deathsweetblossoms · 4 months
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mnemonicmew · 6 months
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In Stars and Time coming out today! here’s the first piece I ever drew for the game!!! (a year ago!)
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shoujo-dump · 8 months
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Shi ni Modori no Mahou Gakkou Seikatsu wo, Moto Koibito to Prologue Kara 
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this-is-ali · 1 year
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It's just that I love them.
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fukaselover · 1 year
This is the most depressing, hurtful but beautiful fic I would probably ever read the whole year
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Whoever wrote this we have smthg personal, idk if its good or bad but its personal
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koravelliumavast · 1 year
Fitz needs a hug Jesus can someone give him a hug PLEASE
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When Sun Shines Again: Prologue "Hoping I'm Always There"
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Description: When tragedy struck, Hero lost not only his dearest friend but also his dreams for the future. Even years later, Hero doesn't know what his "forever" looks like without Mari in it, but somehow he finds the strength to carry on and build a new life for himself. With his family and friends both old and new by his side, Hero struggles through life's ups and downs--the joys and sorrows he faces in a world without Mari. In the beginning, he's only looking to survive it all, but somewhere along the way, he might find a purpose, a reason he's still here. Maybe there really is a way he can learn to be happy again, and maybe, just maybe, when he's least expecting it, he might even find himself slowly opening his heart to love again--he might even find himself believing that even the darkest, stormiest of times will eventually pass and the sun will shine again.
A Hero-Centric story spanning 15 years of his life post-good end. Focuses on Hero finding healing & building a life for himself after the loss of Mari. Eventually includes him learning to love again after an extremely slow burn. All pairings are tagged upfront. Rated T for heavy themes & some language. Reading the prequel is recommended but not required.
Chapter Specific Notes: The prologue is HeroMari-Centric and Mari actually appears in this chapter.
⛅Tags For The Story As A Whole (So A Lot Of These Are "Eventual" Tags):
Romantic Relationships: Main Ships: (Past) Hero/Mari and (Eventual) Hero/OC. Side Ships: Brandi/OC and a brief mention of Mikhael/Bebe are the only side ships involving canon characters.
Platonic Relationships: Hero & Brandi Friendship, Hero & Original Characters Friendship. Some Hero & Kel Siblings Relationship & Brotherly Friendship.
Characters: Major Canon Characters: Hero (POV Character), Brandi [Intimidating Girl], Mari and Mari's Memory, & Kel. Major Original Characters (Hero's college friends): Kyle, C.J., Zoey, Tamra, and Lorraine. Mentioned Canon Characters: Sunny, Basil, Aubrey, Sally, Hero's Parents, Bebe (Short Haired Girl/Fountain Girl) & Mikhael (The Maverick).
Genre: Hero-Centric Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Slice of Life, College Life, Lost Love, Finding Love Again, Finding Healing After Grief, Slow Burn, Developing Friendship, Developing Relationship, Greiving, Catharsis, Heart-To-Heart Chats, Hopeful/Happy Ending, Post-Good Ending, Hero Needs A Hug, Hero Deserves To Be Happy
Rating: T for some heavy themes and thematic elements (i.e. grief & healing from grief and trauma. Implied/Referenced Canonical Character Death & Implied/Referenced Mental Health Issues including depression & suicide. Mentions of Underage Drinking & Partying). Some language.
Warnings: Major Spoilers for OMORI! Heavy themes and thematic elements (i.e. grief & healing from grief and trauma. Implied/Referenced Canonical Character Death & Implied/Referenced Mental Health Issues including depression & suicide. Mentions of Underage Drinking & Partying). Some Language.
Chapter Word Count: 2731
Link to Original Post on AO3.
Full chapter text below the cut. Thank you for reading! ⛅
“Can I open my eyes now?” giggled Mari—one hand over her eyes. The other held tightly onto Hero’s hand as he led her into the backyard.
“Almost,” he replied with a somewhat sheepish chuckle, and Mari laughed again.
“Okay…but can you tell me where we’re going?”
Hero bit his lip before he accidentally spoiled the surprise. He knew that Mari had always loved surprises, but he also knew that he himself was not much of a surprise kind of person. While he was trustworthy and could keep a secret if asked, he found it too difficult to keep things from his friends and family for too long, especially if they were good things that he was excited about. He had been planning this surprise for Mari for weeks now, and, he was sorry to say, had nearly slipped up and told her about it a couple of times already. Truthfully, a part of him even wanted to go ahead and tell her now, but they were almost there so he promised himself he’d manage to keep it a surprise for just a few more minutes.
“Almost,” he repeated, laughing a little at his repetition.
“Ooh…”Mari chuckled before she donned a frown and began her best impression of a serious commanding officer in one of the war drama films they sometimes watched with his dad. “It’ll be hard to break this one, general. His lips are sealed.”
Mari teasingly saluted at him, before covering her eyes again. For Mari’s credit she had kept her eyes firmly closed shut so the hand covering was merely a formality. “Bet I know a way to unseal those,” she giggled—her tone playful not sultry, though she did blow a kiss at him and Hero suspected she would have winked in his general direction if her eyes had been open.
