#Maybe I should make a bartender bug OC?
mouse-drawings · 1 month
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Some drinks I made based on Bug Fables food.
Love it when games that aren't about cooking have cooking. Maybe I should look for fantasy cooking games. Maybe that would fix me.
Anyway, a little bit more about the drinks!
Honey'd Tea. Tea mixed with a drop of honey and served in Roseline's special tea set. Honey and tea go together wonderfully, clearing your mind, warming your soul and healing your body. The straw makes it easy for bugs like Roseline to consume it. Just make sure there are no leaf bits!
Burly Candy Drink. Berry juice mixed with crushed burly candy and then sprinkled with some more burly candy. The drink is bitter-sweet and refreshing, just the way Zabava likes it. The wideness of the glass makes it easy to consume for bugs like Zabava and the bits of candy make for a good after-crunch. You'll be ready to face anything with this!
Spicy Candy Drink. Spicy candy dissolved in berry juice, with chunks of spicy berries added later. Very bubbly. Very spicy. A total sensory overload. Something that Bink finds very enticing and something she simply cannot handle. Every time she orders it and every time she suffers. Alas, it's very tasty and energizing. Really packs a punch!
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The New sinner. Ch.1 new life
John seed x oc
Warnings:vulgar language
Description:Taylor gets invited to a college party by her brother whos running it but meets a different guy insted
(Some locations are not in game!)
Taylor woke up on her couch with her sketch book laying on her chest “fell asleep sketching again dammit” Taylor mumbled to herself she quickly walked down to the bathroom and hopped into the shower she was an hour late to work and probably in trouble but she maybe okay since her boss was her brother when she stepped out the shower her phone started ringing off the hook “hello?” Taylor awnsered in a confused tone “hey sis no need to come into work today I’m doing repairs in the mountains” Daniel sighed “but I have rent due!” Taylor defended “look Taylor I’ll pay you enough for your rent okay?” Daniel assured “fine thank you brother love you” Taylor said “love you to” Daniel replied before hanging up on Taylor she groaned as she threw on her flannel over her black shirt even if she didn’t go to work she still needed to run errands in falls end she walked over to her roommate room hoping she’d maybe go with her “hey Natalie” Taylor whispered Natalie rolled over and yawned before looking Taylor in the eyes “what’s wrong Taylor?” Natalie asked “you wanna go run errands with me in falls end?” Taylor asked “don’t you work today?”asked Natalie “ no Daniels doing work in the mountains but I gotta go to falls end” Taylor replied “fine” Natalie said in defeat as she got up to go get dressed Taylor went ahead and walked out to her mustang so she could get first pick at music when all of the sudden her phone goes off
Favorite teenager: wanna go get lunch ?
Me:sure some wings from the diner around 12:00?
Favorite teenager:sounds perfect
Me:okay me and Natalie have to go shopping real quick then I’ll swing by to get you
Favorite teenager: see you then!
Magen taylor heard Natalie sit down in the car she sat down her phone and started down the road “where do we have to go?” Natalie asked “we gotta go to the store or one gunna be two starving bitches and later where gunna pick carmina up for lunch at the diner” Taylor saidas Taylor parked the car in front of the store she turnt to Natalie and asked“okay do you wanna go in?” Natalie just shrugged and hoped out the car as the two walked in they quickly walked over to the food section and split up to find the rest of their list after Taylor found all of her part of the list she found Natalie talking to her brother Daniel “what are you guys talking about?” Taylor asked “Daniel was telling me about a party at the spread Eagle later tonight” Natalie awnsered “Mary may said it’s mostly just a party for the college kids and young adults you’ll fit in perfectly” Daniel assured “sounds lovely do you know who’s all going so far?” Taylor asked “carmina,me,all the junior deputies,Alex,Nathan,wheaty,Catherine,lisa and that’s all I know so far” Daniel said “sounds like a hell of a party I’ll look into going” Taylor assured “okay see you there sis” Daniel said before walking away “okay do you have all of your stuff?” Taylor asked “yea let’s go check out”Natalie said as the two started walking up to the check out they could see kids buying 500$ worth of party supply’s knowing hope county they knew how to throw a party and it just made Taylor jittering with excitement “okay jitter bug calm down and pay” Natalie ordered “okay sorry” Taylor apologized as she stuck her credit card into the terminal “I’m guessing you guys got invited to the college party?” The Cashier asked “yea why?” Taylor asked “be careful lots of kids have been taken at those partys” the cashier warned “don’t listen to her that’s old spooky story bullshit” Alex assured “okay I’ll go with what you say Alex” Taylor said with a smile as she walked out the store the girls threw all the bags into the back of the car and sat down in the car Taylor quickly grabbed her phone and called carmina as she drove down the road “hello?” Carmina awnsered “hey girl start getting ready because when we put away our groceries where gunna go get you” Taylor said “okay see you in a minute” carmina said before hanging up “you think what that cashier said is true?” Natalie asked “probably just a bunch of bullshit like Alex said” Taylor assured as she parked outside their house “don’t be a pussy about a little thing someone said now help me get these groceries out so we can go get carmina” Taylor order Natalie rolled her eyes and proceeded to help Taylor carry the bags after a few minutes they were back on the road
(At the diner)
“Here’s your guys order 10 boneless bow wings”the waitress announced as she sat down the plate “can I get some ranch?” Taylor asked “sure I’ll bring that right out” the waitress said “so have your guys heard about the big party yet?” Carmina asked “yea we were invited by Daniel you have any clue when it starts?” Taylor asked “in about two hours” carmina replied “oh damn well you wanna just hang with us until then?” Taylor asked as she sat two more wings on her plate “sure let me ask my dad first” carmina said but before she could grab her phone Taylor’s goes off “speak of the devil” she says as she flips over her phone
#1 pilot: hey can carmina stay with you guys till the party starts I’m having to go help hurk in the whitetail mountains and I’m taking Kim with me so I don’t cuss him out
Me:sure she was gunna ask if she could roll with us anyways
#1 pilot: okay have fun
“Your stuck with us anyway your dad has to go help hurk” Taylor said carmina just shrugged as she grabbed the last wing “I’m cool with that” “okay ladies how we payin?” The waitress asked “I’ll-“ Taylor cut carmina off and pushed her credit card out the way “I’m paying” Taylor assured the waitress nodded and walked away “you didn’t have to do that I could’ve pay for myself” carmina offered “nah it’s fine I payed my rent off till next January so figured I’d save you the money” Taylor said with a smile “thanks” carmina said “guys look at this post” Natalie said as she flipped her phone around “that’s at the spread Eagle now if that dosent look like one hell of a party I don’t know what dose” Natalie said “looks like people are already their should we get going?” Carmina asked Taylor shrugged “I don’t see why not it’s just a block down from here” as the waitress brought back Taylor’s card the girls quickly got up and started walking down to the spread Eagle
