#Standing in Middle of Road
thorsenmark · 24 days
A Road Runs Through the Mountains of Shenandoah National Park by Mark Stevens Via Flickr: A setting looking to the west-northwest while taking in views at a roadside pullout around the Low Gap area in Shenandoah National Park. The view is along the park’s Skyline Drive when I just happened to have a few moments with no traffic present and was able to capture this image. I liked the idea of the trees lining the road with the road itself as a leading line into the image. The rest was metering the image to capture the full dynamic range with the leaves caught in the noon-time sunlight while still being able to process the more shadowed areas later in post-production.
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colors-of-my-heart · 11 months
Ambrosius asking “who are you?” and then the helicopter spotlights reflect in Nimona’s eyes and so he corrects himself to “what are you?”. human eyes do not reflect light like that. we do not have the tapetum lucidum. Ambrosius knows that. do you hear me?? i don’t have a gif of this, I wish I had a gif of this, fucking listen to me. the little details in this movie are so good I need to watch it fifty more times
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lastoneout · 1 year
I think it's so funny that Elon Musk is trying to make sure everyone on the world's most efficient bullying machine can immediately see all of his posts whether they want to or not. Surely this will end well for him.
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korvessa · 7 months
Kris really observed three days of this and was like ”I would LOVE to tour with Käärijä”
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She has a bit of a sore eye and is still getting used to us, but Ash has officially joined my flock :)
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theheroheart · 2 months
shoutout to the dummy thicc statue in my hometown
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he's a sailor so he always faces the ocean
which means everyone walking past to go to the mall or the bay or whatever is greeted by his fat ass
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onlyzhuyilong · 15 days
My problem is whenever I rewatch 河边的错误 by myself on my pc I will come to the 27 minute mark - pause it - open up le editing software and gif this scene every time.
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space-owl · 1 year
It’s really a shame that we didn’t get a 4th season of The Owl House.
Not just because we missed so many character interactions. No it’s also because I desperately DESPERATELY wanted to see Belos interact with the modern human world!
Sure he’s a goopy goob slime the whole time who is in the woods. But he saw things! Saw how the human realm looks like now.
Also I wanted to see how he gets hit by a car.
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hearties-circus · 19 days
Back from the shops that was. Eventful. Me and an old lady stopped a bird from getting run over
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rohirric-hunter · 2 months
Also I'm vaguely offended at the implicit assumption that hobbits as a general rule don't already know who Morgoth is
#this is about something i posted a long time ago but its been eating at me#like obviously they know who morgoth is#they know who sauron is#or at any rate have as much of an understanding of him as anyone else who isnt a scholar or resident of gondor#so it stands to reason that they would also have a basic understanding of morgoth#a dark lord who has just about the same amount to do with them and their lives#i mean i think people get this impression that hobbits are dumb and dont know things from pippin and sam#pippin is a child#and while sam himself is curious and smart and eager to learn and know things#i would put money on it that you could tell the gaffer that the earth was round and he would immediately forget that information#because it doesnt have anything to do with his life and he therefore doesnt need to know it#so sam hasnt really been told as many things as a lot of people#both of them are bad examples#compare them to bilbos ability to infer things in the hobbit based on a general background knowledge of the world at large#like he knows what a furrier is! i dont even know what a furrier is!#but anyway the point is i think the hobbits know how the world works#they keep to themselves but theyre not isolated lmao#like idk if yall are aware of this but theres this road that runs right through the middle of their country called the GREAT EAST ROAD#they turn suspicious people back at the borders but there are plenty of perfectly respectable people who come through#down. you know. the GREAT EAST ROAD#they know whats out there. they just dont care
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mettywiththenotes · 10 months
I just realized that this moment with All Might and the criminals might have been a hint to the recent development in 396
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I mean he's got the suit case, and he looks incredibly serious and determined to protect Izuku. What I'm saying is it feels kinda similar to what is happening now with All Might's intensity and how both the attackers and AFO thought he was powerless
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thorsenmark · 3 months
Mount Andromache Partially Hidden in the Clouds (Banff National Park) by Mark Stevens Via Flickr: There I was enjoying a ride along the Icefields Parkway, and I see this view off in the distance. "Please stop" came out rather quickly, needless to say. I took several captures at this point on the road, but here I focused on the mountain and included some nearby hillside of trees. This image was about the beauty of mountain peaks partially hidden behind some clouds and some still freshly fallen snow to add a little bit of whiteness to the greens of the nearby trees. Just a beautiful Spring day in the Canadian Rockies, you might say.
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rithmeres · 2 years
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rogers-maraccas · 8 months
Roger: Hoodie pockets are so great. I can fit like three ham sandwiches and a grenade in there and my hands are still warm.
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The Stupid Idiot Crow is not as stupid as I thought I saw them using the traffic lights like a human person
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da-proti-toku-grem · 7 months
sorry i needed to say this somewhere and my mom isn't home rn so here it goes because this is making me too anxious
#honestly wtf?#i was going back home by bus right#and no one usually gets off in the bus stop where i get off because it's a bit in the middle of nowhere#but it's the one closest to my house so i get off there#and today was the first time i took the bus at this time so it wasn't either of the two drivers that i usually see#and this one was literally shouting 'do i have to stop in the next one?' and people shout back if yes#(which is not usual because there are buttons to ask for the bus to stop anyway but oh well)#so when my stop was the next one she asked and i said yes AND press the button just in case#also note that i was already standing next to the door by this point#but she just passed by my stop and i was like 'excuse me i had to get off there'#and she got SO MAD at me and started saying 'then why don't you answer when i asked?'#and i told her i did respond and she didn't believe me until a woman that was there told her i did in fact say it#so she went on saying 'i'm not going to do this again next time i won't ask and let everyone tell me when they want to get off#because it's already happened to me twice today'#like girl if it happened more than once i think it's nit my fault here yk#and also the next stop after mine is literally in another town so she got mad again because she couldn't go back#(technically she could bc there was a roundabout only a bit further away but she didn't want to anyway)#so she literally stopped IN THE MIDDLE OF THE ROAD. opened the doors and went 'are you going to get off or what? 🤨'#tbh i was so shocked that i didn't even know what to say so i just got off the bus#thankfully it wasn't too far away from my bus stop and there are not too many cars so it was safe i guess#but honestly wtf was that#like maybe i'm overreacting or something becuse i'm so exhausted after 12 hours at uni today#but that's NOT an appropriate behavior#i'm so fucking tired rn and idek how i went through 12 hours of uni with only one 30 minutes break w/o having a mental breakdown#but this was the straw that broke the camel's back#anyway#ranting#venting#random#maca speaks
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