#Rant I guess?
dreamingriven · 3 months
seeing a lot of players hate on d2 is breaking my heart. not liking a game is fine! but threatening the devs, being racist and transphobic and downright assholes - that is a very different thing.
i feel like it's only getting worse. the dev stream on tuesday and the bungie fundraiser stream yesterday/today are the most recent examples. like what the actual fuck is wrong with y'all? stop that bs, you are being ridiculous.
haters, please play a different game and leave the fans the fuck alone.
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special-mooon · 3 months
Obey me burnout is so depressing man i love my boys but i have no motivation to play it anymore 😭😭😭
I feel like the 2nd game helped fuel this burnout and idk everything’s just different now 😔😔😔
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tloubraininfection · 1 year
I`ve seen a lot of posts talking about Ellie and her agency or lack thereof in the finale of TLOU and I just feel like they are mostly missing the point. What people seem to forget is that Ellie is 14, that means she`s a child.
And I include myself in the people since until recently I was ignoring that fact as well and that’s probably because she comes off as very wise and older then she is. But those two things are not some superpower, they are a trauma response. Growing up in an orphanage, living under a fascist regime in a post-apocalyptic world, getting bit and almost dying will do that to you. And it’s going to really mess with how you view yourself and the world.
Ellie is just a kid and as a kid you don’t have full autonomy or agency and you are not supposed to have it. Your parents are there for a reason, they have a job to do and that job is to protect you and help you grow. And I know Joel is not Ellie`s legal anything, but he is the closest to a parental figure she has and it falls on him to make those hard decisions.
And with the recent episode of HBO show I`ve seen a lot of people calling Joel hypocritical for saying that Ellie should have a choice when it comes to her companion for the rest of her journey, but he refused to give her a choice in the end. Well, here’s the rub: It’s not hypocritical, it’s what parenting is. You may let your kid go to a summer camp, but stop them from going on a solo round the world trip. In fact youll make a ton of decisions for them and sometimes they might hate you for it. Thats the job.
Also what kind of an adult would let a traumatized 14-year old martyr themselves, because they feel such a strong survivors guilt that they  see no other way than to be a savior of humanity even at a cost of their own life? Stopping your kid form hurting themselves is the right thing to do here.
I don’t know, there is something about this whole “Ellie wanted this and that” discourse that just rubs me the wrong way.
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casinocarpediem · 2 months
Don't get me wrong I'm ALL for oc x Canon content but,,,,, please,,, don't make your sona,,,, look like a child?,, like, dawg I'm all for your ship arts frl but I'm not trying to look like a pred 😭 it's totally fine if your smaller and shorter than the character cause i get it and I've met A LOT of people who are grown ass adults who are 4 feet (welcome to the Philippines, my 45 year old Social studies teacher was 4'11) but like. I'm sure you can make them not look so suspiciously young 😭😭
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angelthingy · 4 months
hi so. i don’t really know how much i’ll be using tumblr tbh- i still wanna stay in touch with the stuff going on and b able to interact with ppls posts but like. yeah i mean lately this place has kinda sucked and even tho i do wanna use it i kinda feel like i should look for other places to move to in advance cus wow there is a lot of hatred to trans women rn!! holy shit!!!!! i used to like this site and i still like some ppl on here but ughhh in general idk.
i’ve like. never really felt happy on here being transfem (which ive talked about before aaaaa) but i used to think like. well its just a minor thing. at least i still get to see wholesome transmasc posts n other trans community stuff. but now im realising that like. it’s not really minor, or a coincidence. like. we’re being targeted wtf
what ppl don’t rly understand is that even if small transfem blogs like myself aren’t actively getting nuked, we still don’t really have much content to enjoy because all the other ones are??? and even if they arent they're just leaving instead because. we feel kinda unsafe here so whats the point of staying!!!! i’ve talked about this before but i always kinda assumed it was a coincidence,,,,, im kinda doubting that now!!!
so yeah like. i’m just making this post cus i genuinely don’t rlly know what im uh gonna do atm- i don’t wanna leave it because it’s where my beloved posts stuff (and uh idk other ppl too i guess) and i wanna see them :(( and also like. i hadn’t planned to leave it before so idk where id go to??? i just really hope that this. stops. so that we can actually like. exist here. pls.
i’m not rlly sure what i’ll do rn? it might be nothing. i might just continue as usual and try ignore everything. or i might leave, or - most likely - i’ll try to stay in touch but probably post less frequently or something. but. we’ll see!! tbh- the best solution for me would be to just. find. somewhere else to move to but . currently i really dont know where. aaaaaaaa
either way this rly fucking sucks and thanks to those standing up for us :(
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Price and Laswell are the type of friends who have arguments that would break up normal friendships but at the end of them they go their separate ways as better friends than before
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lisxdumbr · 2 months
I just got into a. very stupid argument with an irl? over a ship that. has to do with a literal child..?
