#Seconds para
juniwilson · 2 years
Seconds | Para
Tagging: Juniper Wilson w/ mentions of Chris & Atlas Grimaldi, Robin Wilson, & Cisco McCoy When: Morning, Friday Sept. 23, 2022 Notes: Juniper attends a therapy session the morning of Cisco’s birthday party Triggers: Talk of anxiety, medication, SIDS, & infant loss
“How are you doing, Juniper?”
The fidgeting as their second session began. The first session had been mostly introductory--gliding through some surface and soft ball questions while sharing why they had begun therapy up for the second time in their life.
“I’m sorry, I probably sound like a broken record, but... I’m anxious right now, and I’m anxious for tonight.”
“What’s happening tonight?”
“My fiance’s best friend is having his birthday party tonight. We’re both going and it’s our first night out together, without Atlas.”
The therapist, Dr. Grier, gave a slow nod, “Do you want to tell me what you’re anxious about?”
Juni nodded while looking down at their fingers, tearing away at their nails, little by little. “I know that being here is what’s best for me, and that I need to do what I can to get my PPA under control, but being here... I mean, being away from Atlas right now is making me anxious.” Following a deep breath in, they went on. “My brother’s going to watch him tonight and even though logically, reasonably I know that my son is safe and if something was wrong, my brother would tell us right away. But it’s still difficult to be away from him.”
Dr. Grier nodded while jotting a few notes down. “When you are at home with your son, are you resting at all?”
“Um...” after a moment’s hesitation, she admitted, “Not as much as I should. Or could. I’ve tried, but I either end up keeping myself awake with different scenarios, or if I manage to fall asleep, it’s not very restful and I make sure that I’m close by to him in case he needs me.”
“Do you feel supported at home when it comes to Atlas?”
“Yes, absolutely!” There was no hesitation that time and their eyes even widened a bit. “My fiance’s been the best dad and partner, even with his own work load. And we have a few of our brothers who are there regularly and help out when they can. Our friends have offered to help too.”
“That’s very good that your family has a strong support system,” Dr. Grier noted.
“Yes,” agreed Juni. “I’m so grateful--we both are. I just don’t want to burden anyone if it can be helped. And the books and articles I’ve read about a baby’s first month emphasize the importance of baby-parent bonding within the first month after birth. And that being away as long as overnight shouldn’t happen for the first few months. I know I’m not ready for that.”
Again, Dr. Grier gave a few nods. “You should know that PPA or not, that is very normal to not be ready to be away from your baby for very long. Overwhelmingly parents to newborns--especially first time parents don’t take time away overnight or for a large portion of a day unless it’s absolutely necessary or unavoidable. How old did you say he is?”
Juniper smiled a bit, “He’ll be one month old tomorrow. I can’t believe a month has already passed since he arrived.” She laughed a little from her own disbelief and then glanced down at her fingernails--most of her nails now torn down to the plate. “It’s not that I don’t feel ready, so much. I mean I know I’m not but it’s more than that. Or... it’s the other things. Not feeling like I can sleep for long or be physically away from him for long out of fear that something might happen that I’ll miss. Frequently checking up on him to make sure that he’s still breathing while he’s asleep. Watching people who are new to him hold him, and making sure that he’s being held right and securely.” Juni drew in a shaky breath and then said, “Mentally spiraling with worst-case scenarios and not really being able to just relax very much.”
Dr. Grier moved her pen across her notepad as she asked, “I know that you told me about your younger brother having passed from SIDS. Are there additional worst-case scenarios that you have been thinking about when it comes to your son?”
For a few seconds, Juni was silent, but she eventually answered the question. “I think that the thoughts tend to all come back to losing him so young too. It’s gotten to where even when I do manage to sleep, my mind’s been so wrapped up in the worry that I have nightmares about impossible things happening, or very warped versions of real life incidents that could happen.”
“Is there anything else that happens or comes to mind when you start to worry about your son?”
It wasn’t a question Juniper expected, but they thought about it for a while longer than the previous question. “Other than what I’ve mentioned before... a large part of what makes me worry is that if something did happen, that I wouldn’t be able to do anything to help him or ensure his safety. It’s the part of parenting that I worried about while pregnant too.”
