#Marcos Diaz x reader
multifandomsimagine · 4 months
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Imagine Star and Marco going to visit you during your shift at Britta’s Tacos
Handing over the person's order, you watched from behind the counter as they thanked you and made their way to one of the tables to enjoy their meal. Seeing as no one else was waiting in line, you grabbed a damp rag from nearby and began wiping down the counter.
This wasn't the most glamorous job but it was a decent one. The uniforms could be worse and so could the management so you were thankful for what you got. The wage wasn't bad as it allowed you to save up a decent amount of money for when you wanted to go out with friends or buy the latest gadget. Plus the perk of taking home leftovers and unpicked-up orders was cool.
You had been refilling the condiments when you hear a knock coming from the window. Turning around, you were met with Star and Marco who happily waved at you when you noticed them. With your own grin, you walked over. "Hey, guys! Here to order something?"
The blonde nodded excitedly.
"But we also wanted to know when you finished your shift. "Marco said as Star looked through the menu, deciding on what to order.
Looking at the clock hanging on a wall, you said. "In about ten minutes. Why?"
"Pony Head invited us to a party!" The marks on Star's cheek shifted into balloons at her sentence. "You have to come too! Her parties are so amazing!"
You nodded your head. "I'm so in! I just need to change beforehand."
"Amazing! We can wait for you to finish up and then take you home with the scissors."
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yanderesvtfoe · 10 months
Jealous Marco Diaz Headcanons
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Marco didn't want to admit he was jealous
You were your own person and it's not like you two were dating
You didn't owe him commitment
But he couldn't help this icky feeling in his stomach
It kept growing when he saw you with Tom
He'll clinch his fist tightly, not realizing he was doing it until he saw the nail mark
Anytime Tom talks he rolls his eye
Tom will try and ask him about it but Marco will deny it
"I didn't do that"
"But I saw you roll your eyes"
"No you didn't"
Gaslighting boss
He will deny everything until the very end
That's what he's good at, but no matter how good at it he is, Tom doesn't believe him
Tom keeps an eye on Marco, making sure he doesn't try anything
Though, honestly Marco wouldn't try anything, because he doesn't even want to confront his own feelings
He hates when you ask him what's wrong
He feels like his feelings are stupid and unnecessary. Though he knows you would never invalidate him, but he can't help it
He wishes he could talk to someone
And he does
He talks to Kelly. Kelly tells him he should talk to Y/n
Marco says he will, but he doesn't, because he's scared
He can't be jealous, you're his best friend
You're just best friend... Nothing more
But maybe he wants more?
No, no... That's not it, he just has a weird attraction towards your laugh. God, loves the way your eyes shine and when your face scrunches when you smile. He loves the way your hair fits your face. He loves the way you talk-
He shakes his head, trying to rid himself of any thoughts
He only really accepts these feelings when you confront him
"I love you!"
You both freeze, taken aback. He covers his mouth and quickly shakes his head. "No, I didn't mean that. I'm sorry."
"Well, I like you, too, Marco"
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reareaotaku · 8 months
Can I get Marco Diaz from star vs the forces of evil headcanons or scenario? Can be yandere or not
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Summary: You and Marco have a steep when you break his heart when not listening to him. [This is the first draft & has been in my drafts since I started this account 💀This is like one of the first asks I got...]
You hummed, sitting on your bed, while doing Star's hair. Marco was across from you, going on and on about something, but weren't listening. You could hear the distant sound of his voice, but the words weren't registering in your mind. In fact, you didn't even realizes stopped talked until Star pinched your arm.
"Ow! That hurt. What was that for?"
Star glared up at you, as she gestured towards Marco.
You looked over at him, tilting your head, "Sorry. I wasn't listening. What were you saying Marco?
He frowned and just turned away, “It doesn't matter. It’s not important.”
You shrugged not thinking to much about it, as you continued to do Star's hair. His frown deepened as he stared at you both. You felt his stare and looked back up at him, but he quickly looked away.
Your eyebrows scrunched up and you looked down at Star, who was avoiding eye contact. You were starting to think that maybe what he had to say was important.
"Um... So Marco how was your day?"
He ignores you and you frown. "Okay, jerk. Be like that."
He turns to you and your face irrupts in a bright red.
"Nothing! It's nothing..."
"Well, unlike you, I was listening and I heard you." He stands up, brushing off his jeans, "You know, maybe if you actually listened to people when they talked to you, maybe more people would like you."
"God, what was his problem?" You groan to Star when he leaves.
She fiddles with her hands, before looking up at you, "Well, he has a point. He was pouring his heart out to you and you ignored him."
"Pouring his heart out?" You let out a forced chuckle, rolling your eyes, "Yeah. And I'm an elephant."
Star groans, before tapping her chin. She had to find a way to get you together. A smile over took her face as her mind went to how she could play match maker and finally get you to see that you and Marco were made for each other.
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princess-sof-time · 11 months
Comforting the reader
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Star Butterfly bursts into the room, her face lighting up with a mixture of worry and determination as she sees her romantic partner, the reader, crying.  She quickly steps forward and envelops the reader in a tight hug, allowing them to feel the comforting warmth and affection.
Star: "Hey hey hey! What happened? Please tell me what is making you so sad. I'm here for you no matter what."
With an unwavering tenderness, Star gently caresses the reader's face, wiping away the tears as she smiles encouragingly.
Star: "You are amazing and brave. I know life can feel overwhelming at times, but remember that you are not alone. I am here to share your burden and walk through it all with you."
She holds the reader's hands firmly, conveying confidence and unconditional love.
Star: "Together, we'll overcome every obstacle. We can laugh, we can cry, we can face every difficulty together. I promise that no matter how dark the storm seems, I'll be here with you, holding your hand."
Looking deep into the reader's eyes, Star exudes a vibrant, upbeat energy.
Star: "You are a special and strong person. Believe in your power to overcome all adversity. I will always be by your side, lighting the way and reminding you that love and support will never fail. Together, we will face the world! "
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Marco Diaz enters the room with soft steps, noticing his romantic partner, the reader, silently sobbing.  He cautiously approaches and sits down next to the reader, offering a warm and comforting hug.
Marco: "I'm so sorry you're going through this. I want you to know that I'm here for you, my love. You can cry and vent to me, I'm here to listen to you."
He wraps the reader in his arms, conveying security and empathy.
Marco: "Sometimes, life can be difficult and surprise us with moments of sadness. But know that you are not alone. I am by your side, and together we will overcome any obstacle that comes our way."
Marco gently strokes the reader's back, offering a gesture of comfort and support.
Marco: "You are an incredible and courageous person. Your pain and your tears do not define who you are. I believe in your inner strength and in your power to overcome this adversity."
He looks into the reader's eyes, conveying a look full of love and understanding.
Marco: "I promise I'll be here for you at all times. We'll weather this storm together, one step at a time. You don't have to carry the weight alone. Count on me, my love."
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Tom Lucitor enters the room with determination, noticing his romantic partner, the reader, silently sobbing.  He carefully approaches and sits next to the reader, enveloping them in a warm and comforting hug.
Tom: "Hey my love, what happened? Tell me please. I want to understand and be here for you."
