#TSS The Nightmare Family
anonymous12846271 · 1 year
Sometimes I wonder if, like, Hypno Steve and Reverse Steve ever met at any point in time. I know Reverse would /probably/ know about Hypno and, although it depends a bit on his personality, I do think he would probably try to find him, but at the end of the day it all sort of comes down to Hypno.  Like, would he even care enough about his nephew uncle to atleast wanna mess with him? Or would he just not give a damn and leave him alone? 
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everything in this that I explain is very simplified because cultural context would be a nightmare to explain but :3 you gave me DAI TSS AU infodumping permission. Time to regret it.
when you open Dragon Age: Inquisition to play, you’re given a character creation menu. Your gender, race (DnD inspired so species TECHNICALLY) and your weapon class. I wanted to follow this formula for the AU but alas I am not going to because it gives me much more creative freedom to actually make it up
Also if anyone knows this game and I got something wrong, I'm already sorry LMAO I'm not great at remembering details correctly
Roman and Remus are human nobles from Antiva. Their family owns a winery and contributes to the massive export in the international trading. They use a sword+shield and a mace+shield respectively, often training together. They were brought up to carry on delegating the trade for their family business but not everything goes exactly as their parents planned — both kids are gay. No big deal, right? I’m not too sure on Antivan’s views of gay people so I don’t have much of a say. But I do know that — if they were in the AU the same time the DA:I game occurs — they’d leave their family in order to go be a part of the Inquisition. Roman is the favorite child because Remus is a bit of a pariah (we love him tho) and that has caused only minor bad blood between the two. I think that Remus and Roman would get along surprisingly well during this time, to be honest. I also think, if they were to travel and be a part of the game’s story, they’d be incredible allies to have. Of course, Roman is a bit picky about certain things (he’s a noble boy, idk what else to say) and Remus definitely has a fascination with magic and necromancy but. oh well. Roman is fond of the smart elvhen scholar and Remus has a big ol crush on V.
Virgil would be a Dalish elf (nomad elf, an elf that tries to preserve old culture and tradition, doesn’t live in cities, trades, has a clan) and I think he’d be a mage. I don’t think he’d have a particularly strong role in his clan (not like the Keeper (the leader) or their First (second in command)) but maybe he’d learn some healing magic alongside whatever comes to him naturally. I think he’d find Storm magic particularly appealing (I’m not kidding it’s called storm magic he could strike people with lighting it’s badass). I think he’d have vallaslin (facial tattoos dedicated to any elvhen god — later revealed to have a different meaning than what he’d believe but he doesn’t know that) of the god Falon’Din (god of the dead + those who guide others to the afterlife). I think he’d handle the pain of the tattoos well and be quite proud of himself when it’s done. If he were to travel and be a part of the game’s story, I think he’d be a good man to have on your side, as he’s always thinking of things to do and how to protect yourself.
Or he’s a spirit. There’s a character in game named Cole; he’s a spirit of Compassion. Who’s to say Virgil couldn’t be the same? He was once a human (or elf, either work, the main two I see fitting him mainly) and he passed away; a spirit found him and took his form. Became him, in a way. Became Virgil and stayed the spirit. Virgil but he’s a spirit now. There are types of spirits in the game but none that directly fit him — sooooooooo I’ll be lazy and not give him a type :3 he’d be a rogue instead of a mage this time, with daggers that he uses to pop up, fight, and then disappear with. Not everyone in the Inquisition would trust him but Virgil would be very shifty in defense of himself so he wouldn’t mind. Remus and Logan would be fascinated by him though.
I’m so unsure on Patton. I want to make him a qunari (tall, grey-toned skin, follows a strict religious code unless a deserter, then just operates on one’s own as basically a fugitive) but I also want to make him a dwarf. problem with this is I know very little on either culture in game and am not very good at putting it all together through the various wikis I have read. Just know that either he’s very tall or very short and he uses a sword because it’s very convenient and he usually doesn’t like to fight. I can see him trying to be diplomatic and it not working. We love him though. This is literally the one I can’t decide; I gotta make a character for each race and play through to figure it out then decide.
Human Janus who is from Orlais (fancy rich people with their noses so high in the air they can’t see where they’re walking) and is an expert at figuring people out. He’s always drawn attention because he has a massive burn mark over the side of his face that makes people give him weird looks — it was from a childhood accident that healers couldn’t totally fix. He’s in a very rich and noble scholarly family. Yes, he’s met the twins. Lets say he bonded with one and not the other (Remus and Roman). He’s essentially a spymaster for his own family. He runs the diplomatic relations and the family endeavors and if anyone tries to come across his family lineage (trust me, there are some, his family isn’t the most well liked and Orlais is all about screwing others over). He’d join the Inquisition in the main storyline and claim that he “needed a challenge” but it was definitely for a change of scenery. He’d work with the Inquisition’s spymaster and maybe help his own family out from afar. (weirdly fond of the puffball... Patton—)
Then finally Logan. I view Logan as a Dalish elf who was taken from his clan as soon as he showed signs of magic. it wasn’t by his choice. He was sent to a magic school (called a Circle) where he had templars (cops) breathing down his neck to approve what he was studying. He hated it. That’s an understatement. When the mage rebellion happened and mages wanted their freedom to study what they want, Logan joined. He became an apostate and, while unable to return to his clan because of the distance, joined the Inquisition. He was always very good at all sorts of magic and stories and mythos so he was considered a scholar despite his background. I don’t think he’d have vallaslin — too young for it when he was taken. But I think he’d be like this other character Solas (Solas when I catch you Solas you fucking egg /neg /lh) except… better. He’d be considered a city elf by then but he never forgot his family. Just made a new one. I think he and elvhen Virgil would bond over their backgrounds and mutual understanding of one another and that would be the blossom of their friendship. I think he would be intrigued absolutely FASCINATED by spirit Virgil and how it all works and I think he’d be sympathetic and defend the fact he’s a spirit and not a demon. But ngl he wants to kiss the wine guy.
it is one in the am and i’m very sleepy and I’m going to send this now. You can tell I don't know much about qunari or dwarves and I need to play as them in more runs of the game. I’m so sorry it’s so long. I didn’t even talk about the relationship dynamics in depth or the appearances I have in mind or anything. its so long sorry. :3 teehee
— 👑
Bold of you to assume that I (A man who's an absolute S L U T for RPGs) would regret wanting to hear something as cool as fuck as this!!! /light hearted /positive The roles and lore sound S O fucking badass and it really matches each of them perfectly!!! (Vee would absolutely use Storm Magic let the Emo strike bitches with lightning also Jan having a burn mark on his face gives me Zuko vibes and I L O V E it)
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manyfucks · 6 months
14. which of your muses second guesses themselves the most? why? and 15. do any of your muses have trouble falling asleep / staying asleep? <333
multimuse meme - accepting. do any of your muses have trouble falling asleep / staying asleep?
