#Patrick Wilson has such a good voice
autumnblooms · 11 months
This will be on repeat for the foreseeable future
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hollygracesworld · 4 months
Lover | Patrick Wilson x Fem!reader
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Summary : You and Patrick had a one night stand a few months ago. And now you’re 6 months pregnant. You don't expect to meet the father of your child because you’re a woman who prefers to be alone. But fate said otherwise, you meet again with the father who made your stomach grow big.
And you stupidly didn’t know that he was an actor.
CHAPTER 2/2 (chapter 1) sequelsmut
The stove is on. You warm up the clear soup you made this morning. You stir it, then you taste it a little.
“This place looks….very comfy and far from the city.”You heard a man’s voice from behind you who started to enter the kitchen. “I’m sorry because I didn’t have time to come here yesterday…
You turned around for a moment and smiled at Patrick, then went back to stirring the soup, “It’s okay.” you could feel Patrick smiling behind you, he took off his leather jacket and put it on the wall-hanger.
“Please sit down.” You said looking at Patrick gesturing him to sit at the dining table. Then you start to turn down the heat on the stove, “sorry if my place doesn’t meet your expectations. My life is far from glamour thing.”
“My life too.” Patrick said which suddenly surprised you. then he continued his sentence, “I don’t like the spotlight, all this time I have tried to avoid things like that and… I just want to be an ordinary guy.”
You smiled, “you came to the right place.” then you put 2 bowls of hot soup on the dining table.
“Uh, so you’re vegetarian?” Patrick smiled back, looking at the soup with interest.
“No. But lately I’ve been eating vegetables more often because I’m craving vegetables. Your babies are very fussy and kick my stomach if they don’t eat vegetables.”
Patrick laughed softly, “Sorry but I just found out that there are pregnant women who crave vegetables. But it’s good because it’s healthy for the pregnancy. And...” Patrick looked at your big belly, “It seems like they inherited the annoying behavior from their father more quickly.”
The two of you now face each other at the dining table and start eating the soup.
“Wow Y/N…. this is surprisingly delicious. I really like the mushrooms.” said Patrick while deliciously devouring his soup.
“Thank you. I know my food is too simple-"
“Please…. oh, this...” Patrick said while looking at you, “…this is perfect.”
After lunch, you invited Patrick to garden in front of the house. While you were gardening and watering the plants, several times Patrick took over what you were doing, remembering that you were a pregnant woman. You could see the worry on his face. After that, you invited him to the area behind your house to pick oranges from your garden for Patrick so he can take home later.
“You did all this alone?” Patrick asked as he picked oranges in your garden.
You shook your head, “no, I was with my older brother. but he died... right before I met you.” Your words in the last sentence sound poignant.
You can feel that Patrick feels very guilty. Before he answered your words, you quickly continued, “He has been sick for the last 2 years, and his fiancé left him because of his condition. There was a problem with his heart, I did everything I could to get him well. We’ve been back and forth to the hospital, our money and our died-mother’s house had already been sold.”
Patrick lowered his head. Trying to digest it all. Then he looked back at you guiltily, “I’m sorry for everything that happened.”
There was a fairly long pause, then Patrick opened the conversation again, “So that’s why you went to the club at that time? Because you felt like your whole life was ruined?”
You nod slowly. Patrick exhaled, “I should’ve known this. I was really an asshole, I..."
“No... no Patrick,” you cut him off, “you don’t have to be responsible for me and my children just because my life is ruined.”
“Our children,” said Patrick, emphasizing his sentence. He saw you starting to shake with sadness. Patrick swiftly hugged you and put your head gently on his shoulder.
You looked up and saw Patrick’s sunlit face. He smiled, then wiped your tears. “I’m here... I’ll always be here.”said Patrick softly.
Patrick kissed your forehead gently and tucked your hair behind your ear. He- who unconsciously uttered the words from his mouth, “Beautiful.”
Then you laughed softly at Patrick’s words. He reflexively blushes, his face turns red, then he quickly gets down and holds your pregnant stomach.
“Hello buddies, this is your papa,” said Patrick, smiling happily, you chuckled softly, “you know you have a very extraordinary mother. More than your father. She is a strong woman, and I really hope you can be great... just like your mother.” Patrick looked at you, again. He couldn’t stop smiling at you.
Patrick stood back up and looked at you. You thought he would say something, but something beyond your expectations happened. He grabbed your chin and kissed your lips gently. The kiss seemed real, unlike what happened between you at the club.
“Thank you,” said Patrick whose lips were still touching yours, “thank you for all this.”
You smiled, then you two kissed again. Patrick hugged you tightly.
It’s getting late in the night, you know it’s time for Patrick to return to his house in New Jersey. You realize that Patrick is an actor, he is very busy... especially since he just told me that there is a new project for the Conjuring film.
You took his leather jacket which was on the wall hanger, and you helped put his jacket on. When the jacket was on his body, your hands reflexively grabbed Patrick’s chest. It feels like just yesterday you felt that sexy body inside you, that musky perfume.….
You miss slept with him. But you have to bury your thoughts about that. You know this is not the time to do that again.
“Y/N…” Patrick whispered softly in your ear, “come with me.”
You smiled, “no I’m fine, you go, just let me know if you want to play here again.”
“That’s not a question.” said Patrick, “Stay with me. Tomorrow I want to introduce you to my co-worker at the shooting location. They’ll be very happy and you will make lots of friends there...”
You lowered your head, your hand still holding Patrick's chest, “but it's late-"
“You can rest in my car. And then, I will take you straight to my apartment. Bring all your things, Y/N... I can’t leave you here alone...”
“But what about my garden?” you asked worriedly.
“Your uncle’s family seems to be indebted to you..." Patrick smiled, “I contacted them earlier. They are going on holiday here. Of course you don’t mind if someone lives here, right?”
You smiled, “wow, that’s sneaky. Do they really want to live in a village like this?”
“Don’t think about it,” Patrick said stroking your cheek, “Come on, we have to pack your things.”
You chuckled softly at Patrick's enthusiasm when he started looking for things around you. He grabbed the black suitcase that was under the stairs, “you’re going to use this, right?”
You nodded slowly, you chuckled at Patrick's behavior as if he was busy collecting your things, “why are you doing all this?”
Patrick stopped doing what he was doing, he looked at you and said, “I don't know. I suddenly thought of something...”
“….I want to introduce my lover to everyone I know," said Patrick and then he kissed your right hand gently, "especially my parents. Because they don't know yet that they will be grandparents.”
Sequel (18+) is coming soon❤️
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yukii0nna · 7 months
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Sora Robinson
Age: 42
Voiced by: Patrick Seitz 
Occupation: Investigator
Nickname:Mr R(Isamu,Judai,),Dilf(Eric, Alici, Romeo, Ace), Mr Robin (Sumi)
Family: Stacy Robinson (Mother), Yuta Robinson nee Yamaguchi(father), Mackenzie Robinson nee Harty (Wife), Jeremy Robinson (son), Yukita Robinson (daughter)
Homeland: Forie
Race: Vampire/human hybrid
Style: Down to earth fashion
Flaws: Disorganized,blunt,can run his mouth
Pet Peeves: Hurting his family, kids being in danger, corruption, cruelty, discrimination
Favorite food: Hamburger steak, Coffee
Least favorite food: cabbage
Hobbies: Reading, cooking,star gazing
Sora grew up in Forie all his life. As a boy,he was bullied for being half vampire. As a result,he always wanted to help those who could help themselves. When he was older,he became a investigator but looked down on for being a half vampire. But he stood tall.
