#Like what happened when I first started posting in this neck of the woods
rutadales · 8 months
I think my least favorite thing that happens in fandom spaces is how overly familiar people act towards you. Like whenever I get a post over 200 notes I have people making jokes in the tags that aren't like outright distressing or gross or anything but that just. idk! are jokes I would only make with people I know. Like "fuck you!" or "oh this is awful" or whatever that's done in a joking tone but it's still weird. You don't know me like that
And it's not so much a problem over here because we are so insular as a community so even if I don't know you guys by name or if we don't follow each other I still recognize the person commenting on my stuff. enough to almost certainly recognize the joking tone instantly and for that familiarity there to be warranted. we're not friends but it's like, yeah! I know this person they've been here forever. It's comfortable.
But in larger spaces that casual familiarity is gone. I've literally never interacted with you before. It's like if you overheard a conversation on the street and just walked in and started joking around with them like you knew them. it's uncomfortable!! and like yes obviously I'm looking for interactions when I post and tag things that's the whole point, so it is inherently different than say a private conversation being intruded on but djakfoofjf just don't act like you know someone you've literally never engaged with at all before.
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doki-doki-imagines · 4 months
I saw your post about the linkuei trio arguing with the reader and I really liked it <3
I would like to make a similar request if it is not too much trouble.
What if instead of a kiss the reader slapped them?
author note: anon talks about this post. For this prompt I only got smut ideas, hope it's not a problem!
tw: smut, afab!reader, reader is referred as wife in Bi-Han part.
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-Your husband is a idiot, head harder than concrete. It is easier to convince a brick wall to bend than making Bi-Han understand why he is wrong. -You want to make him understand that you also have power, that you aren't dumber than him, and that he needs to respect you. -Maybe the punishment doesn't look like one. Riding him in his office while leaning on his wooden desk sounds more like a prize than penance. -Your position is anything but comfortable, grinding your pelvis in his one, chests as far as possible and hands gripping the wood of his desk making it tremble enough for the ink to fall and stain the documents splayed on it. Not to talk about his fingers, digging painful moons into your skin -"Look at me the entire time." It's what you ordered at the start. Bi-Han didn't nod, your previous argument brushed off, already savouring your body. -And he doesn't listen to you, eyes piercing where your bodies meet, where your cunt drip on his skin and his cock penetrates you. The sight must be arousing, you feel him twitch inside you, a soft groan only trained ears could hear escapes his chest. -You slap him with the back of your hand, and he stops to look at you. His dark eyes look at you full of fury, ready to overturn you, making you cry for the outrage. -But Bi-Han doesn't have time to react. Your hand grips his dishevelled bun, pushing it down to make him look straight into your eyes. -"Look at me." You show your teeth even if your voice is barely a whisper. -There is fury, as intense as his one. Bi-Han has to admit that it is stronger than his one. He gulps and nods, lips trying to get closer to yours, but you keep him in place, your hips finally taking up the rhythm of before. -Maybe the job of the grandmaster's wife is to tell him also when he is wrong and not only nodding along his choice. -Maybe a good grandmaster should listen to his wife. Bi-Han needs to improve, but for now his only goal is getting fucked stupid by that hurricane that is his partner.
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-"Why are you so stubborn?!" If Liang has something in common with his older brother, it's his hard head. Unwavering. Unchanging. Even when he is completely wrong. -"Stop screaming! You're hurting my ears." Liang snaps back, angry scowl prominent on his face. "If you stopped to talk instead of running away like a fucking coward-" and then something hits your face; it's the back of Liang's hand. -You know he hasn't done it on purpose, you've seen that it happened just because he turned around at the right time for your face to step in the movement of his arm. -His eyes widen, in fear mostly. Liang may be angry, but he'd never hurt you. -But right now you would, adrenaline making your mind not work. You slap him, straight on his right cheek. -You look at each other, gaze intense and breath heavy, but nobody dares to talk. -You are the first one to move, your lips finding your lover ones, hands already running on his body, trying to pull off his uniform by the collar. -Groaned excuses are chanted on your skin They come as fast as they go, Liang's warm lips running on the exposed skin of your neck and chest. -"You are more stubborn than a bull-" You are able to spit out in a rare moment where Liang's lips aren't on yours. "But you enjoy it getting fucked by me, just like a cow." Liang smirks into your lips, not before biting your lower one. -You steps toward your shared bedroom, hands and lips still keeping your bodies connected. -"But please, never hurt each other again." Liang whispers into your ear, in the last moment of lucidity before bliss takes over. You nod, completely agreeing with him. -"But in bedroom it could be nice-" "Then show me how you'd make a bull obedient, fireball."
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-"Know your place, T-Tomas." you say sitting in the comfort of your bed, while your right hand plays with your clit. Tomas listens, or better his body doesn't move, still in its place, the pale skin of his right cheek red from your slap. -You are wearing just your panties and a matching undershirt, all grey silk and white lace, gifted by Tomas a long time ago. -Your hand is playing with your sex, legs open, but Tomas can see the imprint of your fingers playing with yourself, covered by the fabric of your panties. Your nipples are hard, he notices them hidden from undershirt. -Tomas is drooling, his mouth wet with the excess of saliva. "Y-You can just look. Don't you dare c-come closer." -And Tomas follows your order like a good dog. You can see his abs twitching, the tent in his boxer evident. -And honestly? So hot. -"Ah-I bet. I bet you'd love to have a taste of me" You pull out your hand from your panties, a drop of your essence stuck on your index finger, pointing right at him. -Tomas loudly gulps, Adam's apple bobbing up and down, blue irises lost looking at you, or better, at the droplet on your finger. -It takes a second for Tomas to sprint towards you, mouth already open and tongue sticking out, ready to savour you. It also takes you a second to push your foot into his sternum to keep him in his place. -Not that far, but still too much. -"Sorry, but this 'whore than just know how to yap' is busy. For sure, she doesn't have time for a dog like you." You spit out. You would be more convincing if your voice wasn't a whine and your eyes got more anger than tears in them. -Tomas can sense your weakness. He brushes your leg off his chest, and simply pull on the side your wet panties, tongue already deep into your core. -"T-Tommy!" Your hands immediately grip harshly his hair, some tuff escaping your finger. -His rough finger push into the back of your thighs, digging into the fat. Tomas keeps your legs up, far from his face to get as much movement as possible while eating you out. -If only you had a mirror on top of the ceiling, you could notice his back muscles flexing and his biceps twitching to keep your legs in place. -Your moans fill the room, your hands tugging on his hair, which means that your arms are close, squeezing your chest in a delightful sight. Now Tomas has to show you how good of a dog he is. -Later, he will excuse himself for his words.
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astupidweeb69 · 5 months
Unrequited (Yandere! Ticci Toby x Reader) Part 9
Links to Previous Chapters: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8
Author’s Note: I've been rereading this chapter for about a week trying to edit it, but decided I'd just go ahead and post it. Happy holidays everybody!
Cross-posted on my Ao3 account, which I update more frequently.
Warnings: Swearing. Descriptions of Gore. Some threats of violence. (2,070 words)
Leaves crunched underneath heavy boots, ragged and irritated breaths came out in clouds against the cold. 
Toby was not pleased.
Not pleased with how things were going with you.
And not pleased with being texted by Tim.
Apparently there was some work to do and he had to ‘get his lazy ass over there’. The young proxy didn’t even know the details of what needed to be done. A supply run? Some more random campers in the area? Either way Toby was itching for a fight. 
He could feel anger in his system bubbling and ready to boil over. Just imagining Tim’s smug face waiting for him, probably ready to spat some nonsense about how ‘he’s late’ or make a snide comment on his appearance. His face twitched furiously at the idea, and if anyone was unfortunate enough to see the way he walked through the woods now, they’d surely run in the other direction. There was murder in the man’s eyes. 
It wouldn’t take long for Toby to find his teammate. That’s how things always worked though, they had a connection to find each other when they were supposed to, all he needed to do was walk mindlessly in a direction and let the forest guide him.
“Someone’s in a pissy mood.”
The smell of smoke let him know he found who he was looking for. Tim leaned on a tree, a wry smile on his face, a lit cigarette burning away at his fingertips. It was practically an extension of his hand at this point, the fucking chainsmoker. Toby learned to hate the scent of tobacco.
“Where’s Brian?” Toby frowned, ignoring Tim’s comment.
“Had something he needed to do.”
Tim looked disinterested in the conversation. Getting him to actually tell Toby what was going on was like pulling teeth. And Toby knew first hand how hard that could be.
“Suh-so? Why’d you cuh-call me out here?” The younger proxy fidgeted with the ends of his gloves.
Tim sighed, letting the last part of his cigarette drop to the ground, putting it out with his boot. “There’s been some weird things happening out here. Brian said you should come with me to investigate.” 
Toby made note of how he said ‘Hoodie’. Tim’s way of hinting that he didn’t want him there. Typical.
“Wuh-what do you mean weird things?”
Tim motioned with his head for him to follow, walking away into some bushes, Toby raised one of his eyebrows before complying. There was a rancid stench in the air when he started following him, like something died. Not uncommon in the forest, but it was hard to stomach even for the most experienced woodsman. 
They followed the smell of rotting flesh, down a small embankment. The dead leaves on the ground made it hard not to slip and fall, and Toby snickered when Tim lost his footing a couple times, making the older proxy shoot him a dirty look. 
“There up ahead.” After walking a few paces, Tim pointed to a mangled pile of fur splayed out against a group of pine trees. 
Toby’s eyes narrowed at the bloody mess in front of him, turning to the other man in irritation. 
“You dragged me out here for a duh-dead deer?”
“Take a closer look, Rogers.”
Toby shoved past Tim, making a point to bump into his shoulder for using the nickname he hated. He pulled up the mouthguard hanging from his neck to cover his nose, but it didn’t block out the smell nearly as much as he’d hoped. It took a lot of willpower not to gag.
He scanned over the remains noting different sized bite marks and scratches that tore through the animal's belly, viscera pooling out and its black lifeless eyes staring up at the sky. A swarm of maggots had already started the process of decay. 
Toby could see the red of Tim’s flannel out the corner of his eye.
“Okay, it’s a luh-little strange. I’ll give you that. The bite muh-marks look like they came from a  human.”
“Anything else, detective?” Tim mused, clearly noticing something else but liked toying with the kid.
“Just fucking spit it out.”
The older man kneeled down, motioning to two different spots on the deer's hind legs. “They’re all different sizes, meaning more than one person did this.”
“Cuh-cool.” Toby deadpanned. “So what does that mean for us?” 
“It means we need to keep an eye out for groups of ravin’ lunatics.”
“Don’t we already duh-do that?”
Tim rolled his eyes. “You know what I mean. This is the second animal we’ve found like this in a week.”
“And yuh-you only thought to tell me now?”
“I was busy.” Tim shrugged, the corner of his lip curling up slightly. The man did not give two shits about warning Toby sooner. Probably didn’t even want to tell him now. If anything, Brian most likely had to convince him to.
The younger proxy scowled at him, tempted to escalate things, to cause another one of their fights ending with the two trying to claw the others' eyes out. Not that it would hurt him, and Toby always got some sick amusement seeing Tim in pain. But it would be dark soon, and he was itching to get back home. The thought of you back there tied up on his bed was making him scratch at his scar. 
He needed to spend more time with you. The look in your eyes as he paced around the cabin…. The look of fear and hatred. It wasn’t unexpected, but it still bugged him. You were… a bit more of a firecracker than he’d hoped. And level-headed unfortunately. You were catching on a little too quickly, to just how…. Temperamental he could be. The memory of you staring at his hatchets came back to him. He needed you to see his softer side, needed you to warm up to him before the truth, the real truth, about what he was came out. Maybe if he stole an old TV and got some of those movies you liked….
A finger snapped inches from his face. Toby blinked.
“I told you we need to get goin’” Tim pushed Toby forward impatiently. “It’s almost night time. Come on.”
He could hear Tim muttering “Fuckin’ useless kid.” under his breath as he led the way.
Toby’s stomach twisted. That phrase got to him. Was something he’d heard a lot, from somewhere before, something in his past. Something familiar. Tim taunted him in ways that sparked a deep resentment, like an itch he could never fully scratch. A scab that wouldn’t heal.
They walked back the way they came in, up the hill and through the thick bushes, without saying a word. One thing they could agree on was the less they talked, the better.
Luckily Toby’s cabin wasn’t too far. Fiddling with the ends of his jacket, combing his hair, absentmindedly, he was glad to be rid of the old fucker finally and get back to what was important.
But things never worked out the way he wanted.
Toby felt a hand on his arm. Tim lit up another cigarette, his eyes narrowed at Toby, before taking a long, deep, drag into his lungs. .
Smoke billowed from the man’s mouth, surrounding him in a thick cloud as he spoke.
“Before you go, I need somethin’ from your cabin.”
Toby stared at him for a moment. His mind went blank, before finally speaking up.
“Wuh-what do you need?” 
He’d just act normal. It wouldn’t be a big deal. He could figure something out.
“Hoods and I are running low on some supplies. We know Kate keeps some of her stuff in your basement. Figured we’d borrow some things.” 
The boy twitched and fidgeted under the pressure, trying to come up with ways to get out of it. If Tim saw you… Toby didn’t even want to think about what he’d do. He honestly didn’t know.
“What… kuh-kind of things-sss?” Shit. His stutter was getting worse.
Tim raised a brow. Likely annoyed by how standoffish the other proxy was being at something simple.
“Like food n’ ammo. We’ve been too busy to go into town.” Tim paused, and looked almost accusingly at him. “And I know you’ve been leaving the forest a lot recently.”
Toby chewed on the side of his cheek. Of course the other proxies sensed his disappearance. He’d been too preoccupied with you to even think about that being a possibility. That didn’t mean they cared when he was gone, they weren’t his babysitter. But now Tim had him over a barrel. There was no way he could deny him supplies now, without admitting the reason he went into town was for… something out of the ordinary.
“Fuh-fine.” He sighed, trying to collect his thoughts. “Just duh-don’t touch any of my stuff.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it.”
The cabin was just up ahead. Toby kept glancing back at Tim who seemed too preoccupied in his own thoughts to notice.
“Whuh-wait outside for a second. There’s suh-something I need to take care of first.” 
Tim eyed him carefully. They both stood on the porch, tension rising, Tim’s body stiffening and his hands balling into fists for a brief moment. Toby fully expecting him to lash out. 
Tim always thought the boy was weird. Fucked up in the head. Overly-emotional, unstable, obnoxious, and he’s seen the worst of Toby’s manic episodes. He was almost certain the kid engaged in some light cannibalism, from the way he mumbled to himself in his delusional states. He was so fucking glad they didn’t live under the same roof anymore.
Finally, after a few moments of staring the other down, Tim relaxed. “Whatever, just don’t take too long.”  The older man decided he’d do whatever it took to get the fuck outta there, even if that meant having to obey. Despite how much that bruised his ego, he just wanted to go home and sleep.
Toby quickly went inside, slamming the door behind him, and Tim sat on the steps of the porch with a reluctant grunt.
Twitching anxiously, he ran into the room where you were tied to the bed. You jumped, obviously startled, by the door aggressively being opened. Normally he’d mock you, wanting to give a fake ‘awwww’ at how freaked out you were by his presence. He was still mad about how you've been treating him. But he didn’t have the time for that right now.
He opened the drawer to his nightstand, getting out an old t-shirt.
“Wha-” You started to question, but he cut you off by shoving the cloth in your mouth painfully. He tied it around your head, a little too tight, but he needed to make sure you were properly gagged and wouldn’t be heard.
Toby leaned down to your ear, speaking in a low hiss. “You nuh-need to be fucking quiet. I have a guest. He’s dangerous, so don’t get any ideas. No one’s coming to save you.”
He gripped your jawline tightly. “Do you uh-understand?” You stared back at him. Toby narrowed his eyes, tightening his hold on your face even more, until you finally nodded your head.
He released his hand and exited the room, mentally preparing himself to interact with Tim again, and with a deep breath, opened the front door.
“Okay, you can cuh-come in now.”
Tim groaned as he got up to follow him inside. 
Toby couldn’t help letting his eyes dart to his bedroom door when they walked past. He led Tim down the hall where the basement stairs were, which he started keeping locked the day he captured you. He didn’t need you to see what was down there. Hopefully not ever.
After Toby unlocked the door and showed him the various backpacks stolen from victims, Tim rummaged through a couple before collecting the items he needed. Mostly food, a couple old boxes of ammo. Nothing special.
His heart was pounding when they climbed the stairs again, so close to getting this over with. Wanting nothing more than to have him out of the house. Away from you.
But without warning, Tim stopped in the hallway, 
It was so sudden Toby almost bumped into his back.
“Whuh-what is it?”
There was a dangerously long pause, before Tim’s head turned to look behind his shoulder. Toby's eyes widened in fear.
“Did you hear that?”
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bingbongsupremacy · 20 days
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Accidentally posted this one first. Oh Well. I'm working on Notice Me.
Pairing: Steve Harrington x Reader
Summary: Steve from school is completely different than Steve in the back of his car at 12 in the morning. Why is it that he only talks to you when he wants something from you?
Warnings: asshole!steve, cursing, idk if there's anything else.
I tried to make this as non-specific as possible. If I happened to specify anything, please let me know and I'll fix it.
*Not Proof Read*
Based on Strangers by Kenya Grace.
" I like being here with you. " Steve's voice is soft. He gently brushes a strand of my hair out of my face, his eyes staring into mine.
I smile at him. " I like being here with you too. "
His eyes shimmer in the glimmering moonlight. His lips curl into a smile, his teeth barely peeking through.
We don't say anything else. Instead we both stare up at the sky, enjoying each other's presence.
The air is cold but I don't mind. Steve's close body helps to keep me warm. It's moments like these I love. The world feels so safe and peaceful. No stress. No anxiety. Just us and the stars.
Steve gently draws circles onto the back of my hand. His touch is faint and tender but it leaves a patch of heat behind its path. He has that effect.
I wonder what he's thinking. When he looks at me, what does he see?
" I should get you home. Don't want you to break curfew. " Steve breaks the silence. He gently pulls my hand up to his lips before leaving a soft brief kiss on my knuckles. It's so light I can hardly tell he touched me.
Steve stands up but doesn't let go of my hand. Immediately, I miss his warmth and the smell of wood mixed with aftershave that always follows him.
Steve helps me stand up before finally letting go of my hand to pick up the blanket we were on. We make our way back to Steve's car, listening to the faint cricket noises as we step off of the field we're on.
When we get into his car Steve asks me about my day. He always checks in about my day on our way back to my house. It's sweet.
The night is over before I'd like it to be. Soon Steve is pulling onto my street and eventually stopping at the curb by my house.
