#Orion Strand
seaseren · 4 months
A thing I don't mention about Orion enough is that she has incredible chuuni energy. Just a total poser who somehow actually was raised to bring about the dark will of the Paragons. She and Urianger are operating on a similar wavelength
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lulublack90 · 15 days
Prompt 17 - Stranded on a Desert Island
@wolfstarmicrofic May 17, word count 498
“Cowards!!!” Sirius screamed at the retreating ship. “Don’t pretend like you all don’t get up to stuff behind closed doors. You’re only sore that I got Remus!!!!” But they either couldn’t hear him or they didn’t care. 
He and Remus had been caught by one of the little underlings of the first mate, entangled together in Sirius’s bunk. The captain had been informed of their fornication and had promptly headed for the first patch of sand in the middle of the ocean he could find. 
Pirates, you see, had no scruples about stranding their best men on godforsaken strips of land in the middle of the ocean. They had nothing but the clothes on their backs and the knife that Sirius always had stuck in his boot, nothing else. 
While he’d been shouting profanity at the ship they’d called home for the past seven years, Remus had been pulling the fibres from fallen coconuts and putting them into neat little piles. “What are you doing?” He asked Remus, poking the toe of his boot at the edge of the dry fibres. 
“Making rope, so I can make a net, so we can fish.” Remus explained without looking up. 
“Are you not even the least bit bothered that we are marooned, stranded, castaway?! We have no way of getting off this island, Remus!” Sirius was perplexed at Remus’s calmness. Remus looked up at him as though he thought he was an idiot. 
“Which is exactly why I’m doing this,” He said. “Then I’m going to build us a shelter so we have somewhere to sleep. If you could go and collect firewood that would be a big help.” He went back to his fibre stripping.
Sirius stomped off into the tropical trees that somehow grew on this sandy place. 
The island was bigger than he’d thought, and he soon became lost in the foliage. He’d lost sight of the beach a while ago and couldn’t figure out which way was the way out. He was trying not to freak out. Remus would find him. 
“Remus!!!” He eventually shouted when the sky began to darken. “REMUS!!!” His feet hurt and the pile of wood he clung to had gotten almost too heavy to carry. “Remus!” He sobbed. 
“What?!” Came the familiar voice through the thicket. 
“Remus?!” He called again, tears flowing freely down his face. He crashed through the ferns towards the voice. 
The plant life gave way and his boots sunk into white sand. To his right, a few yards down the beach, stood Remus with two fish skewered on long sticks, and a small fire burning beside him. “REMUS!!!” Sirius cried, overjoyed at the sight of him. He dropped the sticks and sprinted across the sand. Luckily, Remus had the foresight to put the fish down and step away from the fire as Sirius leapt into his arms the second he was within range. He kissed the man he loved passionately, so glad to have found him again. 
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orionhere · 2 years
Lee really went from "Has the stiffer hair than other construct" to "The most fluffiest hair you've ever seen"
I mean, my focus on the PV is just how nice his hair movement is I want to feel them with my bare hands
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azullumi · 1 month
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"orion" ; aventurine
summary : he has lived through many lives, has met many people, has gone through many places, but the shadow of your soul follows him wherever he goes and his eyes would search for a glimpse of your smile everywhere. he continues to look for the light that touches him, not the sun, not the moon, but you.
tags : star-crossed 2024, reincarnation concept, established relationship but also not established in some parts, usage of metaphors, fluff with angst and comfort, crumbs of insecure aventurine, snippets of his lifetimes and how he finds you in each one of them, not proofread sorry, 2.9k words ; one-shot
tagging : @toorurs (hi boo)
notes : i had two ideas in mind but the other was too complicated and would be lengthy so i decided to have this one instead. anwss, i hope you'll like this one!!
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Aventurine has recurring dreams of you.
(It was a blessing.)
Ones that feel like fleeting moments in the wind destined to be taken away from him as soon as he tries to hold it. It crumbles into dust and falls to the ground he stands on, and he’ll try to pick up your pieces but it doesn’t stay in his hands for long. Perhaps it was meant to leave, not to last, and perhaps, he’ll hold on to what little is left of the particles in his palms.
In his dreams, you’ll kiss the scars on his skin and he’ll adore you, clear vivid eyes painted with vibrant hues that capture all his affection for you in his soft gaze (they say the eyes are the windows to the soul and you’ll see your reflection in his). You’ll tell him of all the worries that plague your mind, of all the thoughts that bothers you, of everything that you’ll think of.
“If you have 3 lifetimes, what would you do in each one of them?” You speak softly, a soft murmur to the night as you look at him with your eyes wide with curiosity. Aventurine will find himself baffled over your question, eyebrows knitted as he falls into his thoughts—he wouldn’t know what to say.
“It’s not that hard to answer, is it?”
“How about you answer first? I’m a little curious about what you’ll say.”
You hum, lips pursed into a smile as if you already know what to say, as if you’ve been waiting for the moment that someone will ask you that question; You recount your desires to him on how you want to be a bookstore owner but also a florist, on how you wish to soar the skies but also travel across the seas, on how you want to be everything and nothing all at once. 3 lifetimes would simply not be enough for your wishes.
He likes listening to your voice as you speak, adores the way the corners of your eyes wrinkle when you think of something you like. But somewhere in the back of his head, turmoil creeps into the cracks of his mind and settles on the sharp edges.
“Your turn.” You say, beaming a warm smile at him yet he falls into silence once more. He feels ashamed, humiliation seeping into the gaps of his fingers and traces the lines of his palms—you were so full of light, embodying solace in your being, you are what is adored and seeked yet he stands beside you, seemingly like a shadow that haunts your steps, hesitation lingers and tugs at his hand even when he’ll try to touch you. He’s unsure of what he wants in this life even more for the ones that will supposedly come. He finds it unfair—perhaps for you—for him. 
“Still no answer?” Your voice sounds reassuring, soft as you lightly graze your finger on his skin, your ghosting touch making his lips shudder. It was comforting, the way that you’ll speak to him, the way that you’ll touch him, the way that you’ll love him—it was all warm and comforting. You brush your hand on his cheek, tucking away stray strands of hair behind his ear; “It’s alright, it was a sudden question anyways. Also, something stupid to ask.”
“No, it’s not—it’s not stupid.” He stumbles over his words; he rarely stutters, rarely finds himself tripping on the bumps of the letters that fall out of his mouth but he finds himself staggering on the line of vulnerability and uncertainty. You hum, nodding, seemingly encouraging him to spill out whatever he wishes to say because you’ll listen, no matter how ridiculous it can be.
“I just haven’t thought about it.” Aventurine, though he may not say it, doesn’t like thinking of the future. It just reminds him how everything ahead of him is just empty and narrow, it’s as if he has to walk alone.
“But I…” His voice trails off and yet a thought lingers inside his head, making its way down his throat and clawing the walls of his mouth; the more he’ll keep it in, the more he’ll taste the blood of his perished words on his tongue.
“I’ll look for you in each one of them.”
The wind blows against his and your form and he feels your lips all over his face, pressing delicate kisses all over the lines and wrinkles of his features as if a brush to a canvas. The light would become too bright for him so he closes his eyes, relishing in this moment where you hold his face in your hands as if he was made out of broken pieces carved out of people’s miseries, as if he was something fragile, and the dirt that stains the waters of his mind seemingly dissipates like it never existed.
“Another stupid question, did you know how much I love you?” You’ll whisper against his lips, a smile tugging on the corners of your mouth. Your breath tickles his skin and he can’t hide the smile that draws on his face.
“How much?”
“I’ll give the world to you.”
And he’ll wake up.
(Or perhaps, a curse.)
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Aventurine stands before the colorful blossoms displayed in pots and buckets of different sizes and colors. The essence of spring dances in the air, filling the place with the scent of blooming flowers and the sight of receding snow that unveils the land below; the sight of it is not unfamiliar to him. He has seen thousands of it—the different seasons that weave its life in his surroundings and has lived through many of them.
He has had many lives and he has been everyone but also no one. He has been a puppet, a poet, a prince, a musician, a gambler. Little pieces of himself merge into the likeness that he sees in front of the mirror everyday. His form is battered, bruised, broken all over, patched and affixed together with nonviscid tape, sewed with delicate threads of fate—there are days that he doesn’t recognize the person standing in front of the reflective glass. Even if has retained most of his features, most especially his eyes, and nothing drastic has changed from what he once was; yet he struggles in seeing himself in the mirror.
“Are you looking to buy a bouquet?” A voice breaks him out of his trance, pulling him back to reality. It must have been weird seeing a man just standing for minutes in front of the displays and staring into space.
“No, not re—” His sentence breaks off abruptly when he turns his head to the sound of the voice and his eyes meet a pair that causes memories to surge like a harsh tide that pulls everything into the depths; it sweeps him under like a fierce undertow as it drags him back to the profundity of what haunts him. His thoughts that seem like old, faded photographs flicker in his mind, and the sound of buzzing fills his ears as the world comes to a still.
It feels as though the ground beneath him has crumbled away. There you are.
“Sir?” It’s you, it’s you that calls out to him and not a random person that he meets somewhere he can’t remember, not a stranger that would approach him and ask for his name, not someone that he thought was you.
“Nothing,” Aventurine shakes his head and composes himself, “I would like to get a bouquet.”
“Of course, which flowers would you like to have?”
“I’m not entirely sure. What do you recommend?” If this was his attempt of making a conversation, he lies between the line of failing and succeeding. He’s not even here with the plans of bringing home a bouquet to give nor decorate his house and he’s not even sure if he has his wallet with him.
You hum as you fall into deep thought and you begin to count tales of different flowers and paint the meanings behind them with your voice, and you come to mention one that made his heart skip like stone in a pond, and his breath hitch. You speak of a certain flower with such tender affection and all he can think of is how you used to adore this very one even back then, and how your home used to be adorned with it.
“Is that your favorite?” The golden-haired man asks, curiosity wrapping around his tone as he speaks despite the fact that he already knows your answer and you smile at him, warmly—and oh, how much he missed seeing it. It’s like he has fallen in love all over again and the colors paint all over his once bleak and mellow life. Even after all this time, all these years, all these lifetimes, he still has you carved in his soul, every part of you etched on the bumps of his skin. As if you’re engraved like a scar on his body, persisting, lingering.
“It’s a lovely flower, how could I not?” The sound of laughter forms in your throat and spills out of your lips. It’s a lovely sound that he has inscribed in the very depths of his mind, one that would muddle his sleep or disturb him in the moments of silence he would revel in, trying to find the wind to ground himself.
You’re still the same as he remembers.
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Memories lie dormant like fragile butterflies trapped within glass jars, fluttering and flickering, casting shadows upon the vulnerable walls of his conscience. Remembering, a troublesome thing that weighs heavy in his mind, tugging on his thoughts, and having a tight embrace on his heart. Sometimes he thinks it’s just a dream, one meaningless and lengthy dream that is meant to harrow him every time that he wakes up. But it was real, all of it is real—the laughter, the kisses, the touches, the smiles, you. How could he ever deny your existence?
Aventurine is in his nth life, not knowing how many times he has experienced death and the feeling of waking up to a strange and unfamiliar place, while his memories would flow to him like water in a stream. It comes in slow, steady, he’ll pick up broken shards of it and keep his fingers close—it will stab and make his hand bleed.
His hand, it was yours once. Clasped, held, weaved into the small gaps of your own. You held him as if he was yours to have—and he really is. He’ll walk through the busy streets with a gaze that roams everywhere, holding the anticipation, hope, that he’ll catch you amidst the crowds of people whose face appears to be nonexistent to him. 
(He’ll look for you everywhere he goes, in museums, flower shops, bookstores, in the rivers, in fields, on the ground, everywhere.)
“Oh no, I’m sorry!”
Books came falling, papers scattered all over the pavement, and he saw someone in front of him, seemingly panicking as they gather all of their things; Aventurine wasn’t a heartless man nor was he cruel so he knelt to the ground and picked up all the remaining papers before handing it to them—lifting his gaze, to be met by a pair of eyes that he looks for everywhere.
(And he’ll find you.)
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There was once a moment where you remember him.
It wasn’t just a, “I passed by you on the streets and you caught my attention since and I think of you everyday,” but it was, “I know you because you existed in my life before this.” It was something he had never expected, a moment where he had to pinch himself on the thigh to see if this was one of his messy dreams but it hurt and his heart ached.
(In this life, you were lost, alone, not knowing what to do nor what you wished to do—you simply stood still as you watched the strangers passing by, as everything before you crumbled. In this life, you were nothing but his friend and he was nothing but yours.)
