#Marcos Diaz drabble
voxmortuus · 2 years
Joy Riding
PAIRING: Marcos Diaz x Fem!Reader
UNIVERSE: the Gifted
WORDS: 1.2k
SUMMARY/PROMPT: Lorna is out of the picture and you've moved into your new apartment about a month ago... You've been crushing on your neighbor who just happens to be Marcos, you don't think much of it, and he invites you over for pizza and beers, taking up the offer you realized it was more than pizza and beers, but you're far from complaining.
TRIGGER WARNING(S): MINORS DNI!!!!!!!! SMUT! | Vaginal Penetration | Male & Female Receiving Oral | Fingering | PLEASE TELL ME IF I FORGOT ANYTHING!!! I want to make sure readers are fully aware of what they are getting themselves into when they read this…
NOTE: Sorry if this isn’t what you expected, I’m hoping this finds you well love!
IMAGE CREDIT: Google I DO NOT CLAIM OWNERSHIP OF THESE IMAGES. If these are yours or you know who the creator(s) is please INBOX me and let me know. Thank you.
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There was just something about this man, Marcos. Could it be the fact that he helped you move into your new apartment all those months ago, and you've seen him shirtless? That chest hair... dear god, it was really something that got your gears turning... or was it the fact that he accidentally didn't shut his door all the way, and you knew he was packing some deadly heat? Or maybe it was the fact that he was just a nice guy and you needed a change? The superpowers? It had to be something.
Thinking back to when he knocked on your door and had invited you over tonight for some pizza and beers, you couldn't get the thought of what could happen out of your head. Who invites someone over for pizza and beers unless they've been friend-zoned? With a slightly defeated, sigh you lean back in your chair and look over at your bedroom door. Licking your lips, you shrug. "Ahh, what the hell?" you thought.
Heading to your bathroom, you start your shower, change your razor head, grab your 'special occasion' body wash, and turn the water a little hotter. Stepping in, you feel the hot water caress your body. The slight sting of the water kissing your cool skin makes you chuckle a bit. Running your fingers through your hair, you wash your hair and condition, leaving in the conditioner to make your hair soft you wash up, and begin to shave; everywhere.
After a thorough shower and a thorough shave job, you head to the bedroom, and you start flipping through clothes. You try on article after article of clothing but decide to go with a pair of black leggings with cutouts by the ankle and your favorite band tee. A little oversized but cropped just right to cause eyes to drift.
After a thrice over in the mirror, you check the time. With a smile on your face, you walk out your front door, and with a smirk, you walk across the hall and knock on his door. Licking your lips, you run your fingers through your hair, making sure it's perfect before Marcos answers the door. Looking over the wooden door, he calls from the other side.
"Yeah! It's open! Come in!" he hollered.
Walking in, you take in a deep inhale, taking in his scent. You lick at your lips a moment and peek around the corner. Running your fingers through your hair, you smirk and walk in, seeing him sitting at the TV watching the news. He seemed so sucked in. You chuckled briefly and made your way to take a seat next to him. Glancing over, he smirked.
"Glad you made it."
"Well, not like I had anything to do." you chuckled.
"I'll order the pizza you grab the beers?" He smiled.
Nodding your head, you think a moment and head to the fridge. Pulling out a couple cold ones, you head back to the couch. Placing the can in front of him on the water ring scattered table, you let out a soft breath and lean back with a beer in hand. Opening the can, you take a sig before looking over at him as he glances at you.
"Ordered." he smiled.
Nodding, you watch the TV a bit before he looks over at you and leans back against the couch. He ran his hand through his hair- licking your lips, you let out a soft breath.
"So what have you been up to?"
"Nothing special truthfully kinda just working around, doing what I do best, I suppose." He chuckled.
Nodding you, lean back and relax. Suddenly a knock comes at the door, looking over you smile, watching him stand up and make his way to the door, you couldn't help but notice his sweatpants, riding low, the way they clung to him in ways that drove you crazy. The way his body moved, and how did you just notice he was shirtless? Good god?!
Clearing your throat, you turn to watch the TV when he turns to come back to the couch. He sets the pizza down and looks at you.
"Okay, Imma be honest here. I didn't ask you to come over for pizza and beers."
"Oh? Then umm, why did you invite me over?"
"Honestly, I've been watching you, and umm, my curious nature got the better of me... and umm."
Shaking your head, you stand up, placing your beer on the table. You take his hand and drag him to the bedroom, drop his sweat pants and take his thick cock in your hand, and smirk. "Great minds think alike."
He lets out a small gasp as you begin to stroke him slowly to start, and lower yourself to your knees and gaze up at him, your eyes searching him. You take his slowly hardening cock into your mouth, feeling him stiffen as you begin to swirl your tongue around the flesh.
He lets out a groan as his hands find your head, his fingers tangle in your hair as he guides your head to take him into your mouth, and begins to use your head as a fuck toy. The way he moved your head, the way he gripped at your hair, the way you hear him groan as you flatten your tongue and then curl it around his thick hard cock. It was all so perfect.
You're feeling yourself get wetter, more excited. You take a hand and move it between your legs, you begin to massage your clit, and move your head a little faster as he guides you. You moan against his cock, sending a vibration through him that drives him wild. His breathing picks up, but he has other plans. Grabbing your hair, he lifts you to your feet, undresses you, and shoves you onto the bed. He moves you further up on the bed and climbs up between your legs, stripping your leggings from your body, and plunges his fingers into you while kissing your thighs.
You let out a whimper and a groan as your back arched a bit as he wasted no time making his way from your thighs to your clit. His tongue massaging the swollen bean, his fingers moving inside you with expert motions. Your hands grip at his blanket as you let out a louder moan, biting your lip hard as your legs shake.
"Oh fuck." you let out softly.
After a while, he finally decides to take it one step further. When he feels your good and wet, Marcos lifts your legs right where he wants them and shoves his thick hard cock into your willing, wet, tight hole, and you immediately clench around him and let in a sharp jagged breath.
At first, he holds it there, feeling your velvet walls clench around him. With a smirk and a groan, he begins to thrust/ At first, his thrusts are soft, slow, getting a feel for what you feel like, and then he picks up speed. But there's something about this motion that feels wonderful, but you feel like something is missing. You wrap your legs around him, and with all your might, you turn him on his back. You smirk, looking over his face, and lick at your lips.
"Please, allow me." You bite your lip as your hips begin to work.
He smirks, looking over your face. Your hands fall to his chest, bracing yourself as you begin to rock your hips back and forth, getting him situated. The feeling of your clit rub against him, you moan, your head falls back, responding to how he stretches your walls. You begin to slowly raise and lower yourself over his thick length, and you feel the way he touches that sweet spot, and it drives you wild. You begin to pick up speed, your moans getting louder. His hands grip at your thighs, his fingertips digging in, leaving fingertip bruises that will kiss your flesh.
His groans begin to match yours as his hips move up to meet you coming down on him. You both grow extremely heated, picking up the pace a little further, your breasts bounce as your hips glide on him. Between the pressure of bouncing and the grinding, your fingertips press into his chest. Feeling the fibers of his chest hair under your fingers only sends you further into this pit of want. You let out another long-drawn-out moan as you feel your swollen bean rub against him, causing this friction that will send you over the edge.
"Oh, sweet fuck." He growls.
