#Overblot boys
yuri-is-online · 1 month
Keep thinking bout Yutu and his relationship to his dad. Like we know a little more about Ace, Floyd, Azul and Riddle (maybe I miss someone else?) but I was curious about other details or interactions with the other Overblot boys.
Like how does talking with someone who tries his best to not get involved in other people's business like Jamil work for making his parents fall in love (if that's even something Yutu can see happening with how distant he is)? How does Yutu go about trying to lay some clues for Vil without being found when Vil's doing his best (with Rook's help) to figure out what's going on?
Or what about the shenanigans Ortho would get to to ensure Idia and Yuu get together so they can try to stop the apocalypse and how would Yutu feel about having at least one person (his uncle at that!) who he can rely on? Or does Yutu ever find himself in a situation that makes him go "oh, I could've had this with dad if it weren't for the council" whenever Malleus says something deep without realizing?
Gaaaaahhhhh I just really like this au and I wanna ask you so many questions but I also don't wanna be annoying
ask is referencing the fyuuture kid au, information on which can be found here and here, or under the series section on my masterlist.
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No one is annoying for asking questions! I have asks for Idia and Leona's Yutus, which I think makes every overblot boy except for Jamil and Vil due for a detailed post. Azul! Yutu is a bit of a grey area since I have talked about him a bunch but haven't done detailed hc for him. Yet anyway, Jade and Floyd got one so he needs one too otherwise it'll bug me.
Jamil! Yutu absolutely has a lot of guilt and self hatred around his entire existence. As I talked about in the post about the main cast, Jamil was executed in Yutu's future, and he feels personally responsible for that. If his dad had never fallen in love with Yuu then he would have had a chance at his freedom, that's how Yutu has come to see it anyway. He doesn't want Jamil to fall in love with Yuu, even if it means erasing his existence. Down that road lies only tragedy, but there is also something so beautiful about the way Jamil interacts with Yuu when he thinks no one is looking. There is a degree of mutual respect for how hard the other works and intense desire for approval and praise he can sympathize with. He just doesn't see a way for this to end well if it's allowed to continue, he's a very pessimistic kid Jamil! Yutu. But then again the others didn't have to see the rotted corpse of their father getting dragged around by a blot phantom and be told by a few angry relatives of Kalim that he is the one who put him there.
Vil! Yutu is a bit afraid of his dad. He knows from personal experience that the man is intense and does not take no for an answer but he's never been in the position to see 1) what a good thing that can be or 2) just how silly that can make him act. He's also NEVER had to contend with the real Rook before. The Rook he's familiar with is a mindless monster, dangerous sure, but with patterns you can memorize and protect yourself from. This guy is just wild, sure his dad says that he's only putting up for his behavior "for now" but someone tell him where the fucking line is??? The last thing he wants is to just say everything and risk ruining the timeline but Vil keeps demanding specifics. The main thing Yutu tries to do is get him cooperating with Idia in learning about blot phantoms, the way he sees it things will be much easier if his two most trusted adults are on the same page. It's not a difficult ask either post chapter six, I think Vil is someone who would want to understand what happened to him on a scientific level to some degree, but oh Yutu. Now you've just made him wonder how you know that little piece of information, not everyone knows about his overblot, but he didn't know that bit did he?
Ortho and Idia! Yutu wind up being very close. Having his uncle on his side puts Yutu in a much more stable place emotionally and mentally than other Yutus. They spend a lot of time analyzing old records about blot and phantoms, everyone else is convinced they're just hyping each other up for some weird PhD project inspired by the Ramshackle Prefect's time at NRC and hey. They aren't exactly wrong. As for how they go about trying to get Idia and Yuu together... it's a lot of anime recommendations and conveniently forgetting they had something else to do. Yutu has just as in depth knowledge of Idia's tastes as Ortho does, and the added bonus of knowing Yuu's, so they search through lists of things, pick out the shows they know will get the two of you talking and then sit back and let you interact. Yutu is genuinely confused about why or if this is working... but Ortho did send him a video of his dad hyping himself up to try and ask you out (he over heated and just hid inside his room instead but hey. It's the thought that counts.)
Malleus! Yutu just got his post here. And yes he does think regularly about what he could have had with his father if things had been different, but a lot of those thoughts come from his sillier moments. Hearing Malleus talk at length about ruins or seeing him confused about how to interact with technology make him seem more... human for lack of a better term to him. He's very familiar with the myth of Malleus Draconia, but he wasn't fathered by a myth. He was fathered by a man who fell in love with a human under very extraordinary circumstances and Yutu wants to know about why. What things did Malleus like most about Yuu? About Twisted Wonderland? If he had gotten a chance to be raised by him what things would Malleus have wanted to teach him? Would he be any different?
Azul! Yutu is also afraid of his dad, but not based on any personal experiences just his own insecurities. He's not a thin guy, he's not in Octavinelle, and he is extremely worried that his dad will see him as some sort of stupid muscle head and be disappointed in having him. He's also, understandably, extremely angry at him when he learns what he did in Book 3 to his parent. Fuck this guy, he'll just save Yuu himself and hopefully if they still get together he'll grow up to be a totally different person when he's born in this good timeline. But there's just something about Azul's approval that he can't help but want now that drives him crazy. Why can't he just be ok with being alone? He has been all this time anyway...
