#Please tell me if I draw too much fanart
v-exian · 1 year
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I decided it’s fanart time (even if I for some reason draw fanart constantly, I should really focus on my own colony..)
Character belongs to -> @dimorphodon-x Anem
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kaitcake1289 · 1 month
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their 70 year failmarriage has changed my perception of love
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lil-lemon-snails · 9 months
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This post from @dca-prompts had me thinking about moon recolours!!! And I was entranced by the idea of pastel moon, specifically when the moon rises before the sun sets and you get a faint blue moon in the sky o.o
Anyways i think this moon would be really friendly,,, fluffy even,,,,,, don't mind the heart eyes i'm normal.
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lividmorris · 16 days
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pitske · 8 days
Godzillaaaaaa :3
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inspired by the Shin Godzilla posters
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a-s-levynn · 6 months
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"Even if the sky cracks in mourning / And the heavens just won't open up for me" A Series of Small Offerings - II/12 - day20
#a series of small offerings#sleep token fanart#elaboration on this piece further down in the tags because this one may confuse people i think#(also please note that i firmly believe that the from the room below version of this song is the superior one)#(so the art was made with that version in mind because that is the version that lives rent free in my brain for reasons)#i've been thinking so much how to approach this one.. i knew pretty much since i've made the challenge that i will go with this line#specifically because i refuse to hear it as the lyrics sites and spotify tells me to hear it (as it appears in the post) but instead#i don't hear the 'the' in any version of the song i'm sorry that is just not there#so i'm convinced it is 'as the sky cracks in mourning'#(sky cracking-lightning;sky mourning-rain)#which is also exactly how the song feels to me#being a sad wet cat of a person standing bare feet in a strom and just crying 'why i was i so blind to my own hubris'#specifically in relation of finally (and far too late) understanding you fucked up a relationship so bad it still hurts years after#if you've ever felt anything remotely similar you know what i'm talking about#and you get why i refuse it being 'in the morning' instead of 'in mourning'#vessel i#vessel#vessel sleep token#vessel fanart#sleep token band#sleeptoken#levynn tries to draw#sleep token#edit: i don't mean to offend those who stand behind the line being 'in the morning' btw i just don't hear it#and i don't think i'm correct. i'm correct for me. not in your stead. half the lyrics can be heard at least two ways#edit2: appearently i'm actually right about something for a change.. a truly unusual turn of events#see comments for referrence pls#also edited this post to the correct lyrics#but leaving the tags for context 'cause thw original version of the post has been rb-d before editing i think
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redhotarsenic · 8 months
I am almost tempted to get into genshin. Almost.
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juniperarts · 10 months
PS: Sorry if I came as too much, I just ADORE your art so much and I really need more of it😭😭😭❤️💗💖💖❤️
I already adore that boy and want to draw him all the time and this is just FUELING ME TO DO SO DO YOU REALIZE WHAT YOU'RE DOING??
I've been trying to be ... chill ... with my appreciation towards him but now you're giving me the enablement I need to do the opposite.
You better take responsibility 🤣
Nah but fr I'm glad you enjoy my stuff with him! It feels like there aren't as many artists fixated on Pav as they are with, say, Hobie or Miguel so I will do my best to provide more art/comics of him!
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prismatic-bell · 1 year
So @hejeksbs saw that post about fandom olds freaking out about IWTV stuff being posted on the AO3, and said they’re new to fandom and fandom culture and don’t understand. So congrats, Hejek, you’re one of today’s lucky 10,000. This is going to be a basic primer, but I encourage others to chime in with details. (Also, thanks for reminding me I need an Interview exhibit in the museum. I had that written down somewhere.)
So if you go back to the 1990s and early 2000s—the pre-AO3 digital years—you’re going to see an official disclaimer on just about every fic. These basically said “I don’t own anything here, please don’t sue me.” Some were quoted elaborate.
These started because of Anne Rice.
See, Anne Rice was, how can I say this nicely…an asshole? The day she died there were literally people posting crab rave and “Ding Dong, The Witch Is Dead” from The Wizard of Oz on Tumblr. Because before Harry Potter fanfiction was pretty frowned upon and you might get a C&D if you didn’t keep your head down properly, but Anne Rice.
