#Nick Robinson x male reader
supercap2319 · 3 months
"Why'd you do it?" Zach asked.
"Do what?" Y/N asked after Gray had successfully fallen asleep getting somewhere safe.
"You could have gotten away from that big dinosaur and left me to die, but you didn't. You came back. Why?" Zach's brown eyes were shining with emotion.
"I don't know." Y/N lied.
Zach got closer to him. "Yes, you do."
"I just didn't want you to get hurt." Y/N leaned into Zach's touch.
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6rookie-writer0110 · 5 years
Calendar days
Simon Spier x Male Reader
Request- Simon Spier (I think that’s how you spell his name. But from Love, Simon) x Artist or Photographer male reader established relationship? Like first date and domestic fluffy moments?
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Simon is feeling very nervous and excited because it's the first date with you. It took him twenty minutes to make up his mind what to wear. Now he starts to fix his hair then you picked him up and he kissed you. You and Simon went to the ice rink, helped each other put on the skates then went towards the rink.
You and Simon hold hands whole ice skating and balance is hard for Simon. He is holding your hand very tight
”You are holding my hand too hard,” You said.
You and Simon stopped and he is standing in front of you. He is holding your arm tight and you feel his grip.
”I’m guessing ice skating is your weakness?” You asked.
”Yeah, pretty much. This is my first-time ice skating and I-I don't know” Simon said.
”Simon, relax. We don't have to do this” You said.
”I want to do it. My first-time ice skating on the first date with my boyfriend, I like it” Simon said.
You and Simon smiled at each other.
”I like how you said boyfriend and first date,” You said.
Simon can't stop smiling at you.
”I’m still feeling nervous but in a good way, if that makes sense,” Simon said.
”I feel the same way. I'm feeling nervous too” You said.
Simon doesn't let go of your hand while skating. A few times he did lose his balance but you catch him fast.
Simon has his arms wrapped around your torso and you are holding him too. Simon is making the first move to kiss you, but it started to rain now you and Simon get out of the rink.
”Great our first date is ruined,” Simon said.
”Not really. We still can do other things and it's only seven” You said.
”What you have in mind?” Simon asked.
You start to think.
”Maybe a movie then we get ice coffee?” You said.
”Sounds perfect,” Simon said.
You and Simon left the ice rink and went to the movie theater. While waiting for the movie to start, you and Simon played a zombie video game now playing the claw machine. You are trying to win a prize for Simon and he is doing the same, win a prize for you.
”I got this for you,” Simon said.
You kissed his cheek and he gave a plush of Brian Griffin.
”My turn,” You said.
”For good luck” Simon said.
He kissed your cheek. It took you two times to win something and you got him, a plush of superman.
”I finally got it,” You said.
”Awesome” Simon said and he gave you a peck on the lips.
You buy the snacks then you and Simon went inside to get the good seats. You and Simon ate half of the snacks during the previews.
In the middle of the movie, you put your arm around him and he lies his head on your chest.
After the movie before going home, you buy ice coffee for Simon. It's still raining, you still walked him to his door.
”I had fun and thanks for the superman plush,” Simon said.
”Told you, the date wasn't over only because it rained” You said.
Simon kissed you and he places his hand on your cheek. You start to kiss him back then his dad Jack opened the door.
”Hey-Woah oh” Jack started to shutter.
You and Simon moved away from each other.
”Hi, Mr. Spier” You shyly said.
”Dad” Simon said.
”I will throw out the trash later. Y/N, maybe stay for dinner next time” Jack said and left.
Simon felt embarrassed and you don't know what to say.
”Your dad seems nice. Does he know?” You said.
”Yeah, they know,” Simon said.
He kissed you again.
⍟ ⍟ ⍟ ⍟ ⍟ ⍟ ⍟ ⍟ ⍟ ⍟ ⍟ ⍟ ⍟ ⍟ ⍟
You are in your bedroom drawing and Simon walked in. He touched your arm and you jumped.
”I didn't mean to scare you,” Simon said.
”I was lost in my own world,” You said.
You kissed him.
”What are you drawing?” Simon said.
You gave him your sketchbook and he is looking at your drawing. He always supports your art.
” It's really amazing, babe,” Simon said and you smiled.
”Thanks. I have new drawings, do you want to see it?” You said.
