#Twitter has been recommending me the most shit things ever and it's been getting on my nerves lately
habitscapes · 2 months
Not to discoursepost on main but its bothering me so bad i have to say it. Why do people think it's their business if a trans man is dating a lesbian. If a trans person doesn't have dysphoria. If a system isn't traumagenic. It literally doesn't matter at all and it will never matter because it is no one's place to decide what is "valid" or not. Remember when everyone hated neopronouns and xenogenders in like 2019? No one cares anymore. Stop brainrotting about things that you hate just because you don't understand someone's personal experience and start finding things that give you joy. Cultivate your own experience. Spend time with the people you love. Become someone you love and love being. You are in an endlessly expanding void full of stars and and galaxies and beautiful things beyond human comprehension and things you can only dream of. Stop caring about internet discourse you won't remember in 5 years
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TKATB: More theories! Yay!
This most certainly will contain spoilers for Days 1 and 2 of @fantasia-kitt 's 'The Kid At The Back', along with containing mentions of material found on her Twitter (https://twitter.com/fantasia_kitt).
Quite a lot of these may allude to the ones I posted a week(?) ago, but my brain has brained REALLY HARD (almost as hard as when I get when I see Geo) and I think I have more ideas/more specified ideas of what could happen.
- So, I am correct in assuming the fact that the Hallow's Ball is on Day 5 (because Day 1 is in fact Monday); now this might be a stretch, in fact, it probably is, but due to the fact the Higher Class paid a visit to the school, maybe some of them might show up? Or maybe the people who bullied Brittney (think the food fight route) try to publically humiliate her or something, because something tells me she's got a lot of enemies, and something pretty bad is gonna happen to her.
- Geo is mentioned to have been disqualified due to 'accidentally' shooting an arrow at another person and it cutting their hair. Jess mentions we'd have to go 'next year' to see him partake again, so I'm gonna guess this competition is an annual thing. Maybe (and I'm assuming this as well) Geo and Hyugo were part of the Higher Class (because their dad works with the city's Founder, so that's gotta be High Class if I've ever heard it), but they were moved down. Geo is seemingly using archery to try and get selected to return back to the Higher Class, but if so, why get purposefully disqualified over almost potentially killing someone? Maybe, someone *really* pissed him off, or maybe got him sent down for whatever reason (we know Geo has daddy issues so maybe his father treats him like shit because of it) and he's subtly trying to threaten them?
- Along with that, MC wonders why he didn't get arrested. Think about it, he's got money, a lot of it. Hyugo says how corrupt this city is, their father (I believe Geo is an illegitimate child, due to the mother cheating or smth idk) probably paid the cops to not give a shit.
- Hyugo also has a LOT of connections, is often MIA, and is in the student council, so he's got influence. (Maybe adding salt to Geo's wounds indirectly?) I have a feeling he goes MIA for his syndicate activities (he has access to sleeping pills); and maybe because he's part of the council and gets stupidly high ass grades, nobody questions it. Besides, he's probably got some sketchy operations going on to maintain it all.
- With Crowe asking about Marie Antoinette, I now feel that our 'responses' to whether she was a good or horrible person are things HE did. "She was ignorant, she raved while people were starving..." - MC to Crowe when choosing the 'She was a horrible person' choice. I'll ignore the latter part for now, because that was a normal thing for rich people to do at the time. But the ignorant part is interesting. Maybe the reason Crowe is so nice (and it's not a facade, according to Fantasia herself) is because he's trying to redeem himself? Sol, if you don't skip class and let him escort you, states: "Ichabod (Crowe's surname) it's always been you. I should have dealt with him years ago..." So, maybe, at some point, Crowe had a pristine relationship with his family, mother specifically, (he doesn't anymore) and the reasoning behind this is due to the fact he believed he was superior? Maybe he was even a bully at some point? Hell, maybe he even made fun of Sol, and Sol wants to obliterate him for it. He (Crowe) was making him (Sol), and now he is trying to steal his so(u)lmate?! How fucking dare he?!
- Brittney also states that she's astonished about how Deryl has almost no friends, so I think that's incredibly fascinating, because it's true. How does a bubbly, happy jock like him get ignored by so many? Maybe because he helped Brittney (along with Jess) when she was low?
- Again, about Brittney, I feel that that frat party 2 years ago shattered her reputation, her image, everything. I bet some damaging info got spread about her and it led to her 'mysteriously' leaving the cheerleading squad, becoming more isolated and essentially (I'm assuming this) getting moved down with Jess. (Check previous one for why I think Jess got moved down as well, but tldr is she lost her shit, maybe got physical and it got her and Brittney sent to the worse school together). - On Fantasia's twitter, there's a Day 3 nsfw image of Sol essentially standing in front of a mirror with blood everywhere (ill link the slideshow that i have of every image i found/liked), anyway it's the right one on slide 9; with the caption "All I see are flaws"....so maybe if you ignore him on Day 3 and hang out with Crowe, he'll start losing his shit? Maybe thinking he isn't good enough? - Also, in the Day 2 NSFW scene, there are some prominent burn marks on Sol's back...does he get abused to this day? Does he live alone and they're scars?????? Maybe that's what he meant when he says "I've been dealt worse" in relation to the bullying? He does have history with them after all.
So. That's basically it, brain will continue to brain. Until then, ciao. (and yes the Geo fanfic is coming dw) Slides: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1Wb_biHRk6g1gKj0WZ5XVwEtKGjFRTapDYerlEyhYPGE/edit#slide=id.g2cffd4cd112_0_34
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bengiyo · 3 months
The Rebel Princess Gave Me Everything I Wanted from a Court Intrigue Drama
Hello, friends. I am once again here to praise a heterosexual drama. I'm shocked as much as you. This time @lurkingshan created enough curiosity in me that I didn't charge her any of her recommendation tickets, and she got me to watch 68 episodes of people determined to fuck Zhang Zi Yi's character Wang Xuan.
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This show gave everything that shows like Game of Thrones thought they were giving. It was such a relief to watch a show where everyone had clear goals and went about them in fairly sensible ways. On the real, though, almost every character's primary motivation for doing anything is because they wanna fuck the most eligible daughter of the Wang clan, even in the final episode. I couldn't believe it!
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I had a great time with this show! It gave me some of the most competent characters I've ever seen, and the primary couple works really well together. The hardest thing for me with this show (other than the heterosexuality) was the fact that they didn't let Zhang Zi Yi play a martial artist. This is the girl who stole the Green Destiny. This is the girl throwing knives across fields and around trees. They wanted me to believe she could only rely on her wits!
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This show had some incredible characters. We had the Empress Dowager, who is always mad that no one likes her even as she's trying to force people to surrender to her will. I'm so glad she's not on twitter.
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We had her song, Zilong, who has probably the most compelling arc in the show. He was a useless little shit early on, but he was actually growing into the role of emperor and was one of the few characters in power to actually care about the health and stability of the nation.
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There's Ma Zilu, aka The Brothel Prince. He was my favorite villain. He was the only villain not focused on who got to fuck his cousin/sister and for that I respect him the most. He also had an incredible cackle. Look at him stabbing his own brother to stab Xuan.
