#Roman Sanders angst
starshard17 · 1 month
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Based on a theory from @lickoutyourbrains and my post
What if Orange was placed in between Patton and Roman, therefore isolating Roman from his comfort people
Considering he has Remus between him and Virgil, his main comfort, and would then have Orange between him and Patton, a familiar, yet past comfort person
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royall-ass · 2 months
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happy callback/wedding/just svs redux day take some roman art thats rushed <33
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acornshell · 8 months
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"Where is MY happy ending?"
───── ╴ ╴ ╴ ╴ ╴ ╴ ╴ ╴ ╴
It’s sad Roman hours y’all🥲💔
I decided to indulge into my love for dolls imagery/concept for this one!!
Got heavily inspired after re-watching the Sanders Asides episode, [The Sides Need A Nice Day] !! :D
Also I absolutely love how Thomas did his hair!! I tried my best to make it look pretty as the real one!💖
It’s always such a joy to be able to make art for Sanders sides again!🥰
Hope you like it!!✨
[Reblogs are deeply appreciated!💖]
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prodigal-explorer · 13 days
no fucking way somebody tried to tell me that roman and logan are narcissists…
when they are the two sides who have sacrificed the most for the sake of thomas and the other sides.
no fucking way.
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confused-wanderer · 6 months
Screaming because I’m rewatching Sanders sides and in the episode “Growing Up” where everyone ignores and belittles Patton, Roman quite literally tells him: “Perhaps it’s best you just sit in to knowing the difference between right and wrong, and leaving the rest upto us.”
Because in Selfishness versus Selflessness and the whole fucking mess that that was, from the beginning Patton is already torn becuase he knows what Thomas wants even if he doesn’t want to admit it to himself. He’s telling Thomas he should go to the wedding even though both of them know what he really should do.
Patton literally goes against himself to help Thomas, because it was more important that Thomas doesn’t fall apart than his own voice screaming at him with every fibre of his body that this was wrong. That’s why he was so off at the trial, and barely had any heart into what he wanted to say. He was doing it out of obligation.
So he does what Roman told him in the earlier episodes, and they’re in a court setting! Where rights and wrongs are the only things discussed! So he’s going against himself, he’s trying to only stick to rights and wrongs to help everyone out, hoping if he did a good job everything would work out and only realises at the end that everything still went so fucking wrong and he was the cause of it even if he was trying to make everyone happy.
Plus his repression and self-hatred only fulled after the Intrusive Thoughts episodes - Patton is bearing the most burden on himself because of everything, arguably as much if not more than Roman.
Someone please give him a hug and two cookies🍪🍪
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Fic Idea (no pressure obviously) Thomas struggling with his self image and ego, and in response Roman ends shapeshifting all the time, fluctuating between the masculine beauty standard (lean, muscular, hairless) and what society considers “ugly” (pudgy, hairy). And based on how he looks, Roman will interact with the others or hide away – anon
hihi!! had this random idea for a sanders sides fic- something along the lines of- a while after Remus and Roman split, Remus comes back (when the dark sides start to get more involved) and confesses that he hoped Roman was doing better after he joined the light sides? that all he wanted was for his brother to be happy, away from the darkness for once? angst sadness ykyk :)) – can-you-hear-me-axhilles
hi, so I just read your wings series and I was wondering if we could have something with Remus and his tentacles? Like maybe him thinking they are ugly or something, I’m not really sure. Maybe Roman has animal characteristics too and they’re “prettier” or “better” so he gets insecure? Mainly focused on these two but I don’t mind if it’s all of them together. No pressure to write this tho! – anon
I’ve been reading your Sanders Sides stuff for the longest time and I was wondering if I could get some Roman angst with a side of creativitwins? – meandmacats
Read on Ao3
Warnings: non-consensual body modification, self-esteem issues, self-hatred
Pairings: gen
Word Count: 5481
Or, five times Remus helped Roman out when Thomas's self-esteem issues change his nature, and one time Roman helps Remus.
Remus looks up from his knitting to see Patton standing over him. “What’s good, Pat-Pat?”
“I’m, what’re you doing?”
“Oh, I’m knitting this patchwork sweater out of hair.”
“Oh…how cool.” Patton gives himself a shake. “Anyway, I was wondering if you’ve seen Roman? He was supposed to come down for lunch but he never showed.”
“Like, at all, at all?”
“Yeah. Neither hair nor hide! Or—well, I guess he did do the hide since he’s hiding from us, and you’re the hair!”
“Ah, Pat-Pat, never stop with the dad jokes. You’ll make all of us go into pun-withdrawal.” Remus carefully sets aside the needles and bounces to his feet. “I’ll go look for him, see if he needs to be pried out of the dragon’s gullet again.”
“Oh, thanks so much, Remus, I really—wait, ‘again?’”
“Gotta blast!”
Honestly, it’s not like Roro is known for missing deadlines, that’s Remus’s thing. Especially when it comes to things like meals and remembering to eat—well, Ro’s not exactly the pinnacle of healthy practices when he get absorbed in his work, but he’s better at it than some people give him credit for. Which means he’s either deep in the middle of something he’s keeping to himself, he’s asleep because the time zones in the Imagination are all kinds of wackadoo, or he really does need to be rescued.
Which isn’t Remus’s thing, come on, Ro, you’re ruining his reputation.
By the time he gets to the Imagination, he’s already pulling out his acid-proof gloves and sharpening his Morningstar. He stops dead, however, when he sees the doors are still locked from last night. That’s weird. Maybe Ro just used his personal gate instead of the main one? But that just takes him right to his little workshop area, that’s not anywhere near where the dragons are…
He’s about to go for his gateway when he hears a quiet noise coming from Roman’s door. Frowning, he turns. Roman’s door is only a few feet away. He glances up and down the hall to make sure none of the resident sneaks are nearby—Janus and Virgil—and knocks on the door.
“Uh, busy!”
“Ro, it’s me.”
“Oh. Did you, um, did you need something?”
“You weren’t at lunch. Pat-Pat’s getting worried.”
He hears a muffled curse and the door glimmers slightly. That’s Roman’s cue that he can sink in. He stows the acid gloves and the Morningstar and sinks in, expecting Roman at his desk or on the floor puzzling over some bit of a story he can’t quite get right, but instead he sees an empty room.
“Where are you?”
Remus pops his head through the door and blinks. “Whoa.”
”Yeah, yeah,” Roman mumbles, already reaching for the bandages curled up on the counter, “you don’t have to say it.”