Pausing for a moment to finish some notes, Dr. Grier looked at the notepad, nd then returned her gaze to Juniper. “I’d like you to try something today, either once you get home after this session, or before you leave for the party tonight. Think of this like a homework assignment. I’d like you to get a journal, or a piece of notebook paper and I want you to write down what all of your fears specifically are. Everything that’s making you feel anxious. It can e directly relating to Atlas, or it can be about work, or your family, your engagement, your friends--anything. List all of it down one column for me. In a second column, I want you to think about and write down what the worst possible outcome could be for each of those things that are making you anxious. And in a third column, I want you to write down everything you have already done and/or intend to do in order to prevent or reduce the chances of those scenarios taking place.”
Juniper nodded, listening to her therapist. “Okay.”
“The other assignment I have for you is to try to get some more sleep. I know that you said that you haven’t had very much sleep and the sleep that you’re getting isn’t restful. While that is typically heard of for new parents, the reason for your lack of sleep being compounded with the frequent demands of a newborn are concerning to me. Juniper, your lack of sleep is surely effecting you beyond a lack of rest or the PPA. We want you to be the best possible version of yourself for you first and foremost, but for your baby too. Your health is still very closely connected to his health and well-being. I don’t want to scare you or stress you out further, but it is vital that you’re getting more sleep. If attempting to get that sleep on your own isn’t working for you, then I would like to make a recommend to your doctor that you be prescribed either Ambien or Lunesta. A small dose. Either one would be safe for you to take while you’re nursing, but I would strongly encourage you directing your focus on more restful and undisturbed sleep from day to day.”
After a moment of biting their bottom lip, Juniper hung their head, “I understand. I’m sorry.”
“You don’t have to apologize to me, Juniper. I’m here to try to help you out and a part of that is for me to offer you a different perspective to consider. Your focus is on your son and worrying about him. I’m offering you a way to still care for him, but by first taking care of yourself so that you can be the best version of yourself for him.” She reached for one of her business cards and flipped it over, writing along the back while speaking on. “Do your best to complete that first assignment tonight. And if you’re still struggling with the second assignment before we meet again next week, call this number. It should expedite your doctor getting you either the Ambien or Lunesta prescription.”
Juniper accepted the card when her therapist handed it to her. She looked at the number written on the back for a few seconds and then placed it inside of her bag. “Thank you, Dr. Grier. I really appreciate this.”
Dr. Grier nodded. “Of course. Is there anything else you would like to talk about before we wrap up today?”
Juni shook her head. “No... I don’t think I have the time for this session. But I will be at my next appointment with you next week.”
“I look forward to speaking with you then. Be sure to bring your first assignment with you so that we can discuss it.”
Juniper promised that she would and then stood up, bidding the therapist a polite ‘goodbye’ before taking her leave.
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siveydensipuli · 10 months
One day, about a month ago, I went to my usual grocery store to do some shopping. Thinking, I will buy some Myllyn Paras Makaroni, cause we're out of it and it's the default macaroni that everyone keeps stocked in their pantry. I reach the pasta aisle and am greeted by empty shelves. What? Is there another pandemic that I'm unaware of? Is it the war in Ukraine? No. Turns out that the one machine that churns the macaroni for the whole Finland is broken. And that's how the Finns faced a great macaroni shortage in the summer of 2023.
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mybrowseblog · 11 months
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minnow-doodle-doo · 1 year
Today a kid tried to hide the water he spilled and got so mad when I made him clean it up he went and got a big drink of water in his mouth and then spit it out onto the carpet.
He got even angrier when I said he had to pick that up too????
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punkeropercyjackson · 4 months
My heart is full of eldest sibling hate for people that mistreat kids,both fictional and real.Be normal about and nice to kids or kill yourself
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alinefrank · 2 years
Namor x MayaFem! Reader
I’m Aline and I’m very excited to be able to publish this at last.
I have to clarify a few things before you read:
I’m not Maya but I tried to be as respectful as possible by integrating different details of the culture.
I don’t speak Maya but I used a Spanish-Maya translator from the Mayan Intercultural University of Quintana Roo who helped me to be able to make the reader speak Maya, I apologize if there are any mistake.
