#Matthew A. Henson
newyorkthegoldenage · 20 days
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In this May 14, 1926 photo, Matthew A. Henson points to a map of the North Pole. Henson was one of Robert E. Peary's crew on seven voyages over nearly 23 years. They and a team of Inuit guides planted a U.S. flag at the North Pole in April 1909, making them the first modern team to reach that point. In 1912, Henson published a memoir entitled A Negro Explorer at the North Pole. He is buried in Arlington National Cemetery.
Photo: Associated Press
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mizzarh · 5 months
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Couldn’t stop thinking about what would've happened if Matt actually answered the door, when Karen and Foggy showed up at his place completely wasted. So I made a few excerpts
[TRANSCRIPT: PANEL 1: Karen is laughing. Foggy bangs on the door: “Open the door Murdork!” PANEL 2: Matt opens the door: “You’re really making a lot of noise, Foggy”. Karen is giggling to herself. Foggy is excited: “He’s alive!" PANEL 3: Karen hiccups. Foggy puts his arm around Matt, visibly drunk: “Listen! Did I ever tell you that my mom really wanted me to be a butcher?”. Matt smiles to himself: “You don’t say” PANEL 4: Karen grabs Matt excitedly but stumbles over her words: “MATT! We HAVE to go to Mexico to pet.. the d-donkeys”. Matt humours her : “Right, what are we even doing here?” PANEL 5: Foggy has crashed on the couch and snores loudly PANEL 6: Matt supports Karen: “Let’s get you to bed, miss Page”. Karen is losing her balance: “sorry” PANEL 7: Karen lies in a bed while drifting off to sleep: “…the donkeys though..” PANEL 8: Matt looking softly at her: “get some rest” PANEL 9: Foggy is hungover on the couch: “Oh I’m so not drinking again. As in ever”. Matt is carrying two coffe mugs and smiles smugly: “rough morning?”. Karen is struggling next to Foggy:”I swear to god, Murdock”]
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emptyjunior · 7 months
Girls don't want diamonds, girls want a dimension 20 all puppet season where everyone at the table has a puppet for their character and also I'm girls
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Anyways what season would you guys want to see puppet-ified, feel like this current season or a Ravening war would be pretty amazing, mostly just because I want to see Brennan act out the most complex and sad narratives possible while holding a puppet
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louisbxne · 10 months
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Daredevil 1x10 - "Nelson & Murdock"
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muppet-facts · 8 months
Muppet Fact #864
In the 1980 presidential election, people cast write-in votes for both Miss Piggy and Kermit.
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"Cizanckas Fund ... The Write-in Votes." Matthew L. Wald. Connecticut Journal. December 7, 1980. Section C, page 3.
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abedofroses · 2 years
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So good at acting that all he has to do is sweat and his performance will move people! 😂
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extraordinary-heroes · 10 months
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Power Of The Dark Crystal #2 (Cover Art By Kelly Matthews & Nichole Matthews)
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hobartsaglet · 3 months
Let’s talk about Foggy Nelson
TL;DR- if you’re gonna kill him off, make it more compelling.
Chase ranting under the cut:
TW: mentions of g-ns, bl00d, getting sh@t, c@ncer, gr!ef and l@ss
God, the news about cutting Foggy’s role in Born Again short makes me and so many other fans devastated.
I was shocked by these set picture, because Deborah’s face is bloody and it looks like Elden on the ground. And why does it have to happen in front of Josie’s, of all places! That’s so so fucking heartbreaking if what I think happens will happen.
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I first watched the series just over a year ago, and I instantly connected with Foggy. He’s not one of the big beefy guys beating the snot out of each other on screen. He doesn’t have any radioactive superpowers, he doesn’t know how to fight (unless he has a softball bat), and he could use some work with his Spanish.
But god, I’ve never felt so warm around another character.
He’s kind, he’s a servant heart, he loves unconditionally, and dammit, he loves food! I’ll never forget how hard I cried over the scene of him and Matt in college- sure, it’s a rarity to see Matthew so happy, but it’s even more meaningful that Foggy is there. He’s been by Matt’s side since the day they met. And god, if that isn’t some rugged loyalty, I don’t know what is. Matt treated him like garbage, especially in season 2, season 3, and Defenders, and yet Foggy stays because he just loves his best friend. He wants the best for him.
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And so this choice by the Born Again writers, to just throw it all away, seems so cheap.
For people who know me and how I write, I know I’m no better when it comes to killing off characters. I’m not opposed to Major Character Death. But this choice, this way of killing him off seems careless, given the impact he has on the show (and not just his emotional influence. Foggy is part of the reason why Matt does all he does).
Foggy can still be killed off and given a dignified death. I don’t care if the writers killed him off for shock value. Dardevil was never a shock value type show.