”That looks—“
“I said you don’t have to say it.”
Remus slams his mouth shut, but he can’t stop staring at the acne. Throbbing red pimples that look like they’re causing Roman pain every time he so much as breathes, bigger whiteheads that have already started to ooze, blackheads that litter every inch of skin that isn’t already covered, some of which look like they’re almost on top of each other…
Roman turns his back on him and hunches his shoulders. “What do you want, Re?”
“I, uh…well, now I want to help.”
Roman laughs. It’s not funny. “There isn’t any helping this. Not until Thomas feels better.”
“Whoa. Back up. What?”
“This.” He waves a hand at his face. “This is a thing, remember?”
“Oh. Oh, right, fuck.”
Remus scrubs a hand over his face. “Can I help make it less painful while it’s going on?”
There’s a pause. Then Roman’s head turns slightly. “Would you?”
“Shit, yeah,. Roro. You’ve helped me with stuff more times than I can count on my fingers and toes, let me help you.” He gets a small huff that might be an actual that-was-kind-of-funny-I’m-feeling-better laugh. “Yeah?”
“…yeah, okay.”
“Wonder-bats! Okay, I think I still have that stuff from when we had those sores from the poison experiments…where did I put that?”
“Did you leave it in your room or my room?”
”We cleaned up here, so it should be…aha!” He takes a big plastic case from under the sink. “Go sit your perky butt on the edge of the tub, I’ll be right there.”
“…thanks, Remus.”
“What’re brothers for?”
The very first time it had happened, it had been well before Thomas had learned what it was to be attractive.
Remus had found Roman crying in his room, curled up under all the blankets he could find with tissues covering the floor.
“Ro-bro? What happened? Do I need to fight someone for you?”
“It won’t come off!”
“What won’t come off?”
Roman had peered out from under the blanket cocoon and Remus’s mouth had dropped open when he saw the words FREAK and LOSER written all across Roman’s face in permanent marker.
“Who did that? Was it Virgil? I’ll fight him!”
“No,” Roman had sniffled, “it wasn’t—wasn’t Virgil. It wasn’t any of them.”
“Did you do it? That’s more my kinda thing, isn’t it?”
“No!” Roman had wailed. “I didn’t do it! Someone—someone hurt Thomas!”
“Someone hurt Thomas? But nothing happened! We didn’t get into any fights!”
“Not like that! They were just mean. They were really mean and they said he looked ugly and they called him a f-freak and a loser and—and—“
Remus had scurried forward and wrapped his brother in a hug as he broke down in tears. “You’re not a freak or a loser, Roro. Neither is Thomas. They were wrong, you know that, right?”
”Then why won’t it come off?”
Sure enough, up close, Remus had seen the red and raw skin where Roman had scrubbed it with whatever he could find to make the words go away. Bits were even coming off on the blanket as Roman rubbed his cheek against it.
”Hey, hey, stop that. You’re hurting yourself.”
“I don’t care.”
“I care! I don’t like seeing my brother hurt!” Remus had given him a shake. “You don’t have to hurt yourself more on top of this, okay? Come on, come into the bathroom, I’ll help you.”
“Y-you will?”
“Yeah, Roro, come on.”
The twins had gone to the bathroom where towels and washcloths were still strewn around from Roman’s previous attempts. Remus had made Roman sit on the stool and reached for the soap, getting one of the washcloth more suds than cloth and trying to wipe off the words.
“That tastes so bad.”
“So keep your mouth shut.”
“But you keep wiping it over my mouth!”
“No, I’m wiping it over your cheek, which is next to your mouth. And you talking isn’t making it any better, so shush.”
Roman had grumbled silently until Remus accidentally went too roughly over one of the sore spots and Roman yelped.
“Sorry, I’m sorry,. I didn’t mean to.”
“Wash it off! Wash it off!”
“Okay, okay! Come here!”
They had stumbled over to the sink and Remus practically shoved Roman’s head under the tap. He had spluttered and flailed out, splashing Remus.
”Hey! Don’t splash me!”
“I’ll splash you all I want!”
“No, you won’t!”
“Yeah, I will!”
It had…devolved from there.
The bathroom had been sopping wet by the end of it, not a towel nor tile had been spared from the twin’s water war. Their clothes were just as soaked, their hair dripping like they’d just walked through a hurricane. The sink and the bathtub still ran as if nothing were wrong and the detachable shower head in Remus’s hand sprayed as merrily as ever.
”Whoa, hey!”
“It’s gone!”
Roman had run to the mirror, touching his face. Sure enough, the words had vanished.
”It is gone!”
”You’re welcome,” and he had taken a big bow with the shower head still spraying everywhere, “I think that means I win.”
“Whoa, wait, no, it doesn’t.”
“Yes, it does.”
It took a while longer for the war to end and even longer for the bathroom to dry.
Someone says Thomas eats too much junk food and Roman can’t stop dripping oil.
Remus finds him sitting on his bathroom floor, the drain in the shower covered with a towel. He’s sitting on towels too, towels soaked and heavy with oil as Roman’s tears fight to get out from his eyes and through the slick covering his skin.
“The others are worried,” he says quietly, lingering in the doorway, “they want to know what’s wrong.”
Roman doesn’t say anything. Remus peers a little closer and sees the telltale sheen over his mouth too. Even just thinking about how it must feel to have that much oil on his lips makes Remus shudder. He summons a washcloth from his own stash and a bottle of soap.
“Just like old times,” he says as he crouches down in front of him, “I’m gonna wash off the oil on your face, okay?”
Roman manages a small nod and Remus gets to work. Normally when he’s washing oil off stuff, he scrubs at it like he’s trying to grind it with sandpaper and the soap foams up around his wrist. But this is Roman, not some metal piece of equipment, so he goes as gently as he can without suffocating him with soap or making no progress at all. He has to stop a few times when Roman lets out a pained noise or winces at the rasp of the cloth, just holding a blotting sheet there to soak up the oil as best he can while he waits for him to settle. He makes a note to work on the heavy duty blotters in case something like this ever happens again.
At last, when Roman looks like he’s about to cry for a very different reason, the space around his lips and nose is clear enough for him to gasp out a few words.
“Sorry, thank you, sorry—“
”Shh-shh, Roro, you don’t need to apologize. Just tell me what you need.”
”’S so gross.”
“I know, I know. I’m sorry. I’m right here.”
Roman lets out a frustrated whine and Remus quickly pulls out his phone.
“If you tell me what Thomas needs to stop thinking about I can get Lolo on it.”
