#plot twist
yurizzsblog · 2 days
Plot Twist Ideas
Mystery/Thriller: The detective investigating the crime turns out to be the real culprit, having manipulated the investigation to cover their tracks.
Science Fiction: The protagonist discovers that their reality is a simulated world created by advanced AI, and they are actually a sentient program fighting for freedom.
Fantasy: The hero learns that the powerful artifact they seek is actually cursed, and using it will bring about the very disaster they were trying to prevent.
Romance: The seemingly perfect love interest is revealed to be a spy sent to gather information, but they have genuinely fallen in love and must choose between their mission and their heart.
Horror: The protagonist realizes that the haunted house is alive and feeding off their fear, growing stronger with every attempt to escape.
Drama: The main character's long-lost sibling, thought to be dead, reappears and has been living a completely different life with a new identity.
Adventure: The treasure map the adventurers have been following is a fake, designed to lead them into a trap set by a rival seeking to eliminate them.
Historical Fiction: The key historical figure the protagonist is trying to save is actually orchestrating events to ensure their own rise to power at the expense of everyone else.
Crime: The person the protagonist has been trying to protect and clear of wrongdoing is actually the mastermind behind the entire criminal operation.
Supernatural: The ghosts haunting the protagonist are not trying to scare them away, but rather warn them about a much greater, impending danger.
Comedy: The series of unfortunate events and misunderstandings leading to chaos were all part of an elaborate, unintentional prank by a well-meaning but clueless character.
Young Adult: The protagonist discovers that their best friend, who has been helping them navigate their newfound powers, is actually the villain who gave them the powers in the first place.
Dystopian: The oppressive regime that the protagonist is fighting against was originally established by their own ancestors in a well-meaning attempt to create a utopia.
Psychological Thriller: The protagonist's supposed allies are figments of their imagination, created by their mind to cope with a traumatic past.
Epic Saga: The seemingly invincible antagonist is revealed to be a future version of the protagonist, who has gone down a dark path and become corrupted by power.
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new-kit-on-the-block · 7 months
How I think I look when setting up twists
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How I actually look
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yandere-writer-momo · 25 days
Why write the usual when I can make everybody sad? This is a different take on the Yandere trope with the reality of being involved with someone who is obsessed with you (worse case scenario).
Yandere Short Stories: The Consequences
Yandere Ex Husband x Deceased Fem Reader
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“(Your name)?” Alec stepped back in disbelief, his hands rubbed his eyes to make sure that the figure in front of him was really real. “(Your name)! Oh my god!”
Alec ran towards the young woman and wrapped his arms around her in a tight hug. His whole body trembled as his hazel eyes began to spill salty tears. He couldn’t believe it… he couldn’t believe this was real.
Her hair still smelled like (scent)… this couldn’t be a dream! This had to be reality! Yes… she came back to see him again.
They were together so many years ago and then she vanished into thin air. To see her again was like a dream come true! To know she was still on this earth and she had returned to his side was all the relief he needed.
Alec pressed a kiss to her head before he pulled away so his hands could hold her face. His thumbs traced over her pink lips as a sad smile crawled on his lips.
“You… you don’t look a day over twenty six…” Alec’s brow furrowed. How did she still look so young when it’s been over a decade since they last saw each other? How was that even possible?
(Your name) softly smiled at him, her hands rose up to gently hold the backs of his palms. Her hands were like ice… no. Her hands were as cold as death.
“This isn’t real, none of this is.” (Your name)’s voice was barely above a whisper. “I died, silly. Don’t you remember?”
“No… you’re not dead.” Alec’s lip quivered and his eyes became crazed. “You can’t be dead, we just had an argument was all.”
“Yes… and you killed me. Don’t you remember?” (Your name)’s form slowly began to melt away into that of a rotted corpse. “You stabbed me to death and buried me in the garden.”
“No! No, I didn’t…” Alec began to sob and shake his head. There was no way… he didn’t. He wouldn’t have… he loved her!
“It’s too late, Alec. What’s done is done.” (Your name) the crumbled onto the floor in a pile of bones.
Alec fell to the floor in a panic. Her tried to piece back together her bones back together but it was futile. “No! Please stay with me!”
Hot tears flowed down his cheeks, another sob racked through his chest. He pulled her skull toward his chest to cradle it. “I’m sorry… I just didn’t want you to leave me! We were so happy and… I wanted you to be happy forever.”
Alec continued to sob on the floor that slowly melted away into that of a white padded cell. Reality slowly began to slip in.
(Your name) would be happy forever in death while he would rot forever in this padded cell. This was the reality of his kind of love. This was the consequence of his actions.
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catfindr · 1 year
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damnitdani1 · 1 year
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oddheadd · 2 months
Perfect Husband
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You didn't have that much experience with guys, and the little things you did experience weren't good at all. Everything felt so... Empty. The "Wyd" texts and shallow conversations at the bar didn't satisfy you. You knew what you wanted, and you decided to go for it.
So when you met him it felt so real and unreal at the same time.. He felt real as in he understood you, he engaged in interesting conversations and knew just what was the best for you.
...And he felt unreal as in he wasn't... Human? Like a man from 19th century novels, he was gentle, polite, relatable but mysterious enough to keep you wanting him. The problem before was everybody acting same, now you were weirded out with how unique he was? You started thinking you were the problem.