He gently caresses the reader's hair, conveying security and affection.
Tom: "I'm so sorry you're going through this. You don't have to face this sadness alone. I'm here to support you, listen and offer you my shoulder to cry on."
With his soft voice, Tom expresses empathy and understanding.
Tom: "Sometimes life gives us tough times, but I want you to know that I'm there for you, no matter what. Your pain matters to me, and I'll do whatever I can to help you get through it."
He gently holds the reader's face, looking into the eyes with tenderness and sincerity.
Tom: "You are a special and loved person. Your tears are not a sign of weakness, but of courage in facing your emotions. I admire you for that. Remember that I am here to hold you, wipe your tears and remind you that you are not alone."
Tom places a hand over the reader's heart, conveying a gesture of comfort and support.
Tom: "I love you very much and I want you to know that I am here to go through this sadness with you. We will face this challenge together, and I promise to be here for you at all times. You are important to me, and your happiness It's a priority."
He leans his forehead against the reader's, conveying a deep connection and a bond of unconditional love.
Tom: "No matter how dark the path may seem, I will be by your side, lighting you up with my love and care. You don't have to take this journey alone, my love. I'm here to walk with you."
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hypegirl1 · 9 months
Fuck you and your nachos!(Marco Diaz x fem!reader)
Summary: Marco tries to cheer you up after hours of magic lessons with Glossaryck,however,you're not in the mood at all to do something else
Word count:472
Genre: Angst,fluff
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"No no YN,you have to put your arm in a 90°,not like that"
It has been hours since you started your magic lessons with Glossaryck,but you were already tired,you had tried the same spell like 100 times and still,no results,you were already exhausted and mad,you wanted to do something else.
"Glossaryck,I´m tired,can´t we just leave it for today?"
"No YN,you have to learn basic spells,there are more spells in the book than the ones you make yourself"
1 hour later you were already very pissed off,really,what´s up with Glossaryck? You know how to use your wand,you know your spells,what does he want you to learn other than that? You were already mad that had no energy to do anything else than staying in your bed doing nothing,if anyone else told you to do something right now,they´ll probably end up with a narwal explosion.
"YN hey!Did you finished your magic lessons with Glossaryck?"
"Marco leave me alone please,I´m not in the mood right now"
"Oh,alrigh alright,I thought that maybe we could watch a movie and eat my famous nachos to cheer you up,what do you think?"
No answer
"Uhm,do you want to choose the movie tonight?It´s not your turn tonight but I´ll let you choose if you want"
"Marco,did you not hear me?I told you to leave me alone"
Wow,now you were starting to get really mad
"I know but maybe a movie and nachos can cheer you u-"
"Marco leave me alone! Do I have to get mad so that you can understand me?fuck you and your nachos!"
"Fine,sorry for trying to help!"
Marco closed the door with a slam,oh boy,now you felt bad,Marco is not responsible for your mood,why did you just treated him like that?He just wanted to help
"Ohhh I´m so stupid,goddamn you Glossaryck,it´s your fault that I´m like this"
You rolled of your bed and to the floor,were you layed there staring at the ceiling,thinking about what you just done.
"Go apologize then"
Glossaryck just suddenly appeared at your side from under the bed,why was he always like this?
"Could you stop being so misterious?You scare the hell out of me,how much have you listened?-"
"All of it"
"Ughh I hate everything"
Perfect,Glossaryck heard your whole conversation,now you were in your bed with your head buried in a pillow.
"Go talk to him,it´s Marco,he´ll accept your apologies"
"I know but-"
You went downstairs to see Marco covered in his blanket,eating nachos while watching TV,he looked kinda mad
"Hey YN,what do you want?"
"I just want to apologize for what happened,you aren´t the one responsible for my mood,I shouldn´t have screamed at you like that.It´s just that-sorry,I´m very exhausted from all these magic lessons with Glossaryck,and that made me mad,you were trying to help,I should have accepted your help"
"I´m happy you´re being honest,I accept your apologies"
"Thank you"
"So,movie night?"
"Of course! Let´s watch Twilight!"
"Hey,you said I could choose the movie tonight"
"That´s when you were mad,now you seem kinda happy"
And you were,just fixing the things already cheered you up
"You´re right,let´s choose one together"
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rewatching Star Vs the forces of evil, and these two definitely have the same vibe
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bomber-grl · 3 days
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I’ll write for… A-Z✶⋆.˚꩜ .ᐟ˙⋆✶
Key ~ .𖥔 ݁ ˖
Platonic - 💫
Romantic - 💗
Familial - 🏡
These are just the ones off the top of my head, if you’re wondering if I write for a fandom not here then I’d be happy to answer! (Also I’ll add here if I do, I just consume too much media and forget)
~ 𖦹₊⊹ Any gendered reader can be requested unless the character has a strict sexuality (ex: Gay, Lesbian)
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— Games ₊˚⊹ ᰔ
- For the Love of Gods
Astrellio ~ 💫💗🏡
Vidas ~ 💫💗🏡
- Into the Mist
Fin Derodine ~ 💫💗🏡
- Isle of Enchantment
Rogue Blackwood ~ 💫💗🏡
Serena James ~ 💫💗🏡
- Last Legacy
Felix Escellun ~ 💫💗🏡
Sage Lesath ~ 💫💗🏡
Anisa Anka ~ 💫💗🏡
Rime Solano ~ 💫💗🏡
- Monster Manor
Casimir de Gévaudan ~ 💫💗
Rainier ~ 💫💗🏡
Obey Me!