muses who can't sleep + why sweeney todd, grief tyrion lannister, fate of the realm and alcohol kathryn janeway, duty, also probably had too much caffeine kim wexler, too much work not enough time malcolm tucker, has whatever brain rot thatcher had that meant she only slept 4 hours eve of eden, she spents 2 hours staring at the ceiling, thinkin house, he's solving it (the universe) muses who sleep well hilda spellman, honk shoo mimimimi robert dubois, he has one really inconvenient nightmare every now and again marcellus wallace, he's busy and needs his sleep datak tarr, he ruined your family and he sleeps like a baby. hogs the bed charles xavier, mostly gertrude robinson, starts dreaming to solve more cases madame thenardier, passed out drunk and very tired from madaming andromeda tonks, passed out drunk and very tired from raising her grandson grunkle stan, sleeps & dreams of money mimimimimuses who don't sleep - lilith, archaic demon who doesnt sleep - seven of nine, alien tech puts her in 'regeneration cycle' - alfie solomons, too much redbull, he will never sleep again
which of your muses second guesses themselves the most? why?
i am starting to realise that my muses are not generally 'second-guessing' types. most of them are ego-maniacs and completely devoted to their own goals, whatever those may be. under the cut because this got long!
i have a genre of character who second-guess their perceptions often - alfie solomons second guesses what he knows constantly because he's brilliant but paranoid, and is not afraid to change allegiances or flip the world on its head. but he does not doubt himself. house fluctuates between self-loathing and arrogance/hubris, but he does not doubt his mind. lilith doubts the reality of what she can impose (specifically when she is under the yolk of the dark lord), but she is dogged and determined to the very end. tyrion lannister similarly can doubt the things he thought were certain, so that he can see more clearly. of the characters listed, he is the one who doubts himself the most, out of resentment that was once from others, and is now in him. kim wexler has a crisis of confidence in who she has become, but when she figures out what the right thing to do, she pursues that no matter any consequences also. to compare her to someone else who goes through a similar experience but for the worse, sweeney todd was a fairly unassuming, sweet person - a traumatic event unmoors him from his life, and he commits wholly to a new life (over a period of time) that he cannot be dissuaded from. any of the complicated feelings of grief, he can sublimate into rage and revenge. the effect it takes on him, hollowing him out, is the same - but he does everything he can to avoid dealing with the tragic, mature feelings that will make him feel uncertain. instead he becomes extremely certain: the world has been bad, and now he will do as the world showed him. people who doubt themselves the most would be: robert dubois: he has been a man with a single purpose all of his life, and now that this is complicated by prison, and by being a father, he finds himself increasingly unsure of what he should do. most of his mission in TSS he spends, half-in and half-out, doubting if he is only a man like his father, or if he can be more, and better. in fact, he's certain of it - his self-doubt is a softening of his idea that he is hopelessly destructive, a cruelty to others lest they try to visit cruelty upon him. i think upon arriving back to america, he would be emboldened enough to try to take on the task of being a good father like he never had, something he actively pushed away for fear of how hopeless it felt.
eve of eden: eve's entire story is about doubt. doubting god, doubting the world, doubting herself. she's been given everything - almost. that last inch of unexplored land festers away at her. i don't think she was easily led (though that was a part of it) i think she was someone who could not help but pull at threads. if the seams of the world come undone, that's a tragedy. but she'd do it again. as i write her (my canon for her is that she and adam are undying and forever roam the earth, even though their children age and die) she is extremely self-doubting, fighting her urge to pick at things with the knowledge that she has ruined things by doing so. she fights her instinct at every turn, and it is this self-denial that contributes to her misery. because, inevitably, she will one day pull at the string again. she will one day see the serpent's bounty and respond without words, respond by wanting to bite into it.
seven of nine is reckoning with having individuality, when this has never before been the case. she's a mess of self-doubt. she's going between the values and way of being she has always known to something more 'flawed'. while she can be incredibly sure of her actions, she has never had that same security in herself as an individual. it comes slowly over a few years, and continues after voyager. once voyager lands, i think seven is truly feeling alone - voyager was a small community of people who absolutely relied upon and needed one another, with a written code of behaviour. the real world would challenge her even more, but i see her eventually buildiing up confidence once again - she remains as someone who is self-doubting, because that is part of the nature of humanity as she has learned it.
kathryn janeway is someone who has taken on the role of a captain fulltime, navigating her crew for seven years through drama and alien hjinks. she has a few breakdowns adn bouts of depressions, exacerbated by self douubt because she simply has taken on too much. usually she is incredibly confident and driven, but the souls of her crew weigh heavily on her - constantly, and without breaks. she makes friends with people around her, she has romantic interests in people off of the ship, but her ideas about authority isolate her from others. she is a Doubter, she doubts if she's good enough for the impossible task put to her.
charles xavier is someone who has a relationship with doubt a little similar to kathryn janeway - he worries if he is good enough to lead mutants. but, he has a strong idea of what mutants should be, formed in opposition to what magneto believes. he is someone with a healthier relationship to self-doubt. while it bites at him, he can see the joy and bittersweet experience of seeing something come to pass that confounds him, or someone showing a new side to themself that he feels he 'should' have caught. he is confident, but he is able to examine himself and his place in relations to others critically, and grow with circumstances.
some of my most confident muses are: malcolm tucker is someone who lunges at his next move with infamous ferocity. but in his final moment, he sees stops talking, the very thing thaht has kept him in power for so long, always moving to the next disaster to prevent or manage into subission and irrelevance. i think his last line is him giving up on it all, truly retiring - but while it's painful, it's not because of disillusionment. he never felt politics was anything but a vicious game to maybe have some good effects through harsh toil. he just knows he will no longer be a part of it. aunt hilda: hilda doubts her place often, but she's got a palpable determination. when lifes trials (mainly zelda) kill her and stick her in the cain pit, she crawls out every time. things don't often go right for hilda, but when they go wrong, she digs her heels in harder to doing what's good for her. the chuurch excommunicates her? ok! she'll go get that job she wanted. the high priest inappropriately propositions her? ok she killed him. in a crisis, hilda never doubts herself, even if she seems a little fragile or gentle in her demeanour.
