themysteryerotica · 1 year
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ilimitadoworld-r · 1 year
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stariikis · 5 months
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𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐧 | 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 001
synopsis ; based on the Chinese Drama, 'When I Fly Towards You', in which you, a going-on-high-school English genius named Huang Yuting meets the Mathematics genius of the 10th grade, Nishimura Riki, underneath the rain.
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“Sakai Moka, get your butt back here right this instant!” 
Your best friend, in the midst of fleeing from you, glances around teasingly and sticks out her tongue at you. Thank goodness you were blessed with the quality of patience, because if you weren’t, Moka would be dead by now. 
“Give that back to me right now!” 
Playful screams erupt from the both of you as you chase her down the sidewalk, and you curse as your school shoelaces promptly come undone. You really shouldn’t have gone shoe-shopping with your parents the previous week because you liked your older pair of shoes much better than these. 
But your mother insisted that they were completely ruined from your… “little rain mishap”, so despite your many complaints, she dragged you by the ear to buy new sneakers. Look where they’ve gotten you now. Nowhere. Absolutely nowhere. Moka’s fled all the way down the path towards your new highschool, she has in her possession your top secret diary entries from when you were in elementary school, and you’re lost.
You decide not to wear these same shoes tomorrow and trudge down towards where you believe your new school to be.
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“You’re late, Miss…?” The 学长 -as you assume- in front of you prompts for your names, a notepad and pen smartly in hand. 
Yeah, maybe it wasn’t a good idea for you to show Moka your journal for the first time and allow her to run away with it. Actually, in all honesty, you can totally blame her for all this right now, but that’s not what best friends do. (You’re definitely going to murder her when you get to class.) 
Knots twist in your stomach when you realise you’re going to have to explain to your new head teacher why you’re late… and it’s not going to make a very good first impression on them. Even as the top graduate in English from your middle school… not a very good first impression indeed. 
Even though it is quite a bragging right that you’re able to get the highest score in a foreign language in a foreign country. And that you’re doing best in said language in a Japanese school as a Chinese student. However, your other grades may not be as appealing. 
“Huang Yuting,” you say in a rush, wanting to get to class as fast as possible after the series of bad scenarios running through your mind. You desperately hope Moka understands the side-glance you give her, silently urging her to hurry up. 
She quickly gets the message. “Sakai Moka from Class 10-5. Same class as her.”
The head student glares at each of you through narrowed eyes before turning to look at the boy that has just shown up next to you. A guilt-ridden look is plastered all over his face and he seems as if he very much wants to leave at the moment. Caught like a deer in headlights, he slouches meekly next to you. 
“And your name, please?” The 学长 asks sternly, peering over the pile of books the boy’s holding. “Ah, Nishimura Riki.” 
Looking slightly wronged, the boy shakes his head fervently and protests, “but I’m not-“ 
“Hey, that’s the name on the notebook. Can’t argue with that.” 
Moka nudges you in excitement, before the 学长 turns back to you and scowls. “What are you waiting for, get to class already!” 
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“You’re late. Hurry up and go to your seats.” The head teacher raises his head while speaking and points you towards two empty seats diagonal from each other. “And please introduce yourselves on the way in. I’ve already introduced myself to the class; I’m Sawada Sensei.”
“Sakai Moka.” Your best friend greets everyone with a charming smile. 
“Huang Yuting.” 
You bow almost ninety degrees, wanting to make the perfect impression on your new teacher. There’s no way the top graduate in English can ever look like a bad student. Not in her dictionary, no way. 
“Please don’t be late again. We will condone this since it’s only the first day, but after today you’ll receive detentions as punishment.” 
You both nod and settle down into your respective seats. The teacher goes on about the upcoming orientation camp and the details for the students to take down. However, as you are such a model student with very studious intent, you’re lost in your own world and the briefing falls on deaf ears. 
“Psst.” Moka whispers from behind you, and you lean back in your chair. “You know the Nishimura Riki guy we saw just now? Well, I was doing some research last night and apparently he’s the most popular boy in school. Along with his best friend, Yang Jungwon. They’re like, super smart.” 