“I’m sorry?” He says, still in disbelief on what he is hearing. Maybe it was just his ears playing tricks on him, his mind playing illusions for him due to how much he misses you. Oh, if only you knew how tight your grasp is on him; it troubles him with the way he’ll catch you in the corner of his eye but there’s nothing there but dust, he’ll feel your presence everywhere even when you’re nowhere to be found.
“You’re him. The one that is always in my dreams.” Aventurine will open his mouth to speak but nothing would come out; he remains silent, unable to find the words to say.
“Rine.” His breath hitched. Everything faded into white noise and there was only you in his eyes—there was only you and him. He has long abandoned that name, taking on different ones in each passing life but even if he has left it behind, he always remembers how you used to call him so sweetly and gently as if he was the only one that matters to you. “I missed you.”
Your voice breaks and he swears, it felt like something inside him had shattered. How long has he waited for this moment? How much has he dreamt of the day that you’ll remember him? He didn’t think it was possible but he holds on to the thin thread of hope that you will.
“Do you… Do you not remember me?” You look hurt at that thought, your gaze wavering as you look at him with tear-stained eyes.
“I do.” He whispers, broken. “I do remember you.” He always remembers you. It’s a burden that he carries for so long but he will never let go—he wishes he could, he wishes he wanted to. Your voice, your touch, your laugh, your embrace, your eyes, everything about you will always come to haunt him; you are too entertwined with his soul, threads bound and tangled together in knots that can never be undone.
The two of you talk about everything on this night as the stars above you listen, as the moon will become a witness to the words and caresses. You’ll tell him of all the dreams that you had, memories that will haunt you the same way it haunted him.
“I’ll remember you tomorrow and even the days after. I’ll remember you, always, even in the next lifetimes.” You say, certainty and assurance seeps into the tone of his voice and a part of Aventurine feels relieved and broken at the same time.
He smiles, “You will.” (You don’t know it but this too will be buried in the grave of the past and he will come to mourn it in every moment he wakes.)
“Kiss me, please?” You didn’t have to beg for anything, you will never have to beg for anything. He has looked for the shadow of your form, for the sound of your footsteps and laughter, for the feeling of your hand in his. You will never have to beg him for anything—he’ll give you the world if you ask.
“I’ll see you tomorrow?” He whispers against your lips, his warm breath fanning your skin—a contrast to the cold night breeze that brushes against you.
“You’ll hear me tomorrow. I’ll call you, I promise. So please don’t keep your phone on silent.”
“I don’t. You’re the only person on my phone.”
You laugh at that, short and sweet. “Really?”
He kisses you once more, a fleeting one but the taste of his lips lingered on yours. “I only have you.”
The night draws to a close and Aventurine waits for the sun with bated breath but you weren’t able to fulfill your promise, for on the morning when the sun’s embrace caressed your skin, you remained in slumber’s hold.
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It’s his second life, the life where he first remembers everything and when he is still not tormented by the burden (a curse) that he will hold all of the memories and you will remain in each one of them.
“I have a question.”
You lay your head on his shoulder, all the while your hand plays with his own. Your fingers softly dance across his palm and mindlessly sketches invisible patterns and traces the lines etched on it, while he watches, captivated by the ballet of your touch. There’s the fresh smell of shampoo and soap in the air around him, and the warmth of his hands provides a refreshing contrast to the coolness of your skin, still tingling from your recent bath.
In this life, you own a bookstore just like you wish and he’s simply just your lover.
“What is it?” He answers, watching you as you draw what seems to be a flower on his palm. He finds it endearing, every moment that he spends with you is all too sweet and dear for him, no matter how small and mundane it can be. He adores seeing you under this light, cherishes the way you melt into his embrace and how you hold him in your arms (he wishes everything would be this simple).
“How would you know if it was me?” The movement of your fingers comes to a halt as you look up to him to meet his gaze; eyes wide with curiosity and affection, he meets your gaze. Aventurine thinks for a moment before he answers:
“I’ll know if it’s you, always.”
You let out a short laugh, your expression breaking out into a soft one. “What if I was a worm then?”
“You’ll be the first worm to make my heart flutter.” There was no need for such questions—Aventurine will recognize you everywhere, in different forms, in different light.
“What if I was a stone?”
He chuckles, “I’ll know.”
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© azullumi — do not plagiarize, copy, repost, nor translate any of my works.
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compact-turtle · 1 year
Yandere Space Explorer X GN Reader PT 1
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Concept: Yandere Space Explorer X GN Reader
Part One
Summary: Yandere Space Explorer crashes on an unknown planet. He's miserable until he meets you...
TW: Obsession, Possessiveness, Usual yandere behavior yk , brief mention of pregnancy
Words: 1.4K
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-Yandere Space Explorer who gets stranded on a different planet. His aircraft crash landed in the middle of a thick canopy jungle. The gray communicator pad was damaged in the crash and his supplies are slowly dwindling. He’s sure that he’s gonna die on this foreign planet all alone. 
-His days are filled with endless sorrow and regret for taking on this mission. Of course, he understood the risks. He may never return, he could encounter a hostile entity, and so much more. However, he had always believed he would prevail and return home as a hero. 
-One night, he abandons his camp. There’s almost no food left and he’s struggling to find a reason to survive. It doesn’t help that he’s feeling paranoid lately. Almost as if there’s been a pair of eyes always watching him. He treks deeper into the canopy hoping to find something edible. The gigantic vegetation loomed over him with tangled tree vines tripping him at every turn.
-Shiny red berries call out to him in the corner of his eyes. They beckon him to have a small sample. Consumed by desperation, he stuffs the berries into his mouth. Bitterness explodes in his mouth but it’s not enough to stop him. He engulfs the berries like a pig eating feed. Red juice dyed his hands as continually shoves his mouth full. 
-A sharp pain hits him in the back of the head.
-Yandere Space Explorer who wakes up tied to a pole. His eyes take a moment to adjust as he studies his surroundings. It’s a modest wooden home decorated in ornate trinkets. There are potted plants everywhere with beads hung up on the wall. 
-Adrenaline pumps through his veins as he searches for his attacker. It feels like hours until a figure emerges from a doorway. 
-He examines the figure. They’re dressed in a green robe with a brown satchel tied around their waist. There’s nothing remarkable about them besides their bright pink eyecolor.The figure speaks to him but he can’t understand them. The words sound like eerie shrills to his ears. 
-Finally, the figure points to themself and repeats a single word multiple times. 
-It takes a few moments for him to understand that they’re communicating their name. 
- “Orion” The space explorer says, pointing back to himself. 
-You nod in acknowledgement. He continually attempts to communicate but gives up. It’s clear that you don't quite understand his language. 
-For the next few days, you feed him odd fruits that taste sweet with a hinge of spiciness. You address the wound on his head and clean him up. Of course, he’s still tied up but beggars can’t complain. 
-Eventually, you do set him free. Yandere Space Explorer is cautious of you however you seem harmless enough. He’s spent the past few days studying your routine and habits.
-Your day consists mainly of foraging for food in the morning until noon.
-In the afternoon, you return to feed him and check up on him. After a bit, you leave to trek the jungle again. 
-During the evening, you come home to feed him a second time. You also spend the time preparing for tomorrow’s trip or relaxing. You'll make beaded items, sing small hymns or organize the small home.
-Not everyday is the same, sometimes you switch it up. However, you never forget to feed him. Yandere Space Explorer feels that you treat him something akin to a pet. When he’s good you reward him with some white flowers to eat, and when he displeases you, you sit in the corner and pout. 
-However, after he’s released, you allow him to join you on your daily adventure. Yandere Space Explorer writes in his journal every little action you do and your little quirks. He notices that you tend to stay clear of rectangular blue plants when foraging. You seem to point your nose in disgust when you see the plant. 
-Furthermore, he makes note of the cute little squeak you make when you find something that makes you happy. 
-After four years on this planet (at least according to his calculations), Yandere Space Explorer had come to terms with living here. He really enjoys the simple life here with you. Go out, forage, come home then rinse and repeat. 
-At first, he thought he’d grow tired of it but never actually did. Each day offered something new and unique. You’ve shown him waterfalls that flow upwards, flowers that sing, and creatures that seem older than time. 
-His favorite part though was your attention. The way you clung to him and refused to let go. Sometimes you’d accidentally scratch him with your sharp nails. You’d fret over him since you learned how weak humans were. Hurriedly, you would kiss his wound to make him feel better. He indulged in your attention like it was a newfound drug. 
-He also made notes on everything about your species. Everyday, he closely monitored you then would scribble pages about new discoveries. Your species was stronger, faster and more resilient to pain. However, a downfall was the lack of awareness and naivety (Maybe that was exclusive to you though?) Compared to humans, your species also contained an odd trait where regardless of gender, it was possible to conceive a child. You attempted to explain the biology however your language couldn’t properly translate over. 
-You’ve made tremendous progress learning his language in four years though. Naturally, you’re no master however your intelligence amazes him. It took him a while to comprehend your language. There were so many tones or certain shrill sounds he couldn't replicate.  
- “Ri, look!” You called out. 
-He turned around to see you holding something behind your back. You were giddy and full of joy like a child on their birthday. You couldn’t stop shaking in excitement for what he assumed was his present. 
“I fix it for you! I help!” 
-You placed a worn out rectangular box in his hands. It was crudely held together with a thick leaf wrapped around it. Multiple wires sticking out. Faint glows of a purple crystal shone beneath the ill fitting top. For a moment, the space explorer was confused. He wasn’t sure what you were showing him. Still, he didn’t want you to be disappointed by his reaction. Orion leaned down and kissed your cheek. 
“Thank you, dear. I’ll keep your present safe.” 
“NO! Look! I fix!” 
-You grabbed the box from his hand and began to fiddle with it. The box whirred to life with the sounds of different frequencies screeching. He was still so confused until he heard voices on the box. This was his communicator pad that was damaged in the crash landing. 
-A while back, you’d grown curious about his origins . You constantly asked questions about why he was here, where his home was and his friends. Finally, he took you to the damaged aircraft. He showed you the inside and all the mechanics. 
-You ran around observing everything, as he stood by and explained it all to you. You let out little squeaks as you collected multiple objects. Orion enjoyed watching how excited you were about everything. 
-However, he had no idea that you kept his communication pad. Hell, he didn’t even know that you could fix it. You were always intelligent but he couldn’t imagine that you’d repair the thing. 
-Were you tired of him? Why did you fix it? Why were you trying to send him away? Had he done something wrong to displease you? 
“Now you go home!” You said proudly smiling. 
“Dear, I don’t understand? Why would I go home? I have you here with me.” 
“But friends miss you! They tell me.” 
“Won’t you be sad if I go home?”
“Little sad. But Ri should go home! Friends will be happy to see you. When plane crash, I watch you. I see you cry. You miss friends.” 
“Would you go with me?” 
“No, this is my home.” 
-You acted out the plane crashing and crying with hand motions. Orion was tempted to laugh but the situation was serious. You had somehow made contact with a Space Explorer team and they were arriving here. 
-He imagined a million different scenarios in his head. Perhaps they’d capture you and then lock you up to study. You’d be forced to complete tests and be stuck in isolation. Maybe they’d abuse you. A sweet creature like you could never handle that type of treatment.
-Or even worse…
-You’d grow attached to someone else and leave him. 
-Orion forced those thoughts down. He had to focus on the current situation. Time was of the essence to fix this problem. 
“Do you know when they’re coming, dear?” 
“In three days! I remember.” 
-You smiled proudly waiting for some type of praise. Orion gently kissed the top of your head and whispered compliments in your ear. 
-Three days would have to be enough time to prepare.
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i-luvsang · 5 months
a heart to warm — jung wooyoung
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pairing : wooyoung x gn!reader ➖⟢ genres : major fluff, established relationship ➖⟢ cw : suggestive at first, my god so so many kisses ➖⟢ wc : 1.4K. @nebulousbrainsoup sweet orion ! tis i, one of your secret santas <33 i hope that you will enjoy this lots and may feel much warmth throughout the season! never forget that you are very much loved <33
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if he could kiss you harder, he would, but he can taste the cider you drank a few minutes ago on your tongue and his hands have already slipped under your maroon sweater, so there's not anything to do about that except try and pull you impossibly closer. his hands on your bare skin are cold, a testament to the broken heating unit in your shared apartment. but you don’t care much, his lips on yours are all you could ask for in the moment.
he whines a little when you tug at his hair at the base of his neck. you know him all too well, realizing that he won’t be able to stop if you keep going like this. normally, you wouldn’t want to stop for even a moment, but the practically freezing air around you is holding you back.
you pull back just a bit and you feel the pout on his lips before you speak. “wooyoung,” you chide.
“what? baby, i wanna kiss you,” he practically complains.
“it’s too cold to get naked right now,” you explain. he laughs at your blunt choice of words, though he’d probably be more crass himself if he was the one saying it.
