#Lucid dream
tia-222 · 2 months
Lucid dreaming audio + successes with it <3
Hii everyone, recently a moot of mine shared a audio that her friends used to lucid dream and they managed to achieve lucid dreams on the first night using it, she asked me to share it with everyone ^_^. The audio is an edit which speaks about lucid dreaming, you might be wondering how an edit can make you lucid dream? Well, if you listen to the audio carefully it basically explains how a lucid is like which is directly speaking to your subconscious if you play it before bed. I think this might be the most unique method to lucid dream. Just play it before bed or loop it while falling asleep and you'll find yourself lucid dreaming!
Important tip :
You can play this before sleeping, taking a nap, or attempting to do wbtb because you'll already be in REM sleep. You will consciously hear this audio in your dream and then you will realise that you're dreaming!
Success stories using the audio ( blocked out their names for privacy reasons ) :
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csms-jpg · 3 months
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Never the same dream 2024
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graychrissy · 4 months
🐼YOU ARE VOID + 2 void method🐼
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Hello everyone I have decide to make a challenge since many people has been DMing me,first of I'm not a coach I just tell them what I did and I'm surprise it work for most of them,so I will tell yall what to do with some more tips that could help.
Ok,so most of you have read this many times " you are void" you guys might have also affirm "I am void", that means you ARE VOID.
Imagine as though this life is a videogame,and the character is the body and the mind and they're both trying to convince you that you can't enter void,will you listen to this imaginary character? Of course not. So whenever a thought or feeling arise when trying to enter void let it pass,just how you watch the clouds pass,just how strangers pass by you. And remember you are the void,whose playing videogame and think is one of the character.
Ok let's start.
So these are two ways,that actually will work. Both method includes Wim Hof pink breath method. (Credit to @voidprincessblog )
I. So for the first method you have to follow the exact wim hof breath method but when pink noises start playing start observing the thought and without judging them pass,think of thoughts as someone else's,think as if you're trapped in someone else's body. So all the thoughts and symptoms is experienced by this someone (your body and mind),do not identify as your body,keep going keep observing those thoughts, don't try to look for thought cuz they pop up on there own,you just gotta observe them,and slowly your mind will become silent,even observe the symptoms. And just like that my friends you'll be in the void.
★In brief.
★Use the wim hof breath method.
★ when the pink boise start observe your thoughts and symptoms.
★ once you can't hear or don't get anymore thought boom welcome to the void.
II. Second method this just include the wim hof's breathing technique without pink noises instead we're gonna use subliminals,if you have read voidprincess's post she mentioned with screenshots people have lucid dream with this breathing technique.
★ Use this 3 subliminal I recommend as someone who rarely get results from subliminal I recommend this 3.
You can use it in two way way use them before doing the breathing technique or listen overnight after the breathing technique then set intention to get lucid while dreaming.
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one-time-i-dreamt · 5 months
There was no dream. It was just me, and the void. Darkness that stretched for light-years on end, or maybe only a few feet away. I couldn't tell. I knew it was a dream, however, a lucid dream. A lucid dream with no dream. It was terrifying, but calming at the same time. I wish I could go back there, find out what the void is really like, yaknow?
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bitchy-craft · 10 months
Lucid Dreaming | Affirmation Series
Hello and welcome to this new post! Because many people thought it would be a nice idea to have an affirmation series on my page I thought it would be a good thing to try out. In this post I'll give a few lucid dreaming affirmations, I hope you guys like them and find them useful!
ANNOUNCEMENT: I added the ability to choose your own questions to be answered in my shop.
Masterlist > Questions > Paid Readings [NEW]
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I am aware in my dreams, and I can control them.
Lucid dreaming comes naturally to me, and I embrace the experience.
Every night, my lucid dreaming abilities improve.
I am in control of my subconscious mind, allowing lucid dreams to manifest.
Recognizing dream signs is easy, and it triggers my awareness.
I am confident in my ability to stay calm and focused during lucid dreams.
With each lucid dream, I gain deeper insights into my inner self.
I enjoy exploring the limitless possibilities within my lucid dreams.
My dream recall is sharp, helping me remember and learn from my lucid experiences.
Lucid dreaming empowers me to overcome fears and unlock my creativity.
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Tip: The more you repeat the more affective affirmations are.
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pinkchrissysposts · 3 months
🪷Tips for Lucid Dreaming🪷
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Lucid dreaming is one of my favorite method for entering void and shifting. And I would really recommend this method for those who are struggling to enter void.
Before y'all think "how?,I can't do it,it's gonna take a long time" Let me just remind you it's very VERY easy,especially if you use placebo effect,like for me it especially help alot with getting lucid dreams during my journey and altering ego.
I'm gonna share some tips with you that had helped me in the past to get lucid. I used to have a diary entry to write down my progress or write down my whole experience so after going through my progress I am gonna share some tips which can help you achieve a LD.
☆. Placebo effect
It's one of my favourite method to lucid dream or even manifesting,here is an amazing guide by @weirdbraincustard. You can hold an assumption that everytime you study you lucid dream,or every time you help your mom you get lucid dream or you control it. I saw a reddit post where they talk about how everytime they eat banana before bed give them lucid,and many in the comments were telling about the food that help them get lucid.
☆. Altering ego
Another method that I personally love and it helped me realize how powerful I am here another guide to alter ego and my personal experience . So,if you think altering ego is difficult then use PLACEBO to alter that ego it's the same thing.
