silveragelovechild · 26 days
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Mangalores, alien mercenaries hired by Earth industrialist Jean-Baptiste Emanuel Zorg
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sameatzz · 23 days
[ ᴀɴɪᴍᴇ ɪᴄᴏɴs ]
⎯ 𝑱𝒆𝒂𝒏 𝑷𝒊𝒆𝒓𝒓𝒆 𝑷𝒐𝒍𝒏𝒂𝒓𝒆𝒇𝒇 | 𝑱𝒐𝑱𝒐. 𔘓
Amo tanto a Polnareff 🫦
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houseofbreadpakoda · 7 months
South India Through My Lens 🛺🪷🥥🎣
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Threw in the only Baale Yele Oota picture I'd taken
P.S. - These are all pics from my camera roll so please don't use them for other moodboards tysmm
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shingerion · 2 years
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haveyoubeentothiscity · 2 months
Population: 724,159
Note that Mangaluru is also known as Mangalore, and is different from Bengaluru/Bangalore.
The submitter commented, “I'm submitting because it is where my family is from, although I have not been.”
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chronussy-bc · 10 months
Discussion: Does Creed Hate Women? (P1)
Particularly women with power and having a strong influence on others, those he feels can be his equal or superior in terms of both (either) physically and (or) mentally. After knowing about his past, i think this is quite a valid question, making his hatred towards Saya much more understandable. In the manga, Creed has come in contact with a few female characters: Saya, Echidna, Kyoko, Sephiria, Rinslet, Eve and Shiki (yeah Shiki is canonically a woman). However, I notice he shows dislike outwardly for only Sephiria and Saya.
Kyoko and Shiki are those he can easily manipulate into working for him. Shiki did find out about his real intention of exploiting taoists later for his dream of achieving immortality through nanomachines, but still she fought against Train and the sweepers to defend their hideout, just betraying him when she was already defeated. Kyoko is young, quickly swayed by Creed's inducing to do as she please. So Creed does not bother with both of them. Eve's case is also similar to Kyoko, but she is lucky Sven and Train got to her first.
Echidna is a volunteer. She doesn't even need to be manipulated to be with Creed. Through the final arc, we can see how Echidna actually has an opinion of her own and how she stands with it, even though she may not show. She is well aware of Creed's ambition, before most of the Apostles, and she does have fear of what he might become, besides all the power and the victory. Yet she stuck with him, staying by his side after he was beaten back to square one. It can be said that Creed never has to concern himself about her loyalty. She is willing to be a subordinate.
Rinslet is terrified of Creed. Like most people with common sense, tbh. She is not a coward, but one experience with him is enough for her to stay away as far as she can. She accepted Sephiria's offer because Sephiria manipulated her, goading her into it, not because she thought she could actually pull it off in the first place. Creed knows this as well, explaining why he could tell she came to the castle was a part of a plan. "Creed is interested in those who used to stand in his way." He is since most of them will not dare to face him again, if they are still alive. So there must be someone behind Rinslet that gurantees her safety, that must be why she still has the guts to follow him.
=> All of the characters mentioned above are not those Creed regards highly or feel threatened by. He may acknowledge their capability, but that's all.
However, Saya and Sephiria are different. Sephiria is undeniably powerful, both in terms of influence, conviction and strength. Saya initially got his attention due to her changing Train, but later on her skills and resolve as a sweeper were also a big factor when they came face to face. And the most important thing is, they do not fear Creed's true nature and they are not fooled by his mask. He cannot manipulate them or overpower them without "cheating".
Saya is a girl who is far more beyond what is on the outside:
Not wanting to be shaped and bothered by her past tragedy, Saya has learnt to enjoy what is good in life. She acts naive, not because she actually is, but because she wish to believe in the bright side of people. Kentaro Yabuki built her character really well through small details. A childhood filled with abuse from her parents and neglections from relatives, being passed from one orphanage to another...a person having gone through those things at such a young age cannot be gullible.
"I've been to many places, seen many people, but the only one I consider my friend is you, Train." This phrase is such a crucial one. Saya has never trusted anyone enough to consider them her friends. Never. In all her years of travelling and socialising. Her knowledge of the world is much broader than Train's, but still she cannot find anyone to confide in until he comes. She was mistreated by her flesh and blood, and the fear birthed from knowing even those who are supposed to be her family can do her wrong has deeply rooted inside her. She is just as doubtful as anyone in the story. However, as written, she does not let the past define her and her reality, her present. Train was an infamous cold-blooded assassin, but she tried to understand his heart to judge, and when she knew she could trust him, she trusted him with everything, even the past she had been hiding so well. If Train could be similiar to anyone, it would be her, not Creed (when I have times I'll say more about this).
It takes a lot of efforts and courage to be optimistic about a world that has been nothing but cruel, and Saya managed to do it. Her zealousness is probably something that adds to Creed's hatred. Bro is psycho and pessimistic all the time so it's understandabe *sigh*. Sometimes I experience it too, Creed. Sometimes.
Inevitably, Saya's mentality is by no means weak. She has an ideal to live by, be happy and be helpful, and she sticks to it to the very end. Creed always assumes she is an ordinary girl, so he never expects her to defend her belief with her life. Everyone ordinary would choose their lives when push comes to shore because they are selfish, that is what Creed stands by. However, Saya chose to save the children instead, and was able to break Kotetsu due to her determination to protect them. That was the moment Creed realized Saya could affect Train because of who she is, not of any witchcraft and he continued to deny this until the final battle when Train called him out.
