#Lucas Sinclair x male reader
bjtch-craft · 11 months
About Me!!
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Hi, my name is Wyatt and I'm "new" to writing. I put new in heavy-ass questions because I've been writing stories since elementary school but I've been told I'm pretty good at it so do with that what you will! But I am new to writing fanfiction. I've been reading it for years and decided to dip my toes into this genre! This is also a MLM blog so if you are a woman or fem aligned please don't interact with this page thank you! I'm also a POC so some of my stories might have a slight nod to textured hair and brown skin but I'll almost always try to shy away from doing this! But you can always request a certain race. Anyways happy reading!!!
Fandoms I'll write for
Fear Street
Scream 1996-Present
The Quarry
Slasher Characters such as Brahms, Michael, Jason, Etc
Spider-Man (Any universe)
The White Lotus
Halloween 1978-2022
Stranger Things
American Psycho
What I'll Probably Write About
Fluff (Please request this y'all!!)
Smut (Maybe)
Angst (Definitely)
Characters I'll write for
Chad Meeks-Martin
Danny Bracket
Simon Kalivoda
Nick Goode
Quinn Mossbacher
Stu Macher
Billy Loomis
Brahms Heelshire
Jacob Custos
Dylan Levinny
Miles Morales
Pavitr Prabhakar
Peter Parker (Tom, Andrew, and Tobey)
Prince Eric (Live action because he to mf fine)
Corey Cunningham
Jonathan Byers
Steve Harrington
Jason Carver
Lucas Sinclair
Michael Myers
Jason Voorhees
Patrick Bateman
Miguel O'Hara
This blog is for a male-targeted audience so if you are fem aligned in any way please stay off this page. Thank you!
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willbyersboy · 2 years
Lucas Sinclair, Mike Wheeler, and Will Byers with a male!reader who is Dustins older brother
(Each of them are 15 in this fic btw)
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Lucas Sinclair
You met Lucas when you were dropping Dustin off at the movie theater to see a movie with Lucas
Lucas asked about who you were because Dustin had NEVER mentioned you before
Dustin just explained you were his older brother, just a year older than the group.
He had seen you around school, but never around Dustin.
Lucas was kinda pissed that Dustin had never brought up the fact he had a brother, but that was a conversation for later.
You smiled at Lucas before you drove away, and Lucas couldn’t stop thinking about you for the entire movie
If you go to any of his basketball games/play basketball he will always try to impress you.
You guys go on a lot of dates to gas stations and malls (mostly because Dustin asks you to get stuff for him and you wanna spend time with Lucas)
Once you brought Dustin with you on a date with Lucas and they just talked the whole time so. Never again did you bring him
Lucas thinks you’re super cool because you can drive a car, but he will never admit that.
If you play dnd with him he will be so happy bro
He hasn’t gotten to play it in a while and having his boyfriend play it with him?? He would be so excited
Most times when you guys wanna sleepover you guys stay at your house because Lucas does NOT want his boyfriend to be around Erica
He also wants to see Dustin too but won’t tell you that either
His favorite thing to do is go to your house
Lucas loves being able to hang out with his bestfriend AND his boyfriend without it being weird so
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Mike Wheeler
You and Mike first met when the group were younger.
It was in Mike’s basement and the group was all playing dnd when you came in to bring Dustin home because it was his turn to feed the cat.
Mike first thought you were just an annoying older sibling like Nancy.
He was totally wrong when he found out Dustin had told you about Eleven and you started asking Mike if there was anyway you could help.
And when you started playing dnd with the group thats when he fell in love
You asked him for help sometimes and he loved it
When you guys were older, you joined the hellfire group with Dustin and Mike.
You and Mike spent so much time together after that
A lot of times after hellfire you would comfort mike about Will and El being in california
But you were a little jealous because you assumed Mike just wanted to see El again.
All Mike really wanted was to be your boyfriend.
When you guys started dating it was when Mike went to California and you came along.
One night Mike was bored, so you guys decided to take a drive in your car.
There was no specific place where you were going, you guys just wanted to enjoy the sunset and the city in your car.
It was perfect, music was playing softly in the background, it wasn’t too cold or too hot outside, and you and Mike were just laughing and cheering.
When you parked the car, you both sat in the grass in some random spot and just stared at the sky.
You had put your hand in Mike’s hair, and his head was on your shoulder.
Eventually Mike just leaned up and kissed you, whispering that he loved you.
You stared at him in shock before telling him you loved him too, and fell asleep with him in your arms.
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Will Byers
You and Will first met when he moved to California.
You were in his science class and was his lab partner (idc if this is corny)
He thought you looked familiar but never knew why.
Until you guys were just talking about your lives and brought up siblings and that you had a younger brother named Dustin.
Will thought it was kinda weird that he thought one of his best friends brother was hot but he just ignored it.
After the project you guys became good friends.
You guys hung out outside of school and just talked and did whatever
He asked you out the day Angela made fun of Eleven when she tried to use her powers on Angela and it didn’t work.
You just yelled at Angela for being such a bitch and told her what she needed to hear
You also defended Will whenever people said shit to him
He was so in love with you at that point and you felt the same
He would never ask you out though, you had to ask him.
You did that by literally just saying “Hey umm, wanna be my boyfriend…?”
Will said yes and just jumped into your arms happily
When he meets up with Dustin again Dustin is so shocked that you are dating Will
But as long as his best friend and brother are happy, Dustin’s happy.
Sorry Will’s was kinda rushed 😜
Tags: @roxyrose9051 @whore4fictionalmen2004
@probablygonnahurtsomebody @urmom456 @mad-max2 @mccheeseyghost @sweeteagletidalwave @matt1228420 @g4ywastaken @sleepyhead1456 @sir-d0ll @bite-anon @applesauceinurmom @lilabailey18 @cheruchu @spicylbaby @i-can-still-smell-her-perfume @blindedveil @massivebooklover123 @sappynappysworld @mugiwaranicorobin @urfavundeademo @kamayout @nathaniel1110 @mi-yo-0 @korosecret @silevvar @luv4mike @oatmealcreampies @markzuckerburgsuckz @quadrisl @xomarryamox @newt-z @idekcrapdraws-blog @ynlnofficial @charliespring15 @siriusly-sassy @therealjazzy2 @aotmenarehot @plutodreamz @tskukisaltdealer @graciereads
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lukiep00s · 2 years
Empty hands
• Lucas Sinclair x male reader
• Genre: fluff
• Summary: After the arcade date you and your boyfriend Lucas decided to walk to his house, but Lucas notices your hands look empty.
• A/n: I love lucas so much<3
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“That was so fun!” [Name] said, a smile appearing on his face. “I’m glad you think so.” Lucas said trying to be cool for his boyfriend. “So what do you wanna do next?” [Name] said as the two walked out of the arcade. “Well maybe we could go to my house and watch a movie.” Lucas said giving [Name] a smile back. “Sure.” [Name] said, as the two started to walk to Lucas’s house.
The two continued to carry out their date smoothly, talking to each other, and just enjoying one another’s presence.
But Lucas couldn’t help to notice [Name’s] hands. They looked normal, but they were missing something.
They were missing his hands.
I mean, they looked so lonely without his hands.
Now Lucas thought about how he could hold [Name’s] hand but those plans were horrible.
Then it hit him.
He had the petition plan, it was smooth and it would definitely make him look cool in front of [Name].
[Name] noticed that Lucas was off. “Earth to Lucas!” [Name] yelled, softly pinching Lucas’s checks. “What? What’s wrong?” Lucas said snapping out of it. “You zoned out for a second, Is something wrong?” [Name] asked, looking at Lucas. “No, I’m fine.” Lucas said giving [Name] a soft smile.
Now Lucas had to find a way to initiate his plan.
“Hey [Name], you know I have an empty hand, you have an empty hand, and they both seem lonely.” Lucas smiled closing his eyes, hoping that his plan would go smoothly, his hopes going down when [Name] stayed silent.
“Lucas! Are you gonna hold my hand or what?” [Name] said sticking his hand out towards his boyfriends.
Lucas gave [Name] a huge smile, gently holding [Name’s] hand. “You could’ve just simply asked.” [Name] laughed. “I know, I was just-” Lucas said only to be cut off by his boyfriend. “Scared that I’d say no?” [Name] said. “Yeah…” Lucas admitted.
“I would never ever say no to such a handsome face.” [Name] teased, Lucas smiling at the compliment he just received.
“I love you.” Lucas said, looking at [Name], giving him a warm smile
“I love you to.” [Name] said, a smile appearing on his face.
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r0b1ns · 2 years
Couldn't find any Lucas x male reader fics so I wrote one myself, as he's one of my favorites.
If someone wants a part 2 just ask I'll gladly continue it! Hope you enjoy
PART 1, part 2
CW: one or two curse words?
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You were new to Hawkins High
You and your family moved to town not too long ago, and you had to start your second highschool year just a few days after.
You decided to walk to school to get familiar with the town, you don't live far anyway.
You were nervous, didn't know anybody or where everything was. It wasn't your first year so everyone probably had friends, and they wouldn't want you to burst into their groups.
You made it to the school gates, there were so many people, it was over helming, but you couldn't do anything about it, so you just accepted it.
You didn't have to go to the principal, as you already got your schedule, but you were still late to the first class.
The classes were boring, it was the first day of the school year, and every teacher either spent all the time that had to introductions, or simply presented the class what the materials are for the following year.
You were one of the first ones to the cafeteria, the food didn't look so good, but your stomach were growling so you didn't have any choice.
There was an empty table, well not entirely empty, two guys were sitting next to each other, but it was the best option. As you set you observed the two guys in front of you; they were both wearing the same shirt, "HELL FIRE CLUB". You guessed the club was in school, as they were wearing it in school.
After a few minutes, more people came to the table, and you were now sitting at a full table.
It was bearable, until a boy, who looks a little younger than you said there would be a game tonight, and a guy named Lucas couldn't come. The long hair guy looked irritated, and started doing a weird speech, so you got out of there.
The rest of the classes were the same, and all you wanted to do is flop on your bed and watch your favorite movie, but you wished for it too early.
When you came home, your mother called you to the kitchen, she claimed she had something to tell you.
"Your father is meeting with his new boss and his wife, we offered to serve a dinner at our house, so be prepared" she said with a stern voice
Shit. You really didn't have the energy to sit hours in a chair, and listen to your father talk about work. You had to think of something, you couldn't stay in your room, your mother wouldn't let you, so the only option was to go out. But where?
You didn't know the place, didn't know anyone you could spend the evening with...Oh! The game the weird guys were talking about, it's tonight.
"Actually mom we have a school event tonight, I have to be there, so I can't stay with you" technically it wasn't a lie.
"Oh ok than, be back at 10 understood?"
"Yes mom" you walked to your room to take a shower, it was a hot day.
At 7:00 PM you were out of your door, you only changed your shirt, there is no point in wearing different pants, they're not dirty.
When you entered the gym, it was already full. You sat at one of the higher rows.
You didn't particularly played any sports, but you enjoyed watching other people play.
When the players entered you noticed a guy with the name 'Sinclair' on his shirt. This was the guy the group from the cafeteria mentioned. You heard from the speech guy.