It's about right now when I begin to wish the trip to my house was longer.
" Here we are. " Steve says while looking over at me. " I'll see you tomorrow? " His eyes are hopeful.
I smile. " Of course. Bye Stevie. " I open my door.
" Wait. " Steve calls, gently grabbing my arm. His other hand gently cups my cheek and brings me towards him. His eyes flicker down to my lips before making their way back up to my eyes. His breath is warm on my skin, the faint smell of peppermint lingering on his breath. He slowly leans down and his warm, soft lips meet mine.
His kiss sends shivers down my spine. Warm butterflies erupt in my stomach. I gently run my hand through Steve's already slightly messed up hair.
His lips feel desperate and hungry. His hand slides around to the back of my neck as he gently cups my head.
I want to stay like this forever.
Unfortunately, we can't. We both break away, breathless and flushed.
The cold air from my open door floods my heated skin.
A small smile breaks onto Steve's face. " Goodnight, baby. "
" Goodnight. "
Steve watches as I make my way into my house, ensuring I get inside safely. I lean against the closed front door with my ear against it. The sound of Steve's car fades away, muffled by the wood.
Until tomorrow.
" Eddie stop scaring children. " I roll my eyes at the older boy who's mid lunge at a group of freshman.
His hands are up high, fingers spread out to look like claws. His lips are twisted into an exaggerated grin.
One of the underclassmen let's out a started yelp before dodging behind their friends. The group of freshmen moves away from us, curses and middle fingers flying towards Eddie who returns the gesture.
Eddie let's out a loud laugh as he rushes to catch up with me. " Somebody's gotta humble those fuckers. "
We stop at my locker. " What'd they even do? " I ask while spinning my combo into the lock.
Eddie leans against one of the lockers near mine. " They made fun of the club's shirt design. " He gestures to his chest where the design is currently located. " Dustin spent hours making this. That little shrimp put his heart and soul into this thing. How dare they shit on it. " Eddie's words are frustrated.
" I'm sorry, Ed. " I sigh sympathetically while setting my stuff inside my locker.
" I'm just hoping Dustin doesn't catch wind of what they're saying. " Eddie replies honestly. He crosses his arms over his chest, his eyes wandering to the boy who's chatting with his friends at the end of the hall. " Little dude's already having a tough enough time dealing with the outrageous amounts of homework they're piling on him, he doesn't need to be worrying about making a new design too. "
I've always admired how protective Eddie is over his friends, especially Dustin who he treats like a brother. He will always stand up for them, no matter how stupid it makes him look.
" There's Tweedledee and Tweedledumbass. " Eddie nods to someone behind me.
I look over to see Steve walking down the hall with his group of friends surrounding him. His laugh sends butterflies soaring around my stomach.
Tommy sticks his leg out partially, causing a passing boy to trip and nearly drop his books. This sends Tommy and Carol into a bout of laughter.
" What an ass. " Eddie mutters. " Carol and Steve are no better. "
" Eddie. " I sigh, a frown forming on my lips.
" What? They just stand there and let him do shit like that. They're bullies, just like him. They're shallow jerks who don't have enough brain cells to realize that other people in the world exist and not everything revolves around them. I mean, have you ever seen either of them stop Tommy or help someone he's fucked with? "
He has a point. While Steve might not be engaging in the bullying, he definitely doesn't do anything to stop it.
But he's not a horrible person. The Steve I know, the Steve who's with me almost every night, is kind and gentle. He's caring and smart. He's different.
" He's just complicated. " I defend the boy.
" Why are you defending him so much? " Eddie asks, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion.
Steve and his friends pass by and I manage to catch his eye. I send him a small smile.
Steve sends me a small nod, quickly returning to his conversation with Tommy.
I've given up on saying hello to him in the halls. The last time I tried he gave me a forced awkward smile and Tommy wouldn't stop questioning him on why he was talking to me.
It's just easier to not say anything and smile. He knows I'm saying hi.
" Fuck no. " Eddie blurts. " You're with him again. "
I turn my attention back to Eddie. " Ed-"
" What the fuck? He treats you like shit! Why the fuck would you get back together with Steve Harrington? " Eddie hisses. He's never been the biggest fan of Steve. Actually, he's one of his biggest haters. When he accidentally found out Steve and I were hanging out, he lectured me for an hour on why I shouldn't date someone like Steve.
Like I said, he's protective over his friends.
I slap a hand over Eddie's mouth, looking around the make sure no one's paying attention. " Shut the fuck up, Eddie! Someone could hear you! " I let go of his face and drag him towards one of the empty classrooms. I close the door behind us.
" What the fuck are you thinking? Steve of all people? "
Anger bubbles in my chest. He thinks he knows Steve. He doesn't. Steve isn't as bad as he thinks. " You don't know him like I do, Eddie! Stop pretending you to! He's sweet and kind and he gives a shit about me. "
Eddie scoffs. " He's trying to get in your pants. Why else would he be forcing you to keep your shit a secret? Really, think about it. Have you two ever actually gone out together? Have you been seen together? " Eddie's eyes are narrow with anger. " He is using you and you refuse to see it. He barely even acknowledges you in the halls. "
" I'm a big girl, Eddie. Look, I appreciate your concern but I am going to do what I want to do. This is my life and I know what I'm doing. I don't need you to protect me from this. "
Hurt flashes across Eddie's features. " You know what, fine. " He walks towards the door and grabs the handle. " I know deep down you know he's using you and you're just too afraid to admit it. Do what you want but don't say I didn't warn you when he breaks your heart. " With that Eddie leaves, not bothering to shut the door behind him. I watch as he disappears in the crowd of students.
A sinking feeling fills my stomach. Deep down I know he's right.
But if I admit that, then I have to end things with Steve and I don't know if I'm ready to do that.
Steve has never taken me on a date in public. It's always a late night picnic in the park or a pool date at his house.
It didn't use go bug me. I was just happy to be with him. Happy to get to know the real Steve.
But ever since my conversation with Eddie a few days ago I've started to notice the things he pointed out.
Eddie's still mad at me. He's back to talking to me but it's superficial and short. Not like how it used to be.
The ride back to my house is quiet and honestly I'm thankful for that. I need to think.
Why does Steve only want to hang out after dark. Is he embarrassed of me? Why is he so open when we're alone but so distant when we're at school?
Steve pulls to a stop. " I'll see you tomorrow? " He asks like usual.
The moon lights up his face, casting a beautiful glow over his features. A loose strand of his now messy hair lays gently against his forehead. His eyes are big and bright.
He looks so good.
" Steve, " Am I really doing this? " I actually need to talk to you. "
Confusion flashes over his face. His smile fades slightly. He picks up my hand and gently begins to draw invisible shapes on my palm. " Sure. Is everything alright? "
Here we go.
" Actually no. "
Steve tenses.
" This has been bugging me for a little bit so I'd figure I'd ask. " I take a small deep breath. " Why are we doing this? "
Relief floods Steve's face and he let's out a small nervous chuckle. " What do you mean. I like you and you like me so naturally we hang out. "
I shake my head and pull my hand away from the boy. " That's not what I mean. Why are we doing this in secret? Why won't you say hi to me in the halls? "
Steve's smile fades. " What? " He obviously wasn't expecting this.
" Why do you treat me so differently at night than you do during the day? "
My heart is pounding. I'm afraid to hear his answer.
Steve sighs. " Because...Because I thought you liked hanging out at night. "
" I do, Steve. I really do. But the problem is you don't even acknowledge me at school? I'm confused what the fuck is going on between us. " Anger bubbles in my chest.
" It's just what we've always done. " I can tell Steve's beginning to get a frustrated.
" That's not good enough. "
" I don't know what the fuck you want me to say! "
" I want the truth, Steve! I just want the truth. " I answer honestly. " I'm confused about us and- "
" I'm embarrassed of you! " Steve blurts.
My heart drops. " What? "
Steve's eyes widen. " Fuck! I didn't mean to say it like that. "
" Then how did you mean to say it, Steve? "
" I-Look, I really like you, Y/N, but we don't...run in the same circles. " Steve states slowly.
" So? "
Steve lets out a sigh. " You...I hang out with people like Tommy and Carol. You don't. It just...if we went public it would...complicate things. "
I'm not good enough for him. He's basically saying I'm not popular enough for him. What the fuck.
" Because I'm not popular and you are. " I scoff, shaking my head. " You know, you act like a dick at school and some part of me thought that deep down there was no way you were actually like that. I was wrong. You're an asshole, you know that? I never realized you were so shallow. You are just like Tommy and Carol. "
Steve's eyes turn dark. " I am not like like Tommy. "
" You're right. You're not. You're worse. At least Tommy's upfront about being an asshole and isn't tricking people into thinking he actually gives a shit about them. "
I feel like crying. I'm so angry right now.
" What the fuck do you expect? You hang out with people like Eddie Munson and his little band of rejects! " I've never seen Steve this angry before. " This was a fucking mistake. We never should've started doing this. "
That hurt. His last sentence sends a blow to my heart, officially shattering it into pieces.
For a moment I'm silent, trying not to cry. Suddenly this car I've grown to love feels suffocating. Memories of our times in the back seat or on the hood watching the stars fill my mind. What was the fucking point of all of this for him?
" You know, Eddie may be a 'freak', but at least he doesn't give a fuck what other people think. He doesn't care if others see us together. His whole life isn't a popularity contest. " I whisper. " You're right Steve, this was a mistake. Don't talk to me again. Whatever the fuck this is ends now. " With that, get out of his car, not bothering to look back when I make it inside.
Unlike every other night, Steve's dropped me off, I don't wait by the door to listen to him drive away. Instead, I head upstairs debating whether to call the guy I know I can rely on.
He's mad at me though.
But he still cares.
" Hello? " Eddie's groggy voice mumbles through my telephone.
" Eddie. " I swallow harshly. " I'm sorry. " I try not to let the tightness in my throat prevent me from talking. " I should've listened to you. "
Eddie sighs, sounding more awake than he was moments ago. " What happened? "
" I ended it. You were right. He's embarrassed of me. He was fucking hiding me to protect his ego. "
" I'm sorry, kid. " Eddie's tone is sympathetic. " He's a dick. You deserve better than to be treated like that. You deserve someone who knows you're worth. Someone who's not afraid to be with you. You'll find that person someday. "
" I don't know, Ed. I miss him. " It feels so stupid it's only been a few minutes, but I do miss him. " But I'm also so fucking angry. He's so shallow. I'm so mad at myself for getting myself into this situation. "
" You fell in love. You can't choose who or when you fall in love. Unfortunately, you fell for the wrong guy. You'll get over this, kiddo. You just need to keep moving forward. "
I lay down on my bed, staring up at the poster on my ceiling. It's a poster Steve gave me on my birthday, one from one of my favorite bands.
I don't know where I'd be without Eddie. He's different than how other people expect him to be. He's always looking out for the people around him.
" Eddie? " I whisper after a moment of silence.
" Yeah? " He responds back, equally as quiet.
" Thank you. "
I might not have Steve anymore but I'll always have my friends, and that's the most important thing to me.
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fyeahnix · 7 months
HELLOOOO!!! I love your blog sm 💔💔💔 do you think you could do post argument with sev :(( I love her sm
Thanks so much!! :]
Let's see here...
Arguments with Sevika don't happen very often, but when they do, flashes of her bad side come out. She doesn't open up easily, never has. You tend to need to pry her shell apart to get to the meat of the problem.
One such argument was the catalyst to learning about her in a way you never expected.
When you stole a glance over at Sevika, she sat with her head buried in her hands. Her bronze claws split her hair into locks. Distressed was an understatement but a fair assessment of her had a stranger sauntered into the room to survey the scene. A splatter of wood chips painted the floor. Broken coffee table, crouched on one leg. Defeated. The argument was hard to expel from your memory. The film rewound itself in your head again and again, oak snapping each time. Adrenaline ran high, and in your seat at the opposite end of the sofa, you mentally gathered all the bits of your composure that fell with the wooden gibs. Still, you didn't want to move. Couldn't move. Not until— "'M sorry." You turned to Sevika. "What?" Finally, she peeked out of her hands for eye contact. "I'm sorry." She sounded... deflated. Demoralized. Remorseful. And you knew her long enough to understand she never sounded any less than self-assured. Ever. As another half hour passed, you'd gathered the courage to inch closer to her. Reached out. It took a minute to coax her out of her guard but she let up and you climbed into her lap. "You... you know I'd never hurt you," she stated. Your response caught in your throat. You knew what she said to be true, but in that moment, acknowledging that was... difficult. You clutched at her black tank top. Her heart thumped quickly under your ear. "I am... I get—fuck." She was being careful with her words. You appreciated that. With a deep sigh, she continued. "I... never told you before, but. I have... I have a problem. A big one. I didn't want to tell you because I thought I had it under control. Jus' been stressed as hell lately. Zaun's been goin' to shit more than usual. Enforcers breathin' down our necks." Her hands shook at her sides on the sofa. She flexed them twice, trying to reign them back under control. "A lot of shit. A lot of awful shit's been happening. I'm trying to do everything I can to keep you safe. Not... trying to tell you what to do or control you or anything. Not an excuse either. Just...explaining." You swallowed. Her voice lowered. "I promise I'm... I'm not a monster..." Fuck. Fuuuck. Your eyes burned. "Sevika?" She straighted. Was listening. "I don't think you're a monster. I've never thought that about you. You've been nothing but kind to me ever since we met. I just..." You paused, racking your brain for the right words. The situation was delicate. There was no more risk of an argument, but the aftermath still left you rattled. "I need time to process this. Okay? I really need time." "Are you afraid of me?" The question shanked you in the side. You squeezed her shirt tighter to compensate. "I don't know. A little, I guess." Sevika let out a sigh that could have been mistaken for a growl. But you knew it wasn't aimed at you. "I know that's not what you want to hear, but it's the truth. I need time." Sevika nodded. "I understand." You reached for her bronze arm first, caressed along the shimmering metal 'til you landed in her large palm. The urge to reciprocate was evident in the twitch of her claws. But she didn't. You traced her palm with a finger. The scene played back in your mind's eye again. Her arm was as much a weapon as a prosthesis, you knew that, but seeing it crush treated oak like a flimsy matchstick up close? After she'd always been so careful and gentle? You felt conflicted. Even so... You laced her claws and squeezed once, then pulled her arm up to wrap across your back. "Babe..." Sevika started, resisting. You tutted her quiet. Insisted. Wanted to remind yourself of the tenderness and warmth of being held. She relented. Her claws settled at your ribs, and for the first time since your argument, tension left your body.
taglist: @gaudesstuff
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She Keeps Me Up (Nickelback)
Summary: You are Rhys's little sister (only by like 7-8 years), and you and Cassian have been flirting with each other for the last few months. You want it to go further but he's your brother's best friend and he probably only sees you as a sister anyway. Little do you know, Cassian can't stop picturing you in not-so-innocent scenarios.
Word Count:  2.5K
Warnings: SMUT, 18+, might be some cringe happening so I apologize, dirty talk, oral (female receiving), light choking, and idk other interesting things. 
A/N: First time posting on here! Idc if you don't like this cuz I do lol. Anyway, enjoy Cassian ;)
The sweat is pouring down your face and neck, despite the cold, snowy night air around you. You’ve been out here for hours with a sword in your hands, running through the training drills you’ve seen the males do every day. Up, over, down, up, side, in, down, repeat. 
You are so focused on getting the movements right, you don't hear the footsteps approaching. “Well, look who I found,” says a low voice behind you. 
Your heart races as you spin on your heel, holding your weapon level with the stranger's midsection. As you take him in, you recognize the winged male before you. “For the love of the Mother Cassian! You fucking scared me.” You say without lowering your sword. 
Cassian chuckles, looking you up and down. You are wearing leather training gear, with your raven hair tied back in an elaborate braid. Your wings are nowhere in sight, and the moon is reflecting off your sapphire eyes. 
You two stay like this for a few seconds, him standing in front of you as you keep your blade trained on him. You're the first to speak. “What are you doing out here Cas?” you lower the Illyrian sword, sheathing it at your hip, then cross your arms as you glare at him.  
His gaze is piercing, but you’ve seen it so many times that you're unfazed by it. “I was looking for you. Rhys noticed that you weren’t in your room, and sent me out to find you.” He grins. “But I never thought I’d find you with a sword in your hand, going through the moves better than any of the males your age.” he steps towards you, so you take a step back with a small smile on your face. 
“Well, you’ve found me, but I’m not going home till I get this down pat.”  You say as you reach for your sword. Cassian takes another step forwards, so you take another one backward. 
“I don’t think so, y/n. You can finish up tomorrow morning in town where the animals of these forests can’t get you.” He smirks, but you see a glint of something other than his usual arrogance in his eyes. Is that actual concern? 
Deciding you don’t want to play fair, you take a step closer to close the distance between the two of you. You can see his breath coming out in clouds and the damn smirk that’s still on his gorgeous face. You stand on your toes so you’re close to his face and whisper, “I’ll go with you, but only if you can catch me.” without giving him time to register what you said, you take off into the dark woods.
Cauldron boil him alive. Cassian knew you’d be in the forest, you always were, but he never thought that he would find you looking like a warrior goddess in those oh-so-tight leathers, wielding a real Illyrian sword like it was nothing. Mother above, you were beautiful. He almost didn't want to disturb you, but Rhys had been worried, so he’d bring you back to the house. Then you closed the space between the two of you, and he started to come up with other ideas that should not be going through his head. Gods, he wanted you so bad. But you were Rhys’ sister so it could never happen. That Rhysand would know about, anyway. He was about to cross the line when you turned the other way and disappeared. 
“Fuck!” Cassian exclaimed. He scanned the dark woods around him, but you were gone. Looking up at the stars, he started to laugh. You want to play? Then game on. 
You're running through the thick trees. You can hear Cassian laughing in the distance and smile to yourself. You know he's not going to go down without a fight, so you pick up your pace, looking around and keeping your senses on high alert for animals and Illyrians alike. You reach a tall tree just outside of a cave and decide to trick him further. 
You summon your wings as you run toward the cave. You only go in a few steps and then fly out and up a tree. Putting your wings away, you perch on a branch, waiting for Cassian to find your tacks and enter the cave. 
You're not sure why you have to constantly tease him, that's just how your relationship has always been. But the last few months have felt different. They have felt like you're not just throwing words back and forth anymore. The tension you feel when he walks in a room, the way your stomach lurches when he hits you with his signature lopsided grin, or how when he looks at you it seems to light you on fire.
 Oh how you’ve wished to cross the line of friends and be more, but how could he feel the same? He’s your brother's best friend and has known you your whole life. He probably only thinks of you as Rhysands annoying younger sister. He was sent out here to fetch you after all. 