Lucifer ~ 💫💗🏡
Mammon ~ 💫💗🏡
Leviathan ~ 💫💗🏡
Satan ~ 💫💗🏡
Asmodeus ~ 💫💗🏡
Beezlebub ~ 💫🏡
Belphegor ~ 💫💗🏡
Solomon ~ 💫💗🏡
Simeon ~ 💫💗🏡
Diavolo ~ 💫💗🏡
Barbatos ~ 💫💗🏡
Luke ~ 💫🏡
Our Life: Beginnings & Always
Cove Holden ~ 💫💗🏡
Derek Suárez ~ 💫💗🏡
Our Life: Now & Forever
Qiu Lin ~ 💫💗🏡
Tamarack Baumann ~ 💫💗🏡
Sal Fisher ~ 💫💗🏡
Larry Johnson ~ 💫💗🏡
Ashley Campbell ~ 💫💗🏡
Todd Morrison ~ 💫💗🏡
Travis Phelps ~ 💫💗🏡
The Arcana
Asra Alnazar ~ 💫💗🏡
Julian Devorak ~ 💫💗🏡
Portia Devorak ~ 💫💗🏡
Muriel ~ 💫💗🏡
Nadia Satrinava ~ 💫💗🏡
Lucio ~ 💫💗🏡
— Animated Shows/Movies ₊˚⊹ ᰔ
Adventure Time
Finn the Human Adventure ~ 💫💗🏡
Jake the Dog ~ 💫💗🏡
Princess Bubblegum ~ 💫💗🏡
Prismo the Wish Master ~ 💫💗🏡
Fern ~ 💫💗🏡
Avatar: The Last Airbender
Zuko ~ 💫💗🏡
Azula ~ 💫💗🏡
Sokka ~ 💫💗🏡
Katara ~ 💫💗🏡
Aang ~ 💫💗🏡
Toph ~ 💫💗🏡
Jet ~ 💫💗🏡
Bee and puppycat
Bee ~ 💫🏡
Howell Wizard ~ 💫💗🏡
Crispin Wizard ~ 💫💗🏡
Wesley Wizard ~ 💫💗🏡
Cardamon ~ 💫🏡
Big hero 6
Hiro Hamada ~ 💫💗🏡
Cass ~ 💫🏡
Fiona and Cake
Fiona Campbell ~ 💫💗🏡
Marshal Lee ~ 💫💗🏡
Gary ~ 💫💗🏡
Simon Petrikov ~ 💫💗🏡
Gravity Falls
Dipper Pines ~ 💫💗🏡
Mabel Pines ~ 💫🏡
Stanley Pines ~ 💫🏡
Stanford Pines ~ 💫💗🏡
Star vs the Forces of Evil
Star Butterfly ~ 💫🏡
Marco Diaz ~ 💫💗🏡
Tom Lucitor ~ 💫💗🏡
Spider-Man: Across the Spiderverse
Miles Morales (Earth - 42/1610) ~ 💫💗🏡
Gwen Stacy ~ 💫💗🏡
Hobie Brown ~ 💫💗🏡
Pavitr Prabhakar ~ 💫💗🏡
Tales of Arcadia
Douxie ~ 💫💗🏡
Eli Pepperjack ~ 💫💗🏡
Krel ~ 💫💗🏡
The Dragon Prince
Callum ~ 💫💗🏡
Aaravos ~ 💫💗🏡
Rayla ~ 💫💗🏡
— Anime ₊˚⊹ ᰔ
Assassination Classroom
Nagisa Shiota ~ 💫💗🏡
Karma Akabane ~ 💫💗🏡
Gakushu Asano ~ 💫💗🏡
Ryunoske Chiba ~ 💫💗🏡
Tomohito Sugino ~ 💫💗🏡
Yuma Isogai ~ 💫💗🏡
Black Butler
Ciel Phantomhive ~ 💫💗🏡
Grell Sutcliff ~ 💫💗🏡
Alois Trancy ~ 💫💗🏡
Finnian ~ 💫💗🏡
Blue Exorcist
Rin Okumura ~ 💫💗🏡
BNA: Brand New Animal
Shirou Ogami ~ 💫💗🏡
Michiru Kagemori ~ 💫🏡
Death Note
L ~ 💫💗🏡
Misa Amane ~ 💫💗🏡
Touta Matsuda ~ 💫💗🏡
Demon Slayer
Tanjiro Kamado ~ 💫💗🏡
Zenistu Agatsuma ~ 💫💗🏡
Inosuke Hashibira ~ 💫💗🏡
Mitsuri Kanroji ~ 💫💗🏡
Kyojuro Rengoku ~ 💫💗🏡
Muichiro Tokito ~ 💫💗🏡
Genya Shinazugawa ~ 💫💗🏡
Dungeon Meshi
Laois Toudan ~ 💫💗🏡
Shoyo Hinata ~ 💫💗🏡
Tobio Kageyama ~ 💫💗🏡
kenma Kozume ~ 💫💗🏡
Tadashi Yamaguchi ~ 💫💗🏡
Yu Nishinoya ~ 💫💗🏡
Hunter x Hunter
Gon ~ 💫🏡
Killua ~ 💫💗🏡
Jujustu Kaisen
Yuji Itadori ~ 💫💗🏡
Megumi Fushiguro ~ 💫💗🏡
Nobara Kugisaki ~ 💫💗🏡
Inumaki ~ 💫💗🏡
Junpei ~ 💫💗🏡
Mob Psycho 100
Shigeo Kageyama (aka mob) ~ 💫💗🏡
Ritsu Kageyama ~ 💫💗🏡
Reigen Arataka ~ 💫💗🏡
Teruki Hanazawa ~ 💫💗🏡
Tome Kurata ~ 💫💗🏡
Tsubomi Takane ~ 💫💗🏡
My Hero Academia
Izuku Midoriya ~ 💫💗🏡
Shoto Todoroki ~ 💫💗🏡
Katsuki Bakugo ~ 💫🏡
Ochako Uraraka ~ 💫💗🏡
Hitoshi Shinso ~ 💫💗🏡
Neito Monoma ~ 💫💗🏡
Tamaki Amajiki ~ 💫💗🏡
Fumikage Tokoyami ~ 💫💗🏡
Denki Kaminari ~ 💫💗🏡
Momo Yaoyorozu ~ 💫💗🏡
Yuga Aoyama ~ 💫💗🏡
Eijiro Kirishima ~ 💫💗🏡
Tenya Iida ~ 💫💗🏡
Santa Sero ~ 💫💗🏡
Mezo Shoji ~ 💫💗🏡
All Might ~ 💫🏡
Present Mic ~ 💫🏡
Shota Aizawa ~ 💫🏡
Midnight ~ 💫🏡
My Love Story !!
Makoto Sunakawa ~ 💫💗🏡
Rinko Yamato ~ 💫💗🏡
Takeo Gouda ~ 💫💗🏡
Naruto Uzumaki ~ 💫💗🏡
Sasuke Uchiha ~ 💫💗🏡
Sakura Haruno ~ 💫💗🏡
Rock Lee ~ 💫💗🏡
Shino Aburame ~ 💫💗🏡
Gaara ~ 💫💗🏡
Sai Yamanaka ~ 💫💗🏡
Ouran Highschool Host Club
Haruhi Fujioka ~ 💫💗🏡
Tamaki Suoh ~ 💫💗🏡
Takashi Morinozuka (aka Mori) ~ 💫💗🏡
Kyoya Ootori ~ 💫💗🏡
Kaoru Hitachiin ~ 💫💗🏡
Honey Senpai ~ 💫💗🏡
Ritsu Kasanoda ~ 💫💗🏡
Umehito Nekozawa ~ 💫💗🏡
Sk8 the Infinity
Miya Chinen ~ 💫💗🏡
Spy x Family
Yor Briar ~ 💫💗🏡
Loid Forger ~ 💫💗🏡
Anya Forger ~ 💫🏡
Yuri Briar ~ 💫💗🏡
Frankie Franklin ~ 💫💗🏡
The Disastrous Life of Saiki K.