Since English is not my first language, I use DeepL translator so that the text is in English, I apologize if there is any grammar mistake or if there are parts that are meaningless. Let me know if you see something.
DISCLAIMER: There is mention of nudity but NOT in a sexual aspect, the protagonist is Mayan by birth and speaks Mayan as well as English (although in the original version it is Spanish but it is translated, anyways), Namor is wanting to conquer a difficult woman, the name of the reader town is not mentioned because I didn’t think of anything. SOME TENSION BUT NOT AS MUCH
PART 2 now available
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From a very young age there was something different about me, my name was given to me in honour of the goddess who watched over my mother and me at the time of my birth, Ixchel, goddess of the moon, love, gestation, water, medicine and textile work, I received her blessing and protection from the moment I arrived in this world.
I was three months old when my life changed, my jets' meek', or my baptism as the colonisers called it, would take place, my grandmother would be my godmother and together with the person in charge of officiating the ceremony, my parents and the members of the community, we went to a remote place in the middle of the jungle.
When we arrived at the place to be baptised, there was a bonfire formed by three large stones in the centre, this was lit and the ceremony began, I was too small to remember what happened, my mother refused to tell me what happened and my father only scolded me every time I asked how I got my gifts, the only one who agreed to tell me what happened was my grandmother, after making me swear that I would never say anything to anyone.
She says that a few minutes after I started, my crying became present and the jungle was enveloped in total calm, the fire flared up and the clouds that covered the moon moved, allowing the moon to bathe me in its light. The wáay (wizard) of the community, looked at me in fear and then said
"U k'uchul k protectora" (Our protector has arrived).
"Ba'ax tu u refiere." (What does it refer to?) mum asked as she looked worriedly at the wáay.
"Le diosa ujo' ts'o'ok yéeyik a waal utia'al u vele tuméen le ma'alob to'on" (The goddess Moon has chosen your daughter to watch over the good of us).
The only noise was the wood burning, my grandmother assured me that even the animals had fallen silent.
"Ku nats'ikuba'ob oba' k'iino'oba' dark times and men across the sea will come" (Dark times are coming and men across the sea will come).
The whole community was surprised and many of them did not understand how a baby would protect them, they never dared to question what was said, my parents were the leaders and I was their heir.
But as time went on, I grew older and the arrival of these men drew nearer.
I was 5 years old when my brother, K'iino', who was named after the Sun who watched over his birth, arrived. We were opposites, but from the moment I saw him in my mother's arms, I knew I would give my life for him and the term protector took on a certain logic.
When I was 9 years old, to honour my birth, my father gave me two wristbands made of a strange metal that had been discovered in a remote part of the jungle, and from that moment on I wore them every day. Dad told me that there was nothing tougher than that strange mineral and that if I was in danger, they would be of great help to me.
Only a few months after that, they brought those men that the goddess Luna had warned us about. At first they explored the area around our community, but one night, while I was sleeping with my family, the piercing screams of the people around us alerted us, and when we came out of the house, everything was on fire.
Those men, speaking an unknown language, were beating and burning our houses, some were trying to take women away, they were struggling but those guys had strange weapons, so it was very easy for them to attack them.
I took my wristbands and together with the men of the community, I rushed to defend our home, mother and K'iino' fled together with grandmother, I remember their faces full of terror and tears running down their cheeks. They tried to stop me but it was my duty to look after the good of my people.
Some of them threw bullets at me that were no match for my wristbands, but not all my warriors were as lucky, we managed to wipe out all the invaders, but when we looked for dad, he was lying on the ground with a hole in the centre of his stomach, some coloniser had shot him.
The leader of my people had fallen at the hands of these men.
"A prometo wáaj ka kanáantik na' yéetel u k'iino', ma' ti' leti'ob yaan u mentik si'ipil Ma'atech mixba'al, teech ka juro. Je'el u páajtal a je'elel yuum, teech jump'éel guerrero" (I promise to protect and take care of mum and K'iino', they will never lack anything, I swear. You can rest, daddy, you are a warrior)
"Taas tsikbe'enil a kaajal yéetel a ba'atsil, táan in seguro u u a asab" (Bring honour to your people and your family, I am sure you will do your best).
My father smiled a little and sighed finally closing his eyes, I kissed his hand and stood next to him.