“so?” he teases.
“so, can we please just kiss and cuddle under the blankets? i’ll freeze if you get too horny and can’t help yourself,” you tease back.
“first of all, i can always help myself if it’s not what you want, no matter how horny i am,” his voice is light-hearted, but sincere as he reminds you that your consent always comes first to him. then, of course, his voice becomes suggestive and humorous all at once again. “also, there’s ways to take care of my horniness without you taking off your clothes.”
you laugh aloud at that, pressing a quick kiss to his lips. “that’s true.”
“but of course we can stick to kissing and cuddles, specifically ones that happen under the blankets and keep us warm.” he rubs the tip of his nose against yours with a sweet smile. “we really need to get this fixed,” he says for maybe the seventh time in the past few hours as he pulls the covers up from the bed and lays down with you beside him.
you giggle. “correct! just like you have been every other time you’ve said that.”
“you’re the one complaining! i’m saying it for your sake,” he jokes, pressing a long kiss to your lips to prevent you from biting back.
you do anyways when his lips leave yours, of course. “i’m not even complaining! i’m just looking for ways to stay as warm as possible while we wait for random maintenance people to come fix it for us. you’re the one being impatient.”
this time he doesn’t even retort with words, just his lips back on yours. when you realize he has no intention of moving away from you any time soon, you let your eyes flutter closed and your lips move slowly against his. even though you technically were complaining about the cold, you still don’t care when the chill skin of his fingertips brush over your cheeks and push a few strands of hair away so he can cup your face sweetly.
it’s hard to think straight when he kisses you like this, soft like he’s so in love with you that he could melt right into your embrace. but you’re still able to think about how goddamn lucky you are to have wooyoung, wooyoung who wants to taste the hot apple cider on your tongue, hold you under the blankets when the heat is broken, and just kiss you sweetly if that’s what you want. 
as you thread your hands through his dark hair, you realize that he smells a bit like peppermint, probably due to the candy cane and chocolate chip cookies he tried to bake for you in the morning. they weren’t bad, but he burnt them because he’s still not quite used to the oven in this apartment.
it's only been a week or two since you two have fully settled into your first apartment together, and you both had to laugh and groan about already having issues when the heating broke a few hours ago. but of course, that didn’t stop him from kissing you hard in the kitchen until you found yourself pressed against him on the bed.
and now he’s kissing you with that sweetness to rival any holiday cookie and maybe you’re thinking that you want him until the day you die, and every moment after that. so you have to break away for a moment, and tell him just that.
something about seeing the grin on his face this close up is absolutely divine. 
“me too,” he whispers, “i want you, forever and ever.”
you grin back, “that’s good.” this time, you’re the one to close the gap between the two of you and kiss him soft, but full of conviction. there’s no second-guessing; you’re the one for him and he’s the one for you.
you’re not sure how long it is before you finally pull apart, but you certainly had to stop for breath more than once. now, with your head against his chest and the beating of his heart in your ear, there’s such peace that it fills you with a kind of warmth you’re not sure you could describe with words.
that is, until, no longer distracted from all else by his lips, you realize just how cold your toes are, even with two pairs of socks and thick blankets to cover you. you look up at wooyoung and notice the tip of his nose is beginning to turn pink.
“my god,” you laugh. “it’s way too cold here, even with the blankets. can we please crash at yeosang’s? you know he’s too nice to say no.”
wooyoung lets out a laugh of his own. “sweetest, it’s not nice to take advantage of people for their kindness.” 
you scoff, “says you? you’re the worst of us all. besides, i can tell you’re cold, too.”
his laugh is soft this time, and he doesn’t continue making fun for once. “i’ll call him. you’re right, i think we’d freeze to death in our sleep.”
“thank you, love. i’ll start packing us a bag.” you hate to leave the comfort of all the blankets, but are happy to know you’ll be back in a heated home soon. you can hear wooyoung’s voice on the phone from the bathroom and smile to yourself when you hear him laugh at something yeosang’s said.
once outside and waiting for a taxi, wooyoung keeps one of your hands in his pocket, always intent on holding you to him in some way or another. he looks at you in your winter coat and favorite hat, your breath fogging up in the air as you look down the road. when you catch him staring, he doesn’t look away and you could almost cry because you can see it all. you can see the adoration in his eyes as he holds your gaze and smile that teases at his lips and the way that he loves you more than anything at all. and as thick snowflakes begin to fall from the sky, he leans in close because he just can’t help it and presses a long kiss to your lips. when he pulls away, just barely, there’s snow in his hair and he looks so beautiful like that.
“i love you, you know that, right?” he asks, voice soft and quiet, just for you. of course he knows that you know. but sometimes he just has he hear you say it. he needs to be reassured that you know you are loved to the ends of the endless universe and back, by him. that you know you’re irreplaceable and he could never love someone more than he loves you.
you nod first, holding his gaze, hoping he can see the love in your eyes too. “i know. and i love you, so so so much.”
“i know,” he grins. and because he has to, he really, truly has to, he presses one more kiss to your lips, then pulls you close with his free arm, holding you there until the taxi arrives. 
how lucky are you to have a heart kept warm and comforted even in the cold of an apartment with broken heating or the open air of a snowy city. how lucky are you to have another’s heart to warm, too.
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i-starcreamed · 10 months
Hey can I get three different scenarios if, Optimus, Mirage and bumblebee from Rotb, had met a tameranean who is like Starfire in a way, and is a princess. How would they react when they meet her and learn how strong and powerful she is, and what would their romantic relationship be like. Also the reader acts like starfire too, but I would find it funny if she kissed the Autobots to learn their language when she too comes to earth cause they were the nearest thing near her. Sorry if this is a lot I just love the idea since she too lives in space, that they may know a little bit about each other. Also I would find it adorable if they had sparklings with her since I head canon tameraneans can practically mate with anything. (I’m gonna scream if you except this, cause I don’t think you will but thank you for at least reading this! 🫶🏾)
i actually thought this idea was super cute, anon. I decided to do long-ish headcanons because I wasn't sure how to fit everything into one scenario for each.
[ tameranean!reader post includes: ROTB Optimus, Mirage, and Bumblebee
once he assesses that you're not a threat, I imagine he'd be super curious about your powers and abilities. Once he finds out you're too from space, I feel like he'll be able to confide in you a bit more than he would with humans?? Like, you're an alien like him, possibly stranded on Earth as well
he respects you so much, because wow you're a princess? He admires your bravery, especially if you're willing to help them. Despite being reluctant at first
Just imagined Optimus Prime bowing down to you a little, started going crazy
The Autobots were the first you came across upon landing on Earth, you didn't speak their language nor did you speak English. You proved you weren't a threat, but they didn't understand you or know your motives yet. You realized you landed on yet another civilization that doesn't speak nor understand Tamaraneans. And so, you did the only thing you could do. Optimus was the closest, so you gave him a simple peck on the mouth. The other autobots around were trying not to giggle at the look on Prime's face. He was shocked, confused, and maybe a bit flustered. You swore he didn't answer for a couple minutes when you greeted everyone.
He's suchhh a big fan of your Tamaranean features, you're so unique and yet so human as well. Again, he admires your bravery and strength and your attitude. Genuinely enjoys your company. If you're somewhere secluded, he'll go on a drive with you maybe flying next to him as you talk :3
I think Prime would be one to want sparklings with his significant other, he could only hope they will live in a world outside of war. He would never want them to experience what he and many others did. Also deep down, the Orion Pax in him that would've never thought about fighting in a war would've wanted to happily settle down somewhere. Knowing that you're a bit stronger/resilient than normal humans (or most types of aliens he knows of) he feels a lot more secure with having sparklings with you. How many? No one will ever know.
okay so imagine you meet in the middle of a fight accidentally. You've been trying to blend in like a normal citizen of Earth ever since you got here, you were shocked to see that humans were in fact not the only species that lived here. Unfortunately for you, the same city you were staying at was being attacked by giant evil alien robots.
You're in the middle of the street, not really knowing the extent of what these robots can do. One second you see a Porsche, a semi truck, and a camaro speed past you and transform into more alien robots...but this time they're fighting the one destroying the city so they're good you think? The next second, you were too frozen in admiring these aliens when suddenly a car goes flying towards you.
It happens in slow motion, Mirage is the only one who sees it go straight for your face. But he's confident, he knows he can catch it and save you. Except...it slips through his servos. His spark nearly stops. Instead of seeing a poor 'human' go spat on the ground, he can't believe his optics when you reach out and catch the fucking car??
After that whole incident, he's asking you a bunch of questions. You give him a lil kiss so you can answer him in his language, you're slightly surprised when suddenly you know english and cybertronian, whatever that is
Honestly, I could imagine Mirage never letting go of that kiss, like he's going to joke about it for years.
You're a princess? hell yeah, he thinks you're super badass and wants to see you in action tbh. He's still gonna act like a knight in shining armor but he knows you can handle yourself, he wants to impress you fr
Wants you to teach him your language, he will try but it'll sound like gibberish. Either that or he will learn it immediately because uhh cybertronian super advanced robot?
He's definitely an excited father to your sparklings, you will need to make sure he doesn't teach them to be troublemakers because HE WILL raise them into little fuckin risk takers
Unfortunately he would not be able to learn your language since there are no tameranean radio stations.. but hey you can still kiss him!
once he gets to know you and where you're from, he's a huge fangirl I think
definitely hypes you up and praises you when you chuck a car at a deception or something. Once he knows you're probably as strong as they are, you guys do some cool combos out in the battlefield.
power couple !?!?!
jokingly does a little bow every time he greets you, then crushes you in a hug. Probably plays some cheesy line from some radio station
he lovesss how you're so kind and compassionate to species you don't know and a planet that isn't yours, but also the fact that you're brave in the face of danger. He knows you can defend yourself and still come back to give him a lil kiss afterwards
he asks if you can carry him. you probably lift him up by one hand and he's going crazy that you might drop him.
you will both learn about Earth together, as well as each other's home planets :3
laying out in the middle of nowhere, staring at the stars and reminiscing about your home? of course
he'd be sooo nervous about sparklings, nervous but excited. He'd be the most caring boyfriend and equally as caring father
thinks your sparklings are the cutest ever ever
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Keith hums. “Yeah, Lance?”
Lance doesn’t answer right away. Keith can hear his breathing, quicker than everyone else’s, if only slightly. After all they’re the only ones awake. Everyone else is conked right out, curled up around the low-burning embers of their campfire. He’s quiet long enough that Keith is half-convinced that he isn’t actually awake, and only called out for Keith in his sleep.
(Keith couldn’t stop the smile spreading across his face if he tried. He doesn’t try, though. The idea of Lance dreaming about him is a nice one.)
There’s a sharp intake of breath from beside him, confirming Lance is not asleep, then a beat of hesitation.
“Do you ever wonder what happens when we die?”
Keith blinks. He opens his mouth to answer, but stops himself. He looks up at the unfamiliar stars, tracing random constellations. There’s a sword, where Orion usually is during Earth summers. And a lick of flame, replacing the Big Dipper.
The brightest star in the sky shines red.
“No,” Keith says softly. “It’s — dangerous. Letting myself think about that. We’re too close, you know? I don’t want my last thought to be panicking about what’s to come. I want it to be — not that. I don’t know.”
Keith waits for Lance to offer an explanation, a reason for his curiosity, or even a subject change. When nothing comes Keith shifts, propping himself up on his elbow and glancing over at the red paladin.
“Why do you ask? Just curious?”
It’s a long time, again, until Lance answers, but this time Keith knows he’s not asleep. He’s tense, lying ramrod straight, head centred on his pillow and arms hooked over his blanket. His brown eyes — almost black in the dark night — stare straight up, but there’s something off about his expression, something fixed and plastic.
“I was surprised, is all. It was — nothing like I expected.”
It takes a moment for Keith to process what Lance said. He almost wishes he hadn’t, when it finally clicks. Never in his life has cold dread seeped through his bones so quickly.
“…What?” He can barely hear his own voice. He can’t at all, actually, the hoarse shock of it swallowed up by the crackling of the coals and cooing of nocturnal insects and wildlife.
Lance, though, must have heard him anyway, or been expecting his shock, because the plastic stiffness melts from his expression as he shoots straight up, scrambling to his feet and pacing back and forth barely paces away from the small flames. Bizarrely, Keith chokes down the urge to warn Lance about the uneven ground that he might trip on.
