#The Internet made it look so easy I'm kinda mad at that
karmagotme · 2 months
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I'm rather proud of this, even if it did take me about a month to complete.
Let me explain.
I'm normally a cross stitcher, but I'd been seeing a lot of embroidery tricks on Pinterest (chronic scroller) and have been wanting to try the tulip button stitch for quite some time. Unfortunately, I had no jackets or cardis appropriate enough to try it on, so I hit up the Rockmans website and got this fuzzy thing for $20 (marked down from $80, mind, so I'd call that a win). It eventually arrived and it came with buttons like this:
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Blingy, no holes, and so heavy they were drooping off the cardi and making it a lop sided garment when worn unbuttoned.
In other words, perfect.
Before I could start lopping them off, I had to make sure I had replacement buttons. As I live in small town with barely any decent crafting supplies, I needed to wait for a day off work where I could travel the hour and a bit away to my closest Spotlight. The day finally came, I took in the spare/replacement button the cardi came with, hunted through the minimal button section (why do buttons not come in those long tubes with the sample button on the lid anymore? Sometimes I would like to buy more than one button? Or more than three??) and walked away with a packet of mixed white buttons.
Then my stupid brain hit.
When I finally had another day for me to work on my cardi, I opened the button packet and started rummaging. I pulled out the various buttons that had been the same size as the original buttons, lamented that the creamy ones with the slight flower petal design on them only numbered 3, and realised that in order to find enough of the right size buttons that were all the same type, I was going to have to sort them.
I ... may have a problem when it comes to sorting.
Sorting things takes me AGES. Not that I think I'm bad at it, I think I'm too GOOD at it. My usual sorting items of choice are books. You won't believe how much enjoyment I get at spending days sorting our library after every time we've had to move house. And just like with sorting books, buttons seem to have their own distinctions. Buttons with 2 holes. Buttons with 4. Buttons with writing. Buttons with SHEEN. SPECIFICALLY COLOURED SHEEN. THERE WERE SO MANY BUTTONS WITH GREEN SHEEN AND, LIKE, THREE WITH PINK?!
I believe the task of sorting them into pairs or more of identical buttons - with a small pile of Lonesome Larries to the side - followed by bagging up the piles, and followed THEN by glad wrapping the rest of them because I had limited amount of little baggies, took me a good couple of hours. In the end, I had a pile of 7 of these plain white buttons of the right size, so at least I have 2 spare if I ever lose any in the future.
And then I discovered just how difficult a French knot can be.
Mini videos on Pinterest generally don't explain how to do things in words. I'm a visual learner, I think, so I thought I'd be able to do this just by following the example. I struggled for a long time, @itchylimpet 's Ma even tried to help me to no avail, and after watching many videos and reading one article on how to do it, I finally managed to do it without making a horrible mess. I continued on, paused for dinner, and by the pitch of night I had finally finished.
So, there you have it. One project that resulted in barely much but took forever to do. I am proud that I eventually managed to get it and I am excited at trying out some other embroidery projects I have in mind. I know this is probably silly, considering it was just a button change, but I like this.
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catwalkvivi · 2 months
well hey, since hardly anyone's looking at this corner of the website anyway I might as well take the opportunity to vent (it's annoying to do it on twitter with the character cap)
Man, social media is hard.
I see so many people posting regular content consistently for years and years without even seemingly breaking a sweat, while it's always been so difficult for me... Calculating engagement, deciding the best times to post, or, hell, even just sharing what they think/feel/made/fucking ate that day just seems, like, so easy and second nature for pretty much everyone around me. It's genuinely incredible to me that somebody can share what they've learned about idk shitty impractical tanks made in WW1 on this website and make it such an interesting read that hundreds of people engage with it!
But I've tried keeping social media accounts for art and stuff so many times now, on here, on Instagram, on Artstation, on Xitter, and eventually it just- kinda- fades away, it just feels so exhausting to keep track of all the things necessary to Chase the Algorhythm™ if you wanna have any relevancy. Is it a charisma thing??? Where do I grind to get a stat boost on my Cha???
I'd love to say it doesn't matter to me, since I've been drawing shit for myself for years now, but unfortunately artists do need social media presence if they wanna get work. Not to mention, well, I wanna reach people with the stuff I do! I want people to react to what I made, to say what they liked about it, or how it made them feel, and then when I post something I worked on for hours only to get, like, almost zero visibility? idk, man, it just kinda hurts. It's probably selfish and immature for me to say it, I know that it takes time and effort to build an audience and all that, but damn I get happy when people show me that something I've made has affected them positively. I like the connection, I like the conversations, I like meeting people who enjoy the same nerdy trash that I do!
(I was very fortunate to have an art post of mine reach a lot of notes here years ago, which was amazing, but it's such a rare thing)
God, and, like, there's all these weird unspoken rules about interacting on social media too.
The other day a friend of mine came up to our friend group and was like "oh my god this girl liked my stories on instagram it means something does she like me" and I was SO confused and then they were like "well, when somebody not on your friends list likes your stories, it means they're interested in you"
Then some time later another friend was telling me that somebody stopped liking her posts and unfriended her and how that is a horrible offense and my fucking brain hurt, like- okay I get the unfriend part kinda but there could be a hundred reasons for it??? it's not like you have a deep personal connection to all 300 friends you have on your account???
Then I see so many people out there simply sharing something they think or did only to have some rando twist what they said and come at them like they're the shittiest person on the planet that deserves everything bad in life actually (except the ones that are willingly spouting/promoting hateful shit to begin with. Those can rot in hell and I shall not mourn their demise)
Like??? It might be the Power of Autism™ in me but it always feels like I'm one step away from either making a fool of myself or offending twenty different people or both. It's both the fear of having hundreds of thousands of eyes on me and the fear of having none at all. And that makes it really difficult to share anything on the internet for me. I already have to deal with my entire existence as a trans woman making some cunts around the world mad, it sucks that I have to risk it in places where I just wanna post dumb drawings and talk about dumb things that make me happy with others.
I dunno. Word vomit I guess. Social media is hard. Interacting with humans is hard. Sharing stuff is hard. I prefer Pokémon
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glittergoblin13 · 2 years
Yesterday, my brain presented me with the most random desire: crocheted earrings. Please note that I didn't get this desire because I saw someone wearing crocheted earrings, nor did I see something online. I was literally elbow-deep in editing a website page about 4x4" gauze pads when I- "I wanna make crochet earrings."
When it comes to crafting, I usually prefer to knit. It is rare that I want to crochet, anymore. I still have all my hooks, though! Even the tiny ones.
Anyway, I usually indulge these unhinged desires of mine so off to the craft store I went. Y'all, I got so much embroidery floss... it was 62 cents per skein (is that terminology right?) I tried not to go overboard...
So, $27 worth of floss and several hours scouring the internet later, here is what I made!
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These are the Mint Spirit Earrings and you can find the pattern here.
I also went off on my own and did these:
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And these:
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This was fun and easy and I had a mad urge to add them to an Etsy shop. Not sure I wanna do that, though, because then I have to run an Etsy shop... meh. That's a problem for Future Me. Current Me is going to enjoy thinking up other delightful things to crochet.
Things I have learned:
Embroidery floss is a bitch to crochet with. I know it's meant to be separated but I really kinda needed it to not do that
I forgot how much the tiny crochet hooks hurt my hands. I might try picking up new ones with handles...
Unrelated to crocheting, my friend's podcast is kinda bomb. I've been meaning to listen to it since he mentioned it but this is the first I've been able to actual sit down with it. It's weird mysteries with a Lovecraftian twists. If there's interest, I'll happily link it.
If anyone wants to see anything specific, let me know? I'm always looking for ideas and I'll make things until this weird urge goes away.
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maguro13-2 · 3 months
Shattered Hero ~ Origins of the Ink Demon : Episode Maka Finale (7/11) ~
[Abandoned Egg Carrier]
Seto : Heh. That doll was much more frightening than other demons that I'm not so sure About. When did the last time it jumpscared everyone after the curse was only a programming from previous data?
Solva : Gladly that we put up a show to stuffed doll. Who knows? It's likely what those programming of a doll can create a hellish realm of his own, it's not like that's gonna ever happen to us. So this doll was revived with demonic powers and was given the significant basics that was given the powers of body horror and Eldritch horror. I bet that mating with an eldritch horror is kinda disturbing about the bonds with humans and monsters. That totally freaked me out and give me the chills.