Sora is a tired man. He can be snarky but he'll always do the right thing . He's also very honest to the point of being tactless, something that he is trying to work on. He's also a family man who always tries to be there for his loved ones.
Enhanced sight : Can see pretty far away
Enhanced smell: Has a keen sense of smell
Healing factor: Has minor one due to being dhampyr.Drinking blood makes it quicker
Marksmanship : Is one of the best shooters on the force. He rarely misses his mark
Combat: As a investigator,he knows hand to hand combat, though he's better as a shooter
Cooking: Is a pretty good cook
Romeo Wilson
Avery Reyes(Partner)
Phoenix Wright
Gram Carson
Is a pretty attractive man,has been called DILF by a lot of people. He's confused by it.
Never knew his father's side of the family. All he knows is that he hates them
Met his wife on a blind date
Has more human traits than vampire traits. He still has to drink blood sometimes . He buys the blood from blood banks.
He hates having to drink blood
Is allergic to garlic, ironically
Loves his kids
Hangs out with his partner off the clock
Hates alcohol ,is concerned for Eric's liver
@anxious-twisted-vampire @marrondrawsalot @kousaka-ayumu @achy-boo @writing-heiress @the-weirdos-mind @abyssthing198 @jasontoddssuper @insomniac-jay @gritsandbrits
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quispy-quisp · 8 months
AFYCSO vs VLV, what... even...
disclaimer: this is just a really totally biased kind of "deep-dive" into the difference between AFYCSO & VLV. yes I know there's a 17 year gap between these albums but it's such a stark contrast I can't not talk about how crazy it is to me!! (this is gonna be a long ass post lmao sorry) Panic! At The Disco and my feelings about the band
Growing up I was definitely into TWTLTRTD & DOAB era Panic! (blame my yeemo phase) but now that I'm a little older I think that AFYCSO & Pretty. Odd. are some of my all-time favourite albums. Nothing Panic ever put out pre-split makes me feel how Ryan Ross's lyrics did and every song off AFYCSO is very close to my heart. I am also a pretty avid disliker of Pray For The Wicked so just keep that in mind. All things Fever A Fever You Can't Sweat Out was released on September 27th 2005 with band members Brendon Urie, Spencer Smith, Ryan Ross, & Brent Wilson from Las Vegas. Their first album for the most part was received with a pretty mixed reaction, they were praised for not really sounding like anything there was at the time (there still isn't a band that sounds just like early Panic did) but criticized for their extremely lucky break by being signed to DCD2 which was a newly formed label owned by Pete Wentz & Patrick Stump as an off-shoot of Fueled By Ramen. In terms of sound, it's kind of hard for me to classify but there are very theatrical elements to most of the songs on that album. The album is split into two distinct sounds of music with the first half of the album being more dance-oriented and the second half being a lot more "emo" Ryan Ross, who was the main lyricist for this album, takes a lot of inspiration from author Chuck Palahniuk and his own personal experiences with infidelity & his relationship with his father. I honestly love this album I don't really have anything bad to say about it. I think Camisado & Build God, Then We'll Talk are some of my favourite songs ever so if you haven't listened to this album yet I can't recommend it enough.
Viva Las Vengeance
I don't know much about this album, unfortunately, I've listened to it ONCE but I can tell that I'm not the biggest fan of a lot of this album, it was released on August 19th 2022 under the artist name Panic! at the disco even though it's been just Brendon for a good amount of time now (that's a whole other can of worms).
From what I've read about the lyrics I think this is supposed to be a concept album but whatever the concept or underlying story is it's lost on me. I do like that they brought back the more orchestral/theatrical feel of the first albums but it still falls flat for me.
Brendon's lyrics to me feel very surface-level and almost rudimentary but I will say that Don't Let the Light Go Out is kind of a banger.
A good chunk of the time when a certain lyric is repeated at the beginning of the album and then repeated at the end, it symbolizes some sort of change in the perspective, for example, one of my other favourite albums Armor For Sleep's What To Do When You're Dead repeats the lyric "don't believe that the weather is perfect the day that you die" showing that the narrator for the album (who dies in the first song) has given up on trying to get the people who are living to hear him, in contrast to the beginning where he feels like he needs these people still (if that makes sense lol).
Brendon I feel tries to do something similar with the lyric "shut up and go to bed" repeating in the first and final track but I still really don't know what this is supposed to symbolize. it feels like there was no growth in this which makes it a lot harder for me to grasp what this album is about. Another thing I really did not enjoy about this album was the use of an 8-track tape, most if not all modern artists use auto-tune and that was really something that was lacking in this album. Brendon has always been known as the guy with the voice, with the decision to use the 8-track tape, it means you can't really auto-tune (as far as I know I might be wrong) and you can hear that Brendon is struggling to hit a good chunk of these high notes which makes some songs a lot more difficult to listen to and makes Brendon's voice a lot less palatable.
One thing I did notice in at least Middle Of A Breakup and Sad Clown is that there's this build-up for a big drop that just doesn't happen and it really throws me off. Some of these songs could be a lot better if they followed a more standard composition because without it they just sound a little wonky/off. And my last gripe with this album is Local God. If this isn't about Dallon Weekes and Ryan Ross I genuinely do not know what on earth this is supposed to be? It is extremely disrespectful to reduce two extremely creative people that you used to be close with to has-beens and "local gods". if this song is supposed to be a sincere song, then I think it may be a little tone-deaf and inappropriate especially as Ryan Ross is one of the main people responsible for Panic! At The Disco even being a thing, and Dallon Weekes being one of the most genuinely creative artists I've seen in a while. What Happened? Not only do I think the passage of time really affected the sound of Panic albums I also think the loss of the original lineup hurt the band's sound. I don't think everything post-split is bad but there's just something about the first two albums that are unmatched compared to everything else in their discography. even when Brendon is going for a more authentic sound using the 8-track tape, it still sounds wildly corporate to me and I think that's why I love the first 2 albums. I know emo doesn't really sell anymore but going the pop root honestly made me a lot less interested in panic than I was growing up. This album more than anything just made me miss pre-split more than I already do and really disappointed in Brendon for continuing the Panic! At The Disco name after everyone had left. It's really sad knowing most people only see Panic as Brendon when it was so much more back in the 2000s.
Anyway, that's the end of my post thanks for reading this, remember this is just my opinion I'd love to know what you think so shoot me a DM or comment whatever. Listen to AFYCSO and don't listen to Viva Las Vengeance for the love of god. Have a good night!!
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an-angels-fury · 2 years
My mom's reaction and thoughts while watching THE PHANTOM OF THE OPERA (2004) with me for the first time:
She thought Carlotta was really annoying (but in a good way, since the character always made her laugh 😆).
Even though she didn't consider Carlotta a bad singer, she definitely prefered Christine's voice, since it sounded softer, sweeter and more angelic.
She loved Patrick Wilson as Raoul ❤️. She found him really handsome and a gentleman. He reminded her of Prince Adam from Disney's Beauty and the Beast.
She also loved Gerard Butler as the Phantom 😍. For her he's the character who she can relate the most with. She found him really handsome too.
When I told her who the actor was, she said "Oh yeah I already knew him, but I didn't know he could sing that well". She still has no idea how happy her comment made me feel 😁. SEE, I'M NOT THE ONLY ONE WHO THINKS GERRY'S A GOOD SINGER!!!