“I — I was never religious, you know?” One of his hands tugs at his hair, making the dark curls frizzy the more he messes with it. The other waves frantically back and forth, faster with every word. “None of us really were. But Mamá dragged us to church anyway. Every Sunday. Maybe to give us something to be bored about, I don’t know. She never really explained herself. I didn’t ask.” Lance stops abruptly, loud hands freezing, marching back to his bedroll and standing on it for a moment, looking lost. “I don’t — it’s not that I liked it. It was boring as hell. But I — I guess I believed some of it. I dunno.” Before Keith can blink he collapses on top of his blankets, like his strings have been cut. Both hands slide in his hair, now, dark strands clenched between his fingers, elbows resting on his knees. “It was just…dark, though,” he says softly. “Empty.”
Keith feels as if he’s encased in ice. His heart pounds, galloping against his chest, rushing blood through his ears so quickly he can hardly hear anything else. Part of him hopes Lance is playing some kind of cruel joke, but he knows he isn’t.
“When did you —” he doesn’t even know how to phrase it. Hell, he doesn’t know what he’s phrasing, really. “What —” He trails off again, lost. He looks at Lance blankly. Something bitter floods his mouth.
He imagines, for a moment, making this trek home without Lance. It’s not something he’s allowed himself to think about before. Even with Shiro missing, he’d stubbornly refused to even entertain the idea that Shiro was gone for good. The only time he’d let himself think about it was — was Naxzela. And even then, he was the one sure would be going.
They come to him now, unbidden, thoughts. About life — without Lance. Without his loud teasing and big smiles and quiet kindness, without his begrudging but unwavering support, his steady hands and clear voice as he says we’re all behind you, Keith, we’ve got you. I’ve got you.
A tear burns hot down his cheek, startling him back to the stillness of the night, the cool air and quiet noise. Another follows, and another, and then he’s swallowing the giant lump in his throat and holding back a sob.
“You nearly…when?” He can’t bring himself to say the word, to ask directly. To ask would make it real, concrete.
“The Omega Shield,” Lance whispers. He has yet to look up, but has stopped pulling so harshly on his hair. “A blast just —” he shudders. “Right through me an’ Red. You know when — when it’s cold out, and you walk a while without gloves? And your hands get so cold they burn?”
“Yeah,” Keith says softly. His lips taste of salt.
Lance glances at him. His eyes are big and brown and desperate, aching. Glassy, wet and ready to break. “It was like that. All over. Like every molecule was tearing itself apart, like I was unravelling. I was almost grateful when it stopped.”
“And when it stopped?” Keith chokes out.
“Nothing. Endless, nothingness. For a thousand eternities. I lived and grew and died for the rest of time, alone.” Lance heaves, like he’s about the sob or throw up or both.
The first tear finally drips down Lance’s face, tracing from the corner of his eye down his nose, pausing at the tip of it before dropping, finally, into his lap. It springs Keith into action, and before he can even think he surges forward, gathering him in his arms and pulling him into his lap, squeezing tightly and rocking them back and forth, back and forth, back and forth. Lance doesn’t so much as twitch, crying great hiccuping sobs into Keith’s chest.
“I’m afraid to sleep,” he chokes out. “I haven’t in days. Every time I do I’m terrified I won’t wake up.”
“I’ve got you,” Keith assures, at a total loss. He lays his hand on the back of Lance’s head, holding him tightly. He can feel Lance’s heartbeat where their chests are pressed together, stuttering and sprinting.
“I don’t want to die.”
“You’re not gonna die.”
Lance only sobs again. Keith is aghast, terrified to hold him any tighter but unsure of what else to do. Lance has never been fragile, to him. He’s more stubborn than an ox, a streak of fire lighting up his spine, dark eyes shining with fury every time his forehead’s pressed to Keith’s, screeching ‘till he’s blue in the face that he’s right and Keith’s wrong and he’s gonna show it to him, just you wait and see. He’s seen Lance angry, seen him annoyed, seen him golden with the fire of competition and glowing with the brightness of his laughter. He’s seen Lance worn and insecure. Never, not once in the years Keith has known him and fought with him and led with him, has he seen Lance fragile.
But he is, right now. Now, quivering in Keith’s arms, sobs shaking his frame, Keith feels like he’s holding him together, like if he lets go Lance will shatter to shards on the floor.
So Keith holds him. He holds him until his arms ache, and past that. He holds him until his shirt is soaked and cold in the chilly air, until his knees burn from the tiny bumps of the ground. He holds him until Lance’s sobs peter out, until the orange sun of the system they’re stopping in peeks out from the horizon, stars blinking out of sight.
Hours later, Lance shifts, pulling away slightly. Keith holds tighter, refusing to let him pull away too far.
“Don’t,” Keith says, before Lance can apologize.
That cracks a smile on Lance’s face, to his own surprise. “No?” His voice is wrecked, throat no doubt raw.
“Save your apologies for when you actually do something stupid,” Keith affirms. He hesitates a second, then reaches out, brushing the frazzled curls from Lance’s forehead and wiping the tears from his cheeks. Lance winces slightly as Keith’s thumb brushes his cheekbone.
Keith pulls away. “Sorry. Rough hands.”
But Lance’s hand darts out and grabs Keith’s. “No, it’s — I don’t mind it.” He places it back on his face, shutting his eyes, breath shuddering. His sleeve falls down his arm.
Keith narrows his eyes. Criss-crossing Lance’s arms are dozens of jagged white scars, like lightning bolts across his skin.
“I wake up with more every day,” Lance explains, noticing Keith’s expression. “I was — I died, Keith.”
Keith flinches. Lance swallows, carrying on.
“I felt my heart stop. I don’t know how long, but it was…there was a severance. Something permanent. I felt it.” He runs his hands through his hair again, but much gentler this time. A fidget instead of a panicked tugging. The roots are white, like Shiro’s. “Allura did her best, I think. But I was gone so long. And she’d never done it before.”
“Is everything…working alright?” It’s an awkward way to say it. But Keith doesn’t know how else to say am I going to lose you? Later? Are you here to stay?
Lance shrugs. “I don’t know. I didn’t ask.”
“I don’t want to hear her tell me it’s not.”
“I don’t want to wake up one day and find out — find out, Lance.”
Lance swallows. “I know. I don’t — what do I —”
“We’ll talk to her,” Keith promises. “We’ll figure it out. I’ve got you, Lance.”
Lance’s chin trembles, but he slumps forward, exhausted. “Promise?”
“Okay.” He’s silent for a moment, face tucked in Keith’s neck. The muffled sounds of the team waking up starts to fill the air. “I’m tired, Keith.”
“I’ll watch for you. I’ll make sure you wake up.”
“Okay,” Lance whispers again. Keith feels his eyelashes flutter closed, feels his heartbeat slow, his breathing even. “I trust you.”
As Lance starts to grow heavier in his arms, Keith tightens his hold. He presses a kiss to the top of Lance’s head.
“I’ve got you.”
I won’t let you fade away.
part two
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morallyinept · 1 month
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So, let's talk about the island...
I've had a few questions about it previously, so I've put this together to share my thoughts with you, in addition to the main Adrift With You story.
Read on if you wanna learn more about the island where Frankie & Jude washed up...
⚠️ This will include spoilers if you haven't read up to chapter 15 yet!
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So, we know that Frankie and Jude boarded a flight from JFK New York, to Madagascar.
When I wrote this story originally (I wrote it a few years ago and re-worked it for Frankie), I already knew I didn't want them to be stranded on your typical tropical island.
Considering where they were heading, there isn't a lot of "tropical" islands in and around that part of the world. At least not in the sense of sandy white beaches, coral reefs, and the likes when you think of the word tropical.
You've got the main continent of Africa and then the Indian Ocean, with Madagascar on the southern-east side of Africa.
Here it is on a map:
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So, with that in mind, I researched some actual islands around the south tip of Africa, and we have The Prince Edward Islands and the Kerguelen Islands as some of the contenders.
The Prince Edward islands consist of two main islands and the Kerguelen are a group of scattered islands. Then you have the Crozet Archipelago in between. An Orion's Belt of islands, if you will...
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If you've read chapter 15 already, you'll know the pilots (Sandy & Mark) were checking their flight path as part of the pre-flight safety checks.
There was a storm cell gathering on the western side of Africa, that was around 140 miles in width. Storms, often between 100+ miles, are pretty intense and dangerous to fly through or close to, and have the ability to bring down planes with the winds alone.
Hence why pilots will re-route to divert around them. Which is exactly what poor ol' Sandy and Mark were doing when they met their fate.
Ordinarily, the flight path from JFK to Madagascar would involve flying over main land Africa, (the blue line, below) however they took to diverting around the storm, leaving them flying over the Atlantic Ocean (the red line).
Here's a little diagram I created of where the flight paths changed, location of the storm and the impact where the flight crashed.
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So, what caused the plane to crash? ✈️
Mechanical failure from the storm.
The most dangerous times for a plane to potentially crash is during take-off and landing, and the time periods before and after these events.
Pilot error is thought to account for 53% of aircraft accidents, with mechanical failure being 21%, and weather conditions at 11% following behind. So weather impacting flights is rare, however in the story, this is what caused the doomed flight to crash.
☝🏻You have a much better chance of survival if you sit at the rear of the plane, with just a 28% fatality statistic. 72% of the time you will survive. Impact dependant.
Jude was sitting at the rear. She's a smart woman.
Frankie however was further upfront towards the middle, with a 44% fatality rate.
Both of them survived the impact and the aftermath of the plane body subsequently sinking. Lucky, eh?
And guess who always sits at the rear of a plane when flying? 🙋🏻‍♀️
So, where did Frankie & Jude end up? 🏝
In my mind, Frankie and Jude washed up on an island somewhere around the vicinity of The Prince Edward Islands, but far enough away from them that they couldn't see the main two islands.
So, the island they were stranded on is entirely fictional.
It's inspired and based on the climate that's found on the Prince Edward and Kerguelen Islands, based on their locations in the southern hemisphere, vegetation and lack of inhabitation from humans and animals alike.
So Jett, where did Egon come from? 🐵
The Prince Edward Islands are uninhabited by humans, and previously used for conservation, this could explain why Egon the monkey was on the island. Some monkeys species can swim, like crab-eating macaques and proboscis monkeys, for example.
I figure that Egon could've either possibly swam between islands - although that's pretty far for a tiddly monkey - or he was able to get there by stowing away on passing boats, which is probably more feasible. That lil' scamp...
But what about the skeleton? 💀
I thought of several theories for the human remains that Jude found in the cave, ending up on the island, but ultimately settled on someone washing ashore and unable to get help.
Being alone would have been to their detriment. The fact that Frankie and Jude survived is due to leaning on one another and due to Frankie's military experience.
Being alone, without any survivalist skills to boot, your odds are significantly reduced.
Ultimately the person perished due to these reasons. The Naval Captain of the SS Pendrinhas alludes to this theory too in chapter 15.
So, why did it take so long for Frankie & Jude to be found? 🛳
I mean, it's a fictional story, for one. Gotta have some angst and drama, right? 😉
Both for those of you who like probability and fact, as the Captain states, the Navy crew on the SS Pendrinhas are based in Port Elizabeth, SA. They will help in search and rescue, and military missions.
When a plane crashes into the ocean, a search is usually conducted based around the immediate point of impact and where the black box last transmitted, or is found. They then work outwards, like a ripple effect.
In the ocean, water carries debris adrift, sometimes for hundreds, even thousands of miles. And depending on the tide, this can happen quite quickly too.
Both Frankie and Jude drifted further away from the crash sight, carried towards the island by the tide over the course of a whole day. Taking into account a number of factors, such as wind, tide etc... you could potentially drift hundreds of miles out.
It's also feasible that the search scoured any islands close by. Remember in chapter 8 when they spotted a boat on the horizon? However, without the means to create an obvious SOS signal, there would be no direct need to search for surviours there. The longer no survivors are found, the sooner the search is called off.
☝🏻Also, Frankie and Jude only had the fire burning on one side of the island; the smoke was obscured by the ridge, and the boat was spotted on the other side where the bay is.
🌊The tsunami is what ultimately saved them. Rescue efforts would have been ramped up across the ocean, especially around land masses, searching for capsizes or people becoming stranded in turbulent waters. Hence why Frankie saw the Naval boat and was able to signal for help.
It's all coming together now, huh? 😏
So, I hope that answers some questions about the island, and gives you a peek into my thought process. 🧠 If you wanna talk more about the island, or the story, (I'd love that!) feel free to send an Ask or leave a comment. 🙌🏻
And don't worry, Frankie and Jude have much more of their story to be told yet...
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Once again, thank you so much to everyone who reads, interacts, re-blogs, but most importantly, enjoys this story. It means the absolute world to me. 🥹🖤
Adrift With You Series
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in1-nutshell · 2 months
Hi, is it okay to request in Transformers Earthspark?
so since we have a twin sister for TFA Elita-1, is it okay to have a twin sister for TFE Elita-1?
Buddy as the TFE Elita's twin sis.