There's Yu Xiu, my favorite girl of all time. I just need her to know that she did well in the interview. All of Ningshuo Army. Pan Gui, my beloved.
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There's an incredible cast. I don't want to go on naming all of them, because truly the character I loved the most was Xiao Qi. This man was genuinely good in a way we so rarely get in these intrigue dramas. He's loyal, powerful, and competent. He cares about the state of the world and aspires to no higher position than is necessary to accomplish the mission. Then he surrenders his power and tries to go home. He loves and respects his wife, promises to marry only her, and chooses not to have children to make sure she doesn't risk dying in childbirth.
This show is full of some incredible battle sequences that are some of the most satisfying I've ever experienced in TV. They spend their money efficiently, but they build the emotions so well that every time we are seeing combat we can feel the stakes. It's been so long since I watched a show with good Warrior's Bond content, and I was compelled by this show once it really got rolling.
Still, as much as I loved this show and highly recommend it, I will not be watching another drama anytime soon with this much heterosexuality in it.
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lonewolflink · 9 days
hey author! really liking WSC. I was wondering how did you get into itzy? there doesn't seem to be a lot of midzy writers, we need more like you!
hi anon! glad you're enjoying wsc :)
tbh i got into itzy sort of by chance/randomly? bit of a long/weird story lol...
i've listened to kpop on and off for a long time but never really Got Into It in a stan way (when i was in college i definitely had (and still have) a ton of blackpink on my gym playlist, and i always really liked mamamoo, but i wasn't really paying attention to kpop culture at all or any content beyond the music itself). probably the closest i ever got was bigbang, and that was only because of my massive crush on taeyang :P
i'm in the last year of my phd program right now (if i'm able to finish my dissertation by the end of june, i'll defend and graduate in july! dr. link!!), and from what i saw in my time in grad school i knew the last year basically drove every phd student completely insane.
instead of trying to curb that insanity by becoming a mildly functional alcoholic or smoking too much weed i basically decided i'd funnel that insanity into FINALLY trying to understand kpop beyond casually listening to it, like understand the culture and the standom and the whole thing.
i knew i needed to pick a group to stan in order to do that, and i didn't want it to be blackpink even though i like them, since they release music so rarely (lol). so i was like ok you know what i haven't really listened to any kpop after 3rd gen. lemme see what 4th gen has to offer!
none of the 4th gen boy groups really caught my interest in a serious way (though i do really like some songs by stray kids and enhypen), so i turned to 4th gen gg. and like. holy shit 4th gen is literally the girl group golden age???
i was sort of listening around to some of the different 4th gen gg and really enjoying them, trying to find the right one for me, and then itzy's none of my business mv came up on my recommended on youtube, and i'd seen their name around. i clicked and...well. i was hooked.
i watched a bunch of the classic mvs (dalla dalla, wannabe, mafia), that one clip of lia singing can't take my eyes off of you, and like one compilation of OT5 being silly and chaotic. after that it was game over, i knew i'd found my group.
(and also i kinda love an underdog story; i think itzy's supposed "fall off" has been greatly exaggerated and with the overhaul of div 2 employees (...hopefully the marketing team) i am curious to see if they can recapture the 4th gen gg crown)
i wasn't at all expecting to write fic, tbh, especially not for a kpop group! i've actually never done it before, except maybe once when i was 13 and then immediately regretted it because i was bad at it lol. but in one of the most stressful years of my life, it became a really nice creative outlet for me, especially because i don't really have anyone irl to talk to when it comes to kpop and itzy.
in general, i've found midzys to be such a warm, welcoming group, at least here on tumblr and in the comment section on AO3 (i try to stay off twitter as much as possible).
and i didn't realize initially when i first stanned itzy, but turns out the whole jyp fam is really awesome! obviously the company has its issues, like any kpop company, but in general the jyp Vibes are really fun, and i've enjoyed listening more and learning about twice, skz, nmixx, etc.!
since my original goal (i guess?) was to understand the world of kpop, itzy ended up being the perfect group because, well. they have done almost every sub-genre of kpop at some point. they really can do it all! and as a group they've been on top, they've had their name raked through the mud, they've had a member on hiatus (...literally announced right after i decided to stan, RIP), been in a big transition period...
yeah man idk. it's been so interesting and fun to follow their journey, learn a lot about the kpop machine, do some really fun creative writing, give in to the insanity of being a stan, and listen to some really great music along the way. :)
anyway that's how we got here! sorry for the long-winded answer hahaha i guess i could've just said "last year of my phd program, went insane, instead of becoming addicted to drugs or alcohol i decided to become a kpop addict and my drug of choice is itzy" :P
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kim-ruzek · 1 year
It pisses me off that people are mad at Matt because he went to see the young girl for Sylvie and saying Matt didn't do enough for Gabby. Even making it personal saying they're glad Monica stayed away.
One, Monica left the show. It was her decision. I'm sorry if you're mad that your ship didn't end up how you wanted but you have to understand it was because of the decision of the actor, this storyline happened because she left.
Secondly, Matt is at a different point in his life. He probably wasn't ready then but he's ready now. He was also there for Gabby in every way he could and loved her so much that he didn't want to see her die. She was the one who didn't want an adoption.
With Sylvie, she welcomes the help that anyone wants to provide.
I don't see how that fandom can differentiate that Matt loved/loves these two women differently and that he is going to support them anyway he can.
I really need to stay away from the bird app or else my blood pressure is going to go through the roof with some of these takes I'm reading.
LITERALLY it is so fucking maddening to see!
It already just drives me mad when people don't ever seem to respect the fact that these actors leave, because they wanted to, so it's to be expected that the end of that storyline will be a little shit. Like you can forever be sad d*wsey isn't canonically together anymore and that Matt moved on, because if d*wsey is The Ship for you that is sad but at the end of the day, the actress wanted out and the show continued.
I also hate the argument that he didn't do enough for Gabby... Because he did. He did so so much. She was the problem, she didn't want the help he gave her. That's fine, in some ways I get that attitude and it's fine to see it that way, but lord you cannot say he didn't try.
And it's not like Brettsey was rushed. It's been built up. It's been shown again and again that they love each other, how that is shown. And they've grown together. Also Matt has seen the whole development of this arc really, from helping Sylvie with Julia and then Amelia and all that and to now the decision to adopt baby Julia, he's the most qualified to speak on the matter honestly because he's seen all that.
I would generally recommend staying away from twitter atm at least. I am currently too lol. My blood pressure definitely couldn't handle it.
I'm just so fucking done with all the people who one) keep dragging Monica into this, like damn the woman left l can guarantee you the only thoughts she has is pride for her former co workers and two) people just needlessly hating on brettsey.
Idk if it's because I'm also having to deal with the same sort of idiocy when it comes to u*stead stans on twitter (which already is laughable to me bc the stans tend to be the same people as the d*wsey stans) so I'm already pretty damn tired of people not getting things and mixing up not personally liking a storyline direction Vs bad writing.