A snapping sound from the ground brings you back to the present. You assume it’s Cassian, having followed your footprints. But the creature you see is not your handsome Illyrian. 
Your heart beats faster when you see the sheer size of the beast. It’s covered in fur, with a tail and a massive body. Its head is about the size of a boulder, and with the light from the moon, you can see long talon-like teeth protruding from its mouth. It's sniffing at your footprints in the snow leading into the cave. It disappears from sight as you slowly make your way down the tree where you were hiding. 
You have to find Cassian. And as if the Mother herself was listening, you catch a glimpse of his wings out of the corner of your eye. You quietly make your way to him. He has his back to you, so you sneak up and put your hand over his mouth so he won't make a sound. 
Cassian freezes. Then in a blur of movement, you're pinned to the snowy forest floor with Cas on top of you. 
Cassian's heart is racing as he pins the person down. He's been on edge since he saw very large animal tracks heading in the same direction as yours. He was almost frantic scouring the trees for you. But as he looks at who he has pinned, he heaves a sigh of relief. You are not being eaten alive. 
Your eyes are dilated as you look up at him, smiling slightly. 
“We have to get out of here,” Cassian whispers. You nod your head as he gets off of you. But you're pulling him back down so he's flush against your chest.
Cassian looks at you with questioning eyes but you answer with a searing kiss.
You’re not entirely sure what came over you. Him pinning you down and looking at you the way he was. You had no words to describe what you felt at that moment. You just kissed him.
His mouth was hot and his lips chapped from the cold air. At first, you thought he was going to pull away and look at you like you were crazy, so you started to pull away yourself. But before you could fully detach your lips, his mouth came down hard on yours. There was heat and passion in the kiss. A hunger you thought he didn’t feel, but with the fierceness, he slid his hands up your shirt and groaned into your mouth which made you realize that you were not the only one who was desperate for the other. 
You broke the kiss reluctantly, looking into his dark eyes. “We should probably go back before that creature I saw gets us.” you manage to say between your pants. Cassian simply nods and you are up in the sky. 
Cassian always prided himself on being able to keep his composure, but flying back to Windhaven with you in his arms, kissing his neck, and winding your fingers through his unbound hair was going to shatter him. He lands hard on the doorstep, letting you stand on your own. He pushes the door open to find the house empty. 
You walk over to the kitchen table, where a note is placed. You turn to face him, reading what is on the paper. “Rhysand had to go back to Valaris, so we have the house to ourselves.” The smile you gave him was pure sin. 
Cassian didn’t have control over his own body when it closed the distance and connected your lips to his. His hands went straight to your waist to pull you closer, as yours wound through his wind-swept hair. The noises that came from your mouth had Cas wrapping your legs around him and moving to the closest bedroom. 
What Cassian would never be able to forget was how much he loved it when you said “What’s wrong with right here on the counter?” His knees almost gave out. He set you on the edge of the counter while sliding his hands up your training shirt to take it off. You were just as eager as you undid the laces of his pants, making him lean into your touch and groan. 
He was big. You’ve been with males before, but never one who compared to Cassian. He was working on your tight pants as you started kissing his neck, leaving marks along his jaw and shoulder. He tasted like night air and sweat, and Mother was it sexy. Keeping your hand in his unbound pants, you moved to get closer, but he held you still.
“You keep doing that love, and this will be over far sooner than I want it to be,” Cassian growled in your ear, making a surge of heat go straight to your core. 
Cassian pulled down your leggings and sucked in a deep breath, and you remembered that you had nothing on underneath them. What can you say, it's more comfortable to train with just the leggings. Next thing you know, you're laying flat on your back and Cassian has his head between your legs, looking you dead in the eye. 
“If you want me to stop, I will.'' The look on his face is one of the most serious you’ve seen. You nod your head.
“I don’t want you to stop Cass.” You reply with a shaky breath. 
He smirks and dives in. 
He licks your slit and feels you shiver and gasp at the action. So he does it again, and again. You taste so good, he’ll never be able to get enough of you, and by the way you’re moaning and gripping his hair, you’re loving this. His hands move up your thighs to your hips and squeeze. At the same time, he bit down on her clit. 
“Cassian!” you cry out. Your voice was music to his ears, encouraging him to go faster. He added a finger to tease your entrance, and without warning plunged in.
His finger hit a spot in you that you didn’t know existed. Arching your back off the counter as he ate you out like a starved male, you threaded your fingers threw his hair and pulled him away from you. He looked up at you with a question in his eyes. Do you want to stop? 
“I want you inside me, now Cass.” That was all you said. 
Cassian hauled you up and took you to your bedroom. The whole way there you were stripping both of your remaining clothes, leaving a trail down the hall and up the stairs. Cassian's lips leave open-mouthed kisses on any bare skin he can reach and your combing your fingers through his hair, loving the feeling of him underneath you. 
Next thing you know, your back hits your massive Illyrian bed, and a massive Illyrian is on top of you, staring down at you with dark hungry eyes. His mouth connects with yours and you wrap your legs around his waist, being careful of his wings. You groan into him at the feeling of his hard cock pressed against your entrance. Cassian takes the opportunity to slip his tongue in your mouth. Not wanting to be outdone, you trace your hand over where his wing connects to his muscular back. He growls and bites down on your bottom lip then goes to bite down on where your shoulder and neck join. 
“Cassian, if you're going to fuck me, fuck me already.” You said and his teeth grazed the top of your breast.
“Needy are we?” He takes his lips off my skin. You’re about to protest, but all that comes out is a loud moan as Cassian lines up with your entrance and thrusts in. 
“Mmmh love you feel so good wrapped around me and moaning under me.” His words are dripping with lust as he starts to pick up his pace and devour your lips. 
Your skin is on fire and you feel a tell-tale knot forming in your lower stomach. It’s almost too much when you run your nails down his back and he moans as you brush against his wings. You feel his cock twitch inside you, so you wrap your legs around his waist and full-on caress the leathery membrane. 
Cassian stops his movements, and in a split second his large hand is wrapped around your throat, not stopping air flow, but it's enough pressure that you stop touching his wings. “Think you can top from down there?” he growls getting closer to your ear. “I don’t think so love.” his thrusts become punishingly fast and hard. 
The whole bed is shaking as you tilt your head back, Cassian's hand still holding you down by your throat. You smile at the feeling, but it’s soon replaced with a scream that sounds like the Illyrian's name when he uses his free hand to play with your clit. 
“Cas- I’m so close, pleas-” 
You fall, no hurl, over the edge when Cass whispers “Cum for me beautiful, let me see you come undone.” and come undone is exactly what you do. 
Your vision is spattered with stars as wave after wave of pleasure comes crashing down on you. Cassian isn’t far behind you. Two sloppy thrusts later and the male is practically roaring as his release hits him. 
He falls to his side beside you, both of you are breathing heavily and are covered in a sheen of sweat. You look over at him, expecting him to get up and head to his part of the house, but he doesn’t. Instead, he gets up and goes to get a wet cloth and cleans you both up.
“Cass,” you start, but he silences you with a kiss.
“We’ll talk in the morning. Right now I just want to fall asleep with you. Okay?” The look in his eyes melts your heart. How could you say no to him?
“Okay,” you reply and snuggle closer to his warm chest.
Thanks for reading!
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*knocks the door* Hello there! 💙 I hope you're doing great, because an idea came to my head again!)))
I apologize in advance, because my post will be long and it will be about my OC and his city, so the request will only be at the end. And here's the idea...
I was thinking of a story where my OC would finally be able to feel helpless again and learn to appreciate more that Hualian is around, and at the same time learn to ask for help. A old and basic idea came to mind, BUT... I like it. My OC, a demon and the god of Quiet death, manages his city as your OC and Hua Cheng do. Only for me his city at first looks like a large dark forest with lights of blue flame and animals whose fur is highlighted.. You know, like in Avatar, if you've watched it, or in Skyrim, there are such animals in one of the missions (google the "skyrim vale deer" and that's it)). And then the main part of the city is hidden under the arches of a cave in a huge mountain, where plants and tree grow thanks to magic. And plants highlighted too. It looks like an elven town in the Lord of the Rings, only in Chinese style. A very quiet place where demons and souls come to seek peace, a life they might not have had before death.
The main palace in black and blue tones, dark wood, elegance, expensive, but not fancy things around... HUGE collections of fans and poisons...
And of course, a temple for Xie Lian... It is not big, but extremely cozy, quiet, almost personal, as if the person who created the temple did not show how much he is ready to give to his god, but rather is ready to give extremely little, but no less valuable... His own heart...
So, near the city, an unknown creature began to rage in the village and my OC went to deal with it. Alone. Because, why not actually. Nobody wants to put loved ones' lives in danger, even if they are much stronger than you. And he defeated this creature... But he was cursed and turned into a child. Like... A newborn baby... (If you are not comfortable with children, then you can make him a kitten, small, white fur, frightened eyes and trembling from any rustle)
And just imagine, Hua Cheng and Xie Lian are worried that their beloved has disappeared, and then snakes come to them (pets of my OC, you can change it to birds if you feel comfortable) and bring them their beloved under a curse...
And I wonder how you see Hualian care and how they will remove the curse from their beloved reader X))
Cursed headcanons
Hua Cheng x M!reader x Xie Lian
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I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorryyyyyyyy 😭🙏 I was taking a small break from writing so plz don't get impatient with me guys. However he's I love that so much? Like the detail? The settings? The animals? I love it wtf? You are I fear. Anyways I hope you like this and I hope it makes you for the long wait😭
And I really, really, really hope you don't mind that I wrote him as a toddler 🫠🙏🖤
Also you said like, how your OC was giving his heart? So I used ashes instead.
Also I rlly am not liking my writing rn so I'm rlly sorry if the quality is awful
When Hua Cheng and Xie Lian saw you again they did not expect to see you as a toddler. As in a little boy. As in not your normal form. . .
You were all supposed to meet up at Puqi shrine, just to hang out, cuddle. You know normal lover stuff.
It seems you didn't make it peacefully, in fact it doesn't even look like you remember them.
Your snakes had apparently led the way.
They knew it was you because of the snakes of course. Also not just any little boy would be okay with snakes roaming over his arms, and neck
Hua Cheng and Xie Lian take you inside and start doting on you immediately
They've found nothing out. You don't remember them, or what happened
Xie Lian is worried, initially he doesn't know how to fix it. They don't know anything so how can they fix it?
Hua Cheng is worried but more so angry. Who did this? Was it a heavenly official or maybe a ghost? Whoever it was he'll track them down and take care of them for you
The important part is getting you back to normal first though
Xie Lian asks Ling Wen about what curses it may be
Hua Cheng is trying to think if this might be like the time he turned into a kid too but they crossed that out
At the end of the day they come up with. . . Nothing. Yet.
Xie Lian decides for the three of you that maybe rest is what you all need
So that night in bed a toddler lies between the two of them.
You look comfortable in their arms so at least you aren't crying from fear
Hua Cheng was very happy when you were not scared of him.
The next day Xie Lian and Hua Cheng decide something different.
They know you were at your abode so maybe the problem happened there?
Soooo that's where they go, of course with your snake's help, seeing as you don't remember anything
The whole time you're either in Xie Lian's arms or clinging to Hua Cheng's legs.
They're actually having fun with this whole, you being a toddler thing. Not forever though.
All of you get to your city with no problems. . .
Except when they get to the "city" it's a cave.
At first Hua Cheng is debating to tie your snakes together by the tails but Xie Lian calms him down.
Then they both panic because suddenly you're missing.
The little you ran into the cave!
They give chase and then suddenly are wowed when they see your city.
It was hiding in the cave the whole time. Huh, no wonder.
They also find you petting some strange deer with highlighted fur, like literally glowing.
Xie Lian and Hua Cheng have never seen something like this before, they've never had the chance to see your city.
You're always too embarrassed to let them in
They quickly pick you up and Hua Cheng keeps you in his arms this time.
After admiring the city they follow the snakes again.
This time they've been led to a temple.
Who knows what's going through those snake's minds but apparently they're giving your lovers a whole tour
Because the next stop was a temple.
It's not gaudy but not out of shape either. It's elegant, definitely meant for a well loved god or goddess
Xie Lian and Hua Cheng find out who it's for when they see Xie Lian's statue in the temple.
They look around a bit, surprised there aren't many offerings at all. But they notice why when they look at statue Xie Lian's hair.
A hair pin
It's the only thing that isn't a part of the statue, it's not the same material or anything. So what is it then?
Hua Cheng and Xie Lian carefully look at it. After a few minutes Hua Cheng confirms that the hair pin is made of ashes.
Your ashes.
A hairpin, in Xie Lian's hair, you gifted, your ashes
Oh my
Xie Lian is flustered and puts it back where it was. Hua Cheng is smiling at toddler you
You don't know what's going on just yet but they know what a hairpin means
Once they're done appreciating all the fine details you've made for Xie Lian they're led away once again.
Finally to the spot where you were cursed
Xie Lian guess by the dead creatures carcass you must have been cursed by it.
This won't be a hard curse to get rid of, just destroy the creatures body and get rid of the ashes. Then you should turn back to normal.
So Xie Lian hopes.
Hua Cheng does all of it though he wouldn't dare let Xie Lian touch something so dirty. He places you in the safety of Xie Lian's arms so he can do so
After that's all gotten rid of, toddler you poofs and turns big again
They catch you up to speed pretty quickly, then you get ganged up on by kisses and teasing.
They want to see more of your city before you guys leave
I'm so sorry if it's bad
just tell me in the comments I might try writing something better. I love you guys 🥰🖤
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mortal-mayhem · 1 year
Amnesia Rules 2.0 - This Shit Again?
Wukong x Reader x Macaque
Warning: Suggestive Themes, typos because I don't have the energy to proof read, I wrote this in discord like months ago.
Notes: I haven't posted in a while, so have this shot that's been sitting in my drafts for like two months. Amnesia rules Macaque, eh? Has a reference to Sweet n Sour Hearts, too.
You were just chilling on the sofa when you heard the chatter.
Wukong had asked you to stay put, needing to leave in the middle of your game sesh. Mk messaged him about something and, though he totally CAN read, he figured it'd be easier to handle in person.
So, alone with the monkies, you were left on the mountain to wait. It wasn't so bad. You even got a little nap in.
Eventually, though, Wukong came back. And he had someone with him.
"Good to be back! When did we leave, anyway?"
Is that..?
"For the last time, you- Don't just go in there!"
You saw the door begin to open, two figures standing just outside of it. It shut again, however, and you heard Wukong try to ramble out some sort of threat, but it fizzled out with a sigh.
You didn't pay much attention to the rest of the conversation, standing up with caution. You stepped towards the door, the wood under your feet creaking. The voices stopped.
You heard a small ~woosh~, followed by Wukong yelling 'NO'.
And then you had arms around your waist and a tail trailing up your leg.
"So, this is why you didn't want me in here,~" Macaque spoke, his sultry voice right next to your ear. You tensed up, flinching as the door slammed back open.
The King seemed rather irritated.
"Wukong-?" You spoke, trying to step away from his counterpart. He let you, watching with a mischievous grin and curious eyes. You looked between them both, "What's going on?"
"First name basis already?" Macaque spoke with a playful scoff. You eyed him with confusion, watching his tail flick as he started matching your gaze intently, "Well, that's not fair.~ You got a head start!"
"What...?" You grumbled, eyebrows furrowing at the dark simian as he plopped himself down on the couch, legs spread with his arms draping over the back of it. You pouted, "Macaque, what are you talking about?"
His ears petked up and his smile grew, his tail swaying in delight. His eyes seemed locked on you.
"Oh, so you do know my name," he cooed, "Good.. you'll need it.~"
"Wukong, what in the fuck is happening right now?"
Macaque burst into laughter at your blunt, tired tone. The Monkey King, however, was rubbing his eyes in irritation.
"I- Look, remember when Pigl- Pigsy gave me that pepper? During our little journey?"
You flushed, the memory flashing in your mind.
"No, no, no, that won't do. You belong to the Great Sage now, m'kay?~"
"... Vaguely." You lied, looking away out of the corner of your eye.
You stole a glance at Macaque, who was lounging with his eyes closed. His ears, however, were pointed towards you both. He was listening closely.
"Well-" Wukong tossed his hands in the air in exasperation, huffing in frustration as he motioned to his once sworn brother, "Yeah."
"... So... That's why Mk needed you?"
"Nice kid," Macaque interjected before Wukong could speak, making the King glare at his counterpart, "Enough about all this, though-"
You yelped as you felt yourself being yanked forward, Macaque's tail wrapped around your waist as he placed you unceremoniously into his lap. He placed on hand on your hip, opening his eyes to gaze down at you, his fangs extenuating his grin.
"I'm more interested in you, pretty thing.~"
You blinked owlishly, feeling heat slowly rise up your face and to your ears.
"H-.. huh?"
"So where'd he pick you up, hm?" He teased, his other hand reaching to your neck. He used his finger to trail his claw up your neck to your chin, inspecting you with intrigued eyes, "He hasn't brought anyone home before.. You must be special, princess.~"
"Alright, put them down!" Wukong growled, "That's enough!"
The King rushed forward in an attempt to grab you, but you felt a sudden rush of gravity. You sunk into the couch below you with Macaque-
And then popped up onto the lounge chair instead.
This time, however, you were draped over his lap sideways, your legs hanging over the arm rest and his hand resting on your calf. His tail resting around your shoulders now, holding you up in your sitting position so you wouldn't have your back pressed into the other arm rest. You flailed around a bit when you first emerged, but he didn't seem to mind.
"I was right!" The Puppeteer cackled, eyes wide in wonder and amusement. His tail lightly thumped against your shoulder as your eyes darted back and forth.
"About what?!" Wukong loudly spoke in frustration, throwing his hands up.
"You're courting them!"
Macaque laughed as he spoke, his tail retreating from your shoulders so he could instead place his arm over them, tugging you closer. You could only blink in surprise, in confusion, as it all happened. You looked to Wukong for an answer, but he simply avoided your gaze with red cheeks. You felt your face heat up a bif, too.
"Macaque.. Let. Them. Go," Wukong growled, fur bristling.
The charcoal furred simian let out a deep chuckle, using his newly found grip on your shoulder to turn you around. He wrapped his arm around your chest, pulling back into his own while his tail wrapped around your waist. His other hand, now no longer on your leg, trailed up your arm to your neck.
"Oh, Wukong,~" the macaque purred, his hand gently yet firmly grasping your throat, the tips of his claws grazing your skin. You felt your breath catch as you froze up, feelimg the blood rush to your cheeks, "I don't think they mind. Do you, dollface?~"
"I- uhm.. w-what-?"