Therefore, after a few months of dating, when he set up a beautiful dinner table for you two, with candles, flowers, perfectly cooked delicacies and asked you to marry him, you said yes.
You cut the steak and...
"Oh... This seems raw..?"
"It's medium rare, dear. But I won't feel bad if you don't want to eat it." - he smiled.
You felt lucky. So, you cut a piece of it, and put the red, moist and almost slimy piece of meat in your mouth. His smile widened as he watched you do so. You chewed and chewed, trying not to think too much about the texture or the taste, instead washing it down with red wine and forcing a smile.
The night ended with him gently holding and kissing you, while not so gently fucking into you. It felt almost like a reward for accepting his proposal, and the amount of times he made you cum only supported that theory.
The wedding happened shortly after, him making sure it was as big or as small as you wanted.
Everything after that felt like a dream... In a literal sense. You found yourself derealizating on more occasions than you can remember. Feeling dizzy, out of the place and unreal was then a daily accurance for you. And you didn't quite feel comfortable with talking about it with your husband.
But it didn't matter... Not as long as at the end of the day you laid in his arms.
However, even that comfort was broken when only weeks after your marriage, he started staying at his job later and later... As soon as he got home he'd take a shower, too.
Suspecting that your husband was cheating, you decided to follow him one day.
The day went on fine, he stayed at his job til 8, but then he left. You quietly followed, wanting to catch him in the act. He... Went into the woods..? Was he actually fucking someone in the woods? Then you saw another person... But they seemed to not be aware of your husband being there. In fact, he was watching them... Stalking them like a predator would to a prey. The person was obviously wasted, having come in the woods to relieve themself.
Your dear husband got up from his hiding spot, and approached the person... And so you watched in horror as his limbs started twisting unnaturally, making popping and cracking sounds as, his skin changing it's color into a dark red, almost a bloody color. He turned into something incomprehensible... A monster.
His now inhumane looking jaw unclenched, opening so wide he could swallow a man whole, and he took a generous bite out of the person, their bloodcurdling screams not loud enough to bury the sound of your ears ringing.
Despite the scenery being hard to look at, you turned around to leave, but stumbled and fell down with a loud noise.
Your husband's head turned towards you slowly, and his smile fell.
The dream turned into a nightmare.
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Man I just love creepy, cannibalistic, eldrich monsters/gods and not in an only ha they're sexy way (I blame the movie Ritual)
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noname-404s-blog · 10 months
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tanked-up · 5 months
Ghost: Mornin- Woah.
Soap half dead in the kitchen trying to make some sandwiches: What.
Ghost: You have those things under your eyes…
Soap: What thing?
Ghost: You know… the dark things under the eyes
Soap: Like… baggy eyes?
Ghost: Uhh, I think so?
Soap: Simon.
Ghost: Yeah…?
Soap: Ye’ kept fucking kicking me off the bed, dumbass
Ghost: EXCUSE ME, I am NOT a kicker
Ghost: You were hallucinating, Johnny…
Soap: Mhm…
(Night time)
Soap mumbling: Fuckin idiot, let’s see how it feels
(Soap waits till Ghost is asleep and proceeds to kick him off the bed)
Soap: That was a pretty big thud-
Gaz and Price from the outside hearing their yelling: They wanted to stay together, that’s what they get
Gaz scoffs: Pls, they’ll be all over each other in the next five minutes, give it time
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steepedfoxglovetea · 6 months
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I don’t know what possessed me to make this.
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cutecatlov3r · 1 year
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izuku midoriya x reader ! (fem)
synopsis: when an innocent religious boy comes into your hands the only thing you can do is ruin his pure mind.
word count: 3.5k
warnings/tw: all characters are 18+, no quirks, college AU, corruption, mentions religion, a little bit of disrespect about religion, praise, oral (m!), hickeys, masturbation(?), facial, finger sucking, hair pulling, piv, unprotected sex, and... I'll let you figure it out.
a/n: gah this is a virgin izuku book >///<... stay tuned for the end... trust me, you want to read it. oh and please like, comment. and re-blog ily ! don't copy my work. not proofread. who wants a part 2 ?…
song: HEAVEN AND BACK [Chase Atlantic]
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You yawned, moving through the crowded party. Sighing, you tried looking for your roommate, Mina Ashido. You must admit, you already have had a couple of drinks so you were pretty buzzed, walking around all the flashing lights didn't make your mind feel any more at ease.
"Y/n?~" a voice asked you. It was a feminine voice, a voice you knew way too well.
You turned around to see your roommate. She looked drunk off her ass. Her hair was frizzing up, her shirt covered in alcohol, and her eyes barely open. You shook your head, snapping a picture of her to show her in the morning.
You giggled, watching her stumble into your arms.
"Mina, are you ready to go home?" you asked, only a bit concerned for her well-being. She can get a little crazy at parties
"Y/n~ Noooooo, I don't wanna go home yet~ *hic* Plus you still haven't even met my *hic* friends~" she slurred, furrowing her eyebrows.
The whole reason you were at the party is to meet Mina's 'Out of town' friends. Oh, trust me, you've met her main group, sleeping with all of them whenever you feel like it. You couldn't help yourself! You regularly call Bakugou over to fuck you whenever you want him to, but that's a whole different story.