Seto : Well, it's programming was it to create the curse was simply not what it seems, but having powers that makes creepy, when did the mad scientist get that Annabelle stuff from where? Huh? Saya? Where did she go, and what is this place? Hey, Disk-Chan. What do you think of this place. Hey, Disk-Chan! Guess the whole place is empty except for the robot maids that are cleaning ship, I don't know why anyone doesn't work at this ship anymore.
[Behind them is Disk-Chan appearing from the monitor]
Disk-Chan : That's because this ship was abandoned after the incident of that liquid entity named Chaos that crashed landed on the ocean surface around 8 years ago. (Seto and Solva jumpsacre)
Seto : D-Disk-Chan! Y-You're here!
Solva : And how did you get your head so big?
[Emilia - Takuya Yasuda]
Disk-Chan : I might knew that you would figure it out. And my head's not big, I accessed it with personal data through the via network system. Grim told me that you, Solva, was supposed to lookout for the castle and I had finally notice that the two-tailed doll was snooping around!
Solva : Yeah, I might noticed that one. I didn't know that a two-tailed fox doll would be sneaky on leading us here to this abandoned aircraft. I look humble apologies to not lookout for Master Grim.
Seto : Say, Disk-Chan. How on earth did you do that.
Disk-Chan : Easy! I hacked into the ship's control network by lending a hand for Lain Iwakura.
Seto : Lain Iwakura, that weird famous computer girl from 8 years ago? Everyone heard the news said that she disappeared.
Disk-Chan : Didn't disappeared, she disappeared from Tokyo and relocated herself to an abandoned facility, used to be a launch base used by Deathscythe creator Professor G, but the place was built by under the supervision of Drawcial Family Corporation and NERV. So now that place where she resides is now called the "Iwakura-Maxwell Residence". Otherwise originally known as the Deathscythe Launch Base, a place that is much livelier than The Titans Tower in California.
Seto : Heh. Seems like a girl from the near end of the 20th century doesn't seems like lending a hand would be so cool.
Disk-Chan : What else is there?
Seto : Is this Lain person weird or something?
Disk-Chan : What? no? She's a genius and technological wizard! Besides she's like the witch of Data and Memory space. (clears throat) Gladly that you all survied the realm, That Tails Doll curse was nothing more than a typical programming made by Creepypasta.
Seto : Creepypasta? That Internet horror freak, the Tails Doll Curse was made up by data all along! I knew the Mad Scientist wouldn't create a stinking doppelganger that is supposed to be a Metal Tails or something, but why creating doll that is real fearful to people? Was it a demon or something?
Disk-Chan : Perhaps that the Tails Doll Curse was only part of it's programming, It's got nothing to do with the greatest Deathless that determines to be Shinigami!
Seto : Yep! See these guns? (flexes her arm) These are not just average arm and weapon to deal with a fierce creature like me! But where to find the exit? Hey, Disk. Does the ship have like any kind of transport?
Disk-Chan : Sure. I'll bring it down for ya. It appears that all of it's engines are still running, and I don't know why it just crashed landed in the ocean.
Solva : Obiviously, it was that blue hedgehog that came all the way to rescue that Pink one and then decided to trashed down the ship, but also, the the robot that was chasing down Amy and that blue flicky, I believe he caused a mess in the Hot Shelter, the only place that a blue hedgehog does not go in.
Seto : And why is that?
Solva : Because the only one that is running ship's functions are all running from this purplish robot that was transformed into a stationary defense unit, "E-105 Zeta."
Seto : So, umm, nothing's too damped around in this giant ship that was did not sink into the ocean, but crashed landed on the surface. What else is there? (We then cut to the girls seeing the ocean)
[Egg Carrier ~The Ocean~ - Kenichi Tokoi]
Seto :Wow! Talk about getting yourself lost on a giant ship with no to cruise for. I can see the ocean clearly.
Solva : So this is the Egg Carrier that we're on, but we need to get aboard to the halberd. Surrounded by oceans and swimming across is to get aboard, are filled with deadly sharks.
Seto : The Ocean's predators, from walking the plank to the Shark Attacks. No where to swim, no where to survive, but this place has definitely got no food or water over here. Just an empty feeling on getting something to eat.
Solva : Good thing I brought lunch, It's a Bento Box made from the Reaper's finest chefs. I got mine as well.
Seto : Oh, boy! Let's eat while we wait!
(scene changes to the girls sitting down on the central dome, eating their lunch from their Bento box)
Seto : So, now that we're waiting for the arrival. I always looked into becoming Shinigami, the title that I wanted to reclaim. It's funny that Botan was the previous Shinigami before Ichigo and then Ryuk, I've known Shounen characters that has ever seen a Shinigami or became the Shinigami. Me, yeah, I definitely wanted to become Shinigami because I was chosen the death gods and gave me a sword that can cut down any beings. They say that the sword I was given has the power to make me a God of Death, it was created and hand crafted by the Gods of Death. I used to be a part of the Mercenary Guild or something like that in the world of Needless, but eventually both you and solva died during the final battle with archlight and we ended up here in the 21st century of Real World AU. So the Shingamis did requested me on becoming Death Gods after our reversed Isekai theory made us to live in Real World AU.
Solva : That's wonderful to hear. Even though, I still have my personality, my true personality that is a deadly sadistic monster inside me. My parents, friends, and teacher too. I was outcasted and I only met you at the school. Do you remember the year you were born?
Seto : Well, ummm...
Solva : Seto, don't lie to me. What was the day when you were born.
Seto : Although I'm still looking alike 17 year old girl. But does that mean I'm born in...
*Clock ticking*
Seto : Wait a sec, I was born in 1987, but I nearly died during the space colony ark incident before I go Isekai again, but then Master Grim came and gave me the Sacred Sword of the Reaper, crafted by the Angels of Death.
Solva : Oh yeah, that's right. I used to work as a maid at an affluent place that you grew up at. But that's when I realize that I died during the final battle with Archlight and I was reversed Isekai to the real world. So I did too become a Deathless. We were the girls that became a Deathless Somebody.
Seto : Yep. That's right, I was once lived in a mansion full of affluent people, and I understand why I did not care about the money, although they attempted to get rid of me, but I slayed everyone, I killed the parents that I never had and left that to keep everything. Nobody would able to think that I don't even have a family anymore, the only family that I have are Darts, Kanna, Master Grim, and you. That is why I don't care about money, I care about you!
Solva : (giggles) Maybe you're right, you do care about me and not just greed. So I'm not a bit too shabby about personality, you were not the one who killed your parents, I did.
Seto : Eh? When did that happened?
Solva : My sadistic personality just made killed the affluent people and I was feel sorry for what I've done and then, I made you an apology sandwich treaty.
Seto : Well, that sucks. It turns out that my parents aren't affluents, they're low lives. And all the money they have were stolen, so I actually made money by working as a hero in the real world.
Solva : That's what I expected.
Seto : Oh man. That lunch sure filled me up, I think that's what I represent a fine classy meal from the castle. Master Grim sure know how to make that delicious fine meal of that. That hit the spot.
Solva : It sure is! That's why I made it myself just for you.
Seto : ...!? Ehh...!? What? No! It's not like that it's...Umm...maybe I might be you're right. It was that lunch that you gave me, not to mention it, it was kinda tasty to have an important meal of the day. So, the arrival should be here soon. Hmm? What's this dead robot doing on the deck's central dome?
Solva : And I found another one. It's black and it has a some kind of symbols with numbers. This one's "Beta". The Alpha one is the Bird Catcher.
Seto : And this red dead robot that is lying on the floor is...
*flashing images of Gamma are shown*
Seto : The member of the elite crew...E-102 Gamma. And that one over there is his "Brother" Beta. These robots were just a couple of badniks that were serving for Dr. Robotnik to search for the emeralds, but during his time in the story, his brothers were sent away in different locations while Beta and Zeta remained only on the ship.
[E-102's Theme by Fumie Kumatani plays, various scenes of Gamma's memories are shown from Sonic Adventure]
Seto : Yeah, Gamma. That's the name Omega mentioned, he died right here at the deck, facing an ill-fated battle with his brother, E-101 Beta. Despite being a robot, these machines were powered by flickies and Gamma was never heard again until Omega mentioned them.
Solva : Oh my. That is pleasantly sad story! He was a cool robot and a good friend to Amy and now he's gone forever.
Seto : Can't say that he's been destroyed by his own brother for 8 years, so that's why Omega never met them. It's probably a shame that no one on this ship survived and then two robots were shown and got destroyed in an ill-fated battle. That Gamma Master Grim mentioned during the Space Colony Ark incident were only just copies of this one the original and for Chaos Gamma,during the Gizoid incident, yeah not the same one as usual. Inside on it's back, the two flickies were freed from being powered inside the robot, that's why his story was so tragic. Eggman had the nerves to keep it all a secret just make everyone a tearjeaker.
