#Mark 23
maxgromov · 2 years
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pedroam-bang · 2 years
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From Paris With Love (2010)
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formula-fun · 7 months
fernando is a legend and provides quality entertainment im sorry to those of you who do not understand the vision. are you not entertained?? checo is fighting for his life only for an old man to obliterate his moment of glory in like 3 seconds. are you not having fun????
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jensenackles-daily · 8 months
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@SamSmithTweets: Hooligans, Day 1 ♥️ #Liverpool (x)
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sebnameyourcar · 8 months
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libraryofloveletters · 5 months
Snowed In
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Mark Webber x Fem!Reader
Warnings: prior to mulit 2-1, redbull era mark, grumpy mark, snowed in at the airport, alcohol and the consumption of, mark blames you for the snow, airport delays, seb and hanna cameo.
Word Count: 564
Author's Note: grumpy x sunshine is sooooo mark coded
It wasn't even his idea to go to Switzerland, and now he was stuck on New Year's Eve, in the worst place on the planet; the airport.
A recent move had taken Sebastian and Hanna to Switzerland, the young couple took it upon themselves to host a little Christmas party for their friends.
Mark, being Seb's teammate, received an invite to said Christmas party. When the invite arrived, you had opened it and showed it to your husband.
Knowing your husband, you could've predicted his answer; "let's just spend the holidays here." - Here being Australia.
You reminded him that the two of you spent Christmas in Australia almost every single year, and that Seb and Hanna have gone out of their way to invite the two of you to come and spend Christmas with them in their new home.
It's common courtesy for the two of you to show up.
Mark knew you well enough to know that you wouldn't stop pestering him until he agreed to go. So alas, he gave in and the two of you flew down to Switzerland to spend the holidays with his teammate and his girlfriend.
There were a few other drivers from the grid spending Christmas with Sebastian and Hanna, which made Mark slightly less miserable. The thought of having to spend the holidays with Sebastian was not something that he liked nor enjoyed but he knew that you and Hanna got on quite well so he gave in for your sake.
New year's eve and the two of you head to the airport to fly home to spend the new years with your family.
The snow is coming down quite heavily and you asked the girl at the counter if the flights are going to be delayed. She told you that she wasn't 100% sure but there might be a few minor delays, emphasis on the minor.
At first, your flight was delayed by an hour, which wasn't so bad.
Then it was delayed by five hours, not the best but manageable.
Before you knew it, it was being delayed for nine hours.
Mark, being the grumpy man that he is, of course, blamed you for the snow, for the trip and for the delays.
"Will you shut up?" You looked at your husband, annoyed with him.
"Why should I? We're stuck in the stupid airport on new year's eve because you wanted to come to Switzerland."
You roll your eyes, resisting the urge to smack him in the face.
Before you know it, it's 15 minutes to midnight, and the two of you were still stuck waiting on your flight. Mark was still grumpy, but blaming you less.
"C'mon," you grabbed his hand and your carryon, pulling both towards the bar. Mark sat next to you and you ordered a drink for each of you; if you were going to be stuck on new years, at least you'd be slightly plastered.
The minutes rolled by and eventually, it was 2 minutes until midnight. The airport was full of life, those celebrating together, those on their phones to loved ones and those who were trying their best to get home.
You order two shots, passing one to your husband, "sorry for getting you stuck in Switzerland on new years eve, even though it's not really my fault." You tapped your glass to his.
Mark laughs, downing his shot at the same time as you. "Cheers to that, love. Happy new year."
"Happy new year, Mark." You whispered, leaning in to kiss your husband.
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fiendishartist2 · 2 months
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"Care B is scared and pounding on the door. I open it. It's so dark that I can't see her. So I pull her out, and the light hits her face. And they won't even give me a picture of her now."
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greeneldritchfurby · 23 days
yknow what... Here's a list of Hatchetfield Rarepairs that I think are neat!
Some l've thought up, some may already exist.. Either way I think about them constantly, and I need to share my brainrot.
23oz Chai - Paul 23 / Ted Spankoffski
- workplace crush but, plot twist, one of them is a clone
- Ted confesses, and Paul 23, even though he's unsure if the real Paul would go along with it, accepts anyway.
- everyone in the office reacts to it in shock, and they are convinced it is an elaborate prank. (Its not)
Cat Sweater - Charlotte / Melissa (Charlissa)
- Melissa supports Charlotte through her rocky marriage. Sapphic feelings ensue!
- They bond over their love of cats!