It's also tiring to see the hypocrisy (like adoption is Valid when d*wsey does it but not Sylvie or that Sigan is a brilliant writer/show runner until upstead has to be broken down because the actor left of his own choice 🙄) and like. Just ship and let ship. And if the show choices upset you... You don't need to watch. That's fine. But attacking other ships is just not on.
Ugh I'll stop now before this turns into a full on rant. I could bitch for days about d*wsey stans but especially as you only sent the ask about brettsey I should stop because I'll just also rant about u*stead and idk how you feel about them lol.
Thank you for asking!! 💖
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renjunniez · 2 years
Hiii, just gotta say, I LOVED your Wendy gifset and I was wondering how you got them to look that pretty?? They looks soft and detailed and like, real? Hehe I hope you can help me out, idk what I've been doing wrong with mine that are looking like shit so, help me out please
henlo anon!
when i first started gif-making, my gifs weren't the bestest either! it's a process and i think you'll get better at it w practice and trying new things !! <3 i'll throw in a bunch of pointers a lot of CCs gave me when i first started giffing and some of my opinions under the cut!
also this is definitely Not a link to download photoshop 2022 for free that i definitely didn't use as an upgrade two weeks ago
what you'll need to know before going through this long long rant of mine:
basic photoshop giffing skills
knowledge of smart filters and blending options
some patience (to hear my nonsense)
interest in maybe picking up new software
disclaimer: image heavy!
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1. always use videos in their highest quality!
hq videos = hq gifs! i do not recommend using videos below 720p! also if you use photoshop, the number of colours in the gif is limited 268, meaning that sometimes your gifs can lose quality in export, and that could make lower quality videos look worse! (for eg. the video i sourced the wendy set from was 4k that i downloaded from 4kvideodownloader)
here's links to download:
sophistagram (for vlives)
weverse lives download tutorial
twitter video downloader
a smol opinion: i've seen a lot of users use tumblr mobile, and noticed that gifs on tumblr mobile are always a little blurred out? this kind of makes the gifs look less clear </3 so using higher quality videos always helps!
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2. vapoursynth / avisynth / km player!
these are softwares to sharpen and denoise your videos! they're completely optional (i used to gif with photoshop alone for the longest time) but they do make quite a lot of difference!
i highly recommend you to check the tutorials below!
gif-making with vapoursynth tutorial by @wonublr
gif-making with avisynth tutorial by @soonhoonsol
gif-making with km player (and vapoursynth!) tutorial by @woozi
a smol opinion: i've never used km player, so i don't have much to say about it. as for avisynth, it's pretty easy to work with, the only down side is that there are no denoise options. vapoursynth has both and is very user-friendly, but i found the shift from avisynth to vapoursynth slightly confusing!
these are my usual settings for vapoursynth:
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3. gif sizes!
a very big (and maybe bullshit) opinion:
now, tumblr recommends you size your gifs this way:
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(img src)
but it,, doesn't necessarily have to be that way 👁
i really like to fuck around and use whatever size i want for my 268px and my 177px gifs, and the wendy set was no exception! the size of each gif in the set was 400px X 580px!! this, in my opinion, makes it easier to view them (a lot more clear, you could say) :o
as for my 540px gifs, they remain the same size!
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4. sharpening on photoshop!
i would always recommend you to sharpen your gifs again on photoshop. tumblr LOVES reducing gif quality, so i resharpen to give my gifs some 'depth'
this is how i usually sharpen my gifs:
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(the gif above was sharpened and denoised on vs w the settings mentioned above!)
step 01:
after you're done converting your gif into a smart object on photoshop, we'll add a layer of smart sharpen. these are my settings:
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step 02: more... smart sharpen :eye: :
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step 03: high pass (optional tbh)
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imp: don't forget to change the blending to soft light / overlay (i prefer the former)
now the gif looks like this:
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something to note: i like switching up my opacity levels on these settings, and usually only ever change the radius and strength of the sharpening!
here's a few more sharpening tutorials:
sharpening tutorial by @/woozi
tutorial by @/hellboys
tutorial by @yutaslaugh
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5. colouring!
colouring plays a huge role in making your gifs look sharper and cleaner! this is your playground, and this is the area you have the most freedom to change, and zuzsh up things the way you like them!
generally, i like to draw the attention to the person i'm giffing, so i make sure to set the contrasts right! i also extremely like making the colours cooler, so that it seems more natural!
the layers i use most are:
curves (on auto)
more cuves (using the eyedroppers to set my black, grey and white points)
selective colour (to change contrasts, to recolour skin)
colour balance (to balance my shadows and highlights)
levels (for brightness, contrast and depth!)
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i'm not extremely good at colouring either, so here are some more in depth colouring tutorials (i'm terrible at explaining i'm so sorry sksjkd):
colouring tutorial by @/jihan
south-east asian celeb colouring tutorial by @/blueshelp
and here's some pre-made psd packs!:
psd pack by @/kpopco
psd pack by @shuatonin
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psd pack by @coupsnim
psd pack by @/wonublr
closing ments:
if you've made it this far, thank you! i'm not extremely great at explaining things, but i hope you found this 'tutorial' useful! (extremely confused what this is tbh it feels like i'm rambling sgkfjsh)
here's a few more tutorials (kinda unrelated) that i found useful and fun!:
tutorial to fix grainy gifs
tutorial to remove panning from gifs
animated text tutorial
gif + more effects tutorial
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i-can-even-burn-salad · 11 months
One thing that absolutely baffles me about the push to use the "For you" as default is how badly it works.
I use it a lot. Probably more than I should. Every time I am bored, and on web almost every time I return (because if you don't open the dash first, you can still see the lil number telling you how many unread posts there are, but I digress.)
And. It's. Shit.
Lately, the posts there have been reasonably in line with what I look at here, but:
I definitely had things recommended before that took a straight lane down to tag block list with a shiver down my spine.
I had a post at top of the recommendeds being filtered for post content blocked term (: Definitely "for me".
I like one writing prompt of that one big blog, and it's swamped with them for half a day.
Similar with other posts/posts types. Hey you liked that one autism post? Say no more, that's all you will see for days straight.
It shows me the same post(s) over and over and over again, to the point where I had to block a blog giving some writing advice I did not like because I was about to strangle them through my screen after seeing it for 3 days in a row.
I repeat: For a single day, it shows the same things over and over again. In theory, I guess, it works with endless scrolling, but you cannot endless scroll. Close the app, hell, switch tab, and you're back at the top.
I still remember when I was making a new blog to test something and did not follow any blogs to see what would happen (end of last year), and dash showed me the same twitter/insta/tiktok memes over and over and over, and no matter how often I said "this is not for me" they returned.
If this were my default experience, I'd be gone in a heartbeat. That's not even commenting on all the other "what the fuck" moments the "algorithm" gives me. On web, I can luckily block most of that crap with xkit.
I have a lot of mutuals, my blog has a theme, I use tags - and visiting my own blog did show me a grid of 9 "related" posts that were people I had never seen in my life with content that had absolutely nothing to do with writing.
I browse a part of the app, see recommended post thumbnails, get interested, click on it, and it's a completely different post.