Music of the Night is her favorite song. She loved everything about it: the lyrics, Gerry's voice, the scenario, the whole context of the scene. It touched her the way Erik sings his heart out to Christine and exposes his feelings in front of her in such an emotional and powerful way.
When Erik showed the manniquin to Christine, she asked "WAIT, SHE SAW HERSELF AS A CORPSE BRIDE?!" and I just couldn't stop laughing 😂.
In All I Ask of You, she said to me she also wished someone to tell her the same Raoul was offering to Christine: someone to protect her and be her shelter, to be her light and guide her (she's been through a difficult time during these last two years).
In the "All I Ask of You" Reprise, she mentioned "We can't help but feel so sorry for him (Erik), right?" and I was just like "Yeah... 😩😭".
She pretty enjoyed the Masquarade. During the song, she asked me "Who do you think Christine truly loved in the story?" and I anwsered "Well, I believe she truly loved Raoul, but in different circunstances I can see her choosing the Phantom". I tried to explained to her how Christine has many conflicted feelings for Erik, that she's fascinated by him, she cares about him and even loves him in a certain way, but she's also scared and afraid of him because of his extreme and unpredictable behavior.
In "Why so Silent", during the staircase stare scene, she commented about the way Christine was so attracted to Erik, like she felt hipnotized by him, by his presence.
During the Swordfight in the Graveyard, she admitted she couldn't choose who to root for between Erik and Raoul.
In the end of the Final Lair, my mom came to conclusion that, as much as Christine truly loved Raoul, she loved the Phantom too (she didn't believe Christine kissed him just for pity) and, because of that, she had a hard time seeing her totally happy being separated from him.
She also believed both Erik and Christine shared a unique bond with each other, the way Christine was a kinda depressed and lonely person and Erik saw a darkness in her heart just like the one he had in himself too and they could understand each other because of that.
In short, she found the movie very beautiful. We've both watched the musical before and she already loved it, but she was really satisfited with the movie too. She said that she wanted to rewatch the 1925 movie soon and is also interested in reading the original novel, which I recommended to her.
Yes, I'm slowly turning my mom into a Phanatic and I'm very proud of myself 😘
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perdvivly · 5 months
favorite book you read last year?
I managed to read ~26 books last year. I think the contenders for favourite book of the year are:
Unsong, Scott Alexander, which I read over the course of a week in April. I think it doesn’t quite live up to all the promises it makes vis-a-vis theodicy but none of the payoffs felt overwhelmingly cheap. I would have preferred a stronger focus on unsong than the latter parts of the story give but… Eh, Scott has earned a lot of free reign by being unparallely witty with wordplay. The story is such a fun little romp.
Circe, Madeline Miller, which has this gorgeously hypnotic voice. I am eagerly awaiting her take on Medusa (if I wish hard enough she’ll write it. I do believe in monsters, I do, I do).
Children of Time, Adrian Tchaikovsky, which I reread in May in preparation for reading Children of Memory with my partner. Not much to say about it really, absolute banger of a book. The first book is the best in the series imo.
The Odyssey, Homer (trans Emily Wilson), which I read in 4 days at the end of April. I cried. It was so good. It compelled me to read a bunch of translations in parallel and I feel like I got a lot out of that. It got me thinking about rhythm and metre and turns of phrase but it also got me thinking about trauma and conflict and desire. I think it’s the mark of a really good story to get you thinking about both form and content.
The Name of the Wind, Patrick Rothfuss, which is still the best modern fantasy novel for me. I have lost count of how many times I’ve reread this now. >10.
Of these the books that I read for the first time this year are the Emily Wilson translation of The Odyssey and Unsong. I think they’re both extremely good standouts in their field.
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talkaboutthatfilm · 1 year
10.05.23~ Wednesday
WHY I LOVE ALMOST FAMOUS (2000) - A Film by Cameron Crowe-
I think it would be most appropriate if I debuted (if you will) talking about one of my favourite films, though that title shouldn’t have a hefty weight to it. I fell in love with this film a while back, in a moment where the soul craved an escape into a 70s rock scene, & it landed in the best place. Last year, I watched this film- & I wish it was an exaggeration- around 50 times. Whenever a pick me up was needed, I sought it out. Why? That’s what I’ll talk about now~
Where to start? The favourite thing is easily the music, all of it just fits into place. It is elevating, & gives you such a good taster for what that era had to offer, especially to someone who might not know a lot about the 70s but wants to learn- the soundtrack is highly recommended. For those of us who already know a bit, it was a nice toasty reminder of the best songs that fit into each mood of the film, & reminded you to just slip those songs back into your playlists. Easily, if the music doesn’t feel like your vibe, I feel like the film kind of slips away a bit, but stick with it! I think there is something highly beautiful about the characters that I’m going to leave you to discover, because tbh, I don’t want to talk about them all. However honourable mention to fringe guy (Ed) who spills his guts on the shaky plane, I got you babe, Sonny & Cher style. Also holy mother of fuck! The amount of just amazing actors in this film…where do I begin? Kate Hudson, Billy Crudup (he is also in another favourite of mine; 20th Century Women- maybe I’ll write about it; we won’t mention Alien Covenant…), Patrick Fugit (love his surname), Anna Paquin (honourable Trick ‘r Treat mention?), Zooey Deschanel (who’s that girl?), Jason Lee (I don’t have to mention his career), Philip Seymour Hoffman, Frances McDormand, bloody Jimmy Fallon, Fairuza Balk, Noah Taylor (submarine man), Rainn Wilson, Eric fucking Stonestreet just showing up outta nowhere, same as Nick Swardson (bowie!!!) & Susan Yeagley (you have a good day) just casually being there for 2 seconds. Ok I’ll stop geeking out for no reason, it’s just exciting!
I think I’m gonna just dive in. This film is special to me because of the way it changed me. I always daydreamed this idea of what I wanted to be like, & then I saw Penny Lane for the first time, & I watched in awe, because she is everything I’ve always wanted to be. & it made me realise that nothing is stopping me, I can be extroverted & talk to people. It doesn’t cost much to open yourself up like that, & to be honest her character isn’t perfect, she is flawed, but in the ways I am, which reminded me to be more gentle with myself, & also it puts everything into perspective. Penny is lonely, she is “surrounded” by people, but in reality none are there for her, she is there for everyone. When it comes to shedding this persona she has crafted, no one wants to hold the girl underneath it all, apart from William, who is the only person who genuinely loves her. She to others is a means of time-passing entertainment, while she?- a young girl who’s influenced, falls in love with everything, she is incredibly perceptive & though she acts tough, she gets heartbroken & falls apart like all girls do at 16, she was a victim of a power-play relationship; we could deepen on that, but at the moment I want it to be surface level, this was the 70s, & it was incredibly common & not spoken of, all hush hush. I think the most heart-breaking scene to me is her birthday scene, this is cut out & in the extended versions, but to sum up: it’s right before the ‘what kind of beer?’ scene, & the façade is coming to an end, everyone is getting ready for the next adventure, & Penny doesn’t know where else to go. She just assumed she’d be with Russel, & as she cuts more cake & asks anyone if they want any more, everyone starts quietening around her; she practically asks a void, then loses her voice, & the dawning reminder that she has to start leaving enters her mind. She half smiles through this whole realisation, but you can see her heart start to crack under it all. She was just a pawn in their game, they knew this, let her think otherwise, & it just reminds me of all those times of suddenly feeling like the place you knew so well wasn’t shaped for you anymore, & you start to outgrown it, or more, it starts to outgrow you, & you lose your footing. I think this scene changed my perception of Penny’s character for me a lot. Initially watching the film I star-gazingly watched her, but as I got older & paid attention to the small moments that valued a lot in her character, I realised her whole act is just that, an act. & there’s a frightened young girl who wants to also be just as loved as this Penny Lane, Lady Goodman, & she is the true person who is only ever shown to William. I do want to mention, I don’t think William or Russel is a fit for Penny, I think, though William’s love is more authentic, he is young, & regardless of if he realises, he won’t benefit her much. I do think he loved her for herself rather than what she could be for him like Russel does, but I think Penny needs someone who isn’t involved in all of that rock n roll life. Last thing to mention with Penny Lane naturally is her clothes, I’ve also purchased an afghan coat that I wear every winter, & it makes me live out my best Penny Lane dreams. But I’ve read a LOT about what the costume designer (Betsy Heimann) has said about how Penny Lane’s clothes were fashioned. & I read a lot about how the coat was more than a coat, it symbolises her ferocity & strength when it’s on, a shell, without it she is wearing not much material, she is bare, & that is the real Lady Goodman underneath it all. However I will say I love that the fur on the coat is actually an Urban Outfitters rug that has been dyed a ton. I wish I could have that coat…one day.
