#roseline oc
mouse-drawings · 2 days
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They'll fight it out funking style.
Zabava and Roseline have moved onto the second around in @bug-oc tournament! This time they are up against Maria by @thatlifebloodvessel. Vote for your fave in this poll! I'm sure all three will walk away from the encounter as friends.
My ladies will appreciate your support! The proceeds from this poll will go towards restocking stolen items.
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zomaribon · 3 months
Big ass doodle dump 21
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a-m-pyra · 3 months
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Yes, I made "Ok, family, I want to introduce you to my boyfriend" the render.
Ben to Alex: Damn, girl, congratulations. A few more years and you'll become a grandmother. Alex, who will turn only forty in next six years: 😦 💀
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vithcy · 5 months
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Roseline & Nadia (OCs)
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ladysiryna · 5 months
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I can't fix her
I always wanted to do this meme but lost the template each time, haha. Jeanne and Beatrice were her most original inspirations back in 2012, others are more recent ones.
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askxxviperxx · 1 year
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The stallion seems to be pining after that statue of his dear friend Roxi.
Mod: Twas brought up to me that this drawing contest was still technically open and so, as one does, I colored it! Adding Viper of course. Anyway thank you for the opportunity askhugsworthy! You know you have to actually finish the contest now right?
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twinkbusted · 9 months
The Prince and The Carpenter
EIGHT MONTHS OF EDITING AND IT'S FINALLY FINISHED.... i hope ygs enjoy this little chapter :DD constructive criticism is greatly appreciated!!!
rating: TV-14
warnings: none
Trees rustled in the breeze, releasing their orange leaves throughout the sky. Squirrels hustled and bustled, frantically gathering acorns to prepare for the coming winter. Bakers vigorously kneaded dough behind frayed windows, whilst others in the kitchen popped steaming pies out of the oven to cool. Many people and their families were out and about in the town square, laughing and bragging to each other about the spoils of their harvest.
Yes all was well in Palisade– but children always find ways to disrupt a perfectly peaceful day.
“We’re going to be awesome, Min-Gi! Just you wait, they’ll never know what hit them.” a boy dressed in red-colored rags said enthusiastically, giving his cully a toothy grin. “Mmm. I’m not sure, Ryan…” the other boy, presumably Min-Gi, replied. “isn’t it a little… untraditional?” Min-Gi asked. 
“Yeah! That’s what makes it fun!” Ryan chirped, putting an arm across Min’s light blue jerkin. Min gave him a weak smile, tightly gripping the shiny flute in his hands. Min was nervous, he wasn't quite sure how his parents would react to their performance. After all, they hadn’t exactly practiced a lot, the possibilities of how his parents would react was infinite, and it was all on such short notice, they could have at least planned it better.
All these thoughts were running through Min’s twelve-year-old brain, distracting him from the current moment. Somewhere in the mix he must’ve found a middle ground, because eventually, Min glanced up at Ryan, whose grin was infectious. This was an absolutely terrible idea, but some of Ryan’s enthusiasm must have rubbed off on him, because he gave in. “Okay, I’m sure one song couldn’t hurt.” Min exhaled, following Ryan to the throne room. 
And with that, it was over.
Long story short, Min’s parents weren’t terribly fond of the performance. Min could tell right away, his mother had that sullen look plastered on her face, attempting to hide it with  her fan. His father simply ignored him, looking away from him. Min should have known, really, it was naive of him to think it would go any other way. He could still remember the metallic taste that lingered in his mouth after he removed the flute from his lips, tasting more bitter than usual.
Consequently, the next week, Min was told by his parents that Ryan’s family had moved, catching him completely off-guard. He didn’t quite know how to feel, Ryan wasn’t exactly good at talking things over with him, or his family for that matter. Min just couldn’t grasp why they would leave, being carpenters for the Rulers of Palisade was definitely not a bad business deal.
In just a few days, Min felt his entire life shift before his eyes. His studies became harder, dances and parties frequented more often, and extracurriculars doubled.  Min rarely had time to himself, and the world simultaneously felt too big and too small. He did it all diligently, but it still took him back a little. Okay, maybe more than a little.  
It didn’t get better over the years either, it just kept adding up. So he learned to keep up.
“Min-Gi, are you in there?” an overt voice asked, snapping the prince back into the present. Min’s eyes darted to the foil sword in his hands, and he sighed, twirling it around in front of him.  “Sorry for interrupting your daily brooding fest.” The lady in front of him muttered, rolling her eyes. 
The woman in front of him was Roseline, his insufferable fencing instructor. She was a pale-skinned woman of slender stature, with curly hair trimmed perfectly at her chin. Regularly donning a green kirtle with a white band collar, she always dressed to impress. But above all, Roseline was a perfectionist. She had high standards; and she expected nothing less from anyone, prince or not. Although Roseline was a supposed “expert,” it didn’t make her any less exhausting. 
Generally, Roseline would teach him techniques and he would practice them on some sort of prop. Yet, since this was a summative test, he would have to use the skills he learned against her. He replayed the moves in his head over and over, silently wishing he had practiced more yesterday. 