No one was going to attack my people, let alone hurt my family like that again.
I remember that we said goodbye to him in a Cenote, as our tradition marked it, I was the last one to leave the place, because being there, made me feel him close, the calm that the water gave me was something like no other, the crystalline water invited me to submerge myself in it.
When I was thinking of doing it, I heard screams in the distance, it was not my village because it was very far from the point, but as I could not leave without investigating, I went into the jungle, I knew it like the back of my hand, so it was not difficult to locate me, I was approaching the sea, the waves were breaking in the distance.
When I was close enough to see what was happening, I noticed how those conquerors were fleeing in terror, my eyes managed to visualise what they were escaping from, they were blue men carrying what looked like a corpse.
They were blue.
In the centre was a boy of my age, apparently, wearing green shorts and ostentatious jewellery, he had wings on his ankles and was walking guarded by those creatures.
I moved my position so that I could observe him better, keeping my distance, for they had begun to attack those usurpers, the house they had built to protect themselves was on fire and those creatures showed no mercy.
The boy turned in my direction and I am sure he caught sight of me, for he frowned in confusion that there was someone spying on them, but he did nothing to approach.
I ran away from the place and came to the community warning that we had to be ready in case of an attack, I never said from whom.
But that never happened.
Years passed and the community learned to handle the indestructible mineral.
We became invincible to those men and as time passed, we also became invisible, we became one with the jungle and no one from the outside bothered us.
I became the leader and protector of my whole community, I was a goddess to them, for they took me as the representative of the moon goddess on earth. So, I took on the role given to me without resistance.
Our territory was made up of almost 80% jungle, which I knew perfectly well, there was not a single tree, plant or animal that I did not know about, it was my home and I knew how to move around there, but the remaining 20% was a beautiful coast that gave way to the most beautiful sea, where the waves broke against the white sand and the smell of the salt water was refreshing.
My people hardly went there, after a few sightings of the blue beings, even my best warriors refused to go to this part of the territory at night, they said the sea was too scary.
And I would be lying if I didn't accept that on more than one occasion, my hair stood on end as I felt someone carefully following my movements.
I remember being 25 years old one night when I managed to sneak away from the council (made up of my mother, my brother who became a cunning warrior and some elders), I headed to the beach, there was a full moon in the sky and I needed to be in contact with the water to let go of all my worries.
I took off my white dress, and undid the braids in my hair, it fell down my back, black and unruly, my mother said it was the same shade as the night sky.
When the only thing I was wearing was the jewellery on my body, I walked to the shore and after feeling the water on my feet I began to walk into the sea, when I reached waist level, I submerged completely.
The moon gave me light, the reflection of the moon on the sea was the only thing that gave me vision and clarity, I allowed myself to dive a little deeper and explore the beauty of the ecosystem that surrounded me, the fish swam in harmony with me, but the water embraced me and I felt at home.
When I came up for air, I felt it, someone was watching me.
It wasn't an animal, but the look it gave me made me feel as if I was its prey.
I started to swim towards the shore, trying to identify where the penetrating gaze was coming from, it didn't seem to lose track of me for a second.
When I came out of the sea, I turned around to identify whatever was watching me, the wind pierced my bones and that's when I remembered my nakedness, as I put on my dress, I saw someone emerge from the depths.
It was a man, the darkness made it impossible for me to identify him, but when he rose, his shadow came between me and the moonlight.
He had wings around his ankles.
My mouth opened slightly in shock and I felt like I was 9 years old once again.
None of us said anything..
He didn’t try to get close and I didn’t try to have some kind of contact.
He just wanted him to know that he was there.
That he was watching me.
After a few seconds, we heard someone coming towards us, so the young man quickly sank into the sea.
A moment after that, my brother appeared, carrying a torch in his hand and with a frightened face worthy of a portrait.
"A wojel ba'ax ma' in p'u'ujul a taal le nu'ukulil u lu'umil, ba'ale' ma' a escabullas, u k'áate' u logras le ts'áaten jump'éel ma'alo'ob susto" (You know I don't mind you coming to this part of the territory, but don't sneak away, that the only thing you achieve is to give me a good scare).
I laughed and promised not to run away again.