I think we have to talk about William, doy. I think I also relate to him a lot, I also think he & Penny are so much more similar than he realises, because she is living in the world he wants to, but she is just as much an outsider, it’s all about how you present yourselves in those environments. William is playing us, the audience, he goes through the same motions of awe & admiration at this incredible life that happens on the road, it’s jolly & warm in the beginning, he is excited to be a part of something at first, not realising he doesn’t fit in with their views of the world, as Lester Bangs states, he is ‘uncool’, which he feels (we could argue that then means as the audience that we too are uncool spectators of their lives just like him; important to consider that Cameron Crowe wrote the film basically about his life as a rock journalist, so his POV is our POV). What even does ‘cool’ mean to each & every person? Something different, I think it’s not such an argument to make about William’s coolness, but instead to consider what the rock n rollers think cool is, which is themselves, William is a dorky guy who does journalism & carrier a tape recorder around with a notebook glued to his palm. Things to consider guys. Aside from his outside not fitting in (maybe a mullet would fix it?) he also actively stands outside from what they are doing, because he is there to watch them, but you can feel that sense of wanting to be them by the way he looks at them. I think I like William’s character because I also think he goes through the different stages of being with musicians, it’s so cool at first, as Lester Bangs says, ‘they make you feel cool’ & like he is their friend, but he is not. & I appreciate his innocent & honest outlook on all of it, sometimes he kind of seems like the kind of person who is at the wrong place at the wrong time, he just is there as a stepping stone, then gets used up like Penny. I will be honest, I don’t know much to say about William now, maybe because I left it for a bit & came back so my train of thought on William has strayed. But also, he is 15, & so I don’t really know how to judge a character as much when they’re half-baked as people (not half-baked characters- 15 is just so young, you’re so unfinished). I rather just appreciate his views, & that he doesn’t let them corrupt his innocence as much, unless you account the band-aids all sharing the room with him…
I think without a doubt, the best & most overlooked character is Lester Bangs, he says some things that just always light up my perception of everything. He is an incredible character. We don’t know MUCH about him personally, though he is a big music connoisseur, so maybe that really is all he is. But the scene with him in the café with William (lol also at the ‘I don’t have time to sit around & talk to my many fans’), he says something I think, if anything is to be taken from this film, it is this line: ‘be honest & unmerciful’, go headstrong into the world, be soft when the moments call, but if you’re honest & open, then you’re doing something right (with moderation of course). I think so much could be said about this great film, & to be honest cutting it short to this feels unfinished, maybe I’ll add stuff on later as it goes on. But I think it’s something everyone should really watch when they need to be taken away. It’s an easy film to follow, & I think it will mean either too much to some people, or others won’t find it a necessary watch. Whatever floats your boat?
I highly doubt anyone will see this, I am writing to clear my mind which is always so full of words. I watch so many films all the time, & I love to talk about them. Having an open space to just call out into any abyss (which is better I know nothing about where this is going to) feels like conversation enough. I’ll maybe write more, but in reality I just need to push forward & see how I can articulate my words in a better format & way, but for now. Diary entry style should work for me. That’s all. Thanks spooky!
P.S. I am more of an avid horror film fan, but I can be diverse!
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eerna · 1 year
Do you have criticism of the hdm show other than how it changed Lyra's characterization and removed the humour? I loved the show but I do tend to agree with your opinions on things so I'd be interested to hear them if you want to share. And it's been a while since I last read the books so watching the show I didn't have the specifics of them in mind so I could well have missed a bunch of things. Something was off with Iorek I think, though beyond his voice being weirdly Patrick-Page-from-Hadestown for no discernible reason, I'm not sure why. Maybe that comes down to the show making itself grittier too. Like in the book he is tough and incredibly capable and fearsome but he's also kind and compassionate and a fluffy polar bear friend. And then obviously LMM wasn't a great choice for Lee Scorsby, I think most people agree on that point. And they cut way too much worldbuilding with the mulefa in s3 and I get that sure, it's not the most action-packed thing and maybe would've made sense to cut when you're on a time limit but good god Mary playing anthropologist is my favourite part of that whole book I really would have watched a whole season just building out that world and society without any action or conflict. Also it was such a weird choice at the climax to make Will open a box and that box had god in it and god just kind of evaporates and that's that. Like that was the grittiest part of the book maybe! or ballsiest, at least. He literally stabs god! Why would they cut that?! they clearly haven't been watering anything down up to this point to try and pander more to christian sensibilities so why on earth would they chose this most important moment to water something down. k I kind of went off there and probably I'm forgetting some things but overall I really do adore it as an adaptation.
Go off!! I shall listen, I'm curious what happened bc I haven't finished s1 and have only seen maybe 2 eps of s2. I am sad to hear they removed the mulefa parts because those are my fav too… Idk if we're gonna agree on this one, but here goes. The only thing I remember abt it is that it was just insanely boring to me, I would pick up my phone a million times during episodes and I NEVER do that. I reread the books either during its first season or right beforehand, and I couldn't stop feeling like the show made everyone into dolls with sly faces, walking around and calmly stating their lines, instead of the memorable characters they are. The book has so much heart and color in it, but the show is gritty and gray and SO BORING. LIKE GOD. Every scene lasts 100 hours with Important Glances and Long Silences everywhere, interrupted by expositiony dialogue. And I am so sorry, I know she's a kid, but Dafne Keen wasn't good enough to be a lead on a show, especially in one as devoid of any other things that could distract from the acting as this. I liked Amir Wilson and the rest of the cast, but I was never able to believe her.
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jgroffdaily · 2 years
The text from a 2009 interview with Jonathan for Fine Living Lancaster magazine has been re-posted. As the link may not be accessible to all the text is copied below.
“Spring Awakening” and “Hamilton” Tony nominee Jonathan Groff once lent his voice to “Frozen” character Kristoff and now he is back in the world of animation as the main character in the new Netflix limited series “Lost Ollie.” To celebrate, we are rereleasing an interview with Groff and Michael C. Upton from 2009 originally published in Fine Living Lancaster magazine. Groff and Upton hail from the same area of suburban Pennsylvania.
