#Mobile Abouts
smol-sirens-garden · 18 days
Mobile Abouts Part 4
Lots of new muses Added
Vampire of the Blue Moon- Case Study of Vanitas Aoba Seragaki- Dramatical Murder Mink- Dramatical Murder Genesis Rhapsodos- Final Fantasy Rufus Shinra- Final Fantasy Sephiroth- Final Fantasy Arlecchino- Genshin Impact Freminet- Genshin Impact Neuvillette- Genshin Impact Kiyoka Kudo- My Happy Marriage Diana- Not Even Bones Mirella- Not Even Bones Hajun Yeon- Paradox Live Kanata Yatonokami- Paradox Live Reo Maruyama- Paradox Live Ryu Natsume- Paradox Live Akihiko Sanada- Persona 3 Akinari Kamiki- Persona 3 Shinjiro Aragaki- Persona 3 Takaya Sakaki- Persona 3
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gogoakechi · 2 years
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sneakygreenbean · 11 months
personal observations made by a new cane user:
you do not need to be in constant pain to own a cane.
folding canes have a clasp or band to keep them folded. losing the band is a pain in the ass.
you will get dirty looks
it does not matter what age you are. you will get dirty looks.
you have to hold it in the opposite hand as the disabled leg. this is fortunate, as I am right handed, so i hold it in my left hand to support my right leg.
people will try to steal your cane from you.
when standing still, I hold it in my right hand unless i need to do something right handedly. this does not work as well as i thought it would.
being visibly physically disabled is difficult. having a mobility aid will help with pain and movement, but some people don't get them because visible disability is treated with disgust.
if someone meets you for the first time, and you don't have your cane, then they will like you more, but they will not believe you are actually disabled.
if someone meets you for the first time, and you have your cane, they will not treat you the same.
the majority of other cane and mobility aid users I have met are homeless. I live close to a big city.
People do not want to see you being disabled.
you will not hear of the benefits of using a cane from anyone who does not use a cane.
no one will prepare you for the world of being visibly physically disabled. however bad you think we have it is usually not from the disability at all. I can deal with pain and I can deal with an indisposed left hand.
the hardest part of being disabled is the fact that no one will care until you make them care.
the disabled seats on trains are a suggestion
the disabled seats on buses are a suggestion.
you will have a different experience with using a cane than I have had.
your hand will become tired. you are using it as a leg.
your cane is legally a part of your body. this will not stop some people.
you are not your disability. but it will affect you.
i love you
theres always an invisible someone who has it worse. that person will not be affected or offended by your use of a cane. take the damn ibuprofen. put the folded cane in your bag. ask your friends for help. gd knows they need help sometimes too.
you will have to learn that things will be impossible to you. you may not run as fast anymore. you may not become a skater, like you always wanted to be. you may be left behind when everyone else runs ahead.
you deserve better.
your cane handle gets dirty. wash it.
some days pain is worse. some days you will feel it the moment you wake up.
no one deserves pain. the human condition is not to suffer. we deserve better. we deserve to be loved and not tolerated. we deserve to be seen better than from the corners of eyes. we deserve to be heard better than an afterthought at a meeting.
be quick to care for yourself. I love you.
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demadogs · 2 months
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CORALINE (2009) dir. Henry Selick
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lokilysolbitch · 7 months
i've said it already probably but ppl who don't use mobility aids. especially doctors. stop trying to get rid of other ppls mobility aid. stop making that a priority. stop it with the "we gotta get you off that [mobility aid]" "you shouldn't need to be using a [mobility aid]" "let's focus on getting you to where you don't need [mobility aid]" "a [mobility aid]? but have you tried [herb]/[medicine]/ [exercise]/[facebook hack]/[pseudoscience]/[meditation] instead?" "but you look old/cringe/weak/sick". shut up
i don't know why so many of y'all think my end goal is to stop using the thing that helps me. and i KNOW most of y'all wear glasses or contacts but you're not running around trying to find the solution to make you stop needing them. so quit doing it with every other aid just because it reminds you of old or sick people.
especially bc most of y'all don't want to have that reaction when it comes to chronic pain, fatigue or discomfort. i say "my joints hurt" you say "oh well :/". i say "i feel lightheaded all the time" you say "just push through it". i say "my stomach is at least a 7/10 on the pain scale every day" you say "are you sure it's actually that bad? maybe you're exaggerating".
but as soon as i pull out a cane, or a shower chair, or a spinny chair for when im cooking in the kitchen, and i say "finally, im getting really good help!" . that's when you care. and all you want to do is take that away as soon as possible.
you just don't want to fucking see disabled ppl be disabled.
you don't want to have to look at it. you don't want to have to listen to it. you don't want to have to be reminded of it.
but too fucking bad !! i don't care !! im naming and decorating my canes !! they will be the loudest part of my outfits !! the same will go for a rollator if i'll still need one in the future !! i'm going to talk about how i'm disabled regardless of if anyone else can hear me !! because i am !! why should i hide just because YOU don't like it !! close your eyes !!!!!!
