#Quna (PSO2)
koyoriin · 1 year
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valentine’s bunny quna!
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vtncomics-art · 6 months
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Is that, Hatsune Miku?
Come to end my misery?
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kimagure-ilya · 30 days
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Quna from PSO2 PSO2クーナちゃんrkgk
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quog-blog · 1 year
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Can we take a moment to appreciate how cute my Quna keychain is, I mean look at her! 🥹🖤
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lindsayfrazerdraws · 1 year
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edelorion · 9 months
pso2 chess headcanons because i felt like it!!
this will contain a bit of spoilers so do finish episode 6 maybe -w-
okay so.
Afin: he's a beginner. he knows how the horse moves but if you throw an en passant on him he'll be very confused. leaves pawns and pieces hanging constantly. but he's a good sport about it! "Aw crikey, didn't see that one! Good game, mate!"
Matoi: okay so as klariskrays 2 she never had the time to play and even now after the defeat of the primordial darkness she never really has an interest in chess. however, she's not bad at it. her playstyle is very defensive and while necessary sacrifices have to be made sometimes if she can avert the taking of a piece or a pawn on her sideshe usually does.
Quna: like matoi, as zelsius quna AND an idol she never had the time to play but after the defeat of tpd i think she's probably taken it up as a hobby. and just like her former assignment as zelsius she's completely unassuming until she suddenly ICBMs your queen and there's nothing you can do about it.
Casra: okay he's actually taken the time to learn how to play chess. and he's good at it. he could win against anyone in the Oracle fleet with a bit of effort bar from anyone whose name starts with x. he's fancy and unconventional to stump players whenever he knows they can't handle it, but he's very defensive and by the book whenever he's playing against an actual competent opponent. CAN'T resist an en passant.
Zig: really good. picked up chess in his downtime. can hold a candle against casra. his philosophy while playing is that diamonds are formed under extreme heat and pressure and as such he's super offensive in his play. he breaks you down, so you can build yourself up. and if he finds the opponent survived his trial he's okay with... letting them win a bit. as a treat. especially does this with matoi. he's really good at blitz chess in particular.
Io: best girl BEST GIRL how does she perform?? pretty alright! but she breaks down easily whenever things don't go as she planned. she's very bold in her plays but whenever she's threatened she's internally screaming. probably taunts a little -w-
Pietro: failboy. does the bongcloud unironically because he genuinely doesn't know it's a bad opening. anytime he plays it's like a trainwreck that you can't look away from
Zeno: not that great. tried picking up chess after the defeat of tpd but never got the hang of it. at most he plays a casual match against echo or matoi but he's not that great.
Echo: comeback queen. she knows the openings, but her midgame is a little weak, however she's good at persisting after pieces are lost. probably won a few times against io after io took her queen and was SO assured of her victory
Risa and Hariette: do i even need to say it. risa would rather be shooting things than be playing chess but every game is HELLISH NIGHTMARE. she's more offensive than Zig and plays EXPLICITLY to see the doom in people's eyes as she trumps them at every aspect. and hariette? she knows this. and she helps. whenever hariette's in full control though she plays a good, clean, and strategic game on her own, and her decisionmaking skills really shine through. xiao's pleasantly surprised to see either of them play like this.
Pati: does not care for chess. but every time someone else plays she commentates and makes up random names for the attacks and gambits and defenses like "The Tyrell Defense, Rico Variation" and "The Flowen Gambit" to make it seem more exciting to people and to make herself seem smart until Tia calls her out on the nonsense.
Tia: actually knows alot of chess theory, but has very little practice. a pretty good commentator with quite a bit of insight however. can't help but backseat play a little though... until pati starts shouting about a "Kireek Method Attack" or something like that.
Melrandia: actually learnt chess from melfonseana, her sister, who probably won an arks chess championship one time. as for melrandia herself, she's also rather good but kinda shy about it. focuses alot on defense, and doesn't do anything fancy bar for a scholar's mate sometimes since that's the first thing melfonseana taught her. she pulled it against io once and she made her cry
Maria: she's pretty good. as non-CAST she picked it up as pastime whenever she's not busy, but nowadays she has little time for it. but when she plays, she's a menace. she especially strives in high-speed, high-stakes scenarios like blitz or bullet chess. she knows most of the good openings and knows how to make the best of them and carries that momentum all the way to endgame.
Regius: bold and brash when he first picked it up, but has since quenched it, and now as a CAST, he's just pretty good... but does like doing the more unconventional tactics sometimes. but against maria, he's super serious. he'll beat her one day.
