sunderingstars · 6 months
one of my favorite things about neuvillette is his empathy. he could’ve easily been another stoic judge who cares more for the law than his own heart, and while that is partially true, he’s ultimately put in that position because he cares.
although he’s seen as apathetic and severe by those who don’t know him, he carries one of the biggest hearts in the world; he only comes across the way he does because he doesn’t understand how to express what he feels. he feels everything so strongly he has no other choice than to pretend he doesn’t, to sacrifice his own wants for the safety of his people.
but it’s still there. no matter how hard he tries, he can never separate himself from his heart. every decision of the court weighs on him. every emotion he feels spills into the sky. every day he fights to protect a people he only sees the worst of. he’s an adoptive dad & a water connoisseur & a lonely old man. a dragon, falling in love with humanity despite having every reason not to.
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takami-takami · 8 months
Hi, hope you are having or already had an amazing day! <33 I wanted to ask, what is you Keigo schlong headcanon? LMFAO, like, how long is it? Is it curvy? Color? The tip? Is it veiny? Smooth? Well kept or hairy and if so - does the curtain match the drapes? The angle? Big breeder balls or smaller ones? How much does he give when he finishes? I'VE SEEN SO MANY TAKES ON THIS SUBJECT BUT YOU'RE THE ONLY AUTHOR WHOSE JUDGEMENT I WILL LISTEN TO.
My wishful thinking answer is that he is big but not like, ouch big, ~6 inches or so. HOWEVER, I know, realistically, this is not the case. There is evidence to consider.
His pants are very baggy. This raises questions. Nobody wears pants that baggy at the crotch all the fucking time unless they are packing. He also carries a certain energy with him. BDE or whatever. I feel it in my bones. So this bumps him up to ~6.5-7 inches in my estimate. But honestly I'm torn! Because he's also not extremely tall or anything. So I really can't decide between it being 6 or 6.5-7.
Curves a bit upward when he's rock hard or it slaps against his stomach when he's on his back. Mostly smooth save for a few prominent veins. Nothing crazy, but enough to be visually appealing or trace if you want to. His dick is ever so slightly darker than the rest of him and a bit flushed, especially at the tip. Tip is proportional/avarage/par for the course and swells darker when he's hard or edged.
I think he trims, but not too short (he shaves if he has to do modeling gigs that show the v line, but he prefers not to), but keeps the happy trail after his s/o falls to their knees and begs him not to take it away from them. Hair is slightly darker than the color up top, but still blonde.
Huge breeder balls. I will die on this hill. They're sensitive, too. And he gives insane cumshots. Like, he cums a lot. A lot. His backshots are out of this world. Fat, sticky ropes. A gift for his breeding kink, truly.
He has a very, very pretty dick. Like the kind you'd look at and go "wow, congrats man" and give him a firm handshake. The kind you stick a little blue award ribbon that says "best in show" on and pop a confetti popper.
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sixdegreesofbali · 16 days
The conversation I had just now about the lack of support and the hate for Max these days made me think about fan behaviour in general and how it really shouldn't be taken so 'personally' even though it's hard not to.
Some days ago I made a post about how strange F1 is with its hype for one driver one week and another the next week. I made a point about how Charles was suddenly getting so much hate (the kind of hate I hadn't seen before), whilst Carlos was getting praised to the heavens.
And now suddenly Charles is everyone's baby sweetheart again and you barely hear anything about Carlos.
It just shows you how fickle people are.
If Charles started dominating the way Max has been, people would get just as tired of it and he would start receiving just as much hate. Same for Lando for example. We've also seen this with Hamilton, Vettel, Schumacher, Senna, you name 'em.
Being successful unfortunately means being hated. Which is pretty ridiculous, because talent should be celebrated, but that's just how it is. People like cheering for an underdog and hate the person keeping the underdog(s) down.
So yeah, unfortunately we'll probably only see Max being loved like some of the other drivers when he decides to quit.
As his fan, just remember that most of it really isn't about him as a person. As much as it may seem so.
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alaskaartz · 7 months
Silk Song RAMBLE.
I have a really hard time containing my excitement so
SPOILERS FOR SILKSONG! do not read anymore of this if you want to go into silksong spoiler free!
