#Nocturne cursed some humans
flamingpudding · 7 months
Fictober23 Prompt: 8 - "Give me that, before anything happens."
Fandom: DPxDC
Rating: G
Warnings: -
"Don't touch that." Constantine said without even looking up from the book he was reading through for research. Phantom had joined the Justice League dark only recently and was still in that sort of mentor - glorified babysitting - state. It was just his luck that he lost in the stick draw and had now to 'mentor' the who-knows-how-old-he-truly-is Ghost King.
He should have stuck this job to Zatanna. The 'kid' was curious as a cat and apparently wanted to touch every good damn artifact in the House of Mysteries that Constantine had ever gotten his hands on.
"Don't touch that either." The Brite muttered without looking up, he was so close in figuring out the actual meaning of the curse placed on a good damn church bell that causes everyone who hears it to fall asleep at midnight sharp and wake up at 8 AM later like nothing happened. Behind his back Phantom stuck his tongue out at the man before reaching out to poke the artifact that caught his eye anyway. However the House of Mysteries had other ideas as it reconstructed itself at the right moment and put the artifact further away from Phantom.
The Ghost King pouted, crossing his arms and floated over to where Constantine was pouring over a curse seal. Phantom hummed as he looked over the Brites shoulder grinning. "Oh I didn't know you could use ghost speech for curses!"
"Say what now mate?!" John's head snapped to the side to stare at Phantom who was now floating over his shoulder. "It's in ghost speech? What even is that?"
The Ghost King had the nerve to give him an unimpressed stare that really made the Brite need a smoke, but he had given Zatanna his good damn word not to smoke around the 'kid', so that was a no.
"Ghost speech. The language of the Infinite Realms also known as the Ghost Zone, After Life, Hell, Home of the Damned, and so on and so on." Constantines eye twitched as the Ghost boy shrugged. He let out a suffering sigh and pushed his copie of the curse seal over to Phantom.
"What does it say?" The other blinked for a moment before turning his eyes to the photo. A scratching static white noise filled the Brite's ears and he yelped in pain, covering his ears. The noise instantly stopped and Contantine glared at the Ghost King who sheepishly scratched the back of his neck. "Sorry, I will say it again in English."
Constantine only grumbled something inaudible before motioning for the other to continue.
"You idiots don't sleep enough. Go and get at least eight hours of sleep. If you don't sleep by midnight I will be the one to make you sleep."
"The hell?"
"That's what's written there."
"Don't tell me we have another good damn Sandman problem on our hands." John gripped with one hand at his hair, he really hoped that wasn't it because dear good he did not want to get Batman or one of the other Not Dark heros involved.
"Nah, he goes by Nocturne, he never liked that name some philosophers came up with. But this does go against the agreement I had with him."
Was this how Batman felt when his Robins went against his orders? Or how the mentors of the Yonge Justice feel when the teens sass back? Because Constantine was sticking this ancient kid of a Ghost King onto Zatanna the next change he got.
"You know how to lift that curse then?" Instead of going further into a rabbit hole, Constantine decided it was easier to just find out if the Ghost King can lift a good damn curse he had been working on solving for days now instead of finding out who the hell Nocturne was now.
"Of course I know." Phantom answered easily, floating on his back around the room like he was going with the flow of water. Glowing green eyes going along the shelves where various books and artifacts were thrown on, in no particular order.
"Great. Let's go and fix this then." The man muttered, getting up from his chair and grabbing his coat. "I need a bottle of whiskey after this and a good damn smoke…"
Phantom just followed behind the man ready for his second official job with the Justice League Dark. He grinned happily of finally getting some outside action only to come to a sudden halt as the Brite man whirled around glaring at the Ghost King only inches from his the other.
"Yes?" The 'kid' answered nervously.
"Give me that, before anything happens. How often did I tell you NOT to touch anything of the artifacts? Do you even know what that thing does!"
Reluctantly like a reprimanded child the Ghost King handed over a golden plate with a glowing green crystal embedded into it, Constantine remembered it being the leftover part of a demon they had banished. The man narrowed his eyes. "The other one too."
"Fine…" Phantom handed over a crystal zepter, John had picked up from an ancient tomb. "Didn't think you noticed me picking them up, since you didn't say anything before I even touched them."
"Mate, you are forgetting who currently owns this house."
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it always struck me as kind of hilarious that you have to pass a 30DC check to convince shadowheart not to kill dame aylin but if you're just like "sure do whatever lol" she chooses not to kill her anyway. tsundere ass fuck. killing is bad unless it's out of spite. i have morals unless you try to tell me what to do
but i just got to that scene in my new replay and it made me realize that that's not what's at stake at all
because the persuasion check isn't "don't do this". the persuasion check is, your life is whatever you make of it. you don't have to do something just because your goddess tells you to.
convincing shadowheart not to kill dame aylin is easy. she knows it's wrong, and she doesn't want to, not really. if given the choice, she is literally unable to go through with it even if she clearly wants to, or wants to want to so badly she can't tell the difference
the problem is convincing her she has an option in the first place
the problem is convincing her that her life is her own
shadowheart has never belonged to herself since she was captured. not in body, not in soul, not in mind, not even her memories. she quite literally doesn't know who she is in more ways than one. she doesn't know her past or her family, she doesn't know who her loved ones are (including the sharran loved ones, like nocturne), all she really knows about herself is a fear of wolves that's been implanted into her by lies and an attachment to a flower she can't remember the details of. and a mission. always a mission. the will of someone else she has to carry on, that is not for her to understand or question or think about. she can't even want to serve shar, because she isn't allowed to pursue her intention to become a dark justiciar. she is supposed to be well and truly nothing, empty as the sharran doctrine
(oh, and pain that she doesn't know the reason of. no matter what, she must bear the pain)
how can she see herself as more than her goddess, when she quite literally doesn't know anything about who she is other than her devotion to shar? how can she choose her own destiny, when she couldn't even choose how to devote and give herself over to her?
she can't, which is why, unless you have infinite rizz points and/or roll a nat20, shadowheart attacks you. not dame aylin. you. and she never argues about whether or not it's the right thing, because she knows. what she's rebelling against isn't the idea of letting dame aylin go. what she's rebelling against is the idea that she could leave her cage and belong to no one but herself. because the idea is scary and she quite literally doesn't know where to begin. which is why her obsession becomes to find her parents, even though she doesn't remember them at all. because maybe they can tell her who she's supposed to be, and she can have the comfort of having her path laid out before her again
(which is also why she has to kill them. not because of some hand hurty curse bullshit. but because she just wants them and selûne to become the new shar, and she has to let that go if she truly means to claim herself again)
and now im sad. because it's easier for shadowheart to do turn against shar and everything she's ever had on the grounds of saving someone else than on the grounds that she deserves better than to be a puppet. even if you do nothing, saving dame aylin, to her, is easy. saving herself is a wholly different matter, one she's not sure she has any right to, or wants to, even if it's what she really needs. accepting a selûnite's humanity is easier than accepting her own. losing everything is easier than gaining her own autonomy. and she will fight tooth and nail to be allowed to stay in her own, metaphorical soul cage
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mooblybloom · 4 months
In my mind when Danny becomes king he appoints all of his friends that have helped him so far as his personal counsel and as time goes on they kind of fan out into the ghost Zone making themselves at home in different places or in some cases just making completely new places to call home and they all have code names along with all of them no longer Being Human in some capacity
For example:
Sam's code name is Nightshade this is because of the whole undergrowth situation however instead of retaining undergrowths powers she instead becomes a vampire due to the main trios shenanigans and then becoming a vampire she has a lot of time so she starts a witch coven that Focus mainly around protecting plant life
Tucker's code name is Conri, which means wolf King basically at some point during their Many Adventures as a trio Tucker got turned into a werewolf and was quickly accepted by the werewolf community of the ghost Zone.
Dani's just there for a good time as the ghost zones official youngest princess
However, Jazz has a more productive role both as princess and in the court as Judgment basically Danny got so paranoid about becoming Dan, so Jazz took it upon herself to become a contingency plan just in case that were to happen (this is inspired by this fic)
Valerie has the code name Vermilion because the red Huntress is a mouthful in introductions she's also a liminal due to the extended exposure to ectoplasm after spending so many days in the zone same with Jazz
Finally, Wes is also a liminal, but he's also been cursed by Nocture (because Nocturne is bored and likes fucking with wes) making him Critical Role. Basically he picked up this cursed ghost die and now whenever he wonders something like whether or not Danny is going to win a fight he sees numbers from 1 to 20, 20 being the best one being the worst (this is based off this fic)
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apomaro-mellow · 1 year
From this post about Eddie controlling the demobats
When Eddie returned, so did the bats. In a great blast of cracking concrete and flapping wings, they emerged like a storm right in the middle of main street. The people of Hawkins, who were still getting over the earthquake, had run inside every nearest building, waiting for the revenge of the man they had hunted down.
Eddie had simply taken one long look at their cowering faces through the windows, and then walked off. The horde of bats followed closely behind him. They were still just as menacing in the daylight but they never strayed to pick off a helpless human.
So Eddie was back. Good news!
The bats were also top side. Bad news?
Eddie had control over them. Definitely good news.
It was an odd arrangement. It was made less odd by the fact that Eddie didn’t bring them absolutely everywhere. They mostly stayed in a dark cave unless called upon.
At least at first.
It started with small things. These were wild, territorial things and they never backed down or deferred to anyone who wasn’t Eddie. Except for Steve. Eddie had been sitting on a park bench, tossing some food to the geese who dared to get near. The demobats were perched next to him and around his feet, at least a dozen. They were immovable. But as Steve walked up and drew near, they parted and cleared a space for him.
He had staunchly refused to be around the bats at first. He never wanted to give them a taste again. It appeared his worries were for nothing. Because they hadn’t touched him once.
“Do you think they think I’m gross?”, Steve asked as he tossed to the birds. “I mean, they chomped us both up but they obviously like you better.”
“Why? Is the king jealous?”, Eddie teased, flashing his fangs in a grin.
“I’m just saying you’d think they’d have better taste. No offense, but I’m basically prime rib and you’re just some beef jerky.”
Eddie scoffed in offense despite Steve saying no offence. “Robin is right, you’re a total meat head sometimes. Tell me Steve, when you’re on an hours long road trip and need somethin’ to keep you going, do you just fork a whole steak while driving? Or do you stop at a 7-Eleven for a Slim Jim?”
“You’re just proving my point at how slender you are compared to me.”
While he and Steve traded barbs it would’ve been clear to anyone who made the connection between Eddie and the bats that he wasn’t offended at all. But no one had made the connection yet.
It was one of those days where a bunch of things had simply lined up and everyone was in the same place. Hopper was fixing his car with the help of Jonathan, Mike, and Max. Joyce was merrily cleaning the house and even rearranging the furniture with the assistance of El, Steve, and Eddie. Robin, Dustin, and Erica were posing for a painting outside for Will. Argyle and Lucas were sitting on the porch, talking about California.
As usual, Eddie’s command for the bats was to stay in the cave. Even if the others knew they wouldn’t be attacked, they still didn’t feel totally comfortable with them around. But throughout the day, a few at a time had appeared, making the roof their perch.
“Should we be worried about those?”, Argyle asked, pointing towards the sky.
Hopper looked up from the hood and let out an exasperated sigh. “If they cause trouble we can handle ‘em. Mike, oil.”
Eddie looked out the window and cursed under his breath, making El pause as she moved the couch.
“It’s fine. Nothing. I guess I’d get stir crazy in a cave all day too. Aren’t bats supposed to be nocturnal?”