"Mina? Oh! Mina! There you are," a familiar face said, sighing in relief. The familiar face was none other than Shoto Todoroki, you've met him a few times, he didn't go to your university. Not to say that you two fucked or anything but you guys definitely did some hand stuff not too long ago.
Shoto is from a Christian school, he doesn't believe in the ways of God but he is forced to go. Every weekend he comes to your university's parties to disobey his father and obey his own beliefs. He is an atheist, not caring for religions, you can say the same thing.
"Aw, Shoto! I didn't know you were here," you teased, giving the boy a tight hug. You adored his sensitive reactions to your slightest touch. He hugged you back.
"I didn't see you here, glad to know you're here though," he smiled, holding on to your waist. Was he being more bold today? You rolled your eyes, taking his hands away from your waist, the only thing on your mind was making sure Mina got home safely. You shouldn't get distracted by Shoto's charms.
"Where's *hic* Zu... Zuku... And Chako?" Mina cried, shaking Shoto's shoulders. Shoto looked at your calm face, pausing his train of thought before turning back to Mina.
"He's upstairs, he needed some air. You know how he gets around crowded places. And Ochako is with Jirou and Hagakure," Shoto replied, shrugging.
Mina shook her head, too dazed to say anything to Shoto.
"Zuku?" you questioned. You were unfamiliar with the name. You knew Ochako, only due to her relations with your girl friends.
"Izuku," Shoto corrected. "He's a friend of ours from my school, could you go and grab him? I think he's ready to go home, he doesn't do so well around big crowds. I'll try and get Mina out of the house too, she looks really... Not well..." he muttered.
Mina whined, protesting against him. Of course she wanted to stay but she needed to leave, she was well over being blacked out.
"Don't make us call Sero, you know he will whoop your ass," you commented, sternly.
Mina shut her mouth, quickly. "Yes ma'am," She was ready to comply with whatever you guys said.
"He's in the last room down the hallway," Shoto explained, picking up Mina. He tossed her over his shoulder, trying to get through the crowd.
You nodded. All you have to do is grab Shoto's friend, you trust Shoto enough to leave him with Mina. You know he'd never do anything to make a woman uncomfortable, ever.
You made your way upstairs. The bass of the music made the entire house shake. You were surprised the party hadn't gotten a noise complaint yet. Moans and groans filled the hallway you walked through, horny adults probably filled every single room available for access. You made a mental note to call Bakugou over tonight for some fun.
Eventually you reached the last door of the hallway. Slowly, you opened the wooden door. The room seemed empty from the looks of it, you decided to look around. A huge bed was in the middle of the room, furniture organized around. The room did have a nice color pallet, white and gold. The two colors that embody purity, you loved them.
"Izuku?" you called out, exploring the dim lighted room.
The door to the balcony opened, stepping into the room with you was a fluffy green haired boy. The darkness of the room was hard to really see any features of him. The moonlight from outside did let you see the little freckles displayed on his face though.
"U-um... Who... Are you?" the male asked, shutting the door behind him quickly.
"Are you Izuku?" you asked, wondering if you might have gotten the wrong room.
The boy nodded his head.
"Oh, Shoto wanted me to come and grab you," you conversed. You walked over to a bedside table, turning on the lamp that was on it. You didn't really enjoy being in the dark. Once you turned around you finally saw the man you were speaking too. His eyes averted from your figure, you were in a proactive outfit that showed all of your natural curves. He wore a regular shirt and jeans but what had your full attention was the silver cross that dangled from him neck. One word... Innocence.
A sinister smirk appeared on your lips. "Or we can stay here and get to know each other," you suggested, shrugging. You sat on the bed, waiting for Izuku to join you. Izuku was flustered by your boldness. He took a deep breath, thinking back on what Shoto had told him about meeting new people. He never really came out to parties, usually the only places he went that had lots of people is church.
He made his way to your lustful energy. Izuku sat on the bed with you. "I'm Y/n," you greeted.
"I'm Izuku Midoriya," he said, giving an unsure smile.
His emerald colored eyes were a sight to see, they were beautiful. You shook your head, snapping back into reality. Izuku just stared at your own hypnotizing gaze.
"I heard you go to Shoto's school. You believe in God?" you asked, curiously.
"W-what?! Of course I do! God is my ruler. He is my only God," Izuku rambled. You thought his little ramble about God was adorable. He seemed very passionate about his religious beliefs.
All you could do was shrug. "I can't relate but I respect your beliefs,"
"Why can't you relate? Do you not believe in our lord and savior?"
You shook your head 'no', earning an audible gasp from Izuku.
"What? W-why not?"
You began to feel annoyed by the way he was talking. "Izuku, don't you ever have temptations?" you questioned, trying to explain how you feel.
Izuku began to look off to the side. "We aren't supposed to..."
"Well! We are human! We can't help how we feel," you interrupted, laughing.
Izuku cocked his eyebrow. "I never follow my temptations. They must be kept away, giving into them is a sin,"
You rolled your eyes at the word 'sin'. It rolled off his tongue so smoothly, you were buzzed from the party earlier so maybe that's why you decided to say...
"Have you ever sinned?"
Izuku looked at you, his mouth hung agape. You bet he never expected you to ask him such a personal question.