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infernofearr · 8 months
People getting upset at TADC shipping is so fucking weird dude, and it's over age gaps between adults of all things "power imbalance" is a weird thing to toss when 30 is not even that old, calm down, do you know how many real life 30 yr celebs date 20 yr olds?? And it's fictional characters that make you say it's weird?? Be actually for real for 5 minutes
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franckyfox2468 · 11 months
Currently living in a moment where both of the things that usually make me happy and ease my mind are the source of my current anxiety, sadness and the cruel reminders of realities that no amount of therapy will be able to fix, no matter how positive i try to look at the outcome. And even looking back at my past accomplishements is not helping as they are usually tied to shit circumstances.
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Thankfully i’m surrounded by amazing friends who are still ultra supportive of my work and they are part of the reasons i wont be giving up and keep those projects of mine going but... yeah. It overall still fucking hurts and there isn’t much they can do but watch like the picture above. I do these things because i enjoy them, yes. But i also wish to reach people who it could make them happy with and eventually create a community of sorts. But i just need to accept its not happening. The secret project im working on managed to gather a lot of interest amongst my mutuals and they have been ultra supportive of it. But on the other hand i cant say the same for my comic. Last page i made was like like a year ago and a half and i dont particularily have anyone asking for more even the little audiance i managed to get for it.
This whole thing probably don’t change anything in anyone’s life but i still felt like putting it down into words, much like how i still do art and such for myself.
 I also felt like letting the few of you who still supported my works that despite all of this you still mattered to me. I just need some time i guess...
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quandaryqueen · 2 years
My thoughts on each Riddler
I have a fever and was feeling like I need to state my mind about each individual Riddler there in Batman medium. Obviously not including all of them because the comic book universe is heavily convuled.
This piece is brought to you by me and my delirious ass, enjoy. This doesn't follow any criteria, it's just me going off. As this progresses, I grow unhinged.
💚 Gotham 7/10
My first ever Riddler crush, he's the one who introduced me to the Riddler rabbit hole and the reason why I watched Gotham. Love the season one counterpart because I'm a softie for tall ass dork with glasses who are inherently pathetic. But then season 2 rolled around and I find myself wanting this little bitch to submit to me because like... Nothing fills me with satisfaction than see dominant people fall to their knees in submission.
Though I absolutely hated the relationship he has like, really? Isabella? Lee? Aight before anyone of you comes at me, I love those two gals but not just WITH Eddie. Tbh I stopped watching Gotham because of school works and EdLee. Like, omg kill me.
💚 Young Justice 7/10
He's barely appeared in it, but like, 👁️👅👁️ awooga I knew I've always liked them dweeby nerds. First I wasn't into his voice (cough because I have a thing for voices too) but like it grew on me and god I'd kill to hear his voice crack.
Idk why, I find it adorable when voice cracks it's just so stinken cute ugh. Like this boy sputtering out amid a conversation, flustered, can't even be coherent, then his voice cracks so he reddens more in embarrassment and cover his face?
Okay but anyways, yea I love him. Wished we had more of this little bitch. I like my men flustered and unable to talk from it, thank you very much. I want to break his pelvis by riding him and make him unable to speak and walk properly for the next few days.
💚 Arkhamverse 8/10
This pathetic washed out sewer rat has my neck in a chokehold of love, I LOVE HIM YOUR HONOUR! JRNFNDJCJ it's just that he's so... Rat looking. Though I must say, I have my eyes in his more... Sane looking days at Origin, so fucking sassy and sarcastic and cute and adorable and pretty and look at his slappable ass.
Thoo, I just know if I were to be in a relationship with a person like him irl, I'd fucking leave at like day 3 because your girl, this girl has seen enough red flags and can't really be bothered to take care of men who treat you like trash.
But anyways! I like this dude, he's so well-written and god I'm such a slut that I didn't even played the games and yet I simp and write for this dude like I know his entire story.
💚 Harley Quinn 7/10
Sarcastic, sassy, bitchy, smart, BUFF! God with every muscle he gains the more he loses his smarts, but I don't mind 👀
Since Harley Quinn is getting season three soon, I wish he will have more screen time because gosh I live for this bastard and every single quips he has with other characters.
💚 Batman the animated series 8/10
Honey pie, sugar bunch 🥰
Man got me smiling like a dork, this dork is just ugh. I love him, there's nothing more to say.
💚 The war of jokes and riddles 7/10
💚 Batman Unburied 8/10
This man had singlehandedly revived my voice kink, ik ik I'm a crazy bitch but some people can have me at the tip of their fingers with their voices alone, get me?
I love how fucking annoying and irritating he is but at some point something about him broke my heart like um??? SIS YOU DESERVE BETTER 😭
But like, every time he speaks my eyes are hearts and I'm beaming like an idiot.