Hearing his words is what does it. You're unable to really comprehend what was going on, it was like you couldn't contain yourself. Letting out another moan you move faster.
"Fuck, you're going to make me cum if you keep that up." He chuckles.
He looks over your face, and he could tell that was what you wanted. What you both needed. Feeling you on that edge, he flips you over, and pounds into you hard, and fast, your clit rubbing against him. You let out a moan.
"Right there, fuck Marcos, right... there!" You scream.
As he keeps his pace, and depth your legs begin to shake, and you release all over him. He pulls from you as you are cumming, and he puts his cock in his hands and releases on your stomach. Looking over your face, he smirks, licking his lips.
"Holy fuck." you say at the same time.
He chuckles, and you lick your own lips. "I say we clean me up, eat, and go again."
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trashmagines · 5 years
Luna Y Sol: Marcos Diaz x Female!Mutant!Reader Drabble
TrAshy Says: Bitch, we love a good opposites story and I love any excuse to write a character with umbrakinesis so let’s fucking go.
Warnings: The Gifted spoilers! (it’s little things but still)
You both are like the sun and moon; opposite yet drawn to each other in a way neither of you can explain. 
You met when you were young; two hopeless mutant kids trying to find their way in a world that hadn’t been too kind thus far. He’d stolen food from a stash he hadn’t known was yours, and you’d chased him to an empty alley where he’d finally turned to face you. His hands were gleaming, illuminated and shining brightly on you and your current setting. He could now see the ominous shadows rolling off of your form, and this sight caused him to speak. 
“You too?”
You can hear the relief in his voice and you nod at his inquiry. He drops his hands and you quell the darkness surrounding you, both of you staring at each other like you’d found a solution to all of your problems. In a way, you had, because you both relied on each other for survival and grew closer as time passed. When he started working for the cartel, you’d asked him to get you across the border so that you could also start your life anew. Neither of you had cried when you parted, somehow aware that this wouldn’t be the last time you’d see each other. 
You’re sitting in a chair, in an unlit room not your own, waiting patiently for the occupant to return. You’d caught a glimpse of a gorgeous green light permeating the night sky and you knew. You knew. The door opens slowly and in walks the man you had been wanting to see. The tiredness in his eyes make him look older than he actually is, and his shoulders are hunched like he’s been carrying the weight of the world. He doesn’t notice you immediately, seemingly too lost in his circulating thoughts, so when you clear your throat to get his attention, he’s on the defensive with his hands raised and blinding. The light coming from him shines on you, and he notes the concern etched on your beautiful, familiar face. When you make no move to stand he lowers his hands, once again making the room dim. He shuffles over to you and kneels, gently placing his head in your lap like he’d done so many times before when you were both young and just trying to survive.
“Everything’s falling apart, Y/N...” “You’ll find your way; you always have.”
He closes his eyes and wraps his arms around your waist, and you gingerly run your fingers through his hair. The action takes him back to the nights when he wasn’t sure he’d make it through another day, so he figured he only had that moment. His strong arms tighten comfortably around you, a non-verbal way of asking you to stay. You look down at him, the boy you fell in love with now a man with features hardened by a world that doesn’t accept him. You nod, and even though he can’t see it, he knows you aren’t going anywhere.
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starco-prompts · 6 years
Prompt: Accidentally touch hands while reaching for the same object
Credit to: magnoliamemes on Tumblr
Sent by: Myself
Takes place post Season 3 finale, with snippets of Booth Buddies !
Rating: G (for a kiss)
Words: 4,111
Also posted on my ao3 under RavenskyInuChain !
It was still dark after it all. The castle was in shambles from Meteora’s volatile wrath, holes in the walls and debris raining down from above, and Eclipsa had taken her wand and fled, and soon after her went Glossaryck, claiming she was going to her monster husband to free him. Great. Just great. And Queen Moon Butterfly was also still missing. Double great.
After the reunion between Star, Marco, and Tom, things were still in chaos. All the townspeople and those from the castle got their souls back after Meteora’s rampage, and yet Star still felt uneasy. She couldn’t explain this queasiness in her stomach, why she felt so tense. Both Marco and Tom were okay – She was so glad for that. But.. There was something she still had to take care of.
It was still dark after it all. The castle was in shambles from Meteora’s volatile wrath, holes in the walls and debris raining down from above, and Eclipsa had taken her wand and fled, and soon after her went Glossaryck, claiming she was going to her monster husband to free him. Great. Just great. And Queen Moon Butterfly was also still missing. Double great.
After the reunion between Star, Marco, and Tom, things were still in chaos. All the townspeople and those from the castle got their souls back after Meteora’s rampage, and yet Star still felt uneasy. She couldn’t explain this queasiness in her stomach, why she felt so tense. Both Marco and Tom were okay – She was so glad for that. But.. There was something she still had to take care of. And even that still wasn’t the reason she felt so unsettled. Marco was busy taking off all of his Princess Turdina accessories, fussing about how much of a pain it was to take off the fake eyelashes. Did he feel anything when his soul had been taken? She hadn't been there to protect him.. And then Tom had come back with his body inflated like those of all her townspeople. And in her desperation to save him, she hadn't realized that she was abandoning her people. Perhaps it was a good thing that the magic sanctuary hadn't been there. Coming back to face Meteora had been a huge decision on her part.
And while he did that, Star made her move, swallowing the lump in her throat as she tugged on Tom’s shirt nervously. “Can we talk?” She asked rather quietly, while all around there was chatter from the townspeople. They technically didn't have anywhere to stay at the moment, since Eclipsa's daughter had wreaked havoc trying to get to the castle after the Marcnificent Seven had failed. The horned demon looked down at her with sympathy in his eyes, and there was some kind of deeper wisdom she didn’t understand as he gave a subtle nod of his head, following her lead as she threaded their fingers together. For comfort? Star bit her lip uneasily. She was going to break his heart.. Oh Mewni, couldn’t there be some other way than this? She pulled him out of the throne room and into the hall, letting go of his hand when the chatter died down to a subtle murmur in the throne room nearby. But once she let go, she.. Gosh, what was she going to say?
She stood with her back to him, gathering up all of her strength mentally. Her hands balled into fists, her right hand missing the feel of the handle of her wand. That was gone, too. Blue eyes were closed, brows furrowed in frustration. Tom stood patiently, waiting.
And when she finally thought she had gathered the courage to say what she needed to, she spun around to face him – and blue eyes widened with shock. “T - Tom?” her voice cracked and stuttered, and she knew she was close to tears at the genuinely soft look in his eyes. They were half-lidded with some sort of understanding. “Star.” He said her name softly, and her chest ached.
She had to tell him now. She took a breath, steeling herself. It was now or never. Tom had changed, she could see that. Before, he would have done anything to win her heart back. And he had — Or maybe she never really stopped loving him. She wasn’t sure. But even so, this had to be done, even if she didn’t like it. “Tom, I —“ she started, and then suddenly, the demon had reached his hands out and grasped her by the upper arms, pulling her to his chest - or rather, to his armor. Dumbfounded, she rested her head against his shoulder, blue eyes wide and cheek smashed against the plating. What was he — ?
“I know already. “ Tom breathed against her hair, and Star froze up from below, all three of his eyes closed and a pained expression on his face, hidden from her view. Despite what he was feeling, his voice came out strong. “You’re breaking up with me, aren’t you?” He allowed a bit of a joking tone to seep through, even cementing it with a light chuckle. “Again?”