"O-of course not!" he said, furrowing his eyebrows. He seemed offended by the question.
You hummed to yourself, leaning close to the poor boy's face. Suddenly, you found yourself straddling his empty lap. He didn't dare touch or look at you, he was easily embarrassed. His face was a beet red hue. His hands nor face paid attention to the temptation of your body.
"You've never..." you thought. Smirking, you leaned into his ear, "Touched yourself?" you finished. Your breath was close against his neck, making him shiver underneath you.
Izuku's heart beat felt rapid. He had no words, seemingly. Taking a deep breath, he shook his head. He did not partake in such sinful acts.
You almost laughed in his face thinking he was joking. But on further inspection, he seemed dead serious. This made you excited. You loved sleeping with virgins. They always had the whiniest moans and the warmest cum. You loved taking advantage of them, making sure to make them feel pathetic.
Your hand crept up to his face, grabbing his cheek. "Do you want me to show you how to touch yourself, Izuku?" you asked, as innocently as you could.
And with that, you felt something hard underneath you, this boy had gotten a boner, a boner that you wanted to get rid of.
"I...I shouldn't," Izuku mumbled, feeling as if he were spinning.
Your lips found their way on his neck, sucking on his soft skin softly. He let out a whimper, his whimper made you want to go insane. But! You know you should take it slow, it is his first time after all.
"Do you want me to touch you?" you asked, feeling your core already to start to burn.
"It's a sin to lie, isn't it?" you teased, not really knowing if it was a sin or not.
"Touch me,"
With that being said, you smashed your lips against his. Izuku let you kiss him. But what got him more interested was when you slipped your tongue into his mouth. He seemed like a natural to you. Your tongues were in sync, making you want him even more.
After releasing your kiss to breathe in some air, you looked into his eyes. Lust. He was being lustful in this moment with you. It made you eager to ruin him.
"What do you want me to do to you?" you asked, pushing his back on to the bed. He laid under you as you sucked on his skin, making sure to leave purple marks. They way he crumbled under your touch felt so sexy to you.
"D...Do w-whatever you want to me," he moaned, finally having the courage to put his hands on your waist. They ran up and down your hips. grinding your body slightly on his hard clothed cock.
You smiled, removing your clothes, only having a bra and panties on, this would be his first time seeing a woman naked. You felt excited knowing that. You helped Izuku get him own clothes off, leaving him in his boxers. The tent built up in them almost had you drooling at the sight.
He couldn't look you in the eyes, he stared at the ground, holding his cheeks to relieve them as they were burning. You were stood up, Izuku's legs draped over the bedside, he was anticipating for more.
Getting on your knees, you made sure Izuku kept his eyes directly on you.
"I'm going to show you how to please yourself, kay?" you said, pecking his lips.
"H-ow do I do that...?" he asked, almost stuttering.
Instead of explaining, you grabbed his hand. You wanted to tease him before touching him. You let your warm tongue touch the pads of his finger tips. You noticed his dick twitch due to your action. You began to suck softly and slowly, Izuku was in a trance, wishing it were his cock instead.
"Let me see it now, Zuku,"
Izuku felt his blush come back to him, he must've felt too embarrassed to pull out his cock, he kept stuttering and rambling on and on. You rolled your eyes, playfully, finding your own hands to be the one to reveal his dick. His dick was long and thick, you've never seen such a perfect one.
He whined as your soft hands started pumping his dick slowly.
"This is how to please yourself, give me your hand," you ordered.
Without any thought Izuku gave you his hand. You wrapped his own hand around his dick, making him pump it himself.
"Does that feel good baby?" you asked, ready to make him feel even more relieved.
"Y-yes," he moaned.
You grazed your thumb over the tip making him feel jolts of pleasure.
After watching him pump his cock in front of you a few times, you were ready to wrap your lips around his length. You wanted him to cry out your name- No- You needed him to cry out your name.
You took off Izuku's hand from his own length, giving him your full attention.
"Keep your eyes on me Izuku," you said, in a serious tone.
He nodded his head, fast.
You stuck out your tongue to lick the tip of his dick. He tossed his head back, making you feel more heated. In an instant, you took his whole tip in your mouth, sucking on it soft and slow. He groaned, trying to stop the urge to grab your hair. You noticed his hand hovering over your head, was he trying to be respectful? You rolled your eyes, grabbing his hand and placing it in your own hair.
"You can pull my hair baby, don't be shy,"
Izuku blushed at your words but found his fingers gripping right where your scalp is. You loved it, he's learning so easily.
Your wet tongue ran up and down his shaft, earning moans and groans from Izuku. He started to gain more confidence, moving your head down further. He wanted you to take him fully but he was too shy to say.
After a few minutes of pants, moaning, and suckling noises, you felt Izuku get more tense and sloppy as he moved your head. He was close to cumming.
"This... Feels so good," he moaned, his hips rutting upwards on instinct.
"You're such a good boy, does the good boy wanna cum?" you asked, rubbing his dick in your hands. Both of your hands rubbed him in all the right ways.
"C-cum?" Izuku questioned.
Oh of course! He is a virgin, he doesn't know about these things. The cross around his neck was connected to his chest due to the sweat. You laughed in your head, knowing you're stealing one of God's little angels.