“Yang Jungwon…” You ponder at the unusual name. “He’s Korean?” 
“Yeah, and clearly Riki’s Japanese, but that boy this morning didn’t really look like a typical Japanese, right? I know my people.” 
“Tch, don’t judge people based on how they look,” you mumble with an eye roll. “As if you didn’t believe me when I jokingly told you I was Japanese too.” 
“Hey! Maybe I’m just gullible…” Moka retorts, not really helping her case. 
“Anyway, I heard Riki is top in Mathematics, while Jungwon is plain brilliant at all the sciences. I’m so jealous,” she continues rambling, as the break bell rings and signals the start of your break. Relief floods through you at the sound of freedom, and you stand up in a rush. 
“Not so fast. We need to pick an English representative today, to collect the notebooks and materials from the office. And who better than Huang Yuting, the top student in English in the entrance exam?” 
All heads turn to stare at you as Sawada Sensei nods in your direction. Not used to this kind of attention, you smile shyly and accept the offer. “Sure, I’ll go pick them up immediately.” 
“That’s great. Class is dismissed, then.” 
As you and Moka walk towards the staff room, her teasing voice follows you all the way there. 
“Top student in English in the entrance exam!” 
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“Oh, some students from class 10-1 were just here, you’re just in time.” One of the head teachers from a different class guides you over to where the materials are located, stacked up neatly for you. 
You frown. “Class 10-1?” With a heave, you pick up one of the two stacks of paper. 
“Nishimura Riki and Yang Jungwon came to deposit some leftover materials. Their head teacher is the Head of Department in English.” 
Nishimura Riki.
Moka elbows you with a not-so-subtle smile. Picking up her own pile of papers, with a look that only you two can understand exchanged between you, you dart out the room. 
“Come on! If we hurry we might be able to see them on the way back to class!” Moka calls eagerly, the frills in her skirt ruffled from all the running. Her fringe is all over the place and the papers are falling out of place in her arms. You must look equally as ungraceful, but these kinds of moments are the ones that remind you of why you’re best friends with Moka. 
You reorganise some of the worksheets before scrambling after her. 
All of a sudden, she comes to a halt. Over the metal horizontal bars, Moka leans and murmurs, “that’s them. See, that’s Nishimura Riki, the one we saw this morning.” 
She points to two boys walking along the school garden, one a whole head taller than the other. Their hands are stuffed in their pockets like how you’d imagine a typical popular boy. But unlike Moka, you don’t judge a book by its cover. 
“Yang Jungwon! Nishimura Riki!” 
Suddenly going out of her damn mind, Moka yells both their names loudly, so loud that the two boys on the lower level turn around in astonishment. Moka squeaks and squats down to hide, pulling you along with her, but you’re equally as shocked as the two boys.
You recognise the taller one. 
It is, without a doubt, the same face that bothered you to the core that one stormy day. His annoyingly handsome face is still stuck in the back of your head, like a catchy chorus that can’t help but to replay itself over and over again in your mind. There’s no way it’s not him, with a blank look plastered there and relaxed lips that seem as if they’ve never smiled before. 
If it’s not Nishimura Riki, the boy you reported late with this morning, it has to be… 
“Yang Jungwon.” The spark of realisation hits you and you stare at Moka in disbelief. “I’ve met him before…” 
Yang Jungwon. 
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rakubalka · 13 days
JJK x KHR Crossover
I just got the idea of a crossover between khr and jjk
It starts out simple with Yuji being the heir for the title of Vongola Undicesimo (Eleventh) by virtue of neither Tsuna and Xanxus having kids (yet or ever) , him being a direct decendet of Primo , being a Sky and being younger than Tsuna .