“No, then he’ll—“
“I’m not gonna tell him what’s wrong with you, okay? I’m just gonna prod them into getting Thomathy’s brain on the right track away from whatever-the-fuck-this-is-station.”
More oil starts to build up and he shoves his phone in his pocket, working on washing it away again. His presence seems to have calmed Roman down a bit; the oil comes in smaller waves this time, concentrated more around the naturally oily parts of his face rather than every inch of his skin. When he’s cleaned off the areas around his nose and mouth, he goes and starts moving to the rest of his head.
“Junk food,” Roman mumbles, as if saying it too loud would make the oil return with a vengeance, “saying bad stuff ‘bout Thomas…unhealthy…gross…”
Remus whips out his phone and sends a text to Logan about food not having a moral weight and how eating something was always better than eating nothing. He gets a text back a few seconds later that just says on it.
“Lolo cavalry is assembled, he’s going.” He tucks the phone away and keeps washing Roman off. “And I’m gonna stay right here until we get all this oil off you, okay? We can even do your thirteen-step skin care routine once it’s gone.”
“It’s not thirteen steps.”
“Whatever you wanna tell me, Roro, at least you’re not as bad as Snakey.”
It’s the first time Roman manages to laugh that day, and Remus makes sure it isn’t the last.
When Patton and Logan have near simultaneous nervous breakdowns after someone calls Thomas lazy, Remus makes sure Virgil’s wrapped around the Mindscape’s padre and Janus has Logan in his little snake den before he goes off in search of Roman.
The Imagination door is covered in cobwebs that retreat as he approaches, a few spiders waving hello as they disappear. He runs his hand over the keyhole, checking to see if it’s just an affectation, or if Roman really hasn’t been using it. He knows he has, is the thing; Roman’s had more projects on the go this month than he’s ever had before and if it weren’t for Janus and Logan dragging him out of it to make sure he didn’t completely lose touch with the Mindscape, he bets his left barnacle that Roman would’ve been living there too just so he wouldn’t miss an opportunity to keep working. And sure enough, the keyhole glows red as soon as his fingers brush it and he carefully pushes the door open.
He walks into the most statistically average middle class sitcom home he’s ever seen. Needless to say, he hates it.
”Ro? Are you here?”
There’s a faint noise coming from what he guesses is the direction of the living room and listen, as little time as he has to spend in this painfully mediocre place, the better. Seriously, he can feel the whispers of white picket fences and PTA meetings lingering ominously over his shoulder with every second he walks through these beige walls. Snatches of TV dialogue becomes audible as he makes his way through the house.
He comes to a stop.
He tilts his head.
There’s certainly a person in the living room, but it doesn’t really look like Roman. They look like every Sunday cartoon about a husband and wife where it’s terribly misogynistic and heteronormative, recliner out, bag of chips in lap, staring vacantly at the TV. It’s only the fact that they’re crying at the paid advertising programs and that Remus would recognize his brother anywhere that he knows it’s Roman.
He sits down on the plastic covered couch and tries not to look at the soulless photos of smiling families perched on the dusty mantle. Roman doesn’t look away from the screen but the hand nearest Remus twitches slightly.
“Hey,” he calls, and Roman’s head turns a little, “hey, Roro. I’m here. It’s gonna be okay. You’re gonna be okay.”
The TV blares something about a crockpot that cooks fancier meals than a normal crock pot.
“I know how shitty it is when people accuse you of being lazy. Especially when they’re just complaining that they haven’t seen anything from you.” He shuffles and the couch squeaks. “And we all know how hard you’re working. How hard Thomas is working.”
Roman’s eyes flick to his. Remus smiles and takes his hand, giving it an encouraging squeeze.
“Giving yourself a break isn’t being lazy. Having a hard time doing things isn’t lazy. Not being able to work on something because it’s just covered in the fucking ooze isn’t being lazy. You aren’t being lazy, okay? You wouldn’t even be lazy if you decided you didn’t want to work on any projects for the next year.”
The TV glitches out. Static fills the room and it actually feels like Remus can breathe. He squeezes Roman’s hand again and shifts closer. Roman stares at him with wide eyes.
”I mean it, Roro. You’re not—I know we’ve gone over this and I’ll keep giving you crowbars for as long as you need them—“
The smallest smile appears on Roman’s face.
“—but you’re not—your worth isn’t in what products or content you can make. You know i love you because you’re my brother, because you’re funny and clever and ridiculous and there’s no one I’d rather make stuff with. You could decide that you don’t want anything to do with Thomas’s career anymore—“
Roman makes a devastated noise.
“Calm down, calm down, I know that’s not true, I’m just spouting a wild hypothetical, okay? If you decided to do that and I made sure it was really you and you hadn’t lost some sort of bet, then yeah, I’d still want you to be my brother. We’d still do stuff. I don’t give a shit what everyone else thinks.”
Remus could sob with relief at actually hearing Roman’s voice come out, and he grins so wide his cheeks start to hurt. “I promise, Roro, I promise. You’re not lazy, you’re resting, and even if you were, I wouldn’t care.”
‘’M not trying to be lazy. It’s—I’m just—“
“Shh, shh, Roro, it’s okay,” The bag of chips falls to the ground and catches fire as Remus tugs his brother into his arms. “I’m right here. You’re doing so good, okay? Thomas is too.”
Remus doesn’t burn the house down because he’s had too many lectures from Janus about that, but he does get a big cartoon wrecking ball to smash the whole thing into smithereens.
He does burn the recliner though. And the plastic-covered couch. They deserved it.
The latex gloves snap on as Roman sits on the edge of the tub with a grunt. He picks up the rest of the kit and sets it on the stool.
”Do you know what it’s about this time?”
“Someone said something about how immature Thomas is being about criticism and how he can’t take care of things, something like that.”
“Why did it manifest as acne, then?”
”I don’t know, maybe something about how teenagers who are hormonal and don’t really know how to take care of their skin get acne?”
Remus snorts. “Do people still not understand that acne happens and can happen to anyone regardless of age?”
‘Apparently not.”
“Well, they can go lick the Kraken’s crack.”
“Ew, Remus.”
“Just trying to keep the mood light.” He picks up one of the cotton swabs and a paper towel and leans down. “I’m gonna try and clean up some of the wet stuff first, okay? Then we can actually get onto some relief.”
“You’re not gonna pop any of them, are you?”
“I don’t think so. At least not right now.”
”Because I really don’t want this to scar.”
