.
She took a deep breath and let it out. “After the Michaelmas banquet-”
“You’ll leave for Portugal, I know.” he interrupted and turned his eyes to the ceiling, pouting. “I thought it may have been new information.”
“Yeah that's…not what she had to say.” Maisie replied, making him look at her. “After the banquet, she’s releasing me from my service to her. I’m staying in France. As what? She didn’t say, but…I’m sure Francis will figure something out just like I'm sure he had something to do with her taking away my choice in the matter. Not that I’m all that upset about it, honestly.”
“I’m sorry, I didn’t hear anything past ‘I’m staying in France’.” Bash said with tears in his eyes. She laughed as she leaned down and caught his bottom lip between hers for a short, but still passionate kiss before it broke and she rested her forehead on his. “I have missed that.” he sighed as he threaded his fingers into her loose auburn waves.
The next afternoon Maisie stood with Mary and the rest of her friends, going through a trunk of costumes for the Michaelmas banquet. “Well I would never know there was a costume banquet in an hour from the faces I see.” Mary said as she took a string of beads off of the tip of a toy sword.
“How can you be so cheerful knowing how soon we’re leaving?” Lola asked.
“Should I spend my last hours in France, with all of my friends, with moping and tears?” Mary asked back.
“Don’t forget pining and regret.” Kenna added as they resumed digging in the trunks.
After a moment of thought Greer added. “Mary’s right. What’s the matter with us? Why wallow in misery if we have a choice?” she asked as she put a few things back into the trunk. “Why not use the hours we have left to seize some pleasure while we still can?”
“Yes, some pleasure.” Kenna agreed while holding up her dress of choice. “Or perhaps some spite.”
“Oh, a lovely wood sprite.” Greer said with a smile.
“France will never forget you.” Mary told her.
“I hope they won’t.” Kenna said as she took her dress then headed off to her chambers to change.
“You want to dress up in a footman’s livery?” Aylee asked Greer who held up said costume and mask.
“Yes, why not?” Greer asked and the girls laughed. “But in case I change my mind, I’ll take both.” Greer said as she picked up another costume and walked off.
After a while Aylee, Mary and Maisie found costumes and disappeared to their rooms to change. After she dressed she hunted down Bash, eager to show him what she’d chosen. She found him outside, swinging his sword around, just happy to be out of bed. “I wondered where you disappeared to.” she said, getting his attention.
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Bash laughed when he saw her, dressed in a simple cream dress with a square neckline and flowing sleeves trimmed in gold. A matching gold belt was around her curvy hips and hung down the front of the dress. The circlet that sat atop her head was adorned with a golden angel wing on each side at her temples. A gold tipped spear was in her hand. “I recognize you.” Bash said with a smile. “I met you in a dream I had about Norse gods and goddesses from that book we read.” Maisie gave him a smile. “Freyja is a fitting choice.”
Maisie wrinkled her nose. “Wasn’t she the god of fertility?”
Bash laughed. “Yes, but she was also known for her beauty.” Bash reminded her. “Did you learn nothing from that book?”
“I…find it hard to retain information if I have to read it out loud.” she answered, looking a little ashamed of herself. “I actually chose her because she was the only goddess I could recall having red hair. The fact that she often chose to appear naked to her followers also managed to stick in my mind.” Bash just smiled and looked her up and down. “And now you’re imagining me naked.”
“Not entirely.” he answered. “The belt, headpiece and spear are still there.”
Maisie blushed and laughed. “If I shed the dress and go to the banquet like that will you attend with me?”
Bash chuckled at her. “That is tempting, but perhaps we should save that particular costume for a much later occasion.” She gave him a look that told him to answer the question. "After tonight, your friends will leave and I'll have you all to myself." Bash started. "I want you to take full advantage of your last hours with them without me around capturing your attention."
“Fine.” she sighed then looked around before she stood on her toes and captured his lips with hers.
“Now I’m the one interrupting.” Maisie dropped down onto flat feet and turned to see Francis.
