#Stardust Nova
equestria-cross-mod · 2 months
Yo friendo, Happy birthday!!!!!!
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*Aurora would like to give everyone in your blog a big huggie*
You wanna hug them? Well, this is my mod blog, but go right ahead! It's a special occasion after all! This'll be reblogged over to the main blog, though.
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Stellar giggled and happily hugged back. "Thanks!"
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Solar was calmer as he returned the embrace. "Thank you."
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Night had a very similar, if not the exact same reaction as Stellar. "Thank you!"
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Cinder gave a silent nod as she hugged.
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Turner was a little stiff, and didn't hug back. Who knows why that was the case? "Ah... thank you."
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Stardust was the only one to refuse outright, and was in fact very against being given a hug. "Don't touch me." She sounded pretty uncomfortable.
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stoukadraws · 2 years
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Heyy sorry for not being very active- but here are some doodles of my ocs i did that i like (╯▽╰ ) more to come?? if any of you are interested that is
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ask-the-cosmic-duo · 3 months
A Visit to the Doctor, Part 3
Stella hadn't noticed before, but she had been enveloped in void energy. For how long, she had no idea.
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"Wait… what happened? Why am I darker?"
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The pink mare shrugged non-commitally. It seemed she wassn't exactly concerned
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Stella looked at Purple, then the Doctor. "Seriously, did something happen to me while I wasn't paying attention?"
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"Your unstable form appeared." He sounded almost inquisitive. "Very interesting…"
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"This… implies she is usually stable." Stardust said with a sigh, after a moment of thinking to herself.
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"Ah, funny joke." The Doctor didn't sound that amused, though. "But I believe she has some stability."
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"Yeah, it feels… weird. Like, I can still feel. Mostly anger earlier, and fear right now, but I also felt… relieved when I saw Purple was nearby. In the Abyssal State, I don't think I would've felt that." Stella stopped to think.
After a moment, she shrugged. "Also she's not entirely wrong. I'm not okay, I just don't like telling others about my problems. Not exactly their business. And besides, I don't want to trouble other ponies with all that."
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Turner nodded, understanding. "To be fair, I don’t think a lot of ponies can understand…"
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"They are creatures of light," The Nobody stated with another non-commital shrug. "Mostly innocent. I don't hold it against them. Ponies in general, I mean."
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"That's just how it be, I guess." Stella blepped. "Still, I'm not entirely sure what happened… It reminds me of something that happened a little while back. I don't think I noticed at the time, but… I think I dipped into a similar state when I saw an old friend being corrupted by the void."
She thought about that for a moment. Another Doctor Whooves, if she remembered correctly. She didn't realize before, but it must've been a very long time since they last met prior to that event, as she didn't recognize him at all. And yet, their bond remained, if her dipping into that form was any indication.
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"How peculiar…" The Doctor began to do some thinking of his own. Very quickly, Stella's Nobody, Night Star, came to mind. "Has your Nobody been able to do anything remotely spectacular in her feats like you? Or has she been completely free of this void?"
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"Honestly… I have no idea." The cosmic unicorn hummed to herself, trying to recall any instances of Nighty's strength. "The only thing I can think of is that she was just as strong as I was during our first encounter in the last timeline, maybe even stronger. Only reason I beat her the second time around was because I switched things up. The new Night, though? I haven't actually seen her fight…"
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The Doctor nodded. "Maybe keep an eye on her, both of you. If the Organization is still around, they’ll go after Night next, especially now since your power is on the rise, and there’s a possibility for Night to be a weapon again."
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Stardust let out a seemingly excited chuckle. "If you think for a second I'm not going after my former employers' throats, even before you asking, you'd be wrong." She sounded almost too excited.
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Stella couldn't help giggling at her excitement, especially since Nobodies aren't supposed to be able to feel. "The way you say that, you make me wonder if you were the Roxas-equivalent before Night was. How many Roxases have they gone through, then…?"
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“More interesting conversations for another time," Turner replied simply.