"You'll understand when it happens, for now, just lay back and let me make you feel good, hm?"
Izuku understood, laying back down, propping himself on his elbows to look at your face.
You continued to suck on him, anticipating to feel his warm cum on your face.
"W-wait!" Izuku shouted, a look on his face signified he was unfamiliar by the feeling.
You knew what this meant, you kept using your hands and tongue faster.
"A-ah no! Something... Ah~ No I think I'm going to-"
You took out his cock from your mouth, rubbing it up and down while he shot his hot cum on your face. He felt ecstasy.
"S-so good!" he praised, panting.
You licked up all of the cum you could off of his dick, making sure he watched. His face was red.
"That was too good," Izuku said, sitting upwards. He got up to grab his shirt off of the floor. You sighed, understanding he was ready to leave.
"What? Leaving too so-"
He wiped the cum off of your body, feeling embarrassed that you have his sperm all over your cute face. Your cheeks burned up, no one has taken care of you after doing something like that.
"S-sorry about that," he apologized, rubbing the back of his neck.
You gave him a smile, feeling an unfamiliar sensation deep down in your heart. "It's no problem," you said, taking a seat on the bed.
Izuku sat next to you.
"T-thanks for that... I've never done anything like that before," he sighed.
"You think we're done?" you giggled. Of course you weren't!
"Are we not?" Izuku asked, confused.
You shook your head, straddling Izuku's lap. This time instead of being so shy, he seemed less anxious, comfortable, and familiar. His hands gripped your waist, guiding your hips to grind against his dick, causing him to get hard once again.
"Let me ruin you Izuku," you whispered, kissing him passionately. He kissed you back, wanting everything from you. He needed you.
"Please y/n... Ruin me,"
All you could do was smile at his words, he was ready for you and only you.
You got off Izuku, slowly removing your panties. After removing them you sat back down on Izuku's lap.
"What are we doing next?" he asked, fiddling with his hands.
You honestly didn't need foreplay, you were ready for him. You were ready to ruin him, to make him connected to you by soul ties.
"Izuku, lay down," you demanded.
Izuku did exactly what you said, laying down right in the center of the bed, his body propped into the soft, silky pillows.
You crawled over to him like a hunter stalking its prey. You had no hesitation to pounce on him. You hovered yourself over his dick, wanting to see his facial expressions as you put it in. Though you weren't a fan of riding, you always were when it came to virgins.
Your eyes landed upon the cross around Izuku's neck. God can't help his poor soul now.
Slowly, you began to sink down on Izuku's cock.
"Warm... So good," he whispered.
Your gummy walls held onto his dick tightly. The lewd noises you were making were beyond comprehension.
"I can't... Too much," Izuku whined, closing his eyes, holding on to your hips.
"You can take it baby, so big and ready to fill me up," you said, finally pushing yourself on his dick fully.
He let out a moan.
You allowed him to get familiar with the sensation of your walls, not wanting him to cum so quickly.
You began to move yourself up and down, Izuku's hands attached to your hips as you rode him.
His dick filled you up, hitting all the right spots. You moaned, sinking down on his cock.
Moans and whimpers could be heard throughout the room. This feeling is one that you could never give up.
Over time you began to pick up the pace, Izuku was huffing and taking deep breaths as you sped up. He was so sensitive after you made him cum earlier, he wanted to try and make you feel good too, which is why it's taking everything in him not to cum right then and there.
"F-fuck Izuku~" you moaned, feeling the knot in your stomach ready to be released.
You felt yourself moving faster, wanting to chase your own orgasm.
"G-god! So good! I can't hold it in," Izuku whimpered.
You smirked at his words. "God can't help you Izuku," you said, slyly.
For some odd reason that turned Izuku on even more, rutting his hips upwards. He hugged your waist, slamming you down on his cock. You were surprised by his actions but didn't care, he was eager, it's his first time, of course he was.
You wrapped your arms around his shoulders, feeling your orgasm near closer and closer. You couldn't help your eyes rolling back, it all was too much!
His dick hit your favorite spot, earning loud moans.
"Right there Izuku~" you panted, almost sounding like you were whining.
Izuku understood, moving your hips faster. Fucking into you as much as he could, hitting your spot over and over, continuously.
"Gon-Gonna cum!" you cried, ready to become undone.
Izuku just couldn't contain himself, his dick went in as much as it could, his hot seed pumping inside of you. The warmth of his cum made you reach your climax.
You both panted for air. You got off of the boy, laying beside him. That fucking session was a pretty damn good one.
"Thank you Y/n. I've never felt so alive," Izuku said, turning to face you. He had a smile plastered on him. His smile made your heart flutter.
Your stamina was all used up, you could barely look him in his eyes. You were happy to be of assistance for him.
"You were such a good boy," you said, leaning into kiss him.
He grabbed your cheeks, kissing you until you fell asleep. He wanted to take such good care of you after you helped him out. He placed a cover on top of you, admiring your cute face.
"Asleep already?" Izuku asked.
You didn't hear a word he said, already fast to sleep. You were insanely worn out.
He giggled slightly, kissing the top of your forehead.
"Fucking idiot," he muttered, rolling his eyes and getting off of the bed in search for his boxers. "When Shoto said it'd be this easy... I didn't think he meant this easy," he commented, ripping off the cross necklace from his neck. He threw it somewhere in the room, not caring for things like 'God'.
