deckoftrickcards · 2 months
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they are stupid dumb and gay and i hate them (i am listening to adrienne lenker)
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yellowyani · 14 days
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through your eyes i see a smile you bring to me. to your joy, i tether. not a lot, just forever.
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pinofdnp · 1 month
this is so dan and phil
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bethaniefredaaa · 4 months
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elizaleclerc · 14 days
intertwined, sewn together 🌊
lando norris x reader
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summary: fem reader & lando share a sweet day w friends on a yacht <3
song: not a lot, just forever by adrianne lenker
author’s note: love this sm my heart ugh!! fluff & cute summer vibes. kinda grumpy x sunshine ; allusions to a bad childhood <\3
word count: 1.8k
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You reclined on the plush deck of the yacht, basking in the warm rays of the sun as they caressed your stomach. The smell of sunscreen and tanning oil lingered in the air, leaving a sticky sheen on your skin. You relished these lazy days on the yacht, surrounded by your friends Lily and Carmen who chatted animatedly next to you.
Lost in the pages of your book, you barely registered their conversation as you lay with one elbow propped on the ground and the other hand holding the book, using it as a shield against the bright sun. However, your peaceful reading was interrupted by the rowdy boys behind you. Alex, George, Charles, and Lando were engaged in a game of cornhole, their shouts and cheers growing louder with each round. Their competitive banter blended with the sound of the cornhole sacks hitting the wooden board, making it difficult for you to concentrate on your book.
With a deep sigh of frustration, you carefully placed the book down and turned to your friend Lily, who was sitting next to you on the deck of the yacht. The sound of raucous laughter and shouting from the boys had grown increasingly louder, making it difficult for anyone else to carry on a conversation.
"Could they be any louder?" Carmen asked, her voice barely audible over the noise.
You nodded in agreement, “I know right, it’s like they are the only ones on the damn yacht.” You turned over, and, now laying on your stomach, you propped yourself up on your elbows and watched the boys play.
Your eyes were immediately drawn to Lando, his intense focus on the game evident in the way his brow furrowed and his arms swung the sandbag with ease. You couldn't help but admire how effortlessly he moved, his muscles flexing with each throw. His fingers ran through his messy summer curls, adding to his charming and carefree appearance. He was perfect in every way, and just knowing he was yours made your heart soar with happiness.
Lily and Carmen resumed their conversation, still reclining on their backs. You found yourself growing quiet, a natural state for you. Your introverted nature preferred observing to actively participating in conversations.
As a child, this led to struggles in making friends. Some labeled you as mean, but the truth was that you simply had little patience for most individuals. Your shyness was often viewed as a weakness and your silence as threatening, but slowly you emerged from your shell. Childhood experiences had left you with deep scars, ones that most people could never imagine. For a long time, you kept these memories buried deep within, trying to forget they were real. But then Lando came into your life, and he helped unravel all the pieces of you that had been hidden away. He didn't run away or judge you; instead, he loved every part of you as if you were made just for him. And because of him, you met others who saw and appreciated the real you as well.
That’s why you loved these people on the yacht. Not just Lando, who you’ve been dating for three years now, but even his friends and their girlfriends. They were lively at times, but they could be calm and relaxing too, having real and deep conversations. When you started dating Lando, they welcomed you with open arms, and the group quickly felt like a newfound family, one that you desperately needed. 
Lando was sunshine personified. His deep, rich laugh was infectious, bringing out the same pure happiness in everyone around him, including you. You couldn't help but notice how his eyes would crinkle at the corners when he laughed so hard that tears formed in his eyes. And with his perfectly tanned skin and light brown hair, he looked as if he had been sent down from the Sun itself just for you to love and for him to love you back even more fiercely. His genuine empathy and understanding towards your struggles made it feel like he could see right into your soul, and his persistent effort to get to know you only further solidified your growing feelings for him.
The two of you truly seemed like opposites, but everyone around you saw how much love was between you and Lando. As you watched him play cornhole, a small smile spread on your lips. It was inevitable, Lando seemed to just have that effect on you. 
“Lando, looks like you’ve got an admirer,” Charles shouted to him as he must have caught you staring. Your face flushed, even more so with the sun beating down. Lando caught your eye, shooting you a wink. 
“Good, I’m on fire! Best game I’ve played yet.” Lando proudly proclaimed, which made you grin even more. 
Carmen turned on her stomach now to watch along with you. “George, baby, how are you doing?” She asked him. 