(Meanwhile Azul is deeply impressed with how well Yutu is at disguising himself as a dumb muscle head. Just look at the kid, he's got everyone thinking he just is controlling their shadows while he's actually using a really complicated bit of cosmic magic. Suckers all of them. Not him though. He's not being fooled by anything about Yutu, no sir.)
Leona, Leona, Leona. He's tricky for me to write. Scar apparently has children? In one the the Lion King sequels? Leona's dislike of kids seems to come from his complicated feelings around the throne and his want for people to be independent. I think he would be one of those gruff intense kind of dads who does the whole "we are never getting a pet" thing and then you see him asleep on the recliner with Princess Nooodles III chilling on his lap with him. Anyway back to Yutu-
Leona! Yutu's relationship with his dad is tempered by the fact Leona knows who and what he is from the start and demands to know why he has traveled back in time. He doesn't explicitly say he knows that he is his father or that Yuu is his other parent, just that he knows time travel is involved, so they have a fairly open amount of communication regarding the overblot "business" but not on much else. Yutu has a desire to understand his father and Leona has a desire to not disappoint him. Who would want their dad to be the second prince? He's destined for nothing but a miserable life anyway, all of the responsibility and none of the privilege (outside of the money but lets be real, Leona's ass does not understand that.) I don't think either Leona or Yutu fully understands that his existence is enough for the other to be happy. When they are forced to talk about it they both laugh it off and roll their eyes at how cheesy that sounds but deep down it means a lot to both of them.
Riddle! Yutu has gotten a lot of posts about him and his "hatred" of his dad but I thought I'd take this post to mention I like the idea of Yutu's favorite food being the chestnut tarts/mont blanc that aren't allowed at Unbirthday Parties but that Riddle still wanted to eat anyway. He's a lot like his father in his love of sweets and his determined denial of it, but he isn't the exact same. Also gives him one more thing to pick a fight with Riddle over (his dad doesn't get the big deal, they can just have a private tea party with Yuu and have all the different sweets they want... can't they?)
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Meet the overblot bois in the Space Train!
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pinkaditty · 4 months
Thinking Thoughts
okok i can't find the post anymore so im literally going to kms bc it was such a a GOOD IDEA but basically it was this fic idea where Yuu was actually sent by the supervillains, the Seven (+ 1 more, the one Yuu represents) to go and investigate Crowley but the trip there somehow gave them memory loss and now Yuu doesn't remember anything!! and apparently Yuu gets their power from overblot stones so the Seven keep sending overblots to give Yuu the chance to regain their power and memory but unfortunately Grimm keeps eating the stones and pisses them off lol. IT WAS SUCH A GOOD IDEA and then the post ended with: the only question is, who does Yuu represent?
And I was like, oh Chernabog obvi.
like think abt it, that villain is literally THE MOST POWERFUL Disney villain plus nothing can defeat him except church bells and sunlight. since Yuu is a mere vessel, i imagine sunlight and church bells won't have an effect on them, thereby making them literally the most powerful villain vessel out there... they just don't remember shit.
honestly when i first played Twisted Wonderland i was genuinely surprised that Chernabog wasn't one of the big Seven... like he's the most powerful villain ever why not put him in there????
those of u who don't know who Chernabog is... i fear there is no saving u. as for how I know Chernabog exists??? let's just say I read a Disney series as a teenager and some girl was kidnapped by him which led me down a rabbit hole.
oh also boycott Disney, it's fueling the Palestinian genocide. haven't touched Twisted Wonderland in months due to learning that + I uninstalled it anyway lol.
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the-broken-truth · 3 months
Blot-Mates - Yuu & The Overblots [Prologue]
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Summary: A potion explodes in Crewel's Class, causing the Dorm Wardens and Jamil to lose half of their power and be separated from their Overblot Forms. In an effort to maintain peace between the Originals and the Overblots, Yuu suggests that the Overblots stay in the Ramshackle dorm, which has recently been renovated. It remains to be seen how the Overblots will fare under the supervision of the Prefect of Ramshackle.
[Note: The Yuu Variant is Male with Enma Yuuken's Body Build, Yuuka Hirasaki's Fighting Skills, and Yuuta Mito's Cooking Skills.]
[Note: This Storyline will be written in Script Format.]
Parts: [Prologue] (Here) - [Ri] - [Leo] - [Azu] - [Jami] - [Vi] - [Idi] - [Mal] - [All] - [Epilogue]
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[After receiving an SOS Text Message from Deuce Spade while repairing something around the school, Yuu [L/N] headed to the classroom of his Unofficial Adopted Father, Divus Crewel, who was scolding the Adeuce Duo like the bad puppies they were. Yuu walked over to them and asked what happened. Deuce explained everything that happened, resulting in Yuu pinching the bridge of is nose while his other hand rested on his hip.]
Yuu: Let me clarify the situation - You two (Pointing between Ace and Deuce) mistakenly added the wrong ingredient to the potion, resulting in a Separation Potion. Unfortunately, the potion affected the Dorm Wardens & Vice Head Jamil Viper. As a result, they are now separated from half of their magical power, which is currently within the Overblot Forms. These were separated from them and are now present in their own bodies. Did I miss anything? Please let me know if there are any other details.