"Besides- You finally courting someone? Well.."
Macaque placed his chin on your shoulder, making you look at him out of the corner of your eye. He caught your gaze with a sly grin.
"They have got to be interesting.."
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factual-fantasy · 5 months
27 ASKS! :D FANK U! :}}} 💖
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Ah! That I did. I mistook them for a bot.
Folks, you gotta put a unique profile picture of some kind and at least put in your bio "IM NOT A BOT!!-" If you have all the default stuff artists like me will assume you're a bot and just block you on sight :(
Sorry about that- I unblocked your friend. And thank you! I'm glad you like my stuff! :DD
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Well,, Seam has some permeant injuries too. :( Such as his missing eye and the scars around his neck and wrists that will never fully heal..💔
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Between sci-fi or fantasy? I thiiiink I prefer fantasy. XD And no its not just becuase of my name-
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(Post in question)
Looking back I didn't illustrate it super well- it was intended to be something less earthy, yes. Not straight black though, It was supposed to be a really dark red. It seems black.? But anything it stains is stained red. And it was supposed to be rather thick compared to human blood.
If I ever draw it again, I'll be sure to get it to look right next time <XD
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:DD Thank you! I'm glad you like it! :}}
Now as for Peso. I think its impossible for Peso and Barnacles to have met as kids- not only is there that age difference,, But I thought that polar bears are from the Arctic, and penguins are from the Antarctic. On the other side of the planet!
None the less- if they somehow met, I don't imagine much would happen other than them potentially becoming friends. :0 Kwazii sure ain't going anywhere, he's sticking with Barnacles family!
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Oh man, if Bibi and the gang were real they'd all be screwed.😔 I don't have what it takes to take care of them properly in the real world-
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I imagine that the Deltarune crew only really stay in worlds that seem safe. So if it looks safe? They'll stay. And probably not think too much about all the weird critters running around <XD
Not sure how the FNAF guys would react. A world where imaginary friends come to life seems impossible! They might think the imaginary friends are actually animatronics-
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The princess quest game wasn't implemented into any of my AUs,, sorry! <:/
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I've seen the game floating around, though I don't really know what its about. Also I heard whispers of a potential controversy..? Idk I'm a bit weary of the game <XD
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If Freddy had a problem where he started hoarding lost kids after hours? That would be horrible for the kids.. but pretty slick for Vanessa.. 👀
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Aww! That's so cute! I love all the different names! XD Having someone to man/assist in the cupcake factory would be really cool/useful as well! :DD
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I was thinking that no one else in the group other than Frisk remembers. But Jevil? He.. had some kind of reaction to it.
Like when the reset occurred, Jevil had this horrible spike of anxiety and he broke out in a cold sweat and shakes. But before he could even process what was wrong, Frisk swooped in and saved Seams life. Right after he was saved, the shaking and sweating began to subside.. huh, strange..
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(The second question was answered in the ask right above this one! :} )
In the comic that I was intending to draw- we would see little snip-bits of most everyone's reactions.
Jevil reacted how you'd expect.. he completely broke down. Screaming and wailing over Seams body..
Frisk froze at first, but then turned on her heel and sprinted into the woods in order to uh.. reset. No screaming, no panic. Just dead silent, sprinting into the woods..
Goner kid was freaking out so bad over Jevil screaming that when she saw Frisk run.. all she could think to do was run after her. So she did..
We don't see Grillby's face, but you can see his hand light up greenish/blue and his coat burst into flames as he realized Seam is dead..
River and Spamton weren't really meant to be seen on screen. But you can see Asgore physically become more misty/unstable when Jevil started screaming..
You know? Maybe for the sake of everyone it was better that I didn't end up drawing all that <XD 💔
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No no, nothing about tombstones. The Easter egg lies in this panel.. 👀
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F.. FANK U,,, 💖🍽
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Thank you so much!! :D
As for my brushes? I just use the standard pencil brush set to 3.0 for sketching and line art. And I use the standard pen tool for coloring! :}
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I have seen a decent sized chunk of Adventure Time yes! Although I don't really know the story and I definitely don't know all the characters,,
But out of the characters I do know? It would have to be Simon Petrikov! ✨ With Jake as a close second. Aaaand maybe Prismo as a 3rd placer? I don't know him too much but his design slaps and he seems really chill 😎
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(comic in question)
As Freddy explains, he (and the others) had a "bug" in his system. Which made his eyes purple. (Although he wasn't aware that they were purple-)
And after he crashed on stage they reset his system. Wiping the "bug" from his programming. Turning his eyes blue again :0
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I imagine that what ever it tastes like depends on my mood. Lately its probably tasted like when you just brushed your teeth and you eat an orange 😖
Also please do not eat my noggin I need that to art-
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It's been a while since I've thought about them.. 🤔 If we're using the same formula as I did before.. (the stories of the real life cars are translated to the characters).. then that means some of them aren't doing so hot <XD
We've got a few break downs, some are still broken down. A few sold to better homes.. and a few new (very old) comers! Some are back on the road and some are still on the road when they probably shouldn't be <XD
All in all, I'd say they're doin ok :}
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:DDD THANK YOU!! And don't worry, I'm sure I'll come back to it every so often. Even though I'm a bit weary of this fandom.. I cant help but love the characters and want to draw them sometimes XD
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(Kirby family in question)
<XD Sorry, no can do! I'm glad you like them! And thank you! But I'm afraid my blessings cannot be purchased.. <:/
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Yooo that is the coolest dog I have ever seen 😎
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:D Thank you! And I'm not currently into any animes.. although there are some that I attempted to watch and liked for a while :0
Such as Kirby right back at ya and My hero academia! :0
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@elegysonnet @willthemechanist (Post in question)
XD He's just embodying his spirit animal. A narwhal ✨🦄🐟✨
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heartfullofleeches · 2 years
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Yandere Show Host (oc) x Gn! Co-Host Reader
Word count:3.k 
Warning: cheating, psychological horror, body horror
“It’s cold up here…”
Cool tiles cradle you, curved edges gliding against the back of your legs as you pull them to your chest. You cover your knees with the hem of your shirt, trying to fight the cold in any way possible. The harsh wind slapped at your face and arms; world at your feet from the edge you sat on. You wanted to feel like you were on top of it all. To shout and feel like you mattered to the universe; but it was hard to do so with no comfort at the end of your cries – neither below nor beside you.
“I think we should take a break.”
You ball your fist into your clothes. He doesn’t even look at you when he says it.
“You know I care about you. I just… don’t think I’m ready for this kind of commitment, yet. I’ll.. call you when I am.”
You pull your phone out of your pocket. He’s still right beside you, but so – so far away. You stare down at it, hoping; pleading for his ring tone to play. Praying he won’t leave you again to spend a night in another’s arms. 
“Y/n, ugh- come on. Don’t do this.” 
Your hands shake. It’s always your fault.
“We just need a little time apart.”
Always we. Your feet feel like they’re losing stability; slipping off to the abyss below. 
“Y/n. Y/n?!”
You open your eyes. A fan hangs over a velvet ceiling, chandelier below swaying as it blows air down on you. Floral shaped glass that held identical lights as their bulbs. Satin pillows held your back, soft enough to lure you back to sleep near immediately – had you been laying on them completely. Your limbs hung off the side of the couch, neck supported by a hand at its base. The skin was so cold; draining your natural heat till it mellowed into a neutral temperature. The permanent smile on your co-host's face greets you as you turn your attention to him, shoulders rising with a laugh. 
“What have I told you about sleeping on the couch, you silly thing.” Host chimes. “You’ll get a crook in your neck. Bad for the show and yourself.”
You sit up with his aid, stretching the exhaustion and ache away with a yawn. The rest of the room wasn’t much to look at. A tall mirror clung to one wall, dressing table pushed in front and light bulbs screwed into its golden frame. Vases of flowers and various cases of makeup lined the table, the latter hardly ever put to use. A rack of clothing stood not too far off, every article tailored to your measurements as apposed to posted to Host’s lanky, slightly built frame. Lastly, there was a grey door, covered by sheer curtains and your name bolded in cursive across its wood. A place where your near every desire lied.
“I'm sorry. Yesterday had me a little more winded than usual.”
“Should we take a break for today then? We can have a good show any day, but a spectacular one only happens when you’re feeling 100%”
“No, no. I’m fine.”
“Wonderful. Shall we get ready then?” Host offers his hand, lifting you to your feet effortlessly. You walk over to the table, taking a seat upon the cushioned chair in front of it. Host tends to your hair, combing out your bedhead with his long fingers. Gentle strokes that fall down to the nape of your neck; relishing in the life beneath his fingertips. He hums to himself, satisfied with his work. With the fact he had such a stunning co-host. His chin rests atop your head; head tilted towards the mirror at you. In the corner of your eye lies your old phone dormant on the edge of the table. It vibrates with the arrival of a call.
“Absolute perfect! Everyone’s gonna love you out there.”
You flash a tired smile, ridding yourself of the hallucination as you look away. How long has it been since you became his co-host? You couldn’t remember. Time stood still for the most part; your only notion of it bring a bell that would toll before the start of each show. It was frightening at first. As a contestant, your time was spent cowering under the audiences' awaiting gaze; but upon your glorious win they did nothing but sing praises to the heavens – celebrating the new permanent figure on their stage. Though he’d never tell another soul, Host walked you through everything until that point. A bit of a cheat, sure, but he knew you’d be wonderful at everything after. They loved you, eternally – even when there were those days you wondered what life was like back home. 
“What’s with that look? Do you need something?”
Host snaps his fingers, a stage hand appearing front the shadows. They looked so close to human; differences spilt only when given a long glance. Crooked hands carry a tray; skin an even deeper grey than his. Their neck was a few inches too long; face blank except for a pristine smile – just like your dear Host. He takes a pitcher from the tray, pouring you a glass of water into a cup that wasn’t there moments ago. His hands rest on your shoulders, smoothing the knots in your joints.
“Please let me know what you need.”
You look down. “I was just wondering…if anyone missed me back home.”
The ice in the glass settles. Silence kicks in too long to be comfortable, before Host’s body begins to shudder once more. It quakes with the force of his laughter. His form hutches over yours, trying to keep the laughs inwards to his best extent. He wipes an imaginary tear from an imaginary eye before addressing you again.
“Of course they miss you! You’re bound to be the highlight of anyone’s day, Y/n, but you must remember, this is home now. You’re no bigger of a star to anyone than us.”
“I.. I know, but I cant help it sometimes, y'know?” You say, offering a small chuckle of your own.
Of course he knows. He knows everything about you. Fears, likes and dislikes, – regrets. Your every dream; both in regards to what you desire and those images in your head. If it weren’t for his permanent smile, he’d be grinning with anticipation for what he had in store.
“Yes, I understand, dear. Just know that you belong here, and we’ll never let go.”
His hands clutch the sides of your arms, head angled awkwardly in the mirror. Just – staring. An alarm rings from nowhere, shutting off abruptly after the third buzz. Host clasps his hands together – you jumping at the sharp sound of his palms meeting. He smooths his slick hair back further and pulls your seat out for you.
“Well that’s our cue! Ready to give our fans another great performance?”
“As I’ll ever be.”
“Wonderful. Let’s get to it then.”
You stand to your feet once more, joining Host at a large curtain on the other end of the room; stage lights seeping from beneath the fabric. He exits before you, getting the crowd nice and warm up before your entrance just as he always did.
“Gooood day, lovely viewers! Welcome back to another show with your truly; your forever host – Host!”
The audience cheers. Shrill cheers that become muffled beneath the soundtrack playing around.
“Yes, yes. Hello to you all too. And what a delight greeting it has been so far. We can’t forget our wonderful co-host though, now can we? Give it up for our better half; the lovely as ever, Y/n!”
That’s your mark. The curtain bends under your hand, parting before you can even push them aside. The mutters from the crowd begin. As soon as your legs sweep over the stage floor their voices rise. The headlights blind you momentarily as you step out fully; wrapping you in a daze that felt like waking on another world. Your attire changes under the darkness behind your eyes, microphone in hand; and posture straightening as you greet your adoring fans.
“Greetings, everyone! It’s a pleasure to see you all again.” 
The shouts from the crowd are just as; if not more appraising as they were for your partner. You smile and wave; soaking up the attention. Host couldn’t be more proud.
“I think we’re ready to begin another fabulous show. And quite a special one we have today. Y/n, do you know what today is?”
“Uh.. Wednesday?”
Host laughs, followed by a few chuckles from the audience. 
“Oh, Y/n. Wednesday was last month. Today is the one year anniversary of you being our gracious star!”
The lights flicker off, returning with a central beam pointed directly at you. A banner hangs over head; congratulating you on the anniversary in bold, red lettering. Balloons and confetti fall around you. The audience hollers in cheer.
“We do love our co-host, don’t we now? Unfortunately, it seems to me that they don’t understand the lengths of our affection. By the end of today’s show I think they’ll have a change of heart.”
Your throat feels dry. What was he on about? Keeping a straight face, you smile into your mic. 
“Thank you, all so much. You’re too kind..” 
 “Haha. No, Y/n, I think you are.. Let’s bring out our contestant!”
The room goes dark once again, more abruptly than the last. When everything settles, the layout of the stage had changed. The vacant area to your right was now blocked by a half wall you could see around if you peak – screen above showing all you needed to see. A large red heart was pastured to the wall behind, three chairs and a podium placing in tow. A landline phone was placed on a stand, as well as one on the podium.  Shadows sat to each chair, dim lighting concealing their faces. The fourth stood at the podium, writhing around in place with muffled cries. You could see the outline of fingers over its mouth; the silhouette of more limbs encasing its body and keeping it in place. 
“The game of this episode is all about missed connections. In our lives, we make so many new ones, we have to snip the old to make room. No matter how strong the cord may be. Our eager bachelor here knows a lot about that, which is why he’s perfect for our show! Put your hands together for, S!”
Illumination returns to the other half of the stage. The arms around the contestant vanish with the glow; leaving a blindfolded and shaken up man in their stead. Beads of sweat drip from his temple; him squirming in place like he was trying to get off the podium, but was unable. His hands were stuck to the surface no matter how hard he pulled. He was dresses in a letterman’s jacket, the embedded S pealing from the stitching – just like you remembered.
His glance falls upon you for a single second, before he faces the crowd like nothing happened.
“Quite a looker, isn’t he? Our helpers for today thought so too at one point.”
“H-hey..  hey, what the hell is this? Where am I?!”
“Speaking out of turn are we? I wouldn’t advise that, unless you want to face a penalty. “
The man clams up, shaking like a dog in rain.
“Onto the rules of the game. One by one, our helpers will walk up to the phone and list a few things about themselves. It’s our contestant’s job to remember a single fact about them – their name. Three rounds for three members of his past. Simple enough, right?”
“Please.. I don’t know what I’ve done, but-"
Host lends into his microphone. “Shut up and play by our rules or face punishment like every other rule breaker. ..Let’s bring out our first assistant. Walk on down, A!”
The shadow in the seat closest to the telephone stands up. Their appearance becomes visible as they step into the light. They appeared to be a normal human being; all up to the left side of their face. It was smudged like someone rubbing off make up; lips stretched to their ear and eyelid permanent closed from the abnormality. They pick up the receiver, phone on the other end ringing in response. The constant quivers more, refusing to answer.
“Pick it up.”
The function in his arm is brought back as he hesitantly picks up the phone, putting it to his ear. 
“We met a weekend in February. I blew you a kiss, you slipped your phone number into my pocket. They had no clue while you held their hand the entire time.”
“Fuck… fuck! Um, February.. R… Riley! Your name is Riley!”
“Corrrect!” Host exclaims. The man breathes a sigh of relief as the crowd cheers. You stare at the ground. Overtime you grew a numbness to the contestants and their cruel fates. You had to, if you wanted to keep your sanity; but this was too much. Too close to home. Home you foolishly believed to be yours alone for years. It feels hard to breathe. 
“Everything alright, Y/n?”
“Yea.. Yes just….” You force yourself to bright up. “Excited for our guest getting his first question correct.”
“Glad to hear it! Onto the next one.”
The assistant at the stand leaves and the next makes their appearance. Body littered in bite marks; namely the neck and chest area. They ooze with a black liquid, dripping onto the phone as they take hold.
“We hooked up in the bathroom of the local theater. I saw you leaving a movie with your arm around someone thirty minutes later. You called me the next day. Who am I?” 
The man’s lip quivers. “I.. I..”
Steps draw near him. The assistant peers over his shoulder, receiver still in hand. The cord slaps against his neck, tightening as their breath hits his face. They repeat into the phone, unable to take otherwise. 
“Frankie.. Oh, god.. Frankie.” 
His shoulder heave at the second round of applause.  Tears fall from beneath his mask; rambling to himself as his nails rack against the podium. 
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry-“
“Marvelous! Only one round to go.”
The process repeats. The final assistant walks to the stage. Their skin a pure black, eyes crossed out with a red, crayon like ink. The same ink was sprawled over their chest like an crude, anatomically accurate heart; bleeding down their torso. Their lips moved unnaturally as they spoke, like a frame by frame picture. 
“I was the one who you came to most. You promised we’d be together eventually. I smiled when they went-"
“Blair…” The answer comes out in a quiver. He can’t bring himself to say more. He falls to his kneels; forces holding him like a puppet on a string allow him his moment of weakness. Your own legs feel like they’ll give out as well.
“Annnd there we have it, folks! Our contestant has finished all three base questions, but there’s still the bonus around for him to complete.”
“No, no, no. No, fuck you! You said I only had to do three! You lied!”
“Now, now. When did I say “only? Let’s get too it.”
The lights flicker yet again. There’s only a chair on stage, you now in it, and under the crowd's perpetual stare. They feel closer than normal, faceless grins shifting further upwards; socket-less eyes wide open and trained on you. Host appears on the screen above, speaking for the final assistant. 
“We met in high school.”
“No.. please..”
“I was the one that learned to sew when you couldn’t afford the jacket for your team.”
“Not you… Anyone, but you.”
“I was there for you when your mother died. Covered your shifts for you and took care of you when you were sick.”
“You can’t be here..”
“You abandoned me everytime I poured my heart out to you.”
“I was scared…”
“Who am I?”
“Don’t make me say this..”
“Who. Am. I.”
“I don’t know!”
Your heart sinks in your chest.
Wrong answer~
Suddenly, everything returns to normal – as normal as it could be in this twisted place. The assistants are back, all staring past you at the contestant. He rips the blindfold from his face, looking around the room. Fear streaked his face as his eyes fell on the assistants, and you before them; silent and in tears.
“Y/n… Is that really you?”
You turn away. The assistants stand.
“Y/n! I’ve looked everywhere for you. It’s me..”
He steps off the podium towards you. They advance.