“They’re not exactly normal bats”, Steve grunted as he pushed the fridge into its new position.
Eddie bit his lip as he watched the way his arm flexed a little and right then a demobat face planted into the kitchen window.
Joyce whipped her head. “What was that?”
“Nothing!”, Eddie rushed to cover his tracks. “There’s always one that’s a little uh, new to their wings, you know?”
Their need to follow Eddie was beginning to be a problem. Because they only seemed to disobey when he was with Steve. When Eddie was by himself, they stayed put. But the moment Harrington was in the picture, these little monster shits had to be there. And if anyone ever realized that, his cover would be blown.
Eddie thought he’d been keeping a good handle on things all considered. That is until one bat decided to have a personal vendetta against him. Eddie had been calm, cool, and collected while he and Steve hung out by the quarry. A couple of bats had joined them as usual. But Eddie kept a straight face about it.
And then their bull session turned to serious talk. About what the future held for them after this. About how they’d never be able to leave this town. About how it felt like no one would need them.
Eddie was quick to shoot down that part for Steve. This man was like the air he breathed and if there was ever a day that Steve wasn’t in the world, that would be it for him. That’s not what he said though.
“People need you more than you think. Just cause we don’t say it, doesn’t mean we’re not thinking it.”
“Dude, we’re about a six pack in, too many negatives.”
“I’m saying we all want you here. Even if we don’t need you to hold our hand, isn’t that enough?”
Steve’s eyes softened. “They need you too. I can’t even describe how they all-how we were while you were gone. We need you just as much Eddie.”
And then one of the bats, those traitorous bats, sidled right up to Steve and nuzzled its ugly little head into Steve’s side like a pitiful dog and Eddie could’ve cried. At least he did internally.
‘Noooooooooooooooooooooooooo what are you doiiiiiiiiiiing????’
Steve was visibily nervous at first because that was the same area he’d been eaten but the bat didn’t put its mouth anywhere near and simply rubbed its cheek to his torso.
“Hey, hehe”, he laughed a little when it was clear he wasn’t being attacked. “I think they like me now.”
“You don’t say”, Eddie breathed out in a strained, punched out voice.
That incident was enough for Eddie to have a heart to heart with his group of followers. He paced around the mouth of the cave while the bats sat on the ground at attention.
“Okay, here’s the deal guys. You can’t keep stalking Steve like this. I get it, trust me. But if people start to catch on to what I’m feeling because you guys keep. Making. It. Obvious. Then we’ve got an angry mob on our hands again.”
Eddie felt like he was talking to a pack of puppies because that’s exactly how they looked right now and didn’t these things kill him before? He couldn’t believe he’d ever been afraid of them.
The talk did nothing though. They still left the cave in the middle of the day to find him and Steve together and were getting more and more affectionate as the days went by.
And somehow Steve just got more comfortable with it. Nancy had them in her garage, teaching the two of them how to clean a gun and a demobat was honest to god (was there a god up there? If there was, he was getting his giggles in) snuggling up in Steve’s hair. In his hair! The crown that Eddie dared not touch. He had never been more jealous or mortified.
“Those things really like you Steve”, Nancy mentioned.
Eddie was mentally begging her to not be a sleuth for once.
“I think they’re just realizing which of us would’ve been the better boss based on flavor.”
“On the flavor?”, Eddie and Nancy deadpanned in unison, also giving him twin looks of judgement.
“Nancy how you’d ever date this guy? It’s like he’s got beef for brains.”
Nancy shrugged. “I guess I’m just a little carnivorous. I think we’ve got that in common”, she said, giving Eddie a meaningful look.
Outwardly, his throat bobbed. Inwardly, he was screaming from the edge of a cliff. Still his feelings for Steve trumped any panic that Nancy Wheeler might know his feelings because the demobat just burrowed deeper in his hair.
Eddie cleared his throat. “Yeah”, he admitted. “I’m pretty carnivorous. Maybe a little too much. That bother you?”
Nancy shook her head quickly. “To tell you the truth...I might be....”, she hesitated on the words. “Going vegetarian.”
Eddie’s eyebrows shot up while Steve was on another page entirely.
“Vegetarian? Nancy you’ll never survive in this town, everyone cooks with bacon grease or lard.”
“Well it’s more like, I’m omnivorous but I might be trying to add more vegetables to my diet”, she amended. “Does that bother you Eddie?”
“I’m in no position to argue Big Wheel. I’ve been circling your steak like a vulture.”
“I haven’t looked at that steak in ages. You can have it. Not that you need my permission.”
“I get the feeling you guys aren’t talking about food anymore”, Steve said.
And Eddie just couldn’t resist that confused face Steve made. But the moment wasn’t right to reveal his and Nancy’s ahem, dietary preferences. So he just patted him on the shoulder.
“We just agree with the bats man. You’re pretty tasty. Even if not all of us are getting bites in anymore.”
“Oh that reminds me”, Steve said. “We weren't able to get you a blood bag. I kinda dropped the ball. So tonight you can just drink of me.”
At least five bats descended and inched their way towards Steve like desperately hungry animals and Eddie had to stop them in their place.
“Looks like steak’s on the menu tonight”, Nancy commented.
Part 2
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lunareclipses-moments · 5 months
Red string of trouble
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Idia x FEM reader
Summary: who would have thought that his soulmate would be out of this world
Part 2 since I had so much fun writing this
Words count: 0.8k.
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In the intimate refuge he meticulously crafted—a haven untouched by intrusion, where solitude reigns, shielding him from the disturbances of judgment or irritation—lay a young kid gazing at his thumb, where a thin red string was wrapped around it. No matter how much he chased it, it wouldn't end, wouldn't break; heck, it didn't even get tangled. But only he and his supposed soulmate could see it.
At first, he thought he was crazy, but after confiding in his parents, he found his answer: at the end of the line, he would discover his true love, the one he was destined to be with. Day after day, the blue-headed youngster pursued the elusive thread until he ultimately surrendered to the futile quest for his destined companion. After all, who would fall in love with someone like him? His bloodline was cursed; he couldn't venture far from the island, and the prospect of love seemed bleak for a gloomy shut-in. So why bother?
But one day, during his third year of living in NRC, Idia felt something tugging at his thumb. Clueless as he was, he ignored it; it's not like his soulmate just respawned. Secondly, he wasn't going to leave the safety of his room to meet someone he didn't know at all.
"It's best to stay here. Ortho will come back soon anyway," he thought to himself, unaware that indeed, his soulmate had just been Isekai-ed into his world.
As the days went by, life for the magicless Isekai-ed human wasn't getting any better. Overblot followed by another, a talking cat that loved getting in trouble, a duo who shared the same braincell, a haunted dorm, and finally, a stupid red string of trouble tied to her pinky finger. The string did nothing but cause problems. She noticed it the first time she arrived, not paying it any mind. However, after some digging and researching, she discovered it should lead her to her supposed soulmate.
"At least if I didn't go home, there would be someone willing to stay with me here. That's if he wasn't a serial killer or some sort of a creep," she mused, unable to help but laugh at her misfortune. "Is it because of this Facebook post that I didn't send to 10 people? Maybe? Who knows."
On the other hand, Idia wasn't living the best life. The first time he heard about the poor magicless Isekai-ed student, he felt pity for her. Stuck in a foreign world that relied on magic, and with no knowledge about it, her situation wasn't going to be easy. However, apart from that initial sympathy, he didn't pay her much attention. With all the Overblots happening and his impending role as the soon-to-be chairman, he had more pressing troubles to contend with.
Other than the rapid increase in Overblots, Idia found solace in a relatively peaceful life with just his brother, eagerly awaiting a delivery set to arrive in the quietude of the night. Nothing seemingly suspicious – just a tall figure with flaming hair, resembling a sleep-deprived zombie, venturing out into the nocturnal stillness.
However, his plans took an unexpected turn when he spotted the infamous troublemaking cat, Grim. Driven by curiosity, he approached to pet Grim, inadvertently causing the feline to run off in a frenzy, screaming and crying.
"Wait, I didn't mean to scare you! Come back, Mister Grim!" Idia called out. As he contemplated chasing after Grim, a rustling from behind the bushes caught his attention, prompting him to instinctively seek out hiding spots.
Finally finding a hiding spot behind some thick trees, he crouched down, attempting to conceal his presence from the newcomer. As he observed, he was taken aback to see it was the feline-human companion. Yet, what struck him even more profoundly was the sight of the red string, the very one tied around his thumb, now intricately woven around her finger.
"Grim! Where are you? Don't go around scaring me like that!" The desperation in her voice echoed through the night, and Idia, hidden in the shadows, felt a mix of surprise and an unexpected twinge of warmth at the shared connection.
In the wake of her frantic search, he was left behind, his expression transformed into a tableau of astonishment and bewilderment, his face and hair turning as pink as a valentine decoration. The revelation stirred a whirlwind of emotions, leaving him grappling with the unexpected ties that fate had woven between them.
Suddenly jolting back to reality, his instinct was to dash back to the safety of his room, completely forgetting about the delivery. In his haste, his lack of physical fitness became evident, and he found himself gasping for air. His brother, noticing the rapid change in Idia's condition, became alarmed at his increased heart rate and labored breath.
"Idia, are you alright?! What happened to you?" exclaimed a panicked Ortho, his worry intensifying as he observed his brother gasping for air.
The only response Ortho received was a muffled laugh that emerged amidst coughs, as Idia rambled about the incredibility of having a soulmate from another world, drawing parallels to a particular anime he had once watched.
There was Ortho, gazing at his blushing and coughing brother, a realization dawning upon him. He pondered whether the Shroud bloodline might end with Idia, given the seemingly hopeless romantic situation he found himself in.
"Yup, that's how our bloodline will end," Ortho remarked, the only words he uttered before excusing himself to charge, choosing not to confront his brother's evident sense of hopelessness.
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candywife333 · 2 months
One of the guys
pairing: OT7? alphas X chubby wingwoman HYBE counselor Y/N (omega in hiding)
NEW MINISERIES (almost resembles a series of just drabbles)
Summary: She's the man. No literally. She totally is. At least in the perception of everyone at HYBE. She hangs out with the guys like a pro , strategizes with them to get them any girl of their choice, gets rid of their one night stands with ease, convinces their FWBs to leave them alone, provides constructive criticism about their sexual techniques, and even counsels them when they are having mental breakdowns. In essence, she makes MEN out of boys. Is that her job description? Not exactly. But she does it anyway. Because Y/N just happens to be one of the guys.
Warning: cursing, crude language, eventual smut
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"Y/N!!!! Y/N?!!!! PLEASE OPEN THE DOOR. I NEED YOU!! I AM GOING TO BLOODY DIE OTHERWISE!! PLEASE GIRL, OPEN THE DOOR AND I WILL GIVE YOU MY FIRST BORN CHILD". y/n scoffed as she heard the ruckus outside of her door, first born child? What was she the antichrist, or a demon? The closest to that she ever got was using cow placenta face masks on a Sunday and babysitting her niece.
She opened the door in bewilderment adjusting her thick specs, goddamnit, the constant disguise got on her nerves some days. She stared up blankly at a perspiring, anxious looking Namjoon who was frothing at the mouth. "Sure Namjoon, come in and while you are it, why don't you tell me why you want to sacrifice a squealing, diaper pooping little human being to me? Maybe we can work that into a schedule".
He sat on the comfy couch on her office, as she blew out her lavender aromatherapy candle, turning off her zen bamboo lights. He blurted without preamble in a nervous frenzy, " I am not able to take my penis out of my foreskin ".
