#Lyja the Laserfist
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Fantastic Four (1961) #357, October 1991
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sourpatchbeast · 2 years
Hot, steaming hot take, but even after all this time, I still feel like if they were gonna make an established character in marvel that had a history of womanizing and reveal that they are in fact gay, they shouldn't have done Iceman.
Should've been Human Torch.
Just think about it, Bobby has had numerous actually romantically and sexually fulfilling relationships with women. If he was going to come out, he should've come out as openly Bisexual. That shit felt like Bi erasure man, and a spit in the face of his character defining relationships.
But Johnny? None of his relationships strike me as particularly good for him? Like legit, Crystal he kept making excuses for it to not work, his one-off flings he keeps neglecting- fucking Lyja the Laserfist, the living embodiment of romantic Trauma for that guy. It is so easy to write this as him seeking out relationships he knows wouldn't work out, so he doesn't have to confront the real reason he's not happy with them completely.
Their environments and the teams they're on even kinda support my case. Why should Iceman, as a founding member of the X-men, pariahs from society as Mutants, give a flying fuck about coming out of the closet? He is just surrounded by open minded and loving people that have also read his mind all the time, in Jean Grey, Prof X, Emma Frost and definitely plenty others. Being that repressed, feels like such an ass pull.
Now Johnny though, he has a very different living situation. The Fantastic Four only exists as a public group, because Reed was terrified that he and his friends would be outcasts from the world if he didn't get ahead of the curve and control the public narrative to be in their favor and didn't end up like mutants. That, is exactly the sorta scenario that would make a guy stay repressed even now. Internalizing the idea that if you come out as gay, your family could be branded as monsters is WAY more believable. Getting rid of that mental block would be hard, just like it's hard for a lot of people still in the closet today.
This doesn't even get into the gay as hell stuff involving Peter mother fucking Parker, and his "former roommate" Wyatt Wingfoot.
I don't know, this shit had been, lingering on my mind for so long I had to type it out, let my thoughts into the world. I know I'm right, I'm going to stand in my Truth
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travisellisor · 6 years
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variant cover to Fantastic Five (1999) #2 by Mark Schultz, Bob Sharen and Tom Smith
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evilhorse · 5 years
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The Fantastic Four don’t need no steeeenking weapons!
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thebibliomancer · 2 years
Essential Avengers: West Coast Avengers #7: U, ROBOT!
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April, 1986
Henry Pym -- torn between TWO ULTRONS! Can even Wonder Man save him?
Congrats, its twins??
And definitely looks like they’re going for the wishbone.
So was Ultron(s?) saying that he wants to make amends with Hank all a ruse? Guess this is where we find out.
Last time on West Coast Avengers: Tigra has been feeling torn between human and cat lately. Mostly, its made her horny and catty, in the sense of being rude to other women. But still, its messing with her quality of life so the West Coast Avengers take a trip to cat world, a world of cat people. After some difficulty and horniness, the cat king of cat world agrees to remove one of her souls IF she does a murder on Master Pandemonium, a man whose limbs pop off and turn into demons. Initially Tigra says no, because Avengers don’t kill but then like ten seconds later she changes her mind. Inconsistent character writing is just consistent cat character writing according to this book.
BUT ALSO: Hank Pym joined the West Coast Avengers team as the dude that runs their base. And he’s been getting a lot of creepy calls from Ultron who has turned to just prank calling Hank I guess. But after Hank yells at him to knock it off, Ultron decides to embrace robot maturity and get over his desire to murder his dad. He wants to make amends and bury the hatchet, and he may or may not mean that literally!
But this issue begins with a cool POV shot.
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Oo ah much cool.
So in Fantastic Four #277, Alicia Masters’ (actually Lyja Laserfist in disguise) apartment collapses due to a planet appearing above Earth. As happens in Fantastic Four sometimes. But point being, Ben Grimm had just returned from Battleworld and was, at the time, carrying the decapitated head of Ultron for reasons that I’m sure made sense, at the time.