Anne Rice literally recruited her “loyal fans” to harass people who made fanworks. At least one person was doxxed to her workplace by rabid Ricers, and at the time fanfiction was taboo enough you could absolutely get fired for that. I was eleven and friends with someone who was 13 who’d just read Interview and drew this wonky I-am-a-kid-who-can’t-really-draw-yet-but-I-loved-this-SO-MUCH piece of fanart of Louis and Lestat, and she literally dipped off the internet because she got an extremely nasty “I’m suing you” threat from Rice. (Are you out there, Mercury000? It’s me, sailorsharon0722.)
Anne Rice did everything in her power to ensure there was no IWTV fandom at all. I’ve heard from people older than me that she used to host a “vampire’s ball” every year in New Orleans for her “loyal fans” but if you showed up and she felt your costume outshone her own, she’d make you leave. People didn’t dare so much as put “Lestat” and “fanfiction” in the same sentence.
And then, irony of ironies, when her reputation got so bad she was struggling to sell books, she…became a Christian and started writing Bible fanfiction to sell.
Over the years there were claims she’d changed her mind about fanfiction, but nobody ever had evidence to back this up. I even saw a dude on Quora claiming to be a close friend of hers saying we were all lying, and he got absolutely ratioed by fans going “I still have my C&D letter, you wanna fucking try again?”
Incidentally, I would like to point out that her attitude wasn’t uniform. It’s easy to say “that’s just how it was,” but Neil Gaiman has been around since the 1980s and has always appreciated fanfiction. Stephen King’s approach is “please tell me, to my face, that me explicitly writing about Cthulhu isn’t fanfiction” and otherwise pretty lassez-faire (he has no interest in knowing you’re writing fanfiction of his stuff, he just genuinely doesn’t care), and his first book was published in the early 1970s. Gene Roddenberry, creator of Star Trek, actually accepted submissions of fanfiction scripts DURING THE SHOW’S ORIGINAL RUN, at least according to popular lore. (@dduane, can you check me on this?) Mercedes Lackey—who’s 1980s-and-1990s fantasy royalty—has been asked on Quora about why she “changed her mind about fanfiction” and her response was “I never changed my mind, I just had to talk my publisher into accepting it. I’ve always been okay with it but I had to say no because of my contract.” Sure, Diana Galbaldon was out there comparing fanfiction to rape(????), but even among those who disapproved of fanfiction, Rice’s attitude and actions were extreme. And they persisted into the 2000s, too, with her egging on fans who harassed and sent death threats to a YouTube reviewer who didn’t like one of her books.
AO3 changed ALL of that.
AO3 said “here is our well-researched legal claim that fanfiction is legal, and if someone gives you shit about works you have posted on our website, our lawyers will represent you. You can post safely here. It’s okay. We got your back.”
Even so, the fear about Anne Rice continued. And can you blame people? This woman’s name held the same power in fannish conversations as “Voldemort.” (A moniker by which I’ve actually heard her called.) She all but destroyed the old guard, on purpose.
….and then a new generation of fans happened. A new generation that didn’t remember life before AO3, had never known anyone who literally had to move house to get away from Rice’s minions’ threats and harassment. I know we use “nature is healing” as a joke on this website, but really truly, that’s what happened here. She left charred tree trunks and bushes that were old-school fans and from their ashes tiny little 2010s-fans seedlings began to grow.
The thousand-odd fics you saw in those screenshots (which I feel I should clarify are from before the new show came out—a show that must have her turning in her grave, because she was absolutely adamant that all her vampires were STRAIGHT and if you thought otherwise you were DISGUSTING, and I hope she spins so hard her corpse combusts) are absolutely shocking to us older fans because it’s like staggering out of a nuclear wasteland and spotting a little garden with signs saying “free nuclear-illness medical services” and realizing it’s real. What the fuck, what the fuck, but also, holy shit y’all we’re so proud of you. YES. Keep going. Don’t let the witch get you down.
EDIT: I’ve been informed by someone in the notes that IT ACTUALLY GETS WORSE:
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I’m not going to transcribe the whole thing because I’m on mobile and most of it is just bog-standard post notes, but what’s relevant is @theoriginalvelocipastor saying “OP forgot the part where she [Anne Rice] would take ideas from fanfiction.”