TFE Elita's twin sis has the different/opposite of Elita, like Buddy's meek/shy, pacifist (yet has passive-aggressiveness), nurse, and/or mom friend. Or similar to Disney Belle from Beauty and the Beast.
"Buddy" is not their original name, used to be named "A-2 or E-2".
With Optimus (Orion Pax), Megatron(us or D-16), and Elita (Ariel) from their Pre-war times. You can put romance if you like
You can add this idea/s if you like:
takes place on pre-war Cybertron
TFE Elita's twin becomes techno-organic (like TFA Elita's (twin) ), or something else that is somehow related to Quintus Prime (something like, Quintus left his homeworld, using his Emberstone to seed life across the galaxy. Let's say there's an unknown/undiscovered planet related to Quintus Prime, and somehow Elita's twin landed/crashed/stranded on this planet), or not
then something happens to Elita's twin, became a missing/'dead' bot, she lost contact with her sis and friends and/or Cybertron. Later, she's found by the Decepticons, and she joins the cons, still has the same personality, also she didn't know there's a Bots Vs. Cons war happen before her missing
become a missing con, again, during the (nearly end) war on Earth, and only Megatron knows about it (ex. He and Elita's twin had a secret meet and he somehow found a stasis pod and hid her (in Witwicky near the Terran cave), or other ideas of your own)
And I'm stopping here for now since this long request, i'm putting the part two of this, and I'm so sorry if it's too much/been making too many requests
Thank you so much and also stay safe and healthy!
This... this is good.
A chance on writing Elita Ones's twin sister in a different way?
Count me in!
Friendly reminder this has nothing to do with TFA twin sister
Hope you enjoy!
Elita One's twin sister pre war backstory
SFW, Platonic, Familial, Mention of injury, Angst, Cybertronain reader
Buddy and Elita were the best of sisters.
But they weren’t always known as Buddy or Elita One.
Before the war, Elita One was known as Ariel.
Buddy’s original name was E-2.
Ariel was the more outgoing twin who always tried to get her twin to go outside of her comfort zone and to make more friends.
E-2 on the other hand was much quieter than Ariel, still held a strong presence with her.
Ariel was the one who introduced her to Orion Pax and D-16.
“E, this is Orion and D-16. Guys this is my twin E-2.”--Ariel
Orion waves at E-2 with a warm smile on his face.
E-2, who was partially hiding behind Ariel, waves back shyly.
Ariel gently pushes her forward at D-16.
D-16 smiles at E-2.
E-2 smiles back.
Ariel swings both of her arms around them all.
“I think this is the start of a beautiful friendship.”--Airel
E-2 gives them all a shy smile.
The four of them were a nearly inseparable group.
Orion and E-2 got along well, looking after Airel and D-16.
The two often had data pads they exchanged every other cycle and little chat about what they were about.
They were also the second voice of reason for Ariel and D-16 when they thought of activities or thoughts.
Ariel and D-16 looking at the tall drop off towers.
“I wonder what would happen if we went up there…”--Airel
“And what if we jumped off?”—D-16
“And just hear us out, we DON’T jump off of the building, hmm?”—E-2
“We’ll be fine E.”--Ariel
“Ariel, just because I’m close to becoming an actual nurse doesn’t give you and 16 a free pass into a hospital.”—E-2
“Of course not, we have you and Orion for that.”—D-16
“D-16, you and I know that Orion is terrible at patch work jobs. Seriously just ask Ratchet.”—E-2
“Hey! I’m not that bad.”--Orion
“You fainted when you saw D-16’s injured servo. You’re not ready for any patch work.”—E-2
D-16 and E-2 got along like a house on fire.
Both wanting a better change for Cybertron, they found many things they could agree on.
Often D-16 would come to E-2 for help on his upcoming speeches and practice in front of her.
E-2, Ariel and Orion often went to D-16, now named Megatron, speeches about change on Cybertron.
The group could agree that changes needed to be made, but Buddy thought that maybe a more peaceful approach would be in the best interest of the bots.
This would soon cause a rift between the groups as Ariel backed Megatron’s bit forceful approach while Orion tried to play mediator.
It was around this time another one of E-2’s closest friends had offered her a chance to go on an expeditionary trip.
It was just to look at some planets then return to Cybertron.
Out of pure spite, E-2 agreed to go.
Anyways, he needed a medic with him in case something bad happened and E-2 had just finished with her tests and licenses.
“I’m sorry, you’re what?!”--Ariel
“Ariel calm down, I’m just going on a quick trip and I’ll be back in a couple of weeks. Two months the most.”—E-2
“Why can’t he just go by himself? Doesn’t he have a lab partner?”--Ariel
“His lab partner had something going on at the last minute and couldn’t go. Anyways he needs a medic in case something goes wrong.”—E-2
Ariel had a frustrated look on her face and crossed her arms.
Orion looked at E-2.
“When will you be leaving? The docking ports are notorious for taking long time to—”--Orion
“I’m leaving tomorrow.”—E-2
“YOU’RE WHAT?!”—Ariel and Megatron
E-2 flinches at the loud noise.
“How can you leave at a time like this?! We need as many bots on our side as possible! Not galivanting through space like its some sort of vacation!”--Megatron
Buddy feels her servos tighten as her anger rises.
“This is not some sort of vacation Megatron. I’m being a good friend—”—E-2
“If you were a good friend then you would stay here!”--Megatron
E-2 takes a step forward, surprising all three bots.
“And if I don’t?”—E-2
Megatron angrily takes a step forward almost menacingly.
“Do you want to find out E-2?”--Megatron
E-2 clenches her servos and walks away.
“And where are you going coward!”—Megatron
E-2 turns on her pedes fast and angry.
“I’m going before I say anything that I might regret!”—E--2
E-2 storms off into the night.
Orion looks at his friends.
Ariel looks a bit conflicted.
“…She should be supporting the movement Orion.”--Ariel
Orion looks appalled before starting to walk in E-2’s direction.
“Orion? Where are you going?”--Ariel
“To check on your twin sister.”--Orion
E-2 was honestly still surprised to see them all at the gates for the launch.
Buddy said her goodbyes in hugs.
Orion hugged her tightly and wished her the best.
Ariel gave a halfhearted hug.
Buddy tried to hug Megatron, but he moved away.
Hurt, Buddy waved goodbye instead.
Megatron just huffed despite Ariel slightly jabbing his side.
Buddy grabbed her kits and began walking to the front of the door to wait for her friend.
Her friend came rushing in, giving her a hug, and thanking her for wanting to join.
“You’re a life saver E! Star had something wrong with his tanks and—”
“Is that him?”—E-2
E-2 sees a seeker lingering around the drop off point not too far from where her friends and family were.
“Yeah, that’s him. He wanted to see how the launch went.”
E-2 smiles at the seeker and waves at him.
The seeker looks a bit shocked but waves back.
“Are you ready to go?”
He stretches his servo for E-2 to grab.
She does looking up at her friend.
“Lead the way Skyfire.”—E-2
They made their way into the security area before reaching their pods and shooting into the starry sky.
None of them knew it was going to be the last time they were going to see each other.
The two came across the planet Skyfire had been raving about.
It was a smaller planet splashed green and blue.
It looked like a peaceful world.
Skyfire wanted a closer look at the planet.
E-2 was a bit hesitant, but she followed her friend downward.
Neither were expecting the harsh jet streams to be so strong.
E-2 felt everything about this being a bad omen and tried to radio in Skyfire to start getting out of the area.
Skyfire reported that his pods navigation systems weren’t responding.
E-2 tried to fly closer to Skyfire’s pod in attempts to attach a cord to get him out when her pod suddenly went dark and dropped.
E-2 screamed in terror as she plummeted to the planet below.
Skyfire managed to get out of his pod and managed to get to E-2’s pod opening it and dragging her out.
He tried to fly with her out of the Jetstream and back into space, but the winds proved too cold and strong.
Next thing E-2 realized was that she was falling again while the stream carried a screaming Skyfire far away.
She tumbled onto the cold ground below and rolled into a hole in the ground.
With all her tumbling, she accidentally caused a cave in.
E-2 hit her helm against a boulder before landing in a pool of cold water.
Her helm was bleeding profusely as she tried to stand up.
Trying to get up, she noticed a strange rock in the center of the cave and a small organic creature on her armor.
She didn’t notice the rock glowing until it was too late.
Her entire frame felt like it was on fire, screaming in pain.
When it was over, she fell backwards into the cool water, slowly closing her optics from the pain.
The last thing she thought about was Ariel, Orion and Megatron.
They were probably thinking she was going to come back home any day now.
She wanted to say sorry to them…
Sorry that she wasn’t coming back home…
Back on Cybertron the life signals on the pods had turned dark.
The station had called Orion, Areil, Starscream and Megatron to tell them about the freak accident.
Most likely faulty wiring on the pods.
Either way, none of the passengers survived.
Everyone was in shock.
Ariel then started to sob horribly.
Orion immediately came to her aid hugging her tightly trying to keep his own tears at bay.
Megatron just stood there in shock.
Starscream demanded to know whose fault this was.
He nearly clawed at the poor bot across the table if Megatron hadn’t grabbed him back.
He held Starscream noticing the shakiness of both of their frames.
There was nothing they could do now.
One of the biggest regrets Megatron had in his entire life was not hugging Buddy that day or trying harder to make her stay.
Elita regretted not being able to stop her twin from leaving and not saying love you one last time.
Orion regretted not going with her.
Maybe he could have done something to help with the faulty wiring or something.
They weren’t going to see her again, not until it was their time to go to the Allspark.
Until then… till all are one.
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seaseren · 7 months
Because I am taking very long on bios (I am, it turns out, terrible at describing personality) here's some blurbs on my various wols, for reference purposes. Unless they are both on the list, the partners in question are my girlfriends, @ximmeas. Also only putting characters on the list if I have spent a decent amount of time with them because this list. This list could be quite a bit longer. So its limited to ones I might actually talk about.
Entlona Eifasaldwyn- a blunt and inexpressive young woman with a passion for knowledge and books in all forms. Her partner is X’mikana Kali, her childhood best friend.
Aganaran Qalli- a sweet but stubborn girl from the Steppe who came to Eorzea to find her brother and instead found a new family in the Scions. Doesn’t exactly have a partner?
Chiaki Fujimori- once a sickly child from a noble Doman house; now that they are able to, they wish to help the realm that helped them. Partner is in early development;;;
Vespera Phaethon- a Garlean runaway with an exuberant and theatrical personality that hides any insecurities. While she comes across as a ditz, she’s a genius with Magitech. Partner is Dianthus Phaethon, fellow Garlean runaway and her brother adopted at the Adventurer’s Guild registration when they both needed a fake last name.
Liamaine Leveilleur- the second child of famed Archon Louisoix Leveilleur, she aims to perfect being messy into something of an artform- until she is blackmailed into the Scions and forced to help with this whole realm saving business (and reunite with her niblings). Partner is Orion Strand, who becomes something of a surrogate daughter to Liamaine.
Orion Strand- a quiet young lady who joins the Scions with a mysterious air and sinister intentions. Partner is Liamaine Leveilleur, the hero Orion had pumped herself up to advise and then betray who turned out to be. Very different then what Orion was expecting. 
Alan de Gagnon- the kind and quiet but…dim adopted son of a noble Ishgardian House. When his father was executed for heresy, Alan was exiled to Eorzea. His partner is Azriel Embers, an Ul’dah street kid who took Alan under his wing because he super needed a tank.
Primrose Lyons (might change her last name)- while she is technically a princess, Primrose was born and raised in exile in Radz-at-Han. She came to Eorzea to help fight the Empire (and avoid her ex-fiancee). Partner is idk rn.
Dion Rhabdos- an ex black mask Ascian who finally realized he was little more than cannon fodder and tried to retire- unfortunately for him, Hydaelyn blackmailed him. Partner is Avierre Boucliefort, an ex Sharlayan schoolteacher who burned down his in-law’s house.
Neptune North- a cheerful but mysterious man who arrived in Limsa Lominsa to escape…something. Though he plays the part of the hero perfectly, there’s a strange, melancholy air about him. Partner is P’elya Tia, a Lominsan pirate who is something of a wallflower.
Rhode Elya- A strange girl who was created after Neptune’s death, in a sense. She is wide eyed and curious, eager to experience the world. P’elya is her dad.
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metalomagnetic · 4 months
You said earlier that you've written a story for Walburga and Orion that you likely won't publish. Would you be willing to share some of it here? I think they're very interesting characters with so much potential, and you write them heartbreakingly well.
“What’s wrong with this one?” Orion asks, startling her. She didn’t hear him approach. 
“How did you find me?” she demands. Orion always manages to track her down when she slips away from family functions. 