(At the party)
Led lights were flashing to the beats of the song girls were dancing on the tables boys were chugging for bets but after a while taylor walked out back with Mary may to have a break from all the loud music “I’m suprised how you can walk in a straight line from drinking so much with the boys” Mary may said in shock Taylor chuckled “I’m from texas I used to out drink all the boys in high school with Natalie on my side” “your from Texas so what brought you to hope county?” Mary may asked “I came here under a scholarship for welding and mechanics type shit but I grew to attached to this place now I have a well paying job friends and one hell of a bartender” Taylor said with a smile “thanks let me check in on these kids before they start tearing everything down” Mary may sighed as she started to the door Taylor decied to walk to her car and take a break
Group chat:favorite teenager,best friend,me
Me:i started to get a headache so I walked back to my car I’ll be back in a second
Favorite teenager:okay don’t run off tho lol
Best friend:theirs some medicine in the console if your headache dosent stop
Me:okay thank you❤️
Taylor sat on the front of her mustang watching the stars in the sky she loved hope county at night it was so beautiful “nice night isn’t it?” Taylor quickly turned around to see a man in a trench coat standing next to her car “how long have you been standing their?” Taylor asked “long enough to know you have a good taste in cars” the man complimented “thanks it’s a 2017 mustang gt” Taylor said as she walked over to the man “the names Taylor by the way and you are?” she asked “John seed” he awnsered “oh your the one who has chosen flying around?” Taylor asked “yes that was me” John said “it seems amazing to get fly around hope county kinda jealous ” Taylor said “have you ever flown before?” John asked “yea I actually have my own plane over at nick ryes place since I don’t have an air strip” the two where cut off by Natalie carrying carmina to the car “she out chugged the boys but blacked out” Natalie said as she sat carmina down in the car “you two wrap it up I’m ready to go” Natalie said before sitting down in the car Taylor chuckled “well I better get going see you around” she said with a smile “see you later” John said with a light smile Taylor quickly sat down in her car and started down the road to her and natalies house
Me:hey carminas passed out in the back of my car so will just let her crash at my place tonight. (1 image)
#1 pilot:okay did she drink at all?
Me:yea she out drank the boys and won 300$
#1 pilot: sounds about right well at least if she with you I know she’s safe
Me:thanks I’ll make sure to bring her back in one piece tomorrow
#1 pilot: okay 
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juju-on-that-yeet · 4 years
There Are Worse Things I Could Do, Chapter 4/10
Summary: Yancy finds himself in a bar talking to an attractive and charismatic woman. Maybe she can help him forget about Lio, even if just for a night. Warnings: Mild sexual content Characters: Yancy, female OC
Read on AO3
After a long day of aimlessly wandering through LA and fighting with himself on whether or not he should go home, Yancy ends up in a cheap bar.
The place is decently busy, not very clean, and most of the clientele seem rough around the edges. People are shouting over each other to be heard, punctuated by the thunk of glasses being slammed down. There’s a minor catfight going on in the corner of the room, with two women pulling each other’s hair and trying to scratch out each other’s eyes. It’s not all bad, though. There’s groups of friends genuinely having a good time, and couples standing together around the room. There’s even a pair of women, talking and obviously flirting with each other, and no one else even seems to notice. Yancy can’t help but feel a little safer.
He’s not sure what his goal here is. It’s not like he has any money, he doesn’t even have an ID (he owns a fake one, but it’s back in his room at Ego Inc.). He sits at the booth anyway; maybe if he drinks enough water he won’t get hungry until morning. The bartender gives him a funny look when he asks for only water, but he gives him a glass anyway. Yancy wonders how he comes across to others: His clothes are brand new and clean, but he knows his expression is tired, unhappy, pale cheeks and baggy eyes.
He must look pretty pathetic, because a woman sidles up next to him, sitting in the stool to his right.
“Long day?” she asks with a sympathetic grin. Yancy can’t help but snort.
“You have no idea.” He chuckles quietly, rubbing the back of his neck. “Long week, more like.”
“Rough. I hope you don’t mind company.”
“Nah, I could use some. You are…?”
“Danielle.” She smiles, genuine and bright. “You can call me Dani if you want.”
“Cool, I’m…”
It occurs to Yancy that most of the egos with strange names have some sort of alias they use to avoid suspicion. It also occurs to Yancy that Dark has a rule about the egos getting too close to humans. But it also occurs to Yancy that he’s not in Ego Inc. right now, and he’s not even sure if he’s going back, and in that case, why should he care about those rules, anyway?
“Yancy,” he finally says. “Yan or Yance is good too, though.”
“Yancy.” Danielle says it slowly, not mocking, but curious. “I’ve never heard that name before. Where are you from?”
“Uh, Ohio.”
The conversation seems pretty dead in the water, but then Yancy realizes something.
“Hey, weren’t youse talkin’ to that other gal over there earlier?”
It’d be hard to mistake her; Danielle is Yancy’s height, with long, thick black hair tied back in a poofy ponytail. She’s wearing a white, knot front blouse with long, draping sleeves under an unzipped puffy vest, and flared jeans over spiky black boots. This close, Yancy can see how her nose is slightly bent, and how her eyes are strikingly blue. Her features are strong, solid-edged, and very attractive, at least to Yancy,
“I was, but we didn’t come in together,” Danielle explains. “She’s cute, I guess, but we didn’t really click.” She sees the look on Yancy’s face, and rolls her eyes. “I know that look. You’re wondering why I’m here with you when I was just with a girl, aren’t you?”
“Well, yeah,” Yancy admits. He wants to explain himself, but he lets Danielle keep talking first.
“Put simply, I swing both ways,” she says, “I hope it’s not a problem that I like girls.” She sounds less worried about upsetting Yancy and more about getting bothered by him.
“No, no way, I mean, me too!” Yancy exclaims, but then realizes how that sounded when Danielle’s expression changes to unimpressed. “No, aw hell, I mean…” He rubs the back of his neck again. “I mean…I like both, too. Was just surprised to find someone else here who does, s’all.”
“Oh!” Danielle says, first shocked, then she starts laughing. “Oh, shit, I’m sorry! I’m so used to people giving me a hard time–”
“No, I get it, I must’ve sounded like a real tool–”
“I don’t know how many straight guys have said what you did–”
The two are laughing, apologizing and explaining to each other through it all. In the process, they end up leaning towards each other, closer. Danielle really is beautiful.