Y/N was the only one he would ever come to with such a concern, because she wouldn't laugh in his face and judge him. Y/N tapped her floral pen on her stationary sheet and wooden pad. Her tapping brought his attention to nails painstakingly painted pale pink color with a pink diamond ring surrounded by a halo of smaller diamonds on her left hand that twinkled in the dim light. That was new. He never had noticed those on her before.
She calmingly inquired, "Are you on any medication Namjoon? Any antidepressants or heart medication, or did you ingest any herb recently"? Namjoon stuttered, somewhat soothed by her expressionless, blank face, "No. Not that I know of". She continued asking him, "Were you getting your morning erections and any nocturnal ones prior to this? And also, do you have diabetes or atherosclerosis"? As he answered negatively to all these questions, Y/N sighed. Then she quietly asked, "Do your regularly clean down there, with soap and warm water"?
Namjoon froze. "Ex--x-xcuse me"? Y/N sighed again, she rephrased , "To your own knowledge, do you clean up every time you have a shower down there by retracting back your foreksin from your penis and washing it with at least some warm water". He remained silent til he gasped out ," Yes ....I think I do ". Y/N put down her clipboard , keeping her hands on her thighs, looking directly in his eyes.
"You have a few options Namjoon. Either you can go to the clinic a few blocks away, and get it checked out by the urologist, who I can notify regarding your complaints. And he will get it figured out. Or, I will have to examine the situation since I am a licensed psychiatrist (a doctor nevertheless)".
Namjoon sat there in confusion, Y/N was a licensed psychiatrist, an actual doctor? Since when? So, her counseling idols was the usual for her? Then it all made sense. So that is why nobody had to actually go outside of HYBE to get basic medication/psychiatric medication prescriptions. That is why the prescriptions would always be written in her loopy cursive handwriting.
Then he realized he had to answer her. He decided to let her examine, as embarrassing and humiliating as it was. He didn't have time with the upcoming showcase the day after tomorrow to run to an urologist. "Please examine me y/N".
She nodded in assent and told him to get on the examination table which had been lined with a long white sheet. She turned on a circular examination light told him, "Take your pants and underwear off, and lie down flat on your back. I will examine you, so let me know if I am hurting you. I will stop or be more careful if that is the case".
She turned around , her back briefly facing him so that she could get sanitize her hands before placing gloves on. Namjoon noticed a protruding mass wrapping around her long baggy shirt. Did she by chance, have a big ass? It was a little silly to think that way, but they had never seen her in anything else. And her specs occluded her face, so they couldn't tell what she looked like without them.
Y/N took off her tinted glasses, and low and behold, Namjoon was starstruck as he saw her beautiful face. She had the biggest eyes and a classic round face, with beautiful lips the color of carnations. He was so distracted at her gorgeousness, he didn't realize she was trying to retract his penis from his foreskin. He erupted loudly, "OWWWWW. PLEASE STOP". She held his member more gently as she sighed, stating in a placid manner, " You have to clean down here a little more frequently Namjoon. After sexual intercourse, when in the shower regularly, and especially after a workout. This is called smegma, this white stuff. And it is basically dead skin cells that don't get cleaned off and build up as gunk. Let me get some saline solution and a pair of artery forceps and I will try slowly retracting it".
Namjoon blushed in embarrassment. Y/N took some saline solution on a gauze pad and gently started working it around his penis , making him slightly wince due to the sensitivity. Y/N internally sighed. Thankfully she didn't need to use artery forceps to pull it down. After dislodging the smegma, she was able to pull his skin off of the penis. It took some more time than usual, because there was a good amount of buildup and the man had a big D. Surprise, Surprise.
After fixing the situation, Y/N motioned for him to dress up once again. Namjoon, looking less stressed, but still flushed from the somewhat humiliating experience thanked Y/N, " I am so sorry to waste your time Y/N". Y/N waved away his concern, "That's what I am here for man. Just make sure to regularly clean that area with warm water okay"? Sheepishly smiling in agreement, Namjoon, taking a seat gingerly at the edge of the sofa.
Nodding reassuringly at him, Y/N concluded, "If that will be all, then I will talk to you later. Please let me know if you have any concerns later on, and I can help you out".
Namjoon walked out breathing a sigh of relief, that his problem was easily resolved even though he was mortified that she had to see something so intimate. He shouldn't be so inquisitive, but how was it that her face was so pretty but she covered it in thick framed glasses? And the rest of her appearance was drab and uninspiring expect for her pink accented nails and earrings. Surprisingly ,he had even gotten the faintest most alluring whiff of strawberries and cream that he couldn't place. Not her usual scent. Something alphas like him catalogued frequently, scent patterns. He had a feeling she was hiding a whole personality this entire time right under their noses.
If she was hiding her appearance and her scent, what else could she be hiding?
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devilevlls · 2 days
Creepy Obey me! AU
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𝖲𝖾𝗇𝗌𝗂𝗍𝗂𝗏𝖾 𝗍𝗈𝗉𝗂𝖼𝗌 𝖼𝖺𝗇 𝖻𝖾 𝗆𝖾𝗇𝗍𝗂𝗈𝗇𝖾𝖽 𝗂𝗇 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝗐𝗋𝗂𝗍𝗂𝗇𝗀𝗌, 𝗌𝗎𝖼𝗁 𝖺𝗌: 𝖺𝖻𝗎𝗌𝗂𝗏𝖾 𝖻𝖾𝗁𝖺𝗏𝗂𝗈𝗋, 𝗆𝗎𝗋𝖽𝖾𝗋, 𝗁𝖺𝗋𝖺𝗌𝗌𝗆𝖾𝗇𝗍, 𝗏𝗂𝗈𝗅𝖾𝗇𝗍 𝗅𝖺𝗇𝗀𝗎𝖺𝗀𝖾, 𝗌𝖾𝗑𝗎𝖺𝗅 𝖺𝖼𝗍𝗌, 𝖽𝖾𝗆𝗈𝗇𝗂𝖼 𝗉𝗈𝗌𝗌𝖾𝗌𝗌𝗂𝗈𝗇𝗌, 𝖼𝗈𝗋𝗉𝗌𝖾𝗌, 𝖺𝗆𝗈𝗇𝗀 𝗈𝗍𝗁𝖾𝗋𝗌. 𝖯𝗋𝗈𝖼𝖾𝖾𝖽 𝗐𝗂𝗍𝗁 𝖼𝖺𝗎𝗍𝗂𝗈𝗇. Remember: The following information might not be that accurate comparing to Lucifer's canon personality.
⌞Feeding Habits⌝
  ࿔ Carnivorous (meat-eating)
  ࿔ Hunting habits: Lucifer harbors a distaste for the act of hunting souls directly. Instead, he frequents a secluded area in Devildom where lost souls wander, offering a more palatable source for consumption.
However, when it comes to acquiring meat, his approach takes a stark turn. He revels in the thrill of stalking his prey from a distance. The panicked screams only serve to heighten his excitement, igniting a primal thrill within him as he closes in on his target. ㅤ
⌞Unique features⌝
 ࿔ Two pairs of black feathered wings, some says they can cure wounds, but no one was brave enough to try plucking a feather.
 ࿔ Specific scent: He emits a natural scent reminiscent of roaring flames, so potent that it can induce discomfort and even prompt coughing fits. ࿔  Height: 1,97 cm ㅤ
⌞Reproductive Habits, Seasonal Changes⌝
  ࿔ Mating seasons: Courtship displays - Lucifer's devotion to his mate knows no bounds, often manifesting in grand gestures and displays of affection. However, don't be too quick to celebrate, for alongside his demonstrations of love, you may find an unexpected presence creeping into your surroundings. Ghostly apparitions, once mortal souls he dispatched, now transformed into loyal servants, subtly assist you with your daily tasks, a testament to his unwavering commitment to your well-being.
  ࿔ Nest building - He leaves a whole mess of feathers scattered across his bed, evidence of his restless nature and feral instincts. Some of them bear traces of blood, torn impatiently from his own wings in moments of unchecked impulse. Afterward, he may find himself sore and in need of assistance, perhaps even seeking your help to tend to the wounds inflicted by his own fervor.  ࿔ Seasonal variations: Aggressive Behavior - He won't let his brothers come closer to you until his breeding instincts are gone. They won't try either, none of them wants to be hanged from the ceiling for weeks. Scent Marking - Brushes his feathers against you, imparting a subtle scent that escapes human detection but leaves you enveloped in a warm, weighty sensation. Alternatively, he may press his face into your neck, tracing gentle licks along your skin. As he marks you with his presence, you notice a distinct shift in the demeanor of other demons, since no one wants to defy Lucifer himself by getting too close. ㅤAnd of course, an intense craving to ravage you at least 3 times a day. ㅤ
⌞Territorial Behavior⌝
࿔ Aggressive displays/Territory defense: Lucifer wanders around the house when he has free time. Not just casually walking tho, he makes guttural sounds and stomps heavily. No one dares getting out of their room when he is passing the corridor. ㅤ
⌞Sleeping and Resting Patterns⌝
You see, there isn't Day/Night in devildom, just emptiness and darkness, so we are using as reference, RAD's daily activities to measure time. Class time being the morning, class end being twilight and after dinner being night.
 ࿔  Nocturnal (active during the night). The avatar of pride hates waking up early in the morning, he gets more active at night, and you can see a slight change in his behavior at this time, getting more chill than normally. ㅤ
⌞Bad/Creepy habits⌝
  ࿔ Lucifer loves classical music, especially cursed records. Do not dare come close to the music room when his songs start playing, or you might end up piercing your own eardrums, trapped in an unstoppable curse. ㅤ
⌞Defense Mechanisms⌝
  ࿔ Lucifer has the power to hear through walls and can teleport behind someone if they say his name out loud to check why he is being mentioned.
  ࿔ Possesses a remarkable immunity to the majority of poisonous substances found within Devildom. Similarly, he remains largely unfazed by the powers wielded by angels. Only the most ancient and powerful curses have any hope of affecting him. ㅤ
⌞Hygiene and Grooming⌝
 ࿔ Self-grooming: Grooming, or preening, is the meticulous art of cleaning and maintaining various parts of the body. Lucifer, in particular, dedicates himself to keeping his feathers impeccable, adhering to a strict schedule of cleaning every three days. This meticulous task demands much of his time and attention, occasionally leading him to fall asleep in the middle of his grooming rituals. ㅤ
⌞Playful Behavior⌝
 ࿔ How do they release stress? For Lucifer, playing the piano serves as a refuge where he can lose himself in the soothing melodies, calming his mind and easing the burdens of his responsibilities. However, if one were to delve into his more sinister forms of stress relief, a scene of horror awaits. He takes perverse pleasure in seeking out the terrified sounds of lost humans, reveling in their fear as he approaches, a dark satisfaction coursing through him at the sight of their trembling forms. Proud of the intimidating aura he exudes, Lucifer finds solace in the knowledge of his power and dominance over those who dare to cross his path. "Yes, scream, let me hear how much it hurts when I devour you. I could do this all day" ㅤ
⌞Human Interaction⌝
  ࿔ Responses to human presence: Annoyed, he doesn't understand why such an important demon as himself needs to be in the same ambient as an insignificant mortal. Won't attack unless you trespass his boundaries, but will threaten the hell out of you.
  ࿔ Domestication behaviors: None. Jk jk, he has his soft spots, but hides them very well. Give him some ultra-rare cursed vinyl. Or worship his boots. He will pretend it doesn't affect him, but seeing you bend down to his feet? That makes him excited. If you manage to earn his trust and affection, a rare privilege indeed, you may find him unexpectedly responsive to your touch. A shiver courses through him, and a near-purr escapes his lips when you scratch the base of his horns, a gesture that elicits a subtle display of pleasure from the typically composed demon lord.