OK BUT LIKE- The updated HK wiki was a thing today and I went and looked at the silksong part of it. and OH MY GOD- I know most of these things already but everything about silksong makes me just so excited- silksong has a lot of things that I love and adore already and team cherry really just picked up everything I love and put it into one game, which makes me literally wanna jump around my room cuz I'm so happy
Ok rambling about things now
Up first moss grotto:
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THIS PLACE MAKES ME SO HAPPY. I love moss, and I love lily pads. I love EVERYTHING about this place! I love the atmosphere of it and the feeling it gives off. It feels very comforting in an odd way, with all the moss and plants mixed with what I assume to be bones makes a really comforting place. The enemies shown here are also really really cute, I just wanna hug them, they look like they'd be soft. Something about moss grotto makes it seem like the perfect place to come sit and stay if you needed some alone time, I know that sounds weird but it's the best way I can describe it- Random but in the nintendo treehouse live from forever ago you could see the shell shards ROLL on the ground! and when Hornet walks on the moss it actually looks like she's walking on it! I bring this up because of how cool but more, real feeling? It makes everything feel. The fact that the currency and the shell shards roll on the ground gives it more gravity and just- overall a very cool feel to what it would be like to, idk, hold it? Geo in Hollow Knight kinda bounces around so it's like, not as realistic idk man- Another thing is Hornet, she seems to have more gravity to her, she can't jump as high or walk/run as fast as the knight did making her almost feel, heavier. She seems like she's much heavier than Ghost was
Next up, Deep docks: (the second one is my PC's wallpaper lol)
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Deep docks feels very, hot, for obvious reason. Something about deep docks aesthetic is just SO COOL. I'm writing this part from memory of the treehouse live so if I'm wrong about stuff, sorry I love the rocks and bones in Deep docks, actually I love the amount of bones in most of the screenshots and trailer things I've seen- so cool, but also in deep docks it's really cool to see the bones, rocks, magma, and machinery all mixed together I really love Lace's arena, if you look in the background you can see some moss vines (?) hanging down so that makes me think It's really close to moss grotto, but it also gives her arena a more of an overgrown feel, which is really nice ALSO CAN WE TALK ABOUT LACE'S CRAZY AIR ATTACK?? That attack is probably my favorite out of all her moves, the way she comes back down to the ground and shakes the whole place is SO COOL- she's definitely gonna be a hard boss for me to beat but DAMN she's gonna be a fun boss Also the fact that Hornet and Lace are just fighting above flowing magma like it's nothing is badass The Citadel:
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HOLY SHIT?? THERE'S SO MUCH I CAN TALK ABOUT WITH THIS ONE SCREENSHOT. The way the floor is makes the room feel very omen and very big. The room also feels old, and dusty- What seems to be torn cloths and curtains around the place makes it seem like that place has been there for a very long time. I assume and guess the Citadel is doing to play a very big and important role in the story of this game, and in the lore of Pharloom. Idk who this warrior is but he seems cool, two swords and everything. There isn't much footage of the Citadel at all which makes me a little upset because this place seems just so, so grand, so big, so IMPORTANT. I also don't know why but the colors make it feel royal. This- Place:
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I'd live here, saying that right now, I'd live here. I'd find a cozy little bell to live in and stay there forever. I know the guy to the right of Hornet is singing so maybe this is a safe space in Pharloom? I would think it to be like how dirtmouth is, shops but also a calm place to be after fighting for your life for the millionth time. It's really cool how bells have been turned into homes, It's a really cool touch to this place and it makes it feel really cozy. I think the bell homes would be hanging from the ceiling, cavern roof, whatever you wanna call it- And the bug either fly or climb ladders to get into the bell houses! This place just radiates safe, and homey- once again, I will find a bell and make it my home.
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Not much to say about it because I know so little about it, but the fact that Hornet is fighting what I assume is I giant robot bug? omg, Also it looks like it's rusting so is it not affected by the magma but affected by something else? Or is that just weird red plants, Idk
Coral Place:
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THERE. ARE. FISH. This place feeds my internal love of pirates, and anything ocean. The coral looks so alive and this place seems like it's gonna have cool stuff in it
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PLEASE TELL ME THIS GUYS IS A PIRATE OR SOMETHING- He looks like a pirate, I'm not the only one who think that right? Like, a knight pirate This arena feels very small and, humid. Probably because it is either underwater or close to water. it seems really misty in there. The fact that the lanterns are held with coral, vine, things is so cool- Also there's pipes in the background! Maybe those are connected to something? I'm not trying to theorize everything I just think the possibilities are cool- I'mma call this the swamp place:
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This looks like a swamp, what kind? an eerie one. It almost looks like there's ash in the air! Also the vine things in the back? so cool, the more faded they get makes this area feel very misty or foggy, which gives it a feeling of, idk, eeriness? spooky? The guy here looks like he's using a fishing pole as a weapon- which makes sense given the amount of water. The grass and, I forgot what those are called. SWAMP REEDS- are really big so it makes this place feel WAY bigger, or hornet way smaller. Not sure but I can't wait to explore this place and Probably get lost along the way.
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I don't know what this place is, what it's for, but it feels almost steampunk so that's an automatic love from me. Also love these little flying guys, they're really cute and yeah- The gears are also super cool! It almost looks like she's inside a clock :0 This place feels warm but not, dry or humid. Just warm, a comfy warm
This section is just stuff I wanna ramble about/add so:
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Cutely going insane over the fact that this place is probably a Giant rib cage
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THIS PLACE. IDK WHAT IT IS OR WHAT IT'LL DO BUT I LOVE IT. JUST LOOK AT THAT BACKGROUND- Like, the 'sky' looks blue. ARE WE OUTSIDE? omg- I also love all the building in the back I just OMGOMG- It also looks like there's giant pipes, maybe it's close to the Citadel? Idk but this place makes me feel so happy I just wanna stare at it, I WANNA EXPLORE-
If you've made it this far thanks- This was the only place I could actually let out my excitement over a game that's not even out yet so- yeah- If you have any questions about stuff I rambled about or said then feel free to put something in my inbox about it so, yeah-
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wildpeachfarm · 3 months
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OK im gonna answer all of these at the same time because a lot of it would be repeating myself if i responded to each individually. Basically yeah I think caiti ruined her credibility with how she has treated the situation and with vague statements, its hard to believe that what shes saying is true.
The people shes talking about could be her own "friends" with biases against dteam, randos, or literally someone with random private drama, OR NO ONE because the idea that people confided in her (who is an internet nobody) is really hard to believe.
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I also understand this a lot. The infantilization of women in order to absolve people of guilt in a situation like this is supremely frustrating when that same logic can be spun around and defend female abusers or in caitis case, somehow remove any responsibility she needs to take for the situation as well
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idk none of what she said about the amount of people in that room was very accurate and her explanation just made it sound like she had no control over her ability to just...not go to the party which is crazy to say
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raven-of-miramar · 3 months
Mota finale theory
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This is a man with one less reason
This is a man who is PISSED not just scared or tired or trying to survive but royally, burn the world, pissed. Where as last episode it was Bucky that was breaking, this is the episode I think we will see at least some cracks in Buck’s calm.