“This calls for a drink,” Danielle giggles, “On me.” She notices Yancy’s water. “Oh, wait, are you driving?”
“No, nothin’ like that,” Yancy says, embarrassed. “I, uh, left my wallet at home.” It’s not a lie.
“Rough! Well, they never check IDs here, anyway, so I’ll get us something.”
The beer Danielle orders them isn’t bad; it’s better than Shithole Hank’s hooch wine, that’s for sure. She even takes pity on his growling stomach and orders fries for them to share. They talk for a while, and Yancy eventually ends up telling her what he’s doing here.
“Confessed to a friend,” he says with a shrug, trying to play off the still-raw hurt. “Didn’t work out. Don’t help that we’re roomies, too, so I just…had to get away for a bit, yanno?”
“Yikes,” Danielle murmurs, “That sounds terrible. I’ve fallen for friends before. It’s always more trouble than it’s worth.”
“Youse tellin’ me.”
“I got out of a relationship a few weeks ago.” Danielle leans closer, like she’s trying not to be too obvious. “It was pretty mutual, though. I’m ready for something new.”
That much was already apparent. The more Yancy and Danielle talk, the more overt Danielle gets. She gets so close they nearly bump heads, and even puts a hand on Yancy’s thigh once or twice, removing it the second after he notices but before he can say anything. Not that Yancy would. Danielle clearly wants a one-night stand, and maybe it’d be good for Yancy, too. Maybe this is what he needs to scrub Lio out of his brain and actually enjoy himself. Maybe if he finds out how Danielle tastes he’ll stop thinking about how Lio might taste. Maybe if he sleeps with her he’ll stop dreaming about sleeping with Lio. Not to mention he’ll have somewhere warm and comfortable to stay for the night if he goes home with her. It feels dishonest, but realistically, Danielle already knows his baggage. Yancy’s told her how he’s getting away from his roommate and ill-fated crush, she has to be aware of what he’s looking for…right? And Danielle really is a beautiful woman; anyone would be lucky to be with her. She’s fun, too; witty and kind and tough. She’s exactly the type of person he’d fall head over heels for if he wasn’t already tripping over Lio.
They end up leaving the bar a little bit tipsy, enough to give them both red cheeks and constant giggles. Danielle leads the way to her apartment, and Yancy is almost too drunk to feel guilty about imposing. When they walk in, though, he’s distracted from his thoughts by what he sees.
“Ohhhh, hello!” he coos at the beautiful brindle-coated pit bull that rushes into the room to greet them.
“That’s Bruce,” Danielle explains with a grin, gently fending the dog off as she takes off her puffy vest. “But I call him “Brucie” and “BruBru” so often I don’t think he knows his real name anymore.”
“He’s a real handsome dog,” Yancy says appreciatively, giving Bruce a hand to sniff after he’s taken his gloves off. “I ain’t allowed to have pets where I’m at.” He laughs as Bruce starts vigorously licking his hand.
“Yeah, I really lucked out here,” Danielle says, “So many buildings have a stick up their ass about bully breeds. But this place is good, I swear the landlord like Bruce more than me.”
“Well, he is a charmer,” replies Yancy, now sitting on the floor and letting Bruce bowl him over with affection. Danielle laughs at the sight.
“Alright, alright, come on,” she giggles, “You passed the Bruce test with flying colors, let’s go to my room.”
Yancy’s chest flutters (With nerves? Excitement? Something else?) as he gets off the floor and gives Danielle a quizzical look.
“Sure, but…what’s the Bruce test?” he asks.
“Well, Brucie’s a sweet dog, but he’s got a sixth sense for terrible partners,” Danielle explains. “He can be downright mean if he senses something off about someone. I’ve dodged a few red flags thanks to him, but it seems like you aren’t one of them.”
“Oh great, it’s not enough that you’re using Danielle to sleep somewhere warm tonight. You’ve duped her sweet dog into trusting you, too.”
Yancy tries to ignore his thoughts as he follows Danielle to her room. Bruce follows too, and Danielle has to muscle him out of the doorway to close the bedroom door. It’s clear she’s done this many, many times.
“You’re still in, right?” Danielle asks, unknotting the front of her blouse.
“Yeah,” Yancy says, though he makes no move to take his own clothes off yet.
It’s only partly from his lingering thoughts of dishonesty. It doesn’t matter how many times he sees someone disrobe, it’s still attractive to him. He can certainly appreciate the tightness of Danielle’s stomach, visible as she lifts her shirt over her head. He finds himself sitting on the end of her bed to watch the display. Danielle’s bra is simple, nearly the same color as her skin, but what really attracts Yancy’s attention is the tattoo on her elbow, now visible without the sleeve of her blouse over it.
It’s a spiderweb, branching from the point of her elbow out, as though a spider made a home there. It doesn’t go very far up or down her arm, but it’s there, unmistakable. It could just be a spiderweb tattoo and nothing more, but Yancy’s seen tattoos like that before. Plenty of inmates at Happy Trails had them, too. In prison, they signal that someone’s been locked up for a while, that they’ve been trapped like a bug in a web, so idle with prison life that they’ve grown cobwebs. Yancy almost got one himself but decided he didn’t want anymore ink on top of what he already has.
“Nice tattoo,” he ventures. Danielle, who was shimmying out of her jeans, pauses.
“Thanks,” she says. Something in Yancy’s voice must have given him away, because she stares at him, considering. “You…know what it means?”
“Yeah,” Yancy answers, “I, uh…I almost got one, too, back when I was in the big house.”
Danielle relaxes, a bit like how she did when she realized that Yancy is bi, too.
“No kidding?” she asks, laughing a little. “I really wasn’t there that long, not compared to others, anyway. It was eight years; would’ve been less, but I kept causing havoc in jail that added time.” She must see the curiosity on Yancy’s face, because her smile turns less playful, her eyes get faraway. “Drug possession; heroin, to be specific. Just a few too many grams to get a light sentence. I couldn’t stay away from it, even in jail. Eventually I forced myself to drop it so I could have a life again.” She resumes taking her pants off. “What about you?”
Yancy freezes then. He looks away.
“Oh, you don’t have to tell me!” Danielle backtracks hurriedly, kicking her pants off from around her ankles. “I forget that not everyone’s as candid about that kinda thing as I am, sorry I asked.”
“S’alright,” Yancy mumbles.
“Would she still want you here if she knew what you’d done?”