Once he found his boxers, he walked over the the dresser, taking out his phone, hidden behind some perfumes, which was recording the whole scene between the two of you.
"Too damn easy," he smirked, checking the video quickly to see if it captured everything, and trust me, it did.
3 Missed calls from Ochako <3
Izuku scoffed at his notifications, dialing the missing call back. He didn't want to deal with her bullshit right now, he wanted to smoke a quick cigarette before having to be by her side all night. The phone number answered quickly.
"Where are you babe? You've been missing for awhile now," the girl said, sounding worried.
"I just needed some air, I'll meet up with you in a bit,"
"Okay honey, bye, I love you,"
"I love you too,"
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witchesaandbitches · 8 months
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minasvalentine · 7 months
fnaf movie spoilers!!
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his face literally said "and here we go"
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catfindr · 7 months
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another-goblin · 7 months
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He snek
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moonlightchildz · 3 months
a yearning anticipation; jk
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summary: your lover, jungkook, has confessed to devote himself only to you
rating & warnings: M, smut, use of marijuana, creampie, doggy, f. receiving, m. receiving, mouth fucking, missionary, pwp!
Part One I:
The clock ticking was in by no way helping your anticipation. Anxious eyes flickered to the round object every few or so minutes, eyebrows furrowing as you tried concentrating at the task at hand. Your hand held the pen, but the sticky note in front of you was scribbled with a few words of your incoherent thoughts. Your manager seemed occupied as he talked amongst a group of coworkers about the oncoming project.
“Damn it,” you muttered out, spinning your pen over so you could scribble over the same sentence you’ve been working on for the past thirty minutes.
“Okay, if you haven’t finished planning out your outline then I suggest you take the rest of your time to do so. Remember it’s due tonight!”
Your notebook, laptop, and the stupid sticky notes that were useless were already packed inside your bag rather hastily, your finger already shutting the zipper. The ride home was spent with you scrolling through your messages.
jk: baby, same place & time
Your heart hammered as you raced to get home to get ready for the night. It gave you such thrill that he always chose and made time specifically for you. In return you mad sure to doll up and get sexy for him. The desire was already eating you up, making your body hot, wet, and sticky with pure arousal. God, you needed him inside you so badly already. You wanted him to devour you already. It had been ages since you last saw him. You were buzzing all the way over to this place, applying lipstick knowing it would smudge all over him and his clothes.
A special knock was made between the two of you and as soon as the door opened you shoved right past him.
“Make love to me.”
He slammed you against the door, hips pressed against your core as you shamelessly opened your legs wider for him. His fingers tangled themselves into your hair, tugging softly at the roots of your hair so he could angle your mouth directly against his. He was breathing erratically, haughtily glancing down at you. He watched how responsive you were to him, loving how just with the trace of his lips ghosting upwards your neck, mouth leaving open hot, wet kisses behind, drove you completely crazy. Your breathing had picked up, thighs starting to grind against each other.
“I’ve missed you,” He hotly breathed out against your mouth before momentarily kissing you again. You nodded, panting already as you tried to reel him back against your lips again.
“I love you,” you said in between heavy breathing kissing and he easily lifted you up. Your arms instantly went around his neck, a gasp escaping your lips as you felt the bulging of his muscles.
“Yeah,” he smirked, his teeth sinking down on your bottom lip. “I know that already, baby.”
He slightly pulled away from you and as he watched you follow in pursuit trying to still get a taste of his lips with your eyes still closed, he smiled against your lips.
“Bed? Couch? Carpet? Kitchen counter?” He began to list off as his lips trailed down the crook of your neck now, causing you to shiver against his warm body. You tilted your head, a soft moan managing to slip out of your lips already as his lips softly nibbled on your skin.
“Everywhere, I don’t care,” you whined out, hands gripping on to his biceps. “Fuck, you’re so fucking hot.” You blurted out without thinking.
You could feel his grin against your skin.
“I could say the same thing about you, princess.” He hummed out, tongue sweeping your collarbones now. He nipped and sucked, leaving behind his mark on your body in his wake. And you shamelessly mewled over it, fingers tugging at his shaggy mop of hair.
“Let’s do bed first. I feel like my neighbors might have missed us.”
He threw you on the bed, hand on the back of his shirt as he began to dispose of it. His shirt slowly rode up his body, and you were watching him like a fucking hawk as you propped yourself up on your elbows, eyes taking in his well taut body. Months without seeing his body had definitely not prepared you for now. He was bulkier, his arms and thighs had gotten bigger, thicker and you couldn’t be more happier as you eyed the happy trail that led into his low hung jeans. Veins ran up his arms, his tattooed fingers looking quite tempting to suck on. It didn’t help that his biceps bulged as he balled up his shirt and flung it somewhere in his room.
The teasing asshole tried to slowly dispose of his rings, lustful eyes taking you in as you began to fling your tank top off your body. You were already halfway from slipping out of your shorts when you softly moaned out, “Please keep them on and choke me already.”
“Fuck,” he groaned out, sounding almost in pain as he saw your bare breast in full display already. You were a teasing little shit as your ran your hand over your breasts, a finger tweaking your nipple as you gasped at the sensation.