He was nice looking, kinda tall, dark skin, curly hair, fit. You couldn't help but watch him all throughout the game, he was also the one to score the winning point to the team. But you didn't have the chance to talk to him, as him and his teammates went celebrating somewhere.
As you were laying in your bed, you couldn't stop thinking about him, great,you developed a crush on the first day of school. He was probably popular, and hang out with the jocks. You hoped it'll go away, he's probably straight anyway.
The next day at school you actually started learning stuff, and not just saying your name and sharing you favorite animal or food. Speaking of food, you sat at the same spot you sat last day at the cafeteria. Someone tapped your shoulder
"Excuse me, can you move one spot please, if it's not a problem, I want to sit next to them" it was Lucas, he pointed to the boys you sat with the day before
"Oh yeah of course, sorry" you said and moved one sit to the left, so he could sit between you and his friends
"No problem, thank you" he had a nice voice, you thought "I'm Lucas Sinclair by the way, I haven't seen you around here before, are you new?"
"Oh yeah it's only my second day here. I'm (name)" you smiled "by the way I saw you last night at the game, you saved your team"
"Oh thank you haha" he looked surprised "it's actually my first time playing in a real game" he said with an awkward smile
"Than I'm glad I saw this specific game" WHAT ARE YOU DOING, flirting with a guy who's probably straight, and probably has a girlfriend
But he smiled, maybe you had a chance after all?
The rest of the "meal", if you could call this thing on your play a meal, was silent. Well, not silent, but at least you and Lucas didn't talk much.
You did occasionally steal glances at each other, but none of you dared talking to one another.
That night you decided to go to the arcade. A girl who sat next to you in class told you about it. It was a 15 minute walk from your house. When you got there you were surprised to see Lucas. He was with a girl.
You felt your stomach twist. You didn't even know him, you didn't have any right to react like that, but before you could go somewhere else he noticed you and waved you to come.
Oh god.
"Hi (name), this is Max, she's in my year, Max this is (name), he's new here" he introduced you to the girl, who you know now as Max
She smiled at you but didn't say anything.
"Soo...are you here alone?" Lucas asked you
"Yes, I don't really have any friends yet" you were embarrassed to say that, but that's the truth.
"Wanna play with us? I will teach you if you don't know how, I'm really good at this game" he offered
"Oh I don't wanna interrupt you guys"
"It's fine we're just hanging out" Max said
"Ok than"
It was fun, in fact very fun.
You learned that Lucas and the club he's in, the hell fire club, is a D&D club. You heard about this, but never actually played. It sounded too complicated for you.
"You want me to teach you? I have free time, and it's not so complicated, it just sounds hard" you didn't really want to, but you said yes just to hang out with him more
"Great! Tomorrow at 7 PM at mine ok?"
"Yeah sure"
We separated our own ways, and as soon as your head hit the pillow you.... barley slept. Couldn't stop thinking about tomorrow, and how hard it'll be to focus on the game, and not look at Lucas Sinclair.
!gif is not mine!
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i’m so desperate for x masc reader fanfics with my ideas that i may start writing, even though i’m 98% sure i’m a shit writer.
like i KNOW i can just request stuff, but i simply have too many ideas, generally very specific ideas (and the little things i have requested i’m pretty sure r never being done lmao)
the only thing i KNOW i could do right is shit like grammar and punctuation n shit, i’d check over whatever i wrote like six times 💀
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keep-it-strange · 2 years
Welcome To: Informational Post
Hello hello, welcome to my blog. In this pinned post, you will find all the information you need to know about my blog. First, let's have an introduction.
My pronouns are he/they, I'm 20 years old, I'm not really sure what else to say, but if you have questions feel free to ask. This is my Harry Potter blog, this is my Stray Kids blog, this is my Tomorrow x Together blog, this is my Ateez blog and this is my Walking Dead blog.
Rules for my blog:
I only write for Stranger Things
Requests are open
Inbox is open
16+ for smut
Any asks/requests that go against my rules and/or make me uncomfortable will be deleted
Only send requests in my asks, do not message me your request
Requests from women or fem aligned will be deleted
Women and fem aligned DO NOT INTERACT
Women and fem aligned will be blocked
Female reader blogs will be blocked
I will write:
Male reader
Gender neutral reader
Dom reader
Top reader
Most kinks
Poly relationships
Trans man reader
Trans masc reader
I won't write:
Female reader
Fem aligned reader
Piss kink
Shit kink
Sub reader
Bottom reader
Ship fics
Smut with minors
Pseudo incest
Smut with afab reader (I don't have a vag so idk how to write smut with afab reader)
Who I write for:
Steve Harrington - Masterlist
Eddie Munson - Masterlist
Johnathan Byers - Masterlist
Billy Hargrove - Masterlist
Peter Ballard/Henry Creel - Masterlist
Argyle - Masterlist
Robin Buckley (Platonic only) - Masterlist
Nancy Wheeler - Masterlist
Jim Hopper - Masterlist
Joyce Byers - Masterlist
Dustin Henderson - Masterlist
Lucas Sinclair - Masterlist
Mike Wheeler - Masterlist
Will Byers (Male reader only) - Masterlist
Jane (Eleven) Hopper - Masterlist
Max Mayfield - Masterlist
Goodbye From: Informational Post
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pairing: lucas sinclair x male!volleyball player!reader
requested: [yes] no
requested by: @legacy-esta2
warnings: angst. mentions of homophobia. fluff. no use of y/n(surprisingly).
You had a game coming up which you had been oooking forward to for weeks. You obviously told everyone you knew, including your boyfriend.
You were bold enough to be open with your sexuality and who you loved despite the fact that many people in town now hated you for that.
Lucas could relate to your excitement about sports since he was on the basketball team and you attended all of his games. And you mean every single one of them.
They meant so much to him so of course you’d go. However, recently you noticed he got back into hellfire and while you were supportive he was spending majority of his time between basketball and that
You didn’t say anything, why should you? It wasn’t your business and didn’t bother you. Until now.
“Where is he? You murmur as you scan the crowd before your game. Your parents and friends were there, the ones that didn’t play hellfire anyway.
You never were too close with Lucas’ friends but were friends and you thought they’d come too alongside Lucas.
You couldn’t focus for long because you had to do your game. It took place as usual and once you were finished you stood outside.
Your Mom was busy talking and you didn't want to wait and you regretted not staying with her because you saw Lucas and his friends exit a door from the school.
And when he made eye contact with you, He knew he was screwed from the panic on his face.
He calls your name as he approaches you. You turn away. “I’m sorry.. I forgot.. he says nervously but you know he’s being truthful.
“What the hell, Lucas? You say turning around.”I never forgot a single game of yours and you go to the Hellfire with the guys who actually forgot your games and don’t even enjoy them!”
“What the fuck? Lucas replies.”that was a mistake and forgetting it was a mistake. Listen I won’t do it anymore.”
“I don’t know if I can trust you, You reply, seeing your mom and walk beside her sadly. Lucas’ friends also look sad as you leave.
You weren’t sure on how to feel.
A few days went by, almost a week and Lucas kept attempting to speak with you. You so badly wanted to accept but knew you couldn’t. Not yet anyways.
You tried to think it over when Lucas climbed through your window. You tried holding in a laugh but couldn’t.”Lucas what are you doing here?”
“To apologize, He says.”I fucked up and I’m so sorry. I promise I won’t do it again. So I did make sure to write down your schedule to find out when your games are.”
You smile, sitting up and hugging him.”I forgive you, especially putting in effort.” He smiles back.”So we’re cool?”
“Yeah, we’re cool.”
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beingthegayindigo · 2 years
Stranger Things Masterlist
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Mike Wheeler
Lucas Sinclair
Dustin Henderson
Steve Harrington
Cutie Boy
Why Choose Who’s First? (ft. Eddie Munson)
Eddie Munson
A Day In The Life
Why Choose Who’s First (ft. Steve Harrington)
Jonathan Byers
Weed And Sweat
Pt.1      Pt.2
Billy Hargrove
He Found Out
We’re Boyfriends, Right?
Jason Carver
Henry Creel/Peter Ballard/One
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quits-writing · 2 years
stranger things x older brother figure! rich! reader
a/n: to celebrate stranger things s4 vol 2 coming out today in a few hours, i’ve decided to give us all masc aligned people a treat before shit goes down, enjoy.
cw: contains some scenes from the series (not enough to spoil), mentioned homophobia & fragile masculinity, bullying scenario, messy cuz i just put whatever random shit pops up to my mind and im also writing this at 1:30 am, NOT PROOFREAD!!
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depending on your personality, it’s either the group would see you as the “cool” brother like in the movies or the “annoying” brother in real life
as kids, you’d have to defend them against bullies, seniority scares majority of the kids.
but if they don’t want you to interfere, they’d just ask you on how to defend theirselves
tell them some witty comebacks
yeah i don’t think they can do it without it leading into a physical fight so you’d have to watch their back before it becomes one
spoil them! buy them action figures, comics, new set of dnd miniatures. they’d worship you…for 5 mins before hyper-focusing on that same item you bought for them
you’d be such a big help to joyce and jonathan if you decide to fund and help them with the will situation in s1
jonathan actually talked to you, also joyce’ll treat you as her other son
imagine having a platonic relationship with max, your relationship is the relationship she wishes she has with billy
billy would probably spite you for it (he’s jealous and doesn’t want to admit it lol)
oh, and the group would probably jokingly make you compete with steve for the “best mom older brother” award (dustin would also make eddie compete too if you’ve met each other already)
somehow, they’ll find a way to turn your words against you
okay. imagine s3, the vent scene with erica
m/n: alright. how much do you want, kid? hundred? thousand? a million bucks?
robin: you’re gonna offer, a child, a million? do you even have a million on-hand?
m/n, a rich teen: uh yeah??? 🧍
robin: okay, what the actual fu–!
if you’re part of the LGBTQIA+, and openly into men or in touch with your femininity. mike’s dad would try and tell mike to not be associated with you again (sorry but he reeks of homophobia and fragile masculinity)
remember that one scene in s4 (ep 5, 1:00:52) where he’s so salty at dustin and the gang for hanging out in their house? that but insert m/n there
mr. wheeler: –why not? take us for all we’re worth
dustin: oka–
m/n: if you care so much about your money, then here’s a fucking stack. thank you so much for your hospitality”
mr. wheeler: *is baffled by the amount of cash a teen could have* how’d you get this money??
m/n: oh i’m actually am a stripper and i have a sugar daddy– of course, i worked for it, obviously. i have a job.
dustin: *whispering* holy fucking shit, you’re so cool
if you have “old rich” money than “hard earned” money, it’s the same thing but probably less “cooler” in their eyes
if not all of them, at least one would keep bugging you on what job you have to earn a lot of money
some would say, they’re still bugging what you do for a living ‘til today
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kanataka-san · 2 years
Jason: You make me gag (L/N)
(Y/N):*calmly sitting down next to Eddie* Then don't take me so far down next time Carver.
Eddie: *chuckles*
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xmalereader · 2 years
Eddie Munson X Professor! Male Reader || ONE ||
|| Masterlist || TWO ||
Authors note: This idea just came to me and I couldn’t let it go, just to let you know this takes place during the mid 90’s. We’re going to ignore Vol 2 and say that Vecna gets defeated and everything is perfect! Sort of…anyways, enjoy this long ass shot that I created and be ready for the next part soon! If you want to be tagged on the second part let me know! I rarely do tags but I’m willing to do it for this one ☺️!