He smiles, but doesn’t answer. He takes off his robe, then places it around her shoulders, presumably to protect her from the pretty snowflakes falling all around them. Never mind that she has her own robe on, perfectly charmed to keep her warm. 
Walburga rolls her eyes. The obnoxious twat. 
He sits beside her on the old bench. 
“So? What great fault did you find in him?” 
“He annoys me,” she spits out. 
He laughs. “Everyone annoys you.” 
“No one quite like you, though,” she spits but he just smiles wider. He knows it’s not true .
“Aunt Irma is livid,” he says, as if she doesn’t know. 
“Then drag me back to the house, so you can be praised for what a good, dutiful boy you are.”
Orion is everyone’s darling. Their family loves him. He can do no wrong, always the perfect Heir. 
‘Why can’t you be like Orion?’ comes out of her father’s mouth at least twice a week, when he scolds Alphard or Cygnus for one thing or another. 
“I will,” he says, still smiling. She swats him over the head, but he doesn’t mind it. He must be used to it by now. “But I’m giving you time to come up with a good excuse for your atrocious behaviour.” 
“How galant.” 
She pulls his robe tighter around herself. It swallows her up. Gods, when did he grow so big? 
It seems just the other day he was coming up to her knee, holding on to her skirts, begging to be allowed to play with her and Alphard and not be abandoned with the boys his age. 
Even when he started Hogwarts, he spent most of his first year trying to sit with her and her friends, or with Lucretia, instead of spending time with his peers. 
“You cut your hair,” she says, observing him more closely. He just returned home from Hogwarts mere hours before, to celebrate Yule. “How modern of you.” 
“You like it?” he asks. 
She does. “No.” 
“Last summer you complained I wore it too long,” he reminds her. 
Did she? She likes to pick on him all the time, but she seldomly means it, or remembers what she said. 
“It was too long; you were almost as pretty as me,” she says. “I’m surprised Mother wasn’t worried you might steal my suitors.” She reaches up, runs her fingers through his hair, messing up the way it was styled. A strand falls over his forehead, curls slightly above his eyebrow. “Now it’s too short. You look like a muggle.” 
He doesn’t react to the insult; he never does, these days. When he was younger, he would grow so upset, his temper fiery and short, but for some years now, he’s playing grown up. 
Walburga hates it. Her little cousin used to be fun; he was a person, someone real, not just an imitation of all the other men in her family, stern and unfeeling. Dutiful. 
“Did he offend you, when you were left alone?” Orion asks. Like a dog with a bone, he won’t be distracted. 
None of her never ending suitors offend her- well, they offend her by existing, and breathing, but they're all terribly polite and boring, otherwise.
“What if he did?” she asks. “What if he was terribly inappropriate?” 
His grey eyes glint; a muscle in his jaw twitches. “Was he?” His tone doesn’t shift, yet his entire demeanour changes as he looks at her, waiting for an answer. 
“Of course he wasn’t, are you daft? As if he doesn’t know Papa would cut his head off. We’re Blacks. Who would dare upset me?” 
Well, other Blacks upset her on a daily basis, but certainly no outsiders ever would. 
Orion’s shoulders relax. “You’ll have to marry someone eventually,” he says. “Father and Uncle are gracious, giving you so much time and options to choose from, but their patience is running thin.” 
They are nothing compared to her mother, that dragged her across Europe for an entire year, as soon as she was out of Hogwarts, forcing her to attend dinner after dinner, meet man after man, until they all became a blur in her head. 
“I don’t want to marry,” she says. Not that anyone cares, but she still says it. Often and loudly. “If they will give me away to some idiot, take me away from my house, force me to breed in some horrid Manor far from all I know- then I’m not going to make it easy for them. I’m not going to pick my prison, Orion.” 
She expects him to launch into a speech about duty and honour, but he doesn’t. He gives her a pensive look, head tilted to the side, the stars shining brightly behind him. He takes her hand, and gives it a little squeeze. 
It almost makes her cry. He and Alphard are the only ones that listen to her, actually hear the words coming out of her mouth. 
“I’ll solve it,” he says, after some seconds. 
Her sweet cousin. A wave of affection overcomes her, and she squeezes his hand back. So much bigger now, long, strong fingers. 
She remembers when he was born, when they let her hold him for the first time; she was in awe of his tiny, miniature fingers, how they would curl around one of her own.
He grew up stubborn; irritatingly protective. Even if he was one of the youngest, he always tried to solve everyone’s problems. From minors things, like settling fights between Walburga and Lucretia, to bigger ones, like mouthing up to Dippet when Walburga or Alphard would get detention. 
He’s even worse with his sister, and with little Cygnus; civil, well mannered Orion turns feral quickly at the slightest sign of anyone picking on his siblings.
“You can’t solve this,” she whispers, and she leans in to place a kiss on his cheek. 
He smiles at her, then kisses her back, his lips soft on her cheek, warm. 
“Come,” he says, standing, still holding her hand. “We should head back.” 
“Must we? Mother will yell at me for hours now that the guests have left.” 
“I won’t let her,” he says. “You know how she adores me. I’ll find ways to distract her.” 
“Five more minutes,” she asks, pulling at his hand, trying to get him to sit again. 
Orion seldomly changes his mind once he decided on something, but he always had a weakness for her, so, even though he sighs, he sits. 
She snuggles into him, and enjoys the peace in the winter garden, the beautiful snow, and Orion’s warm, reassuring presence. 
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gyuswhore · 1 year
minghao + beside you (keshi)
im thinking like a friends to lovers bc that’s what im getting from this song but it’s completely up to ur interpretation! cant wait to see what u do with this c:
I got serious friends to lovers from this too so that's what I did! Shitting my pants rn hope you like it muah
Dusting your hands on your pants, you attempt to pry Minghao away from the tire when he's not entirely convinced it's tightened.
It was 10 PM on a Thursday night and, Minghao took it upon himself to drag you out of the slum that was your dorm room and to some cliffside he had gone to with his friends. It was also mandatory for his pickup to get a flat tire just before you were about to head back home.
"It's thickening the plot" He had said, attempting to bring his forced positivity into a road with no streetlights and a scissor jack that took him 20 minutes to find.
You managed with your phone flashlights and a couple scrapes, more grateful that you weren't stranded in what was basically a forest by yourselves at nearing midnight.
"Can we sit in the back for a little bit more, I'm pooped" you whine, clambering into the blanketed cargo bed before he can reply.
Hao has an inability to say no to you so he obliges, wondering if he could switch gears a little bit and move to a topic he's been wanting to bring up.
You both are comfy, heads on pillows, looking up at the stars as you whip out your constellation app.
You're checking for Orion when Hao starts to talk.
"Do you still think about Jun?"
You freeze as you hear your ex's name, not expecting the abrupt change of topic.
"Haven't thought about that one in a minute" You reply with a laugh, looking over at him.
You were telling the truth. Because somebody else had taken over the empty space he left, very quickly.
"Why'd you ask?"
He turns to his side to face you, bringing his hand up to his head, elbows supporting.
"Do you have anyone in mind? You haven't gone out with anyone after Jun, just thinking about it"
Your face answers enough for him, and he starts smiling before letting out a yelp.
"There is someone, isn't there?!"
"No there isn't" You deadpan, trying to cover up for yourself.
"Yes, there is! Who is it, tell me"
He's bluffing just as much as you are, but he may be doing it better as you haven't caught on yet. Minghao is smart, observant, analytical; he knows when something's up. So when he began to feel the lingering touches and dreamy eyes, he knew what it was before you did yourself.
Not to say he didn't feel the same way, the window that came about after your split was enough to re-ignite the fire that he had attempted to subdue long ago. You only encouraged him.
It was cute, though, watching you struggle to keep your composure when asked the blistering question so head on.
"I'm not telling you!"
"So there is someone" He strikes the chord.
You look at him, a little like a deer caught in headlights. "That's not fair"
"Not my fault you're stupid"
"You're right, I was stupid enough to fall for you"
The universe had slammed the pause button the second the words tumble out of your mouth. The owl had stopped hooting, the trees had stopped rustling. You had stopped breathing.
You closed your eyes, not wishing to perceive anything. Your mouth with its tendency to voice your thoughts had gotten you in serious trouble before, but you really didn't think you could ever pull something of this caliber.
You wished you never fixed that tire, maybe you'd be left stranded here to die. It wouldn't matter that you had just effectively confessed to your best friend if you were both dead meat for the coyotes.
Unbeknownst to you, Hao had been smiling ear to ear. All smug once he got over the initial shock.
"Thought I wasn't your type?" he asks. He's enjoying your pain a little too much.
"Please, just don't" You moan, hand coming up to cover your face, in hopes of forgetting object permanence and perceiving Hao as nonexistent.
"Oh, you fool" He sighs dramatically.
You were expecting that.
You suddenly feel a hand removing the obstructions from your face, and what feels like a kiss is being placed right on your lips. He's smiling as he cradles your face, despite the awkward position. You open your eyes to look at him, finding him staring down at you with nothing but infatuation in his eyes.
You were not expecting that.
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butterflyknifegirl · 14 days
ᖭ༏ᖫ Knives and Pens ᖭ༏ᖫ {Episode 3}
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Ellie x Female Reader MDI 18+ Word count: 4803
Aria Rose is a trained surgeon from Orion, Alberta coming to Jackson. Originally from Buffalo QZ in New York, you fled after the death of your mother, an ex Firefly. You meet Ellie Williams when arriving in Wyoming. Hope is a fickle thing and the past will come back to haunt everyone.   
A.N: My first fic and so I'm taking my time with writing and enjoying the characters. This takes place in the TLOU2 or a little prior to when the game takes place. Slight changes to the story will happen. Rated 18+ as sex and sexual themes are mentioned. Slow burn. Smut.
Any songs used in this story were released prior to Breakout Day; September 26th, 2013.
Warnings for this episode: angst, smut, smoking da reefer, cursing, nudity, lesbian sexualism/erotica, mentions of slight sexual trauma.
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This episode took longer to write due to some like updates. Thanks for being patient and ENJOY <3
Episode 3 : Waiting Pains
Song: Greedy -  Artist: Inara George - Released: 2005
You slipped under the surface of the water and laid on the tub floor. Maria and Tommy had started on dinner and had a country album playing on the record player in their living room. Most of the noises were drowned out by the water. 
“Maybe I’m both,” Ellie’s voice makes an appearance in your thoughts, but like the music, it’s muffled. Your heartbeat plays clear. You think to yourself that this is what it’s like for a baby in utero; surrounded by familiar distant sounds and voices, all playing to the beat of your own and your mother’s heartbeat. You feel yourself needing to take a breath but you hold yourself down and push yourself further into your thoughts.
“But, what if it mutated?” Your mother’s distant voice plays again from last night’s dream. “The host would still be infected,” was your response. Your mother’s voice starts to fade farther away, “But what if they were still themselves, still human?” Your heart continues to play its song and you feel your need to breathe rise.
“Maybe I’m both.”
You push yourself up, finally taking in a gulp of air.
The sun had set behind the mountains. The navy sky was turning black and you lit the numerous candles that were throughout your room. You’ve unpacked your clothes, medical text books and journals, and the framed photo of you and your mother was placed on your vanity surrounded by a few lit candles. Your vanity had become a small shrine and you felt it fitting to place your mother’s Firefly tag on the frame.
Dinner was ready and Maria had offered you to eat, but you opted to wait with her and Tommy until the others showed up. “I try to cook for the family at least once a week,” Maria sat on the couch, Tommy was on the recliner and almost passed out. You sat on the other sofa diagonal from Maria. “I like to make sure they’re eating, more so Ellie than Joel.”      
“Does she not eat?”
“Well she eats, just not enough, and Joel, well, he’s alone so he makes himself small meals. They don’t live together technically, Ellie lives in the garage on the property. Anyways, they’re family and I do what I can.” Maria was a woman to be admired. She took care of her family and on top of that, Jackson. 
Tommy’s light snoring was interrupted by a knock on the door. You sat lounging on the couch and Maria got up to get the door. “Finally! Horde give you any trouble?” 
Joel steps in with a heavy foot, “There was eight of us, so not so bad,” he gives Maria a hug.          
“Well make your way to the dining room I’ll serve you,” Maria held the door open and you heard  lighter footsteps come in. “And you, how many did you get?”
“Like 18 on my own. Five more than Jesse,” Ellie finally walks in wearing her black t-shirt, with her hair up in a low bun, a single loose strand of hair by her face. She came in looking back at Maria, but her eyes rested on you. Your adrenaline rushed in as her gaze fell on you and it made you nervous. She turns to give Maria a hug. 
Tommy’s recliner clinks shut and he gets up, “Well I’ll play some of a record while we eat,” and he starts the record over, gives his hugs, and heads to the dining room with Maria and Joel. 