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originalartblog · 1 month
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Chuuya week 2024 - Day 4 - Human
[Storm Bringer]
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sunsetsimon · 8 months
sleep refused to find him easily that night. simon stares up at the ceiling, watching the ceiling fan spin quickly. he knows he’s home, the comfortable bed a clear reminder, yet his anxiety is high, like something’s wrong. he thinks back through the night, retracing his steps of making sure each door and window is locked. he knows his gun is next to him on the nightstand, and it’s completely silent throughout the apartment. nothing out of the ordinary, just unable to leave his survival mode.
the sheets rustle beside him as you turn to face him. your eyes are closed, breathing light and looking so calm. he loves the way your eyebrow twitches in your sleep, your nose scrunching from something in your dream land. he takes a deep breath, laying on his side to face you, deciding to watch you sleep.
he rubs his hand up and along your arm, cupping your cheek and softly caressing the skin. simon wishes he could sleep the way you do, occasionally waking up with an interesting dream to tell him about. he feels frustrated, exhausted and just wanting to recharge, but it’s so hard for him.
you stir awake suddenly, eyes refusing to fully open but able to tell he’s off. “you okay, si?” you sleepily whisper, reaching out for him so cutely. you’re so soft in this moment, he feels himself falling even deeper.
“m’okay love, just cant sleep.”
“lemme hold you,” you offer, scooting closer to the middle of the bed to prepare for a spooning position but he laughs at you. “hold me?”
grumbling, you push on his shoulder to signal for him to face the other way so you can come behind him. he obliges, facing away and lifting his head from the pillow so you can rest your arm under his neck. his body is huge, you’re barely able to spoon him but you scoot closer, pressing your chest against his back. you can feel his heart pounding, chest rising as he takes a deep breath to calm himself. this is so foreign to him, not used to such tender care.
it takes a little, but simon feels his eyes growing heavy, catching up to you who fell asleep near seconds after getting close. your tiny body against his back makes him feel surprisingly calm and safe. eventually his brain relents, allowing him to sleep for a few more hours until the sun starts to peek over the horizon.
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drbtinglecannon · 1 year
In Knives Out Blanc wanted to do the murder mystery investigation with Marta so bad, but she was certain she was guilty so she spent a good amount of the movie avoiding/hiding stuff from him
Meanwhile in Glass Onion Helen was fucking carrying the investigation, even while accidentally getting drunk, and even went to investigation lengths Blanc was hesitant to do
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why-the-heck-not · 5 months
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today very much wasn’t as cozy as the pictures of it, but let’s pretend it was
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smol-sirens-garden · 10 months
Mobile Abouts 3
Extra mobile abouts for just added muses
Jouno Saigiku- BSD
Tetcho Suehiro- BSD
Blade- Honkai Star Rail
Dan Heng- Honkai Star Rail
Jing Yuan- Honkai Star Rail
Luocha- Honkai Star Rail
Guiltia Brion- Visual Prison
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azztiph · 7 months
Self destructive behavior pertaining to disability isn’t talking about enough
Forcing yourself to do activities that you know will hurt your body is bad!
Making yourself not use your mobility aid when you know you need it is bad!
Not taking your medicine because you want to get worse or just don’t care anymore is bad!!!!!
I think that mental illness can definitely manifest differently for disabled people. It’s not rlly talked about because this all stuff that ableds see as inspiring or us pushing through. It is just harmful behavior.
Since every single disabled person is or has been mentally ill this stuff is just seen as normal.
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whatsupspaceman · 5 months
we could have mobile games like cool math duck life and papas pizzeria and bloonz tower defense and old masterpieces like original angry birds and jet pack joyride and small online games like webkinz home before dark and polar bear plunge and flash games like holeio and snake and we could have barbie dress up and horse riding and we could have them all without thousands of shitty 2 minute ads and microtransactions and unskippable popups and imbedded app store links and we could have new games new incredible story based adventures, puzzles, well designed mini platformers, we have an entire universe of unexplored medium right here in the palm of your hand! we could have REAL games! real wonderful games not misleading not clickbait we could have everything in the whole wide world and we could have them them on the phone! WE COULD HAVE THEM ON THE PHONE !!!!!!!!!!! DOES IT NOT MAKE YOU SICK???? DOES IT NOT SHATTER YOUR HEART !!!!
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semisolidmind · 6 months
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(found a minute to finish a wip based on a couple posts by @thesexydancingcrepe from a while ago; something about reader meeting the monkey boys when they’re kids, and the adorable shenanigans they get into)
the bad end boys, because of their “birthless”nature (one came outta a rock, the other a shadow? idk), are raised by…all the mama monkey yaoguai in their troop. since they’re nobodies babies, they’re everybody’s babies. they don’t see humans very often (or ever, since they’re on an island). but they're not horrible yet, so cuteness will ensue :)
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dapg-otmebytheballs · 7 months
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Dan and Phil // of queer friendships
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fedoraspooky · 9 months
Just saw some posts about how all the recent irritating changes at tumblr were made for the purpose of chasing growth.
And all i can say is, there's something kinda beautifully ironic about the possibility of tumblr's eventual downfall being due to their endless need for Biggering driving the natural wildlife away.
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