Jonathan Groff, the 24-year-old with Adonis-like good looks … just works himself silly, but I pulled some strings to get his undivided attention one afternoon. I caught up with him during some rare New York City downtime where, besides answering this interview, he was catching up on his laundry and reading a script. Later in the day, he would have lunch with a friend and see Jude Law star in Hamlet.
 Michael C. Upton: You seem to be handling stardom rather well. (Groff laughs.) Are you that laid back or do you not take yourself too seriously?
Jonathan Groff: I think I don’t take myself too seriously. I think people act for all different reasons. I pursued it because I just really like it. I like to work, and I like to do the job, it had nothing to do with being in a magazine or having my picture taken or any of that. I just really like my job and everything else on top of that is just, like, extra stuff.
MCU: Cool.
JG: I don’t really believe in the other stuff so much. I just sort of believe in what I do.
MCU: So, you’re not a big tabloid fan then?
JG: (Laughing) No. Not at all, not at all.
MCU: What do you see as the major difference between stage and screen?
JG: The way I’ve been describing it as of late is that stage is like long distance running and screen is like short distance running, in that the theater you do eight shows a week and you have to conserve your energy… Screen is pretty much the opposite. It’s one day, one shot. Do the scene once in your life and you’re never going to do it again. It’s really intense. You just have to jump in and sprint and put your whole heart and soul into that one day to make it come off okay.
MCU: When you think about future jobs, are you consciously looking for certain types of films.
JG: Yes. At the end of the day, I’m open to anything and I’ll entertain anything. When I first moved to New York all I wanted to do was work. As time went along, I’ve been given projects I really care about, projects I really respect, and projects that have really challenged me and helped me to grow. So, now I’m not really just looking for work anymore I’m looking for experiences like that.
I’m totally open for anything as long as it’s a project that I feel can help me grow and make me better and challenge me.
MCU: Do you have a master plan for what type of actor you want to be known as?
JG: Ideally, I think I’d like to be one of those actors like Patrick Wilson or Hugh Jackman who goes back and forth, those guys who get to live in the theater world as well as the film world and never sort of fit into one category or medium.
MCU: To rip off James Lipton and Bernard Pivot, if I can, I’d like to subject you to a modified Proust Questionnaire … ?
JG: Great! Let’s do it!
MCU: What do you appreciate the most in your friends?
JG: Laughter
MCU: What is your main fault?
JG: I’m really focused on the present. My biggest fault is that I am very focused when something is in front of my face and when it leaves my face, I tend to focus on the next thing that is in front of my face.
MCU: What is your idea of happiness?
JG: Being surrounded by the people I love.
MCU: What is your idea of misery?
JG: My life without music. Right now, I’m obsessed with Stevie Wonder.
MCU: If not yourself, who would you be?
JG: I think I’d be a bird.
MCU: And where would you like to live?
JG: Somewhere in the northwest, like Seattle.
MCU: What is your favorite food and drink?
JG: Cheese and pretzels and Diet Coke.
MCU: What is your favorite color and flower?
JG: Red. Tulips.
MCU: What do you hate the most?
JG: Indifference
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thefoxvampire · 3 months
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( i made this one , a happy wedding ^^ )
Name: Neil
Species : a dubstep werewolf
Age: 25
Height : 7’1 weight: 127 ibs Personality: Strong, Handsome, Charming
Job : Employee
Like: Handsome, rough, perfection
Dislike : Bugs, cheated Voice : : Patrick Seitz ( Voice of Franky from One Piece): Franky - FUNimation dub (youtube.com)
Bio: Neil is  Maestrote's son and he also a tall handsome werewolf who is an office employee although he is married to his vampire wife is one of vanna's 20 cousins and be his future bride. Although he is strongly enough to face the enemies and a manly beast to himself.
Backstory/end: Neil purpose to his vampire wife so then she and Neil get married into a haunted wedding for scary ever after.
Name: Miriam
Species: a dubstep Vampire
Age : 24
Height: 6’3 Weight : 125 ibs
Personality: Spunky, joyful, good mood Job: Dj
Like : Musical, dubstep, loud music, music
Dislike: Baby music, kids music, boring stuff
Voice : Rachel Wilson ( The voice of Heather from Total Drama Island): heather being iconic for 4+ minutes straight (youtube.com)
Bio: Miriam is a vampire who is a Dj making different kind of music. She is vanna's 10th cousin has a huge crush on her werewolf boyfriend later got married. So then she became the wife of a wolfman.
Backstory/end: Miriam was tuned up the music until she saw Neil as he uses his mircophone to purpose to her. And then she turned down the music and she accept his proposal. So then she married him and became his future wife.
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zalrb · 8 months
As a Phantom fan, you are fine to watch the Joel Schumacher movie if you can't get access to the 25th Anniversary, there's actually quite a lot of good moments in that movie that I enjoy. Come on, folks, it has Minnie Driver as Carlotta and Patrick Wilson as Raoul. Those are 10/10 casting choices. As long as you are willing to sit through some not so great singing from Gerard Butler, then you're fine. He actually gives some great acting moments though as Phantom (just a shame he doesn't really have the voice for it), and whilst the movie isn't 100% accurate to the stage production, the stuff they move around and cut for pacing reasons does work.
The only complaint I have against it is that it's trying to be Moulin Rouge so bad, when it doesn't need to be.
That's fair. I just have a thing about musicals. I prefer watching them onstage rather than onscreen so that's why I usually don't watch them and why I was dragged kicking and screaming to Into The Woods lmao
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agentthirsty · 1 year
My week off has become nothing but movie watching apparently.
Think I'm going to update this throughout the week, but anyways, so far I've watched (spoilers included):
Ghostbusters (2016) - I thought it was funny, sue me
A Quiet Place - It wouldn't be such a quiet place if I was there with John Krasinski if you know what I mean. Loved it though, very suspenseful. I can be quiet but I snore when I sleep so I'd be a liability. Plus, if you have to sneeze you have to close your nose and that makes your ears pop and I fucking hate that so I'd rather just die.
A Quiet Place Part II - I think I like it better than the first? More suspenseful, more dangerous. Cillian Murphy looked the best he's every looked in my opinion. That country, blue-collar, bearded look was DOING IT yes sir
Moonfall - Bad movie. Acting and dialogue was very poor. Story and pacing was too weird. They praised Elon Musk at least two different times. I don't think anyone had a single ounce of passion for what they were doing. I enjoyed the peril though. Halle Berry was Halle Berry; love her. Patrick Wilson looked good. The song in the credits SLAPS. Other than that don't watch it adfasdfa
Everything Everywhere All at Once - So late to the party but I finally understand why it's so beloved and winning accolades and shit. A really imaginative, fun movie with so many different genres coming together to tell a story about a mother and daughter. Loved it. I wish I could forget it so I could watch it for the first time again.