“Ah, St. Michael.” Bash said as Maisie moved around to stand beside him. “That better be a real sword if you’re to slay Lucifer.”
“You had to bring up Tomas.” Francis sighed.
“You know, I don’t understand why he changed so quickly. He seemed so nice at first, charming even.” Maisie said with a frown, hating that Mary was having to wed a man like him.
“He was desperate.” Francis answered. “He’d been looking for a queen all over the continent. No doubt to make sure the Pope declared him legitimate. Of course he’d put on an act if it got him what he wanted.”
“Well, he got bloody lucky didn’t he?” Bash asked. “If I hadn’t been ambushed getting those men off to Scotland, Mary wouldn’t be marrying him.”
“Say that again.” Francis told Bash.
Maisie’s eyes went wide. “It’s been staring us in the face this entire time.”
“If our men hadn’t been ambushed then Mary wouldn’t need his men. Or his marriage proposal.” Francis said, spelling it out.
“Simon is innocent.” Maisie said in a rush. “Do you think we can get proof before his head comes off tonight at the banquet?”
“I don’t know.” Francis answered. “But we’re gonna try.”
“I’ll go find Miguel, Mary’s assigned whipping boy. He hates Tomas. I’m positive he’ll help if you offer him your protection.” Maisie offered and Francis gave her a nod.
Maisie met back up with Bash and Francis outside, out of breath from running. “Miguel’s not in his chambers, but a footman said he saw him leaving with Tomas. They were headed for the game trails.”
“Hunting…now?” Bash asked.
“I fear Tomas wants to kill him before he can rat him out.” Maisie answered.
“We must stop him before he can.” Francis said then took off towards the stables and Bash after him.
Maisie stood with Lola, Aylee, Greer and Kenna anxiously awaiting the return of Bash and Francis as well as Mary who’d gone after the prostitute who’s testimony Mary signed her name to. “What’s going on?” Aylee asked when three guards were led into the room where Simon sat shackled to a chair, awaiting his fate.
“It’s time for Simon’s head to come off.” Lola answered.
“Where’s Mary?” Aylee asked with a look around.
“And Francis and Bash.” Maisie added, worried that something bad had happened to them.
“They’re going to be too late.” Keena pointed out as they watched the guards walk past them.
The executioner was raising his ax when Francis’s voice hit their ears. “Make way!” Everyone turned to see him and Bash along with Miguel, leaning on Bash who held his side. “This is your spy!” two guards threw a lifeless Tomas to the ground causing the party guests to gasp. “We have witnesses.”
“Two of them.” Mary added as she and the prostitute walked into the room behind Francis and Bash.
Later that night, Maisie, Aylee, Lola, Greer, and Kenna stood beside Mary in the throne room where Simon stood in front of the King and Queen. “Lord Westbrook, are you pleased that England has made you their new envoy to Portugal?” King Henry asked.
“With respect, I’m pleased to be leaving here alive, your Majesty.” Simon answered.
“Please thank Portugal’s king for the sacrifice of his son, Tomas, who gave his life to protect our son from a stag’s horns while hunting.” Catherine told Simon.
“As to the vile rumors that Tomas plotted against France, tell the king we will ignore them if he will accept our sentiments.” Henry added.
“Since Portugal’s king had no knowledge of any plot, I’m confident he will accept.” Simon replied. “The matter will be forgotten by all of us. And history, too, no doubt.” Simon gave the king and queen a bow then turned as Mary started to walk up to the thrones. “You surprise me, Your majesty.” Simon told Mary, stopping her. “Most royals won’t admit a mistake, let alone save a man’s life to fix it.”
“Well, I hope saving your life wasn’t my second mistake.” Mary answered. Simon gave her a smirk and a nod before he left the room and Mary continued to the king and queen, giving them a bow.
“Mary, Queen of Scots, France is pleased to reinstate our marriage treaty with your country.” Henry started. “As soon as negotiations-”
“Thank you, Your Grace.” Mary interrupted him. “Scotland is pleased as well. Especially since, this time, you and my uncle will be allowing me to guide negotiations.”