Crewel: That is pretty much the entire situation, in summary, Pup. I'm going to see if there is an antidote, but I have never seen this kind of potion that would separate an Overblot from its Original Body, seeing this happening to the Overblots of Night Raven, is something confusing.
Yuu: Do what you have to do, Papa Crewel. Where are they?
Crewel: Crowley's Office.
Yuu: I'll take care of this. (Turns on his heel and starts walking away in the direction of Crowley's Office)
[Yuu walked up to Headmage's Crowley and opened the door, moving his head just in time before a blast of magic could hit him in the face. Yuu looks at the room, which was completely tossed around, while the Headmage was cowering behind his turned over desk while fearfully looking at the 14 students in his office. Each of the Originals were glaring at their Overblot Forms, the room filled with shouting about who was the 'Real Half' and who would be considered the 'Faker'.]
Yuu (Inhales before yelling over everyone else - if he had magic of his own, the very room would have rumbled from the power in his voice): SILENCE!
[The Original Bodies and the Overblot Forms look in the direction of Yuu, who is standing there with his hand pinching the bridge of his nose and his eyes closed while his other hand is on his hip; his well-known 'This is giving me a headache' pose.]
Riddle/Overblot Riddle: Rose/Prefect!
Yuu (Lifting his hand to silence them): Don't worry, I already heard everything from Professor Crewel and he is currently figuring out how to reverse what has been done. (Looks at everyone) Considering what I just saw, I can tell that The Overblots are not going to get along with their Original Hosts.
Overblot Leona: You think, Herbivore?! I don't want to be in the same room as this bastard! (Points at Leona)
Leona (Snarling at Overblot Leona): We're the same person, You Inked Bastard!
Yuu: Shut UP!
[Everyone is silent once again - not wanting to anger the Ramshackle Prefect.]
Yuu (Exhales and lowers his hand from his nose while his other hand remains on his hip): Until we find out how to reunite all of you with your Original Bodies, The Overblots are going to stay with me in Ramshackle.
Overblot Jamil (Smirks as his hair snakes hiss at Yuu): And what makes you think you would be able to handle all of us in the same dorm, Little Desert Flower?
Yuu: If I can kick your asses while you are all at full power... (Glares at Overblot Jamil - making him & his hair snakes freeze in fear) What makes you think I can't destroy you with only half of your power?
Overblot Jamil (Gulping before nodding): N... Noted, Prefect.
Yuu: Good. Now, Overblots, follow me - we are going to Ramshackle so I can get you all situated in your rooms.
[Yuu turns and walks out of the office with the Overblot Forms followed behind him without saying a word - leaving very shocked Dorm Wardens, Jamil, and Crowley.]
Malleus: Why do I get the feeling that I shouldn't leave the Overblots alone with the Child of Man?
Leona: We are all having that feeling, Lizard...
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[The Door of Ramshackle opens and Yuu walks in with the Overblots walking behind him.]
Overblot Riddle (Looking around): Ramshackle looks...different than the last time I saw it, Prefect.
Yuu: I made sure to renovate it with the funds I had accumulated, to ensure that it is presentable for guests. (Turns to face the Overblots) Before we move forward, I need you to understand something: Ramshackle is not linked to any of the Great Seven - their rules and ways do not apply here. My rules apply here, and as the Prefect of Ramshackle, you must follow these rules, or else there will be issues. Nobody here is your servant, and you are not anyone else's servant either. You are here to relax and leave everything to me. If you want to do something to keep yourself from getting bored, you can go ahead, as long as it doesn't cause any harm to anyone or cause any conflict. Do you understand?
Overblot Leona: And just who the hell are you to command us, Herbivore? We still have more power than you do.
[Yuu walks over to Overblot Leona and gets in his face - no fear in his eyes.]
Yuu: And even with that power, I still kicked your ass. Do you really want a repeat of that experience, Carnivore?
Overblot Leona:... (Exhales) Fine.
Yuu (Steps back): Good. Now, let's find you all decent rooms for you all. (Looks at Overblot Leona) Tell me something, Leo - you like a sleep, just like your original, but you are not fond of bright places.
Overblot Leona (Raises an eyebrow): Leo?
Yuu: Considering the Dorm Wardens and Jamil are going to be coming here from time to time, I don't want to call you all by the same name. I've decided to fragment their names to give you names.
[Yuu points the Overblots & naming them.]
Yuu: Ri, Leo, Azu, Jami, Vi, Idi, and Mal. Are you okay with that?
Leo: Fine... I don't care.
[The Rest of the Overblots nod.]
Yuu: Okay. Leo, I have a room with some blackout curtains and it says rather cool in there; I think that room would be best for you.
Leo: What about the noise?
Yuu: It's fair away from the rest of the rooms, so there is not enough noise to disturb you.
Leo: Show me.
[Yuu gestures for the Overblots to follow him - everyone heads upstairs and takes them to Leo's Room. Leo walks in and instantly hopes in the bed and falls asleep within 3 seconds.]
Yuu: I'll let you know when dinner is ready, Leo. Sweet dreams. (Closes the door and looks at the rest of the Overblots) Okay - let's get you all into your rooms.