Yancy looks back to see Danielle in her underwear, lacey and dark blue. His breath stutters, and his thoughts suddenly short-circuit. Danielle has really nice legs.
“Thanks,” Danielle giggles.
“Ah, shoot, I said that out loud, huh?” Yancy asks, sheepish, as Danielle approaches him.
“You did,” she affirms. She looks him up and down. “Are you gonna maybe…” She gestures to his still-clothed body. “Do something about all that?”
“Hey, we don’t gotta rush, doll,” Yancy answers, leaning back. “’Sides, I’m cozy. Maybe if I got too hot, I might take somethin’ off.”
His accessories and hoodie are sitting back by the door on Danielle’s coatrack, and his sneakers are beside it. But his shirt and jeans are still on, just tight enough to bolster the imagination without revealing very much. Danielle grins at his words.
“Alright, we can play that game,” she says, leaning down and sitting on Yancy’s lap.
Even with the worries of deceiving Danielle still in Yancy’s mind, it’s not hard to push them to the backburner once Danielle’s lips meet his. She doesn’t taste like anything he can name, but she’s an excellent kisser, slow, deep. Her nails find the nape of Yancy’s neck, sending shivers down his spine as she plays with the tufts of hair he missed when he gelled it this morning.
“No, yesterday morning. You haven’t gelled it since then, remember? You haven’t been at Ego Inc. to do it.”
Yancy tries to chase the thought away by reciprocating Danielle’s touches, gripping her waist with one hand and letting the other wander over her thigh. Danielle hums appreciatively, the sound vibrating through Yancy as their lips stay connected. He eventually pulls away to mouth at her neck, sucking marks into the flesh. His grip on her hip changes to let his fingers dip below the band of her underwear, dangerously close.
“Slow down, tiger,” Danielle chuckles, breathy and light, “I wanna play, too.”
Yancy finally pulls away from her to take his shirt off, doing it maybe a little more slowly than he needs to, giving Danielle a nice view. The moment Yancy’s shirt hits the floor, Danielle’s hands are all over him. Yancy can’t get enough of her, either. She even smells good, something vaguely spicy on the edge of Yancy’s senses. Her skin is soft but tough, it takes effort to mark her up. On top of everything else, she’s a great kisser, undoing Yancy from his jaws to his chest. Did he notice her good kissing already? Probably. It’s hard to think like this. It’s been a while since he got to sleep with someone. At some point he gets her bra off, giving him even more skin to play with. Danielle arches into it, happy to let him.
Eventually, Danielle’s hands finally travel down to Yancy’s straining jeans, palming him, letting out an appreciative hum. Yancy grins against her skin.
“Do you want me yet?” she asks, low and sultry.
The words fling Yancy somewhere else completely, to a familiar memory.
“Are you in love with me yet?”
Yancy pushes Danielle off and stands, surprising her.
“What the–” she starts, “Did I do something? I thought–”
“Sorry,” Yancy mutters, hardly able to breathe, “I thought I could do this, but I can’t. I can’t. I’m sorry.”
He grabs his shirt off the floor and hurriedly tugs it over his head, but all he can see is Lio. Lio’s easy grin, Lio’s handsome eyes, Lio’s sharp jawline and rough stubble that Yancy wishes he could touch–
“Wait, come on, what’s this about?” Danielle asks, voice getting sharper, frustrated.
“It ain’t you, Dani, I swear, I just–” Yancy runs a hand down his face, upset. “I ain’t over it. I ain’t over him. I thought I wanted to be with you, I thought it’d take my mind off, but I just…I just want him so bad. I can’t do this.”
A tense silence settles over the room. Danielle sighs and savagely grabs her bra off the floor.
“I knew it,” she mutters as she puts her bra back on, “I knew you weren’t gonna go through with this, I knew you weren’t over that guy and trying to use me for comfort, but I brought you home anyway.” She shakes her head. “Look, you’re not a bad guy, Yancy, but you better leave until you can be honest with yourself, much less others.”
The words strike right through Yancy’s heart, and he gasps.
“Wait, hold on, are you–” His voice almost cracks. “Are youse kickin’ me out?”
“I invited you here for a reason, and it wasn’t for a friendly sleepover,” Danielle answers, deadpan. “Just go home and deal with your shit, don’t make me your cure-all.”
“Aw, come on, doll, I just – I gotta – C’mon, don’t put me out–”
“Go home, Yancy.”
“I can’t!”
“You can, and you will, because you’re not staying here.” She sighs again, less frustrated, more sad. “I know from experience that enabling helps no one. So I won’t enable you, not tonight.”
“I…” Yancy hangs his head. “Okay.”
“Let yourself out, I’ll relock the door after.” She turns away from him to pull her shirt back on. “Come back to that bar when you’ve sorted yourself out, maybe we can see each other again.”
“When the hell is THAT gonna be?”
“Who knows?”
Yancy leaves Danielle’s room in a daze, passing Bruce, who looks up at him from the bone he’s been chewing.
“You shoulda warned her, buddy,” Yancy grumbles as he puts his hoodie on, followed by his hat, scarf, and gloves. When he bends to get his shoes on, Bruce trots over and tries to lick him, but Yancy gently pushes him back until the bog goes back to his bone, oblivious to Yancy’s mood.
Yancy walks out of Danielle’s apartment, not looking back once he closes the door and ventures into the cold night. He turns her words over and over in his mind, thinking, wondering.
He finds and sleeps on a bus stop bench for the rest of the night.
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goth-giraffe · 5 years
Not-so-quick guide to my OCs that I sometimes talk about here! xD So... Echo and Meredith, really. Plus a bonus one! Plus new art! :D
Warning, this is gonna be long so I put it under a cut :)
Anyway, because he’s the one that will definitely be mentioned most here, let’s start with..