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The pink mare gave a small exhale and nodded in affirmation of the Doctor's statement "Likely so. As you said, though, for another time."
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"Alright, I guess." Stella shrugged, making a mental note to ask about that later. "Then, uh… where do we start, Purple?"
//fucking christ i'm late. Sorry! There's still one more part, then we move to the next scene!
//Stella's portrait is by @ask-gadzooks.
//The image of the Doctor is cropped. Full picture is by @arcanethunder.
//The image of G1 Twilight, used to represent Stardust, is cropped. Full image is by (at)mulepaws on Twitter.
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poetrybyonur · 3 months
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We have the same stardust living inside us.
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loki104-uwu · 2 months
Omg no this is so random but holy shit no one let Sylvia and Adam meet each other, that poor little girl would be appalled by his language and slightly terrified of him SYFSFJFUSUSF
Holy golly gosh your right Sylvia would be so traumatized fr poor baby
Nova wouldn't even let Adam go near Sylvia anyways she would definitely try to protect her niece from Adam, Adam would totally switch Nova's overprotective Tia mode on honestly and even if they did meet Adam wouldn't do anything to serious because he don't want to deal with an overprotective Alastor and Nova 😆👍
(Tia means aunt in Spanish btw)
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amphiptere-art · 16 days
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have a drawin of ur silly! I had an urge n tbh, i rarely dont listen to my urges when it comes to drawin things ^^'
Omg. OMG! Thank you! Oh he looks so pretty. Little crazy devilish boy! The way you got him contorted even makes it better! Thank you so much for your little impulse drawing. Its beautiful!
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sophiaalvarado-5-a · 5 months
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stardustshimmer · 9 months
Nova with a British accent
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en8y · 2 months
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[IMAGE ID: fourteen rectangular banners, all of which have blinking outlines. the seven on the left have flashing names and wiggling icons, while the seven on the right don’t. the first two have a light brown background and a dark brown border; they both have the words “almond (heart emoji) pastry” in the middle, in dull blue, medium brown, and dark purple. the third and fourth have a warm brown background and a dark green border; they both have the words “clotted (heart emoji) arrow” in the middle, in pastel yellow, warm yellow, and dark brown. the fifth and sixth have a dark maroon background and a black border; they both have the words “golden (heart emoji) moon” in the middle, in bright yellow, bright orange, and dark purple. the seventh and eighth have a pastel yellow background and a black border; they both have the words “m. light(heart emoji) unicorn” in the middle, in warm yellow, medium blue, and pastel blue. the ninth and tenth have a nearly-black blue background and a cool blue border; they both have the words “star (heart emoji) candy” in the middle, in warm purple, dull blue, and pastel blue. the eleventh and twelfth have a hot pink background and a bright blue border; they both have the words “shining (heart emoji) nova” in the middle, in white, warm purple, and neon light blue. the thirteenth and fourteenth have a warm pink-orange background and a cool blue border; they both have the words “triple (heart emoji) cone (heart emoji) trio” in the middle, in dark grey, pastel pink, red-orange, and light blue. END ID.]
free to use; please link back/credit if you can!
ships in order:
almond cookie/pastry cookie clotted cream cookie/caramel arrow cookie golden cheese cookie/moonlight cookie moonlight cookie/cream unicorn cookie stardust cookie/aurora candy cookie shining glitter cookie/xylitol nova cookie capsaicin cookie/kouign-amann cookie/prune juice cookie
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stardust-510 · 1 year
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Some pumpkin nova drawings
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Concept looks for Nova Hawkins in three alternate universes that me and my friend, @disneyfan50 , discuss at times.