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alistonjdrake · 2 years
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In the middle of all the other rainbow-washed promotion being thrown into your faces, I’d like to remind everyone of the existence of my main series (or at least the three currently available) 
When the young and spoiled Prince Argus meets the troubled and broody pirate Leonardo Dianglo during the investigation into a missing ship, their alliance turns into a forbidden romance that not only changes their life but the course of an empire. Assassination plots, the threat of continental war, drama between noble houses, pirates & privateers, rebellion, class conflict, and living gods promise to tear them apart if Argus’ behavior and Leo’s moods don’t first.
TSS is a low/court intrigue adult fantasy with a primarily LGBT+ and POC cast.
Main Characters 
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Prince Argus an’Frederick Harver
As the youngest of ten and born a bastard, Argus walks around with a chip on his shoulder. A pretty boy with a less than charming demeanor, Argus is the route of court gossip for his vicious tongue and impeccable fashion. 
Loves shoes, sweet & savory tarts, pudding, horses, and dancing. Hates his older brothers Manolo & Naldo, the smell of cooking meat, and being ignored.
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Leonardo “Leo” Dianglo
An ex-naval officer and strategist and a currently unhappily sometimes drunk sailor. Whether pirate or privateer, Leo is charged with guardianship over two kids who may or may not be human, the heavy task of keeping Escana waters safe while half the people he knows want him dead, and being the most hated in-law in the empire’s history. 
Loves blondes, talking about ship wrecks, good stews, rum, days without bullshit. Hates magical bullshit, people who don’t take care of their kids, politics, the Order of the Knights
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Prince Leonides an’Frederick Harver
The second oldest of the Harver children and, while not heir to the throne, some believe he should be. Cunning, calculated, quick-witted, and reclusive, Prince Leonides is known as the eyes and ears of Graza Palace as well as the closest adviser to the emperor.  He doesn’t seem to have much of a personal life and he prefers it that way.
Loves ridiculously small coffee cups, coffee, reading illegal newspapers, and emotionally blackmailing his family.  Hates secrets, people snooping into his business, and reasonably sized coffee cups. 
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Hartanti Telak
Yenesh mistress, most beautiful woman on the continent, disgraced concubine of the Sau Maltoq. Whatever is whispered about Hartanti, only some of it is true and the others all uninteresting lies. A spy, an assassins, and a spurned traitor. What is known for certain is that she leaves a lot of unhappy (if not dead) exes in her wake. 
Loves gold paint & jewelry, survival, poetry, music, and the smell of roasting vegetables. Hates liars, when things don’t go as planned, and stupidity. 
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Mel Dunham
Born and raised on a pirate ship, the stupidly named Mel (not his full name) is not like other kids. Violent tendencies, reckless behavior, being often stalked by monsters, and burdened with terrible nightmares, he has way more on his plate than simply reforming his criminal ways. 
Loves birds, sea creatures, bullying his not-boyfriend, sharp objects, pickpocketing, and general mischief Hates his full name, being given responsibilities, his father, and most royalty.
The Others
All the other Harvers can be read about here, here, and here
These are more comprehensive cast lists in relation to books one, two, and three.
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You can also find a tourist’s guide to Graza City (one of the main settings) here
And a lot can be discovered about the world of TSS through clicking on the posts liked on the wip intros.
Please send an ask if you want to know more, be tagged in future posts, etc.! Or just respond to this lol.
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wonderousbeast · 2 years
Jay Ferin character essay but it’s not actually a character essay I just love her a lot want to get my thoughts about her out :3 !!!!!
I think about her a lot. Her motives, her backstory, her characteristics are all so incredible.
Thinking about the fact her trauma isn’t as “visible” as Chip and Gill’s . Thinking about what she had to go through. Her families priority of her training, performance, and success under the family name over her well being. Thinking about her doll ( :[ ). Thinking about the nightmares she had of her family. Thinking about the fact the when she FINALLY saw her own father again, when she could finally wrap up what was supposed to be this “mission” she wasn’t relieved, or happy, she was *terrified* . Thinking about how the only way she really knows how to show her affection is tough love, insults and banter tossed around (also thinking about the fact that even when jay and her friends know it’s only light banter, it sticks sometimes. And leads to situations like ep 81). Thinking about just how much she’s grown. Thinking about how much she cares for her friends. Thinking about all the things she has and would and will do for her crew. Thinking about Jay Ferin.
Side note I feel like we don’t talk about that one but at Grimm’s murder mystery party enough? She got bit by a hot vampire woman and *just rolled with it?* (ba dum tss) but for real. Love Jay Ferin, queer icon girl boss woman slay .
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abnerkrill · 1 year
for the emotional anguish meme: abner krill and simon monroe!! <3
thanks emyr!! please imagine me rubbing my hands together with evil glee. ***trigger warning for suicidal ideation, death, and trauma, and spoilers for the suicide squad (2021) and in the flesh.
top 5 ways to wrest anguish from abner krill:
one of those "villain mind powers puts heroes in their worst nightmare scenarios" except the worst nightmare scenario is literally just his childhood in the lab with his mom. grown-up abner screams, cries, curls up into the fetal position to try to block out the noises of his siblings screaming.
on that note, shapeshifting antagonist transforms into abner's mom OR makes his teammates look like his mom and he goes ballistic and just starts melting the people he loves <3 he's so op none of them have a defense against him. max angst!!!
put him back in a lab as an adult. maybe waller or the US government is experimenting on him to recreate the polka-dot disorder or enter the polka-dot dimension. that man is a lab rat, put him back in a cage <3
i saw something like this in a fic once i think ?? but i only read the description so idk what the specifics were. concept: an AU where abner actually teams up with starro in the suicide squad. maybe there's a psychic link there where they can communicate, maybe he's just disposed to be sympathetic towards this other being imprisoned in a cage and experimented on. he participates in the mass murder of corto maltese and also kills his former teammates. this is more about MY emotional anguish, but then also consider: at some point after it's all over, abner gets the chance to look into an alternate world where he didn't go down this path, and sees how he could've found a family with those people he so callously disintegrated. anguish and despair!
a slightly quieter one, but honestly you could have the entire TSS just slightly to the left and end up with a horrible end for abner in any other way: he chooses to run and gets his head blown off by waller, or he stays but is too cowardly to actually fight starro--thus missing out on being a hero. give him an ignoble end, no emotional catharsis, and he abandoned his team when they needed him most.
so to sum up really you can squeeze a lot of angst out of his relationship with his mom and his team because at the center of abner krill is a vast consuming hole of loneliness and self-loathing. yay!
okay, now for simon:
he actually goes through with killing kieren honestly would be number one! he's so torn between loving kieren and needing to hold true to his conviction that the second rising is necessary and good. in the show obviously he chooses kieren because... that's the kind of show it is... but if a few things had happened differently (kieren rejected him, for instance?) things could've been very different.