“Everyone else gave up, but I still search. I’m sorry for everything done. Please… I love-"
They grab onto him. Arms around his neck, torso, legs. Their skin melts into his; merging as they begin to drag him off stage.
“Y-y/n help! I’m so sorry. Forgive me, please!”
Your eyes remain on the floor. Even if you wanted to save him you couldn’t.
“I didn’t want to say that! The blindfold! Y/n!”
He’s gone. You’re alone once again. During the whole event the audience remains silent. You don’t know what to do.
Finish the show. It never starts. It never ends. Without you.
“A-and that brings us to the end of another show with your host, Host. And me as your co-host – Y/n!”
The crowd goes wild. It’s a standing ovation. Their hands clap like fireworks popping in your ears. Their praise rang to the high heavens. Howls, whistles, holders; all in your name for another amazing performance. Confetti falls in your hair, roses and other bouquets of flowers at your feet. 
The set up is gone. It’s just you, Host, and your adoring fans. One arm snakes around your waist as he proclaims into the microphone. 
“Is that all you got for our shinning star? Give it your all!”
An encore of approval, from the people whose love for you knew no end. The people who depended on seeing you every day and never tired from it. You relish in the saudade of their praise; raised further by one new member of audience who could finally give you the love he never could before. 
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flowerbetweenfangs · 12 days
Cream Filling: Chapter Five
No content warnings this time, some good old fashioned fantasy and smut.
Buzzing rattled the nightstand. Elle blindly groped across the wood, snatching up the phone and putting it to her ear. 
“Huh?” She blinked, rubbing her eyes. There was a crick in her neck and her whole body ached. The couch had left its mark. Part of her wondered if she should have asked to sleep in the bed. 
The thought made her stomach quiver. No, bad idea. Horac probably would have been put in an awkward spot. Although the thought of the giant Boarman on the couch was humorous, there was no doubt he would have been worse off. 
“What happened to your car?” Ramses' voice was sharp, making her jolt awake. 
Sitting up, she rubbed the side of her neck, trying to loosen up the tightened muscles. When she pressed, it made her whole head throb. Wincing, she looked around the living room, bleary-eyed. 
“Something in it died.” Her voice was still rough from sleep. “Couldn't get ahold of anyone because of the full moon.” 
The stiffness crept through her entire body, no longer hiding now that she was moving. Inwardly, she groaned. Work was going to be hell, especially with the post full moon rush. 
“Are you somewhere safe?” 
Elle nodded, then remembered that Ramses couldn’t see her. She quickly gave a summary of Horac’s rescue, slipping off the couch and starting to stretch. It was a challenge with a phone to her ear, but it felt better than sitting. 
“I need you here.” His voice was soft. There was some chatter behind him, along with a couple of grunts. 
“I know.” She winced. “I just-” 
“I know a mechanic who can look at it.” 
Elle sputtered, feeling her cheeks burn. “You don’t have-” 
“Elle,” His tone was firm. “What have I always said?” There was no room for argument. 
“You take good care of your employees?” Elle licked her lips, before feeling her stomach violently lurch. 
More debt. A contract, unseen. A demon offering you goods in exchange- 
“If you’re that averse to a gift, then you can make it up to me.” Papers shuffled in the background. Someone called out in the demonic language, rattling the phone. 
“Can it wait?” Ramses yelled back. “I’m busy!” He paused, then sighed. 
“Sorry, Elle. Chorus needs me to help finish closing up the bar.” 
“Do you need to go?” She asked, feeling her heart pounding as more demon talk rumbled through the phone. She wondered if it was the same one who had talked to her the first night she’d arrived at the restaurant. 
 “We’re going to be doing the catering order for…” Ramses’ voice trailed off, and she swore she heard teeth grinding. 
“Temptation.” He spat it out like the name was a dirty word. Elle wondered what it was about the club that specifically made him upset. It wasn’t like the demon was a prude. Then again… Temptation could be a little extreme. 
“I’d like you to supervise the new hire.” The tone had gone back to jovial, but it was forced.  
Blinking, Elle tried to register what was just said. 
“Me? Supervise?” Elle couldn’t believe what he was suggesting. She was a server, she gave people their orders, not… gave people orders! 
“I use the term loosely,” Ramses explained before she could hear a zipper pull. A word of infernal gratitude rumbled through the phone, and it suddenly felt hot. Wincing, she switched to the other hand, holding it away from her ear. 
“Just make sure that he doesn’t burn the restaurant down or knock over Wrecks. Help pack the catering boxes and keep track of inventory. I’m sure Asmodeus will take every missing scone and sandwich as a personal slight, so we’ll need an extra set of eyes.” There was a pause, a slight inhale like he wanted to say more. 
Elle’s mind raced, feeling her body flush. 
“Anyway, I know it’s the middle of the night for you,” Ramses said quickly. “I just… Wanted to let you know.” Another pause. More demonic talking. Ramses replied something, and the way his voice rumbled made Elle suddenly wish she was home… Or there with him. 
“Oh! One other thing.”
“Yes?” Elle tried to keep her thoughts from delving too far. 
“The anniversary of the restaurant is coming up.” He sounded unsure. “You don’t have to come if you don’t want to, but… All the employees are invited. It’s nighttime, of course. If you do come, I’ll make sure there’s human-friendly food and drinks.” 
Elle blinked rapidly, her mind wavering back and forth between the wild feast at Temptation and the more platonic setting that would probably be at ‘Ramses’ Brew’. She pinched her stomach, drawing her thoughts back to the real world. 
“Thanks for inviting me.” Elle swallowed hard, before smiling. “It sounds like a lot of fun!” 
“Good…” Ramses’ smile could be heard in his voice. “...Be safe.” The switch was so abrupt, that Elle shook her head. 
The phone beeped. Elle saw it was 3 AM. Her alarm would be going off soon anyway. Disabling it, she yawned and checked for more messages. Thankfully, there were none. 
Rubbing her eyes, she went to the bathroom and showered, turning the water scalding hot and standing in place. The temperature released sleep’s hold and loosened up her muscles enough that it was comfortable to move again. 
Once she’d gotten into her uniform, Elle caught a faint floral scent. Giving the fabric a squeeze, she realized it was slightly damp. Had Horac washed it? She looked at his uniform, picking it up and sniffing. Sure enough, they smelled the same. 
Horac finally rose at four, eyes bleary and hair a mess. He didn’t offer much in the way of conversation or fix anything to eat. He did spend time in the bathroom grooming himself and didn’t seem to notice or care that Elle had used the shower. Once he was dressed, he simply jerked his head toward the garage. 
Halfway to the restaurant, he pulled into a drive-thru. 
“You ain’t going to work on an empty stomach.” He insisted. 
“You’re such a dad. ”  Elle frowned, quickly pulling the single bill out of her wallet. No debts. 
Horac shook his head and held up a hand. 
“Don’t worry about it. Besides… With this crap, I should be paying you to eat it.” Even so, he ordered a few sandwiches for himself, which had ham and bacon. 
Elle once again tried to not think of the implications. Everyone was being so generous. Her heart hammered. Of course, this is what friends did for each other. It wasn’t like he was buying her anything too expensive. 
They pulled up to the café, and Horac leaned back in his seat, hand over his face. 
“What’s up?” Even with her stomach protesting, Elle inhaled the sandwich. 
“I hate the post-Lunar rush.” He grumbled, pinching his snout. “I can only imagine what it’s like at the bar.” Sighing, he rolled his shoulders. “But… A job’s got to be done.” 
Once the closed sign was turned, Elle moaned piteously and went to a booth, sitting down and resting her head on the table. Everything was sore and she felt ready to pass out, but consuming nearly an entire pot of coffee had left her jittery. 
At least her pittance of tips had been made back and then some. Elle quickly counted and signed off on them, shoving everything into her wallet. 
Sitting back up, she stretched and noticed a magazine had been left behind. Frowning, she picked it up, ready to pitch it into the recycling. Then, her eyes fell on the front page. 
In crimson font were the words “Love and Temptation”. 
The picture was of an olive-toned man kissing the collarbone of a woman, black wings enveloping them both to hide their nudity. His hair was coal black, but slightly feathered at the tips. The glint of a predator was even present in the picture. 
Cadence? His facial features were present. But they’d made him… So much more human-looking. It was almost disappointing. 
Even though the woman wore a domino mask, Elle recognized what the artist was trying to depict. 
The woman in the wings… Was her. Obviously, they’d smoothed out features and added more curves, but there was no mistaking the burn mark on the inside of her wrist, or the obsidian handing from her neck. Although the club ticket had been changed to a rose quartz beaded bracelet. 
While nothing intimate was visible, Elle felt her cheeks burn. In the articles she’d read about the club, none of them mentioned anything like this. 
She flipped through the pages, finding another set of paintings, showing more erotic and suggestive pictures. While they refrained from showing outright nudity, it left very little to the imagination. The words of the article blurred together, and Elle’s already jittery heart beat like it was about to break out of her chest. 
Then she saw the tagline in the corner. 
“Come find me… At Temptation.” 
Swallowing, Elle closed the magazine and put it cover down on the table. 
“You alright, Rookie?” Horac’s voice made her sit upright. 
“Just fine!” Elle tried to keep her voice from sounding strained. “I uh… Think I dozed off for a second.” 
Rolling up the magazine, she stuffed it in her purse and stood up, wondering if the customer who had left it behind knew. “Did I miss a spot while I was cleaning?” 
The mechanic was only a few blocks away, and the cool air helped clear Elle’s head. Horac had wanted to give her a ride to the shop, but she’d refused. The wise thing would have been to throw the magazine away and try to play it cool, but Elle couldn’t bring herself to do it. 
As she walked, she saw a billboard. Gasping softly, she grit her teeth and looked away. 
Her, in the domino mask, looking over a bare shoulder, hand resting on the naked chest of the winged man. 
“Come… To Temptation.” 
When she got to the shop, there were more magazines on wire racks in front of the windows, flapping in the breeze. Keeping her eyes forward, she opened the door and went in to rescue the clunker. 
The car looked better than ever, having been washed, waxed, and vacuumed. The wipers had also been replaced, and the wiper fluid refilled. Elle leaned on the roof, rubbing her hand across it. 
Sitting in the driver’s seat, she realized that they hadn’t shown her a bill. Sighing, she scowled, wondering if there was any way to get the price out of Ramses. But that would require seeing him face to face… 
Looking at her burned wrist, she thought of the black residue that Ramses’ touch left. At least that didn’t stain. 
Shaking her head, Elle grumbled to herself. At least she was lucky that it was the only scar she’d gotten through the whole ordeal. Pulling out her phone, she texted her gratitude for Ramses, before starting the car. 
Compared to the usual roar and squeal, it was eerily silent. Rubbing the dashboard, Elle gave it a congratulatory pat. 
There were a couple more billboards advertising Temptation on the way home, which surprised Elle. Frowning, she wondered what the goal was. Punish her in some way for turning down the job offer? But wouldn’t they have used real pictures instead of artist depictions? 
When she got home, Elle kicked off her shoes, going to the windowsill and seizing the charm. It was glowing and pulsing with power. Slipping it over her head, Elle took in a deep breath and felt her body relax. The weight was a comfort, a reminder that there was some degree of protection, no matter what happened. 
Taking the magazine out, she leafed her way through the pages again, stopping on the article. It was an interview with a “Miss Lamb” talking about her experience in Temptation, and how she found freedom in exploring her sexuality outside her “species”, laying it on thick that she preferred demons over humans when it came to partners. It was an advertisement for the club disguised as an interview, which made Elle scoff. 
Then, her phone began to buzz again. The number was blocked. Elle was about to reject the call, but something told her to answer it. 
“Did you like it?” Ash’s voice purred from the other line. 
Elle yelped, charm flashing brightly. Stomach flipping and heart pounding, she took in a few deep breaths as the pulse of the charm spread a layer of protection over her. 
 “How’d you get my- You know what, never mind.” Elle tried to focus, watching the shadows on the wall shift as the lights from the charm danced. 
“You think the right hand of Asmodeus doesn’t have a few resources wrapped around its little finger?” Ash crooned, before laughing. 
“What the point?” Elle put a hand on her hip. “I’m not going to work for him.” 
“You asked for my help in breaking the contract with one Adrian Ashborn.” Ash’s voice was suddenly lower, making Elle hesitate, grip on the phone tightening. “This is part of that process.” 
Elle’s scowl deepened. Weasel words and more. Never ending. At least Ramses knew to at least try and be coy. 
“Since Adrian’s bond with his own kind has been broken, tracking has proved difficult.” Ash continued. There was a soft sigh from the other end, not from Ash. He mumbled something in the infernal language, and it was followed by a light giggle.  
Elle winced and tried to keep her mind from the dirty conclusion of where and who the Incubus was with. She resisted the urge to tell him it was rude to eat while he was on the phone. 
“You want to lead something to a trap, have bait,” Ash said nonchalantly. 
Licking her lips, Elle froze. “Wait… You’re hoping he’ll see it?” 
“Billboards, banner ads, magazines, anything we could put money into.” Ash’s smirk came through. “And once the Incubus obsessed with you “knows” where you work, he’ll come running.” 
“But Adrian’s a coward, he’ll never-” 
“Dearest,” Ash interrupted. “Don’t worry. Asmodeus is a Demon Lord for a reason. If anyone knows the art of seduction and tantalizing, it’s him.” 
Elle’s cheeks burned. All of that… Just to trap Adrian? She wondered what would have happened if she agreed to work- 
Even through the phone, he was getting to her. Rubbing her brow, Elle gave a grunt of acknowledgment. There was shuffling on the other side, and Elle thought she heard another sigh, or maybe a whine of someone else, different than the first. How many people did he have over there?  
“If you want, I can send you a copy of the pictures. Cadence fought me tooth and nail on using the models I did. I, for one, think they came out fabulous. Although, I’d rather see the real thing-” 
“Goodbye, Ash. Call me when you’ve got Adrian.” 
The day of the catering order arrived. 
Elle felt odd going into work without her uniform, but it was a welcome change. The maid outfit had been switched out for a button-up shirt and midi skirt, although she still kept her apron, charm and spider hanging at her throat. 
Wrecks was already there when she pulled up, smoking and scribbling something down in a notebook. He still wore his uniform, but that didn’t surprise Elle. 
“How’s it going?” She asked. 
“Eh. It’s… Going.” Wrecks held up a hand when Elle went to open the door. 
“Ramses wanted to buy you something similar, but I don’t trust those things.” He pulled out a pair of shoulder-length gloves. 
“What’s this for?” Elle took the gloves. They were silk, but woven so tight they’d likely be waterproof. They were nice to touch, and she found herself stroking them. 
“Well… I know you can’t eat our food.” Wrecks fidgeted with his braid. “So I figured being around the ingredients probably wouldn’t be good for your skin either. So…” His voice trailed off and he shrugged. “You can go ahead and keep them, too.” 
Gripping the gloves tight, Elle stared at them. “Wrecks, I…” She swallowed, before nodding. “Thanks. I’ll pay you-” 
“What are friends for, right?” Wrecks gave a smile and gently pushed her with a foreleg. 
“Don’t worry about money, I just wanted to spin something. Gloves are easy, although mittens are probably the easiest…” He continued to talk about the various crafts as he opened the door. 
Warm air from inside blasted the two of them. Elle slipped on the gloves, flexing her fingers. She felt strange, having them on, but it was better to feel subconscious than to have an ER visit because she accidentally touched something that rotted human skin. 
There were so many boxes, stacked almost to the ceiling. Ovens roared, trays covering almost every flat surface so the pastries could cool. 
Stripping off her coat, Elle rubbed her hands together. 
“Just tell me how I can stay out of the way and still be useful.” She craned her neck, looking around for Horac. She’d seen his truck on the way in. 
“You can help Aki,” Wrecks pulled a kit from the shelves. When he opened the lid, there were various decoration tools, from pastry bags to icing spatulas. “You know how to use these, right?” 
Elle nodded. She wasn’t an expert, but it was simple enough to follow diagrams. She’d looked up a few tutorials online. And if her night at Temptation was anything to go by, the food wouldn’t be the focus of things displayed. 
“Aki?” Elle arched a brow. The new guy’s name was Aki? How… Normal. 
“Is he a human, too?” She took the kit and started to assemble a few tools, a task proving difficult with her gloves. 
“Not exactly.” There was a thud as someone dropped down from the loft, landing in a three-point position. 
When he straightened, Elle could see a pair of cat ears twitching on top of his head. His hair was black, covering his visible skin with thick patches of it. Amber almond-shaped eyes focused on her, slit pupils dilating as a thick bushy tail swished behind him. He too wore an apron, covered and smeared with almost every color of icing.  
A feline sapien? Elle wondered to herself, then paused when she noticed the thrashing paper… man Aki was holding. 
“Sorry.” Aki’s tongue stuck out, curving slightly between two elongated canines. “I heard this and had to go find it.” 
“A talisman?” Wrecks took it, before wincing as it burst into flames. Yelping, he frantically waved his hands, extinguishing any embers. When he dropped the paper man, it floated upward, blue fire burning it to nothing. 
A silhouette of a silver fox appeared in the smoke before it put a paw to its mouth and giggled, vanishing completely with a loud snap. 
“You okay?” Elle went to grab his hand to check it for a burn but paused when she felt the stranger eyeing her. 
“I’ll go wash off in the sink.” Wrecks shook his hands again, before walking off. “Horac! I thought you were supposed to be watching him!” 
“I have milk on the stove!” The Boarman bellowed back. 
“Don’t worry!” Elle called, announcing her presence, “I’ll watch him.” She turned to face Aki, sticking out her hand, and giving a quick introduction.
Aki’s ears twitched as he seemed to size (and eye) Elle up. His tail continued to swish back and forth, coming dangerously close to the cooling pastries. His eyes went to her chest, and he shrugged, before turning around and leading her to a corner of the room. 
Elle frowned, wondering how she’d managed to offend him. Was it the gloves? Shouldn’t someone hairy as him be wearing them anyway? Possibly a full-body hairnet?
There were a few trays of decorated pastries, with lists posted above each booth. Each one had rows of boxes, to be checked off when the items reached various stages of completion. Those that were marked “complete” were finely iced and drizzled. 
Elle got as close as she dared, brows raising as she let out an impressed whistle. 
“Wow! They look ready to be displayed!” While it was true, she hoped he would be receptive to the compliment. 
“I used to decorate at my old job,” Aki explained, picking up a pastry bag full of pink icing. He’d donned a pair of elbow-length gloves. “Mr. Sesbrun said he needed extra hands, so I figured why not?” 
Mr. Sesbrun. How formal. Not even Wrecks called him that. 