Remus hums, carefully running the swab over a particularly inflamed part of his cheek. “Can you give me a pain rating?”
”Like a 6? It’s not that bad but it’s not a pain I’m used to it’s…freaking me out.”
“Understandable, have a nice day. If it ever gets too much, let me know and we’ll switch to a cool pack, okay?”
Roman hums as Remus goes to work. A pile of discarded swabs and other trash accumulates at Remus’s elbow as he works patiently around the various, uh, ‘zones.’ They have to stop a few times when it gets to a point where Roman’s whole face just aches, waiting for it to subside enough that Remus can keep going.
“There are a couple down here that look like they’re ready to go, do you want me to just get ‘em out?”
”Be careful.”
“Sure, yeah. If it starts to hurt lemme know and I’ll back off right away.”
He gets a few of them, a few more putting up too much of a fight so he leaves them be. Out of the corner of his eye, he sees Roman heroically stop two or three whimpers before he lightly jabs him in the stomach and tells him to knock that posturing shit off, he doesn’t need it here.
“…thanks, Re.”
“I told you, it hurts too much, I stop.”
“I know.” He shifts on the tub. “I think it’s just…hard to remember.”
Remus frowns, glancing up at him. Roman fiddles with the hem of his prince costume.
“You know…with the others?”
”No. I don’t know, Ro.”
“They don’t—they’re—they want Princey, Prince Roman. Not…the rest of this.” He waves his hand to indicate the cotton carnage. “So it’s hard to…”
He trails off when he sees the expression on Remus’s face.
”You mean they don’t know?”
“Know what?”
“That this—“ he waves at Roman— “happens to you. Any of it.”
“I mean, they know I’m the Ego and it makes sense that I get hurt when Thomas feels bad, but—“
”But not how much.” Roman won’t meet his gaze. “Fuck, Ro.”
“…it’s complicated.”
“Shit, no, I’m not—look at me, Ro. I’m not mad at you. I’m just—this wasn’t what I’d hoped.”
Roman frowns. “What do you mean, what you hoped?”
Remus sighs. This is turning into way more of a conversation than he’d ever anticipated. Glancing around, he picks up the cold pack and hands to to Roman before taking a seat on the counter. His legs swing and kick at the cabinets with a quiet thunk-thunk, thunk-thunk.
“When the Split happened, and we went to the Dark Sides, I…dunno, I guess I thought it would be…better.”
“Because we were separated?”
“What? No, no, because I had the stuff like Deceit and Anxiety with me, so they couldn’t make any of this stuff worse—not that they would,” he says when Roman opens his mouth to protest, and wow, have they come a long way, “but just ‘cause…well, yeah. You had Logic and Morality, who were—doesn’t that make sense? That they would be able to help?”
Roman sighs. He picks at the edge of the ice pack. “It’s not that simple.”
“Then explain it to me.”
“Logan’s thing is object impermanence, you know that.” Remus winces in sympathy. “But having someone tell you something isn’t real when you can feel it and it is real, to you, that’s not…that’s not helpful. It’s better if he just goes right to Thomas than coming to me.”
“And Patton?”
Roman lets out a humorless huff. “Thomas is feeling bad and Patton is Thomas’s feelings. How do you think that normally goes?”
…yeah, probably not great.
“It’s not all bad,” he continues, softer now, “they’re at least good when I tell them I don’t want to be disturbed. They don’t ask questions if I tell them I don’t want to talk about it.”
“That feels suspiciously like the bare minimum.” Roman shrugs. “I know I literally just said the opposite, but do Janus and Virgil…?”
“They’re both better at comforting the others. It’s okay, Re, I have you. I really only want you when it’s…bad like this.”
“Me? Why?”
“You get it.”
Remus chuckles, getting back up and picking up the next tool. “That simple, huh?”
“Sometimes it’s just that simple.”
”Aw, I love you too, Roro. You’re the specialist baby brother any Side could ever ask for.”
“You—what the hell do you mean, ‘baby brother?’”
“You’re the baby brother.”
“I am not.”
“Are too.”
“Am not.”
“Are too. Now hush so I don’t accidentally poke your eye out.”
“I’m gonna get you back for this.”
“Oh, I’m so scared about that. Now hold still, Roro, let’s get this out of the way so you can feel better.”
“…love you.”
“I love you too.”
The Imagination is upset. Roman feels it the second he steps foot through the door and forgoes his normal prince costume for a rougher tunic and boots, strapping his sword to his hip and an emergency pack to his back. The wind blows frigid and punishing over the grass as he starts down the trail, squinting through the dust clouds whipping up around him. The clouds frown around the edges of the tree line, darkening to a stormy black near the edge of the coast. As he nears the black cliffs, rocks crumble beneath him and tumble into a churning sea.
He edges carefully around the craggy rock face, keeping his movements light and careful. Spray whips him in the face as thunder rolls in the distance. The chill near rips his fingers from their precarious handholds. He grits his teeth and keeps going, even as the wind howl so loudly his ears near split from the pain.
There, a little ways down the cliff, is a small cove. He inches his way around the edge of the bluff and drops onto a larger path leading him along the coast. There isn’t any sand here, only rough and unyielding stone. Froth and foam given them gleaming white teeth as the waves churn furiously around the mouth of the sea. He follows the path down, down towards he massive cracks in the sheer rock face, one eye on the black water below him. Despite being so close to the shore, there’s no sign of a bottom and he doesn’t want to risk how deep it is. There’s no telling what current might rip him into the open ocean if he falls in.
The cove is shaped like a spear’s point, the crack in the cliff at its very point as though some massive weapon had shattered the rocks themselves. As Roman nears it, the shadow at the base of the path slowly grows more and more defined, until he realizes that it’s a path through the cliff. The cove is an inlet leading into a hidden sea cave with a vast black lake in its center. Roman peers up at the glistening wet walls, hand on the wall as the wind whistles angrily by.
The water moves. He looks down. Something massive slips just underneath the surface, sending ripples to the shore. He crouches down and sees a huge shape getting closer and closer to the surface. An eye the size of a dining table glares up at him through the water and long arms with rows and rows of hooks reach up toward him.
“Ollie, it’s me. It’s Roman.”
The Kraken pause. The hooked arms retreat and he pokes his head up, letting out a mournful burble. Roman reaches over and taps the water. One of his other arms comes up and Roman pets soothingly along the skin.
“What’s the matter, buddy? What’s going on?”