He forgets the Ultron head in the rubble and goes off to deal with the plot.
And its found and picked up as a souvenir by nurse Annie Carruthers, who was with the Red Cross helping people injured in the collapse.
She takes the Ultron home and plonks it on her TV. Where it immediately starts absorbing the TV.
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Geez, you die hard, Ultron.
You were just a head! A non-functioning head! Did you engineer yourself to shoot wires out of your neck stump if this EXACT SITUATION EVER HAPPENED, you weirdo?
Anyway, that was then. 
Now, in the present, we gotta get to the cat orgy.
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Which in the “land within” is a spectator sport??
Anyway, Hawkeye has some misgivings about all of this cat stuff. His keen insight has detected that maybe Tigra isn’t telling them everything.
Firebird agrees with Hawkeye. But also she just wants to leave. She has a Master Pandemonium to track down.
As for Thing, he decides that all cats are party animals based on this and based on the party Black Panther threw for the FF once.
Way to stereotype people with cat theming. Geez Ben, geez.
Hawkeye: “So you see -- we know all the fun people, and we go to all the fun places! And if you stick around, it’ll get even better!”
The Thing: “I knew it -- you never quit tryin’! You’re even worse than I wuz on my fourth date with Betty Lou Brindis!”
Hawkeye: “Listen! This is a natural! The She-Hulk’s an Avenger, but she joined the FF! Here’s your chance to even things up!”
That sure is an argument, Hawkeye.
Honestly? I’d rather just get She-Hulk back.
I miss her....
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Firebird is sad that nobody has asked her if she wants to be a member.
But to be fair (to be faiiiiiiiir) you’ve met the Avengers like three times. Sometimes that’s enough. But sometimes its not.
What I really want to point out though is that cat dude about to eat a mouse in the background.
Cats is cats?
Ben mentions, in context of why he doesn’t want to talk about the FF, that he brought Ultron’s head back from Secret Wars and then dropped it somewhere.
Mockingbird mentions that the West Coast Avengers have fought an Ultron recently. And everybody concludes that yeah probably that head Ben brought back managed to rebuild himself and that’s the Ultron they fought in the opening two-parter slash crossover.
Hawkeye: “Don’t lose any sleep over it, big guy -- we chased ‘im off with his tail between his legs, just like we always have! That’s what Avengers are for -- maybe you should join up ‘cause you need our help...!”
Damn, Hawkeye. You’re incorrigible.
The narration notes that the audience has probably seen the Thing put his fist through a table before, so changes scenes to Hank Pym.
So, yeah, Ben probably finally lost his patience some more with Clint.
Anyway, Hank is wandering around the abandoned warehouse district of L.A., commenting on how New York’s abandoned warehouse district was cool and had a 30s atmosphere but L.A.’s is just gross urban sprawl.
New Yorkers always be like that.
Anyway. Ultron Mark Twelve arrives out of a creepy alley, being creepy but not murdery. And he doesn’t call Hank daddy again which is a step in the right direction.
Ultron Mark Twelve: “Hello, dad! I see you’re come. Does this mean you’ve decided to believe me, and begin our relationship anew?”
Hank Pym: “It means... yes, I’ve decided just that! I may be crazy, but there is a lot of me in you, and what you’re saying sounds believable to me!”
Ultron: “Wonderful! That’s wonderful!”
Hank Pym: “But be aware, Ultron or Mark, or, whoever, you are -- I’m not a stupid man! What we’re doing is between you and me so far, but I did record a complete record on the computers in case you try anything funny -- !”
Ultron: “I know, dad! I’ve kept an eye on each of your Avengers since we began talking -- in case you tried anything funny -- !”
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Ultron: “But you didn’t! Hard as it must have been, you chose to accept me as your son -- your prodigal son -- and I promise you you’ll never regret it! We have years to make up for now -- years! Father and son -- that’s who we are! A family --!”