Like holy motherFUCKER this woman’s hypocrisy.
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factual-fantasy · 7 months
26 ASK! :DDDD🎉🎉🎉
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I do not.. :/ Sorry!
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:DDD Thank you!! ☕ I'm hanging in there as best I can <:) Thank you for the well wishes. I hope the same for you!
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@boxofcreampuffs (SKJAJD HORSE XDDDD)
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@chaotic-public-menace (Post in question)
<XD While that is true, this comic is way overdue. Its taken me some weeks to make and it should have been up like a month ago! I just wanna get it done already so I'm trying to not get distracted by FNAF and other drawing ideas-
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I haven't actually decided on whether or not the other Addison's were good or bad guys. This would change their reaction to seeing Spamton.
I had this idea that Spamton's world is a lot like Seam and Jevil's. Its more cruel and wicked than the original Deltarune.. And Spamton might not have been particularly close with the other Addison's.. They had no time for bonds or relationships. It was a dog eat dog world, every man for himself.
Branching off of that, one idea I had was the other Addison's had become jealous of Spamton's success and tried to kill him by pushing him into the acid pools.. Only for Spamton to survive and reemerge as a horrific looking creature..
If I go with the evil Addison story.. some Addison's might run away in fear just because of how horrific Spamton looks. Though some might deliberately abandon him becuase they hated him/were jealous of him and felt like he deserves this.
If I go with a story where the other Addison's weren't responsible for the acid fall.. they might still run away in fear. Seeing this horrible beast.. not realizing its one of their own.
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XD No problem! Soft boi Gregory is best Gregory!
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In my AU, none of the other Glamrock's know that Gregory exists. But if they did, maybe Roxy would envy it a bit..? Having someone look up to Freddy and not her might hurt her ego a bit.. :(
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Oh no no, his top and bottom row of teeth are separate. Like these pictures here show,
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(Post in question for the pictures)
The top row of teeth all fused together and became one big cracked tooth. And the bottom row did the same. But the two rows are separate and he can still open his mouth.
To think that if while he was initially melting, he had kept his mouth closed? His teeth would have melted together and he wouldn't be able to eat anything easily.. if at all.
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Please don't draw fanart of any of my stuff. There are no exceptions.
(Also thank you💖)
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Thank you! :DDD
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You just made their night XDD
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Thank you! I'm hanging in there 😅 I hope you are well too! :}}
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They're dry :x
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I imagine that Bonnie Bowl might have a flashlight.? And Pirates cove would have a box of confiscated Bon-cams XD
I don't really remember what the other collectables were in the game so I don't really have a reference to go off of..
Buuuut,,, maybe from Bonnie bowl you could also get one of Bonnies signature bowling balls? A purple bowling ball with a rabbit ears print on it somewhere.
And for Pirates Cove perhaps a cheap pirate captains hat? I had this idea that there's 100s of these cheap captain hats that Foxy gives away to the kids every day. So maybe that could be a collectable too? :00
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XD Once I'm done with this project that will be me. Posting the most painful angst I can conjure up
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I have not. But something tells me its about Hares/Rabbits XDD
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Yeah, me and some friends theorized about that. We thought "Maybe Vanessa or William is taking care of the animatronics and keeping them clean"
But even if they were, you cant help certain wears and tears. They would look noticeably worn, stained, torn in some places and a bit brittle in others after so many years of just existing.
They also missed out on a lot of scares by making them pristine. Bonnie's face could have had a crack/split down the side. "Oh yeah that's been there for a while, its fine" Only for it to fall of later in the movie revealing these piercing red eyes and a Childs head lodged in Bonnie's face/jaw.
Or Chica could have her beak come off or dangle down and reveal colorful wires hanging down.. and.. is that a childs arm.?