Kusuo Saiki ~ 💫💗🏡
Shun Kaido ~ 💫💗🏡
Riki Nendou ~ 💫🏡
Kokomi Teruhashi ~ 💫💗🏡
Kusuke Saiki ~ 💫💗🏡
Tiger and Bunny
Ivan Karelin ~ 💫💗🏡
Toilet Bound Hanako-Kun
Hanako ~ 💫💗🏡
Nene Yashiro ~ 💫💗🏡
Kou Minamoto ~ 💫💗🏡
Mitsuba ~ 💫💗🏡
Welcome to Demon School!! Iruma Kun
Iruma Suzuki ~ 💫💗🏡
Asmodeus Alice ~ 💫💗🏡
Clara Valac ~ 💫💗🏡
Sullivan ~ 💫🏡
Balam Shichirou ~ 💫🏡
Opera ~ 💫💗🏡
Kalego Naberius ~ 💫💗🏡
Shax Lied ~ 💫💗🏡
Ameri Azazel ~ 💫💗🏡
Yuri On Ice
Yuri Plisetsky (aka Yurio) ~ 💫💗🏡
— Tv Shows/k-Dramas/Movies ₊˚⊹ ᰔ
All of Us are Dead
Han Gyeong-su ~ 💫💗🏡
Lee Cheong-san ~ 💫💗🏡
Lee Su-hyeok/ Bare-su ~ 💫💗🏡
Maze runner
Minho ~ 💫💗🏡
Newt ~ 💫💗🏡
The Umbrella Academy
Luther Hargreeves ~ 💫🏡
Diego Hargreeves ~ 💫🏡
Ben Hargreeves ~ 💫💗🏡
Five Hargreeves ~ 💫💗🏡
Viktor Hargreeves ~ 💫🏡
Allison Hargreeves ~ 💫🏡
Klaus Hargreeves ~ 💫🏡
— webcomic/comics ₊˚⊹ ᰔ
Damian Wayne ~ 💫💗🏡
Bruce Wayne ~ 💫🏡
Jason Todd ~ 💫💗🏡
Tim Drake ~ 💫💗🏡
Dick Grayson ~ 💫💗🏡
Jon Kent ~ 💫💗🏡
Connor Kent ~ 💫💗🏡
Neo Collins ~ 💫💗🏡
Noah Collins ~ 💫💗🏡
Return of the Blossoming Blade
Cheongmyeong ~ 💫💗🏡
John ~ 💫💗🏡
Seraphina ~ 💫💗🏡
Isen ~ 💫💗🏡
Blyke ~ 💫💗🏡
— Books ₊˚⊹ ᰔ
Percy Jackson
Percy Jackson ~ 💫💗🏡
Leo Valdez ~ 💫💗🏡
Nico Di Angelo ~ 💫💗🏡
Jason Grace ~ 💫💗🏡
Piper McLean ~ 💫💗🏡
Hazel Levesque ~ 💫💗🏡
Annabeth Chase ~ 💫💗🏡
Clarisse La Rue ~ 💫🏡
Will Solace ~ 💫💗🏡
Octavian ~ 💫💗🏡
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brazilsho · 6 months
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✮⋆˙ BYF // DNI -> things you should know before interacting / suggesting something on my blog !
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𓍯 minors are discouraged from reading my 18+ works. it isn't my fault on what you're getting yourself into by reading these works and i'm not responsible to dictate you're reading online. -> don't try to befriend me when you are a minor (-17). you are allowed to read my works but please don't interact with me when you're underaged!
my blog stays a safe place for anyone, haters will get blocked / or ignored !
𓍯 i don't usually make mutuals but i'm open of interacting with you guys if wanted.
𓍯 blank blogs are getting blocked, at least customize your blog so i know you're not some fucking bot !
𓍯 supporting by commenting, rebloging or / and liking my work is always appreciated !
↳ don't feel like you can't be able to express yourself with personal tags or how you feel about my work you just read !
𓍯 bad grammar will happen in my works because i am struggling on knowing where to place the right grammar since young.
𓍯 requests are mainly always open because i get better Ideas on writing things that way but it can happen, that i wouldn't make specific ones for personal things. Ideas / thirst or prompts are always free to suggest.
hell no's when it comes to my inbox !
male! reader. character x character. scat. vomit. rape / noncon. specific race! reader (depends on the fandom ur requesting for). raceplay. incest. humiliation. domestic abuse. omegaverse. teratophilia. necrophilia. suicidal tendencies.
what i write overall !
fem! reader. gn! reader. NSFW. fluff. angst. hurt / comfort. headcanon's. songfic's. oneshot's. yandere (depends). altimate universe (ex. fantasy AU). twt p0rn links + scenario.
𓍯 i write dark content but will never get to far with topic's that will even make me feel uncomfortable.
𓍯 i also write NSFW about fictional characters that are 16+, because in my country it's allowed to have sex at the age of 14 years so it's allowed to ask about teenage character and smut / NSFW
↳ don't like it, you can gladly leave or imagine them older for their liking !
𓍯 i'm a slow writer and usually don't finish works in my drafts, which makes the late updates explain for now !
𓍯 it isn't allowed to share my work on other platforms that aren't mine, so does translating and copying my work.
𓍯 not doing a taglist, because i don't like the way it looks but if you wanna get notified about any work that i do for a specific fandom, please ask me privately.
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fandoms that i write about !
my hero academia / boku no hero. haikyuu!!. genderbend girl characters x reader (ex. male! Elsa), depends on the movie / series. alice in boderland. scream (all movies allowed). avatar the way of water. trolls band together / trolls world tour. star vs the forces of evil. (only oskar greason, male! star butterfly, marco diaz & tom lucitor). ateez & stray kids (k-pop). hazbin hotel. thats not my neighbor.
𓍯 i recommend you ask me for a request like this; "character" with gn! / fem! reader & then the scenario you have in mind (but u can be as specific as u want!) !
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© brazilsho ─ 2023. works i post are not allowed to be translated, stolen, copied, or reposted on other platforms.
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voxmortuus · 2 years
Joy Riding
PAIRING: Marcos Diaz x Fem!Reader
UNIVERSE: the Gifted
WORDS: 1.2k
SUMMARY/PROMPT: Lorna is out of the picture and you've moved into your new apartment about a month ago... You've been crushing on your neighbor who just happens to be Marcos, you don't think much of it, and he invites you over for pizza and beers, taking up the offer you realized it was more than pizza and beers, but you're far from complaining.
TRIGGER WARNING(S): MINORS DNI!!!!!!!! SMUT! | Vaginal Penetration | Male & Female Receiving Oral | Fingering | PLEASE TELL ME IF I FORGOT ANYTHING!!! I want to make sure readers are fully aware of what they are getting themselves into when they read this…
NOTE: Sorry if this isn’t what you expected, I’m hoping this finds you well love!
IMAGE CREDIT: Google I DO NOT CLAIM OWNERSHIP OF THESE IMAGES. If these are yours or you know who the creator(s) is please INBOX me and let me know. Thank you.
My Master Masterlist | Taglist
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There was just something about this man, Marcos. Could it be the fact that he helped you move into your new apartment all those months ago, and you've seen him shirtless? That chest hair... dear god, it was really something that got your gears turning... or was it the fact that he accidentally didn't shut his door all the way, and you knew he was packing some deadly heat? Or maybe it was the fact that he was just a nice guy and you needed a change? The superpowers? It had to be something.
Thinking back to when he knocked on your door and had invited you over tonight for some pizza and beers, you couldn't get the thought of what could happen out of your head. Who invites someone over for pizza and beers unless they've been friend-zoned? With a slightly defeated, sigh you lean back in your chair and look over at your bedroom door. Licking your lips, you shrug. "Ahh, what the hell?" you thought.