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onestepbackwards · 7 months
Love That Bites Pt. 9
Hiiii! Welcome to part 9 of my Dracula x Reader fic! I hope you enjoy this chapter, though I apologize if it feels kinda wonky. I finally got a new pc built during writing, and a bunch of other stuff has happened. It was hard to piece it all together with so much happening in my life. I hope you all enjoy it though! Just in time for Nocturne to release :D Summary: After arriving in Dracula's castle, you can't help but feel you are in a dream, though you certainly wish it was to avoid the awkward air. Meanwhile, Dracula contemplates his next moves. After all, he's sure he's bound to be the center of the world's gossip mill when they find out he's caring for a Belmont.
CW: Anxiety, references to bad home life, injuries mentioned, blood drinking
Word Count: 4216 words! Like my work? Come check me out here: Link Likes and reblogs appreciated!
Tag List: @Onewiththebeanbag @starrlo0ver @sleepyendymion @dame-sunflowers @sapphicsfordracula @ursamajor17 @maorizon @marshmelloe Wanna be on the taglist, let me know in the comments!
First: Here Last: Here Next: Here! --
Sorting his affairs turned out to be a much more annoying endeavor than Dracula originally intended.
Despite this, he wasn’t all too surprised.
For the past few centuries, despite being the King of the Night, he has had very little presence in paranormal societies.
Every time he had been revived since this cursed cycle began, he had barely been alive long before a Belmont or some other hero would come and battle him to the death.
Even if for all intents and purposes he was the King of Vampires, he has had little or no time to rule.
He absentmindedly swirled his glass, before taking another sip.
There were two probable scenarios because of this.
Vampire covens and supernatural communities were in chaos.
They were in various communities across the globe, staking territory. He doubted any of them would be happy he was back to rule.
No one liked their own power to be threatened, after all.
Even when he was actively King, vampire covens and paranormal communities weren’t always happy to serve him. Many just did for his power, or the safety he offered.
Some felt the call of power from him and Castlevania itself. Others are uniquely tied to him and his castle. Those ones he hardly had to worry about.
No, he had a feeling his return wouldn’t be as happily accepted outside his usual circles. Most would probably only lend him an ear since he was Death’s master, and Chaos’ champion.
Did not mean they would be cooperative or happy.
He let out an agitated sigh. No doubt being killed over and over made him appear weak. Dracula suspected many would be aiming for his throat and his throne.
Nevermind the fact he was almost always slain just after being revived, before his powers ever had a chance to settle.
And he was sure many underestimated the power of the Belmonts. He may have always just woken up around each battle, but each Belmont still had power beyond belief.
“What a nuisance.” He muttered, downing more blood.
While normally he would handle this himself, he couldn’t afford to sit idly and wait for such pathetic attempts on his life and power from want-to-be rulers.
Dracula had a guest this time. He had you.
Back when his precious Lisa had still been alive, he had been alive for several centuries at that point. Almost every underling knew she was off limits, lest they desire something more painful than death itself.
Even those he knew wanted his head knew better than to go for his wife.
Lisa had been left alone by his servants and other creatures of the night. Ironic how it was the humans that took her from him.
The gall and irony humans had to call him and his own monsters after that. Bah.
The glass in his hand cracked, and he looked at it in annoyance.
Banishing it, another drink was brought to him as he continued to think.
Things were different this time. At least back then, no one dared to lay a finger on his wife. But now?
He had no doubts a target would be on both his head, and the Little Belmont’s.
Dracula was sure word was already spreading across the castle, and no doubt would soon do so to other communities nearby.
‘The Dracula? Taking in another human?’
He can already imagine the gossip.
The scowl on his face darkened.
It would only be a matter of time before word reached across the globe.
He knew you could take care of yourself, sure. You had told him several stories of hunts you had when he had been imprisoned, usually involving the death of a beast hunting innocents.
However, there was no way in hell you would survive in your current state. Whatever had happened, had intended to either permanently harm, or to kill you.
Dracula’s free hand gripped his throne tight, and he felt the arm of it splinter slightly.
How you received those injuries was a whole different issue that he would have to investigate later on. An issue he planned on thoroughly going over.
So for now, you were under his official protection while you healed.
Unless of course, you decided to go against your word. Though, Dracula heavily doubted you would do so.
You really were different then those who came before you.
This would not be easy, but when had it ever been? He was just thankful you knew how to defend yourself, and had the means to do so.
Once word got out, and you were healed, he also had suspicions you would be hunted. Either as a Belmont, Dracula’s human, or a ‘traitor’.
He may not have been privy to any sort of personal information regarding hunters and their circles, but he knew back a few centuries ago, helping out a ‘monster’ was a death sentence. It did not matter if they didn’t wish to harm humans, simply helping a beast was an act against god and humanity itself.
Hunters and the church considered such a person no better than the very beasts they hunted at that point.
Dracula doubted that sentiment was completely gone, even now in more modern times.
Reaching up, Dracula pinched the bridge of his nose in thought.
He had someone making potions for you at least. Hopefully you wouldn’t be badly injured for too long.
After that, he wondered if you would be opposed to staying here at his castle? You didn’t seem disgusted by it, nor did the castle seem to try and push you away like it did other intruders.
Those who were not welcome usually felt such pushes on their mind and body. Only the strong willed could push onwards past it.
Even his castle seemed to see you as a guest.
The castle bent to his will, sure, but it was still a being of Chaos. This small revelation also intrigued him, how such a being seemed not to mind your presence.
Perhaps it was that it also didn’t consider you a threat? It was obvious you currently had no intentions to fight him.
Dracula’s eyes narrowed, a presence pulling him out of his thoughts.
The room grew darker, and a familiar figure rose from the shadows. It flew around his throne, before giving a bow in front of him.
“Good to see you back, Master.”
Dracula looked over the divine being that had worked under him for centuries. His second in command, his devout lieutenant.
Dracula gave the being a brief nod of acknowledgment, and Death rose.
Even after all the deaths Dracula had endured, Death itself still remained loyal after all these years. He supposed he should count it as a blessing now.
“Report?” Dracula then idly asked, drinking from his glass.
“Things are running smoothly. Everyone is settling in quickly, as usual my lord.”
Dracula hummed.
“Good. Good.” He mumbled, mind still partially elsewhere.
A moment passed, and Death gripped his scythe.
“Master, if I may be so bold…”
Dracula held back a sigh, already having an inkling to what he was going to say.
“Do you think it is wise to have a hunter, let alone a Belmont residing in the castle?”
There it was. He knew his subordinates would be asking sooner or later. He wasn’t particularly surprised Death was the first to make an inquiry.
“They pose no threat. This Belmont is… different from the others. I would like to speak with them properly about our standing with one another as soon as they are recovered.”
He then looked Death in the face.
“They are not to be harmed while under my care. Do I make myself clear?”
Death studied him for a moment, probably wondering if he had a few screws loose, before nodding his head.
“As you wish, milord.”
Death was silent, and a beat passed. Dracula hoped his warning managed to sink into the other entity’s skull.
He was no stranger to the fact Death was his most avid supporter. Although Death had always followed his orders, the entity didn’t shy away from making its own decisions if he felt it was best for his master.
Staying within Dracula’s orders, but bending the rules just enough to do his own thing if he could get away with it.
Typically Dracula didn’t mind. Death was his most trusted lieutenant for a reason.
However, he couldn’t help but feel Death may try and get around this one rule if it felt it was best.
As much as he hated it, he would have to keep an eye on all his close subordinates.
Dracula tried not to focus on the growing migraine building in his head.
“Now, what of the vampire covens across the earth?”
Death gave him a subtle crooked grin, and Dracula had a sinking feeling he would need another drink before returning to see you.
Dracula’s castle was far more pleasant than you would like to admit.
Your brain was in and out of a fog, but even then you could appreciate just how nice the guest room and washroom alone were.
You almost felt like royalty with how classy and intricate the rooms were, and how they had convenient modern touches.
Never had you stayed somewhere so elaborate and fancy. All the hotels you have been in couldn’t even come close to compare.
Even now as you laid in the giant bed with its soft, velvet sheets, you couldn’t help but be amazed.
Kinda ironic, the home of your ‘enemy’ was way better than any place you had ever stayed at.
Besides maybe your own home before your step family took over, you supposed, though that was a long time ago.
Slowly rolling onto your back, you winced as your wounds flared and your stomach churned. You continued to admire your setting.
The bed had a beautiful silk canopy around it, and you still couldn’t help but be enamored by it.
Or by it all, really. Even if it was a bit overwhelming.
…Just how long has it been?
You had been in and out of sleep, occasionally slipping into a doze before startling awake. The time was lost to you.
In retrospect, you couldn’t help it. Your instincts were going haywire from… well, everything.
The bed and sheets were nice at least. Almost too nice.
You were used to your old sheets, or stiff bed sheets you’d find in cheap hotels.
Not soft satin sheets and pillows that were as fluffy as a cloud.
There was also the glaring fact you were in monster territory. Despite how nice the decor was, it was something on the back of your mind also keeping you up.
Yes, Dracula said you were a guest, but it was hard to lower your guard when you knew just outside the door were monsters roaming up and down the halls. That this whole castle was filled to the brim with the paranormal and monster kind.
You were also a hunter, and a notorious one from a notorious family at that.
It wasn’t hard to imagine some monsters may go ahead and take a shot at you, regardless of Dracula’s orders.
To some, it may be worth it to suffer Dracula’s wrath or ire if it meant eradicating you from existence. It wasn’t exactly a secret that a lot of the paranormal hated you.
You carefully laid on your side, and looked out the window.
A small comfort. Originally, the window had been covered by thick curtains. However, you had pulled them aside to attempt to relieve your anxiety.
The clouds were dark. You couldn’t tell if it was night or day at this point. Perhaps that was the point.
But you were so tired. Exhausted.
You really couldn’t even sleep if you wanted to, knowing Dracula, or at least a servant, would be bringing you a meal sometime soon.
The hunter in your soul didn’t wish to be taken off guard, even if it was to be fed.
A small part of you wondered if you should even eat. Your instincts whispered in your mind about poisons, warning you of incoming death.
But that was ridiculous. Imagine it, you, a hunter, dying from poison.
No, if Dracula wanted you dead, he would have killed you by now. By his own hand no less, you were sure.
Still, that didn’t stop your instincts from making things difficult.
You curled in on yourself a bit tighter, wincing when some of the stitches tugged. Reluctantly, you adjusted to keep them from stretching.
You reached over, and grabbed the nearby pillow, and hugged it close to your body for some comfort.
It smelled nice.
That was another issue. You were so sleep deprived and struggling with blood loss, your brain liked to bring up such things, no matter how much you were trying to shut them out.
Gripping the pillow tighter, you felt your face form into a sour look.
“What am I going to do…” You mumbled, closing your eyes again.
At least if you didn’t sleep, lying here would be some rest. Better than none.
Though you hated to admit how much you jumped when you heard a brief, but loud knocking against the door. Talk about acting like a cat in a room full of rocking chairs…
You sat up in bed with a wince, and you noticed that no one seemed to enter. Another knock followed the previous one. Your heart pounded in your chest.
“Uh… Come in…?” you called out, uncertain. Were they waiting to see if you were awake, or what?
The doorknob slowly turned, and you felt like the breath was punched out of you when Dracula stepped through.
Right. He had mentioned he would return.
He looked different though. Better, if you had to put a word to it. He wasn’t particularly disheveled to begin with, but now he didn’t look as… Hungry? Irritated? It was hard to figure out the words.