Summary: Eddie survives the upside down and Vecna is no more. After turning back to Hawkins, the town continues to hate him and decided to leave town and find his way to college, giving himself a new future and another chance at life. He just didn’t expect himself roll around in his Professor bedsheets.
Warnings: Fluff, angst, NSFW, Eddie and reader are in their 20s, age gap, Professor reader, student eddie, 90’s, Dustin is sarcastic, mentions of the upside down, anxiety, panic attacks, kissing, dating, mentions of failure, eddie has fears, reader is a sweetheart, good boy kink, secret relationship, teasing, sexual tension.
Word count: 6.2k ( Originally it was 12k but I cut it in half )
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Eddie is a twenty three year old in college and living away from Hawkins. After the small town grew to hate him for something he didn’t cause, his own uncle was able to help him escape the hell hole of a town. Providing him enough money for a new place and to apply for college. Eddie didn’t see himself as a college man, too busy focusing on his Music and playing around with fifteen year old children with their D&D campaign.
Eddie knew that if he stayed longer in Hawkins, people would continue to hate him for the death of Chrissy. So, Eddie packed up his things and said goodbye to his uncle and to his friends. He promised them that he is to visit during the holidays and spend his time back here where his family and friends. But, so far Eddie has been too busy with his classes and trying to pass his third year there. He’s so close to graduating and he can’t allow his grades to slip.
He didn’t expect himself to become a straight A student, spending most of his time studying since he didn’t make many friends in the city. He did try to make some friends but it’s like people never understood his chaotic energy, causing him to close up and remain quiet whenever he was alone or with crowds. He told himself that he had one year left, one year of college before he graduates and then he’s finally able to leave. Maybe head back home to Hawkins and see his old friends or perhaps start over in a different state that’ll accept him for him.
Eddie was still growing up and his future was ahead of him. Summer break was approaching and his semester was ending, finals were approaching and he wasn’t doing good in Literature. The man never really liked the class, it was too boring and quiet, he never understood the assignments and his professor…
His professor was something else.
Eddie didn’t expect himself to fall in love with his literature professor, he never really cared about gender. Eddie rolled both ways and he didn’t mind that, he just didn’t expect himself to gain a crush on his twenty-five year old professor. One of the youngest professors on college campus.
Everyone knew who Professor Y/n was, he was the youngest and smartest man there. Every girl who took his class also had a crush on him, hell. Eddie wouldn’t be surprised if the guys fell for him too. Y/n was polite and patient and his voice was soothing, Eddie could listen to it all day but because of his distractions in class he was failing and badly.
Eddie continued to fail each quiz and if he didn’t pass his final he would have to retake this class again for next semester, not that he minded really—but he couldn’t see himself going down that road again. He didn’t want to fail again. So, Eddie stays after class, once the room is empty he approaches his professor who was busy packing up his things.
“Uh, professor Y/n?” He calls out, tilting his head to the side only to be startled back when his professor faced him. A smile on his lips as he puts his books in his bag. “How can I help you, Munson?”
Eddie gaps. “You know my name?”
Y/n chuckles. “Of course I do, why wouldn’t I know my number one failing student?”
Eddie didn’t know if he was being sarcastic or honest but the way his voice pitched and his smile widened made him feel like he was being mocked.
“Right, about that.” Eddie clears his throat. “I know I’m failing this class and wish to pass it so that I don’t have to retake it next semester. I was wondering if there is a way that I can still pass, maybe do some extra credit?” He asks, nervously fidgeting with his rings on his fingers.
His professor sighing deeply, leaning his hand against his desk as he thinks. “I can provide extra credit but I suggest finding a tutor who can help you.”
“Why not you?”
“I’m your professor, Munson. I can’t tutor you while grading everyone’s work.”
“I know, but just this once. A private lesson with you so that I can understand the assignments better.” Eddie pleads, he was desperate to pass this damn class.
Y/n latched his book bag, holding it in his hand before turning to face Eddie. “Alright Munson, just one lesson. In my office tomorrow after three.” He instructs, causing Eddie jump in victory. A smile crossing his face as he laughs, “you won’t regret it!” Eddie reminds him before bolting out of the classroom.
Eddie spends the whole day doing his assignments in the library, completing them in order to provide them to his professor for further feedback. He wants to make sure that he’s doing it correctly and to at least understand some of the work. He spends all day getting his work done until night falls, causing him to look up from his work and stare at the window. The sun was setting and the library was closing soon.
He takes his time packing up and remembers that he is suppose to contact Dustin today, catching him up on his daily life and listening to Dustin ramble on about his adventures in Hawkins or the weird shit that he and his friends got into. The good thing about being friends with the little bastard is that he’s able to help him communicate without having to use the phone.
Dustin gave Eddie a special radio that’s easy for them to talk through without him having to stand in an empty quiet hallway, talking to Dustin without thinking of other students eavesdropping on their conversation, the thought of people staring at him made him feel anxious. He’d rather have his conversation in private and enjoy the stories dustin tells him. It doesn’t take long for him to arrive back to his private room, he got lucky when he first came to the city. He had enough to afford a private room since he wasn’t willing to share and he wanted his privacy.
Approaching his desk he sets his bag on the floor and sits down, taking the radio in his hands and turning it on. “Earth to Dustin, earth to Dustin. It’s six-thirty our usual meeting time. Are you there?” He sits silently, hearing the static but no response back. “Dustin, you there?” Still nothing. “Anyone?” The static was back on, silence filled the room. It was strange for Dustin not to answer, but there could be a possibility of the kid being busy.
Eddie sighs in defeat after trying a few more times and still no response. So, he turns off his radio and sets it back down on his desk, leaning back in his seat as he stares at the blank ceiling. His room is quiet, the halls are quiet too, he’s spent the last few years like this, Locked away in his room and repeating the same routine over and over again. Nothing ever changed, he’s tried to go to parties or go out for drinks every once an awhile but no matter what he did he always felt Lonely.
Eddie yawns deeply as he comes to stand from his seat, walking over to his bed and falling down face first. Instead of waiting for Dustin’s reply he decided to get some early sleep, he wouldn’t have his first class until noon and had the rest of the morning to himself.
Eddie had forgotten about his private lesson with professor Y/n. He was too focused on getting things done that he nearly missed meeting the professor once it hit three, arriving to his office on time and knocking on the door. It only took a few seconds before his professor is letting him inside, pushing the door open to reveal his professor sitting at his desk while looking into his previous class work.
“Munson, your late.”
“By five minutes.” Eddie mumbled out, closing the door behind him and walking up to his desk, sitting across from him and dropping his bag down on his lap. He pulls the zipper open and digs out his notes and assignments. “I took my time to get some things done first—want you to check them first and see what it is that I’m doing wrong.” He sets the small stack of papers on the desk, pushing them forward as Y/n takes the assignments and hums. It only takes him a few seconds to look at the assignments before saying. “It’s not that you don’t get the assignment, you just don’t know what to say.” He takes one of the essays. “For example, your writing about the story, providing a summary.” He explains. “But you’re not explaining on how it made you feel—write it like you've experienced it and want others to know about it.”
Eddie sits back, taking in the information. Maybe his professor was right, every time they did a new assignment he would usually complete it by what he knows and not by what he learned. He sighs to himself, leaning forward and staring at his essays. “What do I have to do to get a passing grade?”
Y/n smiles. “Well, since your very determined to get a good grade how about this.” He pushed his chair back, opening his drawer and pulling out a folder, he digs through it until he finds the paper work he was looking for. He sets it in front of Eddie. It was all of his past quizzes “I’ll let you redo your quizzes, if you can at least pass five of these I’ll be able to change your grade—along with one of your essays. Once you show me that you can get this done correctly, then maybe you can pass your final.”
“And if I don’t?”
Y/n sits back in his seat. “Then you fail.” The professors honesty earned him a wince from Eddie. He looked tired and stressed, knowing what he has to do in order to get his passing grade. Eddie didn’t want to fail again, he nearly failed at school and they could have failed killing Vecna if it wasn’t for him distracting the bats along with Dustin. He looks at his assignments and with a soft nod he agrees to the terms. “How long can I take?”
“I’ll give you two weeks, give yourself some time to correct these. While also trying to ace my next quiz and essay coming up.” Eddie mentally groans to himself, not only is he correcting his work but he’s getting more work piled up. He felt behind in this class and he was so close to dropping out of it, but he’s in to deep.
“Alright,” Eddie stands from his seat, clutching the assignments in hand. “I’ll get these done before next week hits—“
“Eddie, don’t stress yourself.”
“How can I not? Finals is approaching, your class is the only one I’m failing and I can’t let that happen. I’m so close to graduating and I can’t have anything set me back.” Eddie was desperate to pass, he only had one year left before graduation. All of his classes were passing but this one, no matter how small the set back was.
Y/n was slowly feeling guilty. Yes, he was a strict teacher towards students and they always tried to find ways to get things done easily but Eddie was different. He can see the determination in his eyes of wanting to pass this year without having any failing classes. So, he stands from his desk and rounds the table, taking the assignments from Eddie and only giving him two.
“Why don’t we do this instead—you get these two done by tonight and tomorrow you see me again and I’ll grade them, provide feedback, and see what I can do to help. Will take small steps.”
“And the essay?”
“Essay comes last, focus on getting these done first and the upcoming quiz you have this Friday.” Eddie slowly smiles at his professor, glancing at the assignments before nodding. “Alright, Will see each other again tomorrow.”
“Tomorrow, same time and in my office.” He explains, watching Eddie nod before leaving his office. Y/n sighs to himself and leans back in his desk, smiling softly to himself, before putting the rest of the assignments away.
Eddie is quick to correct his work, setting it aside as he gets started on studying for the next quiz that is coming up this Friday. He’s distracted by everything that he doesn’t hear the radio going off, the sound of Dustin’s static voice as he calls out to him.
Eddie is startled out of his study, turning around in his chair to stare at the radio next to his bed, going silent as he waits for another response. Hoping that it wasn’t his imagination.
“Come in Eddie!” He hears Dustin’s annoyed tone, the same tone that reminds him of the kids big fat ego. Eddie sighs to himself, setting his stuff aside before standing from his seat and snatching the radio from his bedside, clicking the button down as he speaks back. “It’s late Dustin, this better be good.” It was nearing eleven and he’s been up all night completing his work and getting ready for his next quiz for this week. He didn’t have time rest or sleep, too focused on getting it done.
“Geez, can’t take a small break?” He hears Dustin ask on the other end.
Eddie chuckles to himself, shaking his head. “Not when I’m trying to pass a class. Do you want me to visit Hawkins or would you like me to stay here instead?” He questions.
The radio goes silent. He can already imagine Dustin’s frantic panic at the thought of him spending summer break in the city then back with him and his friends in Hawkins.
“Are you crazy?! You really think I can stand the others without you for the next four months?!”
Eddie responds back with a laugh, he know how well Dustin gets along with everyone else but the little bastard always found ways to find something annoying about them or get themselves into trouble. Henderson was a ball of energy and sarcasm, he was a genius but the kid was easily attached to him and if he missed this year to visit Hawkins. Dustin would for sure come after him.