He was there in seconds, crawling on top of you. You urged him as you helped him by pulling him up by his arms to kiss him roughly on the mouth. Your legs were spread open for him, hips rutting against his harden cock.
“I need you.” You moaned out, desire beginning to overwhelm your body.
“And you don’t think I don’t?” He retorted as easily. His hands were hooking on to the band of your poor excuse of underwear. It practically only covered your cunt and the rest was just lace. “But you’re not wet enough, baby. At least, not yet.”
His fingertips skimmed your thighs as he threw your underwear behind his shoulder. He teasingly ran his index finger down your slit, gathering all of your dripping juices while groaning at the sight in front of him. He slowly began to roll figure eights on to your clit with the back of his thumb, dark gaze drinking your reactions in. There was a cocky grin laced on his pretty face, watching in fascination as you arched your back, mouth slightly open, and eyes screwed shut.
“Still so responsive to me, huh? Baby still loves it when I touch her, mhm?”
“Yes,” your voice hitched, becoming a soft mewl in response. Just the sound of his voice made you a horny, hot mess. 
He muttered out, “So wet for me, already? You missed me that much?”
His fingers were buried inside you, gathering up your moans and relishing in them. He loved teasing you, watching your mouth spell out his name as he curled his fingers inside of you, your slick making his movements more easier. Watching seemed torture for him so he knelt down, burying his mouth into your pussy.
“I’ve missed this pretty pussy so much,” he moaned against your cunt and your fingers fisted the sheets, tugging harder as his mouth sucked on your clit harshly. You had forgotten the sex between the two of you. God, who were you kidding. Of course you couldn’t forget the sex, not when he was eating you out like a deprived man.
“Oh God, oh fuck,” you whimpered out, the sensation driving you to the point of becoming so sensitive.
You could feel his tongue sliding in and out of your hole, curling and mouth slurping with his nose brushing against your clit. Your legs had begun to quiver, your hips had began to move to the movement of him tongue fucking you. Your fingers had weaved into his damp hair, cunt grinding directly on to his tongue. You felt breathless, toes digging into the mattress as your loud moans filled his room.
“Please, please, Jeongguk,” you were panting now, legs beginning to quiver from delight. You were squirming underneath him and his hand pinned you by your hip, keeping you still as his tongue slid into your hole.
“I’m sososo close, fuck me,” you incoherently began to spill out, mind and mouth becoming numb. Instead of coherent words coming out, moans were slipping from your lips, eyes rolling to the back of your head from the intensity.
he chuckled as he slid his fingers inside you while sucking on your clit. that alone has you a numbing mess as he sucked until your sensitive body gave out and you came right on his tongue. he allowed you to gather your senses, kissing your forehead, hands rubbing on your sides for gentle comfort. love emitted from his actions, only making you more eager to return the favor to your lover. it was soon enough, that your tongue slid up his cock, mouth wrapping around the tip of his cock. It was prettily glancing up at you, precum beginning to drip down the base of it. You hollowed out your cheeks, tongue sliding against the shaft before slowly taking it in your mouth. You slurped and sucked until Jeongguk’s fingers curled up against the bed sheets.
Jungkook had his arm swung over his eyes, soft panting emitting from his lips. His thighs were spread apart with you in between them on your knees, happily sucking his cock away like the good girl you were. At one point your fingers were digging into his meaty thighs, earning such responsive whimpers from him in return. He was moaning your name softly over and over again, incoherently saying into air, “f-fuck yeah, just l-like that.”
His fingers tangled themselves into your damp hair, tugging slightly harshly. he couldn’t help it, it just felt so fucking good. he was losing control just having your mouth around his fucking cock. his nerves were all over the place but your mouth wiped away every single thought out of his conscious.
“Such a good girl for me huh?” he bucked into your mouth, voice coming out low and headily. “Sucking my cock into your pretty little mouth like that.”
Your eyes fluttered open, humming along in agreement. He nodded, jaw slack as he stared right at you in the eye. He almost blew into your mouth right then, but how couldn't he when his pretty baby was sucking him dry. But he needed to cum inside of you. He needed to finish inside your pussy so badly.
“Baby, you’re such a slut,” he cooed out and you moaned out. He lost it. Your hands were fisting the rest that couldn’t fit, head bobbing up down as his cock slid inside your mouth. Watching Jeongguk lose himself like that, whimpering nonsense into the air, “so, so, so good to me.”
“Let me—”
“No,” he shoved you back against the bed, and he began crawling over you to pin your arms above your head. “Spread your legs for me, baby.” He ordered, voice low and raspy. “I know you love to.”
You spread your legs for him, and he teasingly grinded himself over your dripping cunt, the tip of his cock nudging your clit ever so deliciously. A low, strangled moan escaped your lips as he rolled his hips against yours and he kissed you, catching it between his lips, eating off from it. He coated his cock with your juices, grunts coming from his pretty lips as his grip tightened around your hands. His fingers intertwined with yours, pressing them against the mattress as he rolled his hips against yours, each thrust gliding his thick cock against your dripping cunt.
“yes, yes,” you whimpered out in desperation. “Fill me up. Get inside of me and cum all you want,” you begged him, pleading as your fingers dug into his.