The Lord of the Night had also changed. Similar style, dark cloak and all, though he had on a vest with a dark red dress shirt underneath, and some sort of fancy slacks.
You imagined you probably would have wanted to change too if you had been wearing the same clothes as a stone statue for however many years.
But seeing Dracula again? You hated to admit how he practically took your breath away.
His power and presence were just as intimidating as before, and he wasn’t even angry. How did your ancestors handle him before, when he felt this powerful without seemingly intending to harm you?
Dracula looked you over briefly as he walked into the room, shutting the door behind him. Even if there were no traces of malice on his face, a shiver still ran down your spine, instincts still screaming to run or fight.
You swallowed your nerves down as he walked closer.
He stopped at the side of your bed, and once again, you had to crane your neck just to see him at his full height.
That is, until with the wave of his hand, a chair nearby in the room came scooting forward. It came to a stop behind him, and he sat down without a glance.
Internally, you hoped your awe wasn’t blatantly on your face.
When he sat, he crossed his legs, before holding a tray with some sort of bowl on it. He held it forward, and you blinked at it slowly.
“I hope you are resting well, Little Belmont. I had some servants make you some soup. I fear eating solids may upset your stomach, which would aggravate your injuries if you were to grow sick.” He spoke, his voice low and deep. Even if he wasn’t loud, his voice still seemed to vibrate in your chest.
It took his words a few moments to register, and you looked between him, and the tray. He took in your expression for a moment, before speaking once more.
“If you fear it has been tampered with, I assure you my servants-”
“Oh, no… It’s fine. Sorry, I’m…” You spoke, cutting him off, ignoring how your pulse spiked when you realized you did so.
“S-Sorry… My head is a bit foggy, is all…” You then explained, before shakily reaching for the tray.
Dracula was quick, or perhaps, your brain really was slow. He held out a hand, and quite gently might you add, set the tray down on your lap.
“Of course. You must not exert yourself, and you must eat. I do not know how long it has been since you last ate, but you need something in your stomach.”
As if hearing the conversation, your stomach loudly growled, and you felt your face flush in embarrassment. When was the last time you ate? This morning? Night before last? You couldn’t exactly remember…
It was brief, but you swore you could have seen Dracula’s lips twitch upward seeing you grow flustered. It must have been your foggy mind and imagination. Or not, he could be internally laughing at you. Who knows?
Meanwhile, Dracula knew he had been right to bring you soup. He just hoped you could hold it down.
Though he didn’t want to admit how… endearing it was seeing you grow flustered like that. For a Belmont, you were quite the adorable human.
He would never admit it of course, but hell save him if Death ever found out he had such thoughts. Dracula would never hear the end of it.
Especially considering such thoughts were about a Belmont. Someone he should be wasting no time slaying.
But he wouldn’t.
He couldn’t.
There was something so different about you, even now, as he watched you pick up the spoon and attempt to eat.
You didn’t stare at him with burning hate in your eyes, but curiosity. There was a sharp mind behind those eyes that asked questions. Someone who didn’t just jump to conclusions.
Was it so wrong he wanted to see more of that, especially in the family of his enemies, who had blindly ran and fought? Killing innocents of his kind?
He was no saint, far from it. But he knew of many others the Belmont clan had killed.
But you… You were so different. He didn’t wish to say it outloud, but he wished to push forward that way of thinking. Perhaps he could even find a middle ground with you.
You weren’t just some ‘scary hunter’. The Little Belmont in front of him showed so much more, showing the better qualities of humanity.
His face almost soured at the thought, but even he could admit every one in a million, perhaps one good human was born. You seemed to be that one in a million exception so far.
Just like Lisa had been.
He decided not to think too much on what that could mean, though he hoped it promised good things in the near future.
It was quiet for a while, and Dracula couldn’t help but study you as you ate. First and foremost, it was to watch and make sure your body could handle it.
But he had his own selfish reasons for doing so.
He could move again. React to you. Speak to you. Touch you.
However, he found it hard to speak. There were many things he wanted to talk about with you, and half of them he intended on waiting until you were a little bit healthier.
Anything he thought of before now though, was suddenly caught on his tongue as he observed.
Perhaps it would be better this way. Dracula prided himself on being charismatic and influential, but that was amongst the supernatural. This was a Belmont, and he knew things were… shaky at best.
However, as he watched you try and consume more of the soup, he found himself managing to say something.
“Are you feeling alright? Adjusting well?”
Briefly, you tensed when he spoke, before you seemed to force yourself to relax. He made a mental note of that reaction, wondering if it was because of him, or if it was a natural response.
Dracula could understand it if it was from him, given the circumstances, but even he could tell there was something off about it. He didn’t like the feeling settling in his gut over the bigger picture.
“It hurts a lot, but I’ll live.” You spoke, your voice still rough, but sounding leagues better than before. For a moment, it looked as if you wanted to say more, but held your tongue.
You were still for a moment, struggling to look at him. No doubt you were still having trouble thinking clearly, and struggling with everything that had happened. Have you even slept?
He had his doubts you’ve even rested. You may not look as manic like before, but you looked completely exhausted.
For a moment, he briefly thought about using his abilities to make you sleep. It was something Lisa would request on occasion if she hadn’t felt well or couldn’t settle.
However, he stomped that idea down. The last thing you needed was him using his powers like that on you, unless explicitly agreed upon. Even though you were… receptive of him taking care of you at the moment, he didn’t want to shatter that small bit of trust.
Given that he had suspicions about your home life, he imagined just the small bit of trust you had given him at all was momentous. Dracula couldn’t afford to lose that. Not now.
Though Dracula hated the odd pain in his chest as he stared at you. He was worried. Something he didn’t think he would ever feel again.
“Thank you, by the way.”
His eyes were on your face in an instant as you spoke.
“I… You didn’t have to take care of me. I do appreciate it.” You spoke, your eyes still on the bowl in your lap.
Your voice was small, and quiet. Dracula could tell though, saying that must have taken strength.
You didn’t see his eyes soften ever so slightly.
“You are welcome. As my guest, I will do my best to make sure you are taken care of.”
Internally you wanted to scream. You hated how much you liked the sound of that. When was the last time anyone cared enough to take care of you? Your mother before she had died all those years ago?
It had been way too long, and it was Dracula who was seemingly wanting to take care of you.
Damn your foggy mind.
A few moments of silence passed.
“I… Um…” You began, unsure on how to word this.
“About when you were a statue…”
You had so many questions, but didn’t know where to begin. Was it even a good idea to ask in the state you were in?
“You could hear and see everything, right?” you asked tentatively.
Dracula was silent for a moment, red eyes staring into you. It seemed he was contemplating what to say, and you tried not to get nervous as the seconds awkwardly ticked onward.
“Indeed I was. I was aware the moment you stepped foot in my castle the first time, though I was not aware it was a Belmont, not at first.”
His voice was still like velvet. No wonder vampires were such good hunters if they could talk like him.
You really needed to force yourself to sleep. Maybe if you smacked your head hard enough on the table, you could knock yourself out before you did or thought anything weirder.
Clenching your fist, you attempted to figure out what to say next.
Internally you cursed yourself for making this awkward. Why did you have to bring this up?
“Then… What now?” You asked, trying to find some semblance of what comes next. Just because he was taking care of you didn’t make everything all happy and cheery.
You couldn’t wash away centuries of history and bloodshed out of nowhere.
Dracula shifted, then reached over to the bedside table, and grabbed a glass of water. You looked at it confused.
When had he brought that in?
Before you could ask, he was gently holding it out to you.
“We can discuss that after you have rested. We have much to go over, but worrying about that and discussing it while you are injured won’t help your healing.”
He looked away a moment, as if contemplating what to say, before his eyes met your own once again.
“You have gained my interest and respect, enough to hear you out and discuss everything. When you are in a state to do so, of course.”
A part of you opened your mouth to speak, as if to say you could do it now, but you froze. Your eyes landed on the glass he still held out.
After a moment, you closed your mouth, and took the glass.
In that moment, you couldn’t help but feel like some sort of agreement or contract was formed, as if your fate was sealed.
As you sipped the refreshing water though, and looked over at Dracula himself, who seemed pleased you accepted the drink…
…You wondered if this would really be that bad?
Perhaps your future wouldn’t be as bleak as you thought.
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autumnmobile12 · 10 months
Predictions for Nocturne
(some serious speculation, some silly)
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Imagining that one scene from Symphony of the Night where Alucard ends up fighting the fake Trevor, Sypha and Grant (Greta.) Cause him being in a situation where he has to kill an enemy that looks, acts, and fights exactly like the people he loved three centuries ago seems suitably heart-wrenching.
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Wondering if Nocturne's going to partially follow the plot of Symphony where Richter is captured and controlled by Shaft the dark priest, so Maria and Alucard are searching for him. I'm basing this solely off the female voice in the teaser (possibly Maria?) saying, "We're looking for someone called Belmont."
So Richter's character arc would be him attempting to regain his honor after all the harm he caused under Shaft's influence?
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Part of me legitimately wonders if St. Germain is gonna be back. Yes, this is a nod to his Curse of Darkness design, but his clothes here are not medieval. (More Victorian than anything?)
Nocturne is supposed to take place during the French Revolution, the first of three beginning in 1789. The top hat is believed to have been invented in 1793. French gentleman wearing the latest fashion?
The series never specifically says St. Germain is from the same time period he wound up in after his first encounter with the Infinite Corridor. Is this why he knows about stuff like toilet paper and is constantly looking down his nose at all the filthy medieval people? Is he just being a whiny bitch about being sent back in time?
He tells Trevor that he knew his family. Is this because he met the descendants? (I suppose this could be his twisted reconciliation about betraying them since he's seen the 'future' and he knows the line endures and Alucard is still alive.)
This is wild speculation that probably won't be the case, but I kinda really want this to happen since Alucard's reaction to a human he thought was dead for three centuries just casually showing up out of nowhere would be priceless.
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The French Revolution was the era of powdered wigs and shockingly fabulous courtly decadence and the Queen having a frickin' boat in her hair.
If we don't get at least one vampire (or Belmont) in a stupidly ostentatious wig, then what are we even doing?
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Two schools of thought in my head:
Hoping Nocturne also does not include the Succubus as an overtly sexualized character in the interest of not objectifying women.
On the other hand, a discomfited Alucard looking the demon lady right in the eye and saying, "Madam, kindly remove yourself from my personal space," is a very humorous image.
On a more serious note, there is also the Nightmare scene in Symphony of the Night to consider where the Succubus shows Alucard a vision of his mother right before her execution in an attempt to trick him, so there's potential for a, "How dare you make me relive that!" moment.
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Can these two come back? They did not get enough screen time in the first round.
Striga's last line to their soldiers is an order to ride west. France is west.
Also, is it really an accident that Morana's hairstyle in Season 4 is a French twist? Foreshadowing....
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animusicnerd · 1 year
Briar Valley Lore Dump!
Notes: This is in honor of Diasomnia chapter coming out. Most of the information my lore is from is from twst, disney, or general faery lore. This is for my Lilia story that I'm currently planning and this is honestly just for shits and giggles. This will change when I actually post the story but for now, it is an intro guide to all the world building that I did before Diasomnia chapter came out. I don’t mind getting questions since it will help flesh out this world a little more so don’t hesitate to message me about this!(This is also long btw so click at your own risk.)
The Draconia family is the second family to rule Briar Valley. It was once ran by a different fae family but the Draconias staged a successful coup d'état and gained the throne.