“Don’t worry my little warrior, I’ll be there next month. I just need to ace this final and you guys can have me for the next four months out.” Eddie stands from his bed, walking towards his desk and putting his finished assignments away in his bag, he leaves the unfinished work to the side. It was easy to complete and could get it some during one of his other periods, right now he was mainly focused on professor Y/n’s quizzes.
Eddie froze at the thought of the Professor having to teach him everyday, privately. Everything was quickly coming to him, the thought of the two of them spending majority of the day together. He did have a crush on the Professor and knew that nothing is to happen between them. Eddie didn’t know if his professor even had a thing for men or women? He never heard or seen his professor with anyone romantically, maybe he was single and preferred to keep it that way?
Eddie was too distracted by his sudden thoughts that he doesn’t realize Dustin talking to him through the radio. The kid was rambling about Steve and his friends and what they are planning on doing for the summer. He shakes the thoughts out of his head and focused on the conversation, listening to Dustin talk.
“—anyways, oh! Steve said that a family friend of his was visiting town and that he won’t be around much.” He could hear the eye roll. “Son of a bitch promised to take us camping but he’d rather spend time with someone he rarely knows.”
Eddie hums. “Maybe he’ll ditch his guest and continue on with the camping plans.” He shrugs his shoulders, moving silently around his room and getting ready for bed. “Either way, talk to Steve about the plans and see if they got changed or if we can still do the camping idea. Right now, I have to get some rest—got to meet with my professor tomorrow and gotta get ready for my finals.” He lets Dustin know about his plans for tomorrow, before Dustin can say anything else he’s quick to turn off the radio.
He tossed it on the empty side of his bed, getting under the sheets and lying down in the darkness after he turned off the remaining lights, which was really his light desk. He tries to get some shut eye but the thought of seeing Y/n again keeps him awake for the rest of the night.
Eddie barley got any sleep once morning hit, dark bags under his eyes and hair all messy. It takes him a few minutes to get ready for the day, ignoring the way his eyes looked as he got his things and heads out of his dorm. He makes his way downstairs, ignoring any other morning students that he passed. After staying in the city for a few years he’s grown to distance himself from others he didn’t really like.
He’s been known as the ‘freak’ of Hawkins and he didn’t want to be seen as the freak here. He’s been doing fine on his own that he doesn’t need any friends here, once he’s done with school he’ll be able to return back home and find himself a stable job that he will enjoy. Eddie was still into music, playing his guitar whenever he had the time and writing music, he considered his music more of a hobby since the interest of engineering caught his attention. Before his dad left him he was taught how to take care of cars and what to look for whenever it broke down, he learned many things from his dad at a young age before he was left with his uncle.
He stopped messing around with cars and focused on his music, but now that he’s on his own he’s decided to pick up engineering again. Hopefully that’s able to help him out with his future just a bit. As he walks around the hallways, turning a corner he slams into a broad chest. He stumbled back surprised and ready to throw a fit at whoever he slammed into.
Eddies eyes widen, looking up to see professor Y/n standing in front of him. He squints his eyes at him, taking him in. His hair was messy and his clothes are all over the place, his tie loose while he holds some papers in his left hand. “You okay?” He hears him ask, snapping him back to reality as Eddie nods. “Yeah, just didn’t see where I was going.” He mumbled out, too tired to even process what was going on.
He hears Y/n chuckle. “Looks like neither of us got some rest.” He points out, also taking notice of the dark bags under Eddie’s eyes as he rubs the tiredness away. “Yeah, was up all night talking to an old friend and getting work done.” He explains, not knowing why he was telling him this.
Professor Y/n hums. “Can’t say that I relate. I was suppose to have these papers graded by today and forgot last night. So, I stayed up to finish.”
Eddie smirks. “Professor Y/n, slacking off? That’s not normal.” He teased, knowing how professional and ready Y/n is, he was the star teacher of college. Everyone knew who he was and what he did due to him being the youngest teacher ever. Both he and Eddie were only a few years apart and it wouldn’t surprise him if Y/n passed as a college student.
“Very funny, Munson.” Y/n smacks the top of Eddie’s head with his paper work, giving him a soft glare. “I hope you got your work done.” He was referring to the quizzes. Eddie swats his hand away, grumbling. “Of course I got it done. I’m trying to get my shit finished.”
Eddie was too tired to care about his language and Y/n was too tried to scold the man from the way he spoke. The Professor raised a brow, checking the time on the watch around his wrist. “Classes don’t start for another thirty minutes, if you like I can review your work before coming to class?” He offers, willing to push up their meeting time a little earlier.
Eddie is quick to nod, agreeing with the professors idea. “Let’s.” He adds, causing the other to chuckle before guiding them back to the professors office. The halls are semi empty, some students walking around in silence due to it being too early. Some students were either walking with friends or heading down to the lunch rooms to buy a morning breakfast or get themselves some coffee.
Y/n could go for a coffee right now, something to keep him awake—or perhaps he can cancel his class and head back home and sleep. But, he knows he can’t do that. Not when he promised his students that they would be getting their graded assignments back today or else all of that time he wasted without sleeping was for nothing.
Upon reaching his office, he’s quick to unlock it and pushing the door open. Allowing Eddie inside first who stepped inside the room, taking in the warm comfortable silence.
“Here let me Just—“ Y/n gets his desk cleaned up, setting the stack of papers aside and sitting across from Eddie, yawning tiredly. “Alright.” He murmured out while Eddie fished out his assignments, handing them over to his professor who takes them in his hands, scanning through the assignments and reading through everything twice. The professors tilts his head to the side at current parts of the assignment, questioning Eddie on how he got the result.
Once Eddie provided the explanation on his he got his answer it was easier for Y/n to understand what he meant. “At first I thought you were failing but, turns out that you just explain things in a different way. Sometimes they don’t make sense but after you explained to me the process it makes better sense.” He blurts out, setting the papers down and rubbing the back of his neck. “So far you’ve done well, I’ll still have to see how you get the rest done before your essay.”
Eddie gives a small soft smile, glad that he’s gotten it done. “I’ll give you a passing grade for those two but, here are the other two that you will be working on for this week.” Y/n fished out the folder and hands Eddie another two of his old quizzes that he is suppose to fix. Eddie takes them in his hands and sighs, “Thank you.” He whispers, putting the papers away before asking. “Can I ask you something?”
“Of course.”
“Why are you helping me?”
Y/n chuckles. “Eddie, I’m you professor I’m suppose to help.”
“No—I know, what I’m trying to ask is. Why help me? I mean, any student who has the chance to make corrections and fix their late assignments would be happy but you never allowed it until I came in. So why me?”
Y/n sighs to himself, leaning forward to cross his arms on his desk, focusing on the closed curtain to his right, wanting to remain distracted. “Because you remind me of myself.” He tells Eddie, giving him a glance. “I see your struggle and how much you want to get things down. I was like that when I was young, no one believed that I would make it this far and now look,” he says. “I’m the youngest teacher here and graduated early from high school and college only to become a professor here. I worked hard and focused on what I wanted.”
Eddie never really knew why Y/n became a professor, it wasn’t his business to know but the fact that Y/n was telling him this made him feel better. He wasn’t studying to become something big, no. He was afraid of failing everyone he knew, afraid of showing them his failure for school and college. He rarely socialized or spoke to anyone about his life.
Hawkins did leave a horrible scar on him, from being the towns freak to fighting off the upside down with his friends. Once they defeated Vecna he expected things to get better but they never did, the town still hated him for Chrissy’s murder. The police was able to sweep up the mess and covered up the story, letting the town know that Eddie wasn’t the person who got her killed and blamed it on drugs.
That didn’t stop the town from thinking of him differently. Even though he visited every summer he usually remained indoors and never went anywhere alone, afraid that someone would come after him and continue to blame him.
“Don’t stress yourself too much, Eddie. Everyone is allowed to be selfish every once an awhile.”
Y/n stands from his seat and gently placed a hand on Eddie’s shoulder, giving it a soft squeeze before letting go. “I should get going.” He added before leaving the office with Eddie alone. Eddie bites his lip, gripping his bag close as he glanced back to the door, deciding for himself if he was ready to leave the room.
The rest of the month went by quickly. Eddie spent majority of his time in Y/n’s office, getting the help he needed and passing his assignments. The longer he spent with Y/n the more he learned about the professors life, so far he’s found out that the professor has an older brother who’s a doctor while his parents live on the country side. He spoke highly of his parents and how hard they worked for their children to get into college and at least have an education. Y/n’s family sounded nice and comforting, Eddie enjoyed their time together.
Eddie had also taken notice of the way his professor spoke, with a soft tone full of knowledge, he spoke highly about his lectures and how much he wanted his students to learn and pass. Their were times where their hands would graze or fingers would touch whenever the Professor reached out for his paper. Eddie’s crush for the Professor slowly grew to the point where he didn’t know what to do.
Again, he knew that nothing would ever happen between them. But each time he sees the man he can he’ll but close up, getting flustered around him and skipping their meet ups every once an awhile, not wanting to be discovered about his attraction towards his Professor. Eddie knew he is to keep these feelings deep down and ignore them, but each time the professor entered the classroom during one of their sessions—those feelings would quickly come back.
Finals was this week before the year was over, Eddie had already taken his tests from other classes and won’t be getting the results back until summer break hits. So far, Professor Y/n’s class is the only one he had left, which is why he’s sitting in the middle row, watching Y/n as he passed out the test.
“Again, this test is worth half of your grade—once you complete the test feel free to bring it up to my desk and you are free to go. Your final grade will be provided before summer break hits.” Y/n hands the sheets out, reaching Eddie’s row as he sets the test in front of him. A small grin on Y/n’s lips. “Good luck.” He whispered before he continued handing the tests.
Once everyone and their final, Y/n stands in front of the class. “You have to rest of the class hour to get this complete. Good luck and begin.” He gives everyone a smile before the sound of rustling pages is heard throughout the room. Every student focusing on their own work while Eddie tapped his pencil, reading the passages and writing down his answers, he tries his best to take his time but his anxiety was making things worse, causing him to rush through the test.
Y/n was silently walking down the rows, keeping a close eye on all of his students. He held a book in hand that he wound read every once an awhile before focusing back on the class. After thirty minutes a few of his students have already finished, moving up to the front and placing their papers on his desk. Little by little the classroom grew smaller, students were finishing up and leaning the class.
As the room continued to grow empty, only six of his students were left and one of them was Eddie. Who sat alone in his room, focusing hard on his test. A pencil in hand and another tucked behind his ear while holding a concentrated expression. Y/n sighs nervously, moving to the front of the class to organize the papers, receiving the last few tests to the point where Eddie was the last to finish.
Eddie approaches Y/n. A completed test in hand as he holds it out to him. Y/n smiles and gently takes it. “If you want I can grade it right now?” He offers.
Eddie nervously shakes his head. “No, I’d rather wait.”
“Sounds find to me.” Y/n can tell how nervous Eddie is, so he randomly sticks his test in between the others. Letting him know that his test won’t be the first or the last to be graded.
“Enjoy your break, Eddie.”