Bird Box - I love Sandra Bullock, okay? Even when she's calling her kids Boy and Girl. Very much in the same vein as A Quiet Place. Lots of similarities (apocalyptic; beings that wipe out humanity; pregnant leading ladies; raising children in such peril; man that sacrifices himself in the end to save his family; traveling the outside world to find safety in community [Part II]), but instead of having to be quiet, you can't look. And if I was there with Trevante Rhodes there would be more than two kids running around yes GOD
Fantastic Fungi - Documentary on, you guessed it, Fungi. Made me want to take shrooms. Brie Larson was there??? (in voice)
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jen-with-a-pen · 2 years
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Honeysuckle ❀ I
summary: You and Bucky have been holed up in your apartments, forever in workaholic mode. As annoying as it might seem, Sam might be a good wingman after all.
pairings: Bucky Barnes x Reader
warnings: fluff, oblivious idiots in love, Sam "Wingman" Wilson, touches, stolen glaces, totally-platonic-and-totally-not-romantic date
word count: 1.35k
a/n: Thank you all again for the response to Dirty Dishes! This lil beauty has been in my drive for a couple of weeks now. hope you all like it :) a/n 03/2024: hi! i have gone through and rewritten and reformatted a few parts in the fic in order to make it flow better and to ensure it has all-inclusive language in it (this was one of my first fics in the fandom and was not as educated as i am now.) if there are any mistakes, please feel free to DM me and kindly let me know :)
divider by @firefly-graphics | gif by @itz-me-aggie | warning banner by me ♥
my ao3 | my masterlist
Read this fic HERE on ao3! ♥Reblogs and comments are highly appreciated as always♥
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“Hey, Buck, didn’t think we’d see ya today!” A voice called from the couch.
Sam smiled enthusiastically, waggling his brow at the brooding brunette who sulked through the common area. He was quite the sight to see, especially since he’d resorted to hermit status for the last couple of months, his appearance unchanged: the same messy, chocolate hair thrown up haphazardly in a ponytail, same thread-bare t-shirt with a couple of coffee stains, same sweatpants with–
What kind of stain was THAT?
Truth be told, Bucky Barnes had been cooped up in his Tower apartment for what seemed like a whole year, even if it was only March. Exceptions, however, included the gym, a few missions he supervised, and Steve’s apartment across the hall. He all but became a local cryptid.
Bucky’s behavior hadn’t seemed concerning until around Christmas. Steve became worried after New Year’s. Bruce attempted to intervene around Valentine’s. And Tony was the one to offer the tropical getaway around Saint Patrick’s– although, that was more for Tony’s sake than Bucky’s.
Sam sipped on his coffee, rolling his eyes at the dirty glance Bucky shot at him. Smiling into his mug, Sam sighed.
“Buck, you know I’m playin’,” Sam reassured, “but I do think you should go outside today. It’s nice out, even for New York.” He gestured like a game show girl to the gigantic, floor-to-ceiling windows overlooking Manhattan. The morning sun’s golden rays spread throughout the common area and attached kitchen. Like some cruel prank, a lazy cloud ambled out of the way, allowing a beam of light to shine right into Bucky’s line of sight. He cursed, shielding his eyes with a plated arm. Sighing, he looked to Sam, who shrugged.
“Just sayin,’ you could do with goin’ outside. Breathe some air. Touch some grass.” 
Eliciting a scoffed chuckle from Bucky, Sam grinned back into his coffee successfully. A brief silence fell between the two before another set of footsteps approached. You shuffled in, yawning and stretching stiff arms over your head. Tired, half-lidded eyes locked onto one target– the coffee maker. 
“‘Mornin’, Sam. Bucky,” you mumbled, padding into the kitchen. Sam observed you move past Bucky, who suddenly seemed instantly more awake while nursing his coffee, eyed you as you made yours on the adjacent counter. Hiding behind his mug, he watched as you concocted your drink the way he came to memorize it after your first week of living there: medium-dark brew, two sweeteners, a hell of a lot of ice, and the creamer in the red bottle you keep nestled in the back of the fridge. 
While waiting for the machine to start brewing, you reached into the cupboard to grab your sweeteners, your thrift store sleep shirt riding slightly above your hips.
Bucky choked on his coffee.
You swiveled your head in his direction. Without a second thought, you yanked his mug from him, placing it on the counter behind him before whacking him on the back. After a couple of hits, he caught his breath and turned to face the fridge to his other side, hiding the blooming pink creeping up his cheeks. A cough and a tight-lipped ‘thank you’ later, you were back to quietly finishing your coffee .
Sam, with his front-row seat on the couch, began to think. Soon, his lips morphed from a polite smile into a mischievous grin. 
“Hey, Honeysuckle,” Sam called. You perked up, raising a brow at him. “Whaddya got goin’ on today?” 
“Oh, um, just finishing up some masters work and mission paperwork,” you shrugged. Another slurp. You felt a flutter in your chest cavity, swearing you saw Bucky turn and slowly slide his baby blues up and down your figure. Instinctively, you pulled the arm across your chest a little tighter– a half-assed attempt to conceal the butterflies beginning their usual ritual around Bucky. 
“Interesting,” Sam nodded, “well, my friend Bucky there isn’t doing anything and was wonderin’ if you’d like to go wander Manhattan with him on this lovely spring day.”
Now it was your turn to choke on your coffee. 
Bucky immediately, albeit also instinctually, shot Sam a wide-eyed, what-the-hell-are-you-doing, dagger-loaded glare over his shoulder as he attempted to, in turn, remedy your choking fit. Sam’s grin grew as you regained your composure, looking from him to Bucky and back again. 
“His treat, too.” 
“Oh!” you responded, looking to the super soldier standing in front of you. He locked eyes with you, searching as he bit his lip with an upturned brow, silently begging you to say yes. 
Your expression softened, but your heart didn't. 
“I’d, um, I’d actually like that.” Bucky blanched. You swallowed a giggle. “When, uh, when do you wanna go?” You asked Sam while keeping your gaze on Bucky.
“How ‘bout in an hour?” 
“Ah– Sure!” 
Before Bucky could get a word in, you rushed out of the kitchen.
Once you were out of earshot, he spun abruptly toward the living room. 
“Why. Did. You. Do. That,” he growled through gritted teeth. 
Sam grinned.  
“You both are depressed, introverted, twenty-four-seven workaholics who never leave their dungeons,” he remarked, rising from the couch and wandering into the kitchen. He placed his empty mug in the sink and clasped a hand on Bucky’s shoulder, meeting his hardened gaze with sincerity.
“Plus, I see the way you look at her, man. It is definitely not subtle. Now, go take a shower, get dressed, and go take that girl out.” He turned to leave, adding, “Oh, and brush your damn hair.”
Bucky just stood there, mouth agape, prepared to say something, but nothing came. He eventually concluded right there in the kitchen he might as well listen to Sam at that point.
What did he have to lose?
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The knock at your door all but made you jump out of your skin. Truth be told, you were actually ready thirty minutes after you made a mad dash back to your apartment in a frenzy to get ready and not look like something that crawled out from the Black Lagoon. You were physically ready, but spent the remainder of the time mentally preparing yourself. 
For a ‘date.’
With Bucky. 
Had it really been an hour already?
Looking into the mirror the umpteenth time, you smoothed down your favorite sundress, checked for lipstick in your teeth, and gave yourself one last pep talk.
It’s not a date. He’s just a friend. This doesn’t mean anything. 
An anxious, shaky sigh left your lungs as you headed for the door. A trembling hand grabbed the handle and turned, slowly opening it. You were half-hoping you were only hearing things and half hoping he wasn’t there yet. 
The door swung open and you were greeted with a soft smile and kind eyes. Bucky stood in your doorway, one hand shoved in a jean pocket while his plated one carded through dark chocolate hair– which he, surprisingly, wore down for once. Underneath his bomber jacket, a gray t-shirt struggled against his broad, hard chest. 
You forgot how to breathe for a second.
“Hey, you uh, you ready?”