a riff on the above: he attempts to kill kieren and kieren is able to fight and stop him, but forever after that rejects him. simon's right back where he started, a radical who wants to change the world through fire and brimstone, in the throes of utter loneliness and lacking all sense of self apart from his mission.
look, we all know he murdered his mom while as a zombie, which is angsty enough to begin with. what if he gets force-fed blue oblivion (or better yet, has to take it as a show of loyalty to the prophet?) and goes on another spree and hurts or kills his dad too? lol.
a riff on the above: same scenario with the drug but he ends up hurting/killing someone close to kieren, like his parents. idk i just think the tension between simon's loyalty to the prophet and simon's love for kieren is so delicious.
imho the way the show uses blue oblivion didn't reach its full potential, as it seemed to crop up as something the PSD sufferers don't really want to do unless they already have a desire to hurt humans (or at least no qualms about it); i would've liked to see a new version of blue oblivion released that is actually so addictive to them that simon starts using as in small doses a coping mechanism, but he always locks himself up so he doesn't harm people. of course this goes sideways and he ends up harming people and blaming himself.
........so to sum up really you can squeeze a lot of angst out of his relationship with his parents and loyalty to the prophet and/or kieren because at the center of simon monroe is also a vast consuming hole of loneliness and self-loathing. yay?
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Ok so my laptop is being a literal nightmare rn so instead of drawing I'm gonna talk about Venture for a moment.
I want to start at the beginning here and talk bout how the "Steve Realm" (or Arkion, as it's called in Venture) came to be, as well as a few things about its creators.
So, the realm is still created by Alex and Steve, but they aren't necessarily plopped into existance by a mysterious force like in TSS. In Venture, they are simply heroes who have been deemed worthy by higher beings to create and take care of their own realm.
These are the typical Minecraft Steve and Alex for the most part. They stop raids, free dimensions, kill Withers, all that good stuff, and, coincidentally, love to create stories and fictional worlds on their downtime. One of these worlds happens to be Arkion.
Many years after they do all the cool stuff, mysterious observers of the two's heroic actions make themselves known to them, and ask them if they want a realm of their own. Having a love for stories and world building, Steve and Alex agree, and start working on a real life version of the world that they had made up in their heads. Alex would be responsible for creating the living inhabitants of Arkion, what they look like, and their capabilities. Steve would focus more on the terrain and different artifacts and items of importance, but he also has a "character" in mind that he wants to make a reality.
Now, I want to talk about Alex and Steve themselves, as their role in the story is a bit different. For starters, I'm almost 99% sure I'm gonna get rid of the relationship drama between the two. I didn't really have anything against it in TSS, but it isn't something I want to write myself. There's nothing between them in Venture; they're simply friends.
In terms of when they actually show up in the AU, It's mostly the same as when they do in TSS, but that part of the story has the most changes from the original than all the other parts, and I haven't actually figured it all out yet, so you'll have to wait until later to find out about the "Origin arc" of Venture.
In the next post, I'll talk about the Galaxy Family, and the changes I made to them. I'll link it here when it's been made.
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sparingiscaring · 2 years
One of my favorite character-building exercises for my FL PC's (ba dum tss) is gauging how Developed and Separate from their strict roles in game is just. Switching their ambitions in my head, and seeing just what would happen. Like, I made each of you with one purpose, and for quite a while, that purpose was all you were. Can you stand on your own, down in the Neath, for another reason all together?
Anyways, under the cut is me rambing about my OC's in AU's as a creative exercise
Damodar Wali - Nemesis PC
Light Fingers - Oh BOY would Dam here ThRIVE in LF proper, but the pre-orphanage stuff? That's... where I struggle. I can see him getting to the Neath after his brother's death (just a NORMAL murder this time :3) in a listless state of depression and "can't be any worse down there and if it is i'm too sad to care" being his mantra, but i think it would take a few YEARS at LEAST to start the hunt for the diamond. Like, he needs to go through his recent "I MUST LIVE FOREVER" arc before he looks at that old note about the diamond, and it CLICKS in his brain that. oho. big diamond. maybe from mountain. I Need It. And he fits so perfectly after that! Already a university man, so he's in with Dr. Vaughn so quickly, basically becoming Dad 2 to the LF crew, and Dad Prime to Kiddo, and absolutely LOVING all the shapeling art stuff. I can't get the image out of my head of him walking out of the nightmare orphanage, covered in blood, and wearing the kiddo in a baby chest carrier. And, even though it pains him, he WILL keep the kiddo free, and decline the diamond. he can always get another one, but he can't get another kid. Also the love thing is fucked up so even if he didn't love kid he would say no, but just with a lot more regrets as soon as the danger was passed. but he loves kid so it's Fine
heart's Desire - Oh Lord You Know Who he's Wishing Would Come Back From The Dead. Fuck You Beechwood Bros Before hoes. he Would Personally hate That Monkey More Than Pages. What Are Your Theories. You Are A Disgrace.
Bag A Legend - .... veils ate his brother and he's going to kill it for that. it's so unlike him. i've got nothing else.
Leigh Corbyn - Light Fingers PC
heart's Desire - Real talk? Light Fingers was a misclick. The smooth-talking former con-man who forgot to finish A Name Whispered in Darkness until post paramount presence was, surprisingly, originally meant to do heart's desire. I procrastinated picking for 4 months, finally decided to pick, was torn between the two, looked at Light Finger's pathway in Spite, decided that just wasn't fun sounding, and accidentally clicked it as i scrolled. In fact, it's baked into Leigh's backstory that he was 100% here for the Marvelous, got too addicted to opium, and woke up with a note about a diamond, and he's just PRETENDING he knows the woman involved, even though he just found it on the floor a few bottles ago. In a slightly soberer world, Leigh would have excelled at hD, but without all the character development specifically tied to the horrors of LF, Leigh would be... insufferable. It would be terrible for everyone around him. he would also make it everyone else's problem by choosing Adoration, and forcing all of London to deal with his BS. this is the worst ending.
Bag A Legend - Gotta get that drug and drink money, baby! he doesn't last a week, because he drinks too much Absinthe and gets eaten.
Nemesis - Once again, I struggle to make this fit! Leigh original characterization was pure hedonism, so it's hard to make him fit into the more somber ambitions, and his later developments only happen because of the horrors he witnessed in LF prompting a complete and utter breakdown mid-roof. I think just maybe that Nemesis might be possible, as the death of the loved one might trigger that breakdown, especially if Leigh can blame their death on his own bravado for a while, but I can't be sure. The con-artist womanizer finally settling down in a quiet home, far from his family and his past, only to come home from the only honest job he's ever had to fine his spouse, dead? Oh. Oh, there is something there...