Lando was the one to respond though, “Oh, he’s playing like shit. You better take his place.” Everyone bursted out into laughs, everyone except George, who always got slightly offended at jokes made at his expense. 
“Yeah yeah, whatever.” George sighed with a wave of his hand. “Let’s play another game, I’ll beat you this time.” 
“That’s what you said five games ago,” Alex laughed, which caused the guys to break into another fit of chuckles.
You were enjoying watching them play, but as the sun beat down on your skin and sweat began to form on your brow, you knew it was time to take a break. Walking over to the cooler, you grabbed a cold bottle of water and some freshly cut strawberries. The icy liquid provided instant relief as it cascaded down your throat, while the juicy sweetness of the strawberries left a refreshing aftertaste. 
Feeling rejuvenated, you made your way to the edge of the yacht and settled into the welcoming shade. As you gazed out at the vast expanse of ocean before you, you couldn't help but feel a sense of tranquility wash over you. The rhythmic lapping of waves against the boat and the gentle breeze caressing your skin were soothing in a way that only being on the ocean could provide.
Lost in your thoughts, you reached for your book and lost yourself in its pages. The sound of laughter and splashing from your friends faded into the background as you immersed yourself in the fictional world within. Time seemed to pass quickly as you turned one page after another, until you noticed the sky beginning to change color. A soft orange glow now painted the horizon, signaling that sunset was near.
You moved from your spot on the yacht and went back out to see what everyone else was doing. Lando was laying out on a large sunbed, clearly exhausted from his hours of playing cornhole. As you looked around, all of the boys were laying out too. You couldn’t find Carmen or Lily, but you assumed they were still trying to soak up the last bit of sun they could for the day. 
“There’s my pretty girl,” Lando smiled as you approached him. You stood beside his sunbed as he kissed the top of your hand. “Where did you run off to?” 
“I went to read for a bit. It was kinda distracting earlier when you and the guys were playing.” You explained. He motioned for you to cuddle up next to him on the bed. As you tucked yourself by his side, he smirked. 
“Distracting because I was so good looking?” He bantered and you rolled your eyes. 
“No, because you guys were being so loud.” You joked and he faked a frown. You smiled, “But you’re also very good looking.” 
He tilted your chin up so he could kiss you softly, taking in every bit of you and the strawberry taste still on your lips. As you laid your head back on his chest, he ran his fingers through your hair, playing with it lazily. “I love you a lot you know”
You traced your fingers along his torso and grinned to yourself, “Yeah, I know.”
“Good. Just making sure you don’t forget it.” He leaned down and pressed a gentle kiss to the top of your head, his warm breath mingling with the soft breeze. As the sun began its descent towards the horizon, you both sat on the sunbed, watching the stunning display of colors in the sky. The vibrant oranges and deep blues blended together like a masterpiece, filling you with a sense of awe and wonder. Despite all the pain and suffering in the world, moments like this reminded you of the beauty and magic that still existed. You could feel the warmth of the cooling sun on your skin, leaving a subtle tan as it slowly made its way towards the horizon. The peacefulness of the moment was enough to lull you into a blissful sleep.
Charles propped himself up on his cushioned chair, and saw you asleep on Lando’s chest. “She knocked out, huh?” He smiled at Lando.
“Yeah, guess so. The sun makes her tired sometimes.” Lando replied in a low voice to try and not to wake you up. 
“You know, I never heard her say she loved you back earlier.” George remarked from the other side of Lando. 
“She doesn’t have to, I know she does.” Lando replied, which confused the guys. He saw their perplexed expressions. “You know it took her a long time to say it in the first place but…I’ve known her long enough to where I know it without her having to say it.” 
“I still don’t understand.” Alex piped up next to George. 
“I mean, cmon, what’s so hard to understand? You saw the way she watched me earlier. Her eyes said it all. And the other day when she peeled oranges for me without me asking? And yesterday, when we got home, she rambled to me about the book she was reading. You could just see the light and love in her eyes. She never used to be that way, not when I first met her.” Lando knew the other guys still might not get the full picture, but he remembered how you were before you guys started dating. He remembered how you would shut out the world and not let anyone in. He knew that you used to not express how much you liked things or even smile when you ate your favorite foods.
He knew you loved him, he knew it went without saying. You were his everything, and simply being nestled next to him, feeling the gentle rhythm of your breath against his side, was enough to make his heart swell with love. No amount of conversation could match the pure joy of watching you smile or hearing the sweet melody of your voice. The two of you were intertwined, sewn together as the perfect pair.          