Heading to your bathroom, you start your shower, change your razor head, grab your 'special occasion' body wash, and turn the water a little hotter. Stepping in, you feel the hot water caress your body. The slight sting of the water kissing your cool skin makes you chuckle a bit. Running your fingers through your hair, you wash your hair and condition, leaving in the conditioner to make your hair soft you wash up, and begin to shave; everywhere.
After a thorough shower and a thorough shave job, you head to the bedroom, and you start flipping through clothes. You try on article after article of clothing but decide to go with a pair of black leggings with cutouts by the ankle and your favorite band tee. A little oversized but cropped just right to cause eyes to drift.
After a thrice over in the mirror, you check the time. With a smile on your face, you walk out your front door, and with a smirk, you walk across the hall and knock on his door. Licking your lips, you run your fingers through your hair, making sure it's perfect before Marcos answers the door. Looking over the wooden door, he calls from the other side.
"Yeah! It's open! Come in!" he hollered.
Walking in, you take in a deep inhale, taking in his scent. You lick at your lips a moment and peek around the corner. Running your fingers through your hair, you smirk and walk in, seeing him sitting at the TV watching the news. He seemed so sucked in. You chuckled briefly and made your way to take a seat next to him. Glancing over, he smirked.
"Glad you made it."
"Well, not like I had anything to do." you chuckled.
"I'll order the pizza you grab the beers?" He smiled.
Nodding your head, you think a moment and head to the fridge. Pulling out a couple cold ones, you head back to the couch. Placing the can in front of him on the water ring scattered table, you let out a soft breath and lean back with a beer in hand. Opening the can, you take a sig before looking over at him as he glances at you.
"Ordered." he smiled.
Nodding, you watch the TV a bit before he looks over at you and leans back against the couch. He ran his hand through his hair- licking your lips, you let out a soft breath.
"So what have you been up to?"
"Nothing special truthfully kinda just working around, doing what I do best, I suppose." He chuckled.
Nodding you, lean back and relax. Suddenly a knock comes at the door, looking over you smile, watching him stand up and make his way to the door, you couldn't help but notice his sweatpants, riding low, the way they clung to him in ways that drove you crazy. The way his body moved, and how did you just notice he was shirtless? Good god?!
Clearing your throat, you turn to watch the TV when he turns to come back to the couch. He sets the pizza down and looks at you.
"Okay, Imma be honest here. I didn't ask you to come over for pizza and beers."
"Oh? Then umm, why did you invite me over?"
"Honestly, I've been watching you, and umm, my curious nature got the better of me... and umm."
Shaking your head, you stand up, placing your beer on the table. You take his hand and drag him to the bedroom, drop his sweat pants and take his thick cock in your hand, and smirk. "Great minds think alike."
He lets out a small gasp as you begin to stroke him slowly to start, and lower yourself to your knees and gaze up at him, your eyes searching him. You take his slowly hardening cock into your mouth, feeling him stiffen as you begin to swirl your tongue around the flesh.
He lets out a groan as his hands find your head, his fingers tangle in your hair as he guides your head to take him into your mouth, and begins to use your head as a fuck toy. The way he moved your head, the way he gripped at your hair, the way you hear him groan as you flatten your tongue and then curl it around his thick hard cock. It was all so perfect.
You're feeling yourself get wetter, more excited. You take a hand and move it between your legs, you begin to massage your clit, and move your head a little faster as he guides you. You moan against his cock, sending a vibration through him that drives him wild. His breathing picks up, but he has other plans. Grabbing your hair, he lifts you to your feet, undresses you, and shoves you onto the bed. He moves you further up on the bed and climbs up between your legs, stripping your leggings from your body, and plunges his fingers into you while kissing your thighs.
You let out a whimper and a groan as your back arched a bit as he wasted no time making his way from your thighs to your clit. His tongue massaging the swollen bean, his fingers moving inside you with expert motions. Your hands grip at his blanket as you let out a louder moan, biting your lip hard as your legs shake.
"Oh fuck." you let out softly.
After a while, he finally decides to take it one step further. When he feels your good and wet, Marcos lifts your legs right where he wants them and shoves his thick hard cock into your willing, wet, tight hole, and you immediately clench around him and let in a sharp jagged breath.
At first, he holds it there, feeling your velvet walls clench around him. With a smirk and a groan, he begins to thrust/ At first, his thrusts are soft, slow, getting a feel for what you feel like, and then he picks up speed. But there's something about this motion that feels wonderful, but you feel like something is missing. You wrap your legs around him, and with all your might, you turn him on his back. You smirk, looking over his face, and lick at your lips.
"Please, allow me." You bite your lip as your hips begin to work.
He smirks, looking over your face. Your hands fall to his chest, bracing yourself as you begin to rock your hips back and forth, getting him situated. The feeling of your clit rub against him, you moan, your head falls back, responding to how he stretches your walls. You begin to slowly raise and lower yourself over his thick length, and you feel the way he touches that sweet spot, and it drives you wild. You begin to pick up speed, your moans getting louder. His hands grip at your thighs, his fingertips digging in, leaving fingertip bruises that will kiss your flesh.
His groans begin to match yours as his hips move up to meet you coming down on him. You both grow extremely heated, picking up the pace a little further, your breasts bounce as your hips glide on him. Between the pressure of bouncing and the grinding, your fingertips press into his chest. Feeling the fibers of his chest hair under your fingers only sends you further into this pit of want. You let out another long-drawn-out moan as you feel your swollen bean rub against him, causing this friction that will send you over the edge.
"Oh, sweet fuck." He growls.
Hearing his words is what does it. You're unable to really comprehend what was going on, it was like you couldn't contain yourself. Letting out another moan you move faster.
"Fuck, you're going to make me cum if you keep that up." He chuckles.
He looks over your face, and he could tell that was what you wanted. What you both needed. Feeling you on that edge, he flips you over, and pounds into you hard, and fast, your clit rubbing against him. You let out a moan.
"Right there, fuck Marcos, right... there!" You scream.
As he keeps his pace, and depth your legs begin to shake, and you release all over him. He pulls from you as you are cumming, and he puts his cock in his hands and releases on your stomach. Looking over your face, he smirks, licking his lips.
"Holy fuck." you say at the same time.
He chuckles, and you lick your own lips. "I say we clean me up, eat, and go again."
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trashmagines · 5 years
Luna Y Sol: Marcos Diaz x Female!Mutant!Reader Drabble
TrAshy Says: Bitch, we love a good opposites story and I love any excuse to write a character with umbrakinesis so let’s fucking go.
Warnings: The Gifted spoilers! (it’s little things but still)
You both are like the sun and moon; opposite yet drawn to each other in a way neither of you can explain. 
You met when you were young; two hopeless mutant kids trying to find their way in a world that hadn’t been too kind thus far. He’d stolen food from a stash he hadn’t known was yours, and you’d chased him to an empty alley where he’d finally turned to face you. His hands were gleaming, illuminated and shining brightly on you and your current setting. He could now see the ominous shadows rolling off of your form, and this sight caused him to speak. 
“You too?”