Eddie’s breath hitched. “I—thank you for your help. I really enjoyed our time.” Eddie couldn’t say if he was ever going to see Y/n again, either he passed or failed the class he wouldn’t be seeing y/n again or spending anymore time with him. So, he enjoyed their last moments in his office before the final hit.
“Have a great summer Professor Y/n.” Eddie adds before rushing out of the classroom and heading back to his dorm room. His results won’t be come in until two days before break hits, giving him time to pack up his things and getting ready to visit Hawkins for the next few months. As Eddie walked further away from his classes and closed to his room, his anxiety was slowly seeping away. The minute he’s inside he’s quick to grab the radio from his night stand and reach out to Dustin to confirm their summer plans.
“The king is here!”
Eddie laughs as a group of teenagers throw themselves on him, hugging him and laughing in joy of seeing him again. He smiles widely when he pulls away from Dustin’s grip, holding him by the shoulders. “Never change Henderson, looks like you kept that promise.”
He flicks Dustin’s hat, causing the kid to laugh.
He’s quick to greet the others, giving Mike and Lucas a welcome hug. Eddie was considered an adult and if people knew that he hung out with teenagers younger than him, they’ll continue to find ways to avoid him and keep everyone away from him. But Eddie wasn’t the only adult who hung around them. Steve, Nancy, and Robin also grew close of the teens, after being on the upside down together it somehow brought them closer.
“Are you staying at your uncles?”
Dustin asks, following Eddie who rounded his van and pulling the side door open. “Nope.” He responds, pulling a bag towards him and unzipping it. “My uncle is gonna be gone for the whole month—got a special job of some sorts.” He shrugs his shoulders. “I’m going to be staying at a Motel for the first month and then I’ll be back with my uncle.”
Dustin frowns. “You’ll be okay on your own?” Dustin knew the terror Eddie went through when the town started coming after him, the poor man couldn’t go anywhere alone. But Eddie knew he can handle the town on his own if anything were to happen.
“I’ll be fine. I’ve dealt with monsters, I think I can handle Hawkins.” Eddie gives dustin a reassuring smile. He didn’t want to upset the kid after traveling so far to see him again.
“If you say so.” Dustin brushes off his concerns. “How were finals?” He finally asks while watching Eddie empty out his bag with some of his belongings, mainly food and water was in the bag he unzipped. “Good.” Eddie’s smile falters a little as he remembers waking up early on the day of test scores, rushing out of his dorm to get to the office on time where he was given his final grades.
Eddie had passed all of his classes, including Y/n’s. He didn’t know how to feel at the thought of never seeing the Professor again, well, not really, he still saw him everyone once awhile in the building but being able to speak with him again in private is something he won’t be able to do again.
He was upset on the ride here but was quick to tell himself that nothing was ever going to happen in the first place.
“I’ll be graduating next year.”
Dustin grows happy for him, knowing that he’ll be graduating soon.
“Anyways, what are the plans?”
Dustin nods. “It looks like we are still going to our camping trip for the week. Steve wants us go all meet at his house and drop our stuff off their, will be staying the week there until it’s time for us to head out.”
“Wait, I thought Steve said that he was having a guest over?”
“Yeah, well, this guest of his will be staying at his place for a month. Steve’s parents aren’t home but are letting this guy stay their to release some stress from work—whoever the hell he is.”
“And he’s gonna be okay with a house packed full of kids and adults?”
Dustin glared at Eddie. “I’m not a kid.” He bites out. Eddie can only roll his eyes as he closed the door from his van. “Well, I guess I’ll be spending the week with you all before getting my room for the month.” With that, Eddie begins to help the teenagers and loading their stuff into his van since he was the one driving them to Steve’s place. He helps Lucas and Mike with their things before they head out to pick up Will, El, and Jonathan. He’s told that the rest of the others would meet up at Steve’s.
So, he makes multiple trips around the neighborhood, picking everyone up and driving to Steve’s House. “Damn, Steve lives here?” Eddie whistles as he parks the van on the side of the road.
“Steve’s parents are rich.” Mike is quick to say as everyone gets out of the van. Eddie chuckles between groans as he steps out of the car and starts to stretch, popping his muscles and sighing in relief.
“Alright,” He watches the others unload the van. “I’ll go let Steve know that we are here.” He lets the others know before heading towards the door, giving it a few knocks as he waits, placing his hands on his hips and gazing at the others over his shoulder. Watching the teens argue with each other when they find out that they forget to pack certain things. Eddie smiles to himself before the door unlocks.
Eddie turns back around. “Hey Steve, where do you want the little lambs to put their—“
Eddie froze, stuttering as his eyes widen. When they land on his Professor, standing on the other side of the door wearing casual clothes, looking like a normal human being and not someone who always wore fancy clothes to class.
“Professor.” He breaths out in shock.
Tags: @guiltofpleasures @rainbowcoloreddonut @thisismystrangeaddiction @starrylegend @1s3v3n1
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gaybitchfx · 2 years
Oh I loved the big brother fic you just posted!!!
Is it ok if I request something for the group, like not just one person in focus, but like the whole group?
If it is OK I would like to request something!
So the s4 group (steve, nancy, Robin, Eddie, Dustin, Lucas, max) kinda need help with something(doesn't have to be Vecna) and like the babysitter are like "well we know someone, but he probably isn't gonna help us" but they decided to try.
The reader absolutely hates this town and all of its citizens. Like sure he has a job, but he hardly interacts with anyone and if one does they're met with just an angry look, but he isn't mean.
When the group show sup to his house, obviously he's like "no i will not fucking help you???" but they are very persistent and in the end he caves in and angrily helps them.
And he becomes an unofficial part of the group and helps them out more often but still "hates" them
Note: That reminds me of someone I just can’t put my finger on it. Also I couldn’t find many images of them all together so I improvised
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Character(s): Eddie, Steve, Nancy, Robin, Dustin, Max, Lucas
Type of reader: M!Reader
Category: Fluff🥰✨
Warning(s): None
Edited: ❌
Parts: Pt 2, Pt 3
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"Ah shit.." Dustin mumbled as he stared at a broken dnd figure. "How are we gonna fix this?! And we borrowed this because our old one broke." Lucas sighed as he pinched the bridge of his nose.
"Well, I know someone who might help us butttt..." Nancy trailed off as she looked off to the side. "Butttt what?" Eddie questioned with a raised brow.
"He most likely won't help us even if we bribe him." Nancy finished as she rubbed the back of her neck. "Well, we're gonna have to annoy the shit out of him so he can help us." Robin told her. "I know, but he isn't the...nicest or meanest person. He hates this whole town even the people that live here since he isn't a people person." Nancy said and Steve patted her back.
"We gotta try anyways Nancy." Steve said and she nodded. "Alright, let's go." She said and so everyone followed after her to where you lived. When they arrived Nancy started having second thoughts about this.
"What is he's asleep right now? It is night." Nancy said, trying to get out of this mess herself. "We're already here Nancy." Max sighed.
"True, there's no going back." Eddie said and went up to the door and rang the doorbell. A minute or so passed before the door swung open. You looked absolutely pissed and annoyed since today was your off day and you wanted to get as much sleep as possible. Your eyes scanned the group in front of you before it landed on Nancy.
"Nancy? Why'd you bring a couple of kids at my damn door step?" You sighed and rubbed the sleep from your eyes. "Hey Y/n... Um, we might have a problem." She said with a light chuckle. "We broke a dnd figure and need some help fixing it." Lucas quickly said.
"Sooo, can you help us?" Steve asked with a small smile. You stared at him and back at Nancy before looking at everyone else. With a smile you flat out said, "No I will not fucking help you, have a nice night." And closed your house door with a loud slam. Thinking it'd end there, it didn't. At random they'd bother you no matter what time of day it was. Eventually you caved in so as they were about to knock on the door again and opened it looking really pissed off. "Alright I fuckin' fix it, damn!" You shouted and snatched the two pieces from Steve's hand.
"Thank you." Nancy sighed relieved. You hurriedly pushed them inside your house before going to a certain drawer in your kitchen and brought out some gorilla glue. You sat down at your table as you mumbled under your breath about how annoying they were while you glued the two halves together.
When it was finally finished you gave it to Dustin. "Now leave me alone." You huffed and quickly pushed them out of your house not even allowing them to say thank you. "Who put a stick up his ass?" Eddie scoffed. "He's always been like that. Like I told you last time, he hates this town and everyone in it." Nancy said.
You thought that was the last time you'd see them, but you were so damn wrong about that.
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over--and-out · 2 years
Haven't I Given Enough
Eddie Munson x Male Reader
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Summary: Late night slushies with your best friends is nostalgic, an amazing way to spend your night. Recently it's all that's gotten Eddie out of the house, but you didn't realize why he was suffering so much.
Warnings: Volume 2 spoilers, angst, mentioned character death, post volume 2, mentions of bullying/harassment/abuse, again angst, this was a lot longer than I thought it was gonna be, the kids consuming way too much candy, yelling but playful yelling, play fighting, mentions of scars
Author's Note: There's a whole bunch of fluff before the angst, I also tried not to involve any ships regarding the younger kids so please don't yell at me for that.
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"NO, I HAD IT FIRST!" Mike gave a look as if to say 'Duh,' holding the bag above Dustin's head and Eddie laughed loudly when he snatched it. An absolute gremlin laugh. He rummaged through the candy bag, pulling out a mini m&m bag before tossing the plethora to Will, who laughed in triumph when he caught it.
"THAT'S NOT FAIR!" Lucas screeched as he tackled Will and they went tumbling into the shelf holding all of Eddie's D&D things.
You poked his ankle as he walked by, the action making him jump two feet in the air with a screech and everyone burst into laughter.
Max rolled her eyes and El burst into laughter as Mike jumped onto Eddie's back, wrestling him down for the tiny bag of m&m's; a dangerous game when you're fighting with Eddie Munson.
Max offered Eleven another piece of candy corn from the bowl in her lap, the brunette only taking them when they're offered and the redhead refusing to touch them. Lucas swung by and stole a piece of the candy, taking a munch break for a few seconds before tackling Will again for the big bag of assorted candy. Dustin caught wind of the bag, completely abandoning Mike and Eddie before joining Lucas in his rampage against Will.
"Sharing is caring- SHARING IS CARING, WILLIAM!" The D&D shelf fell down with a defeated slam and Eddie whipped his head around, eyes wide and mouth agape. Everyone froze and Dustin stared Eddie down. Lucas resorted to a karate stance and Will hid the bag behind his back.
"Now you've done it," Eddie mumbled. It was then that Mike took the opportunity to steal the metalhead's candy, downing the entire bag. "OH YOU'RE DEAD-"
The stairs to the basement creaked loudly and Steve grabbed a hold of Eddie right as he launched himself at the teen, Mike laughing loudly as he flopped down on the couch next to Will and made an attempt to steal more candy.
"We leave you alone for five minutes and you try to kill each other!" Steve shook his head and brushed his hair off of his forehead with his fingers, flicking Eddie on the forehead. He got a prompted shove in return and Robin descended down the stairs with grocery bags in tow. She had been waiting for the chaos to subside.
"And you said no to babysitting. Imagine, Steve. Eddie was a better idea to leave alone with the kids?"