Yuji knows he is in line for the position of a head of a criminal family , he just thinks it's Yakuza not the mafia (he avoids anyone suspicious or Yakuza like because of it) . Wasuke told him but didn't elaborate more for Yuji's own safety . He hasn't met Tsuna despite the fact that Tsuna does want to meet his nephew but the risk is too high , as if even one person makes the connection it will put the Itadori's in danger , and Tsuna is NOT his father
Wasuke and Tsuna do have an agreement that if Wasuke dies before Yuji is of age the guardianship is transferred to Tsuna . Tsuna doesn't want to put Yuji into the same situation he himself was of being a civilian being forced into being a mafioso so he does everything he can to make sure that Wasuke was as healthy as possible for as long as possible (he was the one playing the hospital expenses)
WHOEVER the events of jjk first ep play the same or almost the same (he and megumi form a half bond just from meeting)
So now with Yuji essentially being kidnapped and missing , Vongola goes ape shit because that is their goddam heir and starts throwing Japan underworld upside down in search for him . Yuji thinks he might already be in the place for his training as heir , he also has to deal with Sukuna being fussy (he is a strong storm) and he definitely wants to cuddle megumi and kinda Gojo sensei(it doesn't feel the same as wanting to cuddle megumi but it's still strong)
(for anyone wondering how there are more of Primo's descendants remember that he and Tsuna have like 10 or so generations between them and there is a very very small chance that everyone of them had only one child .
As for how Tsuna , Lemitsu , Wasuke , Jin and Yuji are connected it's simple . Wasuke's grandmother was a Sawada (who is lemitsu's great aunt) , from her the Itadori's also acquired the right for the Vongola seat
The reason why Tsuna was picked ? Lemitsu was the first in several generations to go flame active so they thought that Tsuna is also more likely to go flame active , and him being the son of an active member of the family was seen as preferable than a fully civilian heir )
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aranciafiamma · 10 months
The next morning after the nerve wracking quirk assessment, Class 1-A filters into the classroom to find a surprise sitting on Aizawa-sensei's desk. The keen students stopped at the doorway, stared for a second, before silently walking to their desks. The excitable students squealed and rushed over only to be shooed away by their sensei. The same treatment was given to the nosy students with questions on the tips of their tongues. And then the completely clueless idiots walked in, noticed nothing, sat at their desks, and got smacked by their fellow classmates before their attention was guided to the front.
At which point, Denki jumped onto his feet and forcefully pointed his finger.
"Sensei! You have a baby!"
"Genius observation, Kaminari," Aizawa-sensei drawled from his place beside the desk, one arm curled protectively around the small body seated next to him. Ready to catch or hold depending on the situation.
"Sensei! Congratulations!" Mina cheers, also leaping to her feet. "I didn't know that you had a kid! He's so cute!"
"We met each other yesterday, how could you know?" Aizawa-sensei grumbles under his breath, then louder, he says, "This little guy is a guest. And no, he's not mine. A friend of the school suggested that babysitting him could assist with your development as a hero."
"Man," Eijiro whistles. "This place sure is fancy. My elementary school only had hamsters for class pets. We get a whole baby."
"Fucking extras," Katsuki grunts, and then says nothing more on the matter.
"He's not a pet." Aizawa-sensei pinches the bridge of his nose. "But he is considered a class assignment. His welfare will be included as part of your grade."
Iida's hand shoots up.
"Nothing too involved or detailed. As long as the kid lives, you'll get an easy pass. Not too hard."
Iida's hand reluctantly lowers.
"He'll be here today as part of our field trip. I'll explain more once we get there. For now..." Aizawa-sensei turns to the kid. "Why don't you introduce yourself, can you do that?"
The little guy pouts and its just about the cutest thing. Several students melt at the sight. The little guy fidgets with an orange pacifier around his neck, avoiding eye contact with everyone.
"Hi... My name is Sawada Tsunayoshi. I'll be in your care." The small - really, much too small - boy bends forward in a bow. But he shifts too much and nearly falls off the desk.
Of course, Aizawa-sensei expected as much and gently rights him, patting him on the head as he does.
Tiny Tsunayoshi blushes a fierce red, hiding his face behind mittened hands.
It was then that Class 1-A knew. They would die for this little one.