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(I didn’t say anything about the quality of the new art xD)
Echo is my persona/self insert character..... he’s really just an alternate version of me (I like to think he’s my Alola form :3)
And like me he’s lonely so he has imaginary friends to keep him going, his current one being Loki ‘cause my current obsession is Loki
Echo is kinda hard to explain because everything about him fluctuates depending on my mood.. there are different versions of him and he doesn’t exactly have a set story or universe.. (For instance I didn’t create him specifically to hang out with Loki, but when I needed a friend I gave him Loki as an imaginary one)
Anyway! Some basic facts! He’s ace/aro, and agenderfluid (questioning?), with he/him pronouns (they/them is safe too though)
Kinda short, 5′2″ ish
Around my age, 17-20, but the mental age of anywhere from 8-17 ish.... he’s always kind of childish but how extreme varies from moment to moment
He’s AFAB but I usually draw him flat-chested because I use him as a way to combat dysphoria so, should anyone else want to draw him, best to draw him flat-chested
Loves trying on clothes! (Mainly because I like a lot of clothes but pretty much exclusively wear pajamas so... yeah I use my OCs as models)
Quiet, non-verbal in some versions (in which case he’ll write in a notepad to communicate), very shy
Sometimes makes clicking noises to calm himself
Daydreams a lot, also sleeps a lot
Gets upset over dumb things... and he’s scared of everything
Doesn’t really like being touched but sometimes snuggles Loki when he’s upset
He’s probably autistic
Probably also has borderline personality disorder.. but I’m unsure about giving him the disorders I think I have, because I don’t actually have a diagnosis (scared of doctors).. nonetheless, a lot of the symptoms that come with those disorders, he has
Likes to draw and his muse is Loki
Likes bugs, especially butterflies
Collects rocks
Eats goldfish crackers
Has really bad posture
Okay at this point I’m just adding random facts about me which is probably weird idk xD I don’t know what more to say about him soo yeah... this is my weird persona
aand next up-
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(I liked how this art turned out tbh and I might repost it on my other blog..)
Meredith is an OC insert specifically for Marvel Cinematic Universe
She’s dating Loki, and you’ll find a lot more about her and Loki at @cuddly-loki​! (It’s my blog specifically for them! :D)
Buuuut I do mention her here occasionally because I love her (and there are definitely traces of her from when this blog was cuddly-loki), so I’m including her in this :3
She’s not really into labels but she is kinda gendermeh, I think of her as a nonbinary woman (...or soft butch, but I call her that mostly when Loki happens to swap genders), but she just uses she/her pronouns
Again, meh about labels but she has dated both feminine and masculine people, and she doesn’t really experience physical attraction the same as most people
Kinda goth, dresses mostly in greyscale colours and in kind of goth/punk clothes I guess (also, she prefers androgynous clothes)
Really affectionate with people close to her, close friends and her boyfriend of course :3 (mild PDA does not make her uncomfortable but it sure does irritate Loki)
Quiet, but not shy- she’ll talk to anyone probably but she’d rather watch them until it makes them uncomfortable xD
Once you get past the being weird or goth to creep you out though, she’s very soft and pretty nice (even if still a little dark)
She’s an aspiring musician.. sorta. She plays violin and loves music.. but also has a weird relationship with music, we’ll just leave it at that for now
Works night shift as a bartender
Likes horror movies
Favourite food is pizza
Loves birds
Doesn’t like technology very much
She has a lineup of mental disorders too I’m sure, she’s an ex junkie for one and likes to feel numb to things.. 
Also has persistent insomnia, either related to her depression or depression meds, who knows
Lives in her apartment with a couple plants and Loki, who is still adjusting to Earth life
Like mentioned above you can find more of Meredith at my blog @cuddly-loki​ and if you ask questions about her or her and Loki I will probably be very happy :)
Side note: Meredith is not meant to be a self insert but we do have things in common, and I’d probably get along with her. She’s pretty chill and gets along with most people though haha
A little bonus one, I don’t know if I’ve mentioned her here before but just in case
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(Okay this turned out a little messy but ehh. It was kind of just from memory, I might have still had references for her but I lost them when my jumpdrive quit so meh)
She’s a dead character that I don’t use anymore and won’t be using anymore but on the off chance I’ve mentioned her or do mention her, I’ll go ahead and add her to this as a little bonus
I created her when I first started obsessing over Loki, and she was a self insert I used to selfship romantically with him... it was okay for a brief time but in the end I hated it. It’s hard to explain, kind of personal.. but for one thing, I’m pretty sure I’m aromantic. I love soft romance stuff but I don’t really want to be part of it.
...And that’s why I killed Gwyneth and created Meredith ehehe
I’m gonna talk about her a little anyway, for one, she was an artist/painter
She liked to take pictures of strangers to paint them and I’m pretty sure that’s how she met Loki (AKA the weirdo on the sidewalk in the all black suit)
I honestly don’t remember what her actual income came from, maybe she was on disability, Idk
Anyway she was a mess. Severely depressed. Couldn’t really keep herself together.
She hid behind jokes and sarcasm though, so no one really knew how bad she was (even Loki, for a time)
She would climb trees which annoyed Loki a little bit, turns out trickster gods don’t enjoy having to climb trees just to talk to their girlfriends
Wore a trench coat as kind of a comfort item (because that’s what I did at that time)
Often got lost in daydreams...
Scared of most things...
Yeah you’ll notice she’s a lot like Echo (even the hair- pbbt). I’ve had a lot of self inserts over the years, killed off when my anxiety convinced me I was being cringey or when they didn’t feel like me anymore.. with Gwyneth it was maybe a tiny bit those things but also other stuff, like being aromantic questioning. Creating Echo was a new start for me because it was more of an exploration of where I’m comfy gender-wise... and, unlike most of my other self inserts, I don’t really age him up. But most importantly... he’s very emotionally messy but he doesn’t hide it (or else he doesn’t hide it well) because one of my things is I need to at least pretend that people would still love me if they knew how sad and broken I am. So.. yes, Echo is a sensitive character, he upsets easily and he’s usually pretty sad.. but that’s kind of the point, because he’s still loved. 
.....Anyway sorry for going back to Echo. I don’t have a lot more to say about Gwyneth - she’s dead and not coming back - but she was a stepping stone to where I’m currently comfortable so, RIP Gwyneth I suppose :)
On the page I drew them on it’s kinda funny because it looks like Meredith and Echo are very uncomfortable that Gwyneth is there (which was only semi-intentional ehehe) 
Echo looks cautiously curious but Meredith looks very awkward like “Oh.. so you’re back...” ..she’s hiding something... And Gwyneth’s like “So... how’s Loki been?” xD
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All these characters are obviously kinda similar which is part of why I put them all here (....clearly I have an obsession with blue hair but shhh), also their connections to Loki, haha.... Meredith is definitely the most connected, Echo’s Loki isn’t real and Gwyneth is dead, so... yeah.
Anyway hopefully this was a little helpful. I might make better guides for Meredith and Echo sometime but for now this works. Also, always feel free to ask questions about them!! :)
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toplesstaylor · 5 years
Sweet Like Honey ~ Part 2 (Roger Taylor x OC)
A/N: Ok im sorry this took so long!!! Im like sort of happy with this? Not that much but kinda?? At least the dialogue is nice i suppose um yeah!! Ok so I’ve been listening to Billie Eilish’s new album for a good two weeks now and thats probably why there’s a whole paragraph comparing Honey to the devil? Anyways, enjoy!! (Thanks to @angrylizardjacket for inspiring me to actually write)
Words: around 2000.