I used to leave blazed posts enabled - until I got several very suggestive blazes on one day, unable to dismiss them, and turned it off. If I volunteer to see any kind of ad/algorithm content, and you leave me unable to say "nothing like this and specifically this post not ever again" I will stop looking at them alltogether.
As long as it's not forced upon me, as long as I can catch up with the people I actually follow during breakfast and scroll the recommends on a low and on my time, I am absolutely not against more ways to find content I like. The problem is, currently...
It just. Does. Not. Work.
And making that the default is absolutely bonkers.
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golbrocklovely · 1 year
the way corey just doesn’t publicly acknowledge colby’s cancer whatsoever. he was just live on tiktok(i don’t follow him it was just recommended to me on my fyp) so he obviously is on social media
jake said on twitter that he misses snc and he has been supporting colby since he first announced his cancer. he was shady a few times but he still supported his once dear friend when that friend needed it the most which is more than some people (ex snc friends) are doing.
it actually blows my mind that some people really are just not acknowledging it at all. like corey ffs lived with snc for years and they were friends for what feels like forever. if my once good friend got cancer i would most definitely support them. even if that friendship breakup didn’t end amicably. life is too damn short to be so cold. and i don’t wanna hear that corey could be supporting him in private bc they’re both influencers and it has a lot of people under the impression that they’re not friends anymore, not even a little, and that corey doesn’t care
i used to miss the traphouse days and corey’s addition to the videos but now i think both sam and especially colby are better off without him. jake seems to be coming around a lil
part of me wonders if corey’s lack of support has something to do with how good of friends he is with l10
yeah, i'll be honest; i thought after a couple months back when colby, corey, and jake were seen at the same concert, i thought that maybe the hatchet got buried even slightly and while corey still didn't say anything back then about supporting colby, i thought "you know what, maybe he said it in person."
but with this go around, and colby starting chemo, and corey still not saying anything…. he's absolutely trash to me. and so is any of snc's old friends that haven't said anything.
and i truly do not want to hear "oh they probably said something behind the scenes" bc that's bullshit. that's a cop out answer. it takes two seconds to just comment a heart or even "you got this". no one is asking for you guys to become best friends again. you are a social media person and have been for years. everyone is watching you and waiting for you to say something.
and that's the thing that upsets me. i get they aren't close anymore. that's fine. friends drift apart, it is what it is. but corey, bffr. you wouldn't have a career if it weren't for snc. you would have died out with vine when you stopped dancing. you couldn't even keep up making dumb vlogs when you lived in the trap house. the only reason you remained relevant was bc of snc and the videos they allowed you to be in. and now, when sending just an ounce of love colby's way would be the right thing to do, regardless of whatever fallout yall had, you can't even do that? you're a piece of shit. there's no other way around it.
i'm not close to any of my old friends, but if any of them ever said they had cancer i would reach out and send them love. even my ex best friend, who i've basically blocked on everything. i would still reach out and let her know i'm here if she needs anything. bc ppl need support when they're at their lowest, when they're sick. but you not being able to even pretend to care is fucked.
and while i do think it's easy to blame elton on this to some degree, i don't think so. corey himself said he's a grown man, he should act like one then. make your own decisions. if elton kicks you to the curb bc you reached out to an old friend bc he's going thru cancer treatment, then elton is a terrible person and doesn't deserve any success.
elton's also a piece of shit for not reaching out. but at the same time i expected that of him.
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gerardpilled · 2 years
I'm not even particularly invested in this bc I don't read MCR fanfic, but you shouldn't go around saying people who enjoy fanfic need to be psychological evaluated, this only makes you sound like a bully who gets off on guilty tripping people. Just leave them be. Also, I'm guessing you're lacking a little context, but the bulk of MCR fans were actually 13-15 when the band peaked and they just believed in the stage gay the band members performed at their live concerts. It's important taking this in the context that in the mid 2000s any kind of queer representation in media was nonexistent or completely stereotyping and offensive (I recommend watching @verilybitchie video on emo subculture and bisexuality). Sometimes, believing in something, even as absurd as it may sound, is important to people and how they understood their own identities. T.a.T.u was fake af and yet I don't think I'd have come to terms with my own identity, sexuality and so on so early on if I hadn't had watched two girls singing about their undying love for each other on MTV. I know it's easier shitting on people when you dehumanize them as some kind of horny weirdo nasty queer girls that are somehow abusing these middle aged white celebrities for fantasizing about them, but to most people, these famous rock stars live in another world quite literally. Maybe you're a upper middle class person who lives in LA and meets celebrities grocery shopping on a regular basis, but remember that these artists are actually famous world wide and most fans won't ever be able to see them playing live. And then, there's the fact that in most cases, it's journalists that bring up fanfic during interviews for shock value, and not the fans. Also, you guys seriously need to stop overreacting about shit celebrities said 15 years ago on twitter.
Hi, okay so you’re referring to this post I made but the thing is I wasn’t talking about fanficiton, I was talking about genuinely believing Frank and Gerard had a secret romance. Perhaps you’re right that my wording was a bit harsh and rude, but the over reaction was meant to be at least a little funny.
I read and have always read mcr fic if I’m being honest! I don’t think there’s anything wrong with it because like you said we are never going to have contact with them and I personally can separate fiction from reality. I actually watched the video you’re referring to months ago and it has actually shaped a lot of my current opinions on the cultural impact of mcr. The thing is it’s not 2007 anymore and I was more referring to the people on tumblr who have more context than a stage kiss. There are people out there that when presented with all the facts in the world believe that Gerard and Frank are going to leave their wives and be together. I have gone through periods where I thought there was something more that went down between them but these days I just don’t really care if it actually happened or not. The way I read fic or think about their relationship is through hypotheticals where I think stuff like “wow if this actually happened it would have been so interesting!” but I know it didn’t. I would definitely be considered a “weirdo nasty queer girl” I just think putting genuine weight into the belief that they are in love does more harm than good to younger, impressionable people at this point in their careers. That’s just me though
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pixeljade · 4 months
Idk. I mean on the one hand threatening the CEO while saying "I wonder what itll take to get me banned" DOES fall under Play Stupid Games Win Stupid Prizes, but. I still have a lot more sympathy for Predstrogen than Photomatt in all this.
I get that threats of violence are never okay but enforcement has been alarmingly selective over Tumblr's history. Yeah Photomatt blames that on an "external contractor" but that doesnt let Tumblr off the hook imo, thats still a choice you made. You DECIDED to contract with them, and therefore you should take some responsibility, and not just shrug it off as someone else's doing. Foisting responsibility onto others is a very VERY childish move, up there with naming a company after yourself!
The reality is, as a trans woman online, I've been chased off one platform after another, while watching cis people who do the same shit as me get away with it endlessly. I got doxxed by Nazis on twitter way back when, you wanna know how Twitter protected me? By recommending I block the user. I got harassed so heavily during that era that I ended up having to delete my account, setting back my career YEARS, just to get a bit of peace.