Ollie burbles again and Roman suddenly realizes why the hooked arms were the ones to reach for him. Beneath the surface, the Kraken’s arms form a cradle of sorts, holding something close to the Kraken’s massive body. As the water shifts and ripples, the thing comes closer and closer to surface, slowly moving to reveal its precious cargo.
And there, nestled in the Kraken’s grip, covered in his own writhing tentacles, is Remus.
“Oh, Re,” Roman murmurs as his brother twitches and whimpers, “what happened? Who did this?”
Ollie burbles again, holding him out, and Roman balances on the edge of the shoreline and stretches to hold on. The Kraken lifts him up and into the cradle too, letting him touch Remus’s frigid skin and shake him awake.
“Re? Re, wake up, it’s okay, I’m here to help.”
The tentacles writhe as Remus stirs, blinking through a pained haze up at Roman. “…Ro?”
“Hey, Re, it’s me. It’s okay, you’re gonna be okay. What happened?”
“Thoughts got too loud.” A tentacle leaves a thick trail of slime across his arm and he shudders. “Sorry.”
“What could you have to be sorry for?”
“‘S gross.”
“You stop that,” Roman chides gently, running his fingers through Remus’s wet hair, “I don’t care if something’s gross, I care if it’s hurting you.”
Remus whimpers, clutching at one of Ollie’s arms. The Kraken squeaks back, trying in vain to warm him up, but there’s only so much he can do in this freezing cave. Roman glances around and bites his lip.
“Does it feel better in the water? Is that why you came down here?”
“Yeah. Ollie came and f-found me.”
Roman pats the worried Kraken. “What do we need to do? Is it like caring for Ollie’s arms?”
“N-no. Like helping the jelly—jellyfish with the twisted—twisted ones.”
He’ll bet just about anything that this frigid water isn’t helping Remus do that, and it’s not like Ollie has opposable thumbs. He goes to slide into the water himself but Ollie chirps in alarm, hoisting them higher.
“What’re you doing?”
“I’m trying to help.“
Remus shakes his head, more slime trailing across his shivering body. “Too cold for you.”
“Well, then it’s definitely too cold for you. Can we get you somewhere warmer?” Remus curls up a little more. “What about that pool near the glowstone trees?”
“That’s all the way on your side.”
“Ollie can take you. I’ll meet you over there.” Remus stays quiet. Roman leans down and brushes the wet hair from his eyes. “What else is bothering you, Re?”
Two of the tentacles glob onto Roman and start leaving trails of slime across his tunic. Remus whimpers and reaches out a hand to yank them away. It’s no use; the roiling mass just keeps smearing slime onto Roman as they try to pull him closer, no matter how hard Remus shoves them away.
“Re, you’re not too gross. You’re not going to ruin anything. I want you to come with me so I can help you. I care about you. Let me help, please?”
It takes a painfully long moment for Remus to peek up at him and nod. Roman can’t stop the way his shoulders sag in relief and he sits up, patting Ollie’s arm as the Kraken burbles happily.
“You…you really wanna help?”
“Of course I wanna help you, Re, you’re my brother.”
“Have Ollie take you over to the pool, okay? I’ll meet you there.”
“How are you gonna get there?”
“I have my ways.”
Remus grumbles and he sounds just enough like his normal self that Roman has to reach down and ruffle his hair, no matter how much Remus squawks about it. He climbs back off to the shore and watches Ollie sinks below the surface before he makes his way out to the ocean proper. Taking the charm from beneath his tunic, he closes his eyes and concentrates.
A screaming cry and the massive thudding of wings splits the wind.
Roman’s dragon lands just on the other side of the bluffs and he climbs on, taking off and soaring over the stormy sea. The dragon calls out over the waves and far beneath, he can see the shape of Ollie swimming through the depths. The clouds begin to part as they near the opposite coast, sun rays splitting the worst of the storm as the glowing trees appear on the horizon.
Roman’s dragon sets him down just on the edge of the shimmering pool. He pats its snout and it huffs, lying down on the sun-warmed grass and closing its eyes. As he walks toward the pool and begins to take off his boots, he spots Ollie’s shade moving through the inlet into the warmer water. He chuckles at the way the water vibrates with the Kraken’s pleased rumble.
Clad in just his boxers, he slips into the water and through the tangle of arms to draw Remus into the warmth. Remus immediately tuns and clings to him like a limpet, shivering from the temperature change.
“I know, I know,” Roman murmurs as he starts to work his hands patiently through the mass of tentacles, “just hold onto me. I can still kind of stand here, I’ve got you.”
”You gonna take care of me?”
“Yeah, Re, I’m gonna take care of you.”
He’s rewarded with a sleepy hum and Remus snuggles into him. “You’re the best.”
“No, you’re the best. The best baby brother anyone could ever ask for.”
“Am not.”
“Are too.”
Remus might mutter an am not back, but it’s muffled by his tired slump into Roman’s arms. Roman just chuckles. He’s sure it’ll come up again at some point.
General Taglist: @frxgprince@potereregina@gattonero17@iamhereforthegayshit@thefingergunsgirl@awkwardandanxiousfander@creative-lampd-liberties@djpurple3@winterswrandomness@sanders-sides-uncorrect-quotes@iminyourfandom@bullet-tothefeels@full-of-roman-angst-trash  @ask-elsalvador @ramdomthingsfrommymind@demoniccheese83@pattonsandershugs @el-does-photography @princeanxious@firefinch-ember@fandomssaremysoul@im-an-anxious-wreck@crazy-multifandomfangirl @punk-academian-witch@enby-ralsei@unicornssunflowersandstuff@wildhorsewolf @thetruthaboutthesun @stubbornness-and-spite @princedarkandstormv  @your-local-fookin-deadmeme @angels-and-dreams@averykedavra @a-ghostlight-for-roman @treasurechestininterweb @cricketanne @queerly-fluid-fan @compactdiscdraws@cecil-but-gayer@i-am-overly-complicated@annytheseal@alias290@tranquil-space-ninja @arxticandy @mychemically-imbalanced-romance@whyiask@crows-ace @emilythezeldafan@frida0043 @ieatspinalcords @snowyfires@cyanide-violence@oonagh2@xxpanic-at-the-everywherexx@rabbitsartcorner @percy-07734@triflingassailantofmyemotions @virgil-sanders-the-gay-emo@cerulean-watermelon@puffed-up-bees@meltheromanstan@joyrose-fandomer@insanitori@mavenmush@justablah65@10paradox10@uhhh-hi-there-i-am-nervous@cutebisexualmess@bella-bugatti-frogetti-baguetti@ultrageekygirl
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dillydallydove · 1 year
Something I’ve noticed about Roman’s arc is from Roman’s perspective this must be the most infuriating game of mixed signals
So first he’s a dick to Virgil ((not nice but Virge wasn’t exactly reaching across the aisle in that regard)) and he’s called out on it. So Roman changes!