“Mari—” His voice cracked, and Hero’s face flushed red as he shook his head.
“What? I just meant I bet you’d tell my pet tarantula.”
Hero’s face blanched. “That’s not funny,” he tried to insist though his breathy laugh seemed to imply otherwise. “Don’t even joke about having a pet tarantula.”
“Aww…” Mari pouted teasingly. “But I’ve really been thinking about getting one.” She paused, then added, “Just kidding. You know I’d never do that to you.”
Giving Hero’s hand a reassuring squeeze, Mari giggled again—her laugh light and tinkly like a music box. Hero had often thought it was a far prettier melody than even the most beautiful songs she played for him on her piano, but like any usual teenage boy, he was far too nervous and shy to even begin to tell her that. Still, seeing as Mari was his closest friend and knew him better than probably anyone else in the world, Hero had always suspected she already knew how he felt—how his heart raced whenever she met his eyes, how his chest ached whenever she called his name or how his stomach fluttered whenever she patted his back or held his hand or leaned her head on his shoulder. Mari had to know that whenever he was with her, he felt like they were in their own little world, had to know that he couldn’t see anyone else but her and that he could laugh or sing or just combust from how positively and completely happy he was to even be close to her, listening to what she had to say and trying his best to be supportive and make her smile.
With a sigh, Hero’s face softened as he watched Mari smile now—giggling as she stumbled with her eyes closed. Mari had the most beautiful smile—bright, beaming, and so warm that Hero could have sworn it made even the sun shine brighter.
He would do just about anything in the world just to see that smile—though the truth was he would do just about anything in the world for her, no matter what it was. He’d even spend all weekend cleaning off his patio just to plan a special afternoon for her before they headed back to school for the new term. And if she didn’t know that already, she’d probably know it as soon as she opened her eyes.
“But uh…oh, watch your step.” Hero reached out to steady her before she stumbled onto the uneven pavement of the patio, and his face flushed scarlet as she tripped a little—practically twirling into his chest as she clutched onto his arm. “Are you alright?”
“I’m fine, though I’d be better if you’d let me open my eyes so I could see where I was going,” she teased as a playful smile tugged at her mouth. “It’d be nice to see your pretty face too.”
“Mari,” choked Hero—his face blushing an even deeper shade of red. He looked away from her, even though he knew she couldn’t see him as long as she was respecting his wish that she keep her eyes closed, but she squeezed his hand and intertwined their fingers.
“You didn’t have to surprise me, you know? It’s not even a special day or anything.”
Hero shrugged his shoulders. “I know, but I wanted to. We’ll be going back to school soon so I wanted to plan something special for the end of the summer, and there’s”—his cheeks grew warm as he shuffled his feet on the pavement—“there’s something I want to show you.”
“Ooh…mysterious,” giggled Mari, but her smile widened.
“Not really…” Hero shrugged. “But I hope you’ll still like it.” With a long sigh, Hero took one final glance around the yard before finally saying, “Alright. You can open your eyes now if you want.”
As Mari dropped her hand from her face, her eyes fluttered opened—blinking in the bright sun. She gasped. “It’s beautiful.”
Hero smiled but shuffled his feet as his face flushed. He had been hoping she would say that. He had spent hours working on building that canopy out of plywood with his dad, and while it was somewhat crude, basic work, even Hero could admit that it did look very pretty when covered in the garlands of flowers he had made with Basil. Sunny and Aubrey had helped too—and Kel, for a little while before he got distracted and Hero asked him to move all the outdoor furniture to the perimeter of the patio leaving a big, empty square in the middle.
“What is all this, Hero?” Mari asked, turning to him with wide, smiling eyes.
Hero shrugged his shoulders and twisted his hands. “Well…I was thinking about how you had to miss the Spring Formal…”
“I told you that’s okay. I can always go next year,” Mari insisted giving him a reassuring pat on his arm.
Hero’s expression softened. He wouldn’t tell her but he knew she was putting on a brave face and had been genuinely disappointed when her bad knee had started acting up again back in April and her doctor had urged her not to put any weight on it for a while, meaning she had ended up back on crutches for the week of the dance and about a week and a half after that. Mari had insisted that Hero should go on without her, but he hadn’t wanted to and instead had gone over to her house where they baked a batch of chocolate chip cookies together and curled up next to each other on the couch to watch old black-and-white movies. Hero thought it had been a much more fun evening, especially seeing as he couldn’t dance, but he had been hoping to make it up to her for a while.
