#Net National Product
scorebetter · 1 year
National Income
To estimate the total economic activity in a nation or region, a number of metrics are utilised, including the gross domestic product, gross national product, net national income, and adjusted national income.
National Income is the final output of all new goods and services a country produced in one year. To estimate the total economic activity in a nation or region, a number of metrics are utilised, including the gross domestic product, gross national product, net national income, and adjusted national income. The term “national income accounting” refers to a group of procedures and guidelines that…
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icemountain1 · 2 years
Celal Bayar university faculty of business
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climatechangesblog · 2 years
The lower house of the Indian parliament Monday passed a bill establishing a central scheme for the purchase and sale of carbon credits. The bill also promotes clean energy by obligating certain large consumers of electricity to use renewable energy and conserve energy.
The Energy Conservation (Amendment) Act seeks to amend the two-decade-old Energy Conservation Act and introduce a carbon credit trading scheme. A carbon credit is a permit that allows the holder the “right” to emit one ton of carbon dioxide or the equivalent amount of another greenhouse gas (GHG) by offsetting it against the reduction of equivalent emissions. The emission reductions may either be “certified” and sold through a third-party regulator, such as the Clean Development Mechanism by the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), or “voluntary” and exchanged between buyers and sellers directly.
Under the carbon credit trading scheme proposed in the bill, registered entities will be issued carbon credit certificates which they can sell to other entities or individuals. The scheme incorporates the offset markets in energy efficiency and renewable energy that currently operate in India. While India has previously engaged in the global carbon credit market—with the city of Indore exporting UNFCCC-approved carbon credits for about $62,000 in 2020—the carbon credit certificates proposed in the bill can only be issued by the Indian government or agencies it authorizes. The Power Minister also reportedly stated the scheme would be wholly domestic. Source jurist.org
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reasonsforhope · 4 months
The World's Forests Are Doing Much Better Than We Think
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You might be surprised to discover... that many of the world’s woodlands are in a surprisingly good condition. The destruction of tropical forests gets so much (justified) attention that we’re at risk of missing how much progress we’re making in cooler climates.
That’s a mistake. The slow recovery of temperate and polar forests won’t be enough to offset global warming, without radical reductions in carbon emissions. Even so, it’s evidence that we’re capable of reversing the damage from the oldest form of human-induced climate change — and can do the same again.
Take England. Forest coverage now is greater than at any time since the Black Death nearly 700 years ago, with some 1.33 million hectares of the country covered in woodlands. The UK as a whole has nearly three times as much forest as it did at the start of the 20th century.
That’s not by a long way the most impressive performance. China’s forests have increased by about 607,000 square kilometers since 1992, a region the size of Ukraine. The European Union has added an area equivalent to Cambodia to its woodlands, while the US and India have together planted forests that would cover Bangladesh in an unbroken canopy of leaves.
Logging in the tropics means that the world as a whole is still losing trees. Brazil alone removed enough woodland since 1992 to counteract all the growth in China, the EU and US put together. Even so, the planet’s forests as a whole may no longer be contributing to the warming of the planet. On net, they probably sucked about 200 million metric tons of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere each year between 2011 and 2020, according to a 2021 study. The CO2 taken up by trees narrowly exceeded the amount released by deforestation. That’s a drop in the ocean next to the 53.8 billion tons of greenhouse gases emitted in 2022 — but it’s a sign that not every climate indicator is pointing toward doom...
More than a quarter of Japan is covered with planted forests that in many cases are so old they’re barely recognized as such. Forest cover reached its lowest extent during World War II, when trees were felled by the million to provide fuel for a resource-poor nation’s war machine. Akita prefecture in the north of Honshu island was so denuded in the early 19th century that it needed to import firewood. These days, its lush woodlands are a major draw for tourists.
It’s a similar picture in Scandinavia and Central Europe, where the spread of forests onto unproductive agricultural land, combined with the decline of wood-based industries and better management of remaining stands, has resulted in extensive regrowth since the mid-20th century. Forests cover about 15% of Denmark, compared to 2% to 3% at the start of the 19th century.
Even tropical deforestation has slowed drastically since the 1990s, possibly because the rise of plantation timber is cutting the need to clear primary forests. Still, political incentives to turn a blind eye to logging, combined with historically high prices for products grown and mined on cleared tropical woodlands such as soybeans, palm oil and nickel, mean that recent gains are fragile.
