#Shirai Ryu
rikuamai · 3 days
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inkskxtch · 6 months
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Even more mortal kombat meme redraws bc theres nothing ilove more than getting into a new fandom and tainting it with unseriousness
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suja-janee · 5 months
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This doodle page has been sitting in my wips for too long so I’m just gonna post it
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mado008 · 29 days
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Мой правильный МК1
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deelazycat · 8 months
Lin Kuei boys at the beginning of MK1 vs. Lin Kuei boys at the end of MK1
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corre1310-blog · 9 months
Shirai Ryu Family Family Moment
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I didn't realize that Young Hanzo actually appeared in Raiden's ending. Look how he support his Papa Kuai Liang as he trains Raiden to control his anger
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Both Tomas & Kuai Liang being as supportive uncle & father to Young!Hanzo finally reaches his potential
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Shirai Ryu Family had a war against their forsaken family member;Bi-Han
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visionsofmagic · 7 months
saving [kuai liang, tomas • short]
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―✹ they save you from an attack of lin kuei and propose you join shirai ryu.
+ requested by anon! couldn’t get whether you wanted it to be kuai liang x reader x smoke, so, I did it separately, hope you all will like this! special thanks to anon! 💌 "Can you write for Smoke and Kuai Liang from Mk1? Something like saving the reader from a Lin Kuei attack and offering reader shelter in the Shirai Ryu"
+ hurt/comfort, gn!reader, mentions of blood and injuries, soft!kuai liang, soft!tomas, past mk1, fluff, a little angst, using of y/n, scared!reader, newbie!reader, friends to lovers (kinda), patching up. ‘is all. enjoy!
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seeing you from a far away, he immediately understands you are in danger as the sight in front of him becomes clearer when he gets closer to you - staying behind the balcony’s edge, you use it as a shield, hands gripping your weapon tightly, the rain washing over your shaking body.
he realizes how you try to stay calm, strong, and unemotional even though you’re getting wetter each passing second, holding your own arms while listening to the silence - the fight between lin kuei and others decreases its intensity, lin kuei gets the hold of power against others.
kuai liang doesn’t waste another time when he sees you, vulnerable yet staying still.
“hey,” he says, walking towards you, not minding the rain as he kneels down to your level, hands gripping you by the arms, gently. “are you okay?” he asks, wanting you to show him that you’re capable of understanding your surroundings.
when your shining eyes meet with his, you recognize him immediately, the brother of grandmaster - kuai liang, one of your mentors.
nodding, you try to speak, “I am sorry -“ it was the first thing coming into your mind - I am sorry that I couldn’t fight stronger - be better.
the response coming from him isn’t what you expected yet it helps you to calm down, “no need to say that. just let’s get you out of here,” he adds, pointing something on your shoulder, “you are wounded.”
his remark makes you look down at the wound that stopped bleeding - the pain slowly appearing and making you hiss.
waiting no more, for an answer, he picks you up slowly and gently, looking at your surprised face from the corner of his eyes as he begins to walk. the rain pouring over his body to yours, but you don’t care about it anymore when you feel his warmness hugging you, giving a kind of protection and peace that your eyes nearly close at the moment- however, his voice takes you into reality once more, making you realize how tight he is holding you as if he lets go, it will be doom.
the proximity is enough to create a hot atmosphere along with his warmth. never imagined scorpion of all people would take care of you like this yet here you are, in his arms, going to somewhere you don’t need to ask about because you know he’s taking you to a safe place.
“try to take a bit of rest, but don’t fall asleep,” he sounds concerned, looking down at your face for a moment, “your wound needs to be healed. once we find a safer place, we will take care of it. now, just rest, okay?”
nodding, you close your eyes, putting your head onto his shoulder. in the rest of the way you rest on his shoulder as he carries you. no fear, not anymore, not when you have him, you listen to his heartbeats up close, a source of peace, and a healer to your wound which he takes care of as he promised once you reach a safe area.
he’s so gentle with you that you begin to cry when he cleans, fixes, and heals the wound with full care. it makes him go confused - holding you by the chin, he makes you look at him - a smile full of understanding is replaced on his attractive face, “don’t worry. you will be okay.”