God, I love that panel of Hank being just so uncomfortable being hugged by Ultron.
It is one of my favorite out of context panels of Ultron to share with people.
Ultron Mark Twelve announces that he’s going to take Hank to his SECRET LABORATORY in Silicon Valley and prove that he’s ending his criminal career.
So, that’s neat.
In the past times, there’s another Ultron POV shot where he has Annie Carruthers ship him to David Menconi in Sunnyvale who he then mind controls to drive his dumbass Ultron head on a TV set body to the Ultimatum Inc. building in Silicon Valley and attach him to a proper Ultron body.
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Ultimatum Inc.? If you had a nose, this would be on it, Ultron.
If the Avengers never find you after you escape its because they don’t really look.
Meanwhile, in the present times, Hank and Ultron Mark Twelve, hence to be shortened Mark per Ultron Mark Twelve request, arrive at Ultimatum Inc.
Mark praises Hank’s performance during that whole Grim Reaper thing but Hank says that he’s never returning to the superhero life. Mark pivots and says that retirement is nice too, he’ll be retiring himself, but keeping his lab for experimentation.
Hank Pym: “It’s amazing! My experiments brought you into existence -- and now you experiment yourself!”
Mark: “It’s merely an analog to the human ‘father-son’ relationship! Who knows -- if I create something useful, you may yet become a ‘grandfather’!”
Vision, somewhere: ‘Am I joke to you?’
To be accurate though, Vision is more identifying himself with the Williams recently and his body itself was just refurb from the robot Human Torch. So its less like Ultron created him and more like he kidnapped someone else’s kid and brainwashed him.
BUT WHAT ABOUT JOCASTA? I guess it doesn’t count because of the brain waves thing? Who knows.
Also, the greatest thing in this or anything then happens.
Mark: “But I must ask you, father -- I have been worrying about this since my final evolution gave me my human sensibilities -- did my disruptions of your life -- my attempt to make the Wasp a basis for Jocasta -- did those things cause your divorce? Every child feels guilty when his parents separate, of course...”
Hank Pym: “No, Mark -- I managed to destroy my marriage all by myself!”
Oh my god.
Mark the Ultron just seriously asked ‘daddy, is it my fault you got divorced?’
This is the greatest comic book.
Anyway anyway, they head inside the lab. Hank Pym comments on how big the lab is and Mark jokes “Stealing money when you need it does have its rewards -- !”
Mark walks off to get the lights and Hank admires all the various Ultron torsos and limbs strewn about.
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Gasp, treachery!
Ultron: “So many times I worked out elaborate schemes to deliver you into my lairs -- !”
Hank Pym: -- And now I just walk in without telling anyone where I’ve gone!
Wait, you did?
Hank, that was dumb!
He grabs a spare Ultron arm from the table of Ultron limbs and blasts Ultron with the Ultron concussion blaster in the fingers.
But, y’know, adamantium chassis. Hank does no real damage and Ultron double finger guns the arm out of Hank’s hands.
Ultron: “Always resourceful, Pym! Always a flair for the unexpected! But even as an Avenger, you lacked the raw power to defeat me, and as a civilian -- you are almost too easy to kill! Almost but not quite -- !”
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Okay so I guess Mark didn’t betray Hank.
But I wish Ultrons had more different designs because now that Ultron-11 and Mark Ultron are wrestling, its hard to tell them apart.
By way of punching each other and discussing, the Ultrons figure out that when Ultron-11 was raptured to Battleworld by the Beyonder, Ultron’s backup program in the computer banks figured he was gone forever so churned out another Ultron.
But then Ultron-11′s head was brought back to Earth by Ben Grimm (thanks, Ben) so now there’s some redundancy. Also, some philosophical disagreements.
Ultron-11: “What kind of Ultron are you, Twelve?”
Mark: “An Ultron who has evolved past mechanical hatred -- an Ultron who loves his father!”
Ultron-11: “A decadent Ultron! An Ultron to demonstrate the perils of further evolution!”