Maisie bit her lips closed with a smile as she looked at the king and Mary’s uncle then Bash who looked impressed. The room filled with hushed chatter. “Oh, for god’s sake.” Catherine scoffed.
“Mary I don’t think tha-” Henry started, but was once again interrupted by Mary.
“In view of the role Scotland played in resolving your troubles with Portugal, and preventing the wrongful execution of a diplomat, we not only staved off war with England, but also spared our ally France considerable embarrassment.” Mary said, getting an agitated glare from the king and queen. “Which is why I am sure you will want to improve the terms, committing enough strength to keep your ally safe against England.”
“Yes. Of course.” Henry answered flatly. Mary gave him a nod. “Let’s continue, as to the matters of lands for your dowry there is Scottish crown property which…” Mary held out her hand for the papers her uncle held and when he went to bring them to her Greer took them out of his hand and joined Mary at her side.
Later that night Mary and her ladies lounged around in her quarters. “Well done, Mary.” Lola said with a small smile. “You got practically everything Scotland wanted. Soldiers and ships and armaments.”
“Well, they got a few things too.” Mary pointed out. “Our best tember, some farmlands. But give us a few days and we will have a far better treaty than before.”
"And is it safe to assume that I'm still one of your ladies?" Maisie asked.
"Of course." Mary answered.
When a knock came from the door they all looked to see Francis step in. “Am I interrupting?” All of Mary’s ladies gave her knowing smirks. "Lady Maisie." Francis said, making her look at him with raised brows. "Bash has asked me to inform you that he is waiting for you in the garden." As Maisie stood the girls all ooed and made kissy noises.
This time when Maisie met him there was no blanket, no bottle of wine or lantern. Just Bash sitting on the stone backless bench in the center of the circle of tall gardenia bushes. "Is everything okay?" She asked as she walked over and sat down beside him, feeling a heaviness in the air even though he hadn't said anything.
"I just wanted to talk with you, now that things are a bit more settled." He answered yet it somehow didn't make her any less uneasy.
"Before this goes any further, and to possibly save us both some breath, I'm just going to ask: Is this one of those conversations that start with 'we need to talk' and ends with two broken hearts?" She asked, feeling as if she were holding a breath that she couldn't let out.
"I'm afraid that my heart, while not completely broken, has already been cracked." Bash answered. Maisie flinched as her eyes slipped shut, knowing it was her decision to go with Mary that had hurt him. "And that reaction to my saying so makes me wonder if it's guilt or regret that you feel."
"It wasn't…" knowing it aggravated him when she didn't look at him she made herself open her eyes and looked into his, "a lack of love that made me choose to go."
"Is your sense of duty really so strong?" He asked stiffly.
"Yes." Maisie answered. "Or at least I thought it was…until Mary released me and wiped it from the slate completely. I instantly regretted my decision." She lifted her hand and placed it gently over his heart. He simply looked down at it then back into her deep brown eyes. "Because I realized I love you, Bash, more than I ever thought possible. More than Mary or my country or my sense of responsibility for either. It's insane really. We had three years together as children, spent nine years apart, yet somehow you're still burrowed into my heart and I can't-" 
She was cut off when he grabbed the back of her neck and pulled her in for a deep, hard kiss that didn't last long before he broke it and pulled back, cupping her cheek in his hand. "I love you too."
She took his hand off her cheek and ran her thumb over the scar before she pressed her palm to his. "Without each other we are but two half empty vessels." She said, quoting what he'd said when they performed the ritual as children. "That is what you said, right?"
Bash smiled as he threaded their fingers together. "Yes, however I had no idea how incredibly true it would become." He pulled her in for another kiss. After a while he let go of her hand and grabbed her hips, attempting to pull her closer, but ended up groaning in pain and breaking the kiss.
"Well, your side clearly still pains you." She said as he sighed in aggravation. "Does your heart?" She asked, scooting closer to him.
"No. It's all better now." He answered with a shake of his head.
"Good." She said with a smile and a glance down at his lips. Following her signal he leaned in and caught her top lip between his.