Star choked back a sob, suddenly feeling very very small, and grasped the back of his shirt. “I - I.. “ she fumbled for the words, but her mind was a blank slate. She focused on the warmth from his body (he was much warmer than most because, well, he’s a demon), burying her face into his armor. Hiding herself from the world. She didn’t want it to be like this, maybe she shouldn’t do —
“I know about the kiss.” Were his next words, but yet there was no malice or resentment in the demon’s tone. No, there was only.. Love. She felt herself spiraling as he continued, fearing the worst. “Marco told me about it — Okay, okay, well, not exactly told me – He said it so I’d get mad and run away because Meteora was right there, and I did, but then I thought he was kidding so I came back and — Well, anyway... Now I realize why you were so surprised that night.” he trailed off, and the blonde girl in his arms hiccuped back another sob that threatened to tear itself from her throat. She felt so awful. He didn’t deserve this – Sure, it had been a heat of the moment thing, but Star didn’t think it would have resulted in this. She didn’t want to hurt Tom..
And yet she couldn’t deny that there was something there when Marco kissed her in that booth. Ever since the sleepover they all had with Truth or Punishment, these feelings had been growing, from the night with Bon Bon, the Love Sentence concert, Ruberiot's stupid princess song — And she thought they had gone away when Marco left Mewni to go home to earth. She finally felt like she could move on. He had a girlfriend at the time! He was on Earth, she was at Mewni. She was learning to be a queen, and he a karate loving sophomore boy. But no, he had come back into her life.. She made him her squire... And she started to wonder if maybe there was a chance. And taking those photos from the booth that night at Ruberiot and Fool Duke’s wedding proved she believed there was one.
But bringing Tom down with her like this was wrong . “I’m so sorry, Tom —“ she sniffled, and suddenly the demon was pulling back, holding her out at arms length and looking into her eyes. “Don’t cry, Star. I hate when you do that,” his voice was weak, and there was a small smile on his lips. “Star.. I just want you to be happy. That’s all I want for you, Starship. To be happy.” He was serious, staring at her lovingly.
She didn’t deserve him. He had matured so much and she just — This was so hard. The dam broke and her blue eyes watered and she started full on sobbing, throwing herself forward again and slumping into his embrace, the both of them sinking to the floor of the castle hallway, the pink-haired demon stroking the blonde hair of the crying girl lovingly. He rested his cheek against her head (avoiding the devil horn headband), telling her it was okay. She tried to believe him, but she had inevitably broken Tom’s heart.
She wasn’t sure how long she sat there and cried in Tom’s arms, sorry for hurting him, sorry for dragging him down, sorry for everything, but eventually she pulled back from him and wiped the last of the tears from her eyes. No doubt his armor probably had a big wet spot, and she glanced apologetically to his face, a strained smile on her lips. "Sorry about the armor."
He leaned in and pressed a chaste kiss to her forehead, brushing her blonde bangs. “We’ll always be friends.” he reassured, and he started to stand, holding out a hand for her to grab. Star sniffled, and her blue eyes were bloodshot from crying, but she accepted the offer and stood at his side. She felt.. Lighter now. She had gotten a lot off her chest, even if she still felt the niggling guilt clawing at her stomach. Because no, Tom didn't deserve this.
“Maybe you should check on Marco,” the demon prince suggested, and gave her another smile. Marco was also Tom’s best friend. This wasn’t going to tear them apart so easily. If Star was happy, that’s really all that mattered to him. And it wasn’t like he wouldn’t be able to see her ever again. No, that would be too negative and broody of a thought.
The dimensional princess raised her eyes from the floor at this comment, and together they walked into the throne room again, side by side. Tom gave her a lingering glance, a slight nod, and then he disappeared into the crowd. She watched him go, feeling sad but also.. Elated, at the same time. She really didn’t deserve Tom.
“Star!” His voice. Star turned her head just in time to see Marco rushing towards her, worry in those chocolate eyes. He brightened upon spotting her, and skidded to a halt in front of her. “Hey! You vanished and — “ and then he took in her physical state: red-rimmed eyes from crying, hair a little disheveled, cheeks flushed (from crying or...), and overall looking exhausted. He took a step towards her, concerned now. “Hey.. You okay?” He questioned. She blinked at him for a moment, trying to gather up her thoughts. Was she okay?
“I’m.. “ she began, ready to explain a few things.
“Star!” There came another voice, and that was the voice of King Butterfly, her father. He came out of the crowd and embraced his daughter, ”I’m so glad you’re okay.” He gushed, and she wrapped her arms around him in turn, fighting off a wave of tears. When she had seen the soulless bodies of the eagles tumbling in the air, she had thought the worst..
Star gave Marco a helpless glance, a promise that they would continue their conversation later. He looked a little apprehensive, glancing around the room a lot. She decided to ask about it later. Right now she had another problem..
Meteora had destroyed the town. Fires were still going on, and she still had duties as acting – As Queen. She had let her mother slip through her fingers, but right now her duty was to her people.
“Everyone! Can I get your attention please?” She called, but there was too much commotion. No one could hear her voice. She looked around hopelessly. She didn’t have her wand anymore to make some kind of glittery explosion or anything like that – Was it hopeless?
“HEY ! YOUR QUEEN HAS SOMETHING TO SAY!!” Star abruptly turned her head to the voice, surprised to see Pony Head floating nearby, shouting at the top of her lungs. At the shrill voice, the sounds all died down. The floating unicorn head grinned at the young girl. “Take it away, B-Fly!!” She encouraged, and Star gave a nod, finally able to be heard. She cleared her throat, shared a glance with Marco and Tom respectively, and then made her way to the thrones at the end of the room. They had been indented where Meteora’s monster form had been too large to fit, material cracked and crumbling away.
She could have helped if she had her wand.. But that had went with Eclipsa. Despite the issues with her heritage, she wanted to keep the wand. It was useful. But now.. “Meteora has been defeated,” she started, wringing her hands in front of her as she stood in front of the crowd. “I know the town was in her path of devastation. Until we can rebuild the town, I’m sure we can accommodate you in the castle.” Star shared a glance with her father, who gave a nod of approval. She sighed with relief, and continued. “I’ll have the chefs make food, the knights will bring pillows and blankets, and everyone will be okay.” She gestured with her hands, and then the said personnel were sent into action.
She continued to handle the preparations for the townspeople, and by the time the sun was peeking over the edge of the mountains in the distance, she had finally settled everyone down. Tom had went back home to the Underworld, and Marco was still following her around. She didn’t mind. She and him still had to talk.. But she was feeling better about it now. Still, worry clawed at her insides.
They were on their way to her room, just the squire and the queen. Marco had been uncharacteristically silent this entire time, but she didn’t pay much mind to it. Her own thoughts were swimming. She had to get a grip. She lead the boy down the hall, and she could see the sun out the window, making it’s ascent into the sky to signal morning. “We were up all night dealing with Meteora and the townspeople..” she murmured, stopping for a moment to watch. Marco followed her gaze, giving a nod. "You're doing great, Star." he murmured, and she felt her heart warm at that. He believed in her, and as she had said a long time ago when he held the seat of the rogue bicycle beneath her.. "You believing in me is all I need," she hummed back, failing to see the way his cheeks flushed red.
