#Eclipse x female reader
Scarred Beauty
Pairing: Zuko x Fem!Reader
Word count: 809
Summary: It had almost become a tradition for you and Zuko to talk after the sun had gone down, leaving the both of you wrapped in a blanket of secrecy. But after Zuko falls asleep a little too early, it leaves you to wonder.
Bingo: @eclipsingbingo with 'Tracing Scars'
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When you first met Zuko, you honestly thought he was trying to kill you. The way his lip would curl up upon laying his eyes on you, or how he would single you out in a fight so he could make sure he was the only one who had a shot at you, it all made every moment between the two of you dreadful and when he decided to join your 'team' you could only think of the worst case scenario.
But now, now that you've got to know Zuko without the usual heat that came with his arrival or the scornful glare that he had to keep up, he was starting to grow on you.
It hadn't been instant, you, but probably Katara, took the longest to warm up to him. It was hard to look past all the times he had tried to capture you, burn you alive, hunt you down and even sell you out, but once you had tried, you felt your efforts rewarded tenfold as Zuko did his best to get to know you.
His mannerisms have changed a lot since the first time you met him. Instead of the brash, whiny and impatient prince who needed to get his way, you were met with a gentle, intelligent and peaceful warrior who had joined the fight against the Fire Nation.
He had grown more protective, making sure no one got hurt and always seeking you out first to check for injuries. He offered his guidance to both Aang and whoever else would take it, leading to the two of you bending together. Whenever the two of you would, due to your clashing elements, it always put on quite the show for the others as they watched fire try to wash away water.
It was how you believed you ended up here, lying beneath a sea of stars. The two of you were side by side, the others quite a distance away as they slept peacefully, getting ready for a day of adventure. Not the two of you though. You both had grown accustomed to the late-night talks that you weren't sure who had first started them.
It was such a regular occurrence that if one of you noticed the other one waiting out, you would rush the night along, getting into positions like you were currently in. Even the rest of the gang had grown used to this and wouldn't question it if the two of you went off together or when they awoke they found you both laying next to each other somewhere.
The topics that you would speak about were vast, never being a copy of the night before. You had spoken about what it had been like growing up and how your childhoods had varied, though you both found comfort in one another for a feeling of isolation. Talk of tradition and training, even gossip that the other would have a hard time following along with. Whatever could be spoken about had been.
Except for the large scar that took up a good chunk of Zuko's face. You had never felt the need to ask, even now, as you had turned away from the stars above to face Zuko, the older boy asleep far too early than he would've liked to be, you couldn't bring yourself to ever ask. If it was something that Zuko would ever want to talk about, then he would bring it up himself. But since that was yet to happen, you kept any topic of conversation far from it.
That didn't stop you from staring at it now. Even in the darkness, it was a large contrast from the rest of his face. For so long you had only ever allowed your eyes to briefly linger on the scar, only ever allowed your eyes to trace the corners of it and take it in. But now, a delicate hand reached forward and with a feather-light tip of your finger, your skin came in contact with his scared.
Where others may have seen brutality or felt disgust and pity at the sight, you couldn't help but wonder how such a large portion of his face seemed to bring so much life to Zuko's being, how though it may hide the beauty that may have once been there, a new beauty bloomed with it.
Only when you were satisfied did you draw your hand away. You had done enough looking for tonight. Instead, you curled in on yourself, trying to store as much heat as you could for the night, not wanting to leave Zuko's side.
And when the others found the two of you wrapped around one another in the morning, they turned a blind eye and allowed the both of you to come to your own senses and figure out the mess you were both slowly creating.
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happy74827 · 3 days
Fate’s Design
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[Carlisle Cullen x Female!Reader]
Synopsis: Not even fate can stop forbidden love. {GIF Credits: Pinterest}
WC: 2051
Category: Angst (with a side of fluff)
Can you tell I rewatched Twilight? 👀 Edward? Jacob? Nah, I’m team Carlisle all the way.
In all seriousness, this took me so long to write out since I’m in that stage of life where there’s no free time 😭
But, regardless, here’s a fic that no one asked for (and hopefully won’t mind 👀). So, uh… enjoy :)
Funny, how the world works, how fate works.
The day you had first laid eyes on him, you could tell immediately there was something different about him, something... strange. Stranger than strange.
A simple hospital visit, a clumsy fall down the stairs, and here you were, stuck in a place of healing with the smell of antiseptics and disinfectant all around you. For a simple wrist sprang, being around deathly ill people who had no sense of common courtesy was the last thing you wanted to experience.
Still, it couldn't be helped, and so you endured. Endured until that one fateful encounter.
When the nurses brought him into the room, you couldn't help but stare. A young, handsome man who looked barely a few years older than you, pale, cold skin that reminded you of the snowy tundras, and bright eyes you swore turned gold in the light.
Strange, yes. Very strange. But a very good kind of strange, the kind of strange that was captivating.
Carlisle Cullen.
You couldn't help but smile as you thought of the name, as the memories came back to you. The first meeting, the second, and then the third. You remembered all of them, every single one, and the way your heart fluttered like a caged bird each time, wanting to break free.
How long had it been since that first meeting? Five months? Six?
You couldn't be sure, but it was enough.
Enough for you to know that you loved him.
How funny, how ironic, how cruel fate was, giving you someone to love and then making it impossible to be with him.
You were just an average girl with average interests and average talents who had a boring, average job that didn't pay much and was living an average life.
But you were human; he was not.
You were a creature that could live, grow, age, and eventually die while he was frozen in time, a beautiful, timeless statue with an old soul that lived a hundred years in the span of one.
You knew this, he knew this, and that was what held you both back.
Even though you loved him, even though when he looked at you, his eyes burned with the same emotions you felt, the two of you were still unable to come together.
You would’ve given up had it not been for your own stubbornness, your own will to hold on, to see this through to the end.
He was worth it, and you knew it.
And so, you decided it didn’t matter if your time with him would be short because you would spend it happily, without regret.
After all, a few months spent with him was better than none at all.
You found yourself storming into the hospital, pure determination set on your face as you went up to the reception desk and demanded to know where Carlisle Cullen was.
The nurse gave you an odd look but didn’t question you further, and after giving her the information she needed, she directed you to his office.
You were assured he was filing papers, so you didn’t bother with knocking. Instead, you barged in with the burning desire to make your mark, to make your presence known, to show him, without any doubt, how you felt.
You didn't care if he was startled by your sudden entrance, and as you approached him, he stood up, surprise written on his face.
"I’m done, Carlisle," you said, your tone final, a declaration. "I’m so done."
He tilted his head in confusion.
Your hands came to a fist as you rested them against his desk, eyes narrowed and burning.
"I'm done holding back," you said, voice steady. "If you don’t kiss me right now, I'll never forgive you."
Your name came out as a soft sigh from his lips, and you couldn’t stop the shudder that ran through you at the sound of it. The mellow, gentle tone that held your entire being was always catching you off guard, even after all this time.
It wasn’t fair; it really wasn't.
"Kiss me, goddamnit!" You yelled at him, the demand clear in your tone.
And, like always, he denied you. In fact, he practically told you to shut up in his own way by bringing attention that you were still… quite literally, in the hospital.
You didn’t care. It was obvious by the way you kept going at him, demanding he take action.
And then, a gush of wind.
Your eyes widened, and before you could utter a word, the door from behind slammed shut. Not enough to create a loud bang, but enough to get your attention, and when you looked over, his arm was extended out, hand resting on the door.
Just inches away from your head.
Your heart skipped a beat as you looked up at him.
He was towering over you completely, and the proximity made your breathing hitch. His gaze was intense and golden, and it burned right through you like it always did. But you weren’t scared, not even the slightest bit.
This was what you wanted, after all.
So you kept silent and waited for him to make the first move. Any move, really.
A few seconds passed, and then, ever so slowly, he lowered his head. But he didn't lean down far enough, no. Instead, his face inched closer and closer to yours until, finally, all you could see were his eyes.
And all you could think about was his lips.
"As much as I want to," he began, voice soft and smooth. "You and I both know it's not that easy."
"Yes, it is," you retorted, stubborn. "You're just making it hard."
"I'm being realistic."
"Realistic? Really?" Your face twisted into a scowl. "Says the man who's not even human."
"That's precisely why," he said. "You’re…"
His voice quivered, just slight enough to be noticeable. It made your heart ache, and you were ready to interrupt him, to say that it didn’t matter; nothing else did.
But you stopped yourself.
It was only right to hear what he had to say.
"You truly wish to want… this? To give up the happiness of your future, the family you deserve, to be drowned in sorrow, all for me?"
His words were sincere, his voice quiet, and the expression on his face was one you could barely comprehend.
"Drowned…? Drowned?!" You echoed his words; brows knitted in a deep frown. "Carlisle, I'm already drowning! Right now!"
You paused, trying to calm yourself, but you could feel tears prickling your eyes. This wasn’t how you had imagined it going.
"It hurts," you confessed, voice low. "It hurts me that you don’t understand, that you think so little of yourself."
Carlisle's breath caught, and his lips parted in surprise, but you weren’t finished yet.
"It hurts me that you think I could ever be happy without you," you continued, your voice rising a bit. “Carlisle, I have found happiness in you. I am happy with you. The day we met, I was a wreck; my wrist was a wreck… everything was a wreck. But then you came, and now, now I'm happy. You make me happy."
The look on his face was unreadable, but it didn’t deter you from speaking your mind.
"Why can’t you see that? Why can’t you see that you’ll always be twice the man than any other human being out there?"
He didn’t answer, and the longer the silence stretched, the more your heart hurt. Carlisle was a good man; he was. He was a good doctor, a good father, and, of course, a good-looking guy.
He deserved the world.
And if the world couldn't give it to him, you would.
"If you can't see it, then fine," you finally spoke, and it was almost a whisper. "Then I'll do it for you. I'll tell you every day. I'll keep telling you until it sticks."
The corners of your mouth tugged upwards into a shaky smile.
"Even if I have to keep yelling at you."
He exhaled, and suddenly, he looked much more relaxed, and you realized that you had gotten through to him.
It made the tears that were gathering in your eyes spill over.
"At least I know you wouldn’t toss me aside when my personality eventually overpowers my looks," you mumbled, laughing.
"Toss you aside?"
There was a sudden, sharp edge to his tone, and when his hand came to rest under your chin, gently, carefully, your eyes shot up, staring into his own.
You didn't realize it, but the way you looked at him, the expression on your face, it made him see something different, something he never expected.
A woman who loved him. Truly, sincerely, deeply, and completely.
He couldn’t believe it, and yet, you were right there, in front of him, your eyes shining and reflecting nothing but adoration and admiration.
Your eyes were shining, but not with sadness, no, not anymore.
It was a beautiful sight, one he would remember for all of eternity.
"I'd be a fool to do that," he whispered, his tone sincere, and when his other hand came up, his fingers brushing over your cheek, a featherlight touch, he could hear your breath catch.
"A complete and utter fool."
You watched the smile grow on his lips, and it was so beautiful, it was unreal.
But this, the feeling of his hand on your skin, the coldness contrasted by the warmth of your own body, the gentleness of his touch, it was surreal.
"Carlisle," you murmured, and he was still staring at you, but there was a new intensity in his gaze. "Let me give you the happiness you deserve. Let me."
You took a small step forward, and his hand was still resting under your chin. You didn't dare move or speak again, not until you could read his face, the expression on his features.
It was difficult, however, and just when you thought he wouldn't say anything, he spoke.
"I can't guarantee the future or the happiness," he admitted. "Not for myself, and not for you, but-"
"But?" You couldn’t help but smirk.
"I can try," he answered. "For your sake, I'll try."
You should’ve expected the response after that, the speed at which his hand moved from your cheek to the back of your neck, pulling you forward, and his other hand, moving downwards to rest on the small of your back.
You should've, but you didn't.
All you could do was stare at him, your eyes widening, and just when you opened your mouth to speak, to say something, anything, his lips were on yours, and all the coherent thoughts left you.
You could hear the thumping of your heart, loud, thundering, and it drowned out all the other sounds around you.
He was gentle and careful, and the kiss was nothing more than a brief, feather-light press of his lips, but it was enough. It was enough to set your whole body on fire, to have you lean in, to have your hands come up, grasping onto his lab coat for dear life.
You could feel the coldness of his skin, but the taste of his lips was indescribable.
He tasted sweet, like vanilla, and the longer his lips were on yours, the more the flavor lingered until you couldn’t remember how your own lips had ever tasted.
When he finally pulled away, it was as if the world was spinning and all the strength left your body.
"We're not in the clear just yet," he murmured, his gaze still intense, and it sent a shiver down your spine. "There are many things we have to talk about and many things to work out, but-"
"Carlisle," you breathed out, your grip on his coat tightening. "Don’t talk. Just relish."
You leaned forward, and he did the same, his eyes fluttering shut, and as your lips connected with his, your mind was filled with a single thought.
This was right.
It was perfect, and the world was a better place.
The funny thing about fate is that if two people are meant to be, no matter the time, the place, or the circumstances, they'll find each other.
The two of you were living proof.
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theaskywalker · 29 days
hi, it's me again! I wanted to ask something that's a bit less fluff if that's okay:)
(idk if you do smut, couldn't find anything about that, so sorry if you don't)
I was thinking Seth clearwater and fem!reader
(again soz)
having a honeymoon! like Bellas but, little longer and softer
(Because has a soft boy and I love him for that. would love for him to break the bed if you put that in there:)
thank you for reading and drink water and go cute a tasty snack!
(You could do Jacob black with this to if you would like I've read all the good Fics of both and can't get enough of them:( .)
Seth Clearwater x Fem!Reader
A/N: This is my first time writing smut so I hope it turned out decent. A big thank you to ghosty-boo-shh for the request 😊
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Warnings: Mentions of oral sex (fem!receiving), Unprotected sex
❥ Seth Clearwater had always been a romantic at heart.
❥ When he first imprinted on you, he spent hours fantasizing about important relationship milestones such as moving in together, getting married and starting your own family.
❥ He desperately wanted all of these.
❥ If it was up to Seth, the two of you would get married right after your relationship became official.
❥ But you wanted to take the relationship one step at a time and he respected that.
❥ Fast forward to your two-year anniversary, when Seth decided that it was finally time to make you Mrs Clearwater.
❥ Seth suggested celebrating your anniversary at your favourite restaurant in Port Angeles.
❥ After a delicious meal Seth remarked that it was time for a dessert.
❥ The waiter came minutes later with a chocolate cake and placed it right in the middle of the table.
❥ To your surprise the cake had a large ''Will you marry me?'' sign in white frosting.
❥ When you looked over at Seth, he was already kneeling down holding a small box with a beautiful diamond ring.
"Yes" you replied instantly and hugged him with tears in your eyes.
❥ Everyone was ecstatic when you announced it.
❥ Especially the pack.
❥ Preparations for the wedding started right after the announcement.
❥ You and Seth had agreed on a small ceremony at the beach and a barbeque afterwards for your family and close friends.
❥ The pack (minus Leah) set up the whole event and made sure that every little detail was perfect for the big day.
❥ They had help by the vampires of course as most of the Cullens had taken a liking to Seth.
❥ With the boys working on the wedding venue, you and the girls set out to send the invitations and select the dress.
❥ Selecting the right dress was easier said than done.
❥ Leah and Alice had completely different opinions on the matter.
❥ Alice advised you to go for something fancy.
❥ And Leah thought that a boho design would be more appropriate.
❥ But the final word on the matter was yours to make.
❥ So, after many dress fittings you finally found the one.
❥ The weeks passed and the big day finally came.
❥ Seth couldn't take his eyes off you as you walked down the aisle.
❥ Looking breathtaking in your white dress.
❥ Vows were exchanged and with a tender kiss you and Seth became husband and wife.
❥ At the after-wedding barbeque you had the time of your life dancing with your husband and close friends.
❥ When it was time to leave for the honeymoon, Carlisle and Esme surprised both you and Seth by giving you plane tickets for Rio de Janeiro and full access to Isle Esme.
❥ Seth and you were beyond grateful for the gift.
❥ The flight to Rio de Janeiro and boat ride to Isle Esme filled you with excitement about what was to come.
❥ Upon arriving on the house that would be your home for the next month, Seth gently picked you up and carried you inside.
❥ You giggled at the gesture and thanked him with a kiss when he placed you down.
"Shall we take a bath, Mrs Clearwater?" he asked.
"Of course" you replied with a wink.
❥ The two of you headed to the bathroom .
❥ While Seth filled the bathtub, you slowly removed your dress and lingerie.
❥ Without breaking eye contact with him.
❥ Seth felt a lump in his throat as he stared at your curves.
❥ Feeling hornier as each minute passed.
❥ You approached Seth and helped him remove his clothing.
❥ Once the bathtub was ready, you and Seth proceeded to enter.
❥ Seth rubbed your back, helping your muscles relax.
❥ You returned the favour by lovingly massaging his scalp.
❥ What started as a relaxing and intimate moment between a newlywed couple quickly grew into a passionate make out session.
❥ Seth couldn't stop kissing your lips as his hands travelled on your body, before settling on your thighs.
❥ You straddled his hips and deepened the kiss.
❥ His wolf side took over and he picked you up, heading out of the bathtub in a hurry and laying you onto the canopied bed.
❥ Not caring for the mess your wet and shampooed bodies left on the sheets.
❥ Seth left steamy kisses on your neck and breasts.
❥ He then moved to your inner thighs and eventually found the delicate spot between your legs.
❥ Soft moans escaped your lips as his kisses set your body on fire.
"I'm close" you whispered while tightly clutching his black hair.
❥ Seth knew exactly what you wanted and soon the pleasurable feeling spread through your whole body.
❥ He then kissed you hard on the lips and awaited for your consent to take things further.
❥ You nodded impatiently.
❥ Seth entered you gently at first and then picked up his speed.