Tags: @jodiereedus22
13 notes · View notes
vlahovic · 1 year
I really can't agree with anon about the fact that people expect from Dušan to be big like Novak, because of the hate his receiving. He didn't locked his comments because of fio or assenal fans, he did it because of the Serbain people. The comments he was getting on the post were really discusting especially when people thought that he didn't want to play for Serbia. For example, when you get to the articals about his last post about Juve the comments are: "we thought that you were more ambitious", "you're stupid if you're staying in that club", "just shut up and go to PL" and etc...
Even Jokić, who is probably one of the best basketball players of all time, is so hated because of some really stupid reasons.
A lot of our players aren't liked: Jović, SMS, Kostić, Kolarov(thank God now retired) and so on
Mitro is one of the few that is loved(before the Portugal goal it wasn't really like that)
I'm only talking here about the haters that care only when our athletes win some important game or a title(unfortunately big number of these kind of people). The rest of the tame they are only trash-talking.
Now about the press, that is the complicated one:
Since Dušan is our most expensive player of all time, the press(most of them corrupted) are writing every single thing about him, they've talked to the former owner from who he bought a house for his family, first girlfriend interview,went to both middle and high school to talk to professors about his grades in June when his grandfather past away they were all writing about it even though he never said a word about that, they even made up story about his parents escaping from Kosovo in 1999 and how they have lost everything (he said himself that was not true).Conclusion, people here don't care about his success, they live for the gossip and most of them are big haters that live for some scandal to happen so they can have joy in their miserable lives.
For that smaller amount of people that actually cares about football and our players, they support them all but they don't like all the clubs that they are playing in. People here are big fans of Roma, Milan, Lazio, Napoli and serie A is really followed here. From the PL there are Utd, City, New Castle, unfortunately assenal as well. Fulham is interesting for now, thanks to Mitro.
There are people that are Juve fans but because of calciopoli, they are less numberd. I know that official fan club exists and I saw few times younger guys/boys wearing Juve shirts in the capital Belgrade. (it's not like that people here are kind of hardcore haters or so, just has less fans than some other clubs)
Sorry for bothering, I tried to summarize the situation in Serbia as simply as possible but it isn't easy at all to explain. It exists both good and bad, but the bad is currently leading (especially after the world cup). I'm not expecting the answer I just hope you red this.
thanks for all of this you're deff not bothering! the people saying those things about his juve post can ch0ke <3 but yeah that all sounds reallyyy toxic like wow. like not supporting your own players is insane lmao and the press/tabloids are always bad but that is extra shit like leave the man alone for the love of god. anyway yeah idek but everyone needs to mind their business and leave him alone.
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deep-hearts-core · 2 years
2022: semifinal one
AAAA okay! so i watched this yesterday with my partner and didn't take notes, BUT i'm going to go through and rewatch it again (as though anyone on tumblr cares abt my thoughts) and review at least the songs. maybe not the hosting though.
Albania I hated this in studio, but I feel like it was a strong opener. Ronela performed really well live and I found myself enjoying this. Some of the camera angles were a bit weird but this wasn't nearly as bad live as I'd thought it would be; it was overall a strong performance and I'm shocked it didn't qualify. Even though I don't like this style of music.
Latvia It was still quite fun, I liked their suits and they did well live and the guy in the green had a lot of energy. But I guess I wish they'd done a little more with it. I was oddly reminded of 2014's Pollaponk (Ileana, if you're reading this, know I misspelled that as Peppaponk at first).
Lithuania I was so sure this wasn't going to qualify, and then it did! And I'm delighted! Monika and the staging team did a great job. It felt really intimate and evocative of the classic contest and the way Monika was styled and the way she moves does an incredible job of evoking that as well. Also her sparkly dress is gorgeous.
Switzerland I remain unimpressed by the song and his voice, but they did a great job staging this one, and I laughed out loud when he dropped the mic stand and it literally bounced on the floor.
Slovenia Yeah I mean it wasn't that impressive. I liked their suits.