From top to bottom:
*Nova Hawkins adventure look in Rewrite The Stars/Never Enough alternate universe, where she travels with her brother and his family, albeit not really by choice but more of a result of her constant flying her solar surfer in restricted areas getting her constantly arrested to the point of finally getting a warning of juvy if she's arrested again, which Jim will not allow to happen and so, he decided to take her under his wing on his adventures... *Nova Hawkins pirate look in Love From The Stars alternate universe, where at first, Nova had grown up as safe as possible, her brother making sure of that, but one day while her brother was visiting, enemies of him had followed and tried to kidnap Nova to get at him and while the enemies were dealt with, a fearful Jim decided for Nova's safety, decided to bring her aboard the RLS Baelstrom, into the Pleiadean Fleet, to personally keep her safe. *Nova Hawkins pirate look in a branch off alternate universe on Lia alternate universe on Chasing Stardust, where in this branch off, Nova did not grow up with her mother but instead, the father of her brother, Leland, who told Nova he rescued her from a fire that wrecked her mother's inn, but that her mother didn't make it out in time sadly, leading to her being raised by Leland alongside the crew he's fallen in with, and she questions nothing. Until they abduct a Princess of Solasar, that is.
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thetimelordbatgirl · 8 months
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OC Halloween Challenge 2023 Wrong Place, Wrong Time Day Sixteen: She Doesn't Like It In The Barn
Ever since her first arrest, Nova Hawkins (Chasing Stardust: A Treasure Planet Twisted Tale) has always been warned about being sent to a Juvy program if she keeps getting in trouble, but each time, Nova would ignore the warning and end up with cuffs on her wrists once more eventually. But Nova soon can't ignore this warning when after getting arrested for driving a motorbike in restricted areas, Nova's record is enough for the police to go through with the warning and send her to a Juvy program on a farm, thinking the hard work will straighten her out, a situation that only seems to be get extended each time Nova tries to leave the farm, only to get caught each time. But just when Nova's given up trying to leave and just tries to focus on getting this done with so she can go home, she soon starts to notice weird things happening around her, such as the other kids in the program always acting strangely robotic after the scheduled therapy sessions with the people in charge and sure, she'd put it down to just trying to get through things like her, but then Nova notices one of the kids disappear finally. And then another. And another. Until finally, Nova starts to get fully suspicious on what's happening to the kids and one night, follows one being led into the barn by one of the people in charge... ...Only to end up fleeing for her life after seeing the kid be turned into something not human at all by the people in charge, who turn out to not be human either. And with Nova having seen it all, she soon finds herself the next target and having to avoid the same fate as the other kids...
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stoukadraws · 2 years
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I was practicing my shading since I wasn’t very confident with it, but I’m pretty happy with these results (╯▽╰ )
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ask-the-cosmic-duo · 3 months
A Visit to the Doctor, Part 2
True to form as Stella said, the pink nobody's presence is sensed, vaguely, as if she's masking it… She watched until needed, though looking closely, it may be possible to spot her transparent form lurking atop a nearby tree…
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In this weird state, Stella was more aware than normal. After a few moments, she spotted Purple, pointing at her like a dork. "Pink mare!"
The half-transparent mare kneeling on a branch merely faces Stella, tilting her head, but doesn't say anything, merely continuing to watch. As to why she's half transparent? Magic, likely, an enchanted ring or band, probably.
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"Oh," says Time Turner, following Stella's gaze to the mystery pony's location, "hello there Purple. What is the reason you are cloaked in shadow?”
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"Watching and waiting to see how this plays out," The Nobody responds. "Though it seems you both have a sharp eye to spot me, despite my enchantments... A shame, really. I'd have preferred to stay hidden." She hopped out of the tree, landing deftly on the ground.
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Stella seemed to not have noticed the state she was in right now, as she shrugged in response to Purple's apparent disappointment. "Well, I'm kinda stuck, and I need help. Doc is saying I can't control the void without merging Nighty back into me, but I don't wanna do that." She looked to the side, clearly not very happy about that. "She deserves to live just as much as anypony else."
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Stardust raised an eyebrow beneath her hood. While it wasn't quite visible due to said hood, one could still feel it in the air, so to speak. "And you didn't think to ask one of the two Nobodies you're friends with?" She asks in a monotone voice. "The ponies made out of something very similar to void... stuff?"