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orchisombre · 1 year
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The Tactics committee's duties: develop attack strategies, exercises and others. Later it will be handed over to the accompanying teacher, and discussed later with Gakuencho-sensei. They serve in the rear, they are the most wanted if there is an urgent problem
- The teacher: Naoe Ichibangase
- Member:
Hanami Sawada (President - 6th year Ro class)
Shun Maeda ( @ plumrey ), Hachirou Kukuchi
Kunoichi : Tomoe Tokei, Misako Zenpouji (@ yveshiiko)
- Also known as dead committee, because the members usually stressing out about the committee's work that keep talking about tactics and theory stuff, make them have to use their brain 24/7.
- The committee seems gloomy, because the location of their committe building is in the back corner of the school because they need a quiet place to think and discuss (usually very quiet)
- Sometimes collaborate with equipment and physical education committee to practice the plans made by the Tactics committee
- Their accompanying teacher, Naoe-sensei often disappears somewhere. And Hanami is the one who is in charge and manages their schedule and plans, what to do next, this and that
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musicfeedsmysoul12 · 2 years
Eye of the Storm: Chapter 1
In a world where being Quirkless means worthless and having over twenty soulmates means you’re going to change the world, Midoriya Izuku is a contradictory person. Born Quirkless he possesses well over twenty marks, Izuku’s life stopped being calm when he was publicly revealed. 
 Now, on his path to being a hero, Izuku has to face those who see him as a messiah and those who want nothing more than to tear him down. He has to deal with jealousy from those who want what he has or want to be his soulmate. But with his soulmates, both platonic and romantic, he’s going to rise to the challenge.
 Plus Ultra!
On AO3
 “Mama?” Izuku asked Inko, leaning on her side as the woman read from a storybook. “What’s a Center?”
 “A Center?” Inko blinked at her five-year-old in surprise. “Why are you asking, baby?”
 “Sawada-Sensei mentioned celebrating Shield Maiden and said it was cause she was a Center. So what’s a Center?” Izuku asked curiously. Inko smiled, closing the book. She put it down before rolling up her sleeves. The lines on her arms drew Izuku’s attention. They always did. Two on her left side, one a glowing gold and the other a dull grey. On the right side were three others, all shining gold. The top one on the arm was the size of Inko’s thumb, and she gently touched it.
 “As you know, baby, these are my soulmate marks. This arm has Grandma Jay, Auntie Yumie and my friend David from America.” Inko said before offering her other arm. “This one has your daddy and my other one, who I haven’t met yet.”
 “If Auntie Yumie is on your arm, why isn’t David uncle?” Izuku asked her curiously. Inko hummed.
 “Well, honey David is more of a cousin to me than a sibling like Yumie.” Inko explained. “Platonic soulmates can be great friends, siblings, children or parents like Grandma Jay is. Or they can be partners like daddy is to me.” 
 “But what’s a Center?” Izuku asked.
 “A Center is someone with a lot of Soulmates.”
 “A lot?”
 “Yes, baby, a whole lot!”
 “What’s a lot! More than ten?”
 “More than fifteen, baby.”
 “Whoa!” Izuku’s eyes widened. “That is a lot.” Inko nodded. “Did Shield Maiden have that many?”
 “She had fifty!” Inko said. Izuku gasped loudly, eyes huge on his face. “It’s why she’s known as the world’s largest Center!” Minus the whole sacrificing herself for the world anyway. Inko wouldn’t tell her son that, though; a little too heavy for a five-year-old.
 “… Mama,” Izuku asked softly. “Will my soulmates love me even if I’m Quirkless?” Inko wrapped her arms around him, pulling him into her lap.
 “They will, baby. I promise.” Or she’d rip their lungs out went unsaid.
 Izuku knew when he was four not everyone was born equal. First, he’d sat in a doctor's office staring down an uncaring man who barely paid attention to the life he ruined. Then, he’d been hit and hurt by a boy he once called a friend. 