There’s no cause for complacency in any of this. The carbon benefits from forests aren’t sufficient to offset more than a sliver of our greenhouse pollution. The idea that they’ll be sufficient to cancel out gross emissions and get the world to net zero by the middle of this century depends on extraordinarily optimistic assumptions on both sides of the equation.
Still, we should celebrate our success in slowing a pattern of human deforestation that’s been going on for nearly 100,000 years. Nothing about the damage we do to our planet is inevitable. With effort, it may even be reversible.
-via Bloomburg, January 28, 2024
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farzin-fardin-fard · 2 years
Farzin Fardin Fard Teach you What is Music Production? How to learn music production – 3fmusic
Who is Fazin Fardin Fard?
Farzin Fardin Fard - CEO & Founder 3fmusic.com - Farzin Fardin Fard an elusive Iranian music producer with a penchant for non-fungible tokens (NFTs)
Farzin Fardin Fard an elusive Iranian music producer with a penchant for non-fungible tokens (NFTs). In March, Farzin Fardin Fard  company bought a New York Times column for $560,000. In April, 3F Music purchased the “Overly Attached Girlfriend” meme for $411,000, followed by Zoë Roth’s “Disaster Girl” for $473,000, and the “Charlie Bit Me” video for $760,999
learn music production with Farzin Fardin Fard – 3fmusic
Do you want to learn music production to create your own arrangements and work in a recording studio? Find out what tools and skills it takes to become a music producer and shine a light on your creativity and your differences.
Two skills complement each other when learning music production: mastering a musical instrument, and expert use of a mixing desk as well as the most common software. It takes a little talent, a lot of curiosity and training! Many guides, such as the Wikihow musical production and many training courses help enthusiasts to become professionals
What is Music Production? Who is she talking to?
In addition to a pronounced taste for listening to all styles of music and the desire to play with a mixing board, learning musical production requires understanding the fundamentals of the so Anglo-Saxon universe of "music ".
On the technical side, thanks to a MAO (computer-assisted music) table, you have to learn the basics and methods of recording a work of music and those of sound recording thanks to online or in-studio courses. . Then comes the mastery of mixing, arrangements, processing and effects, as well as mastering on one of the most used software on the market: Cubase SX, Logic, Protools.
Electronic music lovers also appreciate sequencers. Ideally, a hip music producer handles them all. Finally, as the fashion is for samplingof existing pieces, knowledge of the legal aspects of professional production is helpful. The distribution of creations on streaming platforms is one of the aspects to discover.
Some fundamentals can be learned independently of others, thanks to Wikihow in particular: the basics of mixing, the fundamentals of Protools, creating beats, understanding musical production on a Mac or a PC.
Learning music production is aimed both at amateurs who want to record their musical creation made in their garage, alone or in a group, as well as at all those who want to become professionals in the recording studios and help other talents to shine.
What are the qualities required to master music production?
Having a musical ear and a talent for computers is one of the qualities necessary to learn the profession of composer and then to work effectively in music production. You also need great curiosity and imagination to think, for example, of integrating a piece of classical music, accelerated and remastered, into a piece of rap. Mixing software, with its long list of virtual instruments, requires to be known from top to bottom and tested in all widths. The artistic and musical sensibility imposes itself.
Finally, as the ultimate goal is to be published or to publish new talents, you have to know how to manage a budget, like to undertake in order to quickly become independent of the big studios. Even the greatest talents do not surface overnight, the music producer must learn to be persistent.
Finally, to make different musicians and communicators work together, good interpersonal skills and a lot of patience are essential. The music producer must have a flair for finding talent and enough self-confidence not to envy the success of other musicians and creators. Learning music production requires knowing how to make friends, whether to improve one's productions, to broaden one's horizons or to finance a project.
learn music production Farzin Fard
Why learn music production?
Learning music production can be for the sole purpose… to have fun! It is easy today to produce music online and to be proud of the image of the technician in his studio.
If the objective is more professional, the mastery of sound and mixing is used in many professions exercised mainly by the intermittents du spectacle. Sound engineers intervene as much in the cinema as to rework a company's welcome jingle. Events, theatre, concerts, DJ performances… the opportunities are numerous. In terms of artistic career, the range is also wide, ranging from artist-author to music therapist. Those who prefer stable employment can be hired by production companies. Taking courses is the way to acquire skills to move up the ladder or to carry out a professional retraining.
Farzin Fard: How to train to learn music production?
The Wikihow on music production is a good gateway before training through video courses and other distance learning courses. In some cases, to become a DJ for example, no training is required. Aspiring disc jockeys start step by step as soon as they master the equipment and have experience of travel and long working hours.