Now here on Tumblr I've been slightly safer, but I still get death threats, suicide suggestions. And I've had a LOT of those continue on without a hitch on technicalities. "Technically they didnt tell you to kill yourself, they just told you to join the 41%, which could mean ANYTHIIIIING". 🙄 Still, I gave them the benefit of the doubt, because my work and life experience has shown me that moderation of communities is a tricky thing: make one move that could be viewed as overstepping policy or making exceptions, and you open yourself to lawsuits. I know this, I have written policy and enforced it in different spaces.
But the answer in these cases is to update your policies to clarify, not to continue blindly following these bad policies. And, in situations wherein a person with a platform DOES seem to be sending death threats over a genuine misunderstanding, maybe try talking it out with them first??? Does your policy not take that into account Photomatt? Every policy I've ever seen on user code of conduct allows for discussion. So why not just talk it out with Predstrogen and clear up the misunderstanding instead of deleting her account and threatening to call the cops on her?
@photomatt that post comes across to me (and seemingly the greater trans community here) as immensely tonedeaf. Predstrogen made a frankly extremely unserious "threat post" about you (car covered in hammers? Really? This sounds like a real threat to you?) most likely angry over some misunderstanding over the management of this site (something which transfem people are IMMENSELY on guard regarding because well, have YOU SEEN THE NEWS LATELY), and you decided to react by hitting her with a ban, no appeals allowed, and *threatening to call the cops on her*??? It straight up feels like you didnt even try to empathize, to recognize your privilege, to understand, none of that. And you may be thinking reading this "I shouldnt have to do that while being threatened!" But again, the threat example you use is not one which is really actionable on Preds part. Its a *joke*, albeit a poorly chosen one.
I did see a post this morning that said "if Photomatt saw the kind of death threats I receive daily he'd throw up" or smth to that effect, and god thats the truth here. If you want to prove otherwise then stop this crusade and talk it out like an adult.
Or you can just ban me too. If ya do you'll be setting back another trans woman's career. In case he does, mutuals, find me on bluesky, @cosmotropic.bsky.social! Because frankly I wouldnt be surprised if the lashback here causes another purge. Photomatt, do better or not, you have the choice here.
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samueldays · 2 years
Several bluecheka started impersonating Elon Musk on Twitter to make some kind of point about misinformation and verification, so Twitter started suspending them. Impersonation is against the Twitter rules, and has been since before Musk bought it.
The privileged class felt that equality before the law was oppression. Indeed, some even thought it was fascism!
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You wouldn't know a fascist if he danced naked in front of you, Lindsey.
Unlike one of my mutuals, I do not stan Elon Musk per se, but I respect him for having the right enemies. Musk's acquisition of Twitter really is pissing off a lot of shitty people, and they are making a lot of shitty complaints.
Some of the most blatant, IMO, are the complaints that Musk's changes might allow people to spout misinformation/disinformation on Twitter, particularly disinformation from the cover of a bluecheck -- but that was already a deeply entrenched problem coming from inside the house.
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To recap: Olbermann is lying, Olbermann is lying about an important topic, Olbermann is lying in an unambiguously verifiable way, Olbermann continues to lie after being corrected several times, and to cap it off, Olbermann exists in a misinformation ecosystem of journalists and the like who have the gall to boast about their commitment to honesty and fact-checking, and award each other prizes about it.
That's the sort of aggravated misinformation which was on Twitter long before Musk, from verified sources, and it wasn't taken down.
May God strike them all with cancer of the tongue for the abuse they have put the gift of speech to.
In addition to the ones being projectively dishonest about misinformation, there's quite a few other general types:
The innumerate: "Musk could have used his money to solve world hunger!" No, he couldn't, that is the sort of nonsense believed by idiots for whom numbers over a billion are interchangeable with infinity.
The kafkatrapping: "Isn't it a bit fishy that you feel the need to write so much in defense of Elon Musk?" No. That is a wicked form of argument.
The wordcel: "Musk says he supports free speech but he [blocked me/suspended an impersonator/deleted spam email/other thing that sounds vaguely speech-related]." Do you want the Curse of Babel? Because this is how you get the Curse of Babel.
The worrying about things which already happened: "Musk might start to [revoke checkmarks/arbitrarily suspend people he doesn't like/allow hatred and lies on the platform]."
Special dishonorable mention for Robert Reich: "Musk has long advocated a libertarian vision of an uncontrolled internet. That's also the dream of every dictator, strongman and demagogue". I swear he not only said that, he got it past editors and into newspaper publication.
And finally,
The aggressively illiterate. Musk said "To independent-minded voters: Shared power curbs the worst excesses of both parties, therefore I recommend voting for a Republican Congress, given that the Presidency is Democratic." and bluechecks started a circlejerk of selectively quoting each other that trimmed out everything before the first comma, everything after the second comma, as well as the word "therefore", and then paraphrased the out-of-context sub-sentence-fragment with headlines like "Elon Musk Says the Quiet Part Out Loud, Tells His Minions to Vote GOP". If you ever wonder why there's such a lack of nuance on the internet, I think This Fucking Shit Right Here is part of it.
Boy, there sure are a lot of loud idiots on the internet!
These seem a little different from the common-or-garden variety of loud idiot, though.
First, of course, is the Checkmark of Nominal Verification. C-o-g idiots generally don't get that. So many of these bluecheka are not merely wrong-on-the-internet, they are wrong with credentials, wrong about that same credential, wrong in a coördinated way about it, and recursively doubling down about the professional, verified, credentialed, expertise that bluechecks supposedly have, particularly bluechecks of a prestigious-sounding profession like journalists.
Second is a certain Orwellian-named coalition, and related coalitions like it organizing against Musk, where I have the sensation that these "coalitions" are more like... hm, "astroturf" is overused and it's not exactly "grassroots" they're pretending to be anyway. Let's go with "loudspeakers".
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Loud, prominent, pushy, often sounding important and official but did you know you can just buy them?, pointless to argue with because there's nobody in the loudspeaker, the speaker element doesn't have its own opinion, there's a million outlets talking with a single voice, sometimes presenting as though it were a much larger crowd than it is, and it's indicative of a degree of coordination and infrastructure in the background that sometimes gets labeled "conspiracy".
And this framing also appeals to me because it lets me [compress/explain/predict] a lot of the complaints as metaphorically "I want sole control of the microphone." Musk has bought a chunk of loudspeakers, and the current broadcaster hates competition.
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bellshazes · 10 months
peter today I've been arguing on twitter and clearly it's a sign I'm not meeting my needs in terms of meaningful engagement in making the world a better place. I applied to get training as a peer support worker, but if I don't get accepted do you have any other suggestions? [preferably something that can lead to work as opposed to only volunteering, bc tuition obvs doesn't pay itself]
-self actualization anon andy
holy shit best of luck I am rooting for you so hard!!!!!! Peer support specialists are some of the best people on earth, seriously, I have never met one I didn't love with every cell in my body.
With looming layoffs at my company I've been thinking about other jobs a lot and I fell into mine accidentally. I went from restaurant manager to home & auto insurance and got lucky with that, and then looked for admin positions and got one with an insurance plan that I only understood served foster youth after getting hired. When I was a restaurant manager I wrote about local arts things on the side to keep me alive, and that writing helped get the auto insurance job. It didn't help pay bills, but it made life livable.