Picking up a pastry back, Elle did a quick check of the invoice and began to ice what would become “Corruption Cupcakes”. At least those were simple and repetitive, the hardest part being the literal cherry on top that would finish the piece. 
Although the image of Ash’s confused expression as he ordered one made her stifle a laugh. 
And then the way he tied a knot in the stem with his tongue… 
Lightly shaking her head, Elle berated herself. The day had only just started, she didn’t need to be flustered or frustrated now! 
“Where’d you work before?” Elle hoped she didn’t sound desperate in her question. Her mind needed something unstimulating to focus on right now. 
“Down the street.” Aki didn’t look up from his work. 
He rhythmically squeezed the bag, gnawing on his lower lip. Small pink spurts came out, forming complex floral and petal patterns that Elle wouldn’t have believed were brought about manually. It seemed like he had barely started on the first before he was onto the second. 
He put down the pink bag and had grabbed a red one, squeezing out the exact shape needed for a Devilishly Delicious Donut, down to the crimson flames and a small pair of horns and a tail. How fast was this Cat Boy? Cat Man? 
She took a quick survey and realized the pastries were already one-fourth of the way done, and more rapidly adding to that number. At this rate, they’d be waiting for things to cool before they needed to start decorating again. 
Good thing he didn’t apply when I did, or he’d run circles around me. 
Within minutes, Aki was running behind her to get to the next tray on the other side, tail swishing as he picked up the supplies needed. 
Maybe you’d get your work done faster if you weren’t ogling the new guy. 
No, she wasn’t ogling. Just… appreciating his skill and speed.
Elle just started on the third cupcake on her tray when she felt a slap on her ass. The sudden sting made her yelp, squeezing the pastry bag too tight and spurting icing all over the tray and cupcakes. 
The charm vibrated against her throat, making her step back and cough. Aki was running to another tray, his tail swishing. For a moment, there appeared to be black smoke coming off his tail, but when it flicked outward, it was gone. 
As the charm continued to pulse, Elle felt her head start to throb. For an instant, she saw two mirror images of Aki, working in sync with one another. 
He didn’t look up from his work, his face stoic as he iced like a madman. 
Elle wondered if he’d somehow managed to miss another talisman and if this was some weird “prank” by Tanpopo. It seemed like something the Kitsune would do. Although aside from the day he showed up on the counter… It had been relatively quiet. 
“You alright, Shepard?” Wrecks came over with a bandaged hand. “Did you get any icing on you?” 
Looking down at her hands, Elle frowned at the mess covering her gloves and apron. But… That was the point, right? 
“... Fine.” Elle put distance between herself and Aki, wondering why her charm was going crazy around him. It didn’t act this way around other Feline Sapiens that she knew. 
Then, Aki stopped at the end of a tray, body going rigid. 
“M-minute, please?” Aki said, his voice shaking, barely above a whisper. “It’s… Getting hot in here.” 
Wrecks nodded, and Aki bolted out the door, hitting them with a blast of cold air. Elle frowned, grabbing the charm. Even when she’d charged it before, it never acted this way. 
“What species is he?” 
“I… didn’t think to check his file before he came in.” Wrecks admitted. “I just assumed ‘feline sapien’ since…” Wrecks put his hands behind his head, flexing his fingers to imitate cat ears wiggling. “His name is Japanese, it’s possible he might be a yokai.”  
‘Yokai’ . Demons by another name, but something she’d only barely scratched the surface of in her studies. 
Although she’d seen enough… Videos on the subject to know a few things about oni and kitsune. Maybe that was what the charm was reacting to? Dark energy it couldn’t pinpoint? 
“Bakeneko?” Wrecks said aloud. “Nekomata? But then he wouldn’t be able to walk around in the sunlight without a charm and he’s pretty even-tempered…” Frowning, he rubbed his face, grimacing, forelegs rubbing together before realization and horror broke over his face. 
“Don’t tell him I said that.” 
“Eh?” Elle raised a brow. 
“I know what it’s like… Having people get the wrong idea about you. And… I don’t want him to think I’m-” 
“Spinner!” Horac yelled. “Quit flirting and get in here!” 
Wreck’s face paled and he sputtered, silvery drool dribbling down his lips. Elle raised a brow and he waved her away, skittering back to the kitchen. 
“I was not flirting!” 
Elle went out the door, teeth chattering when the wind hit her. She saw Aki leaning against the wall, breathing heavily. 
“Aki?” She said cautiously, hovering with her hand on the handle. 
He pulled his head away from the back of his hand, giving a big smile. “It’s uh… Really hot in there, huh?” He pointedly tugged at the fur on his cheeks. “I’m okay, just need a minute to cool off.” 
Elle’s charm pulsed in a warning. He stared at it out of the corner of his eye, before facing the wall again. 
“You, uh… Want some water or something?” She took a step back, rocking back and forth between the door and outside. 
Aki waved her off. “Don’t trouble yourself. I just… Need a minute.” 
“Alright…” Elle frowned, then cleared her throat, “I know you’re new, but I promise no one’s going to get mad if you need to sit down or drink something. Ramses takes-” 
“Very good care of his employees, I know.” Aki’s tail swished back and forth. “I’m sorry. I just… I want to do good at this job.” He pushed off the building. The color was gone from his cheeks and he suddenly looked faint. 
“So let’s make it a great one, yeah?” His voice wavered, fists shaking as he clenched them. 
Elle nodded, feeling slightly guilty. Did she look like this to the rest of the employees on her first few shifts? 
“Let’s get you something to eat first.” Elle lifted up a finger to silence him when he opened his mouth to protest. “No “ifs” “ands” or “buts”!” She was the supervisor, so she could make this call, right? 
Aki’s mouth slowly closed, and he nodded, the grin rising to his eyes. His ears perked up, and his tail swished back and forth rapidly, almost like it was wagging. Then, a loud purr vibrated through him.  
“Okay!” He took a step toward Elle but flinched back when the charm flashed. His lower lip jutted out, brows coming together in a pout before he nodded and smiled. 
Aki was still buzzing with energy when they finished. Aside from his dashing out the door every hour, he was a diligent worker, finishing five or six trays for every one Elle managed to decorate. 
The last box was taped up and ready to ship, Elle collapsed into a booth. Picking up a menu, she fanned herself with it as a large truck pulled up. It was bright pink, with “Temptation” written on the side. Men and women of various species were posed and covered with rather suggestive looking icing and glaze. 
“Laying it on a little thick.” Aki held his thumb and forefinger apart by a hair’s width. “I don’t know why they didn’t just do a transport spell.” 
“Those are expensive!” Elle sputtered, even though she was sure Asmodeus could afford such a thing. Then, she recalled the nightmare that was the payment method of the Lucifer order. She imagined the same method but mixing in condoms and lube samples instead of campaign buttons and bumper stickers. 
Elle knew which one she would have preferred. Although imagining her coworkers' reactions did make her snicker. 
Aki was looking at her, brows raised.
Elle clapped her hands together. Right. New guy. Couldn’t be weird around him. “I bet the truck is good advertising.” 
“I hope it didn’t cause any wrecks on the way here.” Aki crossed his arms, ears drooping. “You… Er… We, work for this guy?” 
“It’s the reason we hired you.” Elle shrugged. “And the guy who runs it…” Where to begin with Ash? 
-is really great! Had me fuck a siren band on stage, but now he’s getting my ex off my back!
“...Is nice in his own way.” 
They joined Wrecks and Horac outside, the sun bright despite the cold day. Aki didn’t seem perturbed by the light, walking around and handing boxes over to be loaded. Despite his more lean build, he seemed to have some degree of strength. 
Two trolls assisted the boxes into the back of the truck, chatting with Wrecks. Horac assisted them, and it dawned on Elle how… Small her coworker was compared to them. Still, he moved fast, not stumbling once. 
And she felt her cheeks heat when she caught one of them staring, before mumbling to the other in their native tongue. 
And like he had a radar for it, Horac had put himself between them and Elle. And she felt… Grateful, even if she was sure nothing would happen. 
Then, Horac grumbled something that sounded similar to the troll’s language. 
Whatever he said had the other two laughing, one clapping a hand on his back. Horac smiled broadly, and Elle wondered if he knew them back when he was human. 
Once everything was loaded, the trolls hollered to someone who was still in the truck. The passenger door opened, and Elle let out a soft yelp when she saw a collection of grey feathers. 
While he’d put on boots and a shirt, Cadence looked good. The clothing clung to him in all the perfect ways, making Elle flood with heat more than if he’d walked out naked. He clung to the invoice, signing off on a few things before mutely passing it over to Wrecks. 
The Drider looked over the papers, and the two seemed to come to a silent agreement. Cadence reached behind his back and pulled out an envelope. His eyes caught Elle’s and he winked at her, the corner of his lip tugging into a knowing smile, then his lips pursing and silently blowing a kiss in her direction. 
Elle looked the other way, biting her lip to keep herself from saying something that she would regret. Even outside the club's influence, he was still having an effect on her. Swallowing, she gave a cordial smile and wave, cheeks red. 
Ash had probably done this on purpose, trying to rile her up. No. Not probably. Did. 
“Shepard?” Wrecks called, breaking her out of the trance. “Can you sign off on this, too?” 
“Me?” She tried to keep her voice from breaking. 
Horac still seemed to be in an animated conversation with the trolls, so Elle slowly slunk over, taking the clipboard and quickly reading through it, before scribbling her name across the bottom. As she passed the invoice back over, Cadence’s hand brushed against hers. 
It was accidental, but Elle felt herself about ready to fall over. Making a fist, she quickly excused herself and ran back into the café, scrubbing off her hands. 
Thankfully, nothing came off in the sink. But Elle’s heart continued to pound. 
Why was she so flustered? Sure, Cadence’s signals were bright and neon, but it wasn’t like he was dry humping her in front of the other employees. In fact, her reaction was probably setting off more alarm bells than his. He came from the sex club, she worked at the café. But they were both at their jobs.  Splashing her face, Elle pressed a damp paper towel to her neck to try and calm herself. 
Right. Professional. She could be that.
Wiping off the worst of her running makeup, Elle exited the bathroom. 
Aki stared at her, brow raised. Before he could open his mouth to say something, Wrecks began to herd him back toward the door, forelegs pushing the Cat Man anytime he tried to stop or turn around and peek. 
“Shepard’s got some… Business to take care of with them.” Wrecks’ tone was surprisingly authoritative. They went inside, the door shutting loudly.
Horac waved to the trolls, who went back to the truck. He seemed to pick up on the tension, hanging tentatively behind Elle. Fists opened and closed on empty air. There was a wave of subtle anger in the Boarman, something ready to come out the instant it was told to. 
“I’ve got it, don’t worry,” Elle said, brushing her hand through the air. A calculated risk, showing confidence in herself and trust in Cadence. 
There were heavy footsteps as Horac retreated back inside, but she had a feeling that he was still watching through the window. All of them probably were, trying to see what had her all worked up. Or they were just starting to clean up. 
Cadence stared at her, face void of emotion. More silence. Expectation. 
“I’m not coming back,” Elle said firmly. “It’s… Nothing you did wrong, but… I can’t.” She had a feeling every word would be relayed to Ash if he wasn’t already listening in. 
Cadence reached up, the back of his hand stroking Elle’s cheek, taloned thumb resting on her lower lip. Despite the cold, she felt overheated. Cloudy breath filled the air as they stared at one another. 
Then, he nodded. 
“I understand.” His arms wrapped around her tightly, chin on her shoulder. Nails traced over the back of her shirt, the sharpness teasing through the fabric. Elle inhaled sharply, stomach fluttering as lewd thoughts of him tearing the outfit off flittered through her mind. 
Nope. She was breaking it off clean. Focus. 
“Thank you.” Elle pushed off Cadence’s chest, breaking his embrace completely. 
His mouth opened, but he closed it. 
Once more, he nodded, turning around and climbing into the truck as the engine rumbled to life. 
The heat of the building was a welcome respite. Elle flopped into the booth nearest to the door and moaned softly. A long soak in the bath tonight. 
“Ash sends his regards,” Wrecks cleared his throat, then looked at Aki. “Apologies in advance if it’s… A lot.” He pulled out four envelopes, each one color-coded. He passed the black one to Aki, kept a light blue one for himself, a red one to Horac, and a pink one to Elle. 
Aki shrugged. “I think… I have a good idea of what to expect. But we’re all adults here.” 
“Well, good work team,” Horac groaned. “I’m going home and sleeping until my next shift.” Sighing, he stuck the envelope in his breast pocket without looking at it, walking out of the restaurant. 
Wrecks nodded, “I think… I’m going to take a long nap.” He turned to Elle. “See you Monday, Shepard.” He turned to Aki. “Nekokuro.” 
“Nice meeting you!” Aki smiled, before going to the backroom. When he came out, he was wearing a patchwork coat. Elle suddenly remembered the coat, the scraggly looking man who came through that wouldn’t even look her in the eye. 
Apparently, he must have really charmed Ramses in the interview, to be hired before the night was over. 
Aki… Was under all that? She tried not to stare, with so many questions on her lips. Instead, she stretched her arms above her head, following Horac out. Once the doors were locked, they said their goodbyes. 
When she turned on the clunker, the heat kicked on, blasting cold air. She turned it down all the way, shivering. 
At least Aki was friendly. Although the thought of the day crew having a new member would take some getting used to. He was fast, quick on his feet, and seemed to be able to focus. 
Taking the envelope, she opened the flap, about shrieking at the tip that fell out. Mixed in with the cash were also a few condoms and lube samples. Along with a folded-up letter.
“I was kidding!” She screamed toward the roof of her car. They had the faint scent of the club on them, making her heart pound. How tightly had that envelope been sealed to keep it in? 
On top of the pile was a small card, crimson lips at the bottom corner. Above it, written in a looping script:
“This could be your everyday. -A”  
Sighing, Elle rolled her eyes and put the contents back into the bag. She was going to have to talk to Ash about boundaries the next time they spoke. Between this and Cadence, she was going to have a fit. If she wasn't already under the influence. The drive home was going to be long. Hopefully, traffic was good. 
‘He doesn’t see things the same way humans do.’ 
Picking up the letter, Elle expected more words from Ash, but there was a small grey feather taped to the bottom. The writing had been done with a heavy hand, several blots of ink around the script suggesting broken pens. 
‘Dear Elle,’ It began. 
‘I’m writing to you preemptively, but I know this will likely be the outcome. Ash sent me your way because he thinks we’re a great duet, and that we’ll eventually be able to harmonize in a way that will bring in more crowds. 
‘But I know that’s not what you want. I understand that I’ll only be able to tell you what you want to hear, rather than speak my true feelings, so I’ll write them down here. That way you won’t have to worry about me potentially hypnotizing you with my voice. Because at the end of the day, it's your choice and I want to respect that. Ash does too, but... He's a lot more forward than I am, I suppose.
‘I did have fun at our performance, but I know one good night isn’t a justification for wanting something serious. Nor am I in a position to give up my employment. Despite what you experienced, Ash is a good boss, much like your Ramses. Two men who have a rivalry that can only be described as brotherly. But that being said, if you ever want to reprise our song, you’ll only need to reach out to me. No Ash. No Temptation. Just me and you. I always wondered what it would be like to try acapella.
-The “Authentic” Cadence.’
Folding up the letter, Elle slipped it back into the envelope. Taking a deep breath, she crumpled up the card and tossed it onto the floor, making a note to clean out her car when she got back to the apartment. 
Driving away, she felt… A strange sense of power come over her. 
Stronger than any magic she’d ever felt. Not infatuation or lust. But something she could take in her hands and control. 
These days were almost behind her. No more bargaining. No more deals. No more crippling debt. 
Just her and… Whatever she chose next. 
When she got back to her apartment, she looked at the envelope again. Even without the card from Ash, she still felt the whole thing hanging over her. Most of the scent had faded, but the faint bit that lingered was driving her crazy. It felt like between her legs was on fire. 
All that hard work. The truck. Everyone trying to pull her in a different direction. The thought of what if tickled at the back of her mind. 
She was exhausted, but still wound up. There was one way to take care of both. 
Elle took one of the lube samples and squirted it over one of her more recent purchases, a small bright purple vibrator. Even with exercises and stretches, her hands had started to cramp up.  It wasn’t anything fancy, but it got the job done. 
At first, her mind went to the stage at Temptation, but then all she could think about was Ash 
and his leer, sitting on his concubi furniture.
Let’s get you home… 
A voice that called to her, but didn’t have the same heart-stopping tug that drew one in like a thrall. 
She was at the café again. No more trays, no more catering orders. She was leaning over the counter, staring at the sheer glee that was… The empty restaurant. Closed sign, register closed, everything counted up. 
The one good thing to come out of Temptation, she figured. 
He would be on his knees, licking at the fabric of her panties, head under her skirt. Just like he’d started at the stage, but there was no audience to please. Just her. And he intended to drag it out, tracing his fingers over her skin, palms parting her thighs. 
He lapped at her inner legs, from the curve of her knee up to her hip, lightly nipping. The feathers were down soft, but there was the curve of talons that reminded her that a true predator hid within.
She could feel his warm breath, each hot exhale making her squirm. But he wouldn’t let her close her legs or try to push him away. Instead, he licked at her harder but kept the cotton barrier between them. 
Still, he managed to find her clit, sucking on it and rolling his tongue around, parting her lips and rubbing the material against it. Greedy hands explored her ass and the small of her back, slipping under the fabric and giving everything they could a firm squeeze. 
Her knees gave out, and she fell against the wall. No… She hit a body. It was warm, the chest rising up and down with breath, a heart thundering in sync with her own. When she looked back, she saw it was Cadence. But the partner between her legs didn’t stop licking. In fact, they seemed more invigorated. 
Cadence brought her lips to his, tongue plunging in her mouth, his clawed hands tore through the fabric of her shirt. Buttons skidded across the floor, but Elle didn’t care. The talons traced over her breasts, circling a nipple until it was pebbled.
Then, with the utmost gentleness, they began to pinch and twist at the erect tips, before squeezing rudely. He nibbled at her neck, the conflicting sensations of sharp and soft making Elle squeal as she felt herself clench. 
The noise encouraged Cadence further, and he found the curve of Elle’s neck, biting hard enough for her to see stars. Hands finally left her breasts to run down her ribs, abdomen, and then up to her shoulders. Then, they traveled down again, index fingers cradling her nipples as his thumb palpated. His lips never stopped moving, trailing across her skin, leaving it a mess of kisses and what would become bruises. 
Then, there was vibrating. Elle’s back arched and she gasped, ready to reach the edge, but she forced herself to hold the climax. 
This was long overdue, and she wanted it to last. Still, as she became more sensitive, her nipples being pinched and twisted until just the lightest breeze on them made her squirm, she could feel the one between her legs speeding up. 