Also, iconic bitch 👌
Hah jencjdjfif can't wait for season two, aka more him.
💚 The Batman 2022 8/10
Get this incel away from me—
Okay at a portrayal standpoint, I love the acting of Paul Dano and the new flavour he brought for the new Riddler. He's scary, I was unnecered at him screaming, the Ave Maria singing activated my fight or flight response, but personally I like my Riddlers yassified.
But yea, I love this adaptation, but would I fuck? No ahahahahhahaha
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god the places i would go if only i wasn't mortally terrified of airports
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penname-artist · 2 years
You know something that I have come to learn pisses me the fuck off? Absolutely boils my blood?
When people talk about you, in front of you.
I could understand (weirdly) people talking behind my back. Like I really don't care, if it's not in my knowledge, say whatever the hell you would like, that's not something I can change and your opinions are defining your own character, yada yada. If you're a friend I might reconsider that friendship card but like if I don't really know you or I haven't built a trust between us, absolutely go ahead my dude, slam away.
But there are handfuls of times I've had people blatantly talking about me to each other while I was standing within earshot. Literally, they look over at me and see me sitting there and continue to discuss my personal life. Co-workers think I'm deaf or some shit I guess. (What's really funny is when I pop in with a response and they get really red like "oh- OH you were- you were listening to that conversation!?!?")
And maybe part of the reason that pisses me off so much is because part of it does tie into trauma; I have been ignored mid-conversation to find out those people moved to a next door spot to talk about me without me there. A real stab from the front, however you slice it.
But it doesn't change the fact that it's stupid and frustrating to have to sit there and let people talk about you around you. That's like being the kid at the family table watching your family decide your future for you. Not a fun feeling.
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fel-ix665 · 2 years
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Also here is a redraw I did (original on the left when o first started digital art in 2019). I just did the one on the right yesterday. I am really glad I saw this while looking through my laptop the other day. I never really check on my progress so to me it is a rarity to see it. I think it’s cool
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i used to be so good at writing strong, thoroughly-researched, thoroughly-edited essays.
as a kid in hs, my teacher literally came up to me, holding my 40 page essay on the intersection of the European witch hunts and capitalism/exploitation/gender roles (it was supposed to be 7 pages...whoops) and went like "this is literally a master's-degree level thesis. what are you doing?? you could literally use this as your final dissertation in a master's program, what the fuck."
NOW??? NOW?? you'd think I'd be oh so skilled. but alas. i can barely piece together two ideas. adhd skill-regression is so so real. im SOBBING
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emptyjunior · 9 months
Enough random notes that have a written story on them as environmental storytelling, explore the space, get crazier with it.
You move into a house and aw cute, it has the kids height on the walls but you notice there's a three foot difference in height between measurements, you check the date, they're a month apart. The final measurement is on the ceiling. It's dated two days ago.
You're part of a recovery team that have finally found a stranded ship, they were found too late and have all passed a long time ago. They all died of starvation. You enter their storeroom, it's filled with food. In the dining hall you find the tables laden with perfectly fine looking breads, cakes, cured meats, jams, candies. Your medic says all the people sitting at the table didn't eat a Thing.
You wake up in an apocalypse. You can't find anyone at all as you wander the streets but you do hear faint music playing from somewhere. You stumble into a supermarket, to see all the aisles still full, except for the shelf that was full of ear plugs, which look to be the only thing that was looted.
Like there's light, sound, props. Having a street where every house is decimated except for One. Landing on a planet known for having No Water and a plant is growing and you don't know where it could have possibly gotten moisture from but you can't find the citizens Anywhere.
I'm sorry, I'm just kinda over the "graffiti on the wall to show the bad guy is around". That's not environmental storytelling that's just normal story. Show me I'm in the villains territory by the rain suddenly cutting out above me as I'm driving, even though it's meant to be raining all night. I park the car and step out, and realise the constellations are Wrong, until I see they're Not constellations, they're the blinking lights of a massive ship-
I Will stop now because everytime I go to write a sentence it devolves into another prompt but I'm just saying we have a Lot of senses, engage them, show me the Environment in environmental storytelling.
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gojos-eyedrops · 5 months
I’ve noticed people on TikTok are quick to judge dog owners when they see work dogs or dogs with high energy levels. Like they’ll see this 30 second TikTok of this dog going bananas and they’ll automatically assume the owners neglect them and don’t excercise them or whatever and that’s why they’re going bananas. And then you see another video of the same dog running out on a field doing what they know best, and the OP being like: “this is what they do everyday”.
Not only is weird to assume you know someone from a 1 minute short video made with the intent to make you laugh. But it’s also naive to believe that dog lives 100% of the time just like the TikTok you saw.
Like you really believe people on TikTok are like that the entire time? Ofc not. That would be odd. Not everyone can keep a persona the entire time just like a dog cant be neglected because it got the zoomies and it got caught on video yk?
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