#mcu criticism
No, I'm pretty sure the real issue is that the MCU has been turning out terrible stories written by people with dubious track records.
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arguablysomaya · 2 years
i hate you endless quippage i hate you contrived dialogue i hate you "he's right behind me isn't he" i hate you undercutting emotional scenes with immature comedy i hate you media that is too insecure to take itself seriously i hate you disney i hate you joss whedon i hate you alienation of artist from artwork until the act of storytelling becomes an unfeeling assembly line
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pinktwingirl · 2 years
So are we gonna bully Marvel into fixing their CGI Sonic the Hedgehog-style?
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tonystarkisadouchebag · 11 months
I was back and forth on whether or not superhero fatigue was becoming a majority feeling but GOTG and Across The Spiderverse really shows that people are sick of bad superhero movies and will show up to the ones that have genuine heart and effort. I think it's a good thing people are no longer showing up to every marvel movie and that low effort movies like Shazam 2 and Quantumania are not being watched en mass like they used to. Maybe Marvel will be inspired to slow their output and focus on quality over quantity lmao.
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magpie-murder · 7 months
we can all agree that the mcu loki deleted scenes are good, right? which means that, logically, the show will become good if they just delete all the scenes :)
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decayanddesign · 2 years
So Marvel’s out here ripping off smaller artists now
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They edited it just enough that it isn’t immediately obvious, especially to non-artists, so here’s some replies pointing out the proof:
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Honestly, I’m glad I stopped watching their shows and films months ago, becuase between this and how they treat their CGI artists, it’s pretty clear that they don’t value artists in any way, shape or form whatsoever. Incredibly disappointing.
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magnificent-nerd · 1 year
The Expendable Disabled Heroes of Marvel’s Infinity War
"It’s the middle of the big Wakanda fight scene. Thor and Captain America banter about haircuts, M’Baku and Okoye crack skulls, and for a moment, Rocket Raccoon meets James Buchanan “Bucky” Barnes. The audience is ready to laugh the second the raccoon eyes up the veteran. They know what’s coming.
"Rocket compliments Bucky’s prosthetic arm, asks to buy it, and the audience tenses up.
"Bucky says it’s not for sale and returns to battle.
"Rocket mutters that he’ll steal that arm.
"And the audience laughs. I don’t."
Begging y'all to read this article.
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azural83 · 5 months
It's such a shame that loki never made an appearance after the dark world:/
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Absolutely love that in Loki season 2 they blatantly make fun of Norse culture and say that the wooden Norse Odin, Baldr and Thor statue carvings are "dramatizations" and "highly insulting" and "glorified dioramas"
Real nice Disney real fucking nice/s /neg
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starlight-bread-blog · 7 months
Within the Loki series, taken out of who Loki was in phases 1-3, Lokius is seriously growing on me.
Loki and Mobius have a great bond, built on support and understanding.
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Sylki is selfcest, Loki x Loki. We won't be missing out on anything. (In fact, I think it'd be for the best). I can easily see this going on the romance route.
But from what I remember, I wouldn't call it queerbaiting. Nor would I cite it as a reason to ship them.
My reason is good mlm representation from Disney.
There are a lot of straight couples in the MCU. (Almost) Every main hero is in some heterosexual relationship, Loki included.
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And that's not even all the relationships, there are more.
But in the LGBTQ+ department... uh.. I think it was mentioned that Valkyrie had a girlfriend... uh... America Chavez had a pride pin... and Loki:
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Wow!! How brave!! That is trurly MAGNIFICENT!! Cynicism aside, I'm sure the writers cared for the representation. I don't know them. But in the context of the MCU doing the bare minimum, it's icky.
One might argue that Loki is bisexual, therefore it's biphobic to suggest that he has to be in a gay relationship in order to be bi enough. Let me be clear, you are bi enough regardless of who you date.
However, as a bisexual person myself, I strongly disagree. The MCU has been giving us nothing but crumbs. Disney doesn't give a fuck about good representation. They want to attract queer wallets, but still keep it short enough to delete the scene for Russia and China. Us queers deserve better.
There was an opportunity to break out of this pattern, to give us an exploration of a queer experience. But we weren't given that. Time and time again, we aren't given that. And I fundamentally reject the notion that it's biphobic to criticize them for it.
Lokius could have been the MCU's first healthy queer relationship of a main character that is given an arc. I'm rooting for them all the way.