To deepen this first approach, many training courses offer to become familiar with Protools and audio mixing, in online training, over two to four weeks. These courses are open to everyone, company employees, job seekers and students. In general, continuing education in the field of music trains in MAO and these software. The objective is also to closely follow trends in the sector of activity.
Students can choose a diploma path through initial training. After the baccalaureate, the audiovisual BTS offers a production management option which opens the way to a production assistant position. At bac+2 level, La FEMIS, the national higher education school for image and sound professions, allows you to work in the cinema. The university also prepares for professional licenses and masters specialized in music and sound processing.
How to finance his training?
Apart from purely technical training on mixing and the use of tools, many training courses are eligible for the Professional Training Account ( CPF ). Scholarships may be granted for university training.
As far as continuing education is concerned, the future musical producer can have recourse to funding from the OPCOs, and in particular the AFDAS which is in charge of the intermittents du spectacle. Job seekers will apply for AIF from Pôle emploi up to €1,500. SACEM funds computer music training once a year.
For which professions to learn music production?
Learning music production leads to all sound and organizational professions: DJ, sound engineer , assistant producer and music producer. Finally, a career as a musician is not to be excluded.
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lovebugism · 7 months
If you’re taking requests could I ask for one from the fall prompts with Steve and punchy?
“When she wears YOUR flannel shirt”
ty for requesting! steve x punchy nation rise! — you spend an autumn morning with steve which results in misplaced jealousy and spilled coffee (established relationship, fluff, v v brief miscommunication, 1k)
fictober (㇏(•̀ᵥᵥ•́)ノ)
Steve, still wearing last night’s pajamas, stands barefoot on the patio and basks in the early morning orange. 
Fall seemed to arrive in Hawkins overnight. It’s cooler than usual outside, and everything is weirdly more yellow. Every tree has seemingly shed its leaves, too, and somehow ended up right in his pool. He uses the net to fish the dying things from the rippling blue.
You watch him from the doorway. His golden arms tense with every scoop, and his sleep shirt is so tight you can see the muscles in his back flexing, too. Your bare legs are cold and prickly with it, but the sight of him makes you feel all warm — like the mug of hot coffee burning your palm.
“You have to stop being so productive so early in the morning,” you chastise, voice still heavy with sleep. “It’s getting weird.”
“It’s gotta get done, babe,” Steve retorts with a soft laugh, his back still facing you.
You take it as an opportunity to press yourself against him. You wrap your free hand around his waist and spread your palm along the faint pudge of his covered tummy. Your cheek melts between his shoulder blades as you mumble, “Not while normal people are still sleeping. Think about it— we could be spooning right now and not freezing our asses off—”
“Whoa, whoa, whoa,” Steve interjects with a boyish vibrato. Still gripping the metal handle of the pool skimmer, he turns around to face you. His honey eyes are wide as they dart up and down your form. “No way you’re wearing Eddie’s shirt right now.”
Your brows pinch together just like his bushy ones. You look down at yourself, at the deep green and navy blue flannel swallowing you whole, then back at him. “No?” you answer, though it comes out as more of a question. “This is your shirt.”
Steve shakes his head, puts a hand on his hip, and clicks his lips against his teeth. 
“No… I’m pretty sure I saw him wearing it the other day— he said he was gonna cut the sleeves off and wear it over his jacket like a freak.”
“And I told him he couldn’t, remember?” you lilt with raised brows. “‘Cause he stole it from me after I stole it from you.”
Steve winces when you shove your pointer finger into his chest.
“So, it’s mine?” he questions, confused all over again.
You nod all slow. “Yeah.”
“Oh…” he hums, less jealous and more content than he was a moment ago. 
His chest starts to warm now that he can see you more clearly, without the haze of misplaced envy clouding his vision. 
Your hair’s a mess, and you’re still in yesterday’s makeup, and your legs are unshaven. The buttons on the flannel don’t quite line up, either, and the lapel droops off one shoulder to reveal the lovebite he left on your collarbone the night before.
If home was a place, he’s pretty sure it’d look an awful lot like you.
“…Oh,” he repeats, with a more profound inflection this time. ‘Cause he’s a boy, and you’re wearing his shirt, and it’s doing irreversible damage to his brain.
“I just got, like, ten times hotter, huh?” you tease with a knowing squint.
“Try a thousand,” Steve scoffs with a pink grin.
“A million?”