The Valley has been in two wars against the neighboring human kingdom due to humans wanting to expand their land for resource purposes. Both times Briar Valley has won and although the kingdoms used to have a friendly relationship with each other that is no longer the case.
The first war was caused by human greed for land and resources while the second also included revenge for what the faeries had done to them.
Many humans have immigrated into Briar Valley due to discrimination from their fellow humans. The Fair Folk of the Valley tend to stay away from them but most look down on them, but it was better than being hunted and being burned at the stakes. Little human towns are spread throughout the kingdom's lands.
Malleus's grandmother stepped down from the throne a little before the Second Human-Fae War started and his father was crowned king. After ten short years, he passed away and his mother came back to rule as queen regent in Malleus's place, who is technically the current King of Briar Valley.
The kingdom is most active at night as most of its residents are known to be nocturnal. The Briar Markets are busiest around this time and buyers often have to be careful when bargaining. The Fair Folk do not lie but their words can have double meanings so you might end up losing your first born child or buying a cursed item. Gold coins are accepted as well.
The kingdom is surrounded by forests and mountains so they are very rich in natural resources. Magic is also used in everyday life.
Not all villages are under Briar Valley but all pay a tithe for protection purposes, especially after humans arrived and desecrated their lands.
Maleficient was the one to overthrow the first ruling family and made peace with the first humans who hailed from the Queendom of Roses. Her daughter, Malleus's grandmother, was the one who went to war with them for disrespect to the lands and its residents after King Stefan went mad for more power.
Briar Castle as located at the highest peak of Briar Valley. With mountains acting as a natural barrier, leaving and entering the castle is near impossible without the use of some sort of flight magic. The Northern and Southern gates are the main ways to leave the castle but there are also hidden tunnels that lead down to the base of the mountain for the royal family, nobility, and any other residents in the castle. Secret passageways are also in the castle but are known to very few people.
While the Draconias may rule Briar Valley, there are seven noble families in Briar Valley in total that includes the Vanrouges, the Aldens, the Amaris, the Rannulfs, the Lavinias, and the Altairs. Each family specializes in something and all have pledged their loyalty to the Draconias when they first started to rule.
Courting rituals in the Valley often start with giving away a precious or sentimental item to each other and exchanging letters. Times are varied but most couples seem to exchange letters until the twenty-fifth moon where they meet in person (often times, it's not the first time they meet each other) and discuss their futures. Once again, timing and how these rituals go vary because of different cultures among the fae but most seem to start with exchanging an item of some sort.
Faeries tend to age at a slower rate than humans but most are fully-grown by the time they are a hundred years old. Unlike humans, faeries get stronger with age and they are also immortal. However, they are not un-killable and iron is one of the only things that can truly hurt them. Humans have used iron weapons against their wars with them. Knowing their true names will also have them in your control but that is usually the case with weaker faeries. Big names like the Draconias or the other noble families would not be affected by that as their magical prowess goes far beyond than just their names.
Fairy circles also tend to act as a teleportation tool. Although most faeries don't use it themselves, many humans or other beings that have stepped into one have reported having been teleported to the nearest fairy in the area. It's more of an annoyance to faeries and non-faeries alike but some of the Fair Folk do use it as a trap to make deals that are often in favor of them alone.
Faeries love music! Most often know how to play at least two instruments on top of knowing how to sing. Humans must be careful as the allure of their songs are very strong and they could end up dancing until someone either pulls them out or they die.
It is also good to note that you should be careful of what food you are being given as most of their food can put you in a deep trance and make you their servants or it can just kill you.
Fairies also tend to dislike humans as most of them do not like magic and tend to think of it as unnatural when it is very much natural in Twisted Wonderland. If a human has magic, they often offer teaching them how to wield their powers in exchange for something which could be your child or just some fresh honey.
If you noticed that a lot of deals involve children, it is because it is very hard for faeries to have their own. It is not impossible but it could take hundreds of years to produce one child to continue a family line and siblings are usually a hundred years apart. However, they often dislike being with someone that is not a faery as some considerate it a disgrace to their bloodlines or their lovers could die of old age, sickness, etc, while they continue to live on. They do make deals not involving children though.
Faeries do not lie because they can't. Most of their words and actions are carefully thought out to avoid being tricked by others and it is always best to think before you speak to any of them. You also have to be respectful and offending them could have grave consequences for you and your entire bloodline.
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dystopicjumpsuit · 4 months
Double, Double Boil and Trouble - Part 3
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A/N: This is part 3 my fic for the @rare-clone-fic-exchange, which I wrote for @goblininawig. Part 4 coming soon! The story takes place in a shared continuity with Stars Beyond Number, Martyrs and Kings, and “Do It Again,” but it stands alone and can be read independently of those fics.
Pairing: Clone Trooper Boil x Reader (GN; reader practices tasseomancy/reads tea leaves) 
Rating: T, but minors DNI
Wordcount: 2.5K
Warnings and tags: fluff; banter; DJ spent way too much time on a visual gag; angst
Summary: You and Boil test the limits of the GAR comms filter.
Suggested Listening:
Part 1 | Part 2 | Masterlist | Sign up for my tag list
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gars-best-stache: You up? languishing-in-obscuri-tea: Are you seriously booty calling me at four in the afternoon? gars-best-stache: It’s not a booty call. I’m halfway across the galaxy. Just thought your species might be nocturnal. languishing-in-obscuri-tea: I’m human, you stale baguette. gars-best-stache: You sure about that? languishing-in-obscuri-tea: [MESSAGE REDACTED BY GAR OBSCENITY FILTER] languishing-in-obscuri-tea: WTK, they censor your messages? gars-best-stache: Everything gets scanned when we’re deployed. languishing-in-obscuri-tea: [MESSAGE REDACTED BY GAR OBSCENITY FILTER] languishing-in-obscuri-tea: That’s a *heck* of a way to live. Happy now, censors? languishing-in-obscuri-tea: HA! It worked! gars-best-stache: You’ll have to tell me what you were trying to say next time I’m on Trip Zip. languishing-in-obscuri-tea: TF is Trip Zip? gars-best-stache: Coruscant languishing-in-obscuri-tea: Do I want to ask for an explanation, or is it something boring? gars-best-stache: It’s boring. Let’s talk about something much more interesting: me. languishing-in-obscuri-tea: [MESSAGE REDACTED BY GAR OBSCENITY FILTER]
That was how it started. Simple, mundane messages about your day: he’d complain about his bunkmates’ snoring; you’d describe the most bizarre patrons you saw wandering into the bar next to your shop. He’d send you holos of his favorite gunship nose art; you’d send him silly things you found on the holonet. 
languishing-in-obscuri-tea: Where you at? gars-best-stache: Headed to Kiros. GAR rations are disgusting. languishing-in-obscuri-tea: Sucks to be you. I’m eating crumblebuns and spiced tea right now. gars-best-stache: Maker, why would you tell me that? Are you trying to torture me? languishing-in-obscuri-tea: Mmmmm, crumblebuns… gars-best-stache: I hate you. gars-best-stache: …  gars-best-stache: Can you send me a holo?
Galactic time zones being what they were, Boil’s messages were sporadic and unpredictable. More than once, you lay awake all night, exchanging messages for hours, never talking about anything serious, but strangely reluctant to stop. 
gars-best-stache: Saw this bird while I was on patrol, reminded me of you.
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languishing-in-obscuri-tea: First of all, that bird is glorious, and I’ll take the comparison as a compliment. Secondly, [REDACT] you. gars-best-stache: … did you just redact your own message? languishing-in-obscuri-tea: I wanted to be sure you got it. Where you at? gars-best-stache: [MESSAGE REDACTED BY GAR SECURITY FILTER] gars-best-stache: Oops, guess it’s classified.
By unspoken agreement, you both kept things light. Boil had a hard enough time opening up in person; there was simply no way he would be willing to show the vulnerability you’d glimpsed in a holomessage that was subject to GAR scans. 
gars-best-stache: How are things in the con-artist industry? Taken any unsuspecting tourists for all they’re worth lately? languishing-in-obscuri-tea: Careful. I might hex your pillow so it’s never cool again. gars-best-stache: That the best you can do? languishing-in-obscuri-tea: Not even close. I could curse one of your boots so it always squeaks, or make it so your caf is always either too hot or lukewarm. gars-best-stache: Oooh, I’m so scared. languishing-in-obscuri-tea: Tremble before my wrath.
Some days, he’d send dozens of messages; others, only one or two. Sometimes a week would pass with no word from him, and you knew he must be in active combat. The churn of anxiety in your gut would worsen with each rotation until, at last, your datapad would chime and send you scrambling to check your messages. Not that you told him this, of course. You’d send some flippant comment and go back to your usual lighthearted exchanges.
languishing-in-obscuri-tea: Where you at? gars-best-stache: Hyperspace. languishing-in-obscuri-tea: Am I allowed to know where you’re going? gars-best-stache: Nope. What did you do today? Aside from luring innocent victims to financial ruin, I mean. languishing-in-obscuri-tea: Went to the charity shop. gars-best-stache: Get anything good? languishing-in-obscuri-tea: I found the perfect gift for you. gars-best-stache: Aww, you bought me a present? languishing-in-obscuri-tea: 
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gars-best-stache: [MESSAGE REDACTED BY GAR OBSCENITY FILTER] gars-best-stache: My stache is amazing! How dare you. languishing-in-obscuri-tea: That’s certainly one word for it. I’m amazed every time I see it. gars-best-stache: As you should be. languishing-in-obscuri-tea: Amazed that none of your brothers have held you down and forcibly shaved it off. That thing is a crime against sentients. gars-best-stache: Didn’t realize it was a crime to look this good. languishing-in-obscuri-tea: I’m calling the Corries. gars-best-stache: They’ll never take me alive!
One of the things that surprised you was just how kriffing boring GAR life was when the troopers weren’t risking their lives in active combat. The tedium and monotony of long hyperspace jumps with nothing to do and nothing to look at except the endless gray of durasteel walls—your soul shriveled at the very idea of such a drab existence. 
Of course, for Boil and the other clones, the alternative was the deadly chaos of the battlefield. It was no wonder the troopers were so ready to hit the entertainment district and blow off steam during their shore leaves. Thus, you took it upon yourself to entertain him.
languishing-in-obscuri-tea: I look hot as K today.  gars-best-stache: Holos or it didn’t happen. languishing-in-obscuri-tea: What’s the GAR policy on spicy holos? gars-best-stache: Wait, what? languishing-in-obscuri-tea: [IMAGE REDACTED BY GAR INDECENCY FILTER] languishing-in-obscuri-tea: I guess that answers that question. gars-best-stache: WHAT WAS IT?? languishing-in-obscuri-tea: 😏 gars-best-stache: You’re killing me. languishing-in-obscuri-tea: Where you at? gars-best-stache: Headed to Sarrish. Might get messy.
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“Hellooooo,” Tas called, waving her hand in front of your face. “Anyone home?”
You glanced up from your datapad, blinking as your brain struggled to switch  gears. You stashed your datapad and gave the Dathomirian an irate glare that she definitely hadn’t earned.
“Don’t you have some runes to cast?” you asked.
“Nope, but one of your regulars is here,” she replied.
You peeked out into the reception room and spotted a clone trooper. He was wearing civilian clothes, but he wasn’t hard to identify. As he turned his head, you spotted the distinctive scar on his jaw—courtesy of a lightsaber, he’d once told you—and your mouth went dry as your heart began to pound.
“I think he has a crush on you,” Tas teased.
“He definitely doesn’t,” you muttered.
You quickly straightened your clothing and glanced in the mirror to make sure you didn’t have anything in your teeth. Straightening your shoulders, you plastered on your patented brilliant smile and walked out to greet him.