you know it’s not the truth because how can you? you have no home in lin kuei, not after everything you’ve been through.
kuai liang gets it though, no need for words from your lips to understand the fear you have. so, he spends the next few hours thinking about how he can propose you join him as he waits for you to take some sleep. deep down, he knows he can’t let you go, not anymore because he has seen something in your eyes that makes the man find a different source of warmness contrary to the one he has naturally.
the next thing he knows kneeling before you as you sit down on the edge of the bed, caressing your hands with the tips of his fingers, smiling widely, and ensuring as he asks, “will you come with me? I know it’s a sudden and odd question but you can join me, in shirai ryu. I promise you will find peace and the power you seek in there.”
you only ask whether he will be on your side or not, and kuai chuckles at that, the relief flows into him.
he promises you that he will be on your side as long as you want him to be, and with that, the new journey you live together begins.
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the moment an attack happens, the first thing his mind is covered is you - only you and the condition you have.
the uncertainty of it makes his stomach crumble in concern. he needs to find you. he knows he has no right to think about you because he is the one who can’t say he has a weak point in his heart for you. but you know it, you know him more than he does for himself, and when you see the glimpse of nervous tomas steps inside the room you’re sitting in, a smile appears on your face.
however, tomas realizes it’s an act to hide the wounds you have when he closes the gap between you two. on his knees, hands on your arms, his eyes travel around your body, seeing blood getting dry on the shoulder and arms, cuts are long enough to make them look so painful.
“y/n,” his voice shaky, furrowing in concern and anger - how they can hurt his y/n? he is mad at them but he knows he should take you somewhere safe first. “I am so sorry that I couldn’t come any sooner.”
putting your palms on his cheeks, you smile wider, a sense of calmness washing over you knowing that he’s here and well. “no need, tomas. I am fine, don’t worry about me.”
he can’t - you mean so much to him.
he keeps his silence as he helps you get up. when he sees you can merely walk, he asks whether he can pick you up or not, and when you nod, with such care, he picks you up.
closeness makes him go all red but he doesn’t care about it at all - you are the only thing in his mind, you and tour safety.
listening to the report you’re telling on the way about how the attack has begun, how you have tried to help as many people as you can until you have ended up in a small room to wait for aid because you knew you couldn’t fight any longer without recovering.
he concludes as he listens to you carefully, and finally finds a safe room with medicine.
firstly, with the help of you, he cleans your wounds - having a blush on his face while doing so. yes, you two had these kinds of closeness yet he can’t help but feel a bit shy and excited every single time.
this time is a bit different though, because you have wounds, more than one unfortunately, and you need them to be healed as soon as possible - tomas is determined to give you what you need even if it means staying beside you all week long. he will do it with pleasure.
also, he knows there is no safe place under lin kuei’s shelter for you.
with the trust he has for kuai liang, his brother, he sits beside you on the couch, and lets you put your head down onto his shoulder.
he wishes he could be like this all the time.
“y/n,” he says, waiting for you to respond to him with a cute ‘hmm’ sound. “do you trust me?” he needs to be sure.
picking your head up, you look into his eyes, and he gets the answer only with them - shining bright as you keep looking.
“with my life.”
tomas can be any happier and sad at the same time; the former is because of the way you look at him, the words leaving your pretty mouth that touch him deeply and the latter is due to seeing you hurt.
“then, join us -“ he fixes himself, “join me. in shirai ryu, we can build something different - something better. together, side by side.”
his words echo inside your mind over and over again, the pain coming from the wounds is long forgotten. with him by your side, you feel untouched.
the happiness of highness hits you greatly when you nod, accepting his offer without hesitation. “be ready to patch me up, tomas.” “no need for that pretty y/n. I will make sure you get hurt no more.”
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thisonehere · 25 days
I thought your recent post on Smoke x reader was funny, who would think Tomas would have this side of him 🤣
Can you do a part 2 where Kuai Liang notices the awkward sexual tension and embarrass Tomas by mentioning Tomas's crush on the reader as payback for the reader?