 Izuku was seven when he learned that not everyone was equal, and sometimes what made you special should be hidden. An older girl who everyone taunted for her weak Quirk had been shoved to the ground and beaten bloody because someone was upset she had twelve marks compared to their own seven.
 “Weaklings like you shouldn’t have that many!” Had been yelled across the playground as the girl screamed in pain. Izuku ran in with some other kids to get a teacher. It was the only time Izuku saw any bullies punished. 
 But Izuku knew. He knew he’d have to be careful. 
 So when he started getting marks, he watched in fear. One, two, three, four, five, the numbers climbed. A new one each day, starting on his right. He watched in terror as the number rose and stole some make-up from his mom to cover them once they reached ten on his right. Kacchan, his once friend, only had eight. Izuku couldn’t have more than him! 
 Izuku only left five platonic showing. He nervously waited and waited and waited for the romantics to appear. But, day after day, they didn’t. Izuku knew what it meant and felt scared. Centers were important, special. Mama told him they had a lot of soulmates, but Sawada-sensei said to them that all Centers were essential people; they were meant for greatness, as were their soulmates. Kacchan was so mad when his soulmate count stopped. Then he’d joined in on taunting Izuku, saying he would never have soulmates. That they wouldn’t want him, that they’d choose to break their bond! Izuku felt the tears already in his eyes, thinking of their reactions. 
 So he hid the marks. And his mama helped him, face white when she realized her son had twenty platonic marks, and the number kept rising through the days. When the marks finally switched to his left arm, thirty-three marks were on his right. And the numbers just kept growing. Inko worried and quietly shared her worries with her husband, who got nervous. But he couldn’t come home, not yet. Izuku didn’t know what sort of project he was working on in America, but it needed a Qurik specialist. He couldn’t get out of the contract without massive penalties. 
 Izuku even overheard his Mama talking on the phone one night to Auntie Yumie. 
 “Yumie, I can’t tell you what’s worrying me. You’re a hero, and I… I can’t have you knowing. It would risk everything,” Inko said into the phone. “At least for you.”
 “Inko, it’s okay- they won’t require me to say anything.”
“I checked Yumie, and they would for this.”
“... Inko, there’s only ONE thing I would be punished for not saying anything about. One single thing.”
 “I know,” Inko whispered. Izuku started crying then, his gut churning. He knew Aunite was a hero. The snakes in her hair gave it away. But he didn’t think she could get in trouble for not telling anyone about him! He didn’t want that!
  “Shit Inko, I don’t… plausible deniability. I’ll get a lawyer and talk to them. It’ll be okay; I promise BOTH of you, okay?” 
 When Izuku’s marks stopped appearing, he had fifteen new marks for his romantic soulmates. Inko worried even more, and Izuku knew she had spent hours online looking up statistics and other information. But, Izuku just kept his head down. He wouldn’t make a fuss or rock the boat. Everything would be okay. It had to be.
 At least Auntie Yumie figured something out with her lawyer so she could happily swan into his life as she pleased as she did before. She always had advice for heroics and how to be one Quirkless, even if Inko worried.
 “Are you sure…” Inko murmured.
 “Inko, darling, I’ve been in my share of fights through the years and the boys,” Yumie said with a wave towards her snakes, “don’t help much.” Offended hissing came from the snakes, and she scoffed. “You know you lot can’t!” she shook her head. “Look at that sidekick for All Might, Sir Nighteye; all his Quirk does is let him see a possible future ONCE a day. And yet I saw him take down a fire-breathing villain last week during a team-up!”
 “YOU TEAMED UP WITH ALL MIGHT?!” Izuku screamed upon overhearing that. Yumie shook her head.
 “No, sweetie, just Sir Nighteye. I did get this, though!” she pulled out a piece of paper with the sidekick’s signature on it, making Izuku scream louder as he took it from her hands. He was ecstatic and bounced around the living room while asking all sorts of questions the woman happily answered. Inko was still worried, though, more so when Uwabami slipped her some hero-grade makeup.
 “Yumie… is this necessary?” Inko whispered.