"I'm almost seventeen, HOW AM I STILL A-"
"MIKE, IF I HEAR YOU YELLING ONE MORE TIME, I SWEAR I'M COMING DOWN THERE AND STEALING EVERYTHING YOU LOVE!" Nancy's yell cut him off, Dustin trying and failing to hold back a chuckle.
Lucas jumped up and nudged Eddie, offering another bag of tiny m&m's. A peace offering. Eddie accepted and gave Lucas a small nudge in return. "She's a real hardass when she's studying, huh?" He lowered his bag of candy, offering you a piece and you gladly took two pieces. He pouted, ripping the bag back and you laughed fondly at him as you shook your head.
"Yeah, she's always been like that. I guess. Sometimes, anyway." Steve shrugged.
"We should probably hang somewhere else, Nancy gets annoying when she's studying." Mike had finally managed to persuade Will out of a Reeses, sharing a cup that was broken in half with him and breaking his own piece in half to share with Eleven.
Max shrugged and leaned her elbows on her friend's shoulders, braiding the brunette hair laying over them. "Well I'm starving, we could go get some food?"
"It's midnight, what place is even open?" Robin took a chug of her energy drink after the sentence and Steve raised an eyebrow at her.
You raised your hand and slapped it on Eddie's thigh, the screech he let out catching everyone's attention. "Isn't the gas station open 24/7 now? They've got a shit ton of cool stuff in there."
"Oh yeah, they also set up that Pac-Man machine!" Will grinned as he leaned forward.
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Steve had opted to go back home, stating he had an early work day in the morning but Robin still tagged along. Max had dragged El along and Lucas had followed with Max. You'd teased Mike and Will into joining when Mike said he was tired, Eddie and Dustin being rambunctious as always with each other.
You all took Eddie's van to the lonely gas station, the teen behind the counter scratching away at lottery tickets and not paying the group of you any mind. On the way, Robin sat behind you and talked your ear off about some movie that the Family Video finally got. Eddie mentioned something about D&D and Robin fell down a rabbit hole as the metalhead enthusiastically ranted to her.
Once inside, Max grabbed El and Lucas and made a beeline for the terrible hotdogs that were available. Seeing Lucas being dragged away, Dustin grabbed Mike and Will and followed. Eddie laughed at the younger teens, shaking his head as he decided that he was dragging you and Robin with him.
The three of you went over to the slushie machine, a long row of flavors lined up and Robin's eyes widened upon seeing them. "There's so many flavors! How does one person pick?!"
"Wait wait, you've never been in here before?" Eddie laughed and wrapped his arm around your shoulders, quickly getting distracted by a root beer flavoring. He mumbled as he grabbed a cup. "It's only THE place to hang out if you want to fill your body with the most ungodly food known to man." He wandered to the row of flavors and you laughed softly as you shook your head. He was getting a completely different flavor than the one he'd been eyeballing.
"Well, I've never really gone out a lot. You know, strict parents and stuff."
"Well, we've definitely gotta hang out more often then." You smiled at Robin, patting her on the shoulder and she beamed a happy smile before jumping to get a slushie flavor.
Eddie let out a mischievous laugh, pulling a flask out of his pocket. "Thirsty?"
"Oh my God, Eddie-" you started and Robin rambled quickly.
"Eddie that's horrible. I want some." She held out her slushie and he poured a little bit into it. "Wait, aren't you the designated driver?" Eddie only shrugged.
"I'll drink when we get back. It'll be cool, just gotta drop the kids off first and then we can crash at my place?" He shrugged.
Eddie was taken back when he felt a gentle tug on his battle vest, his brows furrowing and he turned to see Eleven holding up some chili cheese fries. "May I have these?" Eddie's gave her a wide smile.
"Yeah, 'course. You don't even have to ask, knock yourself out." Eleven beamed at him and launched herself into him to give him a tight hug.
"Thank you!" She gave a giggle as she almost skipped back to Max, who was making her own ensemble of chili cheese fries.
You smiled at Eddie, who was smiling to himself. He'd spoil all of the kids rotten if he could, you knew that. Dustin had ended up starting a play fight with Will and Lucas over who would pick which kind of chips, Mike settling for a bag of York candy and Max was talking about which slushie Eleven wanted to share.
When everyone had gotten what they wanted, they had all assembled back at the front of the store where they set down all their stuff for the cashier to ring up.
All the boys insisted on paying for their own things, Lucas proclaiming that Eddie was broke which got a very unamused reaction from the metalhead. Max offered to pay for hers and El's things, but Eddie was gracious enough to cover it.
The cashier was not invested at all, simply ringing up the items as they were being handed to her.
Robin almost tripped when she tried passing her slushie up. "Eddie if you spill that, you're paying for it."
"I'm paying for it anyway!" He laughed, not realizing that he had finally caught the attention of the cashier. When he looked back at her and caught her glare, his smile immediately faded and he almost shrank into himself. He knew why she was giving him that look; she was a little brunette girl with bright blue eyes who was on the cheerleading team. Eddie vaguely remembered Lucas turning her down when she asked him out.
He cleared his throat and kept his eyes glued to the things on the counter. Max pushed herself in front of Eddie, grabbing hers and Eleven's things. "How much did you say that would be?" You set your hand on Eddie's back and gently ran it up and down, a look of concern on your face.
She huffed through her nose and you glanced at Eddie, who was still staring at the drinks on the counter. You could almost feel how uncomfortable he was.
"$15.46." Max scoffed.
"It says 10.46 right there."
"Murderers pay extra." Eddie let out the breath he was holding, finally looking up at her.
"Don't talk to him like that, he's not a murderer." You snapped at her, your attempts to keep calm failing.
"Listen, I'll pay the fucking fifteen or whatever. Keep the change." He slapped sixteen dollars onto the counter and grabbed your hand, pulling you with him after grabbing his drink. He was going to kick himself in the ass later for paying that much,, but he didn't even care at that moment. Robin grabbed her drink and rushed after him, Max giving the cashier a tight smile before grabbing the rest and walking away.
You could tell by the grip on your hand that Eddie was trying to keep himself together. He pulled you around to the driver's side of the van, wrapping you up in a hug with a shuddering breath. You immediately responded, hugging him back tightly and burying your face in his shoulder. His curly brown hair tickled your nose but you didn't even care right now. He needed you there, so you'd be there.
He had been cleared of the murder charges, Hopper had made up an excuse behind the earthquakes, the killings. Some people had believed him, but so many other people refused to believe it. How could they? Eddie Munson was a Satanist, a devil worshipper, the scum of the earth.
Eddie was none of those things. He'd never murdered anybody, he didn't worship the devil, and he was far from a terrible person.
He'd been too terrified to go out the first few weeks after he was proven innocent, both from shame of his scars and fear of being discriminated against.
"It's okay Eds. I'm here." You ran your fingers through his curls, some tangles holding your fingers hostage but when that happened you'd just move your hand to a different spot. He melted into you, Robin quickly running up and gently rubbing his back.
"Hey, you okay?" She tilted her head and when a sob escaped Eddie, she winced. "Oh, definitely not okay." Max was the next one to run up, Eleven in tow and they were both equally as worried about him as you and Robin.
Dustin was lighting the cashier up, swearing up one side down the other and saying that he'd report the woman.
You ran your fingers through Eddie's hair and kissed his temple, his grip tightening on you. "I don't understand it, why are people still doing this?" His voice was muffled by your shirt and your heart cracked at his words.
"When is it gonna end, this isn't fair. It's not fair!" Eddie turned his head, his face now not buried in your shoulder but rather in your neck. The way he was hunched over couldn't have been comfortable for him so you made the attempt to get him to sit down. Robin took his slushie before he busted the cup from how tight he was gripping it.
"Eddie, it's- it's still fresh, it'll die down." Robin tried reasoning and Max nodded along.
"Yeah, people will back off. Deep down they know you didn't do it."
Eddie's face scrunched up as he pulled away from you, laying against the side of the van and you brushed his hair out of his face. He had tears streaking his cheeks, his eyes glued to the slushie you had set down. El and Max both sat on one side, the group of boys running out of the store with Dustin calling Eddie's name.
"That was a shitty thing for her to do, you didn't deserve that at all. You doing okay man?"
Eddie wouldn't answer, his eyes dulling as he most likely dissociated.
"We know you didn't do that, Eddie. We all know what happened." Mike continued on.
"Yeah, you're a hero." Lucas finished the statement from the group of boys, Will coming to sit on the opposite side of the girls.
"Haven't I given enough?"
His voice broke and with it so did your heart.
Eddie finally brought himself to look into your eyes, his own big and brown and the look he held screamed "please help me."
Everyone was silent. Nobody had an answer for his question, and how could they?
Hadn't he given enough?
His mother was a hippie addicted to drugs and his father was a runaway criminal who tried passing on the worst traits that he could to his son.
He went through school being bullied for his home life and how he presented himself, along with the quirks in his personality that others found strange.
He was accused of being a devil worshipper who lead a cult.
He watched more than one person die.
He was accused of the deaths.
He got forced into hiding and hunted like a wild animal for things he didn't do.
When he decided do what he thought was best to keep those he loved safe, his body was brutally mangled and scarred.
And it still amazed you that despite all that, Eddie Munson still smiled and lived his life as if he was the most carefree person on the face of the planet.
Eddie Munson loved the people around him with all his heart and always put them first.
That's the thought that drew the tears to your eyes. You stared into Eddie's eyes, those that pleaded for an answer to his question, and cried. You couldn't answer him, even if you wanted go because you didn't know how to.
"I'm sorry." You ran your fingers through his hair for a long moment before the dam holding you together broke. You tugged him to your chest and held him there, his arms latching to you. "I'm so sorry, Eddie." You buried your nose in his mess of dark curls, just holding him.
"I can't answer that question for you, and I don't think I'll ever be able to." Robin and Eleven both seemed to share the same mindset as they set their hands on your left shoulder. Eleven's hand made it there first, Robin's hand resting gently over hers.
"Eddie, there's some things that we'll never be able to explain. Things aren't fair, they might not ever be fair." His grip tightened on you, his breath shuddering. "I can make you a promise, Eddie." He nodded into your chest. You nodded back and hugged him.
"I can promise you, you will always have the people who love you. And God, do we love you Eds." You pressed your lips to the top of his head in a lingering kiss. "You are loved. You're loved so, so much." You pulled his head from where he was hiding in your chest, your hands cupping his jaw. Your bloodshot eyes met his, your tears mirroring his own.
"You are loved, Eddie. So much."
He sucked in a sharp breath as Dustin placed a hand on his back, his eyes refusing to tear themselves away from your own.
But then Will joined in. And Mike. And Lucas. And Max.
His dam seemed to break again but with this sob came a small laugh.
"I really couldn't ask for anything more, man." He looked back at the boys and gave them a weak smile, slapping his hand on Lucas's shoulder and then flipping Dustin's hat off. He earned a screech from Dustin but it was short lived as everyone began to laugh.
Only Eddie could make a crowd laugh when he was the one who needed to be comforted.
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It was late when you got back to Eddie's trailer. Robin had passed out in the van so he woke her up long enough for her to walk in and crash on the couch. He'd driven the group of younger kids to Mike's house after they'd declared that they were going to have a sleepover. (Dustin proclaimed that he didn't want Eddie or Robin parenting but you figured he knew Eddie needed time to wind down.)