❥ Pounding relentlessly into you.
❥ Stretching your tight walls with each thrust.
❥ Seth couldn't get enough of this.
❥ He felt divine when inside you.
❥ It was a mutual feeling...
❥ Things got so heated that he ended up using his wolfish strength a little too much.
❥ Resulting in the both of you landing on the floor.
❥ Bye bye bed...
❥ You and Seth laughed it off and continued your erotic dance without interruption.
❥ Having your climaxes simultaneously on the floor. covered with feathers from the mattress.
❥ After getting a proper bath and tidying up the mess in the bedroom, you layed in Seth's arms and enjoyed how blishful it was.
The honeymoon had just started and it was going to be a memorable one...
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americancowgirl19 · 2 years
Twilight Masterlist
Main Masterlist
Queen - Part Two - Volturi Kings x Female Swan Reader
Nobody to Somebody - Volturi Guard x Female Reader
Prince of Hell - Demetri Volturi x Male Reader
So Much More - Part Two - Part Three -  Riley Biers x Plus Sized Female Reader - Message me if you want me to write male reader rewrites.
Puppet Master - Riley Biers x Vampire Female Reader
To The End Of Days - Caius Volturi x Human Gender Neutral Reader
Victory - Riley Biers x Vampire Female Reader
Proud - Riley Biers x Human Plus Sized Female Reader
Husband of Mine - Carlisle x male vampire reader
Who You Were, Are, and Will Be - Jasper x Gender Neutral Reader
Attempts - Jasper x Gender Neutral Reader
Vengeance - Demetri x Female Reader x Felix
Polar Opposites - Jasper x Gender Neutral Reader
Kidnapped - Riley Biers x Female Reader
Friends - Platonic Edward Cullen x Gender Neutral Reader
The Paranoia of a Nomad - Emmett Cullen x Male Reader
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morphomixz · 5 months
Eclipsed (Miraculous Ladybug x Reader) Masterlist
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illicit-eclipse · 2 months
Moonlit Whispers
In the heart of a sleepy village, nestled among ancient oaks and dew-kissed meadows, lived two souls destined to intertwine.
Evelyn, with eyes like twilight, tended to the wildflowers that bloomed near the old stone bridge. Her laughter echoed through the valley, a melody that enchanted even the birds. Lucian, a brooding artist, sketched the world’s secrets onto canvas. His studio overlooked the same bridge, and he often stole glances at the girl who danced with the wind.
One fateful evening, as the moon hung low, Evelyn stumbled upon Lucian’s hidden sanctuary. The air crackled with anticipation. Their eyes met—a collision of stardust and longing. Lucian’s heart painted wild strokes, and Evelyn’s pulse echoed in the quiet night.
“Your flowers inspire my art,” Lucian confessed, his voice a fragile whisper.
“And your paintings breathe life into my petals,” Evelyn replied, her fingers tracing the edge of a half-finished canvas, while her eyes wandered from painting to painting of her precious flowers.
They later sat by the river, their souls entwined like ivy. Lucian revealed his dreams—the moon as his muse, Evelyn as his salvation. She shared her hopes—the bridge as a portal to distant lands, Lucian as her compass.
Under the moon’s benevolent gaze, they vowed to meet every night. Lucian painted Evelyn into existence—a nymph with petals for hair and eyes that held galaxies. Evelyn wove stories into her blooms—of love that transcended seasons and whispered secrets to the stars.
Their love bloomed like the wildflowers, unyielding and fragile. They danced on the bridge, their laughter echoing across the water. Lucian kissed Evelyn’s fingertips, tasting moonlight. She pressed her forehead to his, inhaling the scent of paint and promise.
But love, like moon phases, waxes and wanes. One stormy night, Lucian’s canvas remained empty. Evelyn’s flowers drooped, petals heavy with unspoken words. The bridge sagged under the weight of their longing.
“Will you forget me?” Evelyn asked, tears shimmering like morning dew.
“Never,” Lucian vowed, pulling her close. “I’ll paint you into eternity.”
And so, he did. His final masterpiece—an ethereal Evelyn, forever dancing on the bridge, petals swirling in the moon’s silver glow.
Years passed. The villagers spoke of the ghostly lovers—the artist who painted moonlight and the girl who whispered to flowers. They say that on moonlit nights, if you listen closely, you’ll hear Evelyn’s laughter and Lucian’s brushstrokes.
And so, their love became legend—a bridge between realms, a canvas of devotion. Under the moon’s watchful eye, Evelyn and Lucian danced, their souls immortalized in art and petals.
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rodeo-clowns · 2 years
hey hey just discovered your blog and I don't know if you already have done this. But maybe Alice Cullen ( x afab reader but you don't have to) snuggle or kissing headcanons?
Alice Cullen: Snuggle and Kissing Headcanons
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A/N: Thanks for requesting! Sorry, it took so long I have like 0 motivation atm. Word Count: 335 (yes very short but these are headcanons so) Warnings: None other than the fact that this isn't proofread at all.
She'd love love LOOOVEE snuggling, especially on a sunny day.
The Cullens don't go out when there's sun so I feel like she'd use that to her advantage.
You two would find a perfect place to spend the day, either your place (because of the bed) or somewhere isolated in nature but cute.
She'd be the type to rub her face all over the side of yours.
You'd probably take turns being the big spoon during movie dates.
At lunch, you're always smushed together.
Since she's ice cold she uses it to her advantage and wraps herself around you "looking for heat."
As for kisses, I think hers would vary.
If it's been a long day they're passionate but not too heated.
Quick pecks in between classes.
When you're alone they tend to get more heated.
You once joked that she was trying to eat your face. (She didn't find that very funny. Apology cuddles).
If you do snuggle in front of others, Esme and Carlisle would be happy for you. The others however would probably not appreciate the PDA.
While you snuggle she'd play with your hair or you'd play with hers.
I feel like she'd be the type to snuggle on picnics.
Yes, you go on picnics even if she doesn't eat. It's really just an excuse for her to have you sit between her legs while leaning against her.
Long cuddles when she gets a scary vision.
Kissing to distract from her want for blood sometimes. Especially during Bella's birthday (aka the mess Edward caused by throwing her lmao).
I feel like she'd be the type to sniff you during cuddling.
Nothing weird, she just missed your scent after not being able to cuddle all day.
Forehead kisses.
Cheek kisses.
Kisses your hands!!! (I love that sorry.)
Overall just uses any opportunity to kiss you.
Hasn't seen you all day? Kiss.
You got the same grade on a test? Kiss kiss.
You tripped over your laces? Big smooch.
She's just super affectionate!
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bluemoon1331 · 4 months
Throws random Valentines fic out that I started very late from impulsive inspiration.
Scuttles back to the darkness to try and focus on the 20 other projects scattering my brain.
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springfallendeer · 7 months
Newfound Treasure (Vampire!Eclipse x Reader)
This here is a commission that I recently finished. I had a lot of fun with it. It takes place in the same AU as "Celestial Pact", but is sort of a run-off idea of the Reader getting into a relationship with Eclipse. Specifically a relationship in which the Vampiric Deity becomes very possessive of them. (This is definitely the result of me relentlessly bullying someone with ideas of Vampire Eclipse being possessive).
Par for the course, it contains things like biting, blood drinking, and some implications of violence and animal death.
Female reader, though I don't get overly involved in descriptions this time. No nicknames. Just a story about finding a wounded God and them falling in love with you (or developing an obsession with you).
Part 1: Newfound Treasure
The blood of a God.
An ichor saturated in power far beyond the grasp, or the understanding of mankind. Thick. Never to be spilt without justifiable cause, lest horrific curses fall upon thee who dared to draw it.
That forbidden substance now marks a trail on the path. Glowing, and hot, it naturally draws your attention; and the attention of all others in the town; to its source.
Like the others around you, you tremble at the sight of the wounded God.
Like the others around you, you recall the many horrific legends that revolve around the Deity, and what he is capable of doing to those like you.
He is an ancient, powerful God of the Cosmos. A being which rules over space and all that exists within it. One which is capable of destroying this world and others like it; one which has, most definitely, brought other worlds to ruin.
If that alone was not terrifying enough, he doubles as a God of Vampirism. And like the others afflicted with the curse, he is doomed to sustain himself on the blood and flesh of mortals.
He is the origin of the curse. He may very well be the only means of ending it. But that... That cannot be proven, and proving it would only lead to catastrophe.
You anxiously watch as the Deity limps through the town.
His frozen flesh is battered and torn, seemingly from a violent battle with another God. A battle which he surely must have won, otherwise he would no longer be standing.
Glowing ichor seeps from the many open wounds. His heated blood steams and sizzles upon meeting the ground, where it gradually cools and loses its fiery hue.
Everyone gives him a wide berth, terrified of what might happen should they allow him to draw near enough to reach out and touch them.
He... Pays them no mind, strangely enough.
In fact, he seems quite lost. He looks dazed. Delirious, even. As though he is not only unsure of where he is, but unsure of where he means to go.
He isn’t reacting to the people around him, or even looking in anyone’s direction. Even though he must be hungry, it is as though he is ignorant to the presence of food.
Or perhaps... Perhaps he is intentionally ignoring the people around him?
Perhaps he is frightened, because he is hurt and lost?...
The idea of that being the case... Makes you strangely sad.
Empathy really is a powerful thing. Capable of overwriting fear or logic.
Tentatively, you reach into your pocket to retrieve a handkerchief.
Though you hesitate... You eventually work up the nerve to approach him.
His eyes flicker to you the instant that you step towards him, rather than away. But he takes his gaze off of you just as quickly, making you believe that he really must be intentionally ignoring the many humans that inhabit this space around him.
Maybe he is afraid... No. He must be afraid. Afraid of you, and afraid of the people that are standing around gawking at him.
Cautiously, you make your way over to him. You stop well within arms reach of him, and nervously extend your hand towards him.
Your hand trembles as you bring the handkerchief to his cheek.
He keeps his eyes off of you, up until the fabric comes into contact with his face. The instant that he feels you touch him, his focus moves to you and to you alone.
His gaze burns with the intensity of the sun. A sun blocked out by the body of the moon, in hopes of preventing your soul from being burned by its light…
You know now why he is the one that they call “Eclipse”.
His gaze alone proves so intense that you nearly recoil in fright.
Just nearly.
Instead, you guide your trembling hand to the deep gash upon his cheek, where the handkerchief immediately soaks up the thick, glowing blood that flows from the wound.
You yank your hand almost immediately after. Not because you’re afraid, but because his blood proves hot enough to scald your delicate flesh.
He visibly flinches in response to your abrupt movement, seemingly startled. Or perhaps he simply resists the urge to reach out and touch you in turn.
You see one of his many arms shift ever so slightly at his side, as though he meant to reach out for you. But if that was his desire, then he hesitated, and in doing so resisted the urge to reach out and... Do something. You don’t know what he would do if he actually reached for you.
But you’re perfectly safe!... Probably. Hopefully.
Hopefully the actions taken today will not come back to haunt you…
He keeps his eyes locked on you as you stand before him. His gaze is somehow not only intense, but heavy. It burns your soul just like his blood has burnt your hand. And while you somehow urge yourself to maintain eye contact with him, you cannot help but feel as though a crushing weight is slowly settling over your meager frame.
“I-I-!” You stammer, opening your mouth to speak before you can even think of something to say. But having not even taken the time to determine what you actually mean to do, you then close your mouth just as quickly.
His posture changes ever so slightly in response to your voice. You swear you see him straighten out his hunched body. If he were to straighten out and stand at his true height, you have no doubt that he would tower over you.
You are but a child in comparison to his full stature. If he were to stand up properly, you are unsure if you would even be able to work up the nerve to try and speak to him, yet alone approach him as you have done.
You take a deep breath in hopes of composing yourself.
When you next open your mouth, it is because you have taken the time to think of the right words to say.
“You look tired, my Lord...” You awkwardly murmur, taking a slight step back so that you might offer the Deity a respectful half bow.
“If it would please you, you are welcome to come and rest in my home.” You offer, albeit with a note of uncertainty obvious in your voice.
You then fall silent.
Honestly... You don’t expect much of a verbal response from him, if any. The stories that you’ve been told have all made him out to be this silent, malevolent force that would sooner tear your head off your shoulders to guzzle your blood than share a single word with you.
But at the same time... The stories seemed wrong. They made him out to be this monstrous force that desired only to devour the mortals of this world; so much so that he was forced to lock himself away, otherwise he would consume everything that came into his line of sight.
Yet here he was, limping through a human town without offering so much as a malicious gaze and flinching in response to an unexpected human touch.
The stories had to be wrong. Or at least heavily embellished.
You are safe.
Or at least you assumed yourself to be safe, until he finally got around to fully standing up.
He had basically been kneeling in front of you due to wounds on his legs. Wounds which must have made it painful for him to walk, as he had kept them mostly curled up whilst he limped through the town. That was why you had been able to reach out and touch his face in the first place.
You see his body shudder and strain in response to the change in posture, as if attempting to fight off the urge to curl back up so that the pain would be kept at a reasonable level.
You seem to shrink as he rises to his full height. Or at least, you feel as though you're shrinking whilst you watch him grow before your very eyes.
Skies above, he towers over you! He is easily, easily, twice your height. If not taller.
He also seems a lot less docile now that he has stood up fully.
Nothing about his expression has changed. Nor has his pain become any less apparent. It is genuinely scary how easily he can remind you of your own mortality simply by standing and observing you with his body straightened out.
He could crush you beneath his heel. Or pick you up and tear your limbs off like a child ripping the wings off of a fly. Or throw you to the far side of the town with the ease of a man tossing a stone.
Nothing about his expression implies that he has any desire to do such brutal things to you. But his alarmingly massive height, mixed with the many stories of your youth, and the intensity of his gaze all work together to simply make you feel…
You are nothing compared to him and you will continue to be nothing whether or not he kills you or ignores you.
Despite being absolutely terrified, you do not run from him. Nor do you withdraw your gaze from his. Some part of you has seemingly been paralyzed by his divine presence, and that is the part of you that would allow you to retreat.
Tears well in your eyes as you stare up at him. Not only from the fear, but because you have not blinked once since first locking eyes with him.
He reaches for your face just as that first tear rolls down your cheek.
You don’t even flinch when you feel his fingers brush against your damp skin, though you are unsure of how you manage to keep still.
But you do calm down, somewhat, in response to the contact.
You can feel the gentleness in his touch as he wipes away your tears. The simple contact proves more than enough to make it clear that he has no intention; yet alone any desire; to harm you.
And that is all the reassurance that you need to calm yourself in his presence. Though you do, unfortunately, remain easily intimidated by him. So you do not fully relax, despite understanding that he harbors no ill will towards you.
You find yourself absently leaning into his touch. Just slightly.
Though his blood is boiling hot, his skin is cold as ice. It warms faintly in response to your heat. Not enough to resemble the warmth of human touch, but enough to almost feel pleasant against your skin.
He remains silent for a very long time as he stands there with his hand against your cheek.
You remain silent in turn.
The town remains just as silent, as if frozen by the astonishing events which are taking place. No one moves. No one speaks. Even the birds and the wind have fallen silent, as if waiting with bated breath to see what will unfold as a result of your actions.
“Are you not afraid?” He suddenly asks, admittedly startling you to the point that you jolt in response to his voice.
He does not sound nearly as monstrous as the stories made him out to be. In fact, his voice is... Surprisingly pleasant. Smooth and deep, but calm. It is the voice of a guardian and a protector. Not the voice of a ravenous beast bent on bloodshed.
“I am... A little.” You admit in response. The idea of lying or even downplaying your anxiety never even crosses your mind. And so you reply to him with complete and total honesty.
You are afraid of him, yes. But you are afraid of him in the same way that you fear a large dog, or a horse. The fear comes from knowledge that you could be easily harmed by an entity so much stronger than you. But you know, based upon the behavior of this powerful entity, that the danger is not real.
He has no intention of harming you, and you can feel it. So while you are afraid of his power, you are at ease with his ability to keep that power under control.
“But you should be terrified. Am I not monstrous? Do you not fear what I might do to you?” He asks in turn, as if dissatisfied with your overall response. He almost sounds... Startled. Or confused. It seems as though he cannot fathom the idea that his presence alone does not fill you with dread.
Yet even as he seemingly attempts to instill you with more fear, his touch remains gentle. The only change that you can feel is a slight tremor in his hand; likely from the pain of maintaining his stance when covered in so many wounds.
“You don’t want to hurt me.” You bluntly and confidently reply.
“Are you certain?” He questions, spitting out his words so quickly that he would have interrupted you had you actually had more to say. So quickly, in fact, that even his voice seems to tremble; even if only slightly.
“I could devour you here, in front of all your friends and family. They would be able to do nothing to save you.”
“Yet you touch my cheek so gently, my Lord...” You murmur in response.
You feel his hand twitch somewhat in response to your words, but he otherwise falls still and silent.
Finally, you find the will to blink. Or rather, you wind up calming down enough that you can finally relax your eyes.
Intense as his gaze has been, it was never really all that threatening. As in you did not look into his eyes and sense any manner of malice. They were just... Powerful; as the eyes of a God should rightly be.
That power startled you and made your poor mortal soul seize up in alarm, that was all.
In a way, you had simply been awestruck. The eyes of the Divine are not so regularly encountered. As the windows to the soul, you found yourself unwittingly staring at something that your fragile, moral mind could not immediately comprehend. Of course you would freeze up in response!
For a few moments, he remains silent.
You remain silent in turn, absently leaning into the palm of his hand as he stares down at you.
Every now and again you resume eye contact with him, and your body stiffens faintly as if on the brink of seizing up. But the sensation grows weaker and weaker between each blink as your mind and soul adjust to the dominating presence of a God.
Eclipse breaks the silence with a sigh.
A long, tired, pained sigh. And as he sighs, his body relaxes and submits to the agony that has overtaken it. He shrinks back down as he curls up, seemingly satisfied enough with this interaction to stop putting up a brave front.