“A billion,” he argues, wrapping his free arm around your shoulders to pull you into him again. His other stays firmly gripping the pool net because he’s not diving in to rescue this thing if it sinks. “A kajillion, even,” he jokes with sparkling eyes that dance between both of yours.
You laugh before you mean to. “Wow. That’s a real big number, Harrington. Sure you know what it means?”
“If it means I wanna kiss the life outta you, then, yeah,” he murmurs lowly, already leaning in to kiss your smile.
You taste like coffee, where he tastes like minty mouthwash. It’s an unearthly concoction that feels like heaven on your tongue. 
It’s perhaps too early to be kissed so ardently, with your head tilted back against the crook of Steve’s elbow while he steals the breath from your lungs. You get so effortlessly drunk on him — quickly forgetting the crisp cold and the fresh coffee in your hand.
Steve hisses when he pulls back from you, features contorted in discomfort. “Hot coffee,” he winces through gritted teeth. “Hot coffee on my foot.”
Only then do you recognize your limp hand and the subtle splashing of your drink against the patio.
“Oh, shit!” you blurt into the quiet, early morning. “Fuck, Steve— I’m sorry!”
He shakes his head and swipes a hand through his hair. He scrunches his nose and tries to smile. “It’s okay. Didn’t even hurt.”
Your eyes flit down to his splotchy red foot, then back at him. You look more pained by it than he does. “Yes, it did!” you agonize, wrapping your arms around his waist and smushing your cheek into his chest. 
Thankfully, there’s not much coffee left in the mug to spill this time. 
“I’m sorry, Stevie,” you mumble into his t-shirt. “Fuck, I wish I wasn’t so clumsy all the time— it’s annoying.”
Steve laughs into your hair and abandons the pool skimmer to wrap both arms around you. One hand squeezes your shoulder while the other smooths up and down your back. “I don’t think so. I think it’s sweet.”
“…Even when I give you third-degree burns from my coffee?”
He exhales a faint chuckle. “Yeah, even when you give me third-degree burns from your coffee.”
Your cheek rubs against the soft cotton of his t-shirt when you turn to look up at him. Your chin tilts against his chest and bobs as you ask him, “Do you still wanna kiss me?”
A crooked smile tugs slow at his pink mouth. His honey eyes twinkle when they look down at you. He quickly forgets the tingling pain fading at the top of his foot because you’re so damn pretty wrapped up in his arms.
“I’d kiss you forever, baby,” he murmurs so fondly it makes your stomach whirl. “You know that.”
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mindblowingscience · 2 months
Just 57 companies and nation states were responsible for generating 80% of the world's CO₂ emissions from fossil fuels and cement over the last seven years, according to a new report released by the thinktank InfluenceMap. This finding suggests that net zero targets set by the Paris climate change agreement in 2015 are yet to make a significant impact on fossil fuel production. The report uses the Carbon Majors database, established in 2013 by Richard Heede of the Climate Accountability Institute, to provide fossil fuel production data from 122 of the world's largest oil, gas, coal and cement producers.
Continue Reading.
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If Ugandans have a social safety net, it is woven from banana fibers, and if there is a clear path to socialism, it will be lined with banana leaves. The lusuku model, premised on intercropping and smallholder farming, could be the basis for national agrarian reform that improves the lives of Uganda’s agricultural workers without accelerating the destruction of the natural environment. Uganda faces increasing difficulty feeding itself because of climate extremes and land degradation, and this affects farmers more significantly than anyone else. Moreover, since the 1990s, the ruling National Resistance Movement regime sold off and dismantled most of the coffee, tea, and cotton growers cooperatives, leaving smallholder farmers in the hands of the predatory middlemen which cooperatives had been established to protect them against. Unable to collectively bargain and exposed to dramatic fluctuations in the market prices for cash crops, many people left rural areas to search for employment in cities. This has been a driving force behind the massive inequality between rural and urban workers. Ugandans now produce more food than they consume, even exporting to other countries in the region, yet 41% of people are undernourished, and agricultural production has decreased over the last 20 years. For the most part, the strategy pursued by Uganda’s government has been to encourage the development of ecologically disastrous intensive agriculture for export, privileging foreign investors rather than developing the infrastructure that would benefit peasants. Indeed, while more than 70% of Ugandans are employed in agriculture, the sector only receives around 4% of public investment, and projects aimed at helping smallholder farmers have had very little success, even by their own standards. Many of the government’s investments in agriculture very clearly advantage larger landowners, to the detriment of the poorest farmers. For example, most of the government’s investment in labor-saving technologies has been spent on tractors, which are great for large plots but largely unaffordable or unsuitable for the average farmer, whose plot is usually between 1-3 acres large. However, a socialist transition premised on agroecological reforms could make use of the existing lusuku model to create the kind of growth that actually improves poor farmers’ lives without destroying their environment. This could begin with reestablishing cooperatives and engineering agricultural prices around social needs and goals, like guaranteeing access to food. Research from around the world has shown that while large, monocrop plantations are good at producing huge volumes of one crop, smallholder farms are more productive when evaluated on a per-unit area and are capable of securing national food sovereignty. Why, for example, should Ugandans buy rice imported from Pakistan or Vietnam when banana intercropping yields more calories per hectare than rice? Lusukus could feed the nation without relying on foreign experts, development aid, or the capital-intensive inputs now being imported to grow for export. Because lusukus are far better for the soil, they also improve the nation’s capacity to resist severe floods and drought, effects of climate change that hit poor farmers hardest. In these ways, the lusuku model could provide a sustainable path to socialist development.