Not all armor is made of plastoid, you thought grimly.
He glanced up as you entered, his eyes as cold as ever. The broken nose was new, though. No doubt it had been well-earned. You were briefly envious of whatever lucky individual had broken it.
“Hello, Hart,” you said. “Welcome back.”
He nodded, and his eyes flicked past you to Tas. His jaw tensed, and you intervened quickly before he could say something awful to her. She might have been a Nightsister, but she was the softest marshmallow imaginable, and you’d be contractually obligated to murder Hart if he hurt her feelings. Not that you had any particular objection to the idea, but bloodstains were so hard to get out of the carpet. Best to avoid them if possible.
“Right this way,” you gestured toward your reading room.
“I know,” he growled.
You ushered him into the room and closed the door. “Is there any particular advice or guidance you need today?”
Like maybe a complete personality transplant?
“Cut the kark,” he said. “You know why I’m here.”
You felt your teeth clench, and you suspected that your signature smile might have briefly morphed into a snarl before you recovered.
“Indeed, I do, Captain,” you said in a voice so artificially sweet you could practically feel the cavities forming. “But my readings take at least fifteen minutes, so you might as well get comfortable if you don’t want anyone to suspect why you’re really here. Would you care for tea?”
Suppressing the urge to roll your eyes, you rummaged through your tea cabinet until you found the tiny latch you were searching for. You flicked it open, and the back of the cabinet slid down to reveal a hidden compartment. You withdrew a small case and handed it to Hart without a word.
He opened it and glanced through the contents.
“It’s all there,” you said.
He grunted, then glanced impatiently at his chrono. “Kriffin’ hell, how has it only been three minutes?”
You shrugged and began to brew a pot of tea. “Might as well make the best of it.”
He grumbled, then reluctantly asked, “Do you have any of those chocolate biscuits from last time?”
“Those are only for people I like,” you replied. “You can have the boring ones.”
He narrowed his eyes at you, but still ate the plain biscuits you gave him. You assumed that Hart’s sweet tooth was even bigger than most of the troopers’ to offset his general sourness.
“Milk? Sugar? Lemon?” you offered more out of habit than hospitality.
“You have milk?” he asked.
You pulled the bottle out of your mini-conservator and passed it to him.
“I’m taking this,” he said, then he grabbed the packet of biscuits. “And these.”
He stood and strode toward the door.
“It’s only been ten minutes,” you pointed out as you followed him.
“Longest of my life,” he snapped.
You didn’t bother to suppress your eye roll this time. He threw open the door to your reading room and headed for the exit, pushing past Tas wordlessly. She watched him with an expression of astonishment, and when the door slammed behind him, she turned to you.
“Was that bantha milk?” she asked, baffled.
“Yeah,” you replied. “What a kriffin’ weirdo.”
“Hmm,” she said contemplatively. “Kind of hot, though.”
You snorted. “Maybe if you have a thing for sociopaths.”
“He can’t be that bad,” she laughed.
“He’s worse. Want a cup of tea? I’d just finished making a pot when he decided he didn’t require my services today.”
She gasped in faux outrage. “The nerve! You’re right; sociopath isn’t a strong enough word. Clearly, he’s a monster.”
“Exactly,” you replied. “Now come help me drink this tea and tell me what horrors your nightmare of a flatmate has committed recently. Is he still doing that thing with his feet?”
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You didn’t hear from Boil for several days. You had more or less expected this, but still, his silence made you restless. It wasn’t so bad at first. The shop was busier than usual because the palm reader had traveled to his home planet of Aldhani for Mak-ani bray Dhani, leaving you and the rest of your fellow mediums to pick up his customers. Every night after the shop closed, you dragged yourself to your flat and collapsed straight into bed, endlessly thankful that the Eye of Aldhani only happened once every three years.
Of course, once you were in bed, your mind would begin to race, wondering where Boil was, whether he was safe, when—or if—you would see him again. Inevitably, you would get up after a few hours and settle onto your sofa with a cup of tea while you practiced the mind-calming techniques your grandmother had taught you so long ago.
One such night, as you sipped your tea and levitated a sugar spoon in tiny circles in front of your face, a thunderous crash sounded outside, rattling your windows and instantly obliterating your concentration. The spoon clattered to the floor as you rushed outside to investigate. 
On the walkway in front of your shop, beings of every imaginable species stumbled out of the various bars, clubs, and shops. Speculation ran rampant: was it another Separatist attack? Another Zillo beast incident? Sirens began to blare in the distance, but no further disturbance occurred, and eventually the walkways began to clear out as people either drifted home or returned to their revelry.
The next morning, you awoke in a bed drenched with sweat. Your apartment was stifling. Groggily, you stumbled to the window to slide it open, but it was even hotter outside.
“What the kriff?” you mumbled, grinding your palm against your face to clear your bleary eyes.
Your datapad flashed with a notification indicator, and you snatched it up, hoping to see a message from Boil at last, but instead, you had a missed comm from Tas. You called her back immediately.
“Tas, what’s going on?” you rasped, your voice hoarse from sleep. “Why is it so hot?”
“Did you hear that big boom last night?” she asked.
“It was the district relay substation for the planetary weather control system,” she said. “Coruscant WeatherNet said it could be days before it’s repaired.”
“What?” you asked, aghast. “What about air filtration?”
“They’re trying to compensate with other relay stations to keep it livable.”
“Do you think we should close the shop until it’s repaired?” 
“I doubt we’ll have many customers,” she said. “I’m more worried about you, though. The rest of us don’t live in the district, so we’re all safe. Do you have somewhere you can go if it gets bad?”
You swallowed, suddenly feeling very alone and vulnerable in a way that you hadn’t felt in years. “Not really.”
“Then you can come stay with me,” she said firmly. 
“What about your horrid flatmate?” you objected. “Won’t he object to me crashing on your couch?”
“Who cares?” she asked. “We’ll outnumber him.”
Reluctant to cause even more tension between Tas and her flatmate, you waffled. “Maybe I’ll stick it out for now. If it gets bad, then I’ll come stay with you.”
“Are you sure you want to wait that long?”
You shrugged, forcing an optimistic tone. “Maybe it’ll be fixed soon.”
“Maybe…” she said doubtfully.
“Look at it this way. The Entertainment District is a huge credit-cow for Coruscant. They won’t let it go on too long and risk losing all that tourist revenue.”
“Good point,” she replied. “Well, if you change your mind, my couch is super comfy, and you already have my door keycode.”
“Thanks, Tas,” you replied gratefully. “You’re the best.”
You ended the call and prepared for a few very uncomfortable days. It wasn’t ideal, but you managed. The air quality never did get as bad as you expected, but the temperature grew steadily warmer. Against all odds, you managed to buy a small climate control unit—the last one in the store, and you nearly had to fight an Ishi Tib for it, but you set it up in your studio and ran it round the chronometer to keep the flat livable. For the first time, you were grateful for how tiny your studio was; if it had been any bigger, there was no way the little unit would have been able to cool the space.
As Tas predicted, no customers came to the shop, so at least you didn’t have to worry about closing up. It was a strange sight: the Entertainment District, silent and completely deserted. Empty walkways; empty nightclubs, bathed in the neon signs advertising closed businesses to an audience of nobody. It was kriffing eerie, was what it was.
If you’d thought it was hard to sleep before, you were nearly frantic now. The silence was overwhelming, accustomed as you were to the endless roar of traffic and thumping of dance music. Eventually, you found an ambient noise station on the holonet and let it play nonstop.
And just when you thought things couldn’t get any worse, they did.
Five days after the relay station failed, you turned on Republic HoloNet News to see a headline that knocked the air from your lungs: “Overwhelming Republic Casualties at Sarrish; GAR in Full Retreat.”
A/N: the mug says, "Galaxy's okayest mustache." Both pictures by me 🧡
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bloodpen-to-paper · 2 years
Its an early Thursday morning. 6:00am, on the dot. I’m waking up at this hour because I’ve accidentally become slightly nocturnal again, and had fallen asleep at about 7pm the night before. No matter, I think as I chase away the last remnants of sleep. Time to check the news.
Its there, at the top of the Twitter trending tab, that I see it: 
BREAKING: Buckingham Palace says Queen Elizabeth II is under medical supervision because doctors are "concerned for Her Majesty’s health." 
Many of the Royal Family are at her side. The people of the United Kingdom are preparing for the worst. I feel adrenaline coursing through my veins.
Tumblr, I think in a moment of hysteria. I must go to Tumblr. They must be in a state of euphoria over the news.
I head over to Tumblr.
I check the trending page, expecting “Queen Elizabeth” or “down with the monarchy” or something of the sort to be at the #1 spot on the tab.
Surely, at the very least, “crab rave”
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I stare blankly at my screen. I am in a state of shock. Too stunned to speak, some may say.
How? I beseech. How is this trending over the Queen of England’s health scare? The one that may very well cause of the end of the British monarchy as we know it?!
But I’ve been on this Hellsite longer than I’ve been able to formulate intelligent thoughts. I know they wouldn’t trend Undertale this high for no reason. And if its a new Deltarune update, well, I certainly can’t complain. I am a fan of the franchise, after all.
So I check the Undertale tag.
As the Sisters Moirai would have it, I had peacefully slept through a war. A war of ultimate consequence, that would decide the fate of two illustrious*, two remarkably renown communities, nay, kingdoms, over who could win perhaps the greatest, most dangerous prize. A prize which has spilt endless miles of bloodshed in its pursuit, which has devastated entire lands, decimated people in both mind and body until they were completely and utterly unrecognizable.
The prize, the title, of who was to be... the Ultimate Tumblr Sexyman.
The contenders: Sans the Skeleton of the hit RPG “Undertale” and Reigen Arataka from the popular shonen anime “Mob Psycho 100”
As it was transcribed, the battle had met many close encounters, but in the end, Sans the Skeleton would come to win the crown and claim victory over Reigen by a total of 420 votes (i shit you not it was 420 votes exactly i cannot believe you assholes managed to get it by 420 votes yall are actual meme trash and i am both disgusted and awe inspired by your cursed efforts)
Though I was unable to experience the spectacle myself, I had bore direct witness to the fallout. The internet now had an abundance of Super Smash-like fan content of Sans and Reigen engaged in combat, and there was an apparent brief rise in S̵͖̫̿̌ạ̸̛̎̚n̶͔͈͗͂̄s̷͉̚m̴͌͋͜͝a̴̻͚̺͛͆ē̶̤̔͗d̶̛̖̰͒͊a̷͙̜͙̾͗. Toby Fox himself has gotten involved by using Twitter to publish fanfiction. That was perhaps the hardest for me to accept.
Thus, it was on September 7 of the year 2022 that the battle of Sans vs Reigen had occurred and concluded. From what I had heard, it was a legendary event that would be seared into the minds of every Tumblrina, and forever remembered throughout the tales of human history.
I took more psychic damage waking up to all of this than I did the day my father ended up in hospice after having a stroke on a school day so thanks for that and have a good one
* “well known, respected, and admired for past achievements”; yes I knew some of you would struggle with this one
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fable-and-folly · 9 months
fic recs
Novel length fics I love and wish were real books :)
The Curse of Anteros -- @danpuff-ao3 -- Snarry, 52k, E
When Harry is cursed, he seeks out Severus Snape. They have a long history behind them, after all, and they've always had so much between them. Who else would he go to?