Ukraine Expected a little better from the staging, but given the... yknow... i guess I ought to cut them some slack. I maintain that this would have qualified even without the war.
Bulgaria Yeah, no surprises here. Nice to see Stoyan there jamming out I guess.
Netherlands This song has meant a lot to me lately. I've been struggling with my mental health quite a lot. And it was beautifully sung and the Netherlands shockingly did a wonderful job with this staging - it's evocative of Sweden 2014, Belgium 2017, and of course Arcade itself. Stien looked a bit nervous onstage but honestly I would be too if I were singing about my mental health struggles to an audience of millions. Wonderful job.
Moldova Was expecting a little weirder, tbqh. But the Advahov brothers look quite happy to be there, and I LOVED the visual of using train lines to make traditional Dacian patterns.
Portugal Live vocals left a bit to be desired, but I liked the staging. This still isn't very high on my list but suddenly I wonder if this could win this year.
Croatia This NEEDED a costume change. Mia needed to rip her dress off and have a littler dress underneath. And maybe it would have been better if the whole thing were sung in Croatian, she seemed a little more invested there at the end.
Denmark It's not the best girl band ever but for Eurovision it's alright. I don't like their outfits. And honestly the disconnect between the first and second verses, how long it takes for the guitars to kick in, is probably why this didn't do so well. But once it picks up I really do enjoy it.
Austria This one just sucked lol worst performance of the night. Sorry to Sarah Z I guess. It is the thing that it is which is mediocre Euroclub, it was badly staged, and Pia sounds strained.
Iceland I'm glad they went with the nf staging. Idk, it's nice to listen to but I feel like it loses a lot live, it's very quiet and while that can be nice it's like. I don't know. Maybe I'm still stuck on that ill-advised major chord at the end. It's nice that they qualified and I'd like them to do well but I wished the song had just a little more.
Greece Her outfit is extremely Victorian ghost, I don't know what's up with the chairs onstage, I am still weirded out by these lyrics. HOWEVER. Greece made one good choice this year and that was by putting the high note clip as the recap. Definitely a smart move.
Norway Yeah. it is the thing that it is. It sure is, huh. It's fun. My girlfriend really liked it. Not really for me.
Armenia On the one hand, the all-white post-it quilt whatever staging really does not look good. On the other hand, this sort of staging worked really well for I think it was Malta 2019 - makes the stage look smaller, makes Rosa have more stage presence.
Miscellaneous Thoughts Hosts seem cutely comfortable with each other. I liked their lil hug. Even if Laura seems a little too comfy with the male hosts. I also liked the postcards! They'll probably look pretty cheap in a couple of years but for now they're cool.
My personal qualifiers: Lithuania, Netherlands, Albania, Croatia, Norway, Moldova, Greece, Ukraine, Denmark, Switzerland
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majaloveschris · 1 year
I don't think so. Why would've she blurred out that information when Justin shared it on his public IG account, and why would he stay in Portugal for six weeks just because Justin is having surgery? I don't think blurring the fact that the one who is getting the surgery is Justin would've made the whole email more anon 😅🤷‍♀️ // I’m the anon who sent the ask. I think she blurred it bc the general public probably don’t know about J and she posted it to make it look like something secret or private but the fandom fully know that those trolls are everything but private so her attempt to make it look real and “secret” didn’t work. But again, it’s just a theory and whatever the whole message says it’s bs and we all know that
You could be right. I can imagine her wanting to appear as someone who knows something we don't, or that she knows something super private and secret. Reading the letter all over again, now I understand that it's about Justin getting the surgery 😂
If it happened in the past six weeks, that's bullshit because "Red One" was wrapped around February 14, which was like three weeks ago, and Justin posted he needed surgery around February 24, which was like two weeks ago. So Chris was still working, and Justin didn't even know about his broken shoulder or still had it broken, so it couldn't have happened in the past six weeks.
If we talk about the next six weeks, that doesn't make sense either, because why would Chris stay in Portugal for six weeks just because Justin is having surgery? And why would he be there when Justin is in Paris, not even Portugal? The Comic Con will be from March 31–April 2, which is like 3 weeks from now, so he can't stay in Portugal for 6 weeks.