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One of the lamest aspects of the MCU for me, of which there are many, is that since these products are designed from top to bottom to be easily digested sludge for their prime audience of North American philistines the world of the Marvel universe is basically entirely culturally and politically identical (and entirely US/anglo-centric) to ours except with capeshit happening. There's no attempt or desire to explore the ramifications of all of the insane shit it depicts. Net zero worldbuilding. Like you really expect people to believe that a world where aliens and cosmic civilizations are an established fact, superheroes and magic are real, the most powerful and technologically advanced country on Earth is an uncolonized African nation, and literally half of all life in existence disappeared for a bit and then came back would look and act and feel just like ours? Like, totally the same? Cool. Here's Megan Thee Stallion and a Star Wars reference. Eat it you stupid shits. Kill your curiosity and wonder and capacity to imagine different worlds.
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lovehael · 2 months
Foreign Aid as a Weapon
Most U.S. aid commits the recipient nation to buy U.S. goods at U.S. prices, to be transported in U.S. ships. In keeping with its commitment to capitalism, the U.S. government does not grant assistance to state-owned enterprises in Third World nations, only to the private sector. Most foreign aid never reaches the needy segments of recipient nations. Much of it is used to subsidize U.S. corporate investment and a substantial amount finds its way into the coffers of corrupt comprador rulers. Some of it subsidizes the cash-crop exports of agribusinesses at the expense of small farmers who grow food for local markets.
The net result of foreign aid, as with most overseas investment, is a greater concentration of wealth for the few and deeper poverty for the many. A large sum of money cannot be injected into a class society in a class-neutral way. It goes either to the rich or the poor, in most cases, the rich.
Aid is also a powerful means of political control. It is withheld when poorer nations dare to effect genuine reforms that might tamper with the distribution of wealth and power. Thus in 1970 when the democratically elected Allende government in Chile initiated reforms that benefited the working class and encroached upon the privileges of wealthy investors, all U.S. aid was cut off- except assistance to the Chilean military, which was increased. In some instances, aid is used deliberately to debilitate local production, as when Washington dumped sorghum and frozen chickens onto the Nicaraguan market to undercut cooperative farms and undermine land reform, or when it sent corn to Somalia to undercut local production and cripple independent village economies. It should be remembered that these corporate agricultural exports are themselves heavily subsidized by the U.S. government.
A key instrument of class-biased aid is the World Bank, an interlocking, international consortium of bankers and economists who spend billions of dollars- much of it from U.S taxpayers- to finance projects that shore up repressive right-wing regimes and subsidize corporate investors at the expense of the poor and the environment. For instance, in the 1980s the World Bank built a highway into northwest Brazil's rain forests, then leveled millions of acres so that wealthy Brazilian ranchers could enjoy cheap grazing lands. Brazil also sent some of its urban poor down that highway to settle the land and further deplete it. Within ten years, the region was denuded and riddled with disease and poverty. As Jim Hightower put it: "All the world's bank robbers combined have not done one-tenth of one percent of the harm that the World Bank has in just fifty years."
Against Empire by Michael Parenti
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Space Karen is a monster. They had opportunities to unionize but they succumbed to pressure from Elongated Muskrat and Texas Republicans and now they’ll be living on the production line. How stupid are you to reject unionization? Now they’re slaves like every other non-union employee in the country.