Kept in Cages -- @sweet-s0rr0w -- Drarry, 76k, E
Deep in the heart of the Ministry lies the Beast Division: a hidden room where ancient beasts roam, and winged creatures soar, and grumpy giant ferrets eat all your biscuits unless you keep them well hidden. Draco Malfoy would know – he’s been working there for five years now, after all. Meanwhile, on Level One, ex-Golden Boy Harry Potter is stuck in another interminable policy meeting, completely unaware of the mysterious comings and goings just three floors below. But when a giant snake emergency requires the assistance of a Parselmouth, Harry finds himself thrust, unprepared, into Draco’s weird and wonderful world – and naturally, he can’t keep away…
A Lick and a Promise -- @tackytigerfic -- Drarry, 55k, E
Something sinister stirs in Hogwarts! When magical creatures and students at the school are hit with a debilitating blood curse, Minerva McGonagall approaches the Ministry for help. Star Auror Harry Potter seems to be the obvious choice to go undercover—as DADA Professor, naturally. He’s going to need the help of the Ministry’s foremost expert in blood magic to get to the bottom of the mystery, though, and he’s not entirely convinced that going back to Hogwarts with Draco Malfoy is a good idea. Things are complicated between them—what’s new?—but they know they have to learn to work together (and keep their hands off each other in the corridors) in order to solve this case. Luckily for them, Hogwarts itself wants to lend a hand. A tale of love, lessons, and learning to really live.
The Beauty of Thestrals and Other Unseen Things -- @writcraft -- Drarry, 63k, E
Harry has terrific friends, an amazing girlfriend and his job as Head Auror enables him to work on challenging cases and Ministry reform. He just wishes he could work out why he’s been so out of sorts. When Draco Malfoy is arrested for gross indecency, Harry’s comfortable life begins to unravel. He’s forced to decide if it’s worth risking everything for love in a world where following his heart is a criminal offence.
Nocturne -- @necromanticnoir -- Snarry, E, 54k
A Gothic Snarry version of ‘Beauty and the Beast’, inspired by the dark and sensual tale from the Czech film version, ‘Panna a Netvor’. I follow some of the plot, but then diverge and do my own thing. Got to make it even weirder, right? An eerie, erotic, brooding, bloody, batty, haunting fairytale. ‘Underneath my skin there’s a human. Buried deep within there’s a human. Despite everything, I’m still human.’ - ‘Human’ by Daughter
A Guide to the Morphology of Magic -- orphaned -- Drarry, 64k, E
When Draco Malfoy is hand picked to investigate a string of curses cropping up in Muggle communities in North America, the last person he wanted to be traveling with was Harry Potter. Still, duty calls, and the two set off on an adventure chasing down mysterious curses, sleeping in cramped hotel rooms, and trying to navigate their newly formed post-War selves as they make their way through small towns and long, dark stretches of highway.
Soup-pocalypse and the Great Curry Cataclysm -- SquadofCats -- Drarry, 104k, E
Eleven years after the war, Draco Malfoy leads a quiet, boring, and perfectly respectable life, thanks very much. Or, at least he does, until a sudden and very unexpected veela awakening causes him to throw soup all over Harry Potter in the middle of the Ministry cafeteria.
Star Quality -- who_la_hoop -- Drarry, 118k, E
Two years after the war, and Harry’s content with his life. OK, so it’s a little annoying that he keeps winning Witch Weekly’s Most Eligible Bachelor award, and he’s really not looking forward to the unveiling of an enormous gold statue of himself, but he loves his friends, and he loves being an Auror. And if he yearns for something more, something he can barely bring himself to think about, well, he’ll probably get over it. No one’s happy all the time, are they? But then everything changes, and Harry’s thrown into a new and dazzling world he’s not sure he can actually escape from. And as time goes on, he starts to wonder: does he actually want to?
By the Grace -- @letteredlettered -- Drarry, 139k, T
Harry is an Auror instructor. Malfoy wants to be an Auror.
On the Deficiency of Translation Spells -- @liladiurne -- Snarry, 41k, E
Divorced, single, and free, Harry lives a completely unapologetic life in Paris. Between casual hook-ups and an easy, comfortable job, he likes to think he is as close to happiness as he'll ever be. And when he gets offered a teaching job at the prestigious Académie Beauxbâtons, he thinks he may have found exactly what was missing. But Harry is thoroughly unprepared for what he finds there - a familiar face that's been haunting his dreams for six years.
Wild -- orphaned -- Drarry, 92k, E
“No,” Harry said, by way of greeting. Malfoy’s blonde head rose slowly, carelessly. “Get out.” “I feel as though we’ve already established this, Potter,” Malfoy responded. “And I feel that what we established was that you telling me to get out of places really doesn’t make me more likely to vacate them.”
Tapestry -- @kbrick -- Drarry, 91k, E
In 2017, Harry is on his way to Pansy and Luna's beach house. He’s a bit terrified of seeing Draco, to be honest. It’s been a while, and then there’s the little matter of Draco having married someone else in the interim. In 2001, Draco is drunk, wearing Pansy's mother's ermine coat, and afraid to walk into the Leaky because someone might throw a curse at him. So, of course, he runs into his ex-nemesis and hopeless crush, Harry Potter. This is a love story that isn't perfect, about two people whose timing is never quite right, and all the moments that come together to make something extraordinarily beautiful anyway.
The Secret of the Philosopher Stone -- @yletylyf -- Snoldemort, 115k, E
Voldemort gets the Philosopher's Stone, but finds himself trapped at Hogwarts and in need of rescue. Loyal Death Eater Severus Snape is on the job, but even he is not quite prepared for Lord Voldemort to return as Tom Riddle with a patched-up soul and no interest in war. And as for Tom? Well, it's not so easy to stop being a domestic terrorist.
The Left Words -- authoresswithoutwords -- Tomarrymort, 234k, E
Harry has some weird words on his left wrist. That must be one of those strange things that Aunt Petunia hates so much. But it's okay! He likes them. Then, it all turns even weirder. Hogwarts, magic, a Headmaster and a Dark Lord await Harry - he would prefer if they all just left him alone, thank you very much. But when has it ever mattered what Harry wants?
When the Rose and the Fire Are One -- @perverse-idyll -- Snarry, 81k, E
Harry's haunted by guilt. Snape's warded by roses. Each must free the other in order to free himself.
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beevean · 4 months
Hey now how could you say such nasty things about the show? Don't you realise how important it is for lgbt representation? I bet you're some bigoted neckbeard!
Go back to your jumping pixels on the ps2 and leave us alone you gatekeeper!>:(
I know you joke and all, but it's honestly baffling to me how NFCV (and esp Nocturne) got the reputation of being woke because of one (1) bi threesome, when it's shockingly bigoted itself.
Wallachians are depicted as backward hillibillies brainwashed by the Church and engaging in bestiality: classism and xenophobia due to them being Eastern European, plus a general shallow caricature of history.
Alucard mocks the Belmonts by accusing them of being "mentally ill hoarders" and engaging in pagan rituals such as sacrificing chickens and mummifying cats: ableism and xenophobia, not helped by the fact that he's technically a nobleman looking down on common people (so classism).
Trevor is an alcoholic because of genuine childhood trauma. He's constantly mocked by other characters (and even the fucking music sometimes), he's pushed aside in favor of Alucard who is the first person who disrespects him, and eventually ditched by his own story.
Carmilla, the quintessential lesbian vampire in popular culture, jokes about being willing to fuck Godbrand only if all the men, half of the women and some of the animals dropped dead: equates having sex with women with having sex with animals.
Isaac's backstory is being a slave owned by a Catholic priest, so historically inaccurate that it can only come from the preconception that black people can only exist in Europe as slaves.
Isaac is a self-professed Muslim man who gleefully worships a demonic creature and agrees with his idea of killing "impure" people for a superior mission, justifying his sins by misquoting the Quran. His hypocrisy is never pointed out, and we're meant to admire him all the way through. I cannot make this shit up.
The generals in Dracula's court come from all over the world, with prominent Indian and Chinese vampires, but they are literally props only there to pretend the world is bigger than it actually is: the focus is given to two white Northern European vampires, Godbrand and especially Carmilla.
Striga and Morana are the laziest form of lesbian representation you could possibly have, literally Disney level of "seventh first gay character".
Alucard got "revealed" as bi in a tweet as if to reassure us that no, he wasn't raped, he enjoyed it! Pure biphobia.
Hector's whole story in S3 and 4 is disgusting rape apologism stemming from sexism, both against men (men are inherently horny and they cannot get sexually traumatized) and against women (women are never a threat and everything they do is inherently titillating).
Vampires, unholy creatures who can only exist by causing harm to humans, are treated as if they were their own separate race, and as if the Belmonts are committing ethnic cleansing against them. Case in point, Alucard being such a cunt to Trevor because oh no, his ancestors killed vampire children and kept their skulls in their hold! As if "vampire children" would be anything else than a cursed existence. (and never forget about the "cabal of vampires" controlling the slave trade in Nocturne, or how in that show vampires are the literal ruling class to be crushed by the revolution.)
oh but game isaac is offensive because he looks like a bdsm stripper or stuff. sure whatever.
At least Nocturne had the decency of fleshing out its gay couple. Yay, progress.
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wolvesbaned · 2 days
So I wanna ask something, are the werewolves in your nocturnal city infectious or do they reproduce the "Natural" way.
lmao this is so funny to me the way this is phrased. do they suck or do they fuck
uhh but yeah i would say majority of the weres are werewolves by genetics/family. They can also bite and turn someone BUT there are ways to reverse the curse as long as you do it before the next full moon (you do have to take drastic measures and it's a nasty healing process, but it's like a medically accepted practice. with a little in-universe magic/witchcraft involved). This is more rare since werewolves tend to live with each other in insular communities and have developed various measures of self-control.
If you are a werewolf and have kids with a non-werewolf the kids are always going to be werewolves, no exceptions.
Some lore drop though! There is a chance to end the 'family curse' and have a normal human child. They have to be born on a blue moon. Typically they are born alone. There is also a chance that they may actually be a blue moon werewolf instead though; it's a 50/50 shot. Blue moon werewolves are more powerful, and can control how they shift with more accuracy than most werewolves. They also are pretty distinct in appearance! Do you see where this is going?
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Hi Miss Raven! If you meet any Twst character in real life who would it be?
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Any non-human (beastman, fae, merperson, etc.) works for me! The Shroud brothers count here!! Idia seems to be a human with very unique features (sharp teeth, naturally blue lips, and OH YEAH fire for hair) due to the Shroud family’s bloodline curse, and Ortho is a highly advanced piece of technology that may or may not be infused with the soul of a dead child FNAF, anyone?. Highly unusual, to say the very least.
… Yes, I know that response is very Rook-like 🤡
I have a keen interest in the psychological and biological sciences so 🤓 I’d like to poke, prod, ask questions about, and just generally learn more about their anatomy + physiology directly from them. Things like, “how do merpeople’s physical bodies and functions change when they become human”, “how do fae’s temporal perceptions differ from that of the average human”, and, “how does the DNA of beastmen express their animal traits, and to what extent can they vary”??? I also want to study their different languages and dialects (such as that of nocturnal fae), some of which aren’t even able to be picked up by the human ear! There are still lots of unanswered questions. If you’ve been reading this blog for a while now, you’ll recall that I’ve made several posts speculating on these and other related topics.
If there was a specific human I’d want to meet, that would be Rollo. He seems like someone that would be reeeeally interesting to debate (or to listen to angrily pop off about various topics that disgust him). I just want to pick his brain apart 😂 Another perk: I can finally confirm whether or not he’s fluent in French (something which Glorious Masquerade surprisingly never does, even though the City of Flowers is basically fantasy Paris). Yes, this choice was just made to sate other aspects of my curiosity.
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