So when the next Dark Side pops up (Janus) he’s much more willing to hear him out. And he gets guilt tripped by Patton for it
So he takes Patton’s lead and starts treating Deceit like the villain the others make him out to be. And suddenly Patton and Thomas are switching it up and Roman’s in the wrong once again!
If they’re going to treat Roman like a villain no matter what he decides to do. Why should he bother trying to act like a hero?
“Virgil is bad! No wait Virgil is good… janus is good too??? No! Janus is ba- wait janus is good”
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maybe if he didnt spend so much time passed out on the floor he’d know what’s up
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glacierruler · 2 months
Creativitwins angst
I don't normally draw kid sides, so this was fun!
If you like, please reblog!
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Taglist: @cutebisexualmess @nebulous-astronaut @uhhh-hi-there-i-am-nervous @oatmeal-stans-the-trash-rat
If you'd like to be added/removed let me know!
Again, if you like, please reblog!
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Merry Christmas, Janus
Summary: After the gift exchange, Janus returns to the Dark Side of the Mindpalace to relax and reflect. As he picks up his new socks, he finds a second gift from Roman…maybe he really should have laid off of the wine.
Pairings: None, background prinxiety if you squint
(A/N: So I'm posting this really, REALLY late because I had no energy to finish this but I finally do!)
When Logan had invited him and Remus to this year’s gift exchange with the whole Fam-ILY, Janus hadn’t expected things to go the way they did. Yes, he might have downed a few glasses as he refused to show up sober. He didn’t want to have to remember such a warm and soft event. He didn’t to have to hear all the sappy shit coming from those Light side dorks. Especially from Patton. Janus especially did NOT want to deal with Virgil and Roman while he was sober.
            Speaking of the prince, Janus finds himself glancing over at the Creative side. Roman was currently curled up on the couch with Virgil, babbling away as he showed the anxious side his twenty-dollar bill with his face on it. Virgil chuckled, lounging against Roman’s side, and saying something Janus could care less about. Though…something twists in Janus’ stomach as he watches the two of them get cozy, Roman wrapping an arm around Virgil who nuzzles him. Gross.
            Janus watches them a little longer before turning away. He finishes his remaining wine and makes the mug vanish as he tries to ignore his still throbbing cheek from the bitch-slap earlier. Yeah, he probably deserved it though. The lying side then glances at Roman and Virgil again, glancing away when Virgil suddenly glares at him. Janus doesn’t know when, but Virgil has been acting like the prince’s guard dog and hardly ever leaves his side. Huffing, Janus turns to Remus.
“Remus, get up. We’re going home.” Janus hisses.
Remus looks up from where he’s sitting on the floor with his air-fryer. Somehow, Remus has managed to put several substances and a stick of deodorant in it.
“Already?” he whines. “But I wanna stay! I’m making dinner!”
Janus cringes at the chunky slop in the air-fryer bucket.
“We already had dinner. You can bring that home and play with it all you want there.”
Remus pouts and unplugs his appliance, tucking the bucket back in.
“Boo, you’re no fun, you Scrooge.”
“I don’t care. I don’t want to be here. It’s getting too sappy for my liking.”
“Fiiine.” Remus then turns to the rest of the room. “Hey, dorks! We’re dipping out. Snakey here is getting grouchy.”
Janus huffs.
“Thanksss, Remusss…” he hisses.
            After what felt like an hour of goodbyes, thank yous, and Christmas wishes as well as a good riddance from Roman and Virgil, Janus and Remus finally sank out and returned home. As soon as they popped up into the dark and cold common room, Janus beelined towards his office while Remus scurried off somewhere with the air-fryer. Janus didn’t care and entered his office, locking the door behind him. Usually, this is where he starts chugging a bottle of wine but for once he’s trying to sober up so he can sort out his mind. Maybe he’ll thank Roman for slapping him somewhat awake.
Of all the sides…Roman had to be the one to have his name.
            Janus sighs and stares at the box on his desk. Despite everything he’d done to the prince, Roman still put in the effort to make his gift look nice. Roman was even thoughtful, giving him a gift he could make use of rather than giving him some fancy trinket. The snake side picks up the box and opens it. Luckily, the bitch-slap-in-a-box was a one-time thing. Setting the lid aside, Janus picks up the mustard yellow socks inside and gazes at them. Sure, they’re just socks and usually they’re not a gift you want to receive on Christmas, but part of Janus couldn’t be upset. Roman gave him an actual gift rather than just leaving him with nothing.
Trying to ignore his heavy thoughts, the deceitful side discards his gloves and runs his fingers over the fabric of the sock. They’re quite soft, much to his surprise. He at least expected it to be some god-awful fabric that would try to rip the scales off of his feet. Janus then picks up the other sock and feels it only to pause when he feels something crinkly in the sock. He winces and prays it’s not another prank from the prince. Bracing himself, Janus reaches in, and his fingertips pluck a folded and now crumpled piece of stationery. Of course. There in black ink and written in cursive is his own name. Oh. Janus then opens the paper, a very long and cursive message waiting inside.
Dear Sna  Dec  Janus,
            I apologize if my gift to you isn’t anything fancy. And I’m not talking about the bitch slap. Sorry for that by the way. I wasn’t going to do it at first but I thought it’d be funny. Honestly, I’m glad I got to see it in person. I really wanted to slap you, but I didn’t want to look like the jerk of all jerks. Again. Now, why am I writing this letter to you? Well…I have a lot to say to you and I don’t think you’d understand if I tried to say it in person. Despite your role, you’d never believe me. You’d probably think I was sucking up to our dear old dad or even Thomas. So, I’m doing it in letter form. Writing always helped me free my mind of the things I don’t want to think about.
            I just wanted to know, why do you hate me? Forgive me if you’re still bitter about the hat stealing and the name calling. Everything. To be truly honest, I had no idea what to do. When we were in the courtroom, everything was flipped outside down and all around. They said to trust you and then they said not to. When I tried to follow, they didn’t like it. Like I walked down the wrong path despite them giving me the map. Funny, isn’t it? Trying to do what you thought was right only to hurt yourself and someone else. That’s probably why you hate me.