Whatever he meant to do, he must be satisfied with the outcome. Though you aren’t sure if he meant to chase you away or test your honesty.
And, honestly, you aren’t going to ask. Who are you to question the motivations of a God? Yet alone a wounded one who would have every reason to be cautious while in this vulnerable state.
“I would like to rest.” He finally replies, having decided that he would take you up on your offer.
You then cautiously reach up to your cheek to wrap your hand around his, so that you can guide him to your home.
“Can you walk?” You quietly ask, naturally aware of how hard it must be for him to move if he is in this much pain.
If needed, you could probably find a wagon or an animal that could be used to move him. He genuinely looks exhausted.
“I am tired. But I will manage.” He replies.
You do not question him on the matter. It is not your place to do so.
So you gently pull on his hand to guide him towards your home; which is, unfortunately, a good distance away. He will have to limp after you for a while. And you will have to endure the many heavy stares of the other people in town as you guide this wounded, Vampiric God to your home.
The journey is made in silence. Neither you nor Eclipse speak. The people that you pass by do not make a sound; though their eyes scream loud enough whenever you dare lock your gaze with someone.
The only real sound to be heard is that of footsteps. Yours as they steadily trek along the path, and his as his feet scrape heavily against the stone.
His every footstep grows heavier and more tedious as you walk with him. But as a God, he is nothing if not powerful. He manages to endure the journey to your home. He even endures the difficult journey up the stairs to your guest bedroom, where you encounter something of a problem.
He will not fit... Anywhere. You brought him upstairs because there was no place for him to properly rest downstairs. But none of the beds in your home are large enough to support his body.
This is when you get your first glimpse of what he is capable of doing.
You hear him murmur something in a language that you cannot understand. And then you watch, admittedly dumbstruck, as the room warps and changes around you.
The foundation of your home creaks and groans as wood and stone stretch to accommodate his size. The bed and bedding make concerning sounds of violent destruction as they too transform to better support him.
The room and the bed grow larger to provide him with a comfortable place to rest. And when all is said and done, the Deity is left looking even more exhausted.
Once the initial shock of what you’ve just witnessed wears off, you give Eclipse’s arm another tug to guide him to his newly redone bed.
Thankfully, he is able to climb up on his own; though he is left gasping for breath after the fact.
He settles onto his back and folds his hands atop his torso. You listen for a moment as he breathes heavily, and you awkwardly stand nearby as he attempts to recover from the recent strain.
“Uhm...” You... Make a bit of an awkward noise in preparation to speak. It at least catches his attention.
“Can I get you anything, my Lord?” You ask.
It was only polite of you to try and tend to your guest. He was wounded and tired and while you were unsure of how to ease away his discomfort, you still had every intention of doing what you could to be of help.
“Blood.” Eclipse bluntly replies.
Your stomach sinks.
While you probably should have anticipated such a response, there was something of a difference between suspecting something and having it actually happen.
The Deity seems to take notice of your sudden shift in mood.
Or maybe he just noticed how quickly you went pale in response to his request.
You watch as he closes his eyes and covers them with the back of his hand.
He takes a deep, wheezing breath.
“Not your blood.” He calmly specifies.
“A goat or a sheep will do fine. Even a pig, if that’s all that you can find.” He states.
You stare at him, completely bewildered by his statement, as he begins to feel around his body.
He pats along his chest and sides, and along his hips as if in search of something. Until eventually he manages to locate what he’s looking for.
He then holds up a small coin pouch. Based upon the sag of it, you can tell that it contains quite a few coins.
He uncovers his eyes to look at you as he properly holds the pouch out for you to take.
“There should be more than enough here to purchase an animal.” He states as you tentatively reach out to accept the coin pouch.
You’re admittedly startled by the weight of it. Where the pouch should only hold around ten to fifteen coins, it feels as though it's being used to carry over a hundred!
“I only need the blood. You may keep the meat to use it as you will.” He adds.
In other words, you’re to go and buy him an animal to use for food. He’ll take the blood, and you’ll keep the rest.
It sounds like more than a fair trade, to be honest. Him giving you such a considerable amount of food in exchange for providing him with shelter and care.
Yet for some reason, you hesitate.
“Will animal blood really satisfy you?...” You find yourself hesitantly asking.
Call it morbid curiosity. Or call it genuine concern; or confusion. But for some reason, you aren’t really satisfied with the idea of just going out to buy an animal for him to drain of its vital essence.
“It will not be the same as human blood.” Eclipse calmly replies.
He then falls silent.
You remain quiet for a short while as you weigh your thoughts.
You want to be a good host. Eclipse himself has just admitted that while he will drink animal blood, human blood is what will be of more help to him.
You know that he is wounded and in an obviously weakened state; which likely means that he will struggle to perform his Godly duties until he has healed.
Not only that. If another Deity were to arrive to challenge him while he was in this state... Would he even be able to fend them off?...
You try to ignore the faint trembling of your hand as you reach to place the coin purse on the edge of the bed.
This is probably a foolish idea.
A very foolish idea.
You carefully undo the first few buttons of your shirt to further expose your neck and shoulders.
“What are you doing?...” Eclipse unexpectedly asks. He almost sounds nervous.
“You said that human blood would be better...” You murmur in response, hesitantly working your shirt down one shoulder to better expose an area for him to bite.
“Animal blood will serve me just fine-” He attempts to rebuke you, only to stiffen as you step closer to the bed and begin to climb up.
The instant that your knee presses into the mattress, he goes silent.
“... I cannot offer much, my Lord. But you may drink what I can give. And I will fetch an animal after.” You reply.
Human blood would be better for him. So having a drink from you along with the animal blood would be better than just giving him an animal to drain, would it not? You would effectively be giving him a nutritious boost to make the less desirable food more substantial.
It was like adding fresh meat to a dish that only drew protein from eggs. You would add to the nutritional value of the meal, rather than leave it as it would be; incomplete.
Eclipse seems visibly uneasy as you climb further onto the bed.
He opens and closes his mouth a few times, seemingly unable to find the words to protest what you’re doing.
You can hear how dry his mouth is. Each time he parts his lips, you can hear how they struggle to peel away from each other. You can hear his tongue pull away from the roof of his mouth.
He must be parched.
You hope that this will not leave you... Compromised. Yeah, that’s the word. Compromised. Worse off than you are now.
There certainly isn’t a better word to describe what you’re afraid of.
Honestly, you half expected to have to force the Deity to take your blood, given his hesitation. So when he abruptly reaches out to drag you down on top of him, you cannot help the little gasp of surprise that escapes you.
His touch feels different, now. Intense and desperate.
His blood soaks into your clothes as you lay across his body. If not for the cold temperature of his flesh, his boiling ichor might have burned your delicate skin.
It is still hot. But not hot enough to be painful.
Goosebumps form upon your skin as you feel his heated breath roll across the nape of your neck.
“Are you certain?” He asks, taking this last opportunity to try and scare you away or convince you to back out.
Though you tremble in response to his voice rattling against the side of your neck, you do not retreat.
“You may have what I can offer.” You reply in turn, intentionally using very specific words.
He may only take what you can afford to give him. Nothing more.
Given his experience and his power, he should know what that limit is and he should be able to prevent himself from crossing that line. You have no choice but to put faith in that ideal now that you have offered yourself onto him.
He offers no additional rebuttal. No additional warnings or arguments of any sorts.
What you next feel is his mouth upon your throat. Ravenous and desperate.
You feel the bitter sting of his teeth piercing your skin; the dull ache of blood seeping from the wound with each beat of your heart.
His tongue is hot. Just like his breath. And despite the pain, you find yourself strangely drawn to it. Lured in by the forbidden pleasure which dwells at the edge of the great bleed.
He greedily consumes every drop of blood that spills from your throat, and you feel your body growing weaker with every passing second. Each contraction of his throat pulls more and more of your vital essence for him to consume.
He only bites you once, and he drinks until the blood stops flowing. Then he yanks his mouth from your throat as if startled by his own actions.
You’re still conscious, but you’re exhausted. Just trying to lift your head proves strenuous. More so when the Deity proceeds to lay an arm across your back, causing you to effectively fall down completely on top of him.
“Rest.” Eclipse quietly murmurs.
“But the goat...” You mutter in response, your voice now as quiet and exhausted as his is.
He proceeds to lay a second arm over top of you, literally trapping you with him on the bed in the process.
“You must rest.” He repeats his command, this time a little more sternly.
“I took a lot from you. As much as you could give, just as you offered. But it was more than enough to weaken you...” He sighs, having clearly decided that you’re entitled to a reason behind him insisting that you should stay and rest. Or maybe he had figured out that if you were not given a good enough reason, you would continue to try and leave so that you could buy him a goat.
“... It would bother me, greatly, to know that you left on my behalf only to get hurt. The animal could overwhelm you. Or mean spirited people could lash out at you, for daring to show me this kindness. I do not wish for you to be harmed because of me.” He explains further.
You can clearly hear the pain in his tone as he speaks. Pain and fear.
The idea of you getting hurt genuinely upsets him. It hurts him to think that you might get hurt because of him, and he is very much afraid that you will be harmed as a result of helping him.
You cannot help but chance a glance towards his face.
He looks so... Conflicted. Tired and conflicted. This whole situation must be so alien to him, given how heavily feared he is.
A reluctant sigh escapes you as you allow your eyes to close.
He really is kind. Surprisingly so, for someone depicted in such a monstrous light.
“I’ll rest.” You murmur, hoping to reassure the being that you will do as he has asked of you.
“Just for a little while, though. You’ll need more blood if you want to recover, right?” You add.
He shouldn’t complain about that sort of arrangement, right?
You hear him sigh in turn.
“When you can climb out from under my arms without a struggle, you may go.” Eclipse retorts.
You furrow your brows somewhat in response.
That sure is a strange way to go about doing things. But then again... Well there isn’t a better means of gauging your strength right now, is there? He certainly isn’t in any state to give you a less unusual means of testing your strength.
He wasn’t holding you down. He had just laid his arms across your back. You just happen to be so worn out from his feeding that you don’t have the strength to hold yourself up with his arms on your back. Simple as that.
“... Very well.” You mutter, opting not to try and argue with him on the matter.
He did have a point. With you this weak, the goat; or any other animal you might buy; would probably be able to overpower you if it decided to act up. And then you wouldn’t have the strength to chase it down and catch it if it somehow managed to get away from you.
There was also no telling if anyone in town would be willing to help you catch the rowdy beast, given the circumstances. So you were better off just trying to rest while you had the chance.
Even if it was a bit awkward that you were using the wounded God as a bed...
Part 2: Treasure Claimed
Ten days.
That was how long it took for Eclipse to recover from his injuries. Ten days.
Ten days of routine care. Ten days of fetching him livestock to use for sustenance. Ten days of helping him clean his wounds. Ten days of fretting.
Ten days of watching him heal, and watching him open up to you.
He isn’t a monster at all. The Vampiric curse just has a habit of taking good people and twisting them into unrecognizable husks of their true selves when they fail to satiate their thirst for blood.
He feeds from animals because he does not want to hurt people. He does not want to be the monster that they think him to be.
During his stay, he has only allowed himself to feed from you thrice. Each time, you had to convince him that he was allowed to do so. And each time he made sure to treat you with utmost care.
With each bite, the feeding became less painful, and more pleasant. Relaxing, even.
In a weird way, you would probably miss the tired feeling that washed over you following each feeding session.
But you were probably just going to miss him in general.
Today was meant to be his last day with you. You went out to fetch one last goat. So that you could celebrate his recovery and send him on his way with a full stomach.
This time, the farmer wasn’t happy to see you.
Ten goats you had bought from him. Ten strong, healthy goats that he would have rather used for breeding, or for his own needs. All of them were sold to you so that you could feed them to a “Ravenous God”, as he called Eclipse.
He did not want to sell you an eleventh goat. He did not want to sell you another animal, period. Not if you were just going to use it to satiate the bloodlust of the “Monstrous Deity” that you brought into your home and encouraged to stay in town.
Now your arm hurts.
The farmer was needlessly rough in turning you down and sending you on your way. A faint burning, almost itchy sensation on your shoulder remained as some proof of the physical damage that had been done. Not to mention the red mark surrounding the small scratches that were barely hidden under your shirt.
You solemnly rub your shoulder in a vain attempt at soothing the discomfort.
This was not the first time that someone had manhandled you, and it would not be the last. But this has soured your mood, unfortunately.
No one else in town would sell to you. Not while Eclipse was here. None of them wanted to provide a meal to the Deity, as they believed that it encouraged him to stay or to return in search of food.
No one wanted him here.
Aside from you.
Now you had to go home and tell him that there would be no goat tonight. No goat, or sheep, or anything. He would have to take his leave on an empty stomach, unless he would be satisfied with one last drink of your blood.
Heck, you could use the relaxation that his feeding would bring, because you felt pleasantly heavy and tired whenever he finished. It would be nice to just lay down and sleep and not have to worry about anything.
You ignore the various looks you receive as you make your way back home.
Eclipse is there to greet you when you step inside.
For a split second you see something flash in his eyes, but you hardly have the time to register what it is.
Concern, most likely. It is obvious that you’re upset. Given how attentive he has been to you during his stay here; at least in the sense that he has worried over your wellbeing.
“I could not get you a goat. I’m sorry.” You murmur as you haphazardly remove your coat. You also offer him back his coin purse, as there is no need for you to keep hold of it.
“What happened?” Eclipse asks in response.
You swear that you hear something in his voice. A heightened emotion of some sort. But honestly, you’re so worked up that you can’t be bothered to really focus on it.
“You may feed from me if you’re hungry.” You reply, completely ignoring his question. You do not want to talk about it. You do not want to discuss how the people in the town have decided to turn on you in response to you having provided this being with food and shelter.
You then jump and freeze as the Deity proceeds to slam his hand into the wall over your shoulder when you turn away from him.
He easily could have put his hand through the wall if he had wanted too. But he did not.
The tension in the room is palpable now.
Fear bubbles up inside of you as the Vampiric God proceeds to trap you between himself and the wall.
His gaze is intense and burning. You can feel your skin tingle in response to his eyes.
More so when he leans down to bring his face right next to your ear.
“What happened?” He repeats, sternly.
Now you can definitely hear it. The anger in his voice.
Goosebumps rise on your skin as he brings a hand up to easily tug down the collar of your shirt, exposing the minor injury that the farmer left on your shoulder during your confrontation.
Multiple thin lines reveal where nails roughly dragged against your skin. The slightest hint of pink shows that while shallow, the wounds were just deep enough to draw trace amounts of blood.
You shudder, feeling Eclipse’s heated breath roll down over the marks on your shoulder.
His tongue follows suit. Initially, to clean the wound.
But then he bites you. Unexpectedly and without warning.
He sinks his teeth in, easily engulfing the wound with his mouth and surrounding it with the imprint of his teeth.
You whine at the sharp sting of the initial puncture, then gasp at the feel of his tongue dragging against the fresh wound upon release.
You offered your blood a moment ago. And even though he’s bitten you, it's obvious that he is not feeding.
Whatever he’s doing now feels closer to... Domination. Or possessiveness. It's as though he’s overwhelmed the injury inflicted upon you by the farmer with a wound of his own making.
Your legs are trembling by the time he sucks his tongue back into his mouth so that he can move his face back to your ear.
The wound is still bleeding, but he has elected to ignore it.
“What happened?!” He repeats again, the anger in his voice getting more intense this time; possibly because you’ve opted to ignore his question twice now. Even if the second time wasn’t entirely your fault, given his unexpected attack.
Only now do you realize how heavily you’re breathing. Likely from the adrenaline rush that came with being cornered like this.
You’ve never seen him so worked up. It's genuinely intimidating. Threatening, even.
Eclipse goes back to licking the blood from your wound as he waits for your response. His tongue focuses unnecessarily on the small scratches that the farmer gave you, as if attempting to completely erase the marks.
Little do you realize that that is his plan, and that he succeeds.
He commands the minor wound to completely heal through the movements of his tongue, while simply lapping up the blood that seeps from his bite in the meantime.
“T-the farmer-” You whine, genuinely distracted by the motions of his heated tongue against your skin. Whatever he’s doing is making you feel all tingly, in a weird sort of way.
What’s fucked up is that you’re pretty sure you like it. But you’re also so intimidated by him that it's hard to tell.
Eclipse withdraws his tongue completely when you finally start talking. Though he remains a distraction in pressing his face into the crook of your neck.
You can hear him panting. His breath rolls across your skin in heated pulses.
“The f-farmer was angry. He would not sell me a goat... And he was rough in making me leave.” You admit.
The Deity seems to growl in response. Though the sound was so faint that you hardly hear it.
You suddenly feel his teeth against the side of your throat.
He doesn’t bite you. Not immediately. He just uses his teeth and mouth to coax your head back so that you will further expose your neck to him.
You comply, even as you tremble in anticipation.
His lips wrap around your throat. You feel his teeth pressing faintly into your flesh; but he still does not bite.
He does not bite, yet he sucks roughly on your skin.
A pathetic sound escapes you in response. A pathetic and embarrassing sound, at that.
You should be terrified, given how he’s behaving. He’s acting like a territorial animal threatening to tear you apart!
Yet despite your anxiety, you cannot deny how arousing this situation is.
The panting. The firm, controlling physical contact. Everything from his nuzzling to his biting has been used to assert some level of power over you, and yet he has not done anything to hurt you.
Well... The bite did sting at first and it is technically a wound. But you do not perceive that as him having harmed you.
You aren’t quite sure what’s gotten into him, and as confused and anxious as you are, you don’t really hate it.
You’re... Uncertain. Unsure as to what he’s doing or why, or what he even means to do with you.
When he finally pulls his mouth from your throat, you hear the audible pop of your skin escaping the intense suction of his lips.