You can hear the relief in his voice and you nod at his inquiry. He drops his hands and you quell the darkness surrounding you, both of you staring at each other like you’d found a solution to all of your problems. In a way, you had, because you both relied on each other for survival and grew closer as time passed. When he started working for the cartel, you’d asked him to get you across the border so that you could also start your life anew. Neither of you had cried when you parted, somehow aware that this wouldn’t be the last time you’d see each other. 
You’re sitting in a chair, in an unlit room not your own, waiting patiently for the occupant to return. You’d caught a glimpse of a gorgeous green light permeating the night sky and you knew. You knew. The door opens slowly and in walks the man you had been wanting to see. The tiredness in his eyes make him look older than he actually is, and his shoulders are hunched like he’s been carrying the weight of the world. He doesn’t notice you immediately, seemingly too lost in his circulating thoughts, so when you clear your throat to get his attention, he’s on the defensive with his hands raised and blinding. The light coming from him shines on you, and he notes the concern etched on your beautiful, familiar face. When you make no move to stand he lowers his hands, once again making the room dim. He shuffles over to you and kneels, gently placing his head in your lap like he’d done so many times before when you were both young and just trying to survive.
“Everything’s falling apart, Y/N...” “You’ll find your way; you always have.”
He closes his eyes and wraps his arms around your waist, and you gingerly run your fingers through his hair. The action takes him back to the nights when he wasn’t sure he’d make it through another day, so he figured he only had that moment. His strong arms tighten comfortably around you, a non-verbal way of asking you to stay. You look down at him, the boy you fell in love with now a man with features hardened by a world that doesn’t accept him. You nod, and even though he can’t see it, he knows you aren’t going anywhere.
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cactiem · 6 years
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Pairing: Marcos Diaz x Reader
Requested: @raveenasblog
Prompts: #6 “If you wanted me to take my shirt off, you could have just asked.”
#27 "I’m your wife/husband/girlfriend/boyfriend/partner/friend. It’s my job.”
Summary: In a happy and committed relationship with a nice house and close friends. Everything is good in Marcos's life but what happens when he wakes up?
GIF Not Mine
The alarm clock going off brought Marcos out of his slumber making him groan and snuggle up closer to you. "It’s too early." You let out a chuckle at his muffled complaint. You wished you could stay in bed all day together but unfortunately that wasn’t possible as your friends were coming over for an end of summer barbecue.
"I know but we’ve got to get everything ready before our friends arrive." You told him. You couldn’t help the smile from creeping onto your face at Marcos's sleepy state.
"Why did we agree to do this again?" He asked, throwing his arm across his face to stop the brightness when you moved to get up.
"Because, John and Clarice are redecorating so I volunteered us."
"You’re lucky you’re cute." He smirked, leaning on his elbows to face you. You shook your head playfully throwing one of his shirts at him. "What time are they supposed to be coming?"
"John said around twelve to help finish setting everything up."
"In John time that means no later than eleven." Marcos snorted. It wasn’t unusual for John and Clarice to arrive early at whatever the event was.
"I’m going to go and make some coffee. You better be up when I get back, mister." You said, kissing him one last time before going downstairs.
Marcos was right because John and Clarice had arrived early. You didn’t mind though as it meant more people to help. You were stood with Clarice, watching your partners play around with Marcos's new car as you took sips of your drink. "I have no words, honestly." Clarice said, shaking her head at the antics of her boyfriend. You let out a laugh in agreement.
"I’m going tell them to stop playing with the car and start getting dinner on. I’m starving." You told her.
"I don’t get why they’re doing it."
"Marcos said, and I quote, 'I’m your husband. It’s my job' whatever that means. I’m not complaining though because it means less work for me." You shrugged clinking your glass with hers and then walked over to where they were.
"Dinner will be soon." Marcos said noticing your presence, his attention still on the car. You glared at him and John nudged him bringing his attention onto you. "Dinner will be now." He corrected.
"Change your shirt before you do." You put your hand in front of you to stop Marcos from getting your top dirty.
"If you wanted me to take my shirt off you could have just asked." He grinned at you which made you shake your head, trying to hold back a smile. Marcos knew how to make you smile or laugh when you’re somewhat annoyed at him. You try your best to show him it didn’t work but most of the time your lips would tug into a smile. Marcos placed a haste kiss on your cheek before jogging away from you so you couldn’t hit him for getting dirt on you.
"Unbelievable." You muttered, following him back to the house.
Marcos was wiping off the dirt on his face as he walked into the kitchen, watching as you, John, and Clarice were having a conversation and laughing about something someone said. He sighed, content with how his life had turned out when an alarm started going off. Looking around confused, he couldn’t find the source of it. It wasn’t until he woke up that he realised that it was just a dream. Out of habit, Marcos reached over to the side of the bed only for it to be cold and empty. You weren’t there and haven’t been for a while.
Requests are open
Tag List (Still Open): @mayaslifeinabox @lunarmoonwolf @princess-of-the-fandoms @live--aloud @sutoritaimu @fangirling-central @missmeganrachel @hanabiri @playbucky @therealmrshale @lostnliterature
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multifandomsimagine · 2 years
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Imagine going to Quest Buy with Star and Marco
With how many adventures you've been on with Star and Marco, you thought nothing could ever surprise you anymore. Being taken through so many dimensions and kingdoms and seeing all their inhabitants - carnivorous plants, unicorns, monsters, demons, etc. - it seemed like you had seen it all. But as you stepped through the portal and landed in a maze-like store, you were once again surprised. Eyes widen in amazement, you watched as a uniformed sloth push a cart full of weird and magical items through the aisles. "Whoa."
Standing at your side once he was through the portal, Marco nodded, agreeing with your reaction. "I had the same reaction too when Star first brought me here."
Star stands at your other side and loops her arms with yours. She begins leading the way with Marco trailing behind you both. "[Name] there is so much to see here. We should start at the weapons aisle. No, wait! The ghost heads! Oh, but you'll love snack selections. There is just so much to explore. I'll show you everything!"
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yanderesvtfoe · 2 years
Marco: It’s dark in here Y/n: Don’t worry dude I got this Y/n: *Stomps their feet* Y/n: *Skechers light up* Marco: I was gonna ask, but then I realized I don't care
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writing-fanics · 3 years
[] Star Vs. The Forces Of Evil Fanfic Ideas []
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Only Tom and Marco May add other if asked
[] Marco Diaz []
[]Imagine[]: Star’s Older Sister Sacrificing Her Powers To Save Star
[]Imagine[]: Getting Injured In Battle And Forgetting Everyone
[]Imagine[]: Marco Having a Crush on You But Not Knowing Untill He Almost Loses You...
[]Imagine[]: Despite Star Having A Crush On Marco, and You Knowing She Likes Him. She Wants You and Him To Be together because she wants to see you her older sister happy.
[Tom Lucitor]
[]Imagine[]: Tom Choosing You To Dance With
[]Imagine[]: Being a Human From Earth And Tom Falling In Love With You
[]Imagine[]: Introducing Your Human Parents to Tom
[]Imagine[]: Tom Breaking Your Heart After Seeing Him and Star
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alison-anonymous · 5 years
♡ first "i love you" | t.l.