We’ve seen Bucky’s reaction to losing Buck but not the other way around. With the exception of when Crank Brady and co came to the stalag w/o Bucky, Buck hasn’t had to deal with the possibility of Bucky being dead and that is all offscreen.
With how the trailer shows Bucky basically sacrificing himself to give Buck a chance to run it’s safe to say we are gonna see how Buck reacts to the high probability that he will not be seeing John again and it’s not good.
Because while yes Buck has Marge he also had Bucky.
Darkness is left in the wake of a light being taken
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makethatelevenrings · 8 months
I mean this with ZERO disrespect, I'm simply trying to educate myself on this matter because it impacts us all.
All I can find about the Israel-Palestine conflicts is the fighting. What I want to know is why.
Whats the backstory? Why are they fighting? Why is everyone persecuting one another and who in the government is responsible?
I heard Hamas bombed Gaza and has taken hostages. What brought on this violence? Do all the Palestinians agree with this?
(More personal opinion questions, you don't need to answer these)
Do you agree with Hamas? Do you think that violence was a last resort to free Palestine? Do you think it's justified?
One thing I do hate is people saying "I hate *this group of people*, they are bad." They can't all be bad. So I don't like the titles of Anti-Israel/Anti-Palestine because you're assuming everyone there is on the same side.
In conclusion, people are stupid. The government is messed up. Citizens and families want to live so why won't the government let them?
I’m genuinely grateful that you’re asking because educating ourselves is one of the greatest tools we have. I’ll break it up into sections.
1. What’s the backstory?
In 1918, the Ottoman Empire conceded land they controlled to Britain (this is still an ongoing problem regarding many, many things because the Ottoman Empire controlled many nations that weren’t theirs to control if you catch my drift. Look up the Elgin marbles for a fun wormhole of WTF Britain). The Arab Revolt was backed by France and Britain with the promise that if the Arab fighters could force the Ottomans out of the area of the Levant, they would be granted independence (McMahon-Hussein Correspondence) but, plot twist, France and the UK instead split the region (Sykes-Picot Agreement). The Balfour Declaration of 1917 expressed Britain’s support of the creation of Israel. After they gained control of the region, they established Israel and systematically began to take the land of Palestinians.
Note: Zionism began as a belief in the mid-18th century. Many, MANY Jewish people do not subscribe, encourage, or promote the idea of a Jewish state. I do not view Israel = Jewish because it is antisemitic to imply that the Jewish diaspora all exist under the state of Israel. Especially when many Jewish people disagree with Israel.
Note note: Zionism was created as a response to the numerous pogroms and other antisemitic hate crimes affecting Jewish people. the Holocaust was fucking awful. No ifs ands or buts. Genocide doesn’t justify genocide, however.
Continuing on. So, clearly, the Palestinians are pissed. They were promised independence and instead now have their land taken by a global superpower who has historically fucked over hundreds of countries (another wormhole for you: India under British rule, Ireland and literally all of its history with England, the transatlantic slave trade under Britain, Africa under British rule, Australia and the treatment of Aboriginals under British rule, America and the British, it goes on). Palestinians revolted from 1936-1939 because, again, their home and promise of independence was being stolen. They lost against the British army but then 1939 was a bit of an important year for everyone and they world was sucked into another world war.
With WWII saw the birth of the United Nations, an organization that might sound important but has the moral backbone with the equivalence of a chocolate eclair. The UN said “hey, why don’t we split Palestine and Israel into two different states so maybe they’ll stop fighting” (United Nations Partition Plan for Palestine) and, as a result, the 1948 Palestine-Israel war began. Hundreds died. 700k+ people were forced from Palestine and spread across the world in what is called the Nakba. Israeli colonizers quite literally moved into homes that had been occupied by Palestinians only days before. In 1918, the Jewish population of the region was 8.1%. In 1948, when Israel was recognized as a nation by the UN, the Jewish population of the region was 82.1%.
2. There’s plenty of infographics and videos explaining the next few decades but I’m already writing an essay basically so the gist is: Palestinians keep losing their homes and Israel keeps taking them. Israel forces the Palestinians into smaller and smaller parcels of land until the control virtually everything but a small strip of land (Gaza) and the West Bank. That brings us to 2006.
Hamas was elected in 2006 over rivaling Fatah, gaining majority amount of seats in the Palestinian Legislative Council under the promise that they would help end the corruption many Palestinians were frustrated with. Instead they took military control over Gaza and established an autocratic state over millions of people who were already suffering under barbaric policies and practices from Israel. Politicians.
This is where things get a little…messy morally. Do I agree with Hamas? Fuck no. I couldn’t care less about Hamas because they don’t care about Palestinians. Do all Palestinians agree with Hamas? Firstly, you will rarely find a group of people where all agree with some. Secondly, I don’t think they appreciate being bombed by Israel while Hamas leaders chill somewhere else. The people of Palestine are the victims of Hamas and Israel.
Did some Palestinians celebrate Hamas’ actions? Yes. Do I think violence is a last resort? Yes and no. Do I think it’s justified? Yes and no.
Lemme expand on those last two points. I want to be an international human rights attorney someday. The loss of innocent life is always a fucking tragedy that I hope to help prevent or to bring justice for them. I understand violence. I understand why people are so angry. I understand the rage and grief Palestinians feel. 75 years of having their rights stripped away, their homes quite literally occupied, their land and culture chipped away piece by piece, and their children bombed and shot at.