A faint sting makes it clear that he’s left a mark.
He’s left a hickey on your neck.
You feel your cheeks flush the instant that that realization dawns on you. Which in turn draws his attention to your face, prompting him to nuzzle your cheek while making... A noise that sounds somewhere between a growl and a purr.
Oh dear.
Is he?!...
You shudder a bit, having now grown acutely aware of something else being pressed up against you.
Where the fuck did this come from?! Throughout all of his time here, he’s never said or done anything that implied any level of carnal interest!
Yet here he is half grinding his obvious carnal interest against you whilst he traps your much smaller body against the wall with his own. He’s practically curled up around you in order to do what he’s doing, which just further makes it clear how persistent he’s being in dominating your personal space.
“E-Eclipse-?!” You stammer his name, though you quickly fall silent again as he drags his tongue along your cheek. Your thoughts escaped you the instant you felt the warmth of his tongue against your skin.
What did you even plan to say? You can’t remember.
Not with him so close. Not while he’s being so persistent with whatever he’s doing.
Your legs nearly buckle as his tongue finds your ear.
He drags you into his arms to keep you secure as he continues to tease your ear with his tongue. And once you’re in his arms, his hands don’t hesitate to begin their exploration. Nor do they explore you gently.
He nips the shell of your ear as his hands quite literally tear at your clothes so that they can access the unexplored flesh hidden beneath.
The noises that he coaxes out of you with his antics are absolutely shameful.
You still aren’t sure where all of this has come from, but for some reason, you don’t hate it. Even if you’re confused and nervous, you don’t hate what he’s doing.
Even as his claws nick your tender flesh and his teeth lightly pierce into your ear, you don’t hate what he’s doing.
“....” Eclipse suddenly murmurs your name into your ear as he nuzzles the side of your head.
You tremble in response.
His voice has gotten so raspy and intense. His arousal is beyond obvious just in his tone. And something about the way it sounds sends pleasant tingles rolling along your spine.
He wants you. His tone makes it obvious.
So does everything else he’s been doing for the past... God, how long has he been all over you like this? Time feels like it's standing still.
But he’s gotten you all riled up now and whatever happens next, you’re going to blame on him for acting like such a lust-stricken beast.
His actions prove infectious enough to make you abandon your inhibitions and pull him into a kiss.
With one swift motion you bring both of your hands to his face to hold him still while you turn your head, and you press your lips against his.
For a split second, Eclipse completely freezes.
The next thing you know, you’re being thrown onto the bed.
The very same bed that he spent his time resting in while you nursed him back to health. The stains from his blood still mark the unkempt bedding.
You stare up at him, completely bewildered, as he stares down at you in turn.
His eyes are so intense, and hungry.
Everything about his body language screams danger; from his intense eyes to his almost predatory movements as he calmly steps closer to the bed.
You watch him peel off his own shirt before he crouches to climb onto the bed.
He crawls over top of you like a spider creeping in to devour a helpless fly.
You certainly feel helpless beneath him. And yet, somehow, you don’t feel as though you’re in any danger.
He could have done you serious harm at any point, if he wanted. And he still hasn’t. Which means, despite his visible hunger, he doesn’t actually mean to devour you like an animal.
But despite understanding that you’re probably not in any actual danger, you can’t help the fight or flight that kicks in once he comes to loom over you.
You’re confused. Scared. Aroused.
You don’t know what you’re trying to do or why you’re even trying to roll over and crawl out from under him. The adrenaline and all of these conflicting emotions are just making you react, and the only way that you can think to react is to try and escape. Even if you don’t actually intend to get away from him.
Eclipse responds in turn like an animal apprehending its prey.
His hands easily capture your small, laughably weak body. And once he has a good hold on you, he roughly pins you down atop the bed.
Your submissive mewling is muffled by the pillows as even your head is pressed down. Not enough to risk smothering you, but enough to establish that there’s no easy way to squirm out from under him.
You wrap your arms around the pillow instinctively, holding it tightly as if it will provide you some sense of stability as you wriggle about in his grasp.
Eclipse isn’t the only one acting like an animal right now.
In your squirming, you find yourself practically presenting yourself to him. He allows you to lift your hips and tuck your knees, and because that’s all that you can do, you do it.
You kneel under him like a bitch in heat and he practically mounts you like a dog. The only thing preventing him from actually claiming you is your clothes.
Yours and his, technically. He still has his pants on.
Not for long, though.
He tears apart the clothing that is keeping him from feeling you and your squirming body directly against his. You hear it and you feel it when he literally reduces your clothing to ribbons using his claws.
None too gently, at that.
Your skin stings, which makes it clear that he’s caught you with his talons again. But you don’t care.
You just whine pathetically into your pillow as you feel Eclipse pressing his fully exposed genitals against you.
You swear you feel two. They’re sliding between your thighs, threatening to invade you. But you can’t find the nerve to look back and see for yourself what he’s got going on between his legs.
“E-Eclipse!” You whine his name into the pillow as you feel him grinding against you.
Fuck, you’re so wet. If he felt like it, he could just slide right in and stretch you out without issue.
You gasp at the unexpected feeling of his mouth against the back of your neck.
He’s biting you. And for some reason, it burns.
It burns like…
You tentatively reach back to feel where his mouth is locked against your flesh. And in doing so, you burn the tips of your fingers on his scalding hot ichor.
“Eclipse?!” You whimper his name, admittedly bewildered, as the heat of his blood spreads throughout your body from the bite on the back of your neck.
You hear and feel him growl in response.
He keeps his teeth locked so long that the bite genuinely starts to become painful. Genuinely painful. His teeth pull free of you only when those first tears begin to roll down your cheeks; at which point he begins to lap at the sore wound in order to soothe it. But by then you’re meekly sniffling from the pain brought about by the intensity of the bite and the unpleasant sensation of his blood singing your wounded flesh.
The only real distraction that he can give you is the feel of his cock - er, cocks? - sliding into your waiting body.
You cannot help but cry out in response. The pain and the pleasure mix together, creating a sensation that genuinely overwhelms you as he claims you completely.
He moans like a beast as he invades your body.
You moan and you sob, clinging tightly to your pillow as you feel him stretch you to the brink of breaking.
You feel hot. Especially around the back of your neck, and where his body invades yours.
Eclipse practically curls around you to hold you close as he animalistically ruts into you. He presses you so close to him that he can barely even rock his hips.
But whether he manages to slide an inch, or six inches, it still feels incredibly intense.
So much so that you can’t stop crying. Even though the pain is gone and your neck has stopped bothering you, you’re just so overwhelmed by it all that you cannot help but sob underneath him as he fucks you like a beast.
It feels good. But it feels too good.
So good that you have to grip the pillow until your knuckles turn white from the strain.
So good that you genuinely cannot tell how many times you’ve orgasmed before you feel an unexpected rush of heat as the Deity apparently reaches his climax.
His ejaculate is hot. Just like his blood, but not nearly as intense.
Your abdomen is left feeling incredibly warm after he spills his seed into you. Even from the outside, you can feel it when you press your hand against your abdomen in a desperate attempt to relieve the pressure.
You feel so hot and full.
There’s so little space between your bodies that his seed has nowhere to go but inside. So your abdomen bloats ever so slightly from the excess fluid that has been pumped deep inside of you.
He bites you again mid-ejaculation.
You whine meekly as his teeth pierce your shoulder.
The one that was previously completely unharmed.
God, you’re covered in marks. From his teeth. From his claws. From the sheer strength of his grip.
Bite marks. Claw marks. Bruises.
You genuinely look as though you’ve just been attacked by an animal, and yet all that you can really focus on is the sensation in your abdomen as you feel his seed permeate your uterus.
Good Lord, he fucked you like he meant to breed you. And given the heat spreading through your insides, he very well might have.
Somehow he’s still hard.
You can feel him throbbing inside of you, now that he’s holding still.
You whimper again as you feel him start to nuzzle the crook of your neck. The last of your tears roll down your cheeks as you begin to hiccup uncontrollably, all of the emotions now catching up with you now that the intensity of the moment has passed.
Eclipse shushes you gently. Apologetically, even.
“I’m sorry...” He murmurs, moving to gently nuzzle your cheek as he shifts ever so slightly, coaxing another whine out of you unintentionally.
“Shh. It's okay.” He hums, adjusting you in his arms so that he can roll you over until you face him.
You then wrap your arms around him and cling to him tightly; even as you feel him slip out of you, along with a sudden gush of his seed.
Your cheeks flare with the embarrassment of the sensation. But he draws no attention to it, because his focus is entirely on comforting you.
“I was too rough with you. I’m sorry.” He murmurs, continuing to apologize even as he rolls over so that you can lay on top of him.
For a few moments, he seems content to just hold you. Until suddenly his arms shift so that he can hoist you off of him.
Initially, you try to resist him. And at first, he allows it. But after a few seconds, he gets very persistent with his movements and you have no choice but to obey him.
“Let me see.” He requests, establishing that he wants to see what he’s done to you.
You whine, mostly in protest, and partly in embarrassment as he proceeds to sit you upright on top of him. Then you shudder as your recently demolished, still overly sensitive genitals come into contact with his bare abdomen.
His skin is so cold. It feels strangely pleasant against your nethers. Soothing, in a way. Like a rush of cool water on a burn.
You cannot help but awkwardly roll your hips.
Despite the stimulation that the friction brings, the soothing chill of his skin is worth it. Though you fail to properly take into consideration that Eclipse can see what you’re doing. And what you’re doing is basically humping his chiseled abdominal muscles like an untrained animal. Not that he seems to mind, given that his hands are on your hips, and he could stop you at any moment.
He does not want to stop you, though.
If you had bothered to stop and pay attention, you would be able to take in his expression. You would see the intense desire in his half-lidded eyes. You would see how he has to fight the urge to arch his back against you as you shamelessly grind against him. You would see the faint curl of his lips and the pleasured snarl that he gives you with each motion. A pleasured snarl that remains silent only because he somehow finds the strength of will to keep from moaning underneath you.
You become aware of his heavy stare only when he finally tightens his hold on your hips to force you to keep your body still. At which point you realize what exactly you’ve been doing, and you hide your face behind your hands in embarrassment.
“I am” Eclipse groans, his hands now shaking as he trails them down your hips to your thighs “I am trying to be gentle, with you!”. He practically scolds you as he coaxes your hips up off of his abdomen; which has now been heavily smeared with a mixture of your own arousal and his spent ejaculate.
“Have you any idea how hard it is to control myself, with you throwing yourself at me like this?!” He asks, though his tone is anything but accusatory.
He sounds excited, to say the least. And you know that it must be your fault, given the little show you just put on for him.
You struggle to fight back a needy moan as he guides your hips back so that he can bring you down to his pelvis.
You can see how strange his anatomy is now. He really does have two penises. But they are not shaped like anything a human has ever had. They are long, and striking in their color. Fiery orange. They stand out as a sharp contrast against his ebony skin.
No wonder they feel so hot. With a color like that, how could they possibly be made from anything but flame?
You watch, literally trembling with anticipation, as the two tendrils coil around each other like snakes.
Did you really take both of these, before? Skies above; they were huge! And when wrapped around each other like they were now, their combined base must have been as thick as your arm!
“Say that you want me!” Eclipse commands, holding you so that you hover over his writhing mass of arousal. You’re kept high enough that he cannot slip into you, but low enough that you can feel the two tips greedily reaching out to explore your sensitive flesh.
He even forces you to lean slightly so that he can specifically tease your clitoris with his bizarre phalluses, stimulating your further and coaxing dramatic sound from your trembling lips.
“I-I wh-?!” You try to question him, only to be distracted by the teasing stimulation.
Fuck. You want him! Of course you want him! You would have sobbed and begged him to stop if you had not wanted him to mount you earlier! So why does he care about consent now, when he’s already marked your womb with his divine seed?!
“I claimed you once already, while my mind was gone. Nngh - I-I want to hear it from your lips! Tell me. Gift yourself to me, and become mine completely, while I still have this moment of sanity!” He commands again, giving you more thorough details this time around.
He seems to be struggling to maintain his composure. You can see it in his face, as you gaze down at him.
Come to think of it, you saw it earlier as well. Back when this little confrontation first began, and it took place right up until you kissed him.
Eclipse is battling with a part of himself. A part that desperately wants to just take you and claim you as his. A part of him that is likely governed by the beastly instincts of the Vampiric curse; the part of him that contains the monster that he could become if his bloodlust goes unquenched.
The other part of him; the part that is currently in control, the part that houses his humanity; it wants to make sure that you’re alright with this.
He wants you to be his. Both sides; the God and the Vampire. But one side will take you without your consent, whereas the other desperately wants to give you the right to choose.
You tremble as you stare down at him.
You really are messed up, aren’t you? To be turned on by the idea of being claimed by a God; with or without the right to turn him down; is absolutely abhorrent.
But you don’t care how wrong it is to want this, or to want to be made his property.
He is kind.
Despite everything; he is kind. He has shown you more human compassion in his brief stay here than you have received from the actual humans that live here.
And you have shown him more compassion and understanding than any other human that he has had the chance to meet. That is likely why he has grown so fixated on you in the first place. You embody everything he has longed for since he was stripped of his humanity, and he is not willing to let the opportunity satiate his desires slip past his fingers.
You hold just as much power over him as he has over you. Maybe not in the literal sense, but still.
“I-I-” You whine, struggling to find your words as you desperately try to lower yourself down onto him.
“I-I” He relaxes his grip, allowing you to sink down onto him of your own free will “I want you!” you finally blurt out.
Eclipse responds in turn by pulling you down onto him completely. He mercilessly reclaims your body, coaxing a strangely relieved moan out of you as you feel him stretch you out again.
The heat is back. Intense and addictive.
The God uses his hold on your hips to guide you as you begin to ride him. His other hands move elsewhere to support your body as you move.
One hand tangles with yours while the other cups your face.
His thumb slips into your open mouth. You feel it hold down your tongue; which makes your moans appear so much louder than before.
“You are mine!” Eclipse practically snarls these words as he maintains unwavering eye contact with you.
“No one else may have you! No one else may do so much as touch you! Or I will show them how monstrous I can be!” He states, grunting between every word as you bounce relentlessly on top of him.
Droll dribbles down your cheek and tears of pleasure well in your eyes as you become overwhelmed by the sensations once more, but you cannot help but bounce your hips.
This is all your doing. You’re the one riding him. You’re the one moaning like a whore as you feel his heated lengths impale your womanhood time and time again.
You’re the one offering yourself to him as a willing sacrifice. One that is meant to be treasured, rather than slaughtered.
“After this, I must go... I have duties to attend to.” He groans, obviously fighting back his orgasm in a desperate pursuit of dragging out these last few moments by your side.
“But I-” He groans, arching his back and trembling as the pleasure nearly overwhelms him “I will return!” He promises.
You gasp as he pulls you down completely onto him, stretching you to the brink of breaking as he ejaculates once more. You’re made to take every drop of his seed while he holds you completely still to prevent anything from spilling.
You moan, practically broken mentally from the pleasure, as you watch your abdomen bloat from the internal pressure.
“When-” He pants “When the bite on your neck fades, I will return to mark you again.” He promises, sitting up so that he can claim your lips in a rough and dominating kiss.
You moan sweetly into his mouth as he tangles his tongues with yours, devouring your pleasure with his kiss.
By the time your brain registers the sensation of him slipping out of you, he’s already gone. Long, long gone.
Your mind completely blanked out at some point during the kiss. What would have been a couple hours of aftercare have become nothing but a foggy dream in the back of your mind. But you can remember the feel of his embrace as he ushered you off into sleep, promising to return for you before the bite on your neck could heal completely.
Your cheeks flush faintly as you reach up to brush your fingers against the mark on the back of your neck. Though it is sore, knowing that you have it makes your stomach feel all fluttery.
You do not know for certain if this is a mark of love. It is too early to say for certain what it truly means to be claimed by a God.
But you know that Eclipse treasures you like he treasures nothing else upon this Earth. And that alone is enough to give you those same lovestruck butterflies that anyone else might feel in those moments where they first catch feelings.
And honestly, just knowing that you’re cared for is enough. At least for now.
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fairydxll · 2 years
𝐛𝐨𝐫𝐧 𝐭𝐨 𝐝𝐢𝐞 . . . 🩰♡ send me a trope, and I’ll write about what it would be like with them (ex. enemies to lovers)
There’s only one bed with Edward Cullen?
masterlist — taglist — library account
☆ ˚✧₊⁎ ♡ ☁️🩰🕯 ☆ ˚✧₊⁎ ♡
“you take the bed," he said, his expression blank. "it’s not like i need it anyway.”
"oh, right." you sighed. "So--"
Edward cut you off before you could finish. "I'll leave you alone," he said. "I'm sure I can find somewhere else."
He started to walk away, and without thinking, "Wait!" You watched as he turned around casually. His face was emotionless and you wondered whether you should even continue. "Stay, please."
The corners of his mouth rose slightly, but he didn't say a word. Instead, he made his way past you towards the bathroom. "I'll give you some privacy."
Edward disappeared behind the door. You closed your eyes and let out a breath you didn't know you were holding. It's extremely hard not to become a blubbering, blushing idiot around him. He carried himself like a prince, and you felt small in his presence. Almost as if you weren't worthy.
Once you had slipped off your clothes and changed into some sleepwear, you told him he could come back out.
You pulled back the comforter on the bed and sunk into the soft sheets. Edward, however, was now sitting on the armchair near the door.
"What's wrong?" He said upon noticing your small pout.
"Can you come closer?" His eyebrows furrowed, but he got up anyway. You patted the empty space next to you. He took the hint and sat down. You suddenly got the urge to touch. Simply being around him is just not enough. Almost as if reading your mind, he put his arm around you.
"Promise me you won't leave," you said.
Smiling down at you he responded, "I promise. I'll be here as long as you need."