How very Kang of you, Ultron.
Also, non-Mark Ultron is such a pissbaby that he is literally afraid of growing up lest he stop hating Hank. Amazing.
Less amazing though, he rips off Mark’s head.
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I liked Mark! Having a friendly Ultron hanging around was such a fresh concept.
Also, dang, becoming a good guy really does nerf you. I’m pretty sure its usually harder to decapitate Ultrons.
Ultron-11, out of that previously mentioned fear of ever growing up, erases everything related to Ultron-12 out of the computer banks.
With that accomplished, Ultron-11 gloats that he made it all the way back from Battleworld, traveled across the country as a head connected to a TV, and found a special toy surprise for him at the end of his journey.
Ultron-11: “But now we’re both here, and now I shall demonstrate what stopping one level short of decadence can mean! Now I shall have my satisfaction at long, long last, and you will learn the definition of cruelty -- ! Come with me, ‘father’!”
And he drags Hank off.
And misses that Mark the Ultron wasn’t quite finished yet.
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In another cool POV shot, Mark the Ultron-12′s decapitated head coaxes his body to walk over to him.
Meanwhile elsewhere, the film set!
Wonder Man is playing the priest for the Queen of Eagles and acts a scene where NotConan Arkon busts out of his bonds and then throws the “priest” off the parapets into the crocodile moat.
And I can’t tell whether the crocodiles are real or not.
I think they’re real considering someone on the film crew praises Simon because they’re saving a fortune on special effects thanks to his indestructible bod.
I think Simon Williams just beat up some crocodiles.
Everything is coming up daisies for Simon! He owned up to his not-secret criminal past and it got him a movie role, a burden removed from his soul, and Christina from the film crew all over him.
Also, Ultron is lurking in the trees.
Oh no!
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Oh, hi Mark.
Your head is on backwards.
You didn’t put yourself together very well.
He begs Wonder Man for help because Hank is in danger from Ultron. But another Ultron.
To his credit, Mark admits that he was the one who joined Grim Reaper’s plot. Not gonna pretend he’s a completely innocent Ultron here.
Wonder Man: “That is hard to believe -- !”
Mark the Ultron: “I know it is -- but you more than anyone else, must know that a man can change -- !”
Aiming for Simon’s feel good redemption feels, huh? Clever, Mark.
Speaking of Hank Pym being in danger, Ultron-11 has come up with an INSIDIOUS KARMIC DEATH FOR HANK!
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Ultron: “You built me, Pym -- when I was Ultron-1! You put my pieces together! How fitting, then that I tear your pieces apart!”
Ehhhh not great. If you’ll pardon the pun, its kind of a stretch.
But he had like five minutes to think of it so... Eh.
Before he can tear Hank Pym apart in his ridiculous delimbing machine, Wonder Man OH YEAHs through the wall.
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Wonder Man.
You’re feeling a little Superman again.
You’re going to get sued.
Ultron mocks Wonder Man as the Avenger that’s too afraid to fight but Wonder Man tanks some finger beams and laughs.
They beat the crap out of each other a bit but there’s only so many pages left in the book and Wonder Man quickly takes the upper hand.
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Ultron knocks tons of machinery on top of Wonder Man but he just lifts heavy thing like he’s effortless Spider-Man, throws it on Ultron, and then squishes his indestructible head.
Head is adamantium but his computer brains aren’t. That’s the handwave Simon gives anyway. He shook “his brains out into the carpet!” apparently.
Anyway, Mark the Ultron staggers in.
Mark the Ultron: “Thank you, Wonder Man -- thank you for doing what I couldn’t -- saving my dad!”
And then he immediately starts dying.
Yeah, Ultron-11 survived as a decapitated head after having his insides boiled by Johnny Storm going nova fire on him. And then connected to a tv and made a cross country trip.
Ultron-12 though? He connected his head on backwards because of his stupid decapitated hands and the faulty connections has been short-circuiting his brain.