“But how on earth can you think violence is justified if people get hurt!” The American Revolution was an act of violence that got numerous people killed yet you will rarely find someone who won’t justify it. Ukraine defending themselves against Russia wanting their land with no regard to how many Ukrainians they kill is considered justified.
People just seem to focus on the “violence is bad” aspect of things once POC are involved. Yeah, I said it. Americans tired of taxation, of British rule, and of not having their independence causes property damage, argues with soldiers in the streets, and starts a war is okay but when Palestinians do it, it’s a problem? When Black Americans ask to stop being brutalized by the police, it’s a problem? When Black South Africans ask to end an apartheid state, it’s a problem? When Central Americans ask for western nations to stop causing coups that destabilizes their nations, it’s a problem? I could go on.
Yeah, violence is bad. Violence is also the way that a lot of countries are where they are today. Violence is sometimes the only reason why things changed. Violence is enacted on the oppressed everyday yet people only seem to really care once the oppressed fight back.
3. I’m anti-Israel because I don’t agree with the government and the state of Israel. I don’t agree with their 75 years of violent oppression of Palestinians. I don’t agree with their current or past actions. I’m anti-Hamas. I think they’re a vacuous organization that is more focused on getting what they want than considering the consequences of innocent Palestinians.
I’m also really fucking furious at Joe Biden’s insistence that we send aid to Israel. We have given Israel $260 BILLION since 1948. BILLION. And yet we have people dying because they can’t afford healthcare. Students leaving school because they can’t afford tuition. We have 8 year olds in debt because they can’t afford school lunches. The unhoused population is growing rapidly due to the housing crisis. I can sense the unemployment rate creeping higher. I know many people who have lost their jobs this past month alone. We’re days away from another government shutdown and they can’t vote on a speaker.
American politicians would rather send Israel billions more to bomb innocent people than to feed their own citizens. That, in my opinion, is a sort of violence that can never be justified.
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nicosraf · 7 months
Hey Rafa!!! Will God still be a character that we hear speak throughout a&m? Your depiction of Him is both terrifying and Almighty— and its so refreshing to see the way you approach His Omniscience. Especially because I often felt (growing up) both a fear and awe at the way God is written in The Scriptures. I really enjoy that you write him the way that you do.
I wonder how strained His relationship is to the angels in Heaven after Lucifer’s debacle. I’m particularly interested in how Michael handles his faith, and how this is reflected in his servitude towards God. Poor fellow </3.
Also— one more thing I wanted to add while I’m here. One of my favorite books is George Orwell’s 1984, because of the intense themes of personal identity, free will, and self expression in the face of totalitarianism. Reading your book was so cathartic in the way that it had a lot of overlap in these themes but on a religious level…. And as a queer narrative. Let me just tell you I was SHOOK. How you disguised a hauntingly bleak Orwellian plot with so much beautiful prose is honestly beyond me. I highly doubt I will ever write anything as incredible as what I’ve read from abm. I’m honestly so surprised you don’t have like. A million followers!!!
Hello! Of course! I love writing God, like genuinely I do. I feel really similarly that the God of the Bible really horrified me, but in some kind of awe-inspiring way – especially because, to me, a lot of the horror comes from God's omnipotent nature; he can do whatever he likes, and there is nothing you can do. I'm really glad some of that comes through in ABM itself!
There are less scenes with God being actively there in A&M given that most of the story takes place on Earth, but he's still very present. He's the one giving out orders, though Samyaza and Azazel might not understand what he's really up to. Coming up for a motivation for God for this book was incredibly fun.
I think one of the big "issues" with writing God is that since he knows everything, you have to give him a reason to allow for everything. (I do play around a little with the question of whether he really does know everything, whether he really is all-powerful, but I think regardless of the answer, he still knows much more than you/angels and has so much more power that he may as well be all-knowing and all-powerful). So, God is going to allow the Watcher thing to happen. But why? What is his end goal? Maybe, who is his end goal?
I love Michael in this book. His faith is strained but it's the only thing he has. It's like he's holding onto old ropes over a pit of fire. In simple words, the Michael of ABM is dead – the sweetheart, doting Michael. You might find him unrecognizable, at least initially. I don't want to say much, but he's gone through quite a bit — the immediate aftermath of ABM's ending and what God does with him afterward. He's changed really radically from who he was, but so has Lucifer, of course.
It's fun that you bring up 1984 and totalitarianism, since I get to touch on what becomes of angel society after the fall. This isn't a spoiler because it'll be on the back of A&M, but Heaven becomes oppressive and intolerant. In the aftermath of sin, the angels have to reckon with the now eternal threat of evil in society. How will they deal with this fear? Who will they blame?
I always think ABM Heaven is more of a Brave New World of dystopia fiction; they both even have an orgy at the end (both books involve sex/sexuality as a means of control for the authoritarian power, though so does 1984). The ABM angels love their servitude. When they revolt, it's not out of this feeling that they're all secretly being heavily oppressed. I mean, they have everything. They live in paradise. When Lucifer shouts about how they don't need God and how God is denying them certain love, they go ballistic. It's almost a spoiled rebellion – at least on the surface it is, but as the reader knows, there is something deeply sinister about God, his behavior, and what he's already done. And angels needed a release for grievances, their long, meaningless existence, etc
I think A&M gives me a little more room to work with a more 1984 type of angel society, but themes of hyper-centralized power and limits of self-expression are already there. I actually love to write about fascism sksksjd, nearly all of my WIPs talk about fascism. Even the final Angels book is (planned) to say a couple things about it pretty explicitly, if I can make it not sound silly. You know, one of my personal grievances with these famous utopia-dystopia books is that they're not gay! Not trans! Almost always white. Queers are policed because of their self-expression (limp wrists, deep or high-pitched voices, gender deviance) and sexual activity; you'd think queerness, at the very least, would be at the forefront of considering the policing of identity and self expression in totalitarianism. And yet !
