#Ritual Spell
ygoartreviews · 7 months
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Meteonis Drytron
Turns out, fans of the constellation Draco have their own entire archetype they can use. And boy do they have some gorgeous cards at their disposal. This one takes Drytron Meteonis Draconids (a pretty striking and cool card on its own) and turns it into a majestic being descending from space. Which is incredibly fitting, as it's a monster based on the Draconids, a meteor shower that appears to originate in the constellation Draco! Through the sparkly, aurora-like shine, you can actually see what looks like little blue meteors shooting outwards from the pink gaseous form at the top. I will say, it's funny that I thought Meteonis Draconids was positioned above Earth at first, before I realized the planet below seems to have four moons arounds it (unless those are meant to be other planets, but they're all pretty uniform in appearance). Love the color gradient in this, love the resplendent way Meteonis Draconids was drawn, even love all the little space details in this.
Rating: 10/10
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kozmonline · 2 years
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Tag Catcher
Blogger / Skill
Once per turn: Equip 1 “Tag” to this post. If a search is made matching a “Tag” equipped to this post, that search cannot be negated, except by the effect of a “Tumblr Glitch” card.
I hope this reveals the kind of stupid nerd I am.
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deja-vu-esoterica · 3 months
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A photo of a candle being lit on our recent Aphrodite Altar for Valentine's Day
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broomsick · 9 months
My favorite simple wards to guard the home
Hanging rosemary above the doorstep, and/or above doors of the house for protection.
Sprinkling a line of dried red pepper on a windowsill, to counter a curse.
Placing a mix of dried & ground eggshells and black pepper in every corner of a room to keep out unwanted spirits.
Placing a decoration representing a witch in the kitchen, to keep away illness and to favor health.
Crafting an effigie (no matter how crude!) and make it into the guardian of your home by charging it with your intent of protection and placing it near the front door.
Crafting small witch ladders to hang around the house.
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clownwizardsupreme · 1 year
Druids hate her! This Wizard’s skin is as smooth as the day she was born thanks to this one weird trick! She puts all her time in the trees as the year passes. Oldest trick in the book
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raven-runes · 2 months
Witchcraft and poetry are inseparable for me. What is a poem but a spell, every word woven with care and intention? A poem has the potential to craft new worlds, to open a portal into unseen realities, to rewild our hearts and souls. Poetry is spellcraft.
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ccthegoddessblog · 2 months
Rituals vs. Spell work: Understanding the Difference
When delving into the mystical realms of magick, it’s essential to grasp the distinctions between rituals and spell work. Let me illuminate these concepts:
Magical Practices (Spell work):
Definition: These are simple workings—everyday magics that don’t necessarily involve elaborate rituals.
Duration: They can take seconds to a couple of hours.
Intent: They have an intention, an end goal, and a magical act.
Examples: Taking a magical bath, divination (like tarot), reciting a spell, meditating, or lighting a candle.
Ritualistic Level: Not very ritualistic; no casting of circles or complex spells.
Definition: More elaborate magical works with structure and specific components.
Duration: Longer than practices due to their complexity.
Purpose: Assist in walking between worlds, raising significant energy.
Components: Often involve casting a circle, calling quarters/elements, and invoking spirits or deities.
Examples: Full moon rituals, spell bottles, transformative magics, protection spells.
Definition: Spells consist of words or phrases with a specific intention.
Components: Usually involve words (or emojis) and focus on a desired outcome.
Purpose: To signify, relate, or talk—directing energy toward a goal.
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glamourwxtch · 3 months
a magical toner for love and beauty
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i love glamour magick and i've noticed such a huge difference in my appearance and love life ever since i started using it on a daily basis! you only need 3 ingredients and it's very easy to make.
all you need is;
moon water
dried rosebuds/rose petals
dried jasmine flowers
i use 10-15 rosebuds, 1 cup of moon water and 1 tablespoon of jasmine and i boil it on low heat for around 15 minutes.
when it's done just let it cool, strain it well and transfer it to a spray bottle or a jar. you can even put your own sigils on the container to make it even stronger!
i suggest making a small batch every 7-10 days and keeping it in the fridge so it doesn't go bad.
i use it every single day on my face, my whole body and even in my hair while repeating my affirmations and i've noticed a huge difference. i look and feel more beautiful, i'm more confident, my skin is glowing, i keep hearing compliments everywhere i go and i feel adored ᥫ᭡
some of my favorite affirmations i like to repeat during my daily beauty rituals:
ᥫ᭡ i'm beautiful and loved
ᥫ᭡ i love myself and i love the way i look
ᥫ᭡ people love spoiling and complimenting me
ᥫ᭡ i'm confident and i know i deserve nothing but the best
ᥫ᭡ my hair always looks perfect
ᥫ᭡ i keep getting prettier and prettier
ᥫ᭡ i love my body and my body loves me
both roses and jasmine have very strong love, confidence, self love and beauty properties and jasmine is also an aphrodisiac so if you affirm for it it can also make you more sexy and magnetic and it can really improve your love life and your sex life!