You get up to join the others and Ellie smiles at you still standing by the entryway.
“Back so soon?” you tease. You couldn’t help but be playful with Ellie, she seemed to glow at your banter and you noticed that for the times that she was with you, the echoes from the past faltered, and you stood on even ground, it seemed, with her. Ellie rolls her eyes playfully and they land down on you again as you approach. 
“Don’t act like you haven’t been waiting.” You were taken aback a bit by her sudden boldness, but she smirked more with a sense of cheekiness, as if she wanted to see how you would react. You obviously didn’t want to lose this game and so you tried to conceal a blush.         
“Yeah to eat, it took you long enough. Do you usually keep a girl waiting?” you smile back.
“I’d say this would be the first.” 
“Oh really?” you purred.
“I don’t like stringing people along,” she says hesitantly, still trying to keep her confidence up. She looks away smiling and gives an airy life.
You step closer to catch her eye, “I’m not known to wait either, but if it’s worth it, I will.” Your eyes explore her face, admiring her freckles and her cheeks flush lightly. 
“So.. you think it’s worth it?” her voice was quieter, eyes soft, as she watched you for your response.         
Your heart started to ache. This woman has single handedly melted your cold, distant exterior. The women in Orion that you were with all had eventually used you as the village gay mistress. The few that laid with you eventually left you empty and with nothing to show for it. They all were ashamed of being with you, and you were kept as a dirty secret. The worst part was, you let them. You didn’t know why you did it, but you let them either way. 
But Ellie was different. She was open to you about her interest in you, she was even protective of you. You saw that she was affecting you the same way you were affecting her. A light, a pin of hope, pierced in your chest.     
Ellie saw no hesitation in your face. Your smile, paired with your bright eyes, gave her all the confidence in the world and her heart pounded, a desperate steady rhythm. All she needed was to hear you say it, but maybe not right now, maybe not tonight, and for some reason, she was almost okay with that. You two were solid, and considering her heart ached with having to watch someone she had loved from the sidelines for so long, she felt like she was finally coming up for air. So she licks her lips and gives you a big grin.         
“Dinner’s served!” Maria calls from the dining room.  
Dinner had played out with Maria sitting at the head of the table, talking about the growing population of Jackson as more women are becoming pregnant and choosing to go through with the pregnancy. You were expected to have your hands full with not only this but teaching as well. When it came to doing surgeries,  you did it all.
“Well, we want you to have a life too. Can’t be all work no play,” Tommy winks at you. He’s seated across from you and Ellie, on Maria’s right, Ellie on her left.
“There’s a lot of young people your age here,” Joel looks up from eating, he sits across from you, next to Tommy. “Jesse is a good kid.”
“Yeup, and there’s Dina, and that tattoo artist, Cat,” Tommy adds. “Well Ellie can show you ‘round, get you acquainted, when you have some free time, if there’s such a thing.”
 You smiled and looked over at Ellie who sat beside you quietly eating. 
The night was ending and unfortunately for Ellie, she had to be up early for morning patrol. She waited until Joel headed out first so she wouldn’t have to walk with him home. She lingered behind helping Maria and you clean up.
“I can wash the rest up, why don’t you head on home Ellie,” Maria offers. Despite the calm night, Ellie’s mind was racing. Between Joel, you, Di-    
“Hey I’ll walk you out,” you had dried a dish and put it away.
“Yeah okay.”
You walk Ellie to the porch. The moon was full and there was a cool breeze. “This Thursday, pick me up by the hospital,” you stand by the stairs holding onto the porch pillar.   
“So am I courting you now?” she smirks.
You chuckle, “Who says that?”
“I don’t know, people,” she shrugs and smiles.
“Hmm, well,” you take her right hand and observe it with both of yours. You look at her palm and slide your fingers to the tips of her. You feel the callouses, “You play guitar?” Ellie nods, not really sure how to respond. You flip her hand over and trace her long slender fingers up to the dipping leaves of the fern on her wrist. The delicate touch had caused chills to run down her arm. She let out an airy gasp and you pulled her arm around your waist. Both of her hands held your lower back. Your hands found their way to her neck where you gently ran your fingers down. Ellie had closed her eyes and blushed bashfully. She had gotten lost in your touch. She felt another gasp building up, but she opted to hold her breath. Your palm finds her cheek and she leaned into your touch.
“I think I’m bad at waiting,” you whisper.
Ellie’s eyes shoot open. The moonlight hits your bright eyes and casts a shine on your lips. She swallows a desperate gulp back. The sweet torture of your touch put her in a desperate state of mind. Her body was warming up and her hands slid lower down your back, gently grabbing hold of your bottom, kneading you through your jeans.
“Me too,” she leans closer. Your eyebrows knit together, you look into her eyes, then to her lips, and back again.  
“Ellie-,” Ellie dives into the kiss. She cups your ass and raises you up. You feel Ellie’s tongue enter your mouth, needy and desperate. She explores your mouth and you wrap your arms around her neck. It was intoxicating. You were running out of breath but you didn’t want to break it. You were choking on her kiss. Ellie finally pulls away, breathing into your mouth, she looks at you with dark eyes. You breathe hard and she rolls her eyes, closing them, and resting her forehead on yours. Your hands go down to the flat of her chest and you feel her heart pounding. 
“So Thursday?” she breathes out.
“Yeah, after my shift,” you try to smile but a wave of melancholy spreads over your heart.
She separates and stands tall over you, breathing hard, smiling a side smirk with proud squinted eyes, like she had just trudged up a mountain side and was now looking at the valley below leading into the horizon.
She takes your hand and rubs her thumb over your knuckles. “I’ll see you then,” she presses her lips on your cheek and swiftly turns and walks off the porch and down the street, not turning back.                           
Four Days Later
Next to the medic tents by the stables was a small building used for operating, delivering, and storing medicine. You stood by the main nursing station in the large waiting area in good view of the front door, looking down at a clipboard. You wore your long hair in a low ponytail with some hair framing your face. Your white doctor coat covered down past your bottom. You wore a fitted black t-shirt with a v-line and gray, black shorts with your black combat boots with red laces. The past couple days have been nothing but hands-on teaching to the twenty of Jackson’s doctors. Your day was finally ending and you couldn’t wait to head out.
“Hey there Aria,” you turn around to see a familiar face.
“Joel!” you smile and you two exchange a hug. “Just come back from patrol? What can I do for you?” In a bizarre way, you felt close to Joel.
He gave a small smile and cleared his throat, “Yeah I’m here to pick up.”
You go over to behind the nursing station and find a chart with his name on it:           
Joel Miller ……  Sleep Tea …… 1 bag
You go and retrieve the bag with the dried herbs and give it to him. 
“Thanks.. I don’t usually need anything, but recently it’s been a little difficult,” he takes the bag.
“I usually take chamomile tea before bed, it’s the only thing that can relax me after a day of sticking my hand in people,” you smile hoping to get him to laugh.
“Heh, well I guess that’ll do it.”
You look over across the large room to see Ellie coming in the double doors. Your eyes stay on her and a smile is plastered on your face. Joel notices and he looks over to see what you were looking at. “I’ll be back,” you say, not taking your eyes off her, “excuse me.” You quickly make your way to the locker room and take off your doctor coat and retrieve your backpack. When you come back out Joel is gone and Ellie stands by the nursing station with her brown t-shirt with a blue short sleeve button up on top. Her hair was half up. 
Ellie finally sees you come over and she perks up. “Hey, you finally showed up,” you go over and give her a hug. 
She returns the hug, “Well I’m here, aren't I?” she smiles. 
You two start walking over to Ellie’s place. It was about 5:30 and it was golden hour. “I have to make my way out to the town again soon, there's a music store where I get my guitar strings,” Ellie walks side by side with you. 
“Hey remember that library where the horde was? I would like to check it out if I could.”
“You can talk to Maria to schedule a patrol, tell her to put me on it.”
“Okay I will.”
“Are you looking for anything in particular?”
“Medical texts mainly.”
Ellie pretends to yawn, “Wow sounds like fun,” she teases.
“Hey!” You punch her arm.
“Oh I’m sorry, was that supposed to hurt?”
“Oh I’ll make it hurt.”
“Hey wha-!”
You push her against the wall of the cemetery and tiptoe up to bite her on her neck.
“Ohh,” Ellie enjoys the bite.
You let her neck go to try and not leave a mark. You lean up and take her lips into yours. “I’ve missed you,” you say.
Ellie looks down at you and with a smile and a shake of her head, she kisses you again. “C’mon,” she takes your hand and leads you the rest of the way.
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Ellie turns on her fairy lights and you look around the room. You were taken aback at how good it smelled- her pine scent sitting in the air. 
Ellie starts playing some old country music on her cassette radio and you two sit on her couch. She pulls out a joint from a small box under her coffee table. “I rolled it yesterday, you still wanna try?” she asks. You nod. You watch her pull out a lighter and lights it up. She inhales and exhales the smoke smoothly. She smiles and passes it to you. You smile to yourself as you mentally prepare, then you bring it to your lips and inhale. You hold it in a bit then exhale, coughing at the end.
“Shit,” you pass it to her. 
“Not too bad, now I gotta show you how to ride a horse,” she chuckles. Ellie blows smoke and watches you look around her room, taking in all the details. From the paint and the guitar, you knew Ellie was an artist. Her callouses showed her dedication in practicing her craft. You too had gifted hands, but in a different way. 
“Can I show you something?” You reach for your backpack and take out a burgundy photo album. Ellie’s eyes light up. “When I’m not working, I take pictures.” You scoot over and open the album. Photos of you in Orion when you were 17, you had shorter hair. Some of them you are posing with babies and toddlers you’ve helped deliver. You flip pages and Hannah starts to make an appearance.    
“Who is that?” Ellie points to another girl posing with her arms around Hannah.
“One of Hannah’s exes,” you smile, “they were secretly dating for a few months.”
“And him?” Ellie points to a more recent photo of Hannah holding onto a tall blonde guy smiling at the camera.
“Stephan Dubois,” you pause, “Sophie’s father. He died on patrol.” You recall Hannah watching the band of horses leave with men to find Stephan and his troupe. Hannah had just found out she was pregnant.   
Ellie sees photos of Orion, you in the hospital teaching, and some of you in the mirror in your old room. “These are really good,” she flips through the pages and takes a hit. She passes the joint and flips the page to some more interesting photos. “Ohh, what is this?” You laid soaking in a tub, hair dripping wet, dark eye makeup, red lips, and a cigarette near your lips. You gave the camera a seductive smolder with parted lips, the water concealing your body.           
You blew out smoke, “I was recreating a photo I found in a magazine,” you leaned back letting the high finally kick in.       
Ellie finished the album and placed it on the table, “Are you gonna take more photos like that for me?” She licks her dry lips and cheeses a grin.
“Oh, I definitely can and you can keep in your joint box,” you giggle.
“Or, I’ll keep it on me.”
She shrugs, “Yeah, I mean that’s what people do right?” she flashes her eyebrows.
You two look at each other, sharing the joint.
“So,” you start, feeling pretty confident all of a sudden.
“So,” Ellie repeats.
“How obvious did I make it?”
Ellie looks up at the ceiling like she had her thinking cap on, pretending to not know what you meant. 
“When we first met,” you continued leaning forward, “how obvious did I make it?” you started to purr again.
“You mean when I had to check if you were clean, and you were staring at my lips?”
You blush at your own ridiculousness, “Pretty obvious huh?”
“Oh yeah, I’d say so.. But it wasn’t one sided,” she gives a serious look. You look at her and take a hit, getting close and sitting in between her legs, you exhale into her mouth.
Ellie closes her eyes. She slips into her mind and she stands on the cold, gray moon watching the earth turn. The familiar feeling of loneliness washes over her. “I would take a one way ticket too,” Ellie says quietly. You recall when you first met and she asked if you’ve ever gone to the moon. She holds your waist and goes to your ear, “..if I was going with you.”
“How’s Aria coming ‘round?” Joel sits in the back patio at Maria’s and Tommy’s. 
“Great. Morale at the hospital is up. I’m considering including her in our monthly town meetings,” Maria takes a sip of tea from her mug.
“Is that right?” Joel stairs at the yard.
“Why? What’s on your mind?” Maria raises concern.
“She and Ellie, well, they’ve gotten close.”
“In what way?”
“Well, Ellie came by the hospital today to pick her up.”
Maria smiles to ease Joel’s concern, “So she’s hanging out with new people, a doctor no less, how is that gonna start problems?”
Joel grumbles quietly to himself. “She doesn’t talk to me. All ‘er friends I know.”
“I know you don’t think you’re there for her, but you are. Sometimes people need time to figure things out, the same goes for Ellie. She’ll come back to you Joel, once she figures out how she wants her life to play out, she’ll come along. In the meantime, be there for her, from afar.”