[Ri's Room is located downstairs with a clear view of Yuu's Garden, which is filled with Roses and can be seen from Ri's Window.]
[Az's Room has a massive tub that can hold him and his tentacles comfortably - Yuu would bring him some salt for him.]
[Jami's Room has a balcony with a lounging chair and enough room for him to break dance if his hair snakes didn't get in his way.]
[Vi's Room has a large bathroom and closet with some handmade outfits - turned out that Yuu was able to renovate Ramshackle with the funds he gets from his handmade creations; if Vi's Host wasn't a model and high-brand shopper, he would have thought Yuu's creations were designer.]
[[di's Room was just Yuu's Gaming Room that happened to have a very soft bed in there. Yuu's relationship with Idia allowed them to have a gaming night every Saturday.]
[Mal's Room was the closest one to Yuu's Room - Yuu knew how Mal's Original Host was overprotective of him and he knew that Mal was not going to be able to rest easily unless he was the closest to Yuu.]
[While the Overblots were relaxing in their rooms: Yuu was downstairs making dinner while Grim was yelling at him.]
Yuu: They won't. I know they won't.
[Yuu places the food on the table: Beef Steak & Rice Bowls, drizzled in steak sauce.]
Yuu (Placing the last bowl on the table and lifts his head to see the Overblots standing in the hallway with their eyes on the food): Are you guys gonna stand there or come eat?
Jami: You... You made dinner, for us?
Yuu: Of course I did. Please, come sit and eat, I need to get the drinks and honey butter bread rolls. (Goes into the kitchen while the Overblots take their seats. Comes back with the bread rolls and drinks)
Yuu: Here you go. Tea for Ri, Vi, Az, and Jami - I have soda for Idi, Leo, and Mal.
[Placing the drinks in front of them before taking his seat. He sends a silent prayer to the Great Seven before starting to eat.]
Jami (Takes a bite): Prefect... This is very good. What kind of dish is this?
Yuu: Something from my world - Beef Steak Stripes over White Rice drizzled with Steak Sauce.
Mal (Holding a Bread Roll): Why does this bread smell so sweet?
Yuu: I used Honey Butter.
Leo: It's still good. This would be better with dessert.
Yuu: I have some Plain Cheesecake & Strawberry Cheesecake in the fridge.
Ri: Cheesecake...? What is that?
Yuu (Smiling): I'll give you all some for dessert later. Just enjoy your dinner. (Keeps eating)
[The Overblots look at Yuu for a while before they continue to eat in silence.]
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mermaid-4-u · 1 year
Death: I’ve come to claim you.
Overblot Boys: Hold on, let me ask Yuu.
Death: It is not a choic-
Overblot Boys: Yuu said no.
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voasprofile · 2 years
replaced au but you are the one replacing/songfic
this one's a little shitty as I rushed it and it's late I have school tomm maybe some grammar/spelling mistakes. have a good day everyone
replaced au pt 2
you got sent to another world by a mirror talking about a mission to save whomever
so you expected crazy things to happen once you were fully settled in
but not like this
yuu, yes that is her real name. was such a bitch
not anything petty like rumors, or hair pulling, not even tripping,
she hurts you physically, and you kept quiet about it. cause who'll ever believe the new-comer over the person who'd save them from their overblots?
so as the injuries got worse and worse, you could no longer treat it by yourself
so you went to the clinic to hopefully treat yourself without anyone knowing
flinching as you disinfect scars that looked like scratch marks. you sighed, as you haven't even applied cold compress to the bruises
you sluggishly walk to the mini fridge containing ice packs and kneeled
you hissed as one of the bigger bruise was on your knee, and no it doesn't look like you just 'tripped and fell' so you just hid it
you finally broke down. yes life back on earth wasn't easy, but at least there you wouldn't have these constant injuries
plus you were running out of excuses to tell everyone
you just wanted to be left alone. not wanting anyone to see you at your weakest
unfortunately, you went inside the lion's den
rustling of curtain dividers can be perceived as a scary noise. especially in this situation
so you hurriedly wiped away tears but wasn't fast enough
as leona saw and well heard
and you know that lion's are very territorial
"oi what are you crying about, you're ruining my nap" he said yawning
"nothing" you said turning around so you could preserve your last bit of pride
"i smell blood, don't lie" he said coming towards you
"no you don't, go away" making your figure as small as possible
you didn't hear anything for a while, so you assumed it was safe
standing up you fixed your hair and wiped what's left of your tears
you turned around only to be cornered by leona
"i smell blood on you" he said right in your face
he quickly reached for your arm, and there lies scars. old ones that already healed, and new one's that looked like scratch marks
"who did this" he was enraged yet didn't show it. who dares prey on his prey
 you winced, as he was pressing his fingers on your injuries
"i- no one" you paused thinking of a reason "i was just clumsy"
he thought for a second, but lets go the next
so you quickly went back to your not so rundown anymore dorm 
and waited for time to pass to head for class
leona was suspicious, of course as would anybody be in that situation
he became cautious of everyone around you
he was about to give up, until he realized
you were skirmish around yuu
and you weren't like that with literally anybody else
your eyes averting, thumbs fidgeting, body can't stand still
you were normal with him, with floyd, heck even with malleus
but why yuu?