You snapped out of initial shock and nodded a little too excitedly. Closing the door behind you, the lump in your throat threatened to cut off your oxygen supply as you both headed for the elevators in awkward tandem. The doors slid open in a matter of seconds, almost as if they were expecting you. You’d talk to F.RI.D.A.Y. about that later. You’re about to ask him where he’s taking you when a light hand slipped onto the middle of your back, leading you into the mirrored interior of the elevator. For a split second, you felt Bucky’s hand all but graze the hem of your dress and the tender skin of your thigh as he pressed the button for the lobby and quickly shoved his hands right back into his pockets. 
You forgot how to breathe and speak; your mantra from before, tossed out the window. 
It is a date. He’s hot. This means everything.
So much for the pep talk. You were never good at those, anyway.
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heavenlybarnesss · 3 years
I can’t stop 😮‍💨First off the wedding night HeadCannons threw me over the edge 🔥🔥And I’m waiting on baited breath for the ✨Honeymoon✨ HeadCannons 😝You’re absolutely killing it!!!
Now I’ll hit you with some seasonal HeadCannons-Can we take a sec too appreciate how Ed would react too a sexy Halloween costume just for him?! 😈👻🦇
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Sexy Halloween Headcanons w Ed 🎃
Pairing: Ed Warren x reader
Warnings: Unprotected sex, receiving oral
Author’s Note: Ugh, the idea of wearing a private + sexy Halloween costume for Ed’s eyes only? Daddy likes 👀 Also guys this is probably a little raunchier than my wedding night one, but I felt like it matched the scenario 🤷🏼‍♀️
Let’s get spooky and scary and shit. 🦇 Okay, so let’s say Lorraine is hosting a Halloween party and costumes are a must
So the two of you dress up, you socialize, drink a little, eat a little, etc. You have a good time but eventually the night ends and it’s time to go home. Little does Ed know you’ve got a little surprise waiting for him when you get there 😉
You get home and a tired Ed throws the car keys on the counter. You tell him something to buy you a little time, like you’re going to use the restroom
You’d been saving this sexy, tiny number for this very moment. Guys I’m going to go real classic and a little ironic given his profession, and so let’s say it’s a devil costume! 😈
Have you guys ever seen One Tree Hill when Brooke wears her devil costume to the Halloween party? So basically it’s a little sparky red corset with red fishnets & the sparkly horns/tail and of course, peep toe red heels! So cute, and definitely hot asf 🥵 And don’t think you wouldn’t look hot asf, because I know each and every one of you guys would look smoking in this costume because you’re all sexy as hell
“Honey, everything alright in there?”
That’s your cue
You swing open the bathroom door and walk out to the kitchen, where Ed has his broad + muscular back turned to you while pouring some glasses of wine
“Yes daddy, I’m good.”
He turns around at the sound of your voice, your choice of words capturing his attention. When I tell you this man’s eyes widened to the size of saucers -
You smile at him, red lipstick topping off your perfectly sinful ensemble
He’s literally speechless, still filling the wine glasses because he can’t stop staring at you
“Ed, the glass is overflowing-“
“Oh damn it!” He turns back around, wine now spilled all over the counter
You walk over to him, hips swaying. You run your hands sweetly over his arms, appreciating how big + toned his biceps are. You pull down the back of his collar and start placing sweet kisses along the back of his neck, him humming in response
He turns around (screw the wine, he can clean it later) and pulls you flush against him, his hands resting themselves on your hips
“You know sweetheart - as much as I love this costume, I think I’d like you even better out of it.”
Ed straight up lifted you off the ground, no effort needed. You wrapped your legs around him, leaving red lip stains all over his neck
I’m in a super spicy mood so instead of the bedroom, you and Ed are going for it right there
He sets you on the counter, tilting your jaw upwards so he can get better access to your neck. He uses the other hand to slide up your thigh, rubbing you over your panties
You’re both moaning messes, your neighbors can definitely hear you
Ed can’t wait anymore, that little outfit got him just so worked up
The sudden neediness catches you off guard but just adds to your wetness because it is super fucking hot. Like Patrick Wilson using his bare hands to rip your clothing because he wants you that bad ? Where’s the sign up sheet ? 🥵
This gorgeous 6’ 1’’ man crouches down and eats you out right there in the kitchen. You are falling apart at the seams - like your horns are on the floor and your lipstick is smeared but to him you look like an actual goddess
Your hands are tugging at his hair, your legs thrown over his broad shoulders as he moans into your pussy, lapping up all your juices. And this man knows how to eat a women out, no doubt
“Ed, need you inside of me-“
He comes back up, kissing you so you can taste yourself on his pump + swollen lips
You quickly help him unbuckle his pants, throwing your head back so hard when he enters you that you hit it on the cabinet behind you. Ed can’t help but laugh
The cool feeling of the counter on your bare backside mixed with his warm dick inside of you is like heaven. He fucks you so hard that the cabinets shake and rattle with every thrust
The two of you are so loud that night that a couple who brought their kids up to your door for trick or treating literally covered their ears in horror and took off down the driveway 💀
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openheart12 · 3 years
Tales of the Heart
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A/N: I was so stoked when I found out TC was filmed in NC because it’s finally good for something dihgjkdgjls I’m trying to keep this as gender neutral as I can since I don’t tend to write fics with real people because I try to respect them, but I had this idea and wanted to write it. I’m not completely sure how I feel about it yet though lol but it should be a couple parts!! 
Summary: During filming for The Conjuring, reader is living their dream of being an actor. They didn’t think life could get much better, but then again, they never expected they would fall in love. 
WC: 1,314
Pairing: GN reader x Vera
You were in Wilmington, North Carolina for the filming of The Conjuring that you were just casted in. It was a movie based on the paranormal investigator couple Ed and Lorraine Warren. The movie itself was actually based on one of their real life cases that you had spent hours researching on to prepare for your role, however minor it was.
Acting has been a dream of yours since you were little. The red carpet had always excited you and now you were just that much closer to achieving your dream. 
It was late February and a cold chill was raising goose bumps on your arms. You were on the way to EUE/Screen Gems Studios where the first day of filming was taking place. You were told filming would take just a little over a month and you had planned accordingly, bringing almost your entire wardrobe, but it was better to be prepared than sorry.
At least that’s how you justified it. 
This was your first time in the state and you were taking in your surroundings. The window was down, your hair blowing in the wind as you did some last minute research on your phone. You pulled up the first article you found; 
The movie was based on the Perron family case, a family of seven who lived in Harrisville, Rhode Island. In January 1971, they moved into a farmhouse where they began to notice strange things happening. It started small, Carolyn, the mother, would notice that the broom went missing or seemed to move by itself, she’d hear something scraping against the kettle, and she’d find small piles of dirt in the center of the floor after cleaning it.
It wasn’t long before the children started to notice spirits around the house. 
Carolyn  researched the history of the house and discovered that it had been in the same family for eight generations and that many of them had died under mysterious and horrible circumstances. 
She found a woman by the name of Bathsheba Sherman who lived on the property in the mid-1800s. She was rumored to have been a Satanist and there was evidence that she was involved in the death of a neighbor’s child, though no trial ever took place. She was buried in a nearby Baptist cemetery in downtown Harrisville. 
The Perron’s believed it was Bathsheba’s spirit tormenting them. 
The Warren’s made multiple trips to investigate. At one point, Lorraine conducted a seance to contact the spirits that were possessing the family. However, during the seance, Carolyn became possessed, speaking in tongues and rising from the ground in her chair. After the seance, Roger kicked the Warren’s out worried about his wife’s mental stability. 