“I know,” he said with a gentle nod. “But I still felt bad that we never got to dance together so I thought…” As his face flushed, his voice trailed. He looked away from Mari instead glancing over at his suitcase record player which he had set on the patio table under the big sun umbrella. “There’s also a song I’ve really been wanting to play for you…”
Hero opened the record player suitcase and carefully took his vinyl copy of The Beatles’ Revolver out of its jacket and sleeve. Knowing that it was the first record he had ever purchased for himself filled him with a sense of pride. After wearing out his parents’ cassette of the album listening to a particular song over and over again for his own enjoyment and “Yellow Submarine” which was Kel’s favorite, Hero decided that he’d like to own the record and hear what it sounded like in vinyl. Hero had a small but growing collection of vinyl records—most of which he had gotten as gifts for his most recent birthday after having gotten his portable, suitcase record player for Christmas, but he had only recently started adding to it himself. Most of the money he made at his summer job cleaning pools and mowing lawns was being put away to help him pay for college when the time came a couple years from now and the rest was going towards having enough money to buy gifts for his friends and family for birthdays and the holidays when they rolled around, but he allowed him a little bit of money for himself and saved up most of to buy a vintage copy of Revolver that their local record store had proudly displayed in their window. He could have sworn he was walking on air when he had finally purchased it and though he had added several other records to his collection since then, this was by far his favorite and the most special to him.
Smiling brightly, Hero gently set the needle to his favorite song, the reason he had been so eager to purchase the record in the first place. At the sound of the opening chord and the first line, “To lead a better life, I need my love to be here…”, he held out his hand to Mari and asked with a somewhat shy shrug of his shoulders, “Would you like to dance?”
Mari beamed at him. “I’d love to.”
Hero flushed as Mari wrapped her arms around his neck, but somehow he fumbled his way to placing his hands on her waist. He took a deep breath trying to remember back to the dancing practice he had been trying out in his room for the past few weeks, much to Kel’s giggly confusion. Hero sighed. He wasn’t sure if his attempts at practice had helped much and he apologized, “I’m sorry. I’m not a very good dancer.”
“That’s alright. I’m not very good either so we can muddle through together.” Mari’s smile widened, and she tilted her head. “This is a beautiful song. I’m not sure I’ve heard it before.”
“It’s called ‘Here There and Everywhere’, it’s”—Hero’s voice cracked and he stared off intently over Mari’s shoulder as his face blushed red—“it’s my favorite love song. I actually bought this record because I couldn’t stop listening to it.”
“I’m glad to hear it’s your favorite because it’s our song now so we’ll probably be listening to it a lot,” she teased, winking at him.
Hero chuckled lightly, rubbing his hand across the back of his neck before remembering he was still supposed to be holding onto Mari’s waist. “Our song?”
Mari nodded. “Everyone knows that the first song that you ever slow dance to is special. That’s why a lot of people dance to it at their weddings.” Mari giggled behind her hand, and Hero’s heart raced as he took a deep breath hoping his face wasn’t as red as he feared. “But no pressure,” she added teasingly. “All I meant was that you’ll have to start thinking about us and about me when you listen to it from now on.”
Hero bit his lip shuffling his feet as he danced with her. “I…I don’t think I’ll have to start doing that…” he admitted, his face growing suddenly hot. Mari’s brow furrowed.
“What do you mean, silly? You can’t just not make this our song—it’s our song forever now. You should have thought of that before you played it for me.” Giggling, she winked at him playfully. “Or were you planning to go around playing it for all the other girls?”
“No,” Hero insisted with an awkward, breathy chuckle—his face crimson as he tripped over his words. “There’s…there aren’t any other girls…that’s…that’s what I was trying to…” His voice hitched, and he swallowed hard. “I…I always…only think about you whenever I listen to this song. It’s…it’s your song.”
He bravely met Mari’s eyes, and she smiled at him—that beautiful smile that made the sun shine brighter. She reached out and pressed her palm to his cheek.
“Our song,” she gently insisted, and Hero nodded at her as she ruffled the tips of her fingers through his hair. Hero froze—his hands beginning to tremble as Mari’s eyes fluttered closed and she leaned forward. His heart pounded. Was she…? He swallowed hard. Was she going to kiss him?
“You guys are so gross and mushy!” exclaimed Kel jumping out from behind a nearby tool shed. “Why don’t you listen to a good song next like ‘Yellow Submarine’?”
“Kel!” scolded Aubrey’s voice though Hero couldn’t see her apart from her arm tugging on Kel to come back to his hiding place, but Kel shrugged her off.
“What? It’s a better song than this!”
“I think it’s sweet,” Basil’s voice gently interjected.
Hero was too busy blushing at the unexpected audience to say much of anything in response, but Mari just laughed returning to her best impression of a character in a military drama, “Looks like we have a few covert operatives on our hands.”
“You’ve been watching too many movies with my dad,” chuckled Kel as Mari motioned to him.
“Why don’t you come on out and dance too?”
Kel practically sprinted over the patio. “Awesome! I think ‘Yellow Submarine’s’ next right, Hero?”
Hero nodded as Aubrey, Basil, and Sunny followed quietly and somewhat apologetically behind.
“Sorry, we didn’t mean to interrupt,” Basil insisted nervously twisting his hands as Sunny nodded in emphatic agreement.
“Kel is such a moron,” huffed Aubrey shaking her head at him. “Sorry Mari. Sorry Hero.”
“It’s okay,” Hero finally managed, patting Aubrey’s head reassuringly as Mari gave both Sunny and Basil comforting pats on the back.