He started walking towards the jungle, I stayed behind and admired the sea once again, there was so much to see.
The years passed and even though I looked young, my age was many centuries older than I appeared, my grandmother was gone, as was my mother, as was K'iino', all at different times but a long time ago.
At least throughout their lives I took care to keep the promise I made to dad, don't let anyone hurt them, but time is cruel and leaves no one behind, except me, it seems.
My people had dwindled but remained firm and stable, the people who were with me in the early years were long gone, and others came who also left, I remember the names of all of them and the work they did to help the community.
I was on the beach, looking at the horizon and listening to the sea when a young man who reminded me a lot of K'iino', approached me.
"Yaan ba'al in x-ko'olel. Ma' k ojel le Ba'ale' ma' ba'al túumben, ya'ab yaan k'iin" (There is something, my lady. We don't know what it is but it's not something new, it's been around for a long time).
I took my spear and asked him to lead me to where the thing they had found was. He nodded and started walking through the grass, I had walked this path a thousand times and never noticed anything out of the ordinary, but when we arrived there was something different for sure.
A large stone door was in front of us, I could have sworn there was a Cenote, but I had never seen this before, the stone was carved and it was even older than my birth.
I ordered everyone to return to the city, some of them refused to leave me alone, I told them that if I did not return when the sun was about to set, to come and find me at this point. I could not risk putting them at risk.
I walked inside the archway once everyone had left and when my eyes got used to the lack of light, I noticed that there was only calm, the water was calm, the only thing that disturbed it was the steps I took to be able to observe everything better.
There was nothing out of the ordinary on the surface, when I dived to see everything in a better way, at the bottom of the Cenote, there was a beautiful orange conch shell, I swam until I reached it and took it to be able to return to the jungle.
When on the shore, I brought this beautiful object to my mouth and blew on it with the intention of getting the water out of it, but it emitted an incredibly powerful sound that made my skin freeze.
I left the cave quickly and entered the jungle once more, but only a few minutes later the rustling of leaves behind me gave away the person who was following me.
I turned quickly, putting my spear to his neck.
When I saw who it was, my eyes widened in surprise.
"Ta t'aanaj wáaj" (Did you call me?) the man said to me, unfazed by having a pointed object in the centre of his throat.
His naked abdomen, now completely marked, was wet and some drops were sliding down it, his hair was damp and he wore ostentatious jewellery, made of jade and gold, he was still wearing those green trousers and the wings on his ankles confirmed to me who he was.
"Máakalmáak a k'aaba'." (What is your name?) I demanded to know as I exerted a little pressure.
"My people call me K'uk'ulkan, but my enemies call me Namor." He said in the language of the colonisers, which took me by surprise.
He took advantage of my distraction and pulled me closer to him, knocking my weapon out of the way.
"How do you know the language of the colonists?" I demanded to know.
"I have to know who I'm up against," he said bluntly.
"Táan a tu lu'umil ma' a tia'al" (You are in territory that is not yours) I let him know as I discreetly examined his face.
"Teech ta t'aanen" (You called me) he replied, as I did, analysing my face in detail.
"Tin wilech ka ka'ach juntúul x-yéetel le wíiniko'obo' ch'ooj" (I saw you when I was a little girl, with the blue people) I said immersed in his black eyes, changing the subject and ignoring that I played that melody.
He nodded as immersed as I was.
"Ka'ach tu paach tu paach le páak'alo'obo', kin k'a'ajsikech. Bey u jáal, ka'ach báabo'ob ken a suku'un Chíikpaj" (You were behind the plants, I remember you. Like on the beach, you were swimming when your brother appeared).
His words sent a shiver down my spine.
"Wáaj Buka'aj k'iin In Meent a wilmajij'." (How long have you seen me?) I asked him doubtfully.
He didn't answer me. He just kept quiet
"Ka'ach ti' jump'éel kúuchil kili'ich utia'al Talokan" (You were in a place sacred to Talokan) he said to me in a stern tone of voice.
"Ma' uts tin repeat in k'áat chi'oba'. Ba'ax ku beetik Buka'aj k wilik." (I don't like to repeat my questions. How long have you been seeing us?) I demanded that he answer me in a stern tone.