- Crazy cat lady and her sopping wet cat gf!
Dirty Boy - Mark Chasity / Boy Jerry
- Two repressed religious men grappling with internalized homophobia!
- A lot of gay denial and religious guilt in this one!
- Also, Jerry's nature rubs off on Mark a little. Maybe they go a little off the walls together!
Donnapiro - Donna Daggit/ Detective Shapiro
- They start out disliking each other, Shapiro not liking how Hatchetfield News reports crime and Donna despising Shapiro for getting in the way of their journalism
- Slowly, their competition becomes incredibly homoerotic.
- Enemies to lovers, reporter x detective yuri. Solving crimes and being sapphic!
Fast But Pricey - Barry Swift / Frank Pricely (Priceswift)
- I have little justification for this one but.. ldk, I think they would be fun together.
- Frank is just really lonely, let him have a gay lover.
- Their relationships moves fast. (Barry is in a hurry! And Frank is so alone he doesn't mind.)
Latte Bottay - Zoey Chambers / Emmdroid (Zoemdroid)
- They bond over a dislike of the real Emma!
- Zoey is surprisingly chill with the robot thing.
- This also works pretty well with 23ozChai. Paul 23 gets his work crush, Emmdroid gets her work crush, its a win win! bonus wlw mlm solidarity!
Nibblinda - Nibbly / Linda
- Linda treats Nibbly to fine meats and sweets. In return, Nibbly eats her dad and protects her. Overall, a pretty sweet deal!
- Perhaps, they get a little blood on their hands.
- Linda chews people out (figuratively), and Nibbly bites them (literally)
Plastic Cars - Gerald Monroe / Tom Houston
- Hear me out.. Divorced dads realize they are gay... for each other.
- Tim gets a new dad, instead of a new mom.
- Again, I must stress.. middle aged men in love!
Sheiloway - Sheila Young / Miss Holloway
- This is ooc as fuck but the enemies to lovers calls to me.
- They both get someone to confide to about the struggles of lord shenanigans and near immortality
- wlw witches!
Showstoppers - Henry Hidgens / Pokey
- Theater nerds who will murder at the drop of a hat.
- I mean, Pokey did include Show Stopping Number in Inevitable, so that's a little gay.
- They are both just.. really gay tbh.
Spoiled Cat - Linda Monroe / Charlotte Sweetly (Charlinda)
- I think pairing a mean rich lady with a sweet, but this close to losing it, lady is very fun.
- Tbh, I just think the day Charlotte dates a woman is the day her entire world changes.
- Also, I think Charlotte should be allowed to be a little mean for once. Linda would help her be more assertive.
Tentacle Bastard - Wiggly / Ted Spankoffski
- Wiggly steals his brother's toy, and gets more than he bargained for!
- Wiggly tries to scare Ted with his big scary octopus form. It does not have the intended effect!
- Wiggly keeps trying to terrify Ted, but jokes on him Ted is into that, and that flusters him. However, Ted's unabashed bastard confidence has an unexpected side effect: Wiggly catches feelings
Webworship - Webby / Karen Chasity
- Karen finds a new god(dess) to "worship"!
- Unsatisfied wife summons a goddess for some company, and the goddess doesn't mind!
- A little bit of religious guilt in this one, as Karen goes against her beliefs by beginning to "worship" a new god, but its still mostly wholesome!
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nylwnder · 4 months
ticking timebomb hooligan
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vroom-vrooms · 2 months
How did I not know that Mark Webber met his wife when he was 17 and she was 39 (according to someone who corrected me, but she could’ve been 30-33 tho which is still wild)
Listen I have no problems with age gaps, my problem is when the relationship with the age gap happens when one of the people involved is BARELY AN ADULT and the other has been an adult for a WHILE
I just cannot understand how a 39 year old can look at an 17 year old and think ah yes, this is the one, MA’AM THAT IS A CHILD
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russellius · 9 months
2023 SINGAPORE GP : Mark and George | via
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ilovemarkhamill · 3 months
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clockworkbee · 1 year
percabeth: how do you know? I know you <3
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—The Last Olympian, ch. 23
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—The Mark of Athena, ch. 32
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jensenackles-daily · 8 months
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@SamSmithTweets: Hooligans, Day 2 🖤 And in a couple hours they’re actually gonna let us speak freely on a stage, unsupervised 👀🙊🙉#Liverpool (x)
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sebnameyourcar · 8 months
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piastristimtams · 10 months
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getty images
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