”Yeah sure” Simon said.
You showed him your new drawings, he is loving the details you add.
”You can keep that one,” You said.
You have drawn you and Simon at the ice rink. He smiled and gently touched the drawing.
”It’s our first date,” Simon said.
”Last night I couldn't sleep, I had to draw it. And I went to bed late because I wanted to finish it” You said.
You start to yawn.
”Y/N, thank you. How about we take a nap together? I have been up early because my mom was in a cleaning spree” Simon said.
”I know how that goes,” You said.
Simon takes off his sneakers and he gets comfortable in your bed. Then you get in bed and Simon cuddles with you.
⍟ ⍟ ⍟ ⍟ ⍟ ⍟ ⍟ ⍟ ⍟ ⍟ ⍟ ⍟ ⍟ ⍟ ⍟
You and Simon are in pajamas on the couch, eating junk food while watching Arrow when Barry and Oliver first met.
”I ship them together, Oliver and Barry,” You said.
”They are hot but I ship Barry with Snart. Wait, wasn't he on Glee?” Simon said.
”Yeah, he was on glee. He is still hot” You said.
”If you had to chose who it would be Sebastian Smythe or Barry Allen,” Simon said.
”Come on, Simon. I would pick Sebastian but it really will be hard for me to pick. Who would you pick?” You said.
Simon starts to think.
”I like them both but mostly going towards Barry,” Simon said.
You and Simon kept talking about who is hot and who would you pick. You and Simon cuddled on the couch all night watching Arrow and the Flash.
”I know your birthday is next week but I couldn't wait. So, I want to give it to you now” Simon said.
”What is it?” You asked.
”I will be back,” Simon said.
Simon got up went to his room to grab the tickets. He gave you the tickets and you start to read it.
”We are really going to see Beetlejuice on Broadway!?” You asked.
”Yeah. That's your early birthday gift, I remembered you talking about what you wanted to see on Broadway” Simon said.
You stand up hugged him tight and you kissed him passionately.
”You are truly amazing. Thank you so much” You said and kissed him again.
Simon chuckled and he kissed you back.
⍟ ⍟ ⍟ ⍟ ⍟ ⍟ ⍟ ⍟ ⍟ ⍟ ⍟ ⍟ ⍟ ⍟ ⍟
Simon is feeling excited about your birthday, it's his first celebrating your birthday with him. He bought candles, cake, and your favorite ice cream flavor. Simon set up the table and he keeps checking the time. You finally came and you followed him to the kitchen
”Happy birthday, Y/N,” Simon said.
You smiled and kissed him.
”I’m glad I'm spending my birthday with you,” You said.
”Tonight my boyfriend definitely looks very handsome,” Simon said.
Simon lights the candles and he takes pictures with you. You and Simon eat cake and ice cream then left to see Beetlejuice.
⍟ ⍟ ⍟ ⍟ ⍟ ⍟ ⍟ ⍟ ⍟ ⍟ ⍟ ⍟ ⍟ ⍟ ⍟
You just sighed and you are staring at a blank canvas. You are having an artist’s block and you start to think and think, what to draw or how to even start. But nothing came to mind and Simon walked in and kissed you on the lips.
”What’s wrong?” Simon asked.
He sits next to you.
”I’m stuck. I feel my mind is stuck in a rut and I can't even draw something” You said.
”You are overthinking and that's why you are stuck,” Simon said.
He puts his hand on your knee.
”Yeah. I-I just don't know how to break it. I literally can't draw anything” You said.
Simon starts to think about how to help you.
”I have an idea. Come with me” Simon said.
”Where to?” You asked.
”Just come with me and you will see,” Simon said.
Simon took you to a craft store, where you can do your own pottery for beginners.
”Why are we here?” You asked.
”For you to think outside of the box. Try something different and maybe this can help when we do it together” Simon said.
”We can give it a try,” You said.
You and Simon take lessons together to do pottery. You and Simon did struggle a little bit to get the hang of it. But you are having a good time with him. You tried to make a bowl it's kinda uneven and Simon made a vase. Next, comes the painting
”Thank you. This was fun and I really enjoyed myself. And I didn't feel stuck when we started this” You said.
You gave him a peck on the lips.
”I’m glad you enjoyed yourself. How about after this we get take out and finish watching the flash” Simon said.