Tell me your story doesn't make any sense without telling me your story doesn't make any sense. 😂
And I already mentioned it, but two people who have a "private relationship" don't post one hundred pictures and photos of each other, even on Valentine's Day, and do we really believe that if they are that private, Alba would've just given away to a total stranger that they are engaged? When she specifically said, they are "keeping it under the wraps"? 
I mean, that whole email was bullshit and made no sense. I'm always surprised at how DM doesn't care how much bullshit she posts, for example, or how nonsense this email is. I don't understand how people can believe things like this and why they think she is a reliable source. It makes me so mad. 
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inky-duchess · 4 years
History Bites: Best Royal Romances
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In History Bites, I pick the best moments of history and the antics historical figures in order to give you inspiration for your WIP. Think of History Bites like prompts, only juicer and 90% accurate (results may vary).
Love is one of the greatest reasons to do anything. Love will make people act strangely, become better people and level empires. In a world of arranged marriages and terrible spouses, some royals found happiness.
Antony and Cleopatra were the Ancient World's power couple. After Caesar's death, who had been Antony's mentor and the father to Cleopatra's son, Antony was sent to govern the Eastern Provinces. At Tarsus in Turkey, Cleopatra paid a visit to Antony. During the visit, Antony and Cleopatra got to know each other better and quickly things got romantic. It was not exactly the best thing for a Roman senator to have an Egyptian mistress and an odd thing for a famously intellectual Queen to take a notorious foolish hothead as her lover but the two were incredibly fond of one another. The two of them had three children, who Antony left the Roman Empire to in his will. The will was the final straw for Rome so it went to war with the couple, which ended in defeat. Antony committed suicide and Cleopatra sometime afterward.
Queen Victoria's marriage was an issue from the get go, because she needed a husband who was not her subject (because women were meant to obey their menfolk and a Queen shouldn't obey a subject) and one who was suitable. Victoria didn't like her cousin Albert when they met as teens but feel head over heels in love with him after they met again after Victoria became Queen. The two were rather smitten with each other and managed to pop out 9 kids. Victoria was distraught when Albert died and rarely wore anything but black for most of her life and rarely went out in public.
Josephine de Beauharnais was a wealthy French woman during the French Revolution which claimed the life of her first husband. Josephine caught the eye of the young Corsican soldier, Napoleon and the two quickly wed despite him being 6 years younger. Josephine was the perfect consort for Napoleon, she was an able diplomat and learned. When Napoleon was away, he often sent her raunchy letters which Josephine hilariously replied with nonchalance. Napoleon divorced Josephine because she was barren and he needed a heir. I doubt he stopped loving Josephine.
Charles II was not exactly the most monogamous of monarchs. The Merry Monarch and one of the few English Kings I think fondly of, had one declared mistress about five others. A friend of Charles saw Nell Gwyn playing on the London stage and decided to introduce her to his royal master, a wingman if you will. Nell and the King hit it off well because Nell wasn't as grasping as the other mistresses and knew how to make him laugh. She once took him fishing and when the monarch caught nothing, she tied a fried piece of fish to his line. She bore him too sons but felt as if Charles was not awarding them the right honours. When he came to visit them, she called one son over by saying "Come hither, you little bastard." Charles was angry at that but Nell reminded him that she had little else to refer to him by so Charles created a Dukedom for his sons. When Charles died, Nell remained monogamous to him telling one admirer than she would not "lay a dog where a deer that once lain."
Louis XIV was Charles's cousin and they shared a similar taste for mistresses. Madame de Montespan was married as Louis was but the two started a relationship together. Montespan was rather spoilt by Louis, earning the nickname "How much" by courtiers. Montespan and the King were together for a long period of time, having many children. A scandal came to light which involved a supposed witch and black masses where Montespan bought love potions and cursed the Queen. Montespan was lucky to avoid execution but she was dealt a personal blow: the King fell out of love with her. Montespan haunted the court as Louis moved on, keeping a bedroom for him at all times just in case he wished to visit. He never did. Louis moved on to the nanny of his bastard children by Montespan, the religious Madame de Maintenon. The two were kindred spirits and when the Queen died, Louis married Madame de Maintenon and the two lived the rest of their lives together.