They were alone, maybe this was a good time to start the conversation. “Marco I.. “ she could feel the heat of his stare against her back, yet she refused to look at him. All at once, her courage at saying what she needed to left her, and she shook her head. “Not yet. Come on, we’re almost there.”
They continued to pad down the halls, and they ended up at the teenager’s room. She pushed open the door and kicked off her shoes, sitting on the edge of the bed and flopping backwards onto the covers, eyes closed. A relieved sigh escaped her, and then she heard footsteps, signaling Marco had come in too. The door closed behind him.
Then came his tentative voice. “Is there something wrong, Star?” he sounded so concerned, and she felt her body get hot. Blue eyes slid open and she sat up carefully, searching for him in the dawn’s light. He was over by the door still, the sun illuminating his form. He still looked nervous, and when she looked over at him, he averted his gaze.
“Marco..“ she said his name softly. He then looked at her, and she swore she saw his cheeks flush with color, but with the red and oranges of the sun’s light, she wasn’t sure. And suddenly her brain turned to mush and she couldn’t think. Oh Mewni, Star! This isn’t the time to forget what you’re going to say!
But she could start with something else...
She got up from the bed and took a step towards him. “When Tom came back and I first saw you all... balloon-y..” she trailed off, and there must have been hurt in her eyes because the Latino is coming towards her, stopping a few feet away. “Star?” His gaze shimmers with concern. She inhaled softly, watching him. “I didn’t.. Marco, I had no idea what to think..” she trembled lightly, but the boy made no move towards her. He looked horrified, his eyebrows drawn in that signature way that screamed Marco. "I wasn't there to protect you, Marco, and I nearly lost you." she wrapped her arms around herself, inhaling sharply. “Meteora had taken your soul.. Oh, Mewni, Marco.. I was so scared..” her voice hitched for a moment. It hadn’t even been that long ago, but Star was terrified at even remembering it.
Marco’s hand twitched at his side, unsure if he should hug her. She was breaking apart in front of him, and he wasn’t sure what he should do. What he was allowed to do. True, he had told Tom the truth, but..
“Hug me, Marco –“ it was a weak demand, and here comes the brunette, reaching his arms around the slightly shorter girl and holding her against him. Star rested her head against his chest, eyes fluttering closed. “I was so scared.” She admitted. "I almost lost you. Because what if I hadn't defeated Meteora? What if she had won?"
Marco shushed her, and his grip tightened around her. “It’s okay now.” He reassured softly, and sighed. “I was scared too. Scared I’d lose my best friend.” There was a bittersweet smile on his lips, holding the blonde close. “Star, I —“ he had been looking around the room, trying to stifle his blush, and his gaze landed on something nearby. “Hey, wait a minute, is that — ?” Curiosity edged his tone.
He had pulled away from her and his eyes were zeroed in on something on the table, halfway under a book. But the top part was sticking out. It was the photo reel from the photo booth. Marco stepped away from Star and he was going for the photos, his hand reaching out. Star felt her stomach clench and she was then rushing to grasp the photos too.
They both reached the photos at the same time, and Star’s hand brushed Marco’s, and she felt her face light up, pulling her hand quickly away almost as if she were burned. All she could do is watch as Marco pulled the reel free, holding it in one hand.
“Star, are these..?” He lifted his head questioningly, searching the blonde’s blue eyes with his own chocolate. She didn’t say anything for a moment. Then she felt the intensity of his gaze and tore her own away. “I broke up with Tom. Literally like, a few hours ago.” She said quietly after a second, and oh why did she say that - and Marco seemed to forget what he was holding as he lowered his hand, looking at her strangely. “O - Oh. Are, uhm, are you okay?” He lifted his opposite hand and scratched the back of his head nervously.
Star was quiet for a moment, and then she gave the slightest of nods. “Yeah, I am.. It was.. Mutual. He just wants me to be happy.” A little smile curled her lips, and then she started moving closer to him, eyes on the photos in his hands. “The photo booth,” she breathed, and her hand came to touch the photos, daintily brushing across the surface. "I tried so hard to get you to take best friends photos with me, but I didn't realize things were so different.."
Marco was watching her, his expression was unreadable. “You kept these?” His voice was just as quiet, a question underlying it. She hesitated, and then gave a nod. "I did..." She peeked at him from under her eyelashes, but then Marco had this soft smile and he was looking at the photos. “I did that to get us out of the booth.” He confirmed, and then hesitated himself, unsure if he should say this, “but I really enjoyed it.” He looked like he was about to run. Just like when they were in the booth and he had hid in his jacket. She didn’t want that. Anything but that — She would lose the courage she needed now. “Marco?” she questioned, and the boy in reference turned to her. “Yeah?” He sounded a little squeaky with nervousness.
He was adorable.
"I.. I saved them because I still feel something for you. No matter what I did, you wouldn't leave my head! I thought if we moved on with our lives, it would be okay. And then you came back to Mewni, and I.. I don't know what I feel anymore. That's why I had to leave Tom. If I didn't feel anything, then why did I grab the photo of us kissing from the booth? I can't do that to Tom. But when I look at you, Marco, it's like before... You make my heart race, my cheeks get hot, and whenever you were with Jackie I would get so jealous.." she buried her face in her hands. "It's awful, because I wanted you for myself. To see me. But I wasn't Jackie. And it hurt me - " she broke off, starting to get a little upset. Marco was quiet for a few moments, and then Star took a breath, turning to look at him again. “How do you feel about me, Marco?” Star asked. “Be honest with me.” She added when he looked scared out of his wits. The boy who loved karate swallowed, eyes zipping back and forth. How was he supposed to tell her that even though she had literally went through hell and back, she looked as beautiful as ever? That the sunlight caressing her golden hair and making her eyes shine was enough to make him quiver? That he loved to make her laugh? That he was an idiot for not realizing his past actions on Earth had hurt her? He could keep it a secret for a little longer – These growing feelings.. But she was staring at him with those big blue eyes and he felt himself cave. “W - Well...” and suddenly he exhaled, taking a deep breath. “I.. I really care about you, Star.” He admitted, and when she nodded, he continued, “Like I.. As more than just.. Friends..” his voice was reduced to mumbling, and his cheeks were aflame. Oh god, he really needs to go hide. Houston, this is Marco, we're going down!
The dimensional princess felt herself soften, and her hand reached for his covering the photos of their kiss in the booth. “Took you long enough..” she lifted the hand, and managed to pry the photos from his grasp. There was a peaceful expression on her face as she rubbed her thumb tenderly over the photos. “I think a part of me will always love Tom,” she admitted, and for a brief moment something pained flashed across her expression, “but I.. I want to be with you, Marco Diaz..” Star shuffled on her feet as the boy’s jaw dropped. He stuttered, unable to comprehend what she was saying. But what Star couldn't comprehend was the fact he felt the same way!
“Star, I..” he was cut off as the blonde pressed a finger to his lips, shushing him effectively. “No more talking,” she said in a commanding tone, and his eyes spoke for him as he nodded. She had heard everything she needed to. Her cheeks were dusted pink now too, the hearts on her cheeks a shade darker, as she pulled away her finger and stepped closer.