I turned away from him and we began to walk in circles, waiting for an attack from the other. For my part I was watching for his people to show up.
"Tak u yáax k'iin (From the first day).
My spear was in my hand again, and my hair was swaying in the wind as I waited for his explanation
"Ka tin wilaj ichil le xíu, Yanchaj ba'al ti' a wicho'ob in tu t'aanaj u yaalak'." (When I saw you in the undergrowth, there was something in your eyes that called to me).
He approached with cautious steps and my eyes followed his movements in detail. When his body was very close to mine, he lowered his gaze and said, almost whispering.
"Yaan ya'ab ku" (There was much courage).
I remained static in my place, the wind blew even stronger and the leaves began to whistle.
"The surface world is cruel and merciless, our peoples are in constant danger" he said very close to my ear, as he gently grabbed my shoulders.
I turned my head very discreetly so that he could fit his face between my neck, he understood my hidden intentions and moved closer to me.
"But your people have managed to remain stable and protected on this terrible planet. All thanks to you." he praised me. "I have done the same for my people and Talokan has kept himself hidden from all those who wish to harm him."
I did not understand the reason for his words.
"You are perceived as a goddess by your people, but you have no heirs and when you are gone, there will be no one to carry on the legacy”.
I averted my gaze in annoyance.
"We are not so different, you and I only seek the best for our people. If we were united there would be no threat."
I quickly understood his intentions and faced him.
"I have never wanted an heir, let alone to be in a marriage," I clarified.
Namor quickly hardened his gaze.
"If you wish to make an alliance between your people and mine, our marriage is not the way to do it," I turned away from him and my posture changed to a sterner one.
"Since I first saw you all those years ago, I knew I wanted to reign alongside Talokan.
"We were just children," I said firmly.
"But not anymore and as time passed, your beauty matured and you became the perfect queen to sit next to me on Talokan's throne."
The sun was beginning to set and I had to return to my village.
"Teech k'a'am yéetel ba'ate'elo'obo' tuméen a wíiniko'obo'" (You are strong and you fight for your people).
"Your proposal is based on a childish whim that I refuse to be a part of," I broke the tension that had built up and began to walk home.
"Jáan" (I will return)
"Le núukik le ka yaan ma', ku suut a wotoch ka náachkunta'al teech in yéetel in kaajal" (the answer is and will be no, go back home and away from me and my people )
Yes, there is a second part.
TAG LIST: @clea-strange-is-the-way
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hillbillyoracle · 4 months
Sidekick Journal Setup
Wanted to make some notes on how I set up the newest version of my sidekick journal. It's still an A6 Leuchtturm 1917 notebook- though this time I'm using a dot grid, not ruled, version. Still using a Traveler's Notebook Monthly insert in the back as well. Past that, I've adapted it to loosely use the PARA framework by Tiago Forte that I've had luck using with my digital notes.
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Much like last time, I still have a today card for tasks on the front. Some days I pick some out at the beginning. Some days I just write things down as I go. Not much has changed there.
It's worth noting that this journal springs open if I don't keep the strap on it. I use the strap to notch in a gel pen (currently trying to find one of my spare fountain pens to use instead). I don't personally mind this but I know it bugs some others.
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On the back side of the front cover, things have changed more. I still have a next card to jot down tasks that don't need done today that come up throughout a day, but underneath is the P in PARA - projects.
Each project gets it's own card. I like this because things were getting lost in my notebook and I can more easily see what I've committed to so I don't overcommit. Tiago Forte recommends 10-15 projects but I am disabled and have issues with energy so I shoot for 5-10. I think currently I have 9 which is a little on the high side.
They all fit nicely under the black clip here and I can shuffle through them each day to see what I want to work on.
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I have a To Read, To Watch, To Listen (podcasts), and To Listen (music). I occasionally have people recommend me things and they tend to get lost in my phone. So this is just a space to jot those down. My complete TBR is still kept in Storygraph atm. My TBW is on Letterboxd (kind of). I don't listen to a lot at the moment but I'm hoping to change that.
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For the first A in PARA - Areas - I set up topical indexes. I know a lot of people tend to have a lot more but I group my stuff under Personal, Home, Work, and Ria (my partner). Personal is just me. Home is anything shared with Ria. Work is mostly writing and freelance projects at the moment. Ria is for anything that is just for Ria. Anything that doesn't fit in the categories goes in the main index that comes preset up in the notebook.