Fine, we kill him off.
It makes no damn sense to shoot him on the side of the street, getting it over with in a 2-minute scene.
(Let’s assume that this is what they plan to do, for the sake of what I’m trying to say.)
It’s called Daredevil: Born Again, right?
Rebirth is fucking painful. Sure, so is a gunshot wound to the chest. But so is knowing your best friend is dying and you can do Jack. Shit. about it.
A huge struggle for Matthew is the way he’s constantly fighting tooth and nail for control. Knowing your best friend is dying of cancer (as he suffered in the comics), slowly waning away and there is not a thing you can do about it would hit him so hard and make him lose himself (His metaphorical Death). And he’s trying to hide it all.
Throughout the show, Foggy is there, playing his usual part, but we all have this sense of loss, knowing he won’t be here for much longer. Around the climax of the show, maybe even the finale, it’s time.
For fans of the OG show, we all remember Foggy’s way with words. We remember how he talked down the gang members in the hospital and saved lives. We remember how he had the guts to stand up to Reyes on multiple occasions. We remember his prowess in the courtroom, just as equally matched as his best friend.
So I think Foggy should be the catalyst for Matthew to be Born Again. I think some of his final words are going to make him remember himself.
(And this is not to romanticize cancer in the slightest, and if I were to write this out in full, Foggy’s struggles would be real as they could get. Sending love and empathy to those battling with cancer and those who have lost loved ones. My heart is with you.)
That’s how to make Foggy’s death significant and impactful to his place in Matthew’s life and the narrative.
As Charlie Cox once famously said,
“Foggy Nelson is the beating heart of Daredevil.”
And it would be a damn shame to stop it so soon.
(Thanks to @kutpot who helped kickstart this whole rant)
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full-of-terrors · 2 months
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Polar exploration themed read for April 2024, already from the forward (by Peary) and introduction (by Booker T. Washington) Im intrigued.
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djarin-jpg · 2 years
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guys i’m going to have a stroke
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thechanelmuse · 6 months
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Matthew Henson, the first person to reach the North Pole
“The lure of the arctic is tugging at my heart. To me the trail is calling! The old trail, the trail that is always new.” —Matthew Henson
In 1909 a team of six men on dog sledges made their way to a single point at the center of vast Arctic wilderness. It was a block of ice 413 nautical miles off the coast of Greenland believed to be the North Pole. There were many who refuted the events that led up to the day, April 6th, when an American flag was planted there. But in the years that followed an irrefutable truth would be revealed. The first person to stand on top of the world was a Black man named Henson.
When Commander Robert Edwin Peary set out on the expedition his company included 24 men, 19 sledges, and 133 dogs. After months of travel across an immense field of ice from the edge of Cape Sheridan on Ellesmere Island, as planed, one by one members of the party began turning back. So there were only a handful of men who could substantiate the claim. When the first human footprints were pressed into the snow at the most northern point on the planet all that remained of the original corps were Peary, 40 dogs, four native Inuit hunters and a Black American man who would be forgotten by history for almost half a century. [...]
Although Peary was the public face of their partnership, Henson was the front man in the field. With his skills as a carpenter and craftsman, Henson personally built and maintained all of the sledges used on their expeditions. He was fluent in the Inuit language and established a rapport with the native people of the region. He was known by all he encountered as “Matthew the Kind One.” Henson learned the methods the Inuit used to survive and travel through the incredibly hostile landscape of the Arctic. He was a very capable hunter, fisherman, and dog handler. And it was he who trained even the most experienced of Peary’s recruits on each of the eight attempts they made to reach the North Pole.
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For over a century, polar historians have generally agreed that American Navy engineer Robert Peary was the first person to reach the Geographic North Pole. But studies made over the last several decades assert that it was actually Peary’s African American associate, Matthew Henson, who got there ahead of him – despite losing eight of his toes to frostbite.
Peary’s much-studied and much-contested 1909 expedition to the North Pole was the last of eight and the only one to achieve its ultimate objective. And though the man’s claim to have made it to the pole first (or at all) was disputed from the start, it was only more recently that polar scholars began sliding Henson into his place.
Some of these scholars, such as British explorer Wally Herbert, science journalist John Noble Wilford, and City Journal editor John Tierney, focused chiefly on the veracity of Peary’s claim to have reached the pole, citing the lack of essential data in his notebook. But some subsequent studies indicate Peary knowingly stole the credit from Henson.
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Did I mention he wrote an autobiography, A Negro Explorer at the North Pole: The Autobiography of Matthew Henson, and Taraji P. Henson is great-great cousins with this once hidden figure? 😏
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brokehorrorfan · 1 year
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Everything seems possible and nothing is what it seems with Fright-Rags’ Labyrinth collection. It includes four T-shirts designed by Zachary Jackson Brown, Kyle Crawford, and Ted Coconis ($30) plus a pair of socks designed by Matthew Skiff ($13).