(That or he REALLY didn't want the added chaos of both Eddie AND Robin.)
Eddie tossed his keys onto the counter, taking a slug of his half melted slurpie that you noticed was still alcohol free. You watched the way he moved, the way his muscles moved over the cloth of his cropped shirt and denim vest. You weren't staring out of lust or even just to purposely stare, you were almost waiting for something to be said.
His brown eyes flicked to you as he took his long drinks, the straw sliding free from his lips and his jaw clenched as he took that final sip. "What?" His lips smacked a bit before he spoke and he gave you a once-over as if that would answer his question for him.
"Are you okay?" You knew that asking the question would be a step onto thin ice. Every time it was asked you got the same response. 'Yeah, I'm good.'
Except you didn't get that response.
"I will be. I'm trying to be." He glanced from you to the floor and then nodded his head a bit before he looked back at you. Almost as if he was checking to see if his answer was good enough.
You offered him a soft smile, setting your drink down before quickly picking it back up and striding over to Eddie before offering him a sip. He relished in the opportunity, perking up before taking the biggest sip you've ever seen somebody take.
"Hey-HEY! EDDIE!" You jerked the cup away and laughed as he followed it, finishing his sip before he joined you in laughter. His head flopped onto your shoulder, brown curls flying everywhere and his hand came to rest on the side of your arm.
His hand slid from your arm to your back, his other hand setting his cup down before he had wrapped you up in a hug.
Eddie had stayed like that with you for a long moment, holding you close with one of your hands tangled in his hair.
"Thank you. For loving me."
You smiled at his words and pressed a kiss to his temple. He pulled back and grabbed your face with one hand, his grip gentle as he leaned down and kissed you. His grip slowly slackened before he was running his hand up your jaw to cradle your head.
"I love you too, y'know?" He offered a shy smile, his face flushed before he laughed and looked down. No matter how long he's been yours, he still acted like an awkward little boy with the most massive crush in the world. In reality, he was.
He had a massive crush on you. You, who gave him unconditional love, laughed with him when he made a joke and even made your own jokes from time to time. Your personality had him head over heels for you and while he didn't act like it all the time, you had him wrapped around your finger. He was your ring, and you were his own ring in the form of a halo because he could swear you were an angel sent by God himself if only Eddie could bring himself to utter the words.
You'd looked at him, the freak, and told him you loved him despite everything else. Even after he was scarred and traumatized from the Upside Down, even after Eddie was branded a murderer despite his innocence, you taught him that he wasn't damaged. It's taken him time to even understand the concept, but you remind him every chance you get.
The Upside Down was a pit, a hole that you fell into and couldn't escape. His heart stopped there, he ran into danger because he felt it was all that was left for him.
The day Dustin brought him back, dragged him from the Upside Down with the help of Steve, he was so angry with the world. Eddie was angry with himself most of all.
He refused to eat, he refused medicine. He didn't want to sleep or drink water or even move from his bed. He refused to live.
It was hell for the people that cared about him. It was a fight to even ask him a question.
You were patient with him, you stayed despite his tantrums and him screaming at you to go and leave him alone.
You were patient with him, so now he supposed he had to be patient with the world.
One day he'd have the answer to the question he desperately asked you outside of that gas station. Maybe not in this lifetime, but he'd have the answer.
He just supposed he had to be patient.
Author's End Note: oh my Gods this came out so long but it is such a rollercoaster of emotion for me- I really hope you guys enjoyed it.
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off-phelia · 2 years
I can imagine a horror enthusiast modern reader casually re-telling the last horror movie they watched before they got teleported into 80's hawkins, and they're all different levels of mortified by the concept of the movie lol
Lmao i can see it. What a chaos.
I finally watched Midsommar a while ago (and I traumatized xD). So imagine the horror in their eyes when you tell some of Midsommar's heaviest scenes (like the angel scene or the bear scene at the end) and they're like 😨
Or Megan Is Missing...
"So the girl is buried alive?!" - Lucas.
"Yes" - You.
"and what happen next?" - Max
"Nothing. The movie end's then" - You
"The fuck? How can a movie end like this?" - Mike
"It's a horror movie, makes sense not all of them end well" - Dustin
"It gets worse when you find out it's based on real facts..." - You
"Dude" - Mike
"That's sick" - Eddie
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r0b1ns · 2 years
Ok so it came out kinda long, and I'll probably continue it. I won't do more than 5 parts so they should get together soon.
Part 1, PART 2
CW: reader coming out, a few curse words
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Today was the day you were going to hand out with Lucas. Alone. In his room.
No, you didn't expect anything to happen, he only invited you to his place to teach you how to play D&D.
But you were nervous, what if if you'll say something stupid, or won't understand the rules and will make a fool out of yourself?
You couldn't think like that, you had to be confident, what happens happens, it's not like you're in a real campaign, if you mess up nothing bad will happen.
You were late, again, and not even half a week gone through since you started school. You grabbed the lunch your mom made you, the food at the cafeteria was disgusting, and ran out the door.
You arrived to the first period. 20 minutes late.
"Well hello Mr. (Last name), nice of you to join us" predictable, you were convinced all teachers have the same brain
"Gods morning Ms. Kelly, sorry I'm late I was-"
"Don't bother, you're not a middle schooler, stay after class"
Fuck. Is she going to call your parents? Or report you to the office? Your parents can't know, they'll be mad, shit.
Yo sat in your sit and listened to Ms. Kelly the whole time, didn't want to get in more trouble.
When the class was over, and the classroom was empty, except for your history teacher and yourself, you grabbed you bag and came to her desk
"It's your second time being late, the school year started three days ago." She looked at you expectedly
"I know Ms. Kelly, I'm sorry it won't happen again" you tried to be as polite as you can
"I know it won't, you don't want me to take points out of you final score do you?"
"No ma'am"
"Good. Stay after school, door 503 at 4:00 PM, Mrs. Marson will be there to check on everyone"
No no no, you couldn't stay, Lucas will think you stood him up
"Ms. Kelly I can-"
"Quite, I don't wanna hear anything, it was your responsibility to be here on time, and you'll pay for it, dismissed"
Great, you'll have to catch Lucas at lunch, tell him you can't come after school.
After four extremely boring classes, it was finally time to eat. You stood at the end of the halls reaching for your sandwich, but stopped mid grab. You wanted to see Lucas, you couldn't go to the cafeteria with a sandwich, it'll look weird. You'll eat it later.
You came to the cafeteria, took your tray and went to the D&D table, but Lucas wasn't there. Maybe he'll come later. You sat one seat from Dustin and Mike, you finally learned their names, so when Lucas comes he can sit between you.
"Hey (name), heard you got in trouble with Ms. Kelly" Dustin mocked you, that little ass
"Yeah I was just a few minutes late" ok it's not a lie, 20 minutes IS a few minutes
"Yeah she's a bitch, I fail every final with her"
"Except for this year" the drummer guy said
"Yeah exactly, this year I'm gonna graduate, oh the look on her and Ms. Donald's face will be worth all 3 extra years I spent here"
You're pretty sure he said something like that already.
You sat the rest of the lunch waiting for Lucas, stuffing the thing they call food down your throat, but he didn't come. You waited for nothing.
The rest of the day went as usual, and when it was over, you started walking towards the punishment room, hoping you'll see Lucas. But you didn't.
When you opened the door, Mrs. Marson was already sitting there, with her glasses up her nose writing something.
"Don't just stand there, what's you name?"
"Um...(name) ma'am"
"Your full name please"
"Oh right sorry, (name) (last name)"
"Okay you can sit down, do your homework or whatever you want, just be quiet. You can leave at 5:30 PM"
You sat at the end of the class, not wanting to be near her. As you sat there the door opened, and Lucas? Lucas walked in.
"Sorry Mrs. Marson I was at practice"
"Okay Mr. Sinclair, just sit down"
He was going to sit at the first table but changed his mind when he noticed you.
Instead he walked over and sat one table behind you
"Why are you in here" he whispered
"I was late to Ms. Kelly's, and you?"
"Got into a small fight with my teammate, nothing bad"
"Oh are you ok?"
"Yeah yeah I'm fine, it was nothing"
"Quite!" The teacher yelled scaring the both of you
You sat quite for a few minutes and than Lucas whispered again
"I thought I fucked up and you'll think I ditched you"
"Me too, detention actually helped us in some way "
"Yeah right" he giggled, that made you feel something inside
You were whispering things to each other when you noticed Mrs. Marson was asleep
"Hey Lucas, wanna get out of here?"
"She's asleep, we could sneak out"
"What if she wakes up, and we're not here?"
"We'll say it was already 5:30 PM"
"But she has a watch"
"We don't, see the watch on the wall? Get it for me and I can get us out of here"
"Are you sure (name) I can't get kicked out of the team"
"I'm sure, trust me"
He got up, and quietly got to the watch. He took it from the wall and went back to you, sitting on your right.
"What are you going to do with that?"
"Just watch"
You took the beck out of the watch, and rotated the hands so it shows 5:25 pm, so by the time the teacher wakes up, it'll already be 5:30 and you'll have an excuse.
Lucas took the watch and hang it back to the wall
You both took your bags and ran out of the school gates, literally.
"Ok now where?" Lucas asked
"We can't go back home, they'll know we took off early"
"I know a place"
He took your hand and led you to his 'secret' place.
It was a huge estate, with a cliff and abandoned cars a little further down
It was hot so you got on one of the busses
"You sure it's safe here?" You asked
"No, but it's quite. And I spent a lot of time here, so it's fine"
You spend an hour talking, about school, about you parents, hobbies, everything.
"He if you don't mind me asking, how are you both on the basketball team, and in the hell fire club? That's like two opposite groups"
"Oh I, I started playing D&D a few years ago, with Dustin, Mike and Will, he moved to Indiana tho so we barely talk anymore..but we were always bullied, you know, in middle school, and I was tired of it, so I joined the basketball team with all the popular guys, you know, so I'm on of them, they wouldn't touch me"
"Oh..and, do they know you paly D&D"
"No...I can't tell them, they think it's a cult"
"Oh yeah, they got brainwashed with the media"
"Totally, I can't believe they actually think it's dangerous, it's just a game"
You both laughed, but you had to ask one more thing
"Hey, that girl you were with, Max, are you dating?"
He looked shocked for a few seconds, but recovered quickly
"Oh haha, no. I mean- were dated once, but not anymore, we're just friends now"
"Oh ok, why did you break up?"
"I don't know...I guess we just...didn't feel anything anymore. I mean I love her, of course, but as a friend. I think we just lost feeling for each other."
"Yeah that happens.." you never experienced this, but you did experience a break up, a nasty one.
"We're you in a relationship before?" He asked you suddenly
"Um...yes I was, one time.."
"And what happened?"
"Oh you know..he was afraid, didn't want anyone to know. So when we were almost caught, he stopped talking to me, without explanation, without nothing, I knew why but still, he could've said something" you got upset every time you though about that.
"He...?" He said confused
Oh shit. Shit shit shit. Now he knows you like guys, and he'll hate you, and tell everyone.
"Oh I meant- she, I don't know why I said he, I don't like guys, neve-"
"It's okay"
"I said it's ok, don't worry, I don't care who you like"
You were shocked, you expected a different reaction
"Yeah I won't tell anybody, I promise"
You let out a breath. You were so relieved. You wanted to say something but the bus door opened and Dustin and Max got in.