he became suspicious with yuu
I mean it makes sense
he hadn't seen anyone bully or mistreat you anywhere
in fact you're very well liked
no one messes with  you in campus
but what about off?
what if yuu does that in ramshackle?
he was disgusted with yuu
you two are under the same circumstances, so why do that?
was she jealous?
of course she was
humans are greedy
and yuu was a human
you know rumors, they spread like wildfire
leona tells ruggie to keep an eye on yuu
ruggie passes the chore over to jack
jack caves and tells deuce during track
deuce tells ace
ace tells epel, ortho, and sebek
ortho tells idia
epel tells vil
rook overhears
sebek dumps what's on his mind to lilia and silver
they doubt it. but with the evidence and everybody saying it, they got unsure
malleus overhears
azul overhears from a mob and other cast
jade was with him
jade tells floyd
and everyone tells everyone
so from perfect little prefect to major bully in less than a week
yuu got angry looks, and wonders why
she confronts the distant first years, and gets shocked
yuu was angry, of course she was
where had they learned of this?
why would  they believe this?
where are you?
yuu storms off to in search for you
you were at the cafeteria eating, as it was lunch
but you're peace was disturbed by loud stomping and doors opening
you looked up, it was yuu
yuu quickly went to you, grabbing your arm forcing you to stand up
you wince as she presses on your scar
"why are you lying? huh. why are you spreading fake rumors about me? answer me!" she said right in your face
you were tearing up from fear and anger
but you didn't have to answer to her aggressiveness
as leona pulls her away and ace and deuce blocks her
"what's your problem yuu? why are you harassing them!" ace yelled at her
"bu-but it was them who- I didn't do anything" yuu shouted
"don't lie, I saw what you did to her" leona scoffed at her terrible excuse
everywhere yuu looked everyone's eyes are filled with scorn, disbelief, disgust and anger
she looked at riddle whom she saved the life of
he looked away
leona wasn't an option
azul wasn't bothering to look at her
jamil was comforting kalim
vil looked at her  up and down before glaring and looked away
idia wasn't there
the first years hate her
and malleus, oh malleus looked betrayed. he sadly looks at her before turning away with lillia, silver and sebek. the last two glaring at her for making their master sad
"guys.. I didn't do anything" she whispered
but no one listened
you wiped the tears and covered your face, embarrassed of crying in public others presumed
but in reality it's to cover your forming smirk
everyone is dumb
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theomenscouncil666 · 2 months
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Overblot boys agere icons!!
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peskygirl13 · 2 years
The boys tryna date MC BUT MC's jealous Pokémon won't let them.
I kinda wrote something similar to this with Leona in my Savanaclaw Pokemon post here.
I don't use it when playing the game much, but anime-wise Crogunk has always been one of my favorite pokemon.
I always liked its relationship with Brock and how unbothered it was with everything.
Now, onto the ask;
I can just see MC walking around NRC, minding their own business, and a TWST boy of your choice sees that their alone and decides to shoot his shot. Only to get hit in the side with a poison jab from MC's Croagunk who appeared out of nowhere.
I like to think that Crogunk just wanders around the school campus, slightly creeping off the students, and isn't around MC all that much. But the minute that a Twst Boy approaches MC with intentions that aren't platonic, it literally manifests out of thin air to attack.
It's especially harsh on the Overblot boys. First, they tried to kill its trainer, now they're trying to ask its trainer out?
Reverse world, no.
I do actually think that Crogunk would get along with Jade for some reason. Maybe tolerate Floyd.
I could also see it getting along with Crewel because he gives Crogunk snacks in return to study its poison.
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liviavanrouge · 9 months
Ollie's protector
Overblot boys: *Attacking Ollie in their final moments before defeat*
Ogre: *Never failing to jump in and deliver the finishing blows*
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alexisomnias · 1 year
⤷ he'd be a pine tree (— pining trope)
featuring the OVERBLOT BOYS
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RIDDLE ROSEHEARTS         -  knees brushing against each other, leading to deep breaths and giddy feels.
riddle is hopelessly in love with you, to the point its distracting. seriously? how could he let his feelings grow this large to the point he can't even simply go near you without his mind running off to a romantic version of your real relationship. oh, how riddle hopes that daydream would one day become real, but for now. he needs to get back on trac-
"riddle? are you okay?" your voice raises, cutting through and silencing his voice playing loops in his head. he blushes, his hair color blending to his face as his breath catches. stomach churning nervously as he feels your skin brush against his, a blockage in his throat as his head pounds nervously. how much he really wants to hold your hand now, or wrap his arms around you... (when was he so touch starved...?)
"y-yes.. im perfectly fine. thanks for your concern." he nods, gazing away, afraid that even a few more seconds of meeting your eyes would cause the butterflies in his stomach to explode from inside out. why couldn't he just be straight up about his feelings...