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(Post in question)
Oh yeah, he'd be scared. Even the Captain is spooked in that AU XD
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@kaiserdarken (WAAA SORRY FOR ANSWERING SO LATE! I was originally going to draw something as a response to this but I never got around to it and it got burriedddd.. my apologies. Better late than never I suppose-)
I do celebrate Halloween, which means Bibi and Jangles would as well XD For Halloween I like to dress up in some way and carve pumpkins. Although I forgot to carve any this year and didn't have a good opportunity to dress up unfortunately-
I can see Bibi wanting to dress up and carve pumpkins too. But he might not actually be strong enough to puncture a pumpkin to carve it <XD He'd need some help-
Jangles would just eat all of the candy. Plus pumpkin pie and more candy-
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(Again one of those asks I was going to respond to with a drawing but never got around to ittttt.. I'm sorry-)
Its been so long since you sent this I cant actually remember what it was referring to.💀 IM SO SORRY! Its still funny though! <XDD
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(Another ask I was going to respond to with a comic- sorry for the lateness!)
Thank you so much! And yeah, "Jangles looks like Papyrus," I get that a lot <XD
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(Yet another late ask that was meant to have a drawing attached😭 Sorry!)
(Bibi sweating profusely) "PLEASE do not die for me- I prefer you were alive--"
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@minnesotamedic186 (ANOTHER late ask meant to have its own post but I got lazy😭💔Sorry!)
The basic idea for my Kirby AU is that I took the other metaknight's and added them to the Kirby Right back at Ya universe :00 I cant remember what info I shared before because this ask was sent so long ago.. but I'll just recap Axe Knights story because it has the most detail!
Axe Knight was Metaknight's first follower, and best friend. He was with Metaknight from the very beginning. They became star warriors together when they were both a bit young. Axe Knight truly believed in Metaknight. He saw greatness in his friend, he saw a true hero. And he truly believed Metaknight was going to end this war and save the world. Its because of this adoration and belief, that Axe Knight devoted himself to Metaknight and proclaimed himself to be his first follower.
It was not too long after when tragedy struck. A battle broke out and Axe knight sacrificed himself to protect Metaknight. As he lay on the ground, dying from his sacrifice.. he saw Metaknight too laying on the ground nearby. Unmoving, and in a pool of his own blood. Axe knight died with his heart twisted in grief. Thinking that his sacrifice had failed. And that his best friend had died.
Metaknight of course survived, and Axe Knights sacrifice was the only thing that saved him. But Axe Knight didn't know that before he died. Metaknight buried his best friend and left that planet in grief. Forever changed by this loss..
But Axe Knight.. wasn't totally gone. Axe died grieving, thinking that this world lost a great warrior; Metaknight. Thinking that it was so cruel Metaknight didn't get to live longer. To travel the universe and save lives. They were robbed of a hero. Because of Axe Knights failure. His soul was so disturbed that it couldn't move on. He later crawled out of his grave, with a fiery determination to make things right. To go out there and save as many lives as possible. To protect anyone he can and to help all who need him. Because that's what Metaknight would have done.
Eventually after years of blindly wandering the universe.. battling monsters and saving innocents.. he crosses paths with dreamland. He finds himself in a little town full of Cappys.. And then he runs in to a familiar face...
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I was going to draw a comic of Jangles making a vlog style video. "Hey guys, welcome to pranking with Jangles. Today I'm gonna prank Bibi by throwing this cheese slice at his face!"
He sneaks up behind Bibi who is sitting on a beanbag and reading or something- "Hey Bibi" He turns around
Jangles throws the cheese slice and it completely misses and just splats on the ground. "Oh oops"
Bibi: "????"
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@uay778 (The last ask that I was going to draw something for and never got around to. So sorry!)
I was going to draw a comic to this where I replace the bandages with clean, fresh ones. But then they immediately get soaked with blood again XDD Its just a part of my design!
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mraeelli · 6 months
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Hi guys, I’m opening up my commissions! 💌 I will be doing it slot based for every month and will update my status on my tumblr page itself (on the left box). I would love to draw/paint your characters! Email me if you’re interested 😊 (more info below the cut) 🤗🎀
What I can do: +Original Characters +Fanart +Mild Nudity/Artistic Nudity +I accept text descriptions and supporting references, though the payment will differ slightly due to me having to design from scratch. +If there’s anything you want me to draw that isn’t listed here, don’t hesitate to ask! I’ll see what I can do :)
What I can’t do: -Very explicit NSFW -Anthro/furry characters -Heavy Gore/Sci-Fi (If it’s not too complicated then I might be able to do it :) -Mecha -Overly complicated armor (this one is negotiable, you can contact me for more info!) -If I find any subjects uncomfortable for me to draw, I reserve the right to turn the request down (sorry!)