Joel looks at her with pained eyes, smiles, and nods.
Ellie lays over you on her bed, lips locked. Her tongue, eager to make its way back into your mouth. Her body rocks as she kisses you hungrily and her free hand slides under your top. You quiver at her sudden touch. 
She stops and looks down at her hand, still underneath your top, resting on your abdomen, “Is this okay?” she whispers looking back at you.
“Yeah, it just tickled a little,” you smile.
“Hmm,” Ellie exhales a soft hum. She watches her hand slide up and cup your breast. Your lips part and she comes back down to kiss you. She messages your breast as she takes the time to kiss you deeply. She pulls down your bra and plays with your nipple between her fingers. You moan into her mouth and your hips begin to slowly buck and squirm. She hums again at your reaction. “Let me take this off babe,” and she proceeds to remove your top and bra in one pull. You lay bare back and you pull up at her top as well, then her bra.
“Ellie..” you couldn’t help but admire her. You lifted your head up and bit down on her neck again, sucking the soft flesh, your hands massage her breast. She gasps and groans at this. She starts to unbutton your jeans, sliding them down a bit with your panties. You detach and look up at Ellie.
“Lay down babe,” she tells you and you do. Ellie looks down and her hand grazes over your sensitive cunt. You were already so wet. Her fingers slide up and down your folds, “Damn babe, is that all for me?” She gives a long lick up your neck to your ear. You involuntarily whimper.
“Yes,” you whisper. Ellie’s touch was like heaven and you were delirious. Ellie starts rubbing your puffy clit. Her bicep moving with every rub, moving slowly, then faster. You feel her breath on your neck. She kept a rhythm, but you wanted more. “Ellie.. Mm.. more babe please!” you moan. 
Ellie shoots up to look at you- your face contorted in pleasure. “Yeah?” she asks huskily.
You look into her eyes huffing in air, “Yes please Ellie, I want you.”
Ellie didn’t waste any time taking your pants off. She wanted to love you, to pour herself into you. You gave her a purpose, you made her feel wanted, needed, and desperate.
Ellie lowers herself down to your trimmed cunt. She watches you spread your legs for her. “Fuck Aria,” she kisses the top. She starts to suck on your clit and she watches you close your eyes moan. You feel Ellie slide her long slender fingers into you and you whimper again.
You grip the sheets beneath you, “Fuck right there Ellie!” Ellie keeps her fingers inside fucking your g spot hard and fast. You feel chills run down your legs as your orgasm approaches. “I’m gonna cum, Ellie, fuck you’re making me cum!” Ellie hums on your clit pushing you closer. It finally hits, and you let out your orgasmic moan, bucking your hips and clenching around her fingers. Ellie helps you ride it out as she continues to finger you. She comes up to kiss you, still keeping her fingers inside. You taste your arousal. 
“Was it okay?” Ellie kisses your flushed cheek.
You chuckle to yourself, “Are you kidding?” You two laugh and she slides her fingers out and lays beside you. You look down at her jeans, “What about you?”
“Soon,” you turn to your side and lay on top of her, “we're not done, just, taking a break. I wanna make sure you can go a couple more rounds,” she smiles.
“A couple more rounds?” you repeat, feeling your legs still weak from your orgasm, but even your own body betrays you, after looking down at her and cupping her breast, your arousal starts up again. “I want to taste you.”
“Yeah, I want that too,” she licks her wet lips. 
Song: What the Water Gave Me  -  Artist: Florence and the Machine  -  Released: 2011
After Joel left, Maria went ahead to change out the linens in the house. You left your door ajar, and she knocked anyway. She realized you were still out after your shift, which she thought was great, she’d hoped you’d find time to have fun and didn’t want you to get burnt out. She collected your towel and bed sheets into her basket. She looked over at the many textbooks piling your desk and she was curious to look at them.
A lot of texts on being a midwife, doula, delivering a child, neonatal physiology. Then there were others about diseases that happen with age, medical herbs, repairing broken bones, heart surgery, brain surgery. These were some of the books that were displayed on your desk. Maria was amazed at your wide range of knowledge. When putting the texts back in order on your desk, a paper fell out of your ‘Neurology & Neurological Surgery’ text. It was a copy of an x-ray of a human skull that was infected with cordyceps. She flips the page over to see your handwritten notes:
Can it mutate? Can host still be infected and remain human? Immunity? 
Maria’s stomach drops. She returns the sheet to the text and puts everything back. She turns to leave and notices the picture on your vanity with an all too familiar looking pendant. She reads the name and turns it over to confirm. 
“Yesenia Rose.” 
“Fuck right there,” Ellie has her fingers gripping your hair, holding your head down as you eat her out. “Yeah babe- trying to make me cum?” she moans, ending on a whine. She starts to grind in your mouth and all you can do is desperately hum  “mhm” over and over. “Auh.. fuck babe.. you fuck me so good,” she watches you with half lidded eyes and furrowed brows. Her hair sticking to her wet forehead. Her mouth open, letting out gasps and silent whimpers. “Mhm right there.. Mmmh.. fuck yeah I’m cumming baby. Fuck! Auhh yeah take it!” Her orgasm falls on her hard, as she talks you through it and rides your face. You taste her orgasm and lap it all up. 
Ellie falls back onto the bed breathing heavily and lightly sweating. “Come here,” she reaches out a hand for you and you lay beside her. She wraps both of you in a thin blanket and pulls you into her. It had been a couple rounds as she promised, and you were ready to close your eyes and sleep. Despite being tired you felt an over looming feeling caving in on you. Like you were going to depend, attach, and become addicted to Ellie. In a nonmedical term; fall for her, which is not your style, and yet, you let yourself fall- fast and head first.  
Ellie watches your resting face. She had never had it this good with Cat. You two understood each other without having to say anything, and you fulfilled her deepest cravings. She knew you were special and wanted to attach herself to you in every way possible.                                                  
You open your eyes to catch her green ones looking back at you. She brushes some hair behind your ear. You smile, and it must have been contagious because she smiled back.
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Ellie Photo Credits
Cover: Themodsofus - https://twitter.com/themodsofus?lang=en
Closing: Rahaf on pinterest - https://pin.it/4hmG4tgQu
 All covers and photos were created on Canva.com
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fallenlightsif · 4 months
Florian & Emil & Julian - Aftermath
A shared commission I posted over on Patreon. Here’s a snippet of it, and you can read the full thing over on Patreon with the Archmage tier and up!
Your fingers glow with a golden light as you kneel at his side, taking his hand in yours. The burn disappears before your eyes, and you see some of the tension on Julian’s face ease. He reaches forward, brushing a strand of damp hair from your eyes.
“Thanks,” He gives you a small grin, crooked and mischievous, but still more genuine than most people have seen from him.
When you stand again, you see Florian watching you with warm eyes, “Ari would be proud.”
“Ari was about to bludgeon me to death earlier when I almost stepped on the damn relic we were looking for,” You roll your eyes.
The king just shrugs, “She has her moments.”
“I’d remember you aren’t her favorite right now either,” Julian points out, “You and Emil were supposed to stay in Kesdon. Who’s even running the kingdom right now? You both burst in to save the day, when it didn’t even need saving mind you, and Ebia’s throne is vacant as a result.”
“Not vacant,” Florian shifts, glancing away, “Ezrah has things under control.”
Your eyes damn near fall out out of your head they get so wide, “Ezrah? My brother? That Ezrah?”
“He’s…capable.” Florian coughs into his fist, “And Orion is there!”
Julian sags a little, looking entirely hopeless, “Please do not let the Queen of Leydon know we’re letting her runaway general sit the throne in your absense. She might join the battle to have your head personally for the insult.”
“I would have let Rowan, if we’re being entirely honest, but Emil tossed that idea.” Florian pouts slightly.
“I don’t trust them around the council,” Emil says blithely, “I fear we might return to them all slaughtered if we leave Rowan anywhere near a seat of power in our absence.”
“That was my hope,” The king quips in response.
Julian snorts, shoulders shaking from the force of his laughter. Emil gives them both a disapproving look.
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sonicasura · 5 months
Alternate idea for TFA Optimus being stranded on Arachnus Seven instead of Elita-1. First off he doesn't turn into a spider. Nope, I'm going for another creature that lurks in caves but tend to eat critters like spiders: BATS.
Fun fact: Optimus Primal's original design had been a bat before it was replaced with the gorilla we know and love. As for the OP here... I'll going for multiple inspirations so he can truly be alien like. Mainly because the 'bat' Animated became was an equal level predator to the Arachna Seven Spiders.
This four winged species which I'll call 'Arachna Nebulas' went extinct due to outside interference as the bat genus in general are very sensitive to changes in their environment. We all know what happens when an ecosystem is heavily disturbed. Optimus was lucky enough to find intact enough remains to become Vetaleus Prime.
Vetaleus being a word play on Vetala, a mythological vampiric bat like entity that takes over cadavers. Fitting as in a way OP is dead whether it be to those he once knew or his old self. For Arachna Nebulas, it's from the Cosmic Bat Nebula that can be found in Orion's Constellation.
Now I have two types of inspiration for Vetaleus Prime. One from the real world while the other is media consumed over the years. For bot mode, I introduce you to Yu-Gi-Oh's King of the Feral Imps and Digimon's VenomMyotismon.
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Considering he had remains for this reformat than an alive specimen, OP's techno-organic nature has glaring differences when it comes to his modes. His thick fur becomes large mane like clusters around the helm/wrists/ankles while thinning out half way down his torso as defensive measures shift to the bones of the secondary wings become spikes and horns.
A 33 ft bulky frame meant for sheer force whether it be large powerful claws n talons, sharp piercing teeth to drain a prey's life, powerful tail that can flatten, or even large ears which can hear an ant breathe. Vetaleus Prime's bat like face doesn't help in portraying his gentle yet nervous nature and his still Autobot colors remain under scrutiny. No stereotypical evil Fateswap OP's in this house.
Onto the Arachna Nebulas' mode, I have fictional inspiration alongside three real world ones. Meet the Golden Crowned Flying Fox, Vampire Bat, White Honduran Bat and Monster Hunter's Paolumu!
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Optimus is very fluffy in alt mode as the Nebulas' thick fur prevents the spiders from injecting their venom into him. Akin to the Paolumu inspiration than just visage, there's a special air sac in the neck that allows the species to not only float but also spit large blasts of pressurized air if their hammerlike tail slaps don't do the job. Here's the boss fight from Monster Hunter World for further details.
Vetaleus Prime's alt mode is built with the 'bob and weave' concept. Dodging the opponent's strikes while landing your own attacks on them. His larger upper arm wings makes it easier to move and adjust his trajectory in float as the secondary protects the less fluffy parts of the body.
In alt mode Vetaleus has more animalistic mannerisms. Growling, purring, roaring, and whining to convey his mood. He grooms himself like any other animal much to confusion of those around him.
Those mannerisms are still present in bot mode but Optimus tries not to unless alone or around others he trusts. He can't escape from nesting though. One of the ways to our bat bot can make himself feel comfortable and safe.
Like with Arachnus Prime, Vetaleus Prime goes into self exile knowing that Cybertron will never accept him. He ends up on Earth because of poachers who visited Arachnus Seven to capture some spiders to sell on the black market. A conflict that leads to a crash landing before canon occurs.
Optimus here has a more harsher craving when it comes to organics as his primal nature no longer has those giant spiders to satisfy him. It isn't uncommon for the deer and bear population to decline but also poachers or illegal hunters to disappear. You can say Vetaleus Prime holds a feral grudge on this specific group. Unless he has a good supply of oil than Cybertronian are in sheer danger from a feral episode.
Vetaleus craves companionship but isolates him due to fear. He has hurt others before and doesn't want to harm innocent people or much worse a companion. A fear made more apparent from his feral outbursts if refueling needs aren't satiated.
Ways to sustain this primal nature becomes more difficult once Vetaleus is forced to make the sewers his den. Stealing from food delivery trucks WILL happen if he cannot find ample resources in time. A desperate action that solidify his cryptid status as the 'Detroit Devil', escaping with the quarry in hand before anyone fully sees him.
Vetaleus Prime does his best to remain being hidden and indulge soothing hobbies like reading or knitting than cause people potentially dangerous strife. A task that might become impossible when the past ends up in Detroit. Or the haunting realization of what can happen should Vetaleus fail to satisfy his other side.
Team Elita-1 best be careful. An innocent monster is just as dangerous as any other. Optimus rather not sink his fangs into someone he considers a dear old friend but evil will not miss an opportunity like this...
That's it for now! Until next time folks, I'll see you back at the crossroads between Detroit and Cybertron! Now Transform and Roll Out!
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