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jellolegos · 17 days
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not a lot just forever, intertwined sewn together
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euphoricfilter · 7 months
domestic daydreams:
[cheese sandwiches at the park tomorrow]
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pairing: influencer! jungkook x f. reader
genre: fluff || established relationship || non-idol au ||
summary: a window into the life of jeon jungkook
word count: 1.2k
tags/ warnings: just lots and lots of fluff its sickening
notes: am slightly tempted to turn this into a mini series because there's so much to talk about...
where you can find all my other stuff!!
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆.
Jungkook thinks both you and himself had always been connected by the delicate knots of the red string of fate. Possibly a constrictor knot, because it only ever seemed to grow tighter with every moment you spent together, impossible to untie as your souls start to intertwine and lives mingle into one.
His ever-growing infatuation with you, evident to his online audience.
Because he had no issue showing you off, talking about you in videos and sharing you with the wider world. He thinks it must be a tingly sort of satisfaction he gets, knowing that no matter how many faceless people love you, he will forever love you more. No matter how many people compliment you with how pretty you are, comments flooded with praise for your mere existence, he will forever appreciate you the most. Your entire being a precious little thing that he has sewn into his fragile human heart, yours forever to keep.
He knows he’s able to touch you in ways no one else can. He knows he’s able to wake up to you each morning, press soft lips to soft skin, warm under calloused hands as eye lashes tickle tender skin as the sun leaks through the curtains. Each passing moment peacefully quiet until you murmur his name, fingers pressing into his skin as you pull him closer for a kiss.
He’d started posting online only months before meeting you, a little creative outlet to get rid of that itch of not taking media, but rather choosing game design. A subject he loved dearly, though desperate to visualise his life through moving image and all the cool things that come with that.
And during the months of you talking, his presence online slowly started to take off. What had once been only a creative outlet morphing into such a huge part of his life. Something he had wanted to keep from you for so long, a little whisper in his brain worried it would send you running. With some of the comments he received, dms from both men and women alike, he wasn’t exactly sure how to bring it up to you.
And he knows in hindsight it was a silly little worry because you loved every part of him. Loved that he shared little parts of his life with so many people. Passions clipped into videos, well-loved equipment laying around his apartment, something so wholly Jungkook you found yourself beaming whenever he would get the tripod out to film himself cooking, or planning a design for an assignment, or just little clips of nature when the both of you go on walks.
Because what had once been a video diary for Jungkook had slowly become a video diary for you too, perfectly crafted memories that you find yourself watching when you’re alone. Always so hard to keep the smile off your face as you see how happy you are. Because that’s what Jungkook makes you; incredibly happy.
You watch as he tries to balance his phone against a bag of pasta neither of you had wanted to put away the night before, chin resting on the palm of your hand as you watch him struggle.
“Why don’t you get the tripod?” you murmur, catching his attention.
Jungkook turns to look at you, eyes a little wide, “Because I just want to film me making our lunch” he tells you.
“Besides—” he continues, “that would mean I have to go into the bedroom, and I don’t feel like being apart from you today” he says as he turns back to his phone, fiddling around with the settings a little so the light from the kitchen window wouldn’t look so harsh.
Your lips quirk up into a smile, toes curling into the floor.
“I would come with you” you sit up a little straighter, catching a glimpse of his face on the screen of his phone, “we could even hold hands too”
Jungkook pauses, hands pressing into the counter as he narrows his eyes at you over his shoulder, “Are you patronising me?”
Your nose scrunches up at that, “No” you start, “just so you know, I love holding your hand”
He hums, “Well then I guess you’re lucky… I like holding your hand too”
“Oh—” your eyes widen, “It’s gonna fall”
Jungkook winces when his phone tips forward, bottom lip tucked between your teeth as he lifts it back up again.
You push the chair away from the table, slipping your own phone out of your pocket, laying it flat against the counter so his will stop slipping.
“Thank you, baby” he leans down, pressing a kiss to your cheek, face only an inches away from yours when he decides it isn’t enough and presses a firm kiss to your lips too.
“Now,” he nods, “let’s make us lunch”
You push yourself to sit on the counter by his phone as he hits record, smiling up at you as he starts talking.
“Me and Y/n went shopping earlier and saw this new cheese I wanted to try, so I’m gonna make us sandwiches for lunch” he says, pulling the chopping board closer to himself as he pulls the drawer open to get a knife.
“Cucumber” he shows the camera, quick as he cuts it up, “and today we’re having tomatoes, but none for the pretty girl because she doesn’t like them” he explains, showing off the produce his dad had been growing in their garden, proud smile on his face as he hands you a slice of cucumber to eat while he finishes preparing lunch.