A/n: Lol I love that idea. Perfect so long energy between the two.
Tags: MK 1, Post-MK1, drabble, SFW, Sibking bimeing siblings
C/w: Kuai Embarrassed Tomas
Last part
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Tomas had you in a chokehold. Ever since you were screaming from his room you've been a mess around him, and Tomas enjoyed every second of it. He was shy and awkward about everything else, but it came to you, he was dominant and very, very naughty. He didn’t hesitate to flash you either. I'm serious, the moment he sees you he lifts his shirt slightly so you can catch a glimpse of his abs. He'd laugh at how you gag and cough because you choke on the air at the sight of it.
Kuai saw the strange way you two were acting, he didn't know what was happening but he knew something was up. He wasn't blind, he saw the blush that would immediately appear on your face the moment you saw Tomas walk in or the way Tomas likes to purposely flex his muscles in front of you. He has no idea when Tomas got bold, nor when you got to sheepish...he did not like this shift in your dynamic. So, ever the good big brother, he decided that he'd embarrass Tomas in front of you on your behalf.
He waited until you and him were alone, he chose this specific place because he knew Tomas would be walking in at that moment. He watched as you immediately shrink as Tomas walks. He saw the smirk on Tomas's face when he laid his eyes on you. "Y/n, you're drooling again." He joked.
He blushed as you hid your race. You attempt to rise and quickly leave, but Kuai is quick to act.
"Just like you used to do." Kuai happily said. Both you and Tomas swung your heads over to him. "W-What?" Tomas said, already you could be Tomas's confidence waning. "Well, I'm just saying, you always seemed to drool whenever Y/n so much as walked by, you wouldn't even drool just at the mention of their name." At this, you slowly rise as your ears pick up this this.
"Kuai, No!"
Kuai's smile grew when he saw how both your demeanors changed. "But it's true. You used to have the biggest crush on Y/n. I remember how you acted the moment you first met, Tomas couldn't stop blushing for weeks. He couldn't seem to stop talking about you, Y/n " Kuai immediately mimics Tomas's shy and gentle manner.
"Everyday, it was 'Did Y/n ask about me? Did you see how amazing they looked? When can we see them again?' " Kuai looked over to you and saw you were now trying to contain a giggle as you looked over at Tomas, who was now covering his in shame. But you could see the blush behind his hands. "I hate you so much right now."
"I love you too." Kuai, now pleased, rose from his seat and walked out of the room. You mouth 'thank you' to him as you wickedly look over to Tomas.
"Careful, Tomas, you're drooling again."
After that day, things went back to normal, Tomas was back to being super shy around you and you walked with an air of confidence around you. So everything is back to the usual...sort of. The sexual tension between the two of you had gone down but not fizzled out. He noticed you two steal a glance when the other wasn't looking, he heard you two banter sometimes, it was cute and awkward with a hint of horny in it, just as it should be. Kuai smiled to himself. "It seems those two have a lot to work out" Harumi noted at seeing you two together. Kuai chuckled as he nodded his head in agreement. "True, I have confidence that they'll do great together. But if Tomas ever gets too confident, I'll be sure to tell Y/n another story."
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optimus-prime96 · 7 months
Kuai-Liang: 13 year old me would be both terrified and in awe at who I am now
Tomas: 13 year old me wouldn’t think I’d get this far.
Bi-Han: I would fight 13 year old me.
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laismoura-art · 6 months
About Grandmaster Harumi Shirai:
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Ok, so, Harumi is Head of her Clan. She has a clan.
Which ultimately means her help was requested by Kuai not only because they are long-time besties but also because she has actual clan leading experience!
Cause like, Kuai is the Grandmaster's son, but we can assume only Bi-Han was trained to be a Grandmaster. Older son and all.
So even though Kuai is a natural leader, he has no actual clue on how to assemble or even lead a clan! Which gives this scene:
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A whole other meaning cause it's not that "it's hard to find initiates" in a way that they don't find anyone who really fits.
These two morons just don't have the SLIGHTEST IDEA on how to pick their initiates!