“It’ll be more fun with everyone anyway,” Mari added before she turned to Hero with a kind, affectionate smile. “Besides that’s our song now so we’ll have plenty of time to finish our dance.”
Hero nodded at her, but before he could say anything he stumbled backwards, startled by Mari’s suddenly hug. Basil and Aubrey both giggled behind their hands—probably at Hero’s bright red face as Sunny watched with wide eyes and Kel was, naturally, far too distracted by his own prattling about “Yellow Submarine.”
Taking a deep albeit shaky breath and trying to calm his racing heartbeat and trembling hands, Hero wrapped his arms around Mari. “You’re right,” he said. “We have plenty of time.” Mari hummed, nestling her chin into his shoulder as Hero pulled her close—holding her tightly as if he never wanted to let go.
It was hard enough to manage that given the shy, awkwardness of his youth. In his mind, Hero thought of a day years down the road when he would be older and more confident, when hopefully it wouldn’t be so hard to tell her how he really felt. He had no way of knowing that that day would never come—that for years later he would think back on this moment—desperately wishing he had restarted the song, had finished that dance, had been brave enough to tell her how much she really meant to him. Hindsight really was 20/20. Hero knew that possibly better than anyone, but it didn’t stop him from wishing that he just held onto her tighter because someday the day would come when he was left alone with only a song and the memories of a wonderful girl he had always thought of when he listened to it. He still thought of her and probably always would, but she wasn’t there to dance with him anymore.
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archerestarcher · 1 year
Me, usually: I really don't get why people say 'step on me', it really doesn't seem appealing and there are far better forms of being dominated that make more sense.
Me when Wolfgang Akire yelled "Silence!": ...Step on me.
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minthyj · 1 year
ascension of ambers masterlist
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empress harumi au!
by: @atres
co-written by: @minthyj
"The Emperor and Empress found dead at 58 and 35 in a tragic event leaving their only daughter, Jade Princess Harumi that recently turned 15 as the new Empress of Ninjago. Many of Ninjago's citizens have not even realized the existence of a Ninjagoan royal family, as the latest reportage on the Jade family was 19 years ago."
"And she's got a lot of plans for Ninjago."
"It was never my choice."
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prologue - the fall of a princess (on ao3)
chapter i -  towards the flame (on ao3)
chapter ii - the rise of a phoenix (in progress)
aesthetic of ascension of amber
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In an AU where Robert Baratheon dies of his wounds from the Battle of the Trident and Stannis is later crowned King, presumably Stannis gifts Storm’s End to Renly (as well as a council seat when he’s old enough), right? If so, do you believe relations between the two brothers would have been significantly improved in such an AU? What do you think their relationship would look like?
Stannis loved Renly so in the event that they’re not competing for the same crown, then I’d hope their relationship is better than what it became at the very least. Plus this is at a point where they’ve spent the better part of the rebellion huddled together, stsrving under siege. So the starting point is much stronger than say in ACOK where I believe they’d spent quite some time apart. Plus Stannis presumably doesn’t have the sting of being given Dragonstone instead of Storm’s End, though Dragonstone was ironically the heir’s seat.
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rexismycopilot · 8 months
Ack tumblr ate my ask again! Bold of Anakin to be so cavalier about corner time and the soap in What is Past is Prologue! And speaking of overconfidence, thinking Obi-Wan spanking him won't hurt much because Obi-Wan hasn't done it before... Sure, baby boy.... I'm sure you're right.... yep, definitely won't hurt at all................ 👀
I did make myself laugh making Anakin think he could take whatever Obi-Wan was dishing out hahaha
Also, Anakin has no idea what he's getting himself into with corner time and soap in his mouth lmao. He's like "this is so tame" and yet let's all consider the first time he actually gets a timeout?? He's gonna be a little weepy mess at being made to stand in the corner without his Obi-Wan 😭 (He'd rather take the spanking, thank you very much)
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Guess who wrote a prologue for the fix it au(Fix it fic? Am I writing a fic? Prologue implies a fic to follow so who knows at this point. I'm making things up as I go, you're welcome.)
Trigger Warnings!: Non-Consensual drugging, kidnapping/captivity, mentions of threats to children, mentions of child abuse, mentions of enslavement and child soldiers (cannon typical for clone wars tbh), mentions of starvation (I think it's only one line but just to be sure!), mentions of children/infant death (not graphic! No description at all really just Jango mentioning his grief over it so I guess the warning would be grieving the death of children?)
Mando'a translations at the end^^
Jango wants to go home. He repeats it in his mind as he hits the ground running and even though his thoughts echo that he doesn't have one, he keeps running and he doesn't stop. They'll catch him.
They'll catch him and he knows they will because they have before but Jango won't stop because he'll be damned if he's kept here like some lapdog on a leash. He'll be damned if he'll let them use him to make child soldiers. 
They'll catch him. The thought hammers into him even as his vision starts to gray and it blurs around the edges like it always does when he gets close to the edge. He doesn't stop running. Not until his feet start to slip out from under him, not until his face collides with the cold, white, durasteel of the floor paneling. They've caught him and when he comes to he'll be a in white, cold room with looming walls that haunt him everytime he closes his eyes and a persistent guilt in his stomach that says "it's all your fault." He's starting to think it might be. 