They were eating her out like it was the only meal available after a forty-day fast. Growling, moaning, their grip accentuated by something sharp. Not painful, but enough to keep her in place. And she was glad to do that, only able to squirm. 
Cadence held her fast, his heart thudding between her shoulders. 
It then dawned on her that the sound or sensation between her legs wasn’t vibration. 
It was purring. 
As if on cue, Aki popped his head up for breath. He licked his lips, smiling at her knowingly. Nails ran up and down her thighs, inching closer to panties every time, teasing under the elastic, but pulling back at the last second. 
Cadence brought her mouth to his again before she could protest, hand trailing lower. They slipped past the material, parting her lower lips
Aki pushed up her skirt, hooking his clawed hands under her waistband. As her panties slid down her thighs, he knelt again, breath rolling over her drenched and sensitive sex. She felt him lick Cadence’s fingers, drawing a throaty moan from the Siren. 
The licks were teasing, lapping at the sensitive skin of her abdomen, trailing around Cadence’s hand, but not actually touching her now exposed clit or folds. 
Now with the material out of the way, each breath was a white-hot flame of ecstasy. Elle whimpered, burying her hands in his hair, and finding his ears. He stiffened when she touched them, his cock growing hard, peeking out of his waistband. 
Now she had him. Holding him fast, she guided him back to where she wanted him to focus. 
He looked up at her, amber eyes glazed over as he drug his tongue slowly across her. Each lick felt like an eternity and Elle was about ready to fall over. Cadence cradled her, still holding everything open and allowing Aki access. 
The air was stirred by the cat man’s fast-moving tail, covering Elle in gooseflesh. Like the sharp and soft, heat and cold now warred, each one trying to be the one to bring her over the edge. She finally released him, bracing herself against the wall as the licks sped up, Aki seizing the back of her legs and plunging his tongue into her, the moans turning into screams of pleasure. 
And the vibrations from that send her over. Legs locked around his head, and he took it all in, moaning in gratitude, giving her one last squeeze… And his tail swatting her noisily on the ass. How, Elle wasn’t sure. 
The image of the empty café broke apart, and she was back in her apartment, legs splayed open on her bed, vibrator on her clit. Her head was swimming, all the sounds around her warbled and distant. The light from the afternoon was still bright, making her head start to pound. 
Staring up at the ceiling, she tried to catch her breath. 
Once the feeling in her legs had returned, she managed to roll off the bed and staggered to the shower. 
Something told her that this wouldn’t be the last time this happened. 
When she came out of the shower, buzzing rattled the nightstand. Seizing the toy, she pressed the button in an attempt to turn it off. 
Oh come on, I just bought this, don’t tell me it’s broken already.
She finally unscrewed it and let the batteries fall out. Once it was securely in a drawer, she stared at the bed, before collapsing onto it. She was still in her towel, hair damp. 
Thinking and the outside world could wait. Exhaustion had gone from a creep to a full-on throttle, and she wasn’t going to fight it for much longer. 
All that mattered was that she now had the choice. And it wasn’t going to get taken away because she was in a bad spot. 
I understand…
The words she’d wanted to hear. The only thing a Siren could speak about. 
Maybe in another life. Or a different time… 
But she couldn’t see it. At least not now. There was too much going on. 
Elle couldn’t help but feel relief join her exhaustion, the world breaking away as she fell into slumber.
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totesnothere04 · 11 months
From Heartbreak to Harmony: Alternate Ending
Tsu'tey x F!Na'vi!Reader
Disclaimer: I don't own any of the fanart, screenshots, or gifs.
Warnings: Rejection, and fluff. (In this version the RDA learned from the first time they fucked around and found out so they don't return😁)
Original Post
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Even after the war, you couldn't bring yourself to accept Neytiri and Jake after their betrayal. They had gone behind your back and made the bond without you present. It broke your heart that Neytiri would do this to you after you had courted eachother for 4 cycles. At the end of the day, you will be Eywa's voice in the future, and all grudges you hold must be let go. That does not mean that you forgave them for their actions. They still held rank in the clan but none of importance. Tsu'tey resumed his position as Olo'eyktan, even before his wounds healed, and not long after the war, Mo'at made an important decision.
"It is time for the two of you to mate before Eywa." Mo'at says and you bow your head. Tsu'tey places a comforting hand on the small of your back, and looks up with determination on his face.
"I would like to court her properly for a short time before we mate. After she provided such a caring and watchful presence for me during my healing, it is what she is owed. I would like to show her that I deserve to be her mate, as she has shown me that she deserves to be mine." Tsu'tey says and Mo'at gives a small smile.
"This has nothing to do with events that happened before the war?" Mo'at asks him.
"It does but only to an extent. She has been wronged and I want to show her that she can trust me." Tsu'tey says and you smile lightly at him. "I would like to start with this." Tsu'tey takes a necklace resembling his own from his bag and presents it to you. It's green in color and you smile at the gesture he had prepared for this specific conversation.
"Thank you Tsu'tey. It is beautiful." You say quietly and turn your back so he can put it around your neck. He does and once it's sitting in its rightful place you run your fingers over it gently. "I did not prepare anything for you." You say sadly and he takes your hand in his.
"Your consistent presence for my healing process was gift enough." Tsu'tey says and you frown more.
"As tsakarem, it is my duty to stand by your side." You say and decide you will prepare a proper courting gift for him.
"It is decided, and I give you the time of 60 eclipses to court before you mate." Mo'at says and leaves the two of you be. That conversation began the long arduous task of creating an intricately designed bow, fitting for an Olo'eyktan. For you, it didn't matter if he used it just that he liked it. However, you weren't going to go in blind. So you recruited his parents to help you come up with the design, and his mother especially was excited for your upcoming mating. You spent many early mornings and many late nights in their kelku as you carved him a new bow from the wood of the new Hometree. The first to be created with it, and it's fitting that it will go to the Olo'eyktan. The design resembled Eytukan's bow, but you carved three feather-like prongs from each end. When you got close to finishing it you frowned as you looked over it. You had been working on this bow for weeks, as you and Tsu'tey went on walks, and flights, ate meals together, and prayed together. So you felt something was missing from this design since you felt more for Tsu'tey than friendship now.
"Something is missing." You tell his mother who looks over at the bow.
"It is beautiful, and he will love it ma'ite." She says but you naw on your lip in thought.
"What if I add a natural glow to it?" You ask her and she becomes interested. "I can go gather some algae and moss and grind it into a paste so I can paint it to accentuate it."
"I like this idea. And you still have plenty of daylight to gather it today." She says and you nod and put the bow back in its hiding place in their home. You make your way out and start to gather as much moss and algae as you can find. However, you're approached by the two people you have not been interested in seeing for a while now.
"(Y/n) can we talk to you please?" Neytiri asks and gesture for her to continue talking as you go about your task.
"We wanted to apologize again and to ask you to join our mating." Jake says and you look up from the moss you just placed in a bowl.
"I do not hear this apology you both speak of frequently." You said and Jake looked like he'd been slapped.
"We're very sorry and we regret not waiting longer to pursue mating." Jake says and you wade into waist deep water with the bowl in hand.
"Yet you do not regret mating with each other?" You ask and Neytiri looks guilty.
"I'm sorry (Y/n). If I had known he was who you wanted to suggest as our third I would have waited." Neytiri says and you scoff.
"The Great Mother speaks to those who listen, yet you remain closed off to her mostly. For this, it will be your downfall and I will not accept your offer. I need a mate who understands my connection to the Great Mother and embraces it as I do." You say with finality. "I am busy so please leave me be." Jake and Neytiri sulk away and you continue your task. You get back onto the shoreline of the river and find a rock to grind the moss and algae into paste. You sneak back to Tsu'tey's parents kelku as best as you can with the bowl in your hands. When you enter Tsu'tey is standing there talking to his parents.
"Have you seen her today? I wanted to ask her to join me for a hunt." Tsu'tey says and his mothers eyes cast to you.
"Ah there you are (Y/n). Thank you for gathering this for me, you're such a sweet and caring tsakarem." His mother says as she takes the bowl from your hands and Tsu'tey relaxes when he sees you.
"You made glowing paste? For what?" Tsu'tey asks his mother and she waves her hand nonchalantly.
"We have been working on crafts for a few days and we wanted to add something special to them." His mother says and Tsu'tey seems to accept this and moves to your side.
"I wanted to know if you would not mind joining me for a hunt?" Tsu'tey asks and you smile. It had been a long time since someone had offered to take you hunting.
"I want to warn you I might not be the best hunter anymore." You tell him and he scoffs.
"You have been hunting since we were children. I do not believe that you will be bad at it now." Tsu'tey says.
"I would like to know when you would like to go hunting. I was just going to finish this project with your mother." You tell him and he nods.
"Would tonight be alright?" Tsu'tey asks.
"That would be wonderful. Thank you for inviting me." You tell him and he bows his head and then leaves. When you're sure he's out of earshot his mother becomes giddy.
"You can present him with your gift before you go hunting." She says excitedly. "It will be dry by then." You get the bow from its hiding place and you got to work. The paste was blue when in the light, but the light would give it the energy to glow at night. When you finished painting the accents around the edges you set it on Ateyo's bow stand with his permission. Both of his parents looked over the design with happy smiles and Artsut(his mother) set her hand on your shoulder.
"You will be a good mate for our son, as he will be a good mate for you." Artsut says and Ateyo nods.
"Artsut will ensure that. There will be none of the same nonsense that Neytiri pulled on you." Ateyo says and your ears pinned back at the thought of your former courtship partner.
"She and Jake followed me into the forest this morning. They tried to convince me to bond with them but I rejected their advances." You tell them and Ateyo makes a face of disgust while Artsut just clicks her tongue in disappointment.
"Let us not think of them and allow us to enjoy a late second meal." Artsut says and starts to cook some meat while you cut the fruit.
You spent the remainder of the early afternoon with Tsu'tey's parents talking, eating, and waiting. To say his parents were excited was an understatement. They were ready to be grandparents and had been since he was originally promised to Sylwanin. They knew the love he held for her and refused to force him into mating with someone else. This was why they were so happy when he willingly accepted being promised to you. Though it made you wonder if he only agreed because he pitied you, so you left your worries unheard as you went back to your kelku. The bow was hard to keep out of the eyes of The People since they were watching you and Tsu'tey form a bond. Tsu'tey stopped by your home before you left for the hunt, and you smiled at him when you saw him.
"Come in Tsu'tey." You offered and he fully came into your home. "I have a question for you before we go." His ears perked forward in interest and you knelt on the ground and he followed suit.
"Is everything alright?" He asks and you exhale a weary breath.
"This morning Neytiri and Jake followed me into the forest and tried to get me to mate with them, but I rejected them. But I want to know if you were willing to be promised to me if you pitied me." You said and he frowned.
"No. I may have lost my first love as she was returned to the Great Mother, but I have always felt close to you in some way. You were a safe space where I was allowed to seek comfort without being judged after Sylwanin's death. Because you were happily promised to Neytiri I never wanted to show my interest in being your third mate. It would have been expected of me to also provide Neytiri with children, but she reminds me too much of Sylwanin. You are different. Where Neytiri and Sylwanin were headstrong and willing to fight, you are spiritually strong and constantly finding new things to learn to help heal people comfortably. For that I admire you." Tsu'tey says and you wiped your eyes from the gathered tears.
"I do not expect you to love me as you did Sylwanin. Your bond was created by the Great Mother herself, but I thank you for trying to create a bond between us." You tell him and he reaches over to you taking one of your hands in his while his other hand gently rid your cheeks of the running tears.
"You are beautiful, strong, independent, and very smart." He says and you take a deep breath to stop your emotions from taking the form of happy tears. "But I would be a fool not to love you." And just like that you were crying and he was holding you. Allowing you to release your pent-up emotions. After a few moments, you calmed down and stood up.
"Before we go hunting I have a gift for you." You tell him and grab the bow. You present it to him and his eyes held shock as he gently took the bow from your hands.
"Is this the crafts you were working on with my mother?" He asks and you nod.
"It is my courting gift to you." You tell him and he seems genuinely touched by your gift.
"It is beautiful, yawne. Thank you." He says with a hand gently taking yours in his. At that moment something snapped into place for the both of you.
"I am ready to mate with you, yawntu." You whisper and his features soften even more. He puts his arrows on his new bow and puts it on his back. He helps you up from your seated position and you become confused.
"Where are we going?" You ask him and he smiles st you.
"We're going to the Tree of Souls so that we can mate before Eywa." Tsu'tey says and you happily follow him to your ikrans. Flying through the night with your soon-to-be mate was freeing. Knowing it wasn't just duty for the both of you felt very good. When you landed and approached the tree he offered his hand to balance you while you went up the raised roots. You both knelt infront of the tree and offered your tswins to eachother. As they embraced you were bombarded by feelings and thoughts that were yours and his. You felt his past heartache, his admiration for you, and his newfound love he held for you. In turn, he felt your former heartbreak, your recently discarded insecurities, and your love for him. The atmosphere quickly turned intimate and you consummated your bond that night.
When you returned the next morning came and you both returned smiling and holding hands, Mo'at gave you a knowing look. During first meal she announced your and Tsu'tey's recent mating. Neytiri and Jake deflated when the news was delivered but picked themselves up and moved on.
You discovered you were with child when you started showing the symptoms. Morning sickness, strange cravings, and lastly your breasts became tender. You strode off in search of Tsu'tey and found him speaking with Takuk and Jake about the next day's hunt. You waited until you believed the conversation was done and you gently set your hand on Tsu'tey's arm.
"Ma'yawntu." You say and he turns his attention to you.
"Is everything alright yawne?" Tsu'tey says and Jake crosses his arms with an annoyed look on his face.
"Everything is alright. I come baring news." You tell him and his ears perk forward. "I'm with child." Tsu'tey and Takuk reacted with happiness and excitement while Jake's arms fell limp and his face dropped in shock. A celebration was held for the conception of your child the next night.
As days dragged into months you birthed your first son, who you named Tsayet te Rengola Tsu'tey'itan. One child turned into two, and two years later when you brought Atseya te Rengola (Y/n)'ite, your daughter, to the world. A year later it became four when you adopted Spider and he was gifted the name Spider te Rengola Tsu'tey'itan. The same year you welcomed your second daughter Kitvea te Rengola (Y/n)'ite into your family. Tsu'tey and Spider got along surprisingly well given Spider's origins, but Tsu'tey only saw Spider as his own person. He did not see the tie he held to his birth father but as Spider got older he spoke with Norm about the possibility of Spider getting his own avatar. He wanted his son to beable to appreciate the world around him the way all Na'vi do. When Spider was 15 cycles he got an avatar and he passed through the eye of Eywa and returned to his permanent body.
He then sat as the eldest of your children but did not want to take the title of Olo'eyktan of your firstborn son. But Tsyet protested and asked Spider to train alongside him to give him the same opportunity he was given.
Mo'at passed away peacefully in her sleep during the 18th cycle of peace and the title of Tsahík was passed to you. Naturally you had been training your daughter to be tsakarem for this day, but she was more of a hunter than she was a healer. So you allowed her to choose if she wanted to continue her training or if she wanted to become a hunter. She chose to become a hunter and now your eyes turned to the potential mates of your eldest sons. You realized early on the connection Spider held with Kiri, Jake and Neytiri's eldest daughter. While Tsyet had set his sights on Ninat's daughter, and her only daughter out of 6 children. Then it was time to wait for one of them to make a move to start courting.
Inevitably you took both girls under your wing and nurtured both of their connections to Eywa. Though you started noticing Tsyet was drifting more into hunting. Then came the inevitable talk between you and your mate, and your eldest sons. Where Tsyet confessed he did not want to be Olo'eyktan and had seen Spider becoming Na'vi as a sign to pursue his dream of a simple life. Spider originally felt like he pushed his brother away from his birthright, but Tsyet quickly squashed that fear. Once again saying that he had wanted a simple life since he reached 13 cycles. When the time came Tsu'tey announced Spider as the next Olo'eyktan, Tsyet settled into the simple life he wanted with Ninat's daughter, Atseya became one of the clans best hunters, and Kitvea became a healer with Kiri and Ninat's daughter.
Spider and Kiri mated when Spider reached 25 cycles and the clan celebrated for weeks after. As the cycles continued you watched your family flourish and you and Tsu'tey couldn't be more proud of the life you created for your children. The humans never returned and Eywa'eveng was safe and peaceful.
Permanent Taglist(message me if you want taken off of it): @drinking-tea-and-be-obsessed, @kenzi-woycehoski.
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starrytowonder · 1 year
Success Stories ʕ⁠´⁠•⁠ᴥ⁠•⁠`⁠ʔ
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My posts on success stories seem to do well anyways, so here's so more to help motivate you. :')
Revising that my dog didn't run away: this one is more of a tear jerker. So I have a little Pomeranian dog, and for the time being he was being kept outside because we were doing house remodeling that had wood dust and other chemicals in the air that would be bad for him- so I thought keeping him outside would be safe. My dad decided to let him out of his closed area, and for a while my dog was just having fun running around! I decided to take a nap and just relax for the day since I had to do some writing earlier lol. Anyways, after I woke up, it was already late and around 6-7 pm, my dad walks in and he goes "is the dog in here?" while bursting in my room, and I said "no." and he just kinda scrambled off. My gut feeling just KNEW something was up, and I felt like shit for a good few seconds. I decided to try revising in case of the worst case scenario happening - having some more context, our house is literally next to a busy open street, if our dog got loose the chances of him being run over were extremely high. So anyways, after I "revised" (i simply stated "i have nothing to worry about, my dog is safe and in his house that he has outside), I just persisted. Throughout the day my parents and sisters avoided talking about my "missing" dog because they knew if I heard that he was gone, id have a meltdown. However they are not good at whispering or keeping secrets, so whenever i overheard them talking I would just affirm and remained calm. At around 10pm, my sister comes in my room annoyed ASF and this was the interaction:
Sis: do you know what just happened?
Me: Huh?
Sis: Oh...sorry we didn't tell you, *recaps what I just said*.
Me: the dogs missing?!
Sis: no, my dad went to go check in the dogs house and he was in there! He was inside of a hole where there were light cables ...blah blah blah.
So in conclusion for this story: by persisting that my dog never escaped and was in his house the whole time, he was. Simple.