And their expressions are just so perfect cause Kuai is just "We are so dead!" And Tomas is like, "is that supposed to happen???"
And then there's Harumi!
She is the leader of her clan, which means, much like Bi-Han, she was trained! She knows how to pick students, so for once, she knows how hard that task is, which explains why she looks more apologetic than frustrated!
Which probably extends to the whole experience, cause Kuai came to her saying he needed to assemble a clan ASAP, "teach me yo-yo man" style, cause he might have just promised a god he would build him a whole ass clan to defend the entire realm!
I can only picture Harumi going:
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Harumi: Oh, baby... no. Just no.
I can also imagine them bringing her students she can tell from a glance are unfit, like
Kuai: So this is--
Harumi: No.
Tomas: But you didn't even--
Harumi: Hard. Pass.
Which really makes me wonder how that went with Hanzo. He was their first successful initiate, so imagine he was also the first one to actually have Harumi's blessing!
Tomas: So this is Hanzo, I found him on the woods!
Harumi, without missing a beat: He's perfect.
On other notes, Tomas also implies the Shirai Ryu was built on Harumi's lands. So, like... did she just say they could use her backyard?
Or her family's lands extended beyond her clan's location, and she was kind enough to give it to Kuai?
Did she make them neighbours? IS SHE THEIR LANDLORD??? (Do they pay her rent??) @mikka-minns 👀
Also, imagine Bi-Han hearing Kuai and Tomas were about to make a clan of their own and he mocks them (as he also knows this is not a simple task and they have 0 clue on how to perform it) and them Harumi goes:
Harumi: Oh, you wanna bet?? I'm gonna make Grandmasters out of these morons. Just wait and see! Cause they might be clueless, but they have heart!😤🫶
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Translation: I'm confused. Are you a fan or hater?
Man, Harumi being Kuai's guide makes so much sense and has SO MUCH POTENTIAL! It's amazing and potentially hilarious and just SO FREAKING AWESOME!!
The more I realise things about Harumi, the more I'm glad I fell in love with her!🩷🩷
Tagging the whole gang so y'all can brainstorm with me @mikka-minns @dinainsun @thedragonholder 🩷
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suja-janee · 4 months
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Can’t say I blame her
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snoozisworld · 4 months
Kuai Liang HCS (SFW & NSFW) V.2
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A/N: Version 2!!!! honestly i like this one better but ill do whichever you guys like better, this one is longer than the first version and its written with fem reader in mind.
.·:*¨ ¨*:·..·:*¨ ¨*:·..·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·..·:*¨ ¨*:·..·:*¨ ¨*:·.
How you met (SFW):
- You two met while Kuai was out during one of his daily walks around the village.
- You worked at a small fruit and vegetable stand that your grandmother owned.
- He saw you being harassed by an unhappy customer and decided to step in.
- Apparently the customer didn't know fruits rot if you don't refrigerate them and they were just gonna make it your problem instead (dumbass).
- After a whole 10 minutes of dealing with that prick, they finally left you alone. You apologized to Kuai for the inconvenience but he just shook his head.
- "No need to apologize, you probably deal with idiots like that every day" he chuckled at that last part which made you flush a little.
- "Trust me it doesn't get any easier" you huffed and Kuai just smiled. "Let me repay you, please" you bowed slightly but Kuai refused again.
- You were stubborn though, and you prepared him a basket of various fruits and vegetables for him to take, "Please take them, if you don't i'll have to get on my knees and start begging" you joked. Kuai laughed and just gave up, taking the basket and thanking you.
- Your first impression of him: Nice hair, calm and warm smile.
- His first impression of you: Pretty face, shy and funny.
How your relationship blossomed (SFW):
- After your first meeting, Kuai kept thinking about you. He made good use of the fruits and veggies, noting how fresh they were.
- Every day, when he could, he would walk up to your stand and pretend to look at the produce until you noticed him.
- You two would talk until you had to close up shop. You found it strange but you certainly didn't mind his company.
- "So, you run this stand all by yourself?" he asked one day, standing besides you as you organized some tomatoes. "Well technically yes, my grandmother is the mastermind behind it though" you laughed and Kuai smiled at that, he really liked your laugh.