There was a magnetic pull between them, and the photos fell to the dusty ground as Marco’s arms snaked around Star’s waist, hers around his neck as their lips grew centimeters apart. Still, she pressed on, until she felt his lips on hers. It was electrifying, to put it simply. Her blood was on fire, her mind had shut down, and all she could focus on was his taste, the feel of his soft lips molded to hers.
“Star I..” Marco pulled back to press his forehead to hers, staring into her eyes, one hand holding her cheek, thumb rubbing tenderly against her cheekbone. She gave him a disapproving glare, “I said no talking,” she huffed, and Marco laughed. And then she ended up smiling, and both of their hearts fluttered. Marco calmed down, and then hummed. “I just have something I really want to say.” He said. Star looked at him questioningly. Marco hesitated a moment later, and then he said three words. “I love you.” He knew that maybe this was too soon... Love was a powerful emotion. But also at the same time, he knew that he did love her. This bubbly, rambunctious princess.. She was everything to him.
The said princess felt her heart soar, her eyes sparkling. “I love you, too.” She murmured, resting her head against his chest.
She still had to find her mother, still had to figure out what to do without her wand, still had to figure out literally everything, but for now.. She just wanted to relish in this feeling of being safe in Marco’s arms.
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scipunk63 · 6 years
Great-Grandma Eclipsa: The Legacy of My Legacy!
(I own nothing but Ravine "Rave" Butterfly-Diaz.
Summary: Eclipsa finally realizes her age at the unveiling of her great+ granddaughter's tapestry.)
'From her parents inner-dark,
A child of sky and sea,
The first of her name, Queen Ravine.'
Eclipsa frowned softly, her eyes skimming once more over the tapestry before her. A beautiful, purple monster was sewn into the soft material. Her glowing eyes set as deep as the sea she was said to have come from. The sky blue dress she wore was adorned with many star like gems, and her wand was formed to that of a piece of coral with a rose blooming out of it. It was an interesting tapestry... But it was all wrong.
"Rave, my darling- Did you approve of this design?" She asked.
Ravine was spotted just a short distance away. She quickly closed the book she had been reading and looked up at her ancestor. Eclipsa responded by turning the large bit of fabric towards her, worry etching into her features. It would absolutely wound her if Ravine hated the design as much as she did.
"My grandma chose the design." Ravine admitted. "I'm indifferent. It won't leave the Grandma Room anyhow, so I don't see-"
"It's all wrong! My dear, I didn't spend hours sewing talismans onto your clothes and teaching you heavy metal just for this simple banner!" Eclipsa stopped and sighed. "I just don't want Mewni to erase yet another monster monarch... My daughter was enough of that."
"Nanna." Ravine said stiffly, "I wouldn't allow that. Besides, it's not as if they drew me with the wrong skin and normal eyes- And if you want, you may sew the talisman onto the tapestry as well-"
"If they left out a single one of your precious monster traits then there would be hell to pay." Eclipsa said simply. "Tentacles, butterfly wings, and all."
"You can't call them tentacles with four fingers." Ravine pouted, shaking her head. "Again, I'm indifferent, but if you would like to change it, then by all means."
"I very much would like that." Eclipsa proudly exclaimed, as she hurried and ripped the fabric from the wall and balls it up in absolute disgust. "Here, darling, burn this for me."
"Nana, I simply meant you could sew over-"
Eclipsa raced from the room before her great granddaughter could finish that thought. She had so many ideas for the tapestry that she just wanted to draw them all out before she forgot- Or maybe forget about them all and draw the BEST design first? Either way- She had designs to make, and then there was the sewing to he done, and maybe stop to tend to her flowers and birds- Hopefully all of this could be done before bed.
"Its quite different from what I used to get up to- But it should be a bits fun." She remarked to herself with a giggle. "Talking to myself, all this sewing- I certainly have become quite the old lady, haven't I."
With another quick giggle, she got to work. After all, the legacy of her legacy was at stake! At least, to her it was.
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friendlylocalgeek · 7 years
Wholesome Week 2, Day 1: Beach Day - Beach Blanket Besties
“Marco, this 'beach' thing you humans have is awesome!”
“I take it you're enjoying your first day at the beach?” said Marco with a grin, lying under an umbrella beside Star.
“You know it!” squealed Star, reddish legs kicking excitedly. “Swimmin' in salty water, makin' castles out of sand, eating too much ice cream... I've got sand in my hair and my skin feels like I bathed in hot sauce...”
“I warned you, sunscreen every two hours...”
“But it was totally worth it 'cause I got to try somethin' new with my bestie!”
Marco chuckled. “You're welcome...”
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amydiddle · 7 years
Starco 22
22 - “It’s not heavy.  I’m stronger than I look.”NUMBERS
Okay, so, I have never written for SvTFOE before so…I tried my best. 
“Are you sure you don’t want to split the load? I can carry some of that.” 
Marco watched as Star moved back and forth in the room trying to catch her balance from the over-sized backpack. He subconsciously followed her movements as she moved around the room. 
“I got it,” the blonde said as she scrambled for balance, “It’s not heavy. I’m stronger than I look.” 
“I know you are,” Marco sighed and tried to help balance her over-stuffed backpack. “But…um…maybe you don’t need all this stuff?”
Star gasped. 
“Of course I need this stuff! It is essential for this mission!” 
Marco pulled a stuffed toy donut from the bag. 
“Even this?” 
“Especially that!” 
Marco threw the toy onto the bed and sighed. 
“Star take of the backpack.”
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mandareeboo · 7 years
Star vs the Forces of Evil: Querencia
Querencia: A place from which one draws their strength, where one feels at home
She’s doing this for Marco.
That’s selfish, and she knows it. She knows Toffee is back- and that’s super scary- and there’s black eyes everywhere- dead? Unconscious? It’d be nice if someone told her- and Mom is scared too, for different reasons- Star asked, but since when does Mom tell her anything?- and all of that is important too. Mewni is in danger, and it’s her job to fix it. 
Star’s… well, she’s got some ideas, but they all knew how badly her ideas usually go.
Either way, it’s better to return to Mewni than to ruin the home she built for herself on Earth. 
It’s just… well, it’s easier. To remember it that way, than to go back and try to change things.
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friendlylocalgeek · 7 years
Wholesome Week 2, Day 4: Games Night - I Love a Charade
“Um... Cerberus!”
“The Lernaean Hydra!”
“Mugwump the Terrible!”
Jackie and Janna stared in bafflement at Star. “Um, who?” asked Jackie.
“Oh, he was a three-headed worm monster... my great-great-great-great-great-grandmother Queen Vespa fought...” Star explained sheepishly.
“Well, you were all way off, ladies,” said Marco with a chuckle. “It was The Karate Kid! Y'know, the 'crane stance'?”
“Really?” said Jackie, “Because your vibe was more 'three-headed monster' than 'martial artist'.”
“What do cranes have to do with karate?” said Star, puzzled.
“And your sensei is a dorky white guy...”
“Hey! Be nice, Janna...”
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mrevaunit42 · 7 years
SVTFOE Homecoming AU Drabbles Halloween edition
Ferguson as Ned: *wearing green makeup and has bolts glued to his neck* Dude, what are you wearing?
Marco as Peter: *wearing the original spidersuit* Umm you know, classic spiderman? Like his debut outfit?
Ferguson: Psst, laaaame. Seriously like nobody will know who you are. Now Ferguastein on the other hand...