 “Regular make-up ain’t gonna help, babe,” the hero whispered as she put on her sunglasses and the scarf to cover her hair, the snakes grumpily hiding under it. “This’ll make sure it stays hidden. I’m working with my lawyer to make sure you two are protected when you feel safe enough to announce it, which has gotta be soon, alright?”
 “Why?” Inko asked. “Ten is when the registry happens.”
 “Babe, I don’t know how many he has,” Yumie said to Inko. “But it’s a lot. Enough you’re lowkey freaking out. If it was only what, twenty-one? You wouldn’t care. That’s barely a Center; I heard they’re considering adjusting the amount. But I know you. We grew up together. I was your maid of honour. You’re worried. It’s a lot. You’re gonna have to make noise earlier. It’s for his safety and yours.” 
 With that, she left the apartment, Inko watching her walk away in worry. Maybe when Izuku was nine. It would give her time. He hadn’t met any of his soulmates yet; it would be okay. 
 “What could go wrong?” Inko whispered to herself as she closed the door. If she’d said it around Yumie, perhaps the woman could have warned her that she’d just jinxed herself. But she didn’t.
-I thought about having Mitsuki be Auntie but decided instead to go against fanon. Also, I've only seen a Uwabami is a good person one time and a million Endeavour is a good guy stuff so I got annoyed.
-According to a search Yumie can mean help+serpent. So boom: that’s the kanji used.
-Yes, Izuku has 15 romantics. Don't worry: I have plans to make it work.
-In total, Izuku has 47 soulmates. Some are the usual suspects, some are not. You'll have to see!
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ladysunamireads · 7 months
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blankweiss-sb · 10 months
I'm thinking of doing the color wheel challenge...just who would I do for each color?
Orange - Tsunayoshi Sawada from Katekyo Hitman Reborn
Yellow - Yogi from Karneval
Green - Dream
Teal - Luka Couffeine from Miraculous Ladybug
Indigo - Adaman from Pokemon Legends Arceus
violet - Skull de Mort from Katekyo Hitman Reborn
Pink - Technoblade
Red - Karma Akebane from Assassination Classroom
Yeah, these seem like good picks.
Maybe I'll have little extra charas in chibi-form too....
Orange - Natsu, maybe chibi reborn and a clam
Yellow - chibi Nai and Gareki, as well as Nyanperowna
Green - Obviously Sapnap and George, maybe Bad
Teal - Adrien, Mari, all their three Kwamis
Indigo - Leafeon, Umbreon, Vaporeon
Violet - Motorbike and his octopus
pink - potato, bell, sword, phil
Red - Koro-sensei and Nagisa
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themysteryerotica · 1 year
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c-k-mack · 1 year
Sawada sensei may be a little more terrifying in some ways than the bear, but Kaori threatening Mister Bear was still my favorite scene.
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jinnie-channie · 2 years
The Definition of Intimacy
Snippets of the lovelife of Yamaguchi Kumiko and Sawada Shin.
As 2022 approaches and so does the 20th anniversary of Gokusen TV series 🥳🥳 after rewatching and reading tons of fanfics accross different platforms I decided to make one too to celebrate the fact that this gem is now 2 decades old. In this story, I have not included gokusen 2 & 3 because I have not rewatched it and because this story is mainly ShinKumi, but some parts of the manga will (hopefully) be included in this (like the part that Sawada did not go to africa but instead stayed and became a lawyer).
CHAPTER 1: The intimacy of his gaze
Kumiko have no idea when or how she fell in love with Sawada Shin. Her student, well now former student. She knew how she came to like Shinohara-san because he was handsome and he helped her the first time they met and the star-crossed lovers idea of her being a yakuza princess and him being a detective had excited her so much that whenever she sees him made her feel giddy inside. But with Shin it was all too different.