Instead Jungkook just placed his lips against the shell of your ear, teeth softly nibbling your earlobe, tongue following pursuit to trace down from your ear to the crook of your neck as he continued to run his tongue all over your burning skin.
“Please, I need you,” you choked out, tears welling up in your eyes. “Please.”
“I know, princess,” he roughly grunted out, teeth biting down his bottom lip.
He leaned against his side, his veiny hand tightly gripping your thigh as he hitched it over his waist. He kissed you hungrily and so desperately. His tongue rolling over yours, nipping and sucking at your bottom lip as you exhaled deeply and shakily. Your hands had wandered up from his broad shoulders to his dark hair, tugging at it as you eagerly obeyed and parted your lips for him.
A throaty groan emitted from his lips, his eyebrows furrowing and his pupils blown out in pure lust. He slowly slid out and slammed his hips against yours, and you needily gripped on to him, hands digging into his broad back. Your mouth opened for him and he wasted no time into sucking your tongue in his mouth.
“Oh, fuck,” you managed to softly moan out, the roll of his hips against yours making you feel stupid dizzy. You grinded upwards, meeting his rolled movements in sync. Your breathing had increased, becoming mixed into choked up mewls curse words. 
He gathered your legs, pressing them against yours chest. You could hear his soft groans emitting from his lips, your pussy milking him so sweetly. 
“You feel so good, princess,” he inhaled sharply at the sound of his cock sliding out of your dripping cunt, groan becoming muffled against the crook of your neck. His hot breath fanned against your skin, fingers curling on the side of the covers. 
The bed was beginning to move along the rhythm of his hips grinding against your pubic bone. His chest was starting to drip with sweat, strands of his wavy hair damp and beginning to stick on his forehead. You watched how Jeongguk lost himself within you as he rolled downward, grunting as a small whimper escaped from your mouth. Your breast were bouncing as he deliberately fucked your pretty brains out. 
It was nice to touch you like this after so long.
“Turn around, ass up for me baby.” He ordered you, and like the good girl you were, you complied eagerly to please him.
You got on all fours, ass sticking up just the way he liked it. He licked the palm of his hand before massaging your ass in his hands. With a loud smack, he left behind his handprint on your swollen, red cheeks as you buried your face in the sheets, mouth wide open in such a heeding state. He slid inside you once more, causing you moan so loudly as your pussy welcomed him once again. The headboard smacked against the neighbors wall and your moans weren’t helping either as he fucked you senseless.
You were sliding off the bed at this point, but it felt so fucking good.
“Fuck, fuck I’m c-close,” he moaned out against your shoulder, biting down on your skin. You clenched tighter, loving the sound of skin on skin. He didn’t last long after that, crumbling right behind you.
“Fuck,” he breathlessly let out, sliding out of you to lay down next to you. He was kissing you roughly, mouths clashing with front teeth scraping and tongues wanting to rival one another. His arms winded around your body, not wanting to let you go at all. It made your heart flutter. God, you loved him so much.
“I forgot just how good you could fuck me,” you said, rolling over to grab a joint from his jacket. He was handing you his lighter, his other hand running its finger into his messy hair. His cheeks seemed flushed, a boyish grin lacing his features.
“Gotta make sure my baby is reminded every single time,” he winked as you blew out smoke directly on to his face. 
“C’mere,” he patted his thighs and you slowly crawled over him, joint in mouth as you settled between his thighs. 
He gently took it out of your mouth, setting it in between his lips instead. Smoke engulfed the both of you, and you leaned into his arms. You wanted to feel and hear his heartbeat once more.
“I missed you.” He confessed after a while, his eyes set steady on yours.
“I’m sure you did.” You rolled your eyes in defiance and he fiercely grabbed a hold of your face to stop you in your place.
“I’m being serious,” he began, slowly inching closer and not letting go of you. “I love you. You are the one for me.”
He ran his fingers down your spine, eyes taking your beautiful features in. He was simply watching you in awe, your presence reminding him of what he had let go quite stupidly. He never led you on, promising you what you always wanted when it seemed nearly impossible, but he was so fucked in love with you. He dreamed of you and yearned for you to be by his side already.
He said with such utmost sincerity, “I’m gonna blow off my engagement.”
You hummed in contentment. Jeon Jungkook was the price and you had won. Though his fiancée would be messy to deal with, you knew he would protect you against her, plus you already had a house and cars under your name. All assets would soon be yours.
“I knew you couldn’t stay away,” you giggled against his mouth. In all seriousness, you were ecstatic to hear that your lover was finally about to cut off the only thing standing in your way.
His fiancée.
“Can I bounce on your cock as a celebration?”
You settled yourself in between his legs, taking the joint from his hand.  You inhaled deeply, feeling hazy and warm in the comfort of your man’s arms. “Yes?”
“By all means,” he waved his hand towards his cock. His hand was already placed behind your head, inching you closer to him. His lips mouthed against yours, “Be my guest. It’s all yours.”
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The Reason Gertrude Robinson was SO cagy about The Magnus Institute:
Serial Arsonist Gertrude “Gee Gee” Robinson struck again. She's now wanted by whatever the equivalent of the British FBI is. British FBI would, assumably, be government-related/connected. What's the OIAR? A Government Entity. The Government Entities may talk with each other. Oh, also Gerry. Gerry might talk too.
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