Eliza Marlow - hearts Desire PC
Bag A Legend - I've been recently thinking a lot about Eliza (as Cardsy), and about it's sadistic murder hobby, and about how, in a couple decades, it will just start hunting and eating people probably. And why not give it another way to that end? Do a cheeky little murder after losing a card game, get sent to New Newgate, and, oh, what's that, flying past the dirigible, with a man in it's jaws? And there's a bounty on its head, you say? And of course, when all aspects are dead, and the head hangs proudly from its hands, it's really not a surprise that they take over the business and place of Mr Veils so easily.
Nemesis - Eliza is going to fucking murder its sister in it's place whenever it gets tired of the human identity. It's literally going to kill her violently and with its teeth. This does not work, it does not really care about anyone enough to Avenge Them. No.
Light Fingers - Eliza bails after it find out there's no actual diamond. Like, immediate tea slurp and turning around and going home. No money, no power? Fuck this, it's out. Which is probably a good thing, because it would pick the Objectively Incorrect Ending. Even if it didn't believe there was a diamond as a reward. It just likes making people feel anguish.
Wadiya Babar - Bag A Legend PC
Nemesis - Interestingly, I can't think of a single reason Wadiya would ever find themselves on the Nemesis path organically, but I can see Wadiya being hired to hunt down the Nemesis after already being in the Neath, and feeling compelled to Finish the Job post-Scathewick would honestly take them all the way through, just straight after the Master. Unfortunately they would kill Mirrors, and would decimate Cups before it even has a chance to explain. All the time it gets between each stab and gunshot and harpoon is enough to, very Funnily, express complete unknowing as to who they are, as Jimmy Johnson from Liverpool was the one who's loved one died, and it would have no reason to even be aware of Wadiya, as her skill as a hunter would make this whole dance take. like. a week, max. It would be very funny and she'd look great in the cloak.
Light Fingers - Wadiya would unfortunately not qualify for this ambiton's starting hook, as they don't have friends, and nobody would ever think she'd go for a heist. Instead, you'd have to be frank about what's happening, and then they'd help! Edward is Dead. Fires is Dead. The Orphanage is on Fire. It's been a day. The baby is here now. Wadiya is teaching it how to hold a spear. Wadiya raises the bab to be a little hunting sidekick, and they do use Mr Fires's head mounted head for target practice. She's too efficient. She scares me.
hearts Desire - Wadiya's hatred of chess may have come as a result of BaL, but I just know in my heart of hearts that they would never, ever, ever consider anything game-like. Ever.
anyways hope you enjoyed :3
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TSS Kingswap au swaplist part 1: The Nightmare king and the ancient Yellow King swap, Reverse and the positive-negative duo swap, and Plague and Demon steve swap
[Above is Part 1 of a 3-part ask. The following section has reformatted the ask and the other 2 asks for better readability]:
TSS Kingswap AU Swaplist by anon (characters who swap roles in this AU):
Nightmare King - the Ancient Yellow King
Plague - Demon
The Librarian - Overseer
Faceless - Elemental
Time - Galaxy
Memory - Void
Reverse - Positive-Negative Duo*
Ghost - Infinity*
*So in case you were confused about how the Reverse-Positive+Negative swap and the Ghost-Infinity swap work, here's how it goes: Reverse becomes Ghost by absorbing a large amount of ambient energy and transcending his physical form. For Positive and Negative becoming Infinity: Sabre, Rainbow, and Lucas only chase off Positive and Negative rather than truly beat them; by the time they reach the catacombs, Positive and Negative are merged and trapped down there as Infinity.
End of ask.
Now here are my thoughts:
Thank you so much for sharing your swap AU, anon! I love these kinds of AU, so I really enjoyed reading your ideas!
So, Nightmare King and Ancient Yellow King swapping roles can have interesting lore change potential. To my knowledge, Nightmare proclaimed himself as king while Ancient Yellow King just always was king. I kinda imagine that Ancient Yellow King would still always have been king in this swap AU, so a pre-established leader going corrupt and evil would change the lore of Steve Saga a bit.
So in this swap AU, Reverse and Ghost are the same person and they replace Positive, Negative, and Infinity's roles in the story. Am I understanding that correctly?
If Plague and Demon are swapping roles, then that means Demon is going to deal with either Ghost or Infinity. I think Demon's got it covered since Demon has the power to drag his targets straight into the Spiritless World, so that would be a fitting defeat for both Ghost and Infinity.
For Librarian and Overseer, does that mean Sabre visits Overseer at an Elder Blue Steve temple to find answers, while Librarian got turned into a sheep by Origin Steve? I feel like a cruel and ironic punishment for Librarian is turning him into a sheep who craves paper.
The Faceless and Elemental swap really intrigues me because if it’s Faceless the one who has missing family issues, it puts a cool metaphorical spin on Faceless’ powers. Faceless feels lost and doesn’t know who he is without knowing who created him, which parallels to his power of taking on other people’s identities.
For the swaps for Time and Galaxy, and Memory and Void, you know I love Galaxy Family drama 8) I’m curious how Memory is going to handle his jealousy and bitterness towards Time in this AU if he has Void’s role.
Thank you again for sharing the AU! I hope you didn’t mind my abundance of comments. Let me know if you want me to remove my comments or this public post.
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Nightmare Steve: We both look very handsome tonight.
Evil!Elder Blue Steve: You know, if you’d just said that I looked handsome, I would have said “So do you”.
Nightmare Steve: I couldn’t take that chance.
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zu-is-here · 3 years
Do you have any headcannons about ships?
About which ones? ♪(´ε` )
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Dream is much stronger than Cross physically [canon], but he doesn't tell him about it and always gives Cross the opportunity to prove himself a hero [headcanon] <3
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Ccino suffers from depression [canon] and sometimes disappears for several days only to be found at home by his boyfriends who help him to recover, with household chores and business [headcanon] ;3;
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Thank youuu (〃ω〃)
Cross rarely talks about his family and friends (Dream hesitates to ask him because of negative feelings those memories provoke), but one time Cross told Dream he would definitely introduce him to Papyrus.
Nightmare is allergic to cats. *ba dum tss*
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Well, if we're talking about the story, I have something much more better ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Fun fact: chapter 6 had a completely different plot.