            I suppose I should also apologize for my growing ego. Better it grew rather than let it fall apart and ruin Thomas, right? Then again, what do you care? I’m just a bumbling, arrogant prince who cares for no one but himself. Is that what you wanted to hear?
            I also miss you. When we were up on that stage and I had no clue you had taken Patton’s form, I had fun acting on stage and having, well, ‘you’ to direct me. It was fun and you seemed to like drama and theater. I had hoped we could work together again but now I’m scared I wouldn’t be able to tell when you’re acting and when you’re not. It’s a shame, really. After we were formally introduced, I thought we were friends. I wanted to be friends, believe me, but I’m scared. I don’t want you to lie to me again and make me believe you care. For Thomas’ sake I’m willing to be as civil as I can so we can work together but outside of that, I don’t think I’m ready to face you. Maybe in the future, we could talk but not right now. Not until I feel ready.
            I suppose I should end this letter now. If you’re still reading this, Janus, then thank you, I guess. Thank you for not trashing this letter. I mean, you can once you’re done reading if you want. You probably still don’t care. I’ll see you around the Mindpalace or something. Take care of Remus for me. He seems to like you more. I really wish we could’ve been friends. I hope you enjoy the rest of your Christmas evening. I mean, you won right? You beat the mighty prince and his massive ego. Congratulations. Merry Christmas, Janus.
           Janus stares at the letter, rereading it once more before putting it down on the desk with shaky hands. He rubs at his face, ignoring the fact that his cheeks were wet now. He leans back in his chair, hanging in his head guilt. God, Roman…what had he done? He just…the prince wanted to be friends…Janus licks his lips, the taste of salt and bitter grapes mixing. He stares at the letter sitting on his desk, regret and something heavy pooling in his gut. Janus hadn’t realized how much he’d hurt the prince has was supposed to protect.
He really should lay off of the wine…
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monkeythefander · 8 months
Sanders Sides Angst Headcannons
CW: Angst headcannons for each of the sides
• After Janus’ fake compliments in the courtroom, Roman has a hard time believing compliments from Thomas and the other sides.
• Back when Virgil still lived with the Dark Sides, Janus would make a cake for Virgil’s birthday every year that the two of them and the other Dark Sides could share. After Virgil left, Janus continued the tradition of baking a cake. However since Virgil’s gone Janus takes the cake to the anxious side’s old room and eats some of it by himself, leaving a bit in the room in case Virgil ever decides to come back.
• Remus has a sketch book full of drawings he and Roman made together before the mindscape became divided. Whenever Remus misses his brother he’ll look at the drawings.
• Since nobody likes to listen to him, Logan has a journal he writes all his thoughts in. The journal started off as a professional log of his days, but it’s slowly become more of diary since it’s basically his only companion.
• Patton has a closet full of boxes tissue boxes in his room because he lets out all the sad emotions he suppresses through tears when he’s alone.
A/N: I just wanted to note that if you like any of my headcannons and want to write a fanfic or make a drawing based on it you can do so as long as you credit me and tag me in the post so I can see it.
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tss-whumper · 5 months
as a roman kinnie i am now legally obligated to write an obscene amount of angst detailing roman spending christmas holding back tears as he is either insulted, ignored, guilt-tripped, or misunderstood for the entire holiday.
and as the pressure builds, he bursts into tears under the tree, too hysterical to explain what got him so upset.
but instead of sympathy, what happens?
looking away
eyes rolling
annoyed scoffs
nervous laughter
“thanks a lot for killing the vibe.”
“that’s one way to ruin christmas.”
it is on the most anticipated holiday of the entire year that roman has never felt less loved.
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starshard17 · 11 months
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Mr Sanders I hope you understand how much this quote hurt me
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aredlemon · 8 months
A Part. Ao3
Sure, it was only obvious that the breakup would hurt Patton. But did no one think about love itself?
The others forget Roman is literally love but his bro comforts him
First fic! Pardon me if it isn’t up to par but I wanted to get something for you out. (Also some shit happens in my real life, oh and procrastination)
Cw: oblivious/ignorant sides, slight Patton bashing, descriptions of someone looking sick, Remus comforting his bro, Roman has self deprecating thoughts.
Pairings: none!
It had been only about a week since the breakup. Not that it mattered, the others were still furious. Rightly so. It was all his fault!
The window was open, a slight drift moving the curtains. The sun was setting, casting the room in a low, orange light. The floor was littered with tissues, an overflowing trash can not too far from them.
Roman lay on the bed staring up. His prince costume had long been discarded. His skin was pale, rosy cheeks stained with tears only accentuating that. His hair was disheveled, it looked to be less saturated than before.
“Why must you ruin everything…”
A chocked sob escaped Roman. His voice was barely above a whisper, throat aching after what must have been hours of crying. He let out a shaky breath before continuing his soliloquy.
“If only you had just…Done you *job*…”
Roman turned to his nightstand. There lay a letter. A love letter. Funny wasn’t it? How the one to call Thomas all those names was the same person who called him ‘love’. It didn’t matter anymore. Roman had failed at his sole purpose. Keeping Thomas happy.
Remus paced around his room. Not out of anxiety or worry. Janus had prohibited him from entering the living room after he brought in a second dead body. It wasn’t his fault the first one needed a friend!
“Wonder how he’s holding up…” he thought out loud.
Remus seemed to have been the only one to notice Roman’s sudden absence. He was his brother after all, plus Roman was his favourite person to annoy! The others seemed to be too preoccupied with Patton…That bastard. ‘Oh look at me so sad! I am feelings!’ Well, Roman was passion, love for fucks’s sake! It made Remus feel weird…He didn’t like Roman…but they were still brothers.
“That’s it” and with that, Remus quickly vanished from his room.
It was deafeningly silent. A tear made its way down Roman’s cheek. He didn’t even bother wiping it away this time, much too tired to move. He looked sick. White hairs had started appearing on his head, all colour having been drained from his eyes. There was no point in trying.
‘At least I won’t burden them anymore’, ‘It’s better like this’, ‘I deserve this’, thoughts like these were floating in Roman’s brain. His eyes slowly closed.
“I’m so fucking sorry Thomas.”
Few moments passed before Remus rose up. Morning star in hand, ready to cause trouble.
“Oh Ro-Bro~ Are yo-“ Remus was cut short.