*·゜゚·*:.。..。.:* 🎧🧁☁️🪐*:.。. .。.:*·゜゚·*
🏷️ @fandomwritersworld @scandalous-chaos @bluetreecloud20 @wolfstarxstarchaser @a-lil-bit-nuts @siriusxoxo @analove26 @marishaslove @twilight-among-the-stars @raajali3 @eichenhouseproperty @milkiangl
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One Last Spar
Pairing: Robby Keene x Fem!Reader
Word count: 864
Summary: After a long day of practice you're ready to go home before you get in trouble for being out too late, though Robby has other ideas as he tries to pull you in for one last spar.
Bingo: @eclipsingbingo with the square 'Make Me'
*Gif does not belong to me
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"Are you leaving?" Robby wondered as he saw you walking around the dojo, picking your stuff up off the floor and stuffing it into your bag. You and him were the last two in the dojo apart from his dad who was in his office trying to get some paperwork done which he normally discarded.
"Hm?" You hummed before the question registered, looking up to see your boyfriend sitting on the floor and stretching out his legs. Only recently had you started taking lessons with Robby, taking a bit of convincing before you finally relented and started training with him. Now, the two of you could always be found sparring together if you were both at the dojo, normally just messing around when you were together. "Yeah, it's starting to get late and I don't want my mum to get worried."
"I'm sure she wouldn't mind waiting a little bit longer," Robby mused as he jumped to his feet, going after you. Waiting to see what he was going to do, you allow Robby to worm your bag out of your hands, the luggage being discarded off to the side before Robby was stood before you, a soft smile on his face. "We have time for one more round."
"I don't know Robby," You muttered, unsure if this was the best idea. Knowing your mum, she would be spamming your phone soon with hundreds of messages and calls if you didn't say something soon. As you stared at Robby standing across from you, you felt your resolve slowly start to break away, though you didn't let him know that just yet. "It's going to take me a while to get home, I shouldn't waste any more time here."
"I'll drive you home," Robby quickly interjected, his mind set on the idea of one last spar.
"You don't have a licence," You point out with a deadpan, knowing where this was heading. Going to get your bag, you begin walking off the mat and towards your belongings.
"They don't have to know that," Robby said, quickly shuffling in your way to cut you off from grabbing your stuff. Instead, he scooped your hands up in his, a glowing smile on his face as he looked down on you. "Come on, this will be the last one."
"You said that last time," You said with a soft giggle and a shake of your hand, trying to move past Robby only for him to block you off again, not allowing you to get past. Your brows pinched together as you tried again to step past only for Robby to slide in your way. "Robby that's enough. I need to go so get out of my way."
"Make me," The words fell from Robby's lips, a fire in his eyes as he challenged you. Your lips thin together, eyes narrowing at Robby and for a few moments, he thought he might have pissed you off until both of your hands snap out of his, one launching up to try and hit him in the face. The actions were blocked but only by a hair, your fist inches away from his cheek. "Woah," Robby could only whisper before your other fist came hurtling towards him.
As he threw up a hand to try and block it, your attack fell short, never meeting its target as you switched strategies, instead sending your leg shooting out towards his. Colliding with his knee, knocking it back, Robby's weight buckles under him. You didn't let him fall to the ground though as you grabbed onto one of his flailing arms, yanking it towards your chest and then pivoting, shoving him to the ground away from your bag.
He didn't go down without a fight though, gripping onto your wrist as he tugged you down with him. Scrambling to find purchase, your hands land on his chest once his back hits the floor. Pushing yourself up, you try to pin his wrists down, keeping the rest of your body weight sat on his hips to try and limit his movements.
Your hands weren't quick enough though as they grabbed onto yours, easily overpowering your movement as you were flipped onto your back. A small huff forced its way out of your lips as you stared up at him, watching as his hair framed his face and he copied your earlier position, keeping you down.
"I win," Robby grinned, about to duck down and kiss you through your joint panting messes, though you didn't give him the chance, bucking your hips up and sending him launching over your head. Not expecting the movement, a startled yelp escapes his mouth as your positions once again switch.
"No," You correct, a smile of your own making its way onto your face. Robby didn't even look mad as he lay beneath you, grinning up at you with a fresh sheen of sweat coating his skin. "I win," You say before ducking down and connecting your lips.
"Hey," A voice bellowed through the dojo, making you and Robby shoot apart and turn to face the owner of it. "What have I said about making out in the dojo?"
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vanderilnde · 2 months
you buy a second-hand laptop from a dodgy craigslist user only to make a carnal discovery hidden between the files.
cw for anal sex, face fucking, pet play, choking, masturbation, noncon filmed sex, overall dubcon, reader is fujoing out
ghoap (x reader)
You saw it in a flitting advertisement. Used Acer Aspire V5, female buyers only, and didn’t hesitate to contact the poster.
Ghost was his screen name. Macabre, but not something to dwell on because he’s selling the only affordable hand-me-down you can find. He insisted on meeting at a hole-in-the-wall pub, beneath a metal sheet awning. There’s a cigarette pinched between his lips as you approach, an overripe mask rolled over his broken nose.
“You’re our bird?” He asks in a Manchester hint, exhaling a plume of off-white smoke.
You stifle over that operative word—our—but push through it and meekly nod, preening at his feet.
Beneath the predatory glint of his eyes, you realize you’ve gravely miscalculated the calibre of this situation. Meeting a complete stranger in a gritty alleyway and waiting to pick up his scrap-metal laptop, all because it satisfies your budget.
“Yeah…” you mumble. Try to make yourself invisible even though it’s redundant—he already towers over you, his shadow eclipsing your body, his heat drinking you in.
“‘ere it is,” he grunts. “You’ve got our cash?”
You hand him the crumpled wad of paper, squirming as he passes his thumb over his tongue and folds through the money, counting it with a mean curl of his lips.
“That’s– is everything alright?”
He stuffs the money into his jacket and expells a deep prusten sound, like an idle predator. “Fine. Pleasure doin’ business with you, bird.”
Ghost turns on his mud-clogged boot and strays off, letting the shadows swallow him whole. You hold the bulky laptop to your chest and wield it like a weapon on your way home, finally settling into bed, ready to examine your new purchase.
The hinges creak as you pull it open. A grimace splits your cheeks at the dust crusted in the margins, the rings of juice gummed to the mousepad.
A few letters from the keyboard are missing, and a few strips of tape look dog-eared, peeling from the corners, exposing the laptop’s internal wiring. Gossamer-like, spiderweb cracks work across the edges. The screen is a blotchy eyesore, striated with horizontal lines.
You have to beat your knuckles on the laptop to keep it from jamming. You navigate the desktop with simmering irritation, invaded by the inkling that you’ve been utterly scammed. Nothing matches the photos advertised on Ghost’s account, and just as your annoyance is about to ripen into white-hot anger, something catches your eye.
It’s nestled into a nook on the desktop. It’s an unnamed folder that stares back at you, unassuming, the icon already half-opened and waiting to be examined.
You double click it, more like triple click, actually, since the mousepad decides to cramp, and squirm as the folder flares over the screen. It’s a collection of videos, their thumbnails all spotty and dark, eclipsed by the thumb of whoever’s holding the camera.
Their titles are as cryptic as their photos.
wet.avi; tail_plug.avi; no_prep.avi; with_price.avi.
You find yourself scrolling lower, your fingers working against the mousepad like a rapidly unfurling spool of thread. You decide to investigate one of the videos, one with a foggy, filmy thumbnail, and carefully heed the title before poising your finger above the open function.
The video is grainy, as if it was imported from a camcorder rather than a phone. The first few seconds are a blurry with grey-scale strobes running across the screen, radiating an aura of seediness that makes a hint of discomfort sink like sediment in your stomach, adhering to your viscera. A deep, damp squelching sound peals out, tempered with the sticky noise of something being broken in, hollowed out.
The camera ebbs, settles, then focuses all at once. You think you’re going to faint.
It’s someone’s puffy ass getting stretched out on a fat cock. It puckers and tightens with each piston-paced thrust, red.
A large hand belonging to the person recording enters the frame. Their hand tattoos stretch as they split their palm across the hind of their spine, the cameraman’s fingers digging sickle-shaped scratches into their back, clawing them down on their battering ram of a cock.
“Quit whinin’, Johnny,” the voice behind the camera loudly grunts.
The one getting split open, Johnny, snivels into the pillow. His spine is curved into the mattress, his ass pert and sticking in the air, rippling with the force of the cameraman’s hips.
A plume of dust travels over the screen, fleetingly concealing the image. When the soot thins into the air and bares the salacious material of the video, you gasp.
There’s a glint caught on something silver from the feeble lightning. It’s a chrome-plated chain, you see, connecting to Johnny’s throat. A leather collar cutting into his ruddy skin. The leash is wrapped around the cameraman’s hand like a reel, and each time he tugs, pulling his hand back as if winding up for an attack, Johnny gets peeled off the bed, his back arching so deep you’re sure it’s close to snapping.
“Shit, Simon—!” He squeals. “Can ye… slow down?”
The aforementioned Simon grunts. Animalistic, like a rabid predator. The camera whirls, the unromantic colours of the room they’re in bleeding into each other, and when it focuses, you see Simon’s large palm splayed against the back of Johnny’s half-shaven skull, gripping his hair, pushing him into the bed.
The man flails like a fish out of water, struggling under his hand. It prompts an emergency response out of you—the way he’s being fucked into the mattress, no doubt pressing a Johnny-shaped chalk outline like the ones at crime scenes into the bedding. Alarm seizes you, and the thought of submitting this to the authorities trumpets like strobe lights in your mind.
The video is written with inept non-professionalism, reeking with the sentiment of a found-footage horror film that it’s not the authenticity that rattles your bones like a wind chime, but the morality.
You tell yourself to stop the video, but as the thought squeezes itself between your ears, Johnny’s hoisting his neck back and peering into the camera, his striking-blue eyes flaring in all-encompassing horror. His lips pop open and wrap around a soundless scream, warbling.
“Yer recordin’ me?”
“Smile for the camera, Johnny,” Simon pants. “Who knows who might see this, right?”
Simon shoots his hand up and bullies his fingers past Johnny’s lips. He sinks his nails into the round of his mouth, stretching his cheek back into a repugnant curl. It’s paradoxial—how Johnny’s mouth is pulled into a smile, but his eyes are wide and wet, wordlessly begging.
Your body betrays your moral plight.
Your rapt ocular vein, the signals rushing to your mind, your nipples stiffening in your shirt. You feel as though you’re made of livewire, not matter, as you watch Johnny’s ass get spread open on Simon’s cock, his eyes rolling like unruly billiard balls to the back of his head.
His ass is red and patchy, burning up. Simon’s hand swats through the air and makes the sound of a whistle, flaring into a booming crack of thunder whenever he brings it down on Johnny’s ass. It makes you jump. Makes you feel as if your ass is being abused by proxy just by sitting, and watching raptly.
Instead of inching your hand towards the button that exits the video, your hand dips below your waistband and moves to cup your cunt.
The gusset of your panties is already hot, clinging to your dewy core. It sticks to your pussy, baring your puffy lips and swollen clit. You give it a few slaps and rub your fingers languidly, pace quickening.
But the video abruptly ends before the ascent to your pleasure is able to materialize. You yank your hand from your pussy, smearing your arousal on the mousepad as you search for another video.
You don’t heed the title—face_fuck.avi—before clicking it and readily spreading your legs, flushing at the sound of your lips parting.
The video starts, and you swear it feels like you’ve been hit with a brick.
Simon—or Ghost, you now recognize—is a behemoth. Huge would be an understatement for him. The camera is set up this time, somewhere across the room, but Simon still just barely fits within the margins. He’s folded over Johnny who sits on his knees with his back against the wall, his neck hoisted up at him.
Simon’s cock is fat and heavy. He’s hard—this, you’re sure of because of how red his balls are—yet still, his cock droops with weight, the bulbous tip scarcely teasing Johnny’s lips.
“You want your snack, boy?”
Johnny nods. He darts his tongue out and tries kitten licking the slit, but Simon isn’t having that. He grips the base of his dick and swats it against Johnny’s cheek, slapping him, the noise so thick and resounding it sounds like a palm that breaks his skin, not a cock.
“Greedy bitch,” Ghost snarls—you decide that name is more seemly for him—“Can’t wait when it comes to dick, huh?”
Johnny’s lips part, a response poised behind his chattering teeth. However, his reply gets snuffed out and shoved to the back of his throat as Ghost feeds him his cock, slamming into him with one, slick motion.
Johnny’s head hits the wall, his face puckering as pain blooms behind his skull. The action makes his jaw clench, clamping down on Simon’s cock, but Simon is quickly gripping his hair and puppeting his head back, sliding his cock deeper, until the tuft of steel-wool hair on his pelvis brushes Johnny’s nose.
“How many times do I have to tell you?” Ghost grunts. “No teeth.”
The only mercy Johnny is afforded is when he sinks his nails into the sinews of Ghost’s thighs, scratching him striated, trying to offset the burn in his jowls. The back of his head thumps dumbly against the wall with each of Ghost’s jackhammering thrusts, his smaller cock springing up and slapping against his navel.
You keen. Rub your clit a little faster, tease your forefinger around your winking hole as spit and precome sticks to Johnny’s chin the same way your juices strings your fingers together. Johnny goes lax and the video abruptly ends, and you almost feel yourself going crazy, hastily exiting the video because you miss the phantom sensation around your cunt getting stretched. You click on another video that has your heart jumping to your throat.
It’s dated from just yesterday, two days after you placed the order with Ghost.
Your panties are completely soaked through at this point. The image of Johnny folded like origami under Ghost, eclipsed by his body, makes you gush. His knees are pressed against his ears and his ass is in the air while Ghost tugs his cock, towering over him and pressing his tip against his hole, slowly sinking into him.
Simultaneously, you hook two of your fingers up your cunt. Your arousal seeps out and pools into the divots between your knuckles, hot and wet, making a sucking sound as you draw your fingers out and thrust them back in, pawing your walls.
Ghost pulls his cock to the tip before driving himself back inside. He’s deeply-seated, knocking the air out of Johnny’s lungs with each stroke. Ghost draws his thighs close for leverage and sinks his fists into the bed, on either side of Johnny before snapping his hips, feeding him his whole cock.
You sink your other hand below your pants and blindly sweep at your clit, watching with keen eyes as Johnny gets pounded into the mattress, his legs thrashing dumbly with the force, his hands twisting into the moth-eaten sheets because he doesn’t know what else to do with his hands and according to Ghost, he’s “not allowed to touch his cock.”
You can barely see Ghost’s sweat in the coarse-grained, gritty video filter. It comes out as glistening dew, dribbling down his neck and onto Johnny’s cheek, to which he swiftly laps up.
It’s the same thing for Johnny’s tears—sparkling in the soft smoulder of light, smearing like spread as Ghost works his rough tongue against his cheek, licking up his brine.
Johnny’s whimpers and the crack of flesh against flesh emanate out of the janky laptop as tinny, thin. However as Ghost lowers his head, grumbling against the hull of Johnny’s ear, whispering, the thin sound travels out of the speakers and punctures your stomach.
“Wish I could breed you, pup…”
Pleasure gyrates in your belly, frothy. You curl your toes into your mattress and buck into your fingers, feeling your orgasm beginning to crest. You pinch your clit the same way Ghost snakes his hand low, trapping the tip of Johnny’s cock between his fingers to squeeze.
“Smile a’ the camera, dog,” he mutters. Takes him by the jaw and dimples his cheeks as he makes Johnny look into the lens, his eyes glossed over.
“Y’reckon she’s touching herself?” Ghost growls. “Watching you turn a mess?”
Your orgasm is on the edge now. Ghost looks at the camera, his eyes glowing like predators do on trail cams, a swill of molten rushing through you. He looks like he did beneath the awning—animalistic, as he seems to stare directly at you, snapping into Johnny’s ass.
“m gonnae come…” Johnny whimpers.
Ghost chokes his hand around Johnny’s cock, sliding his hand up and down to the pace of his thrusts. And with what happens next, your body girdles, throwing itself into the throes of your panoramic orgasm.
It’s Johnny. Bending his back off the bed and squeezing his thighs. He moans your name—your screen name—the one used to purchase the laptop. He treats it like something to bite on to defer the pain of his orgasm, trembling.
Thick ropes of come shoot from his cock just as an off-white liquid escapes you, splattering over the screen. You’re quivering as Ghost fills Johnny, watching as his balls tighten and breathe like a pulse as he comes inside.
The three of you are miraculously synchronized. Your laboured breaths simmer, thinning into nothing, as the two of them turn to look at the camera.
You undertake the decision to keep the laptop.
And a week later while browsing Craigslist’s homepage, you stumble across a familiar username.
Posted by Ghost 32 minutes ago.
Looking for a flatmate in Manchester. Two roommates. Three bedroom. Females only. Serious inquiries only.
A second doesn’t pass before you’re writing up your application.
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pandoraslxna · 3 months
pervert!neteyam masturbating and imagine he's fucking reader 🫣
A mighty warriors need
adult Neteyam x female omatikaya reader
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Words: 2.2k
Summary: The only trouble Neteyam allows himself to get into, is you.
Warnings: explicit smut, voyeurism, male masturbation, teacher/student dynamic, reader trained for her iknimaya at 18, slight age difference (Neteyam is 28, reader is 20), sexual fantasies
Notes: Just something short while we wait for my precious sun to come back and continue her event <3
Adult Neteyam art was made by @Cinetrix 🩵
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Neteyam, for all that he tries to stay out of trouble and follow into his father’s footsteps, has never had a particularly relaxing life, or even one lazy day all to himself.
He has also always been what dad calls an "early bird".
When he was a child, his father told him stories of the time when he was a soldier on earth, how his superiors had called him an early bird too, because he was always the first to wake. Dad said, it‘s a quality that shows of discipline.