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This amazing little demon boy doesn't get written about enough, so imma just fix that😘❤ also, this is my first headcanon, so I'm so sorry if it sucks😢😂
Warnings - ANGST, buncha fluff at the end, poor heartbroken/pissed Tom
Tom Lucitor Headcanon - First "I Love You"
First "I Love You" with Tom...
♡ it legit all started with a party, courtesy of Star, of course. It was supposed to be a birthday party on your behalf, but of course, Star messed up the date so it was two weeks before your actually birthday.
♡ it wasn't that big of a party, just you, Star, Marco, Pony Head, Tom, Janna, and Kelly, along with a couple other friends and creatures (some you didn't even know).
♡ the party had began with you showing up slightly late because it had just started storming outside, and Pony Head had demanded that you bring along some of the best alcohol so she could "try some", but you knew there was more to it than that.
♡ obviously you brought some anyway
♡ it was a horrible mistake😂
♡ once you made it through the doors you were soaking wet, holding a case of beer in your hand and a useless umbrella in the other. It didn't take long for your friends to start off the party with a friendly game of Never Have I Ever. Of course, Star made you sit next to Tom, whom you had a majorly embarrassing crush on😘
♡ you were sitting so close to each other that your knees were touching the entire time. Face as red as a tomato the entire time, and you couldn't seem to stop stuttering from how close you were to the demon prince. Something about even just being near him gave you shivers.
♡ as the rounds went on, you all began to drink for every point you lost. And let's just say, you all got pretty drunk! Except for Tom, who seemed to have a strange tolerance for the burning liquid.
♡ you, being in your drunken state, at one point leaned your head against his shoulder and heaved out a big sigh, breathing in his scent. He had froze at first from the sudden contact, and the two of you were immune to the giggles around you and the shipping coming from Star. He relaxed and allowed you to lean in closer, stiffening slightly to support you so you didn't slump over.
♡ you didn't even remember when you mumbled low enough so only he could hear, "you smell amazing"
♡ to which he let out a small chuckle and glanced around to make sure no one was watching before casually reaching over to tuck a loose strand of your hair that had fallen into your eyes back behind your ear. "Thank you"
♡ if it were even possible, you turned an even brighter shade of red as the group decided that they were all drunk enough to switch to Truth or Dare. You got to ask the question first.
♡ "Marcoo," you drawled, feeling your senses leave you defenseless as the room grew a fuzzy. You definitely weren't good with alcohol. You almost tipped over from your lack of balance, but lucky Tom snaked his arm around your waist to support you once again. Feeling his warmth pressed against your skin sent shivers down your spine and sent the butterflies soaring inside your stomach. Getting a certain glitter in your eyes, you proceeded, "truth or dare?"
♡ "uuuhhh" he lolled to one side, accidentally smacking Pony Head in the neck as she floated sideways from the alcohol. "Truth!"
♡ "oooh okay," you giggled, tapping your lip as you snuggled in closer to Tom's side, loving the feeling of his arm around you a little too much than a friend would. Finally, the perfect question popped into your brain.
♡ "are you secretly in love with Star?"
♡ Marco let out an exaggerated gasp and placed a hand over his heart, almost causing himself to fall over. "Me??"
♡ but don't think no one noticed the way that he glanced longingly over at Star as she was drunkenly obsessing over one of the laser puppies for simply walking. A look of pure love was set in his eyes. A look that you wished a certain someone would look at you with...
♡ only you were too focused on Marco to realize that Tom was indeed staring down at you rather than at the Starco ship about to sail before you.
♡ "permission to knock myself out so I don't have to answer?" He questioned, looking at you with complete seriousness.
♡ "permission denied, you walnut. Now spill!"
♡ "fineeee," he ughed, collapsing onto the floor and covering his red face with his hands. You could already tell his heart was racing as Star finally returned back to the group, getting a repetition of the question from a very drunk Pony Head. Her eyes suddenly softened, and for a moment, you could swear she was suddenly sober.
♡ "yes."
♡ and then there was nothing but screaming shippers for quite some time. You'll admit, you did get in on that screaming session a bit as Starco finally was about to sail. After that, a couple more rounds passed (Kelly was dared to pee in an empty alcohol bottle, Pony Head to scream that she was pregnant at the guards, and Tom was dared to have you sit on his lap for the remainder of the game). You weren't complaining at all, to be honest. He had his arms wrapped firmly around your waist as you had your back pressed to his chest, your drunken self completely forgetting that just about everyone in the room knew about your crush on Tom except perhaps the demon himself.
♡ and while Marco definitely was going to thank you later, he wasn't done with revenge yet.
♡ so once it was finally his turn, he turned to you with a smirk on his face and once you said truth, he posed the question that would change your life. All of your friends looked like they were on the edge of their seat, awaiting to see if another ship would sail tonight.
♡ "who are you in love with?"
♡ in your brain, dozens of images of Tom flashed behind your eyes. All of the times that he was there for you, all of the times your hands accidentally brushed, all of the sparks that you felt and were still feeling whenever you touched, the way that you longed to know what it felt like to kiss him, to call him yours... how badly you wanted to tell him how you felt and how you kept it locked away because you feared that he still loved Star. You wanted to get to slow dance with him, to get to cuddle whenever you wanted, to drape your arms around his neck and pull him close to you when he was angry to calm him down, you wanted to be the reason he was a changed man. You wanted him to be yours. Because you were in love with Tom. Every inch of him, every aspect, every flaw, every temper tantrum, you loved him. It was you, you thought to yourself, picturing him perfectly in your mind even though you were sitting on his lap.
♡ it was always you.
♡ you felt Tom stiffen as soon as the question left Marco's mouth, but you had ignored it when you were lost in thought. Now, remember that your brain was very fuzzy and your decision making skills were slightly impaired and your balance was off and things just weren't making much fucking sense when you looked directly at Marco and said, without hesitation -
♡ "you"
♡ the room grew dead silent
♡ Marco and you were probably the most confused of all as he stared at you with furrowed brows, recalling all of the times that you had gushed and cried to him about Tom. You were confused because, in your mind, it had made perfect sense who you were talking about.
♡ and then Tom fucking SNAPPED
♡ he gently slid you off his lap, even though you could tell he was pissed, and raised to his feet, all eyes on him, trying to surpress the rage that was boiling inside of him.
♡ you know Tom, it didn't work too well
♡ he was suddenly enveloped in fire, levitating slightly off of the floor, eyes a hot luminescent shade and a scowl embedded deep in his lips as he stared at you and Marco in pure hatred. His scowl faltered for a minute and for a second, just for a second, you saw a heartbroken gaze casted in your direction.
♡ and that was when your intoxicated brain finally put the pieces together
♡ "T-Tom," you stuttered. Struggling to raise yourself to your feet, you tried to reach out to him, but his burning with hatred body wrenched itself away from you, like he was repelled by you.
♡ you weren't quite sure who was more heartbroken here as you watched him snarl at you, "Liar"
♡ "Tom, you don't understand, I mean-"
♡ but the second you saw a lone tear slide down his cheek, he was gone, flying out the doors and out into the storm that was falling down hard outside. Thunder growled above and lightning shattered across the sky. Turning to your silent and very confused circle of friends, you placed a hand on your forehead and felt the tears begin to pool.