”Sounds good to me, babe,” You said.
Simon kissed you. You and Simon keep painting the items.
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mxsmwndr · 5 years
Pillow Fights Solve Everything (male!version)
Pairing: Ben Parish x Reader
Summary:  You and Ben are secretly dating–or so you think (pre-waves). (Would this be considered an AU?)
Terms: (Y/n) is Your Name
Warnings: Slight homophobia? Not even, I don’t think. It’s also unedited… but so are all of my others.
A/N:  So this idea sounded a lot better in my mind, but I decided it was too late to turn back. Click here for the fem!version and here for the gendernotspecified!version!
Disclaimer: I don’t own Ben, or you. Only Cal. 
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Calvin Scott was Ben Parish’s best friend. He told him everything. Ben as well.
Or at least that was what Cal assumed.
He never assumed that Ben had a secret boyfriend. Let alone, that he was gay and his secret boyfriend would be you. But he did, and you were. A little over two months ago Ben asked you out, and of course, you said yes. However, the two of you decided to keep it a secret, considering Ben had a group of crazy fangirls constantly trailing him, the fact that everyone thought the two of you were straight, and the idea that your (parent/guardian) didn’t like him one bit. But your friend groups didn’t like each other one bit, which did anything but help.
In a way, the two of you were like Romeo and Juliet. But, you guys were smart enough to check for a pulse before jumping to conclusions if someone died. So maybe it was more like Danny and Sandy. Only dudes.
Ben Parish jumped in his chair slightly, “What?” He asked Cal.
“What’s wrong with you?” He asked. He must have seen the confusion written on Ben’s face, because he followed up with: “You’re staring again. What’s your problem, anyway?” Cal said, looking behind him, to where Ben was staring.
Ben knew better than to roll his eyes, so he didn’t. But he was *this* close to it. Instead, he sighed, and moved his attention to the food in front of him.
“Seriously, man,” Cal said. “There something goin’ on with you?”
“N-no,” Ben said. He just wanted to go home, with you in his arms, and play with your hair as you fell asleep. “Why?” He asked, looking over to Cal once again.
“You keep staring over there, for the thousandth time today.” Cal reminded him.
Ben rolled his eyes, “It’s not the thousandth…” He said.
“Mm-hmm. And I’m going to become a professional softball player. Look, I get it, you’re tired.”
“It’s not just that--” The second the words escaped Ben’s lips, he regretted it.
“What it is? You’re gay?!” Cal said a little too loudly. The cafeteria fell silent, and everyone stared, including you. Cal gave Ben an apologetic look, and soon everyone went back to their conversations.”I’m sorry man, I shouldn’t have said that. I know you’re not.”
Do you? Ben wondered to himself.
Cal sighed, and closed his eyes. “Just… please try to get some sleep. We have a football game, and, wait, Homecoming’s coming! You should get a girl! Wait, no, ask Janie out!”
“Janie Fredericksen?” Ben asked, but shook his head.
He didn’t want just ‘a girl’, he wanted you.
And it killed Cal inside.
You giggled at Ben’s corniness, and lightly pushed him. He leaned back, but not for long. Suddenly, his hand was under your chin, and your laugh stopped. Your heart rate sped up once you saw his eyes flicker to your lips, and you hoped Ben couldn’t notice. You leaned in, and Ben did as well, taking your gesture as an OK.
Suddenly, your lips locked tightly, and Ben pushed against you, and you leaned down on his bed slowly. Ben crawled on top of you, not daring to release you lips.
Your moment was interrupted by the sound of a door slamming open, and someone dropping textbooks. You jumped at the sudden noise, away from Ben, and looked to the source of the disruption.
It was Calvin Scott.
“Oh shit.” Ben cursed under his breath, jumping off of you.
Cal stood in front of you two, bug-eyed and jaw dropped.
“Ben? Was that you?” Mrs. Parish’s voice came from downstairs.
Ben cleared his throat, “Uh… yeah. Yeah, I uh, just dropped my books.”
“Are you alright?”
“Y-yeah. Yep.” Ben said, not daring to drop eye contact with Cal. “We’re fine.”
“Okay, then,” she said.
Cal blinked, and that must have set everything off.
“Listen, I can explain–”
Cal scoffed, “Yeah, you better.” He shot out. “I’m givin’ you thirty seconds. Go.”