The world goes black and when he wakes up, it's to stark white walls that burn his eyes and leave a pounding headache behind his skull. He's exhausted and his limbs ache in a way that he can't simply chalk up to getting older. He does it again, and again, and again and in the back of his mind he wonders how long it'll be before he stops running.
Not long, apparently. It only takes 3 more attempts before they drag him down to the lab like the first few week. He's not kicking and screaming when they do, if only because they'd jabbed him with a needle and made him too loopy to fight it. 
His visions cleared some now, enough to make him weak in the knees and his stomach twist in utter disgust and bile rise thick in his throat. 
He's going to be sick. Or would be if there was anything left in him. 
"Your clones are coming along wonderfully, Mr.Fett."
He hates them. Hates their stupid monotone voices, void of any emotion. Hates that they talk to him as if he wanted this. Like this was his plan. Hates that they've taken him and made children. Sentient little beings that they plan to enslave and run ragged. 
The ik’aade-
…his ik’aade? 
His ik’aade are so little. Tiny little forms only just beginning. Floating in- in disgustingly cold and sterilized machinery. There's something so awfully unnatural about it all that makes him physically recoil, sick to the stomach. There were so many. 
He'd wanted ade, but not like this. Never like this.
He hears voices but nothing makes sense. It's jumbled and the only things he can make sound like vague threats. To him? No. No? No. Oh. Oh.
He's already made up his mind before they finish speaking. 
It's funny,  he thinks, how so much and so little could happen in 3 years. It's almost too easy to scheme his way around when he's got nothing but time to think, time to plan, time to- grieve. 
He'd cried, not that they'd known, when he'd learned how many hadn't survived. They hadn't cared. It was a "part of life" and they could "simply make more."
He hated them
6. His ade were 6 years old. Funny. It'd been 3 years but they were 6. Accelerated aging, apparently. Jango tried not to dwell on it. There were bigger fish to fry. He was a Buir and he intended to be the best. 3 years was a lot of time and he'd learned to play nice. 
They'd allowed him to start hunting again. It was too suspicious for them to simply allow him to drop off the face of the galaxy, although he'd argue there were few looking. Not that he'd tell them that. 
It'd taken them more time to believe in Prime but Jango was nothing if not a stubborn man. It'd be his downfall, he was sure, but he wasn't going down without a fight. 
At the end of the day, Prime had been everything they'd wanted and Jango was everything his ade needed. 
-End of Prologue
Mando'a Translations:
Demagolka: someone who commits atrocties, a real-life monster, a war criminal - from the notorious Mandalorian scientist of the Old Republic, Demagol, known for his experiments on children, and a figure of hate and dread in the Mando psyche.. (A rather fitting description for what's happening, I think.)
Ik’aade: Children under three. (What he's referring to here would actually be the tubies that haven't been decanted yet just fyi^^)
Ade: Children/Sons/daughters
Buir: Parent
This is not the style that the actual fic will be written in if it ever gets written. This is left intentionally vague and a little confusing because I wanted to tell it from Jango's perspective and really wanted to hammer in his thoughts and feelings and just overall what he's experiencing.
Genuinely, I'm a little hesitant to post this because my writing is rusty (really gotta get back into that habit) but I'm gonna go ahead and post it before my nerves get the better of me lol
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shoutmonishere · 1 year
That primordial urge to gush about an underrated main character
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mesperyiandevotee · 4 months
Another "this will probably just be a ficlet" becoming... longer than that
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selineram3421 · 4 months
can I make a request for an Alastor x reader? Where y/n is Husk's sibling and Alastor won't stop flirting with y/n and Husk is just not having it? (And the rest of the HH crew are just in the background shipping Alastor and y/n)
*swipes up* Cat Demon Reader!!!! FUCK YEAH!
Hissy Kitty
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Alastor X Reader
⚠ cussing, protective older brother Husk, Alastor loves annoying your brother, italics = thoughts ⚠
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Husk was very protective of you and made sure you were taken care of. In Living and afterlife, he kept you out of his "business" to keep you safe.
Of course you surprise him by showing up at the hotel.
"What the fuck are you doing here!?"
"Surprise!", you cheered and gave your older brother a hug.
He didn't want you anywhere near his work. It was too risky. You would have been made a target. He didn't want HIM to know about you.
"Answer the question.", he grumbled but hugged you back.
"I haven't seen you in a while and I just wanted to-", you began, pulling back a bit from the hug, taking a look around the hotel lobby that was behind him.
"Look, I'll call you and tell you all about it but you need to go before-", he tried to get you to leave quickly.
He was pissed that he was too late.
"What are you doing trying to chase a guest out?", the demon in red walked over and pulled you into the hotel. "We are trying to invite them in."
"This one ain't looking to stay in the hotel!", your brother hissed and tried to pull you away from the red dressed demon.