Warnings: cursing, alcohol (but not heavily), literally one mention of the word threesome and that’s it. Also devil things.
Tag list: I moved it to the bottom.
He couldn’t lie, she was at least somewhat pretty. But those goddamn little words bugged him enough to not even notice it.
Roger didn’t get it at first, but seeing Freddie and John’s mischievous grins, he could guess there was some sort of bet going on. And those words, “he’ll do.”, what the hell was that supposed to mean? He was sure he didn’t know the pretty brunette girl behind the bar, though if she didn’t have that amused glint in her eyes he might have wanted to. She was leaning on her arms, taking in every inch of him. Roger didn’t like it at all, he was used to it, at least sort of, but the way she did it was just… strange.
The Red Rover seemed like a good place for a gig, though the band didn’t get paid enough to really call it a gig. It was more of a publicity stunt for them at this point, they liked performing at the college hall Brian arranged for them much more. But you need to get a crowd from somewhere, and bars never hurt. Especially if any girl in a five foot ratio throws themselves at you like you’re some kind of god.
Roger suddenly realised he was holding those girls, who now were trying to guide him towards their booth in the back of the bar. He really, really wanted to go, but that damn girl was too intriguing to let go.
So he shooed the girls away to their not-so-lucky friends, promising he’d be back in a bit. He didn’t know if that was going to be the case, but it was the easiest and certainly the quickest way to get rid of girls. He should know, the boys had sadly told him to leave them quite often, because apparently band bussiness was more important than ‘’your stupid little shag-fests.’’, Brian’s words, not Roger’s. But this was a personal matter, seeing the way the woman’s annoying grin seemed to be directed at him. Fred and Deaky were still watching the two of them, Roger wasn’t sure if there were sides involved, but if there were they were obviously for her. He looked around subtly, kind of hoping this was all meant for someone else so he could get back to the desperate girls gazing at him admirably from the back of The Red Rover. But that wasn’t going to happen anytime soon, miss demon, or at least she looked just as evil, behind the bar there was most certainly looking at him. She wasn’t really a demon though, she had far too pretty eyes for that. Long wavy brown hair and slightly tanned skin, even perfectly olive eyes. She was more like a fallen angel than devilish, but the way she looked at him betrayed her. That wasn’t heavenly at all, the cunning and dangerous fire in it was all too diabolical. He could already see her making a plan, a game for him. Roger was never one to turn down a game.
So he walked over to the bar, positioning himself between the boys, and ordered a beer.
“Where’s Brian?” He asked, it was directed at Fred and John, but the girl, who stood with her back to him before placing the glasses on the bartop, answered instead.
“He’s… busy.”
“And how would you know?” He didn’t mean for it to sound so rude, he didn’t know that girl, why even bother? And yet.
“He’s trying to get that girl over there in his bed, and since I know that girl, I thought it be best to investigate a little.”
“Is that why you were so nice to us?” Freddie faux-gasped, to which she responded with a wink.
“No darling, you were actually quite good, but you gotta look out for your girls, right?” The woman said, sliding a beer over the counter to Roger.
“I guess… so we’re coming back, huh?” He said.
“If Destiny favours you, sure.”
“Jack’s wife. He owns the place, but I’m pretty sure she actually runs it.”
“Who are you? I’ve been here before, and I’ve never seen you.”
“I’m Honey, that’s all you need to know.”
“I’d like to know more, Honey.”
“Maybe if you tip me well, i can tell you a little more.” another wink.
And that was the end of the conversation, since she turned her back to them and walked towards the other end of the bar.
The rest of the night went somewhat similar, more banter and winks and the occasional eye roll, it wasn’t very different from the other nights Honey’d had in the Red Rover.
She did like the company better, however. And so did Lane, who had stepped out of the back alley with her shirt half buttoned up and hair messy, with Brian right behind her. The other boys of the band had interrupted into a cheer, and the other bartenders followed suit.
Even the guy, Roger, wasn’t so bad. Though his ego didn't need to hear that. So she wasn’t going to tell him. Honey had seen him talking to the girls he was holding before, though it wasn’t a surprise when she saw the women leaving the building with two men that certainly weren’t Roger.
It was 2 am now, and Honey’s “this is a shift but not by the english law” was over.
‘’What are you doing here?’’ a familiar voice said. It sounded a little raspy, perhaps because of the sigaret the owner of the voice was smoking. That owner turned out to be roger, sitting defeatedly on the bench in the alley next to The Red Rover.
‘’’Figuring out how to get back home.’’ Honey said, a little smirk playing on her lips. She sat down next to him, arm on the back of the bench behind him. It made him slightly uncomfortable, but he guessed that was her intent.
‘’maybe you could bring me?’’ She started, though she was cut off by Rogers snort.
‘’’Sorry, darling, i came by foot.’’ It was meant to dim that little smirk of hers, but it only fueled it more.
‘’Ah, foot fetish, i see?” Honey chuckled, taking a pack of cigarettes out of her coat.
It left him speechless. She seemed to have that effect on him.
‘’Alright, come on, i’m pretty sure you didn’t pay for that last beer.’’ Protest, but honey raised her finger to shush him. ‘’let me finish, you can make it up to me by walking me home.’’
After a full minute of grunts from roger, he finally gave in. Though he did have to say he wasn’t carrying her if she passed out, which ended up evoking a laugh from Honey.
“Boy, I don’t care what you say, I’m pretty sure I can take alcohol better than you.”
“Really? I think you’d be surprised. Maybe we should compete.” Roger said, lighting his second smoke of the evening. He was even nice enough to light honey’s.
“We’ll see.” She smirked.
““Do you work here every night? Or just the weekends?” Roger asked, he was a lot more genuine now, without the egoboost he got from being around so many willing girls. She wasn’t surprised he walked after her, she knew how to play her cards right, and he fell right for it. He wasn’t dumb or anything, just a bit… young. She hadn’t acted young in a long time.
“just the friday’s. I work at Harrison’s during the week.”
“Oh, Harrison’s! I know that place, god awful owner, but they got good burgers.” He half-laughed. Correct, Mister Harrison certainly wasn’t a delight. And yeah, they did have good burgers. But it wasn’t really fun, working there. Honey had begged Jack for a full time job for weeks, but he didn't need anymore staff, despite his fondness for the 19-year-old girl.