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Having desired fanfictions written: this is more of a funny one that I do but just noticed that I do it. Whenever I join a fandom and absolutely drool over a character, i always want specific fanfictions written for them that don't exist when I join the fandom. So I'm always like "damn it'd be nice to have a fanfiction that does x" and then usually a few hours later a fanfiction with EXACTLY what I wanted is posted. Granted - they sometimes aren't written that well but regardless...they exist 😏🤞
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Remember how I was struggling with feeling pretty? I started using Slade's Incarnated sub to help. For the first few nights I looped that bad boy on repeat all night, and yeah the results were great! My acne faded and I lost tummy fat, and overall I felt so much prettier. For extra context I had some meltdowns before this (three to be exact) where I looked at myself in the mirror and burst into tears because I felt ugly. Now, after reading Slade's description for the sub, I realized that one of the benefits was sorta listed like: this sub works by also you not needing to overused it- which made me stop using it completely for one night. That night that I stopped using it, I woke up with some of the clearest skin I've had in a while and also longer lashes blah blah blah... basically how Slade said the sub would work. It's been a few days where I've done this and I've noticed that the results from the sub seem to be multiplying very well, I've started to feel even better by the day about how I feel and I know what I wanna look like etc. etc. I also used to have an awful neck hump cus of my shitty posture, and now it's basically gone!! My back so smooth now and my posture is also getting better lol dw.
All in all, ive gotten prettier both internally and externally, and i am so happy about it!
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sxnshinericciardo · 8 months
wait wait omg what about sewis with " sharing clothes in a totally friendly way" if you please?? i feel like lewis' fashion w seb would be incredible
i fear that this might be very different from what you imagined when you sent this request 😅, but the idea took hold of me so this is what we’re getting! hope you like it babe 💛.
warnings: takes place post-sex (nothing that happened is described), mentioned nudity but nothing is described, a few swear words, does not take place after any particular race.
here’s the prompt list this is from, feel free to send a prompt + a ship!
SHIRT SWAP. ❨ sewis. ❩
lewis doesn’t even realize he’d fallen asleep until the sound of the bathroom door opening wakes him up.
reluctantly peeling his eyes open, he watches the hotel room briefly illuminate from the bathroom’s light before it’s abruptly switched off and seb steps back into the room. it doesn’t take long for lewis’s eyes to adjust, given the bright moonlight spilling through the room’s flimsy curtains, and he can see that seb is wearing a loose-fitting t-shirt and some soft shorts, his shower-damp hair clinging to the back of his neck.
it’s definitely a change from the position he’d had the other man in less than twenty minutes ago, and for just a moment, lewis allows himself to think that seb looks just as beautiful right now as he did then.
but seb starts to move back towards the bed, his steps slow and leisurely, and lewis forces himself to shake the thought out of his head. he rolls over a little, tugging the sheets a little higher around his shoulders, but they fall off anyway when seb pulls them back to climb into bed.
“you need to shower,” seb murmurs, pulling the covers over his waist as he sits down and reaching over to grab his phone. “you still smell like motor oil, you’re going to stink up the bed.”
the words are lightly teasing but also serious, and lewis makes a point of grumbling as he heaves his tired body out of bed, taking in a sharp breath when the air of the hotel room, not cold but chillier in comparison to the warm sheets, hits his fully naked body.
“don’t be so dramatic,” seb teases as lewis trudges toward the bathroom, the exhaustion of the race earlier and their recent activities weighing down his steps. “the world is not going to end if you’re out of bed for a few minutes.”
“don’t think that’s what you were thinking a few minutes ago,” lewis quips back, and hearing an indignant huff and some shuffling behind him, he darts the rest of the way into the bathroom and shuts the door, just in time for the pillow seb’s thrown to hit the wood instead of him. he laughs loudly, their familiar back-and-forth suddenly making him feel a lot more energetic.
“oh, fuck you,” he can hear seb mutter, the comforting german accent muffled by the closed door.
“you just did, mate,” he says, raising his voice slightly so seb can hear, and laughs again when he hears another pillow hit the door before finally stepping into the shower.
it’s not exactly new, this thing between them. they’ve been doing it since they were both much younger, still basically horny teenagers who needed someone to fall into bed with after a race, either to celebrate a victory or try to feel better after a disappointment. it had tapered off somewhat towards the end of seb’s f1 career, with both of them maintaining that it was probably best to start getting used to not doing it before seb was actually gone, and this is the first time they’ve done it since the german has started coming to races again. lewis isn’t quite sure whether seb thought lewis wanted to do it or the action was driven by his own desires, but either way, seb had pulled him into a hug after today’s race, congratulated him on his podium, and pulled away with his hotel room keycard in lewis’s back pocket.
they’ve never exactly named it, what this whole thing is, either. lewis supposes the most correct definition would be friends with benefits, but it’s more than that, at least to him. he and seb have always had a connection, one that goes deeper than friendship; they understand each other, more than even others in the sport understand them, and they care about each other in a way that lewis doubts even the drivers who are the best of friends do. (except for maybe charles and pierre, but those two were practically in diapers together so it’s a little bit different; they’re in each other’s minds because they were around each other while their minds were still developing, not because they had an instant, innate connection the way lewis and seb did.)
but their little arrangement isn’t exactly romantic, either. they kiss, sure, and it’s nice, but they only do it because they both agree that sex doesn’t feel right without kissing, not because of any kind of sentimentality. and it’s not like they cuddle or fall asleep together or anything afterwards; whichever one of them whose room it isn’t gives himself a few minutes to calm down and get dressed before he leaves and goes to fall asleep in his own room, back to being alone in bed.
which… isn’t ideal, at least not for lewis. in private moments like this, with hot water falling around him and drowning out the world as it runs into his ears, he can admit to himself that he wants to stay, wants to fall asleep with his head snuggled into seb’s neck, able to feel the german’s heartbeat beneath his fingers as he drifts off. and he can also admit that he’s wanted this, wanted more, for a while, wanted it before seb even announced his retirement and wanted to stop what they were doing and left him without the one person who’d always been his anchor in this sport and kiss he had shared with someone to try and get over the departure tasting like ash and a very misplaced feeling of infidelity.
not that matters, not really. well, it matters to him, obviously, it matters more than any race or any championship he’s ever won or might win in the future. but it doesn’t matter in the long run. because seb doesn’t want any more than what they have now, and no matter how much it hurts to push his own desires aside, lewis is going to have to accept that. because he knows, more surely than he knows anything else - he’d rather have this ache in his chest for the rest of his life than risk ruining his relationship with seb. even if he doesn’t know, may never know, exactly what the fuck their relationship is.
it’s only when lewis steps out of the shower - after probably taking way too long, and he hopes seb isn’t annoyed with him for that - that he realizes he didn’t bring any clothes into the bathroom with him. even though there’s very little point in it considering seb has definitely seen every inch of him by this point in their lives, he wraps a towel around his waist before exiting the bathroom, leaving the light on so he can see without just going by the moonlight.
seb’s still sitting up on his phone, the pale light making his eyes shine in a way that’s totally different from how the moonlight made them look, and lewis has to force himself to stop noticing seb’s eyes as he makes his way to where their clothes had been discarded on the floor, two piles of fabric right next to each other.
“you took your time,” seb notes lightly, glancing up from his screen. his thumbs are still tapping away even though he isn’t looking - probably answering emails from whatever charity he’s working with at the moment, and lewis really has to force himself not to think about how much he loves the german’s dedication. “i was just joking, you know, you didn’t actually smell bad.”
“we really need to work on your joking voice, then, ‘cause you sounded fully serious,” lewis teases back, immediately followed up by, “where is my fucking shirt?” because he’s going through his puddle of clothes and looking around on the floor and under the chairs and the thing is not there. “did you see if it went under the bed or-”
it’s at that point he realizes that the shirt seb had discarded is still lying amongst the rest of his clothes. he also registers, a second later, a slight embarrassed hitch in seb’s breathing, and jerks his head up to look at the beautiful man sitting in his queen-sized hotel bed.
sitting there, lewis finally realizes, in his shirt.
seb clears his throat awkwardly, face flushing a bit in the glow of his phone screen. “i didn’t mean to grab it,” he says, sounding very much like he’s trying not to let his voice waver. “i didn’t even notice it was yours until i went to put it on after the shower. and, i mean-” he glances down at his lap for a second, muttering the last bit. “it’s comfortable. and it smells like you.”
and lewis’s first instinct is to make another teasing comment about how, according to seb himself, he doesn’t smell very good at all. but the words die on their way to his throat, drowned out by the sudden overwhelming feeling of warmth in his chest and the epiphany that, without him even realizing it, the exact change in his relationship with seb had already been made.
well. now that he’d actually caught up and realized it, might as well take advantage.
“‘s alright, mate,” he responded flippantly, bending down to grab his boxers from the floor and dropping the towel long enough to yank them on. “i hardly ever sleep with a shirt on anyway. besides…” he looks back to the beautiful man in the bed and, taking a slightly terrifying chance, winks. “it looks better on you than it did on me.”
the flush on seb’s cheeks gets a little deeper, and gives an internal celebratory fist pump. then, before he can lose his courage while he’s already ahead, he drapes his towel over the bathroom door and makes his way back to the bed, sliding under the covers next to seb.
“oh,” seb exclaims, looking over at lewis as he adjusts the covers around himself. “you’re… you’re staying?”
“yeah,” lewis replies, a stab of anxiety and doubt shooting through his chest, and he looks up at seb, suddenly feeling his earlier courage drain out of him. “do you… not want me to?”
his voice is small. he doesn’t hate it so much as he hates the fact that seb has to hear him like that.
but then a breathless, nervous smile takes over the german’s face, and seb is giving a small nod. “i do,” he says, voice soft, accent a little bit thicker. “i do want you to.”
and all at once, the anxiety is gone, replaced by bright sunbeams bursting into lewis’s chest, making him break out in a half-giddy returning smile.
“okay,” he replies, voice even softer than seb’s - and whether that’s just to match his tone or because of the breathless exhilaration taking over him, he can’t quite tell. “then i guess i’ll stay.”
“okay,” seb repeats, nodding again, still smiling, and then they don’t say anymore. they keep looking at each other for a minute, a silence exchange of all the words it’s definitely too soon to say but that they’ve both been thinking for ages, and then seb reluctantly turns back to his phone and keeps typing away. lewis lays his head down, closing his eyes - he really is exhausted, from the race and the sex and the emotions and everything - and just as he can feel sleep drifting into his senses, he hears the rustle of seb sliding a hand under the covers, and feels familiar fingers lacing with his own.
lewis doesn’t open his eyes. he just joins his fingers with seb’s, gives them one slight, loving squeeze, and slides into sleep with a faint smile on his face.
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rhoorl · 8 months
Week in Review | September 24
What a week! Luckily everyone around my neck of the woods is healthier and doing well. Hope you are staying healthy too. Thank you to everyone who reached out to check on me this week, Frankie hugs and forehead kisses to you all.
If you are new or haven’t seen my Week in Review posts before, I basically ramble about a bunch of different things. Fic recs are up first followed by some more feral thots (seriously what was in the water this week?! I blame it on the possibility of TF2.). Then I finish off by treating this post like my diary entry for the week and share some things I’ve been up to/looking forward to.
Here we gooo!
Fics I read this week:
Before I get started with my fic recs, I wanted to shout out this list that @frenchiereading put together of authors whose first language is not English. Kudos to all of these talented writers!
Frankie Morales
Third Time's a Charm (AO3 link) by jwritesfanfics - Frankie and reader have been together and broken up twice, will the third time be the charm? This story wrapped up but I finally caught up on the ending and it was everything I wanted.
The Pilot and His Girl by @avastrasposts - I don't want to spoil what happens in the latest chapter but ahhhh this series is just so so good and will be a fixture on this list until it's done.
Frankie’s Way by @morallyinept - This just had so many of my favorite Frankie elements in it - dad Frankie, hot Frankie, and some smut. Also, this would be a great set up to Triple Frontier 2 if (and hopefully when) that happens.
Your Plans & Those Slow Hands by @wildemaven - This was an ode to Frankie’s…well...hands, and what they can do. I’ll leave it at that and let you read it for yourself.
@trulybetty I still haven’t recovered from this …
Joel Miller
Pump by @hyzer34 - In this AU, Joel is a personal trainer and the reader is his latest client. All I’ll say is that if Joel was my personal trainer, I would be a lot more consistent with my gym routine. 
Burlesque by @cavillscurls - I caught the first part of this a while ago when I wasn’t as organized, so I was so excited when I stumbled upon part two. Young Joel ™️ met a showgirl in part one and they had a very steamy encounter and in part two he sees her out unexpectedly at a bar. I love Joel in all eras, but Young Joel ™️ really hits the spot for me these days.
@trulybetty answered an ask and we were treated to some Joel fluff.
Javier Peña
It's Never Too Late by @javierpena-inatacvest - I finally caught up and loved the most recent chapter. All I'll say is Javi dressed up as Hans Solo for Halloween was a visual I'll keep in my head for a while. 🥵 Besides that 😆 seeing Javi find happiness and love makes me so happy!
Marcus Pike
Cake by @trulybetty - The Pike Puddle is going to need to be renamed soon because there’s a lot of us and it’s getting deep! I have a real soft spot for Marcus, and this was a great combination of fluff with a little hint of spice. 
Agent Ortega
For the Night by @ladamedusoif - So I about lost my damn mind (in a good way) when I watched Pedro in The Sixth Gun and I was so excited to see some fics pop up in record time. I’m already a fan of this writer and their Mr. Ben fic Visiting (go check that one out!), so I was excited to see this story pop up. Agent Ortega was so hot, obviously, and so sweet and I loved that he was paired with a reader who was a little older. 
Dieter Bravo 
Destiny & Deliverance by @mysterious-moonstruck-musings This story just continues to get better and better even though it’s ripping out my heart in the process. What I love most, besides trying to guess the twists and turns, is the realistic portrayal of how complicated love can be, especially when you’re learning about someone and their history, while also processing your own past traumas (holy run on sentence but this is my stream of consciousness). I want to give Dieter and Talia both the biggest hugs. I also love the companion series Deconstructing Dieter Bravo that popped up which goes a little deeper into the events of the story (note, it has spoilers about the series).
Posts from this week:
Need a laugh while also getting some self-care? @morallyinept had special guest Frankie talk you through some great reminders for taking care of yourself (no pun intended).
Feral corner:
Ok, y’all. The feral corner is going to need to be renamed at the rate we’re going because this week … whew! The feral-ness was on another level. My notification were a hot ass mess so I’m sure I’ve missed some posts but there was just some absolute gold on the feed this week! The prospect of a Triple Frontier sequel is really what made us all absolutely bonkers.
I am proud to have instigated some fun. This is what happens when I pop into an inbox with an ask. I will listen to any TEDTalk @legendary-pink-dot will grace us with, especially related to Frankie. Here’s another fun thread. To those in the Catfish Pond PhD Degree program I see you. Although the school year has started, I’m sure our professor will still allow for late adds to the program!
We also got some lightened up GIFs (courtesey of @grogusmum) of that scene for Narcos. If you haven’t seen these yet, get yourself a cold drink and enjoy. 
The combination of gif and words by @intheorangebedroom … phew.
I also appreciated this ask I received from @goodwithcheese - any excuse to talk about the Triple Frontier boys is welcomed! I expanded further in this post (my Pinterest is now overrun with photos of men in gray sweatpants...)
Things I watched:
My husband and I did Baby Movie Swap yesterday (one of us goes to see a movie while the other watches our daughter and then we switch). He saw A Haunting in Venice which he liked, so I definitely am going to see that at some point. I went with my favorite coworker (the one who gave me the Pedro office calendar) to see the Expend4bles. We both have a thing for Jason Statham…long story and lots of inside jokes, but if you haven’t seen Spy you need to, he’s hilarious in it. Was Expend4bles a good movie? No. No it wasn’t. Did we have fun? Absolutely.
Also, I got a little surprise before the previews started and saw Pedro profiled as part of a Hispanic Heritage Month campaign AMC Theaters is doing. My husband went and saw his movie first and when the little profile came up he snapped a few photos and sent them to me lol
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Things I'm excited for:
We’re doing some family fun this morning followed by a little date night tonight when my husband and I go back to Halloween Horror Nights so I can shoot my shot at Joel Miller see the TLOU house along with some others. We’re also planning on going next Sunday too (trying to get my money’s worth on the pass I bought).
Also this week, my parents are coming to town for my daughter’s birthday. I can’t believe I’m going to have a two-year-old soon. Wow. 
Fic updates:
I had very ambitious plans for the last week but managed to put out Chapter 11 and 12 of Working Title along with a Frankie one-shot, Turbulence. Thank you to everyone who left such amazing feedback. I truly from the bottom of my heart mean it when I say it makes my day to read all of the comments and reblogs 💕 The little community I have found on here means so much to me!
I was having some trouble with the landscapers this week, but don’t fret, Chapter 6 of Delta Landscaping is done and I'm editing it so it should be up early this week.
Thanks as always for reading my ramblings, I hope you have an awesome week!
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danisbrainrot · 2 months
modern day taivan hc’s if they never broke up maybe………………………
taivan <3
ofc!! this might seem out of character but idk how else to write it considering they lived VERY different lives.
first, I think they would have broken up briefly after being rescued—just until taissa finished uni. but they'd miss each other everyday, and would flick through photos whenever it's quiet or its late at night.
they both move far away from their home town—too many bad memories.
that's why it's so shocking when they see each other randomly one day, bumping into each other somewhere that's so far from where they grew up. (literally tied together by an invisible string).
when they meet up again after like a few years, immediately tai flings herself into van's arms because she missed them so bad—it doesn't matter where they are, a bar, uni, on the street. she just needed to feel van's warmth again.
after dating for like two months, they move in together and start renting a shitty flat above a movie rental store, and van works there while tai works at some fancy lawyer firm. they make ends meet, and they get frustrated from time to time, but the nights always ends in them showing how much they loved each other.
whenever tai does the dishes it's compulsory for van to wrap her arms around tai's waist and snuggle her chin into the crook of tai's neck. they would do a lot of domestic fluff like this, because they just wanna make up for lost time.
the two of them snuggled on the couch while watching movies van borrowed from downstairs, popcorn bowl tucked neatly between them. they're drowning in blankets, but it doesn't matter because they're both just so comfy.
late night discussions about what happened in the woods because they need to find some way to process what the fuck happened out there.
van comforting tai when she starts sleep walking again. they try everything, even tying her to the bed post, but they end up finding work is stressing her out, so they go on a small trip upstate to visit their family.
I feel like life would be a lot slower and peaceful for tai, purely because van doesn't let her get on her bullshit. simone may have accepted and encouraged running for senator (or whatever she ran for, can't quite remember) but after not talking for a few years, van wants all of tai's time and attention. the idea of losing her to the election and strategy meetings is not appealing to her. she dissuades taissa, almost causing a rift in their marriage. but they find their way back to each other, again, cause invisible strings!
I don't think they'd have kids together, honestly. I'm open to changing my mind about that though.
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