#Splintered series
mothpawbs · 5 months
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i don't usually catch on to art memes but this was too funny not to draw. yes one of my comfort characters is my own fursona
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sammie-1124 · 2 months
I need to find some artists that can hyperfixate and make silly art trades of silly OCs and ships and characters.
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fairies-rule · 9 months
Morpheus from Alice the Absent, when he was sitting naked in the rain, lost to the strangeness of his new state.
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vinnytime · 8 months
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heyyyyyy splintered fandom im back
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jabberw0ck3 · 10 months
Hi my name is Morpheus Dark’ness Dementia Raven Way and I have long morpho butterfly blue hair (that’s not how I got my name) with a fancy top hat carefully balanced on it that reaches my mid-back and inky black eyes with swirling color changing patterns and a lot of people tell me I look like the caterpillar (AN: if u don’t know who he is get da hell out of here!). I’m not related to Gerard Way but I wish I was because he’s a major fucking hottie. I’m a moth but my wings are silky and black. I have pale white skin. I’m also a netherling, and I live in a manor in Wonderland where I’m young forever (I’m ageless). I’m a steampunk goth (in case you couldn’t tell) and I wear mostly black and different hats for every occasion. For example today I was wearing a black shirt with matching lace around it and a blue waistcoat, black pants and black boots. I was wearing a black hat with peacock feathers and watches. I was walking outside. It was snowing and raining so my wings were getting wet, which I was very sad about. A lot of humans stared at me. I put up my middle finger at them
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oranges-and-peaches · 1 month
Ive recently started rereading splintered by a.g. howard and decided and i wanted to rewrite the story without jeb so heres a snippet of the first chapter then the link:
He looks shocked and hurt as I slam the door in his face. I lock it as I feel tears welling up in my eyes. Whether those tears are those of anger or sadness, I wasn’t sure. I just know I can’t help but to let them fall. I force myself to turn away from the door and continue on with what I was doing. I falter as I pick up my backpack that I previously left in the living room, hearing Jeb knocking on the door and calling out my name.
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im-goin-mad · 1 year
what business did like 12 y/o me have reading a kinky alice in wonderland au
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Here is a throwback to 2015 when I rapidly read through the entire Splintered Triolgy! I have come a long way in my art since then, but there are elements of this fanart I still enjoy...except if anyone remembers the original, I really did not draw his face well. It was one of those cases where it looked good in pencil and then I discovered something was off during the coloring process...and shading completely ruined it because I had no idea how to fix it. Ideally I would have just redrew his face completely since proportions are still off, but Chessie looks fabulous and is probably my favorite part of this. That will just have to be a future project.
I wanted to get some holo prints made, so I spent the last few hours trying to paint over and liquify what I could to improve it, balanced the levels, etc. He looks loads better now than he used to! Hopefully I will have enough time and energy to do a complete redraw/repaint to show just how far I have come, and because Morpheus deserves it. For now, enjoy this revised painting!
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harmony-livelaughlove · 8 months
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I bought this tea because of the name of course! I also wanted to see if it would affect my dreams! It was only 12 dollars and it tastes really good with honey 🍯! I also paired it with my favorite audiobook!
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aghowardwrites · 9 months
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Follow this link.
✨🎂🐰🕰️🦋🍄✨ My #SplinteredAnniversary INTL #giveaway is live! Enter for these 2 prize packs today, and tune in each day for new prize reveals and chances to win!
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Considering sharing my playlist of songs that remind me of "Splintered" by AG Howard. If I get 5 likes on this post, I'll share half of it, as well as why that specific song is on there. Only some of them are from the authors playlist. I like to listen to these songs and be reminded of certain parts of the series. Anywho, let me know if that's something anyone is even interested in. Also, if you're a Splintered fan or you post about Splintered content, lmk so I can give you a follow, I feel like it's such a small fandom!
Update: Wow! I didn't expect this to get more than 2 likes, but here we are! Anywho, as promised, my splintered playlist:
Sharp Dressed Man-Brad Paisley (any version, I just like Brad's voice) I feel like this is very much how Morpheus perceives himself in general, but especially as it pertains to Alyssa. I feel like in the second book, we saw a little more of his preening side in M, and most of that is just him being him, but I think we can all agree that he was showing off at least a bit for Alyssa.
Crazy (Cover)-Daniela Andrade. As we see Alyssa give in more and more to her netherling tendencies, she not only accepts it, she leans into it. She realizes in Wonderland that even if some people back home saw her as crazy, she has a whole realm of beings that encourage her to be the craziest version of herself, the part of her that is natural. She is never more herself than when she accepts who she is as a whole. And maybe that makes her crazy 😉
Not Strong Enough-Apocalyptica. I think this one was part of A. G. Howard's playlist for Morpheus, I forget, but the themes and tone of the song easily fit with the tone of Morpheus throughout all the books. The way he doesn't even try to fight his feelings for Alyssa, no matter how she seems to disdain him and his feelings. I could easily get into a Morpheus mindset just by listening to this song. I don't know that there's one particular moment that this song fits, just his character as a whole.
You Should See Me In A Crown-Billie Eilish. So, I don't want to give spoilers for book 3, but if you know, you know. All I'll say is Alyssa.
All I Ask-Adele. (SPOILER WARNING ⚠)OK, so if you haven't read book 3, this is a spoiler of the ending, so do not read past this point if you have not read the entirety of book 3!!!!!!! Ok, but Morpheus and Alyssa, after they get done with their tour of Wonderland and go back to his place 😭😭😭 anywho, this song very much puts me in the feels for that part! Like, just the whole dialogue and everything, and Morpheus not being a butt for one second lol...anywho, yeah, this song...
That's not the entire playlist, that was just a sampling, but if yall want the rest, just lmk. Sorry if anyone is dissatisfied with my song choices, I can't speak for others, this is just personally what goes through my head for these parts of the books. Lots of love, stay crazy!
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mothpawbs · 9 months
so uh. since we're all talking about splintered because of the giveaways, does anyone want to see my ridiculous number of playlists? yeah sure you do
ships :)
is this excessive? yes. am I ever going to stop? HA
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fairies-rule · 11 months
Morpheus sketch
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vinnytime · 2 months
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something something morpheus doing jeb's makeup
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the-flower-named-fire · 3 months
Specific Trope of the Day
Having a different ancestor than the one you thought you had duo identity theft
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secretlyscar · 9 months
Splintered Giveaway
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The author of one of my favorite sagas is making a giveaway of a lot of stuff, so I'll use my account here to get entries, so if someone remembers/loves this saga, hop onto the author's IG @/aghoward_writes
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