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nobody7102 · 1 year
Normally I don’t post shit like this but it’s come to my attention that some people A) Don’t know how to have a civil discussion and B) Don’t know how to hate on characters without hating on actors(unless the actors actually have done something to deserve it)
(This is a targeted post)
Everyone is allowed to have opinions, in the US that’s the whole fucken point of the first amendment. HOWEVER, when you do clearly use that for your points without any regard for other people’s opinions and belittle others for their opinions that’s when you become hypocritical and the issues start.
You can dislike characters that’s fine, but unnecessarily hate on the actors who’ve done nothing wrong is different(separate Actors from Characters!)
You post your own opinion yet you have no respect or regard for other people. You ignore the valid evidence and reasons others try to show you and spew utter bullshit when actually asked for valid reasons for the hate you give.
We understand, you have so much hatred and disrespect towards anyone that isn’t Matt Murdock/Charlie Cox. The double standard you have are amazing, truly.
Normally I’m not one to police in the Marvel fandom because lord knows so many people already do it but when you spew so much bullshit to the point where I can’t tell your mouth from your asshole, then yeah I’m gonna say something about it.
A) First and foremost leave actors/character’s appearance out of the conversation/equation when you try to make a point. As soon as you bring up how “ugly” someone is you’ve fucken lost, apperence is never a valid/good argument (regardless how “ugly” a character or actor may be)
B) You get so pressed when other fans/people express their love for characters/actors(EX: Foggy Nelson and Karen Page) yet you expect people not to get pressed whe. You show hatred for the character and their IRL counterparts? How the fuck dose that work?
Again I’m not normally one to say “oh that’s not comic accurate” or “go look at the comic/have you even read the comics” bc lord knows I don’t read all the comics, but when you show so much disregard not only for the people/actors who provide you with the content/storylines you are so blatantly scrutinizing I’m gonna be a little bit of a gatekeeper.
Foggy Nelson was the whole reason “Nelson and Murdock” was even a thing to begin with. Foggy was Matt’s only friend until Karen was introduced, he has kept Matt on his feet and out of so much fucken trouble. Without Foggy who the fuck knows where Matt would be.
Karen Page was their first case. Without Karen “Nelson and Murdock” would have ended after they left “Landman and Zach” because they weren’t getting cases. Yes Karen is an amazing investigative journalist, she is the reason we/the public know everything we do about Wilson Fisk. Sure she didn’t “earn” her job at the Bulliten but she sure as shit proved that she deserved to be there.
Not to mention Season 3 Episode 13, Titled “A New Napkin”: after Fisks incarceration Foggy, Karen and Matt sit down in “Nelson’s Meats” and Foggy writes down “Nelson, Murdock and Page” implying that Karen will/wants to become a lawyer or at least help further in some way other than just being an assistant/office manager.
Foggy and Karen helped shape Matt as a character. Don’t disregard their efforts.
Yes character make stupid decisions all the fucking time: the whole point of the show is showing Matt Murdock being a fucking dumbass as he saves the city/Hells Kitchen.
But Matt isn’t the only character that saves the city, sure he does by being a vigilante but Karen and Foggy help the people of the city by being a voice for them as well as with how they help Matt.
Don’t even try to belittle actors because without actors you wouldn’t even have shit to shove in your mouth. The actors are fucking phenomenal so don’t belittle their work because I know you wouldn’t want someone to belittle your work. (Also Deborah Ann Woll and Elden Henson are fucken hot)
Yes everyone is allowed to have their opinions.
But if you disregard THE SOURCE MATERIAL of the effort which you hate upon as well as the efforts of the actors/people who provid you with the content, AND show so much disrespect towards them and other fans. You loose that right the moment you become a bitter bitch about everything.
There is so much evidence that proves how vital Karen and Foggy are to Daredevil/Matt’s story.
Just because they’re small parts doesn’t mean that their efforts are.
(Also quick edit: Elektra is “dead” her not coming back isn’t racially motivated(coming from an Asian American I can speech first hand about expressing racial motivations) it’s The Hand preparing her for rebirth and to come back as Black Sky, calm the fuck down. Not to mention: ELODIE YUNG’S CAREER IS GROWING! She had other projects and priorities currently(yes they could recast her but I’m sure she’s probably open to coming back) she has her new show on Fox, and she’s very clearly invested in other things currently)
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ragnarockz · 7 months
fnaf movie was good???
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abedofroses · 2 years
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extraordinary-heroes · 9 months
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Power Of The Dark Crystal #3 (Cover art by Kelly Matthews & Nichole Matthews)
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