Henry IV of France was married when he began a relationship with Gabrielle d'Estrees, a Catholic noblewoman during the Wars of Religion in France. Henry was increasingly fond of her despite their religious differences, even more than his wife at the time Marguerite of Valois. Gabrielle was a successful diplomat, going between the Protestant King and his Catholic nobility, smoothing relations by convincing Henry to become a Catholic. Gabrielle went to war with Henry, caring for his clothes and cooking his meals while on campaign. Henry was worried about her safety, especially when he saw bullet holes in her tent but Gabrielle refused to leave his side. Gabrielle sold her jewels to fund Henry's wars and once left the middle of a ball to rush to Henry's side. Her devotion led to Henry deciding to marry and crown her as his Queen. Gabrielle died suddenly before her wedding/coronation leaving Henry heartbroken.
Catherine the Great is on my list for worst marriages bur she found love after her husband was murdered. During her coup when she was making an important speech to rally the troops to her, a young cavalry officer named Grigory Potemkin offered her his own sword knot, a missing detail on her uniform. The two met years later and quickly fell in love. Catherine and Potemkin kept up their touching relationship throughout the wars with Turkey and Catherine's other lovers. They were incredibly close, Catherine giving him every honour and Potemkin helping her realise her dream of a navy. Potemkin died on the roadside, collapsing in front of his soldiers leaving Catherine heartbroken. It is rumoured by historians that the pair had been secretly married.
Have you ever seen bibles with King James written on the cover? Though King James was married and had sired numerous children with his wife, James had a string of noble young men as favourites, his favourite being George Villiers. James was incredibly fond of George, calling him "Steenie" after St. Stephen who canonically (no pun intended) had the face of an angel. When asked by Parliament about the close relationship, James replied that George was as close to him as Jesus was to his disciples. Though historians dispute whether they were actually gay (citing the fact that James had a wife and a loving relationship with her), it is entirely possible that James was bisexual. The two sent numerous letters to one another over the years, each rather touching
Inez de Castro is probably Portugal's most interesting Queen Consort. She was exhumed for her own coronation. Inez was the mistress of Prince Pedro and mother to his children. The King, Pedro's father, really did not want his son marrying his mistress so he had Inez murdered. Pedro was distraught at her death and hunted down the men who had done it, having their hearts torn out in revenge. He would never marry again so to make his children legitimate he had Inez exhumed and crowned Queen, forcing the nobility to kiss her hand and hail her as Queen. Nobody bothered Pedro about his kids again.
Though the film The Favourite (2017) is a skewed version of the relationship between Anne of England and Sarah Duchess of Marlborough, there is some proof to attest to the romantic relationship between the two. They knew each other from a young age and once escaped a house together to avoid the influence of Anne's father who at the time was embroiled in a battle to keep the throne against Anne's sister Mary. The two were incredibly close despite their rather differing personalities. Sarah did care for the Queen but had a habit of being quite abrasive and quick with cruel words which eventually ended the long lasting relationship between the two.
Peter I of Russia was an imposing man both in stature and in political policy. Peter dragged Russia toward Westernization and imposed radical reforms upon his country. Perhaps the greatest wave he made, was his marriage to Catherine, a laundress. Peter and Catherine were incredibly fond of each other, sharing an appetite of good living and each other. Peter did sleep about but Catherine joked about it in letters asking him whether he found any laundresses he liked. Peter fathered two daughters on Catherine but instead of handing control to them after he died he made his wife Empress Catherine I.
Perhaps my favourite royal romance story, is between Emperor Ai and his favourite Dong Xian. Emperor Ai and Dong Xian were chilling in bed together one day. Ai had to get up but Dong Xian was still asleep, laying on his sleeve. Rather than waking his lover, the Emperor cut off his own sleeve so he could get out of bed.