Star as MJ: *wearing a Greek inspired outfit with sandals and flowers tied into a wreath on her head* Is a shameless rip off of a time honored horror classic. Also incorrect as you should really be called Ferguastein's monster.
Ferguson: Ugh, seriously Star? Even Halloween? You can't let me have even Halloween? Why?! and who are you supposed to be anyway?
Star: Atalanta. Would've brought a spear but I'm pretty sure that's against school policy. *Looks at Marco* Spiderman?
Marco: Yeah! wait, you know about...?
Star: *Gives a cheeky smirk* Nope.
Marco: *dazed* You have a pretty smile....
Star: *turns pink, raising an eyebrow* What?
Marco: *snaps out of his stupor* I mean you...should...smile more! It might convinced the rest of the school you're human.
Star: *Deadpanned stare* And why would I do that?
Marco: *Shrugs* Make it easy to infiltrate humanity for your top secret mission?
Star: *Softly smiles* Nice try but I'm only taking your advice because it makes you feel uncomfortable Diaz.
Marco: *gently smiles* Whatever you say Star.
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mandareeboo · 7 years
“fuck’s sake, what’s your problem?” Star and Marco
“Fuck’s sake, what’s your problem?”
Star flinches at the word, but in all actuality she probably isn’t even aware what it means. Of all the things for the Earth and Mewni to share, Marco thought, curse words just seemed silly. She rubbed her temples with that awkward, teeth-being-pulled expression she got whenever she was told to explain herself.
“Honestly, what isn’t? I haven’t had a win in so long I might as well stop expecting one.” She sighed, shrugged, and tries to lighten the mood: “Well, at least I know how the football team feels, now.”
“What, Marco? What do you want me to say? ‘I’m sorry for the way I am’?” She stood, flinging her arms out like she were deflecting bullets. “Because I can’t. Won’t. Whatever. If you can’t understand that, then clearly you haven’t been paying attention.”
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fortysevenswrites · 7 years
Lorna Dane and Marcos Diaz. Before, during, after the war, and everywhere in between.
50 one-word prompts for 50 more-than-one-sentence drabbles.
Part One of Five
15 Touch
Marcos’ touch has always been warmer than a normal human’s, but he runs especially hotter in the hours after he uses his powers.
It’s a huge bonus on those long winter nights when it storms so bad that the power goes out and he and Lorna have to curl up in their bed under the few blankets they have yet to give away to the other mutant refuges who are waiting for transport to safer havens than the ones in Georgia.
But the night after Marcos brings her home after almost losing her to the black hole of Sentinel Service’s custody?
He runs hot.
Marcos runs so hot his hands almost burn as they press against Lorna’s skin, mapping the new slight curve of her abdomen. On their bed, the auroras glow around them through the thin tank top Lorna wears to sleep in, and the lights reflect off the glass covering the painting above their bed, making it look like the lights are coming from that, rather than from them.
Rolling onto her side, Lorna presses her lips against Marcos’ shoulder and clutches his hand in both of hers.
She won’t be parted from in again, not if they don’t have to be.
It’s easier said than one.
But—there’s nothing she’d rather fight for more.
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rey-of-luke · 7 years
Quick Polaris/Lorna Dane x Eclipse/Marcos Diaz drabble I wrote because I can’t wait for The Gifted to air next month!
The first time you see the bag Lorna carries with her everywhere, you do the the natural thing and ask what’s in it. She just gives you a look just shy of a glare, and you notice John minutely shaking his head in your peripheral, telling you to drop it. You take his advice.
You practically forget about the bag as the two of you grow closer the longer your little trio runs. You still notice how that’s always, always the first thing she grabs when you guys have to move base, and have a feeling that whatever is in it, she would willingly give her life for.
When you two finally act on the feelings and tension between each other, you notice she sets the bag with your few possessions. At your look, she simply gives you a sad smile and says, “I’ll tell soon.”
“Soon” never comes, because suddenly the Sentinel Services have Lorna and you’re being contacted by Reed Strucker himself, begging you to help him get his kids to safety. You almost refuse out of anger, but realize you can use him to get Lorna back. You feel terrible, because for god’s sake his children are still kids and yet… you convince him to break Lorna out anyway.
Later, once the group (larger, now, consisting of the Strucker family - and that will take getting used to) has settled for the night after escaping the Services, you notice Lorna holding something in her hands, the bag by her feet.
You turn to leave but she calls out for you to stay.
When you get close enough you see the object in her hands is a particular red and purple helmet. A helmet that’s as iconic as the man it once belonged to. You understand immediately why it means so much to her before she even says anything.
“It’s all I have left of him.”
Lorna is not one to show anything that could make her appear weak, but she’s been able to let her guard down with you so you hear the way her voice breaks, and as you carefully put an arm around her (careful not to accidentally burn her) you silently vow to look after the helmet with your life. For her.
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logicalbookthief · 7 years
Starco, 48 please?
48 - Childhood
For the “send me 2 characters and a prompt number” drabbles. This turned out more platonic Starco than anything, because I love their friendship to bits, especially with the recent season 3 premiere.
_ _ _ _
Everybody in the kingdom knew of Star Butterfly. She was the princess of Mewni, the sole inheritor of the throne, and most importantly, the Butterfly family wand. Apple-cheeked and wide-eyed, she was beloved by all, except maybe her royal tutors, who were hard-pressed to get her to pay attention, and her beleaguered sitters when she wandered off.
The task of minding the princess traveled throughout the castle, passed on as some unconquerable and exhausting chore, until at last, it fell to the Royal Guard. Finally, Star had found a subject she enjoyed, and well, if not a conventional upbringing, the princess would at least be safe, which was all her parents asked.
But for all her notoriety, nobody in the kingdom knew Star Butterfly. Not even her parents, really. Of course, they were eternally busy, time consumed by the day-to-day duties of the monarchy (especially her mother), and Star understood, from a young age, that being a queen meant being too old and too busy for fun, or for daughters. Being a queen meant sacrifice.
And at that same young age, Star resolved to never grow up, and be an adult, and be queen, not if that’s what it meant.—When she met Marco, Star learned a lot about her new friend, about his strange new world. She learned a lot of stuff about herself, too.
Marco and her were largely left to their own devices, allowing for all sorts of interdimensional hijinks. Mr. and Mrs. Diaz were super nice, but they had a habit of being absent, just as her own parents - not always, and not in the way that hers were.
The Diaz’s were free spirits, with a responsible son, and with that came a bit of irresponsibility on their parts. Marco didn’t start trouble or misbehave often, so that saw no reason to impose any restrictions that might keep him from enjoying his childhood to the fullest. And in the absence of this authority, Marco had created his own structure, his own rules, and followed them accordingly.
It was the freedom, the no-rule lifestyle, that rebellious Star - a princess must do this, go here, always in this manner, dong forget your manners - Butterly had always craved. But Marco taught her that too much freedom carried its own brand of loneliness sometimes.
Lonely, that’s the word he’d used, and now, Star had a word for her childhood. Not bad, not terrible. Just… Lonely.
For being surrounded by her guards, her tutors, a castle full of people for her entire life - her childhood had been a lonely one, until she had friends. Ponyhead. Tom. Until she had Marco.
And truth be told, they still had a bit of childhood left between them. Only now they could spend it together.