And that’s part, if not the main reason, why Neteyam has always raised from his hammock before the very first rays of sun could even cast over the horizon.
Stretching his limbs, his tired bones crack and he has to stifle a chuckle because he knows if mother was awake she would scold him because she dislikes the sound of that. After rolling his hammock together and stuffing it away, he walks over to his siblings, all three of them still sound asleep.
He pulls Tuks blanket up, gives her a little kiss on the forehead and then leans over to tip Lo‘aks chin up so he closes his mouth and rolls over in his sleep. It stops him from snoring, and then Neteyam watches with a fond smile how Kiris brows relax as the annoying sound finally stops.
Dad is now up too. He hears him shuffle around quietly in the dark, then nods his head at him when they pass each other. A silent greeting to not wake the rest of the family, before Neteyam ties his cummerbund around his hips and steps outside.
He knows his father is in no rush to start the day before he had what the human called coffee, a brownish powder brewed in a cup. It’s one of the very few human quirks his old man can’t seem to lay off.
But neither he nor the rest of the family seem to mind. It also gives him time to participate in the sacred morning rituals, offering prayers to Eywa, before he goes to pick fruit for breakfast.
Alongside his father, he then attends council meetings where they discuss matters of governance, strategize for the clan's protection, and ensure the well-being of their community.
As a skilled warrior, Neteyam leads training sessions for younger Na'vi warriors. He prepares his students for their upcoming iknimaya, imparting his knowledge of combat and hunting techniques, survival skills and the importance of harmony with nature, as well as the balance of life that eywa protects.
It’s not everyday, but he also engages in diplomatic meetings with neighboring clans whenever his father is too busy to attend himself, fostering alliances and resolving conflicts. It‘s his diplomacy skills, honed through years of observing his father, that help him navigate discussions and negotiations, that ensure the unity and prosperity of their people, which are also well respected, especially among the olangi clan. The flight on his ikran is short, and it’s barely an hour before he‘s back home.
Evenings are dedicated to spending time with his family. Neteyam joins his parents, siblings and the rest of the clan in sharing a meal, one who’s meat he often participated in hunting the day prior. Engaging in the lively conversations around him has always come naturally to him.
You see, with great responsibilities befitting his impending role, his day was usually filled with numerous duties and commitments, leaving barely any time for him to step out of line even if he wanted to. The only time during his busy day that he made sure was strictly reserved for himself, was the time past eclipse.
As the sun sets and dawn casts its ethereal glow over the forest, he leaves behind the clamor of his responsibilities and disappears far off the village. With agile grace, he climbs onto a tree, finding solace on a sturdy branch that offers a panoramic view of the forest below.
Seated high off the ground, Neteyam takes a deep breath, inhaling the fragrance of the forest. He closes his eyes, allowing the soothing sounds of nature to envelop him, the rustling leaves, the distant calls of animals, before he opens them again. Right on cue, he hears the sweet humming sound coming from below him, where a small river ripples.
He can't help it. He should perhaps try harder to help it, but he cannot quite summon the willpower.
His position gives him the perfect view of the main reason he occupied himself here in the first place. It was something he just had to do to maintain his focus and equilibrium. It even reached a point where he found himself eager for it, looking forward to this rare moment he had all to himself. The only time where he allowed himself to act upon his own desires. And it was the rush of adrenaline and the excitement of doing something so forbidden and dishonorable that bought him here day after day.
This spot here in the forest, this river below– it was your favored bathing spot. And Neteyam always made sure he had front row seats to the little private show you so unknowingly put on just for him.
The thing that Neteyam had with you, was that you‘ve always been trouble. The only kind of trouble he ever allowed himself to get into.
Logically, he’s known it since the first day of your training, when you were one of his numeyu [students]. He’d watched you undercut his authority a little more with every lesson, and underneath the spark of annoyance that had flooded his veins, he remembers thinking: this one’s going to be trouble, in the kind of way that made him want to smile. He hadn’t, at the time– but he had wanted to, and that was no small feat.
Now, you’re trouble in a different kind of way. Still in a way that makes him smile, but now... you’re the kind of trouble that he thinks could fuck up every single rule and regulation he’s ever made to keep himself disciplined, and he’s fairly sure that he’d let you if you asked nicely.
Fuck, he’d probably let you if you didn’t ask him at all.
His throat feels tight as he glances down below, his hungry gaze landing on you just the moment you untie your loincloth and let it slide down to your ankles. His eyes travel over every inch of your exposed skin, every curve of your body, as you step into the shallow water.
Eywa, you’re a real sight.
Splashing some of the water onto your chest, he watches every little drop roll over your pretty tits, down to your navel. It’s like you’re making a show out of this, bending down to collect more water into your palms in a way that gives him the perfect view of your pretty pussy from behind.
Great mother, the things he would do to press his face between your thighs, smell your arousal, to taste the wetness.
Neteyam can’t help but let his hand skim over his chest, his toned abs and down past the cord that holds his loincloth together. His cock is hard and aching beneath the fabric, begging to be touched. He feels his heart speed up in anticipation, so he shuffles out of his clothes and wraps a hand around his shaft.
Squeezing the tip of his cock, where it turns from blue into a faint hue of purple, he forces the very first droplets of pre-cum to form and spill over his knuckles. There’s a tightness, a warmth that swells inside him and it gets even worse when he inhales deeply and your scent fills his nostrils and he bites down on his lip to hold in a moan.
It’s the same scent that was right under his nose when he had trained you not many years ago. When he had guided your hands to hold your bow, corrected your stance by pressing himself against your back and straightening your spine. It’s the same scent, just so much sweeter now that he has his cock in his hand.
He then rolls your name in his mouth, testing the syllables in a hushed whisper. He can envision moaning it, wants to moan it if he can be completely honest.
Neteyam watches you use different soaps and kinds of oils you made out of herbs and tree sap to rub into your skin. Your hands cup your breasts, palms running over your perky nipples until they’re shining in said oil and he imagines those perfect tits bounce right in front of his face while you’re riding him.
It’s a mouth watering image in front of his minds eye. You on top, your back arched, your hips rolling. And Neteyam, rolling right back, on his elbows, mouthing your breasts, your collar bone, feeling the way you would squeeze around his length as you ride him.
He runs a ghosting touch down his stomach, the vision of your hand doing it. The imaginary weight of you on his lap grinding down on his hard member to put some friction onto your needy clit might have made him come when he was younger, but now he just groaned and let one hand wander to his balls to gently squeeze and knead them. His other hand strokes faster, tugging from base to tip in a quick rhythm that makes his eyes flutter closed for a moment.
Neteyam can’t seem to keep them away from you, though, so he quickly opens them again. Feeling the pressure build and the heat start to flood his system, he attentively watched your delicate hands roam your body to further massage the oils and natural soaps into your skin.
He could almost feel those fingers on his cock, kneading the flesh of his inner thighs, wandering up and down, gripping him tightly, urging him on. He could imagine exactly how your hips would circle against his groin, the rub and retreat designed to tease his cock until he couldn’t fight it anymore and just started mindlessly rutting against your body.
Stepping deeper into the river, a content little moan leaves your parted lips as the water encircles your middle. It’s just now that he sees you have a wooden bowl with you. It floats on top of the water’s surface, before you dip it into the water and then empty it over your head to rins yourself off. Neteyam imagines the feel of it sluicing over your shoulders, your breasts, your belly, soothing tired and aching muscles. He imagines the warmth of the water flowing further down, dripping off your rounded hips, your mound. Stroking himself faster, he imagines running his tongue along your skin to catch every drop of water, imagines how rich it would taste of you. It’s such a perverted thought, so shamefully dirty that the sheer thought of voicing those fantasies makes his cock throb so hard that his breath catches in his throat.
It’s so dirty– he is so dirty.
If only you knew how many times he came into his fist with your name on his lips and those thoughts in his head. Neteyams face burns hot with shame, and he doesn't need a mirror to know it's suffused with a purplish blush.
Shuddering, then moaning softly, he stares as if hypnotized at those wonderfully plump lips of yours.
Eywa, he was really losing the battle with his own arousal. His thoughts jumped from one filthy image to the other, it was hard for him to focus on any part of your body for more than a minute because there was always something new, something hotter, something he wanted more desperately.
And now it were your lips. Those lips that would feel so incredible wrapped around his length, he knows it. A mouthy little thing like you surely was good for more than just talking back. Knowing you, you would definitely give it your all as you sucked his cock. He knows you would work through the stretch in your throat like a champ, would take him in deeper and deeper despite the way the fat tip of his cock would make you gag and bring tears to your eyes. You would suck him like your life depended on it, he was sure of it. And you would enjoy it. Would milk him dry over and over again, hell you would definitely beg him to let you suck him off.
Neteyam felt his orgasm overtake him, heat surging through his body like white fire. His hand moved faster, quick strokes that made his chest heave with desperation, chasing that pleasure high like prey, but then you– you turned around, and fuck, your gaze suddenly lands right on him. So direct, if his head was anywhere near clear enough to think, he would’ve realized that you must’ve known that he was there this whole time. But it was already too late now.
Eyes dark with lust, Neteyam held your eyes captive as you then wordlessly pushed him into his orgasm with a seductive little wink, watching with a growing smirk how his back arched and rope after rope of cum splattered against his palm.
See? You’re trouble. Trouble, in the worst of ways.
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strongheartneteyam · 7 months
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We are just animals.
Pairing: Neteyam Sully x female!human!reader
CW: "light" non con, dubious consent, voyeurism, neteyam jerking off to reader touching herself, descriptions of masturbation, kinda mean/dark neteyam, belly bulge, rough sex, semi public sex, p in v, creampie, dirty talk, size kink, size difference, exophilia, dominant neteyam, sub reader, primal play [hunter/prey] (if you squint), doggy position
Synopsis: Neteyam is on his rut period and he's struggling to deal with the fact that masturbation doesn't really seem to help anymore when it comes to easing his strong urges. But when he finds a human girl alone in the middle of the forest, that seems to be the solution he was desperately longing for.
Slightly proofread. I'm running on 4 hours of sleep, a cup of strong coffee with no sugar and only one slice of whole grain bread rn (and I'm in a hurry to go out lol) so be gentle with me 🥲☕ love you guys <3
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Neteyam had been extremely frustrated and moody lately. He had been aloof and impatient with people, even with his family, these past days, which is so not like him. But the Omatikaya people tried to understand and cut him some slack since they knew he was going through his rut and he didn't exactly have a partner to help him ease that itch right then.
Neteyam tossed back and fourth on his mat at eclipse and he couldn't get restful nights of sleep as he would wake up in the middle of the dark hours with such a strong urge to mate that he felt like it would drive him insane. It was so incredibly troubling. He found no other way to deal with it than being the quietest he could be while stroking his erect cock, desperately trying to get some release. But Eywa... it was never enough. No. What he needed was to cum inside a good inviting cunt.
One day Neteyam was walking through the forest, looking for good branches so he could gather an enough amount of them to light up the bonfire for that day's communal meal time at eclipse.
He was in a place in the forest that was far enough of the Omatikaya huts for it to be somehow private, as private as a forest could be. There was always a risk of people being around, of course.
He almost couldn't believe his eyes when he caught you pleasuring yourself as you laid on the grass with your eyes closed, your small delicate human fingers rubbing your wet clit, his nostrils getting filled with the delicious scent of your juices (that he just knew tasted delicious too). Neteyam knew he had found the girl that would help him get some release from his madness inducing urges that were bothering him all the time in this rut.
You were just the perfect prey. So small, fragile and soft. His cock got hard as a rock just thinking about sinking himself deep inside your ekxìn (tight) pussy.
So, Neteyam hid behind a tree and uncovered his cock, pushing his loincloth to the side as quickly as he possibly could as he did not want to spend one more second watching that delicious scene that was you shoving your small fingers inside of your tiny pussy without pleasuring himself to it.
You were so lost in your pleasure haze that you didn't even think someone could be watching you.
But then, suddenly, you stopped what you were doing when you heard a muffled moan of pleasure.
Fuck! Was someone around you?! It couldn't be! But, damn, you knew it was risky to masturbate in the middle of the forest. You just thought you could get lucky and not be seen. Somehow... Yeah. That sounded stupid and you knew it.
You almost panicked when you realized Neteyam was looking at you with a predatory look in his golden eyes, behind a tree near where you were. When you looked down and realized he was touching himself while gazing at you, your mouth fell slightly open.
But your startled face only seemed to make the desire inside him grow even stronger.
Neteyam saw the way your eyes betrayed your shyness just as the way your blood rushed to your cheeks, while you closed your legs fast, pressing your sweet soft thighs against one another but he also had heard from some friends how you had a crazy crush on him. So, he took that as a good sign, something that only meant you were just embarassed you got caught touching yourself and not that you didn't want him too.
"Don't let me interrupt you. It's beautiful. I wanna keep watching you, paskalin." (sweet berry)
"What-" It was hard to talk as you were nervous as hell "What are you doing here?"
"Nothing more natural than an Omatikaya in the forest" He smirked "What are you doing here, sevin tawtute?" (pretty human)
You shut your mouth at that. You couldn't think of a good enough answer.
"You saw me..." your cheeks burned with embarrassment "I was touching myself, OK? Are you gonna judge me? You were doing the same. And looking at me while doing it. You sure are bold." You tried to be confident and overpower him with your argument but it was obviously failing
"Who told you to be touching your pretty pussy in the middle of the forest? Didn't you think someone could catch you?" He said in a mean tone but his na'vi accent only got your already soaked pussy even wetter. The way he rolled the "L" letter... oh my Eywa...
"Of course I thought it could happen. But I hoped no one would. I certainly did not expect you to be creeping around and jerking off while watching me. Pervert." You snapped back
"Cut the crap. I don't need any complications right now, tawtute. I know you have a crush on me and all I want is to cum inside of you. So, tell me. Do you want me? Yes or no. It's simple." Neteyam said impatiently
"What? I don't know what you're talking about!" You tried to hide your feelings but it was useless
Neteyam walked to you, took you with ease from the grass you were laying on and put you over his shoulder. You shaked your legs incessantly in protest.
"What the fuck are you doing?! Let me go, now, Neteyam! Arghhh!" Your shouting only sounded funny to his na'vi ears
Neteyam pressed your body against the nearest large Pandoran tree in front of you two and you could feel his big bulge pressing against your ass as he was lifting you with his blue hands under your arms, your legs hanging in the air, leaving you with the feeling of being helpless at the time.
"I'm gonna say it again and for the last time. Yes or no?"
Your heart beat fast inside your chest as you moved your head back and fourth slightly, telling him that, yes, you did want him to fuck you.
"Yes... Yes, damn it... I want you." You confessed
"Good. That's what I wanted to hear." He stated
Neteyam put you down on the ground again. You stood up but your legs felt weak with anticipation and some fear.
He undid the way the long string of his loincloth was wrapped around his tail to get rid of that piece of clothing that was getting on his way and making it harder for him to just fuck you dumb already.
You just couldn't stop staring at his cock, the way it was huge and all covered in his precum because of the way he had been stroking it while watching you. To know Neteyam's cock was glistening with precum like that because of you made a tight knot form in the lower part of your belly.
"Now, on your knees." He ordered
You swiftly obeyed him. Neteyam had you around his finger. You had dreamed about what it would feel like to have him inside of you for so long. You had always lusted over him when you saw his muscles on display when he practiced his archery on the Omatikaya mainland. But it seemed like he had never noticed you like that before. You thought that perhaps you just didn't spark any interest in him. But maybe you were wrong.
"Now this dripping tawtute pussy is mine! Let me finish the job." Neteyam stated "You'll feel so full with this na'vi cock. You'll see." He smirked in a perverted way
Neteyam walked until he got behind you, got on his knees too and forced you forward just so you would be on all fours for him.
He pressed his swollen tip against your entrance and you whimpered at how good just that felt. You couldn't wait for what was coming.
When you least expected it, he pushed his cock in a quick motion inside of you, burying all of its length inside of you. As your pussy was dripping wet, it wasn't as hard to fit as you thought it would be. You let out a cry of sheer, strong pleasure.
Neteyam covered your mouth with his huge blue hand to prevent you from being too loud but your muffled moans still echoed slightly around the both of you as he pushed his hard big cock roughly inside of your soaked pussy, his hips crashing against your butt and making your soft flesh jiggle which only turned him on even more. He just thought human girls were so hot because of how soft and delicate they were. He was surely loving to squeeze your soft stomach while his hand rested right above your belly button, where the huge bulge his cock was causing on you could be seen.
"Great Mother, your pussy feels too fucking good, yawntutsyìp..." (darling)
Neteyam kept fucking you as deeply as he could, hurting the tip of your womb just enough to make you feel a masochist type of pleasure burning inside of you. At this pace, you suspected you were gonna cream around his cock soon enough.
What if someone came and saw the both of you fucking like that? Oh, God...
But you had to admit that - despite of how wrong that felt - if anything, the being wrong part of it only turned you on more.
"Gonna cum loads inside this ekxìn pussy, tawtute. Did you know I'm on my rut period? I'm needing to release all this cum trapped inside my balls somewhere, baby. They're so heavy." Neteyam whispered in your ear. His words were so dirty but so enticing.
Many hard delicious thrusts later you felt his thick load of cum filling you up to the brim. The feeling was amazing.
After he composed himself and got his breath back again, he said:
"You are a perfect cum slut. You're mine now, tawtute. My mate."
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morphomixz · 6 months
Eclipsed in Paris Pt 4 Miraculous x Reader
9:26:36 AM Thursday, April 18th Paris, France
After the first hour was up, we had maths. The teacher assigned a group project, leading to me "working" with Chloe and her minion Sabrina. By working, I mean Chloe telling Sabrina t do all the work while she gushed over Adrien Agreste, her childhood friend. Aside from Chloe, the only person who's tried to interact with me has been Sabrina who ultimately said to stick with Chloe.