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"I- ..." Stella sighed. "Just call it void magic or something, I dunno. I wasn't sure if you'd be familiar with actually using that power, I guess..." She shook her head, trying to focus herself. "Are you? I really hope you are. I have no idea if Nighty knows anything, and... I'm hesitant to tell her about the alternative."
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"... I'm made of something similar, if not the exact same thing. Nobodies are born from nothing, after all... In a sense, at least."
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"Oh. Right." She was pretty sure the two energies were at least similar. "Then... do you think you can help?"
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"I can at least attempt to, that much I can do." Stardust was pretty casual about the whole thing, not really caring one way or the other. Well, aside from Stella being her friend for a long time.
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"Mmm." She turned back to the Doctor. "Think this'll work, Doc?"
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"I don’t see why not," the Doctor said with a nod. "Go ahead, Purple."
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The white-maned mare nodded back, taking the enchanted band off of her forehoof. She was now properly visible instead of being almost see-through, facing Stella to ask, "So what do you... exactly know of nothingness, if that makes sense?"
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"Uhh..." The cosmic unicorn thought about that for a moment. She knew a bit about the void, perhaps without realizing at the time, because she apparently utilized its power to create much of her dimensional tech. But nothingness? She wasn't sure she knew much of anything about that.
"I'm not sure... All I know as fact is what you said, that nothingness and the void are at the very least similar, so any knowledge I have of it is based on that."
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Stardust listened, and nodded. "Well, if you've ever been near death, and felt... something, you've probably felt, for lack of a term, nothingness."
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"Weird... So that's what that was?" She continued thinking. Nothingness... The closer you are to death, the closer you are to nothingness? Perhaps she was more familiar with it than she realized. Especially when, several times before, she's...
"Interesting." She finally looked down at her hooves, only to realize something was... different.
//Yep, the thing finally finished a day or two ago, and this is getting released an entire day before the end of the poll, almost exactly. Weird how things work out, huh?
//Yeah, there's gonna be a third part. Depending on how long it ends up being, there might also be a fourth. Then, uh... probably another pause, as I need to play out what happens next. Sorry!
//Image of the Doctor is cropped. Full picture is by @arcanethunder.
//Yes, I found it, and I edited the last part to have the credit as well.
//Image of Stardust/G1 Twilight is cropped. Full image is by (at)mulepaws on Twitter.
//I'd link their Tumblr, but it doesn't seem like the blog belongs to them anymore? Either that, or they just don't post art there, but I'm confused either way.
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jennajaeger · 1 year
So I don’t normally talk about my OCs on here very much, but I got inspired by @starleska to actually talk a little bit about the OCs I have to ship with some of my F/Os!! Yes they are all still essentially self-inserts and meant to be lived through vicariously, but they’re still my girls and I love them :3 Plus I think it would be fun to give you guys a little bit of a glimpse into the stories I have for my F/Os!!
Liesel Halle & Eren Jaeger, Attack On Titan
Liesel is often considered to be “the flower of the Survey Corps” because while she’s not a member of the squad (her older sister, Isolde, holds a high rank and she’s shipped with Levi, but that’s another story :P), she’s always helping out and is great for morale -- not to mention she’s the only person who can get Eren to SIMMER DOWN sometimes XD It’s cute to track the growth of their relationship as they go from teenagers to adults, and how devoted they ultimately become to each other. Not to mention how Liesel almost has a parallel arc of descending into darkness right alongside her paramour :P She’s ready to murder people for her mans if it comes down to it, AND IT OFTEN DOES.