(One final point on Brave New World and 1984 is that they both have their own takes on religion. BNW replaces Christianity with capitalism; 1984 basically replaces Christianity with the leader of the party. I think these are both good takes for their respective books, but Abrahamic religions (really, most monotheistic religions) are unique in that they introduce the idea of a single all-powerful ruler whose sin is, quite literally, "don't do what I tell you not to."
God can kill, after all, so killing is fine, but only when he does it. Only he is allowed to be violent, or when you have his blessing. I can go on another tangent here on how Max Weber defines a state as having the monopoly on violence, and God, explicitly, has the monopoly on violence. So there's a really parallel allusion between the Christian God and states. It's interesting, isn't it !)
ANYWAY, thank you very much for liking ABM! I would take it down, frankly, if I got that many followers. That would be way too many people looking at me. Also don't say that you'll never write anything incredible. I think that you will, but you won't with that attitude!!!!! Good luck writing !!! sending u love and all
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mattoidmeerkat · 1 month
as the number #1 brain parasites truther on here, i'm curious on your feelings about the upcoming bobby plot. do u trust that they're gonna do right by our boy? or do u think it's possible the brain parasites might strike again? 😭
obviously i'm sooooooo excited to get more bobby lore, but there's just a tiny little part of me that's scared we might end up getting some bullshit ass story that's entirely ooc for bobby. ik he's been safe so far w/ the characterization, but idk man. i always get a little anxious when i hear a character's getting new lore drops
Not sure how I feel about that title. 😅️
I have been unhappy with a Bobby arc before. This was at the end of Season 5 after we had seen him struggle with being there for everyone, clearly heading to a breaking point, and then the resolution of his arc was basically a footnote in Eddie's storyline. (With Athena's visible concerns just being forgotten about completely.) This was the first time I was really disappointed in a storyline involving Athena and/or Bobby. (Sure, never dealing with any of his injuries considering his past has always been annoying, but this felt different.) I told myself it was the end of the season, and they just ran out of time to address Bobby's arc properly. The episode still annoys me, but I've made my peace with it because it left enough space for us to fill in the gabs. (There are some amazing writers out there who wrote their takes on how Bathena managed to go from 5x18 to 6x01, and I'm so grateful!)
Then Season 6 aired and that just felt very thought through. The setup for the Tanya storyline was great and 6x03 amazing. While focused on Athena, the story still showed and developed her relationship with Bobby as well. Hoover (my beloved) then also helped explore their new dynamic as empty nesters. We got episodes like What's Your Fantasy? showing us how comfortably they'd settled into their empty nest leading into the Wendall arc (that we all wished had been set up earlier for more emotional impact of his death) which really showed us how far those two have come together and individually. (Athena's approach to addiction and AA in Season 4 vs. attending a meeting with Bobby; Bobby trying to keep Athena out of his AA life vs. inviting her into his this part of his world)
The back half of Season 6 showed us even more of their development and growth. The blind faith in Recovery? Excellent. The adorableness and sexiness of Mixed Feeling? Perfect. The bitter-sweet anniversary in Love is in the Air? What an amazing way to show us how far they've come. Pay it Forward? *chef's kiss* We saw them really grow into a deep, stable relationship where they enjoyed spending time together not only around others but especially finally also just by themselves.
And then 7x01 happened. Abandon 'Ships. What a fitting title. This episode was no comparison to 5x18 because back then the end of the season productions stress and time constraints played a big role. None of that really applied here. They came off the longest hiatus ever. The actor's strike was still going on when the writers came back. It was the beginning of the season. There really was no other explanation for what they did with Athena, then they actively and purposely decided to put a plot they wanted to tell (Athena's increasingly erratic behavior confusing Bobby for what I assume was the laughs?) above who the characters were at that point in time. And that really struck me. This was the old showrunner coming in and just not caring about the previous episode(s) and season(s).
So now we are here, looking forward to (or bracing ourselves for?) this new Bobby arc at the end of an extremely condensed season, with them still filming much later than usual. With a showrunner who under much better circumstances just recently has shown that he will blatantly ignore established timelines and character development when it stands in the way of the particular story he wants to tell. (And I'm not saying he's not entitled to do that. It's his show.) So I'm setting my hopes and expectations very, very low. Because I'd rather be positively surprised by a brilliant continuation of Bobby's character arc than be deeply disappointed by another case of the brain parasites.
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cyanocoraxx · 25 days
I have a question!! What made you like centipedes and want to keep them? (Or just bugs in general?)
honestly this all started around 8 years ago when i read something that said "we fear what we don't understand"
i realized that i was scared of spiders because i didn't understand them. i was scared of snakes because i didn't understand them. etc etc etc. it's easy to be nervous about something when you think you can't read its behaviour and don't know if it will hurt you. the unknown is terrifying for sure. but here's two examples - that big ass house spider isn't chasing you - it can only see light and dark, it just wants to find a shadow to hide in. that snake likely doesn't want to bite you, but it will if you don't read its defensive signals and back off. when you start to learn things like this, you realize that these animals just want to survive like you, and there's no need to be afraid if you spend a little time researching their body language, how they use their senses, etc etc. they're just lil guys ur honour!