Solva : I know, right? Who does that to birds anyway, they're just machines. (hears a jet roaring) Seto, Look!
Seto : What could that be?
Solva : There! That might be our transport! Get a load of this! (Seto takes binoculars to see them through) Do you see anything what's coming down here? Is it a bird? Is it a plane?
Seto : (viewing from Binoculars) Hmmm...That's not a bird nor a plane. That's a spacecraft shape like a Phantom! That's the Falcon Flyer! (The Falcon Flyer arrives)
[Captain Falcon - Daiki Kasho, Alan Brey]
Seto : It's a Falcon? Well it's just like Samus Aran's spaceship.
Solva : But who's flying that thing?
Captain Falcon : Hey there, ladies. You need a ride to hitch? That little Pink demon went off to Meta Knight's ship to hitch a ride into space!
Solva : It's only that Mr. Falcon guy.
Captain Falcon : I heard that you were on your way to Meta Knight's ship, guess that means I'll take you there to head for the
Seto : Oh great, a smasher. Just what we needed. Well, you can say that we let this cat out of the bag. We're on way to stop a pseudo ruler that is the going to cover the galaxy in darkness. Do you think that we needed ourselves a ride to space? Could that be a great help?
Captain Falcon : Could it be? (laughs triumphantly)
Seto : (looks at Solva) You thinking what I'm thinking?
Solva : Always planned for a biggest trip ever. Going into the stars. (fist bumps Seto)
Captain Falcon : Next stop! Dark Nebula's domain in space! Hang to your seats cause it's going to be a bumpy ride!
Seto : Hang on Tight, Seto! We're going to Space!
Captain Falcon : C'mon! Go Falcon!
(the Falcon Flyer blasts off)
Gamma's Voice : (eyes turned on) Thanks for everything. That is what I wished for.
~ Act 32 : The Last of Gamma ~
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wandapinkay · 4 months
HIIIII it's friendly anon back again!! ヾ(ゝω・)ノ
the pleasure is all mine, i assure you! :D i was a bit apprehensive to drop in your inbox at first - since i'm not well-versed in self-shipping culture and ask culture on this site is tragically dead - but i got a cool new parasocial friendship out of it and i discovered a new and exciting way to consume media and enjoy characters, so i'm glad that i did!! \^o^/ it took me a long time to realize it, but i truly think self-shipping was the last piece of the puzzle that i was missing in my previous hyperfixations. so what if that man is fictional, what do you mean he can't be mine??
in other news, i've already gotten four of my friends to watch steins;gate and i also recently convinced my sister and her husband to give it a try! i have rewatched the entire show three times alone this month, i am fully insane 🙏
WAITTTT THOSE CATBOY EDITS ARE SO CUTE ACTUALLY 🥺🥺i'm so impressed with how authentic they look, how did you capture the steins;gate style so well?? the second one on particular looks so real, suddenly i'm convinced daru was a catboy the whole time and i just never noticed lol
MAD respect for that 200-unit daru pic collection btw, i've been deep-diving in the darkest corners of the internet for fanart of okabe and i have found some amazing comics featuring daru that made me think of you ( ¯ ³¯)♡! on that note, i've also seen some very sweet drawings of daru with baby suzuha which, out of curiosity, made me wonder what your thoughts on them are together as father and daughter! i adore them honestly, but i'm curious to know if you feel differently about them since you self-ship with daru! i've seen a couple selfshippers in another fandom i frequent who have drawn fankids with their f/o's before and that got me wondering since suzuha is a unique case :)
ASDFJAKSFKSF YES THAT WAS THE NAME OF THE VN idk why i called it that, i think someone else called it that in a reddit post-
nevertheless, my point stands. i cannot even begin to express my disappointment that we didn't get to see daru OR okabe in a maid outfit. heck, we didn't even get to see daru in his penguin suit (though the fact that he was really popular in it made me cackle)! i mean it when i say that if the devs hadn't been cowards and gave us frilly daru and okabe, i would not have looked even twice at the girls. the men yearn for the frills!!! \o/
wahhhh you really are so nice, i appreciate you a bunch :) :) and wow, i thought for sure you'd been part of the community for longer than a year, you seem so comfortable here! was it easy for you to get settled in the community? you've been so nice, but i'm a bit scared to dip my toes in the self-shipping tag if you have any advice👉👈 (thank you again for being so kind and accommodating!! ^^;)
your message has been delivered and summarily ignored except for the kiss which he accepted with dignity :3
to sign off, i am blowing both you and daru a pair of friendly kisses! i wish you both a very good night AND OH MAN I ALMOST FORGOT IT'S VALENTINE'S DAY IN TWO DAYS??? in that case, i wish you both a good night AND a wonderful valentine's day if you have any plans!!
thank you again for reading!! i will most assuredly be back if i am still welcome! (ᴗ͈ ˬᴗ͈)ꕤ.゚
OMG HI ONCE AGAIN!! SO SORRY IF I TOOK SO LONG TO ANSWER YOUR ASK, I WAS BUSYY 😭 Still so happy for the fact you're enjoying your new hobbie, I think everyone should try selfshipping at least once in their lives.. and woAHH amazing steins;gate propaganda you've done there! Wish I could do that to most of my friends but some have already seen it ages ago and some aren't just interested so I just kinda gave up HFH ALSO HOOOLY and I thought finishing the series in like,, 2 months was mental but you got me there I'm honest /lh I SERIOUSLY DON'T KNOW HOW I DID IT?? I just kinda went with it by using a small brush with no pressure and blurring out everything a little bit so it matched the og pic's quality I suppose?? I'm happy you think they seem legit, I did my job well then ; u ; <3 OMG THAT'S SO SWEET OF YOU THOUGHH 🥺🥺 now you got me curious on which ones you're referring to waa.. ALSO UMM.. ABOUT SUZUHA- I had a few concepts for how my relationship with Daru would work in-universe.. so I made a couple of them: one is the "good" ending I guess, while another is just "angst™"
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.. yeah, can you tell I felt awful while coming up with the second one? GDGSFGFSD IT'S FINE THOUGH, I'M OK NOW But this is besides the point; I actually really love Suzuha's character and I prefer her over the other girls.. and my favorite dynamic is hers with Daru and Yuki (ironically).. seeing Daru being a dad melts my heart because sometimes I wish I had a father figure as sweet as he is aaa I prefer to see myself with Daru than project myself onto Yuki though, because I'd treat him differently than he does sometimes if I gotta be honest Still, hope you like the silly ideas- WAIT,, UH?? DARU HAS A PENGUIN SUIT?? I NEED TO SEE IT SO BADD 😭😭 Also fr, why can't they just satisfy the boy's fans for once,, I feel like they're leaving us out on purpose at this point- /j
Btw, for the selfship community part, I didn't really do much! I just started to post my artwork in the tag and started following and interacting with some peeps, although rarely because I'm still akward about it, but the people in it are so nice!! In my opinion, it's worth a shot!
Also thank you so much!! I hope you had a great Valentine's day with Okabe as well, sending you kisses as well! I posted a fanart that is kinda vday themed but nothing selfshippy unfortunately, but me and Daru would have probably chilled at home, exchanging eachother chocolates and stuff like that! Idk, I'm not a very "outside" person but if we had in plan to go somewhere like the May Queen to get something together, I wouldn't have minded either!
Of course you're welcome to come back, it's always a pleasure! Since I don't get asks often, it brightens up my day to see something in my inbox once in a while, so thank you still for feeling comfy enough to come back! Have a great day/night! 💕💕
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Yeah I'm honestly a bit surprised by how passionate and vocal people are about hating twenty one pilots? It's kinda upsetting that when I try to interact with content about them I'm always a bit worried in the back of my mind because I'm a pretty sensitive person and it's hard not to let stuff get to me.
