#Nate Mason
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Dungeons & Dragons: Rise of Warduke Cover Art by Nate Mason
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ianthedebonair · 1 month
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The Wayhaven police and fire departments collaborated for a calendar for charity and they sent over the detective to model with the other firefighters
Nate bought one to support the cause and hung it in the warehouse kitchen:
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werewolfsmile · 16 days
Dammit Hardison - The Compilation
[watch it on youtube]
Here it is, every instance of dammit Hardison in Leverage and Redemption! I've given a bit of context with every scene, rather than just the two seconds it takes to yell dammit Hardison.
Eliot says this phrase 14 times in Leverage and 6 times in Redemption, plus it being said 3 times by other people, bringing us to a grand total of 23 dammit Hardisons! And now you can enjoy them all!
Here's to hoping there's more in S3 of Redemption!!!
(edit: LMAO WHOOPS i accidentally skipped one of the bonus dammit hardisons on my first render of this video! 🤦🏼‍♀️it's now edited and included in here but boy do i feel silly, can't believe i missed it the first time around. the numbers above have been updated as well. there's only one person i can blame this on: dammit hardison!)
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ladiemars · 14 hours
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my best friend commissioned me to draw her detectives so you know i had to go crazy !!
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wayhavenmemes · 3 months
Submission Sunday:
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seraphinitegames · 1 year
M: *protective*, Just let me hold you, Make sure you come back, I'm scared that he's going to take you from me, *super worried*, *helps MC in the shower and is super gentle with zero sexual comments at all*, *even when spicy time is initiated they just go super soft and slow*, No i'm not asking to have sex with you you're super tired and I think you should sleep
N: You look very sexy today, ;) you don't know what game I had in mind, *staring at the MC's ass*, *fucks MC on the pool table*
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I've been trying to write a response to this but keep falling over laughing, LOL!
I mean, it's totally accurate, which is what makes it so funny, hehehe! :D
Thank you so much for the fun message! :)
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mnasthaii · 1 year
see now the theme of soulmates is sprinkled throughout the romances of wayhaven chronicles. the detective can help control m’s pheromones and touch them without causing them pain (something no one else has been able to do), n states that they knew from the moment they met the detective that they were meant for each other, f (who feels like they don't belong anywhere) finds a home in the detective, and a’s shell that they have built up starts to disappear which has been something no one was able to do before (not even unit bravo). furthermore, the temptation of the detective's blood represents their connection to their love interest: they have special blood and vampires drink blood, showing that the detective contains something that the love interest needs to live (both metaphorically and physically). therefore, the detective has an intrinsic and unexplainable connection to their love interest that indicates that they were made for each other since the detective gives them something they have been lacking.
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UB after meeting the most unhinged and in danger human they could get their hands on
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agentnatesewell · 1 year
Quick and gentle reminder that this is the palette for Unit Bravo.
Also, the following descriptions: A - Pale cream skin, N - Tawny skin, F - Rich dark brown skin, M - Tanned skin with freckles over face and neck
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someiicecube · 1 year
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I'm vibrating in anticipation for book three, so I actually drew Wayhaven art for once
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swampwitched · 2 months
A: I don't know why you have an issue with this. N was happy to comply. M: So, what, now I'm just supposed to do anything that N does? I mean, what if they jumped off a cliff? A: If N were to jump off a cliff, they would've done their due diligence regarding the height of the cliff, the depth of the water, and the angle of entry, so yes. If you see N jump off a cliff, by all means, jump off a cliff. M: You jump off a cliff. A: Gladly. Provided N did first.
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mewsly · 1 year
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I love the M BFF Route So Much <3
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ladiemars · 2 years
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unit bravo if they had twitter (part 1, part 2, part 3)
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wayhavenmemes · 2 months
Just let us believe that someday our delulu will come trululu 🤧😭
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toasttt11 · 8 days
shades of green
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September 7, 2023
Connie walked down the hallway of the Blackhawks Arena and into the locker room for the first day of training camp.
She’s been in Chicago a couple times alreadly since the draft and likes the city pretty well already. She spent almost two weeks after the draft for the development camp and then signing her ELC.
Connie saw her name on the stall between Nick Foligno and Lukas, she walked over seeing Nick already sitting there.
She met Nick and his family the last time she was in Chicago and he was one of the few players in the city in the off season as they were moving and trying to get the kids settled. Connie really enjoys spending time with his kids and she had a feeling she would be spending a lot more time with them throughout the season.
“Hey Con.” Nick smiled a fatherly smile seeming to already taken Connie under his wing, not that she truly needed it she was natural at adjusting.
“Hi.” Connor soflty spoke back with an awkward nod as she sat down on her stall and took a deep breath calming her anxiety and hoping she will impress the team enough she would be staying on the team for the next season.
Connie knows everyone already thinks she is on the teams roster and it’s not even a question that the coaches want her on their team but Connie doesn’t care she’s going into this camp trying to prove she deserves a spot and she doesn’t want to just expect a spot because she went number one overall.
“Hey Vla.” Nick greeted as Alex walked into the room and sat down on the stall next to him.
“Nick.” Alex smiled nodding accepting Nick’s fist bump.
“Have you met Con yet?” Nick questioned, even with this being his first season with the team he still took the step to make sure the younger and newer players were settling in well.
“I haven’t.” Alex shook his head no and looked over at her, obviously he has seen photos and videos of her especially with her on the ice but seeing her up close she was stunning but her eyes, they were incredible with many different shades of green.
Alex shook his head clearing his throat noticing he was staring, “I’m Alex.” Alex smiled crookedly at her holding his hand out.
“Connie.” Connie softly introduced herself shaking his head softly.
Alex could only focus on how much smaller her hand was in his hand and knew he was screwed.
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lalizah · 1 month
This is the silliest hc anyone can hc so please don't judge too harshly lol
Liz is so so self conscious about how she looks and now that she finally finally looks how she's always wanted, she's meticulous and high maintenance with her appearance, so much so that Mason has a heart attack the first time he goes into her bathroom to take a shower whilst Nate cries tears of joy because he's finally found his soulmate
After they've known each other a while, Liz does something stupid and ends up in the medical ward (yet again) and UB are distraught, especially Rebecca. The sight she sees when she goes to check up on Liz would have her doubled over and laughing if it were not the fact that her daughter is still unconscious: Adam and Nate making sure her hair is hydrated, conditioned and styled properly, having a small argument over whether she'd want it straight or curled as Mason glares at them from where he's applying moisturizer to one hand and tells them to make sure her hair's parted correctly.
Felix is doing an immaculate job doing her nails and everyone stops arguing to appreciate the design, sure that Liz would love them. Rebecca's stunned reaction prompts a chorus of justifications - she woke up after three days last time and all she could do was cry about her hair- and - she was most distressed to find that her skin had not been provided with adequate nourishment and she proceeded to doubt our friendship, which greatly offended me hence why I have taken upon myself this task- and of course, - she spent 5 hours in the bathroom every fucking day, moaning about looking ugly and I'm not putting up with that shit again-
Deep down, they're all grateful to have something to do so that they can ignore the terror that claws at them.
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