I think there's a lot of good a social worker can do but you could not pay me any amount of money on earth to get an advanced degree in it and not even just because of your point about tuition. A lot might depend on where you live - in my state (Kentucky) I might recommend the Family and Youth Resource Centers (FRYSCies) or community based organizations like The Book Works or KY-SPIN that do educational advocacy and offer peer support-adjacent services that don't require PSS cert. Managed care is my field, and it's not the most stable but something like a Community Health Worker might give you some useful searches whether it's with insurance or not. Centers for Independent Living can vary in name and quality, but if youre US your state will have some. I wish I had more jobs I knew were meaningful or how to get into them.
And I don't know if it's relevant but... I didn't feel like a real adult until I was 27, and I'm only 29 now. I can't believe I used to just cold email people to interview them about the arts in my community - I was so desperate at 23, 25. I cooked potluck dinners every week for friends for a few years, even if it didn't matter what we ate. But I think my biggest strength is finding something in my job to care about impacting people - my ch*potle regulars, one of whom is still a good friend and also was a PSS briefly; my home customers who I could explain things to, help them understand their policies; supporting my direct care co-workers, finding ways to make their jobs a tiny bit easier. When you are hungry for connection it is so hard to stay hungry, but the older I get the more firmly I believe that every little thing you do to make a difference for somebody matters.
I may not know you, but if you're looking for meaningful work in places like PSS certifications, I bet you have it in you to find ways of making that difference. And you never run out of chances, even if you're twice my age you still have years to go to keep making a meaningful difference. I hope this doesn't come across as trite, because it's what I lean on when I feel like nothing I do matters, which has been about half the time lately. If you have people you care about, let them take care of you too; if you feel like you don't have that and are isolated, it may not be much but I am rooting for you. I mean that. Happy to share my discord as well, if you ever wanna connect directly - I also could probably swing some more specific recs for some US states. But keep me updated anyway, my friend. Dreaming bigger is more than half the battle.
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thefearandnow · 2 years
Audio Drama Sunday: 11/29/22
So its been almost a full month since I stopped checking Twitter and one of the things that I always loved reading on a Sunday was all the lovely Audio Drama Sunday threads where I discovered a ton of amazing fiction podcasts. Inspired by those and my goal to write more on tumblr I thought it'd be fun to put together my first Audio Drama Sunday post and try to make it a semi-regular thing. Mostly to just get my thoughts down and get through my listening backlog but also for podcast recommendations!
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Quiet Part Loud
I posted about this a couple weeks ago (I'm including the past two weeks in this post) but Quiet Part Loud is high on my list for favorite podcasts of the year. The Monkeypaw created, Mac Rogers written, Jordan Peele executive produced Gimlet show really delivered on the hype and I'm excited that there's possibly going to be a season 2. Though the premise sounds very similar to like a Limetown/Black Tapes sort of podcaster/investigator type of thing going on, the way it's written actually reminded me more of last year's comedy series Dark Air starring Raine Wilson (though of course this one is squarely horror, also very Burned Photo in terms of plot). They do an excellent job conceptually and aesthetically grappling with audio as a vehicle for social terror across history and mediums, which is the type of shit I live for! I thought the story was really well paced, the second half of the series had some incredible stand out episodes and the last two episodes were very satisfying. I think this show has a ton of re-listen value and I'm excited to see what happens in the next season. The only bad part of this podcast is that it's a Spotify exclusive so not as many people can listen and I'm not really sure it's worth a subscription if you don't already have it. But if you already have Spotify and love horror I can't recommend enough!
The Goblet Wire
The Goblet Wire is probably one of the more unique podcasts I've listened to: a surreal horror scripted role-playing collection of bite sized portraits (it'd be a stretch to call some of them stories). Very similar to John Darnielle's Wolf in White Van. And last week I finally listened to the last two episodes, which I thought really helped give the whole first batch of episodes a true sense of a series arc. Which I don't think it necessarily needed, but it felt like the end of a season y'know? I love the writing, the simplicity of the format but complexity of the imagery. It's such an open ended concept and I'm looking forward to hearing what the next set of writers do in the next batch of episodes. On top of the show itself being fun to listen to it's just like an incredible thing to exist as a platform for indie fiction podcast creators to collaborate on and make crazy shit. I've got a ton of other podcasts to check out from the plugs at the end of each episode and it just feels so like underground comics community vibe.
We're Alive: Descendants
We're Alive was the first audio drama I ever listened to but I dropped off somewhere in the middle. I tried to get back into with with Gold Rush but felt too lost from the original story line and felt intimidated by going all the way back. But when I saw that they were doing this most recent Descendants season I decided to give it another shot and... it's sorta like my guilty pleasure listening. Like it's nostalgic mainly. It's like their Hunger Games moment which I'm into but for the most part everything that I'm excited about so far during the season gets watered down in clunky dialogue or slow moving plot points. And overall the episodes end up being too long and kinda boring. This last week I listened to Episode 7 (parts 1 and 2 which is a whole other thing) and I can't tell if it all went over my head because of a ton of lore and character work I missed but I definitely felt confused. I'm still gonna keep listening cause at this point I'm invested in figuring out how it all goes down from a story perspective and it feels like this next episode will finally connect the two concurrent story lines. I'm curious to see if longtime fans have enjoyed this season; I've found it an easier entry point than Gold Rush and I like hearing about the regional evolution of the infected, I'm definitely enjoying it even if it's a bit slow.
Welcome to Night Vale
Seems a bit basic to be adding WTNV here but I have been inspired recently to go back to some select episodes, all of them recommendations from this post. And yeah: Night Vale is still such a classic with hilarious writing, fun concepts and undeniably influential style. So far I've only listened to a few early episodes (The Glow Cloud episode is 100% gold) that I was already familiar with and it's been really interesting to listen back to them after listening to Start With This for the past few months. I have a completely different appreciation for what they were doing with this show as it was coming out, like when I was heavy into Night Vale I think I took it for granted that this show existed and was perfectly weird and couldn't really wrap my head around the talent and thought that went into making it so special. I'm really enjoying my trip down memory lane but I'm also really excited to hear some new ones y'all recommended so I'll probably be carving out some space for future posts about my wtnv backlog.
Honorable Mention:
This isn't audio drama but I do want to note that the "Qatar's World Cup" episode of Throughline was really a great listen and worth the hour or so for anyone who's even vaguely following the World Cup or if you saw that John Oliver video. Throughline is one of my fave non-fiction podcasts and episodes like this one feel especially valuable in terms of their research and production.