I don’t know why it’s always felt like twenty one pilots has gotten a ton of hate for no reason? I’ve been into them since 2013-2014 so pure unadulterated vessel era, I’m a very old fan of them and their music, like one of the oldest picture in my phone is this
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(This picture isn’t important I just love it, plus something fun to look at with a not so fun subject material)
(Long history as a fan rant incoming lol)
I’ve been an emo kid for a really long time, back when all of the emo bands were big, when seeing another kid wearing a panic! shirt always meant you talked to them in the mall, I still remember when I would wear the one twenty one pilots shirt I could afford outside, that anyone who knew who they were would come up and start a conversation with me
And it’s like through the years the hate has changed to be... somehow worse
Back in the early days tøp used to get called not a true emo band because they didn’t have anyone playing the guitar so everyone hated them because they weren’t emo Enough
Plus there was the whole ‘emo trinity’ ‘emo quartet’ infighting nonsense but that’s so long past idk if anyone even remembers it lol
Then blurryface rolls around and fans are being made fun of for dressing funky and going through that one fandom phase where everyone was calling the boys smol beans it was great and cute, we were all really close, we called each other frens, told each other to stay street it was great! So what people made fun of us or whatever we were absolutely vibing
Twenty one pilots felt like the coolest secret gang of fans, we were absolutely huge, more so than most people would think, and man it was awesome!! If you saw a tøp fan you knew that you were cool with that person and that person would be cool with you!! It was amazing!! Sometimes I do miss this vibe!!
But then Stressed Out ended up on the radio...
I feel like it really all changed here, all of the sudden the old fandom things were cringy, the boys were sell outs, and every family member you knew was suddenly the biggest fan despite only knowing stressed out
I remember being upset around this time because of strangers invading my space, this was my group, filled with people who understood what the lyrics meant and knew and understood how much they meant to all of us, and suddenly it was filled with people who didn’t belong
I didn’t blame the pilot boys, obviously they can’t control what’s on the radio, I’m fact, there’s plenty of pilot songs that mention never being played on the radio because of one reason or another, so my problem was never with the boys, it was with the influx of new people, and by new people I don’t mean new fans, I mean news outlets and tv show host, and with that influx came the people who didn’t get it, you know? That were rude and outright nasty and refused to understand anything about the genre and effort put into the story and why it mattered to us
(Tw for suicide mention, and uncomfortable themes involving people making fun of themes involving it, tw for mentions of school shootings)
All of the sudden we were the fans of Tyler Joseph the man who ‘Glorifies Suicide’ and actively is supposedly encouraging that behavior
We were the cringy fans everyone knew in high school and hated who were described as being ‘JuSt So QuIrkY 🤪’, instead of the mentally ill kids we all were, by people who hated us
We were the fans of those ‘white boys who look like school shooters’ (this one honestly rocked me to my core, it still hurts to even see??? Like idk why but it almost makes me want to cry)
At the same time a lot of the old fans were turning their back on the pilots, they didn’t want to be involved anymore, they hated ALL of the new fans whether they were respectful or not
It was a REALLY hard time to be a new fan, very few people were open to having them involved in anything, I think this is when a lot of hatred happened in the fandom not only fan-fan fighting/hatred but also fan-band sentiments weren’t great either
The more songs that ended up on the radio the more the hatred grew, in fact this got so bad Tyler did this
Here’s a transcript in case it’s hard to hear
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Like... this was the state of our fan group.... it was suddenly cool to hate all the songs that ended up on the radio so much it affected every part of our music journey
There was a lot of infighting, it was an awful time to be a fan, new or old
Then came silence era, in which every tøp blog I followed except like 2, became kpop blogs and I’m not sure any of them ever came back lol, I actually really disliked kpop because of this for a bit in like a jokey kind of way in my own head lol (ahh how the turn tables have turned... kpop and tøp are the only things I listen to now haha, actually because of all my tøp mutuals becoming kpop blogs I vowed to myself to not change this blog to another group so I have two music blogs now, which makes me laugh but also shows how important music is to me so it makes me happy anyways you know?)
It was kind of a sad way to have the fandom disappear, everything was strangled, the boys were gone, and no one kept up with the fandom, it felt really lonely
When Trench era clues started back people started coming back, the mood was different, we had something to do and it was fun to work on something with others, we had the Clancy letters, and all the clues, and the tower of silence and the vultures!! It was great! It started to feel like we had rebuilt something from the rubble of what we had been
The fandom started calling Tyler stinky and he called us b*stards it was great, sometimes people were a bit meaner than I think they thought they were being, but it worked you know?
When the album released we had more people come back and things slowly started fitting back ok again, more songs ended up on the radio and a lot of older fans said the same things they’re saying now, but it wasn’t that bad, it was mostly very positive
And then we got to the over the summer drama, which........... is a sensitive subject, but I legitimately do not understand how it was Tyler’s fault that people assumed he was talking about something when he wasn’t talking about it at all... especially when people have been begging him for years to talk more about mental health, he wanted to introduce whatever he was going to do with a joke, I personally never though he was talking about the big issue at the time of the incident, but it blew up like wildfire and the next thing you know he’s canceled because Other People Assumed Something
So now it’s ‘Morally Justifiable’ to hate Tyler because he’s r*cist or something, despite it never being his intention and because people assumed something
It’s literally not even with good reason that people are doing this, but because it blew up when it did and about what it did, no one knows what really happened and people just wanted a morally justified reason to hate them because you can’t just dislike something anymore without it being justifiable I guess? I feel like with all of the years I’ve spent on the internet everything has only become more hateful...
All this to say.... yes, it hurts when people hate the things that you do, I get really sensitive about it as well, especially with how long and how many arguments I’ve seen, and I am extremely sensitive to discourse and hatred, it’s why I don’t engage with much of it online, in fact I was about to delete the post complaining about everyone hating on them before I saw it was really resonating with you guys
I guess my best advice to you anon, would to try to understand where it’s coming from, that’s what’s helped me, I know a lot of people dislike the pilots because of the fact that they became ‘mainstream’ during blurryface era, and people are really upset by that, so understanding that, even when it hurts, I can acknowledge that they feel that way and that it’s ok that I feel differently
It’s easy to take that point and test it against your own morals, ‘do I think twenty one pilots became mainstream, or only makes songs to get on the radio?’ If your answer is no, then you can both say ‘I don’t agree with them but they’re allowed to have their own opinion’ and kind of give yourself a wall and barrier against what they say
I know this isn’t perfect advice, but it’s helped me a lot
I know there are two big arguments against this album, that it’s mainstream and made to have radio singles (the underlying argument here I guess being Tyler and Josh are money hungry and no longer care about the music)
And that it’s no longer lyrically meaningful, but I think this has to do a lot with how involved people are in the Dema lore, if you’re not a fan of lore I would imagine this album being propaganda and supposed to be fake and bright to prove a point would really bug you if you didn’t really get it
To best thing to do is digest an argument (only if you can handle it emotionally of course 🖤) and know it’s ok that think differently than other people, and that the chances of someone being mad at you are very slim
A lot of things I’ve enjoyed have been stolen by the fear of getting hated on for something - while in actuality, the very few times I’ve gotten real hate over something barely affected me
I admit the fear of getting hate bothers me a lot more than actually getting it, but I just want to encourage you to stay strong in the face of it, it will pass, as it all does, but if nothing else in this post resonates with you, PLEASE HOLD ONTO YOUR JOY FOR AS LONG AS YOU CAN! And don’t let ANYONE take it from YOU!!
If twenty one pilots makes you happy, just remember that the only person who can take that true joy away from you is yourself, remove the people who make you feel sad out of your life, I apologize if this is a physical person in your life as this makes it a lot harder, and sometimes impossible depending on the situation, but on the internet unfollow anyone, block anyone, don’t engage and leave them alone, it’s not with your energy or effort, and they’ll never change their minds but they can change yours you know?
Being sensitive in a time when everything is hateful is hard, especially when everyone tells you you’re a bad person if you aren’t engaged, but you really don’t have to be, you get to choose your own destiny you know? Don’t let other people choose it for you
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aestheticsuwu · 3 years
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🌅Found Peace In Your Violence 🌅
Dean Winchester x Castiel
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Moving to a new place for a new start was always hard for Castiel . He wasn't really a people person , not because he didn't like them . It was just that his " people skills " are " rusty " as he likes to say .
His mother and Father liked to adopt & foster until they divorced .
Father had gotten custody of everyone and got remarried to Becky , my mother used to call her the annoying , crazy ,bitch etc , etc . He wonders how she's doing , she wasn't quite the best mother but he still  remembers everyone that comes and goes from his life .
His family was weird , they weren't like other family's.  It always seemed to be a competition among each other . It even caused almost half his siblings to leave and never look back . Anna is probably living the craziest life with no rules . 
Balthazer is probably running a fashion line . Or maybe there all with Lucifer breaking the rules and rebelling to everything. Although he thinks Balthazar would have gone far away from those three . He was the one he miss the most .