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I have kept this (not only heh) info for a long time, so... cards out, I guess? ☆
S!Dream challenges Cross to a battle without weapons and tentacles (he’s an archer, and Cross is a weapon warrior, so a fist fight would be fair for both of them). S!Dream ends up cheating, melting within his goop and reconstructing himself behind Cross. Cross cheats back, teleporting and grabbing his neck from behind, but S!Dream throws him over his back and pins Cross by being on top. He triumphs but this excitement is not his; at this moment Cross grabs him by his collar and pulls him into a kiss.
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y,, yeah?,,,ヾ(≧∪≦*)ノ〃♡
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amintyworld · 4 years
Oh! Oh! For the mutual thing, in relating to tss, who would be a light side and who would be a dark side? Would any of them kinda be like Virgil who changed sides? Or maybe opposite? If you wanna go further, what would they represent too?
Alright Anon, I hope you know you inspired something amazing. Mutuals, I have here Sanders Sides OCs with each and every one of you in mind, including Icons (which is why this took a while to finish). Anyway, I hope you enjoy them and feel free to draw or write with them, and maybe come up with some ideas or designs for my own (Because I couldn't figure out a good fit to make a OC for me). Here we go, and I hope you guys enjoy! <3
Let's start out with the creativity twins (Two sides of creativity):
@h-ad3s - Instinct (Dark Side)
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• Instinct represents the wild, spontaneous side of creativity - like painting or writing your feelings out, when you do something just because you want to.
• Very Impulsive at times, and because of their reckless nature can get the (what do you call it? Thomas part?) 'Thomas' in trouble a lot, leading to everyone pegging them as a dark evil troublemaker
• As with their twin, Instinct can turn into a animal at will - theirs is a raccoon.
• Found late at night rummanaging through or sleeping in garbage. 'Why, Inst? You have a bed!' 'Because. The funny smells calm me, plus I wanted to.'
• Has eaten glitter, glue, bar soap, and even a ceramic mug (No one knows how they ate the mug to this day.)
• But, when feeling sad or someone else is sad, they usually are found in raccoon form cuddled up in Protection or Imagination's lap, sleeping.
@dee-ree-vee - Passion (Light Side)
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• Passion represents the creating for creation's sake side of creativity. They create not based solely on emotion, but because it brings them happiness to create. Passion represents just happiness and drive for any hobby, and the drive to improve. As well as, you guessed it, passion in Relationships as well - weather it be platonic, familial, or romantic.
• Despite being told to stay away from Instinct because they're dangerous, and that they were the 'better creativity', they still try to chat and connect with them because of their past closeness feeling like family.
• They can turn into a cat at will like Instinct, and usually use the form to sneak out and meet Instinct in the 'Creativescape', a middle between the darkscape and the mindscape, where they are crowned ruler.
• They love free time of any kind, and enjoy the constant creative drive with weekends or holiday breaks, and are usually the ones who come up with gift ideas or little surprises for Friends, Family, or SOs.
• Can get overwhelmed by expectations of always doing things right and never making a mistake, in that way being slightly jealous of their twin.
• Their favorite thing to do is help make dreams with Imagination and fight off nightmares, sometimes even Instinct joining to help.
@lightyagamisqueen - Protection (Dark side)
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• Protection represents Fight or Flight as well as Anxiety, but also white lies at times to take the pain away, to protect. The lies leading them to become a Dark Side.
• Has a very hard time relaxing, leading them to get burnout quite often from their overly taxing job, and Instinct, being the only other Dark Side and who knew them well would always be there to comfort when it all became a bit too much, or when Protection was so emotionally tired they broke down and cried.
• Likewise, Protection knew Instinct too well to always be there to hug and hold closely when they felt so abandoned and alone, even confessing to them once they wish they could stop the impulses but it hurts them physically to do so, and Instinct showed them their scars.
• Protection protects and stays up often at night in the real world to protect from monsters in the closet and to hold the 'Thomas' tightly when they got too scared. They live off of coffee and redbull.
• Once didn't sleep for almost two weeks for a cram finals session, and Instinct had to help them recover.
• Cannot watch horror movies, and usually gets overly anxious and worried walking home alone at night, especially in the city.
@pastel-candies - Inner Strength (Light Side)
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• Inner Strength represents Hope, and Strength to keep going when things get hard, as well as Positivity and a co-gatekeeper of emotions, the other being Inner Child. But, while Child's emotions are more fuzzy and less prominant, Inner Strength's are more intense, leading them to get very emotional at times. Also they represent ignorance, pushing bad emotions or negative thoughts away, thinking they're just getting rid of them and not realizing they're repressing.
• Has plant powers that are tied to emotions, meaning if they're happy, plants will grow around them, if they're sad or angry or upset, they turn into not just killing plants but also slightly life sucking when every other side gets close.
• Is the slightly more 'moral' one than the rest in being the one to get scared and think Instinct and Protection are being more hurtful than helpful and kick them out.
• Has their own little garden with a specific flower in their room that isn't fazed with her emotions, being infused with all the emotions that were too intense to handle, good and bad. They talk to the flower and vent when things get tricky.
• When the 'Thomas' is upset, Strength usually works with Protection sometimes when things get really low, but mostly the two switch off depending on the situation.
• Lately is having regrets and confusion over kicking the other two out, but doesn't know if inviting them back will hurt the 'Thomas'
• Is protective of Passion, Reason, and Inner Child and will do anything to make sure they're safe.
• I imagine them wearing a flower crown, I dunno-
@the-duke-of-deodorant - Reason (Light Side)
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• Reason represents and helps with the process of memory and new information, as well as the leader in solving any problems, math or otherwise.
• Reason values the truth above all else and makes sure the 'Thomas' knows the truth of any situation, despite and emotions they have at the moment, leaving them and Strength to butt heads a lot.
• I picture them with a black and white checkered tie...
• Geeks/Nerds out with Passion about Star Wars, Star Trek, etc. They often binge watch many movies and shows, and.. Even have their own code?
• Tries to be there during the emotional fallout Strength gets in, and usually is talking through their door, sometimes Strength's hand sneaks out when the door opens a bit for Reason to grab.
• Teaches Child about the world, leading them to grow into a pretty stable teenager, and the two share a very familial bond.
• Doesn't really understand the whole fear of Dark Sides and visits sometimes, even once helping out Protection during their burnout.
• Is prepared - always has a first aid kit handy and helped Raccoon Instinct when they got a nail stuck in their paw and couldn't transform back.
@antisocialdragonenby - Imagination (In the Middle)
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• Imagination is the main gatekeeper of all dreams and daydreams, and has complete creative control in the Creative scape, making anything they imagine in their mind come to life there.
• Could have been ruler of the Creative scape but turned it down, claiming it wasn't their style. Instead they live in a treehouse and chill.
• Probably the most calm in a crisis.