You slip off the counter when he calls you over, hesitant to step in frame and see yourself on camera. Jungkook steps a little closer to you, arms slipping out of frame to hold your hands as he looks down at you, so much adoration in his eyes.
“I wish you could see yourself through my eyes” he whispers, already knowing where your hesitation stems from, “always such a pretty little thing”
You glance over at the camera, video still recording, “Jungkook… your video” you murmur.
“Doesn’t matter” he shakes his head, “you know you don’t have to be in it if you don’t want to” he tells you, “Whatever you’re comfortable with, yeah?”
“We could film something tomorrow” you say, “we should go to that park again, maybe have a picnic?”
His lips quirk up into a smile, “I’d like that” he nods, “And if this cheese is any good, we can make even better sandwiches”
“Good point” you nod, “I’ll have to take you up on that offer if you make a solid lunch today” you step away from him, eyeing the finished sandwich sat on the chopping board.
“I always make the best lunches” he tells you, reaching into a cupboard for two plates.
“Our favourite girl doesn’t want to be on camera today” Jungkook mumbles, mouth half full of food as he looks at himself before glancing at you on the opposite side of the table, “But what’s the verdict, baby?”
You chew, nodding as you give him a thumbs up, Jungkook returning the gesture as his eyes curl up into a smile.
“Love you” he swallows.
“Love you too” you pucker your lips, watching as he leans over the table to press a kiss to your lips.
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pidgeonline · 7 days
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not a lot, just forever
intertwined, sewn together
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luvingrye · 7 days
not a lot, just forever | gojo x gn!reader | chap. 236 spoilers |
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satoru gojo is the strongest sorcerer of the modern era. as his partner, it’d be highly expected of you and him to continue his legacy. give and serve heirs on a silver platter, as if you were on your knees begging for the higher ups’ approval, forgiveness, their blessing.
“you’d have been a good parent.” satoru would’ve told you. as one of his dearest fantasies was to truly live in peace with you, to love you forever without contraints holding him back, it was impossible, and that was something you’d both had known from the start.
before satoru had headed towards the upcoming battlefield between him and sukuna, you had turned to him. “after all of this, would you take me as your spouse?” another one of satoru’s dearest fantasies.
satoru let out a laugh. “is this a proposal? you know i would’ve liked this under different circumstances, right?”
you punched him on his arm; his infinity was always down when you were right beside him. maybe one day that would be his greatest downfall. ���i’m serious, satoru! please, i want to be with you forever.”
he ruffled your hair, before pressing a kiss to the top of your head. “‘course, sugar. i’d put a ring on that finger any day of my life.”
you were responsible for spectating the fight between satoru and sukuna- who was now in megumi’s body. if you were to never have children with satoru, you quoted to both him and megumi you’d take him and his sistee in. megumi and tsumiki gojo had quite a ring to it.
less circumstances take a turn for the worse, you would immediately join in the fight. being a grade 1 sorcerer, you had to take the barren of fighting, no matter if you wanted to or not.
you had hope in satoru. you truly did. until you had seen his body, so disgustingly cruel, split in half after the smoke had cleared after sukuna’s attack.
a jujutsu sorcerer’s number one rule is always to keep your emotions in check. you have to make necessary sacrificies, they say. not everyone can be saved, they say. it’s not your fault, they say. it really feel like it was. even though, deep down in your heart, soul, and enterity knew that it wasn’t.
don’t let your emotions take control.
your heart beat out of your chest uncontrollably. your satoru, your satoru had been slayed mercilessly and was know bleeding out more than ever on the ground.
don’t let your emotions take control.
somebody pulled you away from the sight. who, you don’t know. the only thing you had been thinking of in the moment was of how disgusted you were at yourself, for needing to throw up before crying and mourning the loss of your lover, your everything, your fiancé.
don’t let your emotions take control.
god, how were you to join after this? crumbling to your knees, a choked sob escaped your throat. no tears would come out. nobody dared approach you, and you couldn’t fathom a life without satoru.
it wouldn’t have been a lot of it; it would be forever. how much would you give to be intertwined— sewn together?
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a lil’ short thingy inspired by adrianne lenker to try and get me out of writer’s block.. ion really like it, not my best work :c
reqs r always open btw :3!
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scrollonso · 23 days
not a lot,
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just forever.
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sewn together.