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sapphicblight · 1 year
3, 13, 41, 49 and 50 please? Love your writing and would love to know more 💖💖💖
3. What are some tropes or details that you think are very characteristic of your fics?
insecurity is a big one i’d say. it’s one of my favorite topics to read about in fics too so naturally it made its way into my writing. we’re not gonna look too deeply into how that relates to my own insecurities and journey into learning to love myself, shhhh. crying is also a theme too, because i want my characters to suffer but i also want them to be able to let it out, give them that release shdjfg
as for smut specific details, crying is once again a thing?? ok sure 😅 and overstimulation too, even in the v first smut i ever wrote (your body’s a tether), though the first time i properly went in on that was for eat bathe (make) love where the entire second and third chapter pete is just overstimulated to hell and back. sorry buddy sdbhf
also — im still learning how to write bdsm and kinda chickened out of realllly exploring it for my past fics, so i just kinda stuck to choking and spanking for most of my vp sex scenes, and in the case of intrinsically i actually kind of regret that (the spanking especially, in hindsight i just don’t think it fits the tone and what the characters would do / need right then) 
13. Are there any tropes you used to like but don’t anymore?
ooooh shit i actually rly need to think about this one. idk does abo count? shdnjfk i used to read it sort of almost accidentally, not really realizing what i was getting into with that till much later, back when i used to read a lot of sterek fanfiction (and some destiel too). very occasionally an author will do a lot of legwork with worldbuilding and sell me on it for that fic specifically, but in general i havent been into abo or mpreg themes (not counting a ftm trans character in that — the thing i dislike reading is mpreg that can’t occur irl) for a few years now.
i also used to be more into aus that had nothing to do w canon, like high school aus and (for stuff like merlin) modern aus, which is funny bc i wrote a college au and am now writing a historical au w luna, but i never said i wasn’t a hypocrite hdnjgh — but yeah nowadays i almost exclusively read canon-compliant, canon-divergent, or post-canon fics. i came here for these characters in this setting usually, so then that’s what i seek more of 🤷‍♀️
41. Link a fic that made you think, “Wow, I want to write like that.”
oooh there are MANY. there are some authors whose writing styles have my brain zooming with envy but mostly just so much appreciation and enjoyment. some of my very favorites tend to be angsty fics, and angst is just my go to vibe and genre to read, so while i have many favorites that are more happy or humorous, i'm going to specifically shout out two of the angstiest pete-centric ones that made my chest ache with emotion as i read them: milk teeth by constitutiondumpstat; and only the heart knows. by evashougouki (i still havent gotten around to their recent 20k words pete fic nothing. that i just know is going to break me so good. i rly need to get on that asap but consider this a pre-emptive shoutout to that for probably changing my brain chemistry once i read it as well)
49. What are you currently working on? Share a few lines if you’re up for it! 
ohoho well for snippets of the prohibition au i recommend checking luna’s twitter or tumblr, she’s posted a few already! 
so instead i’ll post a slightly redacted snippet from the 4th chapter of my mobwife au (‘ultraviolet disguise’, a canon-divergent au where pete never got recruited as bodyguard but ends up caught up in mafia bullshit anyway when he starts dating a mafia don named ‘hwan’ who vegas has been trying to take down for a while now)
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50. Answer any question of your choice, or talk about anything you want to talk about! 
hmmmm. i think i’ll take this opportunity to grab question 48 (What’s the last fic you read? Do you recommend it?) and plug @lu-sn’s discotheque rouge which just got a second chapter that makes me want to live inside her specific brand of post-canon vegaspete 💕 
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yotd2009 · 2 years
Sorry to bother you, but could you recommend where to start in terms of reading Arthurian myth? I was listening to hnoc for the fiftieth time and remembering my childhood love of “kiddified” versions of the original stories and was wondering if you could help me out. Specific collections or stories? Different versions of the texts? Thanks so much.
omg i was just thinking about how it's been a while since i got this question (bc it's my favorite question)!! so first of all (and sorry if this reads as harsh) you have to get the idea out of your head that arthuriana is a mythology. arthuriana is incredibly similar to a mythology, but most arthurian stories are written novels or poems instead of recorded folklore (although some are but they're the minority), variations based on regions are more bc of individual authors deciding to fuck around and change shit, and also no one believed any of these guys were real. second of all you need to swear to me that you'll never believe any piece of modern arthuriana written in the 1950s or later (but still be careful when it comes to anything beforehand bc god knows tennyson had it out for tristan and isolde like no one before or since), and yes that includes high noon over camelot. basically what happened is in the 50s a book came out by the name of the once and future king by th wh*te, an author bigoted enough to rival lovecraft, and the thing is, this book proceeded to start the biggest wave of modern arthurian lit since the pre-raphaelites were around, and that wave is still the one that's around today. the other big (unfortunately) notable entry to the modern canon is marion zimmer bradley (who's a completely different type of horrible person but due to my reluctance to trigger tag this post i'll just leave it to google with a warning for csa)'s the mists of avalon, which is responsible for the morgan is modred's mother misconception that plagues my every waking moment as well as the girlboss arthuriana subgenre, which is recognizable by its white feminism and fetishistic obsession with some vague idea of celtic paganism with a side of an obsession with contrasting paganism to christianity (which would realistically be medieval catholicism but is consistently portrayed as identical to american protestantism) every 12 seconds.
and as for hnoc's reputability, largely due to the shit the mechs pulled with morgan le fay, the name of the final song, the pendragon polycule itself (arthur was like twice lancelot's age, formerly coworkers with his father while he was a baby, and commonly referred to him as being like a son to him (meanwhile lancelot's feelings on him ranged somewhere from neutral-dislike), and also tried to kill his wife Multiple Times Across Multiple Texts, if you want polyamory may i introduce you to the tristan and isolde tradition, sir palomydes is there and has two swords which is clearly meant to indicate his bisexuality (/j although there are Literally academic papers out there on his bisexuality)), the shit they pulled with gawaine oh my god sweetheart what did they do to you (i blame th wh*te's hatred of the scottish for why they thought that was a viable narrative choice for him but oh my god i'm still reeling), and the fact that last i checked morgan's twitter handle was a quote taken directly from wh*te's work, although he might've changed it by now, as well as other small less-glaring indications, i can safely say that not a single person who worked on it had ever read an actual medieval arthurian text. which sucks bc i like hnoc. but tl;dr don't trust any modern work to get shit right and that's including hnoc.
basic mindset-based things to prevent half the braindead takes that haunt the arthuriana tag aside, i'm going to give you actual recs now.
the byelorussian tristan is a late medieval text belonging to the tristan tradition (tristan and isolde were figures in irish folklore before arthurian writers went 'hey wouldn't it be neat if we added these two' and they've been inextricable from the world of the round table ever since. this has happened with other characters from other nearby folklore and mythology before and will happen again, but due to the fact that tristan and isolde were once their own separate entity, they get a subtradition to themselves), it's notable for not only being the last entry in the tristan canon, but for possibly being the last entry in the arthurian canon as well. honestly it's my favorite book... ever and i'm generally obsessed with it. basically it tells the full story of tristan and isolde with a few unique adventures along the way, but where it really stands out is with the characters, esp since to everyone who isn't already knee-deep into medieval blorbos certain texts can be a bit "and then tristan did this. and then tristan did this. tristan is my self insert so then everyone found him thought. and then tristan was about to do something cool but i decided this story is about sir gawaine now." so it's my go-to starter text recommendation. also it prominently features sir palomydes and i have an agenda to push. my queue tag is a quote of his from this text!