“Okay, so basically I’ve been dating (Y/n) for the past two months, but it’s been the best two months of my life, and I know you might think it’s wrong but I love him, and he loves me and we’re so happy together and… please, Cal, don’t be mad.”
“Mad? Mad?! How can I not be mad?!? I just found out my best friend literally is Romeo, and he’s dating Juliet!” Cal threw his hands up in the air. “ No offence, man. But I can’t believe–”
“I know, I know. But–”
“No!” Cal said, pointing a finger at Ben. “You don’t get to talk.”
“Then can I?” You asked. Cal froze, and stared at you. “I understand why you’re mad. If I were you, I’d be too, but give me five minutes. Okay? Just five minutes…” You trailed off. Cal stared at you, but you took that as a yes. “Okay, so like Ben said, we’ve been dating for about two months now, and it’s been great. Everything’s perfect… almost. Now I get why you’re mad, because I’d be too, if I was in your shoes. But I’m not.
"Anyway, he wanted to tell you about us, Ben did. You were the first person he asked if he could tell, but I said no. I know it’s stupid and selfish, but you know how things are. It just wouldn’t work out, no matter how hard we wanted it to. Especially if we wanted it to.
"Ben and I… I don’t know how to say it. We’re… everything just feels so perfect when I’m with him. Like nothing can go wrong. Like there’s no homophobia, no social statuses, nothing. No bullies, or fights… you know?” Cal slowly nodded his head, and you sighed. “I guess what I’m trying to say is that I love Ben, and you should too. You’re his best friend, nothing can change that. Not me, not you, not even some stupid football players. So if you’re going to end your friendship with him because of me, don’t. It’s not worth it, trust me.”
It took Cal exactly three tries to get the words out of his mouth, but once he finally did, he said: “But why didn’t you tell me?”
You and Ben exchanged looks, and Ben sighed. “I don’t know, man. I just… I got nothing.”
“It was me,” You said. “Like I said, I told him not to. You know, ‘cause of everyone in school.”
Cal looked to you when you spoke, the Ben, as if he needed conformation. Ben nodded his head, and that was all Cal needed.
He closed his eyes, and rubbed his temples with two fingers. “I just… wow.” He said. “This is… what am I supposed to say to this?” Cal asked, his eyes flickering towards yours for a second, before going back to Ben’s.
Ben’s eyes widened, and he threw his hands back in surrender. “Don’t look at me! I don’t know! (Y/n), help!”
You smiled, “How am I supposed to know?” You asked, slyly grabbing a pillow from behind Ben. Suddenly, you wacked him with it. Right in the face.
Ben fell back onto the bed, and you tossed another pillow to Cal, who caught it and ran over to Ben. The boys laughed, while hitting each other in what soon became a full on 'pillow war’. You laughed as well, until Ben’s mom interrupted the three of you.
She knocked on the door, before opening it. “Ben, does Cal want to–oh!” She said, scanning her sons’ room, and then your faces. She stopped at yours, making you nervous. But she soon smiled, “Who’s this?”
Cal and Ben shared an obvious panicked expression, so you decided to step in. “I’m (Y/n), we’re partners for a science project.” You turned your phone on, and read the time. “And uh, it’s actually getting kinda late, so I gotta go. Cya later, Ben. Cal.” You said, mocking a salute as you rose off of Ben’s bed.
“He’s cute!” You heard Ben’s mom say.
“Mom!” Ben shouted, causing you to smirk, while Calvin bursted into a fit of laughter.
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psychokai1972 · 6 years
Author’s Note:
I just want to let you all know that in my fics I don’t specify where reader is from, the race, the body type, or not even the hair or eye color. I just let know if it’s for male or female reader.
I’ve seen a bunch of fics that are like : “xLatina!Reader”, “xBlack!Reader”, “Thick!Reader” ,and such. And every time I see that, I’m like “What? when it’s just xfem!reader, it’s supposed to be for white readers or skinny?” 
The reason I do this is because everyone that’s reading my fic can relate to it more, doesn't matter the race or how your body looks; my fic will be so you can put yourself into the character.
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fatbottombucky · 6 years
What Shawn Mendes song is good for a Peter Parker x Male Reader songfic???