• Out of the Creative scape, they have a cloud they ride on and use for many things - spying on others, viewing past dreams, and viewing made up scenarios or dream scenarios they have, as well as just a hammock to nap on.
• Is well trained with their powers, and uses their imaginative strength to fight nightmares in the dreams that seem to be finding their ways in randomly.
• Is usually the one to go to for advice or just to rant to, closely followed by Reason. This is how they find out about everyone's problems, fears, and turmoil - like how Protection thought they were the ones who caused the nightmares, and Imagination calmly explained that it had nothing to do with them, that they just appear, and that it's their job to help.
• They're fun to hang around and go on adventures with. They like specifically going on adventures with Child, but will tag along with Passion and Instinct from time to time
And finally, @if-i-had-a-spoon - Inner Child (Light Side)
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• Inner Child repesents your childish side, as well as childhood memories and emotions. They're the only and first side to grow up from a child when the 'Thomas' is a teen, to a teen when the 'Thomas' is a adult. As a result they're babied sometimes and always treated as the youngest.
• They love looking at older memories and remebering them, although they panicked, figuring out the memories faded as they got older.
• Always a fan of candy, and squeals at cute pet and baby clothes, even making small accessories and gifts for Raccoon Instinct, whom they called 'The trash gremlin' when they were a toddler, and for Cat Passion, whom they just called 'Pretty'.
• Always tries to hold onto stuff from childhood, especially the "Thomas" 's old teddy bear, which they have a copy of for comfort.
• Now, as a teen, they love to write poetry and draw little baby animal sketches, and listen to MCR.
• Responsible for reminencing during random times.
• Although they look young, they're just as capable and smart as the others, fighting for the 'Thomas' to be truly happy, and to be there for everyone, light or dark side.
• I picture them with light purple headphones...
And that's everyone! I hope you guys like them!
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nightashes · 4 years
I’m a Joke for You
prompt: It doesn’t matter how it hurts him. He is going to do what’s best for the other Sides, and if that means compromising himself, so be it. This is from this prompt list.
a/n: there was a challenge to try and make it fluffy. So here is my attempt. And thanks again to the TSS Fanworks Collective for help with the song.
warnings: clown outfit. embarrassment.
writing masterlist - ao3 version 
Roman knows he has to do this. The others have suffered long enough. There is only one thing that could bring back their laughter now. Only one thing that could once again fill the common room with the cheer it now sadly lacked. He has to do this for them. It may be painful but if he could get them to simply smile again, just one little smile, would it really matter how he felt? 
Roman takes a steadying breath. He can do this. For his family, he can do this. He gulps on air and readies himself for what is to come. Slowly, he steps out of the bathroom and trudges towards the common room. 
There are the others. Sitting, waiting on the couch. They see him standing in the hallway entrance and their faces immediately brighten. A cheer goes up, loud and proud. Virgil whoops, Janus is shamelessly taking pictures of Roman’s shame, Remus is cackling wildly, Patton is also taking pictures because “Oh, but you look so cute, Roman,” and Logan is trying desperately and failing miserably to maintain his professional composure. 
Roman stands there in his clown outfit, his cheeks burning as hot as Remus’s trash fire. He huffs in annoyance, “I hope you're happy, now.”
“Oh, we are.” Virgil smirks. 
Janus snaps another picture, “Oh, Roman, this look on you is simply divine. You must do a spin so we can get the whole picture.”
“No! No! He has to do the song now. The SONG! That was part of the bet! Song! Song! Song!” Remus begins to chant, prompting the other to join in.
The common room fills with their shouts. Roman rolls his eyes, but begrudgingly begins.
“I'm Roman and I was wrong, 
I'm singing the Ro wrong song. 
I shouldn't have taken that chance, 
Now here's my remorseful dance.”
Remus’s laughter transforms into something even more wild, “Do the kicks!”
Roman awkwardly attempts a chorus kick in floppy clown shoes. It does not go well. Everyone is besides themselves with laughter and Roman can’t help it when the corner of his lip quirks upward.
This is indeed his worst nightmare come true. He had lost a bet and these were the consequences. His wish to back out had been met with derision and frustration. Even Janus had defended the importance of honesty!  And sure this was the most embarrassing thing to have ever happened to the creative side. But the common room was now full of laughter. Laughter and cheer. It may be directed at him, but even Roman had to admit this was pretty funny.
awesome people to tag: @stop-it-anxiety @hexatrash @ollyollyoxinfree @battlebunnyteardropsinthesun @leiasolo77 @arya-skywalker
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Multichapter Fic Masterlist
Links to all series and chapters below the cut. If you’d like to be tagged in one or all series or put on the general taglist, feel free to send an ask or message! The only thing I ask when you’re tagged is that you reblog.
Dee Little Snake
Series Summary -  Janus uses age regression as a way to destress but has little control over it whenever he grows upset. Trying to keep a secret like that can be hard when you’re only four years old, and thus family bonding ensues in a way nobody expected, least of all Deceit.
March Ado About Nothing
Series Summary - A series of one-shots and  drabbles written based off of prompts posted in the TSS Fanworks Collective server. The goal is to take traditional whump prompts and fill them in the least-angsty way possible every day through March.
A note that though some of these fills are written bait and switch style (written in a way you think is going in one direction but reveals it to be the opposite towards the end) they are all written in a fluffy or silly style with very little, if any at all, actual angst.
When Our Hands Next Meet
Series Summary: Made for Analogical Week. Soulmates are given memories of their past lives when their hands touch. For Virgil and Logan, each memory is happier than the last.  A beautiful piece of art accompanies all of the stories made by @birdsongisland. They are tagged in each of the stories as well with links leading to each piece they illustrated. They also beta read each of the chapters so a huge thank you again to them!