the dutch texts, or more specifically the lancelot compilation, are also a good starting place. they're mostly fairly short, not that dense and have are fairly light-hearted which make them some of the best starter texts out there! also if someone's name is in the title, don't worry, it's really about gawaine. he hijacks things a lot.
culwch and olwen is the best welsh starter text, it's about a relative of king arthur's who's cursed to only ever be able to marry this one girl, who just so happens to be the daughter of a giant with
i'd have to reccomend the lais of marie de france too bc they're fairly short and ough. chevrefoil gets me every time. lanval is one where a guy gets married to a fairy queen, and chevrefoil is a tristan and isolde story. also bisclavret isn't technically arthurian but we (med lit tumblr) love it like it is, and it invented the trope of the werewolf knight that shows up in later arthurian texts.
i highly discourage diving straight into one of the full stories of arthur's reign but if you must (at least go through chevrefoil or lancelot and the hart with the white foot first) go with the vulgate instead of le morte, it's much better written and more cohesive and you'll thank me for it. you can/should skip the history of the holy grail and also the history of merlin though. everyone does it.
and uhhh i don't want to come off like i hate modern arthuriana completely so here are my modern suggestions. first there's tennyson's lady of shallot and idylls of the king, but be sure to know that he's wrong about tristan and isolde and also some other stuff i don't remember, and then there's also william morris my beloved who likes palomydes just as much as i do. anyone who says aggravaine killed his mother is a liar btw it completely messes up his character and conflates him with gaheris and i'm saying this bc i know one of them did. also more recently there's this short story with a really long title i'm obslorsed with from an otherwise sucky anthology which is a character study of sir galehaut, who's basically lancelot's husband from the vulgate and also a bit of a medieval gay stereotype.
also there's a substack i'm obligated to plug called nightly knights which has/will have all of these + more and only the good stuff bc. well. i made it.
annnnd that's it for basic starter texts, once you've got one or two of these under your belt med lit becomes. a whole lot easier to get into. after you've read through however many from this list i'd recommend moving to chrétien de troyes (just not erece and enid or cliges bc those are Rough), or sir gawaine and the green knight, just make sure the latter isn't your first gawaine text bc it's the exception not the rule. otherwise, i'd recommend picking a favorite character and reading out from there. if you need any more help or recs for texts that are good but would be Actually Insane to recommend to a beginner (ie. if you like modred i'm Going to point you to an untranslated middle english poem which actually spends time characterizing him), recs for Really Good And Specific Academic Papers, or help finding anything, feel free to ask me or pretty much anyone on med lit tumblr bc god knows we spend to much time on this. hope this helps!!!!
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purplesurveys · 1 year
1. What are you doing at this exact moment? (I want details, people!) I’m taking this survey while sitting on the couch in the living room, which we FINALLY got professionally cleaned after Agi must have peed 47549835734 times on it; and I currently have Jimin’s Like Crazy playing on loudspeaker from my phone right beside me. Dogs are resting in front of me having just finished their dinner. Am also cautiously watching the time because I plan on working again by 10 PM so I can finish a couple of slides on a Powerpoint I’m in the middle of finishing.
2. The one song you will never get sick of? Additionally, any song recommendations? I really really feel this way the most about Namjoon’s Closer.
3. Name everything you have ever wanted to be (occupations and random things, like animals!) Writer, journalist, housewife, lawyer, art curator, historian, mom, bird (so I can fly and travel), dog (so that I never have to work lol).
4. What is the best fanfic you have ever read (lmao) There were a couple of AJ/Punk fanfics I enjoyed back in the day, but sadly the author took them down (and I think even deleted their account altogether) so my memory of the story is lost to time. More recently, I’m obsessed with this AO3 writer’s Namjin works; I go back to my favorite scenes from time to time to give me the giddies lol.
5. Name every fandom you have ever been in! Beyoncé, wrestling if that counts as a fandom, One Direction, BTS. I like and have liked a number of other things too like Paramore, THAT British YouTuber crew, and Good Mythical Morning, but I wouldn’t say I was ever active in any of those fandoms; I just enjoy ‘em on my own time.
6. What is the saddest movie you have ever watched? Additionally, movie recommendations? Requiem For A Dream, Portrait of a Lady on Fire, Life Is Beautiful, and ROMAN FUCKING HOLIDAY holy shit the last scene amazes and pisses me off every time lmao. 
As for movie recs, I’d also go for Roman Holiday.
7. If you could direct your own TV show/movie, what would it be like? A snoozefest...I like to keep my life uneventful.
8. The cringiest account/fan account you’ve ever made? (oh god) The first one that I made when I was around 11; it was my Twitter account for everything Beyoncé. I would’ve given my wrestling Tumblr as an answer too, but in retrospect I don’t think it was necessarily cringe; I was just being the modern-day fangirl/stan before stan culture was even a thing. Meaning to say the shit I posted was definitely more out-there than anything back in 2014, but if I look at that Tumblr now (it’s still alive!), it honestly holds up, lmao. Looks like every other stan account that we otherwise have nowadays.
9. What is your aesthetic? Describe it to us in list form. Hmm okay I’ll try but I’m honestly so over the place idek if I have one.
K-pop merch
A wall of custom Polaroid printouts of BTS members
Coffee and a pastry
Laptop stickers
Peach soju
Oversized t-shirts and sweaters and baggy joggers
Bucket hats
Printed socks
Muted shades
Listening to lofi or piano music at 2 AM
10. What is one thing that has been bugging you recently that you just need to talk about? That I am so bad with money.
11. One thing you’ve always wished you could do / be good at? Play the piano.
12. Put a picture of your best (or your worst!) fanart/drawing ever! I don’t draw.
13. The best book you have ever read? Additionally, any book recommendations? I haven’t read any that I’d consider an all-time favorite. 14. Most exotic food you’ve ever had? Crocodile sisig.
15. Post a picture of the weirdest/funniest text conversation you’ve ever had! Idk if there is one. I have lots of funny convos with friends, but I’m not sure if any of them would be the funniest.
16. Random fun fact about you! I blocked Zayn Malik for like five years after he left the band. LOL
17. What do you think of me? Ahh! Idek who you are!
18. Do you have any fake names? Pseudonyms? Idk, stage names, street names? If not, what would it be? Nope. 19. What is your idea of a perfect life? One where you’ve reached a level of contentment in a way that you’re comfortable and happy with every decision you make, and face mistakes with a lesson and an, “On to the next.”
20. Finish the sentence: “Oh, to be a _____” Nepo baby? Lmao
21. Is there a stranger you would like to meet again? Sure, the nice fan sitting beside me at Seonho’s fanmeet who gave me a slogan when she saw that I didn’t manage to get one.
22. Post a picture of you/someone you know doing something weird. Do it, you won’t. Coward. (Obviously the pic doesn’t have to have a face in it) I would but my phone is at 1% and the charger is upstaaaaaaaairs, lol.
23. Is there a place you feel homesick for even though you’ve never been there? Well, no. I don’t think the homesickness would be genuine that way.
24. Basic, but what’s your sign? Taurus.
25. What sign do you act like? What sign do you wish you were? None of these astrology questions plz.
26. What is one unusual thing you do? Surveys? < Agree.
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