started with some docile tarantula species and over time worked up to where i am now with medically significant wandering spiders, old world tarantulas and obvs a lot of others. it's not always easy and yeah i shit myself when they bolt at mach 5 in my direction sometimes but who wouldn't lmao. that's what a catch cup is for <3 i also jumped in with my first snake, my brazilian rainbow boa, which is known for being defensive and bitey in its baby stage. scared of being bitten? let's try EXPOSURE THERAPY. turns out it's not that scary actually. inti you just look silly and also ur like 1ft long. pls. and here's the thing with all that- they only bite because they're scared and unsure of YOU. you have to show THEM that you're not a threat. so we did some mutual Understanding of each other (him latching on to my hand and me just sitting there quietly) until we both found out that actually, we're not scary. i think that's something special.
so........... centipedes are the latest animal that i realized i still felt nervous about, and guess what - it's only because i didn't feel like i understood them. i heard all these things about how they're all aggressive, nasty, ill-tempered things that just want to bite you. i was a little scared of them, so i just got one at an invert show after speaking to a breeder about their care and started to learn. learned that they're very deserving of respect - especially those with medically significant venom like the dehaani. those guys are a little insane (love u eos but ur a freak)
centipedes are still a bit of a mystery to humans, i think - we don't fully know how far their intelligence goes as not many people are researching their cognitive abilities. but centipedes can be socialized with us to tolerate our touch, some even seeming to "enjoy" being petted as it may make them feel like they're hiding under something warm and dark. some keepers swear their centipedes can remember them. some say they can be classically conditioned to associate a stimulus with something else (i.e. a tap on the enclosure means food is coming). each pede has its own temperament, some are bolty and bitey and some are laid back. i think this is all fascinating. are these worms made of knives smarter than most think? yeah, undoubtedly. we just don't know HOW intelligent yet. how many other animals do we underestimate and overlook?
here's something to bear in mind when interacting with inverts: you're HUGE. you make a lot of loud noises and heavy vibrations when you move. you're unpredictable. you give off heat and smell like salty sweat but you're not food. sometimes you might smell like fruit if you use a body spray. you reach down from above like an aerial hunter. so what are you? an invert with limited senses has all of this to figure out in just a few seconds.. it's no wonder they react so viscerally to us sometimes.
tldr; the thing probably doesn't want to bite you <3
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tropiyas · 19 days
okay twitter new qrt trend is literally so innocuous, literally someone mentioning "damn black people love the amazing world of gumball" and everyone's posting their favorite clips from the show. bc ya it's funny as hell and it's interesting to see a perspective on humor from an audience that isn't explicitly acknowledged or represented as often in the Online Forum. and the replies are like "omg what does race have to do with this" "I'm white and I find this funny" like be CURIOUS and OPEN for once in your life. why are u defending urself over an elevated kids show fart joke
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finefiddleheaded · 3 months
Hot take, but I actually really, really love Cassie Sandsmark's current costume.
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It just... it looks like how I dress. I see me in that. I see my evolution in her evolution.
I too was an awkward (unwittingly) queer kid who thought every other girl in existence was born with innate knowledge I had no way of obtaining. In my younger years I generally looked like a dorky string bean.
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Then as a preteen and teen I leaned real hard into being a tomboy. At the time my idea of fighting the patriarchy was to ~not be like other girls~, but if I'd allowed myself to be truly honest with myself I would have recognized that i actually didn't feel all that happy wearing baggy, oversized clothing and being mistaken for a boy. There's nothing wrong with that, let me be clear. But to me it was either THIS or THAT. And wearing or doing anything "girly" was giving in to the patriarchy. And that's not a really healthy way to make life choices.
Obviously Cassie did the opposite, leaning way into "doing girl right," but we were both reacting to same principle: there's a right way to be a girl and there's a wrong way and you need to either gather or throw away what doesn't conform. I was looking for a fight. Cassie was looking to belong.
What broke this mentality for me was moving to an art school thousands of miles from the heteronormative white suburb I'd grown up in. I met so many different people with different experiences of the world. And wow! Lots of them had personal styles that weren't Boy or Girl or Popular Subgroup with Distinct Rules (when i was a teen it was emo, scene, punk, prep.) And I started to go "hey no one knows me here... maybe I could try on being sexy or girly or pretty or cutesy or dye my hair or shave my head. Maybe i can play. No one here cares, there's no one to fight."
But poor Cassie had to try to do her wobbly, awkward self-exploration in front of the world, while standing next to Dianna Prince and Donna Troy (and getting bullied at school.) Everything she did or didn't do with her self-presentation was automatically in conversation with their choices. And as one would expect, often her attempts ended up looking either painfully clumsy or "not herself."
In college I had a close friend and roommate (a lesbian - i was the "token straight" in my friend group which lol no i wasn't), whose style embodied feminine cuteness. She always wore heels and had perfect makeup and wore pretty long skirts. Like Cassie did with Cissie, I paid attention to how she put on her makeup and copied stuff. She gave me tips when I asked about it. I felt awkward and clumsy and self conscious (and looked it, too.) After a bit I moved on, took a little bit with me (a lot of it wasn't my thing and honestly felt like i was cosplaying someone else) and starting trying other stuff.
Over time I also became acquainted with the wider queer community and learned the gender binary was false to begin with. (God, I wish I'd known sooner.)
ANYWAY what ended up happening was that I pieced together a really comfortable, eclectic style that's first purpose is to make me happy. Sometimes I wear makeup. Sometimes I don't. Sometimes i look like a witch with tall edwardian boots. Sometimes I look kinda punk. Sometimes I look like I stepped out of a historical picture. Sometimes I *do* wear baggy oversized clothes. I have brightly dyed hair. I've tried an undercut, and pixies, and long hair and the bisexual bob. I wear a large hat and a leather jacket and heels. I wear sparkly nail polish and bright red lipstick and I absolutely don't gaf what shape my eyebrows are.