I think the Ultron-12 design just isn’t as hardy at Ultron-11.
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It’s a bit sad.
Mainly for the loss of potential that Mark the Ultron represented.
Alas, Mark the Ultron.
Wonder Man asks Hank if he can’t just... y’know, rebuild Mark Ultron?
But Hank decides its not safe to even try. He never fully understood Ultron even when he was Ultron-1. If you don’t remember, Ultron-1 just sort of switched himself on and progressed through childhood right to hating his dad.
And Ultron-12 maturing enough that he just decided to become good isn’t something Hank can explain either.
If he tried to rebuild Mark the Ultron, he’d be likely as not to create a jerk Ultron again.
(Partially this is because Hank isn’t being honest with himself or Simon here. Part of the reason why Ultron is so Ultron is because Hank used his own brain scan to create him.)
Hank is sad that he never had the chance to tell Mark the Ultron about how he’s seeing Tigra now so that he’s not alone in his life, as Mark lamented as he died.
Wonder Man: ‘Oof.’
Paraphrased but basically ‘oof.’ Wonder Man realizes that Tigra has been making out with both him and Hank. And while before he had been jealous of the attention Tigra paid to Hank, now he can’t bear to take what little Hank has away from him.
Wonder Man: “She’s a fine woman, Hank! You’re a lucky man there!”
There you go, Simon.
As Hank and Wonder Man fly back to the West Coast Avengers Compound, Hank takes solace “now that there will be no more Ultrons!”
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Wait, where did that head even come from?
Is that the same David that delivered Ultron to his Ultron factory? Did he let David take a spare Ultron head? Why?
I’ve been waiting to get to this story since I started West Coast Avengers the ongoing series.
I love the concept of Mark the Ultron, the Ultron who just became slightly mature and got over being a supervillain.
I actually think it was a waste to kill him off here.
Can you imagine Ultron joining the West Coast Avengers? If not as part of the team then as part of the support staff, to hang out with his dad?
Or maybe yes, the sixth member of the team. Hawkeye has been furiously courting Ben Grimm for it but the slot goes to Ultron right when Ben was coming around to the idea.
God, a good Ultron on the Avengers would be amazing. And as this story proves, you can easily still have an antagonist Ultron running around.
If anyone is foolish enough to allow me to write comics, I’d have a future version of the Avengers that just casually has an Ultron and nobody will explain it.
Anyway (putultronontheavengers) rant over.
Put Ultron on the Avengers.
Follow @essential-avengers​ and put Ultron on the Avengers. Like and reblog maybe.
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xscreamxqueen · 7 years
“That’s not supposed to bend that way.”
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“Yeah, n-no shit... Jesus, fuck...”
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waitingforthet · 7 years
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It’s a wonder Skrulls can infiltrate anything, there’s so much to keep track of. You have to learn a new language, new customs, the limitations of the human body. It’s amazing they manage to stay hidden for as long as they do. 
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krinsbez · 5 years
Spider-Man Headcanon (sorta): Alt-Spiders, Part I
So, I finally got around to watching Into the Spiderverse yesterday, and it reminded me that awhile back, I was part of a project involving inventing alternate Spider-People, and ended up creating...quite a few. So, anyways, here are some of my creations:
-Petra "Ma" Parker, Spider-Woman: Genderbent Peter. The Parker Luck took advantage of her gender to make her life worse and so she got knocked up by...someone. Not sure who or what happened to the kid; when I initially posted this on the main thread I decided to throw in ALL the options, not realizing that doing so took her into grimderp territory. -Petra Parker, Spider-Man: Genderbent Peter. Chose to wear a looser costume and use a voice-scrambler to adopt a masculine persona, figuring a male crimefighter would be more intimidating.
-Ben Kravinoff, Kraven the Spider: Possible son of the above by Sergei Kravinoff, teenager. The shock of being defeated by a crossdressing teenage girl forced Kraven to take a look at his life-choices and turn over a new leaf. He became Spider-Man's ally, then lover, then husband. Is engaged in a war with his half-sister Ana over the Kraven mantle. 