- After weeks of this routine you two became close friends, and Kuai would sometimes invite you over to dinner at Madam Bo's or, on your off days, would invite you to join him on his daily hikes/walks.
- On one of those occasions, Kuai had worked up the courage to officially ask you out, and to his surprise you were very enthusiastic about it.
- "You want to go out with me? Are you sure?" you joked, "Well on second thought . . . " he joked back. You both laughed it off and planned a cute picnic date on the weekend.
- After the first date came the second one, and then the third one, and then the fourth and fifth . . . well you get the point.
- On the sixth date, Kuai took you to the beach to watch the sunset. It was there that you both shared your first kiss.
- "About time don't you think?" you jokingly said, "I do admit I waited a bit too long . . ." he replied softly. You laughed, "You might have a small habit of torturing yourself Kuai".
Your first time (NSFW):
- Kuai is a very patient man, he didn't want to rush into anything you didn't want to do, so naturally he waited a long time to initiate something more intimate.
- You, however, were not THAT patient and shyly suggested that the two of you go further.
- Kuai was taken aback, and he felt bad that he made you wait this long.
- Kuai was loving, he wasn't rough as he wanted your first time to be romantic and memorable.
- Spent an ungodly amount of time on foreplay, took his time exploring every inch of your body (you were not complaining).
- If it wasn't obvious already, has a body worship kink. Would spend hours just worshipping your body without any sort of penetration or actual sex.
- He's not a virgin, so he knew what he was doing. He knows all the right places to touch you, what makes you squirm and whine.
- Talked you through it the whole way. "Are okay princess?" "Let me know if you want to stop" "Does that feel good?" "Don't hold back, I want to hear you"
- Teasing turned up to the MAX. He's secretly a little shit.
- Strong advocate for safe sex, used a condom and made sure you were comfortable.
- Aftercare KING. After he made sure you were okay, he cleaned you up and set up a nice warm bath. Got you and himself dressed up in comfortable clothes and spent the rest of the night cuddling each other to sleep.
.·:*¨ ¨*:·..·:*¨ ¨*:·..·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·..·:*¨ ¨*:·..·:*¨ ¨*:·.
A/N: posted two times in a row on the same day, i feel rejuvenated. please let me know of u like this one better!! also looking back its not that fem reader centric so yayy!!
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subzeron · 1 month
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corre1310-blog · 8 months
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Based on @bayonena 's post, I can imagine Tomas' mischievous tactics to attack Bi-Han by throwing Angy lil Hanzo like Pokemon
P/S-Since MK1 timeline is the current year in real life,both Tomas & Hanzo already knows about Pokemon lore...
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manzkageking · 2 months
MK 1 AU were everything the same except Hanzo is an adult and descendant from a clan (Shirai Ryu) that was almost wiped out by the Lin Kuei. So when Kuai Liang and Tomas leaves the Lin Kuei, they help Hanzo rebuild his deceased clan for their ancestors' transgressions.
Also, Harumi and Hanzo are together, not her and Kuai Liang.
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cienie-isengardu · 4 months
Does Bi-Han really has no idea where his brothers are living now?
To me, the most funny thing about the origin of the MK1 Shirai Ryu clan is Kuai Liang and Tomas' assumption that Bi-Han has no idea where their new clan is stationed.
We know from intros, Scorpion and Smoke do not share its location even with their allies so that Lin Kuei can't find it.
Kenshi: Why keep the Shirai Ryu's location secret? Smoke: So that the Lin Kuei can't find it.