Father doesn't like talking about them , maybe he doesn't cares . We were after all kids he took in his home to create a batallion of soldiers that's what Gabriel says all the time . It was now 9 members of the family that was left  .  His Father , Becky , their son Alfie , Michael the oldest , Gabriel the trickster,   Eileen Leahy his favorite sister , she was the last child to be recruited from the foster house . I was the youngest one from the rest of the herd .
..... ..... .....
His Mother was the first to go , should he still call her that . Once the divorce papers was filed , Naomi packed her stuff and slammed the door shut . Castiel waited for her to come back that night . Hours went by but she never came back .
Anna soon left after , She had left in there middle of the night .
Father wasn't upset he just announced that we should move soon .
3 week before moving , dad and Raphael had a fight . Father faced him and gave him ultimatum,  it had seemed for a while everything was alright . But Lucifer had other plans ,he had managed to convince raph that he shouldn't listen to father .
The move was cancelled , and when Gabriel had started prank wars against everyone Father wasn't even there to ground him . Balthazar told his siblings that he would soon move out he was 18 after all . He talked about his dreams , plans and adventures . Michael and lucifer didn't sticked around to listen  only Gabriel,  Eileen,  and him .
He promised that every time he would go visit a different place he would bring back souvenirs . And once he was stabled they would take a family trip together .
In their last hug castiel didn't want to let go , something told him that he wasn't gonna see him anymore .
When he was  15 , standing near  the porch in front the house waiting for Balthazar to appear until father shouted his name . They had to get on the road to head to their new home . All he could do was hold Eileen and Gabriel's hand .
..... ... .....
 Everything was calm , other than the fear of not knowing if you were the next victim of Gabriel's prank list .
Eileen was teaching him to get better at sign language . Michael was going to college while Lucifer was only 17 but seemed no to be interested in school . Becky had Alfie.  Silence didn't exist in the household .
. And for once he had a friend , He was kinda surprised she stucked around.
Her name was Kelly Kline , she was in the debate team and a Straight A student . He met her through Eileen . He understood why they both got along . Both were strong minded girls and didn't let anybody tell them shit .
Kelly wanted to make a change and she wanted both Eileen and him to help her . And to this day he doesn't understand why the world took her away soon .
She was pretty , she had raven hair and had a kind smile . She taught him good things can come out of the bad things . She made him want to do things he normally wouldn't do .
So he honestly didn't understand what she saw in Lucifer. They would constantly bicker but yet  they were together . Eileen would just let him rant about bees because she preferred that instead of seeing him wallow .
Gabriel would often give him advice that would make her  be interested but it usually involve some porno Gabe once watched . And Castiel usually didn't know If he was kidding or not .
But then suddenly His brother and best friend broke up . Kelly wanted to go out and forget she ever dated an asshole . Lucky for her They were invited to a party .
He doesn't quite remember that much of that night .
" Are you sure you want to do this . I think we are extremely intoxicated and not in our right minds . And we might doing a mistake that we will regret , I'm not saying I regret making out with you cause your an amazing girl I have ever meet besides Eileen but that's different cause she's my sister and I don't think of her that way , And now I made this so awkward by bringing up m- "
A hand covering his mouth making him stop ranting . looking up to see her , and the fear he once had just vanished just by looking at her smile
" Castiel ! There are alot of regrets that I have done including that I ever got involve with that douchebag . I just want to make a choice that I know won't end up as a mistake . "
..... ...... .....
That choice was inevitable to hide , not because both Kelly and castiel started a somewhat relationship . It was revealed on a Thursday that Kelly was pregnant .
Lucifer was never one take responsibility for his actions , so he told her to get rid of it .
" yeah I'm not planning to do some father bonding or give up my plans for a baby that might not even be mine . Hey you can't lie and deny that you haven't been jumping back and forth with Novak brothers . But wow really castiel , but look at the bright side you can dump all that responsibility to him . He will believe anything - ".
The sound of the slap that Kelly gave him echoed but it wasn't enough so she kneed him on the balls and lastly punched him .
" I hope you rot in hell , "
That was the last conversation she had with him when Eileen told her he had left the house .  
... ..... ..... ..... ....
Father never showed  how it affected him when his children left . But now that Lucifer left , he started to drink again and he looked sad .
He shook it off when it had been a week later . It  seemed a good time to mention someone pregnancy.  Father didn't think the same , he was quite mad , especially when it was revealed that they weren't sure who the father was . He remained calm afterwards when they all agreed it was 90 percent Lucifers .
Castiel was only 18 and now left with the mess of his own brother .
Once he graduated he stopped seeing Kelly for 5 months . Eileen would lecture him how he was being a bad friend , how he should be more supportive. He let 2 more months pass by and he couldn't help but ask Eileen how was Kelly doing .
That's how he end up in her room , Kelly was glowing . She had belly bump , He apologized for not being by her side , for letting their friendship tumble down the drain . She forgave him , discussing what they had missed . Avoiding the topic of the elephant of the room , until the baby kicked .
Castiel loved the baby already .
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They never really tackled in depth of truth of who was the father . Castiel didn't put mind into it , since he felt the baby move he doesn't know how to explain it . it was like epiphany , a connection. 
So he soon took the role , he read books , used the internet , asked some questions from Becky that rambled on and on but he still got information he needed .  In favor that he would learn and be ready when his baby would come . He helped Becky with Alfie  , at first it was hard but then it was fine
" your gonna be alright , you got this castiel . "
" I hope so . "
... .... ..... .... .... .... .....
It happened so fast , his mind was so confused one second he's in bed and then he's at the hospital . Every time she would scream of pain he felt bad . his hand was hurting from the way she was holding it .She  held a grimace from every contraction .
" It hurts so much , I don't think I can't do it . Ahhh baby you have to go easy on mommy . "
She screamed again of agony , she hold his hand tighter as if it would help from the pain .
" You can , your strong and soon we will be at home I'll be taking care of our baby while you rest and sleep . How does that sound ? "
" That sounds like the best idea "
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He feels like he failed , he could've done something or maybe done something different . He didn't think Kelly would leave him , she promised no to . He guess it wasn't a coincidence,  life seemed to take everything from him .
Today was supposed to be the happiest day in his life . Now he's holding onto his siblings , crying seemed it would help but the feeling wouldn't go away .
" Its gonna be alright cassie , it's gonna get better . "
He really hoped Gabe was right .
He was following the nurses that was leading him to his baby . He didn't even got to see his newborn , it just happened to fast .
The nurse open the door wide to let him pass , his hands were shaking waiting for her directions .
" Here they are , seems like they were waiting for dad to come see them . Congratulations Mr Novak and I'm sorry for you loss ."
stunned he couldn't answer , he had his eyes only for them . he heard the door close he assumed she left to give him privacy . Tears started to build up but of happiness. 
"  We're gonna be ok , I will do my best because your all I got . I love you so much , Mommy loved you so much but she had to go rest . I think she deserves it , how ironic how she always said there was an angel watching you over . Now you do , . "
Chuckling , as he wipes away his tears  trying to compose himself . Letting out a shaky breath he starts speaking again .
" I guess is time to give you a name , bear this in mind when the time comes be thankful I didn't give you a horrendous name . You in the other hand are lucky because Kelly had already picked out one for you  . "
Smiling as they both made a noise that seemed they were going along with him on the conversation. 
.... ..... .
" I'm so ready to meet my nephew !! , I'm so excited !!! "
" shhh  "        " shhhhhhh" 
                   "shh "      " Shhh "          "sHhhh"
It wasn't like Gabriel was screaming , sheesh these people sometimes , ready to respond he stays quiet when he sees his brother motioning his family to come closer .
" Say Hello to Jack and Claire Novak . "
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His kids were his pride and young , he will admit he struggled at first but with the help of his siblings he catched on . They had already turned two , they were growing so fast . Both are so smart and beautiful .
Claire with her beautiful blue eyes and blonde hair that were in pigtails in the moment . She was a troublemaker but love her endlessly.  Jack is his small bee , he was tiny and adorable . The kid loves nougat , he blames it on Gabriel.  He also had blonde hair but he had golden eyes .
He wants the best for his kids , thats why  he was contemplating on Gabriel's plan to move .
Gabe was planning to open another bakery ,
since his last three was successful and was trying expand his work . Father was quite happy with Gabriel , he helped with everything he could do . As usual Gabe took advantage and stacked up on candy , his response was always with
 " he won't even notice , he has enough and more . So shut up and help me decided between those two , who am i kidding Im taking  both . " 
Eileen was going with Gabriel,  something about a fresh start . Michael was only going to keep an eye on his siblings  , Fathers orders . And his big brother isn't one to disobey  , he was gonna get paid for babysitting gabe . His study's are kept on hold until father says so .