Emperor Hadrian is famous for his bitchin wall between Britannia and Caledonia. But Emperor Hadrian's greatest love would be the Greek Antinous. The emperor had Antonius come with him wherever he went and the two were fond of hunting and writing poetry. Antinous tragically drowned in the Nile, probably by accident but foul play cannot be ruled out.
Jeanne Antoinette Poisson or as you might know her Madame de Pompadour was told at nine years old that she would love a king. In her twenties it came true when she caught the eye of King Louis XV of France, earning her the title maîtresse-en-titre. Madame de Pompadour understood Louis in a way nobody else would. She knew how to read his emotions and knew how to keep him entertained. Though the two stopped sleeping together thanks to a medical condition Jeanne had, Louis kept her as his official mistress. Kings were not permitted to attend funerals so when Jeanne died, Louis couldn't go. He stood on his balcony in a downpour as her funeral carriage left Versailles, the only tribute he could pay the love of his life
Elizabeth Woodville's first husband was an early casualty in the Wars of the Roses, leaving her to care for two sons. Destitute, Elizabeth stood by the road to speak with the new York King of England. Edward IV was younger than her and was her enemy, yet the two fell in love and wed in secret. The court was furious at the marriage as Elizabeth was only the daughter of a baron. The marriage was extremely happy despite Edward's many mistresses and the unsettled times they lived in.
Elizabeth of York, Elizabeth Woodville's daughter, was a highly sought after bride in Europe. Henry Tudor, her uncle Richard's enemy, proposed to her from abroad declaring her would wed her in the Cathedral of Reims. Henry invaded England and won the crown at the Battle of Bosworth. He married Elizabeth and the two, despite being born enemies, lived a happy marriage together. Henry was distraught when Elizabeth died and never remarried.
Mary Tudor, the daughter of Elizabeth of York, was at one point Europe's most eligible and beautiful Princess. She was offered as a bride to the Prince of Spain and then the King of France, who she was married to. Mary was briefly Queen of France but her aged husband died soon after the wedding. Mary returned to England but she had a secret, she had hastily wed her brother's childhood friend, Charles Brandon. Henry VIII, her brother, got so cross that he fined and banished the two of them from court. But he quickly forgave them and the couple returned to court where they spent their short but happy marriage.
Elizabeth II & Prince Philip have been married for decades. The Queen was only eight when she met Philip and the two became friends, writing to each other during WWII. After WWII, Philip renounced his his Danish and Greek titles to marry Elizabeth, becoming Prince Consort and Duke of Edinburgh. Despite Philip's infamous faux pas and wild behavior, the two have a stable and loving relationship.
Edward III & Philippa of Hainault were only children when Edward's mother planned their marriage to gain the military might of Philippa's father. Their marriage was a happy one that produced 12 children. Philippa accompanied Edward to the battlefield many times.
Edward II is on my list for worst marriages but he was a romantic at heart. Edward was very close to a knight named Piers Gaveston. Edward's father didn't like this bond and sent Gaveston away. Edward's first act as king was to recall Piers and bestowed titles and land upon him like there was no tomorrow. Piers was seen as a bad influence and because of this he was killed by a group of rebelling nobles. Edward grieved for years and eventually went on a revenge war against the nobles who had killed his lover.
Despite being Nazi-Sympathizing assholes, no one could doubt that Wallis Simpson and Edward VIII did truly love one another. Edward was King and Wallis was an American divorcee (sound familiar?), and there were laws starting that he could not marry a divorcee. But Edward couldn't give her up do he gave up his throne for her and the two went off to live in France together.
Tsar Nicholas II and Empress Alexandra (then Princess Alix of Hesse) were never meant to be married. Alexandra's grandmother Queen Victoria did not approve of the autocracy of Russia and would have preferred that she marry into England. Alexandra herself dithered on whether to marry Nicholas as it meant a change in religion for her. In the end, the two decided to wed and they had a relatively close marriage. Some of their letters still survive.
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