But then we have Kuai Liang's ending:
"No sooner had Titan Shang Tsung had been defeated than Bi-Han and his loyalists hunted us down. Outnumbered, we fled to Japan. There we sought refuge from an old family friend. As children, we played together. But Harumi Shirai was a woman now, the head of her clan. Her strength, beauty, and intellect awed me. Also incensed by Bi-Han's betrayal, Harumi agreed to help me forge a new clan. One that would stand against him and defend Earthrealm. Her aid proved invaluable. And as time went on, we grew closer. To honor Harumi and pay respects to my new bride, I named the clan after her, calling it the Shirai Ryu. Now the battle against my brother begins in earnest. The Shirai Ryu won't rest until Bi-Han is defeated and the Lin Kuei's honor restored."
in which:
A) Kuai Liang and Tomas fled to Japan and sought refuge from Harumi Shirai who is called an "old family friend"
B) she and Kuai played together as a children
C) Harumi is the head of her own clan living in Japan so between Scorpion and Smoke and her, it is Harumi who own land, money and/or necessary goods for a clan to prospere AND to fund Kuai Liang's new clan
D) Kuai Liang named his clan, Shirai Ryu, in honor of Harumi.
With such a description, the chances that Bi-Han is not familiar with Harumi are pretty slim to none. He already knows Scorpion and Smoke are in Japan, as they were hunted down by Sub-Zero's loyalists. Kuai has no money so for him to start a new clan, he needs to ally himself with someone who can fund it and support the two former Lin Kuei - and Harumi Shirai is an obvious choice, as the old family friend.
But even if that was not the first Bi-Han's conclusion, the fact that Kuai Liang married Harumi Shirai AND named his clan the Shirai Ryu makes it clear where he is - around Harumi. Scorpion's clan may go into hiding but I doubt Harumi would abaddon her land and clan or force everyone under her rule/protection into hiding so Bi-Han doesn’t even need to search for his brothers, he needs find only Harumi, as Scorpion and Smoke will come to protect her against Lin Kuei.
Since these days it seems everyone, including Outworld and Netherrealm characters, know about Kuai Liang's marriage and Bi-Han is A) operating in Sun Do, the capital of Mileena's Empire and B) is know to collect secrets, it is no surprise he knows about brother's relationship with Harumi. As even intro dialogues outright says so
Scorpion: Stay away from Harumi. Sub-Zero: In this war, family isn't off limits.
and look, putting aside the threat, Bi-Han already considers Harumi part of the family even if they are enemies.
So yeah, the whole "keep Shirai Ryu's location in secret" is so hilarious to me, because the Shirai name is total opposite of secret for Bi-Han, as he knows Harumi and where she is living, if Kuai Liang and Tomas knew where they should go while fleeing to Japan.
Good job, Kuai! 
But you know what is even more hilarious? The fact that Kuai Liang has no real idea where is currently his older brother and goes asking allies and enemies alike for help or information. Like yes, he and Tomas know the Lin Kuei clan is operating somewhere in Sun Do, but Li Mei found them and confronted them about Shirai Ryu activity in her city, while they did not capture Bi-Han there. And sure, Sub-Zero may not stay in one place for too long, however his own ending
"I had broken the Lin Kuei free of Liu Kang's enslavement. We were now masters of our destiny and could take our place among Earthrealm's greatest nations. But taking and holding territory would require a vast army. I needed more fighters to make our presence felt. Then I recalled Shang Tsung's dragon warriors. An army of them would be unstoppable. But trafficking in such strong magic would surely draw Liu Kang's attention. Sektor advised me that we avoid detection by building our army using science, not sorcery. We've invested much time in this endeavor, and we are beginning to see results. Once again proving the depths of Sektor's genius. When we are done, all of Earthrealm will honor our desires and heed our demands. If not, they will face the Lin Kuei's wrath."
says Bi-Han wanted to take and hold territory for his clan and so Lin Kuei invested time and energy into building an army based on magic Dragon warriors. Though it is not specified, I think it is right to assume the building of the army happened on Lin Kuei territory,
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as that was their best secured base of operation. Like sure, Liu Kang and Shirai Ryu knew where Lin Kuei home was based but as the clan was living in hiding for centuries, their land was probably well guarded and the headquarter was located in a naturally defensive place.
And I admit, the whole idea that Bi-Han knows perfectly well where his brothers are hiding while Kuai Liang and Tomas have no idea about Sub-Zero's whereabouts and can't find him because none of them thought - or dared - to check Lin Kuei home is way too more hilarious than it should be.
People may make fun of Bi-Han not being smart during story mode but damn, Kuai Liang for sure is no mastermind either. 
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