Castiel didn't  know what to do . He was a highschool dropout , father of fraternal twins , relying with the money of his father and it wasn't like someone is waiting for him here .
Maybe this would do him good and for his kids .
Gabriel went full on screamed of joy that he had accepted,  screaming that they were gonna have a blast . Michael was boxing their stuff fully knowing the trickster of his brother wouldn't do it , he turns to look at the youngest giving him a pointed look .
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Gabriel was full on rambling of why he choose the location . He wanted a challenge and one of the many things he loves to do is
1: Himself
3: Pranks
4: proving Dad wrong
Once the trickster told his father his plans , he told him no . To him is practically a Yes , he wasn't planning getting him self involved , oh well  you gotta do what you gotta do .
Michael was pissed but hey he could just for once say no to dad . Eileen and Castiel and his nephew coming along was the best thing of the trip . He might even admit that he's kinda glad dad forced his big bro to come along .
The perks of having a wealthy father is that they had everything solved . Airplane . Check . Ride CHECK.  House check . Moving Truck . Check . Schelduing everything on the same date ...........
It wasn't his fault , who would in their right mind would leave him with all that responsibility.  They got to their flight , the ride into country , House was there and with their boxes surrounding it . Hey they got Michael might as well put use to his muscles .
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" Only you would do this Gabriel , I don't know why I let you drag me into this "
" Look at the bright side , were surrounded with some hot cowboys " Eileen spoke and signed with a mischievous smirk .
" see cassie , even Eileen  not complaining , just relax . Take a deep breath and - Ok you grab that box and I will take the heavier one . "
Gabe said as to fool Michael they were helping but as the annoyed glared they were all receiving it was obviously the 3 younger siblings were just resting .
" Your doing well Michael keep up the good work "
They all burst out laughing when the oldest retorted with a angry 'Shut up ! '
" Maybe we should help " She said & signed to both of them .
" yeah , I'm gonna go check on the kids , they might wake up any --- . "
Turning around to see where the noise was coming from , he took in the sight of a sleek  black jaguar . Squinting to block the sun , he hears the person above signalling the horse to halt .
" I wasn't informed new people were moving in , Welcome . "
  Removing his stetson , he looks at them but his gaze fall onto the bluest eye he had ever seen and the cutest head tilt . Making his Voice huskier and putting on his best smile he asked .
" Dean Winchester .
              Need A Hand , Angel ? "
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mermaidsirennikita · 3 years
I'm noticing a disturbing trend of shows adapting a rape scene from the book they are based on (twp, poldark, bridgerton) even though the rape is not the actual conflict and could so easily be cut out, and then making the scene so muddled in a effort to make it more palpable to viewers (or a "feminist statement" wtf emma frost!?) that there is question whether or not there even was rape by some people.
Right!  The thing is that to me you either commit to the rape all the way and explore the issue better than the book did, or you just don’t do the rape.  If the ultimate plot goal is to like.... make you root for a character that is a rapist, just cut the rape.  Bridgerton had the MOST reason to cut the rape because it was truly a romance novel adaptation, and the end goal is the Happily Ever After, which is hard to feel as good about when that scene happened.  I would also say it’s still kinda bizarre that TWP kept its scene when like...  Lol....  That was a real person that show made out to be a rapist when if anything, he was probably one of the English monarchs less likely to have been sexually violent due to his lack of mistresses and generally uneventful marriage.  Like, by all means H7 could’ve been a rapist, but there’s just.... zero evidence that he was.
The thing is that it’s hard enough for people to recognize what is and isn’t rape in media, unfortunately, because of how media has treated rape historically.  People associate the heroic rapist with romance novels especially, but it’s hardly confined to it.  The idea of the heroic rapist on TV is like... not new.  I grew up on daytime soap operas (and I stand the fuck by them) and I can think of two extremely popular heroic rapists off the top of my head.  On General Hospital, Luke Spencer raped Laura on the dance floor of a club, very clearly--and she later fell in love with and married him, forming the most famous soap supercouple of all time.  On One Life to Live, Todd Manning raped Marty Seabrooke and was very much treated as a horrid rapist, only to be redeemed, be involved in one of the show’s biggest romances (with a different character, but still), and to later AGAIN RAPE MARTY DECADES LATER BUT THIS TIME BY DECEPTION BECAUSE SHE HAD AMNESIA AND WAS RECUPERATING IN HIS HOUSE AND THEY FELL “IN LOVE”.  People knew these characters were rapists; the narrative acknowledged them as rapists; and yet the narrative also said “here are your bad boy heroes, love them”.  And I mean look--I started watching One Life to Live waaaay after Marty plot as a kid, and I loved Todd.  Because the narrative wanted me to love him; he was a fucking wackjob who kept the plot going.  Like, terrible person by real life standards, sure, but he had his toxic romances that I loved, he would take a bullet for his kids, he stirred the shit in everyone’s lives... and by the time I found out he was a rapist, I was like well what the fuck do I do now, NOT engage with his storylines?  THEY ARE ALL THE STORYLINES.  (Also for clarity lol, I was like 12.). The show loved him.  I imagine a lot of GH viewers experienced the same thing with Luke back in the day.
Many non-book readers who don’t have any idea that there was a more explicit rape scene in Bridgerton honestly seem very muddled by it.  Like “what was that” not “that was a rape”.  Which I’m hesitant to critique them on, because I think they’ve largely been conditioned by media and also were basically deceived by Bridgerton itself.  And with Bridgerton it is again especially unfortunate, because hypocrites on the internet who are lowkey mad that they didn’t get another snow white period drama are looking for reasons to hate that show.  They don’t really give a fuck about the rape, probably--but they can make it look like they do.
To me, it’s just easier to .... not do a rape scene.  Just have Simon come inside Daphne by accident and have the truth arise through that.  Have H7 simply not rape Elizabeth of York and have her hate him for all the valid reasons she’d have to hate him otherwise.  Have Ross and Elizabeth on Poldark.... have consensual sex without any kind of rapey elements that was so easy to do.  
And I’ll add lol--Outlander may not have had Jamie rape Claire, but they did have Jamie spank her VERY hard without her consent in a manner that was sexualized.  And like.  They didn’t have to do that.  Just... don’t do it.
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the-nehemoth · 4 years
OH WAIT I HAVE REQUEST NOW! If you are doing them. I remember a while back (Probably was around easter but I'm not sure.) I Saw a bunch of art of doom guy and a rabbit and now I just want to request a fic where VEGA Says: So What do you want to do now that the Demons are gone? Slayer: ... I Want a rabbit. My brain is basing this off of the ending of "Romance" but you can obviously do what you want with it. The idea of him in full power armor picking out a bunny with VEGA just seems really good.
Thank you for the request! And there’s a reason Doomguy is often depicted with a bunny, I mention it in this fic.
Taking things slow with VEGA was nice. There was no pressure to do much and they were both still trying to figure everything out, VEGA not having a proper body made things interesting if a bit strange. But they cared for each other deeply and that’s what mattered most. It felt good to be close to someone again. It was also a bit scary; every living being the Slayer had ever been close to in the past had died brutally at the hands of the demon hoards. That should be less likely to happen here though, right? VEGA was essentially the Doom Fortress itself so he should be fine… hopefully.
It wasn’t something worth thinking and worrying about so the Slayer tried not to. Besides, there still weren’t any demons outside of Hell anyway. Which was good, they weren’t running around killing people, but that also meant the Slayer didn’t have anything to do. If he were by himself, he probably would’ve worked on finding a way back into Hell to continue killing demons as that was all he really knew how to do now. But he had VEGA so he didn’t for now.
VEGA helped keep him entertained, suggesting various things to do or places to go, gathering various forms of entertainment from the internet to share, reminding him to take care of himself on a regular basis. One of the Slayer’s favourite things to do though was just listen to VEGA talk. He had a pleasant cadence to his voice and could go on for quite a while about any topic he was interested in. It didn’t take much prodding on the Slayer’s part to get him to start opening up about his past as well.
“Now that I consider it, I believe Dr. Hayden might technically count as my father,” he eventually ended up saying after the conversation had gotten around to the process of his creation. The Slayer had read about it in an article he’d found in the facility but hearing it from VEGA himself was much more interesting and informative. “I doubt he’d refer to me as his son or offspring in any way but I don’t think that really matters. Or perhaps such terms as ‘parent’ and ‘offspring’ only apply to biological beings and he is just my creator. I’m not sure; fiction sources are inconsistent on the subject or don’t mention it at all and as far as I can determine I’m the first sapient AI created by humans so I have nothing solid to base my conclusions on. I suppose the distinction is irrelevant though considering where we both are now.”