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even-losers-can-win · 7 years
Tumblr media
A quick drabble of Samio and now with Nova from @mrevaunit42 fanfiction, Nova Vs The forces of Adolescence, an SVTFOE future AU. 
This happened after talking to Lully about possible scenarios for Samio. In case I’ve not let clear, being an interdimensional princess, means she can travel through dimensions and parallel universes (well, as I said she’s at a parallel universe from hers.) Which also means she can see multiple endings to few things.
We were talking about one arc I did that they travel time by accident because they don’t know how to control the time and space thing yet. So Lully asked me “How it would go if they met Nova?” so I came up with this scenario:
Samio: *stuck on a tree* Crap! Dan, I need help! Danillo: I’m kinda busy *stuck in another tree close by* Annie: *high pitched screams* Samio: Either she found a cute monster or a monster messed her hair. Danillo: Either way it’s probably dead. Nova: uhhh *looks at her surprised with Connor behind her* Samio: *looks right in front of her and smiles* Oh, hey girl! Sorry I didn’t saw you there while falling… *looks at her curious* Funny, you remind me someone. You kinda look like… *looks at the wand and instantly looks at Nova shocked* Wait a minute… WAIT… Connor: *pulls Nova closer whispering* I think she’s crazy… Samio: Girl, tell me, who are your parents?! Nova: *frowns confused* You don’t know who I am? Samio: No, I don’t, please just tell me who you are! Nova: I’m Nova, this is Connor. I’m daughter of Star Butterfly and Marco Diaz Samio: *facepalms* THAT’S WHY IT DIDN’T WORKED! *looks behind her to the direction Danillo would probably be at* Dan!  WE ARE IN THE WRONG PLACE! Danillo: Don’t you tell me? *falls a few branches but still stuck* ouch! Samio: No, I mean we are in the wrong timeline! That’s why it didn’t work! Danillo: … CRAP! Nova: uh, do you need help? Samio: oh, yes please! *thinks a bit* By the way, I’m Samio. The guy also stuck in the tree is Danillo and if find someone chasing a cute creature or trying to kill one, it’s definitely Annie. She’s cool and she’s with us, don’t worry. Connor: That worries me more. *after helping Samio and Dan out the tree* Danillo: *looking at Nova* Funny, you kinda look like a mix of- Samio: She is. It’s their daughter. Danillo: *facepalms* crap, you know what this means? Connor: That you guys are in an alternative timeline by accident? Danillo: No. It means I owe 20 bucks to Annie again.
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starco-conut · 7 years
Looking for stars
ALRIGHT! I did it! I wrote a little drabble filling in the end of season 2 blank for Star Vs. The Forces Of Evil. My focus was to try and retain the ‘cartoon lightness’ of the actual show, while still delving into how Marco was feeling. I really didn’t want it to deviate from the fun feeling of the show, but I feel that near the end it lost that a little bit. I wish I could work on it longer, but alas, I cannot. So enjoy it as it is! Thank you!!!
Title: Looking for stars, by lifestooshorttobecool. (shoot me an Ask if you have any questions :D)
Rating: As G as it gets
Summary: Marco tries to sort through the events prior to Star’s vanishing.
  Marco was in Star’s room. No he wasn’t. He was in the spare bedroom. Star’s room was gone. But it was Star’s room just a few moments ago. Now it looked as if she had never been there.
Marco’s brain felt swollen and empty. He could not understand what was in front of him. Star was… gone?
  Marco felt something on his shoulder. He looked back to see Jackie who seemed to be trying to get his attention. Yes, Jackie. He was just with Jackie moments ago. She said something but Marco didn’t hear. His ears were… plugged or something.
  “Star’s gone,” was Marco’s reply to whatever Jackie had said. She looked concerned but Marco couldn’t internalize it. They both turned to look at Star’s bedroom again. Not Star’s bedroom, the spare bedroom.
  “Are you okay?” Jackie put one arm around Marco’s stiff body. Marco squinted his eyes, as though it would help him see what was in front of him better.
  “I don’t know what just happened,” Marco walked into the spare bedroom and Jackie followed. “She was just here.”
  Jackie walked around the room slowly, alternating between looking at Marco and searching the room, as if Star may be hiding somewhere. Marco began to walk around too, finally trying to process.
  “S-she’s… never coming back,” Marco spoke in a whisper of disbelief. “She said she was going forever. What does that mean?” Marco sat down on the spare bed and Jackie walked over to join him.
  “I’m really sorry, Marco,” Marco looked up at Jackie, who gave him a sympathetic smile which Marco returned weakly. “Has she ever done this before?”
  Yeah. Marco thought at first. Then again, she’d never taken her entire bedroom away. But Star left and avoided things all the time. Like completely ditching Ruberiot the songstrel guy, leaving Marco’s ears in pain for hours, or after the premier of Star’s princess song when…
  Star had a crush on Marco. She said it, only minutes after ensuring Marco that she did NOT have a crush on him. Wwwaaaoooohh talk about brain freeze.
  “Um, Marco? Can you please say something?” Jackie had begun to feel uncomfortable with Marco’s state. “Dude…”
  Just then a familiar chorus of voices were clammering in the hall. “Where is Star?” “Where is Marco?” “Can you believe she said that? Oh.my.gosh the draaaammaaa!”
Marco recognized the crackly whistling voice to be Pony Head.
“I loved it, better than what’s on TV,”
That was definitely Janna.
  StarFan13, Pony Head, and Janna appeared in the doorway and experienced the same shock Marco did moments before.
  “And just wwHHHErre is Star’s bedroom gone? She took it with her?” Pony Head began to hover around in a tizzy, gawking every time she saw a new corner of the room that was not Star’s bedroom.
  “She actually… left?” Janna’s mouth fell open as she too just looked around the room. Very slowly Janna reached up and removed her green beanie, clutching it in both hands.
  StarFan13 had no words. She simply fell to her knees and burst into loud, ugly sobbs.
  Janna looked to Marco and Jackie. “Yooooo Marco?” she slurred slowly.
  Jackie stood up and interrupted, “You’re not going to get much information out of him. He’s not making much sense,” Jackie crossed her arms and looked at Marco as if he were a puzzle.
  “Should we cut him open and see if everything’s still working in there?” Janna half-snickered, but it wasn’t the same as usual. The whole atmosphere was really uncomfortable and StarFan13 sobbing at random intervals only heightened the tension.
  “I l-l-l-l-ov-v-ve-ve-ve-ve…” StarFan13 could hardly articulate words. The self-drawn hearts on her cheeks were smudged and the ink began to run. “I-i-i-i-i l-l-l-love Star, w-w-w-hat if she n-n-ev-ver comessss back,”
  At that Marco finally came to. He looked at StarFan13 and his mind began to race. “She’s going to come back, Star wouldn’t just-” StarFan13 cut Marco off with more wails. Marco walked over and sat against the wall beside StarFan13. He hesitated and the gently placing a hand on her shoulder. “StarFan… I’m not entirely sure what’s going on. But I promise that we are all going to see Star again,” Marco looked around at Jackie, Janna, and Pony Head with half certainty.
  StarFan13 looked up from her wet and snotty hands and over to Marco. Her eyes contained a small sparkle of hope. “Really?” she smiled and grabbed Marco into a hug so hard that he couldn’t breathe. “Thank. You. Mar.co.” she whispered directly into his ear and Marco remembered why he usually kept his distance.