But that took years and years of saying "oooh I like that look" and going home and trying it on. (Sometimes with the additional queer head scratcher of "do I like this look or am I just attracted to this person?" Yeah, definitely not something i can imagine Cassie ever thinking lmao)
But funnily enough you wanna know what makes up the bulk of my outfits nowadays? T-shirt, leggings, comfy skirt, and leather or jean jacket. And comfy 1920s workboots. Why? It's comfy and I feel cute with very little effort!
Anyway, that's why i earnestly love Cassie's stylistic evolution and back and forth with femininity (even if I have to retrofit/reclaim some uhhh pretty sexist stuff from the people writing/drawing her.)
Because this girl? She looks like she looked in a mirror this morning and went "damn, I'm cute." She looks like she chose that skirt bc it's comfortable and fun to twirl in and for the snap the fabric makes when she's flying. She looks like she feels cool with that jacket on. She looks like she put that eyeliner on and went "fuckin nailed it" when she got the point she wanted.
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stormyrainyday · 1 month
🍎🫐🍑 if it's not too much at once <3
omg hi !!
🍎 Is there anything you straight-up won’t write?
Kind of basic but I'm not really one to write smut like it's fine I enjoy consuming it from time to time. Honestly, it's not even a matter of being uncomfortable I just don't like to write it. If I think about it, I wonder if it'd be fun to use sexual intimacy to discover more about how I think two characters would interact but I'd be so far out of my depth that I'd have to leave it for a long while down the road.
🍑 If you could make a connection between your favorite character and another work you care about (whether a crossover/fusion or a wonderfully “pretentious” literary reference) what would it be? How would it work?
I've had an Alhaitham/Kaveh and Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch crossover rotting in my brain for ages and just haven't had the time to replay the game to flesh it out. But I imagine it as broken-hearted Alhaitham and pure-hearted Kaveh. A silly, sweet AU. Then they become companions and explore the world together it'd be cute as fuck.
If you've never heard of Ni No Kuni you should look into it it's so fun and gorgeous if a little childish and it's animated by Studio Ghibli it's so cool. I love the real time turn-based combat it was my first time playing a game like that.
🫐 What’s your favorite underrated thing in your fandom? (A ship that only you seem to write for, a character there’s almost no fics about, a trope that criminally hasn’t been written yet, etc.)
Oh man, can I make a list.
Shenhe and Baizhu as characters are so underappreciated. Shenhe is part of a major story quest (the first Interlude quest) but so rarely makes appearances after that. On top of that, she's a pretty niche unit that's only rerun once so I feel like people don't give her enough attention which is a damn shame because her backstory is so cool to pick apart. She's also canonically the most powerful human in the game? The only rival to her in strength is Childe and even then between you and me I think she could beat him. Childe is my favorite but Shenhe is stupid powerful in her lore. So yes. I wish more people talked about her characterization and lore but unfortunately half of her tag is rope bondage smut.
Baizhu keeps getting fucked over by Hoyo and gets a lot of hatred from the fandom for being gay-sounding (which, I don't love his English voice acting but homophobia from the Genshin Impact fanbase is fucking rich). It's actually kind of shocking how much hate he gets when he is literally just existing. I think there isn't enough work dissecting the utter tragedy of his situation and the way he values selflessness to the extreme-- even the game seems to treat his contract and his pursuit of immortality as something to be celebrated, when in reality he is dooming himself to an eternity of suffering should he succeed. Most of the works about him are shipping him with Pantalone or are just your standard run-of-the-mill sickfics (nothing wrong with that, I just think that he is open to much more dissecting and prodding and that there should be more works cutting him open to show his heart).
Also I haven't written about it yet but I am absolutely batshit insane about Childe x Lyney rarepairing, when I have more time I will compile my incoherent google doc about them into a fic or at the very least an extensive Tumblr post. Before I get shot I would like to gently remind you guys that Childe in canon is in his early 20s and Lyney is not a kid he's just short please read the character stories thanks <3
Not Genshin related but I also feel very strongly about certain Stardew Valley NPCs and feel like we don't talk enough about how nuanced their characters are despite having relatively straightforward cutscenes and dialogue but that's a post for another time
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identitty-dickruption · 11 months
I'm genuinely curious and i am conflicted myself regarding this topic and I hope you understand my question
I understand that you don't want people to say that they want to or even can transition into being intersex and still advocate for trans rights/people that identify as nonbinary ect. Your reasoning behind that is that having an intersex body comes with certain experiences/discriminations ect. that you can't just claim as an identity.
How it is that different from women who have experienced abuse/misogyny / sexual violence that feel mocked and misunderstood when people say that they can just transition into being a woman and using that as an identity category? And I don't mean women who are against transitioning in general:
Transition to have a female-looking body.. of course. Wanting to be addressed with she/her pronouns.. fair. But saying that you now know what it is to be a woman and using that as an identity category and dismissing women who say that being a woman is more than just trying to look like one... maybe not fair?