You were suddenly spun and dipped by the man in red. It shocked you so much that you held onto the red demon tightly.
"Welcome to the Hazbin Hotel! I am Alastor the facility manager.", Alastor grinned as he gazed down at you. "And who might you be?"
Such an adorable thing. He thought when seeing your ears pinned back and eyes having turned into slits, his grin widening when he noticed Husk getting angrier.
"Um..can you let me up now? This is a very weird way of greeting..", you squirmed, your tail flicking in annoyance.
After letting you go, Alastor took note of how bristled up the fur of his acquaintance was.
How interesting..
"Forgive me dear, I can get quite theatrical.", he laughed and fixed his bowtie. "And your name?"
"Not staying.", Husk cut in. "They only came to see me, now back off."
"What the hell, can't I greet a demon?", you huffed.
Your brother pulls you away to speak in private.
"Not this one! This prick is someone I don't want you hanging around with.", he whispered growled, putting his hands on your shoulders. "Go home, put some wards or some shit for protection and don't come back here again!"
"Damn it Husk!", you slapped his hands away. "I came here to check up on you!"
Alastor stays where he is to enjoy the show. Glancing to the side when seeing Angel step into the lobby.
"Its been years! I haven't heard from you until two weeks ago about this place. Where have you been!? Do you know how worried I was!?"
"Psst! Smiles! Who the fuck is kitty whiskers?", the spider asks.
"Haven't the faintest idea but this argument is getting amusing.", he responds.
"I told you that I moved! That should be enough!", Husk gestured to the hotel.
"Yeah, its nice to know you're alive but you could have at least told me how you've been! Did you make any new friends? Did you drink until you blacked out again? Something else for fucks sake!", you yelled.
"I'm alive!", your brother yelled back. "I drank yesterday!", he pushed you towards the door. "I don't have friends!", he opened the door. "Now leave!"
"Tsk tsk!", Alastor tutted and used his shadows to pull you away from the door, moving you into his hold. "They are our guest, even if they are just visiting Husker~"
The Radio Demon's smile growing bigger when he saw the cat clench his fists.
"You are welcome to visit anytime to see this-", the red demon gestures to your brother. "-hissy kitty that you know."
"Ha!", you quickly covered your mouth to keep your laugh silent.
"A smile! Finally!", Alastor leaned closer to you. "I'd like to see it if you don't mind."
"Back off!", Husk pushed the red dressed demon away and took your hand. "Come on, I'll show you around."
"I can stay!?", you asked your brother.
"Only for a few hours!", he replied.
You stayed longer than a few hours.
Charlie had caught wind and was excited to meet you.
Husk drank from his bottle, watching as you talked to the Princess and Vaggie. The two were hooked on whatever story you were telling.
"So Husky~", Angel slid over.
"Don't you fucking call me that ever again.", the cat grumbled before continuing to drink.
"Who's the new cat strolling about?", the spider asked. "I've never seen you so pushy with someone before~ Are they an ex?"
"None of your business and ew. Fuck no.", Husk wiped his mouth after he finished the bottle. "Forget about them. They need to leave anyway.", he said before walking over to you.
"Hi Husk!", you waved as you entered the hotel.
"Fucking shit. What did you not understand about staying away!?"
You had a smug grin and pranced over to him.
"Can't really stay away from where I work~", you said and showed your employment papers.
"What.", your brother growled.
"While I was talking to the Princess during the tour, you stepped out for a bit and I told her I wanted to work here!", you beamed, cat tail swaying calmly. "So now I can't leave! Yay!"
"Are you fucking stupid!?", Husk yelled.
"Now Husker.", Alastor appeared from the shadows behind you, placing a hand on your shoulder. "That is no way to talk to your fellow coworker."
The Radio Demon smiled cheekily when seeing the cat demon's fur bristle in anger.
"Let's show you all of the staff rooms!", he said suddenly and turned you towards the stairs. "There are quite a few closets littered about for cleaning supplies! For now that is what you'll do with Niffty until the Princess can think of where to put you."
"Is there any cleaning supplies?", you asked a little suspicious.
"Haven't a clue! But let's find out!"
You were near Alastor most of the day.
Husk actually followed you both until the "tour" ended.
"And that is all of the cleaning closets so far!", the red man grinned.
All of you were now standing in one of the many hallways. The fourth floor if you remember.
"Thank you for pointing them out.", you removed his hand from your shoulder. "Little less of that if you don't mind."
"Oh! I didn't even notice.", Alastor held his hands behind his back. "Do remind me if I slip again."
Husk quickly took you away from the red demon and walked you towards the lobby.
"Look, I'm glad you're here. Really. But its not safe for you to be around that smiling asshole.", your brother hissed.
"Husk, I'm not as clueless as you think I am.", you sigh and shook his arm off. "I'll keep myself safe.", you finish and walk away.
The cat demon stayed behind, groaning as he slides his hand down his face, feeling on edge, tired, and annoyed all at once.
"I've never seen you around a demon like them~", Alastor appears from the shadows. "And you're so protective!", he walks in front of the cat demon. "What a good older brother you are.", he leans back and spins his head to look at the demon.