On the first day they met, Shin was the only one who met her eyes with such intense stare that he caught her interest though not in a romantic way as she was her student. It was because he looked at her with disappointment, anger, and nonchalance which made her wonder what made him act like that. Same for Shin he knew that somehow this teacher was different. Whether good or not he eventually knew as time passes. He looked at her warily, expecting her to eventually get tired of them and become the predictable adult who does not give a shit about them, but then he saw how passionate she is. Funny how passionate means her punching Kuma because he stole money from the vice principal (well technically only because the vice principal deserve it), and her threatening a bunch of students because they ganged up on Shin and Minami.
Sometimes she even wore that stupid 'fashionable' clothes, and he couldn't help but give in and say that she looked fine because she obviously wanted to help, definitely not because she looked really cute being proud of what she was wearing. It was because of her effort and not how cute her stupid antics are.
This all went above Kumiko's head that time. How Shin always gives her what she wants, she just got used to it, being spoiled by Shin. It was a bit funny, how his friends got always surprised whenever he lets her get her way, but still nobody had an idea, specially Kumiko, that he does this because he likes her. If everyon would just look at her just like Shin looks at her, they would fall in love with her too, or maybe it was just him.
Kumiko thought that she had gotten used to Shin looking at her, Lord knows how much he stared at her back when he was still his student. Though his wary gaze turned into curious, then into amusement, and then into affection. Kumiko was sure she somehow had fallen in live with Shin because of the way he looks at her. Like he knows her, the real her. Not the Oujou that Tetsu and the others call her, not the Yankumi that her students affectionately call her, and not even the Yamaguchi-sensei that her co-workers and Shinohara-san call her, but her, the Yamaguchi Kumiko a teacher, a family member, a yakuza princess, and of course a woman. He was the one who could predict what she would do before she even knew what she was going to do. And he was the only one who would go to her home to check on her when it was revealed that she's a yakuza princess, know that she would be depressed and would be blaming herself, even if he left early, in order to stop his self from hugging her knowing it wouldn't help her current situation.
Sawada Shin had known all of that and more all because he looked at her. That was what made Kumiko fall in love with him.
"Oh, that was a nice punch! Did you see that Shin? Maybe we should try to learn that move- eh?? You're not even watching! You missed it!" Kumiko got annoyed seeing Shin was just staring at her instead of watching the yakuza movie that she put on. "You do know that this is the 3rd time we watched that this week, right?" Shin gently moved her hair out of her face.
"A-and so?! That doesn't mean you can just stare at me. You have to watch the movie!" Kumiko blushed avoiding Shin's piercing gaze, opting to look at the action shown at the TV. "I'll reverse the banishment." Shin recited same time as the movie. "W-what?" Kumiko frowned still refusing to return Shin's gaze. "I have almost memorized the whole movie after watching one time, I thought you were the one watching it but you don't even know the lines." Shin teased. Kumiko huffed and finally angrily stared back at him, ignoring the butterflies that she feels whenever she looks at those deep brown eyes, which was now looking at her amusedly with a raised brow.
"Watch the movie, not me."
"No. You're more amusing."
"I am here at your apartment to watch a movie not to make you amused." Trying to ignore the way he moved closer to her face was more difficult than she thought.
"Mmhhmm then why don't you just focus on your movie and ignore me?" His nose was now touching hers their lips a breath apart. "I am not ignoring you, don't you know how distracting it is when someone keeps staring at you?" Kumiko tried to prove her point by staring back at him with the same intensity until she was almost crossed eyed but instead of making a point she made him chuckle "What's with your face."
"Don't laugh at m-mpff" Shin cut her off with a kiss that she immediately returned. Her hands grabbing his arms as he held her waist to keep her from lying on the sofa. Knowing how this strong woman, who can defeat gangs even those pipe wielding ones, get weak and melt whenever he kisses her.