I need it to be angsty, yet can end in fluffy fluff!! - Rosalie🌹
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ghostyfandomlover21 · 7 years
About Requesting (Mobile)
This is for the mobile device users, in case they can’t find the page.
Things You Can Request For:
Imagines: Imagine a scenario with whatever character(s) and either yourself or just that(those) character(s). Gif with a small paragraph.
One-Shots: Writing about a relationship between characters, characters and yourself, etc.
Aesthetic Boards: Lots of pictures morphed together in a “board-like” shape to represent something.
Match-Ups: I “ship” you with a character from whatever thing you request from, and provide a couple of paragraphs about your life with them and your best friends, anything really.
Head-Canons: A bullet-point list about how a character, characters, character and reader, etc are like doing something, feeling about something, etc.
Things You Can Request From:
American Horror Story
Percy Jackson and the Olympians
Heroes of Olympus
The Walking Dead
Orange is the New Black
Hemlock Grove
DC Universe
The Originals
Vampire Diaries
Harry Potter (All Generations)
Star Wars
Teen Wolf
True Blood
The 100
Stranger Things
Once Upon A Time
Avatar The Last Airbender
Ouran High School Host Club
Soul Eater
Fruits Basket
Black Butler / Kuroshitsuji (All Seasons)
Vampire Knight
Attack On Titan / Shingeki No Kyojin
Brothers Conflict
Uta No Prince-Sama
Free! (All Seasons)
Kuroko No Basuke
Diabolik Lovers
Voltron: Legendary Defender
My Little Monster / Tonari No Kaibutsu-Kun
Food Wars: Shokugeki No Soma
Inu x Boku Secret Service / Youko x Boku Secret Service
Kamigami No Asobi
Dylan O'Brien
Nick Robinson
Daniel Radcliffe
Tom Hiddleston
Robbie Kay
Chandler Riggs
Benedict Cumberbatch
Emma Watson
Tom Felton
Bill Skarsgard
Robert Downey Jr.
Tom Holland
Evan Peters
Chris Evans
Chris Hemsworth
Christ Pratt
Tyler Posey
You can also request things that aren’t on this list, I just might not do the request depending on what you ask for. There are more things that I know that I just forgot to put on this list.
How You Request:
Basically, give me as much information as possible.
Tell character or characters and what you want to happen with either “You” or another character or characters.
For Character and Reader Relationships:
Specify how many characters are in the relationship, and those characters.
Tell the gender of the reader. Female, male, gender-neutral, etc.
State the type of relationship, and also if it’s platonic, romantic, etc. Types of relationships are like friends, co-workers, older sibling and little sibling, bully and bullied, etc.
Give the type of encounter that occurs between the character and the reader. Fluff, Smut, etc.
Explain what goes on in the one-shot.
For Character and Character Relationships:
Specify how many characters are in the relationship, and those characters.
State the type of relationship, and also if it’s platonic, romantic, etc. Types of relationships are like friends, co-workers, older sibling and little sibling, bully and bullied, etc.
Give the type of encounter that occurs between the characters. Fluff, Smut, etc.
Explain what goes on in the one-shot.
Aesthetic Boards:
For the Requester:
Give a lot of information about yourself. Name, sexual orientation, appearance, and gender are optional. Really the only needed information is your personality, likes, dislikes.
For a General Thing:
Tell what that thing is.
For a Relationship:
Say the relationship between the characters, character and reader, characters and reader, etc.
State if there’s a specific prompt/scenario that is occurring.
State the TV show, Movie, Anime, Band, or whatever that you want to be “shipped” with. You can have more than 1, but not more than 3 per match-up. You can submit more than one match-up though if you have more than 3 that you want.
Give a lot of information about yourself. Name and sexual orientation are optional. Really the only needed information is your personality, appearance, likes, dislikes, and gender if you’re comfortable.
State the character, characters, or whatever that you want the list to be about.
Tell what they’re doing, or whatever you want to know about.
If there’s anything you want that isn’t on this list, please ask and I’ll try to accommodate. If you have any questions, feel free to ask.
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psychokai1972 · 6 years
Author’s Note:
So, I’ve been thinking, should I start writing Tom Holland/Peter Parker fics?
Also, request and ask box are open;so feel free to send and ask me anything. And if you decide to send a request, please clarify if it’s for a male or for a female reader.
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