The family continued to live in the house until they were able to move in 1980, at which point the spirits were silenced and the hauntings ceased. 
You let out an involuntary shudder. As excited as you were, you were also nervous. You didn’t think that a horror movie would be the start of your career, not that you were complaining. 
The car pulled up in front of the studio and you got out, looking at the building standing before you. You thanked the driver and gave him the information of the hotel you would be staying at.
You straightened your shoulders and took a deep breath before making your way inside. The first thing you noticed was the noise and the chaos. There were hundreds of video equipment scattered around and more people than you’ve ever seen before cramped together. You weren’t exactly sure of what to do so you stood off to the side, in a private little corner.
You took in everything, from the people to the millions of lights that were already beginning to make your head hurt. And for a moment, just a moment, you began to doubt if you could do this or not.
“Hey, you okay?” A soft voice called out to you.
“I’m fine,” you replied, turning to look at the person and stopping in your tracks. The voice belonged to no one other than Vera Farmiga, the star of the movie you were here to film, your idol, and the woman you had a slight crush on. Okay, maybe it wasn’t a slight crush, but nonetheless, you stood there in shock. 
“I’m Vera,” she said, offering her hand to you. You took it with a shaky hand. Her hand was so much softer than you expected.
“I’m Y/N.” 
“It’s nice to meet you,” she smiled and you returned it, still standing there completely awestruck. You had seen every single movie she’s been in, she was one of the big reasons you wanted to go into acting and standing in front of her, you were speechless.
“Vera?” A male voice called and the two of you turned your head to see James Wan, the director, walking towards you. Yet again, you were awestruck. You loved his directing and Saw was a favorite of yours. “I need you and Patrick to start getting ready. We’re going to start the opening scene of the Warren’s.”
“Okay, perfect. James, this is Y/N,” Vera introduced you and you gave a small smile.
“Hey,” you offered.
“Hey, you’re playing the student at the university, right?”
You nodded, surprised he remembered your role.
“I don’t think we’re going to film your scene today, so if you just want to hang out and get to know the other cast members, that’s fine,” he said before going back to work, leaving you and Vera alone again.
“Maybe we can get together for dinner later?” She asked and you swear you heard her voice waver just a bit, but you played it off as your ears playing tricks on you.
“That’d be great!” You exclaimed, a wide grin on your face.
“It’s a date,” she winked, walking away. A slight blush adjourned your cheeks and you felt very hot. The chilly air from earlier was now gone.
The rest of the day passed by rather quickly, you had stayed on set getting to know the gist of things and of course watching Vera. 
She was captivating while in her element, doing what she loved. You were entranced by her beauty. You didn’t think that there were many people who could pull off clothes from the 70s quite like she did. She even caught you staring a couple times, smiling at you when she met your eyes.
You also saw Patrick Wilson, the other star and other half of the Warren couple. You noticed their chemistry right away and couldn’t help but think of how you wished it was you playing Vera’s significant other. 
When filming finished for the day, you headed to your hotel room to get ready for your “date.” You were giddy with excitement and bouncing with nerves. A million questions were going through your head: what would you wear? What would you two talk about? Would it be awkward? Where were you going to go? 
You weren’t familiar with the area and you didn’t know if she was or not. Dinner on the beach sounded nice to you, but maybe she didn’t like the beach or maybe she would change her mind. There were too many things unknown and your nerves were starting to get the better of you. 
Just then a knock sounded at your door and you went to look through the peephole to find Vera outside. You opened it and she smiled, leaning in to give you a hug. 
“You ready?” She asked.
“Ready,” you responded confidently. She held her hand out to you and you took it, heading downstairs to the waiting car. “Where are we going?” You asked once getting seated.
“You’ll see,” she smirked. 
You smiled at the things you still had to learn about her as you got settled in for the drive.
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missmewts · 3 years
music//the evans
(seasons 1-7, luke cooper, peter maximoff, there will be more in part two!)
rating; pg
warnings; none???
basically some music artists and songs evan's roles might listen to. the gif isn't evan but gaga is iconic so don't complain
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LUKE COOPER...the office, 2010
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MGK. don't even argue. he's obsessed with machine gun kelly
but if someone asks, it's kanye west
he's never heard a single song of kanye's
his favorite radio station on sirius xm is the pulse
he really likes sunflower and best friend by rex orange county, but those are the only ones
he gets chills everytime ben platt's 'imagine' comes on. don't ask why.
TATE LANGDON...ahs: murder house, 2011
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but specifically my axe or boogie-woogie-woo tho
he doesn't mention liking them tho cause it's sorta out of place with everything else he likes
nirvana obvi
probably stevie nicks/fleetwood mac
the doors
build me up buttercup, specifically
crosby stills nash & young
he loves the classic vinyl and classic rewind stations on sirius xm
bargain by who ofc ofc
sorry i'm just like a nerd for classic rock
KIT WALKER...ahs: asylum, 2012
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the drifters, of course
i count the tears and there goes my baby
AIN'T TOO PROUD TO BEG WHILE HE'S COOKING!!? i could write a whole fic of kit dancing in the kitchen while he makes cookies
sea of love by phil phillips KAKDJED
def brandy (you're a fine girl) by looking glass
listens to elvis and jackie wilson
loves the 50s on 50 station
KYLE SPENCER...ahs: coven, 2013
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he's totally an 80's nerd but he's lowkey about it
that one song from matilda where it's like mmm m mm mmm
need you tonight. TOTALLY.
maybe the occasional nirvana song, but he prefers 80s pop
speaking of-
it's the only title he can pronounce so that's the only song he says he likes <3
he did try to learn the japanese in the song, but he gave up
JIMMY DARLING...ahs: freakshow, 2014
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(a lot of inspiration came from "vintage playlist but youre a teenager in love" by rainbeary on youtube)
imagine kit
we all totally know he loves love songs but don't tell him that
he loves the ronnetes
he totally just dances around his caravan, 'we make 'em turn their heads every place we go, so won't you please be my, be my baby!!'
whenever i think of jimmy, soul kitchen comes STRAIGHT to mind. he would totally fuck someone to that
PETER MAXIMOFF...xmen, 2014-19
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a sucker for classic rock
sweet dreams (are made of this) obvi
billy joel!!!
i love rock n roll by joan jett and the black hearts
the joker by the steve miller band!!
JAMES PATRICK MARCH...ahs: hotel, 2015
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he loves swing and big band!!
moonlight serenade by glenn miller and his orchestra
loves glenn miller
it's been a long, long time
yk, that song that we all cry to?
he totally dances around with elizabeth to that song, just singing along all quiet, 'kiss me once, then kiss me twice, then kiss me once again.'
star dust by artie shaw and his orchestra
'darling, did you know, ella's voice, according to ancient studies, is utterly perfect?'
can you tell i adore james
RORY MONAHAN...ahs: roanoke, 2016
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totally has one of those spotify radio things
he loves 2000s pop
he loves yellow by coldplay, though
lady marmalade is his ANTHEM
he lives for salt n peppa
KAI ANDERSON...ahs: cult, 2017
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he says he likes death metal and shit but he's a sucker for softies
yellow by coldplay, bubly by colbie caillat, and home by phillip phillips are his top three
he loves mac demarco and girl in red
888 specifically, ugh he loves it
he loves how the guitar comes in nearing the end, like it gets more intense
he relates to hot rod way too much
ugh kai is a softie
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