"Don't you fucking try anything!", Husk threatens.
The Radio Demon laughs and stands up straight. "We'll have to go over our deal again!", he says while fixing his coat. "I hope you added their protection in."
"You piece of shit-!", Husk extends his claws and opens his wings up.
"I must be off! Who knows what trouble the guests have gotten into already!", Alastor walks away from the angry cat.
The Radio Demon hummed as he walked down the hallway, a slight skip in his step as his smile grew wider.
Oh how entertaining~
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I love cats💕 Also this is turning into a short story because Husk is gonna be hella pissed.
~Seline, the person.
Part 1
@ducky-died-inside @scary-noodlesblog @c4rved-pumpk1n @stolas-thebirb @naelys-the-aster @biromanticboba @kiraisastay @pooplyface1423 @lbcreations-blog @gallantys @+?
ML for Alastor🎙 | ChL for HK😾
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dantakeyoman · 1 year
the, “his secret mate.” part in your fic where she took the bullet from neteyam had me tearing up huhuhu can we get the detail of their intimacy in relationship before that war? not always to be nsfw, but fluff with full of lovesick moments aarghhwbd
You and Neteyam Mate In Secret (Slight-NSFW / Comfort)
Prologue of "You Take The Bullet"
CW: nsfw implied ( and a little described ), right after his second birth ( he is now a tribe-observed man, and part of the People ), you and Neteyam are so in love, kinda magical ngl, reminder that Utral Aymokriyä is the place Jake and Neytiri mated, Neteyam is a consent king
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"You skxawng! Where are you taking me?" you laughed, Neteyam's hand in yours as he ran through the forest with you, his trademark smile plastered on his face.
"You'll see," he teased, jumping off a large tree root and landing on the mossy ground.
You did your best to keep up, jumping as well, but you landed off balance, and were about to fall.
Neteyam noticed this and quickly turned around, yanking you toward him so you landed in his chest, instead of the mud.
You sighed, pulling your face out of his pecs, and resting on it instead.
You were tired.
This man had made the both of you sprint from Hometree, all the way to....wherever here was.
Technically, the both of you weren't even supposed to be out right now.
Neteyam had just had his Second Birth, and was supposed to be spending it with the People.
But through the commotion, he managed to sneak the both of you out.
"I must show you something. Come!" his words echoed in your head.
If Neteyam wanted to sneak out, then it must be something incredibly important.
"Irayo," you panted, breathless as you took your quick break.
A dark tint of blue rested on his cheeks as he nodded, his hands instinctively going to rest on your hips.
"Kea tìkin," he assured, averting his eyes from you so you could not see his blush.
Noticing the slight purple-ish glow that was shining from behind him, you lifted your head, peeking over his shoulder and gasping at the sight.
Utral Aymokriyä.
"Oh, Neteyam!" you gasped, quickly breaking from the hug and walking over to the large tree.
It stood tall, and proud, like the might of thousands lay hiding in it's branches.
Despite being Omaticaya, you had never been to this place. Though you had constantly told Neteyam how you dreamed of doing so one day.
Out-stretching your arms, you walked toward the base of the tree, smiling as you allowed all of it’s tendrils to rake over you, softly.
Neteyam did the same, but not without letting his gaze linger on you.
He couldn't help but smile as he watched you experience the tree in wonder.
You were adorable.
The tree bathed you in purple light, accentuating your every feature.
Your beauty was a sight to behold, that was what caught his attention first. 
Your face was sculputure-like, ethereal.
Even if he were to stare at your face for hours, he wouldn’t be able to find a single thing wrong. 
You laughed, dancing with a tendril of the tree as if it were another person.
And your voice. It came out so smooth and silky, like his favorite song on repeat.
Sitting down on the ground, you rested your hands on the ground, shutting your eyes and allowing yourself to feel the beautiful energy the tree was emitting.
It wasn’t just your physical features, either.
It was the way you carried yourself, the way you were strong, and tough, yet soft and kind for your people and Pandora.
You had this man weak in the knees every time you crossed paths, and it was getting to the point where it was affecting his day-to-day life.
All he thought of was you. Eat, sleep, breathe, repeat. You.
You were a distraction, but a beautiful one. One that deserved to be protected by every ounce of his being.
"My mother took me here when I was no older than a baby," Neteyam started, walking over and sitting down next to you.
"She said this was a place for prayers to be heard. ....And sometimes answered."
He took his queue, making tsaheylu with a soft sigh, before turning back to you, who was watching him in peaceful, silent awe.
It made him blush.
You did the same, a soft gasp leaving you lips as you shut your eyes, the songs and chants of past peoples dancing through your ears, as clear as day.
When you opened your eyes again, Neteyam chuckled at your child-like expression, your mouth slightly gaped in wonder.
“I can hear them,” you nodded, eyes trained on the tendril you were bonded with.
Neteyam disconnected the bond, and looked up at the mighty tree, your gaze burning holes into his face.