Republicans in red states pass laws called “right to work”, which is more Republican name trickery. “Right to work” laws prevent unions/organized labor. What it literally means is that companies have the right to make YOU work without any benefits, for minimum wage, without any right to protest wage theft or unsafe conditions, no recourse against unfair labor practices, and to put you on “on demand schedules,” The latter means no set regular hours, 9-5 today then 9-9 the day after, then 1-8, or no hours at all for days or weeks until you quit and can’t collect. “On demand scheduling” is abosolutely cruel. You never get to recover properly, you can never make plans outside of work, you can’t attend school or have a second job, and you miss out on all the major life events of your family. This leads to resentment, divorce, and alienated children who feel unloved.
Even blue states have bare minimum labor laws in place to control abuses by employers. Try going to the state for help in a dispute with your boss. Try hiring a lawyer when you’re poor or even if you’re not lawyers don’t want to touch these cases.
We are already a nation of hopeless wage slaves. Biden and the Democrats are making progress in passing laws to protect workers and unions but it will all be swept away if Republicans regain the White House and Congress. Some people won’t learn until they’re chained to a machine in a building with suicide nets outside the windows like in China.
It took almost two hundred years to get unions, workers rights, and work place safety laws put into place. They’ve nearly all been eroded into a forgotten past since Republican Ronald Reagan, and Fox News, was elected in 1980. Nearly all of you reading this don’t even know a time when workers only needed one job to support a home and family, had pensions, and had health insurance that was provided. Now you live with 2-3 jobs, have no health insurance, can’t afford a home (or rent), can’t afford college or even a new car, and make less than your grandparents. The media glosses this over calling the extra jobs “side hustles” and your lack of a career with dignity is because you’re a generation of “self starters.”
You weren’t born to be a wage slave for billionaire oligarchs and the petty tyrants they hire to be middle managers. Spread the word and unionize. Fight for it. People in the 1800’s literally battled armed mercenaries, cops, and the military for the right to union jobs that let them live and earn with dignity. Don’t let their spilled blood and deaths be in vain. The United Auto Workers and other unions tried repeatedly to get Tesla unionized. Unions are out there and willing to help. It only takes a few phone calls to get the ball rolling.
Muskrat promised his workers free frozen yogurt and a roller coaster ride from the parking lot to factory if they voted against unions, I shit you not. He never delivered either. He did spend millions on union avoidance firms to come in and lie and scare workers into voting no. Now they’re treated like cotton plantation slaves and told they will be literally living on a production line.
To put this into the identity politics millennials are drawn to, unions are the only working environment where marginalized people are protected and have recourse against discrimination and mistreatment in the workplace. If you are mistreated you can file a grievance and if the management doesn’t redress the issue then they are taken to contractually mandated arbitration or court with union supplied lawyers. If you have never worked in a union shop you have no idea what it’s like to not be fearful, to have dignity, and to know people are obligated to protect you from management.
It’s the only non-union automaker in the country.
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olivyh · 1 year
What if one day Jamil got so tired of doing everything for Kalim that he wishes that he could have more time for himself? And then for the next few days, someone's already helped him finish his chores, schoolwork, and other tasks (i.e bringing stuff to the teachers, preparing food for banquets).
Jamil's confused. Who could've done this? It couldn't be Kalim. But it also couldn't have been his darling s/o, right? Sure, they bring him a bento and small gifts everyday but that's normal. Until one day while bringing him his fixed school uniform, Jamil hypnotizes a student and asks him who was helping him behind the shadows. Lo and behold, it was indeed his s/o all along. Now, Jamil is rushing over to Ramshackle, and what does he see? S/o cooking a delicious pot of curry that Jamil loves. Cue Jamil proposing to S/o on the spot.
A/N: Jamil nation is back!! Midterms are almost up, which means (hopefully) a little more productivity! I've been struggling with some mental health stuff recently, so my works aren't as polished as i'd like them to be ;;;;;;
Jamil practically collapses onto his bed, his limbs feeling as though they were being held down by weights and his eyelids drooping pathetically as he tries to muster any amount of strength to at least get cleaned up after his busy day. The man feels as though he's covered in a layer of sweat, grime, and grease from all the running around- from having to cook breakfast and lunch for Kalim, to chasing after Floyd during practice (with no time between the end of it due to the mer deciding to climb onto the net and effectively rip it off the hinges and a lengthy explanation to the nurse and his twin brother), to rushing across campus to grab groceries to preparing for another party followed by cleaning it off...