Dee Little Snake
Chapter 1: A Little Upset A mishap with a thermos leads Janus’ secret to come spilling out to someone he had kept it from for years.   wc: 3039
Chapter 2: All Bottled Up Janus finally gets his best friend back.   wc:2391
Chapter 3: Carrots and Cuddles  Virgil and Dee are compromised by carrots; it turns out better than either of them thought it could.    wc: 1846
Chapter 4: Safe at Night  Patton can't sleep and Dee doesn't want to, so Logan offers a solution to fix at least one of their problems.     wc: 2358
Chapter 5: Deserving of Comfort  Janus has been avoiding the others for a couple of days. When he finally emerges for a simple lunch and gets caught by Patton the results are better than he was expecting.     wc: 1708
Chapter 6: A Storm in Purple and Blue  Dee wakes up small in the middle of thunderstorm but thankfully Logan and Virgil are there to make it better. wc: 1295
March Ado About Nothing
Hold Me Close:  Roman doesn't want to let go of Virgil. Virgil doesn't really mind.  Prompts: Branding, Car Accident, *Failed Escape*  wc: 590    
Stuff Your Secrets:  Stuffed animals are good and normal to have no matter what age you are- except for Remus. Logan quickly fixes that line of thinking.  Prompts: "Please, no more!, Extreme Weather, *Dirty Secret*  wc: 1235
Blind and Silenced:  Roman does something stupid, but it earns him affection so who is he to complain?  Prompts: Punctured, Kidnapped, *Blinded*  wc: 504
A Nice family Outing:  It was always nice for Janus and Patton to get out of their house and take the twins somewhere they could play and scream without disturbing the neighbors...again.  Prompts: *Stabbing*, Rescues, Adverse Reaction  wc: 850
Incoherent But Still In Love:  Remus takes Nyquil and becomes a bit loopy as a result, unwittingly throwing off Logan's plans for the time being.  Prompts: *Poisoned/Drugged*, Shackled, Science Gone Wrong  wc: 733
You Look Pretty:  Remus buys Virgil a dog collar on a whim purely for the aesthetic. Virgil absolutely loves it despite the weird looks it gets him.  Prompts: *Collared*, Stitches, Shot  wc: 559
To Make the Broken New:  After much begging from Roman and Virgil, Logan and Patton decide to make fixing up the old treehouse they find one day into a summer project.  Prompts: Burned, *Broken Down*, Blackmail   wc: 881
April Fools Month:  Logan wonders why Virgil is acting off, until he sees Remus and remembers it's April.  Prompts: Power Outage, Possession, *Paranoia*  wc: 941
An Exception:  Janus never thought he'd grow to love an infection.  Prompts: Concussion, Silenced, *Infection*  wc: 532
Just Leave Me:  When Roman can no longer go on, Patton is there to defend his honor.  Prompts: *Left For Dead*, Altered States, Falling  wc: 809
Song of Grief:  Virgil takes time off for a concert of a lifetime, but when they cancel at the last minute nothing can console him. That is, until Janus offers a solution. Prompts: Wound Reveal/Secret Injury, *Grief*, "Run!"  wc: 620
Care For Me:  Roman gets a paper cut and Janus could care less. Enter Patton. Prompts: Broken Trust/Betrayal, Torture, *Accident*  wc: 473
You’re Sweeter:  Logan and Virgil go comping. Logan just can't stop admiring Virg- the view. Prompts: Blurred Vision, Wrongfully Accused, *Fire* wc: 592
Keep Them Safe:  Virgil has three amazing kids he swears to keep safe. Remus often tests his limits. Prompts: "Pick Who Dies", *Manhandled*, Defiance wc: 1197
When Our Hands Next Meet
Chapter 1: Did You Forget?    Logan plans a surprise for Virgil on their anniversary, only to receive one instead.  wc: 1320
Chapter 2: The Lines Trace Back to You   Logan and Virgil share a quiet moment away from their ship as Logan tells stories with the stars.  wc: 1348
Chapter 3: Lay With Me     Having a soulbond means sharing dreams- and nightmares. Logan and Virgil comfort each other with hopes for their future.    wc: 2109
Chapter 4: Bite Me     Logan has been searching for something he lost for centuries. Despite hiccups along the way he eventually ends up with something even better.   wc: 438
Chapter 5: We’ll Meet in the Middle     Virgil didn’t know what he had been expecting when he asked for a tutor to help with his studies, but it definitely wasn’t who could kick flip a skateboard without even looking down and also happened to be his soulmate.   wc: 1539
Chapter 6: Mirror Our Past With A Better Future    Virgil didn’t know how he had gotten so lucky being able to work with Logan in stars tailoring shop. All he knew is Logan made him feel beautiful, inside and out. wc: 1918
Chapter 7: I Remember   In a nostalgic museum of their own creation, Virgil feels as content as he ever has living out lifetime after lifetime with Logan. wc: 1787
All of these stories can also  be found on AO3!
If you’d like to be tagged for either of these works or any of my writing in general please let me know!
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ashen-crest · 3 years
🍄 and 🌺 for emry pls <3
🍄 What are your OCs favourite snacks? Their favourite comfort food which always cheers them up when they’re down? Favourite meal to make? Do they enjoy baking and cooking and are they any good in the kitchen?
Emry’s favorite food is fruit dumplings! He swears they make them best back in Senne, but he’s happy to try them anywhere. And ever since he started rooming with Marko, a dangerously terrible cook, he’s been learning how to cook for both of them. His favorite thing to make right now is soup- it’s easy, it’s warm, it’s comforting.
🌺 What does your OC do to calm down when they’re scared or after a nightmare? Do they have any special comfort items or need to be reassured by a specific person? How do they handle this if they’re alone?
Oh, good question! If Emry were back in Senne with his family, he’d go to his older sister Georgie for comfort- he did this a lot when he was a kid.
At the beginning of TSS, Emry would probably use his lute as a comfort item, playing a few random chords just to ground himself. And he’d probably talk to Marko about it later, if it was really bothering him.
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alistonjdrake · 4 years
Of Vipers and Saints or Rewriting A Book: Take Two
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As a newly freed citizen of the Escana Empire, ex-pirate Leonardo Dianglo is looking forward to marrying the man he loves, staying out of trouble, and continuing to act as a guardian to two troublesome teenagers.  But when they stumble upon a mysterious shipwreck with an even stranger girl abroad, Leo's plans for the future take a turn.
Old rivalries turn into court drama, a holy war threatens to pull the whole continent into conflict, and as the royal family recovers from an assassination attempt Leo and Argus find themselves pulled in different directions. With their relationship and lives on the line, Leo must once again be willing to withhold his beliefs and reservations to protect his loved ones, especially when the only answer might lie in a monster that's been rotting in a dungeon for the past three years.
Featuring smash hit singles such as:
A supremely hot assassin 
A warrior duchess out for blood and horny pseudo/fantasy Christianity. 
Morally questionable and corrupt princes and politicians. 
Two princes/childhood frenemies silently pining for one another. 
Secret weddings 
An overwhelming sense of dread and the realization of someone’s worst nightmare.
And more!
Of Vipers & Saints is book two in The Saints’ Song series and while I spent all last year rewriting its predecessor I’ve been working on this since January. Currently 130k words in with some excerpts scattered about here but for the most part, it’s on my Wattpad. 
There’s a whole list of relevant worldbuilding posts for TSS and the world it takes place in.
Season one:  1 2  3  4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Season two:  1 2 3 4 5 6 7
A rundown of all the Harver children
And a wip page as well as a main tag
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