"My mother told me that now I am truly one of the People, I can make my bow out of the wood of Hometree.....and choose a woman," he cheesed, the thought of you being his mate bringing a smile to his face.
But you did not think the same.
Oh. He has already chosen.
You expression fell, but you did your best to keep your smile happy.
"Who are you going to choose? We have many good women for a future Olo'eyktan," you tearfully recommended, a quiet gasp leaving you lips as a atokirina floated down to you, resting in your palms.
Neteyam snapped his head over to you, confused.
What in the world are you talking about?
"Eyati is a good hunter."
"I do not want Eyati," he quickly shut down, looking at you intently.
"Oh," you nodded. He didn't want a huntress, then.
"Ilyena is a good dancer."
Neteyam internally facepalmed.
You were not understanding.
He thought he was being quite obvious with his admiration.
His frequent touches, talking of finding a woman, taking you to a spot where people literally go to mate.
You were the only one he wants. The only one he could ever want.
What else would he have to do to get that through your head?
Once the atokirina flew away, you returned your hand to the earth, where Neteyam smoothly interlocked his with yours.
"I do not think you are understanding. I have already chosen," he smiled, looking down at your conjoined hands.
"Oh," you sighed, averting your eyes from him. "Who is the lucky woman?"
Oh, for Eywa's sake.
He groaned, cupping your face in his hand and turning you to face him, where he roughly landed his lips on yours, practically knocking the wind out of you.
At first, you were shocked. All this talk of women, and now he was kissing you?
But you decided to let a good thing be.
You kissed back, matching his roughness as you wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him closer.
His hands immediately went to your waist, resting his hands on your hips as he pulled out from the kiss, staring at you like a lovesick fool.
And his heart seemed to pick up speed when he saw that you were looking at him the exact same way, a beautiful smile on your face.
It seems you liked it better when he showed, not told.
He would remember that for the future.
"(y/n), it is you. You are the woman I have chosen. I cannot think of anyone better to be at my side," he beamed, switching his gaze to the glowing tendrils around him, along with the many atrokirina that decided to make an arrival.
"Do you not see? Eywa has chosen us for each other."
You were on the verge of happy tears.
You had loved this man for so, so, so long, and so hard. And to hear that he has loved you with the same intensity, if not more, was something that warmed you from the inside out.
"I see you, my Neteyam," you smiled, cupping his face in your hands, resting your forehead on his.
"I see you, my love," he smiled back, giving your lips a peck.
It wasn't enough.
As he pulled back, you chased him, attaching your lips once more, throwing your arms over his shoulders.
He groaned, his hands softly caressing your hips as he kissed back with just as much fervor.
"My Neteyam," you sighed, trailing your kisses from his lips, down to his jawline.
He understood your quiet plea, shifting his position so he sat on his knees, before lifting you into his lap.
With this new angle, he peppered your chest with loving, heavy kisses, making you sigh once more.
You raked your hands through his hair, one sensually trailing down his braid and carefully holding up his kuru.
Using your other hand, you found yours, and were about you connect them when Neteyam stopped you.
"My love, are you sure? We do not have to do this if you are not ready," he asked, firmly.
Don't get him wrong. He wanted do to this more than anything in the world.
Having you in his arms, kissing him like this, was his greatest dream come true.
But just because it was his, did not mean it was yours.
And he wanted you to do this of your own volition.
"I am ready, Neteyam. I have always been ready," you assured, resting your forehead on his as you landed another heavy kiss on his lips.
With that, he nodded, and you made tsaheylu.
And the moan you two set loose surely reached the stars.
The feeling that enveloped the both of you was too much.
You could feel everything the other was feeling perfectly. Their heartbeat, their longing, their love.
Oh, the feeling of Neteyam's love was flooding your senses so much it was overwhelming.
Every piece of exposed skin he touched burned with fiery heat, but it felt so, so good.
You had no idea he loved you to this extent.
And as he lay you down on the mossy ground, him placing feather-light kisses across your exposed chest, the vision of children flashed through your head.
His vision.
They were your children, the kids running around the tent as the two of you lay in the corner, curled into each other.
Even in a moment so intimate, even as he entered you, his thoughts still traveled to something so wholesome and domestic.
It made you blush uncontrollably, and he sensed this.
"I....hnngh...see you, my (y/n). And there...fuck....is no one else I can see to be the mother of my children...shit...," he said huskily, peppering kisses on your shoulder with each thrust.
As tears welled in your eyes, you tightened your grip around his neck, another moan escaping you lips.
"I see you....ohhh!....my Neteyam," you sighed, bringing your hands to rest on his chest.
But for the first time, the both of you felt like that word didn't express enough.
Your love for each other expanded farther than just I see you, it was indescribable.
There was no Na'vi word for it.
But there was an English one.
One Jake had taught both of you, respectfully.
"I love you!" the two of you exclaimed in unison as you finished together, Neteyam making his final thrust.
And as you both lay on the ground, intertwined, coming down from your high, Neteyam said something that made you feel all the happiness in the world.
"I am with you now, (y/n)," he sighed, a tired smile on his face.
"We are mated for life."
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