Jamil groans and sits up despite his body's pleas for him to rest. His muscles ache as he weakly pulls out the charms in his hair- albeit a little rougher than he would normally be. He hardly has the energy to take out the birds and place all the accessories on his bedside table, opting to simply slip out of his hoodie and pass out with a tanktop and the lower half of his dorm uniform. He falls onto his back, the tension in his shoulders unrelenting even as he tried to relax, a wave of frustration cascading over his mind and making his heart clench until it nearly aches. It's only a matter of time before his eyes unwillingly slip closed, sending him into a dreamless sleep.
The next morning, he awakes without the blare of his alarm. He gasps and shoots up, scrambling for his phone as he climbs out of bed (when did he get underneath the blankets?) and reaches for his hair accessories (did he put those away last night?). He hastily casts a quick spell, watching as the magic swirls and effortlessly braids his hair back in his usual style, the few loose strands picked up by the boy as he tucks them behind his ear. He tries to ignore the slight tremor in his hand as he attaches the charms, tossing on his (washed?) blazer.
Jamil Viper knew himself well, he knew what he could and could not do, he knew his limits, he knew and carefully planned his every action and event to the minute, careful to not leave any loose strings that could come back and bite him.
This continued through the next week- suddenly all of his chores were finished, coming back to the dorm exhausted and mentally preparing to deep clean the kitchen or the common room only to find that it had already been done. Kalim's clothes were folded as well (the heir had been confused as well, having been asleep in his room while his clothes were left in the laundry room). He even noticed that much of his homework was done (albeit sloppily around the edges) and he would come back after practice to see that the cupboards had been restocked with groceries for the next week.
Jamil felt as though his head was going to split, he tugged at the end of his hair and bit his lip as he attempted to study, mind racing with the possibilities. Could someone be trying to replace him? Trying to get closer to Kalim? Did they have it out for him? He swore that if Azul had anything to do with this he was going to corner that bastard and take his broken glasses as a reward-
"Jamil? I was told to take this to you-"
"Hm?" He looks up, only for his eyes to widen s he takes in his now repaired basketball uniform- torn from Floyd grabbing it too hard and effectively ripping it from the collar down the center. He was humiliated having to walk back to the dorm essentially wearing it as a vest rather than a jersey.
Feeling a surge of annoyance, finally at his breaking point, he stares the student down, eyes narrowing as he feels the familiar surge of magic through his veins, tingling from the crown of his head to the tips of his fingers.
"Who put you up to this?" He demands, taking a step closer to the hypnotized student. The blank red-film eyes stare back at him as the students' jaw hangs open uselessly.
"The Ramshackle Prefect," Jamil stops in his tracks, dropping his magic as he scrambles for the door, his bare feet slapping against the cold tile of the Scarabia as he rushes to the mirror.
He mentally berates himself- how could he be so blind? Jamil also feels a stab of pity that worms into his heart and makes him want to curl up. Had he unintentionally put that pressure on them? How could he not see the stress?
Looking back on it, he does remember how their movements were slowed, how their eyes held that slightly droopy look that he absolutely adored when they were laying beside each other in the late hours of the night, the way Grim glared at him when he stopped by their table for lunch (granted, the cat-like creature was prone to such childish actions, but he should have noticed how protective the monster got over the prefect).
The cold stone of the pathway to Main Street bites at his exposed feet, and he wishes he had bought his sandals to protect his feet. He trips over sticks, stubs his toes on rocks, and rushes through the bushes that cut through the forest on the way to the dorm. The chill of the air bites into his exposed skin as his lungs burn from running so far so quickly.
Once he finally arrives at the dorm, sweaty and out of breath, he catches a whiff of something that makes his heart pound even faster in his ribcage.
They were making his favorite food.
He swallows and raises a shaky hand to knock on the door. The sweat that had clung to his skin like a film began to chill in the night air, making him involuntarily shiver despite the warmth that blossomed in his stomach.
Jamil could barely catch their shocked expression to see him standing on their porch. He's sure he looks like a mess- his bangs clinging to his sweaty face, sweatshirt in disarray and basketball shorts exposing his legs despite the cold weather and, of course, his dirtied feet from the trek to the dorm. He envelopes them in a hug, ignoring their weak protests and complaints about getting sweat on them.
He backs away for a moment, cupping their face in his warm palms and gazing into their eyes as he takes in every feature- from the spice that had somehow ended on their cheek to the way their eyes crinkle when they smile at him.