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wolf-tail · 7 months
I don't hate or like the MCU but a secret third thing
We had a messy divorce (they started making shittier movies and I got older) but we're staying amicable (i'm writing fix-it fic) for the sake of the kids (characters I got attached to in middle school)
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breckstonevailskier · 11 months
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superectojazzmage · 2 years
People saying “She Hulk predicted the ‘misogynists/haters’ reaction to it” as if Marvel Studios and Disney haven’t been actively staging and provoking and exaggerating this sort of thing to frame themselves as “your friendly neighborhood woke corporation” and get y’all to defend their work from criticism and give them your money. And as if whining about people who hate your work IN your work isn’t, like, the most pathetic thing imaginable to do as a writer.
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pinktwingirl · 7 months
Friendly reminder that Loki is an agent of chaos and the TVA is the antithesis of everything that he stands for as a character. Making him a simp for these fascists is the most insulting thing the MCU could have possibly done to this character
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hobartsaglet · 2 months
Let’s talk about Foggy Nelson
TL;DR- if you’re gonna kill him off, make it more compelling.
Chase ranting under the cut:
TW: mentions of g-ns, bl00d, getting sh@t, c@ncer, gr!ef and l@ss
God, the news about cutting Foggy’s role in Born Again short makes me and so many other fans devastated.
I was shocked by these set picture, because Deborah’s face is bloody and it looks like Elden on the ground. And why does it have to happen in front of Josie’s, of all places! That’s so so fucking heartbreaking if what I think happens will happen.
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I first watched the series just over a year ago, and I instantly connected with Foggy. He’s not one of the big beefy guys beating the snot out of each other on screen. He doesn’t have any radioactive superpowers, he doesn’t know how to fight (unless he has a softball bat), and he could use some work with his Spanish.
But god, I’ve never felt so warm around another character.
He’s kind, he’s a servant heart, he loves unconditionally, and dammit, he loves food! I’ll never forget how hard I cried over the scene of him and Matt in college- sure, it’s a rarity to see Matthew so happy, but it’s even more meaningful that Foggy is there. He’s been by Matt’s side since the day they met. And god, if that isn’t some rugged loyalty, I don’t know what is. Matt treated him like garbage, especially in season 2, season 3, and Defenders, and yet Foggy stays because he just loves his best friend. He wants the best for him.
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And so this choice by the Born Again writers, to just throw it all away, seems so cheap.
For people who know me and how I write, I know I’m no better when it comes to killing off characters. I’m not opposed to Major Character Death. But this choice, this way of killing him off seems careless, given the impact he has on the show (and not just his emotional influence. Foggy is part of the reason why Matt does all he does).
Foggy can still be killed off and given a dignified death. I don’t care if the writers killed him off for shock value. Dardevil was never a shock value type show.
Fine, we kill him off.
It makes no damn sense to shoot him on the side of the street, getting it over with in a 2-minute scene.
(Let’s assume that this is what they plan to do, for the sake of what I’m trying to say.)
It’s called Daredevil: Born Again, right?
Rebirth is fucking painful. Sure, so is a gunshot wound to the chest. But so is knowing your best friend is dying and you can do Jack. Shit. about it.
A huge struggle for Matthew is the way he’s constantly fighting tooth and nail for control. Knowing your best friend is dying of cancer (as he suffered in the comics), slowly waning away and there is not a thing you can do about it would hit him so hard and make him lose himself (His metaphorical Death). And he’s trying to hide it all.
Throughout the show, Foggy is there, playing his usual part, but we all have this sense of loss, knowing he won’t be here for much longer. Around the climax of the show, maybe even the finale, it’s time.
For fans of the OG show, we all remember Foggy’s way with words. We remember how he talked down the gang members in the hospital and saved lives. We remember how he had the guts to stand up to Reyes on multiple occasions. We remember his prowess in the courtroom, just as equally matched as his best friend.
So I think Foggy should be the catalyst for Matthew to be Born Again. I think some of his final words are going to make him remember himself.
(And this is not to romanticize cancer in the slightest, and if I were to write this out in full, Foggy’s struggles would be real as they could get. Sending love and empathy to those battling with cancer and those who have lost loved ones. My heart is with you.)
That’s how to make Foggy’s death significant and impactful to his place in Matthew’s life and the narrative.
As Charlie Cox once famously said,
“Foggy Nelson is the beating heart of Daredevil.”
And it would be a damn shame to stop it so soon.
(Thanks to @kutpot who helped kickstart this whole rant)
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