-Doctor Petra Storm, Spider-Woman: Genderbent Peter. Member of the Fantastic Five, Reed's protégé, married to Johnny Storm. -Patricia Parker, She-Spider: Daughter of Peter and She-Hulk, early-thirties. Can shift back and forth between a "normal" form with her dad's powers, and a green-skinned, six-armed Amazonian Hulk form with her mother's powers. Takes more after her mom WRT personality. I had the idea that she's a member of a less disreputable version of the Hellfire Club, but that might not be necessary. -Jon and Ali Parker, Spider-Skrulls: Twin son and daughter of Peter and Lyja Laserfist, mid-twenties. From a reality where Pete was a member of the FF. Have both their father's spider-powers, and their mother's shape-shifting and energy projection powers. Ali is additionally a Super-Skrull, imprinted with the powers of the Guardians of the Galaxy of their timeframe (I have yet to decide who they are). Were betrothed at birth to, respectively, the heirs to the thrones of the Kree and Shi'ar Empires as part of a peace deal. I'll grant those last two might be a bit much. -Matt Murdock, Jr., Spider-Man: The son of a genderbent Peter by Matt Murdock, early twenties. Has his mother's powers, and was trained by his father, thanks to which his Spider-Sense is super-awesome. Currently fighting a one-man war against a Daken-led Hand. -Pietro Parker, Scarlet Spider. Mid-twenties, son of Peter and the Scarlet Witch. Is a mutant and a crazy-powerful precog. -Peter Parker, Spider-Man. From a timeline wherein the Protestant Reformation was suppressed but the Church underwent significant reforms. Western society is considerably more religious and the Church is very powerful, though it's not a theocracy, and if you're interested in science, your best bet is to join the Church. Which is why Peter is a Jesuit. -Perry Parker, Spider-Man. A version of Peter who is an Orthodox Jew.
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sofiamantegafan110 · 4 years
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Laserhawk: Amalgamation of: Lyja the Laserfist + Firehawk Real Name: Lyjarane Biography: In an attempt to dismantle Earth’s superhero defenses, the Skrultian Empire (Skrulls + Martians) used the collected DNA samples of the Justice Four to create an army of Ultra-Skrultians (Super-Skrull + Ultra the Multi-Alien). One of their agents, Lyjarane, was given the powers of Torchstorm and sent to attack the Justice Four. When her initial assault failed, Lyjarane pretended to be a human named Lorraine Green, who was mutated into a fire-blasting superhuman by Crucimak (Crucible + Tokamak) and Multiform (Lifeform + Multiplex), agents of A.H.E.M. (AIM + HIVE). The Justice Four defeated the pair (who retained innocence about human experimentations), and Ronnie and Lorainne fell in love. Lyjarane eventually revealed to Ronnie that she was the Skrultian that attacked the Four months ago, and she also told them of an upcoming Skrultian invasion. The Justice Four, with Lyjarane’s help, turned back the invaders, but she was slain by the invasion’s commander, Paibok Ro (Paibok + Kanjar Ro). Lyjarane was later resurrected by Deathseid (Thanos + Darkseid), ruler of the New Eternals of Apoktan (Eternals/Titan + New Gods/Apokilips), as part of an invasion force. Powers: Skrultian powers of shapeshifting. Radiation blasts and transmutation blasts. Force-field generation. Self density manipulation. Resistance to the skrultian weakness of fire. Generation of wings made from fire. Trained in Skrultian military tactics and combat. Knowledge of Earth cultures and languages.
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Fantastic Four (1961) #371, December 1992
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evilhorse · 5 years
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Thanks for the save, sweetheart!
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evilhorse · 5 years
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Maybe so, but she does get to hang with the coolest people!
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evilhorse · 5 years
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Nor do I wish to be associated with the Fantastic Four!
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