He had practically lost control when he presses his lips to theirs, trying to convey all of his twisted feelings for them in one simple action- never enough, he'd believed. He could kiss them every second of every day and it would never amount to the amount of joy they gave him, the love he felt whenever he was in their presence. Every kiss was a different unspoken phrase, the words caught in his throat despite how slick he normally is with his prose.
'I need you' The kiss on their eyelid said.
'You're too kind' The peck on the tip of their nose.
'I want to keep you safe' The brush of his lips against their forehead.
'I don't deserve you' His lips ghosting over the soft curve of their cheek.
"Marry me," He mumbles, finally pressing a firm kiss to their lips once more.
They chuckle nervously as Jamil gasps softly, raising a hand to cover his mouth as he backs away, realizing that he had said the final one aloud.
They grip his hand and give him a once-over, sending him that warm smile that he wished he could hold all day and night- selfishly hoarding it and keeping it to himself.
"Wanna come in? I'm making dinner."
They don't have to ask him twice.
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icemountain1 · 2 years
Work for midterm exam I'm not already :(
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climatechangesblog · 2 years
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EKI Energy Services on Monday welcomed the government's stance on carbon credits and said that carbon credits and its trade is an imperative for climate positive plans. Union Minister for New and Renewable Energy R K Singh on October 6, said that the government is taking measures to make India a market for carbon credit which will be utilised to meet the country's NDC goals.
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On this day, 11 June 1981, the first of two violent raids by Québec police took place on the Listuguj (Restigouche) reserve of the Miꞌgmaq First Nations people. Officers in full riot gear attacked the reserve, while 35 boatloads of game wardens came ashore to shut down fishing by Mi'gmaq people. During the first raid police seized 100 fishing nets, arrested nine people and was accused of brutally beating others, like fisherman Randy Morrison, who reportedly stated: "I was trying to get out of the way of a group of policemen. A group of them grabbed, handcuffed, and then beat me with their sticks." On June 20, police returned, blockading the area and firing rubber bullets and tear gas. While the government claimed to be acting for conservation reasons, at the same time as shutting down salmon fishing by First Nations people, increasing oil exploration on Indigenous land was continuing apace. At the time there was speculation that the raids were to assert Québec's control of salmon fishing as a precursor to potential independence. Clashes continued in the aftermath of the raids, with two Indigenous people shot by police and another reserve raided by a mob of white Canadians who destroyed a Native salmon net. The second raids were filmed in a landmark documentary by Indigenous director Alanis Obomsawin in her film, Incident at Restigouche. Learn about Indigenous genocide and resistance in the Americas in this book: https://shop.workingclasshistory.com/products/500-years-of-indigenous-resistance-gord-hill https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=642632851243267&set=a.602588028581083&type=3
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tanadrin · 4 months
Why do you hate state's rights and freedom?
i dunno what the context of this is, but,
1. state's rights to do what? no state, whether a federal state or a national government, should have the right to uphold, say, slavery or racial discrimination. insofar in a federal system that states have rights, those rights are subordinated to federal law. that's the point of having a federal government. a lot of the shit done in the name of "state's rights" is explicitly unconstitutional--stuff like the nullification crisis--and envisions states having rights that they have never had, at least not since the Constitution was adopted.
states aren't human beings, so any sort of "natural rights" defense of a broad interpretation of state's rights falls flat to me. if polities have rights it is only those rights which a) are explicitly granted by law (like the Constitution), and b) are a product of the principle of democratic self-determination. hard to make the case that either slavery or Jim Crow, the basis of the major states' rights causes celebre in American history, are the product of democratic self-determination! they explicitly rely on restricting civic participation from a big chunk of society!
2. big fan of freedom. but a lot of americans define freedom in a way that means "freedom to be at the top of the hierarchy (and thus to dominate others)," which strikes me as at best anachronistic, a holdover from the middle age notions of aristocratic freedom, and at worst tendentious. applying a principle like "freedom to determine the shape of your own life in a self-directed way" to maximize the availability of that freedom in your society sometimes requires shit like levying taxes to pay for a social safety net, since in practice it's hard to determine the shape of your life in a self-directed way if you are starving to death. and paying a percentage of your income to the government is not actually a big infringement on your freedom, especially if the government is a product of reasonably democratic self-determination, and especially if the government is providing things like roads, public order, water and power infrastructure, markets, enforcement of contracts, etc.
if you chafe under that system, you are (if American) always free to renounce your citizenship. don't think statelessness is all it's cracked up to be, though.
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