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LEONA KINGSCHOLAR        -  taking care of them in the shadows
leona was a blunt man. always straight to the point, and uncaring of others first opinions on him. but with you? oh it seems like nothing that ever comes out of his mouth is honest! its not like he lies to you, its just that he never finishes his full thought. "stop dragging me into trouble" i don't want to see you hurt, "why are you touching me?" you could've asked...
so, what better way of getting out his feelings to anybody but the true object of affection? well simply let himself lie in your shadow. for all those in front of you too gaze and know for, but for you? you won't see the slight affection and care that seeps into his gaze, nor will you know that behind the scenes he is ensuring your life upon arriving to Twisted Wonderland will be nothing but easy and like royalty. for he does not want to ever see you struggle.
so he'll be in your shadow. for him to follow you and love you, for everyone else to see that love except you... until he decides to appear before you once the sun comes out and he's ready to open himself to that level of vulnerability, to step out of the dark and show his face.
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AZUL ASHENGROTTO        -  digging in their interests so that you have common topics to talk about
it was quite well known that azul has many connections, many ways to get information and to utilize it. his office is like an archive for all secrets and importance. but for that section of his brain, it holds everything about you. from silly daydreams, to just everything you like and what could make you happy. he truly had an entire library of thoughts and knowledge dedicated to you only with a key to those who break into his heart whether he'd like it or not. floyd and jade, being two, never left him alone about it.
it was no secret to his two friends that azul was a simp, he'd die before admitting it, but its true! he was utterly floored everytime you smiled at him, everytime you greeted him first. he was down-bad to the point he'd of made it to the bottom of the Mariana trench. Azul only wanted to make you happy, and get to know you better. even if he had no chance to call you a lover, this was far more than enough. so he got into all your interests so he had a common interest with you, no matter how wild, he'd end up loving it because you love it. and he loves you.
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JAMIL VIPER        -  Instant butterflies when you call out their name
"jamil!" you called excitedly, waving him over with a beautiful, utterly handsome smile on your face.
jamil was used to his name being called. from Kalim to the servants in the house. it is common knowledge to know a servant would get his name called, for an order of sorts. to be told. but with you? oh it was so so different... normally everytime his name was called he'd be filled with dread. what would he have to do next? but with you? it is filled with such euphoria. your calling him, you want to talk to him, you want to see him. its such a strange thing to jamil on how his name being called could be so different. from just a simple tone, simple vocal difference. how is it so different everytime you call his name?
jamil would be ready to walk no mattered distance if he could meet you again. ugh.... how did he end up this deep in love? he's merely in high school...
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VIL SCHOENHEIT        - having your every little thing memorized 
vil schoenheit was an actor. master of memorizing lines, and routines of all sorts. and yet, he is also a master of memorizing you. from your lovely smile, to your hair, to your hypnotic eyes. vil has it all remembered as if he's going to chisel an exact replica of you as a statue. this memory of his helps him realize every little emotion you have. your lips are a little bit more curved, are you okay dear? your hair is not in its usual style? what brought up this change? oh you must've gotten new clothes, he's never seen this outfit before.
all of which are in effort of loving you. he truly never thought he'd find the day where of he'd care so much for someone that every bit of them is put into memory. every touch, feeling of skin put into his mind like a note sheet. notes upon notes about every little thing he notices about you... and if you catch him staring..?
"vil? do i have something on my face? you've been staring for a while..."
"oh no, there's nothing there. just noticing the beauty that's made its mark."
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IDIA SHROUD       - dropping everything at their messages
idia wasn't the type for social interaction, in fact any sorts of it he would immediately ditch on. for even if he gets a messaged it would be left on read for weeks, but with you? oh its like theres a personal alarm set for himself! every message, or call you make is received right away. like an update for a game or show, he sees it right away and it immediately leaves him feeling giddy...
for an introvert, anti-socialist, like him. it was unfamiliar to get such a wonderful sensation upon being talked to... being noticed... having someone contact him first, willingly? oh how it felt like the world flipped itself for him, and complied to his wills and wants. and those wants? oh its to call you his... but i guess he got too far caught into the selfshipping delusions for he doubts you'll ever love him above online friend (he's to nervous to meet you face to face. you're so ethereal).
when the notification goes off, the typing bubble immediately comes up. hes not missing your message for the world.
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MALLEUS DRACONIA        - rambling about something you love and all they do is stare at them lovingly
malleus is completely, and totally infatuated with you. every word you speak, every breath you take it has him at the edge of his seat. ready to love and adore whatever you do next. he thinks everything you do is lovely, and worthy of adoration. he especially loves when you tell him about whatever interests you may have. Malleus absolutely adores listening to you.
please, tell him about anything and he'll listen so devotedly. how he loves knowing your comfortable enough around him to tell him and talk about your interests, whether from Twisted Wonderland, or from your world, "earth". anything and everything you tell him he is so ready to listen and learn. its coming from you, its something you consider important. so its only natural he listens.
and when you do rant, he stares and listens. looking at you like your the only thing in his universe, a beautiful sunset of which he's never laid his eyes upon before. a gift given by the world for him to love and cherish. and he'll learn everything about this treasure he has the pleasure of knowing. so... child of man, tell him more.
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WHUMPTOBER 2022 - DAY 7 - Shaking hands & Silent Panic Attack
Leona has probably had panic attacks before but its entirely possible he has no idea what’s going on, I don’t think anybody necessarily took the time to explain it to him. Epel might have some experience with panic attacks since he lives in such a big family.
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coralinnii · 1 year
Just thoughts.