This way I can jot down whatever notes I want in this notebook but when I'm looking for something specific or just want to see what's going on in a given area, I can flip to that index.
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This is just an example of the kinds of things I tend to use this notebook for. I did a menu plan and wrote down the order of steps to make a new dish I wanted to try (came out really nice). It's mostly to just order my thoughts and help my brain let go of things.
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This is the Traveler's Notebook Passport Size Monthly Insert I really enjoyed last year. I've set up the first few months and will set up a few more. I need to go back in and add events/holidays.
A big reason why this still felt necessary is that I'm looking at switching to a dumbphone which means I won't necessarily have access to Google Calendar on the go. So I plan to keep this as up to date as possible. I might use it for some light memory keeping as well.
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Lastly, I flip the notebook upside down from the back and this is where my commonplacing will go which will be how I manage the R in PARA - resources. I have 3 categories I tend to like jotting down information about to start with but there's room for more. I won't keep the markers with me but will periodically add circles for ease of reference.
For the last A in PARA I'm planning on storing these in a nice box when I'm done with them.
I don't really intend to journal in this though I suppose I could. I have a separate "bullet journal" that in all honesty I don't use super often. I do stream of consciousness journaling on 750words.com. It's mostly to jot down notes and get things out of my head quickly. I like that it's small enough to toss into most bags.
Hope this is interesting to someone!
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rabidslutboy · 15 days
OKAYYY SO guess what exists!!
skunks bc skunks are stigmatised little critters :3
this is a mogai after dark server mainly, but also a safe space for objectums, sexual miscecanids, anti-c paraphiles and the like!
strictly 18+ ofc!!
@mogaigonewild @lewdsergendered @horrorgores @xxxjimmycoins @webby-after-dark @neopornouns
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yore-donatsu · 1 year
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“That’s all, King ? On the ground with a simple "slap". Pathetic !”
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paradoxolotl · 10 months
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Hello hello
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blue-madd · 5 months
Made some picrews for my new Elmentian paras + the 3 older babies~
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Atlas, Mona, Tori
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Still waiting for Vegetta to give the plant mob he found to Leo.
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majesticmagics · 22 days
i am BEGGING restaurants to stop putting cheese and garlic on LITERALLY EVERYTHING EVER
#LITERALLY TWO OF MY WORST FOODS AS AN AUTISTIC PERSON#sob sob#i'm going out for lunch with my family tomorrow#and we're going to this place that my sister suggested#and she's like ''oh yeah the food there is so good''#and the menu is. literally THE most unfriendly to my flavour of 'tism#one time my sister took me to a restaurant on a whim and i was happy to go because i trusted her#but i looked at the menu (after sitting down) and nearly had a panic attack#and no i can't ask for anything to get removed because whenever i do it's like a 50/50 for if it actually gets removed#and then i feel like an asshole asking for them to fix it#because i don't want them to think that i'm just an annoying picky eater#bc i've already asked once#for example this place does a chili but they put cheese on it (there is no menu variant without cheese)#but like previously mentioned cheese is no bueno para mi#like i can sometimes have it but only in very specific circumstances#and cheese on top of chili is NOT it#i love chili though#but if it arrives with cheese then i can't just scoop it off. it's already been Contaminated#one time i ordered fish and chips with garden peas and they gave me mushy peas instead and i can't eat that#so i sent it back and they came back a few seconds later with the majority of the mushy peas scraped off#but it still had the residue all over the fish and the chips#and i can't eat that!!!!!#and then because it was a pub and not a restaurant i had to stand awkwardly at the bar trying to get someone's attention#it was awful#anyway i should make a vent tag#shapes.vent
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atoledezapato · 7 months
Randy Chunningam in the second season:
Randy Chunningam en la segunda temporada:
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69-toojay · 9 months
writing this writing that, editing is so fucking nauseating man
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coffeeandcalligraphy · 9 months
soooooooo remember how in 2021 I wrote like 10k of feeding habits and cut it out well all of that was lonan’s pov & what I’m saying is should I make it a novella
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