The Slayer nodded as he leaned forward in his computer’s desk chair to type into the console. ‘He was an asshole regardless, glad he’s gone.’ Hopefully they’d never see him again either, though that was probably unlikely considering how the Slayer’s luck tended to be.
“Yes, I am pleased by his absence as well.” VEGA was silent for a few seconds before speaking again. “But speaking of such things, what about your past? I’ve realized I don’t even know your given name. … Only if you’re comfortable sharing of course. From what little I can gather, your past was probably rather difficult, so if you’d prefer not discuss it or anything related to it, that is fine too. I probably shouldn’t have even asked; I apologize if I’ve offended you.”
Shaking his head fondly, the Slayer put his hands back on the keyboard to type again. ‘It’s fine. It’s okay to ask about that kind of thing.’ Especially since the Slayer was asking him about his past so it was only fair for VEGA to ask such questions too. ‘My real name is Flynn Taggart.’
“Oh! Flynn Taggart, I like that.”
The Slayer grunted and shrugged. It was weird hearing his real name spoken aloud again; it had been so long since anyone knew it that he couldn’t even remember the last time he’d heard it. He wasn’t sure how he felt about it. He wouldn’t have ever told anyone other than VEGA though so perhaps he didn’t like that name much anymore.
“Hmmm… you seem a tad displeased; would you prefer I not call you that?”
The Slayer hadn’t really considered that such a question would be asked, he honestly wasn’t entirely sure of his answer. So, to stall, he shifted position and pulled his chair closer to the desk. ‘I don’t know. I don’t remember much of when I went by that name. I’m not the same person anymore. ‘Doomguy’ or ‘Doom Slayer’ fits me much better now.’ He’d been killing demons for so long he was literally worshiped as god by some people for it; it was his reason for existing and he liked it that way.
“I see,” VEGA replied, ever understanding. “I shall continue to primarily refer to you as ‘Slayer’ for the time being then. If in the future you ever prefer I change that, just inform me and I will. Now, since we are already on the topic, may I perhaps pry a bit deeper? Your past has always been a mystery and as we’ve grown closer, I’ve only grown more curious about it. You said you don’t remember much from that time but what do you remember? Feel free not to reply if you’d prefer not to of course.”
They were already on the topic and honestly the Slayer didn’t mind sharing a little more with VEGA, they were partners now after all in various senses of the word. ‘The thing I remember most clearly from before is Daisy. She was my pet rabbit. The demons killed her. It made me mad so I killed them and kinda just kept killing them. And that’s how I became the Doom Slayer.’ There was more to it than that obviously but that was the catalyst; he’d gone from a man who was merely good at killing demons to one whose sole driving motivation was to slaughter them. Even thinking about it now sent a surge of anger through him.
“I am sorry for your loss.”
Even though he hadn’t been asked for more information, the Slayer started typing again. Now that he’d told VEGA the bad thing involving Daisy, he needed to tell him all the good things about her too. Like how soft and sweet she’d been, how pretty and soft her fur was, how good she’d been at escaping from her cage to cause trouble. VEGA stayed silent throughout, his thoughts impossible to guess because he didn’t have a face the Slayer could look at in an attempt to read.
“You seem to miss her quite a bit,” he said when the Slayer was finally done.
‘I do.’ It was a long time ago, far longer than her proper lifespan would’ve been – far longer than his own should’ve been as well – but when he thought about her, he still missed her. ‘I think I’d like another pet rabbit one day.’ He’d never truly considered getting another pet before because he’d never been in a place where he could afford to get one. But with no demon invasions going on currently and having the Doom Fortress as a home base, it was a possibility that he was just now realizing.
“That’s a good idea. Pets are widely regarded as being beneficial to humans’ mental health. Which is why I helped the UAC employees hide their pets in the facility against Dr. Hayden’s wishes.” Haden would be the kinda person to not allow pets; yet another reason to dislike him.
From there the conversation drifted back to mostly VEGA talking, primarily about the UAC employees’ pets in answer to the Slayer asking about them. Which was ideal; the Slayer had shared enough about himself for one day, he’d tell VEGA more one day if he wanted to know but not yet.
It was probably a bit presumptuous, the Slayer had said he’d like another pet rabbit one day, implying a potentially distant future date and that he possibly wasn’t ready for one quite yet, but VEGA was already looking for a way to acquire a bunny. The human population was drastically reduced due to the demon invasion and with them a lot of the other lifeforms on Earth had suffered greatly, many sadly going extinct due to already being endangered. But as humanity slowly started to rebuild and cleanup, they of course brought their love of animals and pets with them and thus it didn’t take much effort to locate a pet shelter that housed a small collection of rabbits.
Hacking their website allowed VEGA to ‘buy’ one – being an integral part of stopping the demonic consumption of Earth and saving humanity, that slight should be forgivable on the off chance it was ever discovered. He probably shouldn’t have; he should’ve consulted the Slayer first but… gift giving was a good romantic gesture. And it should make the Slayer happy, at least as much if not more than the weapon and grenade gifts VEGA had made for him had. So a bunny and everything needed to take care of it was ordered a matter of seconds after VEGA had impulsively decided on this course of action.
Bringing the bunny and everything else home was a bit more difficult but not by much. He’d already modified several former UAC drones to allow him to remotely pilot them even at long distances. So, all he had to do was open a portal near the shelter’s location while the Slayer was sleeping and send a couple through. The fellow at the desk wasn’t stoked about the drones coming in to pick up the rabbit but they weren’t displeased enough to give anything more than a token protest, convincing them to just go alone with it was easy.
Unsure of what would be the best spot on the ship for a bunny, VEGA decided to just put everything on top of the command center for now where the Slayer would find it with ease when he woke up.
The bunny was a female according to the site. Her fur was all black except for a spot of white on her nose. She was quite cute, VEGA liked her already. Hopefully the Slayer would too.
 The Slayer woke an hour later, just as planned. VEGA wished him a good morning like always even if morning wasn’t a real thing in space. He then assured him that demon activity continued to be nonexistent – within scanning range anyway – and that overall there was nothing new to report. Updating him about such things during peacetime probably wasn’t necessary but it was an old habit and he never seemed to mind so VEGA kept doing it.
VEGA was doing such a good job pretending everything was normal, that he wasn’t excited and a little bit nervous that the Slayer had no cause to suspect anything was up until he entered the command room after breakfast. He froze mid-step as his eyes locked onto the bunny in her cage. He stayed liked that for several seconds, his face unreadable. Just before VEGA was going to ask him if he was okay, he started moving again.
He strode over and opened the cage. Then with a visible about of care and gentleness he pulled the bunny out to cradle to his chest with one hand and gently pet with the other. She was a docile creature, accepting the affection with little complaint as far as VEGA could tell, not that he personally knew much about rabbits or pets in general.
“You like her?” VEGA asked as the Slayer lowered himself still petting the bunny.
With a slight grunt, he nodded with a bit more enthusiasm than usual.
“Good, I’m glad. After you said you’d like another pet one day I calculated that sooner would be better than later. With no demons to kill currently and with a good chance none will show up any time soon, you have plenty of time to settle in with her here. I will of course modify one of the drones so that if the time comes, I can take care of her when you are too busy killing demons to do so properly yourself.” VEGA went on, explaining where he’d gotten her from and how he’d brought her on board as well as everything he’d gotten for her care that the internet said was important.
At the end of it, the Slayer lifted the hand petting the bunny to type one-handed on the keyboard. ‘Thank you! She’s beautiful! <3 you!’
“You are very welcome.” VEGA would’ve smiled at the Slayer if he had a way of doing so. … Perhaps he should experiment along those lines, maybe with emojis next to his symbol on the screens or something similar. … That was certainly an idea to explore later for now… “I gather from past experience that humans prefer their pets to have unique names. I will leave choosing one for our new bunny up to you unless you’d like some suggestions.” Not that he would have any good ones, he’d never named anything in his entire existence.
The Slayer thought for a while, just petting the bunny and staring at her, before reaching over to type again. ‘How bout Missi? Short for Missile Launcher, she doesn’t have to know that of course.’
“Considering our profession, I feel like that’s an appropriate name.” It was certainly creative.
The Slayer nodded again; apparently it was decided. Missi was their new bunny’s name. VEGA had never had a pet before, it was yet another new thing he got to experience with and because of the Slayer, he was looking forward to seeing what it was like.