Xion: beyond stockfish. any move she plays is the best in its situation. she has never lost a game. she will never lose a game. she knows everything about her opponent and WILL play the perfect game each and every time. she is a menace. cold. calculated. an utter destroyer. may the akashic records have mercy on your soul, since its librarian has none to spare ゴゴゴゴ
Xiao: almost on the same level as xion. but he's much less player as he is teacher. each game he plays he invites the opponent to improve. he lets them figure out their flaws, lets them improve on them, and then decimates them. often leads on casra into thinking he's winning against him before pulling the rug right under him
Xiera: cheater. she's decent but any time she's losing she taps into xiao and uses his processing power to completely decimate her opponent. she thinks she's sneaky about it but she really isn't. it's gotten so bad that xiao personally comes down to shame xiera each time she does this.
main character: lemme paint you a picture for this.
Xiao: "Oof, you lost a piece there..." MC: "..." Xiao: "Wait, it's the Timestream-- Stop! How far back are you trying to go?!" <AP 2XX, 10 seconds before> MC: "...So I castle instead." Xiao: "hhhh you cheater."
if any of you have more chess HCs esp. for characters i've missed (pso2 or ngs) please reblog and share them!!
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bestgirlsystem · 4 months
it's incredible how women-focused pso2 is especially if you play as a girl character
matoi is a lesbian, [Persona] is a depressed lesbian trying desperately to save her girlfriend, the "main character" of "pso2" is a badass lady (who also pops out of the computer in a girl's room), hitsugi is inspired by another woman (also episode 4 as a whole, with hitsugi, kohri, mother, and the only true villains are men), episode 5 is again full of women even during the elder and luther arcs, episode 6 has goddess of destruction shiva girlbossing gatekeeping and genociding
both the pre-retcon and post-retcon akashic records are women. a woman takes control of the arks fleet. quna exists
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echosaefir · 11 months
On that note tho, LET ME TALK ABOUT MY AWESOME NEW AVI, which is only a part of a larger art piece created by the amazing @boutsoftheblind!!!! I hadn’t really introduced her much yet over here, but the art is of my PSO2 OC, Thelyss Saefir. I have a lot of writing to do about her in the future, which I may or may not do here, but for now let me just share the art and a small description of who Thelyss is.
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Thelyss is a member of the treasured clan of the Saefir family, Defenders of her home planet of Motavia. She was always unhappy just sticking to defending her own planet, so she decided to join ARKS to try and become something bigger than what she could be in Motavia. Along the way, she lost the meaning of defending that she had learned about back home. She focused too much on the academics of it and optimizing her results, on becoming “The Best” at defeating Dark Falz, without thinking about the human aspect of it. A chance encounter with an older ARKS during her first mission on Naverius would remind her of this, and while tragedy struck leaving her first friend as nothing but a bunch of Photons floating through the sky, She took the cane/rifle that belonged to them and vowed to become the kindest ARKS ever instead.
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Thelyss went through many adventures with her Oracle pals. But one day something strange happened. She woke up inside a capsule at a cliff on a seaside, awoken by two girls, named Aina and Mannon. Thelyss learned that it had been over a thousand years and she was now in a planet called Halpha, the current base of operations for ARKS. She didn’t know how she ended up here. But she was determined to not lose herself, and to continue her mission of kindness, particularly with her new friends.
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A few facts about her:
She wears a warm outfit most of the time because Motavia is a very warm planet, and she has never quite gotten used to the temperature in even barely colder parts of the universe
She does however tend to use lighter clothing in warmer areas, and really enjoys the style of clothing used in Retem
While she is very peppy and tries to keep a positive outlook a lot of the time, she does have a quick fuse and can quickly get angry if things don’t go her way.
She’s a huge fan of Quna and believes that, if she wasn’t a member of ARKS, she’d have become a pop star too.
Despite this, she actually has never had formal vocal training of any kind and refuses to sing in front of others.
She once created a huge commotion in the Oracle casino over losing a year’s worth of savings at the Rappy Slots. Which resulted in her having to pay off three broken machines with a month’s work as a casino attendant.
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troymaconn · 11 months
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artistdaura · 3 years
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I made an artwork of Quna in the City Area.
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the-woods-call-me · 3 years
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= Shining Concert =
Please click for larger size. =)
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koyoriin · 1 year
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http://twitter.com/koyoriin http://patreon.com/koyorin http://instagram.com/koyori_n http://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=12576068
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mat2modblog · 3 years
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Uhh no? Barring a couple of rare and brief exceptions where exactly one person was looking, she only used that form out in the field.
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konoka99 · 3 years
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orpheust-elos · 4 years
Our Fighting -Phantasy Star Online 2 by Quna (Eri Kitamura)-
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sidetailedvixen · 5 years
as promised, the 2nd half of the concert, enjoy
the other 1st half parts are here if you're interested:
1st half part 1
1st half part 2
1st half part 3
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