Kumiko let out a gasp as a loud shout came from the movie and Shin took the opportunity to deepen their kiss, his tongue playing with hers, as he pulled her into his lap. After a few minutes, he gently bit and tugged her lower lip and slowly pulled away from their kiss, and traced kisses from her cheeks to her neck as he makes her face the TV once more but this time sitting between his legs. "Let's watch the movie this way so that you wouldn't get distracted by me." Shin whispered in her ear. Kumiko doubted silently that she would be able to focus on the movie after what happened but she did try even if occasionally she could feel him looking at her and his warmth on her back. Somehow, knowing that Shin is watching both her and the movie made the evening much more better
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rebornthestage · 3 years
A letter from Tsuna's stage actor on Twitter:
As stated in the official announcement, the Osaka shows for Katekyo Hitman Reborn! The Stage -episode of Future- Part 2 have been canceled. Many people had worked their hardest up until this decision was made. I sincerely apologize to those looking forward to the shows. Personally, I feel heartbroken to part with the role I've been playing for so long in this manner.
Nevertheless, what gives me hope is how much the Tsuna within me has grown. He is no longer the No Good Tsuna from before. The Tsuna in Rebostage is surrounded by his Family now and has become a man suitable to become the Vongola 10th. That on its own makes it worth living as Tsuna up until now.
I'm sure I will still face a number of obstacles and difficulties in the future. However, each time that happens, I will keep in mind the sweat and tears I've spilled with everyone and face those difficulties with my Dying Will. I believe that is what Tsuna and the rest taught us who live in a better world.
"Kokuyo Arc", "VS Varia Part I", "VS Varia Part 1", "Secret Bullet", and "Episode of Future Part 1 & Part 2". To all those who have loved Rebostage up until now, thank you very much for all your support. To Amano-sensei, Kokubun-san, Neeko-san, and everyone else in the Rebostage Family, thank you very much for everything. Excuse my poor writing skills.
I sincerely hope I will be reborn in the minds of everyone who watched stage play DVD. Ciao ciao👋🎩
Takenaka Ryohei, Sawada Tsunayoshi's actor
Additionally, here's a post-script from his Instagram:
P.S. I was planning to take a photo with Byakuran on Closing Night T_T
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A Whole New World
A Whole New World by novalux
Tsuna is alone in this new world with quirks. His guardians are gone, and his family cannot follow him here. He has no one. That is at least until he meets a quirkless boy who bowls him over trying to watch a new hero debut. And then suddenly everything is different.
Words: 426, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Katekyou Hitman Reborn!, 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Characters: Sawada Tsunayoshi, Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Izuku's Family, Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Past One For All Users, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Midoriya Inko, Shirakumo Oboro, Sensei | All For One
Relationships: Midoriya Izuku & Sawada Tsunayoshi
Additional Tags: Dimension Travel, Pre-Canon, Alternate Universe - Pre-Canon, Post-Ten Years Later Arc (Katekyou Hitman Reborn!), Midoriya Izuku Has One for All Quirk, eventually, Parental Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Midoriya Izuku is a Ray of Sunshine, BAMF Sawada Tsunayoshi
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/36944011
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sanjuno · 3 years
what do you think would happen if the Tsuna in 'Sky meets the Sea' meets the Tsuna in Karmic Balance... well besides chaos because the funest part of KHR is techencly all fanfic are canon because multiverse. Asking because I want to confirm a few things from my dream last night. Also Wildfire Hearts on the masterpost is labeled as a one-shot (and Finished) when its not you might want to fix that
Um, well WtSMtS!Tsuna would end up basically adopting KB!Tsuna as yet another hellion little brother. Since WtSMtS!Tsuna basically did like... 45% of the parenting for the reincarnated-as-Sawada’s ASL, he’s used to running herd on Flame Active chaos gremlins. Meanwhile KB!Tsuna has had Real Adult Supervision for most of his life and if he ended up in a world where he could run wild without it getting back to his Kakashi-sensei? It would absolutely end in tears and mass destruction as KB!Tsuna tested out various plans for Social Revolution.
As for Wildfire Hearts, please review the following:
22.6.2. WH – Today Is The Day Of Reckoning: Riot is gathering up his new crew, forming the Anarchy Pirates, dealing with Garp, seducing Marco the Pheonix, and discovering that Sabo survived when his little brothers gatecrash a Revolutionary Army mission. Meta
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