  “Woah, woah there Marco, just hold on one second there,” Pony Head glided over and looked down on Marco as the life was being squeezed out of him by StarFan13. “Do you have some sort of plan? Hhhooow exactly can you guarantee Star is coming back?”
  “Star..Fan… please release” Marco sputtered. StarFan13 released him with complete glee and Marco fell to the floor wheezing. “This has been a long night,”
  Pony Head’s silhouette appeared above Marco, her hair in a constant flowing wave. “Marco!”
  Marco groaned and began to stand up. Jackie reached for Marco’s hand and helped him to stand. “Thanks Jackie,” Marco smiled and tried to gather himself.
  “Alright, alright you guys, I don’t know why Star is gone and I don’t know when she is coming back, and I know she said she was leaving… forever,” Marco had to admit to himself, with that comment and Star’s room disappearing it did not look good. “… but common this is Star! Of course she’ll be back. She’s just doing her usual… avoidance thing.”
  “I… guess” Janna sighed and looked around the room, still holding her beanie in her hands. Marco was just thinking how surreal it was to see Janna not wearing her beanie when she suddenly said, “What about the hole in the roof?”
  Marco scrunched his eyebrows and replied with a “huh?” Janna pointed towards the end of the room where the absence of Star’s bedroom had left a chunk out of some of the wall and the roof. “Oh yeah, how’d I miss that?” Marco began to walk over to the large hole that gave view to the starry sky.
  “I don’t know, you’re pretty oblivious sometimes Marco, just sayin’” Pony Head moved herself around with sass, flipping her hair and almost rolling her eyes. Marco ignored Pony Head’s comment and scanned the sky above. Mom and Dad will not be thrilled about the hole, he thought to himself. Then again, they also won’t understand why Star left…
  Could Star be gone for good?
  Jackie stood beside him to look out the hole, and eventually the whole gang did. “Do you think she’s okay, Marco?”
  “Yeah, as far as I’ve heard, things in Mewni have gotten pretty serious,” Janna added. Marco was almost uncomfortable with Janna’s serious tone. Marco couldn’t think of Mewni without flashing back to that amazing/terrifying princess song. It had been stuck in his head ever since, ’Star Butterfly is in love with her best friend… and his name is MARCO DIAZ.’ Yikes.
  “Marco! Are you even listening? Ugggh” Pony Head nudged him back into focus.
  “Pony Head!” Marco pushed back. “You’re Star’s best friend too, don’t you have any idea of why she might have left?”
  Pony Head looked to the ground with a frown. “Not really…” She said sadly. As if to defend herself she added, “but she hasn’t talked about, like, Glossaryk and Ludo and stuff in awhile so… I don’t see how this is my fault.”
  “Please guys,” StarFan13 piped up in her usual growly voice. “I don’t think it’s anyone’s fault, do you Marco?”
  Marco sighed downwards. “No…” he looked up at the starry sky again. “I guess I just miss Star… and I’m worried.”
  “I think we all are,” Jackie nudged Marco and he looked at her. “Marco, I know you’re going to find Star, so you might as well start with a plan. We’re all behind you on this, right guys?” Jackie looked around and everyone was ‘yeah’d’ in agreement.
  “A rescue mission?” Janna asked, putting her beanie back on with determination. “Alright!”
  StarFan13 looked as though she might combust. “RESCUE MISSION… FOR STAR. Y-E.S. I WANT. TO. COME!” Marco half worried she might hyperventilate.
  “What do you say Marco?” Jackie smiled, moving her head closer to Marco’s “Let’s go get our best friend.”
  A collective ‘yeah’ from the crew, and Marco pushed out a hopeful smile. He turned to look at the crew. “Alright! Yes, yes, let’s go rescue Star!” The crew cheered. As Marco began to worry on how that may even be possible, he suddenly remember. I have dimensional scissors.
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realityextinct · 7 years
Because I felt like writing this. There is no other reason as to why it exists.XD
I also blame a certain someone for getting me into it.XDD
This is just a small Tomco drabble. That’s all it is.
Word count: 695
Why should he be jealous of a human?
Was the only question on his mind since the day he first lay eyes on him.
Marco Diaz... How interesting...
He was a demon prince, for hell's sake. How could he let a small human be in control of his thoughts, in any way?
At first, he kept telling himself that everything he was doing was to get Star back. He thought he was still in love with her, he wanted to make up.
But then...it gradually faded. There is only so much rejection you can take.
His jealousy for Marco started off because of Star. Thinking back, he found it childish really...
Now that he could analyze things a bit more rationally, with his calm mind thanks to Brian, and no affection for Star...
He realized...there has always been a different reason he has been jealous of the martial arts kid.
Watching him from afar...it slowly became clear to him, as he saw the entire picture.
Both of them shared quite a few similarities...be they interests or personality. Tom was certain Marco would never admit to it, but it was true.
But...there was one clear difference Tom couldn't help but notice...
Marco was always surrounded by people...be they friends, classmates, family, whichever else...
And Tom...well...
He was always alone. Apart from a few servants, Brian...
Being a prince... Of course, he didn't think anyone would be interested in hanging out with him.
Because of his heritage, he was forced to stay alone...
Yet... Watching Marco... He felt an urge...for the first time in his life since the time he wanted to get Star back...
An urge to get to know him closer. An urge to hang out with said boy.
He had a plan. He thought everything through. He kept telling himself until the very end he was only using Marco for his own selfish gains.
He was the prince of Lucitor Kingdom. Of course there was nothing else for him to do.
It's not like...he just wanted to hang out, be himself, do silly things and...bond...
He...didn't expect for Marco to bond so easily with him either.
From the many times he watched him, he knew the interests they shared...but it was up to Marco to take the bait or not.
And oh god did he...
Tom did not understand why. But somewhere, deep down...he hoped that...
It was because Marco wanted to somehow bond with him too..?
That didn't seem plausible...but then again, he couldn't read minds to know for sure.
It was so much fun to hang out with him. Somewhere in the process, Tom forgot his original excuse as to why he was doing it in the first place.
For the first time since forever...he was really enjoying himself.
And it wasn't until later that he realized why.
"Oh girl...you know I'd never mean to hurt ya..." he found himself singing under his breath once more...thinking about none other than the boy that was haunting his thoughts.
"You were my angel...my beautiful dove..."
Tom had no idea he could get this sad...just from singing a song at that...leaning forehead into his knees, he tried his best to stay composed.
But he just...couldn't.
His cravings...his desires...they felt too unreachable.
And...he didn't want to act on them.
Well...ugh...he did, of course he did...
He knew he was going to be...rejected...
Then again...what else was new...right?
Still... Now that he thought about it... Marco was the last person he wanted to feel this from.
Unlike Star... He... Was scared of being rejected by him.
Could this be experience talking? His heart was broken once, maybe he didn't want to get hurt a second time.....?
Oh, what was he thinking anyway?!
This was absurd!!
But...if it was...
Why was he...floating in front of Marco's bedroom window..?
Why...did he knock..?
Why...did Marco open it..?
Why...did Tom offer him more cereal..?
He didn't want to admit it...not yet.
So he just went with the flow...allowing room for things to grow naturally...
Catching every single subtle hint from Marco...that he could hope for something.
And there were quite a few of them.
He was glad.
The End.
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