Gianna “Gigi” Knightleigh & Jonathan Sims, The Magnus Archives
I have SUCH a soft spot for Jon and Gigi’s relationship, because it so closely mirrors my own feelings towards Jon as a character :P Gigi was hand-picked by Elias to work at the Institute as an intern, and at first she didn’t like Jon at all XD She thought he was a stuffy, pompous windbag and was endlessly frustrated by his skepticism. There was ENDLESS sarcastic banter between the two of them, and then y’know, season two happened :P And that’s where the shift in their dynamic happens. Gigi realizes firsthand that Jon isn’t ignorant, he’s TERRIFIED. She becomes the only person he allows himself to really turn to in all of this, and that’s when they really become close :P And she becomes FIERCELY protective of him when everyone else starts to turn on him, even when it becomes clear that Jon isn’t human. I’m also pretty sure Elias chose her specifically BECAUSE she would end up being so supportive of Jon, and despite her vulnerabilities he’s actively protecting her from ending up as a target of any of the other Entities :P 
Jenna Campbell & Wanda Maximoff, Marvel Cinematic Universe
Shocking that my MCU themed OC is the most blatantly self-insert-y of the bunch :P Irony being that this SHIELD agent fell for Wanda’s twin brother Pietro first, and the two of them came together in their shared grief after he was killed during their mission. This led to the two of them becoming close friends, and then Jenna developing some more-than-friends feelings for Wanda that she largely kept to herself because of Wanda’s burgeoning courtship with Vision :P But she’s always been willing to do just about anything for Wanda, to the point where getting her back was largely Jenna’s motivation post-Infinity War. But after Endgame, the world was broken, and they all had their own traumas to cope with, and Jenna didn’t realize that Wanda was isolating herself to an unhealthy degree until it was too late for her to directly intervene. She never stopped fighting to find Wanda again though, especially in the direct aftermath of Westview. As it stands, the future of their story is uncertain, but hopefully their paths will ultimately cross again......
Nyx Hopper & Eddie Munson & Chrissy Cunningham, Stranger Things
Nyx has become one of my more prominent OCs!! She’s the adoptive older sister of Eleven, and the two of them were brought up in the Hawkins lab together -- though because she was older, Nyx was put into a caretaker role towards the younger kids. She ended up escaping from the lab and being forced to leave El behind, though they found their way back to each other. When she first started attending Hawkins High, Nyx was withdrawn and quiet, and she was inspired to come out of her shell more and be unapologetically herself (as well as embracing the goth subculture) by watching Eddie do the same thing :P And so she’s harbored a crush on him ever since. She also ended up becoming close to Chrissy after they met by pure circumstance; Chrissy is the only member of the “popular” crowd to give Nyx a chance, and Nyx has the empathy that encourages Chrissy to open up to her :3 And yes, she does have similar telekinetic abilities to El, and an even stronger connection to the Upside Down..... :P 
Jacaera Velaryon & Aemond Targaryen, House of the Dragon
gonna put a content warning here for canon-typical incest
Jacaera is the only living daughter of Rhaenyra Targaryen; with her father purported to be Laenor Velaryon, but her biological father is in fact Harwin Strong :P She’s the older sister of Jacaerys, Lucerys, and Joffrey, though she knows her brothers will always come first in the line of succession, and has to grapple with this as her mother once did before her. Like her brothers, she also grew up in close proximity to Alicent’s children; Rhaenyra’s half-siblings Aegon, Helaena, and Aemond. Despite the fact that he’s technically her uncle, the two are so close in age they grew up seeing each other as peers, especially with Helaena being betrothed to her own elder brother Aegon at an early age. Jacaera was the only one of Rhaenyra’s children who was never cruel to Aemond, and this on top of their common interests fostered a closeness between the two of them. As they meet each other again in adulthood, the two of them face the prospect of being the future of their respective branches of the Targaryen family line.....and coming into their own in war rather than in love :P (the ~drama~ with these two is real)
“Valkyrie” & Johnny Silverhand, Cyberpunk 2077