There fell a somewhat awkward silence between them, walking towards Honey’s apartment. It wasn’t horrible, the both of them were smoking and though she couldn’t say the same for him, she didn’t know of course, Honey always liked the peaceful quiet after a night out. She figured by the way he closed his eyes when he took a drag of his cigarette, Roger did too. He was pretty, sure. But not godly handsome, like the girls in the Rover seemed to think. He had nice eyes at the least.
After walking along the same lane of boring row houses for a few minutes, Roger suddenly turned his head towards her, looking her up and down. “Why me?”
“Why you?” She chuckled,
“Come on, there were at least three men more attractive than me in that bar, you knew I had a good shot at a threesome, and you still went after me. So yeah, why me?”
“Doubting yourself, golden boy?” Honey laughed, showing a little glint in her eyes that told him she was loving every second of this. It only made him more exasperated.
“Is it all some bloody game to you? Is it fun? You could’ve taken any guy back to your bed, sleep with them or fucking murder them, I wouldn’t be surprised, but you chose me.”
“I’m not sleeping with you.”
“Then why the hell am I here!” He was practically begging her, the grin on her face only growing bigger and bigger.
“Let me tell you one tiny thing, Roger , you didn’t have to say one single word to me all night, and yet, here you are. Now tell me, why me?”
She just stood there, waiting for his answer. But he didn't give her one, still baffled by her… just her, actually. So Honey turned on her heel and walked into the direction of her apartment.
The way to her apartment was getting more and more familiar to Roger, though he didn't think much of it. Maybe she lived in the area, Maybe she was staying at a friends’ house, he couldn’t care less. He was only figuring out how to get the last word in.
After finally catching up with her and more slightly tipsy arguing, Honey stopped in front of an old, dated flat.
“You live here?” Roger asked, trying to hide his smile.
“Yes, I do, actually. I live in a tiny attic that is way too expensive, I’m pretty sure the landlord hates me, and the heater just completely shuts off at night. Not day, Fucking night. But yes, I live here.” She glared at him, but he just broke into a full blown smug smile she had gotten to know oh so well in the last few hours.
“Mister Thompson never told me we had an attic. Or that it houses an insanely annoying girl with pretty eyes and a stupid name.”
He grinned at her, seeing her eyes widen a little with shock. But, of course, she had to have the last laugh.
“You think I have a pretty eyes?” She mocked, putting her hands above her heart and batting her eyelashes at him. Roger only sighed, this was going to be a very long game.
Honey was already holding the door open for him, looking at him
expectantly while he was reavalueting his life choices.
“If you actually live here, wouldn't you want to come in?” She chuckled, and she rolled her eyes at him when he finally awoke from his thoughts. He just stared at her with “why do you do this to me.” eyes, but followed anyways.
They walked up the stairway in amused annoyance of the other, until they stopped at apartment 2C. Honey was already on the first step towards her own apartment when she saw him hesitate to open his door.
“You think we'll see eachother again?” Roger asked, smiling just a little bit.
“Do you want to?” Honey grinned, it was only natural. “I think so, same bar, same friends, same fucking building too, there's no getting out of it now.”
“I never said i wanted to.”
Tag list: I actually don’t have one but uhm yeah sorry.
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writingkeepsmewhole · 7 years
A Team
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Okay this is the first chapter of the Andy fic I was talking about. I’m not going to post all the chapters at once because I’m lazy and that way I am posting something in between my other stuff :) Kay? Okay!
What will Andy do when he runs into a old friend from high school that needs his help. Will he help her? Will his girlfriend Juliet be okay with it or will she make it worse? Will Andy helping her make him lose they life he has worked so hard to make?
It is in the readers/Emilys POV
Andy Biersack X OC Emily Light
Warnings: Language, drinking, Striping and think there might be mentions of drugs.
I woke up and rolled over to read the neon green numbers on my clock. 7:00 PM. I had three hours to get ready for and get to work. I sat up and yawned softly, I moved off the bed to walk into my bathroom to take a shower. I took my clothes off letting them fall to the floor, also placing my necklace on the counter beside the sink. I stepped into the shower turning it on to get blasted with cold water. I screamed slightly and moved away from the water waiting for it to heat up. "Are you okay, what happened?" I heard my friend Alexis ask as she opened to door. "Nothing the water was just a little to cold but hey at lest I'm awake now." I said laughing and stepping into the now warm water. "Oh ok hey do you want me to put these clothes in your laundry basket?" "Yes please." I said putting shampoo in my hair making it smell like roses. "Can I throw this old ass shirt out?" "No!"
"Why do you still keep this thing. I get it was a friends from high school shirt but still I don't think you should still have it six years later. Its not like it still smells like him or something and you have not talked to him in what four five years now?" "I know but that's one of the only things I have to remember him." I said washing conditioner out of my hair then started shaving. "It is not the only thing you can remember him by. What about that batman necklace that you never take off. You don't have to keep this shirt that has holes in it and everything." "Well I'm not getting rid of it now so just leave it alone okay?" I said sticking my hand out of the shower after I turned the water off. "Mind giving me a towel?" "Yeah here." Alexis said then I felt the soft fabric of my towel on my hand. "Thank you." "Yeah sure whatever." I wrapped the towel around myself and got out of the shower feeling cold air nip at my arms and legs. "Sure you don't want me to get rid of it?" "Yes now got get ready we have to work tonight." "I know." Alexis said winking and running out of my bathroom. I rolled my eyes and picked up the clothes off of the floor along with my necklace. I walked back into my room and threw my clothes in the laundry basket and putting my necklace back on. I walked to my closet and started looking for something to wear. After I got dressed in ( polyvore.com/unnamed_41/set?id=99173496 ) I walked out of my room and down the little hall way to the small kitchen. I grabbed my keys off of the kitchen table and a granola bar and walked to the front door. "Alexis! I'm leaving see you at the club!" I yelled louder then I needed to but oh well its not like the people living next to us like us anyway. "Alright see you when I get there don't steal all the hot guys this time!" I heard Alexis yell back as I was walking out the door. Our neighbors was and old couple that lived in the apartment A3 to the right of us. They only ever heard stuff that you didn't want them to hear. When they first met me and Alexis they thought the world of us till the realized what are job was. I guess they don't like living next to two stripers.... I walked up the six steps to get to the parking lot glad that we have a, A apartment instead of one were we would have to walk up and down a lot of steps. I walked over to my hot pink bug. I hate my car I only drive it because it runs good. I hate the color but hey what can you do when you go get a car when your drunk? I got into my car and started it. Before I could back out of my parking place I seen Alexis running up the