Creed does not love life, and he does not want Train to find a way out of their shared misery either. It was to the point he had nearly become a god through the power of his hatred, and yet that power could not help him defeat a young girl who he deems so unsignificant, so low. Creed was aware that with Saya's skills, she might not have lost the fight had she prioritized herself; and that her saving the kids was not just a moment of heroism, it was a choice she was willing to take consequence for. The truth is she lives her life by what she believes, and not even the-man-who-can-become-god can bend her.
Creed could not dodge her reflecting bullets then, and still he cannot dodge them from Train's Hades. Saya's shots would always hit him.
Well, well,...Definitely added to the rose-scented, Train-stickered blacklist.
But if switched Saya's gender into a man, would Creed be that crazy? I doubt not. Later on, Train also has someone who is his friend, his partner, who he voluntarily travels with, and that is Sven. Being with Sven and then Eve is what finally forms Train into Train Heartnet, a free sweeper. Being with Saya makes him no longer Black Cat, making him realize he desires happiness instead of power. However, the thought of killing did not leave his mind. Man does away with some mafia's assassin right in volume 1 and only until vol.13, decides to capture Creed alive. Train is still not clear about his actual path even after Saya. He just knows he does not want to be controlled and going around, do bloody work his entire life. The experience he has with the gang enlightens him on what he should choose.
Does Creed know he still have the chance to change Train back? Yes. Does he know Sven plays a part in Train's resistence towards murdering? Also yes. He has attempted to repeat history, getting rid of Sven as he did Saya. However, this time he is much more relax, as if playing. The manner in which he talks to Sven is more casual, no accusing him of dark magic and stuff, no cursing either (he called Saya a b!tch). He deals with Sven leisurely, not losing his wit and went rabid like when he came for Saya.
IMO Creed's fear and hatred towards his mother must have affected his view on women strongly. Nothing could feel more painful than those pain inflicted in childhood, since it was when people were the most vulnerable. If both a man and a woman were at the same level of strength, I think outside Creed would be more likely to recognize the man's competence and look down on the woman's. No he is not misogynistic, it's kind of a trauma response. Inside he would feel more threatened by the woman than the man, but he would never admit it.
Yeah, that's about it for now. Gosh this is much longer than I expected so I guess Sephiria's part will be on another post.
Read pt.2
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kalyandevaraju · 1 year
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Nature is not a place to visit, it is home 🍀
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nugothrhythms · 3 months
"Thelema" by Greek wave noir (a combination of darkwave and dark cabaret/neo-noir music) one-man-band Tango Mangalore off of 2024 album re-Vamp
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daziechane · 4 months
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We had visitors at our office this morning.
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chocoichigogc · 11 months
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Annd they are off! Summer Camp is about to start!
Stay Safe, Stay Hydrated, and Stay Sweet!
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freyadruid · 2 years
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A series of events and the side you couldn’t see…
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sameatzz · 2 months
⎯ 𝙈𝙞𝙢𝙞𝙝𝙞𝙢𝙚 | 𝙏𝙚𝙣𝙜𝙤𝙠𝙪 𝘿𝙖𝙞𝙢𝙖𝙠𝙮𝙤𝙪 : 𔘓
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charliemonroe · 1 year
Tango Mangalore - Mort Marin ✞
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shingerion · 2 years
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eclipseeraofthebeast · 11 months
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chronussy-bc · 3 months
Annon-Guy: This might be a bit strange, but what are your thoughts on Leon possibly having a crush on Eve?
In that vein, if Train and Eve fell in love with another person (Train with someone like Rinslit or Sephiria and Eve with Leon) how would they handel it? Considering that they never fell in love or had the time to even do so.
1. I think it makes sense that Leon has a crush on Eve. She is kinda his “Saya”, and he is at an age when conscious thoughts about romance starts developing strongly. He seems to be the type who is reluctant to show/deal with his emotions, prefer to bottling them up, so a person who is gentle/calm but sensitive like Eve would actually be a potential partner for him (both in terms of platonic and romantic). She would not push him to express himself and rather respect his boundaries. This kind of patient care is what encourages him to share his feeling.
The two would have little difficulty becoming good friends. However, the love part would not be so clear at first, even if Leon had a crush on her. As time passes and they mature, they might come to realize it and after some self-conflict, would be able to muster the courage to confess. I’m inclined to believing that Leon would yield first, but honestly, the chance is equal. Their “love” would have a rather rivalry dynamic, resulted from their friendship. Nevertheless, Eve is likely to have the upper hand most of the time haha. I also imagine that this duo would be a lot more straightforward with each other in this aspect, compared to Train and the other two you mentioned. They would have good communication, since both are not the type that likes letting people guess their mind. Even when they have something they don’t wanna say yet, they make sure their attitude got across, avoiding unnecessary misunderstanding.
Eve would handle her feeling quite well imo. She might not fully accept it at first, but she would not deny it (internally). She knows Leon is a good person and not in anyways undeserving of appreciation. The possible reason she is reluctant to admit is that she is not so sure if he feels the same and afraid of losing their friendship. However, she would still try to make him fall for her. She is not one to give up.
Eve can be embarrassed with intimacy gestures, but she definitely does not scare it. There will be awkwardness at first, like every teen couples (teen couples in my time, not sure of today ‘s). However, once they got used to it, Eve would be more relaxed to be a lovebird with him out in the open. I don’t think her personality gonna change much, though. Still the wise-beyond-her-age, a tranquil but competitive, strong willed girl. But she would be possessive, I figure. She will not back down against anyone whose intention is not “innocent”. Screaming, nagging or pouting are not gonna be her options. She will prove herself through ability so that her opponent must take defeat with respect.
Ahhh this is getting long so next post gonna be for Train!
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