Anyways, apparently, this class is learning the French equivalent of Algebra 1 in the U.S which isn't terrible. The girls I sat next to in Ms. Bustier's class have been glancing over here and whispering to each other since. If the people here are as judgemental as they are in America I may be better off returning to the U.S. The only thing that prevents me from believing this at the moment is the old man from earlier. Hopefully, he's gotten where he was trying to get to. For now, I guess I'll just look out the window.
10:39:10 AM P.E Class
I finally got away from Chloe and the two glaring girls long enough to take a breath. P.E is not my favorite class in the world, but it may grow on me since it gets me away from, well everyone who seems to have a problem with my existence. Today is just the flexibility test for the school year. I actually suffer from benign joints hypermobility syndrome so this shouldn't be too bad, well at least not until my doctor sees me next. She keeps telling me to reduce how much I push my joints so that I don't put myself in pain anymore. 
Anyways, it's partnered so I actually have a chance to talk to someone other than Chloe. My partner is a girl from my class, I think her name's Alix.
"Uh, hi. I think we're partners." I awkwardly said. 
"Yeah, just don't slow me down." was her response. 
It wasn't exactly the nicest response, but it also didn't seem to have any animosity in it. 
" Alright class, get into the sit and reach position. Your partner will push down on your back as you stretch with LIGHT pressure." came the first command from the teacher. 
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Alix and I actually worked fairly well together. We talked a bit during the exercises about the school, who's who in the class, and Alix's favorite sports. I told her about New York, part of the reason I came to France, and it seems she came to a conclusion about me. Hopefully, it was a good one. 
11:45:27 AM Lunch Break
We're supposed to go to lunch at home or in the cafeteria for an hour. Chloe had something brought to the school for her, and I headed to the cafeteria with Alix. She invited me to sit with her, a guy named Kim, and his friend Max. I ended up with a tray with a fruit salad, orange juice, and a questionable-looking pear for lunch. 
"So, you're Y/N Bourgeois? The idol?" the guy who Alix called Kim asked. 
"Yeah, that's me. Though I'd appreciate it if you didn't make a big deal out of it." was my response.
"And, you're Chloe's cousin?"
"Yep. Though she and I only reunited recently. I've been living in America since I was six."
"So, you have been influenced by her very little?" was the question, Max asked. 
"Under her influence, yes. Her mother is a different story." I replied.
"Alright, alright guys. We're here to eat lunch, not dissect her traumatic backstory." Alix said, setting down her tray, to which I smiled at her. A true genuine smile, not one of my practiced model smiles. 
By the time lunch was over, I already had three friends and a permanent place to eat lunch if I wanted to.
12:53:41 PM Science
My next class had me a bit worried. Apparently, the teacher isn't the best with new students... or old students...or students in general. 
Anyways, in this class, I'm sat next to a very tall guy. According to the teacher, his name is Ivan. He seems intense when you look at him, but I'm sure he's a sweet guy when you get to know him. In fact, he seems very shy in comparison to everyone else. We were only taking notes on chemical compounds today, so it wasn't a terrible class. The teacher didn't put up with anyone messing about, but I made eye contact with Kim and couldn't help the small giggles that left my mouth. Chloe's been blowing up my phone all of the class. Apparently, Sabrina doesn't quite get chemical compounds and she thinks I may. be able to explain it to her, so she can do Chloe's homework. I guess I'm doing a slight tutoring session after school. 
2:16:36 PM Art Class
A little under three hours left of school, and I finally reached a class I can get into. I can technically do whatever kind of art I want in this class so I went over to the drawing table. Alix is doing so form of street art with spray paint, the girls from earlier are using alcohol markers, and Chloe's in the corner on her phone like always. I guess I better start working on designs for my new line like Auntie would want me to. I started with a fitted bodycon silhouette and shaded it in with a variety of reds, adding layers of black around the bottom to form a filled-out skirt.  Apparently, my presence finally got to the two girls from earlier because one of them came over and just stood in front of me.
"Can I help you?" I said, rather peeved that she was blocking my sunlight but also because she likely already assumed my personality. 
"Yeah, you're Y/N right? Chloe's cousin?"
"That would be correct. And you are?" I could feel my left eyebrow arching.
"I'm Alya and my best friend over there is Marinette. We were wondering if you were the Y/N Bourgeois who owns the fashion label "Serpentine" and does all that idol work?" 
"I am. Is that all you wanted?" I replied. 
I know my tone was rude but these girls have done nothing but glare and whisper about me all day. 
"How about you come to our table and sit with us? Marinette does some designing herself and I think you guys could bond over that." came Alya's reply. 
So I went over and joined them. Marinette apologized for the glaring. She apparently assumed I was just like Chloe but after seeing me interact with Alix, Kim, and Max she decided otherwise. She needs to work on that. It will be her fatal flaw if she doesn't. 
The two of us exchanged numbers and began showing each other our designs. Her designs are exquisite. Auntie would be impressed for sure. However, she seems awful shy about showing them off. 
3:30:57 PM History
I have 1 hour until school is over, and my last class is history in Ms. Bustier's again. I sat at the back of the class next to a girl named Lila. She immediately pulled out her phone and asked for a picture as well as my phone number. She's the only one who's made a big deal about my status all day. However, I took the picture to be polite and she tagged me in it. My Instagram began blowing up with the comments under it. Apparently, this Lila was the one I was rumored to be hanging out with. Anyways, today's lesson was on Ancient Rome, including mythology. Lila kept trying to distract me with a conversation but I wanted to remain focused on Romulus and Remus. She began blowing up my phone with texts which made me immediately regret giving her my number. 
4:30:15 PM Outside the School
Well, I made it through my first day of school without a major incident. Now, Chloe and I were waiting for the limo to show up. She's been talking to Adrien for the last 10 minutes, and he looks particularly uncomfortable with her clinginess. The limo finally pulled up, followed by another one, which I assume is Adrien's. When we got into the car, then came the beratement. 
"You shouldn't hang out with Marinette Dupain-Cheng or her friends. It's bad enough you're hanging out with Alix and Kim."
"Chloe, if I wanted your advice on friends, to which I've never been allowed to make that discernment myself I would have asked. I'd appreciate it if you dropped it because I want to be able to make decisions for myself for once in my life."
Okay, a little harsh, even for Chlo but did I lie? My first boyfriend was even chosen for me so I should get to decide who I hang out with at the minimum. At least she dropped the conversation. I headed up to my room and dropped my stuff on the couch located at the center of the room.  However, there was a strange box left on my coffee table. 
I opened the small box that had a necklace, and a small light came out of it. When it disappeared, a small bat-like creature was floating in front of me. 
"I'm sorry to say this but, who are you?"
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kingofbodyrolls · 4 months
Say I Do (m) | jjk
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Summary: you and Jungkook tease each other at your wedding reception.
Pairing: jungkook x female reader (no Y/N and unnamed)
AUs: non-idol!au, wedding!au
Genres: smut– like it’s just smut, nothing else 🤣
Rating: mature/explicit/R18 – this is mature/explicit content, so minors, please do not interact!
Word count: 5,2k
Disclaimer: I do not own BTS or know them personally and this work of fiction is purely fictional and for entertainment purposes only. The actions and personalities described in the story do not reflect those of BTS— it’s just fiction. Also, if you would kindly read the tags/warnings before reading, that would be lovely: and if you don’t like whatever is described in the tags, just hit return and find something else to read. Thank you 🌸
Warnings/tag: unprotected sex, exhibitionism, voyeurism, public sex, handjob, oral (female receiving), dirty talk, slightly rough sex, choking, biting, spitting, ass grabbing, impreg kink, degrading names (whore used once).
Author’s note: I made this for my lovely friend Lua (@letjungcoook7)!!!! SURPRISE!!!! I hope you like it! I was inspired to make this because of our chat, and I just want to say that you are so fucking lovely, sweet and kind 💖 I really hope this isn’t too much, but I just had too 🥹 I really wanted to make it dirty, but it ended up being more sweet instead, I’m sorry! I love talking to you and I just wanted to let you know that I adore and treasure you 😘 
Honestly Lua, I just wrote this to tell you how beautiful you are– mind, body and soul. Thank you Lua, I love ya 💜
This is just something very short while I work on ‘My Heart’s Home’. But I hope you like it, and please let me know what you think: my inbox is always open, and I love to hear from you, even a reblog/comment will put a big smile on my face 💜
Also!!! This is written from Jungkook’s POV (well I tried, lol). And normally I don’t describe the reader/MC, but she does have a tiny bit description in this, but I still feel it’s vague enough. But if that isn’t your thing, it’s completely fine 🙂 This is not proofread (because I’m too lazy for that right now).
This has nothing to do with my other fic 'say that again (I dare you)', but if you want to read that I'm not opposed (it's also a jjk fic) ✨
Fancy reading on AO3? 😉 
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Rising gracefully to his feet, Taehyung's infectious enthusiasm fills the room as he declares, “I propose a toast!” His radiant smile sweeps over the myriad of guests you meticulously invited to your wedding—more than a hundred souls sharing in the joy of your love story. 
As he prepares to speak, Jungkook can't help but marvel at the grandeur of the occasion. Despite his personal inclination towards a more intimate celebration, he wouldn't dream of denying you this moment, surrounded by the warmth of friends and family who have come together to witness the union of two hearts.
Despite Taehyung's earnest attempt to capture Jungkook's attention with a throat-clearing preamble, Jungkook finds himself inexplicably entranced elsewhere. Even in the midst of one of his closest friends delivering a heartfelt wedding speech—something he should be wholeheartedly absorbing—but it’s hard. As hard as his dick that you’re palming over his dress pants.
The tantalizing dance of your hand sends ripples of pleasure through him, an intoxicating distraction that eclipses all other thoughts. It's an artful symphony of sensation, each movement crafting a masterpiece of desire within him. The struggle to concentrate on anything else becomes an exhilarating battle. Fuck. 
You, the mischievous enchantress, wield your allure like a potent spell. 
A tantalizing awareness of your own danger courses through your veins, and you wield it with an expert finesse. Every knowing glance, every sly smile, is a calculated move in the game you effortlessly play. You've mastered the art of ensnaring him, wrapping him around your finger with a magnetic force that compels him to dance to your whims. It's a dangerous dance, but he willingly succumbs to the intoxication of your charm, embracing the thrill as much as he cherishes the intoxicating love he feels for you.
What the fuck is Taehyung saying?
Taehyung’s words dissolve into a meaningless buzz, drowned out by the illicit symphony you're orchestrating beneath the table. The audacious zipper sliding down and the tantalizing exploration of your hand over the fabric of his boxer briefs command all of Jungkook's attention.
Profanity trembles on the edge of his tongue, but it's lost in the overwhelming sensation that eclipses any coherent thought. Your stealthy touch renders him blissfully oblivious to everything else unfolding around him.
Suppressing a low, guttural sound, he clenches his teeth, using every ounce of willpower to stifle the moan building in his throat. As desire courses through him like a wildfire, he willingly parts his legs, a silent invitation for you to explore more boldly, granting ample space for the electrifying touch of your hand over the hardened length of his cock.
He marvels at your audacity, finding it both exhilarating and daring that you'd embark on such a provocative escapade during your wedding reception. Yet, deep down, he acknowledges that it's a reflection of the wild spirit that has always defined your relationship. It's a shared affinity for dancing on the edge, reveling in the allure of danger, and delighting in the thrill of engaging in activities that should, by all accounts, remain private. It's a facet of your relationship that has always been magnetic, drawing you both into a world where the risk of being caught only adds to the intoxicating excitement.
In the blink of an eye, your hand deftly maneuvers beneath the fabric of his boxers, sending a shiver down his spine. A hiss escapes his lips as your long, slender fingers confidently envelop his cock. The warmth of your touch is both a balm and an inferno, and he instinctively tilts his head back in the chair, a silent plea for discretion. 
As he surrenders to the delicious sensation, he can't help but cast a furtive glance around, fervently hoping that the clandestine ballet unfolding beneath the table remains a tantalizing secret shared only between you.
Despite the uproarious laughter echoing through the room in response to Taehyung's speech, Jungkook remains oblivious to its contents, ensnared the choreography of your hand beneath the table. 
The mirthful ambiance only fuels his curiosity, surmising that Taehyung must have delivered a punchline or shared a humorous anecdote. Meanwhile, beneath the table's concealment, your hand skillfully traces a tantalizing path along his hardened cock, drawing a hushed hiss from Jungkook's lips. 
With a steely resolve, he masks any trace of emotion, locking his features in a stoic facade and maintaining an impressive silence. His determined effort is not just to conceal the electrifying sensations your actions are evoking, but also to safeguard the clandestine intimacy you both share from the prying eyes of the unsuspecting guests. 
Every fiber of his being is a coiled spring, resisting the urge to yield to the pleasure that threatens to unravel beneath the veneer of his restrained expression. 
As his gaze shifts towards you, he's met with an unexpected sight—there you sit, an image of demure elegance in your exquisite white gown. 
The fabric caresses your curves in all the right places, accentuating the allure of your figure. The daringly low neckline teases a glimpse of the captivating silhouette of your bosom, leaving him momentarily breathless. The off-the-shoulder design unveils a generous expanse of your soft, tender skin, a tantalizing sight that aligns perfectly with his preferences. 
Despite the provocative allure of your attire, your outward appearance betrays no hint of the illicit affair transpiring beneath the table. If he didn't intimately know the secret you were concealing—your hand discreetly exploring the realm beneath his pants—he'd be fooled by the serene facade you present, seemingly absorbed in the captivating rhythm of Taehyung's speech.
In a silent plea of gratitude, Jungkook revels in the fact that the attention of the guests is fixed on Taehyung's speech, sparing him the scrutiny of prying eyes. 
Little do they know, the real spectacle unfolds beneath the table, where your touch becomes an exquisite torment. 
Every movement of your hand is a tantalizing dance, a blend of ecstasy and torture that threatens to unravel him. With a teasing finesse, your soft fingers caress his frenulum, tracing a path towards the depths of pleasure. The deliberate slide over his slit elicits a shiver of pure ecstasy, leaving Jungkook teetering on the precipice of desire that you expertly navigate.
Your hand envelops him, a cocoon of warmth that intensifies with each skillful stroke. The pleasure coursing through him is undeniably exquisite, a testament to the mastery of your touch. Yet, a lingering awareness tugs at the edges of his consciousness—an impending climax that threatens to unravel the careful threads of restraint. The exquisite sensations you evoke compel him to desperately anchor his thoughts, to redirect the intoxicating focus from the captivating dance beneath the table to Taehyung's speech.
The challenge lies not just in resisting the magnetic pull of pleasure but in maintaining a semblance of composure, navigating the delicate balance between the ecstasy you're orchestrating beneath the table and the public façade demanded by the occasion.
“We’ve been friends for so long, how many years is it now, Gguk?” As Taehyung poses the question, a hushed anticipation envelops the room, and all eyes converge on Jungkook. 
All eyes are on him and he can’t think— he’s mind is clouded with thoughts of you. 
Taehyung– Fuck. How long have they been friends? 
In a sudden stumble of recollection, he breathes out, “17 years,” the weight of the shared history resonating in the room. Yet, the gravity of the moment is unexpectedly intensified as you administer an assertive squeeze around cock. Fuck.
With a chuckle that slices through the tension, Taehyung seamlessly continues his discourse, effortlessly reclaiming the attention of the room and redirecting every wandering gaze back to him. A collective exhale echoes in Jungkook's mind, a silent gratitude for the timely diversion that spares the clandestine spectacle beneath the table from becoming the unwitting center of attention. 
Relentless, you maintain the rhythm on his dick, displaying an unwavering determination that hints at an intention to push him to the brink, right under the unsuspecting gaze of the gathered guests. 
As the divine caress of your hand propels him perilously close to the edge, a surge of urgency overtakes him. Desperate, he turns his face towards you, eyes silently pleading for respite, but your gaze remains steadfastly elsewhere. 
Frustration wells within him, and he attempts to use his hands to guide yours away, only to find your grip tightening in response. The conflicting forces of pleasure and restraint collide within him, his muscles tensing as a hitch in his breath betrays the precarious precipice upon which he teeters.
Leaning in, you bring with you a halo of your natural sweet scent, an intoxicating allure that wraps around him, overwhelming his senses and leaving him slightly dizzy. 
Your lips, soft and plush, delicately find his cheek in what appears to be a tender gesture to the outside world. To the unsuspecting onlookers, it's a simple, sweet kiss on the cheek. 
Little do they know, in that same moment, your daring move involves not just the gentle press of your lips but the subtle exploration of your other hand slipping under his boxers to fondle his balls.
Fucking hell he’s gonna come.
Ecstasy courses through him like a wildfire, an imminent eruption fueled by the intoxicating cocktail of your skillful touch on his balls, warm breath teasing his ear, and the relentless grip on his pulsating desire. The threshold between pleasure and release narrows to a perilous edge, and he finds himself teetering on the brink, held captive by the maddening symphony of sensations you've orchestrated. 
Despite his valiant efforts to remain attentive to his friend's speech, the sheer mastery of your pleasure-inducing touch proves insurmountable. Every deliberate stroke, every strategic squeeze of his balls, propels him further into the abyss of ecstasy. In a moment of surrender, he can no longer contain the torrent of desire, and ropes of his essence surge forth from his throbbing dick. His lips bear the weight of a stifled moan, as you keep stroking him through his orgasm.
Beside him, your chuckle is a symphony of sweetness interwoven with a hint of mischief, a melodic backdrop to the ongoing crescendo of pleasure you expertly administer through his orgasm. 
As he traverses the realm of oversensitivity, a low, guttural grunt escapes him, drawing the curious gaze of Taehyung, engrossed in his ongoing speech. Though momentarily caught in a gaze of questioning inquiry, Taehyung forges ahead, resuming his speech with a peculiar stare, unwittingly oblivious to the spectacle unfolding beside him.