sending you all love and light 𖹭
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spirit-amplified · 4 months
The Magickal Properties of Carrier/Base Oils
In ancient times, our ancestors revered the power of oils, utilizing them in sacred ceremonies, rituals, and magickal workings that spanned centuries. Today, we have the privilege of carrying on this tradition by creating our own blends using the same flora & fauna that have been cherished for millennia. The practice of crafting sacred oils connects us to our roots, offering a meaningful way to honor the past while enriching our present-day experiences.
Carrier/base oils play a crucial role in the world of magick and holistic practices. These oils, derived from plants, seeds, and animal fats, are believed to possess unique energetic properties that can enhance the potency of essential oils and other magickal ingredients we add to them. Whether used in aromatherapy, massage, ritual work, or spell work the choice of carrier oil is significant, as each oil is associated with specific magickal attributes, such as grounding, protection, or amplification of intention. Understanding the magickal properties of carrier oils can empower practitioners to create custom blends that resonate with their intentions and desired outcomes, adding an extra layer of enchantment to their craft.
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Magickal Properties of Carrier/Base Oils:
These plant and seed-based oils come from my own grimoire based on my own traditions and practice.
Almond: Prosperity, Money, Wisdom
Apricot: Happiness, Contentment, Love
Argan: Healing
Avocado: Love, Lust, Sex Magick
Borage: Higher Mind, Truth, Clarity, Legal Matters
Canola/Rapeseed: Neutral Base
Castor: Protection, Absorbs Negativity
Coconut: Purification, Cleansing, Protection
Corn: Abundance, Luck, Divination
Evening Primrose: Psychic, Glamour, Clarity
Flaxseed Oil: Beauty, Protection
Grapeseed: Fertility, Money, Strengthening Mental Abilities
Hempseed: Meditation, Psychic, Healing
Jojoba: Healing
Meadowfoam Seed: Protection
Neem: Fortifies, Protection
Olive: Healing, Fertility, Protection
Peach Kernel: Fertility, Love, Fae Magick
Peanut: Grounding
Pomegranate Seed: Divination, Love
Pumpkin Seed: Health
Rosehip: Self-Love, Beauty, Glamour
Safflower: Sex, Baneful
Sesame: Hope, Faith, Positivity
Shea Butter: Calming, Longevity, Patience, Healing, Soothing, Beauty
Sunflower: Happiness, Health, Wisdom, Sun Magick
Vegetable: Neutral
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ygoartreviews · 1 year
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Hamburger Recipe
The bane of every normal person ever who tries to look up a recipe to make hamburgers. Didn’t know what Yugioh was before you tried finding a recipe to make dinner with? You do now. There’s no going back. Although I don’t see this card very often (because it’s a ritual spell and only used with the corresponding monster), I laugh every time I see it. The artwork is so intense for the premise of: just a guy making a hamburger. I appreciate that it’s a fiend-type monster making this very evil burger in what is either an extremely hot kitchen or somewhere hell adjacent. The intensity of their expression... The pinky finger held up... Chaotically keeping your fragile ingredients so close to the burner you’re actively using... Literally tossing the burger several feet into the air... Chef’s kiss.
Rating: 10/10, Absolute Perfection
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greenwitchpeach · 2 years
remember that protection is the most important thing in witchcraft
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thewoodbine · 1 year
Witchcraft is often far too concerned with sanitization.
"Cleanse your tools weekly!" "Never buy anything second-hand or bring a gift into your home without purifying its energy!" "Your tools won't work if they've sat too long!"
No wonder your craft has the vibrational tone of a department store. I'm looking for that kind of magic that has a ༄ؘ ۪۪۫۫ ▹patina◃ ۪۪۫۫ ༄ؘ
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Abragail and Valaria - How To Become A Sensuous Witch - Paperback Library - 1971
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clownwizardsupreme · 2 years
The Wizard Council doesn’t want you to know this, but if all wizards the world over teamed up for a big ritual spell, we could add two whole hours to the day for more sleep!
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enchanting-jewel · 2 years
Egg shells in witchcraft
Save your eggshells and make them into a powder. You can use them for protection, peace and cleansing!
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Also, can be used to make Black Salt. Just add some incense ashes!
Just rinse them, allow them to dry, crush in your mortar and pestle and store them in a labeled bottle.
Powdered Eggshells can be used in your magical workings to cast circles or for protection.
To add some extra oomph, add a pinch of salt and dragon's blood resin in your protection blend.
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moon-magick-sisters · 2 years
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