Kind-hearted Yuu!Reader getting so frustrated with the boys not taking care of themselves or causing trouble that they absorbed leftover overblot residue and overblotted themselves. But, instead of harming them, it just turns Yuu into a stronger, more aggressive caretaker with no sh*ts given.
In short, Overblot!Yuu being a hot angry SFW(?) service dom and the NRC boys are surprisingly into it.
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Overblot!Yuu trapping Idia sitting his gaming chair kabedon-style with their new powers and threatening him to "slam him onto his bed until he gets adequate sleep"
Idia.exe stopped working
Overblot!Yuu who will straddle Leona on the ground with a plate of vegetables in hand, demanding him "EAT. YOUR. VEGETABLES"
Leona, ignoring his excited tail whipping: ...make me
Overblot!Yuu grabbing Azul by his uniform scarf, pulling him close as you tell him how perfect he was just the way he is and will stand here YELLING this at him until he gets it through his stupid sexy brain. Cue Overblot!Yuu now yanking Azul out from his octo pot while Jade and Floyd laugh in the background
Overblot!Yuu kicking Floyd down and stepping on his back to stop him from squeezing another student during one of his bad moods, sick of Floyd getting himself into trouble with the teachers for his brawls.
"Stop it or I will tie you to a f*cking pillar"
"Yes, please~"
Overblot!Yuu making Ace kneel in front of you and holding his jaw so they could properly brush his teeth since they caught him sneaking some midnight snacks. Glaring and berating him while still gently holding him and brushing his teeth.
"Damn spoiled brat. At least you can't mouth off to me like this"
Ace can't hear you, he's too far gone.
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agisleepy · 6 months
Everyone after the update:
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Made with:imgflip.com
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ruler-of-thorns · 6 months
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Goodnight, mother
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the-broken-truth · 3 months
Blot-Mates: Yuu & The Overblots [Part 3]
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Summary: Seeing Yuu slightly overworked and complaining about his Magicless Body, Azu attempts to trap in him a contract. Will Yuu agree to the contract? What does Azu want? What are the conditions if Yuu doesn't hold up his end of the deal?
[Note: The Yuu Variant is Male with Enma Yuuken's Body Build, Yuuka Hirasaki's Fighting Skills, and Yuuta Mito's Cooking Skills.]
[Note: This Storyline will be written in Script Format.]
Parts: [Prologue] - [Ri] - [Leo] - [Azu] (Here) - [Jami] - [Vi] - [Idi] - [Mal] - [All] - [Epilogue]
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[After a rather filling breakfast, Azu lounged in the large bathtub, keeping his sensitive skin and tentacles moist. Well... He was trying to relax, but his mind went to the Prefect of Ramshackle who had been taking care of all the Overblots since they were separated from their Original Bodies. Azu had been noticing how the Overblots reacted to Yuu, mainly Leo & Ri, who were rather clingy and overprotective of the Magicless Prefect. Speaking Yuu's Magicless Trait, Azu noticed how tired Yuu was after the day of attending classes with Grim and doing the Headmage's Work, as well as work around the school for the petty amounts of Madols and Thaumarks that the Headmage was throwing at him. Azu was thinking about how he could use this information to his advantage when the door opened and Yuu walked into the bathroom, covered from shoulders to feet soil and his black hair more messy than it normally was.]
Yuu (Walking over to the sink and grabbing a bar of hand soap): Sorry for coming in unannounced, Azu, but the bathroom is currently being used and I need to get washed up so I can make dinner. (Turns on the water and starts washing his hands)
Azu: That's quite alright, Prefect. It would seem that you were rather...busy. Did the Headmage have you digging new flowerbeds in the Botanical Gardens, again?
Yuu: No, I was doing something else. (Exhales)
Azu (Raises an eyebrow with a small smirk on his face): You see rather tired, Prefect. Are you certain you have enough energy to make dinner for all of us tonight?
Yuu (Drying his face and hands with a towel): Honestly, I am very tired, but I refuse to rest until all my boys are full and relaxed themselves.
Azu: 'Your Boys'? You consider us your boys even though we all tried to kill you?
Yuu: Just as I told Ri and Leo, it's not your fault you guys overblotted in the first place.
Azu (Stares at Yuu for a while): Do you think your life would be easier here if you had magic of your own?
Yuu: (Chuckles): There were so many moments where I thought life would be easier for me if I was from Wonderland or had magic of my own, but I am a simple Magicless Human and I have to deal with it.
Azu: What if you don't have to deal with that? What if you could change that?
Yuu (Looks at Azu): What are you getting at?
Azu (Smiles): Make a deal with me, Prefect.
[Just then: A Golden Contract appears in front of Yuu's face, making him jump slightly back before he looked over at Azu, who was waving a Fishbone Pen in his right hand.]
Yuu (Grabs the Golden Contract and starts reading it before looking over at the Smirking Azu): What is the meaning of this?
Azu: It's clear that you want to be like the rest of us: Magical and Powerful. I can grant you that - A magical core and magic of your own...if you can complete the terms of my contract.
Yuu (Reading the Terms with a raised eyebrow): You want a Saltwater Pool/Pond at least 7 to 8 Feet Deep, with concrete floor and walls, constructed in a timespan of...4 Days?! (Looks at Azu) Digging a hole that deep is going to take at least 2 days!