Thank fuck both of your parents aren’t seated right next to you. That would have been utterly mortifying and embarrassing.
With a deliberate finesse, you retract your hand from his crotch, guiding it gracefully over the table, where you nonchalantly employ a napkin to erase any lingering evidence. Seated there, you adopt an innocent facade, a picture of angelic composure that conceals the fact that, mere seconds ago, your hand delved into the forbidden realm beneath his pants. 
With an audible exhale, he reaches for a napkin, hastily attending to the aftermath on his pants. The damage is fortunately minimal, thanks to your deft intervention that efficiently captured most of his release. Smart girl.
But a mischievous spark ignites in his eyes, a silent vow echoing beneath the surface - oh, he's going to get back at you for that, you little minx. 
As the notes of the classic wedding waltz envelop the room, Jungkook marvels at the surreal reality—he gets to call you his wife now. The ethereal glow surrounding you transcends the physical, a radiant aura that has always defined you. Despite your humble protestations about your own beauty, he's captivated by the undeniable truth: you've always been, and continue to be, an enchanting vision. Countless times you've confessed to feeling otherwise, but in his eyes, you're a masterpiece. In this moment, as you dance together, you're not just a part of his world; you are his entire universe.
Gazing into the pools of your sweet, doe-like eyes, their exquisite almond shape captivates him, holding his attention in an unbreakable trance. He contemplates the nuances of your beauty, from the enchanting curvature of your slightly upturned nose to the endearing moments when he can't resist playfully poking it during your teasing exchanges. Every inch of you, in his eyes, is a masterpiece, and he pledges to vocalize his admiration every day, a ritual aimed at etching your beauty into your own consciousness. 
He dreams that with each affirming word, he'll weave a tapestry of self-love around you, until the day you see yourself as he does—undeniably, breathtakingly beautiful.
As you dance, your eyes ablaze with an unmistakable love, he luxuriates in the intensity of your gaze. A daring current of desire propels his hand, gliding with deliberate intent down your body until it boldly claims your ass. 
Uninhibited, he seizes it with audacious confidence, the bold move oblivious to the watchful eyes surrounding you. A soft, mischievous squeeze elicits a sweet chuckle from you, a harmonious note in the symphony of shared amusement that reverberates through the party, as the crowd collectively succumbs to the captivating allure of your uninhibited dance.
As the soft strains of the music envelop you both in a waltz, your heads draw nearer, the enchanting melody echoing the tender dance of your hearts. With the song nearing its end, he seizes the moment, leaning in intimately close to your ear. The hushed promise that escapes his lips carries a tantalizing undercurrent, his warm breath grazing your skin as he vows, “I'm going to get you back for earlier, babe.”
He senses the subtle shiver coursing through you as his touch lingers, a silent testament to the shared electricity between you. As the final notes of the song fade into the applause and cheers of the crowd, seizing the perfect moment, he leans in, embracing you in a sweet and passionate kiss. 
As the rhythm of a more upbeat song invigorates the dance floor, he seizes the opportunity to whisk you away from the lively crowd. Amidst the pulsating beats and the vivacious laughter of the guests, he guides you outside the building, their merriment gradually fading into the background.
In the crisp night air, he asserts a sudden dominance, pressing you against the sturdy wall. His gaze, infused with an unmistakable hunger and need, locks onto your beautiful eyes, creating a magnetic tension that reverberates between you. 
“You are a little minx, you know that?” His words, not laced with anger but rather a dangerous undercurrent of arousal, hang in the charged air. Your chuckle, a sweet symphony that further stirs the tempest within him, prompts a hiss as he succumbs to the magnetic pull, diving fervently into the captivating abyss of your mouth.
The kiss intensifies, a collision of passion that is both hard and rough, fueled by an undeniable need. In the urgency of the moment, he can't afford to wait, the impatience palpable in every fervent press of lips. 
You envelop him in the embrace of your arms, fingers intertwining at the nape of his neck, while your gaze rises to meet his. In the depths of his eyes, once warm brown orbs now transformed into pools of near-black intensity, a reflection of the potent arousal coursing through his veins. 
Your hand embarks on a daring journey, descending to the front of his pants once more, and the response is instantaneous – hardness reignites, a testament to the insatiable flame you kindle within him. Desire for you pulses like a constant current, an almost permanent state of arousal that defies logical explanation. Whatever enchantment you cast upon him, it's an irresistible force that weaves a tantalizing spell, leaving him perpetually captivated by the mystique of your touch.
Breaking away from the embrace of your soft lips, he wears a smirk laden with both warning and allure. “You're playing with fire, babe,” he remarks, the subtle edge in his voice echoing the intoxicating dance of danger and desire that swirls between you.
In a hushed whisper that flutters against your ear, he breathes, “You've been a naughty girl.” 
The words, laden with an undercurrent of sultry authority, send a shiver down your spine, awakening a cascade of tingles that traverse the landscape of your entire body. 
Descending to the delicate expanse of your neck, he peppers it with soft, almost teasing kisses, each touch a prelude to the symphony of sensations. Then, in an abrupt shift from gentle caresses, he bites down, coaxing from you a loud moan that resonates through the air—an intoxicating sound that echoes in the depths of his desire, a melody he'll never tire of hearing. 
Continuing his explorative journey, he ventures further south, his lips descending to the curve of your breasts. With a deliberate tenderness, he places a kiss atop the soft expanse of your tender tits.
Gracefully sinking to his knees, he gazes up at you with a mischievous smirk, the air thick with a heady mixture of desire and anticipation. His tongue darts out, grazing his lips in a provocative dance of anticipation, signaling the imminent exploration of pleasures yet to unfold. 
With an assertive grip, he seizes the front of your dress, drawing it away in a swift, purposeful motion. Despite the abundance of fabric, he deftly bunches it up with ease. “Hold your dress, please,” he directs, handing you the end of the gathered fabric. 
“Hmm. Nice lace stockings, and that girdle—what are you doing to me?” he murmurs, his voice a tantalizing blend of desire and fascination. His gaze lingers appreciatively on your beautiful thighs encased in nude stockings adorned with lace at the top, fastened to a concealed girdle on your waist.
His eyes widen with a mix of surprise and arousal as they land on your wet and glistening pussy, the evidence of desire trickling down your thigh. “Oh my god. You're not wearing panties?” he breathes out, his voice carrying the weight of both revelation and anticipation. A subtle lick of his lips betrays the intensity of his reaction.
A playful chuckle escapes your lips as you hover above him, and without a moment's hesitation, he immerses himself in the intoxicating warmth of your desire. His lips eagerly find their destination, tracing a decadent path from the delicate folds to the pulsating essence of your clit. 
The sensation ripples through your body, igniting a shiver that becomes an involuntary response to the electrifying dance between tongues, pleasure, and the shared yearning that binds you together.
He embarks on a tantalizing journey of tongue and suction, starting with teasing caresses that send tremors of anticipation through your body. His hands, strong and purposeful, find purchase on your thighs, holding you in a firm grip as he orchestrates a symphony of pleasure with his skillful tongue, creating an intoxicating dance that blurs the lines between sensation and desire.
A throaty moan escapes your lips as his nose delicately brushes against your pulsating cl*t, his tongue delving as deep as its voracious hunger allows. The exquisite sensation of his exploration elicits an involuntary clenching around him, a testament to the overwhelming pleasure coursing through you.
Your thighs, unable to withstand the intensity, succumb to a tremor, trembling beneath the intoxicating caress of pleasure that consumes you.
His dexterous fingers ascend to your throbbing clit, and with a skillful touch, he sets in motion a rapid dance of pleasure, causing your entire body to quiver with newfound intensity. The quickened rhythm of your breath becomes a symphony of desire, a telltale sign for him that you're teetering on the precipice of ecstasy.
Eager to reciprocate the pleasure you bestowed upon him within the confines of the reception, he fervently laps at your tender folds. Simultaneously, his fingers engage in a deft dance around your throbbing clit, orchestrating a symphony of sensations that echoes the pulsating rhythm of desire between you.
With the harmonious fusion of his skilled tongue and nimble fingers, he orchestrates the unraveling of your senses. As ecstasy courses through you, your body convulses in euphoria, your walls clenching around his tongue, and the pulsating rhythm of your clit intensifying under the spell of his fingers. 
Waves of pleasure surge through you, causing your body to quake, and in the throes of ecstasy, you release a high-pitched, strained moan that bears his name—an intimate symphony of pleasure that lingers in the air.
Breathless and overwhelmed, you gasp out his name, a plea woven into the words, “Fuck, Jungkook. I can't stand up anymore.” As he gracefully withdraws from your core, his gaze rises to meet yours, locking in a shared moment of intensity.
He chuckles, the rich timbre of his laughter lingering in the charged air. “I know, babe. Do you want me to fuck you against the wall?”
You draw in a sharp breath, and he keenly observes the subtle clench of your hand, the fabric of the dress tightly gathered within your grasp. 
“Fuck yeah,” An unbridled affirmation escapes your lips, a primal declaration of desire. As he rises to his feet, a surge of urgency propels him to capture your mouth in a hungry kiss. The taste of your own release lingers on his lips, creating an intimate communion of shared pleasure that binds you together in the aftermath of passion.
As he engulfs you in a fervent kiss, the symphony of desire playing out between you, his hands deftly navigate the zipper of his dress pants. With a purposeful movement, he unveils his throbbing cock, stroking it in rhythmic cadence. 
His hands, driven by a primal urgency, seek out the contours of your a*s with a possessive intent. “Jump up, babe,” he commands, the resonance of his voice weaving a spell of anticipation. As you obediently jump, he effortlessly lifts you, cocooning you against the wall. 
In a brief struggle against the bulk of your dress, both of you grapple with the fabric, pushing it away from the front of your entwined bodies. A shared chuckle hangs in the air, a lighthearted interlude in the midst of fervor. But as the fabric yields to your efforts, Jungkook seizes the opportunity, moving in with an insatiable hunger to bite at your neck once more. 
With a sultry whisper, he breathes, “I'm gonna fuck a baby into you, would you like that, hmm?” 
The words, pregnant with promise, glide against your ear, and the responsive clench of your legs around his waist speaks volumes. A knowing chuckle escapes him as you endeavor to pull him even closer, the shared desire resonating between you in the charged space.
“Please,” your plea, a desperate yet fervent entreaty, escapes your lips, a poignant melody of desire that resonates in the charged air. The subtle smirk that graces his lips is both a testament to your undeniable need for him and an acknowledgment of the power he holds over your cravings.
With a deliberate touch, he locates his throbbing cock with one hand and skillfully aligns it with your dripping entrance. The tantalizing dance begins as he teases your slick folds with the head of his pulsating dick, creating an electrifying friction that amplifies the anticipation between you two. 
“Gguk, please,” you plead with a mixture of desire and frustration, your voice echoing the urgent need for him to bridge the gap between anticipation and fulfillment. However, he remains steadfast, skillfully teasing your slick folds without granting the entry your body craves. 
With a desperate plea escaping your lips once more, he finally relents. The moment stretches with anticipation before he forcefully thrusts his thick cock into your eager pussy. The collision is met with an audible impact as your back forcefully meets the wall.
He forgoes the customary pause for adjustment, intuitively aware that you relish the exquisite stretch when he enters you so abruptly. Without hesitation, he plunges deep into your core, reaching the furthest recesses, his thick length grazing against your cervix. 
“You’re so big, the stretch feels so good!” 
You gasp breathlessly against his body, overwhelmed by the sheer size of him. The intoxicating stretch sends waves of pleasure coursing through you, a visceral reminder of the intensity between you two. Determined to fully immerse yourself in the sensation, you pant against him, actively striving to ride the wave of pleasure, desperate to fuck yourself on him, the relentless pursuit of ecstasy evident in every ardent movement.
He establishes a relentless rhythm, driving into you with a force that resonates against the unyielding wall of the building. The symphony of your combined panting echoes in the air, a melodic accompaniment to the unbridled passion unfolding. Jungkook, captivated by the primal symphony, savors every delightful noise escaping your lips—a harmonious blend of desire and surrender, heightening the intensity of the fervent connection shared between you.
As he thrusts into you, each powerful motion striking your cervix, he elevates the intensity by trailing one hand up to your neck. With a gentle yet possessive touch, he wraps his fingers around your throat.
He knows you like it dirty and rough, and fuck he does too. 
His taunting words, laced with a playful yet provocative tone, cut through the charged air. “Did you enjoy the little game with your fingers down my pants while Tae was making his speech?” The rhetorical question hangs between you, a teasing challenge that elicits a subtle clenching reaction around him. 
In a sultry revelation, he whispers, “'Next to your bridesmaid and your parents. You naughty girl.” The hand steadying against the wall takes a firm hold of your ass, squeezing the soft flesh with deliberate intent. A resonant moan of pleasure escapes your lips, harmonizing with the rhythmic cadence of his thrusts as he skillfully targets your sweet spot. 
“So naughty,” he breathes, punctuating each fervent thrust with a rhythmic intensity that sends shivers down your spine. “You enjoy getting off in front of your friends, huh?” His words, infused with a seductive blend of desire and provocation, become a tantalizing soundtrack to the relentless grind of his dick into you.
“And getting me off too? Whore,” he seethes into your ear, the heated accusation leaving a scorching trail of desire in its wake. Your response, a shiver against his body, fuels the intensity of the moment. 
As he continues to fuck you with an unrestrained force, your breasts bounce in a mesmerizing rhythm that captivates him. So fucking perfect.
“Stick your tongue out,” he commands, his eyes intently fixed on you as you obediently roll out your tongue, anticipating the act you relish. The charged moment lingers, pregnant with expectation. With a deliberate move, he spits on your waiting tongue, and you, the embodiment of submission, dutifully swallow it.
Damn it, he knows he won't last much longer if he continues to be entranced by the rhythmic bounce of your enticing breasts—they possess an almost hypnotic allure over him. And that tongue of yours, oh, it's pure seduction. 
“And you can't even wait until we reach our hotel suite to be fucked. So fucking needy, and I love it,” he declares, a blend of admiration and desire lacing his words. The deliberate clench of his fingers around your throat follows, a subtle yet potent assertion of control. His gaze remains fixed on your eyes, watching with a predatory intensity as they dilate even more.
As he tightens his grip, the sensation of his fingers constricting around your throat elicits a primal response—your walls clenching around his cock. The synchronized symphony of pleasure and control intertwines, and a guttural groan escapes him, an audible testament to the ecstasy coursing through his veins. 
Driven by an insatiable desire, he redoubles his efforts to fuck you even deeper.
“My filthy wife,” he pants into your ear, the possessive term dripping with desire, a declaration that ignites a primal response within you. The sultry proclamation elicits a moan of his name from your lips, a vocal affirmation of the all-encompassing pleasure coursing through your body. His acute awareness of your nearing climax manifests in the rhythmic clenching around his dick, a tangible sign of the intimate dance between you two.
“Fuck, Gguk. I'm so close again. Fuck!” you pant fervently against the curve of his neck, the words laced with desperation and desire. He senses the mounting intensity in your voice, a symphony of passion reaching its crescendo. 
Yet, he's attuned to the nuances, recognizing the subtle signs that your body, though on the brink of ecstasy, bears the weight of fatigue, having navigated the day in those tantalizing heels. 
“You crave an audience, don't you? Want people to watch you, to hear you,” he moans into your ear, the words a sultry declaration that fans the flames of desire between you two. The acknowledgment of your shared exhibitionist desires ignites a fresh surge of pleasure, prompting an instinctive clench around him.
“Then scream my name, let everyone in the damn party know how damn good I'm fucking you,” he commands, the intensity of his voice sending shivers down your spine. As your walls clench with even greater fervor, pulsating around his dick, a wave of your liquid envelops him, transforming the intimate connection into a slippery dance of shared pleasure.
You unleash his name with a primal scream, the sheer force of your ecstasy reverberating through the open air outside. Your head drops against the curve of his neck, seeking refuge in the haven of his embrace as the waves of pleasure cascade over you.
He relentlessly thrusts his dick into you, the urgency palpable as he seeks his own release. “I'm gonna give you a baby, just like we've always dreamed of.”
“Ahhh, fuck, yes!” The exclamation bursts from your lips, a little too loud, as an uncontrollable surge of pleasure courses through you. Your teeth instinctively seek refuge on his shoulder, sinking into the firm flesh in an unbridled act of both ecstasy and restraint.
“Fuck, babe, I'm gonna come,” he confesses with a guttural moan, each subsequent thrust punctuated with the desperation of impending release. His rhythm stumbles, an involuntary response to the intensity building within him as he hurtles towards the precipice of his orgasm. And then it hits him.
The rhythmic bounce of your tits in his face, the soft and sweet scent that envelops him, and the melodic cadence of your voice—all converge to cast a spell on his senses. In the midst of your lovely moans, he succumbs to the intoxicating blend of sensations, unleashing a torrent of white-hot semen deep inside your spent pussy. 
Panting and gasping, you both struggle for precious breaths, bodies slick with the sheen of sweat acquired in the throes of passion. Amidst the shared exhaustion, a mutual chuckle reverberates between you, an intimate exchange that encapsulates the postcoital atmosphere.
With your head nestled against his, you gaze into the depth of his eyes and confess, “I love you, Gukkie.” The words, tender and raw, bridge the physical intimacy you've just shared with the emotional vulnerability of a heartfelt declaration.
“I love you too. Every damn inch of you, you're so beautiful,” he pants, a declaration infused with both desire and admiration. As he smiles at you, the post-passion glow accentuates the sincerity in his eyes, turning the exchange into a powerful affirmation.
He'll never tire of professing his boundless love and adoration for you, vowing to weave those sentiments into the fabric of each passing day. The promise to remind you, with unwavering devotion, echoes in his commitment to articulate his love every damn day.
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