Idk. I really would like to hear your take on this. Please don't just block me, this is a genuine question that I don't know how to answer..
this is something I’ve grappled with quite a bit, because it’s a comparison a lot of TERFs have made in the past. and. you know. I like to try and internally engage with arguments I’m against in order to make sure I’m being logically and politically consistent in a way that I’m comfortable with
to be honest, I’m not sure there are many responses that will feel satisfying to anyone who isn’t a trans intersex person themself. “it’s just different” isn’t going to cut it, even though that response is the instinctive one. and, in a sense, it is just different
being a woman or being female is a known category in a way that being intersex isn’t. I mean. most people know that intersex people exist, but in an entirely abstract way. they know a fetishisation of being intersex that is never going to be entirely accurate to the real intersex experience — in the same way that an abled person only knows a fetishised version of being disabled
some TERFs and other transphobes will say that the same is true for womanhood. those people are wrong. partially due to the work of feminists in the past, the popular understanding of womanhood has expanded. almost everyone also knowingly interacts with women every single day. there’s an understanding of the complexity of womanhood that isn’t granted to intersex people. nobody sees us as complex, they see us as freaks with scientifically fascinating bodies
this is all assuming, of course, that the trans identity is a choice. sometimes it is. I choose to be trans every time I wake up in the morning. not everyone does. most trans women don’t choose to be women, they just are. and maybe they don’t have identical experiences to cis women, but that doesn’t mean their experiences aren’t women’s experiences. my experiences with ableism as someone with genetic disabilities are different from the experiences of someone with an acquired disability, but we’re all still disabled
I’d like to finish by saying that “intersex” also doesn’t just mean one thing. it means many many things. most of my issue with dyadic people identifying as intersex is that they do it without understanding the complexities of intersex experiences. I would like there to be a day when the complexities of intersex experiences are acknowledged enough that people see us outside of the fetishised lens. we’re just not there yet, so I cannot trust that a dyadic person is going to see us as human beings when they claim to have experiences that match mine
this is an ongoing discussion I have with myself. trans women are women. transmisogyny is not okay. that can coexist with my desire to tell dyadic people that they’re not intersex. it’s just about finding ways to explain that those two ideas CAN coexist
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interlagosed · 2 years
Hey so I’m finally processing it.
My first exposure to Carlos was DTS (I know, I’m sorry, I had an f1 hiatus for a decade, got back into it around the tail-end of 2020, and then watched DTS between 2020 and 2021 to catch up). I remember how deeply his hunger hit me. When he said, “I work harder than anyone in Formula 1,” I believed him. And I still believe him. Because he doesn’t brag about anything, except that he works so fucking hard. And I remember thinking to myself: wow, I really feel that.
I started watching 2021 with no favorites other than Lewis and Daniel. Then Carlos happened and he was so steady, so sure, yet never quite satisfied. He was told to expect one position, and that pissed him off, so he worked harder just to beat expectations. And I remember thinking to myself: wow, I really feel that.
He solidified himself as my favorite, even as he went under the radar until his meteoric rise took (seemingly) everyone by surprise, and before we knew it, he was the best of the rest, wrangling Ferrari up to P3 in constructors. That last race was the only time I actually saw him celebrate, really celebrate, because maybe a part of him thought he had done well even by his own standards. And I felt, with all the conviction in my soul that he could, would be WDC one day.
And then this season. Not even ten full races in, right, and it’s been utter tumult. High highs and low lows and through it all, no excuses, barely even the frustration there ought to be! Just teeth-grit, jaw-clenched effort and work, head down and work, take the Ls and work, take the Ws and brush them off and work. Because who does Carlos Sainz compare himself to? His teammate, sure, his capability in that car, sure, but more than anything else—
He compares himself to himself. And there is no harsher critic in the world for himself other than himself. (And in care you were wondering: wow, I really feel that.)
And now, today, after a couple of near-wins: pole. And even then, his immediate response is shock, confusion, incredulous laughter because he felt terrible out there. He felt himself struggle and assumed the worst. He asked his engineer to change the delta because he was pissed off being down on his own best. He splashed through the rain and gloom and drear and put a lap together that didn’t feel extraordinary—but it was. Because of course it would be. Because Carlos Sainz isn’t extraordinary, and he doesn’t really want to be.
He wants to be the hardest goddamn worker in Formula 1.
And he is.
And that is what makes him extraordinary.
And yeah. Wow. I really feel that.
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jakeway11 · 1 year
Adding to the long long list of things I cannot forgive J.K. Rowling for is her absolute desecration of the Tonks family.
First of all, Andromeda had the perfect perspective into the inner workings of the cruelty of the Black family, while also being one of the very few to escape and live a long and happy life without them. What does Rowling do with that? She makes her a vaguely referenced caregiver whose only purpose is to raise Tonks and Teddy from afar, her only character development, if any at all, happening through other people who hardly ever acknowledge her.
Nymphadora Tonks herself started off amazingly, though. She was witty, snarky, and free-spirited while also giving dimension to Hufflepuff house as a whole. It almost felt like she could do anything, as regrettably far in the background as she was. She was a metamorphmagus, for God's sake, possibly one of the coolest magical traits in the series. Again, what does Joanne do? Makes her into the same sort of two-dimensional caregiver she made Andromeda. The idea of Tonks maturing and growing into herself after getting married and becoming pregnant could've been amazing. Instead, it felt like all of her character dried up the second there was a man in her life, which is not only aggravating but insanely disappointing.
And don't even get me started on Teddy. This could just be my personal bias (as I very well am biased about this), but he could've been such an integral character beyond his less than a handful of mentions in the series. After killing Remus and Tonks on a sheer whim, she also created a character that mirrored Harry himself in a few ways. Even as a background character, the way he could've become a foil to Harry's development as a man and a father could've done tons for the epilogue as a whole. Knowing Harry's character, he would've never just left Andromeda to care for Teddy on her own. Because of her rushed and ragged manner of writing the epilogue, it was so much duller and tunnel-visioned than it could've been. Teddy became one of the most colorful (no pun intended) and interesting characters due to the fan base making it that way. Without them, the only thing left would've been wasted potential.
Long story short, J.K. Rowling is incredibly lazy as a writer and I'm still evidently very upset about it.
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