steps wearing ( polyvore.com/unnamed_43/set?id=99545181 ) and waving her arms. I stopped and waited for her to get in. "Hey sexy." Alexis said winking then busting out laughing when she got in "So what made you want to ride with me?" "I got a call as soon as you walked out the door!" Alexis yelled smiling really big "And that call was about....?" "Oh right. Lacy called me and she said that thee Asking Alexandria just walked into the club and they asked for the best dancers. Lacy said that she put them in the back room and if we get there in the next ten minutes that we can be the ones to dance for them!" "What no way do you know how awesome that would be to be in the same room with Asking Alexandria?" I asked driving faster as soon as she said Asking Alexandria was at the club. Andy's POV Me and the guys just got to the club that Danny told us to meet him at. Chix on Dix was the name of it. It sounded kind of odd but Danny said it was the best club in New York and Ashley backed him up on it. I never heard of it but hey Danny most of the time knows what he is talking about when it comes to stuff like this. Me and guys pulled up to a hot pink bug that was next to the front door and got out. Jinxx was the one driving he said he didn't feel up to drinking tonight. I got out of the front seat. I get shot gun since I have gazelle legs. "Where are Danny and the guys at?" Jinxx said as we all started walking in the front door. "He said to wait beside the bar that he would find us after he knew we were here." I said pulling my phone out of my back pocket of my black jeans. ( polyvore.com/unnamed_36/set?id=97723738 ) *Hey where here where are you at*~Andy I sent the message and started to reply to the one from Juliet *Have fun at the club tell me when your back at the bus*~Juliet *Will do love you <3*~Andy *Love you to*~Juliet *Hey I'm at the bar its in the back*~Danny "Danny's is at the bar." I said looking for it. The club was mostly dance floor with loud as fuck music, flashing different color lights and round booths with tables in the middle, in random places.. Most had poles some didn't though all the ones that did have poles had dancers even if there was no one sitting at the table.. The bar was all the back wall up on a platform with a dancer on each end. To say this club had dancers was an understatement. I started walking to the bar the guys following me. I was beside between James and Danny when I found them. "Hey man." Danny said when I sat down "Hey. So what have you been doing before we got here." "Me and the guys just got a really good show." James said smirking with a shot in his hand "What by her?" I asked pointing up. We were at the far right end with a dancer right in front of us. She had blond hair and green eyes. She was pretty yeah but a little to skinny for me. Plus I had Juliet. "No two girls it was cool to because they knew who we were. One kind of freaked out a little bit the other one was really calm. Hey there is one of them now. Hey Bunny come here!" Danny said yelling at some girl with white and purple hair. She walked up the little platform and smiled at Danny. Danny pulled her on his lap and kisses her cheek at which she blushed at. "Andy meet Bunny or rather her real name Alexis." Danny said "Hey." I said smiling slightly since I didn't want to be rude. "What the hell is Luna doing on my pole?" Yelled a girl in a letter jacket from the about three seats from us. "Emily don't yell just get over the fact that she is a better dancer then you." Said the bartender. He was guy in his late 40's maybe. I'm guessing he was the owner. "A better dancer my ass she cant do half the tricks I can, she is never on time and she is always losing the club money!" "Well maybe you should have listened and not shown up dressed as a freak again." The girl said on the pole bending over to get face to face with the black hair. When she said that I realized that she was not dressed as the other dancers. She had a black leather jacket on, a pink batman shirt and a black skirt. She had the high shoes that all the dancers had but that was about it that looked like it should be here. But even though she was dressed different she made it work. "Emily just drop it you know your going to get more tips then she will no matter were your at so let her have the pole. Go put your jacket up and come be the bartender and give Ron a nice break maybe he will realize that he did the wrong thing." Alexis said getting off of Danny's lap and walking over to the black hair girl. I'm Guessing her name was Emily. "Yeah you can be the bartender. If you do a good job you can have any pole or job you want all next week." The bartender said "Alright whatever. I need the money." I heard Emily mumble as she walked by me. "Sorry about that. What are you going to so with stupid whores right? Bunny get back to work! Can I get you anything?" Said the bartender standing in front of me. "Yeah sure just give me a bear for now." I said "You got it." He said nodding and getting me one. I nodded a thanks and took a drink of it. "Well I guess I'll see you guys later it was really nice meeting you guys! I know Emily was a calm and stuff but she really dose love you guys you have helped her a lot. Oh it was also nice meeting you Andy." Alexis said smiling at me. I looked up at her to smile back when I did her mouth fell open slightly. "Oh my gosh I know who you are how did I not realize it before?!" She said hugging me "I take it your a fan?" I asked hugging her back slightly "A fan? A fan of what? You Andy Biersack right? You had a best friend in middle school named Emily right?" She asked smiling really big showing all of her white teeth. "Yeah how did you know that?" I asked since I have never said anything about Emily in a interview or something like that so how could she know that. "Oh my gosh this is awesome! How did I not realize who you were before? I have seen pictures of you and everything." Alexis said jumping up and down "Who have you seen pictures of?" The girl from before Emily said walking up to us behind the counter. She didn't have her jacket on anymore, just lace sleeves. "Oh no one. Danny do you want to dance?" Alexis asked grabbing Danny's forearm "Sure!" He said smirking, sitting down his drink then walking off with her. "I'm sorry if I'm being rude but do you have any idea who the hell she was talking about?" Emily asked me softly chewing on her cheek "She was talking about me. She said she knew I was and I first I thought it was because she knew who my band was but then she just started to make no since." I said taking another drink of my beer "Alexis is good at doing that. Sorry if she bothered you." "She didn't bother me any." I said smiling at her and flicking my head to the right to get my hair out of my face. "That's good to know. Just tell me if you want any more to drink." Emily said smiling and walking over to some girl that asked for a cocktail. Three hours latter and I was wasted. I know I was because I kept seeing batman in the corner of my eye but he was never there when I turned my head. I don't know how but I some how found my way back to the bar for another drink but the girl would not give me any. She was not Emily. Emily and her friend Alexis left a hour ago with Danny to do? I don't know. Some how Jinxx got very drunk me, Ashley and CC back to the car. Jake was kind of drunk but not as bad as us. I didn't plan on drinking so much but thoughts of my old friend Emily kept racing threw my head. At one point in the night I told Jinxx that I wanted to fined her and get to know her again. He said he would help me fined her if I got in the car. Maybe that's how he go me in the car... I don't remember making it to the hotel but I guess I got there since I remember waking up there about 5 AM to puke then I past out on the couch.
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