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eddseddede · 10 days
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intertwined, sewn together </3
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ddixon99 · 1 month
Not a lot just forever- Daryl Dixon x fem reader Fanfic
Description: Daryl believed that everyone around him would end up leaving him, ever since he was a young boy, with the conflict between his father and everyone close to him that had died, but y/n proved him wrong. This story reflects on the beauty and imperfections of their relationship, pointing out that it's beautiful to have someone who loves you no matter what, despite disagreements and fears.
(This is set after the prison era and they are on the road)
500-word count
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Laying hand in hand, analysing the stars above us. Bodies sewn together laid delicately on the grass. No sound surrounds us, just the hushed tone of Daryl's breathing. You turn your head to look at him, his head looking straight up at the stars. His long locks of hair scattered across his face. You manoeuvre your hand over to his hair to slide the loose strands to the side, getting a view of his mesmerising face. It's just a few seconds before he turns his head to the side, facing you, his eyes so trustworthy and gentle. “You're so beautiful,” you whisper, loud enough for him to hear. Even though it's quite dark you can see well enough from the moon shining down upon the two of you, the colour of a faded pink spread from his cheeks. Letting go of your hand he brings his hand over to your waist, wrapping his arms around you, bringing you close. Your head laid onto his chest, the serenity of his heart beating. Just you and him, conjoined, huddled up together. You feel so safe and protected around him. The both of you share these special moments together, just the little things that make you the happiest.
Just moments after you hear faint sniffling. Untangling yourself from his arms you sit up to see his eyes glistening with tears, slowly sliding down his cheeks. Quickly but softly bringing him up into a hug, he accepts your hug and wraps his muscular arms around your waist resting his head underneath your chin. “M’sorry ya ain't supposed to see me like this.” Silently shushing him, while rubbing his back. “You don't need to be sorry, tell me what's on your mind, Daryl”. It took him a minute to open up, you can tell he gets uncomfortable when opening up. “M’scared to lose you”. Looking at him in the face, he looks up at you with fear. “I’m never gonna leave you, Dixon, never think you're ever gonna lose me”. You looked at him concerned. “M just everyone that I loved, have left. How m’ I supposed to love with the fear of someone leavin me?” You could understand the pain he's going through. Ever since the apocalypse started you had to expect death from the ones who are close. “Listen, Daryl, nothing can spread us apart. Not even death. It's gonna be you and me forever, intertwined. I have loved you my whole life.” With a reassuring look, Daryl's eyes softened, as you lightly wiped his tears away. “I promise”, Holding him in a tight hug. After a few minutes of staying in each other's arms, Daryl whispered. “I love ya, my girl”.
Hello, to whom will read my fanfics! This is my first time creating a fanfic and posting one. I'm quite nervous to post this, but if anyone has any thoughts about my writing please let me know so I can improve my work! I hope you enjoyed this short story. I normally base my inspiration for writing these stories on songs, so if anyone has song requests for me to turn into a story, let me know!! :))
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redpotion · 6 days
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not a lot, just forever intertwined, sewn together
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blumenbandit · 2 months
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not a lot, just forever // intertwined, sewn together
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shawtywhimsical · 2 hours
intertwined, sewn together
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lex-the-lesbiann · 8 months
made this as a gift for @zillylilguyz but decided to post it as well :] Nark has really infected my mind lately
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[ID: a digital drawing of Nicky Freeman and Lark Oak-Garcia from Dungeons and Daddies as adults cuddling in each others arms. We view them from an overhead angle. The background is a roughly drawn bed that they’re laying on which is surrounded by a dark purple backdrop with red outlined words on top of it.
The words that are surrounding them, written in plain text, are: Not a lot, just forever. Intertwined, sewn together. Like the rock bears the weather. Not a lot, just forever.
Nicky is drawn with light brown skin and slightly curly black hair. He’s wearing a light red shirt and light purple pajama pants. His tail is mainly a dark blue but has some bright teal plates at the base and top of it that give off some light.
Lark is drawn with brown skin and curly brown hair. He’s wearing a dark green shirt and tan pajama pants. The arm that’s visible to us, his left arm, is covered in scars and his shirt rides up on his stomach a tiny bit to show a scar there as well.
There’s sunlight coming in from the upper left corner, covering most of Nicky (who lays on the left side of the bed). Lark lays on the right side, which is mostly covered in shadow. But he clings onto Nicky, having his face in the crook of Nickys neck, allowing him to be somewhat in the sunlight. Nicky also clings onto Lark, wrapping his tail around Larks back and wrapping multiple times around his left arm, resting his tail on Larks head. End ID]
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