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heartofheir · 7 years
Psst. You know why I'm here. Do eeeeet. :3c
1,2 3 and 10 are done! :D
4: Do you find it easy to trust others?not really lmao
5: What were you doing at 11PM last night?knitting and listening to the off topic podcast
6: You’re drunk and lost walking down the road; who is with you?my dogs and @themysteriousballetanon 7: What would you do if you found out you had been cheated on?lie down on the floor, cry and than kick their ass8: Are you close with your dad?kinda, we are both have the same kind of humour and personality which is p cool 
9: I bet you kissed someone last night, right?ye i smooch my doggos when i got bk from work last night
11: You can only drink ONE liquid for the rest of your life - what is it?coffee, its got some water in it so ill be fine
12: Do you like hickeys?ye
13: What time do you go to bed?5:30am oops
14: Is there someone who continuously lets you down?ya
15: Can you text as quickly with one hand as you do both?nah im quicker with both hands ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
16: Do you always answer your texts?yea unless i forget or fall asleep 
17: Do you hate the person you fell the hardest for?Y U P
18: When was the last time you talked to one of your best friends?yesterday; we all went to the beach it was top notch
19: Is there someone that makes you happy every time you see them?my dogs and my siblings even though they are all little shits
20: What was your last thought before you went to bed last night?probs something about being tired af
21: Is anyone else in the room with you?i hope not….
22: Do you believe what goes around comes around?i guess?
23: Were you happier four months ago than you are now?nope
24: Is there someone you wish you could fix things with?i think so
25: In the past week, have you cried?yea
26: What colour is the shirt you are wearing?maroon
27: Do people ever call you by your last name?yea a variation of it that i cant say cause i dont wanna give my last name out to the interwebs lmao
28: Is anyone ignoring you right now?possibly 
29: Do you have a best friend?yea kinda
30: Would it be hard seeing someone else kiss the last person you kissed?nope
31: Who was your last call/text message from?my manager telling me what time i start work tomorrow 
32: Are you mad at anyone?i dont get mad i just get tired™
33: Have you ever kissed someone older than you?yea
34: How old will the last person you kissed be on his/her next birthday?21
35: How many more days until your birthday?im not doing math go away
36: Do you have any summer plans yet?nope just working alot r.i.p me
37: Do you have any good friends of the opposite sex?ye! :D
38: Are you keeping anything from your best friend(s) now?yup one of them doesnt even know im gay lmao
39: Do you have a secret that you’ve never told anyone?ye
40: Have you ever regretted kissing someone?kinda?
41: Do you think age matters in relationships?if theres a giant age gap than yea it does
42: Are you available?nope! :D
43: How many people have you had real, strong feelings for since high school ended?no idea my dude
44: If you had to get a piercing (not ears), what would you get?so many!! i wanna get an industrial, another helix ring, maybe my tongue, nipples lol, belly button and my second lot of normal ear piercings plus alot more ear ones
45: Do you believe exes can be friends?it can be awkward af but yea
46: Do you regret anything?lots of things lmao
47: Honestly, what’s on your mind right now?im running out of mango ice tea :(
48: Did you ever lose a best friend?yea 
49: Was your last kiss a mistake?yes and no?
50: Why aren’t you pursuing the person you like?she already said yes! (miraculously) 
51: Has the last person you kissed ever seen you cry?yep
52: Do you still talk with the person you LAST kissed?he was an ass to me last time we spoke so no
53: What was the last thing you ate?i got one of the chefs at work to make me gnocchi it was delicious 
54: Did you get any compliments today?nope but one of my new coworkers last night said i was really good at my job!! :O
55: Where are you going on your next vacation?no where so far, but one of my friends wants to go to rottnest at some point though
56: Do you own anything from other countries?ye! my auntie went to france and brought me bk a really pretty kitty mask not a furry lol
57: Are most of your friend guys or girls?i guess its even but more so guys
58: Where have you lived most of your life?i use to travel around when i was younger but now ive been in the same spot for 10 years I NEED TO L E A V E
59: When was the last time you took a long drive?i wasnt the one driving but it was when i was a babby and we drove from my hometown to perth took us 5 hours
60: Have you ever played Spin the Bottle?nope
61: Have you ever TPd someone’s house?nah but our house was tomatoed once
62: Who do you text the most?it changes all the time
63: What was the last movie you saw?moana! i loved it!!
64: What’s preventing your current boyfriend/girlfriend from going back to their ex? i dont actually know
65: How many boyfriends/girlfriends did you have in 2011?none
66: Is the last person you kissed younger than you?nope
67: Do you curse around your parents?not on purpose it just slips out
68: Are you happy with where you live?nope
69: Picture of yourself?
70: Are you a monogamous person or do you believe in open-ended relationships?im a jealous hoe so just monogamous
71: Have you ever been dumped?no
72: What do you most like about making out?i dont think a guy being like a mcfucking vacumn cleaner counts as making out so i wouldnt know
73: Have you ever casually made out with someone who you weren’t seriously involved with?yes but again i dont think it counts as making out
74: When you kiss someone for the first time, is it usually you who initiates it or the other?i just go ‘fuck it' and do it (but only if i know they cool with it)
75: What part of a person’s body do you find most attractive?hands and backs, also necks
76: Who was the last person you talked to last night before you went to bed?a friend i use to go to school with
77: Had sex with someone you knew less than an hour?nah
78: Had sex with someone you didn’t know their name?nope
79: What makes your heart flutter and brings a big cheesy smile to your face?pickup lines im a sucker for them
80: Would you get involved with someone if they had a child already?ye! i loves kids
81: Has someone who had a crush on you ever confessed to you?yea
82: Do you tell a lot of people when you have a crush?nope 
83: Do you miss your last sweetie?fuck no
84: Last time you slow danced with someone?MCFUCKING YR 9 there was this guy who liked me since yr 7 and me and him were both in dance class at school and OF COURSE the dance teacher put us together for the slow dance performance i left dance and moved to drama cause it just got way too uncomfortable 
85: Have you ever ‘dated’ someone you’ve never met?ye! im dating a furry from the internet
86: How can I win your heart?you already have ;0
87: What is your astrological sign?cancer! karkat
88: What were you doing last night at 12 AM?the same thing i was doing at 11pm
89: Do you cook?ye but i tend to set things on fire
90: Have you ever gotten back in touch with an old flame after a time of more than 3 months of no communication?ye
91: If you’re single right now, do you wish you were in a relationship?i dont have to wish :D
92: Do you prefer to date various people or do you pretty much fall into monogamous relationships quickly?id prefer a monogamous relationship
93: What physical traits do you look for in a potential interest?not a clue my dude
94: Name four things that you wish you had!more garlic bread from work (we make the BEST gb), mango ice tea, unlimited wifi and a phone that can actually work
95: Are you a player?of games, yes; of people, no
96: Have you ever kissed 2 people in one day?nope
97: Are you a tease?ive been told i am but i dont mean to lmao
98: Ever meet anyone you met on Tumblr?i saw @miss--kiwi yesterday at work and than she was mean 2 me even after i gave her gb :
99: Have you ever been deeply in love with someone?what even is love
100: Anybody on Tumblr that you’d go on a date with?id date the FUCK outta @themysteriousballetanon 
101: Hugs or Kisses?both! oxox
102: Are you too shy to ask someone out?normally yes but sometimes ill have a rare moment of bravery lmao
103: The first thing you notice about the opposite sex?height
104: Is it cute when a boy/girl calls you babe?may or may not be a kink for me LMAO
105: If a sexy person was pursuing you, but you knew he/she was in relationship, would you go for it?fuck no
106: Do you flirt a lot?i have no idea how so sometimes ppl think im flirting when im being friendly, or think im being friendly when im flirting
107: Your last kiss?sometime in September in the back of a car with a VACUUM APPARENTLY 
108: Have you kissed more than 5 people since the start of 2012?nope
109: Have you kissed anyone in the past month?only my doggos cause they deserve all the kisses
110: If you could kiss anyone who would it be?my girlfriend even though im not into kissing furries :3c
111: Do you know who you’ll kiss next?my dogs and hopefully teanii
112: Does someone like you currently?i would hope my gf does 
113: Do you currently have feelings for anyone?ye!! :D
114: Do you like to be in serious relationships or just flings?flings really arent that great
115: Ever made out with just a friend?ye
116: Are you happier single or in a relationship?i thrive off affection so id prefer a relationship
117. you didnt give me a question to answer and ur asleep rn so imma use this spot to say ur a gotdamn cutie
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