“So, are you gonna stand there or…” Roseline trailed off, looking down at Min’s shoes. With an exaggerated sigh, the prince put one foot back and bent his knees, indicating he was ready for the match to begin.  
Roseline made the first move, a sideways feinte. Min could feel the sword start to slip out of his hands, but he braced himself and did a swift counter attack. In this moment, there was no “Min” or “Roseline”, no fancy titles, and no petty grudges. There was just his blade and his opponent; and the blade was determined to succeed. 
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OC so nice I made him thrice!
Wally is forever going to be my favorite OC I've ever made, he's so soft and round and blue and kind and lovely and sweet and I love him!!!
So much so that I put him in every story I can <3
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acelestialreaper · 1 year
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Eden. That is all.
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wrestoftheheart · 7 months
roseline who loves her late mother’s cooking to a t, but can’t seem to replicate her cooking with the same sort of love vs marie, who has never really dealt with that sort of love besides her maids, and has a Revelation when her cooking makes roseline smile
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boopshoops · 6 days
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40 hours of work- just around 200 peoples ocs in the twst community (as such there may be some small mistakes on my end and sometimes i couldnt find refs with all the colors so i did my best!! Honestly im sorry if i missed you too even if its impossible for me to get every single person HFNDJXDHV)
Nothing can quite describe how welcomed ive felt in this community. I find myself always wanting to give back to my moots, followers, or even just other members in the community in general.
SOOO ive been slowly chipping away at this for the past few months. Consider this a gift! And uh, have fun finding your ocs/yuus-
Group photo tags pt1
@thehollowwriter Finn
@rizdoodls Andy
@sakuramidnight15 Hei-ran
@cruel-acid Iza
@raguiras Allen
@oya-oya-okay Yuu and Shishio
@tedearaminta Riona
@zjmaeve Zeth
@akemiozawa Charlotte
@twsted-princess Chimlim
@akihikosanadasboyfriend Yuuma
@tinisprout Yurelle
@valse-a-mille-temps Yuuven
@yaoyaobae Fran
@cosmonavo Gwen
@simpingseafood Sasha
@nuitthegoddess Aurelian and Hana
@cenpede Vitya
@tixdixl Oisín
@tartppola Yuu
@the-trinket-witch Albert and the janitor
@kenchann Yuu
@egophiliac Yuu
@raven-at-the-writing-desk Miss Raven
@adaven17 Yuu
@cecilebutcher Vesper and Igor
@miyuki-fenn Désiré and Mel
@polywoo Misdemeanor
@myuminji Yuu
@zvezdacito Micah
@citrus-c0la Oliver
@datboredpencil Mao
@prinxurie Zuzhou and Jiushu
@robo-milky Cloche
@starry-night-rose Ellis
@bloodiegawz Yuu
@artfulhero-m Aster
@justm3di0cr3 Emory and Poppy
@ai-kan1 Juno
@the-fridge-orange Elinor
@breadcheese444 Lily
@fumikomiyasaki Carol and Yuzuha
@ceruleancattail Cinder and Ceru
@ashipiko Ashi
@elektrosyntetik Anya
@veilofthorns Kissy
@terrovaniadorm Rhys and Ulrica
@midostree-art Yuu
@lanshappycorner Roseline
@midnightmah07 Daisy
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draxolot · 4 days
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both are so cute
Roseline by @mouse-drawings
Propaganda for the @bug-oc tournament
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a-m-pyra · 2 months
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Well, it's late, but I couldn't post it yesterday, sorry.
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vithcy · 1 year
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who is my prettiest oc and why is it Roseline
+bonus Nadia
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ladysiryna · 5 months
Death and the Maiden
I always wanted to do my version since my teenagerhood and it's finally done!
OC Roseline.
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bug-oc · 17 days
Bug Fables OC Tournament Round 1
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Omelette from @tangleslime2
Omelette is a security ant from the Ant Kingdom, circa 50 or so years ago, during the reign of Elizant I. They worked as a night guard for a shop before accepting a new, more interesting job offer: monitoring the security system of a laboratory.
In Snakemouth Den.
They're confident nothing will go wrong!
Zabava & Roseline (she/her for both) from @mouse-drawings
Roseline is a traveling merchant and a silkworm shepherd. She mainly sells moth silk and products made from it, but she also offers some other silk-making-related goods and services.
Now, what is a traveling merchant without her trusty mercenary? Zabava is here to make sure that nothing happens to Roseline or her goods. Though her main weapon, a spiky yo-yo, might look silly at the first glance, it hitting you in a face has quite the impact. Not to mention the force of a grasshopper's kick…
They've been together for many moons now, traveling all across Bugaria and beyond. They think fondly of each other. The fondness is far more than what two business partners would feel for each other.
They are two parties in a contract. They are two travel buddies. They are two comrades. They are good friends. They are…
"Oh. But she doesn't feel the same, does she?"
So, vote for Zabava and Roseline to promote a small business! And to hopefully set them up on a nice date. All proceeds will go towards raising larvae in Roseline's herd.
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