Ah, Valkyrie, my V!! I’ve talked about her and her dynamic with Johnny a bit before, but I will take every opportunity to talk about them more :P She comes from a Corpo family, and she was always kind of the family disappointment. (Admittedly, being a Samurai fangirl and openly crushing on a dead rockstar who was also most definitely a domestic terrorist didn’t do her any favors either :P) At first, she worked hard to try and prove herself, but after unceremoniously losing her cushy job, she’s gone full “fuck it” and uses her Corpo knowledge as a force for chaos XD Admittedly, having your old celeb crush in your head and hearing them (at least at first) reaffirm everything your abusive mom ever told you is kind of a head trip :P Though Valkyrie ends up personally trusting Johnny a lot more off the bat than the game establishes, their banter is amazing and he’ll obviously never admit how much he actually likes her, or how important she becomes to him down the line. Eventually their relationship becomes borderline codependent in the most delicious way, and though V has her girl gang (Judy, Panam, Claire, and Lizzy), there’s really nothing she and Johnny won’t do for each other <3 
Nova & Vash the Stampede & Nicholas D. Wolfwood, Trigun Stampede 2023
Stampede is one of those shows that imo is just.....nigh on perfection so I tend to struggle to find holes in the narrative that I can put my OC into :P That being said, Nova is a darling :3 I may not be able to give her any special powers or any significant arc as of yet, however sometimes it’s just enough for her to be there for the boys in those little in between moments, to give them the love and affection they both so desperately need <3 
Naomi “Nighthawk” Kanda & Touya “Dabi” Todoroki, My Hero Academia
Ah, Naomi, my baby girl <3 She has such a special place in my heart and so does this relationship :P Her Quirk is called Swerve, the ability to alter the trajectory of any projectile she throws or that is thrown toward her; including her own body. She once had aspirations of becoming a Pro Hero back in her UA days, when she was young and naive. But of course, she had the idealistic preconceptions of what being a hero is like completely shattered for her when she went on a mission that went very, very bad. She failed to save a child whom had been abducted, and in her blind fury and grief she murdered the man who was responsible. Now she’s considered a vigilante and delivers her own form of justice to the most heinous of criminals, and operates under the moniker “Nighthawk” :P (Her family also had ties to the Yakuza but THAT’S another story XD) She ended up getting on the radar of the League of Villains, and will even sometimes work with them on and off, but she has her own agenda by and large. She also has a chronic case of “I can fix him” disorder and by god it’s incurable XD
Melody Thyme & Wally Darling, Welcome Home ARG
Melody is a somewhat new addition to my roster of OCs, and since there’s still so little we know about the “canon” of Welcome Home, she’s kind of still in development, but I am attached to her regardless XD Her name is a pun off of the title of the little-known Disney animated musical anthology film, Melody Time, which was one of my childhood faves :P She’s a guest star puppet character in the world of the Welcome Home show, she runs a dress shop in town and has dreams of one day becoming a singer; and she often has song spots that she sometimes shares with Wally :P Her whole aesthetic is very Loretta Lynn and June Carter Cash. The darkness behind her character is in all likelihood tied to just how HARD it was to be a woman in the entertainment industry in the late 60s and early 70s. I also have this fun, cute, and somewhat sad headcanon that throughout her appearances on the show, she was continually working on what would ultimately turn out to be a wedding dress, and that the show was cancelled before she had a chance to wear it.
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loki104-uwu · 2 months
new ship for ya: adam x nova x lucifer
lucifer owns adam's soul and nova's which he likes to rub in alastor's face and they just happen to be a throple.
lucifer is the more affectonite one, adam is the one that gets crazy jealous about everything even if there just talking to another demon adam would be clinging onto them like hell and nova is the only one thats really sane.
their ship name is fallenstar, do you get the joke? I hope you get the joke😄
Fallenstar, oh yeah I get that that's funny as hell🤣
also that would be a great/hilarious ship I love it and Alastor would be pissed. Lucifer would totally say "Since you tried to steal my daughter i'm stealing your sister, bye bitch!"
and I'd feel like Adam would be the traumatized one while Nova is the one who really doesn't give a fuck and Lucifer is just vibing showing off the two souls he owns
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here's my version of Lucifer and Sinner!Adam or just Adam btw^^
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(@silly-lil-lee @demonangelgirl134)
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