Additional Info Personal usage only, and I reserve the right to post it on my blog or use it for promotional purposes unless you have stated beforehand that you don’t want me to. +Commissions will likely take around 3-4 weeks to complete, or sooner depending on how complex it is. If there are any delays I will inform you accordingly +Payment will be made once initial sketch has been confirmed and will finish through by email :) +All payments are to be made upfront through Paypal invoice
How do I send an inquiry for a commission?
Thank you so much for taking your time to inquire/commission!
To inquire about anything general regarding the commission, i.e: a simple question about if I accept drawing this/etc. can be asked through my email (stated above), Instagram-DM, Tumblr-DM, or Tumblr-Inbox.
Any inquiries will be replied within 3-4 working days. To inquire about applying for a commission, sending it through email is the best way for me. Thank you!
What do I send in for my commission?
please send an email to [email protected]
Some things to include:
Your paypal email that you’d like the invoice to be sent to
A description of what you want me to draw (eg. your OC, a canon character) and the type of commission you want
References of your OC/Character you'd like (or alternatively, text descriptions with maybe a face claim if it’s alright)
Info (some personality traits, mood/vibe of the drawing,lighting, etc. anything you think is important for me to know when I am drawing)
More Info
Character Info 
General Information : Name, Age, Race, Personality and anything you’d like me to know :)
Some reference pictures (if you only have text as reference - it would be great if you could provide some images such as face claims of the character, and/or clothes that you’d like the character to be wearing.)
If you are going for the painting option, it would be great if you could tell/provide some references on the mood and lighting that you would like to go for. (For example, a dark somber scene with only the moon as the light source) - to evoke a certain feeling/story
Don’t hesitate to ask me any more questions through DM or email!
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greekceltic · 4 months
FAQ Page
I'm not quite done with this, but it'll be nice for later.
Is it okay if I take inspiration from your art and concepts? I've been in a situation in recent years where another artist has taken far, far too much. You've probably seen me talk about it. It's a subject I'm pretty burnt out on. I recently saw another artist's take on this and it seemed sensible to me. I'm just going to quote theirs. I have tried to find my own words, but right now I find myself more comfortable using someone else's. "Well, if you’re having to ask me for permission, either your design is too similar or you’re being overly nervous about a normal artistic process. You’re absolutely free to use my work as a source of inspiration but I’d strongly encourage you to think about the details from my design you like most, and remix them with other concepts into your own unique take."
Taking inspiration is something everyone does, but please don't become a shadow I get bi-weekly alerts about. Ideally your pool of inspiration will be many artists and concepts re-imagined into something unique to you- and that you're being honest with yourself about the result.
Your art is being copied! / Will you tell me who the copy cat is? I know your intentions are in the right place, and I appreciate that, but I get a lot of messages about this and am tired. I'm sure if my art ends up somewhere it shouldn't be or there's a significant event, the community will get it to me through people I know, but let me rest. I'm just sayin' get a second or third opinion before coming to my inbox.
I sent you a message and you didn't respond. Sorry about that. I tend not to stress about messages because it can be a drain. You're more likely to get a response if you let me know from the get go what you want, but nothing is guaranteed. Sometimes I didn't see it, sometimes I got busy or forgot, sometimes I plan to do it later, sometimes I just opted out. It's not personal.
Are you okay with fanart? What about OC interactions? Can I post it? Sure, just don't profit off of it and please credit me. If you want to draw my OCs interacting with yours that's also fine- though I prefer situations where their actions make sense. Alf wouldn't make your character cry for fun, for example. He's grumpy but not cruel. Posting it is fine. Where do you Rp? Are you looking for more partners? Discord mostly. Roleplay consumes a lot of time so these days I mostly only play with my buddy Thema. I probably wouldn't have time to play, but I like to hang around people that do and I don't mind being asked. Just please don't be sad if I never get around to responding! I'm most compatible with people who are comfortable with radio silence.