The sight of his brother made his stomach churn, something not many things were able to achieve. No, that wasn’t his brother. His brother was lively, loud, happy…this…
A loud thud was heard as the morning star fell from his hands. Rushing to his brother he sighed in relief when the faint heartbeat and slight coldness of Roman’s breath against his hand alerted Remus he was still alive. He withdrew and placed a hand on Roman’s shoulder, shaking him lightly.
“Ro-Bro, get up.” Remus’ worries came back, since Roman didn’t seem to wake.
“Come on now,” he growled, “get up you fucker!” He shook him more violently, worry slipping into his voice despite his efforts to remain calm.
Why was he even so worried? Roman was still alive after all, and he probably would wake up…oh for the love of fuck! Remus allowed tears to spill from his eyes, voice coming out in a sob as he begged Ro to wake up.
Roman’s eyes slowly fluttered open. It must have been morning, perhaps early mid day? Whatever, it’s not like he really cared. His eyes took a bit to adjust to the light invading the room through the curtains. He felt light, almost as if he were floating. Was this a dream?
“Hmmmgg…Ro?” A voice startled him.
Turning his head ever so slightly he was met with Remus’ gaze staring down at him. It seemed as though he had just woken up, still rubbing his eyes. Dark circles framing them, still damp from tears cheeks accompanying them. He looked so…exhausted? Roman had never seen Remus like that, let alone crying. Roman looked at him, trying to ask what was wrong but his voice betrayed him. What came out was a slight whine, barely audible.
“Oh you fucker.” Remus dipped down and hugged him.
Resting his head in the space besides Roman’s head he wrapped his hands around the prince. He felt so relieved. Roman was ok. He quickly pulled back after a groan from his twin’s lips reminded him that he was crushing him. Sitting besides him, he helped Roman sit up on the bed, making sure not to move him too quickly.
Roman felt dizzy, as if his brain was melting in his head.
“What ‘re you doin’ here…?” He slurred out.
Remus stammered, bewildered. Was he really being serious? “You’re kidding right? Roman, you haven’t come out of your room in a week, I come in and find you barely alive, and you ask me why I am here!?”
He didn’t intend on sounding angry, let alone upset, but it happened to come out that way. But was he at fault? Roman was acting like such an idiot.
Roman jolted back a bit. He looked scared. Upset. Worst of all he looked sorry. Ready to break and start apologising, saying sorry for making Remus worry, sorry for being a burden, sorry for being a failure.
Tears spilled from his eyes. They had gained back some of their colour, same with his skin and hair, but he still looked sickly. He tried to speak, but all he could muster up was a faint “s-sorry”.
No, Remus must have misheard right? He all but lunged forward and embraced Roman.
“No. Stop. Just…it’s ok, I’m here” he said as Roman started to sob into his shoulder.
“Sorry for *hic* making you…w-worry” Roman’s words came out barely audible.
“Don’t be. You did nothing wrong, hear me? Nothing.”
Remus patted his twin’s back, humming softly to soothe him. Oh dear….He didn’t like seeing his brother like this. He missed the brave, annoying, over the top Roman. As he made a mental note to give the others a piece of his mind Roman spoke up, finally having calmed down a bit.
“You’re…not mad?”
‘Might as well have driven a dagger straight through my heart’ Remus thought. “No I’m not. Just…I’m sorry, I should have noticed sooner.”
Before Roman could protest Remus continued.
“Just, listen, you’re not a failure, a screw up, whatever. Thomas will find someone new. Shit happens ok? Just cause it’s a part of your job to be love doesn’t mean anything. That’s only a part of you. A part of the amazing Roman.” Remus chuckled. “The, very sadly, lesser of the twins~”
Roman chuckled and pushed Remus off of him.
“Fucker” he said while smiling. ‘Well, what did I expect?’ Roman thought. Remus was his brother after all, and as much as he wanted he couldn’t stay mad.
Plus, the teasing was a part of him, right?
Hope you enjoyed! Again this is my first one so sorry for the bad writing. Also for the fact that it’s short, wanted to get it out this week.
-ARedLemon :)
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justalittlethought · 6 months
Another random head cannon/thought
What if the reason Remus has a gray stripe in his hair is because he keeps dying it because him and roman cus there twins roman has a green stripe and Remus has a red stripe and he dyes that put of his hair so he wouldn't be able to see how he lost his own twin brother and see how much of a screw up his is and for roman I feel like he's constantly dying his hair brown so he doesn't have to see the green stripe and be reminded of a brother he doesn't want
Just a little thought
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prodigal-explorer · 3 months
i love the idea of roman and remus being paralells in the sense that roman spends hours in front of a mirror beautifying himself because he's afraid of what will happen if he's ever ugly, and remus spends hours in front of a mirror uglifying himself because he's afraid of what will happen if he's ever pretty.
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Ranting About Sanders Sides Again Because I Can
The fact that Roman and Virgil are currently the two sides with the most stable relationship out of the whole cast right now is just, so sweet to me.
Technically you could make a case for Janus and Remus's relationship or Janus and Patton's relationship, but Janus and Remus haven't actually interacted in a canon episode just yet, and Janus and Patton's relationship is just really getting started, so I'm not counting either of those just yet.
Now, Roman and Virgil. We know them, we love them, and I think all of us know that their relationship initially started off pretty rocky. For pretty much all of Season 1 they didn't exactly get along at all. But since then, they've gotten to the point where they're genuinely really good friends, (I'd personally even call them best friends!) and they've still got their usual banter, but at this point it's become their thing. They're not really Roman and Virgil without it!
The fact that Roman's become so much more closed off towards everyone else, but is still happily bantering with Virgil really just goes to show how much he trusts him. And it makes sense! Virgil's proven to him that he actually cares about him (see FWSA for reference) and in turn that's caused Roman to become much more comfortable around him! I mean, just look at how Roman talks about him in the 5th Anniversary Episode compared to when he's talking about the others!!
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See the difference? I certainly do!
Whether you consider their relationship to be currently the most stable in the series right now or not, you have to admit that Roman's relationship with Virgil is most definitely his own most stable one out of everyone right now. Including Thomas!
Honestly, if we don't get to see Roman and Virgil being freaking best friends in the season finale, you will not hear the end of it from me. There will be many a grumpy rant coming from my end.
I'm very excited to see how their relationship develops from here, both with how they're gonna be responding to Janus's acceptance, and with their interactions with just each other on their own. It'll be nice! And I'm very excited to see how it all plays out! :)
Also the Sanders Sides season finale cannot come soon enough, I am absolutely craving more content and I cannot wait to see what happens next.
Alright! That's all from me for now! See you all again soon!! 👋
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