Azu (Smirking): I am a very impatient man, Prefect. I've been in this small tub for a very long time and I want to be able to swim.
Yuu (Looking at the contract): Failure to do so will result in... (Looking at Azu) Seriously? That's what you want in return if I fail to meet the conditions of the contract? That of all things?
Azu: Yes - that's the one thing I have wanted since coming here. So... (Holding up the Fishbone Pen) Do we have a deal, Prefect?
[Yuu looks at the pen for a moment...before smirking at Azu, grabbing the pen, and signing his name on the bottom of the contract before handing it back to Azu; who looks rather shocked that Yuu signed it.]
Yuu (Smirking): See you soon, Azu. (Walks out of the bathroom)
Azu (Chuckling to himself): Oh... You will give me what I want, Prefect, and once I have it, I won't let anyone else take it away from me.
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Ri (Looks at everyone as he lowers his fork from his mouth): Has anyone seen Yuu?
Leo: You're right. He served dinner and left rather quickly. He didn't even want to eat with us...
Idi: Is something wrong with the Prefect? What would have him so panicked?
Mal (Looking at Azu's Smirking Face as he eats): You did something to the Magicless Child, didn't you?
Azu (Sitting in a large clay Octopus Pot that is halfway filled with saltwater): What makes you say that, Mal?
Mal: That devious smirk on your face. What have you done to the Magicless Child?
Azu: I haven't done anything to him... However, we did make a deal.
Ri (Standing up and glaring at Azu): You trapped my brother in a contract with you?! What did you offer him?!
Azu: I offered to make him like us - Magical.
Jami: You can do that?
Azu: Of course. There is nothing the contracts cannot do. I will give him a magic core and magic of his own if he can give me what I want in 4 Days... If not, well... I will get the one thing I wanted since I met him.
Leo: Are you planning to steal Ramshackle away from him, just like you tried to do the first moment you met him?!
Azu: Of course not, I'm no longer interested in Ramshackle. What I want...is something more valuable than Ramshackle or any kind of Unique Magic I could gain.
Jami: What are you after?
Azu: Wouldn't you like to know, Snake?
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[Azu sat in the bathtub in his room with a smirk on his face: He just had to wait a few more hours until the contract's time limit expired and the one thing he desired would be his. Sure, he felt wrong tricking the Prefect into signing the contract knowing that he was never going to finish the task in less than 4 days, but he was doing this for his own selfishness...and the Prefect's Well-Being. Yuu wouldn't understand it at first but as time went on, he would understand and forgive him. All he needed was time. Suddenly, the door opened and Yuu walked in with Azu's Octopus Pot on a wheeled cart with a smile on his face.]
Yuu: I have something to show you, Azu.
[Azu didn't have time to question Yuu as the Prefect walked over to him, wrapped his arms around his waist firmly but tenderly, lifted him out of the tub, and placed him in the pot before wheeling him out of the room, down the hall and out the back door that led into the empty field behind Ramshackle... Well, it wasn't empty anymore.]
[There were two pools about 20 Feet wide each that too up the space of the yard and both of there were lined with lights on the concrete surfaces of each pool so people could see even if they were swimming in the dark. There was a sign near the pool on the left that said 'Azu's Pool'. Yuu wheeled Azu over to the pool and lifted him out of the pot before gently placing him in the warm water, leaving Azu shocked; it was everything he asked for but how did Yuu manage to do it with only a few hours to spare.]
Yuu: What do you think?
Azu: It's... It's perfect, but I don't understand. How did you manage to do all of this within 4 days?! I was certain that you were going to fail!
Yuu (Smiles with a raised eyebrow): Oh, you wanted me to fail, just like how you wanted me to the first time I signed a contract with you?
Azu: I... I...
Yuu: Azu, I am not angry with you. When I saw your Failure Condition, I knew that you just wanted to have something with you: Your Failure Condition was me becoming your Blood Brother.
Azu: (Looks at the water)
Yuu (Places his hand on Azu's head): You didn't need a contract for that, My Octopi. If you want me to be your brother, I don't mind. I'll be your little brother. (Smiling at Azu)
Azu: (Looking up at Yuu with wide eyes)
Yuu: Okay, let's get you back in your pot so I can go make dinner. (Puts Azu back into Octopus Pot)
Azu (Looks at Yuu intently):...
Yuu: Why are you looking at me like that?
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Ri (Looking around the living room): Where is Yuu?
Leo (Looking in the Kitchen): He's not in the kitchen making dinner. Where could our little brother be?
Yuu (In the Backyard): AHHHHHH!!!
[Ri and Leo run through the house and out the backyard door to see Azu trying to pull Yuu into his Octopus Pot with his tentacles: Yuu's legs are kicking outside the opening of the pot.]
[Ri and Leo run over and grab each of Yuu's legs and start pulling him out of the pot but Azu is not letting go.]
Ri: Azu, let him go!
Leo: Give me back my brother, You Clingy Octopus!
Azu: No! He's Mine! My Brother! I am not sharing with any of you! He's mine!
Azu: NO!!!
Yuu (Being used as a tug-o-war rope): GREAT SEVEN, HELP ME!!!
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justanotherfanfolks · 7 months
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Book 4: *exists*
Me: Talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing, showstopping, spectacular-
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