Can I use your characters in roleplay/as roleplay refs? Considering I actively roleplay my OCs and there's a potential for confusion, I'd rather you didn't. Though I think there's a difference between linking to my art and saying 'this is my character', and linking to it to say 'this has the mood I'm going for, but here's what's different about my character--'. The latter is fine.
Can I make Fan OCs for your setting? Thinking about this makes me tired. Maybe I'll get to a point where I'm more comfortable later, but for now I'd rather you didn't make something directly from my worlds. But lets be real, you don't need my permission to draw cat monsters and I take a huge amount of inspiration from ancient history. Many of my concepts are inspired by things that you can read about and be inspired too. If you see something and are curious if there's a historical source, just ask. Hopefully I'll remember.
Can I repost your work? I don't mind as long as I'm credited. Most of my art has a signature on it already. If it doesn't, please add a link or my name so people can find me. I'm less okay with my work being used as a pageviews grab on a site where I have an active social media presence, but it's probably not worth my time to care.
Do I have permission to draw NSFW art of your characters? No, for a plethora of reasons, some easy to explain and some not, but I probably can't stop you. Just don't profit off of it or show it to me.
Do you have a website for your OCs? I have RP pages for them scattered all over the place and many of them are outdated, but as I type this I recently put some up on Toyhouse. https://toyhou.se/GreekCeltic
Do you have a website for your comic? Sure do. It's an expensive fuck. https://catswaycomic.com/ When does your comic update? Sporadically. I work on it when I have time. My income is solely freelance commissions and Patreon- mostly commissions.
There's other places you could post your comic! Yeah, I know. I may do that someday, but for now I like having my own house, even if it's an expensive fuck. (Not really, the renewal just hits around tax time, Lol).
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donutboxers · 12 days
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📺 commissions are open!📺
I'm now taking commissions for Bust through full body and sketches, I will also be taking pfp pixel art commissions
I know I haven't shared much art to tumblr yet, my older art is all on Instagram and is a good example of the style of art you will be receiving, however I'm open to pixel art for full body drawings as well as I want to practice this style
I accept Cashapp, Venmo, and PayPal, payments are made before the art is drawn and I will refund if necessary (if you or I have to cancel)
I will draw:
-OCs (humanoid, furry)
-fictional characters (fanart)
-portraits (you or another real person)
-NSFW (sexual or some gore,depending)
I will not or cannot draw:
- mech suits
-complex backgrounds
-NSFW containing minors, cnc, incest, certain kinks/fetishes or certain gore (will tell you if it is one I will not draw)
I can send examples of NSFW art if interested
please DM me if you are interested!
reblogs and shares are appreciated but not required :]
I am currently too broke to afford food or rent so commissions are very much needed! if anyone would like to donate without buying a commission please DM me for information
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alevolpe · 5 months
In like a week you've dropped at least 3 Images of michiru naked, and now MakoAmi sex, you went from cute fanart blog to loli pedo channel in 0- 60 in 3.45 maybe it's time get some help?
And yeah all it is pedo art, all the girks only turn 16 (most common age of consent globally) at the end of the manga, you're drawing 13-15 year olds fucking. Fix up.
And here I thought Tumblr people were more mature than people on twt.
So let me start by addressing one small issue first.
This is MY blog, I spend MY time drawing for people for FREE. If you do not like what I post on MY BLOG, you can get the fuck out of here.
Second of all, this is nothing new, I've been posting nsfw scarcely on twt and even here for over a year. The only reason I don't post more of it here, it's cause Tumblr has a much stricter tos on sexual content, so I only post what I really don't think will get me in trouble.
Now, let us address the big "controversy" of the room, shall we.
All Characters I draw in a sexual or nsfw context are over 18.
I do not take child characters and slap an adult age on them, I physically age them up.
All of them are shown to have adult bodies, cause guess what, I'm attracted to adults, not children. Please pull up all the characters I've drawn in nsfw and tell me those are children, I dare you to, please.
I couldn't give less of a fuck what age the manga characters are. Characters age. If you are THAT immature that you cannot see past what is fed to you straight with a straw in narrative, then that is YOUR problem, not mine.