☆. Dream Journal
Okurr guys keeping a dream journal is also important,y'all probably heard it alot of times. But try to keep some reminder take a piece of paper and write down certain things that shouldn't be normal while you're dreaming example: A car flying in the sky,a house can't melt,etc. Everytime you remember your dream make sure to write down that one weird thing you experienced or saw,write the weirdest part you remember.
☆. Set intention.
It's the easiest way guys,believe me,trust ME🫠. Especially in drowsy state like everynight before going to sleep. Or waking up set a new intention,set intention like "if I see something weird then I'll do a reality check" or try bitting your hand or any other reality check.
My favorite is placebo and alter-ego,it's just make me feel stress free and less worried. What I used to do is,if I had a hard time altering my ego,then I would choose a certain activity that I wanted to improve example: drawing but I'm lazy,my assumption use to be "if I draw 2-3 times a day,then I'll lucid dream BECAUSE I AM VENUS",I don't so those activity as Christina I do those activities as Venus who lucid dream if she draw 2-3 times a day. I hope y'all get what I mean🫠.
Also as you get in drowsy state as you fall asleep,keep reminding yourself to do a reality check,or do reality check if you see something really unbelievable.
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tazvene · 4 months
Complete CIA Analysis and Assessment of The Gateway Process ~ Page 25 Found After 38 Years!
Hey everyone! You know how in the CIA Gateway Assessment docs (aka what people call the shifting docs / astral projection docs / hemisync docs) on page 24 they reach an incredibly pivotal point and then all of a sudden it skips to page 26? and all attempts to obtain it from the CIA have been immediately denied? It turns out the Monroe Institute, the creators of the Gateway Process, had it in storage this whole time! I've found someone who gained access to the elusive page 25 and I now present to u the complete original unaltered Analysis and Assessment of The Gateway Process, xoxoxoxooxoxoxo
Source: https://exo.substack.com/p/found-page-25-of-the-cias-gateway
It's also available to read on Internet Archive
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weepingwidar · 6 months
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Francesco Pirazzi (Italian, 1994) - Lucid Dream (2023)
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psyhaven · 1 year
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Sharing the Heavens by Michael Tyree
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moonieyunie · 4 months
If you have struggles about entering the void state
literally just lucid dream and fall backwards.
You're welcome.
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lucidpast · 5 months
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Fig. 12 How Dreams Work
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tia-222 · 3 months
WBTB method is extremely underrated.
" Wake Back-to-bed is a common strategy used for lucid dreamers. I’m sure most people are aware but you basically sleep like five hours, wake up with an alarm, stay up for 30-45 minutes and keep yourself busy by using the bathroom and reading(you can read your script too). After that you use WILD to induce the lucid dream. Last night I used this to my advantage and I was finally able to get into the void state after so much time trying because I was able to actually focus this time. The experience was so incredible I forgot to shift but honestly I feel fine about it because the state was so peaceful. I just wanted to share this because this is like my first success and I’m really proud of the work I put in so far. "
→ I reached the void in as little as 6 minutes after WBTB and sleeping upright in a recliner.
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It is a method that is very popular within the lucid dreaming and astral projection community. It is when you wake up around 4-6 hours after you sleep and you will be in your REM stage, the theta state, the half awake state. Definitely a perfect state for you to shift or respawn because your conscious mind is asleep and subconscious mind is way dominant.
So how do we carry out WBTB?
It is really simple trust me. Like I said, set your alarm 4-6 hours after you sleep. Try to target for your REM stage. How to know whether you are in your REM stage? If you wake up naturally or with an alarm and the last thing you remembered was that you were from a dream, you definitely have hit the correct timing.
If you are a heavy sleeper and would easily sleep back after switching off the alarm, place your phone at the opposite side of your room. Then you will be forced to push yourself of of your bed and off it.
Once awake, you are required to stay awake for about 10-60 minutes. I would recommend 15-30 minutes though but it all depends on each individual. If you feel as though you are still very sleepy, add another 5 minutes to your timing. During this timing, walk around, go to the washroom, repeat affirmations, read your scripts etc. Do anything you’d like but try to avoid activities that would raise your heart rate. The goal here is to only wake your mind up and not your body.
Once done, lay back in bed and do whatever method you wish to do.
You can literally achieve a lot of things when doing wbtb.
Lucid dreaming
Astral projection
Sleep paralysis
Having higher success with methods etc.
I vouch for this method and include it with any methods that I plan to do. I shifted using WBTB many times so I would say this is definitely my core foundation to my numerous effortless shifts.
( all credits go to original posters mentioned in the links, mwahss)
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lyrashifts · 4 months
had a lucid dream the other night and instead of shifting (which i didn't forget about, i was totally aware i could just make a portal) i decided to eat a cupcake LIKE I COULDN'T EAT A REAL ONE IN MY DR
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xrixx · 4 months
i almost entered the void state 🤗. i had a lucid dream and i was in a basement. the basement was flooding but i wasn’t too concerned about it. i remembered seeing a post on tumblr about falling backwards in a dream to get into the void.
i set an intention to enter the void and i fell backwards. after i fell, everything went black. i felt my body vibrating, my heart rate increased, and i felt like i was being sucked up in a vacuum.
the next thing i knew, i was in a blank state of mind after that i woke up. it went by very quickly but there ya go. i’m not sure if i actually entered the void or not, but regardless a win is a win.
this is your sign to lucid dream and fall backwards.
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one-time-i-dreamt · 1 year
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zegalba · 7 months
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Johnson Tsang: 'Lucid Dream Il' - Out of Mind (2018)
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