♡ "i-i didn't mean you, Marco. I meant him," you croaked, turning to the open doors. Just as the realization was setting in for your friends, you decided to race out after the love of your life before he got away.
♡ you should have paid more attention during health class when they were talking about the effects being drunk has on your body
♡ you were like a fricking octopus with your flailing arms and wet mop of hair as the rain cooled down your sore and hot body, making your clothes stick to your skin and your hair slump against your scalp. But that wasn't the important part. Trying to find Tom in your hazy vision was the important part. And it didn't help that rain kept making the fluffy trees look like floating bushes.
♡ "Tom!" You screamed. Tears began streaming down your cheeks once you finally caught sight of his retreating figure, standing eerily still in the middle of the rain. It had probably extinguished his flames, for he wasn't on fire anymore. Practically falling over yourself, you did the best you could to race to his side and literally did fall over, crumbling down onto the muddy ground below you.
♡ Tom's expression flickered from rage to concern, but he forced the rage switch back on as he refused to look at you, beginning to walk away from you as you helped yourself up. Before he could get away again, you quickly wrapped your hand around his arm and used what little strength you had to whirl him around to face you
♡ you must've pulled a little too hard because your foreheads touched from the impact right as your eyes met... and you were about to lose yourself in his beautiful red irises before he suddenly lurched himself away from you and snarled at you, his eyes turning red hot once again.
♡ "don't touch me" he snarled, a look of pure heartbreak written across his features. You felt your heart nearly shatter. He tried to walk away again, but you once again grabbed ahold of his arm
♡ "y/n, don't do this," his voice was suddenly pleading, though he refused to look at you, his tone wasn't the demonic rage-filled one anymore. Instead it was... pained and soft.
♡ "Tom, please, I screwed up, I didn't mean to say Marco," you bit your lip so hard you could almost taste blood. Tom pulled away from you once again, only this time, he stayed. Finally casting his gaze towards you, you saw the faint tear streaks on his cheeks and the angry fire still flashing through his eyes.
♡ "explain" he demanded.
♡ shivering slightly from the chilled rain, you took a deep breath and attempted to think before you spoke. But that's overrated, so you just let your drunk self take the reins for a bit.
♡ "when I said you, I meant YOU, Tom"
♡ his eyes went wide
♡ you continued before he could interrupt, "it was and always will be you Tom. I've been in love with you for so long that I've lost track of the days. I've wanted to be with you so badly and tell you how I feel but I've held it in because I was afraid you didn't love me back, that you still loved Star. But...
♡ "I love you, Tom"
♡ at that very moment, he completely melted inside. Because little did you know, he too had been in love with you for so long, and in even more love with you than he could ever have imagined being with Star. You were everything to him, and he never wanted anyone else to have you. Which was why he was so pissed when he heard what you said. His eyes softened as he watched you stutter in the rain, shivering slightly. He must have forgotten to say something because your anxious self kept talking
♡ "I take your silence as a no... I completely understand if you're totally in love with someone else, especially Star, I know I'm weird an-"
♡ "I love you too."
♡ now it was your turn to freeze. Staring at him, it seemed that you were basically frozen in place as he shrugged off his jacket and stepped closer to you, wrapping it around your shoulders and letting his hands linger on your arms a little longer than necessary
♡ you couldn't look away from his eyes, your heartbeat racing and the butterflies screaming as he smiled softly down at you. You managed to grip onto the sleeves of his jacket and wrapped it tighter around you as you finally broke the anticipating silence
♡ "w-wait, what?"
♡ he playfully rolled his three eyes, and smirked down at you, the fire in his eyes dancing. He took another step closer to you, closing the distance greatly to the point where your noses were only inches apart.
♡ you could feel his warmth radiating off of him as your knees went weak. Almost stumbling, he snaked one arm around your waist and kept the other up by your neck to help you stay upright. A smirk floated across his lips as he chuckled at the starstruck state he had you in.
♡ "do you need me to show you what I mean?" He whispered against your lips.
♡ you were internally gasping for breath from the air you had been unknowingly holding in. Finally exhaling, you felt your eyelids go heavy as you subconsciously nodded.
♡ with the rain pounding down on the ground and your bodies, you watched through half lidded eyes as Tom slowly leaned in closer... and closer...
♡ until his lips locked onto yours
♡ and omg the sparks between you two could've killed a power grid
♡ like damn
♡ the sign standing a few feet away from you two burst into flames from you-know-who😉😉
♡ but let's just say that it was the most amazing kiss in the rain that you had ever had. And there are many more to come with Tom, I'll just tell you that😂
♡ but you had finally gotten Tom!
♡ the alcohol just helped a little ♡
♡ a.a.
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hypegirl1 · 9 months
Marco diaz hdc! (fem!reader)
AN:The other day I finished SVTFOE(long story)and I can't get Marco out of my mind stop,I love this silly lil boy
Summary:Those are some headcanons with Marco,you are in Star's place(but instead of Star it's YN yk)
Warnings:None Genre:Fluff
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1.When you guys first met,he was kinda surprised about you,like,a magic princess from another dimension?-
"Who are you?-"
"I'm YN Butterfly!~"
2.It was hard getting used to live with you,magic 24/7,fighting with Ludo and his monsters,and being always in trouble.However,Marco got used to it,it was actually fun
3.He's always there for you,even at your worst,he tries everything to make you feel better,he hates seeing you sad
4.He worries about you soooo much,he's always covering your back and helping you to not almost die by trying a new spell
5.He loves going to your events,even if that means having to dress up all fancy and going to another dimenssion
6.You guys have so much conexion that it makes everyone think that you both are dating,even when Marco was dating Jackie
7.Movie nights with Marco's nachos are a must,he makes the best nachos in the entire galaxy
8.He doesn't get along at all with all your friends,but he tries! His relationship with Ponyhead is still in progress
9.He will always mention you in a conversation with anyone,friends,family,it doesn't matter,if he can talk about you,he will
10.Your parents love him! Maybe more than that one horrible relationship you had with Tom years ago?Probably more than that
"Marco!My man!How are you?"
"You are taking good care of YN right son?"
"Of course"
"That's nice,you better not break her heart or I'll break your bones"
11.Even after almost dying many times,he's still by your side
"Marco,why are we still best friends?"
"Like,you could have been crushed by that glass when Toffee kidnapped you,or when you had a tentacle instead of an arm,I almost killed you many times,why are you still my best friend?"
"YN,don't say that,even after all those things,I'm still your best friend,because I know that someway,you will find a solution to those problems"
"Awww romantic Marco!"
12.However,he kinda gets irritated by some stuff,like,why did you had to buy him a gift card that almost kills him?or infiltrating in a reformatory to end the patriarchy and almost getting brainwashed?
13.Every little detail or gift that you give him,he saves it as if it was gold.Even if you gave him a stone that looked like him,he would save it forever
"Marco Marco!Look what I found!"
"It's not just a rock,it looks like you,look!Those are your eyes,your mouth,and it even has your mole!"
"Yeah,it does look like me,thanks YN"
14.Just you disappearing for 0.1 seconds makes him lose his mind
This was kinda short,should I make more of these?
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