"Hey Lucas, hey (name)"
"Oh hey" you said. You felt worried. You knew Lucas wouldn't tell them, but what if they somehow found out? But Lucas tapped your knee with his hand and looked at you reassuring your secret is safe with him.
Now your crush knows you like guys.
!gif is not mine!
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jae-is-confused · 2 years
hello!! could you perhaps write a will byers x transmasc reader? the reader is struggling with dysphoria, and will would try to help in the best way he can :) have a lovely day <3
Oh my- you have no idea how happy this request makes me! And yes I can absolutely do that.
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Will Byers x Ftm!Reader
Pronouns: He/Him
D/n [Deadname]
Summary: Will comes to visit you in Hawkins from California right before you start freshman year. Even in the little time you were apart Will matured alot. Physically and mentally. As for you...
TW's/Disclaimers: Dysphoria, Implied Homophobia, Childhood Trauma, idk anything else :/
You nervously bounce your leg as you wait for Steve's car to pull into the familiar gravel driveway. Will was coming to visit after moving to California over the summer. Will had already started school and was about 2 months in.
In Hawkin's, school started later in the year because of what happened at Star Court on July 4th. Not that you were complaining, it saved you from the annoyingly jugdy kids at school.
You looked out the window again and let out a puff of air when you saw it was empty. With Steve being your brother and your... absent, parents, you were really free to do whatever you wanted.
You always knew you didn't really feel comfortable with being referred to with feminine terms so when you were in the 4th grade you asked Steve to cut your hair. And from there you somehow got everyone to call you y/n, even the teachers, and it was as if d/n never existed. Even to your friends. And especially to Will.
So, yes. You were a closeted trans man in the 80's, with a boyfriend. You were like a target for bullies and that was the last thing you wanted to drag Will or your friends into, so you never told them.
You looked around at your surroundings and sighed. You thought it would be a good idea to station everything at the old Byers residence. They turned everything off, like the electricity and the landline, except for the plumping. Meaning you had a working bathroom and kitchen. Yay.
You stand up from your spot on the floor and walk down the hall to the bathroom. You planned to just do a quick once over in the mirror to make sure you didn't look like a complete mess. And to be honest, it was just that, a once over. Fixing your hair a bit and straightening your hoodie.
But when you glance down you notice the slight outward curve of your chest, the result of not wearing your chest binder. It wasn't anything fancy, just one used for costumes in theaters. That meant you couldn't wear it for more than a couple hours.
You jump a bit when you hear the repeated honking coming from the front of the house. Look in the mirror one last time and slouch the best you can to cover your chest. You already had bad posture so it looked pretty normal.
Running to the front of the house you yank open the front door and stare at the boy getting out of the car. When he steps out he immediately makes eye contact with you and smiles. Oh, that smile.
Shutting the car door, Will makes his way over to you. You smile and meet him halfway, throwing your arms around his middle, his around your shoulders. Will laid his head in top of yours and chuckled lightly.
"Hey." He says simply. You look up at him slightly and take in his face. His hair was shorter, his face was more defined, and he was ALOT taller than you now. Tall enough for your head to fit perfectly under his chin.
"Hi." You breathe out. You look behind Will to makes sure your brother was gone, and sure enough, he was. Will bags sat lazily in the driveway. You turn back to Will and lean up a bit, Will looking surprised but understood, leaned down.
Your lips meet in the middle and it made you want to cry. This would have been your breaking point in the bathroom but something else happens.
Will puts a hand on your cheek and slowly slides it under your chin, and scratches. He fucking scratched your chin. You pull away to see a hysterical Will.
"Dude. Did you just scratch my fucking chin? Do I look like a cat to you?" You pull away from your boyfriend and deadpan at him as he tries to pull you back while laughing a bit. He pecks the corner of your mouth and pulls you into another hug, his chin on your head again.
"Hm, well, you share similarities."
"Fuck you."
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You and Will spent the entire day with the party, traveling from the arcade to to the cinema and then back to Will's old house.
Over the course of a couple hours everyone started to leave, going home due to curfews. After everyone left, leaving you and Will by yourselves, you lead Will out to the back of the house and out into the woods.
"Where the hell are you taking me?" He laughed, he stumbled over a dip in the ground and grabbed your arm for balance.
"You'll recognize in a second." You smiled warmly at him. Will couldn't help the grin that spread across his face when you smiled at him.
He couldn't beleive he found someone that actually liked and cared for him. Not to mention was not only ok with his sexuality but had the same feelings as he did.
As you pulled Will into the clearing everything seemed to click for him. Castle Byers. It was still destroyed but there none the less. Will felt small tears in the corner of his eyes, the hurt and realization of what he did to the small structure all rushing back to him.
"I know that Castle Byers was more between you and Jonathan but I thought I could help you rebuild it or if not we could just-" You were cut off by Will pulling yoyr body into his, your head hitting his chest.
You instantly wrapped your arms around his torso when you felt drops hit your neck. Will had burried his nose into your neck, his hands placed on your waist.
"I'm sorry..." He hiccuped. You pulled his face from your neck and placed a hand on the back of his head.
"Hey, why are you sorry? I shouldn't have taken you here. I knew this was between you and Jonathan, I just wanted to make you feel better." You frowned at Will when he shook his head at you.
"No it's not that, I guess I just haven't gotten over everything that has happened in the last 3 years." He laughed. He wiped his cheeks with one hand, keeping the other on your waist.
"Understandable. I still haven't gotten over everything everything either. You went through a rough time with the mind flayer, the Demogorgon, and Mike." You said the last part bitterly making Will smile. He nodded and grabbed your hand, fiddling with your fingers a little.
"Can we go back to the house and just, lay down? No, fuck- how do people ask this? Cuddle? Is that weird?" Will said shyly. In that moment you felt all the color drain from you face. Hugging was one thing. Will was usally very gentle with his hugs, so the close proximity wasn't a problem.
But cuddling? Will would smother you with as much love and affection as he could. You know that for a fact because he talks about it all the time. You two never get a moment together so you never do more than sit on the couch together with Will's arm around your shoulder.
You knew it. It was going to happen some day but you never thought that day would be today. This is the day Will finds out about your chest. About everything.
So here you are now, your back pressed against Will's chest as you lay on the piled up blankest and pillows. You can feel Will's breath on the back of your neck as you both enjoy each others company.
You smile as you hold Will's hands that are wrapped around your torso. This wasn't as bad as you thought it would be-
"Hey." Will whispered, his lips bairly brushing the nape of your neck.
"Yeah?" You whispered back. You felt him rub his thumb on your side.
"Can you face me? I wanna hug you." There it was.
"I-huh-sure." You reluctantly turned to your other side and faced Will. He looked at you for a second and placed a kiss on your temple. You watched as Will's eyebrows pulled together in confusion
"Are you alright? Your whole body is really tense." You were intentionally holding your arms in front of your chest and trying to keep a decent gap between you and Will.
You nodded and tried to untense your body, to calm Will's concerns. It didn't really work though.
"Come here." Will tried to pull you closer but your stupid body's first instinct was to fully retract its self from Will.
Will's eyes went wide with hurt as you quickly got up and ran to the bathroom. You opened the door, not even bothering to close it all the way[big mistake], and yank your hoodie over your head.
You stand in front of the mirror in the bathroom, standing there in only a regular bra. Your arms had no muscle to them, your waist was curved and defined, your face was rounded out compaired to actually having defined cheekbones.
Everything was wrong.
It wasn't as it should be.
You stand there and cry, not knowing that Will stood by the door, peeking in through the crack and listening. Listening to your heart breaking sobs. He didn't even care about the fact that you clearly did not have a flat chest.
He just wanted you to be ok.
He slowly creaked open the door, making your heart drop. You turned to look at a surprised but teary eyed Will. You felt everything come crashing down when Wills eyes ran up and down your body.
You completely break down. You crouch down onto the floor and hug your knees to your chest. Your chest.
Will stood there in shock and sadness. He didn't know what to do. If he was being honest, he was usally on the other end of this.
Will slowly walks over to you and sits next you on the wall.
"I-um." Will pauses to breathe out and then continues. "I'm not mad just, hurt, you didn't tell me." You didn't look up. You were scared of what you would find.
"This doesn't change how I see you. You're still you. You're still the same guy that made me step back and go 'Whoa, he's pretty' " Will turns to look at you and grabs your hand, interlacing your fingers, making you look at him.
When you do Will leans in and places a gentle and caring kiss on your lips. You sat shocked for second but quickly returned it.
You both pull away and Will touches his forehead to yours.
"You're still the same guy I fell in love with." Will let's a few tears slip past his eyes as he pulls you into a hug. You silently sob into his shoulder while Will rubs your back.
"I feel like I've been gaslighting you from the beginning. I'm not a real guy. You like guys. I don't have a flat chest or a dick-" Will laughs and puts your face in between his hands.
"Y/N! I don't care if you have a dick or not! I love you for you." Will grins at you, brushing the hair stuck to your forehead away.
"Will from my knowledge gay guys like men with dicks." You frown at him.
"Well then stop grouping me with other gay guys. You are a guy. And to be honest, I never really cared for what's under the clothes. I was never really-uh, interested, in that kind of stuff." Will's cheeks turn pink as he looks down at his lap, trying to avoid contact.
"So, what does that mean, exactly?" You asked timidly. Will looked at you with the most astonished look on his face.
"Are you kidding? After everything I just said you still don't understand?" Will laughed and put his face in his hands as you shook your head. "Your going to make me say it, aren't you?" Will sighed and kissed your head, letting his lips linger.
"You are the only one for me y/n Harrington." Will mumbles against your forehead. You smile and pull him into a quick kiss, quickly pulling back to hug him.
You both sit there, you straddling Will legs while you hold each other, unmoving from the bathroom floor. Until you remember something.
"Love." You say quietly into Will shoulder. Will pushes you back a bit to look at you, giving you a quizzical look.
"Earlier, you said you loved me..." You breathed put refusing to look Will in the eyes. Will's eyes went wide.
"I-I guess I did. I hope that's ok." You grinned at Will and nodded happily.
"More than ok."
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After the bathroom ordeal Will kind of disappeared for a while. He assured you that he would be back but you were still nervous due to everything that happened earlier.
You were sitting on the pile of blankets from earlier and eating a package of poptarts while reading a book. It distracted you a little and calmed your nerves slightly.
After maybe 30mins or so Will walked out of his old room, where you and his bags were, holding a roll of socks.
You raised an eyebrow at Will when he stopped in front of you, holding out the hand holding the socks.
"Uh, thanks?" You say, slowly taking the socks from Will "I-uh, what am I supposed to do with these? I'm already wearing socks." Will's whole face was bright red.
"I um, I just thought- I saw this thing in a book where on stage for theater productions where the opposite gender played a male role they would put a sock in their pants to make it look like a- uh..." Will looked down and put his face in his hands, shaking his head in embarrassment.
You had to think for a split second before it hit you.
"WILL! Did you just to tell me to put a sock in my pants so it looks like I have a dick?!"
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I HOPE YOU GUYS ENJOYED. I enjoyed writting the last part. I love giving others and myself second hand embarrassment :D
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