In the manga Usagi is illustrated topless, by the creator, are you calling Takeuchi a pedo too? Is she the only one allowed to portray nudity and sex with her characters? Is it because she's a woman? I'm a woman too. Am I still a pedo to you? It's almost like she understands that her character don't stay teenagers forever.
Usagi has a child. She had sex. Wow. How scandalous! A character that is 16 is explicitly shown to have a child in the future! it's almost like... characters age! And she will have a child when she's older.. what?!?!
I'm tired, I really am. I'll say this straight on, I don't care anymore. Fix up your dogshit attitude and learn to respect others.
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callsignhood · 5 months
hi hoodie!! just wanna let you know that you're very loved and cherished, talking from personal experience! i check your blog everyday! it's sad Tumblr doesn't let me comment but I'd love to show my appreciation on your posts with comments rather than send asks 😭 anywho! just wanna tell you that you're amazing and your blog is amazing your blog aesthetic is amazing despite it blinding me everytime but that's okay 🫶 and your drawings AND writings are really amazing too! i visit your blog everytime i need a lil serotonin boost or some comfort or familiarity and I'm so sorry if that's creepy or I'm being sappy but you have no idea how much i freaking love your blog, i really wanna make fanart for you or draw your persona but idk what your persona is like so if you please could give me a description that'd be as lovely as you and your presence (which are really lovely btw) thank you and have a good night I'm sorry if I'm too much!! 🫶
Hi! Thank you for your kind words, I’m actually having a bad day, and this made me smile. 😢🩵 I’m thankful that you’re enjoying my amateur sketches. I unfortunately don’t have a persona, but I’m building my own CoD OC, here’s my Canadian moose boy. 🇨🇦 It’s wonderful to hear that you wanna draw fanart, I’m very flattered. Also sorry lmao I’m used to drawing white canvas, I’ll try to draw on grey! Sorry to hear you can’t comment yet, you can DM me straight up if you want
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alienssstufff · 1 year
I can't help but ask what you were thinking when jrwi asked for you to draw the Galloway map! Were you interested in jrwi at some point :0
[this is gonna be really freaking long and emotional i am so sorry] Dude I was scared shitless.
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like back in august when Charlie (and JRWI by proxy) were looking for artists for the BITW coc campaign, I replied under his tweet with my stuff Mainly for funzies (was egged on by moots) thinking he'd never actually pick me (there were SO so many good artists under that post ain't no way...)
.... and then he DID
like I wish I could fully emphasize how much that gig means to me imagine: one of my favourite CCs ever, from one of my favourite podcasts EVER, liked MY art and talked to ME to essentially be an environmental concept artist (which is like.. my dream job btw) for HIS campaign??
my monday afternoon that day exploded
and I felt so bad for him too ttwtt - ok - to Charlie our interactions were probably just like any other time commissioning an artist but for me I was mentally in the TRENCHES (in both a good and terrifying way). For someone with really, really, really horrible social anxiety I'm eternally grateful for his patience putting up with my awkwardness - he is seriously one of the most kindest people in the world ;_;
It was so nice hearing Charlie's ideas for the campaign and letting me build on top of it - it rly shows how important that campaign in particular and dnd as a whole is to him and the rest of the council and I feel so blessed to have been a part of that process >w<
I still have small notes lyin around, I can share small behind the scenes snippets if yall want :>
ngl I was about to apply as the map artist again for the main Riptide campaign but was too busy at the time O(-(
I didn't get to talk to the rest of the boys before, if in the chance we were to cross paths again in the future ever I'd love to work for them again (if I am ever that good to) (if they'd have me)!
As for that second half of your ask anon - wwhwhw yes I am interested in JRWI. Already have been in on Riptide and did some fanart at least but I'm a few episodes behind ahfvlsdkfhvb (somewhere in the 90s also without spoiling someone PLEASE tell me if or if not the mf 7hour long ep 100 is the finale im getting scared). I've been wanting to listen to the other patreon campaigns *Im scratching clawing at the walls on PD let me INNN* real bad but idk if my neurodivergent ass could keep focus on maintaining a subscription and catch up in time,, know that i want to tho!
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